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XII - Chemistry Prepared by: S. Rashid Ali

Chapter No. 1 (Chemistry of Representative Elements) :
 Write chemical formulae and one use of the following compounds:
* Caustic Soda * Bleaching powder * Baking soda * Borax * Potash alum * Washing soda
 What happen when following elements react with Oxygen and Nitrogen:
(Write only balanced chemical equation).
* Magnesite * Phosphorous * Silicon * Sulphur * Sodium * Aluminium
 What is meant by a diagonal relationship? Mention three pair of representative elements that show diagonal relationship.
 How caustic soda is prepared by Castner-Kellenr’s process? Draw diagram of the cell.
 Give a brief account and uses of Bleaching powder and Unique behavior of Be in group II-A
 Give equations for the following:
* Sulphuric acid reacts with C6H6 * Caustic soda reacts with Chlorine gas
*SO3 reacts with H2SO4 *Magnesium metal put in boiling water
* A piece of Al is dipped in Conc. H2SO4 *Potassium put in ethyl alcohol
* Auto oxidation Reduction of Cl2 * Dehydration of Sugar
* Aqueous solution of NaOH reacts with Al * Give reasons of the following statements:
* Elements of group I-A and II-A are very reactive and readily lose their valence electrons.
* Electronegativity decreases down the group * Order of strength of acidity of hydrogen halide is
*HI>HBr>HCl>HF. Why? *NaOH is commonly known as Caustic soda.
* Atomic radius increases down the group. *Fluorine is strongest oxidizing agent.
*Gallium has smaller atomic radii than Aluminium despite being below the aluminum in group III-A
* Complete and balance following equations:
* NaI + Cl2
* H2SO4 + C6H12O6
* CaOCl2 + HCl
* CaOCl2 + HCl
* S + H2SO4
* FeCl3 + NaOH
* H2S2O7 + H2O
* Na + H2O
*What is Oil of Vitriol? Draw a flow sheet diagram of contact process and describe various steps involved in
the manufacturing of Oil of Vitriol.
Chapter No. 2 (Chemistry of Outer Transition Elements) :
 What is alloy? Give composition and applications of Stainless steel, Brass and Bronze.
 Explain why?
 Zn+2 is white while Hydrated Cu+2 is blue.
 Ligands are generally Lewis bases.
 H2O and NH3 are act as ligands while H3O+ and NH4+ are not.
 Transition elements form complex compounds.
 Transition elements are good catalyst.
 Cr and Cu show irregular electronic configuration.
 Transition elements have ability to form alloys.
 Give equations of the following:
 Permanganate reacts with Oxalic aicd
 Iron reacts with Chlorine
 Dichromate reacts with Ferrous sulphate
 Concentrated nitric acid reacts with Copper
 Complete and balance following equations:
* Fe + O2 * Cu2S + O2
* Cr + HCl * Mn + H2SO4
* Cr + O2 * Mn + O2
 Give a brief account on: * Potassium di chroate * Potassium per manganate * Lunar Caustic
 What is Metallurgy? How pure copper is obtained by its sulphide ore.
 Discuss following properties of transition metals:
* Variable oxidation states * Magnetic properties
* Formation of coloured compounds
 Write IUPAC names of the following complex compounds:
* K4[Fe(CN)6] * [Co(H2O)6]SO4 * KMnO4 * [Pt(CN)6]-2 * K2[Ti(OH)4]
*[Co(en)3]Cl3 * NH4[Cr(NCS)4(NH3)2] * Ni(CO)4 * [Cu(NH3)5Cl]NO3
Chapter No. 3 (Organic Compounds):
 Write different types of Coal and how do they differ from each other?
 Write a note on: * Reforming of Petroleum * Bucky Ball * Homologous series
 Describe natural sources of organic compounds and What are the various products obtained by
destructive distillation of coal.

Chapter No. 4 (Nomenclature of Organic Compounds):

 Write IUPAC names of the following organic compounds:
* CH3-CH(C2H5)-CH(CH3)-CH3 * CH2=CH-CH2-C(CH3)=CH2
*C2H5-CH(CH3)-CH=CH2 * CH3-CO-NH2
* CH3-CH2-NH2 * HO-CH2-CH2-OH
* OHC-CH2-CHO * CH3-O-C(CH3)3
* CH3-CH(OH)-CH(CH3)-CHO *(C6H5)3CBr
* C2H5-Cl * CH3-CO-Cl
* (CH3)4C * CH3COCH3
 Draw structures of the following:
* 1,3-pentadiyne * 1,3,5-hexatriene * 3-ethyl-2-methylpentane * iso-pentane *1,2,3-bemzentriol
*Butanoyl Iodide * Picric acid * TNT * Carbolic acid * Ethyl neo-pentyl Ether * Formaldehyde
* Formic aicd * m-chloroacetophenone * Glycerol

Chapter No. 5(Hydrocarbons) :

 Discuss MOT of Ethyne and Benzene.
 Define: Free radical, Electrophile, Chiral carbon, Optical activity, Enantiomers, Aromatic
hydrocarbons, Cis-trans Isomers,
 Explain why:
* Ethyne terminal hydrogen is acidic. * Benzene undergoes electrophilic substitution reaction.
* Olefins are more reactive than Paraffins.
 What is Markownikoff’s rule? Explain with suitable examples.
 Distinguish following pairs of organic compounds by simple chemical test:
* Alkane and Alkene * Aliphatic and Aromatic compound * Alkene and Alkyne
 Give equation of the following:
* Epoxidation of Ethene * Polymerization of Ethene * Hydrohalogenation of Ethyne
* Dehalogenation of vicinal-dichloroethane * Sulphonation of Benzene
* Acetylene reacts with water in presence of HgSO4 and H2SO4 at 750C
*Ethyne reacts with O3 * Dehydration of Ethyl alcohol
* Nitration of Benzoic acid * Chlorination of Benzene
 Complete and balance following equations:
* CH2=CH-CH3 + HBr
* C2H5Br + KOH
* C6H6 + Cl2 (hv)
* C2H2Br2 + KOH
* C2H2 + Br2
* C6H6 + Cl2 FeCl3
 What are Ortho-para and Meta directing groups? How will you prepare:
* TNT from Benzene * m-dinitrobenzene from Benzene
* m-nitrotoluene from Benzene * Benzoic acid from Benzene
 Discuss stepwise reaction mechanism of Nitration and Acylation of benzene & Chlorination of
 What do you understand by Isomerism? Discuss structural isomerism with its type and example.

Chapter No. 6 (Alkyl Halides and Amines) :

 What are alkyl halides and Amines? How are they classified?
 What are Organometallic compounds? How Grignard’s reagent prepares and how will you prepare
following from Grignard’s reagent:
* Acetic acid * Ethane * Acetone
 Explain the mechanism of SN1 and SN2 reactions with example.
 Give equations for the following reactions:
* Reaction between CH3Cl and NaOH * Reaction between C2H5Br and KOH
* Reaction of Ter-butyl chloride with sodium cyanide * Ethyl diazonium salt form Amine
* Reaction of Iso-propyl Alcohol with PCl3 * Reduction of Ethyl Cyanide
* Reaction of Ethyl alcohol with Thionyl chloride * Formation of Shiff’s base from Acetaldehyde
 What do you understand by Carbonium ion? Discuss stability of various types of carbonium ions.
Chapter No. 7 (Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers):
 What are Alcohols? How Monohydric alcohols are classified? Write at least one preparation of each class.
 What are phenols? How are they classified? Write preparation of phenol by Down’s process and
Sodium benzene sulphonate.
 Give reasons why?
* Phenol (carbolic acid) is more acidic than ethyl alcohol.
*Boiling point of Ether is less than alcohol. *Alcohols are soluble than water.
 With the help of balanced chemical equation explain acidic behavior of:
* Phenol (Carbolic acid) * Ethyl Alcohol
 Identify each of the following with tow laboratory tests:
* Alcohol * Phenol
 Give equation of the following:
* Ethylene glycol reacts with per iodic acid * Nitration of Phenol with concentrated Nitric acid
* Ether formation from Williamson’s synthesis * Oxidation of Phenol * Oxidation of Sec-propyl
alcohol * Phenol reacts with bromine water * Reduction of Acetic acid in presence of LiAlH4
* Phenol reacts with H2SO4 at High temperature * Reduction of Formaldehyde
 Draw the structure and give IUPAC names of following compounds:
* Catechol *Hydroquinone * Pyrogallol * Picric acid * Resorcinol * Neo-pentyl alcohol
 Complete and balance following equations:
* C2H5OH + PCl3
* C6H5N=NCl + H2O
* C2H5OH + heat/1400C
* C6H5OH + Br2/CCl4
* CH3COCH3 + H2/NaBH4
* C2H5-O-C2H5 + HCl

Chapter No. 8 (Carbonyl Compounds-I: Aldehydes and Ketones):

 Distinguish Aldehyde and Ketone by two simple chemical tests:
 Give reasons why?
* Formaldehyde is highly soluble in water as compared to other aldehydes.
* Boiling point of aldehydes and ketones are lower than alcohol.
* Oxidation of Aldehyde is faster than Ketone.
 Give equation of the following:
* Reduction of Acetone * Reduction of Acetaldehyde *Oxidation of Acetone
* Formation of Oxime form Formaldehyde * Formation of Sec-alcohol from aldenyde
*Clemmensen Reduction * Acetone reacts with Hydroxyl amine * Formaldehyde reacts with
Hydrogen cyanide
 Differentiate between:
* Acid catalyzed nucleophilic addition and Base catalyzed nucleophilic addition in
* Aldehyde and Ketone
 Complete and balance following equations:
* CH3-CHO + NH2-NH2
* CH3COCH3 + [H]/Zn(Hg)
* CH3CHO + [O]/PCC
* HCHO + [Ag(NH3)2]OH
* CH3CHO + H2/LiAlH4
Chapter No. 9: (Carbonyl Compounds-II: Carboxylic acid and Functional
 What do you understand by Acid derivatives? Write their names and one preparation of each from
Acetic acid.
 Write structure, chemical name, occurrence and industrial applications of:
* Formic acid * Acetic acid * Valeric acid * Caproic acid
 Give equation of the following:
* Esterification * Hydrolysis of methyl cyanide * Oxidation of Ethyl benzene
* Acetic acid reacts with PCl5 * Reduction of Acetic acid
* Acetic acid heated in presence of P2O5
 Write atleast one industrial application of:
* Butyric acid * Malic acid * Salicylic acid * Tartaric acid * Acetamide
 Complete and balance following equations:
* CH3COOH + PCl3
* CH3CHO + [O] 2 2 7/ 2 4
* CH3-Mg-Cl + CO2

Chapter No. 10 (Biochemistry) :

 Define following terms:
*Glycosidic linkage * Saponification * Peptide linkage * Steroids * Rancidity * Zweitter ion
 What are carbohydrates? How are they classified? Give biological importance of Glucose, Fructose,
Lactose and Sucrose.
 What are Minerals? Give biological significance of Calcium, Iron, Zinc and Phosphorous.
 Write importance of Protein and Lipids in human body.
Chapter No. 11 (Industrial Chemistry):
 What is polymer and polymerization? Define addition and condensation polymerization with
preparation, properties and uses of PVC and Nylon.
 What are adhesives? Explain the significance of Epoxy resins, Silicon resins and Super glue.
 What are pesticides? Explain various types of pesticides along with their specific use.
 Define: * Analgesics * Antipyretic medicines * Anti Inflammatory medicine *Anihistamines
 Write use of: * Polyester * Ammonium nitrate * Enamel paints * Acrylic * Urea * Portland slag
cement (PSC)
Chapter No. 12 (Environmental Chemistry):
 What is Environmental chemistry? Discuss various parts of earth’s environment and atmospheric
layers of earth’s atmosphere.
 Discuss various parameters of drinking water.
 What is catalytic converter? How does catalytic converter contribute to reducing air pollution?
 Write a note on: * Acid rain * Global warming * Depletion of ozone layer * Industrial smog
Chapter No. 13 (Spectroscopy):
 What is NMR spectroscopy? How does it works? Give its applications.
 What is spectroscopy? Write its advantages and applications.
 What information about the structure of a molecule we can get from mass spectroscopy? Give the
applications of mass spectroscopy.

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