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Proposed by the Constituent Assembly of the Obrero Student Council
House of Representatives

We, the undergraduate students of University of Southeastern Philippines – Obrero

Campus, will build a community of academically excellent and socially conscious
individuals in order to create a harmonious community that will embody the ideals
and aspiration of every USePians, and shall establish a student council that will instill
national consciousness, promote sustainability, welfare, and well-being of individuals
through ideals and principles of democracy, virtue of excellence, camaraderie,
justice, freedom, and equality.


SECTION 1. The Student Council and its members shall:

(1) have a logo and insignia that is representative of their body; and
(2) adopt a seal through the approval of the House of Representatives and the
USeP-OSC President.

SECTION 2. The Obrero Student Council shall abide by the rules and regulations of
the University, provided that this will ensure the welfare and development of the

SECTION 3. Any rules and regulations that are opposed to the welfare and
development of the students shall be raised through the House of Representatives
and be discussed with the proper authorities.

SECTION 4. The USeP-OSC President and head of each council can create a
consultative body in proposing any policies or opposition to the management.

SECTION 5. The Executive and Legislative Councils are co-equal in this


SECTION 1. The University of Southeastern Philippines – Obrero Student Council
(USeP – OSC) shall be the student governing body of the University of Southeastern
Philippines Obrero Campus and shall include all students, clubs, organizations,
class, colleges, and other sectors of the student body.

SECTION 2. The University of Southeastern Philippines – Obrero Student Council

shall have its logo having the following symbolisms:

A. The Laurel leaf symbolizes the victory and honor that the
council aims.

B. The book symbolizes broad knowledge for leadership and


C. The clenched fist symbolizes the arduous spirit of the

student leaders which we call ‘kadasig’.

D. The flame and eagle symbolizes the burning passion that

the council radiates to each USePYanos, which also
represents the seal of the executive department.
E. The seven (7) sunrays represent the seven (7) local
councils and the constitutional bodies.

F. The weighing scale signifies a truthful future and hope, and

justice and equality that it dignifies.

G. The shield signifies its protection towards the dignity and

honor of the council.

H. The USeP in white shade as it signifies the commitment of

each student leader to the university and its students.

SECTION 3. The University of Southeastern Philippines - Obrero Student Council

shall be designated by the initials USeP-OSC in all its official documents, minutes,
and communications.
SECTION 4. The University of Southeastern Philippines - Obrero Student Council
shall hold its office at USeP Obrero Campus, Davao City.


SECTION 1. The University of Southeastern Philippines – Obrero Student Council is

a democratic governing body and the sovereignty resides with the students and all
student council officers and authority emanates from them.

SECTION 2. It is the duty of the Student Council to protect its constituents from
internal and external conflict. They must, at all times, promote student rights, welfare,
and development and serve the students to the best of their ability.
SECTION 3. The Student Council officers shall maintain order, peace, and harmony
among its constituents and shall foster good relationships among its members.

SECTION 4. The Student Council shall serve as an active voice for the students and
properly relay any grievances to the authority. The Student Council shall realize the
collective interest of the students, and ensure that the decision making shall be the
best and most appropriate for the benefit of the student body.

SECTION 5. The Student Council shall play a vital role in the development of youth
in nation-building and forwarding policies and advocacies promoting social justice
and the nation's goals.


SECTION 1. The USeP-OSC shall be composed of all bona fide undergraduate

students of USeP - Obrero Campus upon admission to the University.

SECTION 2. No payment of students’ membership of the Obrero Student Council

shall be collected, except for the recognized student clubs and organizations with a
properly recognized membership.

SECTION 3. Membership shall be terminated automatically upon separation and/or

expulsion from the University in accordance with the provision of school policies and
regulations, and this Constitution and By-Laws.

SECTION 4. The member shall go through the proper election of the OSC

SECTION 1. All students’ rights and welfare stipulated in the latest edition of the
student handbook and all laws governing the Philippines, University Student
Government, and USeP-OSC shall apply to every member.

SECTION 2. All members have the right to self-expression, whether physical

manifestations or not, their identity, religion, gender expression, and freedom to
express their point-of-views, doubts, and opinions.

SECTION 3. Every member has the right to express their views and opinions before
any decision affecting their interests is enforced.

SECTION 4. The following are the rights of the student body in organizing a peaceful
(1) No member shall be barred from establishing groups, clubs, organizations,
and other factions of the institution that will be an integral part of the
development and welfare of the students in academe and in nation building.
(2) The groups, clubs, organizations, and other factions shall follow all laws of the
land in order to keep the environment safe for every USePian.
(3) Disbandment of the said groups, club, organization, and other factions will be
subjected to the rule in case of delinquency.

SECTION 5. Each member can have an organizing body subject to the approval of
the USeP-OSC, House of Representatives, and Office of Student Affairs and
Services (OSAS).

SECTION 6. All communications and documents should be available to every

member when asked, subject to existing laws and regulations on National Archives
of the Philippines Act, Freedom of Information, and Data Privacy Law.

SECTION 7. Every member has the right of suffrage and shall exercise whenever

SECTION 8. Every member shall be accorded due process of law.

SECTION 9. Every member of the USeP-OSC have the rights to join, participate,
and take part in all the activities of the USeP-OSC


SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of every member to uphold the USeP-OSC

Constitution and By-Laws.

SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of every member to contribute to the welfare and
development of the University and its community.

SECTION 3. The USeP-OSC shall:

(1) initiate activities for the student body;
(2) design and actualize programs that address relevant social issues and
concerns of the students;
(3) uphold the students’ interests over and above personal interest;
(4) represent the students in voicing their views, opinions, suggestions, and
grievances; and
(5) deliver effective, efficient, and honest services to the student body.

SECTION 4. Every member shall:

(1) be participative and active in the academe;
(2) support and be participative in the implementation of PAPs (Programs,
Activities, & Projects) in contribution to the youth in nation building;
(3) extend help, whenever possible, to the USeP-OSC in achieving its goals and
(4) be aware of its surroundings in keeping the community safe, they shall:
(a) report to proper authorities any situation that may cause harm to the
students, community, and integrity of the University;
(b) inform authorities of any illegal actions and other actions prohibited by
the rules and regulations of the University; and
(c) report graft and corruption, if present.

SECTION 1. The Organizational Structure of USeP-OSC:

SECTION 2. The USeP-Obrero Student Council:

(1) Constitutional Bodies
(a) The USeP-OSC Executive Department
(b) The USeP-OSC Legislative Department
(2) Constitutional Commissions
(a) The USeP-OSC Commission on Elections (ComElec)
(b) The USeP-OSC Commission on Audit (CoA)
(3) Independent Bodies
(a) The Council of Clubs and Organizations
(b) The League of Class Mayors

SECTION 1. The executive functions are vested into the Executive Department .
They shall carry out the execution, enforcement, and implementation of all laws,
decrees, policies on land, and all other regulations that may be promulgated.

SECTION 2. General Qualification of Members:

(1) shall have a remaining residency of at least one (1) academic year to suffice
their term;
(2) shall not serve and hold key position/s in any clubs, organizations, and
(3) shall not be a classroom officer and ROTCU officer;
(4) shall have any leadership experience inside the University;
(5) shall have undergone Leadership Training;
(6) shall have training and certifications in Parliamentary Rules and Strategic
(7) shall have no criminal records, offenses, and derogatory record; and
(8) shall have a good moral character.

SECTION 3. The Executive Department shall spearhead the alignment of Planning

Forms of the USeP-OSC.

SECTION 4. The Executive Department shall propose the initial budget appropriation
to the House of Representatives.

SECTION 5. No appointments from the Executive Department shall push through

without the approval of the House of Representatives.

SECTION 6. The following are the functions of the Executive Department :

(1) can call for a session and forum of all the members of the Student Council for
alignment and realignment of plans of the OSC;
(2) can represent the student body in any local, national, or international
conferences in assurance that they will embody the views and aspirations of
the student body and shall contribute to its development and welfare;
(3) keep the records of the Student Council;
(4) be responsible for the management of finances in procurement and budget
(5) ensure that the funds and assets of the council are safe;
(6) conduct internal audit and performance audit across the councils; and
(7) keep the information of the Student Council open to the public, in accordance
with related rules and regulations.

SECTION 7. The Executive Department shall be primarily composed of the following:

a. President;
b. Vice President for Internal Affairs;
c. Vice President for External Affairs;
d. General Secretary;
e. General Treasurer;
f. General Auditor; and
g. Public Information Officer.


SECTION 8. Head of the Executive Department. The President shall have the
following functions:

(1) shall have the control and jurisdiction of every executive committee of the
(2) shall ensure that the policies will be properly implemented;
(3) shall be the main signatories of any transaction of the USeP-OSC Executive
(4) shall coordinate with the Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) and
other appropriate offices on any matters pertaining to their constituents;
(5) shall have the power to appoint officers of the Constitutional Bodies through
proper coordination with the Local Councils, and subject for confirmation of
the House of Representatives;
(6) shall approve and sign all resolutions, bills, and other legislative documents;
(7) shall be vested with veto power to act upon the legislations passed by the
House of Representatives, to maintain equilibrium of powers.
(a) Failure of the President to communicate their veto of any legislation
presented within seven (7) working days after the date of receipt
thereof automatically provides the legislation its approval;
(b) When the President vetoes a legislation and returns the same with
objections to the House of Representatives where it originated, and the
same is re-passed over their vote of two-thirds (⅔) of the members of
the House of Representatives, the legislation is thereby approved.

SECTION 9. The President shall have the power to call for meetings, assemblies,
seminars, and gatherings whenever necessary.

SECTION 10. The President shall have the power to issue Executive Orders,
Administrative Orders, Memorandum Orders, Circulars, and Proclamations.

SECTION 11. The President shall be eligible for re-election to any position other than
the USeP-OSC Presidency in accordance with the qualifications set herein.


SECTION 12. Internal Affairs of the Student Council. The Vice President for Internal
Affairs shall have the following functions:

(1) shall assist the USeP-SC President in all internal matters when deemed
(2) shall design community development and environment-related programs that
the USeP-SC will initiate;
(3) shall be eligible for re-election to any position in the USeP-SC in accordance
with the qualifications set herein;
(4) shall have a voting power in the USeP-SC Executive Committee in
accordance with the qualifications set herein;
(5) provide overall coordination between councils and constitutional commissions;
(6) shall take over the function of the President cases of the latter’s absences and
disabilities, but only limited to the following:
(a) May call and preside meetings with the permission of the student
council Presidents;
(b) The USeP-SC Vice President for Internal Affairs shall take over as the
Chief of the Executive Committee by virtue of the USeP- SC
President’s resignation/leave of absence, mental/physical incapacity,
expulsion from the University, or death; and
(c) shall perform other duties as the President or an approved resolution
may direct, provided that it is related to the activities of the USeP-SC.

SECTION 13. Coordination of the Councils under USeP-OSC. Shall seat as

ex-officio member of every coordinating councils, but not on the constitutional
commissions and legislative council. They shall act as liaison of the councils to the
Executive Department in consultative research, executive-legislative agenda,
fact-finding, and advisory services to the President.

SECTION 14. Succession. Shall be the first in line of succession when the President
is deemed incapable of service, resignation, impeachment, or death. They shall also
have the power to exercise the Office of the President.


SECTION 15. External Communications and Linkages. The Vice President for
External Affairs shall have the following functions:

(1) establish and strengthen connection of the USeP-OSC to external

organizations, government offices, and individuals for the development and
welfare of the student body;
(2) spearhead external communications outside the University during external
(3) communicate constantly with other campuses of the University.
(4) shall coordinate with the Office of the USeP-USG, Office of Student Affairs
and Services (OSAS), and any offices that might be involved on matters
pertaining to external affairs;
(5) shall be accountable to all USeP-OSC external activities and income
generating projects;
(6) shall be eligible for re-election to any position in the USeP-OSC in accordance
with the qualifications set herein;
(7) shall have a voting power in the USeP-OSC Executive Department in
accordance with the qualifications set herein;
(8) shall perform other duties as the President or an approved resolution may
direct, provided that it is related to the activities of the USeP-OSC; and
(9) shall be part of the drafting of the Annual Procurement Plan (APP) that will be
presented during the Year-end Convention and Annual Action Plan during
Strategic Planning; and
(10) shall establish linkages with other campuses and its clubs and
organizations for the development of the USeP-SC.


SECTION 16. Records Officer. Shall keep all documents and records of the
Executive Council in accordance with the National Archiving Act, Freedom of
Information, and Data Privacy Act.

SECTION 17. Secretariat. Shall provide secretariat and clerical duties to the
executive department. Shall also provide complete staff work of the USeP-OSC
Executive Department.

SECTION 18. Shall also have the following functions:

(1) shall take charge of the minutes during meetings of the USeP-OSC signed by
the USeP-OSC Executive Committee for the correctness and clarifications of
the minutes;
(2) shall secure all pertinent documents such as executive orders, committee
reports and minutes, resolutions, ordinances, inventory reports and the like;
(3) shall prepare notices and communications of the USeP-OSC to the sub
organizations and other organizations at least two (2) days before the
scheduled date and time;
(4) shall submit all pertinent documents every end of the semester;
(5) shall perform other duties as the USeP-OSC President, by virtue of an
Executive Order, may direct;
(6) shall provide technical support to the USeP-OSC Executive Committee and
other sub-organizations when deemed necessary;
(7) shall be one of the members of the archiving committee set by the USeP-USG
and shall be responsible in making the Implementing Rules and Regulations
for the compliance of semestral Accomplishment Reports and governing the
acquisition, disposal, and retention of records of the USeP-OSC;
(8) shall be the one to present the Accomplishment Report to the USeP-OSC
during General Assembly;
(9) shall assume office for a term of one (1) academic year which commences
after their oath of office;
(10) shall be eligible for re-election to any position in the USeP-OSC in
accordance with the qualifications set herein; and
(11) shall have a voting power in the USeP-OSC Executive Department.


SECTION 18. Finance and Procurement Officer. The General Treasurer shall be the
primary officer to work on financial transactions, as well as procurement processes
of the Council.

SECTION 19. Budget and Management. The initial budget share of the Student
Council and College Local Councils shall be deliberated and divided by the General
Treasurer in coordination with the treasurer of each councils before passing to the
House of Representatives. They shall also provide recommendations for fund
transactions and releases of the council. Shall also implement fiscal policies and
plans for budget preparation and control.

SECTION 20. Shall also have the following functions:

(a) shall take part in the budgeting of the semestral appropriations in

collaboration with the USeP-OSC officers and adviser;
(b) shall be the Chairperson of the USeP-OSC budget and finance committee of
the USeP-OSC;
(c) shall disburse money as authorized by the USeP-OSC President in line with
the appropriations provisions as stated in the USeP-USG Constitution;
(d) shall exercise proper fund management, secure receipts and always be ready
to respond to whatever financial inquiries that may arise from the USeP-SC;
e. shall render reports on the Financial Statement to the USeP-SC one (1)
week before the end of semester;
(e) shall also be responsible for the USeP-SC Annual Procurement Planning, and
realignment when deemed necessary;
(f) shall assume office for a term of one (1) academic year which commences
after their oath of office;
(g) shall be eligible for re-election to any position in the USeP-SC in accordance
with the qualifications set herein; and
(h) shall have a voting power in the USeP-SC Executive Committee.


SECTION 20. Internal Audit. Shall conduct internal audit to the student council and
offices under OSC. They shall have the power to disallow any expenditures made
that are outside the approved Planning Forms.

SECTION 21. Performance Audit. Shall conduct a quarterly performance audit to the
members of the USeP-OSC to ensure proper rendering of service and following
proper procedures.

SECTION 22. As a member of the USG Commission on Audit. The General Auditor
shall present the general report to the USG Commission on Audit for deliberation
and assessment.

SECTION 23. Shall also have the following functions:

(1) shall conduct auditing as to the remaining funds, receipts, expenditures, and
inventory of all USeP-OSC every end of the semester;
(2) shall investigate any discrepancies in the Financial Statement of the
USeP-OSC prior to its presentation to the USeP-OSC;
(3) shall coordinate with the USeP-USG Vice President for Finance to check all
monetary resources and properties and to monitor the progress of the
Financial Statement to be in accordance with USeP-Commission on Audit’s
auditing guidelines;
(4) shall be eligible for re-election to any position in the USeP-OSC in
accordance with the qualifications set herein;
(5) shall have a voting power in the USeP-OSC Executive Committee;
(6) shall assume office for a term of one (1) academic year which commences
after their oath of office;
(7) shall perform such other duties as the USeP-OSC President, by virtue of an
Executive Order, may deem necessary.


SECTION 23. Information Officer. The PIO shall create a proper flow of information
from the council to its constituents.

SECTION 24. Publicity and Communications. Shall be responsible for publicity and
factual information dissemination and respond to any inquiries, requests, and
concerns to the public. The PIO shall prepare marketing plans in order to reach
every undergraduate student of USeP Obrero Campus.

SECTION 25. Shall also have the following functions:

(1) shall be the property custodian of the USeP-OSC;

(2) shall take charge of the information dissemination drive regarding the plans,
programs and activities set forth by the University, the USeP-USG and the
(3) shall be the official spokesperson of the USeP-OSC;
(4) shall be the Liaison officer for canvassing and extracting of the Annual
Procurement Plan and Annual Appropriations Plan;
(5) shall be the chairperson of USeP-OSC Logistics Committee;
(6) shall be responsible for the production of public materials and boosting of the
student council's public relations;
(7) shall be responsible for the coordination and approval of online and physical
publishing materials;
(8) shall be the Liaison Officer of the USeP-OSC regarding student records; h.
shall assume office for a term of one (1) academic year which commences
after their oath of office;
(9) shall perform such other duties as the USeP-OSC President, by virtue of an
Executive Order, may direct;
(10) shall be eligible for re-election to any position in the USeP-OSC in
accordance with the qualifications set herein; and
(11) shall have a voting power in the Executive Committee.


SECTION 1. The legislative functions are vested in the House of Representatives.

This shall consist of the members of the colleges proportionate to the number of
populations, representatives from the sectors which are composed of, but not limited
to, the clubs and organizations and the mayoralty sector, except to the extent
reserved to the people by the provision on initiative, laws, and referendum.

SECTION 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of the following

(1) at least one (1) representative from each college for every 300 students;
(2) one (1) representative from the League of Class Mayors;
(3) one (1) representative from the Council of Clubs and Organization

SECTION 3. Qualification of Members:

(1) shall be a resident of the University for at least two (2) semesters;
(2) shall not serve and hold key position/s in any clubs, organizations, and
councils, except for the representatives of the clubs and organizations;
(3) shall not be a classroom officer, except for the representative of the mayoralty
(4) shall not be a ROTCU officer;
(5) shall have an extensive knowledge on Parliamentary Rules and Procedures
(PRP) as well as in drafting bills and resolutions;
(6) shall have no criminal records, offenses, and derogatory record; and
(7) shall have a good moral character.

SECTION 4. The House of Representatives shall open on the second Friday after
their Election.

SECTION 5. The House of Representatives shall elect their own Chairperson by a

majority vote of its members. The House shall constitute a quorum to do a business
subjected to its rules.

SECTION 6. The House of Representatives Chairperson:

(1) shall be the Presiding Officer of the House of Representatives;
(2) shall maintain order, manage proceedings, and govern the administration of
the House during Sessions;
(3) shall function as a legislator outside sessions;
(4) shall sign all resolutions, bills, and other documents;
(5) shall relinquish their seat as the Presiding Officer to participate in debate and
deliberation of any legislative measure; and
(6) shall be the ex-officio Chairperson of all established Committees of the House
of Representatives.

SECTION 7. The House of Representatives Deputy Chairperson:

(1) shall be the second highest ranking position of the House of Representatives;
(2) shall be elected among the members of the House of Representatives during
the First Regular Session; and
(3) shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson when the latter
is on Leave of Absence (LOA) and Official Business.
SECTION 8. The House of Representatives shall elect a non-member as the
Secretary General.

SECTION 9. The House of Representatives shall appoint other Secretaries and

SECTION 10. Members of the House of Representatives:
(1) shall attend all sessions, meetings, and conventions of the House of
(2) shall pass resolutions, bills, and ordinances that are beneficial to the student
(3) shall promulgate and design laws, policies, and programs that would carry out
the objectives of the USeP-OSC; and
(4) shall make due representation of their college.

SECTION 11. The House of Representatives shall keep a record of their

proceedings through Journal and Records.

SECTION 12. The appointments of officers shall be subjected to the Committee on

Appointments of the House of Representatives. Each college and sector shall have a
representation to the committee.

SECTION 13. The budget appropriations of the Obrero Student Council and its
members shall be subjected to the review, amendments, and approval of the House
of Representatives.

SECTION 14. All appropriation, ways, and means, and other income-generating
projects shall be subjected to the approval of the House of Representatives. They
may also suggest possible ways and means to augment budget shortages and
deficits of the different councils by virtue of legislative measures.

SECTION 15. The House of Representatives shall both be the Legislative and
Judicial Council of the USeP-OSC.


SECTION 1. The Constitutional Commissions are independent bodies of the

USeP-OSC and composed of the Commission on Audit (CoA) and the Commission
on Elections (ComElec).

SECTION 2. General Qualification of Members:

(1) shall have a remaining residency of at least two (2) academic years to suffice
their term;
(2) shall not serve and hold key position/s in any clubs, organizations, and
(3) shall not be a classroom officer and ROTCU officer;
(4) must not have been a candidate for any elective position in the elections
preceding their appointment;
(5) shall have no criminal records, offenses, and derogatory record; and
(6) shall have a good moral character.

SECTION 3. The Commissions shall elect a chairperson and other officers among

SECTION 4. Appointments of Commissioners:

(1) The College Commissioners shall be appointed by the USeP-OSC President
through Local Council Governors, subject to the confirmation of the House of
(2) No commissioner can appoint another member on their behalf.

SECTION 5. The Commissioner may assign people to help in the administrative

duties of the council provided that they do not have voting power. The voting power
resides on the Commissioners appointed by the USeP-OSC President and
confirmed by the House of Representatives.

SECTION 6. Each Commission shall perform their duties, obligations, and

responsibilities set according to the law.

SECTION 7. The Commission on Elections shall maintain the integrity of the Election
of the Student Council Officers, Local Council Officers, Classroom Officers, and
Officers of other Organized Bodies of USeP-OSC.

SECTION 8. The Commission on Elections shall have the following functions:

(1) enforce laws and regulations relative to the conduct of election, plebiscite,
initiative, referendum, and recall;
(2) recommend any necessary and effective measures to the House of
Representatives that will help in the execution of their functions; and
(3) submit to the House of Representatives a detailed report on the conduct of
each election, plebiscite, referendum, initiative, and recall.

SECTION 9. No member of the Commission on Election shall discriminate and

question any qualified candidates of any positions of the USeP-OSC.

SECTION 10. All protests, petitions, and complaints regarding the conduct and
results of the election shall be filed before the COMELEC three (3) days after the
election for deliberation and discussion.


SECTION 11. The Commission on Audit shall be responsible for the auditing of the
funds of the USeP-OSC and different Local Councils.

SECTION 12. The Commission on Audit commissioners must have auditing skills
and experience.

SECTION 13. The Commission on Audit shall also be responsible for auditing the
performance of each elected and appointed council officers.

SECTION 14. The Commission on Audit shall have the following functions:
(1) examine, audit, and settle all accounts pertaining revenue, accounts, and
receipts of expenditure, procurement, and use of funds, be it appropriated or
(2) promulgate accounting and auditing rules and regulations, including those for
preservation and disallowance of irregular, unnecessary, excessive, and/or
extravagant uses of student government funds and properties; and
(3) submit a detailed report to the USeP-OSC President and to the House of

SECTION 15. Every office shall be part of the auditing and assessment of the
Commision on Audit and there shall be no exemption. No policy shall be created in
exempting an entity or office.


SECTION 1. The Local Councils shall be the student executive governing body
within the colleges. They shall exercise their duties and obligations under its
jurisdiction in accordance with the law and the rules and regulations of the University.

SECTION 2. The Local Councils are under the supervision of the USeP-OSC
Executive Department to ensure that the college Local Councils are acting on their
units mandated by their powers and function.

SECTION 3. The Local Councils shall be responsible for the welfare of their
constituents and their local autonomy.

SECTION 4. The Local Councils shall open their own bank account for financial
transactions, subject for approval of the House of Representatives by a resolution.
The entire Local Council shall be the signatories of the bank account.

SECTION 5. The Local Councils shall be primarily composed of:

(1) Governor;
(2) Vice Governor;
(3) Secretary;
(4) Treasurer; and
(5) Auditor.
SECTION 6. The Local Councils may appoint another position or committee by virtue
of a resolution through the House of Representatives.

SECTION 7. The general qualifications of the Local Council officers are as follows:
(1) shall have a remaining residency of at least two (2) semesters to suffice their
(2) shall not serve and hold key position/s in any clubs, organizations, and
(3) shall not be a classroom officer and ROTCU officer;
(4) must not have been a candidate for any elective position in the elections
preceding their appointment;
(5) shall have no criminal records, offenses, and derogatory record; and
(6) shall have good moral character.

SECTION 8. The House of Representatives shall promulgate a local code for a

responsive and accountable council structure constituted through a system with
effective mechanisms, recall, referendum, and election shared between the
constituents and shall provide clear qualifications, for appointments, removal, and all
other matters relating to the organization and operation of the council.

SECTION 9. Each local council shall have the power to create its own revenues
through income-generating projects by virtue of resolutions with the approval of the
House of Representatives to ensure accountability.

SECTION 10. The Local Council may be established or dissolved by virtue of a bill
passed by a two-thirds (⅔) vote of the House of Representatives. An inter-council
committee formed by the House of Representatives shall be responsible for drafting
the Implementing Rules and Regulations.

SECTION 1. The Council of Clubs and Organizations shall be the highest student
governing body of clubs and organizations of the Obrero campus.

SECTION 2. The Clubs and Organizations shall be recognized such that they meet
the criteria declared by the Office of Student Affairs and Services through the
Coordinating Council.

SECTION 3. The Coordinating Council shall be known as the Council of Clubs and
Organizations (CCO).

SECTION 4. All recognized clubs and organizations of the University shall have the
right to operate autonomously, provided that they abide by the University’s policies
and guidelines.

SECTION 5. The Council of Clubs and Organizations shall not compromise the
autonomy of the affairs of clubs and organizations.

SECTION 6. All recognized clubs and organizations shall operate within the
framework of the University’s vision, mission, and goal. They shall not engage in any
activity that conflicts with the University’s policies, regulations, and laws.

SECTION 7. All recognized clubs and organizations shall submit periodic reports of
their activities and financial records to the Council of Clubs and Organizations (CCO)
and the Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS).

SECTION 8. Failure of compliance of clubs and organizations with the preceding

sections shall be subject to disciplinary action or loss of recognition.

SECTION 9: General Provisions

(A) Shall be the arm of the Student Council, who shall coordinate with different
duly recognized undergraduate clubs and organizations in unifying and
promoting their respective clubs and organizations herein;
(B) Shall be the main base of every club and organization for them to be officially
recognized in the premises of the University herein;
(C) The name of the USeP-Council of Clubs and Organizations and any other
duly recognized clubs/organizations shall never be used in any unjust and
illegal activities;
(D) The representation of the Club/Organization Head of every duly recognized
club and organization to the USeP-CCO shall constitute its members as a
(E) No extant organization head shall be part of the USeP-CCO Executive to
avoid conflict of interest toward both parties;
(F) Shall be guided by the Parliamentary Rules and Procedures during meetings,
assemblages, and/or sessions;
(G) May suspend any unrecognized clubs and organizations in the campus/unit
and any social media platforms provided that:
a. The unrecognized clubs and/or organizations have committed acts that
are deemed unlawful and/or detrimental to the University, USeP-CCO,
student body, and/or the club/organization members; and
b. The Office of Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) have recommended
or approved of its suspension;
(H) Shall govern all existing recognized clubs and organizations inside the
campus/unit and all social media platforms.

SECTION 10: The USeP-CCO shall have the set of officers as indicated below:

(A) Executive Board

I. USeP-CCO President;
II. USeP-CCO Vice President for Internal Affairs;
III. USeP-CCO Vice President for External Affairs;
IV. USeP-CCO Vice President for Secretariat and Communications;
V. USeP-CCO Associate Vice President for Secretariat and
Communications; VI. USeP-CCO Vice President for Finance;
VI. USeP-CCO Vice President for Auditing;
VII. USeP-CCO Vice President for Business and Event
VIII. USeP-CCO Logistics and Property Superintendent

(B) Legislative Board

I. Chairperson for Legislative Board
II. Cluster Directors

SECTION 11: The USeP-CCO Clusters may group its recognized clubs and
organizations into the following clusters:

(A) Academic Cluster - The organizations that foster excellence in various

academic fields. It consists of a group of students enrolled in academic
courses offered by the University, those eligible for study grants and/or
scholarship privileges;

(B) Campus Ministry Cluster - The organizations that promote spiritual lift and
moral preservation. This includes various religious and morality sects;

(C) Socio-Civic Cluster - The organizations that render civic-oriented services

and coordinate with the community for other social functions. These included
environmentalists, human rights advocates, social workers, political
organizations, and minority groups;

(D)Inter-Fraternity and Sorority Cluster - The organizations of college students

who share common professional interests, religious, social and academic
brotherhood and sisterhood, a private, usually residential, social club of male
and female students that extol lifetime brotherhood and sisterhood;

(E) Sports Cluster - The organization of students participating in competitive

sports activities involving physical and mental exertions and skills. This
includes athletic varsity, varsity debate, and parliamentarian; and

(F) Culture and Arts Cluster - The organizations that observe the importance of
art and cultural preservation. This includes visual artists, performing arts, and
the like.

SECTION 12: Membership

(A) This governing body shall administer all the duly recognized clubs and
organizations, who shall be set to commence before and to end a month
after the start of classes of the first semester only;

(B) Renewal and Recognition Process. The duration of the renewal or

recognition period for clubs and organizations shall be set to commence
before the start of the semester and to end a month after the start of classes
of the first semester only;

(C) Renewal and Recognition Documents. This refers to a compilation of

pertinent documents submitted by an applying club or organization to certify
its intention to be duly recognized and/or renewed. It contains viable pieces
of information such as the club or organization’s intention to be
recognized/renewed, list of officers and members, commitment of the officers
and adviser, proposed action plan for the entire academic year and other
certifications that the USeP-CCO and the OSAS may deem necessary;

(D) A Certificate of Recognition (CoR) duly signed by the USeP-CCO

President and the OSAS, shall be issued to the successful applying
club/organization after thorough deliberation, which shall only be valid for one
(1) academic year from the date of issuance therein;

(E) The Recognition Ceremony of the duly recognized clubs/organizations shall

commence two (2) weeks after the deadline for the recognition/renewal
period on the first semester of the academic year on a date specified by the
Council of Clubs and Organizations, respectively. The Recognition Ceremony
shall be part of the Council of Clubs and Organizations’ 1st General
Assembly for the specific year. A Comprehensive and Official List shall be
forwarded to the Office of Student Affairs and Services;

(F) Evaluation. The duration of the evaluation period shall be set to commence a
month before the end of the first semester and to end a month after the start
of classes of the second semester for the first semester and two (2) weeks
before the graduation ceremonies for the second semester;

(G) Certificate of Completion (CoC) shall be issued by the Council of Clubs

and Organizations that will certify that a club or organization was able to
accomplish the pertinent documents that were required to submit prior or on
the deadline of submission of the following: Accomplishment Reports and
Financial Statements.


SECTION 1: The USeP - League of Class Mayors (USeP - LCM) shall be

composed of all the class mayors within the respective campus/unit of the
University of Southeastern Philippines.

SECTION 2: The USeP - League of Class Mayors (USeP - LCM) set of officers shall
be the following:

(A) USeP-LCM President

(B) USeP-LCM Vice President
(C) USeP-LCM Secretary General
(D) USeP-LCM Treasurer
(E) USeP-LCM Auditor
(F) USeP-LCM Sectoral Representative

SECTION 3: The USeP-LCM of each campus/unit shall have its own Codes
and By-Laws provided that:

(A) It is in accordance with the USeP-SC Local Codes, USeP-USG Constitution,

and all other existing laws and regulations of this University.

(B) It is duly recognized and approved by the Office of Student Affairs (OSAS)

SECTION 4: The USeP-League of Class Mayors Officers shall have the following
duties and responsibilities:

(A) USeP-LCM President:

I. Shall assume the office after the oath taking;
II. Shall govern all duly elected bona fide Class Mayors within the
Campus; III. Shall formulate laws, resolutions and/or policies only in the
affairs pertaining to the

sector being represented;

IV. Shall sign resolutions, memoranda, communication letters and other
documents regarding to the sector being represented;
V. Shall have the sole authority to propose an appropriate budget to the
House of the Representatives and approve budgetary proposals
utilizing the proceeds from the income generating projects of the
sector being represented;
VI. shall have the authority to implement rules, regulations and other laws
for the sector being represented;
VII. shall embody the governing principles as mandated by this
Constitution for the welfare of the sector being represented and of the
students as a whole; and VIII. shall be one of the signatories of the
USeP-LCM bank account.

(B) USeP-LCM Vice President:

I. shall assume the office after the oath taking;
II. shall assume the Executive Power of the USeP-LCM President in their
absence or inability to perform their above mentioned duties and
responsibilities by virtue of their resignation/leave of absence,
mental/physical incapacity, expulsion from the University, or death;
III. shall work hand-in-hand with the USeP-LCM Officers regarding to the
exertion of the previous subsection;
IV. shall deal with other relevant internal and external affairs of the office
and legislations for the improvement of the sector represented; and
V. shall perform other duties and responsibilities that the USeP-LCM
President, by virtue of an Executive Order, may direct.

(C) USeP-LCM Secretary:

I. shall assume the office after the oath taking;
II. shall deal with all correspondences pertaining to the sector being
represented; III. shall establish a receiving and archiving system for all
communication letters being addressed to the USeP-LCM;
IV. shall be the one to prepare the agenda and the minutes of all
meetings/assemblages; V. shall record and secure the minutes of all
meetings, assemblages and sessions, and shall also be the one to
disseminate the same to its absentee members/officers;
VI. shall prepare the accomplishment reports of the office every end of the
term; and VII. shall perform other duties and responsibilities that the
USeP-LCM President, by virtue of an Executive Order, may direct.

(D) USeP-LCM Treasurer:

I. shall assume the office after the oath taking;
II. shall be accountable for all financial matters of the sector being
represented; III. shall be the keeper of the USeP-LCM bank account
IV. shall be the one to take charge of all monetary transactions of the
sector being represented;
V. shall disburse money only upon the approval of the USeP-LCM;
VI. shall be the one to secure all receipts and compile it as attachments to
the Financial Statement, which shall be submitted and presented to
the USeP-LCM Officers for further deliberation especially by the
VII. shall be one of the signatories of the USeP-LCM bank account; and
VIII. shall perform other duties and responsibilities that the USeP-LCM
President, by virtue of an Executive Order, may direct.

(E) USeP-LCM Auditor:

I. The USeP-LCM Auditor shall assume the office after the oath taking; II.
The USeP-LCM Auditor shall conduct necessary auditing measures
regarding the cash flow of the sector being represented;
III. The USeP-LCM Auditor, upon conductance of necessary auditing
measures, shall submit and present its Audit Report to the USeP-LCM
upon presentation of the Financial Statement by the USeP-LCM
Treasurer at least two (2) weeks before the deadline of the
aforementioned document; and
IV. shall perform other duties and responsibilities that the USeP-LCM
President, by virtue of an Executive Order, may direct.

(F) USeP-LCM Sectoral Representative:

I. shall formulate resolutions and legislations that would cater to the needs
of the mayoralty sector; and
II. shall be the official representative of the USeP-LCM in USeP-Student
Council HoR and USeP-USG Congress.


SECTION 1. The Classroom Officers shall govern a group of students enrolled in the
same program, as indicated in their Certificates of Registration (CoRs). There shall
be no minimum number of students to constitute a class.

SECTION 2. They shall be composed of the members of the class and shall be
responsible for monitoring and cascading of information to the student body.

SECTION 3. Class officers shall have a tenure of one (1) academic year.

SECTION 4. The mayors of every class shall automatically be a part of the Obrero
League of Class Mayors. They shall elect a President and other officers amongst

SECTION 5. All classrooms must have an elected mayor.

SECTION 6. Other Class Officers may consist of:

(1) Vice Mayor;
(2) Secretary;
(3) Treasurer; and
(4) Auditor.

SECTION 7. All Class Officers shall function according to their duties and
SECTION 8. The codes of the Obrero League of Class Mayors shall be subject to
the deliberation and approval of the House of Representatives.


SECTION 1. No officers can be a subject of discrimination based on their identity,

personality, expression, and as an individual. Any public officers who shall insinuate
or start such action shall be subject for disciplinary actions or termination through
impeachment depending on the severity of the action.

SECTION 2. The Public Officers shall ensure the safety of the students in any
events, gathering, seminars and shall act accordingly in times of need.

SECTION 3. The Public Officers may be removed from office on impeachment, for
conviction, culpable violation of the constitution, bribery, graft, corruption,
malversation of funds, other unlawful actions, negligence of duties, or betrayal of
public trust.

(1) Any officer and individual can forward a complaint for impeachment to the House
of Representatives, and shall act upon it no later than twenty (20) days after the
complaint has been filed.

(2) The complaint must be referred to the proper committee. The committee shall act
on the complaint and shall send a report to the House of Representatives.

(3) The members of the House of Representatives shall have the sole power to try
and decide all cases of impeachment.

SECTION 4. No impeachment proceedings shall last for three (3) months upon the
referral to the committee.

SECTION 5. Public Office is a public trust. Any officers shall be held accountable for
their actions and expressions, be it through speech or written. They shall serve the
people with utmost responsibility, integrity, and efficiency.
SECTION 6. Any actions of the officers that go against any sections of this
Constitution shall be subjected to impeachment.

SECTION 7. Any officers that are subjected to impeachment have the right to due

SECTION 8. Any officers that are impeached from their position shall not be allowed
to run again in any office, be it before the approval of this Constitution and until this
provision will be repealed.

SECTION 1. It is the duty and responsibility of the Obrero Student Council to always
seek for the welfare of the students.

SECTION 2. Any proposed event by the Council and its bodies shall ensure:
(1) the welfare of the students; and
(2) free from discrimination because of their identity, expression, and well-being.

SECTION 3. The Student Council must be mindful of the following:

(1) They shall not perpetrate any hate towards any student and individual inside
and outside of the University.
(2) They shall be the first line of defense in protecting the integrity of the student
and individuals affiliated to the University.
(3) They shall not cause any actions that may cause disruption and stir hate
towards an individual; such actions will be dealt accordingly.

SECTION 4. The Student Council and its members shall not be in any part, or be
part of any community and organization that perpetuates hate towards an individual
or another community or organization.

SECTION 5. The Student Council shall be the first to promote inclusivity and
acceptance of diversity among the USeP Community and shall create initiatives in
achieving such.
SECTION 6. All members of the Student Council shall be part of the Student Rights’
and Welfare (STRAW) Committee and shall function according to their purpose.

SECTION 7. The STRAW Committee shall create a separate jury body. The jury
shall be composed of one (1) representative per college through appointments
subject to the approval of the House of Representatives.

SECTION 8. The qualifications of a jury member are as follows:

(1) shall have a minimum residency of one (1) year in the University;
(2) shall not serve and hold key position/s in any clubs, organizations, and
(3) shall not be a classroom officer and ROTCU officer;
(4) shall have intermediate experience in Parliamentary Rules and Procedures;
(5) shall have a good moral character.

SECTION 9. The jury body shall have the following functions:

(1) decide the facts of the case only;
(2) remain impartial and independent;
(3) remain uninfluenced by any person;
(4) keep the statements made confidential;
(5) shall decide on a verdict; and
(6) has no role during the sentencing.

SECTION 10. It is an offense for any person who is not a member of the jury to
attempt to influence a juror in any way. If any person speaks to a juror about the
case, the juror should inform the House of Representatives or a member of the
STRAW committee.


SECTION 1. All events of the Student Council and its members shall contribute to
the development of the students in the academe, as members of USeP, and Youth in
Nation Building.
SECTION 2. The Student Council shall set developmentally appropriate expectations
in every proposed activity.

SECTION 3. The Student Council shall promote activities that develop greater
cognitive complexity in developing abstract thinking and independent thought.

SECTION 4. The Student Council shall promote activities that:

(a) develop moral, social, and ethical complexity among students in developing their
ways and interpreting the community;

(b) develop the self-concepts and social identities of the students through
differentiation and self-integration;

(c) enable students in realizing the concepts of race, ethnicity, sexuality, gender,
religion, ability of the students, and other aspects of life in humanities and social
sciences; and

(d) recognize and support activities and events that promote development and
advancement in any fields of arts, humanities, social sciences, science and

SECTION 5. The Futures Thinking, Sustainable Development Goals, Ambisyon

2040, Philippine Development Plan, and USeP Strategic Plan shall be the core of
every activity of the Student Council. Each activity shall hit an indicator of any of the


SECTION 1. Any member of the House of Representatives can propose

amendments to this Constitution. Any proposed amendments shall go through the
approval of the body with two-thirds (⅔) votes of the members by virtue of a

SECTION 2. Any member of the House of Representatives can propose a revision to

the Constitution through one-thirds (⅓) of the members or through a Constitutional
Convention with members across the student body. The House of Representatives
shall call an assembly for the proper session of any proposed revisions of this codes
and by-laws by virtue of a resolution.

SECTION 3. Revision of this constitution shall go through a referendum of the body.


SECTION 1. The first set of officers of this Constitution shall be elected in the first
quarter of academic year 2023-2024.

SECTION 2. All documents that existed before the approval of this Constitution shall
be retained as long as it does not refute this Constitution.

SECTION 3. If any provision of this Constitution is found to be invalid, by a higher

document and authority, all other provisions not affected shall remain in effect.

SECTION 4. All laws, resolutions or ordinances inconsistent with this Constitution

are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.


SECTION 1. This Constitution shall undergo a plebiscite after the approval of the
two-thirds (⅔) votes of the total members of the USeP-OSC House of

SECTION 2. This Constitution shall take effect through a plebiscite with a gathered
signature of the majority (50% + 1) of the total population of the students of the
University of Southeastern Philippines Obrero Campus, excluding the extension
campuses, duly authored by the USeP-OSC House of Representatives-Committee
on Constitutional Revision and Amendments of Codes, duly acknowledged by the
USeP-Student Council Advisers and the Office of Student Affairs and Services
Director and Campus/Unit Coordinators.


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