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Preoperative Patient Reported Mental Health is Associated

with High Grade Complications after Radical Cystectomy

Pranav Sharma, Carl H. Henriksen, Kamran Zargar-Shoshtari, Ren Xin,
Michael A. Poch, Julio M. Pow-Sang, Wade J. Sexton,
Philippe E. Spiess and Scott M. Gilbert*
From the Department of Genitourinary Oncology (PS, CHH, KZ-S, MAP, JMP-S, WJS, PES, SMG) and Department of Informational
Services (RX), Moffitt Cancer Center, and Health Outcomes and Behavior Program, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research
Institute (SMG), Tampa, Florida

Purpose: Psychological distress has been associated with an impaired immune

response and poor wound healing. We hypothesized that preoperative patient
and Acronyms
reported mental health would be associated with high grade 30-day complica-
tions after radical cystectomy. ASA ¼ American Society of
Materials and Methods: We retrospectively identified patients who underwent
BC ¼ bladder cancer
radical cystectomy for bladder cancer who completed Short Form 12 (SF-12)
surveys for self-assessment of health status less than 6 months before surgery. BMI ¼ body mass index
Median physical and mental composite scores were calculated. An expert model CCI ¼ Charlson comorbidity index
including known predictors of postoperative high grade complications was MCS ¼ mental composite score
developed, and SF-12 physical composite score and mental composite score were NAC ¼ neoadjuvant
added to determine their association with this end point. chemotherapy
Results: From January 2010 to August 2014, 472 patients underwent radical NPQ ¼ New Patient
cystectomy for bladder cancer, of whom 274 (58.1%) completed preoperative SF-12 Questionnaire
questionnaires. Responders were more likely to be white (p¼0.024), have higher PCS ¼ physical composite score
preoperative albumin (p¼0.037), receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy (p¼0.002), QOL ¼ quality of life
have pT3/T4 disease (p¼0.044) and have positive soft tissue surgical margins
RC ¼ radical cystectomy
(p¼0.006). Median SF-12 physical composite score was 43.1 (IQR 33.0e51.5) and
mental composite score was 48.5 (IQR 39.5e54.7) in responders. Overall 46 (16.8%) SF ¼ Short Form
responders experienced a high grade 30-day complication. Patients with a high
Accepted for publication July 28, 2015.
grade complication had a lower preoperative median SF-12 mental composite score
Supported by the Collaborative Data Services
(44.8 vs 49.8, p¼0.004) but no difference in physical composite score (39.2 vs 43.8, Core at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center &
p¼0.06). SF-12 mental composite score was also a significant predictive variable Research Institute, a National Cancer Institute
designated Comprehensive Cancer Center, under
when added to our expert model (p¼0.01).
Grant P30-CA76292.
Conclusions: Preoperative patient reported mental health was independently asso- No direct or indirect commercial incentive
ciated with high grade complications after radical cystectomy. Therefore, patient self- associated with publishing this article.
The corresponding author certifies that, when
assessment of health status before surgery through validated questionnaires may applicable, a statement(s) has been included in
provide additional information useful in predicting short-term postoperative outcomes. the manuscript documenting institutional review
board, ethics committee or ethical review board
study approval; principles of Helsinki Declaration
Key Words: mental health, postoperative complications, were followed in lieu of formal ethics committee
cystectomy, urinary bladder neoplasms approval; institutional animal care and use
committee approval; all human subjects provided
written informed consent with guarantees of
confidentiality; IRB approved protocol number;
RADICAL cystectomy is an effective A recent population based analysis animal approved project number.
treatment for locally advanced reported 30-day complication, hospi- * Correspondence: H. Lee Moffitt Cancer
Center, 12902 Magnolia Dr., Tampa, Florida
bladder cancer but is associated with tal readmission and mortality rates of 33612 (telephone: 813-745-8343; FAX: 813-745-
a high degree of patient morbidity. 66.0%, 32.2% and 5.3%, respectively.1 8494; e-mail: scott.gilbert@moffitt.org).

0022-5347/16/1951-0047/0 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.juro.2015.07.095
Vol. 195, 47-52, January 2016
Printed in U.S.A.
www.jurology.com j 47

Several clinical based measures, such as comorbid- health information from patients. The majority of patients
ity, BMI and hypoalbuminemia, have been exam- complete the NPQ at home via the Internet using a pa-
ined as predictors of complications after RC, and tient portal account. Otherwise patients complete the
proposed as targets to reduce adverse outcomes.2e5 NPQ on electronic tablets in the clinic waiting area at
their first appointment. NPQ findings were reported into
However, some evidence has suggested that pa-
the electronic health record for use by clinicians and
tient self-assessment of health is an important
discretely captured in the HLMCC Health and Research
prognostic marker of outcomes and may be superior Informatics platform.
to physician reported assessments as predictors For this study we used the Health and Research
of all cause mortality.6,7 Patient self-appraisal of Informatics data warehouse to identify patients who
health status has also been shown to be predictive of completed SF-12 questionnaires as part of the NPQ less
mortality, regardless of clinical, lifestyle and socio- than 6 months before RC. Patients were identified using
demographic factors in certain patients with cancer an algorithm using the codes for bladder cancer
after initial treatment.8 (C670eC679) filtered by SEER (Surveillance, Epidemi-
Prior studies have suggested that poor baseline ology, and End Results) site specific surgery codes for
mental health can lead to more significant post- radical cystectomy (60e64 in males, 71 in females). No
patient captured had an incomplete or partial response on
operative complications due to the impaired im-
the SF-12 questionnaire.
mune response associated with higher levels of
stress.9 This can delay wound healing and the
Study Variables and Measures
ability to fight infection in the postoperative state.10
SF-12 is a multipurpose survey with 12 questions selected
Although self-appraisal of overall well-being may from the SF-36 Health Survey which, when combined,
mediate physiological responses to surgery, patient scored and weighted, results in physical and mental
reported health status has not been extensively composite scores.12 The SF-12 is a validated QOL in-
studied among patients with BC to date, and to our strument that is not age or disease specific, and provides a
knowledge its use for predicting postoperative out- comprehensive, psychometrically reliable and efficient
comes, such as complications, has not been previ- way to measure patient reported physical and mental
ously examined. health. PCS and MCS were computed using the responses
Quality of life surveys, such as the Medical Out- of the 12 questions, and range from 0 to 100 with lower
comes Study Short Form (SF-12), allow patients to scores corresponding to lower levels of health and higher
scores corresponding to higher health states.
appraise their own health, and quantify the effects of
Complications were captured via retrospective chart
disease and treatment on their overall well-being. review of the patient’s postoperative course (ie progress
The SF-12 is a standardized, validated question- notes and discharge summary) and subsequent clinic
naire that measures physical and mental compo- visits up to 30 days after RC. The Clavien-Dindo classifi-
nents of health that can be benchmarked to cation was used to categorize 30-day complications. The
normative population scores.11,12 It has been used to primary end point of this study was the development of a
measure health related QOL in patients with chronic high grade complication (defined as Clavien IIIa or
conditions such as diabetes as well as in post- greater) within 30 days after surgery and the highest
operative settings.13,14 In this study we evaluate the grade was assigned to cases of multiple complications.
association of preoperative patient reported physical Length of stay, defined from the time of RC until the date
and mental health measured by the SF-12 with short- of initial discharge home, was also captured in a similar
term postoperative outcomes after RC.
Clinical study variables such as patient demographics
(age, gender, race), smoking status, BMI (kg/m2), age
adjusted CCI, ASA score, preoperative albumin and
METHODS creatinine levels, use of neoadjuvant chemotherapy,
Patients and Data Source number of NAC cycles administered and history of prior
The study population included patients with BC treated pelvic radiation therapy were abstracted from the
with radical cystectomy and urinary diversion from departmental cystectomy database. Conditions contrib-
January 2010 to August 2014 who were identified retro- uting to CCI were identified through review of individual
spectively in an institutional review board approved patient health records at the time of surgery. ASA score
departmental cystectomy database. The departmental was recorded based on anesthesiologist assessment of the
cystectomy database collects demographic, clinical and patient 2 to 3 hours before surgery. Finally, preoperative
postoperative outcomes data on patients who undergo RC albumin and creatinine levels were obtained from solitary
at our institution, and is updated by departmental data measurements drawn 1 to 2 weeks before surgery.
analysts. Disease specific characteristics such as clinical tumor
We used SF-12 data collected as part of the HLMCC histology, pathological tumor (pT) and nodal stage (pN),
(H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center) New Patient Question- and soft tissue margin status were also abstracted from
naire. The NPQ is an electronic clinical intake form the departmental cystectomy database. Clinical tumor
designed to replace nonstandardized paper forms that had histology was based on the examination of the most
previously been used to collect demographic and personal recent transurethral resection specimen, and all tumor

specimens (transurethral resection and RC) were re- Table 1. Clinicodemographic characteristics of SF-12 complete
viewed by our institution’s pathologists with expertise in responders
genitourinary malignancy. Staging was assigned according Median age at RC (IQR) 70.1 (62.7e76.1)
to the 2010 American Joint Committee on Cancer system. No. male (%) 209 (76.3)
Intraoperative factors such as surgical approach, type No. female (%) 65 (23.7)
of urinary diversion, extent of lymphadenectomy, median No. race (%):
White 261 (95.3)
number of lymph nodes removed, median operative time
Nonwhite 13 (4.7)
and median estimated blood loss were recorded for each No. smoking status (%):
analytic case in our population. RC was performed with Never 55 (20.1)
an open or robotic assisted laparoscopic approach, and Former 172 (62.8)
extent of pelvic lymph node dissection was defined as Current 47 (17.2)
Median kg/m2 BMI (IQR) 27.8 (24.9e30.7)
none, limited (obturator nodes), standard (obturator, in- No. age adjusted CCI (%):
ternal and external iliac nodes) or extended (obturator, 5 or Less 86 (31.4)
internal, external and common iliac nodes). 6e8 153 (55.8)
9 or Greater 35 (12.8)
No. ASA score (%):
Statistical Analysis 2 127 (46.4)
Continuous variables were reported as medians and IQRs, 3 140 (51.1)
and categorical variables were reported as frequency 4 7 (2.6)
counts and percentages. We used the Mann-Whitney U No. clinical histology (%):
test to determine any difference in medians between Pure urothelial carcinoma 194 (70.8)
Urothelial carcinoma variant 65 (23.7)
groups and the chi-square test for proportions. An expert Nonurothelial carcinoma 15 (5.5)
model was created with known predictors of high grade Median gm/dl preop albumin (IQR) 4.1 (4.0e4.3)
complications after RC (age, BMI, age adjusted CCI, ASA, Median mg/dl preop creatinine (IQR) 1.0 (0.8e1.2)
preoperative albumin and pT stage). To identify whether No. neoadjuvant chemotherapy (%) 117 (42.7)
Median NAC cycles (IQR) 3 (3e4)
SF-12 PCS and SF-12 MCS were clinically meaningful
No. previous pelvic radiation (%) 34 (12.4)
predictors above and beyond known predictors, we tested
each in a series of likelihood ratio tests via multivariable
regression. ROC curves of SF-12 PCS and MCS with the
incidence of high grade 30-day complications after surgery
Preoperative median SF-12 PCS was 43.1
were also plotted. Optimal cutoff points were determined
(IQR 33.0e51.5) and MCS was 48.5
visually by minimizing the Euclidean distance between
the curve and the upper left corner of the graph (point (IQR 39.5e54.7) in responders. SF-12 MCS was
[0,1]), and by the Youden index, which maximizes the significantly lower in patients who had a high
vertical distance from the curve to the line of equality, grade 30-day complication (44.8 vs 49.8, p¼0.004)
thereby maximizing the sum of sensitivity and specificity. but PCS was not (39.2 vs 43.8, p¼0.06). Our expert
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSSÒ 21.0 and model alone was not statistically associated with
SASÒ 9.4 software packages. All tests were 2-sided with p the development of high grade 30-day complica-
<0.05 considered statistically significant. tions after RC (p¼0.18), nor was the expert model
þ SF-12 PCS (p¼0.14), but the expert model þ
SF-12 MCS was significant (p¼0.02). SF-12 MCS
RESULTS was independently associated with high grade
During the study period, 472 patients underwent 30-day complications after surgery (OR 0.96, 95%
radical cystectomy for BC at our institution. The CI 0.93e0.99, p¼0.01, table 3). The likelihood ratio
overall NPQ response rate was 66% and 274 pa- test was significant (likelihood ratio statistic¼7.42,
tients (58.1%) completed the SF-12 component. df¼1, p¼0.0065) for the expert model þ SF-12 MCS
Median time between survey completion and RC vs the expert model alone. Higher SF-12 MCS was
was 2.9 months (IQR 1.5e4.4). SF-12 responders also associated with a decreased incidence of high
were more likely to be white (95.3% vs 89.9%, grade complications. For the expert model þ SF-12
p¼0.024), have a higher median preoperative albu- PCS vs the expert model alone, the likelihood
min (4.1 vs 4.0 gm/dl, p¼0.037), receive NAC (42.7% ratio test was insignificant (likelihood ratio
vs 28.8%, p¼0.002), have pT3/T4 disease (47.4% vs statistic¼2.15, df¼1, p¼0.14).
42.9%, p¼0.044) and have positive soft tissue sur- Based on the ROC curve a cutoff of 45 and 48,
gical margins (15.3% vs 7.1%, p¼0.006, data not respectively, was chosen for SF-12 PCS and MCS
shown). Neither the incidence nor the distribution with the highest combined sensitivity (65% and
of complications or high grade complications 68%, respectively) and specificity (47% and 55%,
differed in SF-12 responders and nonresponders respectively) (see figure). The distribution of com-
(p¼0.88, 0.38 and 0.18, respectively). Basic clin- plications seen in SF-12 responders with low (48 or
icodemographic information and disease specific less) vs high (greater than 48) baseline MCS is
characteristics of the SF-12 group are listed in shown in the supplementary table (http://jurology.
tables 1 and 2. com/).

Table 2. Operative and pathological features of SF-12

complete responders

No. surgical approach (%):

Open 238 (86.9)
Robotic 36 (13.1)
No. urinary diversion (%):
Cutaneous ureterostomy 18 (6.6)
Ileal conduit 198 (72.3)
Neobladder 43 (15.7)
Continent cutaneous pouch 14 (5.1)
None 1 (0.4)
No. lymphadenectomy (%):
Limited 6 (2.2)
Standard 84 (30.7)
Extended 177 (64.6)
None 7 (2.6)
Median lymph nodes removed (IQR) 18 (12e24)
Median mins operative time (IQR) 329 (264e386)
Median ml estimated blood loss (IQR) 800 (500e1,200)
Median days length of stay (IQR) 7 (6e10)
No. 30-day complications (%):*
None 114 (41.6)
I 38 (13.9)
II 76 (27.7)
III 23 (8.4) SF-12 PCS and MCS as predictors of high grade 30-day
IV 18 (6.6)
complications after RC.
V 5 (1.8)
No. pathological T stage (%):
T0 42 (15.3)
TiseT1 70 (25.5)
T2 32 (11.7) stratification of patients undergoing RC. In this
T3eT4 130 (47.4) study lower patient reported baseline mental QOL
No. pathological N stage (%):
N0 197 (71.9)
was statistically associated with an increased inci-
N1 26 (9.5) dence of high grade complications after RC.
N2 22 (8.0) Although there is responder subjectivity associated
N3 22 (8.0)
NX 7 (2.6)
with survey based health related QOL measures,
No. pos soft tissue margin (%) 42 (15.3) this finding suggests that measuring baseline
mental health before surgery may provide addi-
* Highest grade assigned to patients with multiple complications during 30-day
postoperative period. tional information that can improve the risk strat-
ification of patients undergoing RC.
Prior literature has associated poor psychological
DISCUSSION health with worse short-term outcomes after major
The interaction between self-appraisal of health abdominal surgery. In a landmark study by Saxton
status before surgery and postoperative outcomes and Velanovich preoperative mental QOL as
is under studied and poorly understood among measured by the role-emotional domain of the SF-36
patients with BC. However, baseline patient re- was shown to be an independent predictor of post-
ported physical and mental QOL scores may operative complications in more than 200 patients
serve as important prognostic factors in the risk undergoing general surgical operations.15 This was
found even after controlling for patient age, comor-
Table 3. Predictors of high grade 30-day complications
bidities and functional status as measured by the
frailty index.
High Grade Complications A history of psychiatric disorders has also been
shown to increase complication rates in morbidly
p Low - Q1 - Med - Q3 - obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery.16 The
OR 95% CI Value Q1 Med Q3 High
presence of previous psychiatric conditions
Expert model: increased the incidence of surgical complications
Age at RC 1.00 0.96e1.05 0.99
BMI (kg/m2) 1.03 0.97e1.09 0.40
threefold, most commonly malnutrition from
Age adjusted CCI 1.21 0.93e1.56 0.15 vitamin deficiency.
ASA score 1.07 0.48e2.36 0.87 Previous studies have also reported that preop-
Preop albumin (gm/dl) 0.44 0.18e1.06 0.07
Pathological T stage 1.05 0.78e1.40 0.77
erative anxiety and depression can impact the rates
Model comparison:* of hospital readmission and overall mortality in
SF-12 PCS 0.98 0.95e1.01 0.14 32.6 23.9 28.3 15.2 patients undergoing cardiac surgery.17,18 Addition-
SF-12 MCS 0.96 0.93e0.99 0.01 32.6 34.8 21.7 10.9
ally, preoperative mood disorders have been sug-
* Expert model vs expert model þ SF-12 component. gested to predict graft rejection rates in patients

undergoing kidney transplantation.19 In a meta- Although we distinguished physical and mental

analysis Walburn et al actually identified 17 domains in the SF-12, we could not account for other
studies associating preoperative stress with life stressors (ie death in family, job firing, financial
impaired wound healing due to a diminished im- difficulties etc) that may have influenced the SF-12
mune response (Pearson’s r ¼ 0.42).20 However, MCS at the time of survey completion. Additionally,
preoperative psychological counseling and relaxa- results of this study cannot be extrapolated to other
tion exercises have been shown to improve the disease states since patients with BC are in a spe-
surgical wound healing response after cholecystec- cific age group with baseline SF-12 scores that may
tomy in a randomized controlled trial.21 What is not not reflect those of the general population. Although
clear from this trial is how many patients had poor more distal health complications (ie 90-day) could
baseline mental health before surgery and whether provide additional important information regarding
these patients benefited the most from the the relationship between complications occurring
intervention. later and patient reported mental health status,
There are several limitations to our study. those outcomes are not reliably captured in our
We present a single institutional experience at a electronic medical record or database for all pa-
high volume cancer center with a relatively small tients, so they could not be included as an alterna-
patient sample, so lack of power is a potential issue. tive outcome in this study.
This may explain why components of the expert Despite these limitations, this study shows a
model were not statistically significant on multi- relevant association between patient reported base-
variable regression. Our smaller sample size also line mental health and high grade complications
precluded analysis of SF-12 PCS or MCS with spe- after RC for patients with bladder cancer. This rela-
cific types of complications since there were too few tionship remained significant even in the setting of
occurrences. In addition, because we evaluated pa- other known clinical risk factors and measures of
tients retrospectively, only a noncausal association physician reported patient health. SF-12 is a rela-
between preoperative SF-12 MCS and high grade tively broad instrument, and other more specific
30-day complications after RC can be suggested. mental health measures such as the Beck Depression
Similar to other retrospective literature on RC Inventory and Burns Anxiety Inventory could be
outcomes, surgical treatment was not randomized, evaluated in future prospective studies to under-
resulting in a selection bias of more surgically stand the particular types of concerns of these pa-
appropriate patients with relatively good perfor- tients. Future research should prospectively
mance status. Only 58.1% of patients treated examine the psychosocial and QOL impact of RC and
with RC completed the SF-12 component of the urinary diversion on patients with bladder cancer
NPQ within 6 months of surgery. Although re- and their spouses using more discrete patient re-
sponders were similar to nonresponders for most ported instruments. Recognition of poor preoperative
abstracted study variables, they had a more mental health may also represent a potential signal
aggressive disease pathology and a higher positive warranting more proactive psychological counseling
soft tissue surgical margin rate. Additionally, NAC and relaxation techniques preoperatively, although
was used more frequently in SF-12 responders, these potential interventions need to be tested in
resulting in more pathological down staging future prospective trials.
(pT0d15.3% vs 11.1%). This selection bias could
have occurred because patients receiving NAC were
more likely to have multiple preoperative visits CONCLUSIONS
before surgery and, therefore, were more likely to Lower SF-12 MCS was independently associated
complete the NPQ and SF-12. However, it is with more high grade 30-day complications in pa-
important to note that NAC was not associated with tients with BC undergoing radical cystectomy.
high grade 30-day complications in the overall study Larger, multi-institutional studies are needed to
population (p¼0.84) or in the SF-12 responder clarify this relationship and to test causal pathways
subgroup (p¼0.83). with more specific QOL measures.

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