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Shadowing is a way or method of repeating and imitating sound recordings like shadows that have been

used for a long time in practice translation. At this time, shadowing has expanded into learning
Language. Shadowing is also used as tutorial learning material Japanese language. Wiltshier in his
journal entitled Fluency through shadowing–What, why, and how? (2007) stated that, shadowing as a
practice listen and at the same time repeat each expression as quickly as possible perhaps, like
Mochizuki's parrot style (in Wiltshier 2007:498). Tamai BBM (in Wiltshier 2007:498) also agrees that
shadowing is "an action or listening tasks where students listen to conversations and repeat exactly as
fast as possible.” Mochizuki (in Wiltshier 2007:499)

explains the beginning of shadowing research carried out in the realm of psychology, a science that
researches and studies human behavior) in the 60s. Shadowing is a method that is widely used in
training interpreters to achieve goals in language skills. A interpreters are required to be able to respond
quickly to a sentence in which there's important info in it, and then he has to react to it that situation.
Tanaka (in Wiltshier 2007:499) stated that Shadowing is one of the 13 techniques used to train
interpreter. Shadowing is effective for improving hearing acuity especially in terms of accent and
intonation, as well as in improving abilities speak. Therefore shadowing began to be used as a method
effective foreign language learning, especially in Japan. Tamai (in Wiltshier, 2007:499) states that
shadowing is considered able to improve listening abilities at the same time as reading, writing and
speaking. In another study, Kadota and Tamai (in Wiltshier, 2007:499) apart from shadowing, it is felt
that it can have a positive impact on listening and speaking abilities but also on reading competence.
and the influence of oral ability. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that shadowing is a
method of imitating and repeating according to what is said is heard through recorded audio media such
as shadows by following each sentence spoken by the speaker or recordings from native speakers
(native speakers of the foreign language being studied). Things that should be done in shadowing
activities are: perform sensory memory. According to Atkinson and Shiffrin (in Wiltshier 2007:499)
sensory memory is temporary storage of information brought by the five senses. In the first activity of
shadowing, sensory memory can stimulate memory. Using shadowing ensures participant attention
education in spoken language, which is listened to, which is then called the process attending (input).
This spoken language comes from the hearing of the first person who hears it and then to the second
person. Sensory memory is the center area to work on producing memory of the language learned. This
memory will work within one and a half seconds of language capture. The working of memory is called
the phonological loop, part of the letters or the unity of language that will become the meaning. From
this phonological loop Students will increase input, namely in the form of material heard) from hearing.
To develop input, students must match information from within that area of long-term memory later
called mental lexicon, (like a large dictionary containing words whose meaning is understood). Lachs,
Goh, and Pison (in Wiltshier, 2007:500) conducted research and concluded that the information carried
or held by the mental lexicon can facilitate verbal information (originating from sound) which will then
increase input to students. The ability to speak in the first person is obtained from shadowing will be
smoother and better in understanding the meaning to be conveyed to second person.

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