Linux Practical2

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Practical -1

Familiarize with Unix/Linux Log In/Log Out and various other commands &vi editor

Linux Log In/Log Out

1. Local Login:


• The login command initiates a new login session on the local system.
• It prompts for a username and password.
• Once logged in, it provides access to the system's resources.

Command for Remote Login

$ login

2. Remote Login:

ssh (Secure Shell):

• The ssh command is used to log in to a remote system securely.

• It requires the username and hostname (or IP address) of the remote system.
• SSH encrypts the data during transmission, providing security.

Command for Remote Login

$ ssh username@hostname

3. Logout:


•The exit command is used to terminate a shell session.

•It closes the current shell or logs out of a remote session initiated via SSH.
Command for Logout

$ logout

Various other basic Commands:

Command Meaning Example

ls List directory contents ls
cd Change directory cd /path/to/directory
pwd Print working directory pwd
mkdir Make directory mkdir new_directory
rm Remove files or directories rm file.txt or rm -r directory
cp Copy files or directories cp file.txt new_file.txt
mv Move (rename) files or directories mv file.txt new_location/
cat Concatenate and display file content cat file.txt
head Display the beginning of a file head file.txt
tail Display the end of a file tail file.txt
Grep Search for patterns in files grep pattern file.txt
Chmod Change file permissions chmod 755 file.txt
Chown Change file owner and group chown user:group file.txt
Ps Display information about processes ps aux
Kill Terminate processes kill PID or killall process_name
Ssh Secure Shell - Remote login ssh username@hostname
vi or vim Text editor vi filename or vim filename
Login Start a new local session login
Exit Terminate the current shell session exit
Logout Log out of the current shell session logout
Ctrl + D Send EOF (End-of-File) signal <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>D</kbd>

Vi Editor Basic Commands:

1. Opening and Saving Files:

• Opening a File: To open a file in Vi, type vi followed by the filename:

vi filename

• Saving Changes and Quitting:

• Press Esc to ensure you're in command mode.
• Type :w to save changes without quitting.
• Type :wq to save changes and quit.
• Type :q! to quit without saving changes.

2. Navigating within a File:

• Moving the Cursor:

• Use arrow keys or h, j, k, l for left, down, up, and right respectively.
• Moving to Specific Locations:
• 0 (zero): Move to the beginning of the current line.
• $: Move to the end of the current line.
• gg: Move to the first line of the file.
• G: Move to the last line of the file.
• <line_number>G: Move to a specific line number.

3. Editing Text:

• Inserting Text:
• Press i to enter insert mode before the cursor.
• Press a to enter insert mode after the cursor.
• Press o to open a new line below the current line and enter insert mode.
• Deleting Text:
• Press x to delete the character under the cursor.
• Press dd to delete the entire line.
• Press d$ to delete from the cursor to the end of the line.
• Press dw to delete a word.

4. Exiting Insert Mode:

• Press Esc to exit insert mode and return to command mode.

5. Searching:

• Searching for Text:

• Press / followed by the text you want to search for, then press Enter.
• Use n to find the next occurrence and N to find the previous occurrence.

6. Other Useful Commands:

• Undoing Changes:
• Press u to undo the last change.
• Redoing Changes:
• Press Ctrl + r to redo changes that were undone.
• Copying and Pasting:
• Position the cursor where you want to start copying.
• Press v to enter visual mode.
• Move the cursor to select the text.
• Press y to copy (yank) the selected text.
• Move the cursor to where you want to paste.
• Press p to paste the copied text after the cursor.
Output of Some basic commands on terminal:

Vi Editor -
Practical -2

Develop simple shell programs using Bash or any other shell in Linux.

• Simple testing program in vi editor using Bash


chmod +x

~$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 Apr 21 15:39 2024-04-21-terminal-1.term
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 Apr 21 15:39 2024-04-21-terminal-2.term
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 20 Apr 21 14:31 abc
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 57 Apr 21 15:44
-rw-r--r ~$

~$ ./
Linux Shell Testing
Welcome in linux Shell

• Sum of two numbers using bash

# Prompt the user to enter the first number
echo "Enter the first number:"
read num1
# Prompt the user to enter the second number
echo "Enter the second number:"
read num2
# Perform the addition
sum=$((num1 + num2))
# Display the result
echo "The sum of $num1 and $num2 is: $sum"

~$ vi

~$ ls -l

total 5

-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 Apr 21 15:39 2024-04-21-terminal-1.term

-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 0 Apr 21 15:39 2024-04-21-terminal-2.term

-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 20 Apr 21 14:31 abc

-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 57 Apr 21 15:44

-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 57 Apr 21 15:44 apiit.txt

-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 294 Apr 21 15:54

~$ chmod +x

~$ ./

Enter the first number:


Enter the second number:


The sum of 20 and 30 is: 50


Develop advanced shell programs using grep, fgrep & egrep


echo "Enter the pattern to search for:"

read pattern
echo "Enter the filename:"

read filename

echo "Results for pattern '$pattern' in file '$filename':"

grep "$pattern" "$filename"

Output :


~$ chmod +x

~$ ./

Enter the pattern to search for:


Enter the filename:

Results for pattern 'first' in file '':

# Prompt the user to enter the first number

echo "Enter the first number:"

4.Using fgrep for fixed string matching:


# Define the pattern to search for


# Iterate over all files in the current directory

for file in *; do
# Check if the current item is a file
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Use fgrep to search for the pattern in the current file
if fgrep -q "$pattern" "$file"; then
echo "Pattern '$pattern' found in file: $file"
echo "Pattern '$pattern' not found in file: $file"


$ cat>file

my name is vishav. i am doing BTECCH FROM APIIT.



5. Count the occurrences of a pattern in a file:

echo "Enter the pattern to count:"
read pattern
echo "Enter the filename:"
read filename
count=$(grep -o "$pattern" "$filename" | wc -l)
echo "Number of occurrences of '$pattern' in '$filename': $count"
6. Program using awk command with database.txt
File database.txt
Name Age Gender Occupation
John 30 Male Engineer
Alice 25 Female Doctor
Bob 40 Male Teacher


#!/usr/bin/awk -f

# Print specific columns (Name and Gender)

print $1, $3

# Filter based on condition (Gender is "Male")

$3 == "Male"

# Calculate statistics (Average age)

NR > 1 {

total += $2

# Customized output (Greeting the first person)

NR == 1 {

print "Welcome " $1 ", you are a " $4 ". How can I assist you?"

# End of script

if (NR > 1) {

print "Average age:", total/(NR-1)


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