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English 7

UNIT 2: Etiquettes of Travel and Transport


A) Read the following passage and add apostrophe marks where needed.
In the forest, the wolves' howls echoed as the trees' branches swayed in the wind.
Underground, in the foxes' home, they huddled together to get warm. In the trees, the
squirrels' feet pattered as they scrambled up and down the branches looking for food. In a
clearing, the children's hands shivered with cold. On the children's heads, were warm,
woollen hats and scarves around their necks. The scarves' tassels fluttered like snowflakes.
On their feet, all the shoes' laces froze in the cold weather. From close by, the adults' shouts
floated on the wind. The boys' faces began to smile as it was time to go home and get

B) Read the following sentences and underline the phrases.

1. During travel, effective communication is essential for maintaining a harmonious
2. In crowded travel settings, it is essential to show respect by following the order of
queuing and boarding.
3. These simple actions help create a comfortable and healthy environment for everyone.
4. Therefore, it is essential to be mindful of noise levels and minimize disturbances for
fellow passengers.
5. This etiquette of travel and transport ensures that our journeys are efficient, safe,
pleasant and memorable for all.

C) Read the following sentences. Write “ID” for the independent clause and “DC” for
the dependent clause.
1. Travelling and transportation have become important aspects of our modern lives. ID
2. As this can cause frustration and unnecessary conflicts. DC
3. Etiquette in travel and transport is not merely a set of rules but an approach that
promotes respect, consideration, and empathy towards others. ID
4. In such situations, it is important to exercise tolerance and patience. DC

A) Find the pronunciation key of the following words.

Words Pronunciations
Simple /ˈsɪmpl/
Travel /ˈtrævl/
Noise /nɔɪz/
Cough /kɒf/
Mouth /maʊθ/

Reading and Critical Thinking

A) Read the text and answer the following questions.

1. What actions can be taken to minimize disturbances and ensure a peaceful journey for
fellow passengers?
Answer: To minimize disturbances and ensure a peaceful journey for fellow passengers, it's
important to be mindful of noise levels by using headphones for music or conversations,
speaking softly, and avoiding disruptive behaviour. Additionally, respecting personal space,
practicing good hygiene, and keeping luggage in designated areas can contribute to a
comfortable environment.

2. Why is it important to respect personal space and practice good hygiene when
Answer: Respecting personal space and practicing good hygiene when traveling is important
to maintain a comfortable and healthy environment for everyone. By taking up only a little
space, avoiding invading others' personal space, washing hands frequently, and covering the
mouth when coughing or sneezing, travellers can help prevent the spread of germs and
ensure a pleasant journey for all.
3. What are some considerations to keep in mind when travelling with luggage to avoid
inconvenience for others?
Answer: When traveling with luggage, it's important to consider the space it takes up and
ensure it's kept in designated areas like overhead compartments or under seats. Avoiding
blocking aisles or walkways with large bags or suitcases allows for easy movement of
passengers and prevents inconvenience for others trying to navigate through the

4. What are some examples of showing respect and politeness during travel?
Answer: Showing respect and being polite during travel means using nice words when
talking to staff and other passengers. Saying "please" and "thank you" is a good way to
show appreciation. Also, waiting your turn in line and not pushing in front of others is
important. When things get tough, like if there's a delay or it's really crowded, staying calm
and patient helps keep everyone happy. These things make traveling more enjoyable for

How can following travel etiquettes enhance the overall travel experience for everyone
Answer: Following travel etiquettes can enhance the overall travel experience for everyone
involved by creating a more pleasant and harmonious environment. When passengers
adhere to etiquettes such as being respectful and polite, queuing properly, controlling noise
levels, respecting personal space, practicing good hygiene, and being considerate with
luggage, it helps to minimize conflicts and disturbances. This leads to a smoother and more
enjoyable journey for all travellers.

B) Identify the facts and opinions, general statement and imperative language used in the
"Distances that once took days to travel can now be covered in a matter of hours."
"Travelling often involves being in close proximity to others, whether on planes, trains,
buses, or other forms of transport."
"Using headphones when listening to music or watching videos, speaking softly during
conversations, and avoiding loud and disruptive behaviour all contribute to a more pleasant
and peaceful journey."
"Travelling can sometimes be challenging, with delays, crowded spaces, and unexpected

General Statement:
“Etiquette in travel and transport is not merely a set of rules but an approach that promotes
respect, consideration, and empathy towards others."

C) Read the following paragraph carefully. Identify the topic sentence and its supporting
details. Underline the specific words, vivid verbs and modifiers from the topic sentence.

Topic sentence: During travel, effective communication is essential for maintaining a

harmonious environment.
Supporting details:
It is important to utilize polite and respectful language when engaging with transportation
staff and fellow travellers.
Employing simple gestures, such as expressing gratitude and using polite phrases like
‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ can greatly contribute to fostering a positive atmosphere.

Specific words, vivid verbs, and modifiers:

harmonious environment


A) Write a descriptive essay about a familiar place that you have visited. Follow the given
steps for writing.
Title: Exploring My Favourite Beach
As the sun rises over my favorite beach, its golden rays paint a beautiful picture on the calm
waters. This spot along the coastline is special to me, a peaceful escape from the busyness
of daily life. The rhythmic waves create a soothing melody, calming my mind as I walk along
the warm sand. On one side, rugged cliffs stand tall, while on the other, palm trees sway in
the breeze. Seagulls glide overhead, adding to the natural symphony.
The vibrant colors of the ocean, palm trees, and the sunrise fill me with awe as I take in the
breathtaking scene. Throughout the day, I'm drawn to the water, immersing myself in its
cool embrace and feeling a sense of freedom in its vastness. After a refreshing swim, I relax
on a colorful beach towel, closing my eyes to the sound of waves.
As the day ends, I reluctantly leave, knowing I'll return soon to experience the beauty and
tranquility once more. Grateful for the simple joys of nature, I carry the memories of a
perfect day at the beach, looking forward to the next time I can unwind in this paradise.

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