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Grade 7 - Solutions

Unit 1 - The Last Sermon of Hazrat Muhammad

( ‫)رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّبِ ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬


A) Complete the following paragraph by using the appropriate articles.

Nabi Hazrat Muhammad ( ‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّبِ ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬delivered a sermon during
the Hajj, which came to be known as his “Final Sermon”. This final sermon was not only a
reminder to his followers, but also an important warning. The final sermon confirms the
completion of Muhammad’s ( ‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحا ِب ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬mission. The final sermon
was delivered during the Hajj of the year 632 C.E., on the ninth day of Zul Hijjah, in the
Uranah valley of Mount Arafat in Makkah. There were countless Muslims present with the
Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحا ِب ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬during his last Hajj.

B) Identify the gender-specific terms in each sentence. One has been done for you.
1. The policeman apprehended the suspect. (Masculine Gender-specific)
2. The actress delivered a powerful dialogue. (Feminine Gender-specific)
3. The businessman closed the deal successfully. (Feminine Gender-specific)
4. The waitress took the customers' orders. (Feminine Gender-specific)
5. The salesman convinced the client to make the purchase. (Masculine Gender-specific)

A) Find the meaning of the following words from the dictionary and identify the part of
speech through the abbreviation used.
religion but kind under forgive inequity humanity

Words Meanings Parts of Speech

Religion the belief in the existence of noun
a god or gods, and the
activities that are connected
with the worship of them, or
in the teachings of a
spiritual leader
But used to introduce a word or conjunction
phrase that contrasts with
what was said before
Kind caring about others; gentle, adjective
friendly and generous
Under in, to or through a position preposition
that is below something
Forgive to stop feeling angry with verb
somebody who has done
something to harm, annoy,
or upset you; to stop feeling
angry with yourself
Inequity something unfair; the state noun
of being unfair
humanity People in general noun

Reading and Critical Thinking

A) Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. When did Nabi Hazrat Muhammad ( ‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬deliver his last
Answer: Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحا ِب ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬delivered his last
sermon during the Hajj of the year 632 C.E., on the ninth day of Zul Hijjah, in the Uranah
valley of Mount Arafat in Makkah.

2. What is meant by the verse “We have sent you forth as nothing but mercy to people of
the whole world” (Quran 21:107)?
Answer: The verse "We have sent you forth as nothing but mercy to people of the whole
world" (Quran 21:107) means that Nabi Hazrat Muhammad ( ‫رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّبِ ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ‬
‫سلَّ ْم‬ ْ َ‫ ) َوا‬was sent by Allah as a source of mercy for all people, not just for a specific group or
َ ‫ص َحا ِب ّٖہ َو‬


3. How can we treat people equally?

Answer: We can treat people equally by recognizing that all humans, regardless of race,
ethnicity, or background, are equal in the eyes of Allah. This means treating everyone with
fairness, justice, and kindness, without discriminating based on superficial differences.

4. What did Nabi Hazrat Muhammad say about the life and property of every Muslim?
Answer: Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّبِ ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬emphasized in his last
sermon that the life and property of every Muslim are sacred and should be respected. He
instructed Muslims to regard the life and property of others as a trust, and to avoid harming
or mistreating anyone.
5. List the salient points of the last sermon.
Answer: The salient points of the last sermon include:
Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّبِ ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬delivered his last sermon
during the Hajj of the year 632 C.E., in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat in Makkah.
The verse "We have sent you forth as nothing but mercy to people of the whole world"
(Quran 21:107) means that Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (‫)رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّبِ ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬
was sent as a mercy to all people by Allah.
We can treat people equally by recognizing their inherent worth and respecting their rights,
regardless of differences.
Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬emphasized the sacredness of
the life and property of every Muslim and instructed Muslims to avoid harming others.
The salient points of the last sermon include respect for life and property, prohibition of
usury, kindness towards women, equality among humans, unity among Muslims, and
following the teachings of Islam.

Why is usury prohibited in Islam?
Answer: Usury, or charging interest on loans, is not allowed in Islam to be fair and kind to
everyone. It can hurt people who are already struggling and make our economy unstable.
It's also not right to take advantage of others for personal gain. So, Islam teaches us to treat
everyone fairly and help those in need without expecting something in return.
B) Choose the correct option in each sentence.
1) Mount Arafat
2) piety
3) All of these

C) Pronounce each word correctly and pay attention to the vowel sounds. Make columns
in your notebooks and write these words according to the number of syllables in their
relevant columns.

Words Syllables
Sermon 2 (ser-mon)
Remember 3 (re-mem-ber)
Delivered 3 (de-liv-ered)
Entrusted 3 (en-trust-ed)
Inequity 4 (in-eq-ui-ty)
Obligation 4 (ob-li-ga-tion)
Superiority 6 (su-pe-ri-or-i-ty)

A) Follow the five key steps to write a paragraph. Then, complete the mind map for
brainstorming and use the information from it for your paragraph.

forgiveness compassion
guidance equality

In the last sermon of Prophet Mohammad ( ‫)رسول ہللا َخاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َوع َٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْصحَا ِب ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬, His words
resonated with honesty and mercy, as he ( ‫)رسول ہللا َخاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َوع َٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْصحَابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬imparted
guidance to His followers. He emphasized compassion towards all beings and stressed the
importance of forgiveness, urging his followers to embody these virtues in their lives.
Prophet Mohammad's (‫ )رسول ہللا خَاتَ ُم النَّبِ ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َو َع ٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْص َحابِ ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬message was one of equality,
treating all individuals with respect and dignity regardless of their background or status. His
teachings serve as a timeless reminder of the values of honesty, mercy, compassion, and
equality, inspiring countless generations to strive for a better world based on these
principles. Through His words, He offered a path of righteousness, urging His followers to
lead lives of integrity and kindness. His call for honesty echoed through the hearts of His
listeners, instilling a sense of moral responsibility in every believer. With His merciful
guidance, Prophet Mohammad ( ‫ )رسول ہللا َخاتَ ُم النَّ ِب ّٖین َصلَّی ہ ُّٰللا َعلَ ْی ِہ َوع َٰلی ا ٰل ِّٖہ َواَ ْصحَا ِب ّٖہ َو َسلَّ ْم‬illuminated the path
towards compassion and forgiveness, encouraging His followers to emulate these virtues in
their interactions with others. In His final sermon, the Prophet emphasized the importance
of treating all individuals with fairness and respect, regardless of their social status or
background. His message of equality continues to resonate through the ages, inspiring
humanity to strive for justice and compassion in all aspects of life.

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