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Set of credit documents in the implementation of

bank loans

1. Lê Hữu Phúc Thành
2. Nguyễn Lê Thảo Linh
3. Nguyễn Hà Anh
4. Đặng Thị Thuỳ Dung

For their business activities, banks as well as finance companies and finance
leasing companies will divide customers into two main segments: corporate
credit and personal credit. For each type, each credit institution offers a different
list of documents, and of course, credit appraisal for businesses will be more.
In the following, we will analyze and point out some basic and necessary
documents for proper preparation before taking a bank loan.
I. Legal Records (Hồ sơ pháp lý)
Legal records include all personal information that helps provide the first basis
for the bank to verify and secure a credit loan. Legal documents will include:

Corporations Individuals (for consumptions)

1.Business registration certificates 1.Identity card/Citizen identity
2.Business line registration card
3.Company seal - The borrower's ID card must be
4.Company’s charter clear. The national emblem must
5.Identification card of Director not be torn or patched. The portrait
6.Identification card of Chief image must be clear (if the photo
Accountant ID is too blurry, you can always
7.Appointment Decision of Chief give the original proof. If the
Accountant picture on the ID card is damaged,
8.Nominal list of shareholders you should go back to work for
- Customer's ID cards must be less
than 15 years.
2.Family registration
3.Marriage registration
4.Other legal personal
identification documents such as

II. Financial Records (Hồ sơ tài chính)

Financial records are documents proving whether a customer has a source to
repay a bank loan and whether this repayment source is eligible for a loan.

Corporations Individuals (for consumptions)

1.Financial Statements 1. Income from salaried work
- 4 types of financial statements ( - Labor contract (1 year to
SOFP, SOPL, SOCF, SOCE ) indefinite)
2.Tax return - Salary account statement if
3.Nominal list of Account salary is transferred via ATM card
Receivable and Account Payable (from 3-12 months depending on
- The personal receivable/payable the bank)
ledgers accounts - Confirmation of 3 months salary
4.Nominal list of Fixed Assets if salary is received in cash, social
5.Revenue Statement insurance, health insurance.
6.Nominal list of Inventory However, this form is considered
7.Expenses for Financial activities, quite risky, making it difficult to
Wages, Premises assess the transparency of
8.Economic Contracts of Input and confirmation
Output activities 2. Income from renting houses,
9.Invoices of Input and Output apartments, cars
activities - House ownership certificate,
Land use rights certificate(Carvet
of car) in the name of the borrower
- Notarized rental contract, rent
payment via bank → considered a
good and clear source of income
- Notarized rental contract, cash
payment → quite risky
- The rental contract is not
notarized → high risk, difficult to
3. Income from business activities
of the company
- Being the owner or capital
contributing member
- Business license
- Articles of association
- Financial statement
- VAT declaration (last 12 months)
- Purchase invoice (last 3 months)
4. Income from household
- Business license
- Business notebooks
- Purchase invoice of the last 3

III. Collateral Records (Hồ sơ tài sản đảm bảo)

Collateral is an essential element for customers to borrow money in the form of
collateral because this is a factor that helps reduce loan risk to the lowest level
for the bank. Therefore, the unsecured loan interest rate is always lower than the
unsecured loan interest rate. Records of collateral will include:

Corporations Individuals (for consumptions)

1. For real estates collaterals: 1. For real estates collaterals:
- Certificate of Land Use Rights - House ownership certificate,
- Identification card of the Owner Land Ownership Certification
- Permanent resident of the Owner - Notice of payment of real estate
2. For transportation vehicles, registration fee
plants and equipments collaterals: 2. For transportation vehicles,
- Registration, resistry plants and equipments collaterals:
- VAT invoice - Asset’s quality registration
- Customs Declaration Form certificate
- Property Insurance - Certificate of physical insurance
3. For valuable papers: of the asset
- Certificate of Deposit/ Passbook 3. For valuable papers:
- Certificate of Deposit/ Passbook

IV. Comments
Business credits are financial loans to businesses for production and business
activities, the borrowing purpose of enterprises is usually to invest in purchasing
new machinery and equipment, other investments or supplementing capital.
mobile. Because it is an enterprise, the loans are relatively large, depending on
the size and purpose of using the capital of the business, the loan funded from
the credit financial institution will be different. Therefore, the loan appraisal
process will be more thorough, and the process and paperwork needed will be
more if the business needs a larger loan.

Personal credit is personal finance loans for personal and family consumption,
such as the purchase of cars, other vehicles, real estate, and personal and
household items. Of course, these loans will not be too large, so the appraisal
process will be very quick and simple, even within a few hours, if the customer
provides complete documents.

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