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YFC SHOUT 2017 Session 1

“Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Your every act should be done
with love.” -1 Cor. 16:13-14 (NABRE)


1. Before the talk proper

a. Protect the President
b. Mechanics:
2. After the talk proper
a. Optional film showing: HACKSAW RIDGE or
b. Triad or buddy sharing on the following:
i. Which aspect(s) in your Christian life right now are you having a difficulty
guarding from inner temptations and external forces?
ii. The triad group/pair will end the sharing by praying over one another for
the Spirit to be our strength that enables us to guard those areas that we are
having difficulty defending.



In this generation, we are grateful because God has called us to be His young modern prophets.
We are called to share His message of love and kindness to everyone. But God is also reminding us,
that we need “be on guard…” (1 Corinthians 16:13), because the enemy is always there waiting to
attack us on our weakest point. So we always need to be aware that wherever we are and whatever
it is we do, we are always in His presence.

I. In His presence

We guard where we are standing by acknowledging that we are in God’s presence every single
day of pour lives. From the time we received His call until this very moment, God has put His
favor upon us. The call that the prophets received is the same call that we received. The Spirit
that led them is the same Spirit leading the way for us now. Let us look at how Daniel, one of
God’s Old Testament prophets responded and guarded his relationship with the Lord so we can
do the same today.

God called Daniel to be on guard.

a. Guarded his prayer time (Daniel 6:11)
Daniel always turned to the Lord in prayer. Because of his faithfulness, he received
visions and protection from God and God always answered his prayers. Like Daniel, let
us also stay true to our prayer time, knowing fully well that we need the God to guide us
in all our actions and decisions.
b. Guarded His purity (Daniel 1:8-15)
Daniel stood firm in His commitment with the Lord to not defile himself with the food
offered to him. Like Daniel, we are called to value our commitment with the Father by
guarding our purity through chastity and by being 100% Free.
c. Guarded his integrity (Daniel 6:5)
Daniel’s enemies could not accuse him for anything because they could not find any fault
or corruption in him. In the same way we are also called to live our life above and
beyond reproach. We guard where we are standing by making other people only see
Christ in us and in everything we do.
d. Guarded his faith (Daniel 6:1-23)
Daniel was protected from the lions because God was faithful to Him. God was faithful to
Him because he was faithful to God. In the same way we are also called to be faithful to
our God by standing firm in our faith, our values, and the teachings of the Church.

II. His Struggle was Real

Daniel’s struggles were very real. He struggled a lot because of his faith.
- Having to prove himself to King Nebuchadnezzar and to the chief chamberlain that he
did not have to eat the king’s food allotted to him to be fit.
- King Nebuchadnezzar demanded Daniel to stop praying.
- To be cast into the lion’s den as punishment for praying to God.

Just like Daniel, there is a reality that we too may have to face struggles as well. This generation
is the generation where it is most difficult to be a Christian. We will be tested in in our faith as
Christians, we will be challenged to be bolder in showing our faith to our friends and the people
we are with. The truth that we share to the world might go against public opinion. We may have
to face our own lions that will scare us and cause us to doubt.

III. The Call to Guard Our Stand

Just like the prophet Daniel, we are the modern prophets who are called to be always be on
guard. Because of the realities of our world today the call for Christians leaders to make a stand
is even stronger.

We Guard Our Hearts

- God called us to be present in our world not just physically but emotionally and
spiritually, especially to our family, friends, and those God put under our care in the
community. We are called to not just lead but to actually journey in and with the lives of
the people we are with in compassion and love. Presence is very important, once a
soldier is present mind, body and spirit, he is responsive in any battle. He knows what to
react or what to do in case of an emergency even in the slightest attack.
- We guard our hearts by putting priority the time that we spend with the Lord in Prayer,
Confession and the Holy Eucharist.
- We allow others to accompany us in this journey of faith because we know that it is
easy. We have our families, our friends, brothers and sisters in the community.

We Guard our Minds

- The battle is not that easy, you will encounter wolves that wear sheep’s clothing. For
this reason we need to be more vigilant in the things we watch through the different
forms of media. We have to learn to filter evil from what is good.
- The Catholic faith is under attack and we are all called to defend it. We can defend the
Catholic faith well by filling our minds with the truth about the Church. Read books,
watch Catholic videos online, these are simple ways to do that.
- We are called to evangelize today’s generation: the Millennial generation. Let us move to
change the mindset of today’s generation and make them see the importance of
relationships, patience, and real love.
- We need to be active in seeking one on ones with our elders and couple coordinators so
that we won’t have to keep negative thoughts to ourselves, which might lead us to sin.

We Guard Our Bodies

- We guard our bodies by not defiling it through vices. (i.e. smoking, drinking alcohol, etc.)
- Appreciation of 100% Free is good but we need to make a true stand of being real 100%
Free advocates.
- Practice chastity knowing fully well that our body is designed to communicate real love,
the love that comes from the Father.


The call to be young modern prophets is to know that everywhere, and in everything, we are always
in God’s presence. We will go through a lot of difficult struggles and life as a true Christian is not
easy. But to be always in God’s presence is to be sensitive to what is good even as we go through
struggles. And when we are in the side of good, we need to defend it. We guard our hearts for we
know that real love can only come from God. We guard our minds because we know that whatever
we put in our minds shape us. And we guard our bodies so we can continue to serve and share

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