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3 Flow Through Pipes

31 Introduction to Pipe and Pipe Flow

Reynold's Experiment, Friction Factor, Darcy's

Equation, Moody's Chart
3,2.1 Reynold's Experiments
3.2.2 Frictional Loss

12.3 Darcy - Weisbach Equation and Friction

3.2.4 Friction Factor : f

3.2.5 Moody's Chart

33 Water Hammer Effect

34 Simple Numerical Problems

* Summary

* Exercise


Pipe is a closed conduit in which fluid flows under pressure. The cross
sectional area of pipe is generally
CTCülar. We find fluid flow at every places in real world e.g. as we get water in
our house through pipe, Gas
om storage place to user place is supplied through gas pipe lines. In
refinery oil and gas flows under pressure
Pipe. In hydro power plant water from reservoir to water turbine is supplied through
very big pipe lines called
"icl muid flows through pipe, resistance to flow is developed due to friction at wall of pipe material and
intermal resistance
of fluid particles due to viscosity. The energy losses takes place to overcome these
or These energy
losses are called frictional losses. The frictional losses depends upon type of flow (Lamina

infoturmrbatulioennt), regarding t yppes of flow and frictional losses.

Pipe material, pipe diameter etc. Professor Obsorne Reynold with his experiment has given usefui

Reynold's Experiments :
Russian scientist D. Mendeleev first suggest that there aretwo types of flow of liquid : laminar and turbulent.
Obsome Reynold, an English scientist proved experimental y the existence of these two types of flow. The
mouth imentglassal set up design by Reynold consists of large glass tank, small tank containing dye, horizontal bell
tube and regulating valve as shown in Fig. 3.1.
and Hydraulics
Fluid Mechanics
64 by water inflow.
maintain in large tank BIG GLASS TANK
CO:uStant water levei is found coloured dye moving in
slightly we that
When valve is opened glass tube. (Fig. 3.1). This indicate
mouth water is collected
Straight line in bell this period (B
larminar. During period and velocity
the fow is a definite ORIFICE VALVE
measuring tank for parallel and
discharge in
water particles moves
calculated. In laminar flow
in straight lines. Leuss PIPE
velocities the fluid particles are
Reynold founds that at low Laminar
one another and they move in layers. TO DISCHARCE
not mixing with MEASURING TANK
flow develops at low
velocity is gradually increased by increasing FIG. 3.1 : REYNOLD'S EXPERIMENT
When the flow
disturbances developed in the dye straight called
the opening of valve. the
developed. The velocity at which this phenomenon starts is
line. The straight line breaks, helical
critical velocity.
completely opened the dye particles willcompletely mixed with water with random, irregul:
When the valve is flow velocity at this instant is called higher criisl
diffused throughout the flow. The
unstable motion. Dye gets
converted in tubular flow.
velocity. The flow will be completely
turbulent. He conducted various experiments wi
Reynold proved that at higher velocity the flow becomes
found that type of flow depends upt
different types of fluid having different densities, viscosities etc. Reynold
(1) Viscosity
(2) Density 8
(3) Mean velocity V
(4) Dimension of flow pipe e.g. diameter of pipe D.
Reynold's Number and Types of Flow:
(A) Reynold's Number (R,) :
Reynold's Number R) is defined as the ratio of inertia force to viscous force.

Reynold Number = Inertia force

Viscous force

Where, R =Reynold's Number

8 = density in kg/m'
V =Velocity in m/s
D= pipe diameter in m
u=Dynamic viscosity Ns/m² or Pas.
Also as we get (By puting this in above
equation 3.1)
Re Where, v =
Kinematic viscosity mis.
Flow Through Pipes 65

Reynold proved that type of flow depends upon density, velocity pipe diamelcr and viscosity. The term VD
indicate inertia forces whereas u represent viscous force. Reynold number is very imporlant parametcr to dccide
flow. As discussed earlier if R, < 2000 the flow will bc laminar and if R, > 4000 the flow will
the type of
be turbulent for pipe flow, Reynold's number is dimensionless paramcter.
FlowW and Critical Velocity : (Fig. 3.2)
(B) Type of
Laminar Flow :
In laminar flow the particles moves in laycr in straight lines, Onc layer of fluid slides over the another
laver in laminar flow. Following factors are responsible for laminar flow.
() High viscosity of fluid flow
(i) Low velocity
(iii) Shorter passage TURBULENT FLOW
Frictional losses (Energy losses) are less during
laminar flow. Frictional losses are directly proportional to UPPER CRITCAL VELOCITY
velocity (h, a V) for laminar flow. In pipe flow when the
Reynold's number is less than 2000, the flow will be
(b) Turbulent flow :
In turbulent flow the fluid particles moves randomly.
Fluid particles moves in different direction with different
velocities. Fluid particles strikes one another hence more FIG. 3.2: GRAPH OF CRITICAL
shear stress and more frictional losses. Frictional losses are
directly proportional to the square of the velocity (hf a V²)
for turbulent flow. In pipe flow; when the Reynold's Number is greater than 4000, the flow pattern will
be turbulent e.g. river water flow during flood situation.
(c) Transition flow :
When the fow is not completely turbulent or pure laminar somctimes it is refered as transition flow.
ln pipe turbulent flow occurs between 2000 to 4000 Reynold's number.
(d) Critical Velocity :
The velocity at which the flow pattern change is called critical velocity. Fig. 3.2.
) Lower Critical Velocity : The velocity at which the laminar flow starts converting into turbulent
flow is called lower critical velocity.
(ii) Higher Critical Velocity : The velocity at which the laminar flow is completcly converted into
turbulent flow is called higher critical velocity.
3.2.2 Frictional Loss :
Loss of energy in pipe flow is mainly due to :
() Friction between fluid particles and pipe wall material.
() Internal friction between fluid particles.
Energy loss depends upon type of fluid flow also.
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machinery / 2023 / 9
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
66 Machinery
Number of empirical formula have been suggested for friction co-efficient f. It is experimentaly found thy
depends upon Reynold Number and relative roughness of pipe surface.
Let, D =Diameter of pipe.
L =Length between two points. I and
AZ = difference in clevation between two
A = cs area of the pipe.
V = mean velocity of flow.
8 = Fluid density
There are three forces acting on fluid element under consideration.
() Pressure force accelerating the fluid
() Viscous force. retarding force due to shear stress.
(i) Weight of fluid
3.2.3 Darcy Weisbach Equation and Friction Factor :
Darcy suggested that friction loss depends upon velocity. Darcy has suggest following empirical relationsti
between energy head) loss and various parameters.
4fLV² where, f = friction factor depends upon pipe roughness, velocity, diameter of pipe
L= Length of pipe
V= Mean velocity
D= Diameter of pipe.
3.24 Friction Factor : f
In the Darcy - 4fLV2
Weisback formula h, = the term f is known as
2gD friction factor.
It is a
dimensionless parameter. Value of f mainly depends on :
() Pipe wall
absolute roughness
(ü) Pipe diameter, D
(üi) Velocity of flow, V
(iv) Viscosity of fluid, u
(v) Density of fluid, 9
f = {E, E', m,
D, V, u, )
e = Absolute
roughness value
e' =
m =
Arrangement of
iregularities of surface.
roughness form factor
for smooth pipe ¬ =E and m >0
Flow 'Theough PieN
Any sTco over wlhleh a lluid lows coukl ot wlely hoth e uaces y have inoumwabl
Inegulahlen gecmlly obtained
eNerimeally, 'ik
dvalu of cion tcto lo ditleent duowts
oughuehA ( )Ad the pipe dhameter D)

2.5 MoHly'n Curt (Ply. 3)

0 006
Laminar ow f

Comylale lutadere, RAnd plpea
0010 0.0
0010 0.04


0010 0.02

0000 0 000

o 007 0.004

0.000 0.002


0004 00004
0 0002

003 0.0001
Bmutlh ppe 0 00006
0 000,001
G002 3 4367 9
4 607 0
10 10 10 10

Reynokde umber


LE Moody have prepared a chan to find friction lacor lor commmercial pie available in market T'he
Ielatonshp between friction factor ), Reynold's number (R,) nl relative toughuess (e /D) iN graphically
represcnted in the diayram for various s0eN nd rouglmen of pies
Advantages of Moody's chart :
Iriction factor for any comnercial pipe available can be obtancd om Moody's chat duectly.
Iis easy method o fnd . I avd complicaed calkulatis ad save tine and laboun
Many infomations are available fom chan eandug elatonhip between eynold's nunbers, (riction
factor and pipe roughness.
It is also ued for flow npipe coreeion

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics

68 Machiner
When valve on down stream side of a long pipe line is closed suddenly, the pressure waves are develope
In pipe due to sudden change in momentum of liquid. This pressure wave or shock wave is transmitted along
the liquid in pipe, with a very high velocity (velocity of sound) in liquid medium. Due to this, nojse is crcate
wall of pipe, hens
knocking". Sudden rise in pressure has a hammering cffect on
which is known
phenomenon as
is known as «Water hammer" or hammer blow. Asevere hammer blow would develop slresse
penstock of hydropower
that may burst the pipe. The problem of water hammer is important in plant
in pipe range of rise in pressure is from 1 MPa to l0
line. The
drinking water pipe line and sewage water pipe pip
Pressure developed in pipe depends on following factors :
(1) Velocity of fluid flow.
(2) Time taken to close the valve.
(3) Pipe ength
(4) Elasticity of pipe material
(5) Bulk modulus of elasticity.
Factors responsible for water hammer :
() Sudden closure of valve
(2) Longer length of pipe
(3) Unsteady flow
Effects of water hammer:
(1) Pipe bursting.
(2) Sudden rise in temperature due to increase in speed.
(3) Possibility of leakage at pipe joints.
(4) Knocking heared in pipe line.
Remedial measures to prevent water hammer :
() Special type of gate valve should be used which prevent sudden Exa
closure of valve.
(2) Air vessel or surge tank should be
(3) Use spring compensators on upstream in
side of flow.
: dis
Example-1 :
Calculate the head loss due to friction for a pipe carrying water of 1.5 meter diameter and 2.00Kø
length, having velocity of water 2 m/sec. by using
Darcy's formula. Take f = 0.006.
Solution :
Given Data :
D= l.5 m
L = 2.00 km 2000 m
V= 2 m/s
f = 0.006
ow Throgh Pipes
Avnding Darcy's formula head loss due to friction,
h, =
4 x 0.006 x 2000 >x (2)
= 6.524 m of water. Ans.

Cxample-2 :
Find friction head loss in a pipe having diameter 150 mm and length 400 meter. Flow of water through
Ëpe is 354 liUsec. Take f =
Golution :
Given Data :
D= 150 mm = 0.5 m

L = 400 m
O= 35.4 lit/sec. = 0.0354 m's (! m = 1000 litre)
friction factor f = 0.01
K) V= = 2 m/sec
D² x0.15
4 4

According to Darcy's formula

h, =
4 x 0.0lx 400 x (2)*
2x 9.8l x 0.15
= 21.75 m of water. ... Ans,

Example-3 :
A 80 m long pipe having 10 cm dianeter is connected to water tank at one end and water flows recly
in the atmosphere at other end. The height of water level in the tank is 2.6 mabove the center line of
Pipe. The pipe is horizontal and has friction factor f = 0.01. Considering riction loss only caleulate the
discharge through pipe.
Solution :
Given Data :
L= 80 m
D= 0 cm = 0. m

f = 0.01

Here head loss due to friction, h, = 2.6 m is given in data.

Now, h, = 2gD
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Machinery

4 x0.01 x 80x
2.6 = 2x9.81x0.1

V² = 1.594
V= 1.26 m/s. Ans.

Now discharge Q = Area x Velocity

= A x V

D² x V

T (0.1)² x 1.26

= 0.00989 m³ls. Ans.

Example-4 :
Kinematic viscosity of oil is 9 x 10- m's. What
flowing in a pipe.
Oil at a rate of 8 lit/sec is controlled as laminar flow ?
pipe, if the flow is to be
be the diameter of
Given Data :

Q= 8 lit./sec 8 x 10-5 m'/s

Kinematic viscosity u =9 x 106 m²/s

Diameter of pipe D = ?

R s 2000 for laminar flow.

8x 10-3 0.01
V= .. V=
Now, A D²

For laminar flow R, S 2000

R, =

0.01 × D
2000 =
D² x9x10
D =0.55 m Ans.

Example-5 :
Pipe. Rate
Oiü having specific gravity 0.7 and viscosity 0.1 Nshm² lowing through 200 mm diameter
of oil flow is 50 liUs. Find out Reynold No. and type of flow.
Solution :
Data Given :
Diameter of pipe d 200 mm = 0.2 m
Flow T'hrugh Pipes
Cross scction area of pipe = a = (d)?

= 0,.03 14 m²
Specific gravity of oil = 0.9
Q = 50 lit/sec = 0.05 m/sec
Viscosity l = 0.1 Ns/m2
Reynold No. R, = ?
0 = a.V

V= Q/a
= 0.05/0.0314
= 1.592 m/sec.

Specific gravity of oil = Density of oil

Density of water
0.9 = Density of oil

Specific gravity of oil = 0.9 x 1000 = 900 kg/m³

Reynold no. Re =

900 x 1.592 x 0.2

= 2865.6 Ans.

Here 2865 < 4000 and > 2000

Flow is Transit flow Ans.

Example-6 :
Oil of sp. gravity 0,92 and dynamic viscosity 1 poise is flowing through a 200 mm. dia. pipe. Its discharge
is 50 litsec. Find the type of flow.
Solution :
Data given
d = 200 mm

Sp. gravity 8 = 20.92

dynamic viscosity u = 0.1 poise
= I x 0.1 Ns/m²
= 0.1 Ns/m?
Q = 30 lit/s
=0.05 m²/s
72 Fluid Mcchanics and Iiydraulics Machiner

a = (d)² = (0.2) = 0.031 m²


Q 0.05
V= = 1.59 m/s

Sp. gravity = Q water

0.92 =

.: 8 oil = 920 Kg/m

Now Reynold No.
8 oil
R, =

900 × 1.59 × 0.2


= 2925.6

Reynold's No. Rn between 2000 to 4000

Flow is Transition o. Ans.

Example-7 :
Water is flowing through 150 mm dia & 500 meter length pipe at the velocity =2 m/sec. If
factor f =0.005, find head lost through friction.
Solution :
Given data :
Diameter of pipe = 150 mm d
d= 0.15 m
Length of pipe L= 500 m
velocity of water V= 2 m/s
friction factor = f = 0.005
find Head loss h, = ?

Head loss (h) =

4 x0.005 × 500 x (2)2

2x9.81 x0.15
h, = 13.59 m of water
. Ans.

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