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A tragédia de Macbeth 1st Edition

William Shakespeare
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reaction is as follows:

C₂H₅AsO + 2HCl = C₂H₅AsCl + H₂O.

The operation was carried out in an iron kettle lined with lead,
which was cooled externally by means of water and which was
furnished with a lead covered stirrer. To the kettle, which contained
from 500 to 1000 kg. of hydrochloric acid left over from the previous
operation, were added 4000 kg. of ethylarsenous oxide. The
gaseous hydrochloric acid was next led in. The kettle was kept under
slightly diminished pressure in order to assist in the introduction of
hydrochloric acid. The temperature during the reaction must not rise
above 95°. When the hydrochloric acid was no longer absorbed and
was contained in appreciable quantities in the issuing gases, the
operation was stopped. This usually occurred at the end of from one
to two days. The product of the reaction was drawn off by means of
a water pump and heated in a vacuum until drops of oil passed over.
The residue was passed over to a measuring tank and finally to tank-
wagons made of iron. The yield of the product was practically the
On account of the volatility of the compound and its poisonous
character, the apparatus in which it was prepared was surrounded by
an octagonal box, the sides of which were fitted with glass windows.
Through this chamber a constant supply of air was drawn. This was
led into a chimney where the poisonous vapors were burned. The
gases given off during the distillation of the product were passed
through a water scrubber.”


The one arsenical which created the most discussion during the
War, and about which many wild stories were circulated, was
“Lewisite,” or as the press called it, “Methyl.” Its discovery and
perfection illustrate the possibilities of research as applied to
Chemical Warfare, and points to the need of a permanent
organization to carry on such work when the pressure of the situation
does not demand such immediate results.
The reaction of ethylene and sulfur chloride, which led to the
preparation of mustard gas, naturally led the organic chemists to
investigate the reaction of this gas and other unsaturated
hydrocarbons, such as acetylene, upon other inorganic chlorides,
such as arsenic, antimony and tin. There was little absorption of the
gas, either at atmospheric or higher pressures, and upon distilling
the reaction product, most of the gas was evolved, showing that no
chemical reaction had taken place. However, when a catalyser, in
the form of aluminium chloride, was added, Capt. Lewis found that
there was a vigorous reaction and that a highly vesicant product was
formed. The possibilities of this compound were immediately
recognized and the greatest secrecy was maintained regarding all
the details of preparation and of the properties of this new product.
At the close of the War, this was considered one of the most valuable
of Chemical Warfare secrets, and therefore publication of the
reactions involved were withheld. Unfortunately or otherwise, the
British later decided to release the material for publication, and
details may be found in an article by Green and Price in the Journal
of the Chemical Society for April, 1921. It must be emphasized that
the credit for this work belongs, not to these authors, but to Capt. W.
Lee Lewis and the men who worked with him at the Catholic
University branch of the American University Division (the Research
Division of the C. W. S.).
On a laboratory scale, acetylene is bubbled through a mixture of
440 grams of anhydrous arsenic trichloride and 300 grams of
anhydrous aluminium chloride. Absorption is rapid and much heat is
developed. After six hours, about 100 grams of acetylene is
absorbed. The reaction product was dark colored and viscid, and
had developed a very powerful odor, suggestive of pelargoniums.
Attempts to distill this product always led to violent explosions. (It
may be stated here that Lewis was able to perfect a method of
distillation and separation of the products formed, so that pure
materials could be obtained, with little or no danger of explosion.)
The English chemists therefore decomposed the product with ice-
cold hydrochloric acid solution of constant boiling point (this
suggestion was the result of work done by Lewis). The resulting oil
was then distilled in a current of vapor obtained from constant boiling
hydrochloric acid and finally fractionated into three parts.
The first product obtained consist in the addition of one acetylene
to the arsenic trichloride molecule, and, chemically, is
chlorovinyldichloroarsine, CHCl: CH·AsCl₂, a colorless or
faintly yellow liquid, boiling at 93° at a pressure of 26 mm. A small
quantity, even in very dilute solution, applied to the skin causes
painful blistering, its virulence in this respect approaching that of
mustard gas. It is more valuable than mustard gas, however, in that it
is absorbed through the skin, and as stated on page 23, three drops,
placed on the abdomen of a rat, will cause death in from one to three
hours. It is also a very powerful respiratory irritant, the mucous
membrane of the nose being attacked and violent sneezing induced.
More prolonged exposure leads to severe pain in the throat and
The second fraction (β, β′-dichlorodivinylchloroarsine) is a
product resulting from the addition of two acetylene molecules to one
arsenic trichloride, and boils at 130° to 133° at 26 mm. It is much
less powerful as a vesicant than chlorovinyldichloroarsine, but its
irritant properties on the respiratory system are much more intense.

The third fraction, β, β′, β″-trichlorotrivinylarsine, (CHCl:

CH)₃As, is a colorless liquid, boiling at 151° to 155° at 28 mm.,
which solidifies at 3° to 4°. It is neither a strong vesicating agent nor
a powerful respiratory irritant. At the same time, its odor is pungent
and most unpleasant and it induces violent sneezing.

Carbon monoxide, because of its cheapness, accessibility and

ease of manufacture, has been frequently considered as a possible
war gas. Actually, it appears never to have been used intentionally
for such purposes. There are several reasons for this. First, its
temperature of liquefaction at atmospheric pressure is -139° C. This
means too high a pressure in the bomb or shell at ordinary
temperatures. Secondly, the weight of carbon monoxide is only
slightly less than that of air, which keeps it from rolling into
depressions, dugouts and trenches, as in the case of ordinary gases,
and also permits of its rather rapid rise and dissipation into the
surrounding atmosphere. A third reason is its comparatively low toxic
value, which is only about one-fifth that of phosgene. However, as it
can be breathed without any discomfort, and as it has some delay
action, its lack of poisonous properties would not seriously militate
against its use were it not for the other reasons given.
It is, nevertheless, a source of serious danger both in marine and
land warfare. Defective ventilation in the boiler rooms of ships and
fires below decks, both in and out of action, are especially
dangerous because of the carbon monoxide which is produced. In
one of the naval engagements between the Germans and the
English, defective high explosive shell, after penetrating into
enclosed portions of the ship, evolved large quantities of carbon
monoxide and thus killed some hundreds of men. On shore, machine
gun fire in enclosed spaces, such as pill boxes, and in tanks,
liberates relatively large quantities of carbon monoxide. Similarly, in
mining and sapping work, the carbon monoxide liberated by the
detonation of high explosives constitutes one of the most serious of
the difficulties connected with this work and necessitated elaborate
equipment and extensive military training in mine rescue work.
The removal of carbon monoxide from the air is difficult because
of its physical and chemical properties. Its low boiling point and
critical temperature makes adequate adsorption at ordinary
temperatures by the use of an active absorbent out of the question.
Its known insolubility in all solvents similarly precludes its removal by
physical absorption.
After extensive investigation two absorbents have been found.[24]
The first of these consists in a mixture of iodine pentoxide and
fuming sulfuric acid, with pumice stone as a carrier. Using a layer 10
cm. deep and passing a 1 per cent carbon monoxide air mixture at
the rate of 500 cc. per minute per sq. cm. cross section, a
100%-90% removal of the gas could be secured for two hours at
room temperature and almost as long at 0° C. The reaction is not
instantaneous, and a brief induction period always occurs. This may
be reduced to a minimum by the addition of a little iodine to the
original mixture.
The sulfur trioxide given off is very irritating to the lungs, but by
the use of a layer of active charcoal beyond the carbon monoxide
absorbent, this disadvantage was almost completely eliminated.
However, sulfur dioxide is slowly formed as a result of this adsorption
and after prolonged standing or long-continued use of the canister at
a high rate of gas flow gives serious trouble.
Considerable heat is given off in the reaction and a cooling
attachment was required. The most satisfactory device was a metal
box filled with fused sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, which
absorbed a very considerable amount of the heat.
Still a further disadvantage was the fact that the adsorbents
became spent by use, even in the absence of carbon monoxide,
since it absorbed enough moisture from the air of average humidity
in several hours, to destroy its activity.
The difficulties mentioned were so troublesome that this
absorbent was finally supplanted by the more satisfactory oxide
absorbent described below.
Fig. 39.—Diagram of Carbon Monoxide Canister,

The metallic oxide mixture was the direct result of an observation

that specially precipitated copper oxide with 1 per cent silver oxide
was an efficient catalyst for the oxidation of arsine by oxygen. After a
study of various oxide mixtures, it was found that a mixture of
manganese dioxide and silver oxide, or a three component system
containing cobaltic oxide, manganese dioxide and silver oxide in the
proportion of 20:34:46 catalyzed the reaction of carbon monoxide at
room temperature. The studies were extended and it was soon found
that the best catalysts contained active manganese dioxide as the
chief constituent. This was prepared by the reaction between
potassium permanganate and anhydrous manganese sulfate in the
presence of fairly concentrated sulfuric acid. It also developed that
the minimum silver oxide content decreased progressively as the
number of components increased from 2 to 4. The standard catalyst
(Hopcalite) finally adopted for production consisted of 50 per cent
manganese dioxide, 30 per cent copper oxide, 15 per cent cobaltic
oxide and 5 per cent silver oxide. The mixture was prepared by
precipitating and washing the first three oxides separately, and then
precipitating the silver oxide in the mixed sludge. After washing, this
sludge was run through a filter press, kneaded in a machine, the
cake dried and ground to size. While it is not difficult to obtain a
product which is catalytically active, it requires a vigorous control of
all the conditions and operations to assure a product at once active,
hard, dense and resistant as possible to the deleterious action of
water vapor.
Fig. 40.—Tanks and Press for Small Scale
of Carbon Monoxide Absorbent.

Hopcalite acts catalytically and therefore only a layer sufficiently

deep to insure close contact of all the air with the catalyst is needed.
One and a half inches (310 gm.) were found ample for this purpose.
The normal activity of Hopcalite requires a dry gas mixture. This
was secured by placing a three-inch layer of dry granular calcium
chloride at the inlet side of the canister.
Because of the evolution of heat, a cooling arrangement was also
used in the Hopcalite canisters.
The life of this canister was the same irrespective of whether its
use was continuous or intermittent. The higher the temperature the
longer the life because Hopcalite is less sensitive to water vapors at
higher temperatures. Since, if the effluent air was sufficiently dried,
the Hopcalite should function indefinitely against any concentration
of carbon monoxide, the life of the canister is limited solely by the life
of the drier. Therefore the net gain in weight is a sure criterion of its
condition. After many tests it was determined that any canister which
had gained more than 35 grams above its original weight should be
withdrawn. The canisters, at the time of breakdown, showed a gain
in weight varying between 42 and 71 grams, with a average of 54
grams. It is really, therefore, the actual humidity of the air in which
the canister is used that determines its life.

Fig. 41.—Navy Head Mask and Canister.


While in ordinary warfare the best defense against any implement

of war is a vigorous offense with the same weapon, Chemical
Warfare presents a new point of view. Here it is very important to
make use of all defensive measures against attack. Because of the
nature of the materials used, it has been found possible to furnish,
not only general protection, but also continuous protection during the
time the gas is present.
The first consideration in the protection of troops against a gas
attack is the provision of an efficient individual protective appliance
for each soldier. The gas attack of April 22, 1915 found the Allies
entirely unprepared and unprotected against poisonous gas. While a
few of the men had the presence of mind to protect themselves by
covering their faces with wet cloths, the majority of them became
casualties. Immediately steps were taken to improvise protective
devices among which were gags, made with rags soaked in water or
washing soda solution, handkerchiefs filled with moist earth, etc.
One suggestion was to use bottles with the bottom knocked off and
filled with moist earth. The breath was to be taken in through the
bottle and let out through the nose; but as bottles were scarce and
few of them survived the attempt to get the bottom broken off, the
idea was of no value.
The first masks were made by the women of England in response
to the appeal by Lord Kitchener; they consisted of cotton wool
wrapped in muslin or veiling and were to be kept moist with water,
soda solution or hypo.

English Masks
The Black Veiling Respirator. The first form of the English mask
is known as the Black Veiling respirator and consisted of cotton
waste enclosed in a length of black veiling. The waste was soaked in
a solution of:
Sodium thiosulphate 10 lbs.
Washing soda 2.5 lbs.
Glycerine 2 lbs.
Water 2 gals.
The glycerine was put in to keep the respirator moist, thus
obviating the need for dipping before use.

Fig. 42.—Early Gas Protection.

The respirator was adjusted over the mouth and nose, the cotton
waste being molded to the shape of the face and the upper edge of
the veiling pulled up so as to protect the eyes. These respirators
were used in the attacks of May 10th and 12th, 1915 and were
reasonably efficient against the low concentration of chlorine then
used; they were difficult to fit exactly to the face, which resulted in
leakage. The cotton waste often became lumpy and had to be
shredded out or discarded.
The Hypo Helmet. The next development of the British
protection was the so-called Hypo helmet. This is said to have
resulted from the suggestion of a Canadian sergeant that he had
seen a German pulling a bag over his head during a gas attack. It
consisted of a flannel bag soaked in the same solution as was used
for the veiling respirator and was fitted with a pane of mica as a
window. The helmet was tucked down inside the jacket which was
then buttoned up tightly around the neck. As may be seen from
Figure 43, this would not prove very satisfactory with the American
type of uniform.
This helmet had many advantages over the veiling respirator but
the window often became cracked or broken from the rough
treatment in the trenches. Later the mica was replaced by celluloid
and still later by glass eyepieces set in metal rings. These were very
effective against chlorine in the field.
The P and PH Helmets. During the summer of 1915 it became
evident that phosgene-chlorine mixtures would be used in gas
attacks and it was therefore necessary to provide protection against
this. The hypo helmet, which offered no protection against
phosgene, was soaked in an alkaline solution of sodium phenolate
(carbolic acid) containing glycerine, and with this new form of
impregnation was called the P helmet. It protected against 300 parts
of phosgene in a million of air. Since this solution attacks flannel, two
layers of flannelette were used. The helmet was further improved by
the addition of an expiratory valve, partly to prevent the man from
breathing any of his own breath over again and partly to prevent the
deterioration of the alkali of the mask by the carbon dioxide of the
expired air.
The protection was later further increased by the addition of
hexamethylenetetramine, and this mask is known as the PH helmet.
This increased the protection to 1,000 p.p.m.
The early types of helmet offered no protection against
lachrymators. For this purpose goggles were used, the later types of
which had glass eyepieces and were fitted around the eyes by
means of rubber sponge. While intended for use only after a
lachrymatory bombardment, the troops frequently used them during
and after an ordinary gas attack when the mask should have been
worn. Consequently they were withdrawn.
The PH helmet was unsatisfactory because of the following

(1) It was warm and stuffy in summer;

(2) It deteriorated upon exposure to air;
(3) It was incapable of further development;
(4) It had a peculiar odor and, when wet, frequently
burned the foreheads of the men;
(5) It offered practically no protection against lachrymators.
Fig. 43.—Method of Wearing
the P. H. Helmet
Fig. 44.—Early Type of Standard
(British) Box Respirator (S. B. R.)

Box Respirator. The increasing concentration of gas from

cylinder attacks and the introduction of shell, with such gases as
chloropicrin and superpalite, led, early in 1916, to very definite and
constructive efforts on the part of the British to increase the
protection offered by the mask. The result was a “polyvalent”
respirator of the canister type (the Standard Box Respirator). This
mask was probably the result of experience with oxygen apparatus
in mine rescue work. The lines on which this canister was modeled
involved the use of a canister filled with highly sensitive absorbent
charcoal mixed with or alternating in layers with oxidizing granules of
alkaline permanganate. It was the result of innumerable
experiments, partly conducted in France but mostly in England under
the direction of the late Lieut. Col. Harrison, who was almost entirely
responsible for the wonderful production of this respirator.
The respirator (Figure 44) consisted of the canister mentioned
above, which is attached by a flexible tube to a facepiece or mask.
The facepiece is made of rubberized fabric and fits the face so that
there is little or no leakage. This is secured by means of tape and
elastic bands which fit over the head. The nose is closed by means
of clips, which are wire springs with rubbered jaws covered with
gauze (Fig. 45). Breathing is done through a mouthpiece of rubber;
the teeth close on the rubber tabs and the rubber flange lies between
the teeth and the lips. The expired air finds exit through a rubber
flutter valve in an angle tube just outside the mask. This
arrangement furnishes a double line of protection; if the face piece is
punctured or torn, gas-containing air cannot be breathed as long as
the noseclip and mouthpiece are in position.
The early English canister was packed with 675 cc. of 8-14 mesh
war gas mixture, 40 per cent of which was wood charcoal and 60 per
cent reddish brown soda-lime granules. The metal dome at the
bottom of the can was covered with a thin film of cotton. At two-thirds
of the distance to the top was placed a paper filter and a heavy wire
screen which differs from our heavy screen in that it is more loosely
woven. The mixture was covered with a cotton filter pad and a wire
screen, over which was placed the wire spring.
The use of this mask ensures that all the air breathed must enter
the lungs through the canister. This air passage is entirely
independent of leaks in the facepiece, due either to a poor fit about
the face or to actual leakage (from a cut or tear) of the fabric itself.
The facepiece is readily cleared of poison gases which may leak in.
This is accomplished by taking a full inspiration, releasing the
noseclip, and exhaling through the nose, which forces the air out
around the edges of the facepiece.
On the other hand, this type of mask possesses a number of very
obvious disadvantages, particularly from a military point of view:
The extreme discomfort of the facepiece. This discomfort arises
from a number of causes certain of which are inherent in this type of
mask, among them being: (a) the noseclip, (b) the mouthpiece, and
(c) the lack of ventilation within the facepiece chamber.
Aside from the actual physical discomfort of the noseclip and
mouthpiece, which becomes intense after long periods of wearing,
this combination forces upon the wearer an unnatural method of
respiration to which it is not only difficult to become accustomed, but
which also causes extreme dryness of the throat. The mouthpiece
greatly increases salivation and as swallowing is rather more difficult
with the nose closed, this adds another extremely objectionable
Fig. 45.—Interior of S. B. R., Showing
Cotton Wrapped Noseclips.
Fig. 46.—French M-2 Mask.

The lack of ventilation in the facepiece chamber entraps the heat

radiating from the face and retains the moisture which is constantly
evaporating from the skin. This moisture condenses on the
eyepieces, and even if cleared away by the use of a so-called anti-
dimming paste, usually makes vision nearly impossible.

French Masks
M-2 Mask. The early protection of the French Army was obtained
from a mask of the type M-2 (Fig. 46).
This mask consists of a number of layers of muslin impregnated
with various absorbent chemicals. A typical mask was made up of 20
layers of cheesecloth impregnated with Greasene and 20 layers
impregnated with Complexene. These solutions were made up as
Complexene: 39.0 lbs. Hexamethylenetetramine
37.5 lbs. Glycerine
Nickel sulfate (NiSO₄·7
27.5 lbs.
Sodium carbonate
11.8 lbs.
Greasene: 107.0 Castor oil
81.0 lbs. Alcohol (95%)
10.7 lbs. Glycerine (90%)
Sodium hydroxide
3.1 lbs.
This mask fits the face tightly and as a consequence the inhaled
air can be obtained only by drawing it through the pores of the
impregnated fabric. There is no outlet valve. The exhaled air makes
its escape through the fabric. The eyepieces are made of a special
non-dimming celluloid. The mask is protected from rain by a flap of
weather proof fabric, which also protects the absorbent chemicals
from deterioration.
At the beginning of the war the United States experimented
considerably with the French mask. Several modifications of the
impregnating solutions were suggested, as well as methods of
application. One of these was to separate the components of the
complexene solution and impregnate two separate layers of cloth;
this would make a three-layer mask. In view of the phosgene which
was in use at that time, the following arrangement was suggested:

20 layers of hexamethylenetetramine,
10 layers of nickel sulfate-sodium carbonate,
10 layers of greasene.

This arrangement was more effective than the original French

mask and offered the following protection when tested against the
following gases (concentration 1 to 1,000, rate 30 liters per minute):
Phosgene 65 minutes
Hydrocyanic acid 60 minutes
Chlorine 60 minutes

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