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S. No. Abbreviation Full Form
1. AICTE All India Council for Technical Education
2. AIFPA All India Food Processors’ Association
3. AISHE All India Survey on Higher Education
4. ASI Annual Survey of Industries
5. ASSOCHAM Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
6. BE Budget Estimate
7. CA Controlled Atmosphere
8. CCEA Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs
9. CEFPPC Creation/Expansion of Food Processing and Preservation Capacities
10. CIPHET Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology
11. CMS Content Management System
12. CPC Central Processing Centre
13. CPGRAMS Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System
14. CVO Chief Vigilance Officer
15. DFRL Defence Food Research Laboratory
16. DPIIT Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade
17. DPR Detailed Project Report
18. EFC Expenditure Finance Committee
19. EMD Earnest Money Deposit
20. EOI Expression of Interest
21. ETP Effluent Treatment Plant
22. FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database
23. FDI Foreign Direct Investment
24. FICCI Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
25. FICSI Food Industry Capacity and Skill Initiative
26. FINER Federation of Industry & Commerce of North Eastern Region
27. FPO Farmer Producer Organisations
28. FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
29. FTL Food Testing Laboratories
30. GDP Gross Domestic Product
31. GeM Government e-Marketplace
32. GHP Good Hygiene Practices
33. GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
34. GVA Gross Value Added
35. HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
36. HLIS Harmonized List of Infrastructure Sub-Sectors
37. IA Implementing Agencies
38. IBRTC International Bakery Research and Training Centre
39. ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research
40. ICAR-KVK Indian Council of Agricultural Research (Krishi Vigyan Kendra)
41. ICEFSQ International Centre of Excellence for Food Safety and Quality
42. IGPB Indian Grape Processing Board
43. IGPRTC International Grain Processing Research and Training Centre
44. IIFPT Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology
45. IMAC Inter-Ministerial Approval Committee

46. IQF Individual Quick Freezing
47. ISO International Organization for Standardization
48. ITC (HS) Indian Trade Clarification Based on Harmonized System
49. ITDP Integrated Tribal Development Programme
50. KVIC Khadi and Village Industries Commission
51. LLPD Lakh Liter Per Day
52. MFP Mega Food Parks
53. MIDH Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture
54. MSMED Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development
55. NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
56. NABCONS NABARD Consultancy Services
57. NABL National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
58. NAFED National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India CHAPTER - 2
59. NCCD National Centre for Cold Chain Development
61. NHB National Horticulture Board
62. NHM National Horticulture Mission
63. NIC National Informatics Centre CHAPTER - 3
64. NIFTEM National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management
65. NIRF National Institutional Ranking Framework STRATEGY AND INITIATIVES TO PROMOTE FOOD 47 - 52
66. NMFP National Mission on Food Processing
67. NMPPB National Meat & Poultry Processing Board PROCESSING SECTOR
68. NSDC National Skill Development Corporation
69. NSS National Service Scheme
70. NSSO National Sample Survey Office
71. OIV International Organisation of Vine and Wine
72. OLIC Official Language Implementation Committee
73. PAC Public Accounts Committee
74. PIA Project Implementing Agency
75. PLR Prime Lending Rate
76. PMA Project Management Agency CHAPTER - 5
77. PMC Project Management Consultant
78. PMKSY Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTIONS 87 - 98
79. PPC Primary Processing Centre
80. PPRC Paddy Processing Research Centre
Qualification Packs
Research and Development
Revised Estimate
Science and Engineering Research Board
85. SHG Self Help Groups
86. SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
87. TC Technical Committee CHAPTER - 7
88. TOP Tomato, Onion and Potato
89. TQM Total Quality Management USE OF OFFICIAL LANGUAGE IN THE MINISTRY 103 - 105
90. VAP Village Adoption Programme


S. No. Table Title 1. Table-4.1 Implementation status of Mega Food Parks (As on 31st December, 2019)

Chapter-1 2. Table-4.2 Details of Budget allocation and Expenditure in Mega Food Parks

1. Table-1.1 Details of Members of Sexual Harassment Committee 3. Table-4.3 Phase-wise Implementation of Projects (As on 31st December, 2019)

2. Table-1.2 Details of Members of SC/ST Grievance Cell 4. Table-4.4 Budget Allocation in Cold Chain (Year-wise)

3. Table-1.3 Women Employment in Food Processing Sector 5. Table-4.5 Requirement of Cold Chain

4. Table-1.4 Female Promoters in Mega Food Parks 6. Table-4.6 Laboratories assisted from 2007-08 to 2019-20

5. Table-1.5 Academic Activities-Passed out up to 2019 7. Table-4.7 Details of HACCP/ISO 22000 Projects assisted from 2009-10 to 2019-20

6. Table-1.6 Academic Activities-Continuing 8. Table-4.8 R&D Projects assisted during 12th Plan onwards

7. Table-1.7 Academic Activities-Passed out up to 2019 9. Table-4.9 Details of proposal approved under the Operation Greens scheme

8. Table-1.8 Academic Activities-Continuing Chapter-5

9. Table-1.9 Other Activities relating to performance of women in 2019-20 1. Table-5.1 Details of placements in NIFTEM

Chapter-2 2. Table-5.2 Details of training programmes conducted during 2019-20

1. Table-2.1 Gross Value Added (GVA) by Food Processing Industries (FPI) at Constant 2011-12 Prices 3. Table-5.3 Details about externally funded research projects

2. Table-2.2 Key Parameters of Registered Industries

3. Table-2.3 Employment in Food Processing Industry

4. Table-2.4 Sub-Sector Wise Key Parameters of Registered Food Processing Industries

5. Table-2.5 Principal Characteristics of Registered Food Processing Units: MSME Census 2006-07

6. Table-2.6 State/UT-wise No. of Registered and Unincorporated Food Processing Units in India

7. Table-2.7 India's Position in World Production of Agricultural & Food Products 2017

8. Table-2.8 India's Food Export to the World

9. Table-2.9 India's Food Import from the World

10. Table-2.10 India's Share in Global Food Trade

11. Table-2.11 FDI Equity inflow to FPI

12. Table-2.12 Estimated Percentage Loss of Major Agricultural Produce in India

13. Table-2.13 Losses in Key Horticultural and Cereal Crops



S. No. Subject Pages

I Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) 106

Sanctioned strength, number of employees in position, number of employees belonging to

II 108
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the MoFPI

III Status of Implementation of 40 Mega Food Park Projects (As on 31st December, 2019) 109

IV State-wise Implementation of Cold Chain Schemes (As on 31st December, 2019) 113

List of State-wise 218 approved food processing units under CEFPPC Scheme
V 132
(As on 31st December, 2019)

List of State-wise 47 approved projects under Agro Processing Clusters scheme

VI 159
(As on 31st December, 2019)

State-wise details of the projects approved under Scheme for Creation of Backward and
VII 165
Forward Linkages (As on 31st December, 2019)

VIII Food Testing Laboratory Projects Supported during 2019-20 (As on 31st December, 2019) 168 CHAPTER - 1
Food Testing Laboratories assisted by MoFPI and their NABL/FSSAI Notification Status
IX 169
(As on 31st December, 2019)
Food Processing Units Supported by MoFPI for implementation of HACCP/ISO Standards
X 175
during 2019-20

Food Processing Units Supported by MoFPI for implementation of HACCP/ISO Standards

XI 176
(Completed Projects till 31st December, 2019)

XII Grant released under R&D Scheme by Ministry from 01st April, 2019 to 31st December, 2019 180

List of Events for which MoFPI extended/released financial support from 01st April, 2019 to
XIII 182
31st December, 2019

XIV Status of Skill Projects (As on 31st December, 2019) 188


1.1. BACKGROUND: (v) Fruit and vegetable processing industry
(including freezing and dehydration).
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries
was setup in July, 1988 to give an impetus for (vi) Food grains milling industry.
development of food processing sector in the
2. Planning, development and control of, and
country. Subsequently, vide notification No.
assistance to, industries relating to bread, oil
DOC.CD-442/1999 dated 15th October, 1999, this
seeds, meals (edible), breakfast foods,
Ministry was made a Department and brought under
biscuits, confectionery (including cocoa
the Ministry of Agriculture. It was again notified as
processing and chocolate making), malt
the Ministry of Food Processing Industries vide
extract, protein isolate, high protein food,
Cabinet Secretariat's Note No.1/22/1/2001- Cab(1)
weaning food and extruded food products
dated 06th September, 2001.
(including other ready to eat foods).
3. Specialized packaging for food processing
The subjects allocated to the Ministry under industry.
Government of India (Allocation of Business)
4. Beer including non-alcoholic beer.
Rules, 1961 are as under:-
5. Alcoholic drinks from non-molasses base.
1. Industries relating to:
6. Aerated water and soft drinks.
(i) Processing and Refrigeration of certain
agricultural products (milk powder, infant 1.3. ROLE OF THE MINISTRY:
milk food, malted milk food, condensed milk,
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries
ghee and other dairy products), poultry and
is concerned with formulation and implementation
eggs, meat and meat products.
of the policies for the food processing industries
(ii) Processing of fish (including canning and with in the overall national priorities and objectives.
freezing). If the surplus production of cereals, fruits,
vegetables, milk, fish, meat and poultry, etc., are
(iii) Establishment and servicing of development
processed and marketed both inside and outside
council for fish processing industry.
the country, there will be greater opportunities for
(iv) Technical assistance and advice to fish adding to the income of farmers and employment. A
processing industry. strong and dynamic food processing sector plays a


vital role in diversification and commercialization of developmental initiatives and promotional nearby 80% food products are covered in 1.4.3. DEVELOPMENTAL INITIATIVES:
agriculture, enhancing shelf life, ensuring value initiatives. lower tax slab of 0%, 5% and 12%.
Several development initiatives have been
addition to agricultural produce, generation of
1.4.1. POLICY SUPPORT: (v) Provision of profit linked tax holiday under taken by the Ministry to promote growth of the food
employment, enhancing income of farmers and
Section 80 IB and investment linked processing sector in the country. Some of these are:
creating markets for export of agro foods. The (i) Formulation and implementation of policies
deduction under Section 35 AD of Income
Ministry acts as a catalyst for bringing in greater for food processing sector within overall (i) Creating modern infrastructure for
Tax Act, 1961.
investment into this sector, guiding and helping the national priorities and objectives. supporting the growth of food processing
industry and creating a conducive environment for (vi) Classifying loan to food & agro-based sector through implementation of the
(ii) Facilitating creation of a conducive
healthy growth of the food processing industry. The processing units and Cold Chain under Schemes of Mega Food Parks, Integrated
environment for healthy growth of the
Ministry aims at: agriculture activities for Priority Sector Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure,
food-processing sector.
Lending. Agro Processing Cluster, Backward &
(i) Creating the critical infrastructure to fill the
(iii) Promoting rationalization of tariff and duties Forward Linkages and Operation Greens.
gaps in the supply chain from farm to (vii) Cold Chain and Food Parks covered under
relating to food processing sector.
consumer. Harmonised Master List of Infrastructure (ii) Providing assistance for creation and
1.4.2. POLICY INITIATIVES: Sub-sector. expansion of food processing capacity
(ii) Funding projects for value addition of
under various Central Sector Schemes.
agricultural produce. Several policy initiatives have been taken (viii) Incentivizing creation of infrastructure,
from time to time by the Government to promote expansion of Processing Capacity and (iii) Widening the R&D base in food processing
(iii) Funding projects for minimizing wastage at
growth of the food processing sector in the country. developing technology to convert raw by involvement of various R&D institutes and
all stages in the food processing chain by the
Some of these are: produce into value added products. support to R&D activities.
development of infrastructure.
(i) Exempting all the processed food items from (ix) Setting up of a Special Fund of ₹2000 crore in (iv) Uploading list of R&D Research Projects/
(iv) Funding projects for induction of modern
the purview of licensing under the Industries National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Findings on the Ministry's website for better
technology in the food processing
(Development and Regulation) Act, 1951. Development (NABARD) to provide dissemination, commercial adoption and
affordable credit for designated Food Parks use by the farmers and entrepreneurs.
(ii) 100% Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
(v) Encouraging R&D for product and process and agro-processing units.
permitted through automatic route for food (v) Developing human resources to meet the
processing sector subject to sectoral (x) Simplifying Application Forms of all the growing requirement of managers,
(vi) Providing policy support, promotional regulations. schemes and minimizing requirement of entrepreneurs and skilled workers in the food
initiative and facilities to promote value documents. processing sector.
(iii) 100% Foreign Direct Investment, under
added produce for domestic consumption
Government approval route, for trading, (xi) Assisting creation of skill infrastructure in (vi) Assistance for setting up of Food Testing
and also exports.
including through e-commerce, in respect of Food Processing Sector and skill Laboratories, active participation in laying
1.4. FUNCTIONS OF THE MINISTRY: food products manufactured or produced in development initiatives through the Sector down food standards and their
India. Skill Council [i.e. Food Industry Capacity and harmonization with international standards.
The functions of the Ministry can be broadly
Skill Initiatives (FICSI)].
classified under policy support, policy initiatives, (iv) Lower GST for raw and processed product; (vii) Developing a strong supply chain for

10 11

perishable farm produce to reach processing potential and prospect of food processing industry commenced from 16 August, 2012.
2020 in Paris.
centers with minimal loss of time. in the country, this Ministry provides assistance for:
(viii) Introducing Sevottam, charter mark in (i) Organizing Workshops, Seminars, TECHNOLOGY (IIFPT): BOARD (NMPPB):
service delivery for excellence in the Exhibitions and Fairs.
Indian Institute of Food Processing The National Meat & Poultry Processing
(ii) Commissioning of studies/surveys, etc. Technology [formerly known as Paddy Processing Board (NMPPB) was established in 2009. The
(ix) Regular interaction with the industry and Research Centre (PPRC)], Thanjavur is an mandate of NMPPB was to oversee the growth and
(iii) Participation in National/International Fairs/
State/UT Governments for activating Single autonomous organization under the administrative further promotion of meat and poultry sector in the
Exhibitions, etc.
Window System. control of Ministry of Food Processing Industries. country. NMPPB was to address issues related to
1.5. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE The Institute is affiliated to Tamil Nadu Agriculture production of hygienic, safe and wholesome meat
(x) Extending fiscal incentives for the food
MINISTRY: University (for its academic activities). It has been in and meat products. The Board, which was to be an
processing industries.
existence since 1967 with different names. In the industry driven body, with provision of funding by the
The organizational structure of the Ministry
(xi) Promoting Foreign Direct Investment under Budget Speech of 2006-07, the Hon'ble Union Government for first three years i.e. up to 2012-13,
of Food Processing Industries is at ANNEXURE–I.
the 'Make in India' initiative. Finance Minister announced the intention of the had to generate its own revenue. However, the Board
The total sanctioned strength, number of
Government to upgrade erstwhile PPRC to a was unable to generate resources to continue its
(xii) Dissemination of all relevant information employees in position and number of employees
National Institute. Accordingly, the institute was activities without Government funding. It was,
relating to food processing sector in the belonging to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
upgraded and renamed as Indian Institute of Crop therefore, decided by the Government to wind up the
Ministry's website and Investor Portal in the Ministry are at ANNEXURE-II.
Processing Technology (IICPT) in February 2008 NMPPB.
(Nivesh Bandhu).
1.6. ORGANIZATIONS UNDER THE MINISTRY: and later in March 2017, rechristened as Indian
(xiii) An Investors’ Portal “Nivesh Bandhu” Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT).
has been developed by the Ministry for
disseminating information on the state- 1.7.1. MINISTRY'S WEBSITE:
specific resource potential, policy support
The existing website of the Ministry (http://
and fiscal incentives offered to investors in The National Institute of Food Technology, The Indian Grape Processing Board (IGPB) is the focal point for disseminating
food processing sector. The investors, both Entrepreneurship & Management (NIFTEM) at was set up in the year 2009 at Pune, Maharashtra.
information in the quickest manner across the
domestic & foreign, are facilitated to put Kundli, Haryana was set up as an international The Board has been registered as institution under
geographical regions regarding schemes of the
queries relating to any issue on investment in center of excellence, to work synergistically with the
Societies Registration Act, 1860. Every year, this
Ministry, database on food processing sector and
food processing sector through Investors' industry and similar institutions within India and
Ministry is giving contribution to the International
related matters. MoFPI website is interactive, user
Portal ( outside. The Institute has been granted Deemed to
Organization of Vines and Wines (OIV) and friendly, responsive and Content Management
or through Ministry's website be University status under de-novo category by the
representative(s) of this Ministry participates System (CMS) driven. It has been designed keeping
( Government on 08 th May, 2012. The Institute
in the international meet, whenever invited. in view the requirement of investors in food
is offering B.Tech. (Food Technology and
1.4.4. PROMOTIONAL INITIATIVES: Representatives from FSSAI and APEDA will attend processing industry with emphasis on ways and
Management), M.Tech., MBA and Ph.D. courses.
the international event from 24 March-3 April,
th rd
means to avail benefits under various schemes
In order to create awareness about the The first academic session of the institute

12 13

implemented by the Ministry. The website monitoring and decision making. The application is posting their query on the portal. “Investors’ Portal: 1.9. PUBLIC GRIEVANCES:
disseminates detailed information on funding, hosted on Government of India Cloud Servers to Nivesh Bandhu” can also be accessed through
The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances
physical and financial progress in terms of provide fast access of information to stakeholders website of the Ministry. The portal earlier hosted on
and Pensions in 2006 has identified the Ministry of
schemes/programmes etc. All forms on the website 24X7. a private server, has been migrated to GOI cloud. Food Processing Industries as one of the
are downloadable. Details of units/organizations
A dashboard to review Ministry's schemes 1.7.4. E-PROCUREMENT: organizations to take up Sevottam certification as a
assisted under various schemes are also available means to achieve excellence in delivery of public
through their key performance indicators namely
on the site. Complete process of e-tendering from online services. Following steps have been taken by this
number of ongoing projects, pendency at different
publishing of tenders inviting online bids, evaluation Ministry towards achieving the Sevottam
1.7.2. SCHEME MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: levels, delays at various levels, and various
and award of contract is now being done through certification:-
To actively participate in Digital India monitoring parameters has been developed and
Central Public Procurement Portal of Government of
implemented. Dashboard provides at-a-glance view (i) The revised Citizens' Charter has been
Program, Ministry has taken an initiative to make all India ( The Ministry has
formulated and uploaded on the website in
the processes related to release of grants simple, of key performance indicators of all the schemes
already procured Digital Certificates and the same April, 2015 and has been prominently
easy and transparent through scheme management included in the scope of Scheme Management
have been issued to the designated officers. Also all displayed in Hindi and English at the
system. This has been developed for its schemes System and also assist in tracking performance
the procurement in Ministry is done through GEM reception also.
namely Mega Food Park, Cold Chain, Agro metrics against Ministry's goals.
Processing Clusters, Backward and Forward (ii) The Ministry has appointed Shri Minhaj
1.7.5. IMPLEMENTATION OF E-OFFICE: Alam, Joint Secretary as the Nodal Officer for
Linkages, Creation/Expansion of Food Processing
“Investors’ Portal: Nivesh Bandhu Public Grievances for monitoring the
and Preservation Capacities (CEFPPC) and E-Office is being implemented since 23rd
(” brings together redressal of grievances. The Ministry
Operation Greens. The system captures entire March, 2015 in this Ministry. All new receipts and
receives online grievances through
workflow starting from the stage of submission of all relevant information related to food processing
files are being processed electronically. The CPGRAMS Portal, which are redressed
proposals to project conception and thereafter sector, on one platform, for the benefit of investors
percentage of electronic processing has now online. The grievance redressal is monitored
facilitating grant release involving all the to take informed decisions on investment. The
increased to 89% from the earlier level of 53%. periodically by the Joint Secretary. In
stakeholders namely Promoter/Project Execution portal provides information on State profiles and
addition to the online grievances, the
State Government policies, incentives offered for 1.8. ADMINISTRATIVE VIGILANCE:
Agencies, Project Management Agencies (PMAs) Ministry also receives off-line grievances,
and Ministry and automates all the processes promotion of food processing sector, Geo-tagged Ministry of Food Processing Industries has which are also addressed and monitored in
related to grant release. information on agri-production clusters, availability been taking due care for maintenance of efficiency the same manner. As on date, the rate of
of raw material, processing units, processing and integrity of its personnel and ensuring disposal of grievances pertaining to this
The module facilitates online submission of
infrastructure, industrial plots, cold chains, testing Ministry as per the CPGRAM Portal is 97.6%.
application, document uploading and its status impartiality, objectivity and transparency in
laboratories, communication network etc. A unique decision-making. Complaints and representations
tracking on real time basis. At any stage when the 1.10. SEXUAL HARASSMENT COMMITTEE:
feature of the Portal is the platform for business received from the public are given due consideration
status of proposal gets changed, the system For dealing with Sexual Harassment among
networking by the farmers, processors, traders and are attended promptly for ensuring fairness and
generates automated email alerts and forwards it to Women Employees of the Ministry, a Committee has
and logistics operators. The investors can seek objectivity. Shri Minhaj Alam, Joint Secretary, MoFPI
concerned stakeholder's email account. The system been Constituted, details are shown in Table-1.1:-
guidance in specific investment related issues by is the Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) in this Ministry.
also provides facilities for queries and reports for

14 15

TABLE 1.1 Department for Promotion of Industry and and study materials were distributed to the
Internal Trade (DPIIT) under Ministry of street vendors.
S. No. Name of the Officer Designation of the Officer Commerce and Industry are the Cadre
(iv) MoFPI is declared plastic free zone. Ministry
1 Smt. Reema Prakash, Joint Secretary Chairperson Controlling Authorities.
has totally banned single use plastic in the
2 Shri S. K. Verma, Deputy Secretary Member
(ii) The total number of Group 'C' posts (non- premises of MoFPI from 17th September,
3 Ms. Suman Sharma, Under Secretary Member
technical) is 25 and 4% thereof comes to 1. 2019.
4 Ms. Shivani Bhardwaj, Programme Director SAFP Member Therefore, 1 post of MTS is considered for
(v) 'Swachhta hi Seva' campaign has been
reservation under Rights of Persons with
1.11. SC/ST GRIEVANCE CELL: Ministry has constituted a SC/ST Grievance Cell, observed by MoFPI during the period from
Disabilities Act, 2016. The post earmarked
details are shown in Table -1.2 below:- 11th September, 2019 to 02nd October, 2019.
For dealing with Grievances of SC/ST, as reserved for Persons with Disabilities will
Several programmes were organized during
be filled up as per roster points allocated to
TABLE 1.2 this period.

(vi) MoFPI organized Interactive Session on

S. No. Name of the Officer Designation of the Officer 1.14. SWACHHTA ACTIVITIES UNDER SWACHH
Swachhta in Food Processing Sector and
1 Shri Ashok Kumar, Joint Secretary Chairperson BHARAT ABHIYAN:
Plastic Waste Management on 13

2 Shri Atya Nand, Deputy Secretary Liaison Officer

(i) Extensive cleanliness drives in and around September, 2019 at ASSOCHAM House, New
3 Shri Tual Za Kam, Under Secretary Member
the official premises (Panchsheel Bhawan) Delhi. Sustainable alternatives for Single-use
4 Shri Krishna Murari, Senior Inspecting Officer Member were undertaken by all the officers and staff Plastic and analysis of the safe and hygienic
5 Shri Sonu Kumar, Assistant Section Officer Member of the Ministry from time to time and also on food handling packages was discussed.
various special occasions. Cleanliness drive
(vii) MoFPI organized awareness programme
1.12. CRISIS MANAGEMENT: Authority in respect of Industrial Adviser (IA) covered all the porta cabins, canteen
with DICCI for street vendors on food safety
Cadre with 9 posts, Food & Vegetable premises and the rooftop, cleaning and
Ministry of Food Processing Industries has on 17th and 20th September, 2019.
Products Order (F & VP) Cadre with 5 posts, disinfecting of water storage tanks etc. Old
constituted a Disaster Management Committee.
Meat Food Products Order (MFPO) Cadre files/records were weeded out by scanning (viii) Hon'ble Minister, FPI Smt. Harsimrat Kaur
The Committee is headed by Smt. Pushpa
with 5 posts. It is also the cadre controlling and digitalization of the files/records etc. Badal offered shramdaan along with officers
Subrahmanyam, Secretary, FPI as the Chairman,
authority for 25 posts of Group 'C' Non- and staff of MoFPI for cleanliness and
with Ms. Reema Prakash, Joint Secretary as the (ii) MoFPI has been declared tobacco free zone
technical Cadre (20 post of Multi-Tasking collection of plastic waste in and around
Vice-Chairman and Shri Ashok Kumar, Joint on 31st May, 2019.
Staff [MTS], 4 post of Staff Car Driver and 1 Panchsheel Bhawan on 01st October, 2019.
Secretary as the Member/Nodal Officer.
post of Dispatch Rider). In respect of other (iii) Awareness programme for street vendors on
posts, the Department of Personnel & (ix) Ministry of Food Processing Industries
1.13. WELFARE OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES: Food Safety and Personal Hygiene was
Training (DoPT) under Ministry of Personnel, observed 'Swachhta Pakhwada' during 16th
organized by IIFPT on 20th August, 2019. Kits
(i) This Ministry is the Cadre Controlling Public Grievances and Pensions, and the to 31st October, 2019. Swachhta Pledge
containing apron, towel, head cap, masks

16 17

administered by Secretary, FPI in Panchsheel 1.15.2. The beneficiaries of projects assisted by the 1.15.5. WOMEN EMPLOYMENT IN FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR
Bhawan on various occasions. NIFTEM/ Ministry are those supplying raw materials to food The overall scenario of women employment in Food Processing Sector is as under in Table -1.3:-
IIFPT also pledged for Swachhta. processing industries, people working in food TABLE 1.3
processing plants and those engaged in marketing WOMEN EMPLOYMENT IN FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR
(x) Swachhta Abhiyan at village Cooperative
activities. Although the benefit accruing to women
Milk society by Cold Chain Division of MoFPI. Total Employment-
**Employed Women (%) Share of
from these schemes has not been quantified, Sector Food Processing Sector
Workers (in lakh) Women
(in lakh)
(xi) Intensive cleanliness drive was undertaken efforts are being made by the Ministry to ensure that
the maximum benefit of the schemes of the Ministry Registered Factories # (2016-17)* 2.33 18.54 12.55
in one of the Mega Food Projects i.e.
Patanjali Food & Herbal Park Pvt. Ltd., reaches to the women stake holders of the sector. Un-incorporated Non-Agriculture
Enterprises in Food Processing 12.62 51.11 24.69
Haridwar. Officials of MoFPI visited Shri Ram Sector (2015-16)@
1.15.3. A Gender Budget Cell under the
Institute of Industrial Research (SRIIR), New #:Factory Registered under Sections 2m (i) and 2m (ii) of the Factories Act 1948;
chairpersonship of a Joint Secretary has been set up
Delhi in order to observe Swachhta Abhiyan @:Source: NSSO 73rd Round (July 2015 - June 2016)
in the Ministry for effecting changes in the Ministry's
in the Institute Premises on 31st October, *Source: Annual Survey of Industries (2016-17)
policies and programmes, wherever required in a
**For registered factories data is for directly employed women workers.
way that could tackle gender imbalances, promote
gender equality and development and ensure that 1.15.6. Women beneficiaries are eligible under all 1.15.7. The Ministry has approved 40 Mega
(xii) Awareness Rallies were organized on
public resources through the Ministry's budget are schemes of the Ministry but there is no specified Food Park Projects (Final Approval–38 projects
Swachhta Abhiyan and Plastic Waste
allocated and managed accordingly. quota for any section on linguistic, religion or gender and in-principle Approval–2 projects). Details of
Management by NIFTEM and IIFPT in the
basis given the small number of units available for
month of October 2019. female promoters are given below in Table -1.4:-
1.15.4. There is substantial women participation in
sanction under the schemes of the Ministry.
1.15. GENDER BUDGETING: manufacture of food products and beverages, TABLE 1.4
though the schemes of the Ministry are project FEMALE PROMOTERS IN MEGA FOOD PARKS
1.15.1. Culinary tradition of various communities in oriented and not specific to Community/Caste and No. of
S. No. Name of Mega Food Park Name of Female Promoters
India is carried forward over generations by their Gender. As per the Annual Survey of Industries 2016- Female Promoters
women folk. Therefore, this Ministry recognizes 17, a total of 2.33 lakh women workers were directly 1 M/s Satara Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd. 1 ◊ Smt. Vaishali Hanmant Rao Gaikwad
contribution of women in food processing. Since employed in registered food processing units in the
2 M/s Godavari Mega Aqua Park Pvt. Ltd. 1 ◊ Smt. Ch. Vyjayanthi
ages, women are traditionally engaged in food country. As regards women employment in
processing activities like making of pickles, papad, ◊ Smt. Zonunsiami
unincorporated non-agriculture enterprises of food 3 M/s Zoram Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd. 2
◊ Smt. Doris Zothansangi Chhangte
nuggets etc. Schemes operated by this Ministry are processing sector, it has been estimated that a total
4 M/s Wardha Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd. 1 ◊ Ms. Sara H Shafiq
aimed at providing facilities and incentives for of 12.62 lakh women workers were engaged in the
promotion of food processing industry in the 5 M/s Favorich Infra Pvt. Ltd. 1 ◊ Mrs. Lavanya Jaydev
year 2015-16 as per the information released in the
country. These schemes are project oriented National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) 73 Round
rd ◊ Mrs. Indiraben R Patel
6 M/s Fanidhar Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd. 2
instead of being community, caste or gender ◊ Ms. Kinjal R Patel
(July, 2015 - June, 2016).
specific. 7 M/s Doys Agri Resources Pvt. Ltd. 1 ◊ Smt. Doshehe Vilitoli Yeptho

18 19


6 2 0
(I) National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & Management (NIFTEM): 7 M.Tech. (2018-2020) Batch 89 40 44.94

TABLE 1.5 8 M.Tech. (2019-2021) Batch 69 24 34.78

9 0

S. No. Academic Year Total Women % Women 10 MBA (2018-2020) Batch 20 09 45

1 B.Tech. (2012-2016) Batch 107 25 23.36 11 MBA (2019-2021) Batch 28 10 35.71

2 B.Tech. (2013-2017) Batch 157 52 33.12 12 Ph.D. 2013 Batch 2 - 0

3 B.Tech. (2014-2018) Batch 151 46 30.46 13 Ph.D. 2014 Batch 10 3 30

4 B.Tech. (2015-2019) Batch 144 51 35.42 14 Ph.D. 2015 Batch 23 10 43.48

5 M.Tech. (2012-2014) Batch 86 35 40.70 15 Ph.D. 2016 Batch 12 6 50

6 M.Tech. (2013-2015) Batch 85 36 42.35 16 Ph.D. 2017 Batch 24 18 75.00

7 M.Tech. (2014-2016) Batch 84 32 38.10 17 Ph.D. 2018 Batch 9 6 66.67

8 M.Tech. (2015-2017) Batch 84 37 44.05 18 Ph.D. 2019 Batch 11 7 63.64

9 M.Tech. (2016-2018) Batch 81 31 38.27 TOTAL 894 306 34.22

10 M.Tech. (2017-2019) Batch 80 47 58.75

11 MBA (2016-2018) Batch 15 5 33.33
Ø Number of women trainees participated in the training programme: 60 out of total 159 (37.73 %) were
12 MBA (2017-2019) Batch 29 16 55.17 women trainees.

13 Ph.D. 2013 Batch 5 1 20.00

Women Project Investigators
14 Ph.D. 2014 Batch 3 2 66.67
Co-Project Investigators 04 02 50%
15 Ph.D. 2015 Batch 1 - 0

TOTAL 1112 416 37.41 (II) Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology (IIFPT):

S. No. Academic Year Total Women % Women
S. No. Academic Year Total Women % Women
1 B.Tech. (2015-16) Batch 44 21 47.72
1 B.Tech. (2015-2019) Batch 23 1 4.35
2 B.Tech. (2016-17) Batch 56 29 51.78
2 B.Tech. (2016-2020) Batch 149 38 25.50
3 B. Tech. (2017-18) Batch 56 26 46.42
3 B.Tech. (2017-2021) Batch 144 45 31.25 4 B. Tech. (2018-19) Batch 56 26 46.42
4 B.Tech. (2018-2022) Batch 150 56 37.33 5 B.Tech. (2019-20) Batch 66 20 30.30
5 B.Tech. (2019-2023) Batch 129 33 25.58 6 M.Tech. (2017-18) Batch 38 25 65.78

20 21

7 M.Tech. (2018-19) Batch 36 23 63.88

8 M.Tech. (2019-20) Batch 32 20 62.50

9 Ph.D. (2014-15) Batch 04 03 75

10 Ph.D. (2015-16) Batch 03 01 33.33

11 Ph.D. (2016-17) Batch 05 03 60

12 Ph.D. (2017-18) Batch 08 04 50

13 Ph.D. (2018-19) Batch 09 08 88.88

14 Ph.D. (2019-20) Batch 13 06 46.15

TOTAL 426 215 50.46


S. No. Academic Year Total Women % Women

1 B.Tech. (2015-19) Batch 41 21 51.21

2 M.Tech. (2017-19) Batch 37 24 64.86

3 Ph.D. (2019) 03 02 66.66

TOTAL 81 47 58.02


Total Women % Women

Successful women entrepreneur 03 01 33.33

Technology transferred to women 07 01 14.28

Women Self Help Groups 75 75 100

Women attended in conferences/seminar/workshops 17547 6978 39.76

Total women beneficiaries 212 129 60


Women Project Investigators
(ii) There is no Public Accounts Committee
Project Investigators 04 01 25% (i) No para of audit report of Comptroller and (PAC) para outstanding against the Ministry
Co-Project Investigators 04 01 25% Auditor General of India (C&AG) is pending
of Food Processing Industries.
against the Ministry of Food Processing

22 23






2.1. OVERVIEW OF THE FOOD PROCESSING Mango. Further, India ranks second in the world in
SECTOR: the production of Rice, Wheat and many other fruits

A well-developed food processing sector & vegetables. An abundant supply of raw materials,

with higher level of processing helps in the reduction increase in demand for food products and

of wastage, improves value addition, promotes crop incentives offered by the Government has impacted

diversification, ensures better return to the farmers, food processing sector positively. During the last 5

promotes employment as well as increases export years ending 2018-19, Food Processing sector has

earnings. This sector is also capable of addressing been growing at an Average Annual Growth Rate

critical issues of food security, food inflation and (AAGR) of around 10.00% as compared to around
providing wholesome, nutritious food to the 3.11% in Agriculture at 2011-12 Prices. Food
masses. Processing Sector has also emerged as an

2.1.1. CONTRIBUTION OF FOOD PROCESSING important segment of the Indian economy in terms

SECTOR TO GDP: of its contribution to GDP, employment and

investment. The sector constituted as much as
Over the years agricultural production in
8.98% and 11.11% of GVA in Manufacturing and
India has consistently recorded higher output. India
Agriculture sector respectively in 2018-19 at 2011-
ranks first in the world in the production of Milk,
12 prices.
Ghee, Pulses, Ginger, Banana, Guava, Papaya and
(₹ in lakh crore)

S. No. Economic of the Officer
Activity 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19

1 GVA-All India 90.64 97.12 104.92 113.28 120.74 128.03

2 GVA-Manufacturing 15.61 16.84 19.04 20.55 21.90 23.17

GVA-Agriculture, Forestry
3 and Fishing 16.09 16.06 16.16 17.26 18.28 18.72

4 GVA-FPI 1.3 1.34 1.61 1.79 1.91 2.08


5 GVA-All India 6.05 7.15 8.03 7.97 6.59 6.04


6 GVA-Manufacturing 4.97 7.88 13.06 7.93 6.57 5.80 Other Other Coke &
Non-Metallic Non-Metallic Other Refined
GVA-Agriculture, Forestry Textiles & Chemical
7 5.57 -0.19 0.62 6.81 5.91 2.41 2 Mineral Mineral Industries Petroleum
and Fishing (10.46%) Products
Products Products (13.34%) Products
(11.92%) (12.13%) (12.06%)
8 GVA-FPI 0.39 3.08 20.15 11.18 6.70 8.90
Fabricated Coke &
Metal Products, Wearing Basic Basic
Textiles except
9 GVA-FPI 1.44 1.38 1.53 1.58 1.58 1.62 3 Petroleum Apparel Metals Metals
(7.54%) Machinery and
Products (7.63%) (11.53%) (8.12%)
10 GVA-Manufacturing 17.22 17.34 18.15 18.14 18.14 18.10 Equipment
(7.33%) (12.88%)

GVA-Agriculture, Forestry
11 17.75 16.54 15.40 15.24 15.14 14.62 Other Motor
and Fishing Fabricated Chemicals Chemicals &
Non-Metallic Vehicles,
Metal Textile & Chemical Chemical
4 Mineral Trailers &
PERCENTAGE SHARE OF FOOD PROCESSING IN Products (7.02%) Products Products
Products Semi-Trailers
(7.46%) (8.96%) (8.02%)
12 GVA-Manufacturing 8.34 7.96 8.46 8.71 8.72 8.98 (7.24%) (7.68%)

GVA-Agriculture, Forestry Other Motor Motor

13 8.09 8.34 9.96 10.37 10.45 11.11 Rubber Rubber &
and Fishing Non-Metallic Vehicles, Vehicles, Food
& Plastic Plastic
5 Mineral Trailers & Trailers & Products
Source: National Accounts Division, Central Statistics Office Products Products
Products Semi-Trailers Semi-Trailers (7.60%)
(5.97%) (5.70%)
(6.16%) (6.62%) (7.74%)
Note: All GVAs have been adjusted for Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured (FISIM).
2.1.2. KEY FEATURES OF REGISTERED FOOD annually and the latest data is available for 2016-17. Total
(all- 234865 194380 319038649 14911189 726551423 136805049
PROCESSING INDUSTRIES: For a few important characteristics, top five industries)*

industries (2-digit level of NIC) at all-India level

Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the main Note: Figures in parentheses indicate percentage to total; *Estimates of Fixed Capital, Output and GVA are in ₹ Lakh.
having major percentage shares in the estimated
source of data on the number of units, employment,
It is seen that food products industry, persons as compared to other industries while
value of overall aggregates are mentioned in
output and investment in fixed capital for Registered
compared to other industries has the largest generating the highest output level as in other
Table -2.2.
Food Processing Units. ASI data are released
number of factories and engages largest number of industries. Food Processing Industry is one of the
TABLE 2.2 persons as well. Since the food products industry major employment intensive segments constituting
does not figure in top five with respect to fixed 12.38% (at 3-digit of NIC classification) of
CHARACTERISTIC capital, it shows that this sector is highly labour employment generated in all Registered Factory
Total No. of No. of Factories Fixed Total Persons Gross Value
Rank Output intensive per unit of capital deployed. Despite low sector in 2017-18. According to the latest Annual
Factories in Operation Capital Engaged Added
capital intensity, the output of food products is not Survey of Industries (ASI) for 2017-18 (P), the total
Coke &
Food Food Basic Food Food Refined compromised as it is the largest among all number of persons engaged in registered Food
1 Products Products Metals Products Products Petroleum
industries. Thus, every unit of capital invested in Processing Sector was 19.33 lakhs. Unregistered
(15.95%) (16.78%) (20.54%) (11.36%) (14.09%) Products
(12.87%) food products industry employs largest number of Food Processing Sector supports employment to

28 29

51.11 lakh worker as per the NSSO 73 Round, scenario of employment in Food Processing Sector Table-2.4 looks at the 18 sub-sectors of Food capital per registered factory is as high as ₹84.35

2015-16 and constitutes 14.18% of employment in is given below:- Processing Industry (Source: ASI 2016-17). In the FP crore in the case of sugar mills and ₹49.96 crore in
the unregistered manufacturing sector. The overall industry, on an average, the fixed capital per malt liquors and malt industry and as low as ₹1.2

TABLE 2.3 registered factory is ₹5.69 crore indicating that crore in grain mill products industry, ₹3.37 crore in
EMPLOYMENT IN FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY most of the factories in this sector are micro and bakery products and ₹3.61 crore in other food
small enterprises under the definition of Micro, products inclusive of tea, coffee, edible nuts, infant
Food Processing* (%) Share of
Sector Overall Industry
Industry FP sector Small and Medium Enterprises Development food, papad, spices etc.
(MSMED) Act, 2006. However, variation in fixed
Registered# (2017-18) 19.33 lakh 156.14 lakh 12.38
Un-incorporated (2015-16)** 51.11 lakh 360.41 lakh 14.18 SUB-SECTOR WISE KEY PARAMETERS OF REGISTERED FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRIES
(₹ in crore)
*: Includes food products and beverages segments; Code EMP
No. of Fixed FC GVA%
#: Source: Annual Survey of Industries 2017-18(P); (4 digit No. of Total Total per
Items Persons Capital GVA per (GVA /
NIC, Factories Output Input crore
**Source: NSSO Report No. 582 (73/2.34/2) on Economic Characteristics of Unincorporated Non-Agricultural Enterprises (Excluding Engaged (FC) Factory Input)
2008) of FC
Construction) in India; NSSO 73rd Round (July 2015-June 2016)
Processing and
1010 preserving of meat 181 29812 2794 24846 23088 1758 15.43 7.62 11
The cumulative number of persons engaged in registered Food Processing Industries from the year 2010-11 to
Processing and
2017-18 is also presented in Chart 2.1. preserving of fish,
1020 crustaceans and 535 70298 4502 38388 34977 3411 8.41 9.75 16
CHART 2.1 molluscs and
Processing and
1030 preserving of fruit 1254 80440 8108 21830 17070 4759 6.47 27.88 10
and vegetables
Persons Engaged in FPI Sector
Manufacture of
20 1040 vegetable and 3112 97888 17890 204537 196832 7705 5.75 3.91 5
animal oils and fats
Persons Engaged (in lakh)

19 Manufacture of
1050 2039 171497 22429 153260 140769 12491 11.00 8.87 8
18.5 dairy products
Manufacture of grain
17.5 1061 18899 345200 22769 253775 235801 17975 1.20 7.62 15
mill products
Manufacture of
1062 starches and 629 27352 5100 11266 9696 1570 8.11 16.19 5
16 starch products
Manufacture of
15 1071 1767 113043 5955 25704 20245 5459 3.37 26.96 19
bakery products
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Time Period-> Manufacture of
1072 741 227890 62505 100672 83376 17296 84.35 20.74 4

30 31

Manufacture of of Dairy Products brings down the GVA at aggregate higher remuneration as well. Prepared meals and
1073 cocoa, chocolate and 594 46253 8572 17898 13390 4508 14.43 33.67 5
level. dishes and bakery product sub-sector can set the
sugar confectionery
Manufacture of benchmark where employment generation is as
The number of persons employed per ₹1
macaroni, noodles,
high as 19 persons per ₹1 crore of investment and
1074 couscous and 118 10048 2224 3267 2517 750 18.85 29.79 5 crore of investment is 8 for the entire registered
similar farinaceous share of GVA is also very high at 26.96%. Sub-
Food Processing Industry. Employment generation
sectors with higher employee per unit of investment
Manufacture of is higher than the average in processing and
1075 prepared meals 323 27347 1215 7196 2820 4376 3.76 155.16 22 but low level of GVA require their manpower to be
preservation of Fish at 16, Grain Mill products at 15
and dishes
trained to increase productivity which together with
and Meat sub-sector at 11. However, these very sub-
Manufacture of
111557 technological infusion would increase value
1079 other food products 6300 387742 22749 93371 18186 3.61 19.48 17 sectors show low levels of GVA as well. The
n.e.c. addition. The year-wise fixed capital deployment in
percentage of GVA in these sub-sectors thus needs
Manufacture of registered factories in Food Processing Industries
1080 prepared animal 976 58927 7150 49686 45993 3693 7.33 8.03 8 to be increased so that the bulk of the persons
feeds is presented in Chart -2.2.
employed in the Food Processing Industries earn
Distilling, rectifying
and blending of CHART 2.2
1101 spirits; ethyl alcohol 414 57760 12247 29491 23246 6245 29.58 26.87 5 FIXED CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN FPIS
production from
fermented materials
Fixed Capital in Registered FPIs
1102 77 6981 833 3359 2522 837 10.81 33.19 8
of wines
Manufacture of malt 245063
1103 123 29471 6145 12303 9419 2884 49.96 30.61 5
liquors and malt 250000 226043

Fixed Capital (₹ crore)

Manufacture of soft 200000 191984
drinks; production of 158865
1104 1658 65903 12859 25955 18460 7495 7.76 40.60 5 145038
mineral waters and 150000
other bottled waters
TOTAL 39740 1853852 226045 1094990 973592 121397 5.69 12.47 8
Source: Annual Survey of Industries 2016-17, M/o Statistics and Programme Implementation
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Gross Value Added (GVA) in percentage Wines at 33.19%; Manufacture of Malt, Liquors and
Time Period->
terms on average stands at 12.47% but with malt at 30.61% and Manufacture of macaroni,
significant variation across sub-sectors. Some of noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous
2.1.3. FOOD PROCESSING IN MSME SECTOR: The 4th All India Census of Micro, Small & Medium
the sub-sectors with high percentage of GVA are products at 29.79% also display high GVA% level.
Enterprises (2006-07): Registered Sector gives an
Information on the principal characteristics
manufacturer of prepared meals and dishes at The low percentage of GVA of 3.91% in the case of
extensive information on Employment, Number of
of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) is
155.16%; soft drinks, mineral water and other Vegetable and Animal Oils and Fats products, 7.62%
Enterprises, Market value of Fixed Assets, GVA
generated through periodic census conducted by
bottled water at 40.6%; and cocoa, chocolate and in respect of Grain Mill, 8.03% in the case of
and other important economic parameters on
the Office of Development Commissioner, MSME.
sugar confectionery at 33.67%. Manufacture of prepared animal feeds and about 8.87% in the case

32 33

MSME registered in the District Industries Centers The following Table gives an overview of Food 6 Chandigarh 19 656
(DICs) of the State/UT, KVIC, Coir Board under Processing Units in MSME Sector: 7 Chhattisgarh 1,309 26,957
Section 2m (i) & 2m (ii) of the Factories Act, 1948. 8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 8 622

TABLE 2.5 9 Daman & Diu 32 136

11 Goa 98 2,929
Principal Characteristics Units Value
12 Gujarat 2,240 94,066
Working Enterprises* Number 2,23,018
13 Haryana 918 24,577
Market value of Fixed Assets ₹crore 60,195.91
14 Himachal Pradesh 193 21,885
Gross Output ₹crore 1,37,287.40
15 Jammu & Kashmir 176 28,089
Total Inputs ₹crore 94,628.17
16 Jharkhand 228 1,16,536
GVA ₹crore 42,659.24 2,251 1,27,458
17 Karnataka
Employment Number 14,68,426 18 Kerala 1,629 77,167
*includes all the enterprises permanently registered up to 31 March, 2007 with District Industries Centers (DICs) of the State/UT, KVIC,
19 Lakshadweep 0 127
Coir Board and under Section 2m(i) and 2m(ii) of the Factories Act, 1948; Classification of Industry is as per NIC-2004.
20 Madhya Pradesh 876 1,02,808
21 Maharashtra 2,808 2,29,372
2.1.4. STATE WISE DISTRIBUTION OF registered factories are located in 'Andhra Pradesh',
22 Manipur 28 6,038
REGISTERED AND UNINCORPORATED which accounts for about 14.75% of the total
23 Meghalaya 26 3,268
FOOD PROCESSING UNITS IN INDIA: registered factories in FPI sector industries
24 Mizoram 0 1,538
followed by 'Tamil Nadu' (12.77%), 'Telangana'
As per latest Annual Survey of Industries: 25 Nagaland 21 3,642
(9.99%), 'Punjab' (7.31%) and 'Maharashtra' (7.06%).
2016-17, the total number of factories in the 26 Odisha 1,127 77,781
S t a t e / U T- w i s e Number of R e g i s t e re d /
registered Food Processing Sector in the country 27 Puducherry 60 3,482
Unincorporated Food Processing Units in India
was 39,748. As per Annual Survey of Industries 28 Punjab 2,906 63,626
is given in Table -2.6:- Rajasthan 1,01,666
(2016-17) among the industry, highest number of 29 883

TABLE 2.6 30 Sikkim 19 101


Number of Unincorporated 32 Telangana 3,969 80,392

Number of Registered Units Enterprises Manufacturing 33 Tripura 95 13,998
Name of the State/UT as per Annual Survey of Food and Beverages
No. 34 Uttar Pradesh 2,068 3,50,883
Industries 2016-17 as per 73rd Round Survey
of NSSO, 2015-16 35 Uttarakhand 372 18,116
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 5 774 West Bengal
36 1,960 3,22,590
2 Andhra Pradesh 5,861 1,54,330
TOTAL 39,748 24,59,929
3 Arunachal Pradesh 30 145
Source: Annual Survey of Industries, 2016-17 and NSSO 73rd Round (July 2015-June 2016)
4 Assam 1,409 65,997
5 Bihar 881 1,45,300

34 35

2.2. STAGES OF PROCESSING OF FOOD: domain of Food Processing Industries. 2 Areca nuts 1 723000 1439280 50.23%

The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (ii) Other Value-Added Processes: If there is 3 Bananas 1 30477000 125341716 24.32%
4 Castor oil seed 1 1568000 1846409 84.92%
does not deal with a few food items such as coffee, significant value addition (increased shelf
5 Chick peas 1 9075000 14792454 61.35%
tea, oil seeds, sugar, spices and alcohol made from life, shelled and ready for consumption etc.)
6 Chillies and peppers, dry 1 2096000 4939834 42.43%
molasses, as these items fall within the purview of such produce also comes under food
7 Ginger 1 1070000 3621248 29.55%
other Ministries under the Allocation of Business processing, even if it does not undergo
8 Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas 1 19506000 55590973 35.09%
Rules for Central Ministries. Nevertheless, since manufacturing processes.
9 Meat, buffalo 1 1635153 4201780 38.92%
food processing industries include all edible,
From an analytical perspective, food 10 Milk, whole fresh buffalo 1 86261680 123031341 70.11%
processed food from the economic activity point of
processing can be viewed as different levels of 11 Milk, whole fresh goat 1 6165500 18894731 32.63%
view, data analyzed by this Ministry includes the
processing–primary, secondary and tertiary. 12 Millet 1 11560000 30456356 37.96%
entire sector. Food processing includes
Primary Processing relates to conversion of raw 13 Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms 1 43000 130046 33.07%
(i) Manufactured Processes: If any raw product agricultural produce, milk, meat and fish into a 14 Okra 1 6003000 9641284 62.26%
of agriculture, animal husbandry or fishing is commodity that is fit for human consumption. It 15 Papayas 1 5940000 13169443 45.10%
transformed through a process [involving involves steps such as cleaning, grading, sorting, 16 Pigeon peas 1 4870000 6807551 71.54%
employees, power, machines or money] in packing etc. Food Processing Industries usually 17 Beans, dry 1 6390000 32739471 19.52%
such a way that its original physical deal with higher levels of processing where new or 18 Pulses* 1 29260978 161023088 18.17%

properties undergo a change and if the higher value food products are manufactured. The 19 Ghee, butteroil of cow milk 1 137550 240558 57.18%

transformed product is edible and has different stages of processing of food, are as 20 Ghee, of buffalo milk 1 2863000 3605209 79.41%
21 Cabbages and other brassicas 2 8807000 105494481 8.35% China
commercial value, then it comes within the depicted in the Flow Chart -2.3 below:-
22 Cashew nuts, with shell 2 745000 3971258 18.76% Vietnam
23 Cauliflowers and broccoli 2 8557000 36434147 23.49% China
24 Eggplants (aubergines) 2 12510000 85217885 14.68% China
25 Garlic 2 1693000 50381020 3.36% China
Procurement 26 Groundnuts, with shell 2 9179000 64247617 14.29% China
Primary Secondary
Inputs Production & Retailing
Storage Processing Processing 27 Lemons and limes 2 2364000 19571407 12.08% Mexico
28 Lentils 2 1220000 7762648 15.72% Canada
29 Meat, goat 2 499673 8146114 6.13% China
2.3. RAW MATERIAL BASE OF THE FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY: 30 Milk, whole fresh cow 2 83633570 706393439 11.84% USA
31 Onions, dry 2 22427000 122207474 18.35% China
India is now leading in the production of agricultural and live-stock produce as shown in the following
32 Peas, green 2 5345000 33290590 16.06% China
Table -2.7:-
33 Potatoes 2 48605000 487396255 9.97% China
34 Pumpkins, squash and gourds 2 5142812 35500978 14.49% China
35 Rice, paddy 2 168500000 984087842 17.12% China
(Quantity in Tonnes)
36 Sugar cane 2 306069000 1946321421 15.73% Brazil
S. No. Item Name India World (%) Share Next to 37 Tea 2 1325050 8574503 15.45%
Rank China

1 Anise, badian, fennel, coriander 1 646000 1252448 51.58% 38 Tomatoes 2 20708000 241928300 8.56% China

36 37

39 Wheat 2 98510000 906059207 10.87% China Edible Fruit and Nuts; Peel or Citrus
5 08 1584.68 1731.21 1832.62 1616.16 817.12
China, Fruit or Melons
40 Beans, green 3 675188 43515135 1.55%
Indonesia 6 09 Coffee, Tea, Mate and Spices 2954.87 3185.20 3301.29 3199.87 2201.26
41 Coconuts 3 11469837 61100124 18.77% 7 10 Cereals 6272.02 6012.95 8078.94 8162.40 3980.15
Products of the Milling Industry; Malt;
China, 8 11 299.47 217.97 247.38 320.90 235.07
42 Lettuce and chicory 3 1090770 42027374 2.60% Starches; Inulin; Wheat Gluten
Oil Seeds and Olea. Fruits; Misc.
Oranges Brazil,
43 3 7647000 81998902 9.33% 9 12 Grains, Seeds and Fruit; Industrial or 1673.53 1809.01 1647.12 1641.00 1030.55
Medicinal Plants; Straw and Fodder
44 Rapeseed 3 7917000 89512351 8.84% Lac; Gums, Resins and Other
China 10 13 868.92 844.41 1019.00 1056.90 560.90
Vegetable Saps and Extracts
45 Sesame seed 3 751000 5899028 12.73% Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and
11 15 their Cleavage Products; Pre. Edible 877.26 892.62 1263.80 1097.38 802.83
Source: FAOSTAT website (Jan 2019) Fats; Animal or Vegetable Waxex
Note: Data for year 2014
Preparations of Meat, of Fish
*Pulses include Beans, Lentils, Peas, Pigeon Peas, Chick Peas, Pulses not elsewhere specified
12 16 or of Crustaceans, Molluscs or 211.97 317.31 422.28 432.55 312.94
Other Aquatic Invertebrates
2.4. EXPORT OF FOOD PROCESSING RELATED Industries to measure the growth in GDP of
13 17 Sugars and Sugar Confectionery 1763.61 1508.52 1017.62 1628.64 1155.10
COMMODITIES: processed food and beverages sector.
14 18 Cocoa and Cocoa Preparations 193.31 162.18 177.47 192.69 128.59
The World Custom Organization has The value of processed food exports during Preparations of Cereals, Flour,
15 19 506.24 519.11 538.09 535.05 353.15
Starch or Milk; Pastrycooks Products
identified a list of 463 processed food and 2018-19 was of the order of US$ 35.30 Billion
beverages products at the 6 Digit- level of ITC (HS) accounting for about 10.69% of India's total exports Preparations of Vegetables, Fruit,
16 20 488.27 493.77 584.67 588.50 388.96
Nuts or Other Parts of Plants
classification. These products match with Chapter (i.e. US$ 330.07 Billion).
17 21 Miscellaneous Edible Preparations 568.83 628.17 728.26 769.37 559.26
10 & 11 of National Industrial Classification (NIC)- The exports of the food products for the last 18 22 Beverages, Spirits and Vinegar 320.51 311.96 346.06 325.84 170.38
2008 used by Ministry of Food Processing four years and current year are shown in Table -2.8:-
Residues and Waste From the Food
19 23 802.68 1110.76 1456.33 1918.05 799.22
TABLE 2.8 Industries; Prepared Animal Foder
TOTAL (FOOD) 29672.31 30871.47 35317.79 35303.19 21260.91
(Unit: US$ Million)
TOTAL (ALL SECTOR) 262291.09 275852.43 303526.16 330069.60 238892.34
S. HS 2019-2020
Commodity 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
No. Code (Apr-Nov) % SHARE OF FOOD IN TOTAL EXPORT 11.3% 11.2% 11.6% 10.7% 8.9%
1 02 Meat and Edible Meat Offal 4209.98 4037.61 4174.67 3722.53 2322.82 Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata, February 2020
Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs
2 03 4486.29 5501.05 6849.36 6256.57 4420.97
and Other Aquatic Invertabrates The value of import of processed food during imports of the food products for the last four years
Dairy Produce; Birds' Eggs; Natural 2018-19 was US$ 19.32 Billion which is 3.75 % of and current year are shown in Table -2.9:-
3 04 328.49 292.93 366.57 538.65 244.17
Honey; Edible Prod. of Animal Origin
India's total imports (US$ 514.03 Billion). The
Edible Vegetables and Certain
4 07 1261.38 1294.73 1266.26 1300.14 777.47
Roots and Tubers

38 39

TABLE 2.9 Residues and Waste From the Food

19 23 382.28 494.54 552.00 643.70 455.88
INDIA'S FOOD IMPORT FROM THE WORLD Industries; Prepared Animal Foder
(Unit: US$ Million) TOTAL (FOOD) 21399.62 23924.36 23096.33 19319.04 13162.80

S. HS 2019-2020 TOTAL (ALL SECTOR) 381007.76 384357.03 465580.99 514034.08 361914.90

Commodity 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019
No. Code (Apr-Nov)
% SHARE OF FOOD IN TOTAL EXPORT 5.6% 6.2% 5.0% 3.8% 3.6%
1 02 Meat and Edible Meat Offal 1.95 3.13 4.65 4.55 4.12 Source: DGCI&S, Kolkata, February 2020
Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs
2 03 67.18 58.85 90.53 106.28 79.47
and Other Aquatic Invertabrates
The share of India's food export in the world trade and its share in the world for the last five years
Dairy Produce; Birds' Eggs; Natural was 2.31% in 2018 and the share of India's food is given in Table -2.10 below:-
3 04 51.82 36.38 47.00 32.83 24.97
Honey; Edible Prod. of Animal Origin
imports in the world was 1.30% in 2018. India's food
Edible Vegetables and Certain
4 07 4022.31 4287.36 2968.80 1189.04 1123.03
Roots and Tubers TABLE 2.10
Edible Fruit and Nuts; Peel or Citrus
5 08 3051.09 3041.58 3400.81 3627.69 2249.54 (US$ Million)
Fruit or Melons
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
6 09 Coffee, Tea, Mate and Spices 771.95 757.84 849.84 717.37 507.64
World food export 1448248.62 1304998.95 1325685.67 1433362.50 1471089.23
7 10 Cereals 188.59 1343.25 434.09 73.44 109.36
World food import 1459120.68 1333359.41 1336423.20 1445981.58 1505427.59
Products of the Milling Industry; Malt;
8 11 56.93 59.98 77.07 73.76 50.47 India's food export to world 37744.21 30417.56 29199.88 34434.32 34023.88
Starches; Inulin; Wheat Gluten
India's food import from world 19284.52 20783.16 21939.09 25064.67 19561.08
Oil Seeds and Olea. Fruits; Misc.
9 12 Grains, Seeds and Fruit; Industrial or 328.72 380.94 356.88 573.37 465.93 % Share of India's food
2.61% 2.33% 2.20% 2.40% 2.31%
Medicinal Plants; Straw and Fodder export in world
% Share of India's food
Lac; Gums, Resins and Other 1.32% 1.56% 1.64% 1.73% 1.30%
10 13 203.37 218.65 246.24 254.34 193.01 import in world
Vegetable Saps and Extracts
Source: ITC Trade Map, April 2019
Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and
11 15 their Cleavage Products; Pre. Edible 10530.35 10946.32 11700.44 9994.44 6541.44
Fats; Animal or Vegetable Waxex
2.5. FDI IN FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR: India. (The sector has witnessed FDI equity inflow
of US$ 3.28 billion during April 2014 to March
Preparations of Meat, of Fish 100% FDI is permitted under the automatic
12 16 or of Crustaceans, Molluscs or 2.85 2.88 4.70 5.73 5.48 2019).
route in Food Processing Industries. 100% FDI is
Other Aquatic Invertebrates
allowed through Government approval route for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) equity
13 17 Sugars and Sugar Confectionery 692.56 1103.61 1050.30 543.81 331.31
trading, including through e-commerce in respect of inflows in Food Processing sector in India since
14 18 Cocoa and Cocoa Preparations 212.96 229.67 228.51 263.14 183.21
food products manufactured and/or produced in 2010-11 is given in Table -2.11:-
Preparations of Cereals, Flour,
15 19 59.31 55.01 67.35 93.41 67.80
Starch or Milk; Pastrycooks Products TABLE 2.11
Preparations of Vegetables, Fruit,
16 20 78.45 81.92 102.32 117.59 78.77
Nuts or Other Parts of Plants S. No. Year (April-March) FDI (In ₹crore) FDI (US$ Million)
17 21 Miscellaneous Edible Preparations 137.37 149.18 193.16 217.70 142.77 1 2010-11 860.99 188.67
18 22 Beverages, Spirits and Vinegar 559.58 673.27 721.64 786.85 548.60 2 2011-12 859.02 170.21

40 41

3 2012-13 2,193.65 401.46 (vi) It may be seen that most of the wastage is (vii) A comparative harvest and post-harvest
4 2013-14 25,106.77 3,982.89 occurring in fruits and vegetables. With losses of major agricultural crops and
5 2014-15 3,164.72 515.86 adequate processing facilities, much of this commodities in India as per study reports of
6 2015-16 3,312.00 505.88 wastage can be reduced thus providing CIPHET released in 2010 and 2015 is given in
7 2016-17 4,865.85 727.22
remunerative price to the producer as well as Table -2.12 and Table -2.13:-
8 2017-18 5,835.62 904.90
ensuring greater supply to the consumer.
9 2018-19 4,430.44 628.24
10 2019-20for
Department (April-September)
Promotion of Industry and Internal 3,241.76
Trade (Erstwhile DIPP) 463.44 TABLE 2.12
Source: Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (Erstwhile DIPP)
Cumulative Wastage (%)
2.6. HARVEST AND POST-HARVEST LOSSES The study has estimated that harvest and As per Report 2010 As per Report 2015
OF AGRI-PRODUCE: post-harvest losses of major agricultural Cereals 3.9–6.0 4.65–5.99
produces at national level was of the order of Pulses 4.3–6.1 6.36–8.41
(i) Despite the production of large scale
₹44,143 crore per annum at 2009 wholesale Oil seeds 2.8–10.1 3.08–9.96
agriculture in India, food inflation and food
prices. Fruits & Vegetables 5.8–18.0 4.58–15.88
security issues are major concerns for policy
Milk 0.8 0.92
makers in the country as they affect the (iii) A repeat Study by CIPHET, Ludhiana on the
Fisheries (Inland) 6.9 5.23
basic need for the citizens i.e. to have extent of harvest and post-harvest losses of Fisheries (Marine) 2.9 10.52
sufficient, healthy and affordable food. major agricultural produces was conducted Meat 2.3 2.71
A nation-wide study on quantitative in 2015 covering 45 agricultural crops of 107 Poultry 3.7 6.74

assessment of harvest and post-harvest districts.

TABLE 2.13
losses for 46 agricultural produces in 106 (iv) The Report on the repeat study was LOSSES IN KEY HORTICULTURAL AND CEREAL CROPS
randomly selected districts was carried submitted in March 2015. The study has
Horticultural Crops As per Report 2010 As per Report 2015
out by Central Institute of Post-Harvest estimated that annual value of harvest and
Guava 18.0% 15.88%
Engineering & Technology (CIPHET), post-harvest losses of major agricultural Mango 12.7% 9.16%
Ludhiana. The aforesaid study considers the produces at national level was at ₹92,651 Apple 12.3% 10.39%
quantitative loss as the material rendered crore calculated using production data of Grapes 8.3% 8.63%
“unfit for human consumption”. The different 2012-13 at 2014 wholesale prices. Papaya 7.4% 6.70%
stages considered for assessment of losses Banana 6.6% 7.76%
(v) In the case of cereals, majority of losses
are harvesting, collection, threshing, Cereal Crops As per Report 2010 As per Report 2015
occur at farm level during harvesting,
grading/sorting, winnowing/cleaning, Wheat 6.0% 4.93%
collection and threshing. Storage losses are Paddy 5.2% 5.53%
drying, packaging, transportation, and
only 0.75–1.21%. In the case of fruits also, Bajra 4.8% 5.23%
storage depending upon the commodity.
there are high losses in farm level Maize 4.1% 4.65%
(ii) The report of the study was released in 2010. operations.

42 43

2.7. FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR–MAJOR CHALLENGES: (i) The above illustration indicates the various obtain a better price from the processors and
factors which are likely to increase the also add value to his produce.
The major challenges facing the sector are illustrated below: -
demand for processed food in coming
(iii) Considerable investments are required in
years. Programmes to increase the output of
Supply Chain Infra rural infrastructure and components of the
Inadequate Link between Indian agriculture without corresponding
Gaps (Lack of primary
Production and Processing supply chain by way of grading and packing
processing, storage and investments in processing facilities are likely
(lack of processable varieties)
distribution facilities) centers, controlled atmosphere storage
to lead to a mismatch resulting in rural
facilities, reefer vans, testing laboratories,
distress and decline in farmers' income. The
etc., which may not come from private
Supply Chain most important step for improving the
Seasonability of sources at this stage of the development of
Institutional Gaps Challenges for Food Operations and Low bargaining capacity of the farmer is to add
the food processing industry. It is therefore
(procurement dependence Capacity Utilization
on APMC markets) Processing Sector value to his produce. This will come about if
essential that public investment is
farmers are able to produce according to the
significantly increased to fund these
requirements and standards demanded by
components of rural infrastructure to enable
the market. Food processors and retailers
private enterprise to take up the remaining,
Lack of Product Inadequate Focus on can provide the necessary demand for the
Development and Innovation commercially viable components of the
Quality and Safety Standards agricultural produce and facilitate the flow of
supply chain. This is borne out by the
market information, technology and inputs
experience of developed countries where
to the farmer so that they can tailor their
These constraints are sought to be addressed under the schemes being implemented by the Ministry, as the state has stepped into build rural
output to the needs of the market. In the
indicated in subsequent chapters. infrastructure in a big way. Carefully
process the farmers will be able to raise their
calibrated subsidies, innovative strategies,
2.8. FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR–GROWTH POTENTIAL: own level of income and employment. The
empowering rural producers & consumers
consumer is also likely to benefit as there will
through better awareness and support to
be an increase in the supply of food products
Increasing Spending Increasing Nuclear entrepreneurs in terms of technology and
on Food Products Families and Working with a longer shelf life.
training are some of the ways in which this
(ii) It is essential to build sustainable supply Ministry has catalyzed growth in this sector.
chains, which will link the farmer to
the processing and marketing centers
Demand for seamlessly. In the absence of on–farm (i) Food processing sector has been identified
Increasing Urbanization -
Lifestyle and Aspirations
Food Processing Functional Foods/
as one of the priority sectors under “MAKE IN
Nutraceuticals Food cooling and grading arrangements and slow
Demand Drivers
development of cold chain infrastructure, the INDIA”, an initiative of Hon'ble Prime Minister
farmer is compelled to sell his produce to the of India. With a view to attract investment to
'Adathiya (Broker)' without waiting for a this sector, Ministry of Food Processing
better price. If the farmer is enabled to grade Industry has been implementing schemes
Changing Demographics – Growth of Organized for development of infrastructure for
Retail and Private
and store his produce close to farm, the
Rise in Disposable Incomes
Label Penetration farmer will be empowered to demand and promoting Food Processing Industries.

44 45

Mega Food Parks with common utility/ promptly attended to by the Ministry for
facility like roads, electricity, water supply, guiding the investors.
sewage facility and common processing
(iv) Ministry is also organizing World Food India
facility like pulping, packaging, cold storage,
like mega international events and road
dry storage and logistics are being promoted
shows to attract FDI, including FDI in retail
in areas with strong agricultural resource
and promote Make in India Initiative. The
base. These parks provide fully developed
World Food India 2017 was organized in
plots and factory sheds to entrepreneurs on
November 2017.
long term lease basis where they can set up
Food Processing Units in “plug and play 2.10. EASE OF DOING BUSINESS
model”. (i) The Ministry is following transparent
(ii) Government has also declared investment in selection process and online filing of claims
Food Parks covered under the Harmonized for the infrastructure development projects
List of Infrastructure Sub-sectors (HLIS)” of Mega Food Parks and Cold Chain and all
vide Government of India Notification dated other schemes under Pradhan Mantri Kisan
13 th October, 2014. Following this Sampada Yojana (PMKSY).
Notification, it is expected that Mega Food (ii) A dedicated Investors' Portal called 'Nivesh
Parks assisted by the Ministry will be able to Bandhu' was launched by the Prime Minister
access to infrastructure lending on easier during the inaugural function of the World
terms. Food India 2017 to aid and assist potential
(iii) In the context of “MAKE IN INDIA” campaign, investors in the Food Processing Sector in
the Ministry has been disseminating taking informed decision. This portal is a
information to potential investors to attract 'one stop information source' on Central and STRATEGY AND
investment to the sector through a dedicated State Government policies, incentives
“Investors’ Portal” in which a range of offered, Agri-Resources and infrastructure
information like resource base, availability of facilities across the country.
land, state specific policies, fiscal incentives (iii) An investor friendly Mobile APP–'Nivesh
are shared with the potential investors. The Bandhu' was developed and launched to
Ministry is also collaborating with Invest enable the investor to have access to
India to help the investors in terms of relevant information very conveniently and
locating joint venture partners, extending from any destination from their mobile
hand holding services, expediting regulatory proving to be game changers for the
approvals and providing investors after care investors in taking informed investment
services. The investor can also put their decisions.
query in the Investors’ Portal which is GOVERNMENT OF INDIA


3.1. PROMOTING INVESTMENT IN FOOD in the sector in view of the progressive
PROCESSING SECTOR: reduction of farm size and preponderance of
tiny processing units as well as the inability
Food processing sector faces a set of unique
of individual entrepreneurs to sustain viable
problems which have a direct bearing on the
infrastructure facility at different stages in
strategy and required intervention for the
value chain.
development of the sector. The processors in this
sector deal with seasonal, perishable materials (ii) Financial support and fiscal incentives for
which need to be processed in a short period. As the creation of common supply chain
sector mainly consist of tiny, micro & small units, infrastructure viz. cold chain, dry storage,
neither they are able to generate adequate surplus packaging, logistics, back and front-end
for their expansion nor invest in supporting infrastructure, expansion of processing
infrastructure. Therefore, the sector needs support capacities etc. to reduce cost of investment,
for creation of infrastructure and targeted enhance viability and ensure higher
incentives to attract investment for creation of conformity to regulatory standards.
processing capacity. To address these issues,
(iii) Introduction of measures to lower cost of
considerable investment is required in different
capital for the projects and reduce cost of
components of the supply chain by way of grading
formal credit to make it affordable to both
and packing centers, controlled atmosphere
organized and unorganized sector.
facilities, reefer vans, cold storage for perishable
cargo at port/airport/railway stations, testing (iv) Promoting processing clusters and creating
laboratories and other supporting infrastructure and strong backward and forward linkages from
services such as setting up of testing laboratories, farm gate to retail outlets through various
research & development, imparting skill training, measures including setting up of Mega Food
marketing support etc. Parks/Processing Clusters with appropriate
fiscal and financial incentives.
(v) Promoting institutes of national importance
The Ministry has been following a set of
to create pool of technical manpower and
strategy to address the problem of food processing
skilled workforce to meet the growing need
sector. Some of the key elements of the strategy are
of the sector.
as under:
(vi) Support creation and provision of services
(i) Promoting cluster approach for intervention


like R&D, testing, quality improvement, building and export promotion of food b) Customs Duty
marketing and enhancing competitiveness products.
Items Provisions
of the sector through promotion of
(ix) Advocacy for promoting Farmers-Industry
innovations in products and processes, Irrespective of their tariff classification, are entitled to
connect, removal of impediments in All goods related to Food Processing, imported as part
environment friendly packaging etc. uniform assessment at concessional basic customs
commodity movement, storage, retail policy, of the project duty of 5%. (Ref. Notification No. 12/2012 dated 17th
(vii) Creating adequate infrastructure for food land policy, labor laws and smoothening March, 2012)
testing and training manpower for food access to formal credit etc.
safety, and promoting adoption of best Cold storage, cold room (including farm level pre- Concessional 5% Basic Customs Duty (BCD) as
practices in the industry in food production, cooling), cold chain including pre-cooling unit, pack presently available under Project Imports for cold
FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR: storage, cold room (Notification No. 21/2016-
processing, packaging, storage and houses, sorting and grading lines and ripening
chambers Customs, dated 1st March, 2016)
transportation. The following incentives have been made
available for the Food Processing Sector.
(viii) Support for market development, brand
Reduced from 10% to 5% (Notification No.12/2016-
Refrigerated Container
a) Income Tax/Corporate Tax Customs, dated 1st March, 2016)

Items Provisions Exemption of import duty for such imports against the
Import of Raw Material/Intermediate Food Items export of finished products under Advance
Business of processing, The amount of deduction shall be 100% of the profits and gains derived from
Authorization Scheme of the Department of
preservation and packaging of such industrial undertaking for five assessment years beginning with the
fruits or vegetables or meat and initial assessment year and thereafter, 25% (or 30% where the assesses is a
meat products or poultry or company) of the profits and gains derived from the operation of such facility
marine or dairy products or from in a manner that the total period of deduction does not exceed ten c) Goods and Services Tax (GST) heads/sub-heads attract GST of 28%. Lowest GST
the integrated business of handling, consecutive assessment years and subject to fulfillment of the condition for food products is likely to have positive impact on
As per the latest revision in the GST rates, of
storage and transportation of that it begins to operate such business on or after the 1st day of April, 2001 Food Processing Sector and prices of food
food grains (Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to an undertaking the all food categories taken together under
engaged in the business of processing, preservation and packaging of meat different chapter heads/sub-heads, 33.3% of the
or meat products or poultry or marine or dairy products if it begins to operate food items have been exempted from GST (0%) and 3.4. AVAILABILITY OF AFFORDABLE CREDIT:
such business before the 1st day of April, 2009) [Section 80-IB, 11(A) of the
38.3% of the food items shall attract GST of 5%.
Income Tax Act, 1961]. A special fund of ₹2,000 crore has been set
Hence, almost 71.6% of the food items are under
up in National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Setting up and operating a cold Deduction to the extent of 100% is allowed for Expenditure incurred on lowest tax slab of 0% or 5%. These items constitute
chain facility; and setting up and investment under Section 35-AD of the Income Tax Act 1961. Development (NABARD) to provide credit at
bulk of raw material that goes into further value
operating warehousing facility for affordable rates to boost food processing sector.
storage of agricultural produce. addition. Hence cost of production of processed
Under this fund, loan is extended to individual
(not available for expansion of the item is expected to fall. Only 18.2% of the total food
entrepreneurs, cooperatives, farmers producer
unit) items under different chapter heads/sub-heads fall
organizations, corporates, joint ventures, SPVs and
Bee–keeping and production of Business allowed 100% deduction under Section 35-AD of the Income Tax under GST slab of 12%. Similarly, 8.7% of the total
entities promoted by the Government for setting up,
honey and bees wax, setting up and Act 1961, deduction for expenditure incurred on investment is allowed if this food items under different chapter heads/sub-
modernization, expansion of food processing units
operating a warehousing facility for investment is wholly and exclusively for the purpose. heads fall under GST slab of 18%. The remaining
storage of sugar and development of infrastructure in designated
1.5% (i.e., only 4 items) of the items under different

50 51

food parks. Loans are extended up to 95% of the The Ministry has notified the designated
eligible project cost for entities promoted by the food parks in different States for the purpose of
State Governments while other categories of availing affordable credit from special fund with
promoters are extended loans up to 75% of the NABARD. NABARD has sanctioned and disbursed a
project cost. To avail loan, the entrepreneurs may
term loan of ₹501.32 crore to 12 Mega Food Park
submit application along with detailed project
projects, ₹52.32 crore to 4 individual Processing
report to the regional offices of NABARD located in
Units in Designated Food Parks, and ₹27.99 crore to
the State where project is to be set up. The rate of
2 Agro Processing Clusters as on 31st December,
interest charged is linked to Prime Lending Rate
2019. Also, NABARD has disbursed an amount of
(PLR) of NABARD and the applicable Risk Premium
is based on the risk rating of the project. The details ₹310.59 crore to 12 Mega Food Park projects,

of the scheme can be viewed at NABARD website ₹36.80 crore to 3 individual Processing Units as on 31st December, 2019.






4.1. BRIEF OF SCHEME: Commission cycle. PMKSY is expected to leverage
investment of ₹31,400 crore for handling of 334 lakh
Given the nature and size of processing units
MT agro-produce valued at ₹1,04,125 crore,
operating in the food processing sector, investment
benefitting 20 lakh farmers and generating 5,30,500
in basic infrastructure and common facilities are
direct/indirect employment in the country by the
unlikely to come from the private sector in a
year 2019-20.
significant way. With a view to augment private
investment to food processing sector, the Ministry 4.3. The following schemes are implemented
of Food Processing Industries, therefore, has been under PM Kisan Sampada Yojana:
implementing a number of schemes for creation of
(i) Mega Food Parks
infrastructure, expansion of processing capacity,
and other supporting measures for healthy growth (ii) Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition
of food processing industry. All these existing Infrastructure
schemes were reviewed, critical gaps identified and (iii) Creation/Expansion of Food Processing &
some new schemes were formulated to address Preservation Capacities (Unit Scheme)
these gaps in promoting the sector. All these
(iv) Infrastructure for Agro-Processing Clusters
schemes integrated under an umbrella - Pradhan
Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) and were (v) Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages
launched on 03 May, 2017 to give necessary thrust

(vi) Food Safety and Quality Assurance

for accelerated growth of the sector.
4.2. PMKSY is a comprehensive package
(vii) Human Resources and Institutions
resulting in creation of modern infrastructure with
efficient supply chain management from farm gate (viii) Operation Greens
to retail outlet. Not only it provides a big boost to the
growth of food processing sector in the country but
also helps in providing better returns to farmers and 4.4.1. BRIEF OF SCHEME:

is a big step towards doubling of farmers' income, Mega Food Parks Scheme, being
creating huge employment opportunities especially implemented since 2008, aims to create a modern
in the rural areas, reducing wastage of agricultural food processing infrastructure for the processing
produce, increasing the level of processing and units based on a cluster approach and on a hub and
enhancing the export of the processed foods. The spoke model in a demand driven manner. The
allocation under PMKSY is ₹6,000 crore for the scheme intends to facilitate establishment of an
period 2016-20 coterminous with the 14th Finance integrated value chain, with food processing at the


core and supported by requisite forward and together to build the supply chain. The facilities mentioned in para (i) & (ii) VI. Land:-
backward linkages. The central processing center is above are only illustrative and the exact
4.4.3. PATTERN OF ASSISTANCE: The requirement of land for establishing the
networked with the primary processing centers and nature of facilities may vary from project to
CPC is at least 50 acres either by purchase or on
collection centers located at the farm gate in The scheme provides for a capital grant at project based on specific requirements as
lease of at least 75 years for the CPC of the Mega
production areas. The broader idea behind the the rate of 50% of the eligible project cost in general appraised by the concerned bank.
Food Park. The GoI grant shall not be used for
scheme is to bring together farmers, processors areas and 75% of the eligible project cost in difficult
II. Factory Buildings:- procurement/purchase of land. The land and/or
and retailers and link agricultural production to the and hilly areas i.e. North Eastern Region including
infrastructure taken on lease for PPCs/CCs, the
market so as to ensure maximization of value Sikkim, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Depending on demand in the area, the Mega
lease period should be at least 25 years.
addition, minimization of wastages and improving ITDP notified areas of the States subject to a Food Park may provide standard factory sheds for
farmers' income. The Scheme of Mega Food Parks maximum of ₹50 crore per project. Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) which are to be 4.4.5. IMPLEMENTING AGENCY:
envisages a well-defined agri/horticultural & built on a maximum of 10% of the area of CPC as
4.4.4. KEY PROJECT COMPONENTS: The responsibility of execution, ownership
processing zone containing state-of-the-art part of plug and play facilities for MSEs.
and management of the Mega Food Park vests with
I. Core Processing Facilities:-
processing facilities with support infrastructure and III. Enabling Basic Infrastructure:- a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) registered under
well-established supply chain. (i) Central Processing Center (CPC):- Common the Companies Act. However, State Government/
Site development including development of
facilities like testing laboratory, cleaning, State Government entities/Cooperatives applying
4.4.2. OBJECTIVES: industrial plots, boundary wall, roads, drainage,
grading, sorting and packing facilities, dry for the project under the scheme will not be required
The objectives of the scheme are as follows: water supply, electricity supply including captive
warehouses, specialized storage facilities, to form a separate SPV.
power plant, effluent treatment plant,
(i) Provide modern infrastructure for food cold storage including Controlled
telecommunication lines, parking bay including 4.4.6. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR SPV/
processing units in the country in selected Atmosphere Chambers, Pressure
traffic management system, weighbridges etc. at IMPLEMENTING AGENCY (IA):
clusters to be identified in a demand driven Ventilators, variable humidity stores, pre-
the PPC and CPC level.
manner. cooling chambers, ripening chambers, cold The main eligibility criteria of the SPVs/IAs
chain infrastructure including reefer vans, IV. Non-Core Infrastructure:- are as under:
(ii) Ensure value addition of agricultural
packaging unit, irradiation facilities, steam
commodities including poultry, meat, dairy, Support infrastructure such as (i) SPV shall be a body corporate registered
sterilization units, steam generating units,
fisheries etc. administrative buildings, training center including under the Companies Act. However, in case
Food incubation cum development centers
equipment, trade and display center, crèche, of State Government/State Government
(iii) Establish a sustainable raw material supply etc.
canteen, worker's hostel, offices of service entities/Cooperatives implementing the
chain for each cluster.
(ii) Primary Processing Centers (PPCs) and providers, labour rest and recreation facilities, project, registration of a separate SPV under
(iv) Facilitate induction of the latest technology. Farm Proximate Collection Centers (CCs): marketing support system etc. the Companies Act will not be necessary.
Components like cleaning, grading, sorting
(v) Address the issues of small and medium V. Project Implementation Expenses:- (ii) The promoter holding maximum equity in the
and packing facilities (including equipment),
nature of processing industries through a SPV will be the lead promoter. The lead
dry warehouses, specialized cold stores Cost of hiring the services of domain
cluster approach with stakeholders promoter will be primarily responsible for
including pre-cooling chambers, ripening consultants by the SPV's for preparation of DPRs,
managing the supply chain. coordination with all stakeholders including
chambers (including equipment), reefer supply chain management, engineering/designing
with the Ministry of Food Processing
(vi) Provide an institutional mechanism for vans, mobile pre-coolers, mobile collection and construction supervision etc.
Industries to ensure effective
producers, processors and retailers to work vans etc.

56 57

implementation of the project. (viii) Every SPV will publish the user charges/ to the project unless extended by Inter-Ministerial Scheme with an allocation of ₹1714 crore.
hiring rates for common facilities and lease Approval Committee (IMAC) for the reasons to be
(iii) The combined net worth of the promoters/ (iv) In August 2013, the CCEA has accorded
rental rates for plots and factory buildings for recorded.
proposed shareholders of SPV should not be further approval for taking up 12 more Mega
MSEs in the Mega Food Park on their
less than ₹50 crore. Each member in SPV 4.4.10. APPROVALS AND PROGRESS OF THE Food Parks during 12th Plan as per the
must have a net worth at least 1.5 times of websites for wider information of the SCHEME: existing pattern of assistance of 11th Plan.
his/her proposed equity contribution in order prospective investors. Rate of plots in the
(i) The Cabinet approved the Scheme of Mega (v) The CCEA also approved sanctioning of the
to ensure requisite contribution for the Mega Food Park may also be made available
Food Parks in September 2008 with the projects against cancellation/withdrawal of
project from each shareholder. to Ministry of Food Processing Industries
stipulation to take up 10 projects in the 1 the projects approved by the Ministry during

and State Government concerned for

(iv) The SPV needs to bring in at least 20 percent phase. the 11 t h and 12 t h Plan within the plan
uploading on their websites.
of the total project cost as equity in general allocation of the scheme as per the 11th Plan
(ii) In November, 2010, the CCEA approved
areas and at least 10 percent of the total 4.4.7. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT AGENCY (PMA): pattern of financial assistance of the
setting up 5 more Mega Food Parks in
project cost in difficult and hilly areas i.e. Scheme.
The Ministry appoints a Program country during 2nd phase of scheme
North Eastern Region including Sikkim, J&K, Management Agency (PMA) to assist it in implementation. (vi) Details of phase-wise status of
Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and ITDP
implementation of the Scheme. The PMAs are implementation of Mega Food Parks (MFPs)
notified areas of the States. However, State (iii) In October 2011, the CCEA further approved
reputed institutions with extensive experience in projects are as under in Table -4.1:-
Government/State Government entities will 15 new projects under Mega Food Parks
project development, management, financing and
be required to contribute at least 10% of the TABLE 4.1
implementation of infrastructure projects. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS OF MEGA FOOD PARKS (AS ON 31ST DECEMBER, 2019)
total project cost of the Mega Food Park
project, not necessarily, in the form of the 4.4.8. PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT
No. of No. of
equity. (PMC): No. of No. of
No. of
No. of
projects slots projects projects projects
cancelled/ cancelled/
In addition to the PMA, for ensuring smooth approved accorded accorded accorded Status
(v) Central Government agencies becoming Phase withdrawn withdrawn
by CCEA with “in-principal” “final In-principal/ of projects
implementation of projects at ground level, Ministry after grant of after grant
shareholders in the SPV, can only hold up to date of approval by approval” final approval
“in-principle” of “final
has drawn up a panel of Project Management approval Ministry by Ministry by Ministry
26% of equity in the SPV. However, there will approval approval”
be no such restriction on State Government/ Consultant (PMC) with experience in preparation of
10 ◊ Completed-3
State Government Entities/Cooperatives. DPRs for large projects and in project 1st (11th September,
10 1 9 2 7
Phase 2008) ◊ Operational-4
implementation. Any of these Ministry's empaneled
(vi) SPVs/IAs are not permitted to sell the plots
agencies may be engaged by the SPVs for 5
in Mega Food Parks. The plots can only be 2nd (18th November, ◊ Completed-1
preparation of DPRs and for assistance in 5 0 5 2 3
given on lease to other entrepreneurs for Phase 2010) ◊ Operational-2
setting up of food processing units in the
Park. 4.4.9. TIME SCHEDULE: 15 ◊ Operational-6
3rd (25th October, 15 5 10 1 9 ◊ Under
(vii) The common facilities in the park cannot be The time schedule for completion and Phase 2011) implementation-3
sold or leased out. They can only be offered successful operationalization of a Mega Food Park
to units on rental basis. project is 30 months from the date of final approval

58 59

12 ◊ Under coordination with the State Governments, (iv) A district level Mega Food Park
4th (08 August,
10 7 3 1 2 implementation-1 the State Governments have been requested Co-ordination Committee under the
Phase 2013) ◊ Operational-1
to nominate an officer as Ministry's nominee
Chairmanship of the District Collector has
◊ Under Director in the Board of the SPVs setting up
5 th
Filling up of
16 4 12 2 10 implementation-9 been constituted for each Mega Food Park to
Phase 17 vacancies ◊ Operational-1 Mega Food Park in the State.
ensure smooth progress in implementation
6 th
Filling up of ◊ Under (ii) PMA also coordinates with the SPV for
8 3 5 1 4 of the projects.
Phase 8 vacancies implementation-4 facilitating smooth implementation of the

◊ Under project and monitoring the progress closely 4.4.14. FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF THE SCHEME:
7th Filling up of
4 1 3 0 3
Phase 4 vacancies implementation-3 and periodically.
Year-wise budget allocation including-BE/
8 th
Filling up of ◊ In-principle (iii) Ministry coordinates with State Government RE and Actual under the scheme of Mega Food
2 0 0 0 2
Phase 2 vacancies approval-2
authorities to facilitate various statutory
Parks is as follows:-
◊ Completed-4, clearances and acquisition of land by SPV.
◊ Operational-14,
◊ Under TABLE 4.2
◊ In-principle (₹ in crore)
Year BE RE Expenditure
4.4.11. CURRENT STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION: thousand people directly. In addition, approximately
11th Five Year Plan Period
6 lakh people are getting employment through
In the period, from 01st April, 2019 to 31st 2007-08* 100.00 16.50 11.34
franchises, dealership/distributorship etc.
December, 2019, Ministry has released Grant-in-Aid
2008-09 50.00 28.00 27.63
of ₹65.55 crore to the ongoing Mega Food Park 4.4.12. MODIFICATION OF THE MEGA FOOD PARKS
2009-10 70.00 23.93 18.49
projects. Status of implementation of the 40 SCHEME GUIDELINES:
2010-11 77.50 76.69 76.99
projects is at Annexure-III. Eighteen Mega Food
The detailed guidelines for the scheme were 2011-12 110.00 94.39 83.56
Park projects at Haridwar (Uttarakhand), Chittoor
issued on 24 August, 2008 and subsequently

(Andhra Pradesh), Tumkur (Karnataka), Fazilka TOTAL 407.50 239.51 281.01

revised on 19 December, 2009, 17th November,

(Punjab), Nalbari (Assam), Khargone (Madhya 12th Five Year Plan Period
2011, 01 October, 2012, 10 February, 2014 and
st th

Pradesh), Murshidabad (West Bengal), Rayagada 2012-13 86.00 93.20 93.11

21 s t July, 2016. Based on the experience of
(Odisha), Satara (Maharashtra), Ajmer (Rajasthan), 2013-14 116.00 110.25 94.11
implementation, modifications in the Scheme
Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand), Surat (Gujarat), 2014-15 120.00 63.94 63.94
guidelines have been carried out from time to time.
Aurangabad (Maharashtra), Una (Himachal 120.00 (329.00) 119.50 (327.00)
The scheme guidelines of Mega Food Parks have 2015-16* 125.17
Pradesh), West Godavari (Andhra Pradesh), West
been uploaded on the Ministry's website 2016-17 222.30 300.15 300.08
Tripura (Tripura), Nizamabad (Telangana) & Dewas for information of all concerned. TOTAL 664.30 687.04 676.41
(Madhya Pradesh) have been completed or made
4.4.13. COORDINATION MECHANISM: 2017-18 300.00 298.56 296.71
operational. About 50 units are functioning in these
parks providing employment to more than twenty 2018-19 390.00 182.86 181.46
(i) With a view to have more effective

60 61

2019-20 200 140 65.68 (As on 31st December, 2019) different locations in the catchment area. The food 4.5. SCHEME FOR INTEGRATED COLD CHAIN
park is having facilities of fully operational raw AND VALUE ADDITION INFRASTRUCTURE:
890.00 621.42 543.85 material warehouse, finished good warehouse,
(2017-2020) 4.5.1. BRIEF OF SCHEME:
multi commodity cold storage, deep freeze store,
turmeric curcumin, quality control lab etc. In In order to minimize the post-harvest losses
GRAND TOTAL 1961.80 1547.97 1438.27 and enhance value addition in the agricultural
addition, to facilitate processing activities, the CPC
are equipped with a host of enabling basic produce, Ministry of Food Processing Industries has
*In F.Y. 2007-08 and 2015-16, BE and RE has been allocated for the entire Infrastructure Development Scheme comprising of Mega Food
Park, Cold Chain and Modernization of Abattoirs. infrastructure facilities like roads, drainage, water & been implementing the Scheme for Integrated Cold
electricity distribution, ETP and telecommunication. Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure since 2008.
4.4.15. ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER THE SCHEME FOR EOI and for according its approval to the Scheme provides for promoting integrated and
MEGA FOOD PARKS: MONITORING OF Mega Food Park project; to review the complete cold chain facilities without any break
IMPLEMENTATION OF MEGA FOOD PARK progress on ongoing projects; to approve from the farm gate to the consumer, end to end, to
PROJECTS: revision in DPR etc. Avantee Mega Food Park at Village Binjana, reduce losses by improving efficiency in collection
Dewas District, Madhya Pradesh which has been set of farmer produce, storage, transportation and
(i) Under the scheme, during the period of 01st 4.4.16. SUCCESS STORIES OF MEGA FOOD PARKS
up with the assistance of MoFPI under the Mega minimal processing. Both horticultural and non-
April, 2019 to 31st December, 2019, 1 Mega SCHEME (01ST APRIL, 2019 TO 31ST
Food Parks Scheme, was inaugurated by Smt. horticultural produce are eligible for support under
Food Park project namely Rongoge Mega DECEMBER, 2019):
Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Hon'ble Union Minister for this scheme.
Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Papum Pare, Arunachal
SMART AGRO MEGA FOOD PARK, NIZAMABAD, Food Processing Industries, Government of India in
Pradesh has been accorded 'final approval' 4.5.2. COMPONENTS OF THE SCHEME:
TELANGANA: the presence of Shri Rameswar Teli, Hon'ble Union
on 12 September, 2019 after carrying out

Minister of State for Food Processing Industries on The scheme allows flexibility in project
detailed appraisal of the proposals in the TC Smart Agro Mega Food Park at Village
05th December, 2019. planning with special emphasis on creation of cold
meetings and IMAC meetings. Lakkampally, Nandipet Mandal, Nizamabad,
chain infrastructure at farm level. Guidelines of the
Telangana which has been set up with the The total project cost is approximately
(ii) Under the scheme, during the period of 01st scheme were last revised on 17th December, 2019.
assistance of MoFPI under the Mega Food Parks ₹144.12 crore. The Central Processing Centre (CPC)
April, 2019 to 31st December, 2019, a total of The scheme has the following project components:
Scheme, was inaugurated by Smt. Harsimrat Kaur is spread in 51.2 acres at Village Binjana, Dewas
03 Technical Committee (TC) meetings were
Badal, Hon'ble Union Minister for Food Processing District, Madhya Pradesh and four Primary a. Farm Level Infrastructure in the catchment
held for scrutinizing/appraising the DPRs/
Industries, Government of India in the presence of Processing Centres (PPCs), to feed processing area of the targeted produce.
documents of proposals received under the
Shri Rameswar Teli, Hon'ble Union Minister of State activities at the CPCs are being set up in different
scheme for recommendation for according b. Distribution Hub.
for Food Processing Industries on 06 September, locations in the catchment area. The food park is

approval to the projects by IMAC. c. Refrigerated/Insulated transport.

2019. having facilities of fully operational cold storage, dry
(iii) Under the scheme during the period of 01st warehouse, grain storage, food irradiation plant, d. Irradiation facility.
The total project cost is approximately
April, 2019 to 31 December, 2019, 03 Inter- dehydration facility, quality control lab etc. In

₹108.95 crore. The Central Processing Centre (CPC) To avail financial assistance, the applicant
Ministerial Approval Committee (IMAC) addition, to facilitate processing activities, the CPCs
is spread in 78 acres at Village Lakkampally, has to set up farm level infrastructure as a
meetings were held under the are equipped with a host of enabling basic
Nandipet Mandal, Nizamabad, Telangana and three mandatory component and any one or both of the
Chairpersonship of Hon'ble Minister, FPI to infrastructure facilities like roads, drainage, water &
Primary Processing Centres (PPCs) to feed components from (b) and (c) above. In view of its
consider recommendation of Technical electricity distribution, ETP and telecommunication.
processing activities at the CPC are being set up in functional nature, the irradiation facility can be set
Committee on proposals received against

62 63

up as standalone component for the purpose of (iii) The implementation schedule for the project financial assistance. Subsequently, the implementation.
availing grant under the scheme. as per the scheme guidelines is 20 months in Ministry cancelled 19 projects mainly due to
Ø CCEA approved a total allocation of ₹1650
General Areas and 24 months in North East very slow progress in implementation. Thus,
4.5.3. PATTERN OF ASSISTANCE: crore for the period from 2016-20 co-
States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & 55 cold chain projects were taken up for
terminus with the 14th Finance Commission
As per scheme guidelines, the scheme has Islands. A provision has been made in the implementation in 11th Plan.
Cycle under this Scheme. CCEA had also
two types of pattern of financial assistance: guidelines for imposition of penalty in case
CCEA in its meeting held on 08 August, approved 150 slots for new projects to be
of failure to complete the project as per the
a. For storage infrastructure including Pack 2013 approved assisting 75 cold chain sanctioned. Further, Ministry has also
stipulated timeline. A penalty of 1% of the
House and Pre-cooling unit, ripening projects. Out of the 75 new projects approved an additional allocation of funds of
quantum of grant installment has been laid
chamber and transport infrastructure permitted by the Government, sanctions ₹409 crore for taking up 53 additional
down for each month's delay beyond the
eligible for Grant-in-Aid @ 35% for General were issued for setting up of 66 projects. Of Integrated Cold Chain Projects. Details of
stipulated timeline subject to a maximum of
Areas and @ 50% for North East States, this, 16 projects were cancelled/withdrawn phase-wise implementation of projects are
5% of the installment amount.
Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & Islands, of mainly due to very slow progress in as under:-
the total cost of plant & machinery and (iv) As per the scheme guidelines, cold chain and
technical civil works. preservation infrastructure can be set up PHASE-WISE IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECTS (AS ON 31ST DECEMBER, 2019)
by individuals, groups of entrepreneurs, ( ₹ in crore)
b. For value addition and processing
cooperative societies, Self Help Groups Approved by Sanctioned Under
infrastructure including frozen storage/deep Phase Cancelled Completed
CCEA/EFC by Ministry Implementation
(SHGs), Farmer Producer Organizations
freezers associated and integral to the Phase-1 10
(FPOs), NGOs, Central/State PSUs, etc. with 10 00 10 00
processing, Grant-in-Aid @ 50% for General (2008-09) (19th March, 2008)
business interest in cold chain solutions and
Areas and @ 75% for North East States, Phase-2 39
also by those who manage supply chain. 28 01 27 00
Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & Islands. (2011-12) (15th April, 2010)

(v) The SC or ST promoter(s), as the case may Phase-3 30

c. For irradiation facilities Grant-in-Aid @ 50% 25 07 18 00
(2012-13) (23rd March, 2012)
be, holding 100% stake in the implementing
for General Areas and @ 75% for North East
Phase-4 59
agency/firm, will be treated as SC/ST 66 16 49 01
States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & (2013-14) (08th August, 2013)
proposals and will be treated at par with
Islands. Phase-5 34
North East States for the purpose of - 08 24 02
(2015-16) (18th May, 2015)
Other salient features of the Scheme are as under:- extending benefits under the scheme. For
Phase-6 100
any change in the constitution/composition 113 25 54 34
(2016-17) (09 February, 2016)
(i) The maximum Grant-in-Aid permitted under
the scheme is ₹10 crore per project. of such proposals, prior permission of Phase-7 50 + 28
76 25 01 50
Ministry shall be required. (2017-18) (03 May, 2017)

(ii) Cost norms of Mission for Integrated Phase-8 25

Development of Horticulture (MIDH) issued 4.5.4. PROGRESS UNDER THE SCHEME: 30 02 00 27
(2018-19) (03 May, 2017)

by Department of Agriculture, Co-operation Ø During the 11 th Plan period (2007-12), EoI has been issued on 29th January, 2020 for inviting proposals/applications
and Farmers Welfare is followed wherever Government had permitted setting up of 79 Phase-9 against vacant slots.
available. For facilities not covered under (2019-20) (arisen due to withdrawal of projects by promoters or cancellation
cold chain projects in 3 phases with financial by the Ministry for want of documents/justifications)
MIDH guidelines, cost norms as determined assistance by the Ministry. The Ministry had
by the Ministry are followed. TOTAL 341 382 84 183 114
sanctioned 74 cold chain projects for

64 65

As on 31 December, 2019, 297 integrated 4.5.5. C O L D CHAIN INFRASTRUCTURE

Ø 2012-13 86.00 81.37 81.19
cold chain projects have been taken up for CAPACITY:
2013-14 100.00 103.75 103.73
implementation. Of these 183 projects have The cold chain infrastructure expected to be 2014-15 160.00 153.37 153.37
been completed and 114 are at various created by the approved 297 cold chain projects are 2015-16 181.00 180.50 160.36
stages of implementation. as follows:
2016-17 158.23 185.21 184.88
Ø Against allocation of ₹704.17 crore during Ø 8.82 lakh MT of Cold Storage, Controlled 2017-18 180.00 198.68 196.15
12th Plan period (2012-17) for the Cold Atmosphere (CA)/Modified Atmosphere 2018-19 400.00 271.59 244.74
Chain Scheme, ₹683.44 crore were released (MA) storage, Deep Freezer.
2019-20 290.00 326.16 232.42
for implementation of the scheme. Further, Ø 288.30 MT per hour of IQF.
State-wise Status of implementation of Cold Chain Scheme is given in Annexure-IV.
during 2017-18, ₹196.15 crore were released
Ø 192.39 Lakh Liter Per Day (LLPD) per day of
against the Revised Estimate of ₹198.68 4.5.7. MODIFICATIONS IN THE SCHEME: (iii) The scheme envisages financial assistance
milk processing/storage.
crore and during 2018-19, ₹244.74 crore @ 35% & 50 % of the total cost of plant &
Based on extensive feedback and
Ø 1671 number of reefer vehicles. machinery and technical civil work for
were released against the Revised Estimate consultations with stakeholders, the guidelines of
storage and transport infrastructure for
of ₹271.59 crore. The Cold chain infrastructure created by the the scheme have been revised w.e.f. 29th August,
general area & for North East States,
183 completed cold chain projects till 31 s t 2016. The Scheme guidelines have been
Ø Against RE allocation of ₹326.16 crore, as on Himalayan States, ITDP Areas & Islands
December, 2019 is as follows: subsequently revised on 08th March, 2018, 18th
31 December, 2019, ₹232.42 crore has respectively. For value addition and

January, 2019 and 17th December, 2019. The salient

already been utilized. Ø 6.19 lakh MT of Cold Storage, Controlled processing infrastructure Grant-in-Aid @
features of the revised scheme guidelines are as
Atmosphere (CA)/Modified Atmosphere 50% & 75% for general area and for North
Ø The total project cost of 297 projects, under:
(MA) storage, Deep Freezer. East States, Himalayan States, ITDP Areas &
sanctioned so far, is ₹8057.18 crore with (i) Setting up farm level infrastructure is
Ø 176.50 MT per hour of IQF. Islands respectively is envisaged.
private investment of ₹5798.53 crore and mandatory;
Ø 78.61 LLPD Milk processing/storage. (iv) Term loan at least 20% of project cost is
Grant-in-Aid of ₹2258.65 crore.
(ii) Facilities like Integrated Pack House (with mandatory in case of general areas and at
Ø Each Cold Chain project helps in creating Ø 990 number of reefer vehicles. mechanized sorting & grading line/packing least 10% in respect of North Eastern Region.
direct employment for about 100 persons 4.5.6. FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF THE SCHEME AS line/waxing line/staging cold rooms, etc.),
(v) Promoter's equity of at least 20% in general
and indirect employment for about 500 ON 31 DECEMBER, 2019:
Ripening Chamber(s), Cold Storage Unit(s),
areas and 10% in difficult areas is
persons. Each cold chain project links about Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage, Frozen
Year-wise budget allocation and expenditure mandatory.
Storage/Deep Freezers, IQF line, Tunnel
9552 farmers per project. under the scheme of cold chain is as follows:-
Freezer, Spiral Freezer, Blast Freezer, Plate (vi) Pattern of release of grant is now 25%, 40%
TABLE 4.4 Freezer, Vacuum Freeze Drying, Milk Chilling/ and 35% as 1st, 2nd and 3rd installment
BUDGET ALLOCATION IN COLD CHAIN (YEAR-WISE) Bulk Milk Cooling/Milk Processing Unit, respectively as against the earlier pattern of
(₹ in crore)
Poultry/Meat/Marine/Fishery Processing 25%, 50% and 25% respectively.
Year Budget Estimate Revised Estimate Expenditure
Unit, Packaging line for chilled/frozen/
2010-11 27.53 22.02 21.65 (vii) Penalty clause for delay in implementation
temperature controlled products are eligible
has been introduced.
2011-12 110.00 89.99 83.70 for Grant-in-Aid.

66 67

(viii) Expansion projects are not admissible as per infrastructure right from the farm gate to the capacity of cold chain in the country. The Committee unit model, due to market requirements and
revised guidelines. consumers. submitted their report on 31 October, 2014 to the
consumer centric approach of these units, have
Government. The Committee had, inter alia, developed the quality of produce across the entire
(ix) The SC or ST promoter(s), as the case may Ø Dr. Saumitra Chaudhuri Committee
recommended that the Government should aim at supply chain. This has been achieved by way of
be, holding 100% stake in the implementing constituted by the erstwhile Planning
creating an additional capacity of 7.5 million tonnes knowledge sharing, quality input supplies and
agency/firm, will be treated as SC/ST Commission in 2012 had estimated cold
over the next 5 years with financial allocation of technology upgradation of the producers. The units
proposals and will be treated at par with storage requirement in the Country of 61
₹6100 crore. Out of the 7.5 million capacity, 5 million per se have tried to comply with the stringent quality
North East States for the purpose of million tonnes. The present capacity of cold
tonnes may be created together by National parameters of the markets and this quality has
extending benefits under the scheme. For storage was estimated at around 32 million
Horticulture Mission (NHM) & National Horticulture percolated in the backward and forward linkages as
any change in the constitution/composition tonnes in the country. Thus the gap in cold
Board (NHB) under the Mission for Integrated well. Hence, models proposing captive business
of such proposals, prior permission of storage was estimated to be around 29
Development of Horticulture (MIDH) scheme of model may be given preference over rental/trader
Ministry shall be required. million tonnes.
Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers model. Final report is awaited.
(x) EMD of ₹1.00 lakh is waived off in respect of Ø National Centre for Cold Chain Development Welfare and 2.5 million tonnes under the scheme of
4.5.11. Ministry has issued an Expression of
SC/ST/NER promoters. (NCCD), an autonomous body under the the Ministry of Food Processing Industries. As on
Interest (EoI) on 29th January, 2020 for inviting online
Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and 31 st
December, 2019, under the Scheme for
4.5.8. REQUIREMENT OF COLD CHAIN/COLD applications/proposals, against vacant cold chain
Farmers Welfare, had undertaken a study on Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition
STORAGE: slots, from potential investors/promoters for
All India Cold Chain Infrastructure Capacity Infrastructure, cold storage capacity of 0.88 million
setting up of cold chain projects. The last date for
Ø One of the main reasons for the high losses (Assessment of Status and Gap) in August, tonnes has been created.
submission of proposal is 13th March, 2020. The EoI
in the supply chain of perishables is the 2015. As per the study the cold chain
4.5.10. IMPACT EVALUATION STUDY: is open year round for receipt of proposals from
absence of adequate and efficient cold chain requirement in the country was as under:-
SC/ST promoters and North Eastern Region.
A Study on “Evaluation of the impact of the
Scheme for Cold Chain, Value Addition and 4.6. SCHEME FOR CREATION/EXPANSION OF
Preservation Infrastructure of Ministry of Food FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION
S. No. Component Existing Capacity Approximate Requirement Processing Industries” was awarded to CAPACITIES:
1 Integrated Pack Houses 250 numbers 70,000 numbers M/s NABARD Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd.
4.6.1. The scope and scale of assistance under the
2 Reefer Trucks < 10,000 numbers 62,000 numbers (NABCONS). The report has, inter alia, observed that
scheme for Creation/Expansion of Food
cold chain projects have contributed positively to
3 Cold store (Bulk & distribution hubs) 32 million tonnes 35 million tonnes Preservation Capacities [Unit scheme] under
turnover, employment creation and exports. There is
4 Ripening Chambers 800 numbers 9000 numbers PMKSY has been substantially increased in
an apparent economic impact in the catchment area
comparison to the erstwhile Technology
where such projects have been set up in terms of
The above gap study had, however, excluded milk, and to improve the efficiency of Cold Chain Upgradation Scheme.
saving wastage, increase in farm gate prices and
meat, marine and processed products (lightly Management, a Task Force under the Chairmanship
establishment of backward linkages. With the 4.6.2. The main objective of the scheme is for
perishable) for working out the requirement of cold of Secretary, Ministry of Food Processing Industries
establishment of cold chain projects, under the promotion of processing/preservation of agro
chain infrastructure. was set up by the Prime Minister's Office with a view
trading model, the farmers have been benefited, in food products and modernization/capacity
to re-visit the strategies, financials and incentives of
4.5.9. TASK FORCE ON COLD CHAIN PROJECTS: terms of assured price, risk avoidance, assured enhancement of food processing units with a view
all cold storage/cold chain related schemes and
market and reduction in wastages. However, captive to increase the level of processing, thereby,
To accelerate the availability of cold storage recommend institutional mechanism for enhancing

68 69

reduction of wastage and value addition. (vii) Other agri-horti products including spices, of processing activities which result in value transportation/storage facilities etc. will not
coconut, soyabean, mushroom processing, addition, enhancing shelf life of the products and be considered under this scheme. The
4.6.3. The processing activities undertaken by the
honey processing, etc. reduction of wastage. An indicative list of project should include and result in creation/
individual units covers a wide range of post-harvest
processing activities as integral part of the main increase in processing capacity.
processes resulting in value addition and/or (viii) Fruits/Honey based wines.
processing units is given below:-
enhancing shelf life with specialized facilities Note: The above list is only illustrative and not
(ix) Natural Food flavors, food additives/food
required for preservation of perishables. Induction (i) Sorting, grading, washing, peeling, cutting, exhaustive. Food Processing Industry is fast
extracts & colours, oleoresins, guar gum,
of modern technology under the scheme is intended sizing. growing industry and several innovative processing
cocoa products etc.
to make a clear difference in both process technologies are being developed day by day which
(ii) Blanching, crushing, extraction, pulping.
efficiencies as well as quality of the end product. (x) Manufacturing jaggery from sugarcane and can also be considered under this Scheme if
value added products from jaggery (as raw (iii) Drying, de-husking, de-hulling, splitting, deemed fit.
4.6.4. The Pattern of assistance under the scheme
material) except sugar mills. deposing, deseeding, colour sorting,
is as under: 4.6.7. Organizations eligible for assistance under
pulverization, extrusion, freeze drying/
(xi) Any other sector that makes food products the scheme include the following:
(i) 35% of the eligible project cost subject to a dehydration, frying, etc.
fit for human consumption.
maximum of ₹5.00 crore in General Areas. (i) Organizations such as Central and State
(iv) Pasteurization, homogenization, evaporation,
(xii) Animal feed manufacturing unit to be set up PSUs/Joint Ventures/Farmer Producer
(ii) 50% of the eligible project cost subject to a concentration, etc.
in Mega Food Parks and Agro Processing Organizations (FPOs)/NGOs/Cooperatives/
maximum of ₹5.00 crore in North Eastern
Clusters approved by the Ministry from time (v) Packaging facilities like canning, aseptic SHGs/Public and Pvt. Companies/Limited
States including Sikkim and Difficult areas
to time. packaging, vacuum packaging, bottling, Liability Partnerships, corporate
including Himalayan States (Himachal
edible packaging, labelling, any other entity/proprietorship firms/Partnership
Pradesh, J&K & Uttarakhand), State Notified Ø The activities related to manufacturing of
specialized packaging etc. firms engaged or propose to engage in
ITDP areas and Islands. aerated water and packaged drinking water
creation/expansion/modernization of food
will not be considered for financial (vi) Chemical preservation, pickling, fermentation
4.6.5. FOOD PROCESSING SECTORS ELIGIBLE processing and preservation capacities
assistance under the Scheme. However, the or any other specialized facility required for
UNDER THE SCHEME INCLUDE: would be eligible for financial assistance
carbonated drinks/beverages containing preservation activities etc.
under the scheme. For the purpose of these
(i) Fruits & vegetables processing. fruit juice/pulp more than 5% in case lime/
(vii) Individual Quick Freezing (IQF), blast guidelines, the above-mentioned entities
lemon and more than 10% in case of other
(ii) Milk processing. freezing, plate freezing, spiral quick freezing shall be treated as 'Implementing Agency/
fruits will be considered for financial
etc. Applicant organization'.
(iii) Meat/poultry/fish processing. assistance under the Scheme. A maximum
of two (2) units in a Mega Food Park (MFP) (viii) Controlled temperature transport like (ii) SC or ST promoters, as the case may
(iv) Ready to Eat/Ready to Cook Food Products/
and one (1) unit in Agro Processing Cluster coolers/refrigerated/insulated/ventilated be, holding 100% stake in the
Breakfast cereals/Snacks/bakery and other
(APC) will be sanctioned under this category. transport. implementing Agency/applicant
food products including nutritional health
organization, will be treated as SC/ST
foods. Ø Farming activities such as dairy farming, (ix) All other processing/preservation/transport/
proposals. Such implementing Agency/
poultry farming, mushroom farming, storage facilities etc. adjunct to value
(v) Grains/Pulses, oil seed milling and applicant organization will be treated at par
hatcheries etc. are not eligible sector under addition and shelf life enhancement of food
processing based on modern technology. with the difficult areas for the purpose of
the scheme. products would be eligible. Standalone
extending benefits under the scheme. For
(vi) Modern Rice milling. activities like temperature controlled
4.6.6. The processing units undertake a wide range any change in the constitution/composition

70 71

of such implementation agencies/applicant proposals. (b) SALIENT FEATURES OF THE SCHEME: food processing units based on cluster approach.
organization, prior permission of Ministry Accordingly, the scheme has following
(iv) As on 31 s t December, 2019, 218 food (i) The scheme has two basic components i.e.
shall be required. components:
processing units have been taken up for Basic Enabling Infrastructure (roads, water
4.6.8. Ministry had issued Expression of Interest implementation. Of these 218 units, 14 food supply, power supply, drainage, ETP etc.) and (i) Basic Enabling Infrastructure: It includes site
(EoI) on 16 July, 2019 for inviting online processing units have been completed and Core Infrastructure/Common facilities development including development of

applications from potential investors/promoters for 204 are at various stages of implementation. (warehouses, cold storages, IQF, tetra pack, industrial plots, boundary wall, roads,
creation of processing and preservation capacities sorting, grading etc). Creation of common drainage, water supply, electricity supply
(v) The total project cost of 218 units,
and modernization/expansion of existing food facilities in a cluster may vary depending including power backup, effluent treatment
sanctioned so far, is ₹2989.18 crore with
processing units under PMKSY. The last date for upon requirements of food processing units plant, parking bay, weighbridges, common
private investment of ₹2167.77 and Grant-in-
submission of proposal is 31 March, 2020. Ministry existing outside the cluster or to be set up in office space etc. However, the cost of basic

Aid of ₹821.41 crore.

has approved 94 projects under the scheme in the a cluster. enabling infrastructure not exceeding 40
country during the period of 01 April, 2019 to 31
st st
(vi) 1.47 Lakh MT/Annum processing capacity percent of the eligible project cost would be
(ii) Minimum 5 food processing units with
December, 2019. The State–wise details of the created by 14 completed food processing eligible for grant purpose.
minimum investment of ₹25 crore are to be
projects approved under scheme are at Annexure-V. units and help in creating direct employment
set up in the cluster. (ii) Core Infrastructure/Common Facilities: The
for 2070 persons and indirect employment
4.6.9. Achievements under the Scheme from 01 common facilities are based on the needs of

for 6469 persons. (iii) Units are set up simultaneous along with
April, 2019 to 31 December, 2019. the units which will be set up in these

creation of common infrastructure.

PROJECTIONS FOR JANUARY-MARCH, 2020: clusters. The common facilities of capital-
(i) Ministry invited Expression of Interest (Eol)
(iv) Such infrastructure facilities may be intensive nature may include like testing
on 16th July, 2019 against vacant slot for Projects to be sanctioned: 70
developed by: laboratory, cleaning, grading, sorting and
setting up of food processing units in the
Grant-in-Aid to be sanctioned: ₹247.09 crore packing facilities, dry warehouse, cold
country. In the Financial Year 2019-20 (as on Ø The promoter(s) willing to set up own units in
storage, pre-cooling chambers, ripening
31st December, 2019), 94 proposals have 4.7. SCHEME FOR CREATION OF the cluster and also allow utilization of
chambers, steam generation boilers, IQF,
been accorded approval after carrying out INFRASTRUCTURE FOR AGRO common infrastructure to other units in the
specialized packaging, etc.
detailed appraisal of the proposals in the TC PROCESSING CLUSTERS: area.
meeting and IMAC meetings. The above-mentioned facilities are only
(a) OBJECTIVES: Ø The promoter(s) willing to develop common
illustrative and the exact nature of facilities
(ii) During the period, 14 Technical Committee infrastructure for use by the units to be set up
(i) To create modern infrastructure for food may vary from project to project based on
(TC) meetings held for scrutinizing/ in the food processing cluster by other
processing closer to production areas. requirements of the units in the cluster and
appraising the DPRs/documents of entrepreneurs.
surplus agriculture/horticulture produce in
proposals received under the scheme. (ii) To provide integrated and complete
Ø The promoter(s) willing to develop common the catchment area of the project.
preservation infrastructure facilities from
(iii) During the period, 8 Inter-Ministerial infrastructure in the existing food processing
the farm gate to the consumer. (d) IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES:
Approval Committee (IMAC) meetings held clusters.
under the Chairpersonship of Hon'ble (iii) To create effective backward and forward All implementing agencies/organizations
Minister, FPI to consider recommendation of linkages by linking groups of producers/ such as Government/PSUs/Joint Ventures/NGOs/
Technical Committee on proposals received farmers to the processors and markets The scheme aims at development of modern C o o p e ra t i ve s / S H G s / F P O s / P r i va t e S e c to r /
against Eol and accorded approval to 94 through well-equipped supply chain. infrastructure to encourage entrepreneurs to set up individuals etc. are eligible for financial assistance

72 73

under the scheme. 3. During the period 01 April, 2019-31 weighing, cleaning, sorting, grading, packing, the scheme are at Annexure-VII.
st st

December, 2019, 6 Inter- Ministerial Approval pre-cooling, Controlled Atmosphere (CA)/

Committee (IMAC) meetings held under the Modified Atmosphere (MA), Cold Storage,
The maximum admissible grant for each Chairpersonship of Hon'ble Minister, FPI to Dry Warehouses and IQF.
project is 35% of eligible project cost in general consider recommendation of Technical 4.9.1. Improving quality of food products has
(ii) Distribution hub and retail outlets for
areas and 50% of eligible project cost in North East Committee on proposals received against become as important as expanding processing
perishable agri-horti produce.
States/Hilly/difficult areas/Islands/SC/ST subject Eol and accorded approval to 20 proposals. capacities, increasing level of processing and
to max. of ₹10.00 crore. The Grant-in-Aid are credit (iii) Mobile pre-cooling trucks and reefer trucks overall production of food products. Growth of
linked but not back ended. which may be suitable for transportation for middle class, globalization etc. has brought about
Projects to be sanctioned: 28 perishable agri-horti produce. increasing awareness about quality and safety
aspects which have become non-negotiable. Today,
Grant-in-Aid to be sanctioned: ₹156.2 crore The facilities mentioned above are
Originally CCEA approved 100 projects in the consumers are demanding quality foods which is
illustrative only. The exact nature of infrastructure
country with allocation of ₹750 crore. However, in 4.8. SCHEME FOR CREATION OF BACKWARD wholesome, hygienic, healthy and food articles
will be decided on the basis of surplus agriculture/
the meantime, allocation has been revised to AND FORWARD LINKAGES: which are free from harmful residues. Food
horticulture produce in the catchment area of the
₹562.50 crore for sanctioning about 75 projects. products are expected to meet the stringent
(a) OBJECTIVES: project.
The Grant-in-Aid is credit linked but not back ended. regulatory specifications to promote exports as well
Till date 47 projects have been approved involving (i) To create an effective backward & forward (d) IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES: as to restrict low quality food product from entering
Grant-in-Aid of ₹406.30 crore. The State–wise linkage for perishable agri-horti produce domestic market. To ensure that food is
All implementing agencies/organizations
details of the projects approved under scheme are through setting up of primary processing wholesome, hygienic and healthy, there is a need to
such as Government/PSUs/Joint Ventures/NGOs/
at Annexure-VI. centers/collection centers at farm gate, have infrastructure for testing of food products,
C o o p e ra t i ve s / S H G s / F P O s / P r i va t e S e c to r /
distribution hub and retail outlets at the front enforce Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) and Good
(g) ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER THE SCHEME individuals etc. will be eligible for financial
end. Manufacturing Practices (GMP) at the production
FROM 01ST APRIL, 2019 TO 31ST DECEMBER, assistance under the scheme.
level as well as in the entire supply chain of logistics,
2019: (ii) To provide preservation facilities for
(e) PATTERN OF ASSISTANCE: storage, packaging processes and marketing
enhancing shelf life of perishable
1. Ministry has invited latest Expression of channel till food products reaches the table of
agricultural produce resulting in better The maximum admissible grant for each
Interest (Eol) on 29 August, 2019 for setting
remunerative prices to farmers. project would be 35% of eligible project cost in
up of agro processing clusters in the country.
general areas and 50% of eligible project cost in 4.9.2. QUALITY ASSURANCE SCHEME:
Against this Eol, 10 proposals have been (b) SALIENT FEATURES OF THE SCHEME:
North East States and difficult areas subject to max.
accorded approval after carrying out detailed The Ministry is implementing a Scheme for
The scheme is applicable to both perishable of ₹5.00 crore.
appraisal of the proposals in the TC meeting Quality Assurance with the following components.
horticulture and non-horticulture produce such as:
and IMAC meetings. (f) NO. OF PROJECTS:
fruits, vegetables, dairy products and fisheries etc. (i) Setting up/Upgradation of Quality
2. During the period 01 April, 2019-31
st st
Under this scheme, a total of 58 projects Control/Food Testing Laboratories.
have been sanctioned (as on 31 December, 2019).
December, 2019, 9 Technical Committee
With the growth of the market for production
(TC) meetings held for scrutinizing/ (i) Minimum Processing Facilities for There was an allocation of ₹187.5 crore for the
of food products, there is a need for availability of
appraising the DPRs/documents of perishable agri-horti produce at the farm scheme to assist appropriate no. of projects. The
facilities to (a) test domestic production in order to
proposals received under the scheme. level which may include facilities for State–wise details of the projects approved under
ensure that it complies with domestic standards as

74 75

well as international standards for exports; and (b) (iv) Establishing a surveillance system for 6 2012-13 08 859.44
test all imports coming in to the country to ensure monitoring the quality and composition of
7 2013-14 14 2472.55
that they are of the requisite standard and such food.
8 2014-15 12 2304.67
products are not allowed to come in from foreign
Government organizations are eligible for 9 2015-16 10 1758.82
markets. The level of contaminants, additives, and
Grant-in-Aid of entire cost of laboratory equipment
pesticide residues in food items are required to be 10 2016-17 18 1961.87
and 25% of the cost of technical civil work to house
monitored regularly. Therefore, a network of 11 2017-18 10 2116.26
the equipment for general areas and 33% for difficult
laboratories assumes importance for carrying out 12 2018-19 08 1598.58
various tests required to support the food safety areas and Integrated Tribal Development Project
regulatory activities and help the food processing (ITDP) areas. Private organizations are eligible for 13 11 15.07
(as on 31st December, 2019)
industry with regard to quality control measures, Grant-in-Aid of 50% of cost of laboratory equipment
*Includes 2nd and 3rd installment of grant for ongoing cases.
technical guidance, awareness creation, etc. In and 25% of the cost of technical civil work for
order to address the needs of the industry, the general areas and 70% of cost of lab equipment and
The details of proposals assisted during (a) OBJECTIVES:
Ministry has been implementing a scheme for 33% of technical civil work for difficult areas. SC or
2019-20 (upto 31 December, 2019) are given at

setting up/upgradation of quality control/food ST promoters as the case are treated at par with (i) To motivate the food processing industry
Annexure-VIII. The details of Food Testing
testing laboratories with the following objectives: difficult areas and Integrated Tribal Development for adoption of food safety and quality
Laboratories assisted by MoFPI and their NABL/
Project (ITDP) areas. assurance mechanisms such as TQM/Food
(i) Analyzing the samples received from FSSAI Notification status as on 31st December, 2019
Safety Management System including ISO
processing industries and other stake- Proposals approved during the 12th Plan are given at Annexure-IX. Under the scheme during
9000, ISO 22000, HACCP, GMP, GHP.
holders. period (up to 31st March, 2016) were being dealt with the period from 01st January, 2020 to 31st March,
by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research 2020, total 6 new FTL projects are expected to be (ii) To enable adherence to stringent quality and
(ii) Reducing the time taken for analysis of
(ICAR) as per the earlier agreement for approved and ₹7.50 crore is expected to be released hygiene norms.
samples by reducing transportation time of
samples. implementation of the scheme. It has since been as Grant to FTL projects.
(iii) To enhance product acceptance by buyers in
decided to implement the scheme directly by the (ii) Implementation of HACCP/ISO 22000, domestic as well as international market.
(iii) Ensuring compliance with international and
Ministry as per the revised guidelines (w.e.f. 01st ISO 9000/GHP/GMP Quality/Safety
domestic standards on food in case of (iv) To keep Indian industry technologically
January, 2017). Management System in food processing
exports as well as imports. abreast of international best practices.
LABORATORIES ASSISTED FROM 2007-08 TO 2019-20 The Ministry is operating a scheme to
(UP TO DECEMBER, 2019) motivate the food processing industry for Grant-in-Aid is given in the form of
S. No. Year No. of New Projects Assisted Grant-in-Aid Released* (₹ in lakh)
adoption/implementation of food safety and quality re-imbursement of expenditure towards
1 2007-08 02 993.73 assurance mechanisms such as Total Quality implementation of HACCP/ISO Standards/Food
2 2008-09 01 208.18 Management (TQM) including, ISO 9000, ISO 22000,
safety/Quality @ 50% for general area and @ 75% in
3 2009-10 08 980.03 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
North East Region and difficult areas of eligible
(HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP),
4 2010-11 11 1232.69
project cost subject to maximum of ₹17 lakh and
Good Hygiene Practices (GHP), and prepare them
5 2011-12 07 1738.53
to face the global competition in international trade. ₹22 lakh respectively.

76 77

(c) IMPLEMENTING AGENCIES: Management Systems. (iv) Fortification of staple food items to improve enterprises, academic and research
nutritional quality. institutions, food testing laboratories, food
Central/State Government Organization, (d) NO. OF PROJECTS:
standards setting bodies, regulators and
IITs, Universities and private sector in the field of (v) Change and diversification in food habits,
It is an ongoing scheme. The No. of Projects government.
preferences and improvement in consumer
food processing sector for implementation of may vary depending upon the budget allocation and perception towards food safety leading to (c) Promotion of R&D: Participation of States
HACCP/ISO Standards/Food safety/Quality Safety grant approved per project. demand for varieties of convenient food with and Dissemination of Research Findings:
the required quality and standards.
TABLE 4.7 (i) Chief Secretaries of all States have been
DETAILS OF HACCP/ISO 22000 PROJECTS ASSISTED FROM 2009-10 TO 2019-20 (vi) Globalization of trade in processed food requested to widely circulate/popularize the
sector. research findings among the various
S. No. Year No. of New Projects Assisted Grant-in-Aid Released* (₹ in lakh) stakeholders. They have also been
(vii) R&D for standardization of the process of
1 2009-10 04 49.10 requested to consider directing all the State
preparation, handling, packaging, storage,
2 2010-11 04 51.60 Agricultural Universities/other research
transport and distribution of the rich variety
institutions in their State to take up R&D
3 2011-12 05 70.70 of ethnic and traditional food products of the
projects which are farmer and small units
4 2012-13 05 93.11 country with greater emphasis towards food
oriented, which encourage food security and
5 2013-14 05 68.29 which would help in resolving food
6 2014-15 06 95.00 (b) Deliverables/Outcome of the R&D Scheme: processing issues being faced by particular
areas in their States. Similarly, Vice
7 2015-16 10 164.15 (i) The scheme of R&D aims at enabling the Chancellors of all Agriculture Universities/
8 2016-17 15 252.18 scientific community to undertake work on Institutions have been requested to direct all
9 2017-18 07 94.02 the problems faced by the food processing concerned to take up R&D projects which are
industry with a view to evolve technological farmer/micro-enterprises oriented, to
10 2018-19 11 148.03
solutions and new products and processes. promote food security besides resolving
11 2019-20 06 97.69 The focus is on applied nature of the outward food processing issues impacting our
and scope for commercialization of the country.
The details of proposals assisted during 2019-20 (a) Scheme of Research & Development in the research outcomes in conjunction with
are given at Annexure-X. The details of Food processed food sector to address the industry. The R&D scheme is intended (ii) Lists giving the details of completed and
Processing Units suppor ted by MoFPI for following areas of concern: to create a shelf of technologies and ongoing projects assisted by MoFPI have
Implementation of HACCP/ISO Standards innovative products and processes for been uploaded in the website of the Ministry.
(i) Reduction of wastage and spoilage of food
(completed projects till 31st December, 2019) are commercialization by the food processing
and food products. Some research findings of ICAR and DFRL
given at Annexure-XI. industry. New products will enter the market
have also been uploaded in the website of the
(ii) Development of technologies and methods and raise the safety and nutritional status of
4.10. SCHEME FOR HUMAN RESOURCE AND Ministry. List of on-going/completed and outcome
for preservation of food products. food items.
INSTITUTIONS: of some R&D projects has been shared with the
(iii) Identification of new eco-friendly and better (ii) Benefit all stakeholders including domestic industry associations with the request to publicize
packaging material and development and industry, consumers, exporters, these during the various conferences, seminars etc.
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries has standardization of packaging technologies entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium being organized by them on behalf of MoFPI.
been implementing: for food products.

78 79

(d) Implementation of R&D Scheme: Ministry of Food Processing Industries. The promotional activities: out India on a continuous basis to create
guidelines in this regard were issued on 10 August, th
awareness about the schemes and the
During 12th Plan Period, the scheme was (i) Extended financial support to National
2017 and revised on 30 January, 2019.
programmes of the Ministry for the benefit of
implemented through Science and Engineering Institute of Food Technology
stakeholders in the food processing sector.
Research Board (SERB) of Department of Science The details of R&D Projects assisted during Entrepreneurship and Management
The various schemes/programmes
and Technology. From 01st April, 2017 onwards, the 12th Plan onwards are as under:- (NIFTEM at Kundli, Haryana) and Indian
implemented and the new projects taken up
scheme is being implemented directly by the Institute of Food Processing Technology
by the Ministry were widely publicized
TABLE 4.8 (IIFPT at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu) for
R&D PROJECTS ASSISTED DURING 12TH PLAN ONWARDS through these advertisements. Publicity
organizing seminars/ workshops/
material in the form of folders/brochures
conferences and participating in several
Assistance released (#) containing basic information of the schemes
Year New projects approved
(₹ in lakh) National exhibitions held in India.
implemented by the Ministry were also
2012-13 38 1031.35 (ii) Provided financial support, either under non- distributed to the public in various
2013-14 38 1096.84 sponsorship category or sponsorship/co- functions/fairs/exhibitions including the
2014-15 21 638.66 sponsorship basis for organizing seminars/ international fairs/exhibitions participated
2015-16 23 613.37 workshops/conferences/conclaves and by the Ministry.
fairs/exhibitions on food processing and
2016-17 -- * 333.87 (v) Through Ministry's Social Media platform,
schemes of MoFPI, to several organizations
2017-18 -- * 167.00 the stakeholders in the food processing
such as Confederation of Indian Industry
2018-19 35 808.38 sector were sensitized and informed about
(CII), Federation of Indian Chambers of
2019-20 the potential opportunities available in the
11 445.04 Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Associated
(till 31 December, 2019)
sector and the benefits that can be drawn
Chambers of Commerce and Industry of
# The assistance released indicated includes 2 and 3 installments of grant for ongoing projects.
nd rd
from the schemes of MoFPI vis-à-vis
* As Ministry had decided to administer R&D Scheme directly w.e.f. 01st April, 2017, no new projects were approved during financial India (ASSOCHAM), PHD Chamber of
initiatives undertaken by the Ministry. There
years 2016-17 & 2017-18 in order to complete on-going projects. Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI), All India
was significant response from stakeholders
Food Processors' Association (AIFPA),
Achievements of R&D scheme during the period investment in food processing sector and to in YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp.
Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Dalit
from 01 April, 2019 to 31 December, 2019 are at create awareness on plan, policy and
st st

Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (vi) The total budget allocated during 2019-20
Annexure-XII. programmes of the Ministry for promotion
(DICCI), Federation of Industry & Commerce for undertaking promotional activities is
and development of food processing sector.
4.10.2. PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES AND PUBLICITY: of North Eastern Region (FINER), Central ₹71.20 crore, of which the expenditure
Creating awareness about schemes
Government, Autonomous bodies and Public incurred is ₹10.95 crore. ₹50 crore allocated
(a) Ministry of Food Processing Industries and activities of the Ministry through
Sector Undertakings etc. for World Food India were cancelled. For the
(MoFPI) has been implementing the Scheme print/audiovisual media, i.e. through
period from 01 st January, 2019 to 31 st
of Promotional Activities, Advertisement, advertisements and publicity materials, is (iii) The list showing details of financial support
December, 2019, Ministry has already
Publicity, Studies and Surveys over the years also envisaged as one of the important extended/released by MoFPI from 01st April,
extended in-principle approval for 38 events
with the objective to organize, co-sponsor, objectives of the Scheme. 2019 to 31st December, 2019 is at Annexure-
amounts to ₹3.01 crore. Details are at
participate in all India level seminars, XIII.
(b) During the year 2019-2020, MoFPI has Annexure-XIII.
workshops, fairs and exhibitions relating to
broadly undertaken the following (iv) Published several advertisements through-
food processing with a view to encourage

80 81

(vii) Ministry revised the Guidelines of Scheme of available for the translation of already apply for assistance under the Scheme for assistance under the scheme and 13 proposals
Promotional Activities on 09 December, developed training modules in recognized Human Resources and Institution–Skill were recommended for a total Grant-in-Aid of

2019 with specific focus on food processing regional languages as per 8th schedule both Development (SHRISD). ₹4.5 crore, which includes ₹0.97 crore for the
sector. in print and Multi-media for each job role. development of course curriculum, ₹3.53 crore for
4. Number of proposals received and
the establishment of Training Centres. The status of
4.10.3. SKILL DEVELOPMENT: (ii) Assistance is also provided for creation of recommended:
implementation of projects approved under the
infrastructure facilities for establishment of
1. The objectives of the scheme are as follows: 15 proposals out of the 47 proposals scheme is given in Annexure-XIV.
skill training centers/expansion of existing
received for assistance under the Scheme
(i) To provide sector specific skilled workforce skill training centers to impart skill/training 5. Financial Progress:
for Human Resources and Institution–Skill
from floor level workers, operators, on various job roles in food processing.
Development (SHRISD) were approved. During the The details of Grant-in-Aid disbursed during
packaging and assembly line workers to Grant-in-Aid is provided at the rate of 50% of
year 2019-20, 27 proposals were received for 2017-20 under the scheme are as as under:-
quality control supervisor etc. and to meet cost of plant & machineries required for
the skilled Human Resources requirement in NSDA/NSDC validated training module
food processing sector. subject to a maximum of ₹15 lakhs per Year BE RE Expenditure

(ii) To contribute towards achieving the training module limited to a maximum of 5 2017-18 - - -

projected skilled human resources training modules per Training Center. The 2018-19 6.75 4.55 1.89
requirement as envisaged by National Skill Grant-in-Aid is released by the Ministry to 2019-20 13.31 2.65 0.33
Development Corporation (NSDC) in food eligible institutions/organizations in two
TOTAL 20.06 7.20 2.22
processing sector i.e. 17.8 million persons equal installments i.e. 50% advance and

by the year 2022. ( remaining 50% after the plant machinery has 4.11. OPERATION GREENS: interventions to strengthen TOP production
skill-gap-study-report-ficsi-nsdc.pdf) been purchased and installed by the clusters and their FPOs, and linking/
In pursuance to budget announcement for
Institute/organization. connecting them with the market.
2. Pattern of financial assistance: the year 2018-19, MoFPI launched a Central Sector
3. Revision of Scheme Guidelines: Scheme “Operation Greens–A scheme for (ii) Price stabilization for producers and
(i) Assistance is provided for the development
integrated development of Tomato, Onion and consumers by proper production planning in
of course curriculum for training modules (i) The Scheme Guidelines were first revised on
Potato” with a budgetary allocation of ₹500 crore. the TOP clusters and introduction of dual use
and its translation in English, Hindi and 05th October, 2018 to make the Scheme more
Operational Guidelines for the scheme were varieties through convergence with the
regional languages based on the attractive and streamlined to the investors.
uploaded on the website of the Ministry on 05 scheme implemented by Mission for

Qualification Packs (QPs) validated by the The maximum numbers of Training modules
November, 2018. Advertisement regarding Integrated Development of Horticulture
NSDC as National Occupational Standards allowed for a single Training Centre were
invitation of proposal under the scheme was issued (MIDH) and State Governments.
for different job roles in various sectors of increased from 2 to 5 and the pattern of
in newspaper on 10 November, 2018.

food processing industries. Grant-in-Aid is assistance was also revised in this revision (iii) Reduction in post-harvest losses by creation
provided to the eligible Institutions/ of Guidelines, among other things. 4.11.1. OBJECTIVES OF THE SCHEME: of farm gate infrastructure, development of

organizations up to a maximum of ₹5.00 suitable agri-logistics, and creation of

(ii) The Scheme Guidelines were revised again Major objectives of “Operation Greens” are
lakhs per QP for development of training appropriate storage capacity linking
on 11th March, 2019 to include the Mega given below:-
consumption centres.
module both in print Multi-media for each job Food Parks developed with assistance of
(i) Enhancing value realization of Tomato,
role. Up to a maximum of ₹0.50 lakh per QP is MoFPI in the list of institutions eligible to (iv) Increase in food processing capacities and
Onion and Potato (TOP) farmers by targeted

82 83

value addition in TOP value chain by creating production clusters will be organized into FPOs to Cooperatives, Self Help Groups, Companies, food Project Implementing Agency (PIA).
firm linkages with production clusters. manage production, post-harvest activities, value processors, logistic operators, service providers,
4.11.5. NO. OF PROJECTS:
addition and marketing of the TOP produce. The supply chain operators, retail and wholesale chains
(v) Setting up of a market intelligence network
capacity of the existing FPOs will also be enhanced and Central and State Governments and their Out of 24 proposals received till 31 s t
to collect and collate real time data on
through appropriate training and professional entities/organizations are eligible to participate in December, 2019, Ministry has approved 5 proposals
demand and supply and price on regional
management support. the programme and to avail financial assistance. for setting up of integrated value chain development
and seasonal basis to moderate and check
Any organization or group of organizations or projects for TOP crops in the State of Andhra
localized gluts of TOP crops. 4.11.3. PATTERN OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE:
individual undertaking any activity with financial Pradesh (1), Gujarat (2) and Maharashtra (3). The
4.11.2. STRATEGIES: (i) For Price Stabilization Measures: 50% of assistance under the programme will be called the details are as under:-
cost of transportation and 50% of cost of
The scheme has two-pronged strategies: TABLE 4.9
hiring appropriate storage facilities will be
(a) Short term: Price Stabilization Measures provided as subsidy at the time of harvest.

During the glut situation, as determined by (ii) For Integrated value chain development Project Amount Amount
Date of
S. Name Location Name Cost of Grant of grant
the following: projects: The projects will be eligible for of Crop
-in-Aid released Status
No. of PIA of Cluster (₹ in
Grant-in-Aid at the rate of 50% of the eligible crore) approved (₹ in crore)
(i) When the prices fall below preceding 3-years'
project cost in all areas, subject to maximum M/s
average market price at the time of harvest. Chittor,
₹50 crore per project. However, in case Andhra Pradesh Anantapur, 20th Under
1 Food Processing Tomato 109.99 48.82 Nil
(ii) When the prices fall more than 50% Andhra March, 2019 Implementation
where PIA is/are FPO(s)/SC/ST, the Grant-in-
Society Pradesh
compared to last year market price at the Aid will be at the rate of 70% of the eligible
time of harvest. project cost in all areas, subject to maximum M/s
Nedspice Bhavnagar, 20th Under
₹50 crore per project. 2 Onion 63.64 25.22 2.37
Dehydration Gujarat March, 2019 Implementation
(iii) When the prices fall less than the
India LLP
benchmark, if any, fixed by the State/Central 4.11.4. IMPLEMENTING AGENCY:
Government for a specified period, M/s
(a) Short Term: Price Stabilization Measures Hindustan Agro Ahmednagar, 25th Under
evacuation of surplus production from the 3 Onion 117.00 41.97 Nil
Cooperative Maharashtra October, 2019 Implementation
producing area to the consumption centres NAFED is the Nodal Agency (NA) for Limited

will be undertaken. NAFED has been implementing short-term measures for price M/s
appointed as Nodal Agency for short-term stabilization of TOP crops. It will empanel eligible Khemanand
08th Under
4 Dudh and Krishi Ahmednagar, Onion 31.33 14.60 Nil
price stabilization measures. entities engaged in transportation/warehousing/ Maharashtra January, 2020 Implementation
marketing of TOP crops, based on transparent Company Limited
(b) Long term: Integrated Value Chain
criteria. M/s
Development Projects Banaskantha
Banaskantha, 08th Under
(b) Long Term: For Integrated value 5 District Co-op.
Potato 103.87 30.56 Nil
Pilot projects will be implemented in January, 2020 Implementation
Milk Producers
chain development projects-Project
identified clusters for each TOP crops in major Union Ltd.
Implementing Agencies, (PIA)
producing States for development of integrated TOTAL 425.83 161.17 2.37
value chain (Annexure-I of the scheme Guideline State Agriculture and other Marketing
available at MoFPI website). Farmers in the Federations, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO),

84 85






5.1. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD Technology Entrepreneurship and Management
TECHNOLOGY ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND (NIFTEM) at Kundli, Haryana and Indian Institute of
MANAGEMENT (NIFTEM): Food Processing Technology (IIFPT) at Thanjavur,
Tamil Nadu, would be declared as Institutions of
(i) NIFTEM was established by the Ministry of
National Importance (INI).
Food Processing Industries, Government of
India and also declared as Deemed to be The NIFTEM Bill, 2019 was introduced in the
University under De Novo category by the Rajya Sabha on 13th February, 2019. The Standing
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Committee on Agriculture has deliberated on the Bill
Department of Higher Education. in its meetings held on 13th March, 2019 and 19th
November, 2019. The Report of the Committee was
(ii) NIFTEM was established as a Centre of
laid on the Table of Rajya Sabha on 03rd December,
Excellence by Ministry of Food Processing
2019. The recommendations of the Committee
Industries in the field of Food Sciences &
about amendments in Bill w.r.t. composition of
Food Technology. The main mandate of
Board of Governors and fee structure, etc. are under
NIFTEM is to offer high quality education,
examination of the Ministry/Government.
research and management programme
specific to the food industry; disseminate A. INFRASTRUCTURE:
knowledge to the food sector and provide
The following infrastructural facilities are
referral advice on food standards and
available at NIFTEM:
provide business incubation facilities. The
All India Council for Technical Education Ø An administrative Block.

(AICTE) in April, 2013, approved the Ø An Academic Block with modern

undergraduate & postgraduate courses to be classrooms, State-of-the-art 14 teaching
offered by NIFTEM. cum research labs, and 3 Seminar Halls.

NIFTEM BILL Ø An Auditorium with a seating capacity of

The Union Cabinet approved the National more than 700.

Institutes of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship Ø A library (NIFTEM Knowledge Centre) with

and Management (NIFTEM) Bill, 2019 under which modern facilities and resources.
the two existing institutes under administrative
Ø Five Pilot plants to serve as Business
control of Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Incubation Centre with facilities related to:
(MoFPI), namely National Institute of Food


(i) Fruit & Vegetable products The construction work of 2

phase have 5) Food Business Management and 2nd week of March 2020. NIFTEM Food Festival will
been awarded to CPWD and the constructions has Entrepreneurship Development (FBMED) include various activities such as Seminar cum
(ii) Milk & Dairy products
started in August, 2019. C. THIRD CONVOCATION-2020: Awareness Programme, Exhibition, Demonstration
(iii) Meat and Poultry products
of Pilot Plant and Food Testing Facility etc.
B. ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES: NIFTEM's third convocation is proposed to
(iv) Ready-to-Eat Indian Traditional products
be held on 10th February, 2020. Degrees will be E. PLACEMENT OF STUDENTS:
The Institute commenced its first academic
(v) Cereal, Grains & Bakery products awarded to passed out students, 19 from B.Tech.
session in August 2012, offering a four years During the year, 51 new companies
Ø A State-of-the-art Food Testing Laboratory B.Tech. in Food Technology & Management and Batch (2014-18), 144 from B.Tech. Batch (2015-19),
participated in the placement process and selected
(Center for Food Research and Analysis) M.Tech. programme (2 years) in the following 5 80 from M.Tech. Batch (2017-19), 29 from MBA
179 students, out of 192 eligible students. The
NABL accredited as per ISO/IEC 17025: streams:- Batch (2017-19) and 09 Ph.D. students during the
average CTC offered to them was ₹5.21 Lacs Per
2005. 1) Food Supply Chain Management (FSCM) Annum (LPA) for the B.Tech. students, ₹5.22 Lacs
D. NIFTEM FOOD FESTIVAL: Per Annum to M.Tech. students and ₹5.41 Lacs Per
Ø Separate Hostels for girls and boys with 2) Food Safety and Quality Management
accommodating capacity of 950 students. (FSQM) National Food Festival is proposed to be Annum for MBA students.
organized in the campus of NIFTEM at Kundli during
Ø A Dispensary, a Bank and a Cafeteria 3) Food Process Engineering and Management
Ø Modern Gym, and Sports facilities both (FPEM)
Indoor and Outdoor. 4) Food Plant Operations Management (FPOM)
Total Students 260
Ø Residential Complex with 68 residences of 5) Food Technology Management (FTM) Total placed 179*
different categories to accommodate Unplaced 8
Till date 4 batches of B.Tech., 6 batches of
teaching and non-teaching staff. M.Tech. and 2 batches of MBA have passed out. Higher Studies 73

Ø 24 Studio Apartment to accommodate guest Opted Out 7

The Institute has also started MBA
& visiting faculties. Entrepreneurship 5
Programme from 2016-17, with intake capacity of
30. Placement % 93 %
*including some ex-students
The Ministry has sanctioned ₹83.56 crore The Ph.D. Programme started during the
year 2013, in all the following five teaching
for construction of additional buildings i.e. Foreign F. NEW INITIATIVES: Ø Implementation of solid waste management
departments of NIFTEM :-
Student Hostel, UG & PG Hostels (Boys), Student strategies
Major Initiative taken by NIFTEM during 2019
Welfare Centre, Porch, Amenities in Auditorium, ETP, 1) Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
was towards greening of NIFTEM campus. Ø Implementation of landscaping practices
Indoor Sport Centre, Hazardous Chemical Store, (AES)
Ø Replacing old lights to LED lights G. VILLAGE ADOPTION PROGRAMME (VAP):
General Parking, External services, and Residential 2) Basic and Applied Sciences (BAS)
Blocks Type-I (8 Nos), Type-III (32 Nos), Type-IV (32) Ø II Phase construction NIFTEM conceptualized Village Adoption
3) Food Engineering (FE)
Programme (VAP) and implemented it in October
and Staff Welfare Centre etc. Ø Installation of 1 MW Roof Top Solar Project
4) Food Science and Technology (FST) 2012 with an aim to promote entrepreneurship spirit

90 91

among students and rural youth through food Centre has organized Training Programmes for processing sector, the institute has set up Skill based, tailor made training programme to the
processing. In the academic year 2019-20, VAP-14 Rural Youth and Women for self-employment. Development Division which caters the manpower industries and organizations on their request.
village stay was organized from 03 -13 December,
rd th
requirement of industries. It also provides need
Ø The centre conducted 5 days training on
2019 and 04 -14 January, 2020. The on-campus
th th

Artisan Bakery Products for students in TABLE 5.2

VAP induction programme for the participating DETAILS OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES CONDUCTED DURING 2019-20
January 2019.
students was also organized from 26th November-
S. No. of
02nd December, 2019. The final year students of Ø The centre conducted one day training Particulars Period No. of Beneficiary
No. Women Beneficiary
B.Tech., M.Tech. and MBA participated in the VAP for women member of South Asian
05th August, 2019
under the guidance of faculty mentors and co- Women Development Forum (SAWDF) in 1 Training of Master Trainers (ToMT) To 18 08
mentors (Staff & Ph.D. students). Total of 21 teams March, 2019. 08th August, 2019
made interventions in more than 22 villages in the Ten days EDP on Construction, 11th September, 2019
states of Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar 2 Expansion, Modernization and To 25 01
FOR FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY (ICEFSQ): Maintenance of Cold Chain Units for NHB 20th September, 2019
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand and Himachal
Pradesh. The programme received thorough The Institute has also set up a State-of-the- 25th September, 2019
3 Training of Trainers (ToT) To 14 02
support of ICAR-KVK system. Number of female art Food Testing Laboratory with financial support 27th September, 2019
beneficiaries covered under VAP was 665 till 2019- of MoFPI. The Lab is NABL accredited as per
05th November, 2019
20. ISO/IEC 17025:2005. 4 Training of Assessors (ToA) To 31 04
10th November, 2019
08th December, 2019
5 days training on Food Processing
The Institute has set up NIFTEM Industry The Institute has granted License to run the 5
for Women Entrepreneurs
To 62 43
12th December, 2019
Forum consisting of representatives of food following Incubation Pilot Plant facilities through
processing industry and allied sector (about 95 TOTAL BENEFICIARIES 150 58
due tendering procedure:-
industries) to advise on Teaching, Research,
1. Ready to Eat–M/s Inner Being Wellness Pvt. TABLE 5.3
Entrepreneurship Development, Skill Development,
Consultancy to the Industry and SME upgradation. Ltd.
So far, 5 meetings have been conducted. S.
2. Dairy and Milk Processing–M/s Binsar Title of Project Cost of Project Funding Agency
1 Development of instant probiotic fruit juice powder ₹37 Lac MoFPI
3. Fruit & Vegetable–M/s Sunfoods Overseas.
2 Strengthening Sustainable energy COE in Ethiopia ₹40.69 Lac DST
NIFTEM has set up an International Bakery
4. Meat & Poultry–M/s Taurus Foods.
Research and Training Centre to facilitate in-house Performance of Small and Medium Sized Agri and Food
3 ₹3.25 Lac NIFTEM
and externally supported continuous experiential L. SKILL DEVELOPMENT: SHORT TERM Business Enterprises: Evidence from Emerging Economies

learning and motivating entrepreneurs to start new TRAINING PROGRAMMES:

Designing Entrepreneurial Policy Framework for Smart
4 ₹5 Lac ICSSR
ventures with faculty mentoring from NIFTEM. The In pursuit of its strategic goals of capacity Eco-Social Villages Development
Bakery Centre trains the work force and upgrades
building and human resource development in food 5 Social Entrepreneurship: Impact Assessment ₹10 Lac NIFTEM
their skills to produce quality bakery products. The

92 93

M. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: safety. 3. Water extractor from mature coconut. (A) RESEARCH FOCUS:

The Institute has a 'Research Cell' to carry Ø Risk identification, assessment and 4. Ghewar batter preparation machine. Several internally and externally funded
out various research activities in the relevant characterization. research projects are being taken up by the
5. Preservation of sugarcane juice.
areas of Food Technology Entrepreneurship & scientists of IIFPT. The externally funded research
Management. 6. Boondi making machine.
STATUS PAPER FOR M.TECH. AND projects include industry sponsored projects to

The priority areas identified for research are given B.TECH. STUDENTS: 7. Design and fabrication of low-cost meat solve problems faced. Some of the major outcome
below: storage structure for local vendors to ensure of research in the Institute relate to development of
Based upon various industrial problems and
quality meat. non-dairy millet ice cream, coconut ice cream,
Ø Novel Food processing Technologies. the issues related to food safety, short research
functional ragi cookies, onion grader, onion peeling
projects are allotted to the students of M.Tech. and Q. RECOGNITIONS:
Ø Nutraceutical and functional foods. machine and several value added food products.
B.Tech. as a part of the term course curriculum.
Ø The Institute was coded as standalone Apart from these research projects, IIFPT is also
Ø Nano Science in food preservation and food These short-term research projects help generate
Institute under AISHE and thereby listed
quality. some results and data which could be further taken working on the common interest of the public to
up as a preliminary work for writing further project among 120 best Engineering Institutes of the
solve the issues of farming community. During the
Ø Molecular and Nutrition. country during 2018 and 2019 NIRF ranking.
proposals for extramural funding. last academic year, 11 Grant-in-Aid projects were
Ø Development of value added food products. Ø The Institute was also awarded among 5 completed. At present 17 national projects, 2
Ø Role of micro-organisms in food chain in best Institutions under Swachhata Ranking international projects and 6 industry sponsored
The Institute has created an Innovation Fund
transfer of antibiotic resistance. 2018. projects are in progress. 93 research articles in peer
for NIFTEM students to encourage them to
reviewed international journals, 7 book chapters,
Ø Study of microbiological status of food undertake research for development of new 5.2. THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF FOOD
and 14 popular articles have been published by
in different parts of the country (to be innovation driven, knowledge-based processes, PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY (IIFPT):
products and technologies. Financial assistance up IIFPT as outcome of research.
developed as network project).
Indian Institute of Food Processing
to ₹15 lakh is provided for innovative research a. Onion Mission to Double the Income of
Ø Food Structure and Functionality. Technology is a pioneer R&D and Educational
projects to individual students and groups, which Onion Farmers
Institution under the aegis of the Ministry of Food
Ø Basic Bioscience Underpinning health. can be enhanced in case of highly deserving
Processing Industries, Government of India, located IIFPT, Thanjavur has successfully launched
Ø Food Waste and by–product Utilizations. at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. The Institute is in its mission onion programme at Chettikulam village
Ø Food Safety and Traceability. existence for 50 years and was formerly known as of Perambalur District on 31st August, 2017 which
Patents: Paddy Processing Research Center (PPRC). In 2008, was inaugurated by the Hon'ble Union Minister for
Ø Food Biotechnology.
the Institute was renamed as Indian Institute of Crop Food Processing Industries, Smt. Harsimrat Kaur
Following 7 patents have been filed by NIFTEM so
Ø Design, modelling and simulation of food Processing Technology and was upgraded as a Badal through video conference. 5000 farmers from
processes. National Level Institute and later in March 2017, three districts benefitted from this mission onion
1. Co-precipitation synthesis of economical, rechristened as Indian Institute of Food Processing
Ø Food supply chain and retail management. programme. Around 1000 farmers from the village
layered silver iron oxides nano-composited Technology by Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal, Hon'ble joined together to form the FPO and are running the
Ø Harmonization of standards. for rapid killing of bacterial pathogens.
Union Minister, Ministry of Food Processing
common incubation facility.
Ø Regulatory and policy research for food 2. Domestic refrigerator. Industries, Government of India.

94 95

(i) Technology Implementation: basis. Some of the notable technologies transferred organized several programmes which included 45 Ø Ph.D. (Food Science & Technology)
are: Beginners Training for entrepreneurs, 12 Executive
Ø Established incubation center for small The intake of students includes 75 in B.Tech.,
Training for new entrepreneurs, 10 Technical
onion processing cum incubation centre Ø Virgin coconut oil production. 12 in each of the M.Tech. degree programmes and 8
Guidelines cum Training and 26 Training cum
with fully mechanized set up for processing in Ph.D. degree programme. The B.Tech. degree is
Ø Production of neera crystals. Incubation Services. Around 6 Mobile Processing
and value addition of small onion. usually of 4 years or 8 semesters’ duration, M.Tech.
Unit training were conducted all over India. In order
Ø Moringa, onion, garlic flakes and powder degrees are of 2 years or 6 Trimesters duration and
(ii) Technologies Developed: to disseminate and popularize the scientific
processing techniques. Ph.D. degree is of 3 years or 9 Trimesters duration.
outcomes and also to create awareness about the
Ø Onion stem and root cutting machine, Onion
Ø Production of high protein rice-based value- importance of the food processing sector, IIFPT IIFPT sends undergraduate students for
peeler machine and Onion curing cum
added products such as; ice cream, bread, participated in 8 conferences/seminars and 14 short term exposure and graduate students for long
storage structure.
health drink, GABA rice, edible cutleries etc. Expos all over India. term research projects in reputed international
(iii) Products Developed: institutions and advanced laboratories around the
Ø Non-dairy millet ice cream and coconut ice (C) FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY TESTING
world. These training and research exposures help
Ø Onion paste, onion powder, onion flakes and cream technologies. LABORATORY:
to create leaders in food processing who can take
vacuum-packed peeled onion to extend the
Ø On-Farm Mobile Processing Unit. IIFPT's food safety and quality testing Indian food processing sector to greater heights.
shelf life and better price.
(B) FOOD PROCESSING BUSINESS laboratory is accredited by NABL and is ISO/IEC IIFPT also sends the undergraduate students to
b. Coconut Mission Programme 17025:2005 certified. It is recognized by FSSAI as a India's villages to learn the firsthand problems faced
IIFPT initiated coconut mission programme referral laboratory. Apart from providing food by producers and the current status of production,
IIFPT has an ISO 14001 and 22000 & HACCP
on 2nd September 2017 at Peravurani District of sample analysis services for industries, SHGs, storage, handling and marketing of foods. As a part
Certified modern food processing business-cum-
Pattukottai with the aim of developing complete end academic and research purposes, the laboratory of these international collaborations, IIFPT mutually
incubation-cum-training center which has product
to end solutions for coconut from harvesting to also provides hand-on-training on Hi-tech exchanges three students with ONIRIS, France for
lines such as canning fruits and vegetables; Ready
value addition to enhance the farmer's income. In equipment and on various aspects of food safety academic research.
to Serve (RTS) or Ready to Drink (RTD) fruit based
continuation of this, in Pollachi, Tiruppur and and quality analysis. Apart from testing and
beverages and jams and jelly manufacturing with (E) COLLABORATIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS
Udumalaipet areas IIFPT conducted farmers’ meet. analytical services, various trainings have been
bottling facility; facilities for manufacturing of WITH INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL
The institute is planning to develop the entire conducted by this lab. 14 training programs on food
Ready to Cook (RTC) food products; Ready to Eat INSTITUTIONS:
processing line starting from grading, husk removal, safety and quality testing, 5 students project training
(RTE) food products; Instant mixes, Masala and IIFPT has signed MoU with 1International
pairing, test a removal, water collection, cutting and programs and 5 mobile food testing campaigns
chutney powders and their sachet packaging; Institution 3 National Institutions/Universities, 10
slicing of the meat along with value added products were conducted.
specialized packaging section with facilities for MoAs and 2 license agreements with industries for
from coconut like neera with extended shelf life, (D) ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES:
ordinary packaging and Modified Atmosphere conducting joint research projects, technology
coconut chips infused with vitamins and coconut
Packaging (MAP). Also, a modern bakery line, Ø B.Tech. (Food Technology) development and Transfer of technology.
water powder.
ripening chamber for fruits, extrusion line and Synergizing the efforts of scientists with those
Ø M.Tech. (Food Process Engineering)
c. Technologies Transferred equipment for rice processing are available. working in international institutions will help
Ø M. Tech. (Food Science & Technology)
The technologies developed in-house are IIFPT has conducted a number of outreach effective delivery of results to stake-holders. Time
Ø M.Tech. (Food Safety & Quality Assurance) tested technologies can be scaled up to suit local
transferred to industry stakeholders and interested cum skill development programmes across the
clients on conditional as well as unconditional country. During April 2019 - December 2019, IIFPT Ø Ph.D. (Food Process Engineering) conditions rather than reinventing. Training and

96 97

research exposure to international laboratories will incubation services. Through these centers, IIFPT
help create globally competitive manpower for serves the farming community by providing training
India. in the field of food processing using available
resources. By these liaison offices, IIFPT expands
its horizon and visibility to serve more to
the stakeholders and disseminates the latest
IIFPT's Liaison Office at Guwahati was technologies to the unreached masses.
established on 20 July, 2010 with an objective to
Infrastructure such as Food Processing Trainings
develop small-scale entrepreneurship and skilled cum Incubation Center, training classrooms,
workgroup for the food processing sector of the trainees' hostel and office room were established to
north-east region of India. IIFPT opened its liaison serve for the stakeholders at the liaison offices of
office at Bhatinda, Punjab with the objective of IIFPT. 115 skill development training programs and
developing entrepreneurship and creating skilled 16 in plant trainings for students were conducted by
manpower for the food sector, particularly in the these offices. Apart from these, 4 stakeholders
northern region of the country. The center has meet were organized and participated in 30
already conducted a national seminar on recent conferences/invited talk/expos conducted at
trends in food processing in collaboration with various places to create awareness and brand
Central University of Punjab and is set to expand to a building exercise.
full-fledged unit for skill development and






6.1. India's North Eastern Region (NER) is a land (ii) 7 Cold Chain projects have been approved in
of magnificent beauty, possessing undulating hills NER, two each in Assam & Mizoram and one
and thrilling flora and fauna. The region with its agro- project each in Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur
friendly climate and agrarian roots has the potential and Nagaland. Out of these, 6 projects have
to be a sunrise zone for food processing. The become operational.
various incentives extended by the Government set
(iii) Ministry has approved 3 projects under the
the stage for making food processing a lucrative
scheme for Creation of Infrastructure for
option in the area.
Agro Processing Clusters in Assam.
6.2. The availability of large amounts of surplus
(iv) Ministry has approved 14 food processing
agri-horti produce provides opportunities to NER to
units under CEFPPC Scheme for Grant-in-Aid
process the produce. The processing of produce will
in NER, four each in Assam and Nagaland,
lead to better value addition and return to the
one each in Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya,
growers. Food processing benefits not only the
Mizoram and Sikkim and two in Tripura. Out
growers of agricultural produce but also creates
of these, two food processing units in Assam
employment in service sector like transportation,
and one unit in Meghalaya have become
packaging, advertising and marketing.
6.3. For giving impetus to the development of
(v) 2 projects approved in year 2019-20 in NER
food processing industry in NER, the Ministry is
providing higher levels of subsidy in all the schemes. under the scheme Backward & Forward

The facilities created from the financial assistance Linkage. One each in Manipur and Assam.

provided by the Ministry are as under: - Both are under implementation.

(i) Ministry has approved 6 Mega Food Parks in (vi) 10 Food Testing Labs, five in Assam (one in

NER, one each in Assam, Manipur, Mizoram, Tezpur and four in Guwahati), one each in

Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Tripura. Manipur (Nambol), Nagaland (Kohima), two

Out of these 6 projects, 2 projects (Assam in Sikkim (Gangtok) and Tripura (Agartala)

& Tripura) are operational, 3 projects have been assisted to create infrastructure
(Mizoram, Nagaland & Arunachal Pradesh) for food safety and quality testing.
are under various stages of implementation (vii) Indian Institute of Food Processing
and remaining one is in the process of final
Technology (IIFPT), Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu


has set up a liaison office of IIFPT at Business Incubation, Testing and Training
Guwahati in July, 2010. The unit has food Center.
processing training centre cum incubation 6.4. The Ministry is making concerted efforts to
centre, training classrooms and office. Skill increase utilization of the allocation for North East.
training programs are organized for A number of awareness events like seminars/
farmers, SHG members and educated workshops are organized every year in the North
youth. An amount of ₹14.21 crore was Eastern region. A list of events assisted by the
Ministry from 01 January, 2019 to 31 December,
st st
released in 2016-17 for upgradation &
strengthening of liaison office of IIFPT in 2019 is at Annexure-XIII.

Guwahati for establishing Food Processing






1) The Official Language Section in the Ministry from 01st January, 2019 to 31st December,
is working to sensitize the officers and staff 2019.
towards Official Language Policy, motivate
4) With a view to promote the use of official
them to do their work in Hindi and achieve
language among officers and staff of the
the targets prescribed in the Annual
Programme. Necessary training is imparted Ministry and create a conducive atmosphere
to the officials from time to time. Guidelines to work in Hindi, Hindi Fortnight was
of all the Schemes of the Ministry (along with organized from 02nd September, 2019 to 16th
revised guidelines) have been uploaded in September, 2019. During this period
Hindi as well on the website of the Ministry.
competitions for Noting and Drafting, Essay
The Citizen's/Client's Charter of this Ministry
Writing, Translation, Typing, Extempore
has been uploaded on the website of this
speech, Debate/Quiz along with questions
Ministry in bilingual form. It is displayed
regarding elections/voting and Recitation of
bilingually at the reception.
Poetry in Hindi were organized, and cash
2) This Ministry is situated in Region 'A' More
prizes along with certificates were given to
than 90% officers and staff of this Ministry
26 officers and staff.
have working knowledge of Hindi and the
Ministry is notified under the Rule 10(4) of
O.L. Rules 1976. Under Rule 8(4) of the said
Rules 1976, three out of four Sections of the
Ministry stand specified to do their entire
o f f icial wo r k in Hind i. S imilar ly, 21
officers/staff have been mandated to do
their entire work in Hindi.

3) The Official Language Implementation

Committee (OLIC) constituted in the Ministry
under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary
(Admin.), is overseeing the use of Hindi and
meetings are held periodically to monitor
progress of Hindi in official work. In this
regard, 04 meetings of OLIC have been held

Organizational Structure of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI)

Hon’ble Minister
(Food Processing Industries)

Hon’ble MoS (FPI)





Dir. (AS) Dir. (AS) DS (RS) Dir. (JK) Dir. (KBS)
US (VPB) (GJ) (BK) (VT)
DD (AK) (DS)
Sr. Cons. SIO (VT) (PKC)
ASO (BGP) (SG) Insp. (KK)
(ST) Con. ASO
Consultant ASO (AM) ASO (VS)
US (AH) (PK)
(RP) (ST) (SK)
(SG) (VSK)
(NK) (KKY) (RKR)
ASO Con.
(AK3) TO

Abbreviation: (Referred to in the Organizational Chart of MoFPI)

AS (Additional Secretary) DIA (Deputy Industrial Adviser) SO (Section Officer) SSA (Senior Secretariat
(VKS) – Shri Vijoy Kumar Singh (SS) – Shri Surinder Singh (SNH) – Shri S. N. Hulale Assistant)
(Financial Advisor) (SKV) – Shri Sanat Kumar Verma (SG) – Shri Satish Gupta
(MJ) – Shri Manoj Joshi DD (Deputy Director) (SK) – Shri Shiv Kumar (AK) – Shri Anil Kumar
(SSA) – Shri Shyam Sundar (KKY) – Shri K. K. Yadav
JS (Joint Secretary) Agrawal ASO (Assistant Section Officer)
(BKB) – Dr. Bijaya Kumar Behera (AM) – Shri Ankit Mishra TA (Technical Assistant)
(Economic Advisor) (AK1) – Shri Anurag Kumar
(NK) – Shri Naveen Kumar (BK) – Shri Bhoopender Kumar (VS) – Shri Virendra Singh
(RP) – Ms. Reema Prakash
(BBJ) – Shri Bir Bikrama Jit (AK2) – Shri Ajit Kumar
(AK) – Shri Ashok Kumar
(MA) – Shri Minhaj Alam (Chief (AK3) – Shri Akshya Kumar Consultant
Vigilance Officer) SAO (Sr. Account Officer) (GT) – Shri Gaurav Tongaria (GB) – Shri Gajendra Bhujbal
(KK) – Smt. Kamlesh Kaushik (PK) – Shri Preetam Kumar (RP) – Shri Ram Pal
Dir. (Director) (SK) – Shri Sonu Kumar (AH) – Shri Ajaz Hussain
(AS) – Shri Atul Saxena MO (Marketing Officer) (DK) – Shri Deepak Kumar (TS) – Shri Trilok Singh
(JK) – Shri Jitendra Kumar (KKA) – Dr. K. K. Aravindan (RKR) – Shri Rakesh Kumar (NK) – Shri Nitesh Kumar
(KBS) – Shri K. B. Subramanian (BGP) – Dr. B. G. Pandian Ranjan
(JPD) – Dr. J. P. Dongare (PKC) – Shri Pradeep Kumar
DS (Deputy Secretary) Chauhan
(AN) – Dr. Atya Nand SIO (Sr. Inspecting Officer) (DR) – Ms. Diksha Rawat
(SKV) – Shri S. K. Verma (AM) – Shri Adesh Mohan (AK) – Shri Anil Kumar
(HKP) – Shri H. K. Pattanaik (RM) – Shri Ramkesh Meena (VT) – Smt. V. Thouthang
(RS) – Shri Rakesh Sharma (ST) – Shri Shubham Tayal
(SG) – Shri Sanjay Gupta
(SKS) – Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh (DS) – Shri Dalveer Singh
(KM) – Shri Krishna Murari
(KKS) – Shri Kuldeep Kumar (VSK) – Smt. V. Suriya Kumar
AD (Assistant Director)
(RPY) – Shri Ram Pratap Yadav TO (Technical Officer)
US (Under Secretary)
(SPV) – Smt. Sreekala P. (SNA) – Dr. Sheikh Nadeem (VV) – Dr. Venkateswaran V.
Venugopal Ahmed
(SKS) – Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh Insp. (Inspector)
(TZK) – Shri Tual Za Kam AIA (Assistant Industrial (SKT) – Shri S. K. Tiwari
(VK) – Shri Virender Kumar Adviser)
(MRZ) – Md. Rehan Zaheer (VT) – Shri V. Thirukumaran
(PKM) – Shri P. K. Mondal
(GJ) – Shri Girindra Joshi
(SG) – Smt. Sreemathi Ghosh
(SS) – Smt. Suman Sharma
(VPB) – Shri Vijay Prakash Bhatt

Sanctioned strength, number of employees in position, number of employees belonging to Status of Implementation of 40 Mega Food Park Projects (As on 31 December, 2019) st

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in the MoFPI (Amount in ₹ crore)

Amount Amount
Project Total
Status in Respect of Regular Incumbents of MoFPI: S. Cost
of grant of grant
SPV/IA Name Status
No. approved released
(₹ in crore) (₹ in crore)
(₹ in crore) (₹ in crore)
Number of Number of Scheduled Scheduled
Group of Post
Sanctioned Posts Employees in Position Castes Tribes ANDHRA PRADESH

Group A 56 49 05 2 1 Srini Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Chittoor 121.10 50 49.92 126.22 Completed

Godavari Mega Aqua Food Park Pvt. Ltd.,

2 122.60 50 44.53 130.77 Operational
Group B 58 30 08 3 West Godavari
Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Under
3 93.63 50 28.49 71.83
Group C 45 30 07 3 Corporation (APIIC), Krishna Implementation

Total 159 109 20 8
Rongoge Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Under
4 73.02 43.25 0 0
Papum Pare Implementation

5 North East Mega Food Park Ltd., Nalbari 80.85 50 45 82.07 Operational

6 Pristine Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Khagaria 127.91 43.77 24.51 72.98

7 Indus Best Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Raipur 96.58 43.96 36.03 98.77 Implementation

Gujarat Agro Infrastructure Mega Food Park
8 117.87 50 42.45 109.58 Operational
Pvt. Ltd., Surat
Fanidhar Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Under
9 165.79 50 15 64.90
Mehsana Implementation

Haryana State Industrial & Infra Dev. Corp. Under
10 155.58 44.94 27.88 106.73
Ltd. (HSIIDC), Sonipat Implementation
Haryana State Coop. Supply and Marketing Under
11 179.75 50 15 33.98
Federation Ltd. (HAFED), Rohtak Implementation


12 Cremica Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Una 107.34 50 42.72 98.41 Operational

108 109

Amount Amount Amount Amount

Project Total Project Total
S. of grant of grant S. of grant of grant
SPV/IA Name Cost Expenditure Status SPV/IA Name Cost Expenditure Status
No. approved released No. approved released
(₹ in crore) (₹ in crore) (₹ in crore) (₹ in crore)
(₹ in crore) (₹ in crore) (₹ in crore) (₹ in crore)


Under Odisha Industrial Infrastructure Development Under
13 RFK Greens Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Pulwama 79.43 50 23.19 43.6 26 121.95 50 37.8 107.29
Implementation Corporation (IDCO), Khurda Implementation

KARNATAKA 27 MITS Mega Food Park Ltd., Rayagada 80.17 50 44.94 76.38 Operational

14 Integrated Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Tumkur 144.33 50 48.22 229.27 Completed PUNJAB
15 Favorich Infra Pvt. Ltd., Mandya 113.83 50 15 49.01 28 International Mega Food Park Ltd., Fazilka 130.38 50 45 134.2 Operational
Punjab Agro Industries Corporation Ltd., Under
(PAIC), Ludhiana
117.61 50 37.62 83.62
Kerala State Industrial Dev. Corp. Ltd. Under Sukhjit Mega Food Park & Infra Ltd. Under
16 129.15 50 28.80 68.46 30 107.83 48.7 38.76 107.13
(KSIDC), Alappuzha Implementation Kapurthala Implementation
Kerala Industrial Infra. Development Corp. Under
(KINFRA), Palakkad
102.13 40.57 37.72 94.32
Implementation RAJASTHAN

MADHYA PRADESH 31 Greentech Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Ajmer 119.82 49.88 43.17 120.04 Operational

Indus Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd.,

131.28 50 49.12 135.72 Completed TELANGANA
Avantee Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd.,
19 144.12 50 38.88 125.17 Operational 32 Smart Agro Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Nizamabad 108.95 50 44.55 109.18 Operational
Telangana State Industrial Infrastructure Under
Corporation Ltd., Khammam
109.44 50 28.49 40.10
Paithan Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd.,
124.52 48.82 41.98 127.47 Operational TRIPURA

21 Satara Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Satara 139.33 50 44.48 155.97 Operational 34 Sikaria Infra Projects Pvt. Ltd., West Tripura 77.79 48.39 43.50 75.26 Operational

22 Wardha Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Wardha 92.36 50 15 17.12
Implementation UTTARAKHAND

MANIPUR 35 Patanjali Food & Herbal Park Ltd., Haridwar 95.08 50 50 98.61 Completed

Manipur Food Industries Corporation Himalayan Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Udham
23 IA is in the process of meeting the conditions for “Final Approval”. Operational
Ltd., Kakching 36 98.08 48.12 41.79 107.73
Singh Nagar

24 Zoram Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Aizawl 75.20 50 44.24 69.71
Implementation Nandvan Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., Under
37 120.77 50 0 0
Mathura Implementation
Patanjali Food & Herbal Park Noida Under
Under 38 218.30 50 0 0
25 Doys Agri Resources Pvt. Ltd., Dimapur 71.79 50 29.78 46.31 Pvt. Ltd. Gautam Budh Nagar Implementation

110 111

Amount Amount ANNEXURE-IV

Project Total
S. of grant of grant State-wise Implementation of Cold Chain Schemes (As on 31st December, 2019)
SPV/IA Name Cost Expenditure Status
No. approved released
(₹ in crore) (₹ in crore) Approved Amount
(₹ in crore) (₹ in crore)
Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District
approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in
39 Jangipur Mega Food Park Ltd., Murshidabad 132.70 50 45 148.55 Operational crore) crore)

Jalpaiguri Mega Food Park Pvt. Ltd., ANDHRA PRADESH TOTAL 15, COMPLETED 6, ONGOING 9
40 SPV is in the process of meeting the conditions for “Final Approval”.
1 Synthite Industries Ltd. Guntur 26th May, 2011 29.43 5.82 5.82 Completed

2 Nekkanti Sea Foods Ltd. Seafood 22nd May, 2015 48.32 10.00 10.00 Completed

3 Farm Gate Agro Milch Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Chittoor 17th April, 2017 44.25 10.00 6.50 Completed

4 Devi Aqua Tech Pvt. Ltd. Fishery 17th April, 2017 63.70 10.00 10.00 Completed
5 Sandhya Marines Ltd. Fishery 19th April, 2017 13.43 4.22 4.22 Completed
Tirumala Milk Products Under
6 Dairy Nellore 24th April, 2017 31.87 7.23 2.50
Pvt. Ltd. implementation
Visakhapatnam 12 October,

7 Sai Marine Exports Pvt. Ltd. Marine 63.25 10.00 2.50

2018 implementation

West 29th October,

8 Mourya Aquex Pvt. Ltd. Marine 44.54 9.83 2.46 Completed
Godavari 2018
East 22nd October, Under
9 Sandhya Aqua Exports Pvt. Ltd. Marine 55.04 10.00
Godavari 2018 implementation
Sangam Milk Producer 09th November, Under
10 Dairy Chittoor 28 10.00 2.50
Company Limited 2018 implementation

East 27th November Under

11 Apex Frozen Foods Ltd. Marine 48.73 10.00
Godavari 2018 implementation
Marine & East 27th December, Under
12 Three Seasons Exim Limited Fishery 86 10.00 2.50
Godavari 2018 implementation

Fedora Sea Foods 07th January, Under

13 Marine Nellore 38.48 10.00 2.50
Private Limited 2019 implementation

West 02nd January, Under

14 N K Marine Exports LLP Marine 52.50 10.00 2.50
Godavari 2019 implementation

BMR Industries Private Under

15 RTE Nellore 15th May, 2019 12.45 3.53
Limited implementation

TOTAL 659.99 130.63 54.00

112 113

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

1 Andaman Cold Chain Fishery Port Blair 04th May, 2017 5.00 2.45 2.00 Hi-Tech Frozen Facilities Palsana, 27th March,
implementation 1 F&V 16.83 7.19 7.19 Completed
Pvt. Ltd. Surat 2009
TOTAL 5.00 2.45 2.00
Sabarkantha Dist. Co-op 25th May,
2 Dairy Sabarkantha 23.80 5.72 5.72 Completed

1 Gangri Food Products Meat Tawang 17th April, 2017 15.32 8.11 5.28 Completed Natural Frozen & Dehydrated 26th May,
3 F&V Bhavnagar 12.50 2.90 2.90 Completed
Foods 2011
TOTAL 15.32 8.11 5.28 04th July,
4 Gayatri Dairy Products Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Mehsana 15.15 4.50 4.50 Completed
20th September, Completed
5 Asandas & Sons F&V Mehsana 46.12 7.67 7.67
06 August,

1 Global Entrade F&V Guwahati 24.28 9.09 9.09 Completed 2013

2012 20th September,
6 Innovative Cuisine Pvt. Ltd. F&V Vadodara 20.72 7.46 7.46 Completed
24 December,

2 E-appliances F&V Guwahati 14.00 8.28 8.28 Completed 2013

2013 Mixed 04th October,
7 Himalaya International Ltd. Mehsana 130.00 10.00 7.50 Completed
(Dairy, F&V) 2013
TOTAL 38.28 17.37 17.37
Panchmahal Dist. Co-Operative 04th October,
Milk Producers' Union Ltd.
Dairy Panchmahal
28.80 8.12 8.12 Completed

Ganga Dairy Ltd. Dairy Begusarai 27th March, Completed

1 22.60 9.35 9.35 22nd May,
2009 9 Vimal Dairy Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Surat 28.86 10.00 7.50 Completed
Mahua Cooperative Cold 22nd May, Under
2 F&V Vaishali 21.33 9.75 7.31 implementation Mehsana Dairy & Food 17th April,
Storage Limited 2015 10 Dairy Mehsana 34.45 8.57 8.57 Completed
Products Ltd. 2017
3 RK Agri Biz LLP F&V Muzaffarpur 04th May, 2017 19.64 7.58 4.92 Completed 17th April,
11 Kitchen Xpress Overseas Ltd. RTE/RTC Ahmedabad 26.20 8.59 8.59 Completed
Under Sabarkantha District Co-
4 Shalimar Cold Storage F&V Patna 22nd July, 2019 29.87 10.00 17th April, Under
implementation 12 perative Milk Producers' Dairy Sabarkantha 41.83 10.00 6.50
2017 implementation
Union Limited
Under Ahmedabad District Co-
5 ABZ Agro Pvt Ltd Meat Kishanganj 24th July, 2019 43.34 10.00 20th April,
implementation 13 operative Milk Producer's Dairy Ahmedabad 176.74 10.00 6.50 Completed
Union Limited
TOTAL 136.78 46.68 21.58 25th April,
14 Saraf Foods Ltd. F&V Vadodara 44.97 10.00 10.00 Completed
26th April, Completed
15 Teknofine Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V Banaskantha 46.00 10.00 6.50
1 L.L. Logistics Pvt. Ltd F&V Raipur 25th July, 2012 18.68 7.34 5.50 Completed
27th April, Completed
16 Wholesome Foods F&V Kheda 32.85 10.00 6.50
22 August,
2 Utsav Organic & Cold Chain F&V Raipur 20.65 6.02 6.02 Completed
24th January, Under
17 Instafarm Products Pvt. Ltd. RTE Mehsana 33.51 8.43 6.11 implementation
Goel Zenith Agro Private Under 2018
3 F&V Raipur 22 July, 2019
28.61 9.75
Limited implementation
06th November, Under
18 Asandas & Sons F&V Mehsana 93.01 10.00 implementation
TOTAL 67.94 23.11 11.52 2018

114 115

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

Under Canvas Integrated Cold Chain 26th May, Completed

27th December, 4 F&V Una 14.63 7.42 7.42
19 Phoenix Frozen foods F&V Anand 22.69 8.02 5.23 implementation 2011
Fresh Produce Impex 20th September, Completed
5 F&V Shimla 13.30 8.21 8.21
TOTAL 875.02 157.17 123.06 2013

Himalaya Cotton Yarn Ltd. 20th September, Completed

6 F&V Solan 12.30 4.99 4.99

Adani Agri Fresh Ltd. 04th October, Completed

7 F&V Shimla 26.31 7.68 7.68
27 March, 2013

1 Suri Agro Fresh Pvt. Ltd. F&V Sonipat 23.52 9.84 9.84 Completed
2009 04th October,
8 Him Fresh Produce Co. F&V Shimla 16.49 9.10 9.10 Completed
Aligned Industries Ltd. 04 July,
Completed 2013
2 Irradiation Rewari 22.02 7.21 7.21
Paonta Sahib Food 04th October, Under
01st August, 9 F&V Solan 18.27 8.78 6.58 implementation
3 M J Logistic Services Ltd. F&V Palwal 21.38 4.21 4.21 Completed Corporation 2013
30th January, Pulkit Fresh & Healthy 31st August, Completed
4 Fresh Food Processing F&V Hissar 15.92 6.88 6.88 Completed 10 F&V Solan 15.40 10.00 10.00
2014 2016
Dairy, 22nd May, Sai All Season Fruits & 12th October, Under
5 Hind Terminals Pvt. Ltd. Palwal 38.69 8.80 8.80 Completed 11 F&V Solan 16.94 9.91 2.48
Meat, F&V 2015 Vegetable 2018 implementation

Transport Corporation of Gurgaon 22nd May, Completed Om CA Store, a Unit of Om 30th October, Under
6 F&V 36.92 10.00 2.50 12 F&V Solan 15.00 9.56 2.39
India Ltd. 2015 Hospitalities and Resorts 2018 implementation

19th April, Under Dev Bhumi Cold Chain 12th November, Under
7 Skylark Foods Pvt. Ltd. Meat Sonipat 19.31 4.00 1.00 13 F&V Shimla 19.04 9.50
2017 implementation implementation
Pvt. Ltd. 2018
VSM Food Cold Chain & 26th April, 08th January, Under
8 F&V Mewat 29.80 8.32 8.32 Completed 14 Vision Fresh and Frozen Dairy Una 21.13 9.64
Processors LLP 2017 2019 implementation

Sonipat 27th April, Completed

9 Shell Mount Fresh F&V 24.08 8.64 8.64 16th July, Under
2017 15 ANGD Fruit Ranch Pvt. Ltd. F&V Shimla 58.23 10.00
2019 implementation
Sterling Agro Industries 17th April, Under
10 Dairy Sonipat 26.11 9.20 2.30
Limited 2017 implementation 19th July, Under
16 Paras Spices Dairy Una 16.58 10.00
2019 implementation
18th December, Under
11 Microtrol Sterilisation Services Irradiation Bawal 17.47 7.38 implementation
2018 TOTAL 309.13 140.28 84.34

12 Deepak Dairy Dairy Mahendragarh 19 July,


14.61 9.00
2019 implementation
Kachroo Integrated Cold Chain 20th September, Completed
1 F&V Baramula 14.26 9.95 9.95
TOTAL 289.83 93.49 59.70 2013

Mir Agro Industries 20th September, Completed

2 F&V Pulwama 16.38 9.21 9.21
Sopore & 30th January,
23rd May, Completed 3 FIL Industries Ltd. F&V 13.80 8.60 6.21 Completed
1 Dev Bhumi Cold Chain Ltd. F&V Shimla 14.25 8.05 8.05 Rangreth 2014
25th May, Completed 22nd May,
2 Aromatrix Flora Pvt. Ltd. F&V Solan 15.65 9.75 9.75 4 Safe & Fresh F&V Samba 16.88 10.00 7.50 Completed
2011 2015
25th May, Completed 19th April, Under
3 Hillcrest Foods F&V Solan 15.61 7.69 7.69 5 Khyber Agro Farms Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Pulwama 10.26 6.00 3.48
2011 2017 implementation

116 117

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

6 Hyacinth Product Mixed Srinagar 09th May,

7.89 3.39 1.63
2017 implementation

Dairy 26th May, Completed

1 Inkal Ventures Private Limited Pattanamthitta 15.85 2.36 2.36
TOTAL 79.47 47.16 37.98 2011

S H Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd. Kozhikode, 26th May, Completed

2 F&V 23.97 6.98 6.98

Fishery 17th April, Completed

Hassan, 3 Abad Fisheries Pvt. Ltd. Kochi 10.36 3.01 1.82
27 March,
th 2017
1 Atharvass Traders Pvt. Ltd. F&V Belgam, 23.52 9.84 9.84 Completed
Bangalore 2009 17th April, Under
4 Sun Aquatic Products Pvt. Ltd. Fishery Alappuzha 27.31 10.00 2.50
2017 implementation
07 June,

2 Innova Agri Bio Park Ltd. Irradiation Kolar 14.00 3.36 3.36 Completed
2011 Mangala Marine Exim India 24th July, Under
5 Marine Alappuzha 47.41 10.00
Vijaykant Dairy & Food 20 September,
th Pvt. Ltd. 2019 implementation
3 Dairy Belgaum 8.66 2.80 2.80 Completed
Products Ltd. 2013
TOTAL 124.90 32.35 13.66
Belgaum, 04th October,
4 Basweshwar Industry F&V 18.20 7.80 7.80 Completed
Namdhari Animal Genetics Dairy 17 April,
25th July,
5 Bangalore 18.38 3.92 3.92 Completed Om Agro Products Jabalpur Completed
Private Limited 2017 1 F&V 17.22 3.97 3.97
Dairy Classic Ice Creams 20th April, Bhanu Farms Ltd. Jabalpur 20th September, Completed
6 Dairy Ramnagara 29.81 7.61 7.61 Completed 2 F&V 39.50 9.48 9.48
Pvt. Ltd. 2017 2013

Brij Dairy Dairy 18th October, Completed

Srikrishna Milks Private Uttar 24 April,
th 3 Betul 8.06 2.43 2.43
7 Dairy 18.76 5.67 3.69 Completed 2013
Limited Kannada 2017
Shree Uttam Food Products 22nd May,
4 F&V Jhabua 32.25 10.00 7.50 Completed
Malpefresh Marine Exports 08th August, (India) Pvt. Ltd. 2015
8 Marine Udipi 18.10 4.37 4.37 Completed
Private Limited 2017
12th October, Under
05th November, Under 5 Sahara Frozen Foods F&V Morena 23.88 10.00 2.50 implementation
9 Hitech Food Process F&V Bijapur 15.00 8.62 5.61 2018
2018 implementation
17th December, Under
Dakshin 05th November, Under 6 Jamnadas Industries Irradiation Indore 30.80 7.60 1.91 implementation
10 Ideal Iceccream Dairy 36.54 10.00 2.50 2018
Kannada 2018 implementation
19th July, Under
Yashaswi Fish Meal & Oil Dakshin 12th November, Under 7 Vardhman Agro fresh Products F&V Bhopal 13.04 4.49
11 Marine 73.05 10.00 6.50 2019 implementation
Company Kannada 2018 implementation
Dinshaw's Dairy Foods Private 22nd July, Under
Under 8 Dairy Sehore 28.43 10.00
Ramnagara 16 January,

12 BAMUL Dairy 49.45 8.76 2.14 Limited 2019 implementation

2019 implementation

08th April, Under TOTAL 193.18 57.97 27.79

13 Delightful Gourmet Pvt. Ltd. RTE Bangalore 31.74 8.71
2019 implementation

24th July, Under
14 Golden Hatcheries Poultry Tumkur 33.22 6.35 implementation
Freshtrop Fruits Ltd. 27th March, Completed
1 F&V Nashik 32.75 8.47 8.47
TOTAL 393.52 95.47 57.80 2009

118 119

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

Chennai, 25th May, Sunfresh Agro Industries Dairy Ahmednagar 20 September,


2 I.G. International F&V 22.25 8.96 8.96 Completed 19 46.18 9.55 9.55 Completed
Amravati 2011 Pvt. Ltd. 2013

Raigad 25th May, Tirupati Balaji Agro Products 20th September,

3 Saastha Warehousing Ltd. F&V 42.81 9.21 9.21 Completed 20 F&V Pune 50.41 7.66 7.66 Completed
2011 Pvt. Ltd. 2013

Savla Foods & Cold Storage 25th May, Thane, Pune 04 October,

4 F&V Mumbai 27.00 7.20 7.20 Completed 21 D. J. Exports Pvt. Ltd. F&V 18.31 5.19 5.19 Completed
Pvt. Ltd. 2011 2013

Warana Dairy & Agro 01 June,

Navi 04th October,
5 Dairy Sholapur 43.31 9.15 9.15 Completed 22 Forstar Frozen Food Pvt. Ltd. Fishery 36.68 10.00 10.00 Completed
Industries Ltd. 2011 Mumbai 2013

04th July, Pulses, 04th October,

6 Blue Fin Frozen Pvt. Ltd. Fishery Raigad 25.46 6.16 6.16 Completed 23 Global Foods Nagpur 24.28 9.55 9.55 Completed
2012 F&V, Spices 2013
B. Y. Agro & Infra Pvt. Ltd. (Dairy, Nagpur 05th July, Completed 04th October, Completed
7 34.94 7.25 7.25 24 Vaishvik Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V Satara 26.53 7.39 7.39
F&V) 2012 2013

31st July, Completed Swaraj India Industries Ltd. Dairy 20th November, Completed
8 Western Hill Foods Ltd. F&V Pune 20.96 7.42 7.42 25 Satara 26.21 8.46 8.46
2012 2013

Nagpur 28th August, Completed Gonglu Agro Pvt. Ltd. 22nd May, Completed
9 Haldiram Foods Intl. Limited F&V 28.00 6.11 6.11 26 F&V Nashik 20.47 7.69 7.69
2012 2015
Cold Star Logistics Pvt. Ltd. Raigad 05th September, Completed Western Superfresh Corporation Poultry Raigad 22nd May, Completed
10 F&V 23.26 9.24 9.24 27 38.70 8.46 8.46
2012 & Dairy 2015

Meat & 20th September, Rishi Ice and Cold Storage Navi 30th September,
11 Baramati Agro Limited Pune 9.11 3.89 3.89 Completed 28 F&V 24.87 7.85 7.85 Completed
Poultry 2013 Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai 2016
20th September, 17th April, Under
12 Elaf Cold Storage (Dairy, Raigad 17.56 7.16 7.16 Completed 29 Farmico Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd. F&V Nagpur 31.29 7.83 5.08
2013 2017 implementation

Indapur Dairy & Milk 20th September, 17th April, Under

13 Dairy Pune 16.03 7.07 7.07 Completed 30 Anant Dudh Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Pune 27.41 7.25 4.71
Products Ltd. 2013 2017 implementation

20th September, Completed 17th April, Completed

14 Mhetre Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V Pune 12.51 4.78 4.78 31 Prabhat Dairy Ltd. Dairy Srirampur 26.48 8.44 8.44
2013 2017

20th September, P.D. Shah and Sons Cold 17th April,

15 Omni Fresh Agro F&V Nashik 19.63 5.65 5.65 Completed 32 F&V Satara 22.79 4.88 3.17 Completed
2013 Storage Pvt. Ltd. 2017

Saikrupa Industries Dairy 20th September, Completed Manganga Dairy Industries Dairy 17th April, Completed
16 Nashik 5.44 2.06 2.06 33 Solapur 5.31 1.71 1.03
2013 2017

Satec Envir Engineering (I) Nashik 20th September, Kisan Mitra Cold Storage 17th April,
17 F&V 22.62 7.41 5.47 Completed 34 F&V Latur 17.45 4.00 2.56 Completed
Pvt. Ltd. 2013 Private Limited 2017

Shivtirth Dairy & Agro 20th September, 19th April, Under

18 Dairy Sangli 8.20 2.45 2.45 Completed 35 Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. F&V Raigad 57.27 7.46 4.70
Producers Company Ltd. 2013 2017 implementation

120 121

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

Vaishno Devi Food Products 19th April, 05th November, Under

36 Dairy Osmanabad 23.80 10.00 6.50 Completed 53 DJ Export F&V Nashik 14.87 4.02
Pvt. Ltd. 2017 2018 implementation

19th April, 06th November, Under

37 Seasaga Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Marine Raigad 51.46 10.00 10.00 Completed 54 Sam Agri Fresh Pvt. Ltd. F&V Nashik 18.90 5.83 1.46
2017 2018 implementation

Swapnapurti Food Products 19th April, 08th November, Under

38 Dairy Chandrapur 7.59 2.53 2.53 Completed 55 Dairy Power Limited Dairy Nashik 44.80 10.00 2.50
Pvt. Ltd. 2017 2018 implementation

19 April,
Under 13th November, Under
39 Sri Sri Milk and Food Product Dairy Pune 12.88 4.21 2.74 56 Heritage Foods Limited Dairy Palghar 46.06 10.00
2017 implementation 2018 implementation

Nature Delight Dairy & Dairy 20th April, Sangamner Taluka Sahakari
Dairy Completed Under
Ahmednagar 13 November,
40 Pune 37.61 9.54 9.54 57 Dudh Utpadak & Prakriya Dairy 27.89 8.52
Products Private Limited 2017 implementation
Sangh Ltd.
20th April, Completed
41 Kool Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. Mixed Mumbai 63.30 9.42 6.12 Yashganga Cold Storage and 11th December, Under
2017 58 F&V Pune 21.00 8.68 2.17
Food Processing 2018 implementation
25th April, Under
42 RGA Fresh Fruits Pvt. Ltd. F&V Thane 35.74 8.26 5.36 implementation 27th December, Under
2017 59 PMD Milk and Foods Dairy Pune 15.61 4.66 1.16
2018 implementation

Siva Sai Exports 25th April, Completed

43 F&V Nashik 23.38 10.00 6.50 Navi 18th January, Under
2017 60 Elaf Cold Storage Fishery 29.99 10.00 2.50
Mumbai 2019 implementation

Royal Cold Chain Solapur 25th April, Completed

44 F&V 27.49 6.20 4.03 07th January, Under
2017 61 Agastyaa Infracon RTE Nashik 26.04 7.51
2019 implementation
Varun Agro Processing Foods 25th April, Under
45 F&V Nashik 28.35 7.25 4.70 implementation 07th January, Under
Private Limited 2017 62 Kalya Exports F&V Nashik 24.15 4.79
2019 implementation
Vaishnavi Grape & Pomegranate 03rd May,
46 F&V Solapur 24.32 9.96 6.47 Completed Indapur Dairy & Milk 23rd January, Under
Processing Pvt. Ltd. 2017 63 Dairy Pune 50.00 8.77 2.19
Products Ltd. 2019 implementation
29th January, Under
47 Icee Box Integrated Cold Chain F&V Nagpur 14.26 3.03 0.76 Under
2018 implementation Trimurti Dairy Farm Dairy 18th March,
64 Pune 5.39 1.04 implementation
Fortune Dairy Industries 17th April, Under
48 Dairy Pune 31.81 7.46 2.09 TOTAL 1698.45 453.77 321.10
Pvt. Ltd. 2017 implementation

49 Taksh Cold Chain F&V Amravati

15th February,
22.56 9.99 6.49
2018 implementation
Associate Action for 26th May,
12th April, Under 1 F&V Senapati 18.49 9.96 9.96 Completed
50 VKM Foods Private Limited Marine Thane 16.25 5.50 3.58 Progressive Dev. Society 2011
2018 implementation
TOTAL 18.49 9.96 9.96
Polisetty Somasundaram Nashik 30th October,
51 F&V 30.36 10.00 2.50 Under
Agro Exports 2018 implementation
31 October,
52 Healthy Foods Dairy Nashik 10.11 3.60 11th November,
2018 implementation 1 Mizofa Fish Seed Farm Fishery Aizawl 5.20 3.03 3.03 Completed

122 123

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

Zoram Fish Seeds Production Fishery 30th July, Supreme Agro Foods Pvt. Ltd. Dairy 04th October, Completed
2 Aizawl 17.26 9.74 9.74 Completed 6 Ludhiana 31.17 8.07 8.07
Centre 2012 2013

TOTAL 22.46 12.77 12.77 7 Resource Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V Patiala
06th December,
21.56 7.30 7.30 Completed
NAGALAND TOTAL 1, COMPLETED 1, ONGOING 0 Chanakya Dairy Products Fatehgarh
Dairy 22nd May, Completed
8 31.00 10.00 10.00
Limited Sahib 2015
Nagaland Integrated Meat & Dimapur 17th April,
1 21.44 8.10 5.28 Completed
Cold Chain 2017 Dairy 22nd May, Completed
Fishery 9 K.F. Milk Foods Jalandhar 18.92 3.83 3.83
TOTAL 21.44 8.10 5.28 22nd May,
10 Sangha Refrigeration F&V Jalandhar 26.21 10.00 10.00 Completed
Goyal Farm Fresh Mohali/ 11th April,
11 F&V 25.06 9.53 6.19 Completed
Ready Shimla 2017
20 September,

1 Om Oil & Flour Mills Ltd. to Eat Cuttak 13.45 2.08 2.08 Completed
products 2013 17th April, Under
12 Asianlak Health Foods Ltd. F&V Ludhiana 22.77 7.59 1.90 implementation
Falcon Marine Exports Limited Fishery 17th April, Completed
2 Balasore 77.18 10.00 10.00 19th April,
2017 13 Kathpal Dairies Unit-II Dairy Jalandhar 11.31 3.56 3.56 Completed
19th July, Under
3 Highland Agro Marine Balasore 53.08 10.00
2019 implementation Siberian Tiger Foods 25th April, Completed
14 F&V Amritsar 12.96 4.66 4.66
24th July Under
4 Ganapathi Foods LLP F&V Ganjam 15.01 4.79 Fatehgarh 02nd May,
2019 implementation 15 Pagro Frozen Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V 12.00 3.98 3.98 Completed
Sahib 2017
24th July Under
5 Magnum Estates Limited Marine Khorda 48.78 10.00 Hargur Milk Products Private 09th March, Under
2019 implementation 16 Dairy Patiala 10.94 3.30 2.15
Limited 2018 implementation
TOTAL 207.50 36.87 12.08
29th October, Under
17 A. S. Frozen Foods F&V Nawanshahr 17.31 6.50 1.63 implementation
Fatehgarh 05th November, Under
18 PRS Milk Products Pvt. Ltd. Dairy 3.90 1.38
25 May,
Sahib 2018 implementation
1 B.D. Agro F&V Kapurthala 22.64 9.84 9.84 Completed
19th July, Under
19 Native Farm Food Dairy Fazilka 1.47 0.71
27 February,
2019 implementation
2 Alchemist Foods Ltd. Meat Ropar 40.71 3.05 3.05 Completed
Vishwas Milk Products 19th July, Under
20 Dairy Gurdaspur 5.63 2.08
International Fresh Farm 20 July,
Pvt. Ltd. 2019 implementation
3 F&V Sangrur 28.81 7.26 7.26 Completed
Products (India) Ltd. 2012
TOTAL 409.27 122.01 102.80
Kool Tech Infra & Logistics Kapurthala 04th October, Completed
4 F&V 24.90 9.38 9.38
Fatehgarh 04th October, 20th January,
5 Pagro Frozen Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V 40.00 10.00 10.00 Completed 1 Jhunsons Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. Irradiation Alwar 17.73 7.06 7.06 Completed
Sahib 2013 2009

124 125

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

04th October, 20th April, Under

2 Shiv Health Foods LLP Dairy Kota 33.00 6.59 6.59 Completed 5 ABT Industries Limited Dairy Coimbatore 38.93 10.00 6.30
2013 2017 implementation

27th November, Dairy Kanchipuram 02nd May,

3 Shree Shubham Logistics Ltd. F&V Kota 28.41 8.48 8.48 Completed 6 Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. 47.67 10.00 10.00 Completed
2013 & Palacode 2017

22nd May, 04th May, Completed

4 Fidelo Farms Private Limited Dairy Jaipur 2.50 0.83 0.83 Completed 7 Aachi Masala Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V Thiruvallur 45.57 8.14 8.14
2015 2017

11 April,
Under Monsoon Bounty Foods 18th August,
5 B. L. Agro Industries F&V Bikaner 12.65 4.88 2.94 8 Marine Thiruvallur 11.37 3.42 3.42 Completed
2017 implementation Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. 2017

17th April, 17th April, Under

6 Dev Milk Foods Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Jaipur 24.44 7.53 4.14 Completed 9 Cocoland Agro Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Coimbatore 9.66 3.07 2.00
2017 2018 implementation

20th April, The Salem District Cooperative 13th November, Under

7 Friends Agro Industries F&V Bundi 23.43 8.74 5.30 Completed 10 Dairy Salem 47.40 1.43
2017 Milk Producers Union Ltd. 2018 implementation

Villupuram 15 November,

F&V, Spices 20th April, Completed 11 Gho Agro Pvt. Ltd. Dairy 24.84 8.24
8 Nokha Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. Bikaner 41.09 7.66 7.66 2018 implementation

Raghunandan Cold Chember 26th April, Meat/ 24th July, Under

9 F&V Dholpur 19.36 5.62 3.65 Completed 12 Swathi Hatcheries Dindigul 40.05 10.00
LLP Poultry 2019 implementation

Rajendra & Ursula Joshi Food 24th January, 24th July, Under
10 Dairy Jaipur 53.73 9.28 9.28 Completed 13 Swami Chickens Pvt. Ltd. Meat Dindigul 48.56 10.00
Industries Pvt. Ltd. 2019 implementation

Satyam Food Processing 22nd July, Under 24th July, Under

11 Dairy Hanumangarh 10.79 3.40 14 Shanthi Feeds Pvt. Ltd. Meat Dindigul 46.70 10.00
Company implementation 2019 implementation

TOTAL 267.12 70.07 55.93 24th July, Under

15 Parayil Food Products Pvt. Ltd. F&V Coimbatore 31.61 9.83
2019 implementation


16 ABC Fruits F&V Krishnagiri 28.59 10.00
2019 implementation
Farm Fresh Banana F&V Theni 02nd February, 15.54 6.06 6.06 Completed
2009 24th July, Under
17 Treesas Food Crafts Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Dharmapuri 45.10 6.60
2019 implementation
Metttu- 25th May,
2 Frozen Fruits & Vegetables F&V 25.34 7.17 7.17 Completed
palayam 2011 The Coimbatore District
24th July, Under
18 Cooperative Milk Producers Dairy Coimbatore 8.42 1.37
2019 implementation
Chennai, Union Limited
Madurai, TOTAL 572.57 128.42 56.18
SKM Animal Feeds and Foods
3 Meat Hosur, 22nd May, 24.75 4.85 4.85 Completed
(India) Limited
Salem Creamline Dairy Products Ltd. Dairy Hyderabad 28th January, Completed
1 23.86 9.75 9.75
Marble Valley Foods and 19th April, 13th July,
4 Marine Tirunilveli 32.47 8.24 8.24 Completed 2 Dodla Dairy Ltd. Dairy Rangareddy 32.00 6.00 4.08 Completed
Beverages Private Limited 2017 2012

126 127

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

20th September, Completed Shree Balaji Foods Agra 22nd May, Completed
3 Prasad Seeds Pvt. Ltd. F&V Medak 30.82 9.72 9.72 8 F&V 23.47 10.00 10.00
2013 2015

11th April, Under Vedant Edible Products F&V Auraiya 22nd May,
4 Gubba Cold Private Limited F&V Rangareddy 24.99 8.87 2.22 9 18.47 7.98 7.98 Completed
2017 implementation Pvt. Ltd. 2015

12th April, AOV Exports Pvt. Ltd. 11th April, Completed

5 Prima Foodtech Private Limited F&V Medak 29.37 6.95 6.95 Completed 10 Meat Unnao 33.59 7.45 7.45
2017 2017

24th January, Cremica Food Industries Gautam 11 April,

6 Srinivasa Farms Pvt. Ltd. Poultry Medak 34.99 5.24 5.24 Completed 11 F&V Buddh Nagar 38.11 10.00 2.12 implementation
2018 Limited 2017

06th November, Under 17th April, Completed

7 Chandana Milk Products Dairy Vikarabad 28.96 10.00 2.50 12 R. C. Foods F&V Badaun 27.15 9.74 9.74
2018 implementation 2017

Karimnagar Milk Producer Under 17th April,

Karimnagar 06 November,

8 Dairy 63.06 10.00 13 Manglam Milk India Pvt. Ltd. Dairy Allahabad 19.28 7.62 4.89 Completed
Company Ltd. 2018 implementation 2017

Vallhabha Milk Products Yadadari 09th November, Under 19th April, Under
9 Dairy 31.94 7.88 1.67 14 Shiva and Sons Agro Products Dairy Ballia 14.23 5.21 3.38
Pvt. Ltd. Bhavanagiri 2018 implementation 2017 implementation

22nd July, Under Mrs. Bectors Food Speciality Gautam 20th April, Under
10 Simply Fresh Private Limited F&V Siddipet 30.94 6.62 15 F&V Buddh Nagar 26.10 9.69 6.18 implementation
2019 implementation Ltd. 2017

Meat/ Mehboob- 22nd July, Under 20th April, Completed

11 Sneha Farms Private Limited 64.09 10.00 16 NUFARM Foods F&V Amroha 25.62 9.19 9.19
Poultry nagar 2019 implementation 2017

TOTAL 395.02 91.03 42.13 Sheetal Agro Food Park 25th April,
17 F&V Raibareli 21.60 8.47 5.50 Completed
Private Limited 2017
UTTAR PRADESH TOTAL 21, COMPLETED 14, ONGOING 7 SPY Frozen Foods Private 25th April, Under
18 F&V Etawah 23.97 9.67 6.28 implementation
Limited 2017
Impartial Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. 25th May, Completed
1 Irradiation Unnao 14.79 6.31 6.31
2011 Shanti Sheet Grah Private 27th April,
19 F&V Jalaun 26.24 8.48 8.48 Completed
Limited 2017
01 June,

2 Imperial Frozen Food F&V Agra 9.93 3.60 3.60 Completed

2011 12th October, Under
20 Raj Frozen Products F&V Jalaun 23.53 9.13 2.29
Noida, 2018 implementation
Rajshree Integrated Cold 01 June,

3 F&V Shimla & 22.57 10.00 10.00 Completed

Chain Projects 2011
Alwar 28th December, Under
21 Solas Industries Irradiation Mathura 22.76 6.18 1.54 implementation
Akashdeep Cold Storage 22 August,
nd 2018
4 Dairy Kanpur 27.06 2.85 2.85 Completed
Pvt. Ltd. 2012
TOTAL 516.18 170.02 134.07
Gautam 20th September,
5 MKC Agro Fresh Ltd. F&V 36.55 10.00 10.00 Completed
Buddh Nagar 2013
Gopaljee Dairy Prodcuts Panchsheel 04th October,
6 Dairy 41.20 9.80 9.80 Completed 13th February,
Pvt. Ltd. Nagar 2013 1 Bio Life Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V Nainital 17.71 9.81 9.81 Completed
Shahjahan- 22nd May, Under Udham 25th May,
7 S.R. Food Chain F&V 19.95 8.65 6.49 2 Brar Frozen Foods F&V 14.80 7.07 7.07 Completed
pur 2015 implementation Singh Nagar 2011

128 129

Approved Amount Approved Amount

Project Amount of Grant- Project Amount of Grant-
S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical S. Date of Cost of Grant- in-Aid, Physical
Project Sector District Project Sector District
No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress No. approval (₹ in in-Aid, released Progress
crore) (₹ in (₹ in crore) (₹ in (₹ in
crore) crore) crore) crore)

Udham 26th July, 16th February, Under

3 Sharda Agri Foods Pvt. Ltd. F&V 17.40 9.82 9.82 Completed 20 Stellar Cold Chain Inc. RTE Kashipur 18.86 9.83 6.39
Singh Nagar 2012 2018 implementation

Udham 20th September, Udham 09th March, Under

4 Aalishan International Pvt. Ltd. F&V 16.83 10.00 10.00 Completed 21 Agarwal Frozen Foods F&V 16.75 6.96 1.65
Singh Nagar Singh Nagar 2018 implementation
Udham 26th October, Under
Bajpai Refrigerating and Kashipur 20th September, Completed 22 Anand Foods F&V 23.14 10.00 2.50
5 F&V 15.54 8.85 8.85 Singh Nagar 2018 implementation
Bakers Co. 2013
Shri Ram Solvent Extractions Udham 05th November, Under
Udham 20th September, 23 RTE 14 8.52 implementation
6 Cheema Frozen Foods F&V 14.00 8.69 8.69 Completed Pvt. Ltd. Singh Nagar 2018
Singh Nagar 2013
Udham 17th December, Under
Udham 04th October, 24 Jai Kissan Foods F&VP 23.01 10.00 2.50 implementation
7 Rajshree Milk Products Dairy 18.39 7.58 7.58 Completed Singh Nagar 2018
Singh Nagar 2013
TOTAL 420.41 222.57 167.40
F&V 04th October, Completed
8 Rana Frozen Foods Haridwar 16.88 10.00 10.00
Shri Ram Solvent Extraction Udham 07th October, Ascon Agro Products Exporters 27th March,
9 F&V 12.38 7.56 7.56 Completed 1 F&V Hooghly 21.27 6.44 6.44 Completed
Pvt. Ltd. Singh Nagar 2013 & Builders Pvt. Ltd. 2009
Udham North 24 25th May,
18th October, Completed 2 Keventer Agro Ltd. F&V 31.11 7.30 7.30 Completed
10 Konark Industries F&V 19.97 8.98 8.98 Parganas 2011
Singh Nagar 2013
24th May, Completed
22 May,
nd 3 Prime Cold Stores Pvt. Ltd. F&V Howrah 20.02 4.44 4.44
11 Gupta Agro Products F&V Haridwar 20.82 10.00 10.00 Completed 2011
Basukinath Food Processors Paschim 08th June,
4 F&V 33.92 5.09 5.09 Completed
Pvt. Ltd. Medinipur 2011
22nd May, Completed
12 Aveena Milk Products Dairy Haridwar 21.98 10.00 7.50
2015 05th December,
5 Shimla Horticulture F&V Howrah 14.80 4.27 4.27 Completed
Udham 22 May,

13 B. P. Frozen Foods F&V 17.25 10.00 10.00 Completed Amicus Healthcare Services South 24 25th July,
Singh Nagar 2015 6 F&V 16.28 4.45 4.45 Completed
and Solution Pvt. Ltd. Parganas 2012
Udham 22nd May, 28th May,
14 Neutrons Agri Produce F&V 16.26 9.71 9.71 Completed 7 Revati Commercial Pvt. Ltd. F&V Hooghly 17.41 7.16 7.16 Completed
Singh Nagar 2015 2015

Udham 22nd May, Megaa Moda Pvt. Ltd. 20th April, Completed
15 F&V 18.36 10.00 7.50 Completed 8 Marine Howrah 35.28 8.27 8.27
Powercon Industries Limited 2017
Singh Nagar 2015
NDM Sea Food Processors and 29th October, Under
9 Marine Hooghly 36.08 10.00 2.50
05th September, Exporters Private Limited 2018 implementation
16 Pal Frozen Foods F&V Nainital 16.12 10.00 10.00 Completed
05th November, Under
10 Shalimar Hatcheries Limited Meat Barddhaman 28.78 8.81 2.20 implementation
Under 2018
15 February,

17 Mohyal Foods Private Limited F&V Haridwar 16.82 9.71 6.42

2018 implementation Sagar Multipurpose Storage 19th July, Under
11 Marine Howrah 15.46 4.60 implementation
Pvt. Ltd. 2019
Udham 16th February, Under
18 S. K. Frozen Foods F&V 15.6 9.49 2.37 implementation 22nd July, Under
Singh Nagar 2018 12 Pasupati Aquatics Pvt. Ltd. Marine Medinipur 49.50 10.00
2019 implementation

Udham 16th February, Under TOTAL 319.91 80.83 52.12

19 Shanti Frozen Foods F&V 17.54 10.00 2.50 implementation
Singh Nagar 2018
8057.18 2258.65 1487.89

130 131

ANNEXURE-V Project Approved Released

List of State-wise 218 approved food processing units under CEFPPC Scheme (As on 31st December, 2019) Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
Project Approved Released applicant
Name crore) crore) crore)
S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status M/s Goa
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant Bagayatdar
crore) crore) crore) Plot No.
Sahakari 09th Under
28, Honda North Consumer
10 Kharedi Vikri Goa July, 12.45 2.9 0.00
APIIC Industrial Goa Products implementation
Sanustha 2019
Mega Food Estate
M/s Natures 02nd
Park, Andhra F&V Under Maryadit
1 Cane Foods Krishna December, 15.33 3.73 0.00
Mallavalli, Pradesh processing implementation
LLP 2019 M/s Gujarat
Mandal Agro Infra
M/s 19th
Food Park Consumer Under
11 Instantly Surat Gujarat February, 14.63 4.61 2.30
M/s GJ Village Pvt. Ltd. Products implementation
03 rd
Yours Inc. 2018
Fruit Nawabupeta, Andhra F&V Under Vill. Shah
2 Chittoor December, 15.8 4.75 0.00 Varsavi
Products Mandal Pradesh processing implementation
Pvt. Ltd. Kalakada
M/s Gujarat
M/s Lambu Village Agro Infra
M/s Amara 19th
Subu Food F&V 02nd Under Food Park Consumer Under
Hong, Lower Arunachal 12 Bio Extracts Surat Gujarat February, 7.65 2.3 1.15
3 December, 13.98 3.73 5.00 Pvt. Ltd. Products implementation
and Centre, Subansiri Pradesh processing implementation LLP 2018
Beverages 2019 Vill. Shah
Old Ziro
M/s Sona North M/s Gujarat
Grain 19th
Gold East Mega Agro Infra
4 Nalbari Assam December, 22.3 5.00 5.00 Completed M/s Poshtik
Agrochem Food Park, Milling 14th
2018 Food Food Park Consumer Under
Pvt. Ltd. Tihu 13 Surat Gujarat September, 14.54 4.96 2.48
Products Pvt. Ltd. Products implementation
LLP Vill. Shah
M/s P L 07th Varsavi
East Mega Consumer
5 Industries Nalbari Assam December, 4.45 1.89 1.89 Completed
Food Park, Products M/s Gujarat
Pvt. Ltd. 2018 M/s Parwati
Tihu Agro Infra
Agro 14th
Food Park F&V Under
M/s North 14 Products Surat Gujarat September, 14.07 5.00 0.00
22nd Pvt. Ltd. processing implementation
Graintech East Mega Consumer Under Private 2018
6 Nalbari Assam August, 24.49 5.00 0.00 Vill. Shah
Foods India Food Park, Products implementation Limited
2019 Varsavi
Pvt. Ltd. Tihu
M/s Gujarat
North M/s Mai Agro Infra
M/s Hygen 02nd
East Mega F&V Under Yummy Food Park Consumer Under
7 Beverages Nalbari Assam 15.48 5.00 0.00 15 Surat Gujarat 14.21 5.00 0.00
Food Park, processing December, implementation Food Pvt. Ltd. Products
September, implementation
Pvt. Ltd. 2019 2018
Tihu Products Vill. Shah

Pristine M/s Gujarat

M/s Natraja 25th M/s My Agro Infra
Mega Grain Under 14th
8 Nutrifeed Khagaria Bihar July, 23.21 5.00 0.00 Choice Food Park F&V Under
Food Park, Milling implementation 16 Surat Gujarat 14.56 5.00 0.00
Pvt. Ltd.
Mansi, 2019 Food Pvt. Ltd. processing September, implementation
Products Vill. Shah
Plot No. M/s Gujarat
2-12A, Agro Infra
9 Sanghvi 13th
M/s Shree 31st
CSIIDC, Chhattis- Grain Under Food Park F&V Under
Food Dhamtari April, 26.00 5.00 2.50 17 Hari Fruit Surat Gujarat January, 11.84 5.00 0.00
Sector-1, garh Milling implementation Pvt. Ltd. processing implementation
Products 2018 Drinks 2019
Food Park, Vill. Shah
Bagaod Varsavi

132 133

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

M/s Gujarat M/s Gujarat

Agro Infra Skretting Agro 23rd
M/s Shreeji 31 st
Grain Under
Food Park F&V Under 26 West Coast Infrastructure Surat Gujarat August, 38.5 5.00 0.00
18 Krupa Fruit Surat Gujarat January, 13.21 5.00 0.00 Milling implementation
Pvt. Ltd. Processing implementation Private Mega Food 2019
Juices 2019
Vill. Shah Limited Park, Surat
M/s Gujarat
M/s Gujarat Chhabee Agro 23rd
M/s Blue Agro Infra F&V Under
21st 27 Nutricos Infrastructure Surat Gujarat August, 12.09 5.00 0.00
Bird Foods Food Park Consumer Under Processing implementation
19 Surat Gujarat February, 19.75 5.00 0.00 Industries Mega Food 2019
India Pvt. Pvt. Ltd. Products implementation LLP Park, Surat
Ltd. Vill. Shah
Varsavi Gujarat
Agro 23rd
Plot No. M/s Curry Consumer Under
28 Infrastructure Surat Gujarat August, 14.55 4.63 0.00
G-42/B, Cullture LLP Products implementation
Mega Food 2019
Gujarat Agro Park, Surat
Infrastructure 29th
Metrolike Consumer Under
20 Mega Food Surat Gujarat May, 10.27 5.00 0.00 Gujarat
Tasty Food Products implementation
Park, 2019 Agro Fish & 23rd
Products M/s Athos Under
Village 29 Infrastructure Surat Gujarat Marine August, 11.76 5.00 0.00
Shah & Collagen implementation
Mega Food Processing 2019
Vasravi Park, Surat
Bhachau M/s
M/s Patel 09th Agro 23rd
Highway, Grain Under Greatvalley Grain Under
21 Retail Pvt. Kutch Gujarat July, 5.55 1.52 0.00 30 Infrastructure Surat Gujarat August, 11.99 4.97 0.00
Village- Milling implementation Agro Pvt. Milling implementation
Ltd. (Unit-1) 2019 Mega Food 2019
Dudhai, Ltd.
Park, Surat
Bhuj Kutch
Bhuj- Gujarat
Bhachau Agro 02nd
M/s Patel M/s Bharat Consumer Under
Highway, 09th Under 31 Infrastructure Surat Gujarat December, 9.93 4.01 0.00
Consumer RTE Foods Products implementation
22 Retail Pvt. Kutch Gujarat July, 6.96 2.44 0.00 Mega Food 2019
Village- Products implementation
Ltd. (Unit-2) 2019 Park, Surat
Bhuj Kutch
Bhuj- M/s Patel Highway, 03rd
Bhachau Consumer Under
M/s Patel 32 Retail Pvt. Village- Kutch Gujarat December, 7.36 2.22 0.00
Highway, Consumer 09th Under Products implementation
Retail Pvt. Gujarat Ltd. (Unit 4) Dudhai, 2019
23 Kutch July, 5.27 1.33 0.00
Village- Products implementation Bhuj Kutch
Ltd. (Unit-3) 2019
Bhuj Kutch M/s J R Village
Foods & Degam, B/H 01st
Bhuj- Consumer Under
33 Beverages Gujarat hotel, Navsari Gujarat January, 13.61 5.00 0.00
Bhachau Products implementation
M/s Patel 09th
(Potato Chikhli 2020
Highway, Consumer Under
24 Retail Pvt. Kutch Gujarat July, 4.96 1.22 0.00 Chips) Taluka
Village- Products implementation
Ltd. (Unit-5) 2019
Bhuj Kutch M/s J R Village
Foods & Degam, B/H 01st
Gujarat Agro F&V Under
M/s Dheer 09th
34 Beverages Gujarat hotel, Navsari Gujarat January, 16.26 4.26 0.00
Infrastructure Consumer Under Processing implementation
25 Food Surat Gujarat July, 1.63 0.68 0.00 (Hot Filled Chikhli 2020
Mega Food Products implementation
Industries 2019 Juice) Taluka
Park, Surat

134 135

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

M/s Shri HSIIDC 08th Plot No. 575,

Consumer Under M/s Manish
35 Niwas Food Food Park, Sonipat Haryana June, 27.84 5.00 2.50 (Designated 21st
Products implementation Kumar F&V Under
44 Food Park), Sonipat Haryana 24.45 4.76 0.00
Industries Rai 2018 Mohit Processing February, implementation
HSIIDC Food 2019
Plot number Park, Rai
2194 E&F 31st
Rudraksh Consumer Under Plot No.
36 and 2193 Sonipat Haryana July, 5.75 1.56 0.78
Overseas Products implementation 2261, Sector 29th
D&E HSIIDC, 2018 M/s Rajat Grain Under
Pvt. Ltd. 45 38, Phase II, Sonipat Haryana May, 8.23 4.95 0.00
Phase-II, Rai Dall Mill Milling implementation
Food Park, 2019
M/s Shri HSIIDC 14th
Grain Under
37 Niwas Dall Food Park, Sonipat Haryana September, 36.75 5.00 0.00 Sector-38,
Milling implementation
& Besan Mill Rai 2018 Industrial
M/s Food F&V 09th
46 Estate, Under
King Impex Sonipat Haryana July, 4.97 1.63 0.00
Plot No. Phase-1, Processing implementation
2248 A, Pvt. Ltd. 2019
Food Park,
M/s Singhal Grain 26th Under
Phase II, Rai
38 Agro India Sonipat Haryana September, 22.23 5.00 2.50
Sector 38, Milling implementation
LLP 2018 Phase-I,
HSIIDC Food M/s Shashi
F&V 09th Under
Park, Rai Beriwal and Sector-38, Sonipat Haryana
47 July, 14.98 4.76 1.91
Company HSIIDC Food Processing implementation
Park, Rai 2019
Plot No 544, Pvt. Ltd.
Sector 38, F&V 26th Under
M/s A2Z Haryana
39 Sonipat 6 1.50 0.75
Foods HSIIDC Food Processing September, implementation M/s Unit No. 36,
Park, Rai 2018 Fritfood 39, 40 and Consumer Under
48 Karnal Haryana December, 18.62 4.79 0.00
Private 41 at Village Products implementation
Kanjpura 2019
Plot No. 576, 26th
Surifresh F&V Under
40 HSIIDC Food Sonipat Haryana 9.56 2.80 0.00 M/s Shree Village-
Extract Pvt. Processing September, implementation 01st
Park, Rai 2018 Shyam Jagan, Consumer Under
Ltd. 49 Hisar Haryana January, 15.13 5.00 0.00
Snacks Food Tehsil-Hisar, Products implementation
(APC) 2020
Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No.
M/s Krusha 2242, Cremica
Phase II, F&V 26th Under M/s Una 19th
Premium Sonipat Haryana Mega Food Himachal F&V Under
41 6.06 1.10 0.55
Industries Sector 38, Processing September, implementation 50 Miricle
Park Village-
Una February, 10.07 4.46 2.23
2018 Pradesh Processing implementation
Pvt. Ltd. HSIIDC Food Foods 2018
Park, Rai
M/s Cremica
Plot No. Mega Food F&V 13th Under
Trustable Himachal
2248-B, 51 Una April, 13.57 5.00 2.50
M/s BTW 09th Foods Park Village- Pradesh Processing implementation
Sector-38, Consumer Under Singha 2018
42 India Pvt. Sonipat Haryana January, 22 5.00 2.50 Pvt. Ltd.
Phase-II, Products implementation
Ltd. HSIIDC Food 2019
Park, Rai Plot No. 13,
13th Under
M/s Suman Industrial Himachal Consumer
52 Bilaspur April, 3.64 1.59 0.00
Industries Area, Bilaspur Pradesh Products implementation
Plot No. 2018
M/s Fresca 31st
Sector-38, F&V M/s Plot No. 242,
43 Foods Pvt. Sonipat Haryana January, 7.02 2.16 2.16 Completed 31st
Phase-I, Processing Aromatrix 242-A, HPSIDC Himachal F&V Under
Ltd. 2019 53 Solan July, 6.5 3.00 1.50
HSIIDC Food Flora Industrial Pradesh Processing implementation
Park, Rai Area, Baddi 2018
Pvt. Ltd.

136 137

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)
Plot No. 43, Industrial
M/s RSN F&V 14th Under M/s Jeet
Industrial Bilaspur Himachal Area 03rd
54 September, 3.6 1.59 0.79 Brothers Consumer Under
Enterprises Area Bilaspur Pradesh Processing implementation 63 Gwalthai, Bilaspur Himachal October, 1.50 0.61 0.00
2018 Food and Products implementation
Sardar Dist.- Pradesh 2019
Plot No. 7, Bilaspur
M/s Regal Cremica
Industrial 07th 03rd
Kitchen Himachal Consumer Under M/s Nijjer Mega Food Himachal F&V Under
55 Area, Solan December, 6.76 3.13 1.56 64 Una December, 11.20 4.88 0.00
Foods Pradesh Products implementation Phytochem Park Village- Pradesh Processing implementation
(Designated 2018 2019
Limited Singha
Food Park),
M/s Jupiter Phase III, 01

Plot No. 28 & Himachal F&V Under

65 Multi Fruit Industrial Una January, 5.23 2.61 0.00
41 Industrial Pradesh Processing implementation
M/s Processor Area Tahliwal 2020
Area 07th
Bagrrys Himachal Consumer Under
56 (Designated Solan December, 7.29 2.89 0.00 Industrial
India Pradesh Products implementation F&V 09th
Food Park), 2018 M/s Farm Growth Jammu & Under
Limited 66 Pulwama July, 7.98 3.60 1.80
Bhatauli Fresh Foods Center, Kashmir Processing implementation
Lassipora 2019
Kalan, Baddi

M/s NEC SDF Shed No. Industrial

09th M/s Cuisine 14th
Rotoflex 4 & 5, Village Himachal F&V Under Growth Jammu & F&V Under
57 Una January, 17.39 5 2.5 67 Agro Foods Pulwama September, 5.87 2.64 1.32
Packaging Singha, Tehsil- Pradesh Processing implementation Center, Kashmir Processing implementation
2019 and Spices 2018
Corporation Haroli, Una Lassipora

Khata No. Industrial

M/s Mata M/s Fruit 14th
98/140, 29th
Growth Jammu & F&V Under
Hanogi Himachal Consumer Under 68 Master Pulwama September, 9.5 4.09 0.00
58 Muhal Mandi May, 8.5 3.51 0.00 Center, Kashmir Processing implementation
Agro Pradesh Products implementation Beverages 2018
Nagdhar 442, 2019 Lassipora
Tehsil Sadar
Phase-II, M/s Super Food Park 26th
Industrial Jammu & Consumer Under
69 Star Food (Designated Srinagar September, 4.07 1.74 0.87
M/s Ahuja 09th Kashmir Products implementation
Area, Himachal Consumer Under Products Food Park), 2018
59 Sweets & Kangra July, 2.15 0.73 0.00
Sansarpur Pradesh Products implementation Khunmoh
Namkeen 2019
Kangra SIDCO,
Industrial Meat & 22nd
Industrial M/s Khazir Jammu & Under
70 Growth Pulwama Poultry October, 15.48 4.81 2.41
M/s Area 22nd Agro Kashmir implementation
Himachal Milk Under Center, Processing 2018
60 Kamdhenu Bilaspur, Bilaspur August, 9.67 4.83 0.00 Lassipora
Pradesh Processing implementation
Associates Dist.- 2019
Bilaspur Industrial
M/s Growth
Industrial Center, F&V 07th Under
M/s Continental Jammu &
Area 22nd 71 Pulwama December, 3.39 1.53 0.00
Chander Himachal Milk Under Agro (Designated Kashmir Processing implementation
61 Gwalthai, Bilaspur August, 10.82 4.87 0.00 Food Park), 2018
Milk Pradesh Processing implementation Industries
Dist.- 2019 Lassipora,
Product Bilaspur
Industrial M/s Farm Growth
Area 22nd Preserve Center, F&V 07th Under
Himachal F&V Under Jammu &
62 M/s ATC Gwalthai, Bilaspur 8.50 3.72 0.00 72 and Agro Pulwama December, 10.83 5.00 0.00
Pradesh Processing
August, implementation (Designated Kashmir Processing implementation
Dist.- 2019 Processing Food Park), 2018
Bilaspur Lassipora,

138 139

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)
Industrial M/s Zum
Growth Zum Zum
Zum Agri
M/s Center, F&V 09th
Under Agri Fresh 22nd
Jammu & Fresh (Unit-5 Jammu & F&V Under
73 3.49 1.65 0.00
Alpine Fruits (Designated Pulwama Kashmir Processing January, implementation 81 Cider
(APC), Shopian
Kashmir Processing
August, 10.59 5.00 0.00
Food Park), 2019 Industrial 2019
Lassipora Estate, Algar
Industrial M/s. Hain
Growth M/s
M/s 31st Future 19th
Center, Jammu & F&V Under Integrated F&V Under
74 Himaliyan Pulwama January, 6.64 3.14 0.00 82 Natural Tumkur Karnataka Processing February, 36.76 5.00 2.50
(Designated Kashmir Processing implementation Mega Food implementation
Fruits 2019 Products 2018
Food Park), Park
Pvt. Ltd.
M/s Petunt M/s
Industrial 19th Under
Food Integrated Consumer
Growth 83 Tumkur Karnataka February, 20.85 5.00 0.00
M/s Snow 31st Processors Mega Food Products implementation
Center, Jammu & F&V Under 2018
75 Fresh Agro Pulwama January, 6.54 3.09 0.00 Pvt. Ltd. Park
(Designated Kashmir Processing implementation
Industries 2019
Food Park), M/s Innova 13th
Lassipora M/s Ella Consumer Under
84 Agri Bio Kolar Karnataka April 16.72 4.06 2.03
Foods Products implementation
Industrial Park, Malur 2018
M/s Fruit 18th Plot No. 170,
Center, Jammu & F&V Under
76 Farm Agro Pulwama February, 6.02 2.84 0.00 Navanagar
(Designated Kashmir Processing implementation
Industries 2019 Agrotech
Food Park),
Lassipora M/s 14th
Industrial Grain Under
85 Ramkrishna Bagalkot Karnataka September, 6.76 1.95 0.97
Plot No. 153, Area, Sy. No. Milling implementation
M/s Garden Industries 2018
Industrial 53 & 58,
Fresh Fruit 06th
Estate, Jammu & F&V Under Gaddanakeri
77 and Budgam March, 3.82 1.89 0.94
(Designated Kashmir Processing implementation Hobli Kaladgi
Vegetable 2019
Food Park), Taluk
M/s Favorich
Food Park, M/s Infra Pvt.
SIDCO Sankraman Ltd., 26th
Consumer Under
M/s Industrial 09th 86 Organic Bannenahalli, Mandya Karnataka September, 7.84 1.64 0.00
Jammu & Consumer Under Products implementation
78 Al Rasheed complex, Srinagar July, 3.69 0.95 0.00 Foods Bookanakere 2018
Agro Impex Kashmir Products implementation Pvt. Ltd. Hobli, K.R.
Phase III, 2019
Khunmoh, Pet Taluk
Agro Tech.
M/s Zum M/s R G
Park 22nd
Zum Agri Zum Zum Kasat Consumer Under
87 Industrial Bagalkot Karnataka October, 9.06 2.55 1.27
Fresh (Unit-2 Agri Fresh 22nd Industries Products implementation
Jammu & F&V Under Area, 2018
79 Multi Fruit (APC), Shopian August, 10.25 4.58 0.00 Pvt. Ltd.
Kashmir Processing implementation Navanagar
Canning Industrial 2019
Processing Estate, Algar
Zum Zum M/s
M/s Zum Mega Food 09th
Agri Fresh Ashwarooda Consumer Under
Zum Agri 22nd
88 Park, Village- Mandya Karnataka July, 5.07 1.06 0.00
Jammu & F&V Under Enrich Products implementation
80 Fresh (Unit-3 (APC), Shopian August, 10.33 5.00 0.00 Bannenahalli, 2019
Industrial Kashmir Processing implementation Foods
Concentrate 2019 Mandya
Unit) Estate, Algar

140 141

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

Adakanahalli KINFRA
Industrial Mega Food
Area in M/s Park, Survey
Village Anthocyanin No. 236/2 09th
M/s Sri Consumer Under
Adakanahalli, 95 Naturals Part, 236/3 Palakkad Kerala January, 18.77 3.63 0.00

Venkatesh- Grain Under Products implementation

Hobli Mysuru 7.56 India Part, 237 2019
89 Karnataka July, 2.40 0.00
wara Milling implementation Pvt. Ltd. Part, 238/2
Chikkaiahna- 2019
Industries Part, Village
chatra, Taluk
Nanjangud, Elappully
Mega Food
M/s Maak Park,
Adakanahalli Natural Re-Survey 31st
Consumer Under
Industrial 96 Extractors No. 230/1 Palakkad Kerala January, 12.89 4.51 0.00
Products implementation
Area in Pvt. Ltd. Part, 237 2019
Village Part, 238/2
Adakanahalli, 09th Part, Village
Sri Balaji Grain Under
90 Hobli Mysuru Karnataka July, 6.86 2.25 0.00 Elappully
Industries Milling implementation
Chikkaiahna- 2019
chatra, Taluk Village &
Nanjangud, M/s Leaven Taluk,
Palakkad 25th Under
District Essentials Consumer
97 Palakkad Kerala July, 8.25 1.77 0.00
Mysuru Private (KINFRA Products implementation
Mega Food 2019
Avantnature 02nd KSIDC Mega
Integrated F&V Under M/s
91 Foods Tumkur Karnataka Processing December, 9.33 2.45 0.00 Food Park,
Mega Food implementation AI Marine Fish & 22nd
Private 2019 Village Under
Park 98 Products Alappuzha Kerala Marine August, 15.75 4.81 0.00
Limited Pallipuram, implementation
India Private Processing 2019
Mahal Limited
M/s Bagayat 02nd
F&V Under
92 Anutham KIADB Vijaypur Karnataka Processing December, 10.68 5.00 0.00 KSIDC Mega
Enterprises Industrial 2019 Food Park,
Fish & 03rd
Area M/s Grand Village Under
99 Alappuzha Kerala Marine October, 23.58 5.00 0.00
Marine Exim Pallipuram, implementation
Processing 2019
KSIDC Mega Taluk
M/s Protech
Food Park, Fish & 19th Cherthala
Organo Under
93 Pallippuram Alappuzha Kerala Marine February, 20.35 4.91 2.46
Foods Pvt. implementation Village &
Village Processing 2018 M/s
Ltd. Taluk,
Cherthala Bioingredia 02nd
Palakkad Consumer Under
100 Natural Palakkad Kerala December, 7.11 2.19 0.00
(KINFRA Products implementation
No. 508, Private 2019
Mega Food
(KINFRA Limited
M/s Small
Cacobean Industrial 26th Village &
Consumer Under M/s Flavco
94 Chocolate Park), Ernakulam Kerala September, 14.86 4.28 2.14 Taluk,
Products implementation Natural 02nd
Factory Village 2018 Palakkad Consumer Under
Pvt. Ltd. Muzhavanoor, 101 Products Palakkad Kerala December, 5.57 1.64 0.00
(KINFRA Products implementation
Taluk Private Mega Food 2019
Kunnathunadu Limited Park)

142 143

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

M/s Sunder (DFP), 08th Processing
Madhya Consumer Under M/s
102 Food Growth center, Chhindwara June, 18.73 5.00 2.50 Cluster, 08th
Pradesh Products implementation India Mega Maha- Consumer Under
Products Boregaon, 2018 110 D-3/1, Nanded June, 10.18 2.56 1.28
Agro Anaj rashtra Products implementation
Tha.-Sausa MIDC, 2018
Ltd. (Unit-2)
M/s Tq-Naigaon
Designated 14th Agro
Food Madhya Grain Under
103 Food Park, Khargone September, 24 5.00 2.50 Processing
Products Pradesh Milling implementation M/s
Khargone 2018 Cluster,
Private India Mega 08th Under
D-3/1, Maha- Consumer
Limited 111 Agro Anaj Nanded June, 6.74 1.56 0.78
rashtra Products implementation
MIDC, 2018
Food Park- Ltd. (Unit-3)
Mandla Tq-Naigaon
Developed by
MP Audyogik Milk 07th Under Agro
M/s Maneri Madhya
104 Vikas Kendra Jabalpur December, 12.93 5.00 2.50 Processing
Ice Cream Pradesh Processing implementation M/s
(Jabalpur) Ltd. 2018 Cluster,
India Mega 08th Under
(Designated D-3/1, Maha- Consumer
112 Agro Anaj Nanded June, 7.26 1.70 0.85
Food Park), rashtra Products implementation
MIDC, 2018
Maneri Ltd. (Unit-4)
Food Park- Tq-Naigaon
Developed by Agro
MP Audyogik 09th Processing
M/s Maneri Madhya Milk Under M/s
105 Vikas Kendra Jabalpur January, 11.2 5.00 2.50 Cluster, 08th
Ice Cream Pradesh Processing implementation India Mega Maha- F&V Under
(Jabalpur) Ltd. 2019 113 D-3/1, Nanded June, 7.61 1.72 0.86
Agro Anaj rashtra Processing implementation
(Designated MIDC, 2018
Ltd. (Unit-5)
Food Park), Krushnoor,
Maneri Tq-Naigaon

M/s Plot No. 44,

Milk 21st Under
Health Plus Sector-D, Madhya Agro
106 Jabalpur February, 11.11 5.00 0.00
Flavoured Food Park, Pradesh Processing implementation Processing
Milk Maneri M/s Cluster, 14th
Village Nagpur Maha- Consumer
114 Bharti September, 11.95 2.67 2.67 Completed
Indus Mega 09th Bhowari rashtra Products
M/s Parda Madhya F&V Under Industries 2018
107 Food Park, Khargone July, 9.88 3.15 0.00 Tehsil
Food LLP Pradesh Processing implementation
Khargone 2019 Kamptee

Food Park
M/s Vibhuti F&V 25th
Maneri, Madhya Under
108 Mart Mandla July, 12.9 4.71 2.36
Village Pradesh Processing implementation
Pvt. Ltd. 2019
Medhi Agro
Agro M/s Cluster, 26th
Processing Maha- Consumer Under
M/s 115 Bharti Village Nagpur September, 10.11 2.57 1.28
Cluster, 08th rashtra Products implementation
India Mega Maha- Milk Under Foods Bhowari, 2018
109 Agro Anaj D-3/1, Nanded June, 5.63 1.50 0.75 Taluka
rashtra Processing implementation
MIDC, 2018 Kamptee
Ltd. (Unit-1)

144 145

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

Plot No.
Agro D-63,
Processing M/s Food Park-
M/s Cluster, 26th Lecilite Nagpur, Maha- Consumer 21st Under
Maha- Grain Under 122 Nagpur 6.88 1.94 0.97
116 Jiya Agro Village Nagpur September, 3.73 1.89 0.00 Ingredients located rashtra Products February, implementation
rashtra Milling implementation
Exports Bhowari, 2018 Pvt. Ltd. Opposite to 2019
Taluka Reliance
Kamptee Power Ltd.,

Plot No. 36,

Agro Swabhimani
Processing M/s Co-Operative
29th Under
M/s Cluster, 22nd Chakote Industrial Maha- Consumer
Maha- Grain Under 123 Kolhapur May, 18.52 5.00 0.00
117 H. V. Seeds Village Nagpur October, 3.6 1.06 0.53 Agro Foods Estate Ltd. rashtra Products implementation
rashtra Milling implementation 2019
Industries Bhowari, 2018 Pvt. Ltd. (APC),
Taluka Nandani,
Kamptee Taluka Shirol

Plot No. 32,

33 & 36,
M/s Swabhimani
Village M/s
Sangale 09th Co-Operative 29th
Dhangaon, Maha- Grain Under Chakote Maha- Consumer Under
118 Agro Food Aurangabad January, 5.75 2.40 0.00 124 Industrial Kolhapur May, 16.76 5.00 0.00
Taluk rashtra Milling implementation Cake Bake rashtra Products implementation
Processing 2019 Estate Ltd. 2019
Paithan Pvt. Ltd.
Pvt. Ltd. (APC),
Taluka Shirol
MIDC Plot No. 32,
M/s 09th
(Designated Maha- F&V Under
119 KLC Wines Nashik January, 11.5 3.53 0.00 33 & 36,
Food Park), rashtra Processing implementation M/s
Pvt. Ltd. 2019 Swabhimani
Taluka Shree
Co-Operative 29th
Niphad Ganesh Maha- Consumer Under
125 Industrial Kolhapur May, 18.01 5.00 0.00
Bakery rashtra Products implementation
Estate Ltd. 2019
Paithan (APC),
Pvt. Ltd.
Mega Food Nandani,
M/s Taluka Shirol
Park Pvt.
Paithan Eco 31st
Ltd. Maha- F&V Under
120 Foods Aurangabad January, 8.95 3.74 1.87
Village rashtra Processing implementation Gat No. 18,
Private 2019 M/s
Dhangaon, Kid Bisari, F&V 29th Under
Limited Gherade Maha-
Taluka 126 Solapur May, 7.42 3.24 0.00
Agro Food Taluka rashtra Processing implementation
Paithan Sangola 2019
Pvt. Ltd.

M/s Kisan
Sampada Survey No-
M/s 439/2,
Food Park M/s
Kisan 31st 439/4, Meat & 09th
Industries- Maha- Grain Under Jatin Maha- Under
121 Sampada Nagpur January, 12.15 4.20 0.00 127 Po-Sinnar, Nashik Poultry 9.9 3.41 0.00
APC, Village rashtra Milling implementation July, implementation
Food Park 2019 Industries rashtra
Bhowari, Taluka Processing 2019
Ltd. Pvt. Ltd.
Taluka Sinnar,
Kamptee Dist.-Nashik

146 147

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

Food Park, M/s Kisan

Five Star Sampada
Industrial 09th Under M/s Food Park
M/s Maha- Consumer 03rd
128 Nagpur July, 5.64 1.67 0.00 Kisan Industries- Under
A R Foods Area, MIDC rashtra Products implementation Nagpur Maha-
2019 135 Oil Milling December, 17.75 4.64 0.00
Butibori, Smapada APC, Village rashtra implementation
Bhowari, 2019
Nagpur Food Park 2
M/s Sahyadri Kamptee
M/s Farmers
Sahyadri Producer Butibori
09th F&V 02nd Under
Farmers Company Maha- F&V Under M/s Industrial Maha-
129 Producer Nashik 10.63 4.28 0.00 136 Nagpur December, 5.37 1.70 0.00
Processing July, implementation Avni Foods Area, Mouza rashtra Processing implementation
Ltd, (APC) rashtra 2019
Company 2019 Kirmiti
Mohadi, Tal.
Ltd. (Unit 1) Dindori, Village
Nashik Shirasgaon, F&V 02nd Under
M/s Maha-
137 Nashik 14.05 4.82 0.00
M/s MGE Farms Taluka rashtra Processing December, implementation
Niphad 2019
M/s Sahyadri
Sahyadri Farmers
Producer 09th M/s
Farmers Maha- F&V Under 9th Mile, 31st
130 Producer Company Nashik July, 11.12 4.66 0.00 Seshu Consumer
Processing implementation 138 Baridua, Ri-Bhoi Meghalaya July, 3.04 1.36 1.36 Completed
rashtra Nutrition Products
Company Ltd, (APC) 2019 Ri-Bhoi 2018
Mohadi, Tal. Pvt. Ltd.
Ltd. (Unit 2)
Dindori, M/s Khamrang,
Nashik Sunrise (M/s Zoram 22nd Under
139 Food Kolasib Mizoram October, 4.15 2.04 0.00
M/s Mega Food Products implementation
Sahyadri Industry Park) 2018
Sahyadri Farmers
Producer 09th Doys Agri
Farmers Maha- F&V Under Resources
131 Producer Company Nashik July, 10.71 4.20 0.00
rashtra Processing implementation M/s Mega Food
Company Ltd, (APC) 2019 19th
Super Park, Consumer Under
Ltd. (Unit 3) Mohadi, Tal. 140 Dimapur Nagaland February, 10.69 5.00 2.50
Bakery Doshehe Products implementation
Dindori, 2018
Products Village,
Nashik Chumukedima
Vinchur Block
Sula 23rd Doys Agri
Area, Maha- F&V Under
132 Vineyards Nashik August, 19.51 5.00 0.00 Resources
Subhash rashtra Processing implementation
Private 2019 M/s Mega Food
Nagar, 19th
Limited Veg Pasta Park, Consumer Under
Niphad 141 Dimapur Nagaland February, 10.58 5.00 2.50
And Noodle Doshehe Products implementation
Village, 2018
M/s Products
M-II/106, Chumukedima
Samyak 05th Block
Nandgaon Maha- F&V Under
133 Food & Amravati 8.46 3.16 0.00
Peth MIDC, rashtra Processing September, implementation
Beverage (I) 2019
Morshi Road Doys Agri
Pvt. Ltd.
M/s Mega Food
19th Under
M/s Kitchen Park, Consumer
142 Dimapur Nagaland February, 10.4 4.87 2.44
F&V 30th Under Oils Doshehe Products implementation
Shelke Kondapuri, Maha- 2018
134 Pune October, 15.7 5.00 0.00 Products Village,
Beverages Shirur rashtra Processing implementation
2019 Chumukedima
Pvt. Ltd.

148 149

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

M/s Doys Plot No. F-31,

Agri M/s Agro Food 13th
M/s Resources 152 Shankar Park, Jodhpur Rajasthan April, 4.4 1.23 1.23 Completed
26th Under Confectionary Boranada,
Organic Pvt. Ltd., Consumer 2018
143 Dimapur Nagaland September, 10.65 5.00 2.50
Soya Doshehe Products implementation Dist. Jodhpur
Products Village,
Chumukedima M/s G-1-121,
Block Shri Rathi Agro Food 31st
Grain Under
153 Snacks Park, RIICO Jodhpur Rajasthan July, 4.99 1.18 0.59
Milling implementation
M/s Mega Food Industries Industrial 2018
B-one Park-Sea Fish & 19th LLP Area
144 Business Food Park, Khorda Odisha Marine February, 22.31 5.00 5.00 Completed
House IDCO Plot Processing 2018 Plot No.
Pvt. Ltd. No. 27 F-35 to F-37, 14th
Pavanputra Consumer Under
154 Agro Food Jodhpur Rajasthan September, 20.87 5.00 2.50
New Wafers Products implementation
Park, 2018
M/s Jagatpura Pvt. Ltd.
Pragati Milk Industrial 09th
Milk Under
145 Products Estate Cuttack Odisha January, 20.52 5.00 2.50 M/s F-200, Agro 22nd
Processing implementation Consumer Under
Private (Designated 2019 155 Blop Agro Food Park, Alwar Rajasthan October, 4.97 1.18 0.59
Food Park), Products implementation
Limited Foods LLP MIA 2018
Plot No.
M/s Guru Kripa M/s 18 A & 18 B, 21st
F&V 19th Consumer Under
Godrej Mega Food 156 Kothari Greentech Ajmer Rajasthan February, 20.11 5.00 2.50
146 Ludhiana Punjab 69.98 5.00 5.00 Completed
Tyson Park, (PAIC), Processing February, Foods LLP Mega Food
Products implementation
2018 2019
Foods Ltd. Ladhowal Park Pvt. Ltd.
M/s International
Schreiber Mega Food 19th Agro Food
F&V Under M/s 09th
147 Dynamix Park, Village Fazilka Punjab 30.67 5.00 2.50 Park, Under
Processing February, implementation 157 Shree Ram Jodhpur Rajasthan Oil Milling July, 7.66 2.01 0.00
Diaries Dabwala 2018 Boranada, implementation
Udhyog 2019
Pvt. Ltd. Kalan Jodhpur
Guru Kripa
M/s Meat & 19th M/s Green Tech
Mega Food Under 01st
148 Meat Ludhiana Punjab Poultry February, 8.76 2.20 1.10 Northern Mega Food Under
Park, (PAIC), implementation 158 Ajmer Rajasthan Oil Milling January, 21.83 5.00 0.00
Masters Processing 2018 Solvents Park, Village- implementation
Ladhowal 2020
Pvt. Ltd. Roopangarh
M/s Guru Kripa
F&V 08th Under Village-
Iscon Balaji Mega Food
149 Ludhiana Punjab June, 25.33 5.00 2.50 M/s
Foods Park, (PAIC), Processing implementation Rangpo,
2018 Sikkim 09th Under
Pvt. Ltd. Ladhowal Central Consumer
159 IFFCO Rural East Sikkim July, 21.10 5.00 0.00
Pendam Products implementation
Guru Kripa Organics Ltd. Block, Rural 2019
M/s 22nd
Mega Food Consumer Under East District
150 Sharman Ludhiana Punjab August, 15.42 4.01 0.00
Park, (PAIC), Products implementation
Jain Sweets 2019 M/s Devaganpalli, 19th
Ladhowal Tamil F&V Under
160 Neo Foods Denkanikotta Krishnagiri 36.05 5.00 0.00
Nadu Processing February, implementation
Pvt. Ltd. Taluk 2018
M/s Mega Food 19th M/s Varadharajapuram
Consumer Under 19th
151 CG Food Park, Ajmer Rajasthan February, 23.6 4.96 2.48 VR Food Village Tamil Consumer Under
Products implementation 161 Chennai February, 21.49 5.00 2.50
India Village 2018 Enterprises Nazarathpet, Nadu Products implementation
Roopangarh 2018
LLP Poonamallee

150 151

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

M/s Pressana 19th
Komaralingam Meat & 19th Kittampalayam Tamil Grain
Tirupur Tamil Poultry
Under 171 Flour Mills Village Coimbatore February, 20.24 4.88 4.88 Completed
162 Village, February, 20.07 5.00 2.50 Nadu Milling
Hatcheries Nadu implementation Private Ltd. 2018
Ruthrapalayam, Processing 2018
and Farms (Unit – II)
M/s 19th
Sivanmalai Tamil Grain
Survey No. 172 Samson CNO Tiruppur February, 9.58 3.16 3.16 Completed
Village Nadu Milling
334/11, Industries 2018
M/s Ayyankottai 19th
Tamil Milk Under
163 SNP Dairy Madurai February, 15.08 4.18 0.00 M/s 4/2A1B,
Village, Nadu Processing implementation
Milk 2018 Great Destiny Athipattu 19th
Vadipatti Tamil Consumer Under
(Tk) 173 Foods and Pulicat Road, Tiruvallur February, 11.46 3.59 1.80
Nadu Products implementation
Drinks Kalanji Vill. 2018
Pvt. Ltd. Tiruvallur
SKM Egg Punjaikil- Meat & 19th M/s
Tamil Under 19th
164 Products ambadi, Erode Poultry February, 19.99 5.00 2.50 Hangrow Survey No. Tamil Consumer Under
Nadu implementation 174 Erode February, 5.17 1.00 0.50
Export Erode Dist. Processing 2018 Foods India 409/5, Erode Nadu Products implementation
(India) Ltd. 2018
Pvt. Ltd.
SIPCOT Athipattu
Industrial M/s
M/s 19th Palaverkadu
Growth Tamil Grain Aegean 09th
165 Sahuwala Erode February, 27.58 5.00 5.00 Completed Road, Ponneri Tamil F&V Under
Centre, Nadu Milling 175 Chennai Tiruvallur July, 11.93 5.00 0.00
Flour Mills 2018 Taluk, Nadu Processing implementation
Perundurai, Foods 2019
Erode Pvt. Ltd.
M/s Chinnakuyili Manamadurai,
Niswin Road 19th M/s 22nd
Tamil Grain Sivaganga Tamil Consumer Under
166 Foods Kallapalayam Coimbatore February, 20.12 5.00 5.00 Completed 176 Nutriome Madurai August, 8.84 3.88 0.00
Nadu Milling Taluka, Dist. Nadu Products implementation
Private Vill., Sulur 2018 Biosolutions 2019
Limited Taluk
Chinthamani 19th Under
M/s Tamil Consumer M/s Village, 02nd
167 Madurai February, 10.46 2.64 1.32 Tamil F&V Under
Sri Foods Village Nadu Products implementation 177 India Thalavai- Tiruppur 10.58 5.00 0.00
2018 Nadu Processing December, implementation
Beverages pattanam, 2019
M/s Udayampuli Dharapuram
village, F&V 19th Under
Jaycee Tamil
168 Tirunelveli February, 8.97 2.24 0.00
Organics Alangulam Nadu Processing implementation Thimma-
TK 2018 puram
LLP Under
F&V 02nd 5.33 2.59 0.00
M/s Village, Tamil implementation
Survey No. 178 Kanchi- December,
Coco Lait Madura- Nadu Processing
puram 2019
293/2, “C” nthakam
M/s Mill No. 2, Sub District
Tank Bund Grain 19th Under
Century Tamil
169 Chennai February, 10 2.60 1.30 Seed Farm,
Flour Mills Road, Nadu Milling implementation M/s
2018 Dulapally,
Limited Perambur Telangana
Barracks, Dundigal
State 09th
Ottery Gandimai- Consumer Under
179 Horticulture Medchal Telangana July, 18.58 4.29 0.00
samma Products implementation
Development 2019
M/s 19th Mandal,
Kunnathoor Kanya- Tamil F&V Under Corporation
170 Regin 6.62 1.68 0.84 Medchal
village kumari Nadu Processing February, implementation Ltd.
Exports 2018 District

152 153

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

TSIIC - IALA, M/s Village-

M/s Sachendi, 13th
Buchinelly 22nd
Bhagwati Uttar Consumer
AGP Oils Under 189 Kanpur April, 16.67 4.30 4.30 Completed
180 Village, Sangareddy Telangana Oil Milling August, 26.94 5.00 0.00 Foods Pvt. Tah. Pradesh Products
Private implementation Kanpur Nagar 2018
Zaheerabad 2019 Ltd.
M/s Plot no. 99-
Maa Veshno 100, Ecotech Gautam 13th
M/s Uttar Consumer Under
190 Consumer Extn.1, Buddh April, 18.33 5.00 2.50
Shree Pradesh Products implementation
Village Rural 22nd
Products Greater Nagar 2018
Ganesh F&V Under
181 Tripura, Unakoti Tripura August, 12.5 5.00 0.00 Pvt. Ltd. Noida
Frozen Processing implementation
Kumarghat 2019
Foods Pvt. M/s
Ltd. Village- F&V 13th Under
Ajanta Raaj Uttar
191 Manikpura, Agra April, 7.06 1.67 0.84
Proteins Pradesh Processing implementation
Dewanpassa, Tah. Bah 2018
M/s Limited
Integrated 27th
Agrotech North Grain Under
182 Infrastructure Tripura December, 12.5 5.00 0.00 A-9, Industrial
Modern Rice Tripura Milling implementation M/s 13th
Development 2019 Area Phase-II, Uttar Grain Under
Mill LLP 192 Kedarnath Hardoi April, 4.97 1.62 0.81
Centre Village- Pradesh Milling implementation
Industries 2018
C.P. Milk 13th M/s 14th
Gudumba, Uttar Milk Under Uttar Consumer Under
183 and Food Lucknow April, 26.67 4.32 2.16 193 Crazy Bakery GIDA Gorakhpur September, 12.89 4.12 2.06
Tehsil-Kursi Pradesh Processing implementation Pradesh Products implementation
Products 2018 Udyog 2018
Pvt. Ltd.
M/s M/s Extn.1 Gautam 14th
Shivashrit Village 13th ILEX Industrial Uttar Grain Under
Uttar F&V 194 Buddh September, 20.07 4.65 2.33
184 Foods Mahua, Aligarh April, 19.14 5.00 5.00 Completed Infrastructure Area, Pradesh Milling implementation
Pradesh Processing Nagar 2018
Private Tah. Igla 2018 LLP Greater
Limited Noida
M/s Kamuna 14th
Bikanervala Kasna Road, Gautam 13th Dadra, Uttar F&V Under
Uttar Consumer Under 195 Food Mirzapur September, 23.34 5.00 0.00
185 Foods Ecotech-II, Buddh April, 67.92 5.00 2.50 Marihan Pradesh Processing implementation
Pradesh Products implementation Processing 2018
Private Udyog Vihar Nagar 2018 Ltd.
M/s M/s Pakharpur, 14th
Plot No. 26G, Gautam 13th
Uttar Milk Under
Mehrotra Uttar Consumer Under 196 Aashirvaad Amroha Amroha September, 15.78 5.00 2.50
186 Sector 31, Buddh April, 23.77 5.00 2.50 Pradesh Processing implementation
Consumer Pradesh Products implementation Cuisines Road, 2018
Ecotech Nagar 2018
Products Dhanaura
M/s Village M/s Karkhiyon
Avyukta Bandipur 13th 22nd Under
Uttar Milk Under Raja Udyog Industrial Uttar Consumer
187 Dairy Muradnagar, Ghaziabad April, 17.01 5.00 2.50 197 Varanasi August, 16.46 5.00 0.00
Pradesh Processing implementation Private Park, Dist. Pradesh Products implementation
Products Tah. 2018 2019
Limited Varanasi
Pvt. Ltd. Modinagar
Agro Park M/s CRD Foods
M/s Phase-II, CRD Foods (Agro
13th F&V 22nd Under
Organic UPSIDC Uttar Consumer Under Processing Uttar
188 55.13 5.00 2.50 198 (Unit-4: Pulp Mathura August, 10.49 3.57 0.00
India Pvt. Industrial Area, Barabanki Pradesh Products
April, implementation Juice and Cluster), Pradesh Processing implementation
2018 2019
Ltd. Kursi Road, Puree) Village
Tah. Fatehpur Kosi Khurd

154 155

Project Approved Released Project Approved Released

Name Name
S. Date of Cost grant amount S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in No. approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in
applicant applicant
crore) crore) crore) crore) crore) crore)

CRD Foods Himalayan

M/s Mega Food
(Agro M/s
CRD Foods 22nd Udham 25th
Processing Uttar Milk Under Gopi Park, Uttar- F&V Under
199 (Unit-5: Milk Mathura August, 10.32 3.48 0.00 208 Singh July, 15.58 5.00 0.00
Cluster), Pradesh Processing implementation Dehydrates Mahuakhera akhand Processing implementation
& Milk 2019 Nagar 2019
Village Pvt. Ltd. Ganj,
Products) Kashipur
Kosi Khurd
02nd Mega Food
SS Ankit Industrial Uttar F&V Under M/s Udham 25th
200 Frozen Fruits Jalaun December, 12.54 4.93 0.00 Park, Uttar- F&V Under
Area Orai, Pradesh Processing implementation 209 NDTP Foods Singh July, 14.1 5.00 0.00
2019 Mahuakhera akhand Processing implementation
& Vegetables Jalaun Pvt. Ltd. Nagar 2019
M/s Kashipur
Mouza Kosi 01st
Uttar F&V Under
201 CRD Foods Khurd, Tehsil Mathura January, 3.55 1.22 0.00 Himalayan
(Unit-2) Pradesh Processing implementation
Govardhan 2020 Mega Food
M/s Udham 25th
Park, Uttar- Consumer Under
M/s Himalayan 210 Samrat Singh July, 13.96 5.00 0.00
Mahuakhera akhand Products implementation
Achint & Mega Food Udham 19th Enterprise Nagar 2019
Uttar- Consumer Under Ganj,
202 Aparna Agro Park Pvt. Singh February, 15.45 5.00 0.00 Kashipur
akhand Products implementation
Products Ltd., Nagar 2018
Pvt. Ltd. Kashipur Himalayan
Mega Food
M/s Udham 25th
M/s Shri Himalayan Park, Uttar- Consumer Under
211 Tomar Foods Singh July, 12.58 5.00 0.00
Shardanand Mega Food Udham 19th
Mahuakhera akhand Products implementation
Uttar- Consumer Under Pvt. Ltd. Nagar 2019
203 Food Park Pvt. Singh February, 14.41 5.00 0.00 Ganj,
akhand Products implementation
Processing Ltd., Nagar 2018 Kashipur
Pvt. Ltd. Kashipur
M/s Himalayan Mega Food
M/s Udham 22nd
Sumarsh Mega Food Udham 19th Park, Uttar- F&V Under
Uttar- Grain Under 212 Fibro Fresh Singh
Processing August, 3.9 1.59 0.00
204 Nutri Park Pvt. Singh February, 14.75 5.00 0.00 Mahuakhera akhand implementation
akhand Milling implementation Beverages Nagar 2019
Products Ltd., Nagar 2018 Ganj,
Pvt. Ltd. Kashipur Kashipur

Himalayan Sankhrail,
M/s Mega Food Udham 19th M/s
Uttar- Grain Under (Designated 22nd
205 Hari Roller Park Pvt. Singh February, 14.39 5.00 0.00 HRB Food West Consumer Under
akhand Milling implementation 213 Food Park- Howrah October, 25.1 5 0.00
Flour Mills Ltd., Nagar 2018 Products Bengal Products implementation
Sankrail 2018
Kashipur Pvt. Ltd.
Food Park)

Mega Food Siliguri Food
Udham M/s
M/s 09th Park 07th
Park, Uttar- Consumer Under Mahananda West F&V Under
206 Ranvik Singh July, 14.71 5.00 0.00 214 (Designated Darjeeling 22.94 4.94 2.47
Mahuakhera akhand Products implementation Food Pvt. Bengal Processing December, implementation
Foods Nagar 2019 Food Park), 2018
Ganj, Ltd.
Kashipur Phansidewa

Himalayan Plot No.

M/s Mega Food M/s 976, 977
Udham 25th Aarson & 992, West 29th Under
Numix Park, Uttar- Consumer Under Consumer
207 Singh July, 10.48 3.90 0.00 215 Lozenges Darjeeling May, 4.75 1.31 0.00
Industries Mahuakhera akhand Products implementation (DFP), Bengal Products implementation
Nagar 2019 Factory Phansidewa, 2019
Pvt. Ltd. Ganj,
Kashipur Siliguri

156 157

Project Approved Released ANNEXURE-VI

Name List of State-wise 47 approved projects under Agro Processing Clusters scheme
S. Date of Cost grant amount
of the Location District State/UT Sector Status
No. applicant
approval (₹ in (₹ in (₹ in (As on 31st December, 2019)
crore) crore) crore)
Category Project Grant Grant
Jangipur Name of the
S. Location of of PEA Date of Cost approved released Physical
M/s Bengal Mega Project Execution
No. the project (General/ approval (₹ in (₹ In (₹ In Progress
Shiv Food Park, West Grain 09th Under Agency (PEA)
Murshida- 18.43 5.00 0.00 SC/ST) crore) crore) crore)
216 Industries Plot A1, Bengal Milling July, implementation
(Food) Pvt. Village Katnai, 2019 ANDHRA PRADESH
Ltd. Raghunathganj,
M/s Gama Pathapadu, Krishna, Under
1 General December, 29 9.107 0 implementation
Sankhrail Biotech Farms Andhra Pradesh
M/s Food Park,
Ashish “Sudha Rash”, West Consumer 09th Under Reddyvaripally, Surabhi
Howrah 3.29 1.06 0.00 09th
217 Proteins & Plot No 8, Bengal Products July, implementation M/s Suchow (Village), Chakraypeta Under
2 General January, 27.77 8.47 0 implementation
Food Pvt. Kanduah, 2019 Agrotech Mandal, Kadapa Dist.,
Ltd. 2020
Sankhrail, Andhra Pradesh
M/s Association of Balabhadrapuram village, 09th
Sankrail 3 Lady Entrepreneurs Bikkavolu Mandal, General January, 24.93 6.1632 0
M/s implementation
Food Park, 22nd of India (ALEI) East Godavari Dist. 2020
Dream Bake West Consumer Under
218 Phase-II, Howrah August, 44.07 5 0.00
Private Bengal Products implementation
P. S.-Sankrail
Hudumpur Kochpara 03rd
M/s Subh Karan Under
4 Mirza, Kamrup (Rural), General October, 22.513 10 0 implementation
Food Park
Assam 2019

Village Habeda Bagicha

M/s Jai Shree Gaon, Grant No. 32, 03rd
5 General December, 19.117 8.7268 0 implementation
Krishna Developers P.O. Makum Jn, Tehsil-
Tinsuk, Tinsukia, Assam 2019

Village Habeda Bagicha

Gaon, Grant No. 32, 09th
M/s Surindera Agro Under
6 P.O. Makum Jn, General January, 20.06 9.1446 0
Processing Cluster implementation
Tehsil-Tezpur, 2020
District-Sonitpur, Assam

Agapur, PS Mansurchak, 15th
M/s Shreekangan Under
7 Sub-Division Teghra, General March, 30.434 7.908 0
Food Park implementation
Dist. Begusarai, Bihar 2019


Village Khaira, Tehsil

Palari, RNM-Sandi, 09th
M/s Kasabana Under
8 General January, 35.572 9.4473 0 implementation
Global LLP Dist. Balodabazar,
Chhattisgarh 2020


158 159

Category Project Grant Grant Category Project Grant Grant

Name of the Name of the
S. Location of of PEA Date of Cost approved released Physical S. Location of of PEA Date of Cost approved released Physical
Project Execution Project Execution
No. the project (General/ approval (₹ in (₹ In (₹ In Progress No. the project (General/ approval (₹ in (₹ In (₹ In Progress
Agency (PEA) Agency (PEA)
SC/ST) crore) crore) crore) SC/ST) crore) crore) crore)

Bhuj Bhachau Highway, 07th Village & Post

M/s Patel Under M/s Anjaneya Mavinhonda, Tal. 31st
9 Dudhai, Dist. Kachchh, General February, 13.7 4.36 0 Under
Retail Pvt. Ltd. implementation 18 General August, 12.55 4.32 0
Gujarat 2019 Agriculture Cluster Raibag, Dist. Belgaum implementation
(Belgavi), Karnataka 2018
Amirgardh Village,
M/s Shukun Kidotar Village, 31st Belludi Village, Kasaba
Under 15th
10 Builders Private Taluka Amirgadh, Kidotar, General August, 31.65 10 3.5 M/s GEM Hobli, Harihara Taluk, Under
implementation 19 General March, 36.16 9.77 0
Limited Dist. Banaskantha, 2018 Food Park LLP Dist. Davanagere, implementation
Gujarat Karnataka

M/s J R Foods Degam, Chikhli, 01st July, Under Marpadi Village, 01st
11 General 30.158 8.75 0 M/s Mathias Under
& Beverages Navsari, Gujarat 2019 implementation 20 Moodabidri, Mangalore General July, 32.67 8.448 0
Properties implementation
Taluk, Dakshina Kannada 2019
DADRA & NAGAR HAVELI Tidagundi Village, 09th
M/s Agro Under
21 Dist. Vijayapur, ST January, 21.57 10 0 implementation
Rudanakhanvel, Dist. 19th Karnataka 2020
M/s Daman Under
12 Khanvel, General August, 34.637 9.523 0
Food Park implementation
Dadra & Nagar Haveli 2019 KERALA

HARYANA M/s Chendayad Ajannikunnu, Neervaram 03rd

22 Granites Po, Panamaram, General October, 29.5 9.9706 0 implementation
Private Limited Wayanad, Kerala 2019
M/s Shree Shyam Village Jagan, 18th
13 Snacks Food Tehsil & District Hisar, General February, 10.26 3.09 0
Private Limited Haryana 2019
implementation MADHYA PRADESH

Agro Park, Mugal Sendhwa, Near Khalghat

M/s Karnal Food 06th 08th
Under M/s Nimar Toll Plaza, Village Jamli, Under
14 Pack Cluster Majra Road, Kunjpura, General April, 32.97 9.863 3.385 23 General June, 31.55 10 0
implementation Agro Park District Barwani, implementation
Limited Dist. Karnal, Haryana 2018 2018
Madhya Pradesh
Village Bhiravati, 15th Betul Khandwa, 19th
Under M/s Bharti Under
15 M/s K R Food APC Tehsil & Dist. Nuh, General March, 32.08 8.75 0 24 Bodijunawani, Dist. General December, 26.13 9.8 0
implementation Agro Cluster implementation
Mewat, Haryana 2019 Betul, Madhya Pradesh 2018
Maheswar, Kakadda, 15th
M/s Sun Valley
Dist. Khargone, General March, 22 10 0
Agro Food Park implementation
Madhya Pradesh 2019
Village Salol, Mohal Prei,
M/s Great 31st
Tehsil Kangra, Prei, Under 02nd
16 Himalayan Farm General July, 24.49 10 3.5 implementation M/s Frisco Mohna, Depalpur, Under
Dist. Kangra, 26 General July, 44.38 9.03 0
Fresh 2018 Overseas Pvt. Ltd. Indore, Madhya Pradesh implementation
Himachal Pradesh 2019


M/s Sahyadri Village Mohadi, Taluka 15th
M/s Zum Zum Industrial Estate, Algar, 05th Under
Under 27 Farmers Producer Dindori, Dist. Nashik, General March, 33.27 8.656 5.744
17 Dist. Shopian, General November, 24.39 10 3.472 implementation implementation
Agri Fresh Company Limited Maharashtra 2018
Jammu & Kashmir 2018
D-3/1, MIDC, Krushnoor, 15th
M/s India Mega Under
28 Tq-Naigaon Dist. General March, 30.99 10 6.50
KARNATAKA Agro Anaj Limited
Nanded, Maharashtra 2018

160 161

Category Project Grant Grant Category Project Grant Grant

Name of the Name of the
S. Location of of PEA Date of Cost approved released Physical S. Location of of PEA Date of Cost approved released Physical
Project Execution Project Execution
No. the project (General/ approval (₹ in (₹ In (₹ In Progress No. the project (General/ approval (₹ in (₹ In (₹ In Progress
Agency (PEA) Agency (PEA)
SC/ST) crore) crore) crore) SC/ST) crore) crore) crore)

M/s Swabhimani Village Nandani, Tehsil 15th

29 Co-op Industrial Shirol, Kolhapur, General March, 34.82 10 3.213 implementation
Estate Ltd. Maharashtra 2018
Manopad Mandal,
M/s Mrigasira Agro Jogulamba, Maddur, 15th
M/s Kisan Village Bhowari, Taluka 08 th 38 General March, 23.106 6.369 0 implementation
Under Processing Centre Dist. Mahbubnagar,
30 Sampada Food Kamptee, Dist. General June, 29.96 9.69 7.26 Telangana 2019
Park Industries Nagpur, Maharashtra 2018

Village Post Nimzari, 31st
M/s Madhur Under
31 Shirpur, Dist. Dhule, General August, 25.84 10 0 implementation
Food Park LLP Mettupalam Road,
Maharashtra 2018 01st
M/s JFK Bilichi, Dist. Under
39 General August, 16.71 4.879 0 implementation
International Coimbatore,
M/s Reva Tapi 01st 2019
Patharai Taluka, Dist. Under Tamil Nadu
32 Valley Industrial ST August, 27.06 10 0
Nandurbar, Maharashtra implementation
Development 2019 Veerasolapuram Road,
M/s P Duraisamy 03rd
Pappini village, Under
40 Maharaja Rice General October, 26.83 8.7682 0 implementation
PUDUCHERRY Mills Pvt. Ltd.
Kangayam, Tiruppur,
Tamil Nadu

M/s Pondicherry Attavanai Anumanpalli

Village, Modakurichi 03rd
Industrial M/s Vamsi Royal Under
41 General December, 33.16 10.00 0 implementation
Promotion 07th Industrial Zone Taluka, Dist.
Under Erode, Tamil Nadu 2019
33 Development and Sedarapet, Puducherry General February, 31.11 5.28 0 implementation
Investment 2019
Corporation Limited UTTAR PRADESH
Villages Jagdishpur,
PUNJAB M/s Govindgreen Bhatauli and Rura, Under
42 General April, 34.31 10 3.50 implementation
Foods Infratech Dist. Kanpur Dehat,
Uttar Pradesh
Village Khichipur, 15th
M/s SMS Under
34 Tehsil Jalandhar-1, General March, 15.197 4.6877 0 Village Kosi Khurd, 07th
Food Park implementation Under
Dist. Jalandhar, Punjab 2019 43 M/s CRD Foods Dist. Mathura, SC December, 21.05 10 3.444 implementation
Uttar Pradesh 2018
Village Urang, Tehsil
M/s Big Belly Malout, Sri Muktsar 08th 05th
Under M/s Jai Bhawani Khekra, Dist. Under
35 Brothers Gourmet General June, 33.69 10 0 implementation 44 General August, 31.00 9.632 0
Sahib, Dist. Associates Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh implementation
Grounds Muktsar, Punjab 2018 2019
M/s Brindavan A-10, UPSIDC, Kursi 05th
M/s T R Mega 03rd 45 Bottlers Private Road, Dist. Barabanki, General August, 48.53 10 0 implementation
Tehsil Zira, Sodhiwala, Under Limited Uttar Pradesh 2019
36 Foods and General July, 27.44 7.111 0
Firozepur, Punjab implementation
Beverages LLP 2019
Gram Newaj Ganj,
Gram Sabha Bawan
M/s Bujurg Balla, Block
General August, 22.59 7.101 0
Panchvati Foods Amawa, Tehsil implementation
East West Corridor, L., Maharajganj, Raebareli,
M/s Rukmani Devi 20th Uttar Pradesh
Kota to Baran Road, Under
37 Garg Agro General March, 31.908 9.4837 0
Dahra Tehsil-Ladpura, implementation
Impex Pvt. Ltd. 2019 UTTARAKHAND
Dist. Kota, Rajasthan

162 163

Category Project Grant Grant ANNEXURE-VII

Name of the State-wise details of the projects approved under Scheme for Creation of Backward and Forward Linkages
S. Location of of PEA Date of Cost approved released Physical
Project Execution
No. the project (General/ approval (₹ in (₹ In (₹ In Progress (As on 31st December, 2019)
Agency (PEA)
SC/ST) crore) crore) crore)
Project Approved
S. Cost Grant
Name of Project/Firm Category Sector State/UT Status
M/s Uttarakhand No. (₹ in (₹ in
Village Nautha, 08th lakhs) lakhs)
Agricultural Under
47 Dist. Tehri Garhwal, General June, 23.25 10 0 implementation
Uttarakhand 2018 Panchmahal District Cooperative Milk Milk and Gujarat
Marketing Board 1 General 3457.89 500 Completed
Producers Union Limited Milk Products
Horticulture Under
2 Shakti Cashew Industries General Gujarat 151.06 33.11
(Cashew) implementation

M/s Austin Foods and Beverages Under

3 General Horticulture Gujarat 1404.54 491.52
Pvt. Ltd. implementation

Milk and Under

4 M/s Fable Food Products Pvt. Ltd. ITDP Gujarat 1519.20 410.75
Milk Products implementation

5 M/s Aarkay Food Products Ltd. General Horticulture Gujarat 2590.92 500 implementation

6 M/s Vasant Masala Private Limited General Spices Gujarat 3526.18 500 implementation

7 M/s Shreeji Wellness Pvt. Ltd. General Horticulture Gujarat 3341.58 500 implementation

Himachal Under
8 M/s Him Fresh Produce Company Difficult Area Horticulture 1090.08 478.06
Pradesh implementation

Himachal Under
9 M/s Kullu Valley Agro Fresh Difficult Area Horticulture 778.38 256.98
Pradesh implementation

Milk and Jammu & Under

10 SUS Agro Foods India Private Limited Difficult Area 314.51 129.36
Milk Products Kashmir implementation

Jammu & Under

11 M/s Vrav Salesmart Pvt. Ltd. Difficult Area Horticulture 997.15 413.53 implementation
Jammu & Under
12 Mir Agro Industries Difficult Area Horticulture 830 367.13
Kashmir implementation

13 M/s Basweshwar Industry General Horticulture Karnataka 1915 479.95 implementation

14 Gem Sales SC Horticulture Karnataka 1012 430.81 implementation

15 M/s F3 Marine Foods Worldwide General Marine Karnataka 2392.93 498.17 implementation

Milk and Under

16 Muralya Dairy Products Private Limited General Kerala 1971.42 500 implementation
Milk Products
Madhya Under
17 M/s Goswami Agro Products General Horticulture 108.65 32.98
Pradesh implementation

Kisankrupa Agro Producer Company Milk and Under

18 ITDP Maharashtra 200 75.68 implementation
Limited Milk Products
Savla Foods And Cold Storage Under
19 General Horticulture Maharashtra 1800 245.28 implementation
Pvt. Ltd.

164 165

Project Approved Project Approved

S. Cost Grant S. Cost Grant
Name of Project/Firm Category Sector State/UT Status Name of Project/Firm Category Sector State/UT Status
No. (₹ in (₹ in No. (₹ in (₹ in
lakhs) lakhs) lakhs) lakhs)
Malganga Milk and Agro Products Milk and Under Milk and Under
20 General Maharashtra 1662.86 500 implementation 41 Kamadhenu Milk Products SC Tamil Nadu 1288.48 488.78 implementation
Pvt. Ltd. Milk Products Milk Products
Under Under
21 Reliable Cold Storage General Horticulture Maharashtra 360.73 78.04 42 M/s Amuthadevi SC Horticulture Tamil Nadu 350 136.65
implementation implementation

Under Under
22 Mahindra Agri Solutions Ltd. General Horticulture Maharashtra 2483.97 463.70 43 Baby Marine Eastern Exports General Marine Tamil Nadu 1215.54 301.82
implementation implementation

Milk and Under Milk and Under

23 Kasamade Farmers Producers Co. Ltd. ITDP Maharashtra 490 147 44 M/s Venkateshwara Dairy Products General Telangana 445 81.76
Milk Products implementation Milk Products implementation

Manmandir Milk and Agro Products Milk and Under Under

24 General Maharashtra 1662.80 410.81 implementation 45 M/s Ananta Biotech LLP General Horticulture Uttar Pradesh 294.58 82.49 implementation
Private Limited Milk Products
Milk and Under Milk and Under
25 M/s Pratibha Krushi Prakriya Ltd. General Maharashtra 3107 333.84 46 M/s Monica Products General Uttar Pradesh 165.51 19.65
Milk Products implementation Milk Products implementation

M/s Somnath Women Multi State Co Under Milk and Under

26 ITDP Horticulture Maharashtra 269.83 83.31 implementation 47 NIF Private Limited General Uttar Pradesh 2341.53 266.96 implementation
Op Agro Processing Society Ltd. Milk Products
Tribal Cooperative Marketing Under Under
27 ST Horticulture Maharashtra 658.80 181.98 implementation 48 M/s Paakhi Business Pvt. Ltd. General Horticulture Uttar Pradesh 1701.83 500 implementation
Development Federation of India Ltd.

Milk and Under M/s Shanti Fruit & Vegetable Products Under
28 M/s Goverdhan Industries General Punjab 408.51 126.17 49 General Horticulture Uttar Pradesh 1546 483.43
Milk Products implementation Private Limited implementation

Under Under
29 M/s Rai Poultries General Poultry Punjab 2276.37 491.01 50 M/s Neelam Agro Tech Pvt. Ltd. General Horticulture Uttar Pradesh 715.44 209.77
implementation implementation

Under Under
30 M/s Balaji Multipurpose Cold Storage SC Horticulture Punjab 949 402.12 51 Parvatiya Plywood Private Limited Difficult Area Horticulture Uttarakhand 1410.55 420.94
implementation implementation

Milk and Under

31 M/s Sunrise Milk Plant General Rajasthan 119.18 37.49 Completed 52 M/s Panchwati Nutrients Difficult Area Horticulture Uttarakhand 1418 500
Milk Products implementation

Milk and Under Under

32 M/s Shalu Agro Foods General Rajasthan 218.42 61.64 53 Yaduka Agrotech Pvt. Ltd. General Horticulture West Bengal 1306.59 168.19
Milk Products implementation implementation

Under Under
33 M/s Ganpati Udyog General Spices Rajasthan 870 169.51 54 M/s Medis & Co. NER Horticulture Manipur 213.75 74.43
implementation implementation

34 M/s Arihant Enterprises General Spices Rajasthan 496.24 143.78 Completed Under
55 M/s Mikpingla Industries NER Horticulture Manipur 1170.30 500 implementation
35 M/s Kitchen Harvest Foods General Horticulture Rajasthan 355 76.91 Completed Tribal Cooperative Marketing Under
56 ST Horticulture Chhattisgarh 507.70 241.06
Development Federation of india Ltd. implementation
Milk and Under
36 M/s Dunes Milk Processing Pvt. Ltd. General Rajasthan 526.40 126.48 Under
Milk Products implementation 57 Agro Square General Mix Bihar 1368.57 432.51 implementation
37 M/s Agribusiness Corporation General Horticulture Tamil Nadu 192.40 37.21 Milk and Under
implementation 58 M/s Blueberry Industry Unit-II NER Assam 1243.28 480.97
Milk Products implementation
The Kerala Cardamom Processing and Under
38 General Spices Tamil Nadu 1173.12 201.64 67653.97 16734.31
Marketing Company Limited implementation

M/s GD Foods And Beverages Private Under

39 SC Ready To Eat Tamil Nadu 855.25 334.06
Limited implementation

40 ADP Processed Foods General Poultry Tamil Nadu 413.95 94.89 implementation

166 167

Food Testing Laboratory Projects Supported during 2019-20 (As on 31st December, 2019) Food Testing Laboratories assisted by MoFPI and their NABL/FSSAI Notification Status
(As on 31st December, 2019)
S. Grant Released
Applicant organization State Installment FSSAI
No. (₹ in lakh) S.
Name of the Laboratory State/UT NABL Status recognition
Adarsh Scientific Research Center & Testing Lab status
1 Maharashtra 2nd 39.90
Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Kakinada, Andhra Not applied for
1 Notified
2 Devansh Testing & Research Lab Pvt. Ltd., Haridwar Uttarakhand 3rd 19.84 (JNTUK), Andhra Pradesh accreditation

Equinox Laboratory Private Limited, Belapur Road, Accredited for chemical testing
3 Maharashtra 2nd 37.00 Tezpur University, Nappam-784028
Navi Mumbai 2 Assam with validity 23rd August, 2019- Not applied
22nd August, 2021
Equinox Labs Pvt. Ltd., R-65, Equinox Centre, Thane-Belapur
4 Maharashtra 1st 37.00
Road, Rabale, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra Alpha Test House, Corporation Office-M-577, Guru Not accredited for food
3 Delhi Notified
Harkrishan Nagar, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110087 and agricultural products
5 Eurofin Analytical Services India Pvt. Limited, Bangalore Karnataka 3 rd
Accredited with validity
Avon Food Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. Lawrence Road, Industrial
4 Delhi 13th November, 2019- Notified
6 Hi-Tech Lab & Research Center, Ahmedabad Gujarat 1st 49.90 Area, New Delhi
12th November, 2021
Accredited with validity
7 Hi-Tech Lab & Research Center, Ahmedabad Gujarat 2nd 50.00 Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, 19, University Rd,
5 Delhi 15th October, 2018- Notified
Delhi-110007, P.B. No. 2122
14th October, 2020
8 ICAR for grant expenditure Delhi - 254.00
Sigma Test and Research Centre, BA-15, Near Mangolpuri Accredited with validity
9 Idma Laboratories Limited Panchkula (Haryana) Haryana 3rd 38.48 6 Flyover, Mangolpuri Industrial Area Phase-II, Delhi 27th March, 2019- Notified
New Delhi-110034 26th March, 2021
10 Jawaharlal Technological University, Ananthapuram, A.P. Andhra Pradesh 1st 251.50
Sophisticated Indl. Materials Analytic Labs. Pvt. Ltd. Accredited with validity
11 Maharaja Ranjit Singh Technological University, Bhatinda Punjab 1st 99.32 7 (SIMA), A-3/7, Mayapuri Industrial Area, Phase-II, Delhi 26th June, 2019- Notified
New Delhi-110064 25th June, 2021
12 Mats India, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu 1st 38.75
Accredited with validity
Spectro Analytical Labs Ltd., E-41, Okhla Industrial Area,
8 Delhi 02nd February, 2019- Notified
13 Micro-Tech Lab, Pune Maharashtra 1st 30.80 Phase-II, New Delhi-110020
01st February, 2021
14 MPEDA, Kochi, Kerala Kerala 1st 34.31 Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. Plot No. 160, Town Not applied for
9 Gujarat Not applied
Planning Scheme No. 20, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad, Gujarat accreditation
15 Nawal Analytical Laboratories Tamil Nadu 3 rd
Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat-388110 Accredited with validity
16 NIFTEM, Kundli Haryana 3rd 129.93 10 Tel-02692-261273, Fax-02692-261520, Gujarat 01st January, 2019- Not applied, 31st December, 2020
17 Pious Laboratories Pvt., Limited, Indore, MP 2nd 63.08
Pradesh Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Veraval, Not applied for
11 Gujarat Not applied
Shoolini Lifesciences Pvt. Ltd., Himachal Pradesh, Himachal Gujarat accreditation
18 2 nd
Solan-173212 Pradesh
Renewal of accreditation
Gujarat Laboratory, F-17, Madhavpura Market, Shahibaug,
19 Shri Ram Institute of Industrial Research, Delhi Delhi 1 st 39.80 12 Gujarat under process Notified
Ahmedabad-380004 (Gujarat)
(expired on 17th January, 2020)
20 Shri Ram Institute of Industrial Research, Delhi Delhi 2nd 39.80 Accredited with validity
13 Junagadh Agricultural University, Motibagh, Gujarat-362001 Gujarat 07th June, 2018- Not applied
21 Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, Bengaluru-560048 Karnataka 1st 44.00 06th June, 2020

22 Shriram Institute for Industrial Research, Bengaluru-560048 Karnataka 2nd 44.00 Lilaba Analytical Laboratories, 2nd floor, Galaxy Point, Accredited with validity
14 Above Hotel Amiras, Near Sarthana Jakat Naka, Varachha Gujarat 20th October, 2018- Notified
23 SIMA Lab, Haridwar Uttarakhand 3rd
52.62 Road, Surat-395006 19th October, 2020
Accredited with validity
TOTAL 1507.27 Navsari Agricultural University, Eru Char Rasta,
15 Gujarat 14th December, 2018- Not applied
Navsari-396450 (Gujarat)
13th December, 2020

168 169

S. S.
Name of the Laboratory State/UT NABL Status recognition Name of the Laboratory State/UT NABL Status recognition
No. No.
status status
Accredited with validity
NDDB, Near Jaganath Temple, Khetiwadi Road Council for Food Research and Development (CFRD),
16 Gujarat 14th October, 2019- Notified 34 Kerala Not applied for accreditation Notified
Anand-388001, Gujarat Perinjottackal, P.O. Konni, Pathanamthitta, Kerala-689692
13th October, 2021
Vimta Labs Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, B-303 & 304, Shilp Aaron Accredited with validity Accredited with validity
Interfiled Laboratories, 13/1208 A, Interprint House, Cochin,
17 Tower-B, Sindhu Bhavan Road, Nr. Pakvan Circle, Gujarat 31st March, 2019- Notified 35 Kerala 21st October, 2019- Notified
Kerala, Ph:0484-2210915 20th October, 2021
Opp-ARMIEDA, Ahmedabad-380059 30th March, 2021
Accredited for Chemical
Alcatec Research Laboratories India Pvt. Ltd., 1652, MIE, Application Cali Labs Pvt. Ltd., HX-21, E-7, Arera Colony-462016 Madhya
18 Haryana Not applied for accreditation 36 testing with validity Notified
Part B, Bahadurgarh, Haryana-124507 rejected Pradesh
30th June, 2018-29th June, 2020
Accredited with validity
Dove Research & Analytics Plot No. 298, Industrial Area Shreeji Analytical and Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., A-1, Madhya Accredited with validity
19 Haryana 31st July, 2019- Notified 37 Notified
Phase-II, Panchkula, Haryana Balaji Tulsian Industrial Estate, Near MR-10, Indore Pradesh 26th April, 2018-25th April, 2020
30th July, 2021
Accredited with validity
FARE Labs Pvt. Ltd., L-17/3 DLF Phase-2, IFFCO Chowk, Anacon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Plot No. FP-34 & 35, Food Accredited under suspension
20 Haryana 13th January, 2019- Notified 38 Maharashtra Notified
MG Road, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana Park, Butibori Five Star Industrial Estate, Nagpur, Maharashtra w.e.f. 14th January, 2020
12th January, 2021
21 Guru Jambheshwar University, Hisar, Haryana-125001 Haryana Not applied for accreditation Not applied Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Bharati Vidyapeeth Bhavan,
39 Maharashtra Not applied for accreditation Not applied
Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg, Pune-411030, Maharashtra
Accredited with validity
Haryana Test House & Consultancy Services, 50-C, Sec. 25,
22 Haryana 27th August, 2018- Notified
Part-II, HUDA, Panipat-132104, Haryana Bombay Test House, Central Laboratory: Unit no.1, 4th Floor, Accredited with validity
26th August, 2020 26th December, 2019-
40 Banking Complex II, Plot no. 9&10, Sector 19-A, Vashi Maharashtra Notified
IDMA Laboratories Limited, Plot No. 391, Industrial Area, Accredited with validity Navi Mumbai-400703 25th December, 2021
23 Haryana 21st December, 2018- Notified
Phase-I, Panchkula-134113, Haryana Accredited with validity
20th December, 2020 Envirocare Labs Pvt. Ltd. Enviro House, A-7, MIDC, Wagle
41 Maharashtra 23rd December, 2018- Notified
International Testing Centre, #86, Industrial Area, Phase-1, Accredited with validity Industrial Estate, Main Road, Thane-400604, Maharashtra
22nd December, 2020
24 Haryana 05th June, 2019- Not applied
Panchkula-134109 (Haryana)
04th June, 2021 Accredited with validity
Accredited with validity 28th August, 2019-
Intertek India Pvt. Ltd., 68, Udyog Vihar, Phase-I, Food Hygiene and Health Laboratory, A-609-613, 5th Floor & 27th August, 2021
25 Haryana 19th August, 2019- Notified
Gurgaon-122016 18th August, 2021 42 A-512-513, 4th Floor, Megacenter, Pune-Solapur Road, Maharashtra at premise Survey no. Notified
Accredited with validity Hadapsar, Pune-411013 126/10, Plot No. 1,
NIFTEM, Plot No. 97, Sector 56, HSIIDC Industrial Estate, Hadapsar Industrial Estate,
26 Haryana 27th January, 2019- Not applied
Kundli, Sonipat 26th January, 2021 Hadapsar, Pune

J&K Food Quality Control Labs, G-Floor, Baba Demb Accredited for chemical with Geochem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, Pragati Building, Accredited with validity
Jammu & 43 Maharashtra Notified
27 Opp. Mangleshwar Temple, Near Wani Agencies, Srinagar, validity 27 January, 2019-
Not applied Kanjumarg (East), Mumbai-400042 15th May, 2018-14th May, 2020
26 January, 2021
Kashmir Accredited as Nutralytica
Hexagon Nutrition Pvt. Ltd., (Renamed to Nutralytica
Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi-835215, Research Pvt. Ltd., Nashik with
28 Jharkhand Not applied for accreditation Not applied 44 Research Pvt. Ltd.), Plot No. 447, P.O. Unandnagar, Maharashtra Not applied
Jharkhand validity 29th November, 2019-
Lakhmapur, Ta:Dindori, Nashik-422202 28th November, 2021
Bangalore Analytical Research Center Pvt. Ltd., 37/143, 9th Accredited with validity Jubilant Pharma & Chemical Lab, Navi Mumbai-410206,
29 Karnataka Not applied Accredited with validity
Main, 3rd Phase, Peenya Industrial Area, Bengaluru-560058 13th April, 2018-12th April, 2020 (Jubilant Pharma & Chemical Lab, Surya Gayatri CHS Ltd.,
45 Maharashtra 09th August, 2019- Notified
Bangalore Test House, D-36, 4th Main, KSSIDC Industrial Shop no. 11 to 15 Plot no. D-14/15, Sector-6, New Panvel (E),
Not applied for accreditation 27th May, 2020
Estate, Rajajinagar, Bengaluru-560044 Karnataka Notified Navi Mumbai-410206
Accredited with validity Maarc Lab Private Limited Plot No. 1&2, Gat No. 24, Nanded Accredited with validity
Eurofins Analytical Services India Pvt. Ltd., 540/1, 46 Maharashtra 29th November, 2019- Notified
31 Karnataka 01st November, 2019- Notified Phata, Sinhagad Road, Pune-411041, Maharashtra
Doddanakundi Industrial Area-2, Hoodi, Whitefield, Bengaluru 28th November, 2021
31st October, 2021
TUV India Pvt. Ltd. 8, 'VK Commerce', 2nd Floor, IIIrd Main, Accredited with validity Microchem Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., Micro Chem House, A-513, Accredited with validity
32 6th Block, Opp. KSSIDC IT Park, Rajajinagar Industrial Estate, Karnataka 20th October, 2018- Notified 47 TTC Industrial Area MIDC, Mahape, Navi Mumbai-400701, Maharashtra 26th June, 2019- Notified
Bengaluru-560044, Ph:080-40823000, Fax:080-40823046 19th October, 2020 Maharashtra 16th March, 2020

University of Agricultural Sciences P.B. No. 329, UAS Qualichem Laboratories, 501-508, Swami Samartha Accredited with validity
Accredited with validity 48 Commercial Complex, 4, North Bazar Road, Near Gokulpeth Maharashtra 01st April, 2018- Notified
33 Campus, Raichur-584102 (Karnataka) Ph:0853-2220167 Karnataka Not applied
12 July, 2018-11th July, 2020
th Market, Dharampeth Extn. Nagpur 31st March, 2020

170 171

S. S.
Name of the Laboratory State/UT NABL Status recognition Name of the Laboratory State/UT NABL Status recognition
No. No.
status status

RCA Laboratories, Zakeria, Bandar Rd, Sewri, Mumbai, Not applied after Scientific Food Testing Services (Formerly Aachi Masala Accredited with validity
49 Maharashtra Notified Foods Pvt. Ltd.), No. 1926, 34th street, I Block, Ishwarya 30th May, 2018- Not applied
Maharashtra-400033 expiry on 30th January, 2020 68 Tamil Nadu
Colony, Anna Nagar West, Chennai-600040 29th May, 2020
Reliable Analytical Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Reliable House, Accredited with validity
50 Building no. 125/139, Indian Corporation, Opp. Gajanan Maharashtra 06th September, 2018- Notified Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Accredited with validity
Petrol pump, Mankoli Naka, Bhiwandi, Thane-421302 05th September, 2020 69 Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai-600051, Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu 11th September, 2018- Not applied
Fax:91-44-25551585/76 10th September, 2020
Shram Sadhana Amravati's Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Durgapur Accredited with validity
51 Maharashtra Not applied for accreditation Not applied Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Lawley Road,
(Baderea), Dist. Amaravati-444701 70 Tamil Nadu 21st December, 2017- Not applied
Pappanaickenpudur, Coimbatore-641003, Tamil Nadu
20th December, 2019
Technext Analytical & Research Lab, Plot No 30, Sangam A.P. State Agro Industries Development Corp. Ltd.,
52 Maharashtra Not applied for accreditation Not applied
Society, Sangam Nagar, Pune-Satara Road, Bibvewadi 71 Hyderabad, 504, Hermitage Office Complex, Hill Fort Road, Telangana Not applied for accreditation Not applied
53 S. Kula Women's College Kongkhampat, Nambol, Manipur Manipur Not applied for accreditation Not applied
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendra Nagar,
72 Telangana Not applied for accreditation Not applied
54 State Public Health Laboratory, Kohima, Nagaland Nagaland Not applied for accreditation Not applied Hyderabad-500030 (Andhra Pradesh)
Accredited with validity Sipra Labs Ltd. 7-2-1813/5/A, Adj. to Post Office, Industrial Accredited with validity Application
Kalyani Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., Plot No.1867, Bomikhal,
55 Odisha 16th March, 2018- Notified 73 Telangana 31st March, 2019-
Bhubaneshwar-751010 Estate, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad-500018 Rejected
15th March, 2020 30th March, 2021

AES Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. B-118, Phase-II, Noida, Accredited with validity
Rout Education Trust, Bidya Nagar, Mahura, Janla, 24th October, 2018-
56 Odisha Not applied for accreditation Not applied 74 Uttar Pradesh Notified
Bhubaneswar-752054, Odisha Uttar Pradesh-201304 23rd October, 2020

Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering & Technology, Eko-Pro Engineers Pvt. Ltd., 32/41, South Side of G.T. Road, Accredited with validity
57 Punjab Not applied for accreditation Not applied 75 Uttar Pradesh Notified
Ludhiana UPSIDC Industrial Area, Ghaziabad-201001, Uttar Pradesh 24th May, 2019-23rd May, 2021

Punjab Biotechnology Incubator, SOC 7&8, Phase-V, Accredited with validity Food Analysis & Research Laboratory (FARL), Centre of Not applied for accreditation
58 Punjab Notified
SAS Nagar, Mohali 25th July, 2019-24th July, 2021 76 Food Technology, Institute of Professional Studies, Uttar Pradesh (expired on Notified
University of Allahabad 14th November, 2019)
Punjab State Co-Operative Supply Marketing Federation Ltd.
59 Punjab Not applied for accreditation Not applied Accredited with validity
Markfed House, Plot No. 4, Sector 35-B, Chandigarh-160036 International Testing Centre (FDDI), A-10/A, Sector-24,
77 Uttar Pradesh 20th February, 2018- Not applied
NOIDA-201301, Dist. Gautam Buddh Nagar, U.P. 19th February, 2020
Shakti Api foods Malerkotla-Ludhiana Road,
60 Punjab Not applied for accreditation Not applied
Malerkotla-148023 (Punjab) Regional Food Research & Analysis Centre (R-FRAC), Udyan
78 Uttar Pradesh Not applied for accreditation Notified
CEG Test House & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd., B-11 (G), Accredited with validity Bhawan Campus 2, Sapru Marg, Lucknow, U.P.-226 001
61 Rajasthan 24th February, 2018- Notified
Malviya Industrial Area, Jaipur-17 23rd February, 2020 Devansh Testing & Research Laboratory Pvt. Ltd., 94, Shiv Accredited with validity
Aqua Designs India Pvt. Ltd., Off 200 Feet Road, Kolathur, Not applied for accreditation 79 Ganga Industrial Estate, Lakeshari, Bhagwanpur-247661, Uttarakhand 24th November, 2019- Notified
62 Tamil Nadu Notified Uttarakhand 23rd November, 2021
Chennai-99, Tamil Nadu (expired on 03rd July, 2018)
Chennai Mettex Labs Pvt. Ltd., No.83, Jothi Complex, Accredited with validity Accredited for Chemical testing
63 Tamil Nadu Notified Sophisticated Industrial Materials Analytical Lab. Pvt. Ltd.,
MKN Road, Guindy, Chennai-32 16 June, 2019-15th June, 2021
th 80 Uttarakhand with validity 10th October, 2018- Not applied
09th October, 2020
Hubert Enviro Care System Pvt. Ltd., 18, 92nd Street, Ashok Accredited with validity
64 Tamil Nadu Notified Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidalaya P.O. Krishi
Nagar, Chennai-600083, Tamil Nadu 30th April, 2019-29th April, 2021 81 West Bengal Not applied for accreditation Not applied
Viswavidyalaya Mohanpur, Nadia West Bengal-741252
Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Pudukkottai Accredited with validity
65 Tamil Nadu 28th August, 2019- Notified Edward Keventer Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, Sagar Estate, 4th Floor-2 Accredited with validity
Road, Thanjavur-613005, Tamil Nadu 27th August, 2021 82 West Bengal Notified
Clive Ghat Street, Kolkata, West Bengal-700001 24th April, 2019-23rd April, 2021
Accredited with validity
Karunya University, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641114, 03rd January, 2019-
66 Tamil Nadu Not applied Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, Not applied for accreditation
Tamil Nadu 02nd January, 2021 83 West Bengal Not applied
West Bengal-721302 after expiry
Nawal Analytical Laboratories, Plot No. 100, New Sidco Accredited with validity MPS Food Products Ltd., C.S Plot No. 81, R.S. Plot no. 90,
67 Tamil Nadu Notified 84 L.R. Khaitan No. 718, Kaikhali, J.L. No. 5, Police Station West Bengal Not applied for accreditation Not applied
Industrial Estate, Sri Nagar, Hosur-635109, Tamil Nadu 05 April, 2018-04th April, 2020

Airport, Kolkata, West Bengal

172 173

Name of the Laboratory State/UT NABL Status recognition Food Processing Units Supported by MoFPI for implementation of HACCP/ISO
status Standards during 2019-20
Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, Cooch Behar,
85 West Bengal Not applied for accreditation Not applied S. Grant Released
West Bengal-736165 Name of Organization & Address
No. (₹ in lakh)

1 Sahara Food Products, Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir 17.30

2 Royal Spices, Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir 16.03

3 Rehbar Food Products, Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir 17.30

4 Shafaat Fruit Processing Industry, Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir 17.30

5 Kawal Foods & Spices, Budgam, Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir 16.03

6 Sargam Spices Pvt. Ltd., Amravati, (MS) 13.73

TOTAL 97.69

174 175

Name of Organization & Address State/UT
Amount of grant
Food Processing Units Supported by MoFPI for implementation of HACCP/ISO Standards No. (₹ in lakh)
(Completed Projects till 31st December, 2019) M/s Siddeshwar Dall Industries, Plot No. 38-39, Industrial Area, Naubad,
20 Karnataka 14.00
Amount of grant Bidar, Karnataka-585402
Name of Organization & Address State/UT
No. (₹ in lakh)
21 M/s Crut 'n' Food Ingredients Pvt. Ltd., Kerala Kerala 2.00
1 M/s Jagdish Cold Storage & Ice Factory, C-34/1, Lawrence Road, Delhi-110035 Delhi 9.00
22 M/s Urban Stanislaus, Kerala Kerala 9.00
M/s Vadilal Industries Ltd., Tiskari Road, Ozarpada, Post-Dharampur Dist.
2 Gujarat 15.00
Valsad, Gujarat M/s Milgram Milk Specialities Pvt. Ltd., Pazhanganad, Kizhakkambalam,
23 Kerala 7.00
Dist. Ernakula, Kerala
M/s Maharaja Dehydration Pvt. Ltd., Survey Nr. 56/P, National High Way 8E,
3 Gujarat 15.00
Village-Umaniyavadar, Mahuva, Gujarat M/s International Freezfish Exports, AP.II/810, Chemical Industrial Estate,
24 Kerala 15.00
Aroor-688534, Alappuzha Dist., Kerala
M/s Parth Foods, Bhavnagar National Highway, Village-Bhadrod,
4 Gujarat 15.00
Mahuva-364290, Gujarat M/s Integrated Rubian Exports Ltd., Rubian Complex, Industrial Estate,
25 Kerala 17.00
Aroor-688534, Alappuzha Dist. Kerala
M/s Kesar Spices, SIDCO Complex, Industrial Estate, Phase-II, Food Park,
5 J&K 20.00
Khonmoh, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir M/s Foodco Delicacies India Pvt. Ltd., XI/46R, Thrichattukulam P.O., Cherthala,
26 Kerala 17.00
Alappuzha, Kerala
M/s Super Star Spices, SIDCO Complex, Industrial Estate, Phase-II, Food Park,
6 J&K 20.00
Khonmoh, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir M/s Thiruvananthapuram Regional Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd.
27 Kerala 14.00
(MILMA), Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
7 M/s Alamdar Food Products, Ropora, Chandoora, Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir J&K 20.00
28 M/s B-kar Products, Maharashtra Maharashtra 2.00
8 M/s Super Star Food Products, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir J&K 20.00
29 M/s Pune Zilla Sahakari Dudh Utpadak Sangh Maryadit, Maharashtra Maharashtra 10.00

9 M/s Ziyafat Oil Mills, Rangreth, Budgam, Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir J&K 20.00
30 M/s Harsh Bakers Pvt. Ltd., G-8/2, M.I.D.C., Hingna, Nagpur, Maharashtra Maharashtra 10.00

10 M/s Mir Food Products, Iqbal Abad Bemina Sqr., Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir J&K 20.00
31 M/s Sobisco Food Pvt. Ltd., G-8, M.I.D.C., Hingna, Nagpur-440028, Maharashtra Maharashtra 15.00

11 M/s Nishat Foods, Hussipora Chadoora Budgam, Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir J&K 20.00 M/s Shri Hanuman Sahakari Dudh Vyavsaik Krushipura Seva Santhan Maryadit
32 Maharashtra 9.00
Yalgud, Tal. Hatkanangale, Dist. Kolhapur-416203

12 M/s Shafat Oil Mills & Spices, Khonmoh, Srinagar, Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir J&K 20.00 M/s Warana Food Products Pvt. Ltd., At. Amrutnagar, Post-Warananagar,
33 Maharashtra 10.00
Tal Panhala, Dist. Kolhapur, Maharashtra
M/s Safron Spices & Foods, Repora, Chadoora, Budgam, Srinagar, M/s Warana Milk & Milk Products Pvt. Ltd., E-10, M.I.D.C., Malegaon, Taluka
13 J&K 20.00
Jammu & Kashmir 34 Maharashtra 15.00
Sinnar, Dist. Nashik, Maharashtra
M/s Indo Kashmir, Baba Demb Road, Near G.M. College, Srinagar, M/s Punjabi Ghasitaram Halwai Pvt. Ltd., G, Ghasitaram Estate, Jasmine Mill
14 J&K 20.00
Jammu & Kashmir 35 Maharashtra 15.00
Road, Mahim (E) Mumbai-400017

15 M/s Wazwan Food Products, Saraibala Srinagar, Jammu & Kashmir J&K 20.00 M/s Tip Top Foods, Plot No. R-577, M.I.D.C., T.T.C. Industrial Area, Navi
36 Maharashtra 15.00
M/s Sanna Food & Spices (I) Pvt. Ltd., Industrial Estate Zakura, Srinagar, M/s Nashik Vintners Pvt. Ltd., 36/2, Govardhan Village, Gangapur Savargaon
16 J&K 20.00
Jammu & Kashmir 37 Maharashtra 15.00
Road, Nashik, Maharashtra
M/s Megha Fruit Processing Pvt. Ltd., Shri Ganesh Complex, 2 Floor, Darbe,

17 Karnataka 14.00 M/s Chheda Specialities Food Pvt. Ltd., Chheda Estate, Gut No. 115,
Tal-Puttur, Dist. Dakshina, Kannada-5740202, Karnataka 38 Maharashtra 15.00
Village-Ambhai, Taluka Wada, Manor Wada Road, Dist. Thane, Maharashtra
M/s Dairy Classic Ice-Creams Pvt. Ltd., 55, 8 Main J.C. Industrial Estate,

18 Karnataka 14.00 M/s Virendra Food Products, Plot No. A-32, M.I.D.C., Amravati, Dist. Amravati,
Yelechenhalli, Kanakapura Road, Bangalore, Karnataka 39 Maharashtra 15.00
M/s Megha Bottling, Shri Ganesh Complex, Darbe Taluk, Puttur, Dist. Dakshina M/s Sudhamrut Spices, F.P.-49, Food Park Zone, M.I.D.C., Butibori, Tah-Hingna,
19 Karnataka 13.00 40 Maharashtra 14.00
Kannada, Mangalore, Karnataka Dist. Nagpur, Maharashtra

176 177

S. Amount of grant S. Amount of grant

Name of Organization & Address State/UT Name of Organization & Address State/UT
No. (₹ in lakh) No. (₹ in lakh)
M/s Devgad Taluka Amba Utpadak Sahakari Sanstha Ltd., at Post Dabhole M/s Health Food Product Pvt. Ltd., Jagatpur Industrial Estate, Cuttack-754021,
41 Maharashtra 15.00 62 Odisha 11.00
133-2(A), Tal. Devgad, Dist. Sindhudurg-416612 Odisha
M/s Ganraya Food Products, at Ward No.3, Plot No. 260-262, Village-Kandhli, M/s Pandian Pickles & Company, 3/346 D, Alanganallur Main Road, Sikandar
42 Maharashtra 15.00 63 Tamil Nadu 15.00
Tah-Samudrapur, Dist. Wardha, Maharashtra Chavadi, Madurai, Tamil Nadu-625018
M/s U.K. Foods, Maharashtra, Food Park, 37, Five Star Industrial Area, M.I.D.C. M/s SNP Dairy Milk, 4/86, Madurai-Dindigul Road, Ayyakottai, Thanichiyam
43 Maharashtra 15.00 64 Tamil Nadu 15.00
Butibori, Nagpur, Maharashtra Post-Vadipatty Taluk, Madurai Dist., Tamil Nadu-625221

M/s Yashoda Milk & Dairy Products, Plot No. A-62, M.I.D.C., Amravati-444606, M/s Sakthy Food Products, 365, Bharathiyar Road, Jaihindpuram,
44 Maharashtra 11.00 65 Tamil Nadu 15.00
Maharashtra Madurai-625011, Tamil Nadu

45 M/s Omsai Foods, Sangli, Maharashtra 17.00 66 M/s Innovative Healthcare (India) Pvt. Ltd., Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu 15.00
67 M/s Gokul Food Pvt. Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 10.00
M/s Swanand Foods Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. D-69, M.I.D.C., Ranjangaon, Tal. Shirur,
46 Maharashtra 15.00
Dist. Pune, Maharashtra M/s Century Laminating Company Ltd., Uttar Pradesh
68 Uttar Pradesh 10.00
M/s Kollur Food Products, Gala No. 1 & 2, Ghosh Compound, Gen. A.K. Vaidya
47 Maharashtra 15.00 M/s Modern Snacks Pvt. Ltd., D-44, Panki Site-II, Industrial Area, Kanpur-208022,
Marg, Ganesh Nagar, Goregaon (East) Mumbai-400065, Maharashtra 69 Uttar Pradesh 15.00
Uttar Pradesh
M/s Quality Spices & Food Exports Pvt. Ltd., Plot No. M-1, Additional Ambernath
48 Maharashtra 15.00 70 M/s Prabhat Industries, Uttar Pradesh Near Ekta Sarover, Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 15.00
M.I.D.C., Anand Nagar, Ambernath East, Dist. Thane-421506, Maharashtra

71 Madhav Biscuits Pvt. Ltd., Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh Uttar Pradesh 17.00
49 Patel Retail Pvt. Ltd., Thane Dist., Maharashtra Maharashtra 15.00
72 M/s Britannia Industries Ltd., Uttarakhand Uttarakhand 13.00
50 Pahladrai Confectioneries Pvt. Ltd. Maharashtra 17.00
M/s KLA India Public Ltd., Kichha Road, Rudrapur-263153, Dist. Udham Singh
73 Uttarakhand 20.00
M/s Patil Dairy Products, at Gat No. 782, Malwadi (Bhilwadi), Taluka-Palus, Nagar, Uttarakhand
51 Maharashtra 15.00
Dist. Sangli-416303, Maharashtra
M/s Graffiti Exports, (Food Division), Plot no.3, Sector-2, IIE Sidcul, Rudrapur,
M/s Chandra Dairy, Plot No.97, Wanjara Layput, Pilli Nadi, Kamptee Road, 74 Uttarakhand 20.00
52 Maharashtra 16.00
Nagpur-440026, Maharashtra
M/s KLA Foods (India) Ltd., 4th Milestone, Rudrapur Road, Dist. Kichha,
M/s Kool Marketing India Pvt. Ltd. at Shop No. 1,210/A, Symphony C Bldg., 75 Uttarakhand 20.00
Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand
53 Maharashtra 8.00
Ashok Nagar, Range Hills Road, Pune-411020, Maharashtra
76 M/s MPS Food Products Ltd., West Bengal West Bengal 10.00
M/s Igloo Dairy Services Pvt. Ltd., 46/5 & 6 APM Yard, Sector 18 Vashi,
54 Maharashtra 17.00
Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra M/s Ambrosia Enterprise Pvt. Ltd., Paul Mech Infrastructure Complex,
77 West Bengal 11.00
M/s Goldsmith Food Products, Plot No. E-39, M.I.D.C., Ambad, Nashik-422010, Kadambagachi, Goshpara, Barasat, 24, Parganas (North), West Bengal
55 Maharashtra 11.00
Maharashtra M/s Kolkata Dairy Products Pvt. Ltd., Room No. 143, 1st Floor, Marshall House,
78 West Bengal 15.00
33/1 N.S. Road, Kolkata-700001, West Bengal
56 M/s Venkatesh, Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradhesh 10.00
79 Sahara Food Products, Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir 17.30
M/s Venkatesh Food Industries, Opp. State Bank of Indore, Gandhi Ganj, Madhya Pradhesh
57 5.00 Royal Spices, Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir
Dist. Chhindwara-480002, Madhya Pradesh 80 Jammu & Kashmir 16.03
M/s Mittal Fresh Food Pvt. Ltd., S-31, G.T.B. Complex, Bhopal-460023,
58 Madhya Pradhesh 15.00 81 Rehbar Food Products, Budgam, Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir 17.30
Madhya Pradesh
M/s Akash Namkeens Pvt. Ltd., K.H. No. 286/2, Village-Bada Bangarda, Opp.
59 Madhya Pradhesh 15.00 82 Shafaat Fruit Processing Industry, Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir 17.30
Gommatgiri Temple, Airport Road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh

60 M/s Oswal Psyllium Exports, Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh Madhya Pradhesh 15.00 83 Kawal Foods & Spices, Budgam, Kashmir, Jammu & Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir 16.03

M/s Akash Global Foods Pvt. Ltd., (Unit No. II), 3, Jawahar Marg, Siyaganj, 84 Sargam Spices Pvt. Limited, Amravati, (MS) Maharashtra 13.73
61 Madhya Pradhesh 7.00
Indore, Madhya Pradesh

178 179

Approved Released
Grant released under R&D Scheme by Ministry from 01st April, 2019 to 31st December, 2019 Project title College/
grant grant
(₹ In lakh) No.
S. Approved Released ICMR-National
Project title College/ Remarks Evaluation of poly-spice (functional food) formulation 1st installment
No. grant grant 14 Institute of Nutrition, 39.42 23.71
University for diabetes and its complications Grant-in-Aid
Development of non-dairy symbiotic food to ensure IIFPT, Thanjavur, 1st installment
1 30.30 13.86
food safety and combat hidden hunger deficiency Tamil Nadu Grant-in-Aid Development of Active Intelligent packaging system IIFPT, Thanjavur, 1st installment
15 53.04 23.18
with antimicrobial agents for fruits and vegetables Tamil Nadu Grant-in-Aid
Technology development for micro nutrient
CFTRI, Mysuru, 1st installment
2 fortification of semolina, dalia, bansi rava and its 29.50 18.75
Karnataka Grant-in-Aid Design and Development of Continuous Rice CFTRI, Mysuru, 1st installment
utilization in traditional and pasta products 16 31.60 24.05
Cooking Machine Karnataka Grant-in-Aid
IIFPT, Thanjavur, 1st installment
3 Development of diversified millet products 46.85 32.68 Development of Ready to Eat Anti-inflammatory Tezpur University,
Tamil Nadu Grant-in-Aid 1st installment
17 Functional Food from 'Norabogori' (Prunus persica) Napaam, Tezpur, 27.71 19.35
Development of functional food products from 1st installment of Assam Assam
4 IIT Delhi, New Delhi 67.00 46.00
mycelium of medicinal mushrooms Grant-in-Aid
18 Implementation of R&D scheme through SERB SERB, New Delhi 2.05 2.05 OAE
Indian Institute of
Development of Processing Technology and Technology 19 For holding the 3rd Export Committee IIFPT, Tamil Nadu 2.23 2.23 OAE
1st installment
5 Prototype Unit for Manufacture & Shelf Life Extension Kharagpur, 53.90 36.95
Grant-in-Aid TOTAL 678.55 445.04
of Sugarcane Juice Kharagpur,
West Bengal

Design, development and application of novel

CSIR-CFTRI, 1st installment
6 functional nanofiltration membranes for the 83.54 55.27
Mysuru, Karnataka Grant-in-Aid
processing of vegetable oils

Effect of parboiling and germination on composition, Guru Nanak Dev

1st installment
7 functional and processing characteristics of paddy University, Amritsar, 73.08 59.04
rice cultivars Punjab

A.D. Patel Institute

Application of refractance window dryer in food 1st installment
8 of Technology, 14.94 07.47
industry/food product Grant-in-Aid
Anand, Gujarat

Development of calcium enriched high milk protein

NDRI, Karnal, 1 installment

9 powder for convenience formulations of traditional 22.21 13.11

Haryana Grant-in-Aid
dairy products

Development of methods to assess the chemicals NDRI, Karnal, 1st installment

10 23.73 11.87
migration from the packaging used for dairy products Haryana Grant-in-Aid

NDR Visvesvaraya
Waste to wealth: Extracting nutraceutical National Institute
1st installment
11 (polyphenols) from tropical fruits' residue by of Technology, 31.35 22.43
biorefinery approach NagpurI, Karnal,

CSIR-CFTRI, 1st installment

12 Development of millet based gluten-free breads 28.60 21.80
Mysuru Grant-in-Aid
Centre for Post-harvest
Technology, Agricultural
Development of Natural Food Additives By Utilizing Engineering College 1st installment
13 17.50 11.25
Grapes Processing Wastes and Research Institute, Grant-in-Aid
TNAU, Coimbatore,
Tamil Nadu

180 181

Name of organization
Fund released
List of Events for which MoFPI extended/released financial support from to whom financial Name of Event Place (in ₹)
01st April, 2019 to 31st December, 2019 support extended

Name of organization NIFTEM Bengaluru

S. Fund released 19 Organics & Millets 2019 1,08,491
to whom financial Name of Event Place Participation charges (Karnataka)
No. (in ₹)
support extended NIFTEM Jammu (Jammu
20 Rise in Jammu & Kashmir 2018 2,58,371
Bengaluru Participation charges & Kashmir)
1 KAPPEC, Bengaluru Organics & Millets 2019 1,00,00,000
(Karnataka) NIFTEM Mysuru
21 8th International Food Convention (IFCON) 39,600
Agri & Food Processors Conclave-Finance, Hyderabad Participation charges (Karnataka)
2 ASSOCHAM 5,00,000
Technology, Market (Telangana) NIFTEM Indore
22 6th Food & Pack Tech Expo 2018 3,56,193
Kolkata Participation charges (Madhya Pradesh)
3 CII Kolkata Food Processing Conclave - Emerging Opportunities 4,65,472
(West Bengal) NIFTEM Mumbai
23 16th Agro + Food & Beverage Processing Expo 18 5,52,060
Bhubaneswar Participation charges (Maharashtra)
National TOP (Tomato, Onion & Potato) Expo and
4 ICC Kolkata 10,00,000
Summit-2018 (Odisha) NIFTEM New Delhi
24 Agro World 2018 30,97,500
Jaisalmer Participation charges (Delhi)
5 ICC Kolkata Food Processing Conclave 4,77,778
(Rajasthan) 25 ITPO, Chennai Participation of MoFPI in Foodex Japan 2019 Tokyo (Japan) 8,82,000

6 KPMG Knowledge Partner for WFI 2019 - 25,96,000 M/s KPMG Advisory Services Global Road shows organized in different
26 - 14,96,937
Pvt. Ltd., Gurugram, Haryana countries for World Food India, 2019
IIFPT-Participation Mumbai Two days International Conference, Exhibition New Delhi
7 16th Agro Foods & Beverage Expo 2018 1,36,347 27 AIFPA 31,40,000
Charges (Maharashtra) and B2B Meeting (Delhi)
Muzaffarpur National Level Consultation on Prospects of Millet Thanjavur
8 ICC Kolkata Food Processing Conclave 4,85,113 28 IIFPT 4,72,654
(Bihar) Value Addition and Marketing (Tamil Nadu)
Ranchi NIFTEM Nagpur
9 ICC Kolkata Food Processing Conclave 4,55,230 10th Agrovision 1,64,799
(Jharkhand) 29 Participation charges (Maharashtra)
Seminar on Food Processing: Destination Shahjahanpur NIFTEM Puri Town
10 CII Lucknow 4,32,384 30 9th Krishi Fair-2018 5,40,278
Uttar Pradesh (Uttar Pradesh) Participation charges (Odisha)
TANUVAS-College of Food NIFTEM New Delhi
National Conference cum workshop on Chennai 31 5th Vibrant India-2018 and Meri Dilli Utsav 3,50,460
11 and Dairy Technology 3,42,493 Participation charges (Delhi)
"Zero Hunger Challenge: Strategies for Food Security" (Tamil Nadu)
(CFDT), Koduvalli, Chennai
NIFTEM Lucknow
MM Activ Sci-Tech Participation of MoFPI in the 19th 32 Participation charges Krishi Kumbh-2018 3,02,177
Mumbai (Uttar Pradesh)
12 Communications Pvt. Ltd., IUFoST World Congress on Food Science 23,60,000
(Maharashtra) NIFTEM Phagwara
Pune, Maharashtra and Technology 2018 India 33 106th Indian Science Congress-Pride of India 2,86,740
Participation charges (Punjab)
Conference on Operation Greens: Awareness Program Ahmedabad
13 ASSOCHAM 3,00,000 IIFPT Mysuru
on “TOP Scheme” (Gujarat) 34 8th International Food Convention (IFCON) 3,25,314
Participation charges (Karnataka)
Workshop cum Roadshow on Scheme for
14 Bihar Industries Association Patna (Bihar) 3,25,000 IIFPT Navi Mumbai
Operation Greens 35 IUFoST 2018 India 10,25,472
Participation charges (Maharashtra)
NIFTEM-Participation Mumbai Seminar on Strengthening Smart Food Supply Chain New Delhi
15 Annapoorna-World of Food India 2018 66,991 36 PHDCCI 4,00,000
charges (Maharashtra) for Sustainable Production and Exports (Delhi)
Uttarakhand Livestock Udham Singh
37 CII Event Partner for World Food India, 2019 - 88,99,513
16 Development Board, Uttarakhand Livestock Expo 2018 Nagar 5,00,000
Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
Conference on Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainable Bathinda
38 IIFPT 5,00,000
M/s KPMG Advisory Agriculture-Emerging Technologies (Punjab)
17 Services Pvt. Ltd., Knowledge Partner for WFI 2019 - 51,92,000 NIFTEM New Delhi
Gurugram, Haryana 39 Food India by SIAL 3,83,500
Participation charges (Delhi)
NIFTEM IUFoST 2018, 19th World Congress of Food Mumbai
18 ITPO, New Delhi Participation of MoFPI in the event “SIAL FOOD 2019” Toronto (Canada) 4,15,000 40 Participation charges 7,15,409
Science & Technology (Maharashtra)

182 183

Name of organization Participation of Pragati Maidan,

S. Fund released 7 Food & Technology Expo 2019 5,38,500
to whom financial Name of Event Place NIFTEM Delhi
No. (in ₹)
support extended
Participation Pragati Maidan,
8 Food & Technology Expo 2019 6,72,550
M/s KPMG Advisory Services of IIFPT Delhi
41 Knowledge Partner for WFI 2019 - 77,88,000
Pvt. Ltd., Gurugram, Haryana Government of Shillong
9 Support to the North East Food Show 2019 5,00,000
NIFTEM Food & Technology Expo-2018 and Government New Delhi Meghalaya (Meghalaya)
42 1,85,850
Participation charges Achievements and Schemes Expo-2018 (Delhi) 5th Edition of Global Exhibition Bengaluru Participation
Participation of
NIFTEM 3rd Annual Meeting of the Asian Infrastructure Mumbai NIFTEM & IIFPT on Services (GES) (Karnataka) charges
43 Participation charges 3,00,000
Investment Bank (AIIB) (Maharashtra) 5,00,000
Bankura Sponsorship of Exhibition Space in Greater Noida
44 ICC Kolkata Workshop on Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana 4,81,102 11 NIFTEM 2,24,400
(West Bengal) India International Hospitality Expo (IHE-2019) (Uttar Pradesh)
IIFPT 2,00,000
MoFPI participation in Annapoorna- Mumbai
45 FICCI 14,02,430 Mumbai 14,10,000
World of Food India 2018 (Maharashtra) Participation of
12 Annapoorna-Anufood India 2019
NIFTEM & IIFPT (Maharashtra) 11,85,000
New Delhi
46 CII Chandigarh Conference on Food Processing & Dairy 5,00,000
National Conference & Awards on Cold Chain Mumbai
Technologies, Convergence and Capacity Building (Maharashtra) 13 ASSOCHAM 5,00,000
with the theme of "Madhya Pradesh… (Madhya Pradesh)
Exhibition Cum Workshop on Technologies in New Delhi A Land of Opportunities"
48 ASSOCHAM 20,30,000
Food Processing-Developed by CSIR (Delhi)

Organizing Four MSME Outreach Nagpur Workshop on Kolkata

49 DICCI 8,92,080 14 ICC 5,00,000
Campaigns for SC/ST (Maharashtra) Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (West Bengal)

Agartala National Level Food Technology Expo 2019

Workshop on Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana 5,00,000 Thanjavur
50 ICC Kolkata 15 IIFPT and All India Students Science Exhibition 15,00,000
(Tripura) (Tamil Nadu)
on Food Processing
Workshop on Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana Participation of Udaipur
(Manipur) 16 Vision Rajasthan 2019 2,28,548
NIFTEM & IIFPT (Rajasthan)
51 ICC Kolkata 9,85,404
Workshop on Pradhan Mantri Kisan SAMPADA Yojana 14th edition of Krishithon, an International
(Arunachal Pradesh) Nashik Participation
Participation of Agriculture Trade Fair and conference
17 charges
NIFTEM & IIFPT organized by KRISHITHON, Nashik, (Maharashtra)
Nideshak, Udyan Evam
Aligarh Maharashtra
52 Khadya-Prasanskaran, Seminar/Workshop on Food Processing 3,56,979
(Uttar Pradesh)
Lucknow, U.P.
10th KRISHI FAIR-2019 at Puri Town, Puri Town Participation
Participation of
18 Odisha organized by (Odisha) charges
In-principle Approval given under the Scheme for Promotional Activities, Advertisement, Publicity, Studies and Surveys NIFTEM & IIFPT

Workshop on Pradhan Mantri Shillong/Tura Place

1 ICC 5,00,000
Kisan SAMPADA Yojana (Meghalaya)
Conference on Opportunities for SC/ST Mumbai
Seminar on Food Safety & Guwahati 19 DICCI Entrepreneurs in Kolkata 23, 60,000
2 FINER 5,00,000
Quality Assurance Infrastructure (Assam) Food Processing Industry, 2019-20 Bathinda
Seminar on Agro Processing Cluster for Aizawl Faridabad
3 FINER 5,00,000
Food Processing Industries (Mizoram)
CII, North Bengal
Seminar on Awareness Programme on Gangtok 20 Workshop on “Sikkim Food Processing” Gangtok (Sikkim) 2,79,300
4 FINER 5,00,000 Zonal Office
Food Processing Industries (Sikkim)
Awareness Session on benefits for
Thanjavur Muzaffarpur
Workshop cum conference on Emerging 21 CII Bihar Scheduled Castes and Scheduled 5,00,000
5 IIFPT 4,00,000 (Bihar)
Technologies in Food Processing (Tamil Nadu) Tribes in Food Processing Business
Conference on "Process Right, Pack Right,
Participation of 16th Annual Agro + Food & Beverages
6 Goa 3,50,000 22 PHDCCI Eat Right-Reduce Waste" & PHDCCI 5,00,000
NIFTEM Pro Expo 2019 Quiz-Poster Competitions

184 185

13th GLOBAL FAD-2019 4th National Summit and Awards

SUMMIT cum EXHIBITION: Ahmedabad 36 ASSOCHAM on “FMCG”-Food Retail, New Delhi 5,00,000
23 ASSOCHAM 5,00,000
VALUE ADDITION-INFRASTRUCTURE - (Gujarat) E-Commerce & Rural Market
National Seminar on "Strategies for
Mumbai Participation Bengaluru
24 ICC Kolkata 17th edition Agro + F&B Pro Expo 37 AIFPA Boosting Growth of 5,00,000
(Maharashtra) charges (Karnataka)
Food Processing in the country"
107th Indian Science Congress-
Conference on Opportunities for Raipur Pride of India Expo 2020 organized by Bengaluru
Participation of
25 DICCI SC/ST Entrepreneurs in Puducherry 23,60,000 38 4,50,000
IIFPT & NIFTEM Indian Science Congress Association at (Karnataka)
Food Processing Industry, 2019-20 Vadodara University of Agricultural Sciences

26 ICC Kolkata Workshop on PMKSY Darrang (Assam) 5,00,000

Industry-Academia Consultation
27 IIFPT - 4,60,000
Meeting on Food Processing

Emerging Export Opportunities in Agartala

28 ASSOCHAM 5,00,000
Food Processing with Bangladesh (Tripura)

Uplifting organic food processing Gangtok

29 ASSOCHAM 5,00,000
of Sikkim for Global Connect (Sikkim)

1st Nutrition Spectrum 2019: New Delhi

30 PHDCCI 5,00,000
Invest in Nutrition-Invest in Future (Delhi)

International Conference on
Madras Veterinary "Livestock Food Security and Chennai
31 College, TANUVAS, 5,00,000
Food Safety-Challenges, Opportunities (Tamil Nadu)
Chennai and Strategies” (ICFS 2020)

North East Guwahati

32 ICC Kolkata 20,00,000
Food Processing & Machinery Expo (Assam)
Participants Place
SC Silchar, Assam
SC Tura, Meghalaya
ST Aizawl, Mizoram
SC Dimapur, Nagaland
Food-Tech Conclave for the ST Gangtok, Sikkim
33 ICC Kolkata beneficiaries of 55,00,000
Scheduled Castes & SC Siliguri, West Bengal
Scheduled Tribes ST Dibrugarh, Assam
SC Bhubaneswar, Odisha
ST Ranchi, Jharkhand
SC Patna, Bihar
ST Raipur, Chhattisgarh
3rd National Conference and Awards on
New Delhi
34 ASSOCHAM "Nutrition and Functional Foods" 5,00,000
Fortification, Food Security & Supply Chain
2nd National Conference on
New Delhi
35 ASSOCHAM Food Value Partnerships- 5,00,000
End to End Approach

186 187

Status of Skill Projects (As on 31st December, 2019)
(₹ in lakh)

Amount Amount
S. Location of Beneficiary Total Status
Project Implementing Agency of GIA of GIA
No. Organization/Institution Project Cost of Project
Approved Released

Indian Institute of Hospitality and

1 Palghar, Maharashtra 36 17 17 Implemented
Management, Vasai

2 Professional Computer Institute RS Pura, Jammu 76 38 19 implementation

3 Mind Sharper Educational Society New Delhi 23 11.5 6 implementation

4 Kraftivity Art to Create New Delhi 23 11.5 NIL implementation

5 Shri Mahavir Group of Society New Delhi 23 11.5 NIL implementation

6 Krishna Foods New Delhi 23 11.5 NIL implementation

7 Kalpana Chawla Computech Ltd. Kurukshetra, Haryana 96 46 NIL implementation

8 National Paramedical Sciences Society Yamunanagar, Haryana 114 57 NIL implementation

9 Unique Trust East Imphal, Manipur 60 30 NIL implementation

Educational Research and Development

10 Foundation (University of Science and Ri-Bhoi, Meghalaya 94 47 NIL implementation
Technology, Meghalaya)

Indian Institute of Under

11 Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu 158 71 35.5
Food Processing Technology implementation

12 Orion Edutech Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata, West Bengal 6 3 NIL implementation

Narsinghpur, Under
13 Ambaji Computer and Career Academy 104 52 NIL
Madhya Pradesh implementation

14 Acme Enterprises Jaipur, Rajasthan 62 31 NIL implementation

15 NIFTEM Kundli, Haryana 97 97 NIL implementation


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