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A possible spontaneous generation of silicon utilizing minimal

containers as precursors of life in the cosmos
Satadal Das
Department of Microbiology, Peerless Hospital & B. K. Roy Research Centre, 76, Satyen Roy Road, Kolkata 700034, India

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Although experiments suggested that silica may help in early chemical evolution on Earth,
Received 5 November 2013 however, their exact role in genesis of life is still unknown. In this experiment silicon
Received in revised form utilizing specific coacervates was developed in a reaction mixture under solar energy with
3 November 2014
chemicals which are commonly present in GMCs, comets, and asteroids. When these
Accepted 18 November 2014
coacervates were applied on a thin silica layer they were converted into multiplying
structures morphologically similar to primitive algae. Under an electron microscope they
Keywords: found morphologically similar to the cells which were present in rain water in Kerala in
Coacervates 2001 after a meteor airburst. These proto-algae like bodies thus may mimic the common
ancestor of life on the Earth. Similarly these specific coacervates may originate sponta-
neously in GMCs and are transferred throughout the universe by various routes to initiate
Origin of life
life processes on suitable surfaces. Thus they may be found in the stratosphere of the
Earth; however, as they could not penetrate the tropopause in the present atmosphere
they may not be found on earth surface except in rare conditions like volcanic eruptions,
blue lightning etc. Thus this simple study may support the famous panspermia theory and
we should search for possible biosignatures of these peculiar bodies throughout the
& 2014 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction temperature, UV ray ( 10 times), volcanic activities etc.

were different in the primitive Earth. The primitive atmo-
Many notable scientists like Epicurus, Aristotle, Lucretius, sphere on the Earth contained hydrogen, nitrogen, ammo-
Paracelsus, Helmont, and Arrhenius searched the inquisitive nia, methane, water vapor, and small amounts of hydrogen
problems of biogenesis and the past two Centuries have cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde, ethane, helium
witnessed many important experiments, observations, and and argon. Thus an ideal condition of the primitive Earth is
ideas of the famous scientists like Pasteur, Operin, Darwin, very difficult to achieve in a laboratory.
Fox, Miller, Ponnamperuma, Matthews and many others Again the atmosphere was neutral from 3.8 until about 2
regarding this. In the well known experiment of Miller, he eons ago, when molecular oxygen first appeared after photo-
observed formation of several amino acids when a mixture of synthetic organisms began to produce free oxygen in large
methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water was exposed to quantities. Thus experiments on the origin of life with a
electric discharge [28]. reducing atmosphere may not be the appropriate one.
These conditions, according to Miller, resemble or are Bahadur published one important paper [2] regarding
similar to the conditions of the Earth long before the first origin of life in 1954, just one year after the publication of
living unit appeared on its surface. However, factors like Miller's experiment. In this experiment, Bahadur demon-
strated formation of amino acids in an aqueous solution of
para-formaldehyde, which was exposed to sunlight in the
E-mail address: presence of colloidal molybdenum oxide. Later experiments
0094-5765/& 2014 IAA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: S. Das, A possible spontaneous generation of silicon utilizing minimal containers as precursors
of life in the cosmos, Acta Astronautica (2014),
2 S. Das / Acta Astronautica ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

of Bahadur in between 1954 and 1957 indicated possible agriculture to improve crops. Magnesium is the second most
formation of amino acids even in the present physico- common intracellular cation. Magnesium is essential for solar
chemical conditions on the earth [3]. Afterwards Bahadur energy dependent reactions in plants, and an important
and Ranganayaki could demonstrate formation of coacervates cofactor for enzymatic reactions. Sulfur is an important
along with ribose, deoxyribose, glucose and fructose in a micronutrient. Molybdenum is widely used in catalysis and
similar system [4–9]. However, the results of these experi- used in this experiment as a catalyst. It helps in nitrogen
ments were not accepted by many scientists as the coacer- fixation and plays an important role in nutrition of living
vates failed to grow in subcultures. In recent past, many beings. It is an essential trace element in plants and animals
experiments have already been done on the origin of for proper functioning of molybdoenzymes.
proteins, membrane, RNA and DNA [11,29], in relation to Ammonium salts – ammonium molybdate and diammo-
the origin of life on the Earth, but still there is no integrated nium hydrogen phosphate were used as sources of nitrogen
speculation on origin of life. In this experiment a salt-silicate- and for buffering action with potassium dihydrogen phos-
molybdate-formalin medium was used to produce modified phate. Ammonium compounds also stabilize osmotic pres-
coacervates so that they could grow in subcultures on silica sure in cells. Formaldehyde used in the medium was the
surface containing a thin film of an algae culture medium. first polyatomic organic molecule detected in the outer
space and is found in many extraterrestrial bodies and in
2. General methods giant molecular clouds. In atmosphere, methane is con-
verted into formaldehyde. It is also ubiquitous in living
2.1. Media used in this experiment and general study organisms in trace amounts which occur due to metabolism
procedures of endogenous amino acids. It was used in this experiment
as a source of carbon.
2.1.1. Salt-molybdate-formalin medium
This is a slightly modified Krishna Bahadur's medium [6] 2.1.2. Salt-silicate-molybdate-formalin medium
resulting better yield of coacervates and was used as a control This test medium was developed following our previous
medium in this experiment. The medium was comprised of experiments indicating that silicon utilizing organisms could
potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4) 0.5 g and mag- tolerate different stresses and they could grow slightly with-
nesium sulfate (MgSO4) 0.07 g mixed with 50 mL distilled out any carbon source in the medium [12–16], although trace
water in a glass flask (in plastic flask only scanty growth was amounts of carbon should always be present in such a
found), followed by addition of 10 mL ammonium molybdate system. We also inclined to develop such a medium as we
(4% w/v) and 20 mL diammonium hydrogen phosphate came to know that all isolated cultivable organisms from
(3% w/v) with it. The mixture was then sterilized at 15 lb stratosphere [31,32] and the suspected extraterrestrial organ-
pressure for 15 min and then 10 mL formalin (36% formalde- isms found in the red rain of Kerala [25] contained high
hyde) was added with it. It was then exposed to direct amounts of silica and thus formally may be categorized under
sunlight in clear days ( 1368 W m  2 or 1.95 cal cm2 min  1 “silicon utilizing organisms” [16] group. This medium was
solar radiation per second) in between 7 a.m. and 9.30 a.m. comprised of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KH2PO4)
and then to filtered sunlight passing through a colorless 25 g and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) 0.175 g mixed with
frosted glass in between 2 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. for 4 days. The 50 mL distilled water; 18 mL of this solution was then mixed
solution was kept at room temperature ( 20–25 1C) in a cool with 18 mL sodium metasilicate solution (11.8 g/dL) and
dark place in between the exposures to sunlight. Intervals autoclaved at 15 lb pressure for 15 min. It was then partially
between the exposures in a day were allowed so that after neutralized with 5 mL sterilized phosphoric acid (16% v/v) to
2½ h of chemical reaction the formed granules could settle keep it in a liquid state consisting of silicon di-oxide (SiO2),
down permitting better reaction in the second half; filtered sodium phosphate and unperturbed sodium metasilicate in
sunlight was used to protect living cells from scorching its usual form. Then sterile10 mL ammonium molybdate (4%
afternoon sunshine. Thus the mixture was exposed to sun- w/v) solution and 20 mL diammonium hydrogen phosphate
light for a total period of 20 h in 4 days. The average (3% w/v) solution were mixed with it one after another and
maximum atmospheric temperature was 36 1C and mini- finally 10 mL formalin (36% formaldehyde) was added. It was
mum temperature was 24 1C; the average specific humidity exposed to direct sunlight as described in Section 2.1.1. All
was 73%. The experiment was repeated in different lots and chemicals used in this experiment were of AR/GR grade.
all together it was repeated more than 50 times and in each Sodium metasilicate⧸phosphoric acid neutralization was stan-
lot control solutions were used which were not exposed to dardized in each lot, approximately 80% quantity of the total
sunlight. volume of the acid which was required for neutralization and
Although most of the constituents of this medium were solidification was used for partial neutralization.
derived from Krishna Bahadur's medium [6], the rationality of
addition of the component chemicals was considered before 2.2. Morphological study of the coacervates
the experiment. Thus potassium dihydrogen phosphate was
used as a source of phosphorus and potassium and with Granules of coacervates, formed within 2.1.1 and 2.1.2
ammonium salts present in the medium; it also acts as a media were observed directly, by light microscopy and by a
buffering agent and minimizes escape of ammonia from SEM (Scanning electron microscope) and a TEM (Transmis-
the medium. Phosphate component is also important in sion electron microscope). SEM observation was done with a
many metabolic and enzymatic pathways. Magnesium sulfate FEI Quanta 200 NK2 instrument. Two drops of the medium
which is naturally present in mineral water is used in containing the particles were placed on 1 cm  1 cm glass

Please cite this article as: S. Das, A possible spontaneous generation of silicon utilizing minimal containers as precursors
of life in the cosmos, Acta Astronautica (2014),
S. Das / Acta Astronautica ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3

slides and the slides were kept for 1 h at room temperature. appeared by second day on the surface of 2.1.1 medium, while
After this the liquid portions were gently decanted off and scum in a continuous sheet appeared on the surface of 2.1.2
then 2% glutaraldehyde (pH 7.0) was added carefully to medium. Within 3 days jet-black coarse deposits were found
cover the whole area where particles were present. The in 2.1.1 medium while in 2.1.2 medium deep brown to golden
slides were then kept on filter papers soaked in water brown fine granular deposits were found. Gradually plenty
overnight at room temperature inside petridishes and then black colored granules were formed in both the media, and
were washed in distilled water gently, and gradually dehy- after 8–10 days granule formation ceased and the granules
drated by keeping the slides serially in 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, were found firmly attached on the inner side of the flask. The
100%, and 100% ethanol, 10 min in each grade. TEM study control solutions which were not exposed to sunlight rema-
of the coacervates was done with a Jeol JEM-100 Cx instru- ined unchanged throughout the experimental period.
ment on a carbon coated copper grid after staining with 1%
solution of uranyl acetate.
3.2. Microscopic observation
Light microscopy of the cover slip preparation of the
surface scum and the granules was done consecutively from
Blue colored round coacervates were found arranged
second to twentieth days along with the examination of the
mainly in grape like clusters and some were in short
stained smears (Leishman stain) under oil immersion lens.
chains. “Cell wall” like outer coverings were present in
relatively larger coacervates, which also contained many
2.3. Study on the effect of Amphotericin B on the growth of deep color spots throughout their bodies (Fig. 1); however,
the coacervates these spots were more ( 3 times) on the coacervates
of 2.1.2.
Amphotericin B was used, to observe its effect on these There were also “mesosome” like structures in between
coacervates, as there was some resemblance of these the dividing cells along with some budlike structures. The
coacervates with algae. Thus if these are some way related ratio of the diameters between two successive budding
to living creatures like algae then there may be demon- bodies varied between 1.36–1.44:1. There were also evi-
strable antimicrobial activity of Amphotericin B on them. dences of contact guidance and contact inhibition, which
Growth patterns of the uniformly suspended coacervates is commonly found in all normal multiply cells. Besides
in wells of a microtiter plate were studied with the help of these findings in 2.1.2 asteroid bodies (probably few
Ascent software in Thermo iEMS Reader MF and Multiskan crystals of silico-molybdic acid) were present. After fif-
(Vantaa, Finland). In this experiment a similar method was teenth day, “nucleus” like structures were found in all
followed to see the changes in the absorbance of the coacervates along with metacyst like bodies where many
coacervate suspension as the CLSI guidelines for micro- “nuclei” like structures were found within “cytoplasmic
organisms like Candida spp. using 620 nm and 540 nm bodies” (Fig. 2). In 2.1.2 few elongated spindle like struc-
wavelengths with (test) or without (control) different tures (1–2 μm  3–5 μm) were also found along with
concentrations (0.0313, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 these cells.
and 6 μg/mL) of Amphotericin B (an anti-fungal and anti-
algal drug).
3.3. Electron microscopic observation of the coacervates

2.4. Study on colonization of the coacervates on algae There were two distinct types of coacervates in 2.1.2
culture medium medium, one variety showed larger (2.0–3.0 μm) spherical
bodies (Fig. 3) with central darker area and many irregular
This medium was comprised of sodium nitrate 1.00 g/L, white spots scattered throughout their bodies; the other
dipotassium phosphate 0.25 g/L, magnesium sulfate 0.513 g/L, variety (Fig. 4) was smaller (200–500 nm) and arranged
ammonium chloride 0.05 g/L, calcium chloride 0.058 g/L, singly or in small clumps. Particles of 2.1.1 medium showed
ferric chloride 0.003 g/L, and agar 15.00 g/L, and was pur- bigger clusters (Fig. 5) of coacervates (300–800 nm). There
chased directly from Hi Media (M343). After stroke inocula- was no distinct organelle in any one of them.
tion of the coacervates on slants prepared with this medium,
they were exposed to sunlight as described in Section 2.1.1.
Smears were prepared when colonial growths appeared on
the slants and they were examined by Gram's stain, electron
microscopic studies as described in Section 2.2.

3. Results

3.1. Macroscopic observation

Immediately after exposure to sunlight all the media (2.1.1

and 2.1.2) became blue in color, however, 2.1.1 medium
became deep blue, while 2.1.2 medium became light blue in
Fig. 1. Coacervates of salt-silicate-molybdate-formalin medium with
color. All media gradually changed to dark blue in color within many “spots” on them. The “spots” are probably primitive photoreactive
the first day of exposure in sunlight. Glistening white flakes bodies (  chloroplast).

Please cite this article as: S. Das, A possible spontaneous generation of silicon utilizing minimal containers as precursors
of life in the cosmos, Acta Astronautica (2014),
4 S. Das / Acta Astronautica ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

3.4. Action of Amphotericin B on the coacervates

A generalized growth inhibitory effect (Graph 1) of

Amphotericin B was found on the coacervates. This inhi-
bitory effect was found in all concentrations used in this
experiment; however, the degree of inhibition occurred
according to the concentration gradient, which was similar
to its effect on algal growth.

Fig. 4. Small isolated coacervate developed in salt-silicate-molybdate-

3.5. Cultural examination on algae medium formalin medium.

The inoculations of coacervates were done on algae

medium slants with the 7 day mature coacervates taken
from the growths from 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 media. After 45–60
days, small white colonies (2–3 mm) appeared, with the
inoculated coacervates of 2.1.2, on the upper parts of the
slants where the medium was extremely thin on the glass
surface. The colonies were firmly adhered and it was very
difficult to remove them. When examined under a scan-
ning light microscope with 60  magnification, the colo-
nies (Fig. 6) were found round in shape and were
surrounded by a very thin layer of additional surface
growths around them.
Fig. 5. Coacervates developed in salt-molybdate-formalin medium.
Sometimes two layers of such thin growths were visible
under the microscope. Microscopical examination of the
smears prepared with these colonies revealed Gram-
positive coccoid bodies (proto-cocci) without showing
any pattern of their arrangement. The formation of the

Graph 1. Decreased growth of coacervates as observed in a Micronaut

system under influence of Amphotericin B.

Fig. 2. Appearance of the coacervates after 15 days.

coccoid bodies (Fig. 7) from the coacervates was termed as
a metaplastic change due to their altered morphology.
These proto-cocci could grow in subcultures. Repeat
experiment in plastic tubes did not reveal any growth,
indicating an essential role of glass surface for develop-
ment of such proto-cocci.

4. Discussion

4.1. Possible spontaneous formation of coacervates in the


The possibility that these extraordinary silicon utilizing

coacervates could originate spontaneously in GMCs (Giant
molecular clouds) should be looked for, as the results of
this experiment strengthen such a possibility.
Fig. 3. Large isolated coacervate and small coacervates in clumps devel- The GMCs, which have the clouds of dust and gases where
oped in salt-silicate-molybdateformalin medium. stars are formed, contain all the basic chemical components,

Please cite this article as: S. Das, A possible spontaneous generation of silicon utilizing minimal containers as precursors
of life in the cosmos, Acta Astronautica (2014),
S. Das / Acta Astronautica ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 5

stable at very high temperatures ( 300 1C) as observed in

many experiments [23,24].

4.2. Proto-cocci as possible primitive life on the Earth

Microfossils that are reliably dated with age about 3

eons (1 eon  a billion years) and that resemble modern
bacteria in shape and size were found in rocks of South
Africa. They were found free from ribosome, nucleic acids
including transfer RNA and any modern genetic apparatus.
Fig. 6. Colonies of proto-cocci on glass surface. Thus their morphology closely resembles with the mor-
phology of these protococci.
It is important to note that only the cells of the 1-eon
group were definitely modern with eukaryotic character-
istics as evidenced by their fossil study in Australia [17].
Thus it appears that in most part of the Precambrian (6/7th
part of the geological time frame of the Earth) and in the
Hadean (first 600 million years), the only organisms
present on the surface of the Earth were the proto-cocci.

4.3. Silicon utilizing organisms, the coacervates and the


Silicon utilizing organisms [16] can survive in extreme

Fig. 7. Coccoid body (proto-cocci) in the colonies on glass surface. physico-chemical stresses and many of them belong to
natural food chain of terrestrial organisms. They are mostly
which were used in this experiment for development of the non-passive accumulator of silicon; thus the term “silicon
coacervates; however, the physical conditions may remain as accumulator organisms” should not be used to describe this
variables. After formation of the coacervates, they are prob- important group. The coacervates of the 2.1.2 medium and
ably transferred throughout the universe by various routes to the protococci developed in this experiment also belong to
initiate life processes with the coacervate derived proto-cocci silicon utilizing group as they originated only in the silicon
on suitable surfaces. These coacervates thus appear to be a medium or on the silicon surface respectively. Many experi-
basic structure possibly responsible for the origin of life on ments have already been shown that silica took part in
the Earth, as well as life, if present anywhere in the universe. chemical evolution on the Earth [1] e.g. with catalytic
As they appear to form spontaneously and are probably reactions, by concentrating nucleotides etc. [18–21] and other
drifting everywhere in the Universe, they are expected to biomolecules [10,27].
be present in large numbers in clumps or in isolated forms in Silicon is generally known as an important nutrient
the upper layers of the atmospheres of the Earth or on any source of microbes either by providing a direct energy
extraterrestrial body in the Universe. source or acting as a catalyst [31,32]. In our previous
On the Earth, they usually could not penetrate the experiments we observed that Mycobacterium and Nocar-
tropopause except in rare conditions like volcanic erup- dia spp. could grow to some extent in the absence of
tions, blue lightning etc. and when these conditions are carbon provided that silicon compound is present in the
frequent, as in the primitive Earth, it is likelihood that they culture medium [13,12]. Fungi were also found to grow in
could enter the terrestrial surface of the primitive Earth ultra-pure water when silicon compounds were added as
and lead to the development of the present biosphere. nutrients [30].
They are also probably still entering the surface of the It is important to note that over 100,000 organosilicon
present Earth in uncommon occasions, but even they could compounds have been synthesized during the past few
enter the thickly inhabited Earth surface with 4100,000 decades, many of which have considerable thermal stability
diversified earthly species, they fail to form proto-cocci even at 300–400 1C, reflecting the considerable strength of
due to ongoing Darwinian natural selection. One impor- the Si–C bond and Si–O–Si linkages. Catenation and the
tant evidence that these cells are forming spontaneously in formation of multiple bonds of silicon are also similar to
the Universe is supported by the presence of silicon carbon chemistry. In fact, carbosilanes include chains, rings
utilizing (containing 2.85% silicon) red cells ( also small and polycyclic compounds. Organosilane are more reactive
numbers of white, light yellow, bluish gray and green cells) towards hydrolysis, ammonolysis and alcoholysis than their
suspected to be extraterrestrial in origin, found in rain carbon analogs [22]. Silicon is more volatile than carbon and
water in Kerala in 2001 after a meteor airburst [25]. The has a lower energy of vaporization, indicating the smaller
morphology of those cells has got a very close resemblance Si–Si bond energy, which is probably beneficial to the
to these coacervates. development of an early simple living organism. This pre-
Planetary microcosm experiments using extracts from liminary study was mainly based on morphological analysis;
meteorites were also found to support the growth of algal however, future studies based on DNA and proteins may help
and microbial populations [26]. Peptides are also found to verify the identity of these proto-cocci.

Please cite this article as: S. Das, A possible spontaneous generation of silicon utilizing minimal containers as precursors
of life in the cosmos, Acta Astronautica (2014),
6 S. Das / Acta Astronautica ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

4.4. Possible role of molybdate in the experiment change to protococci, the possible primitive life like structures
occurring on silicon surface appears one of the numerous
In this experiment, molybdenum, an important metal ways to search for origin of life in the Universe.
for evolution of life on the Earth, was used as a catalyst, for
the rapid genesis of the coacervates. Molybdenum usually
helps in nitrogen fixation, thus a deficiency of this metal in
the early Earth probably delayed animal life for about 2
billion years. In 2.1.2 medium, silico-molybdic acid may
form by reaction of silica with ammonium molybdate. I would like to acknowledge Dr. Shaun Roy Chowdhuri,
However, this reaction occurs only in acidic medium and if Dept. of Biotechnology, West Bengal University of Tech-
this occurs the solution becomes yellow in color. nology, Kolkata, India and Subhas Maikab, Bose Institute,
Thus this reaction was not important in this experiment Kolkata, India for providing some technical support in
as the 2.1.2 solution remained blue in color, and was this study.
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of life in the cosmos, Acta Astronautica (2014),
S. Das / Acta Astronautica ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 7

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Please cite this article as: S. Das, A possible spontaneous generation of silicon utilizing minimal containers as precursors
of life in the cosmos, Acta Astronautica (2014),

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