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Challenge Bibendum Booklets

Let’s drive electric!

Electric and Hybrid
Challenge Bibendum

The Challenge Bibendum booklets have been

conceived to stimulate ‘new thinking’ and dia-
logue among experts, industrialists, political
decision-makers, journalists and any other
person wishing to take part in the debate on
the future of mobility.
These documents will have nothing new for the
specialists, but, in the space of a few pages,
they will provide readers who are interested in
the subject with enough essential information
for them to grasp the issues at stake and contri-
bute to an enlightened debate.
We hope you will contribute by posting your
comments and suggestions on the Challenge
Bibendum Booklet section on our website We will take your
suggestions into account when we update
these booklets, which will evolve with time.
Patrick Oliva
Corporate Vice President / Advanced
Research and Sustainable Development

We would like to thank all those who through their
insightful advice, remarks and support have contributed to
this booklet and in particular: Valérie Bouillon-Delporte,
Pascal Chevalier, Benoît Dailliez, Hervé Deguine, André
Douaud, Antoine Féral, Sylvie Gillet, Gérald Sezille and
Pierre Varenne.
5 misconceptions about hybrid and electric vehicles 1

about hybrid
and electric vehicles
5 misconceptions about hybrid Price
and electric vehicles 01 Electric vehicles are too ex-
pensive and will therefore be
Introduction 04 inaccessible to the general
Chapter I 07 This perception is based on the
fact that the vehicles that have
The basics of vehicle been marketed so far were rather
electrification expensive since they were pro-
duced in limited series: Without
Chapter II 15 the battery or fuel cell, an electric
car is cheaper to produce than an
What are the major internal combustion vehicle
industrial choices? (fewer parts). The production cost
of a battery-powered vehicle de-
Chapter III 19 pends on the quantity of batteries,
which is directly linked to the
In what way does going desired range and distance con-
electric favor sumption.
The generally accepted market
sustainable mobility? price for a lithium battery is 400 €/
kWh. A vehicle that consumes
Chapter IV 22 15 kWh/100 km would require a
Economic assessment 6,000 € battery for each desired
100 km range, and the recharging
5 key ideas to keep in mind 25 cost would range between 1.5 and
3 €, depending on the country. It
is thus easy to see that an electric
vehicle could be very efficient in
terms of total cost of use, pro-
vided that it is designed for low
consumption and intended for
relatively high usage, with lim-
ited range. In addition, new eco-
2 5 misconceptions about hybrid and electric vehicles

nomic models, which would empty battery for a full one, as parison show that the ecological
involve renting rather than buying the BetterPlace system demon- potential of electric cars is intrin-
the battery, can be very favorable strates, an operation that only sically far superior to that of ICE
to the consumer. Fuel cells are requires the same amount of time vehicles, but that at the current
still expensive, just as is hydrogen as refilling the tank (3 minutes on time it depends heavily on the
for which no high volume ap- average)! This, however, does re- power generation process. Resort-
plication yet exists, but this will quire specific infrastructures. ing to nuclear energy is not an
evolve. Non-rechargeable hybrid Cars equipped with “Range Ex- absolute must, even though nu-
vehicles are still costly as well, but tenders” get around this potential clear energy can help improve
their price is expected to decrease difficulty by offering the possibil- the CO2 imprint. The essential
significantly as soon as they are ity of classical range by means of point is that electric vehicles must
mass produced, and their lower a back-up ICE running on regular be designed to use as little en-
urban consumption should ensure fuel. Fuel-cell powered electric ergy as possible (typically less or
that they are fully profitable. vehicles are not limited in their equal to 15 kWh/100 km). Electric
range either. vehicles are also truly advanta-
2 geous in terms of public health
Range/ 3 by reducing emissions in urban
Infrastructures pollution environments.
The low range of electric ve- From an ecological point of
hicles, the long amount of time view, since electric production 4
required to recharge them and in many countries involves high safety
the lack of infrastructure are carbon pathways (coal-fired Battery thermal runaway, high-
such that they cannot be re- power plants), and because of voltage or hydrogen-related
alistically exploited today. batteries, an electric vehicle hazards: electric mobility in-
FALSE would end up polluting more creases the risk level for the
It’s true that electric vehicles gen- than an internal combustion consumer, especially in case
erally have a significantly lower engine. The future of electric of accidents.
kilometric range than traditional vehicles is linked to the devel- FALSE
internal combustion engines (ICE), opment of nuclear energy. Electrochemists now know how
but it is perfectly possible to FALSE to eliminate the phenomena of
achieve a 150 km range (which is The so-called well-to-wheel eco- structure instability that were
way above the average daily dis- logical analysis is a means of observed in certain lithium bat-
tance traveled by a motorist) or measuring a car’s “pollution” from teries’ electrodes and electrolytes.
more; moreover, they present conception to end of lifetime. The Moreover, current technologies
numerous advantages for limited vehicle’s manufacturing, produc- of battery production, electric
action ranges, typically for urban tion of electricity, emissions dur- system management and insula-
use or local rural use. ing the vehicle’s use and battery tion of electric components offer
The recharging operation, con- life cycle right up to the recovery a level of safety in compliance
ducted in normal conditions industry are all taken into account. with the most stringent interna-
–5 hours– takes a lot longer than These objective points of com- tional standards. Batteries
filling up the tank of an internal equipped with circuit breakers
combustion vehicle but the re- and safety controls (temperature/
quired infrastructure is a nearly discharge rate, etc.) offer a high
standard electric outlet. It is pos- degree of safety. Because we are
sible to proceed occasionally to used to them, we tend to minimize
a quick, partial charge and it is the hazards associated with cur-
also possible to exchange one’s rent gasoline tanks in cars. Inci-
5 misconceptions about hybrid and electric vehicles 3

dentally, electric batteries do not be revolutionized. For example,

create a magnetic field that can it is possible to place engines di-
attract lightning, and there is no rectly in the wheels, thereby en-
risk of electrocution when it rains. tirely freeing up the space under
As to the very design of electric the hood. Batteries can be dis-
vehicles, it can integrate a much tributed within the vehicle, on
safer architecture than many cur- the floor, between the seats in
rent vehicles in case of acci- hitherto unused spaces. Electric
dent. cars can therefore not only be
more roomy, but also more func-
5 tional and practical than their ICE
Performance counterparts. In any case, their
and status design is bound to be more in-
Heavy and poorly performing, novative and futuristic. Contrary
electric cars are also handi- to popular belief, electrifying a
capped by the weight of bat- car is not just a question of replac-
teries: the future of electric ing an ICE and fuel tank with an
vehicles will be limited to very electric engine and batteries, but
small electric vehicles. rather presents the opportunity
FALSE to completely rethink the archi-
The performance of electric cars tecture of a vehicle, according to
depends on technological choic- user needs and comfort. Time to
es. Batteries, electronic and ther- put imagination at the heart of
mal controllers can be calibrated design!
for performance, as proved by the
Porsche 911 GT3 R Hybrid, which
won the World Motorsport Expo
Award 2010. The torque of an
electric motor at low speed and
its energy efficiency are promis-
ing for electrons, as compared to
oil, in terms of straight perform-
ance. Electric or hybrid power-
trains offer a comprehensive range
of cars tailored to the needs of
users. Battery consumption is
another aspect that is taken into
account right from the design
phase of these vehicles in order
to optimize their weight. Weight
is also lessened as a result of the
reduced number of mechanical
parts that compose a 100% elec-
tric vehicle, a fact we easily over-
look in our initial judgments!
In addition, electric drive means
the architecture of vehicles can
4 Introduction

Introduction Today, two factors come together to justify the

energetic transformation in transport.
“Clean, safe and connected”: these
three words unambiguously define The fast development of certain emerging
countries (China, India, etc.) and their
road transport of the future. To
need to access mobility translate into an
achieve it, users, vehicle and ever increasing number of vehicles and,
equipment manufacturers, more significantly, to greater oil needs.
politicians and citizens the world The world counts 800 million vehicles in 2010. Ac-
over are in the process of cording to certain estimates, the figure could climb
assimilating the different transport to 2 to 3 billion in 2050, for a human population
solutions available to match the
exceeding 9 billion. Oil production will not be able
to match this growth: from 85 million barrels per
types of journey they make:
day in 2010, the quantity would have to increase to
short-and-long haulers, intermodal well above 100 million between now and 2050; an
solutions… Electrically propelled impossible feat given the facts that overall produc-
vehicles are going to come into tion has been almost steady for twenty years and
their own in this new offer of easily accessible oil is becoming scarce.
So we must cast away the lifestyle made possible
mobility solutions, where no option
by the availability of cheap oil, production of which
excludes the others.
progressed in line with our needs. The nearly ex-
However, numerous challenges still clusive dependency of transport on oil is a strategic
have to be addressed, such as and economic Achilles’ heel that must be cor-
implementing new economic rected. At the same time, the ecological context
makes it a priority to reduce greenhouse gas emis-
models, adapting infrastructures
sions and thus fossil fuel combustion.
and restructuring manufacturing
capacity. The ecological context mandates a
reduction in greenhouse gases (GHG).
This hatching revolution is crucial if The main greenhouse gases exist naturally in the
we are to meet our climate and atmosphere (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane,
energy challenges. New categories nitrous oxide, ozone). Then there are greenhouse
gases that result from human activities and which
of road users have emerged at the
include, in addition to the main gases mentioned
same time. Consumers in emerging above, fluorine gases such as CFCs. Reducing GHGs
countries and elsewhere, eager to is becoming a priority objective to combat global
access more affordable and warming.
practical means of mobility, must Finally, the urban life style, which is already pre-
be satisfied by the industrial offer.
dominant, could apply to 70% of the world’s popu-
lation by 2050. Reducing urban pollution, providing
access to the broadest possible number of people
to safe and fast transportation modes and lowering
transportation costs are priorities that will only gain
in urgency.
Introduction 5

Vehicle electrification: electricity is mostly produced using coal (Australia,

a logical next step? South Africa, China, India). As for electricity from
nuclear power stations, it may be low in carbon
The idea of switching to electric motor vehicles is emissions but raises other environmental dilem-
not new. It dates back to the first half of the 19th mas.
century (1835, Anderson), following multiple inven-
tions in the field: the first battery (1800, Volta), first Penetration of electric vehicles:
electric motor (1823, Sturgeon), first rechargeable an evolution already under way?
storage battery (1881, Faure) and exploitation of
the tremendous energy efficiency of electric mo- Since the early 1990s, electric vehicles have been
tors. trying to win back their market (this was the case
After a promising start in the early 20th century, of France between 1995 and 2003 with the world’s
electric motorization was supplanted by ICE mo- largest experiment), as this type of motorization
torization; the decreasing cost of a liter of fuel, the had already been adopted in the industrial sector
autonomy it procured, convenient usage thanks to (power lift trucks, for example). Without success.
the development of infrastructures (roads and But another way, that does not require a radical
service stations) got the better of electric, with the transformation in user habits nor in infrastructure,
heavy and expensive lead acid batteries of the time is showing a promising development: hybridization.
that offered limited range. Taking into account the fall in prices and the ease
Today, electric energy presents many environmen- of use, will the arrival of lithium batteries convince
tal and economic advantages. It can help us wean those users who remain skeptical?
ourselves from our exclusive dependency on oil, These hybridization technologies offer usage pos-
so long as the primary energy used to produce it sibilities that are perfectly adapted to an urban use.
enables low greenhouse gas emissions. This is not In towns, electric motors are more energy efficient
always the case, especially today, in countries where (in the region of 90%) when it comes to driving at

Oil can no longer guarantee affordable road transport.

Numerous factors contribute to its price volatility, which
follows a bullish trend.

Price in dollars
1 2 3
100 $

80 $

70 $

60 $

50 $
40 $
30 $

20 $
10 $

1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

1973 First oil crisis 1997 COP3: Kyoto Protocol

1979 Second oil crisis 1990 Zero Emission Vehicle Act March 2011: $100/barrel
6 Introduction

a low speed with lots of stopping and starting. On

highways, ICEs reach their maximum efficiency
and boast the substantial range offered by liquid
fuel. ICE-electric hybridization then begins to make
perfect sense.
Since 1997, when the Toyota Prius was launched,
hybrid vehicles have acquired credibility. With its
Toyota and Lexus brands, the Toyota Group has
sold 2.5 million hybrid models. Other constructors
followed suit, even if the market penetration rate
of these hybrid vehicles, compared to the rest of
the range, remains low. The impetus is undoubt-
edly there.
I. The basics of
1. The key functional blocks of electrification 08

2. Different levels and/or means of electrification  09

3. Performance linked to battery choice 13

8 The basics of vehicle electrification

An electric vehicle can be defined 1. The key functional

as a vehicle whose main motor is blocks of electrification
electric. A vehicle is called a hybrid
Three functional blocks make up the core of an
if it has an electrical contribution to
electric powertrain: a motor, an electronic control-
traction in addition to its main ICE. ler and an electrical power source.
Two means of supplying energy to
an electric motor are possible A) Motors
today for a road vehicle: via an Different electric motor technologies are available.
electrical storage (batteries or,
Current preferences favor alternating-current (as
opposed to the direct current delivered by batteries
possibly ultracapacitors) or an
or fuel cells), three-phase (as opposed to the usual
electric generator (fuel cells or single-phase domestic installations), so-called
electric generating sets). Fuel cells brushless motors (to limit wear caused by friction)
(mostly oxygen and hydrogen driven by high-power electronic controllers.
powered), which are the object of The main advantage of an electric motor is its ef-
ficiency, that is to say the quantity of energy that is
many studies, are still costly and
transformed into mechanical energy from the
their reliability/durability must still
power source:
improve to be suitable for massive 90% efficiency and more for an electric motor;
usage in mobile applications. 10 (in urban conditions) to 35% efficiency for a
gasoline engine;
15 to 40% efficiency for a diesel engine.
Other advantages are its simplicity (only the rotor
moves), outstanding durability and the fact that it
runs quietly, without emitting gases or fine particles.
Lastly, electric motors are reversible and can there-
fore operate as current generators on demand. This
is the very property that is used during braking to
recover energy.

b) Electronic controllers
They are responsible for piloting the motors.
The electric/ICE coupling of hybrid vehicles neces-
sitates an advanced power control and heat control
system. Thus computer controlled electronic con-
verters transform direct current into alternating
current and adjust power according to speed.
These electronic controllers need to be cooled by
air or water. The cooling system is connected to the
battery, which can affect the vehicle’s range. New
technological solutions, such as heat exchangers,
should quickly eliminate this drawback.
The basics of vehicle electrification 9

c) Electrical sources teries also face the challenge of large-scale industri-

Storage and generator systems have their respective alization and life-cycle management, including the
advantages. issue of recycling.
Finally, it is worth noting that recovery of braking
Batteries energy means the battery must never be fully charged,
They are the best known rechargeable storage systems. which significantly reduces its performance. To
A battery is a series of interconnected electrochem- mitigate this drawback, temporary stores of kinetic
ical accumulators (also called cells or elements of energy can be used.
the battery) that constitute a source of direct current
in the desired capacity and tension. Generators
There exist multi-disciplinary research programs In fuel cells, oxygen and hydrogen react on electrodes
into batteries. As a battery is much heavier than a (through a catalyst, usually made of platinum) to
fuel tank, its limited energy storage capacity restricts produce electric energy with water as the only
the vehicle’s range. Batteries are also held back by discharge. Most often, following the example of
their recharge time (5 to 10 hours in optimum con- ICEs, fuel cells quite simply use the oxygen in the
ditions), a shorter service life compared to e-motors, air. As for hydrogen fuel, it can come from a tank
and their cost which remains high. Beyond techno- or be produced on-board the vehicle by reforming
logical fine-tuning (performance and safety), bat- hydrocarbons. A H2/O2 fuel cell does not itself emit
CO2, but the vehicle’s overall emission footprint
obviously depends on that of the hydrogen produc-
Temporary storage of kinetic As for electric generating sets, most are made up of
energy an ICE that activates an alternator. They require a
A KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) fuel tank (fossil energy).
is capable of recovering braking energy and
regenerating it on acceleration, thus
lightening the ICE’s load. Capacitors are the
best known. But hydraulic pressure 2. Different levels
accumulators and flywheels also exist. A
capacitor is a system that is able to rapidly and/or means
accumulate electric energy (i.e. in a few
seconds) and release it at a later stage, of electrification
almost instantaneously. Although it only
stocks a small quantity of energy at a time,
it can provide considerable power boosts, The figure over indicates five progressive levels of
and withstand up to a million charge- hybridization and two types of “all electric power-
discharge cycles. These characteristics are train” vehicles.
well suited to heavy urban vehicles, such as
buses. Unfortunately, the price remains very To better understand these different options in
high. Endowed with strong torque as soon terms of what they involve for the user, we will dif-
as they start up, hydraulic pressure ferentiate vehicles that can be connected to an
accumulators are suitable for heavy urban electricity distribution network from those that
vehicles, such as large delivery trucks.
Flywheels enable energy to be stored
mechanically by accelerating a rotor to a
high speed and storing the energy from
braking and instantly redeploying it on
demand like a booster. The total efficiency
of the operation is very high (in the region
of 90%) and was used by the Williams
Formula 1 team in the 2009 season.
10 The basics of vehicle electrification

a) Non plug-in Full hybrids – (Pioneer series vehicle

hybrid/electric vehicles for this technology: Toyota Prius – 1997)
In the following four types of vehicles, users continue to Even more advanced, electrification of “full hybrids”
supply their vehicles solely with fuel, with a promise of allows the vehicle to be propelled by the sole elec-
consumption and pollution reduction. tric motor, thanks to a disconnection from the ICE:
this is the “zero-emission mode” which, to date, is
Micro hybrids – (Pioneer series vehicle only possible over around two kilometers because
for this technology: Citroën C3 – 2004) of the low capacity of the batteries used. The Toy-
Popularized in France by the launch of the Stop & ota Prius is a “parallel hybrid”: ICE and electric
Start Citroën C3, micro-hybridization is the first motor act on the same wheels.
level of “hybrid” functionality. It means the engine
stops when the vehicle comes to a halt and auto- In series type architectures, power is transmitted
matically restarts when the driver presses the ac- in a chain, from the ICE to the wheels: the ICE drives
celerator pedal. Fuel economy gains in urban use an electric generator, which recharges the battery
can be up to 15%. Micro-hybridization does not and drives the electric motor which in turn gets the
need a specific battery. A starter-generator acts as wheels rotating. Batteries and/or ultracapacitors
an electrical motor to assist the ICE in restarting. back up the generator.

Mild hybrids – (Pioneer series vehicle Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle – (Pioneer series
for this technology: Honda Insight – 1999) vehicle for this technology: Honda FCX
The next electrification level up is the so-called mild Clarity - 2008)
hybrid with two additional functionalities: regenera- The Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) uses hydrogen
tive braking (Kinetic Energy Recovery System, KERS) as fuel to produce its electric energy on-board and
and boost (assisted acceleration). Upon braking, the autonomously.
kinetic energy is no longer only dispersed as heat; the Batteries and/or ultracapacitors can serve as back
electric motor works as a generator and sends some up for the fuel cell. The user must stop at a hydrogen
of the energy back towards accumulators (batteries station to fill up.
or ultracapacitors), which are thereby recharged. In
addition, ICE efficiency at low speed being poor, the
electric engine backs it up during acceleration.

An “electrical” solution for every use


Fuel Cell Battery
Vehicle Electric
Plug-In Hybrid
Plug-In Hybrid
Full Range ext.)
Mild Hybrid

0% Degree of electrification 100%

Source: Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, 2009
The basics of vehicle electrification 11

b) plug-in hybrid/electric vehicles keted on a large scale. Its adaptability and its capacity
The following three types of vehicles enable users to cross town in electric mode mean that it seems well
to recharge their battery on the mains: suited to the new needs of certain users and marks a
significant progress towards the “zero emission” city.
Rechargeable hybrid (plug-in) Furthermore, systems for increasing the electrical
The rechargeable hybrid (Plug-In Hybrid Vehicle, autonomy of “Full Hybrid” vehicles are now on sale
PHEV/PHV) is a more advanced level of electrifica- and can transform these current hybrids into plug-
tion than the “Full Hybrid”, in which the electric ins. The procedure is carried out by professionals
motor and the batteries are respectively dimensioned and entails the battery being replaced by a system
in power and capacity to be able to run on electric comprising a charger, a battery of a greater capac-
mode for several tens of kilometers. The ICE alone, ity and of another type (lithium-ion instead of Ni-
reduced in size and power in a process of downsiz- MH) and electronic control. It considerably in-
ing, can drive the vehicle over long distances in creases the range of the vehicle in straight electric
optimized engine phases. mode (20 km instead of the 2 km of the current
The plug-in version of the new Prius will soon be mar- Prius, for example).

“Parallel” or “series” diagrams of non plug-in hybrids

1 HV (parallel) 2 HV (series)
1 HV (parallel) 2 HV (series)

Internal combustion
Internal combustion

Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy

Recovery System Recovery System
Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy
Recovery System Recovery System

Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor
Electric motor


Internal combustion
Battery engine
Internal combustion

Fuel tank Fuel tank

Fuel tank Fuel tank
12 The basics of vehicle electrification

Electric vehicle with a range extender – The rechargeable 100% electric

(Pioneer series vehicle for this technology: This is the simplest form of electric vehicle and has
Chevrolet Volt – 2010) a “minimalist” architecture of battery/controller/
The last level of electrification, which can be consid- electric motor, with no auxiliary ICE or electricity
ered as the last phase before the all electric, is the generator (except when the electric motor is used
electric traction vehicle with a “range extender” for kinetic energy recovery). The battery is thus
(Extended Range Electric Vehicle, EREV). It has the recharged essentially by plugging the car into an
architecture of a so-called “series” plug-in vehicle. changing device. These models already exist in our
Its particularity lies in its ability to recharge its bat- everyday lives: Nissan Leaf, Mitsubishi i-MiEV (and
teries using a small ICE used as an on-board elec- its PSA derived models)... but also golf carts and
tric generator. This ICE does not in any case activate neighborhood cars, which have a limited use due
directly the drive train and simply extends the ve- to their charge time and low autonomy.
hicle’s range thanks to its battery charger function.
This engine is controlled by on-board electronics.

Rechargeable hybrid

Kinetic Energy
Recovery System
Kinetic Energy
Recovery System

Electric motor
Electric motor

Internal combustion engine

Internal combustion engine Battery
Kinetic Energy Recovery System
Kinetic Energy Recovery System Battery
Electric motor
Electric motor
Fuel tank
Fuel tank
The basics of vehicle electrification 13

New spaces in the future - provides a 20% greater passenger

carriage capacity and a 30% reduction in energy
consumption thanks to its distributed power.
Designers and architects are enjoying a newfound
Michelin Active Wheels degree of liberty thanks to “by-wire” technology
(replacing mechanical commands by electric ones)
Electrical drive motor
and distributed power set-ups.
Electrical suspension motor Within the limits authorized by regulations and
Spring bearing in mind the principles of physics that gov-
Brake calliper ern the stability of a motor vehicle, new concepts
have been a huge success in motor shows (Detroit,
Brake disk
Paris, Shanghai 2010) and, soon, in our cities.
The Michelin Active Wheel illustrates this emerging
liberty for designers and more broadly for research
in the field of wheel hub motors, brakes (Mercedes
SL, 1999), etc. A convincing example is the concept
with which Will demonstration vehicles have been
fitted since 2008 (Michelin-MIA cooperation).

3. Performance linked
to battery choice

Batteries are at the center of the main ongoing efforts

No engine here to develop electric vehicles. Expectations are in line
with the stakes as car manufacturers are currently
dependent on battery producers (even if they are
not as determining a factor for non-rechargeable
hybrids as for rechargeable vehicles).

c) New architectural outlooks for a) Batteries chosen

electric vehicles according to use
The design of electric vehicles can be conceived of Regarding battery performance, power density
differently; in particular for urban driving and the (capacity to deliver power to the wheels per unit of
new needs the car will have to satisfy. Thus, differ- volume/mass) and energy density (capacity to stock
ent architectures are appearing, in which by instance energy per unit of volume/mass) are essential. For
the electric motorization is in the wheels. By de- the user, it is therefore a compromise among per-
centralizing certain functions, it is possible for the formance, range and cost.
space that traditionally houses the engine (under Non-rechargeable hybrid vehicles demand power
the hood) to be used by passengers and their bags essentially for their assisted acceleration and re-
or to be used for safety improvement. On the mod- generative braking functions. Rechargeable vehicles
el of air and rail travel, traction, command and require a good energy density to guarantee the
storage functions can be distributed among the vehicle’s range.
“four corners” of all-electric vehicles. In rail trans- Strict regulations on teratogenic or carcinogenic
port, for instance, France’s new Automotrice à elements (lead, cadmium etc) reinforce the ten-
Grande Vitesse (AGV) - meant to replace the TGV dency towards lithium couples.
14 The basics of vehicle electrification

b) The weight/volume Batteries have around 40 to 90 cells in series in the

versus range compromise case of the hybrid and up to 200 for all-electric.
Even if the advent of lithium technologies will Maximum lifespan currently varies between seven
contribute to significantly reduce the volume and and ten years, making a renewal in the middle of
mass, battery mass will still be a constraint. the vehicle’s life necessary.
A battery weighs around 200 kg for an average-sized The “zero defect” quality weighs considerably on
all-electric vehicle taking on board 20 kWh. The the cost of batteries. Battery price is thus a key fac-
weight of batteries affects performance since en- tor in the economic competitiveness of vehicles.
ergy is required to accelerate or slow a mass down. Large-scale electrification will therefore almost
Kinetic energy has a strong impact on the engine certainly come about after the development of
calibration. But the range of a vehicle also depends economic models more focused on an economy of
on the number of on-board battery elements, which functionality with batteries as a service.
requires designers to make technological choices The price of batteries varies according to production
tailored to vehicles’ functionalities and/or their volume. For this reason, industrialization, on a more
hybridization architecture. or less large scale, will itself depend on mastering
the battery’s life cycle and its recycling capacities.
c) Quality, cost, safety We can estimate prices (in €/Wh) in the region
Battery performance and reliability has been stead- of:
ily increasing for the last 20 years. But cars’ main < 0.15 €/Wh for lead batteries,
limits are still related to the level of quality and < 0.2 €/Wh for Nickel-Cadmium batteries,
safety required, both of which are much higher than < 0.6 €/Wh for Nickel-Metal Hydride batteries,
those of mobile telephones or IT. Indeed, the over- the first Li-ion batteries cost over 1 €/Wh (or more
all quality of a battery pack is only as good as its than 20,000 € for a standard 20 kWh battery), but
weakest link. could come down below 0.4 €/Wh for large vol-

d) Requirements on battery
Positioning of the various life cycle
battery technologies
Power-weight ratio (W/kg) The choice of battery has an impact on vehicle
architecture and directs future technological
choices. It also depends on our mastering the
nickel zinc
lithium-ion overall life cycle of batteries, which would include
batteries Ni-MH a second life on non-transport applications, then
nickel metal
hydride batteries finally a recovery application for precious or
dangerous metals.
lead-acid It is essential to draw up an international legisla-
600 tive framework to regulate the whole battery life
cycle. A coherent approach is needed to ensure
that end-of-life battery management is not the
factor that is detrimental to the overall environ-
mental footprint.
Ni-Cd Na-S
nickel cadmium sodium sulfur
batteries batteries
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Energy-weight ratio (Wh/kg)
II. What are the major
industrial choices?
1. Adapting industry to new vehicle architectures
and technologies 16

2. Adapting private and public infrastructures  16

3.. Adapting upstream energy production pathways 17

16 What are the major industrial choices?

1. Adapting industry 2. Adapting private and

to new vehicle public infrastructures
architectures and
technologies One of the factors that will determine the success
of the distribution of electric or plug-in hybrid
Electrification of vehicles raises several questions and vehicles is the ability of countries to get equipped
consequently calls for different answers. First, the with the infrastructure needed for charging. The
question of industrial continuity: how can we make question of a consensus as to the material norms
the most of the legacy of countries highly involved in to promote and the coordination of a calendar for
the automotive industry to adapt to new architectures implementing these new infrastructures are fun-
in line with electric technologies? Most electric vehi- damental points.
cles currently on sale have their ICE replaced by an Transnational discussions are already taking place,
electric motor and batteries and electronics im- for example, the Franco-German working group
planted in the least intrusive spaces for the user. Weight for the normalization, standardization and testing
reduction and the new layouts in the vehicle (engine of technical solutions.
at the back, high floor, more compact motors, wheel For consumers, it will be necessary to ensure a
motors, etc.) are new challenges. They leave manu- quick, easy and accessible transition of their car
facturers with the task of finding more flexible instal- use, before changing to other consumer models in
lations (in keeping with slower rates of production which the vehicle is no longer their exclusive prop-
and a technical evolution that is not yet stable). erty.
Electrification can also constitute an opportunity In this way, a recharge on the existing mains, al-
for the involvement of new parties keen to enter beit requiring obvious adaptations (in terms of
the market. We are witnessing the emergence of protection) to ensure they can be used safely, will
new partnerships (equipment manufacturers, be favorable to electric mobility. France already has
mobility operators...). substantial experience in this field.

battery charge infrastructures

4/8 h 5 min.

home battery swap

at the exchange station

4/8 h 20/30 min.

office fast charge

What are the major industrial choices? 17

Several countries grant subsidies to local authorities excellent means of exploiting this green and renew-
in a bid to contribute to the installation of public able electricity.
charging infrastructures, both normal (3 kVA) or Indeed, the deployment of the electric car can
fast (22 and 43 kVA). These new facilities require promote the development of renewable energies.
specific material, or even a modification of the As we explain in the section covering the eco-
grid. nomic equation of the electric car, the batteries can
A few private parties, including BetterPlace, also have a second life after being used in the vehicles,
propose quick battery-pack swap solutions. A pilot by storing energy from small wind turbines or
facility is currently being tested in Tokyo. Israel and photovoltaic installations, for example. The batter-
Denmark should soon implement large-scale ex- ies would therefore remedy the main drawback of
periments. renewable energies: supply fluctuations over
Firms are also thinking of contributing to the col- time.
lective effort by equipping their parking lots so as As for non-oil-producing countries, the rising price
to encourage their associates to switch to electric of a barrel will be for them a powerful force for
mobility. change... if they decide to turn to renewable ener-
Over the longer term, “smart grids” –which use gies, to limit their thermal power plants and to
information technologies to team up the available acquire additional energy independence. Certain
electric resources at global level with local demand countries have actually already begun to revise their
– will also bring additional flexibility to users. As position on nuclear power, now deemed maybe
we can see, there are numerous and realistic solu- “necessary” in the range of realistic economic-ec-
tions set to overcome the psychological barriers of ological compromises. The post-Fukushima choic-
consumers regarding the possibility of recharging es will be of utmost importance.
their vehicle wherever required.
b) Actual impact of electric drive
vehicles on the environment
By the way, are we really sure that electric vehicles
3. Adapting upstream are less polluting?
energy production Linking the electric mode of transportation with
the electricity production network (well-to-wheel)
allows us to observe a contrasting picture and to
establish that the answer varies according to geo-
a) Geographical energy choices graphical zone and energy pathways.
The development of electric vehicles is intrinsi-
cally dependent upon energy strategies, which are
far from being universal. A detailed appraisal of the
electric car’s energy and greenhouse gas impact
will vary from country to country due to the specif-
ics of the energy production mix in place.
France, for example, derives nearly 80% of its elec-
tric energy from nuclear power stations, but also
uses thermal power plants, which produce CO2, to
regulate production. In Denmark, public authorities
favor renewable energy, particularly wind energy.
This energy source is, however, highly intermittent.
No one doubts that these countries would approve
the development of electric vehicles that run on a
smart grid. In this case the electric car would be an
18 What are the major industrial choices?

Electric vehicle CO2 emissions based on their energy consumption

and the electricity’s source
Comparison with vehicles using petroleum derivatives (dark grey line in the
center) or sugarcane ethanol in Brazil (light grey line on the left). Very significant
emission variations by average national kWh.

g CO2/km


25 kWh/100 km


15 kWh/100 km

10 kWh/100 km


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
g CO2/kWh
Source: Michelin

The figure above illustrates that, for three different to be made law. As the only guarantors of a sustained
electric consumption levels (10, 15, 25 kWh/100 investment in public infrastructures (exterior re-
km), the impact of CO2 emissions (blue curves) charge terminals), in private buildings (car parks,
evolves upwards based on the carbon content of for example) or in people’s homes, they permit a
the electric production pathways. On the left, Nor- certain degree of universality in mobility.
way, with an excellent carbon record as electricity Three classes of charging can be identified, in Europe
is of hydraulic origin. On the right, South Africa, at least:
where a strong predominance of coal power plants 3 kVA – 16 A single-phase for slow charge (preferred
leads to a more restrictive view of the benefits of to ensure battery durability);
electricity. The benefits of electric drive are only 22 kVA – 32 A three-phase for accelerated
seen in countries with high coal-based electricity charge;
mix if the vehicle’s energy consumption is reduced 43 kVA – 63 A three-phase for fast charge.
to below 15 or even 10 kWh/100 km. Connector standards have not yet been determined
for fast and accelerated recharging. Since the nor-
Therefore, technological choices can be neither unique mal charge involves a large network of consumers,
nor universal, but must be based on regional consid- existing standards on domestic appliances have
erations, since the CO2 impact itself is very region been applied... complete with the differences already
specific with regards to electricity production. established between certain countries (United States
and Great Britain, to name but two examples).
c) Why global standards China, which shows great voluntarism in the elec-
are necessary tric domain, has clearly indicated that the next
Unlike the idea of regionalization in energy choic- decade will be marked by significant efforts on
es, that of international standards will quickly have norms and regulations.
III. In what way does
going electric favor
sustainable mobility?
1. Electric energy rising to the energy
challenges of tomorrow 20

2. Synergy between electric vehicles

and the new demands of urbanism 21
20 In what way does going electric favor sustainable mobility?

Electricity offers excellent potential So why not make the most of the advantages this
responses to the need to limit the energy holds with respect to road transport? The
environmental impact of transport, advantages would be numerous:
An almost ideal energy conversion efficiency
re_09 in the context of a growing (> 90% at the wheel), even though the significant
population with an increasing need loss of energy resulting from the high voltage line
for mobility. transfer over large distances must be kept in
Total absence of harmful emissions (CO, NOx,
1. Electric energy rising HC, SO2 etc) jeopardizing our immune system,
respiratory tracts and eyes in cities.
to the energy challenges
Considerable reduction in GHGs, a factor in cli-
of tomorrow matic stability when electricity is produced without
releasing CO2 emissions.
One of the major challenges of the years to come
is the new distribution of the planet’s energy re- “Average” energy efficiency
sources, a major factor of economic development according to engine/energy
and power. 100%
The variety of modes of converting sources of pri- 90%
mary energy to electric energy makes electricity
indispensable. Hydroelectricity has already trans- 80%
formed the lives of people in numerous regions of
the world (e.g. Brazil and Egypt). Nuclear power
contributes to the energy independence of several 60%

countries, within the limits of certain environmen-

tal risks. Wind power has already changed the local 45%
economies of regions inefficiently supplied by large 40%

infrastructures. Photovoltaic installations are as yet 30%

a burgeoning nominal source of electricity in terms 22%
of production volume but in poor regions would 20%

allow for an abundant resource to be tapped into.

As for wave energy and marine current power, they
remain in the early stages but look promising. All
Gasoline Diesel Hybrid Fuel Battery
the more reasons to develop electric energy and to engine engine car cell electric electric
convert, at least partially, different means of trans- car car

port to electricity (as is already the case with trains,

tramways or subways). Is there a future for fuel cells? Undoubtedly yes,
The switch to “clean” energies will engender sig- although the prospects of a hydrogen society - still
nificant gains in all types of emissions, which will thought possible ten years ago- is becoming less
exceed the potential benefits obtained by optimiza- likely in the short term. However, we will have to
tions of rolling resistance, mass aerodynamics and remain attentive in terms of the technical, eco-
ICE enhancement. nomic and environmental benefits they may present
Electricity represents the best equation of trans- when compared to other technologies. Techni-
ported volume/speed of transfer/cost to the user cally, fuel cells offer unquestionable advantages in
within a range of few dozen kilometers. The return terms of improving the range of electric vehicles.
of trams to town centers is a perfect example of From an economic standpoint, fuel cell competi-
this. tiveness depends on the fluctuations of platinum
In what way does going electric favor sustainable mobility? 21

and hydrogen prices. Finally, from an environmen- one to two occupants on average. Tomorrow’s city
tal point of view, fuel cell development will depend car, as a complement to public transport, will there-
on the progress of carbon-free technologies, hy- fore be more compact, designed to hold two to three
drogen storage and distribution, and catalyst avail- passengers, silent, non-polluting, highly perform-
ability. Dual solutions -small batteries associated ant at low speed in terms of braking and accelerat-
to medium power fuel cells - are increasingly being ing, safe and, of course, connected to all modern
studied and might lead to interesting applica- information tools.
tions. Users are looking for rapid mobility within the
limits of their budget. This will no doubt promote
the emergence of new uses such as buying user
time or transport distance and without acquiring
2. Synergy between exclusive ownership of vehicles.
electric vehicles
With this change towards providing a service, new
and the new
mobility operators will be in a position to formalize
demands of urbanism an offer to the consumer with new combined serv-
ice areas (vehicles/people). Experiments are already
The world is experiencing an urban explosion being carried out on the outskirts of metropolises,
without precedent, in particular in Africa, Asia, the in car parks used as inter-modal passenger transport
Middle East and Latin America. Indeed, it is towns stops. Users will thus more readily get into the
that tend to offer the best prospects in terms of habit of leaving their individual road transport
education, jobs, social and cultural life and access vehicle for other transport choices.
to healthcare. The number of megacities with more
than 10 million inhabitants is constantly growing. In advanced models, the logistics of distributing
In the context of often insufficient infrastructures merchandise (“Kanban” hubs and distribution in
and the absence of coordinated transport planning, town centers) will also benefit from possibilities
the ever-increasing number of vehicles on the road opened up by electrification and Intelligent Trans-
compounds the already worrisome problems of port Systems (ITS). In the most highly developed
local pollution, traffic jams and noise. The expecta- countries, electric cars will be able to communicate
tions of city-dwellers are obviously commensurate (see the booklet “Let’s drive smartly”).
with the problems they encounter on a daily basis.
They make themselves felt in two areas. First, access But this revolution of our living environment will
to a means of rapid transport, in particular to get depend to a great extent on local, regional and
to work. Secondly, safety and pollution control. national policies. The priorities and conceptions
of sustainable mobility are not the same in fast-
The rise of electric motorization will vary greatly growth regions (Africa, Latin America, Asia), where
according to the evolution of public and private improvement of the standard of living and first-time
facilities to accommodate electric vehicles. Like the vehicle ownership are powerful forces for change.
mobile telephone at the beginning of the 1990s, the Let’s not forget that China is getting ready to pro-
gridding of territories will influence the speed with duce cheap micro electric vehicles for rural popu-
which these new means of transport are adopted. lations, thereby creating new and large markets.
As for heavily industrialized countries, they will
Urban use is an area of immense potential for the pay more attention to questions of safety, public
electrified car since it is characterized by moderate health, comfort and eco-citizenship. To quote two
maximum speeds, frequent braking and stoppages, examples: Portland, one of the USA’s “green” cities
generally short, and often repetitive, journeys, and and Stockholm, now renowned for the lack of traf-
by transporting, for private vehicles and taxis, just fic hold-ups.
IV. Economic
1. The different points of view of the principal actors 23

2. The key to new economic models 24

Economic assessment 23

1. The different points c) Public authorities

Politicians are also forced to take part in different
of view of the principal
arbitrations, all influenced by the economic, geo-
actors political and social context. Obviously Western
decision-makers will not consider the same factors
If the technical side is today deemed complex, the as Asian leaders. The latter have to take into account
accompanying economic equation is equally so. the expectations of the high-end market as well as
Any assessment has to be viewed from several the needs of the masses. Thus, Chinese authorities
angles in order to outline the economic models made the strategic decision to help developing small
according to the actors within this enormous new electric vehicles and electric buses, whereas at the
challenge. same time, American and European manufacturers
focused their efforts on medium-sized ranges.
a) Private owners From a fiscal point of view, public authorities have
The first comparison we might make is the Total an essential role to play. Until now, tax incentives
Cost of Ownership (TCO) of an ICE vehicle against have promoted the research and development of
an equivalent electric drive vehicle. The services prototypes. It is now time to move to the next level
that develop in association with electric vehicles, and apply the classic steps (such as the “scrappage
the expected behavioral changes with respect to premium,” which encourages the owners of old,
mobility in general, and urban mobility in particu- polluting vehicles to replace them with new, clean
lar, are radically altering traditional economic vehicles by means of a lump sum incentive), as well
models. By way of example, remember the similar as more innovative scenarios (carbon tax being the
evolution that came with the arrival of the mobile example that has received the most media atten-
telephone in comparison to former patterns of tion).
fixed-line communication.
As far as public infrastructure is concerned, the
Taking into account the Total Cost of Usage (TCU) state and local authorities are decision-makers,
will enable us to make a much wider-ranging as- without whose action no alternative transport
sessment. For a number of city-dwellers the ques- system could be developed at a local, regional or
tion of whether to own a vehicle at all has already national level. However, this market expectation is
been brought to the table. Then there arise other currently impeded by national budget policy. Fur-
factors that have an impact on their way of life thermore, equipment standards are not com-
(working from home) and their behavior as consum- pletely established, the behavior of consumers is
ers (online and teleshopping), or other factors that changing and still uncertain, and the sensitivity of
are often difficult to gauge in absolute terms (free- taxpayers to the use of public money always reveals
dom of movement, stress management in transport, risks and surprises.
the safety of goods and people). Yet there is a need to act quickly, since inaction will
cost money. Experts estimate that public investment
b) Professionals deferred by ten years would cost 5 to 20 times more
A similar revolution concerns different professionals. than it would if made now. Also one can appreciate
Whether users or fleet managers, service operators, the cost of inaction in Europe from the point of view
or those indirectly concerned with the evolution in of the evolution of the predicted cost of a tonne of
mobility (for example, shopkeepers, self-employed CO2: from around 20 dollars in 2010, it is predicted
professionals), the emergence of new offers compli- to rise to 50 dollars in 2020, then to 110/180 dollars
cates accounting calculations when it comes to in 2030. From this viewpoint, investing now in in-
making an assessment. Past references are becoming frastructures that permit a reduction in the produc-
obsolete, while new models of interpretation and tion of GHGs is undoubtedly a profitable investment
representation have not yet emerged. in the medium term.
24 Economic assessment

2. The key to new and awareness of environmental issues in the 21st

century are all factors that may structure the evolu-
economic models
tion of this industry.

Although we recognize certain forces behind the According to a study carried out by the Roland
development of “electrified” transport, such as Berger Consultants and illustrated in the figure
adapted taxation, it is as yet hard to predict the below, the energy transformation in powering ve-
degree to which other influencing factors will have hicles is only in its early stages. In order to give the
an effect. Changes in human behavior, habits and magnitude the figure would show that, until now,
mentality may elicit a wave of enthusiasm for elec- the extra cost of the total life span of an electric
tric and hybrid vehicles. The feminization of trans- vehicle is about one third more than that of an ICE.
port users, the generalized ageing of the Western In the future, one may guess that mass production
population, the eruption of digital technology in and vehicle redesign should make it possible to
modern life, the questioning of the property instinct, lower the costs and be at least equivalent.

Thermal vehicle A-1.4L cost during life cycle Electric vehicle cost during lifestyle
(16-years) (French tax-without insentives-16 years)

12 550 € 36% Energy (y.c. taxes) 16% 3200 €

+ 6000 € batteries

Parts & components

10 250 € 29% Added Value OEM 20% 11 250 €
Financing, taxes
and insurances
12 350 € 35% Maintenance 63% 14 750 €

Mobility services
Recycling 18 800 €

Legends : Product cost Service cost Mobility cost

10 250 € Selling price to clients 17 250 €

(excl. tax)
35 250 € 52 400 €

-180 €/months TOTAL -270 €/months

Electric Drive
5 key ideas
to keep in mind

1 Hybridization enables
a systematization of the
use of Stop & Start and
regenerative braking.
These two functions are Challenge Bibendum
not structurally
expensive and their
massive development
would bring considerable
benefits. Already published:
Let’s drive smartly! Connected vehicles
2 Specific economic and intelligent transport systems.
models suited to low Let’s drive bio! What biofuels for what
mileage usage need to uses tomorrow?
be developed. Let’s drive safely! The new stakes for
road safety.
3 Significant research More air! Reduce CO2 emissions in road
and development must transport.
still be conducted to
reduce energy The Challenge Bibendum booklets are
consumption to below available for free in English, French and
the symbolic threshold German on the website
of 15 kwh/100 km To be kept
(auxiliaries included) for
informed of future publications and
updates send an e-mail to
4 To reduce their
average cost, it would be
smart to investigate and
develop new
applications for battery

5 Decentralized sources
of electricity need to be
promoted, in particular
renewable energies,
since the number of
possible uses of batteries
are micro economy
Challenge Bibendum Booklets

Let’s drive electric!

Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
The introduction of an electric component in the drivetrain of a
vehicle - from the very simple stop and start to all-electric
motorization - will be the most pertinent evolution of the next
twenty years in efforts to achieve fuel savings, to diversify the
energy mix, to mitigate CO2 emissions and to improve the quality
of life in cities.
Current discussions have done little to explain the issues at stake,
be they economic, ecological or societal, concerning the inevitable
transformation to achieve an invigorating and harmonious
development for road mobility worldwide.
This Challenge Bibendum booklet covers the key aspects of the

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