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The biological theory of criminal behavior was founded by the Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso.

In this theory, Lombroso says criminal behavior is inherited and should therefore run in families. His
study reveals that genes can affect brain development and that criminals therefore have brain
dysfunction. Their acts are thus associated with activities in the brain. Lombroso further stated in his
theory that genes could affect appearance too as criminals usually have asymmetrical faces, high
cheekbones, large protruding ears, strong jaws and glass-eyed.

Over the course of time, this theory of Lombroso has somewhat waned. However, biological
theories have emerged wherein biochemical conditions, neurophysical conditions, genetic
inheritance, and intelligence are used to locate the cause of crime within the individual.

To sum it all up, the biological theory of criminal behavior shows the criminal as the complete
opposite of a normal person.

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