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102 Fluid Mechanics and llydraulics

Advantage of Francis turbine : Machinery

() is suitable for head available below 50 m.
(<) Relatively high speeific speed and snall volume, Francis turbine is cheapcr than other turbinee
(3) Its cfficiency is higher than other urbines.
Disadvantages of Francis turbine :
(1) is not suitable (o high hcad requiremcnts.
(2) Eficicnev ot urtbine denx)ds u)n its volume as volume decreases, eflicicncy decrcascs.
(3) All unner blades are in action all time. So here possibility of wear out of runner blade is higher.
(4) Not suitable tor fluctuaing load condition.
Details of Francis turbine installations in India (Applications) :
Name of Project Location and Detail of Project
Source of Water

Bhakra dam project, Punjab, Sutlej river 5- vertical turbine producing 110235 kW Hcad: 120 m
2 Hirakund Dam. Orissa. Hirakund river. 2- Vertical turbine, 23536 kW and head : 23 m.
3 Tungbhadra hidro-electric project, Andra Pradesh,2 turbine, 9190 kW, head : 335 m, Iturbine, 500 kw
Jungvhadra river head : 27 m, 3 vertical turbine 25000 kW head: 50 m.
Chambal hydro electric scheme, Rajshthan, 5- vertical turbine, 56630 kW, 68.5 m head.
Chambal river
5. Rihand dam project, Uttar Pradesh, Rihand river. 8- turbine, each 125 MW head 90 m.
Indira Sagar dam. Madhya Pradesh, Narmada river. 8 - Francis turbine 125 MW

7. Sardar Sarovar dam, Gujarat, Narmada river. 6 - Francis turbine - 200 MW

4.7.3 Kaplan Turbine :

Kaplan turbine is a reaction type axial flow turbine as shown
in Fig. 4.18. It works under low head and very high discharge. SHAFT

Kaplan turbine was developed by an Australian engineer Victor

Kaplan. Kaplan turbine is suitable for low head (up to 30 m) and RUNNER VANE

high waer flow rate. It is installed at barrages in rivers. Water flows <HUB

parallel to the axis of runner shaft hrough the turbine. It is also TAIL RACE

suitable for high specific speed ranges (250 850). The main parts
of Kaplan turbine are scroll casing, runner vane, guid vane, and draft
tube as shown in Fig. 4.I8. All other part of Kaplan turbine is same VANE
as francis turbine except runner. X
In Kaplan turbine runner vanes are adjustable and are fitted
on the hub. So sometimes it is called variable pitch propeller turbine.
Due to adjustable runner vanes (blades), Kaplan turbine works at
higher efficiency at full load and part load conditions, when speed
and the head remain constant. Guide vanes and runner vanes are FIG. 4. 18 : KAPLAN
by servomotor controls system. The
regulated Kaplan turbine usuallyfitted with mody's spreading draft ube. The
runner is same as a ship propeller. It is called as
Kaplanturbines propeller turbine. In
vanes are not adjustable like Kaplan turbine but they are fixcd. The propeller turbine propeller turbine
works under 2 to runner
35 m
water head and at specific speed ranges from 60 to 220 mm. In the Kaplan turbine runner blades or vanes are
adjustable according the load condition due to this water cntres without shock and minimize cddies losses. Such
typeoflosses present in propeller and Francis turbine. Kaplan turbines are capable of taking over load from 15
to 20 percent.
Working of Kaplan
. banlan turbine and propelier turbine water entres in scroll casing gets
deflected by the guide vanes and
re through the runner parallel to the shaft as shown in Fig. 4.18. Thus
between the guide vanes and
nner the water turns through right angle. The axial flow arrangement provides the higher flow area at lower
volocity. Kaplan turbine runner form of boss extended at the bottom end of the shaft in to bigger diameter.
P vane or blades are mounted equidistantly on periphery of the boss. The number of vanes or blades are
usually 4 to 6.

The blades of Kaplan turbine adjustable at desired angles under all working conditions like full load. part
load etc. at constant speed and the head. Hence water enters and flows through the runner flow without shock.
So that Kaplan turbine gives very high efficiency under full - load and part load condition. Where as the propelier
turbine runner blades are fixed and gives poor efficiency at part load condition. The blades movement of Kapian
turbine is centroid by servomotor. Thus in Kaplan turbine both guide vane and runner blade or vanes are controlled
by the individual servomotor to get high efficiency under different working condition. Two servo motors are
synchronized. So that they are actuated simultaneously and high efficiency is maintained.
Advantages of Kaplan turbine :
(1) It is suitable at low head (up to 15 m)
(2) Because of control of both guide vanes and runner vanes or blades gives high efficiency at part load
(3) Negligible eddy losses due to adjustable blades the water flows over runner blades without shock.
(4) Frictional losses are less than Francis turbine.
(5) High efficiency can be obtain at partial load also.
Disadvantages of Kaplan turbine :
1) Only suitable for constant head.
(2) It is not suitable for head more than 35 m
(3) Heavy duty governor is essential.
Kaplan turbine installations in India (Applieations)
Details of Projects of Kaplan Turbine
Location and Source of Water
1. Bhakra - Nangal project, Punjab, on Sutlej river.|2 - vertical turbines cach 25000 kW, working under
Nangal hydel channel. 20 m head.
2. Radhanagar hydro electric scheme, Kolhapur, 4 - vertical turbines cach 1265 kW. working under
27 m head.
3. MaharashtSagarra,
on Bhagavati river.
Hydro - electric scheme, Andrapradesh,3 turbines, cach 5185 KW, working under head 28 m.
on Manijira river.
104 Fluid Mechanics and Ilydraulics
4. Hirakund hydro clectrie scheme, Orrissa, on 4 - vertical turbinc, cach 38246 kW Machi
Hirakund river. 28 m head. under
5. Tungbhadra hydro clectric seheme, Kanataka, on 2 vertical turbine, cach 39570 kW,
Tungbhadra river. 20 m hcad. working under
6. Ukai hydro eleetric project, Gujarat on Tapi river. 4- vertical turbinc, cach 75 MW
head 45 m. working under

The hydraulie system and devices is defined as a devices in which force and energy transmittcd
through inconpressible (luid. An incompressible f(luid usually oil and water are uscd in hydraulic system and devin
The most common hydraulie devices are as under :

() Hydraulic Press
(2) Hydraulic Accumulator
(3) Hydraulic Ram
(4) Hydraulic Coupling
(5) Hydraulic Inensifier
Construction, working and application of thcse deviccs are F
discuss here. CUNDER

4.8.1 Hydraulic Press :

The hydraulic press is used for lifting heavy loads by (AREA A) (AREA )
applying a much smaller force. It works on Pascal's law, which SMALL
slate that the intensity of pressure in static fluid is transmied
equally in all directions. I is shown in Fig. 4.19. FIG. 4.19 : IIYDRAULIC PRESS
Construction of press :
The hydraulic press consist of two cylinders.
() One of the cylinder is large in diameter, inside which
slides ram of cross sectional arca A. The
or load is to be lifted is placcd on the
platform which is on the top of the ram.
(Gi) While the other cylinder is smaller in diameter and a plunger
moves inside the small cylinder. 1he p ,
of a cross section area 'a'. The large and small cylinders are connected by a Pipe. Both cylinders an
connecting pipe are filled up with liquid hrough which pressure is transmilted.
Working of press :
When a small force F is appied to the plunger, il moves in downward direction in the small cylinderand
a pressure is developed on the liquid in contact with the plunger. This pressure is transmitted equally inall direction
according to the Pascal's law and acts on the ranm in the upward dircction as shown in Fig. 4.19. Thus the hcavy
load placed on the platform of ram is lifted up.
Let, W =weight or load to be lifted.
F= Force applicd to the plunger
A= Cross sectional area of ram
= Cross sectional area of
plunger and
p= Intensity of pressure developed by force F
Force F
Area of plunger a

According to the Pascal's law, this pressure intensity cqually transmitied in all direction.
Phs the pressure intensIty at the ram will be p .. (1)

intensity on the ram = Weight on ram

But pressure Area of ram

A ... (2)

Equating equation (1) and equation (2)


a A
W = X A

Application of Press :
The hydraulic press is used in ginning factories for pressing cotton, in metal pressing work for punching
and shearing steel plates and in plastic moulding.
432 Hydraulic Accumulator :
Hydraulic accumulator is used to store the energy of a liquid in form of pressure energy and make available
the stored energy as a secondary source to the fluid machine for any sudden or intermittent requirenient. In case
of bydraulic lift, a large amount of energy required when lift is moving in upward direction. This energy supplied
from hydraulic accumulator. When the lift is moving downward direction it does not require large energy, at that
ime the energy from the pump is stored in the accumulator which may be supplied during upward motion of
lifu. Thus hydraulic accumulator act as a flywheel of a reciprocating engine. Also hydraulic accumulator act as
2 pressure regulator.
Construction :
As shown in Fig. 4.20 Hydraulic accumulator consist of a sliding SUDING
ram mounted within a cylinder. The weight is placed on the platform
of the ram to WEKGHT
develop pressure in the cylinder. The cylinder is provided
with inlet Prpe connected to pump and outlet pipe connected to the
hydraulic machine. CYINDER

Following are different types of

(a) Simple accumulator
(b) Differential accumulator
Working, of Accumulator :
In this device when the sliding ram is at the lower position, the punp supplies liquid under prcssure
moving in downward direction, the liquid under pressure
uouslyc.s During idle period of hydraulic lift when
und Hydraulics Machinery / 2023 /14
Fluid Mechanics and IIlydraulics
will raise the sliding ram in upward direction. When sliding ram in upper most position, the cylinder is full ofMachinery
Iiqud and accumulator stored maximum amount of pressure energy- When hydraulic machine stored
large amOUnt
upward direction, the
of energy during period. eg. the hydraulic lift moving in
supplied to the hy draulic lift.
pressure energy
capacity of accumulator.
Lhe mAximum energy stored by accumulator is the
The capacity of accumulator
The work done in lfting the ram = W x h. where. W = weight placed on ram
h = lift of sliding ram
Total load on cylinder, W =Px A |where, p is pressure intensity in cylinder
A = cross Section area of ramn

Work done in lifting the ram = W x h

=P x A x h

The work done in lifting the ram is the energy stored in accumulator is equal to capacity of the accumulator.
Capacity of accumulator = PAh
But A x h =volume of accumulator

Capacity of accumulator = P x volume of accumulator

Application or accumulator :
It is used in hydraulic crane, hydraulic lift, hydraulic press etc.
4.8.3 Hydraulic Ram :
The hydraulicram is a pump which does not require
external energy to raise water. The hydraulic ram raises DISCHARGE TANK
small quantity of water at a greater height with the help
of large quantity of water available at a small height. AIR VASSEL

The hydraulic ram working on the principle of water DELVERY, PIPE

hammer. h2

Construction of Ram :
Fig. 4.21 shows the main components of the SUPPLY TANK h - DELIJVERY NALVE
hydraulic ram. It consist of an inclined drive pipe which
connect the supply tank and valve box. Inside the valve WASTE
box there are two valves provided one waste valve and DRVE PIPE
delivery valve. An air vessel is fitted on delivery valve. SUPPLY VALVE
Delivery valve and waste valve are non-return valve that FIG. 4.21 : HYDRAULIC RAM
will permit water in only one direction. Waste valve pipe)
opens inwards (i.e. towards the valve box) whereas delivery valve opens outwards (i.e. toward delivery
Delivery pipe is connected with the delivery tank.
Working of Hydraulic Ram :
Hydraulic ram works on principle of water hammer. Initially the water flowing down the drive pipe
valve box
valve box through supply valve from supply tank by opening the supply valve, the water level in pressure
rises and waste valve start moving in upward, with increase in the velocity of flow in drive pipe, dynamic V,This
on the under side of waste valve V becomes sufficiently high which suddenly close the wase valve
develop high pressure inside the valve box. This high pressure water lifts delivcry
of waste valve
water entres the air vessel and compresses the air inside the air vessel. This compressed
and part of
V, water in air vessel and that force water in to the discharge tank. So that small quantity
valve, the on
ait raised at the
greater height when the water in the valve box loses its momentum, the waste valve V
water direction and valve V, closcd. Then the flow of water from the supply tank starts flowing
of downward
box and the cycle is repcatcd. Also an air vesscl to prcvent the water hammer occurs in
t o valve

and also reduce
the fluctuation in flow rate.
Application :
hydraulic ram is used to lift water from small river for irigation, where clectricity is not availablc.
Hydraulic Coupling :
device used to transmit power from driving shaft to driven shaft.
It is a
Construction :
consist of a radial pump impellcr,
coupling, there is no mechanical connection betwecn the shafts. It is
In fluid with the driving shaft of prime mover, may be
runner and casing. A pump impeller is coupled elements
radial turbine engine and a turbine runner mounted on a driven shaft. The rotating
electric motor or a steam
1C. engine, casing which is completely
identical in shape and they together form a
rhine runner and pump impeller are
and filled with liquid like oil. So
that working fluid as an oil is filled in coupling.
(Fluid Coupling) CASING
Working of Hydraulic Coupling :
driving shaft
When the pump impeller mounted on
inner RUNNER
oil starts moving from the
starts rotating, the
by centrifugal
radius to outer radius of pump impeller pump
radius of
action as shown in Fig. 4.22. At the outer
energy of oil
mpeller the pressure energy and kinetic (OUTPUT)`HAFT
enters the
Increases. The oil of increased energy then (INPU

Outer radius ofturbine runner and flows inwardly to the

Inner radius of turbine runner and transfers itS
io the blades of the turbine runner and rotates the runner.
1ne runner is mounted on driven shaft so that
Shatt gets rotation. The oil from the runner at inner
tadlus flows back in to the pump impeller and a
Continuous circulation takes place. Hence, the power
Iransmitted from driving shaft to driven
hydraulically. The speed of driven shaft is always less COUPLING
shaft speed. It is called as a SIip, FIG. 4.22 : THE IYDRAULIC
ian the driving
The without producing
generally about 2 percent for hydraulic coupling.
coupling is around 98%. I can handled shock loads,
anu O power transmission by or output shafts.
any stresses either in the input
*0.5 Hydraulic Intensifier :
Working principle : liquid pressure by utilisng the energy of a largc
to increase the and lift
e nydraulic intensifier is used pump. The hydraulic devices like hydraulic press, crane
of liquid at from a
low pressure that available
108 Fluid Mechanies and Hydraulics
needs high pressure liquid for its operation. The hydraulic intensiticr is placed betwecn pump and
the Muchinmery
quanihydrtyaul. ic
devices, like press, crane, ift to increase the pressure of liquid available at low pressure in
Construction : OUTLET VALVE
The hydraulic intensifier consist of a fixed ram. EXHAUST VALVE
FiIxed ram is surounded by asliding ram. The sliding
ram is sliding inside a fixed cylinder and on the fixed PRESSURE
ram. The fixed ram and fixed eylinder are provided with AREA A
inlet and outlet valves or Exhaust valve. CYLUNDER

Now initially sliding rann at the bottom of its AREA A2
stroke. The iniet valve on the side of fixed ram and PRESSURE
exhaust valve on the side of fixed cylinder are opened.
At that time inle valve on the side of fixed cylinder CYUNDER SUPPLY
and exhaust valve on the side of fixed ram are closcd. LINE
It allows low pressure liquid to enter inside the sliding
ram. slid1ng ram moves upwards in fixed cylinder HIGH PRESSURE RAM
mcanwhile, the low pressure liquid from the fixed
cyl1nder discharged to exhaust. When sliding ram WATER TO M/C INLET VALVE
rcaches its top most position, its completely filled up
with the low pressure liquid which is entering through
iniet valve of the fixed ram side. Now inlet valve on FIG. 4.23 : IIYDRAULIC INTESIFIER
fixed cylinder side and exhaust valve on fixed ram side are opened and inlet valve on fixed ram side and
valve on fixed cylinder side closed.
The liquid of low pressure enters in the fixed cylinder through inlet valve on the fixed cylinder side and
exerts a downward force on the sliding ram so that sliding ram moves downward direction which increases pressurC
of liquid inside the sliding ram and the high pressure liquid is supplied to the hydraulic machine.
The single acting intensifier supplies high pressure liquid to the hydraulic machine only during the downward
sroke of the sliding ram. The double acting intensifier used for continuous supply of high
prCSsure iquiu.
The intensity of high pressure liquid,
Let us, A = cross section area of fixed cylinder
a = Cross section area of
sliding ram
P = Pressure intensity of low pressure liquid in fixed
= Pressure intensity of high pressure liquid in
sliding ram
Force exerted by low pressure liquid on top of outer side sliding ram =force exerted by high pressureliquid
in downward direction
P,A =P,a
xP (IE friction effect are
Application :
Hvdraulic intensifier used n hydraule press, hydraulic crane and
hydraulic lift.

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