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Table of Contents

Text Book
Topics Dictionary
Unit One: People or Institutions Making History 1-13 01-13
Lesson 1: The Unforgettable History 1 01
Lesson 2: Nelson Mandela, from Apartheid Fighter to President 8 07
Lesson 3: Two Women 13 13
Unit Two: Dreams 18-26 17-22
Lesson 1: What is a Dream? 18 17
Lesson 2: Dream Poems 23 20
Lesson 3: I Have a Dream 26 22
Unit Three: Lifestyle 30-48 25-35
Lesson 1: Manners around the World 30 25
Lesson 2: Etiquette Netiquette 37 28
Lesson 3: Food Trends 40 31
Lesson 4: Fitness 44 33
Lesson 5: Spending 48 35
Unit Four : Adolescence 51-68 37-52
Lesson 1: The Storm and Stress at Adolescence 51 37
Lesson 2: Adolescence and Some (Related) Problems in 55 42
Lesson 3: Why Does a Child Hate School? 60 45
Lesson 4: The Story of Shilpi 63 48
Lesson 5: Say ‘No’ to Bullying 68 52
Unit Five: Yourthful Achivers 75-88 56-64
Lesson 1: Sheikh Kamal: Life of an Achiever 75 56
Lesson 2: Affectionate, Lively and Always Smiling Sheikh 77 57
Lesson 3: Brojen Das: On Conquering the English Channel 81 60
Lesson 4: Scaling a Mountain Peak or Riding Your Dream? 85 62
Lesson 5: The Unbeaten Girls 88 64
Unit Six: Relationships 93-99 67-71
Lesson 1: Family Relationship 93 67
Lesson 2: Love and Friendship 96 69
Lesson 3: A Mother in Mannville 99 71
Unit Seven: Human Rights 110-118 79-86
Lesson 1: Are We Aware of These Rights?-1 110 79
Lesson 2: Are We Aware of These Rights?-2 113 81
Lesson 3: Rights to Health and Education 116 84
Lesson 4: Amerigo, a Street Child 118 86
Unit Eight: Peace and Conflict 121-130 87-93
Lesson 1: Conflicts: Causes and Types 121 87
Lesson 2: Cruelties of Conflict 126 91
Lesson 3: “The Old Man at the Bridge” by Ernest Hemingway 130 93
Unit Nine: Tours and Travels 135-143 96-103
Lesson 1: Travelling to a Village in Bangladesh 135 96
Lesson 2: Arriving in the Orient 139 99
Lesson 3: Eco-tourism 143 103
Unit Ten: Environment and Nature 150-161 108-118
Lesson 1: Water, Water Everywhere….. 150 108
Lesson 2 : The Hakaluki Haor 153 111
Lesson 3: The Lake Isle Of Innisfree 157 115
Lesson 4: A Minor Bird 159 116
Lesson 5: The Tyger 161 118
Unit Elevent: Art and Craft 164-171 121-129
Lesson 1: What is Beauty? 164 121
Lesson 2: Folk Music 167 124
Lesson 3: Our Art & Craft 171 129
Unit Twelve: Educatoin and Life 177-193 135-153
Lesson 1: Why Education 177 135
Lesson 2: The Parrot’s Tale 182 140
Lesson 3: Civic Engagement 188 146
Lesson 4: A Warrior of Light 193 153
Unit Thirteen : Myths and Literature 196-204 155-163
Lesson 1: Bengal’s Face 196 155
Lesson 2: Orpheus 200 159
Lesson 3: The Legend of Gazi 202 160
Lesson 4: Hercules 204 162
Textual Litarary Terms 164
Text Book word related questions for 166
HSC & University Admission Test
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -1

Unit-1: People and Institutions Making History

(cxcj GÛ Bbw÷wUDkÝ ‡gwKs wnw÷ª) - BwZnvm m„wóKvix e¨vw³ I cÖwZôvb
Lesson-1: The Unforgettable History (w` Avbdi‡M‡Uej wnw÷ª) - ‡mB Awe¯§iYxq BwZnvm
Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms
Unforgettable (Avbdi‡M‡Uej) adj. vivid, memorable, immortal, forgettable
Awe¯§ibxq never-to-be-forgotten
Historic (wn‡÷vwiK) adj. HwZnvwmK historical insignificant, modern
Speech (w¯úP) n. e³…Zv, fvlY lecture, discourse,oration, oratory
Significance (wmMwbwd‡KÝ) n. Zvrch©¨, A_© sharpness, quickness, bearing insignificance
Overflowing (Ifvi‡d¬vBs) adj. brimming, overwhelmed, washing, empty
D‡Øj, D”QvwmZ swollen, abounding, ebullient, profuse
Understand (AvÛvi÷¨vÛ) v. eyS‡Z cviv grasp, access, discern, appreciate misconstrue
Unfortunately (AvbdiPz‡bUwj) adv. fortunately, luckily
Election (B‡jKkb) n. wbe©vPb, †fvU selection, choice, voliation
Voted (‡fv‡UW) v. ‡fvU †`Iqv poll
National (b¨vkbvj) adj. RvZxq nationwide, racial, typical international, local
Assembly (A¨v‡m¤^wj) n. mgv‡ek, mfv rally, gathering, assemblage, meeting disassembly
Constitution (KbmwUwUDkb) n. msweavb arrangement, prescription
Build (weì) v. wbg©vY Kiv, Mov construct,fabricate,edify, set up, create demolish, destroy
Economic (B‡Kv‡bvwgK) adj. financial, monetary, pecuniary loss making
A_©‰bwZK, Avw_©K
Political (cwjwUKvj) adj. ivR‰bwZK, K~UbxwZK politic, diplomatic, shrewd nonpolitical
Cultural (KvjPvivj) adj. mvs¯‹…wZK
Regret (wi‡MÖU) v. `ytL cÖKvk Kiv sorrow, deplore, bewail, mourn
Tragic (UªvwRK) adj. unfortunate , saddening, cloud,
`ytLRbK, g„Zz¨m¤^Üxq, Kiæb lamentable, funereal, obituary
Torture (UP©vi) n. AZ¨vPvi, wbcxob torment, trouble, anguish, distress
Inflicted (Bbwd¬K‡UW) v. AZ¨vPvi, wbh©vZb put down, impose, ascribe
Blood shed (eøvW ‡kW) v. i³cvZ
Repeatedly (wiwc‡UWwj) adv. evievi, cybtcyb oftentimes, over and over, frequently infrequently
Agony (A¨vMwb) n. AvZ©bv` suppressed pain, sufferings, misery ecstasy
Highway (nvBI‡q) n. moK, ivRc_ way, pathway, highroad, causeway
Crimson (wµgRb) adj. Avi³, AwMœeY©, iwÄZ bloodshot, scarlet, reddish, sanguine
Victor (wf±i) n. we‡RZv, weRqx conqueror, winner, champion loser
Declared (wW‡K¬qvW©) adj. cÖKvwkZ, †NvwlZ announced, proclaimed, published undeclared
Martial law (gvk©vj j) n. mvgwiK AvBb democracy
Enslave (Gb‡møf) v. enthrall, thrall, be slave, subjugate, emancipate
µxZ`vm Kiv, Awff~Z Kiv, ‡Mvjvg Kiv enfetter, defeat, assail, overcome
Launched (jÂW) v. Pvjy Kiv start, introduce, set, put on, establish abolish
Movement (gyf‡g›U) n. `dv, Av‡›`vjb agitation, vibrancy, stroll, commotion
Assumed (A¨vwRDgW) adj. AwaK…Z, c` MÖnY occupied, possessed, learned, earned
Restore (wi‡÷vi) v. ÿwZc~iY Kiv break
Democracy (‡W‡gv‡µwm) n. MYZš¿ democratization, republic, equality dictatorship
President (‡cÖwm‡W›U) n. ivóªcwZ chairman, forecaster, prolocutor
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Request (wiKz‡qó) n. Aby‡iva, Av‡e`b desire, instance, application, appeal decree, enjoin
Behalf (wenvd) n. c‡ÿ, Zid wing, party, part, side, spouse
Leader (wjWvi) n. ‡bZv, m`©vi, `jcwZ chief, head, prince, commander, boss follower
Majority (‡gRwiwU) n. msL¨vwaK¨ championship, advantage, multiplicity minority
Session (‡mkb) n. Awa‡ekb, mfv, ‰eVK meeting, sitting, assembly, club, total starting
Listen (wj‡mb) v. ‡kvbv, kÖeY Kiv obey, hear, hearken, hark, harkens
Instead (Bb&m‡UW) adv. cwie‡Z©, e`‡j
Discussion (wWmKvkb) n. Avjvc, Av‡jvPbv conversation, talk, converse, speech
Even (B‡fb) adv. Ggb wK, ch©šÍ too, also, still, yet odd, uneven
Though (‡`v) adv. hw`I, m‡Z¡Ë although, albeit, when, if
Agree (GwMÖ) v. ivwR nIqv, GKgZ nIqv accede,admit,obey,heed, observe disagree
Carry out (K¨vwi AvDU) adj. m¤úbœ Kiv steered, rowed, paddled, conveyed
Negotiation (wb‡Mvwm‡qkb) n.Avjvc, Av‡jvPbv speaking, interlocution, overture provocation
Further (dvi`vi) adv. also, moreover, besides, prevent
Z`wZwi³, AwaKšÍy, Aci more, in addition
Create (wµ‡qU) v. m„wó Kiv, evbv‡bv make, generate, raise, hatch, originate destroy
Slaughter house (møvUvi nvDR) n. abattoir, butchery, gallows, Iee
KmvBLvbv, NvZ¯’vb
Claimed (‡K¬BgW) v. e‡jwQj, `vwe K‡iwQj demand, assert, call, require, offer disclaim, forfeit
Whoever (n~‡qfvi) pro. ‡Kev, †h-‡Kn whosoever, whichever, who, anybody
Slaughtered (møvUvW©) v. nZ¨v K‡iwQj
Shut down (kvU WvDb) v. eÜ Kiv
Continue (KbwUwbD) v.Pjv, eRvq ivLv, Pvjv‡bv maintain, drive, ride, move, run, walk discontinue
Meet (wgU) v. wgwjZ nIqv, mvÿvr Kiv correspond, assemble, fit, rhyme diverge
Suddenly (mv‡Wbwj) adj. nVvr, AvKw¯§K abruptly, by chance, bump, bang, slap gradually
Capacity (K¨vcvwmwU) n. aviY ÿgZv retention, receptivity, strength, power incapacity
Attending (G‡UbwWs) v. AskMÖnY Kiv accompanying, attendant, following nonattendance
Member (‡g¤^vi) n. m`m¨, mf¨ part, feature, limb, ingredient nonmember
Proceeding (cÖwmwWs) adj. advancing, coming
AMÖmi, GwM‡q hvIqv
Take part in (‡UBK cvU© Bb) v. portion, share, piece, section, segment
Ask, A½, AskMÖnb Kiv
Dissolved (wWmjfW) v. wg‡k hvIqv solved, liquefied, destroyed, latent
Sudden (mv‡Wb) adj. nVvr, AvKw¯§K abrupt, casual, snappy, accidental gradual
Blame (‡eøBg) v. ‡`vlv‡ivc Kiv, defame, slander, calumniate, absolve
wb›`v Kiv, Acev` †`Iqv condemn, badmouth, reprove
Pointed at (c‡q‡›UW) adj. wb‡`©k Kiv sharp, piercing, penetrating, shrewd pointless
Prorogued (‡cÖv‡ivMDW) v. ¯’wMZ ivLv adjourn, defer, cease, prologue
Protested (‡cÖv‡Uó) v. cÖwZev` Kiv, AvcwË Kiv contradict, clamor, against, mind
Observe (AeRvif) v. cvjb Kiv notice, take notice, mark, watch, view break, disrespect
General (‡Rbv‡ij) adj. mvaviY, mve©Rbxb common, ordinary, usual, simple, local, specific
Strike (ֻvBK) v. niZvj hit, lay, injure, slosh, smite, serve miss
Peacefully (wcmdzwj) adv. unopposedly, unanimously, safely, manically
wbwe©‡Nœ, kvwšÍc~Y©fv‡e freely, without opposition
Factory (d¨v±wi) n. KviLvbv workshop, mill, works, manufactory
Responded (‡imcÛ) v. rejoin, answer, reply, ignore
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Reve †`Iqv, DËi †`Iqv, mvov ‡`Iqv report, utter, react

Street (w÷ªU) n. iv¯Ív road, pathway, route, way, path
Spontaneously (¯úb‡Uwbqvmwj) adv. †¯^”Qvq in such a way, without cause, easily
Expressed (G·‡cÖmW) adj. manifested, evolved, expressed, implicit
Awfe¨³, cÖKvwkZ, e¨³ developed, published, disclosed
Firm (dvg©) adj. `„p strong, rigid, solid, sure, hard uncertain, soft
Determination (wWUvwg©‡bkb) n. msKí resolve, meaning, desire, verdict weakness
Struggle (÷ªvMj) n. msMÖvg fight, battle, war, warfare, conflict bloom, coast
Return (wiUvb©) v. wewbgq cvIqv revert, return, regress, go back, retire departure, depart
Brought (eªU) adj. ‡Kbv arrive, attained, fetched, collected
Arms (Avg©m) n. A¯¿, nvwZqvi weapon, arsenal, tool, instrument
Defend (wW‡dÛ) v. iÿv Kiv, cÖwZnZ Kiv protect, save, maintain, conserve attack, prosecute
External (G·Uvb©vj) adj. ewnivMZ, ˆe‡`wkK exotic, emerged, foreign, exterior internal
Enemies (Gwbwgm) n. kÎæiv, cÖwZcÿ, kÎæ‡mbv opponent, foe, adversary, stranger friend
Wretched (‡i‡PW) adj. wbi¯¿ unlucky, woeful, ratty, woesome happy, noble
Downtrodden (WvDb‡Uªv‡Wb) adj. `ytLx oppressed, afflicted, pressed
Land (j¨vÛ) n. f~wg, Rwg, †`k earth, ground, soil, base, floor, field air, sea
Bullet (ey‡jU) n. ¸wj, e›`y‡Ki ¸wj bullet, ammunition
Aimed (GBgW) adj. ZvK Kiv purposed, addressed, searched
Heart (nvU©) n. eyK bosom, breast, mind
Constitute (KbmwUwUDW) v. ÿgZvq hvIqv form, comprise, build, shape, mount disband
Whenever (‡nv‡qbGfvi) adv. hLbB whensoever
Assume (A¨vwRDg) v. take, accept, receive, contain,
Abygvb Kiv, aviY Kiv, †g‡b †bIqv comprise, wear, allow, agree, presume
Power (cvIqvi) n. ÿgZv, kw³, cÖfve ability, authority, caliber, might, force
Force (‡dvm©) n. kw³ strength, power, capacity, cohort push, pull
Deprived (wWcÖvBfW) adj. ewÂZ reft, devoid, diested, wanted privileged
Massacre (g¨vmvKvi) n. msnvi, nZ¨vKvÛ killing, carriage, battue, slaughter
Judgment (RvRg¨v›U) n. ivq, wePvi, kvw¯Í verdict, decision
Apparently (A¨vcv‡i›Uwj) adv. ¯úóZ, m¤¢eZ obviously, overtly, openly, pointedly actually
Attend (A¨v‡UÛ) v. Dcw¯’Z _vKv, nvwRi nIqv be present, join, show, oneself miss
Conference (Kbdv‡iÝ) n. m‡¤§jb convention, meeting, galaxy
Another (Gbv`vi) adj. Ab¨, Aci second, different, diverse, opposite the same
Carrying out (K¨vwis) v. Kvh©Ki Kiv bearing, carry, carriage, conveyance
Secret (wm‡µU) adj. ‡Mvcb, ¸ß hidden, conciliated, convert, esoteric overt, opera
Meeting (wgwUs) n. mfv, mvÿvr, ˆeVK assembly
Spilled (w¯újW) v. Siv, Siv‡bv drop, exude, ooze, molt, shed, mould
Dried (WªvBW) adj. ïK‡bv adhesive, viscous wet, damp, moist
Although (Aj‡`v) con. hw`I, Z_vwc though, albeit, not but what, if, even
Demand (wWgvÛ) n. Pvwn`v, `vex need, market, want, claim, call obviate, supply
Withdraw (DB_Wª) v. cÖZ¨vnvi Kiv shift, diverge, move, retreat, retire deposit, engage
Personnel (cvi‡mv‡bj) n. evwnbx rank, army
Barrack (e¨ivK) n. ‡mbvwbevm cantonment
Investigate (Bb‡fw÷‡MU) v. look into, inquire into, go into,
Z`šÍ Kiv, Z`viK Kiv inquire, search, observe, inspect
Murdered (gvW©viW) adj. AcnZ slain, killed, destroyed, perished
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Transfer (UªvÝdvi) n. n¯ÍvšÍi demise, disposal, translation, trek

Representatives (wi‡cÖ‡Rb‡UwUfm) n. delegate, surrogate, deputy, lieutenant,
cÖwZwbwaMY, `~Z ambassador, consul
Whether (‡nv‡q`vi) con. wKbv, wK, hw` if, what, how much, how many, or
Seat (wmU) n. Avmb, m`m¨c`, c` post, posture, position, tern
Prime minister (cÖvBg wgwbóvi) n. cÖavb gwš¿ premier
Office (Awdm) n. Kvh©vjh, `ßi bureau, institution
Clearly (wK¬qviwj) adv. ¯úófv‡e clear, neatly, cleanly, fair, evidently unintelligibly
Magistracies (g¨vwRm‡Uªwmm) n. ‡KvU-KvPvwi
Educational (GWz‡KBkbvj) adj. wkÿv welqK instructional, educative, pedagogic
Indefinitely (Bb‡Wwd‡bUwj) adv. doubtfully, indeterminately, definitely
AwbwðZfv‡e hesitatingly
Hardship (nvW©wkc) n. Kó, Am”QjZv pain, anguish, misery, straits
Exempted (G‡·g‡UW) adj. wb¯‹…Z delivered, freed, rescued, released enforce, taxable
Strike (÷ªvBK) n. ag©NU hit, lay, fascinate, injure, slash miss
Carriage (K¨v‡iR) n. enb, ‡ijMvwoi Kvgiv carry, bearing, mount, vehicle
Allowed (GjvDW) v. accommodate, agree, assume, deny, disallow,
‡g‡b †bIqv, AbygwZ †`Iqv approve, consent, authorize forbid, prevent
Move (gyf) n. c`‡ÿc, MwZ step, pas, plod, footing, footstep refrain, rest, stay
Secretariat (‡m‡µUvwi‡qU) n. `ßi prefecture, bureau, registers, clerkship
Supreme (mywcÖg) adj. AwØZxq, me©‡kÖô unique, absolute, sole, sublime worst
Judge (RvR) n. wePviK, ivq`vb Kiv, wePvicwZ referee, justice, beak, arbiter, syndic
Semi-government (‡mwg-Mfb©‡g›U) n.Avav miKvix
Organization (AM©vbvB‡Rkb) n. formation, economy, institution, chaos
msMVb, cÖwZôvb institute, establishment, club
Employee (Ggcøqx) n. Kg©Pvix, Kg©x servant, worker, man, officiary employer
Collect (Kv‡j±) v. msMÖn Kiv gather, excerpt, take out, cull, raise
Salaries (m¨vjvwim) n. ‡eZb-fvZv, gvwnbv pay, wages, stipend, due, earnings
Paid (‡cBW) adj. cwi‡kva Kiv given, bestowed, awarded, conferred unpaid
Fire (dvqvi) v. ¸wj Kiv shoot, shape, plug, poop, flame, kindle hire
Request (wiKz‡qó) n. Aby‡iva, Av‡e`b application, appeal, petition, prayer decree
Convert (KbfvU©) v. cwiewZ©Z Kiv change, alter, vary, put, constitute
Fort (‡dvU©) n. `yM©, †Kjøv stronghold, castle, bastion, backstop
Confront (Kbd«›U) v. front, face with, envisage, avoid
‡gvKv‡ejv Kiv, m¤§yLxb nIqv encounter, meet
Enemy (Gwbwg) n. kÎæ, cÖwZcÿ opponent, foe, adversary, antagonist friend
Whatever (‡nvqvUGfvi) adj. wKQz, hv wKQz some, whatsoever, skimpy, little
Around (A¨vivDÛ) adv. PZzw`©‡K, me©w`‡K round, on all sides, about, abroad exactly
Direct (wW‡i±) adj. mivmwi, mgÿ straight, right, outright, immediate alternating, indirect
Traffic (UªvwdK) n. PjvPj, hvbevnb vehicle
Brought (eªU) v. G‡bwQj arrived, attained, fetched, collected
Standstill (÷¨vÛ w÷j) adj. at rest, peace, immobilize, unswerving change
APj Ae¯’v, wbðjZv
Starve (÷vf©) v. Abkb famish, fast, bereave, spoil, amputate be full, feed
Need (bxW) n. `iKvi, Avek¨KZv, Afve necessity, requirement, deficiency obviate
Right (ivBU) adj. AwaKvi correct, fixed, authority, power incorrect
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Armed force (Avg©W †dvm©) n. mk¯¿ evwnbx troops, army, soldier, war, battle
Chest (‡P÷) n. eyK breast, heart, thorax
Suppress (mv‡cÖm) v.`gb Kiv, Pvcv, `wgZ ivLv put down, inhibit, sit on, subdue, curb express, submit
Forever (diGfvi) v. wPiZ‡i to the end of the chapter, ever since temporarily
Learned (jvb©W) v. wk‡LwQj wise, erudite, adept, judicious unconditioned
Sacrifice (‡mwµdvBm) n. wemR©b, AvZ¥Z¨vM immolation, offering, wrinkle, prey
Ourselves (AvIqvi‡mjfm) pro.
Avgv‡`i wb‡R‡`i
Wounded (IDb‡WW) adj. Nv‡qj, AvnZ defeated, killed, hurt, injured, struck
Martyr (gvU©vi) n. knx`
Everything (Gfwiw_s) pro. mewKQz all nothing
Assist (A¨vwm÷) v. mnvqZv Kiv, mvnvh¨ Kiv help, support, aid, identify, befriend hinder
Loved (jvfW) adj. cÖxwZc~Y©, wcÖq become addicted, addict, be fond of unloved
Means (wgbm) n. gv‡b, A_©, wbwgË sake, behalf, cause, parent
Please (wcøR) adj. `qv K‡i satisfy, content, gratify, glut, feast displease
Relief (wiwjd) n. gyw³ remission, abatement, alleviation tension
Committee (KwgwU) n. mwgwZ, Kwg©`j society, union, board, club
Owner (Ibvi) n. gvwjK master, lord, employer, proprietor
Factory (d¨v±ix) n. KviLvbv workshop, mill, works, manufactory
Worker (IqvK©vi) n. Kg©x, kÖwgK employee, hand, laborer, workman non worker
Participated (cvwU©wm‡c‡UW) v. AskMÖnY Kiv partake, take part, share, engage
Last (jv÷) adj. weMZ, me©‡kl final, ultimate, lattermost, farewell first, intermediate
Wages (I‡q‡Rm) n. ‡eZb, fvZv, gRywi salary, pay, stipend, due, hire, income
Directive (wW‡iKwUf) adj. wb‡`©kbv attribution, directing, standing order
Liberated (wjev‡i‡UW) adj. wegy³, gy³, ¯^vaxb freed, loosened, released dominated, fettered
Custom (Kv÷g) n. kyé tradition, practice, mores, law, usage ready, made
Collected (Kv‡jK‡UW) adj. msM„nxZ, GKwÎZ culled, raised, brought, closely, knit uncollected
Either (AvB`vi) adj. Ab¨Zi other
Remember (wi‡g¤^vi) v. g‡b ivLv, ¯§iY Kiv keep in mind, retain, recall, recollect forget
Amidst (Gwg÷) pre. AšÍ‡i, g‡a¨ amongst, at an interval of, among
Create (wµ‡qBU) v. m„wó Kiv, evbv‡bv make, generate, raise, hatch, originate destroy
Chaos (K¨vqm) n. wek„•Ljv disorder, clutter, confusion, mess order
Confusion (KbwdDkb) n. wØav bewilderment, mess, disorder, chaos understanding, order
Anarchy (A¨vbvwK©) n. AivRKZv disorder, disorganization, clutter order
Loot (jyU) n. AcniY, jyÉb abduction, robbery, larceny, steeling
Responsible (‡imcbwmej) adj. `vwq liable, accountable, answerable irresponsible
Safety (‡mdwU) n. wbivcËv security, surety, revival, indemnity danger
Taint (‡UB›U) v. Kiw¼Z Kiv disinfect
Running (ivwbs) adj. Pvjy, avegvb going, active, current, operable passing, standing
Station (‡÷kb) n. ¯’vb, NvwU space, place, position, location, site
Ready (‡iwW) adj. cÖ¯yZÍ prepared, made, ripe, forward, open unready
Report (wi‡cvU©) n. cÖwZ‡e`b, weeiY narration, relation, response, tidings
Salaries (m¨vjvwim) n. ‡eZb-fvZv pay, wages, stipend, due, earnings
Transferred (UªvÝdvW©) v. n‡q‡Q shifted, removed, withdrawn, driven
Telegram (‡UwjMÖvg) n. ZvievZ©v, `~ievZ©v wire, savor, taste, relish, savories
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Service (mvwf©m) n. ‡mev, KvR serving, worship, ministry, office disservice

Transmit (UªvÝwgU) v. ‡cÖiY Kiv, cvVv‡bv send, emit, deputize, message, launch
Abroad (A¨v‡eªvW) adv. we‡`‡k, PZzw`©‡K outdoors, oversea, around, round
Attempt (G‡U¤úU) n. ‡Póv Kiv try, essay, pretend, push, endeavor
Exterminate (G·Uviwg‡bU) v. uproot, avulse, ruin, destroy, kill,
Dc‡o †djv, bvk Kiv, D‡”Q` Kiv undo, smash, pull up, extirpate
Appropriate (G‡cÖvwcÖ‡qU) adj. proper, accurate, strict, apt, precise, inappropriate
h_vh_, Dchy³ actual, real, significant
Action (A¨vKkb) n. cÖ`‡ÿc, Kg©kw³i cÖ‡qvM work, act, practice, function, act inaction, inactivity
Revolutionary (‡ifjykbvix) adj. counterrevolutionary
‰ecøweK, wecøex
Committee (KwgwU) n. mwgwZ society, union, board, club, team
Leadership (wjWviwkc) n. ‡bZ…Z¡, cwiPvjbv lead, leading, command, direction
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq, mgvR people, sect, denomination, society isolation
Prepared (wcÖ‡cqvW©) adj. cÖ¯yZ
Í , mw¾Z ready, made, ripe, forward, open unprepared
Possession (‡cv‡Rkb) n. `Lj, AwaKvi,Ae¯’vb property, wealth, substance, grab
Already (Aj‡iwW) adv. BwZg‡a¨ meanwhile, in the meantime,, yet
Grace (‡MÖm) n. AbyMÖn, `qv favor, kindness, benefit, boon, pity unseemliness
Liberate (wjev‡iU) v. ¯^vaxb Kiv, gy³ Kiv free, set free, get rid of, rid, release confine
Emancipation (Bgvbwm‡ckb) n. freedom, liberty, rescue,
eÜbgyw³, ¯^vaxbZv independence, salvation, undoing
Translated (Uªv݇j‡UW) adj. fvlvšÍwiZ
Feature (wdPvi) n. ‰ewkó¨, Dcv`vb, A½ peculiarity, property, landmark, stuff lack
Appreciate (GwcÖwk‡qU) v. Zvwid Kiv admire, applaud, okay, praise, grasp depreciate
Repression (wi‡cÖkb) n. `gb, wbcxob restraint, check, subsidence, torture
Bloodshed (eøvW‡kW) n. i³cvZ, nZ¨vKvÛ blood, killing, massacre, battue
Differentiate (wWdv‡ibwk‡qU) v. puncture, split, rend, pierce, perforate, dedifferentiate,
‡f` Kiv, cÖ‡f` Kiv distinguish, individualize integrate
Compare (Kg‡cqvi) v. Zzjbv Kiv liken, assimilate, balance, parallel
Reference (‡idv‡iÝ) n. D‡jøL, cÖm½ mention, notice, allusion, topic
Historical (wn‡÷vwiK¨vj) adj. HwZnvwmK historic, historian historical, synchronic
Importance (B¤ú‡U©Ý) n. ¸iæZ¡ gravity, weight, worth, consideration unimportance
Complete (KgwcøU) adj. m¤ú~Y©, mgvß completed, full, entire, all, whole incomplete
Separate (‡mcv‡iBU) adj. c„_K, Avjv`v different, individual, isolate. sunder united, joint
Directive (wW‡iKwUf) adj. MwZc_msµvšÍ directional
Section (‡mKkb) n. Aby‡”Q`, Aa¨vq, LÛ article, item, part, canto volume
Column (Kjvg) n. ¯Í¤¢, _vg pillar, stagnation, stupor, stagnancy
Cause (KR) n. KviY, †nZz reason, motive, sake, occasion, base
Effect (B‡d±) n. djvdj, cÖfve outcome, payoff, upshot, yielding
Provide (‡cÖvfvBW) v. ‡hvMvb, mieivn Kiv give, provide for, take steps withhold
Against (G‡MBÝU) pre. wec‡ÿ versus, with, contra, contrary to for
Proclaimed (‡cÖv‡K¬BgW) adj. cÖPvwiZ, †NvwlZ preached, announced, lauded
Law (j) n. AvBb, wewa act, regulation, rule, decree, enactment
Announced (A¨vbvDÝW) adj. ‡NvwlZ, cÖKvwkZ published, declared, proclaimed
Longer (jsMvi) adj. `xN©Zg longest, full Shorter
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Lesson-2: Nelson Mandela from Apartheid Fighter to President

(‡bjmb g¨v‡Ûjv d«g A¨vcv‡_©W dvBUvi Uz ‡cÖwm‡W›U) - ‡bjmb g¨v‡Ûjv, eY©ev` we‡ivax †hv×v †_‡K †cÖwm‡W›U)

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Apartheid (A¨vcvi‡_BW) n. race- hatred, separation,
RvwZwe‡Øl, RvwZMZ ˆelg¨ segregation, dissociation
Fighter (dvBUvi) n. ‡hv×v, ˆmwbK combatant, militant, warfare peacemaker
President (‡cÖwm‡W›U) n. ivóªcwZ, mfvcwZ chairman, forecaster, curator
Famous (‡dBgvm) adj. weL¨vZ, cÖL¨vZ famed, eminent, celebrated unknown
Contribution (KbwUªweDkb) n. Ae`vb achievement, performance
Field (wdì) n. gvV, †ÿÎ, Rwg playing field, ground, course, land
Guided (MvB‡WW) n. ‡bZ…Z¡ w`‡h‡Qb
Shackle (‡kK&j) n. nvZKov, cv‡qi †ewo handcuffs, wristlet, nippers, fetter free, encourage
Multi-racial (gvwë-‡iwmqvj) n. eû RvwZMZ
Democracy (‡W‡gv‡µwm) n. MYZš¿, mvg¨ev` democratization, republic, equality dictatorship
Icon (AvBKb) n. g~wZ©, Aw¼Z, cÖwZg~wZ© sculpture, dummy, form
Peace (wcm) n. kvwšÍ, wb¯ÍäZv tranquility, quiet, quietness, calm war
Reconciliation (wiKbwmwjGkb) n. reunion, rapprochement,
cybwg©jb, cybivq wgjb reconcilement, rally, adjustment
Embody (GgewW) v. msMwVZ Kiv, organize, form, assimilate,
A½xf~Z Kiv ,ev¯Íevqb Kiv include, reincarnate
Struggle (÷ªvMj) n. msMÖvg, weev`, cÖwZØw›ØZv fight, battle, war, warfare, conflict bloom, blossom
justice (Rvw÷m) n. b¨vqwePvi, wePvi, b¨vq fair play, equity, judge, right, truth injustice
Around (A¨vivDÛ) adv. round, an all side, about, abroad, exactly
Pvicv‡k, me©w`‡K, PµvKv‡i on all direction , all
Imprisoned (GgwcÖRÛ) adj. Aeiæ×, AvUK confined, enclosed, inclosed, shut free
Nearly (wbqviwj) adv. cÖvq, KvQvKvwQ, Kv‡Q almost, most, near, just, close
Decade (W¨v‡KBW) n. `kK decenniad, decennary
Fight (dvBU) n. hy×, msMÖvg, jovB war, battle, combat, campaign peace
Against (G‡MBb÷) pre. wec‡ÿ, weiæ‡× versus, with, contra, contrary to for
Minority (gvBbwiwU) n. jNyZv, wbgœZv, msL¨vjNy lowness, depression, depth majority
Rule (iæj) n. wbqg, kvmb, wewa law, regulation, system, diction
Never (‡bfvi) adv. KL‡bv bv none, nay, nope, not for a moment ever
Lost (j÷) adj. nviv‡bv
Resolve (wimjf) n. msKí, cY determination, meaning, vow, gut irresoluteness
Emancipation (Bgvbwm‡cBkvb) n. loose, freedom, independence,
eÜbgyw³, ¯^vaxbZv liberty, salvation
Determined (wWUvigvBÛ) v-¯’xi K‡iwQj destined, definite, ascertained undetermined
Avoid (A¨v‡fv‡qW) v. Gov‡bv, `~‡i _vKv eliminate, get around, get off validate
Civil (wmwfj) adj. ‡emvgwiK, AmvgwiK civilian, temporal, untimely sidereal, uncivil
War (Iqvi) n. hy×, msMÖvg battle, fight, struggle, warfare make peace, peace
Prestige (‡cÖw÷R) n. gh©v`v, m¤£g, cÖwZcwË influence, power, honor, reputation
Charisma (K¨vwiRgv) n. Abb¨ mvaviY cÖwZfv
Win (DBb) v. ‡RZv, Rqjvf Kiv, weRq jvf conquer, outplay, defeat, overcome fail, lose, losing
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mnvqZv Kiv uphold, back, justify, clinch, help negate
Hate (‡nBU) v. N„Yv Kiv loathe, detest, look down on love
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Race (‡iBm) n. RvwZ, eY©, esk nation, people, folk, tribe, caste linger
Discrimination (wWmwµwg‡bkb) n. avoidance, pick, selection,
‰elg¨, †f`v‡f` elimination, difference, split
Intensely (B‡›Ubmwj) adj. Zxeªfv‡e severe, acutely, bitter, fierce mild
manifestation (g¨vwb‡d‡÷Bkb) n. exposition, glow, shine,
D™¢vm, cÖKvk expression, radiance, evolution
during (wWDwis) pre. awiqv, †Kvb mgq by, since
Until (AvbwUj) pre. hZÿY ch©šÍ bv, ch©šÍ to, till, up to, by
Acceptance (GK‡mc‡UÝ) n. MÖnY, ¯^xK…wZ receiving, taking, adoption rejection
Speech (w¯úP) n. e³„Zv, fvlY lecture, discourse, oration, address
Become (weKvg) v. NUv, cwiYZ nIqv arrive, happen, befall, fall out, be
Healing (wnwjs) n. Av‡ivM¨, wPwKrmv medication, salve, prescript
Wounds (IDÛm) n. AvnZ, ÿZ, AvNvZ sore, hurt, lesion, cut, bruise, injury
Moment (‡gv‡g›U) n. gyn~Z©, ÿY jiffy, jiff, trice, eyewink, shake inconsequence
Bridge (weªR) n. ‡mZz, weªR deck bridge, culvert
Chasms (K¨vRgm) n. dvUj, MnŸi crack, fracture, nook, cranny
Divide (wWfvBW) v. wef³ Kiv, fvM Kiv split, interrupt, sever, partition multiply, unite
Achieve (A¨vwPf) v. AR©b Kiv, mvab Kiv acquire, attain, gain, get fail
Political (cwjwUKvj) adj.ivR‰bwZK, ivRbxwZK politic, diplomatic, shrewd nonpolitical
Awarded (GIqv‡W©W) adj. cyi¯‹„Z given, bestowed, paid, conferred
Peace (wcm) n. kvwšÍ, wb¯ÍäZv tranquility, quiet, quietness, calm war
Prize (cÖvBR) n. cyi®‹vi award, reward, stakes, payoff disesteem, disrespect
Honor (Abvi) n. m¤§vb, kÖ×v homage, esteem, reverence, dignity dishonor, disrespect
Leader (wjWvi) n. ‡bZv, m`©vi chief, head, prince, boss follower
Prison (wcÖRb) n. KvivMvi, †Rj jail, lockup, limbo, bastilles, duress
Earlier (Avwj©qvi) adv. c~‡e©, Av‡M before, prior, previously, formerly later, subsequently
Negotiated (wb‡Mvwk‡q‡UW) v. bargain, haggle, negotiate,
`iv`wi Kiv, ga¨¯’Zv Kiv arbitrate, mediate
Play (‡cø) n. cvjb Kiv, m¤ú`b Kiv game, freak, pastime, drama
Prominent (cÖwg‡b›U) adj. great, distinguished, noted,
wewkó, jÿYxq, Awfwÿß leading, noticeable, remarkable
Stage (‡÷R) n. ch©vq, Ae¯’v, g period, echelon, bout, turn
Advocate (A¨vW‡fv‡KU) n. DwKj, AvBbRxex pleader, intercessor, syndic
Human (wnDg¨vb) adj. gvbemyjf, gvbexq mortal, cordial, ethnic, ethnical nonhuman
Dignity (wWMwbwU) n. m¤§vb, m¤£g homage, esteem, reverence, laurels
Challenge (P¨v‡jÄ) n. objection, exception, protest, boast,
AvcwË, `c©, AvnŸvb, cÖwZeÜKZv pride, verity, vaunt, dare
Ranging (i¨vbwRs) v. dispose, adjust, order, range,
web¨¯Í Kiv, mvwi‡Z ¯’vb †`Iqv organize, array, set, sort
Repression (wi‡cÖkb) n. `gb, wbcxob, wbMÖn restraint, check, break, subdual
Formally (digvwj) adv. officially informally
h_vwewa, ixwZ Abymv‡i
Public (cvewjK) adj. me©mvavi‡Yi, Rbmvavib open, overt, patent, bare, universal private
Before (we‡dvi) adv. c~‡e©, Av‡M earlier on, in the past, since, prior after, later
Adoring (A¨v‡Wvwis) adj. ‡cÖgc~Y©, wcÖq loving
Countrymen (Kvw›Uªg¨vb) n. compatriot, fellow, countrymen,
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¯^‡`kevmx, MÖvgevmx villager, hob, hickey

Remain (wi‡gBb) v. _vKv, eRvq _vKv stay, lie, be, stand, keep, live change
Revered (wiwfqvW©) adj. m¤§vbx , gvbbxq adore, worship, idolize, serve
Figure (wdMvi) n. e¨w³Z¡, msL¨v personality, individuality, identity ground
Combining (K¤^vBwbs) v. ‡gkv, GKÎ Kiv mix, unite, join, attach, knot, link
Celebrity (‡mwj‡eªwU) n. hk¯^x e¨w³, hk, KxwZ© feat, glory, fame, achievement infamy
Sparkle (¯úvK©j) n. PvKwPK¨, ÿz`ª, ùzwj½ sparkled, scintillation, blink apathy
Unwavering (AvbI‡qfvwis) adj. steady, firm, constant, faithful, irresolute
AUj, AwePj unmoved, unmoving, unshrinking
Message (‡g‡mR) n. msev`, evZ©v, evYx news, information, word, saying
Freedom (wd«Wg) n. ¯^vaxbZv, ¯^v”Q›`¨ independence, liberty, swaraj restriction
Respect (wim‡c±) n. m¤§vb, gh©v`v favor, honor, dignity, rank disesteem, disrespect
Right (ivBU) adj. AwaKvi claim, authority, possession falsify, wrong, left
Epicenter (Gwc‡m›Uvi) n. Dc‡K›`ª epicentrum, epicenter
Wherever (nq¨viGfvi) con. whithersoever
‡hLv‡bB, †h †Kv‡bv ¯’v‡b
Writer (ivBUvi) n. ‡jLK, wjwcKvi author, scribe, recorder, penman reader
Laureate (jwi‡qU) adj.cÖwm×, Kwe‡kÖô, weL¨vZ glorious, illustrious, conspicuous
Literature(wjUv‡iPvi) n. mvwnZ¨ writing, composition, study
Remarked (wigvK©W) v. gšÍe¨, jÿ¨ Kiv notice, observe, take notic, mark
Spent (‡¯ú›U) v. KvwU‡q‡Qb past, over past, exhausted lively
Behind (wenvBÛ) adv. ‡cQ‡b, AšÍiv‡j back, after, backward, abaft, aback in front, ahead
Celebrated (‡mwj‡eª‡UW) adj. weL¨vZ, cÖwm× illustrious, far famed, famed unknown
Prisoner (wcÖRbvi) n. ew›`, K‡qw`, Kvivevmx captive, jailbird,gaol-bird,pent, lag
Leader (wjWvi) n. ‡bZv, m`©vi chief, head, prince, commander follower
Mythic (wgw_K) adj. gbMov, AjxK, Aev¯Íe, mythical, imaginary, fictive,
KvíwbK, †cŠivwYK, Aeqe mythological, legendary, fabled
Stature (÷¨vPvi) n. ‰`wnK D”PZv, gh©v`v,e¨w³Z¡ dignity, rank, respect, importance
Millions (wgwjqbm) n. jÿ, jÿ lot, pile, bags of
Oppressed (A‡cÖmW) adj- wbcxwoZ, wbh©vwZZ afflicted, downtrodden, pressed
Beyond (‡eqÛ) v. en~`y‡i, QvovBqv, Z`wiwZ³ far, wide, behind, by, moreover within
Border (eW©vi) n. mxwgZ, mxgv, wKbviv frontier, outskirts, bounding line centre
Charge (PvR©) n. fvi, `vwqZ¡ gravity, load, onus, duty, liability calm, pay cash
Capital (K¨vwcUvj) adj. ivRv metropolis, headquarters, principal lowercase
Offence (I‡dÝ) n. Aciva, cvc, Kmyi crime, iniquity, sin, guilt, fault defense, defense
Trial (Uªvqvj) n. experiment, test, try,
cixÿv, Av`vj‡Zi wePvi, cÖwZ‡hvMxZv competition, contest, match
Statement (‡÷BUg¨v›U) n. wee„wZ, weeiY, eY©bv assertion, affirmation, narration
Dock (WK) n. ‡dwiNvU, cviNvU, RvnvR NvUv wharf, ferry, pier, jelly, dockyard undock
Testimony (‡Uw÷gwb) n. mvÿ¨, cÖgvY witness, deposition, testament
Lifetime (jvBdUvBg) n. existence, livelihood,
RxebKvj, Rxeb, RxeÏkv quick, living state, age
Dedicate (‡WwW‡KU) v. mgc©Y Kiv, wb‡e`b Kiv yield, commit, surrender
Domination (‡Wvwg‡bkb) n. right, claim, authority, possession,
AwaKvi, KZ©„Z¡, kvmb dominance, dominion, power
Cherished (‡PwikW) adj. jvwjZ, Afxó reared, aimed, longed, intended everyday
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Ideal (AvBwWqvj) n. Av`k©, Av`k©fve model, example, pattern

Democratic (‡W‡gv‡µwUK) adj. folksy, republican, communist, undemocratic
MYZvwš¿K, mvg¨ev`x communistic, popular
Society (‡mvmvBwU) n. mgvR, mwgwZ, `j community, tribe, class, committee
Together (Uz‡M`vi) adv. GK‡Î, GKm‡½ simultaneously, all together alone, separately
Harmony (nvi‡gvwb) n. mv`„k¨, m½wZ, HKZvb coherence, conformity, analogy dissonance
Equal (BKzqvj) adj. mgvb, mg, mgKÿ like, level, even, same, coequal differ, unequal
Opportunities (AciPz¨wbwUm) n. benefit, convenience, advantage,
my‡hvM-myweav, AeKvk favor, avail, amenities, vacation
Court (‡KvU©) n. Av`vjZ, wePvivjq court of justice, law court shun
Prepared (wcÖ‡cqvW©) adj. cÖ¯yZ Í ready, equip, make, blue print
Adored (A¨v‡WviW) v. AvivwaZ, fv‡jvevmv true, worshipped
Fondly (dÛwj) adv.‡Kvgjfv‡e, m‡mœ‡n, m‡cÖ‡g uncaringly
Clan (K¬vb) n. esk, RvwZ, `j house, tribe, lineage, race, nation
Lauded (j‡WW) v. ‡¯œn Kiv, m¤§vb Kiv made public, proclaimed
Humanity (wnDg¨vwbwU) n. gvbeZv, gbyl¨Z¡ humankind, mankind, manhood inhumanity
Kindness (KvBÛ‡bm) n. `qv, D`viZv, K…cv grace, goodness, compassion unkindness
Dignity (wWMwbwU) n. m¤§vb, D”PZv, gh©v`v honor, homage, esteem, reverence
Each (BP) adj. cÖ‡Z¨K, cÖwZ every, everyone
Following (d‡jvBs) adj. next, after, posterior, accordant, leading
AbyMvgx, Abyhvqx, Abymvix , wb‡P D‡jøwLZ imitating, pursuant
Alternative (AjUvi‡bwUf) n. weKí, cwieZ©b choice, substitute, doubt, change conventional
Meaning (wgwbs) n. A_©, gv‡b, AwfcÖvq signification, sense, interpretation insignificance
Closest (‡K¬v‡R÷) adj. wbKU¯’, Nwbô near, intimate open
Context (Kb‡U·U) n. m~Î, Abyl½ formula, cue, law, strand
Apart (A¨vcvU©) adv. c„_K, wew”Qbœ Kiv separately, aloof, severally together
Distance (wWm‡UÝ) n. `~iZ¡, e¨eavb space, way, difference, interval warmth, associate
Discrimination (wWmwµwg‡bBkvb) n. avoidance, selection, sorting,
‡f`v‡f` evQwePvi choice, elimination , pick
Dialogue (WvqjM) n. msjvc, K‡_vcK_b conversation, dialog , parley
Portrait (‡cv‡Uª©BU) n. cÖwZK…wZ depiction, portraiture, effigy
Image (B‡gR) n. fveg~wZ©, cÖwZg~wZ© , cÖwZgv fetish, idol, icon, figure
Symbol (wm¤^j) n. cÖwZK, wPý token, emblem, sign, mark, figure
idol (AvBWj) n. cÖwZgv, kÖ×vi cvÎ fetish, image, icon, baal
Refer (‡idvi) v. D‡jøL Kiv, wb‡`©k Kiv mention, allude, notice, speak
Restraint (‡im‡UªB›U) n. mseiY evav, wbqš¿Y concealment, prevention, barrier unrestraint
Stigma (w÷Mgv) n. cvsï, Kvwj Stain, ash, dust, vice, orifice, vent
Spur (¯úvi) n. DÏxcbv, †cÖiYv enthusiasm, incentive, exuberance discourage, delay
Difference (wWd‡iÝ) n. cv_©K¨, wfbœZv, cÖ‡f` distinction, variety, odds sameness
Basis (‡eBwmm) n. wfwË, g~j Dcv`vb base, foundation, ground
Caste (K¨vó) n. eY©, RvwZ, RvZ race, people, folk, tribe, caste
Creed (wµW) n. ag©wek^vm, ag©gZ, ag© faith, profession, belief, credo
Colour (Kvjvi) n. is, cÖKvi, eY© paint, dye, hue, caste, mode, race discolor, colorless
Competition (Kw¤úwUkb) n. cÖwZØw›ØZv, Avmi antagonism, struggle, emulation cooperation
Among (A¨vgvs) pre. g‡a¨, wfZ‡i, †kÖYx‡Z in, into, within, between, of
Race (‡iBm) n. RvwZ, eY©, esk nation, people, folk, tribe, caste linger
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Demoralization (‡W‡gvivjvB‡Rkb) n. obliquity encouragement

PwiÎnxb, bxwZåk
Presentation (‡cÖ‡R‡›Ukb) n. gift, outgiving, allowance, gift,
Dcnvi, Dc¯’vwcZ e¯Íy, eY©bv description, narration
Change (‡PBÄ) n. cwieZ©b, e`j, wewbgq changing, alternative, switch stay
Sign (mvBb) n. wPý, wb`k©b, Bkviv, jÿY symbol, character, evidence, token
Curing (wKDwis) n. Av‡ivM¨KiY healing
Healing (wnwjs) adj. Av‡ivM¨Ki, Av‡ivM¨ medication, cure, salve, prescript
Soothing (myw_s) adj. kxZj cool, cold, gentle irritating
Ailing (GBwjs) adj. `ye©j, cxwoZ, †ivMv weak, poorly, sickly, infirm, faint well
Chasm (K¨vRg) n. dvUj, Mfxi Lv` crock, fracture, cleft, nook, cranny
Cleft (‡K¬d&U) n. wPo, wQ`ª, dvUj crevasse, rift, fissure, rip, hole
Top (Uc) n. kxl©, Dci, Pzov apex, peak, summit, roof, vertex bottom, side
Hatred (‡n‡UªW) n. N„Yv hate, contempt, enmity, phobia
Border (eW©vi) n. mxgvbv, mxgv, wKbviv frontier, outskirts, bounding line centre
Participation (cvwU©wm‡cBkb) n. sharing non-engagement, non-
AskMÖnY, †hvM`vb involvement
Encouragement (GbKv‡iRg¨v›U) n. inspiration, animation, zest, fervor, discouragement
Aby‡cÖiYv, Drmvn, DÏxcbv spirit, pathos, spur, incentive
Expectation (G·‡cK‡Ukb) n.cÖZ¨vkv, cÖZxÿv hope, prospect, anticipation, wait
Liberation (wjev‡iBkvb) n. ¯^vaxbZv, gyw³ freedom, enlargement, salvation suppression, captivity
Agency (G‡RwÝ) n. cÖwZwbwaZ¡, KZ©„Z¡ representation, delegation
Shortened (k‡U©Û) adj. mswÿß, Kgv‡bv short, brief, summary, concise full
Remark (wigvK©) n. bRi, D‡jøL
Epicenter (Gwc‡m›Uvi) n. Dc‡K›`ª epicentrum, epicenter, epicenter
Hint (wn›U) n. Bw½Z, ms‡KZ indication, gesture, cue, intimation
Rasistance (‡iwmm‡UÝ) n. braking, exclusion, inhibition, surrender, acceptance
evav`vb, mn¨ Kivi ÿgZv, cÖwZev` opposition, hindrance, hostility
Underground (AvÛviMÖvDÛ) adv. secretly, backstage, hides, hell,
f~Mf©, †Mvc‡b tube, tunnel, privately, hidden
Armed (Avg©W) adj. mk¯¿, A¯¿avix armless, unarmed
Wing (DBs) n. `j party, behalf, side crawl
Continent (Kw›U‡b›U) n. gnv‡`k
Guerrilla (‡Mwijv) n. ‡Mwijv †hv×v guerilla
Warfare (Iqvi‡dqvi) n. hy×weMÖn, msMÖvg hostilities, struggle, fight, battle peace
Branded (eªv‡ÛW) adj. `vwM, wPwýZ stained unbranded
Imprisonment (BgwcÖRbg¨v›U) n. confinement, sentence, captivity,
Kvivevm, Kviv`Û adjudication, adjudgment
Isolated (AvB‡mv‡j‡UW) adj. wfbœ, wQbœ different, other, various, diverse nearby, common
Oppression (A‡cÖkb) n. wbcxob, wbh©vZb persecution, vengeance, torture liberty
Violence (fv‡qv‡jÝ) n. wnsmªZv, Ryjyg, Rei`w¯Í cruelty, ferocity, oppression, fury friendliness, meekness
Forced (‡dvmW©) adj. awl©Z, KóK…Z oppressed, raped, ravished natural, optional
Resettlement (wi‡mUjg¨v›U) n. cybe©vwmZ Kiv
Regime (wiwRg) n. kvmb, miKvi, kvmbe¨e¯’v rule, governance, administration
Racial (‡iwmqvj) adj. RvwZMZ, RvZxq ethnic, national, nationwide nonracial
Segregation (‡m‡MÖ‡Mkb) n. c„_KxKiY separation, dissociation, apartheid integration
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Colony (Kjwb) n. Dcwb‡ek, emwZ settlement, plantation, habitation

Mainland (‡gBbj¨vÛ) n. g~j f~LÛ
Prison (wcÖRb) n. KvivMvi, †Rj jail, lockup, limbo, prison house
Jumbled (Rv¤^jW) v. wgkv‡bv, wgwkÖZ Kiv blend, mingled, mix, medley
Cohesive (‡Kvwnwmf) adj. ms‡hvRK connective, connecting
Successor (mvK‡mmi) n. DËivwaKvix, c~e©cyiæl heir, heiress, inheritor, incomer precursor, predecessor
Bar (evi) n. evav, AšÍivq barrier, obstacle, bunker, black unbar
Uprising (AvcivBwRs) n.we‡`ªvn, DÌvb, Afz¨Ìvb insurgency, rising, ascendency
Huge (wnDR) adj. wekvj, cÖKvÛ big, large, great, main, gigantic tiny
Township (UvDbwkc) n. town, council, shire, district,
‡cŠimfv, kn‡ii GjvKv, †Rjv suburb, faubourg, corporation
Erupted (Biæc‡UW) n. m‡e‡M Drwÿß
Anew (GwbD) adv. bZybfv‡e, Avevi, cybivq afresh, again, bis, then, freshly the same
Released (wiwjRW) adj. gy³ free, open, clear, exempt, liberated imprisoned
Hand-in-hand (n¨vÛ-Bb-n¨vÛ) n. nv‡Z nv‡Z
Viewers (wfDqvim) n. `k©Ke„›`, `k©K seer, spectator, beholder, looker
Tuberculoses (wUDeviwKD‡jvwmm) n. consumption, phthisis
ÿqKvk, hÿv‡ivM
Renew (wiwbD) v. cybivq, Avi¤¢ Kiv resume, restart, recommence
Damage (W¨v‡gR) n. ÿwZ, †jvKmvb, bó harm, loss, evil, hurt, injury, waste repair, reparation
Required (wi‡KvqvW©) v. crave, quest, want, look at, claim, obviate
PvIqv, `vwe Kiv, Av‡`k Kiv demand, assert, call, bid, order
Operation (Acv‡iBkb) n. activities, action, function, deeds,
wµqvKjvc, wµqvcÖYvjx performance, act
Treatment (wUªUg¨v›U) n. wPwKrmv behavior, conduct, attitude, act
Prostate (‡cÖv‡÷U) n.
g~Î_wji MÖxev msjMœ MÖwš’we‡kl
Cancer (K¨vbmvi) n. cPbkxj ÿZ, KK©U‡ivM
Membership (‡g¤^viwkc) n. m`m¨Zv, mf¨c`
Post-apartheid (‡cvó-A¨vcvi‡_BW) n.
c~e© RvwZwe‡Øl
Multi-racial (gvwë-‡iwmqvj) n. eûRvwZMZ
Suitable (myB‡Uej) adj. Dchy³, gvbvbmB worthy, compatible, fit, decent inappropriate, wrong
Major (‡gRi) adj. gyL¨, AwaKZi main, chief, main, key, principal minor
Appearance (Gwcqv‡iÝ ) n. ‡Pnviv, Dcw¯’wZ look, coloring, outlook, presence disappearance
Golf cart (Mj&d KvU©) n. Mî& †Ljvi †KvU
exuberant (G·yev‡i›U) adj. mg„×, D”QvwmZ rich, fruity, wealthy, affluent lethargic
Events (B‡f›Um) n. NUbvejx cause, occurrence, happening
Decide (wWmvBW) v. w¯’i Kiv, wVK Kiv fix, lull, ascertain, dispose, solve waver, put off
Retirement (wiUvqvig¨v›U) n. Aemi MÖnY debut
Ordinary (AiwWbvix) adj. mvaviY, ¯^vfvweK general, common, usual, normal extraordinary
Contribution (Kw›UªweDkb) n. Ae`vb achievement, performance, exploit
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -13

Lesson-3: Two Women (Uz DCg¨vb) `y-Rb bvix (AwfhvwÎK)

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Extraordinary (G·UªvAwW©bvwi) adj. remarkable, unusual, tremendous, ordinary
AmvaviY, A¯^vfvweK amazing, wonderful
Achievement (A¨vwPfg¨v›U) n. K…wZZ¡, AR©b feat, prang, skill, winning failure
Central (‡m›Uªvj) adj. ga¨, cÖavb middle, medium, interior, average peripheral
Tractor (Uªv±i) n. Uªv±i bulldozer, agrimotor, crowler
Driver (WªvBfvi) n. PvjK propeller, pilot, operator, leader non driver
Textile (‡U·UvBj) adj.
eqbmsµvšÍ, eybb msµvšÍ
Plant (cøv›U) n. Dw™¢`, MvQ vegetable, grower, tree, shrub grub, uproot
Continued (KbwUwbDW) adj. extensive, expansive, outstretched,
Ae¨vnZ, we¯Í…Z, AcÖwZnZ large, big, unresisted
Education (BWz‡KBkvb) n. wkÿv, wkÿv`vb lesson, learning, instruction, study
Distance (wWm‡UÝ) n. `~iZ¡, e¨eavb, Zdvr space, way, difference, aloofness warmth,closeness
Interested (Bb‡Uª‡÷W) adj. AbyivMx, †KŠZznjx fond, devoted, attracted, loving uninterested
Parachuting (c¨vivïwUs) n. c¨vivï‡U DÇqb
Trained (‡UªBbW) adj. wkÿvcÖvß, wkwÿZ learned, informed untrained
Aero club (G‡iv K¬ve) n. ‡cøb Pvjbvi K¬ve
Jump (Rv¤ú) n. jvd, Svc leap, leaping, spring, dap, bounce
Employed (Ggcø‡qW) adj. wbhy³, Kg©x appointed, engage, devoted unemployed
Local (‡jvKvj) adj. ¯’vbxq native, topical, endemic general, national
Factory (d¨v±ix) n. KviLvbv workshop, mill, workhouse
Expertise (G·cvwU©R) n. AwfÁZv, we‡kl Ávb experience, knowledge, taste
Selection (wm‡jKkb) n. election, choice, volition,
wbe©vPb, evQvB, gv‡bvbqb alternative, elimination
Cosmonaut (Km‡gvbvU) n. gnvKvkPvix spaceman, aerial, astronauts
Travel (Uªv‡fj) v. ågY Kiv roam, journey, tour, ramble, patrol stay in place
Space (‡¯úm) n. ïb¨ place, position, location, site, room
Decided (wWmvB‡WW) adj. w¯’i K…Z, gxgvswmZ composed, determined, settled hesitant, uncertain
Selected (wm‡jK‡UW) adj. wbe©vwPZ, g‡bvbxZ elect, elected, select, chosen unselect
Project (‡cÖv‡R±) n. Kvh©µg, AwfcÖvq program, programme, intent
Applicant (Gwcø‡K›U) n. Av‡e`K, `iLv¯ÍKvix petitioner, memorials, pretender
Undergo (AvÛvi‡Mv) v. mn¨ Kiv sustain, suffer, endure, bear, pass
Training (‡UªBwbs) n. wkÿvcÖvwß, cÖwkÿb education, teaching, instruction
Included (BbK¬z‡WW) adj. AšÍfy³ © , kvwgj covered, comprised, accessory
Weightless (I‡qU‡jm) adj. IRbnxb imponderable weighty
Flight (d¬vBU) n. DÇqb soaring, flying, wing, escape
Isolation (AvB‡mv‡jBkvb) n. wew”QbœZv separation, detachment inclusion
Centrifuge (‡mw›UªwdDR) n. ‡Kw›`ªq
Rocket (i‡KU) n. i‡KU plummet
Theory (w_Iwi) n. ZZ¡, gZev` principle, ethos, doctrine
Spacecraft (‡¯úmµvdU) n. gnvKvkMvgx hvb space shuttle, spaceship
Engineering (BwÄwbqvwis) n.
hš¿weÁvb, hš¿we`¨v
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -14

Parachute (c¨vivïU) n. c¨vivïU

Pilot (cvBjU) n. wegvb PvjK propeller, driver, operator
Fighter (dvBUvi) n. ‡hv×v combatant, militant, battler peacemaker
Successful (mvK‡mmdzj) adj. fruitful, effectual, apt, significant, unsuccessful
mdj, mv_©K, Rqhy³ victorious, triumphant, useful
Launch (jvÂ) n. Avi¤¢, Pvjy Kiv start, beginning, commencement abolish
Preparing (wcÖ‡cqvwis) v. ready, equip, make, blueprint,
cÖ¯ywÍ Z, †mLv‡bv, ˆZix Kiv ready up, teach, form, produce
Dressed (‡WªmW) adj. cwiwnZ, mw¾Z clothed, affected, equipped undressed
Shuttle (kvUj) n –Zzwi,Zix trumpet, horn, budge horn
Completing (KgwcøwUs) v. †kl Kiv fulfilling
Communication (KwgDwb‡KBkvb) n. liaison, communion, rapport,
‡hvMv‡hvM, Av`vb- cÖ`vb exchange, commerce, bargain
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mg_©b, mnvqZv backing, clinch, confirmation negate
Sealed (wmjW) adj. bvggy`ªvw¼Z unsealed
Inside (BbmvBW) adv. wfZ‡i inwardly, beneath, under, within outside, outdoors
Faultlessly (dë‡jmwj) adj.
wb‡`©vlfv‡e, wbiciv‡a, wb©fzjfv‡e
Experienced (G·wcwi‡qÝW) adj. AwfÁ, `ÿ expert, veteran, adept, weighed inexperienced
Discomfort (wWmKg‡dvU©) n. A¯^w¯Í, Amyweav uneasiness, trouble, difficulty comfort
Orbit (Aiwe‡UW) n. Kÿc_
Logged (jMW) v. evav †`Iqv, †e‡a hvIqv impede, obstruct, check, stop
Combined (KgevBÛ) adj. mshy³ attached, connected, linked uncombined
Astronaut (A¨v÷ªbU) n. gnvKvkPvix, b‡fvPi bird, planet
Maintain (‡gBb‡Ub) v. sustain, keep up, hold down, destroy, deny, neglect
eRvq ivLv, ivLv, cwiPvjbv Kiv continue, preserve, retain, set
Horizon (nwiRb) n. w`MšÍ, AvKvkcÖvšÍ skyline, azimuth, purview
Identify (AvB‡WbwUdvB) v. place, know, recognize, define,
kbv³ Kiv, wba©viY Kiv prescribe, destine
Aerosol (A¨v‡ivmj) n. A¨v‡ivmj
Layers (‡jqvim) n. ¯Íimg~n, ¯Íi, Pvc tier, seam, strata, ledge, stratum
Atmosphere (A¨vU‡gvmwdqvi) n. environment, ambience, weather,
evqygÛj, Aven air, wind, breeze, milieu
Launched (jvÂW) v. Pvjy Kiv start, introduce, set, put on abolish
Orbit (AiweU) n. Aÿ, cwigÛj, Awÿ‡KvUi axis, axle, bead, latitude, arbor, orb
Vessels (‡f‡mjm) n. cvÎ, RvnvR pot, cooker, chalice, steamer, keel
Approached (A¨v‡cÖvPW) adj. unbiased, worried, coastal, receded, departed
ZU¯’, †cuŠ‡Q hvIqv disinterested, impartial
Leader (wjWvi) n. ‡bZv, `jcwZ chief, head, prince, boss, tribune follower
Earned (Avb©W) adj. AwR©Z, DcvwR©Z acquired, attained, artificial, won unearned
Academy (GKv‡Wwg) n. wkÿvqZb, we`¨vjq college, university, varsity
Regime (wiwRg) n. kvmbe¨e¯’v, Avgj rule, governance, regimen
Presidium (‡cÖwmwWqvg) n. mfvcwZ
Legislature (‡jwRm‡jPvi) n. parliament, diet, house, cortes,
AvBbmfv, weavbgÛj senate, estate
Expressed (G·‡cÖmW) v. cÖKvk K‡i‡Qb manifested, evolved, developed implicit
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -15

Desire (wWRvqvi) n. B”Qv, AvKv•Lv wish, will, pleasure, intention

Complete (KgwcøU) adj. m¤úbœ, m¤ú~Y© accomplished, performed, rich Incomplete
Continent (KbwU‡b›U) n. gnv‡`k natural ground
Graduating (MÖvRy‡qwUs) n. mœvZK
Aeronautical(G‡ivbwUK¨vj) adj. aeronautic
wegvbPvjbv msµvšÍ
Obtained (Ae‡UBbW) adj. M„nxZ, DcvwR©Z earned, acquired, won, gained
Aerospace (G‡iv‡¯úm) n. gnvKvk
Determined (wWUvigvBÛ) adj. `„pmsKí destined, determinate, definite Undetermined
President (‡cÖwm‡W›U) adj. ivóªcwZ, mfvcwZ chairman, forecaster, governor
Computational (KgwcD‡Ukbvj) adj. MYbxq
Fluid (d¬zBW) adj. Zij, ANbxf~Z liquid, thinned, softened, melted solid, stilted, constant
Dynamics (WvqbvwgKm) n. MwZwe`¨v kinematics, kinetic
Research (wimvP©) n. M‡elYv, A‡š^lY experiment, exploration, inquiry
Vertical (fvwU©Kvj) adj. Djø¤^, Lvov perpendicular, plumb, steep, erect, horizontal, inclined
Lading (j¨vwÛs ) n. AeZiY, bvgv dissent,alighting, pitch, stoop
Citizenship (wmwU‡Rbwkc) n. bvMwiKZ¡
Start (÷vU©) v. ïiæ Kiv beginning, outset, out coming end, stop, finish, middle
Career (K¨vwiqvi) n. ‡ckv profession, occupation, vocation dawndle
Selected (wm‡jK‡UW) adj. wbe©vwPZ elect, elected, select, chosen unselected
Travelling (Uªv‡fwjs) adj. ågY, Mgb traveling, moving, moveable
Weightlessness (I‡qU‡jm‡bm) n. littleness heaviness
¸iæZ¡nxbZv, IRbnxbZv
Intelligence (Bb‡Uwj‡RÝ) n. eyw×gËv talent, spirit, sagacity, wisdom,
Mission (wgkb) n. D‡Ïk¨, †cÖiY issue, consignment, remittance
Space (‡¯úm) n. ïb¨ place, position, location, site
Responsible (‡imcbwmej) adj. `vwq, `vqMÖ¯’ liable, accountable, answerable irresponsible
Deploying (‡W‡cøvwqs) v. open, spread, out, deploy,
¯’vcbv, †gjv, we¯Ívi Kiv propagate, stretch, extended
Spartan (¯úvU©vb) n. ¯úvU©v cÖ‡`‡ki luxurious
Satellite (m¨v‡UjvBU) n. DcMÖn planet, moon, asteroid, ball
However (nvDGfvi) con. hvB †nvK, wKšÍy but, still, only, nevertheless, albeit
Malfunction (g¨vjdvskb) n. ÎæwU fault function
Necessitating (‡b‡mwm‡UwUs) v. drive, enforce, make
¸iæZ¡mn, Acwinvh© Kiv
Spacewalk (‡¯úmIqvK) n. gnvAvKvk c`Pvibv
Fellow (‡d‡jv) n. mnKg©x, m½x colleague, brethren, partner, mate
Repeatedly (wiwc‡UWwj) adv. evisevi, NbNb oftentimes, over and over, hourly infrequently
Delayed (wW‡jBW) adj. wejw¤^Z late, slow, tardy, pendant, hinder Expedited
Scheduling (wkwWDwjs) v. c~e©cwiKíbv Kiv
Conflict (Kbwd¬±) n. Ø›Ø, weev` duel, rivalry, dispute, strife, strife
Technical (‡UKwbKvj) adj. cÖhyw³K, cÖv‡qvwMK technological, manufacturing nontechnical
Problem (cÖe‡jg) n. mgm¨v matter, question, puzzle, crux solution
Finally (dvBbvwj) adv. cwi‡k‡l, †k‡l at last, in fine, ultimately, deadly at first, firstly
Crew (µz) n. bvweK`j
Specialist (‡¯úkvwjó) n. we‡klÁ expert, adept, authority, artificial generalist
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -16

Responsibility (‡imcbwmwewjwU) n. `vwqZ¡ duty, charge, liability, burden irresponsibility

Included(BbK¬z‡WW) adj. AšÍfy³ © , kvwgj covered, comprised, accessory
Microgravity (gvB‡µvMÖvwfwU) n.
ga¨vKl©Y m¤^Üxq
Experiment (G·‡cwi‡g›U) n. cixÿv, M‡elYv research, exploration, examination
Conducted (KbWvK‡UW) v. cwiPvjbv K‡i‡Qb directed, guided, driven, leaded
Advanced (A¨vWfvÝW) adj.AMÖmi, DbœxZ,DbœZ leading, moving, forward, ahead basic, earlier, traditional
Technology (‡UK‡bvjwR) n. cÖhyw³ processing
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. improvement, promotion, uplift, devolution, non
Dbœqb, AMÖMwZ prosperity, progress, progression development
Health (‡nj_) n. ¯^v¯’¨ hygiene, happiness, wellness illness, unwellness
Safety (‡mdwU) n. wbivcËv security, surety, indemnity danger, risle
Scientific (mvBw›UwdK) adj. ‰eÁvwbK unscientific
Disintegrated (wWmBbwU‡MÖB‡UW) adj. fvOv broken, split, beaten, staved
Texas(‡U·vm) n. ‡U·vm
Re-entry (wi-Gw›Uª) n. cybtcÖ‡ek
Including (BbK¬zwWs) pre. mn, †mB-m‡½ with, along, together with excluding
Prior (cÖvqi) adj. c~e©eZ©x previous, former, preceding subsequent
Scheduled (wkwWDjW) adj. ZvwjKvfz³ cadastral, preset, predetermined
Investigation (Bb‡fw÷‡MBkvb) n. inquiry, examination, research,
Z`šÍ, AbymÜvb inquisition, exploration, quest
Fatal (‡dUvj) adj. gvivZ¥K, me©bvkv deadly, lethal, damning, mortal nonfatal
Accident (GKwm‡W›U) n. `yN©Ubv mishap, casualty, calamity
Happened (n¨v‡cÛ) v. N‡UwQj arrived, accured, befall, fall out
Due to (wWD Uz) pre. Kvi‡Y because of, from, owing to
Damage (W¨v‡gR) n. ÿwZ harm, loss, evil, hurt, injury, waste repair,
Wing (DBs). cvLv, Wvbv feather, fin, limb, van, fan, flock
Insulting (BbmvjwUs) adj. AcgvbKi humiliating, offensive, insulting polite
Foam (‡dvg) n. ‡dbv, mgy`ª froth, lather, bubble, bead, fret
External (G·Uvibvj) adj. ewnivMZ, ˆe‡`wkK exotic, exerged, forign, exterior internal
Fuel (dz‡qj) n. R¦vjvbx, BÜb firewood, fire, firing, kindling
Tank (U¨vsK) n. cyKzi, w`wN, Rjvkq, eo cvÎ pond, pool, take, reservoir
Peeling (wcwjs) n. ‡Lvmv, Qvov‡bv, wb‡g©vPb taking off, moulting, putting off
During (wWDwis) pre. awiqv, †Kv‡bv mgq by
Intense (Bb‡UÝ) adj. Zxeª, cÖPÛ severe, acute, exquisite, sharp mild
Heat (wnU) n. Zvc temperature, fervor, anger, vanity coul, coldness
Penetrated (‡cwb‡Uª‡UW) adj. AbycÖweó pierced, penetrated, infiltrated
Interior (Bb‡Uwiqi) n. Af¨šÍi, wfZi inside, inward, midst , core, bottom exterior, outside
Destroying (wWmUªBs) adj. destructive, pinching, corrosive,
webvkKvix, ÿqKviK defeating, consuming, erosive
Support (mv‡cvU©) v. mg_©b, mnvqZv backing, clinch, confirmation negate
Structure (ֻvKPvi) n. MVb, Mob form, formation, composition
Causing (KwRs) v.NUv‡”Q, NUv‡bv, cÖ‡ek provoke, bring about, make, quash
Break down (‡eªK WvDb) v. weKj nIqv lump, build up
Isolation (AvB‡mv‡jBkvb) n. wew”QbœZv separation, detachment inclusion
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -17

Centrifuge (‡mbwUªwdDR) n. ‡Kw›`ªq

Spacecraft (‡¯úmµvd&U) n. AvKvkMvgx hvb space shuttle, spaceship
Cosmonaut (Km‡gvbvU) n. gnvKvkPvix spaceman, aerial, astronaut
Spacesuit (‡¯úmmy¨U) n.
gnvKvk Mg‡bi Rb¨ we‡kl †cvkvK
Nausea (bvwmqv) n. weiw³, ewg ewg fve annoyance, nagging, bother
Legislaure (‡jwRm‡jPvi) n. parliament, diet, house,
AvBbmfv, weavbgÛj cortes, senate
Adopt (A¨vWÞ) v. MÖnY Kiv, †bIqv take, accept, receive, take in, bear reject
Ill-fated (Bj-‡d‡UW) adj. nZfvM¨ wretched, unlucky, woeful, ratty
Disintegrate (wWmB‡›U‡MÖU) v. fvOv break, crush, stave, kibble, impair integrate
Victim (wfKwUg) n. wkKvi hunting, prey, hunt, shoot, chasing
Disaster (wW‡RmUvi) n. `y‡h©vM, wech©q inversion, upset, upheaval, woe success
ordinary (AiwWbvwi) adj. mvaviY general, common, usual, normal extraordinary
Competitor (KgwcwUUi) n. cÖwZØw›Ø opponent, rival, antagonist cooperator
Involved (BbfjfW) adj. RwoZ, mswkøó engaged, related, connected uninvolved
Achievement (A¨vwPfg¨v›U) n. AR©b, K…wZZ¡ feat, prang, skill, acquisition failure
Partner (cvU©bvi) n. Askx`vi associate, shareholder, party superior
Famous (‡dBgvm) adj. weL¨vZ, cÖL¨vZ famed, eminent, celebrated unknown
Similarities (wmwgjvwiwUm) n. wgj, AwfbœZv harmony, tally, symphony, accord dissimilarities
Information (Bbdi‡gBkvb) n. Z_¨ news, message, report, fact
Provide (‡cÖvfvBW) v. mieivn Kiv bargain, take steps, shift withhold

Unit-2: Dreams (Wªxg&m&) - ¯^cœ

Lesson-1: What is a dream? (‡nvqvU BR G Wªxg?) - ¯^cœ Kx?
Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms
Familiar (d¨vwgwjqvi) adj. mycwiwPwZ noted, familiar, homely, famous strange, unfamiliar
Related (wi‡j‡UW) adj. mswkøó involved, adhering, united unrelated
Colour (Kvjvi) n. iO coloring, hue, paint, dye discolor, colorless
Reveric (‡ifvwiK) n. w`ev¯^cœ daydream, rapture, ecstasy
Silvery (wmjfvwi) adj. iƒcvwj argentine, argent golden
Reality (wi‡qwjwU) n. ev¯ÍeZv sooth, real, historicity, truth unreality
Nightmare (bvBU‡gqvi) n. `yt¯^cœ incubus, fright, incubus, riding hag dream
Romantic (‡ivgvw›UK) adj. Av‡eMcÖeY emotional, impulsive, mushy classicist
Pleasant (‡cø‡R›U) adj. Avb›``vqK delightful, pleasing, lovely, joyful unpleasant
Short lasting (kU©-jvw÷s) adj. ¯^í¯’vqx temporary long-lasting
Imagination (BgvwR‡bBkb) n. Kíbv fantasy, visualization, idea, thought reality
Hallucination (n¨vjywm‡bBkb) n.
Ag~jcÖZ¨ÿ, `„wóåg
Dreamy (wWªwg) adj. ¯^cœfiv alert, ordinary
Hounting (nvw›Us) v. Mv-QgQ‡g
Day-dream (‡W-wWªg) n. w`ev¯^cœ, AvKvk-Kzmyg
Shadowy (k¨v‡WvC) adj. QvqvK…Z, AveQvqv nebulous, dimmish, ghostly, unreal distinct, bright
Dreamer (Wªxgvi) n. ¯^cœ`k©x visionary realist
Fragment (d«vMg¨v›U) n. UzKiv, LÛ piece, slice, shred, snatch, morsel
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -18

Generally (‡Rbv‡iwj) adv. mvaviYZ usually, commonly, in general narrowly, specifically

Sleep (wmøc) n. Nyg slumber, rest, flop, lying wake
Appear (Gwcqvi) v. Avwef©~Z nIqv break, turn up, arrive, come, spring disappear
Horrible (nwiej) adj. fqvbK terrific, horrific, fearsome, terrible lovely, pleasant
Extremely (G·wUªgwj) adv. AZ¨šÍ highly, very, exceptionally somewhat
Bad (e¨vW) adj. Lvivc, g›` evil, wicked, worsened, ill, poorly good
Interesting (B›Uv‡iw÷s) adj. AvKl©Yxq grand, hearty, strong, pompous uninteresting
Soft (md&U) adj. big, g„`y tender, mild, limp, mushy forte, hard, loud
Differ (wWdvi) v. cv_©K¨ Kiv disagree, dissent, discord agree, equal
Relation (wi‡jkb) n. m¤úK© connection, bond, rapport, contacts
Passionately (c¨vk‡bUwj) adv. indifferently
g‡b cÖv‡Y, Av‡eM AvcøyZ n‡q
Article (AvwU©‡Kj) n. cÖeÜ, Aby‡”Q` essay, treatise, dissertation, thesis
Fascinated (d¨vwm‡b‡UW) adj. gy» bewitched, enchanted, engrossed
Philosopher (wd‡jv‡mvdvi) n. `vk©wbK seer, onlooker, observer, witness realist
Recently (wi‡m›Uwj) adv. m¤úªwZ lately, of late, now-a-days, latterly long, ago
Empirical (GgwcwiKvj) adj. M‡elYvg~jK experimental, exploratory theoretical
Research (wimvP©) n. M‡elYv experiment, exploration, exam
Scientific (mvBw›UwdK) adj. ‰eÁvwbK unscientific
Puzzling (cvRwjs) adj. weiw³Ki boring, annoying, puzzling
Content (Kb‡U›U) adj. mšÍyó satisfied, contented, glad, patient discontent, discontented
Perhaps (cvin¨vcm) adv. m¤¢eZ probably, likely, possibly definitely
Wondered (IqvÛviW) v. Avðh©vwš^Z nIqv surprise, be stupefied, be dazzled
Basic (‡ewmK) adj. ‡gŠwjK, cÖv_wgK fundamental, prime,, original incidental
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍfy©³ Kiv thrust into, encircle, involve, annex exclude
Emotion (B‡gvkb) n. Av‡eM passion, feeling, affection, sense intellect
Experience (G·wcwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv expertise, knowledge, taste inexperience
Extraordinary (G·UªvAwW©bvwi) adj. AmvaviY remarkable, unusual, tremendous ordinary
Vivid (wfwfW) adj. ¯úó apparent, frank, lucid, tangible dull, vauge
Vague (fM) adj. A¯úó dim, obscure, fuzzy, murky defined, vivid
Joyful (Rqdzj) adj. Avb›``vqK delightful, pleasing, lovely, bright sorrowful
Emotion (B‡gvkb) n. Av‡eM passion, feeling, affection, sense intellect
Frightening (d«vB‡Uwbs) adj. fqvbK terrible, outrageous, grim, dire soothing
Focuse (‡dvKvm) n. jÿ¨ Kiv navel, concentration blur
Understandable (AvÛvi÷¨vb‡Wej) adj. comprehensible, sensible, incomprehensible
‡evaMg¨ explainable clear, perceptible
Unclear (AvbwK¬qvi) adj. A¯ú÷ clear, well-defined
Confusing (KbwdDwRs) adj. weåvwšÍKi baffling, spiny, deuced clear
Serve (mvf©) v. cwi‡ekb Kiv serve up, distribute, serve out
Theory (w_Iwi) n. ZË¡ principle, ethos, doctrine, tenet
Proposed (cÖ‡cvRW) adj. cÖ¯vÍ weZ raised, moved, mentioned
Consensus (Kb‡mbmvm) n. HK¨ tune, unity, consistency, union disagreement
Emerged (BgvR©W) adj. wbM©Z, Dw`Z flowed, ejected, flowed out, issued
Considering (KbwmWvwis) v. we‡ePbv Kiv consider, weigh, envisage disregard
Dreaming (wWªwgs) v. ¯^cœ †`Lv dream, fancy, utter delirium
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State (‡÷BU) n. ivR¨, ivóª kingdom, realm, reign, dominion

Researcher (wimvP©vi) n. M‡elK researchist, empiric, investigator
Understand (AvÛvi÷¨vÛ) v. eyS‡Z cviv catch, catch on, get at, get on to misunderstand
Purpose (cvicvm) n. D‡Ïk¨, AwfcÖvq motive, aim, objective, intention indifference
Baffling (e¨vdwjs) adj. weåvwšÍKi embarrassing, puzzling, deuced clear
Important (B¤ú‡U©›U) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© significant, serious, great, main insignificant
Unraveling (Avbi¨v‡fwjs) v. ¯úó Kiv elucidate, demonstrate, bring out ravel, knot
Exact (G·v±) adj. mwVK, h_vh_ proper, accurate, mathematic, very inexact
Suggest (mv‡Ró) v. mycvwik Kiv suspect, bethink, bring back contraindicate
Believe (wewjf) v. wek¦vm Kiv trust, suppose, confide, credit disbelief
Essential (B‡mbkvj) adj. Acwinvh© indispensable, necessary, vital adjective, inessential
Mental (‡g›Uvj) adj. gvbwmK sane, objective, inward, ideal physical
Emotional (B‡gvkbvj) adj. Av‡eMc~Y© pathological, impassioned, warm cerebral, unemotional
Physical (wdwRKvj) adj. kvixwiK bodily, corporal, anatomical mental
Well-being (I‡qj-weBs) n. Kj¨vY, g½j welfare, good, benefit, prosperity
Prominent (cÖwgb¨v›U) adj. wewkó, jÿYxq great, eminent, distinguished
Consistent (KbwmmU¨v›U) adj. msMwZc~Y© compatible, balanced, coherent inconsistent, incoherent
Psychoanalytic (mvB‡Kvb¨vwjwUK) adj.
gbtmgxÿY welqK
Representation (wi‡cÖ‡R‡›Ukb) n. weeiY
Unconscious (AvbKbkvm) adj. A‡PZb senseless, lifeless, fainted conscious
Desire (wWRvqvi) n. B”Qv wish, will, pleasure, intention
Motivation (‡gvwU‡fBkb) n. ‡cÖiYv inspiration, dictation, motive
Driven (WªvB‡fb) adj. PvwjZ, cwiPvwjZ led, guided, wielded, ruled, moved apathetic
Aggressive (A¨v‡MÖwmf) adj. AvµgbvZ¥K invasive, incursive, invective unaggressive
Sexual (‡m·yqvj) adj. ‡hŠb sensual, lustful asexual
Instinct (BÝwUs±) n. mË¡, cÖe„wË substance, essence, presence, soul
Repressed (wi‡cÖmW) adj. Ae`wgZ, wbcxwoZ depressed, oppressed, afflicted uninhibited
Awareness (GIqvi‡bm) n. m‡PZbZv, AeMwZ knowledge, cognition, knowing incognizance
Consciously (Kbkvmwj) adv. mÁv‡b unconsciously
Expressed (G·‡cÖmW) adj. cÖKvwkZ published, revealed, disclosed implicit
Interpretation (B›UviwcÖ‡Ukb) n. e¨vLv, A_© explanation, commentary
Disguised (wWRMvBRW) adj. QÙ‡e‡k faked, feigned, false, bogus, faked overt
Fulfilment (dzjwdjg¨v›U) n. c~Y©Zv fullness, congestion, completeness dissatisfaction
Wish (DBk) n. B”Qv will, desire, pleasure, intention begrudge
Contributed (Kw›UªweD‡UW) v. Ae`vb ivLv
Popularity (ccyjvwiwU) n. RbwcÖqZv vogue unpopularity
Path (c¨v_) n. c_, iv¯Ív way, road, curse, pathway, rout
Theorist (w_Iwi÷) n. ‡h e¨vw³, wm×všÍ K‡i theoretician realist
Idea (AvBwWqv) n. aviYv, wPšÍv notion, concept, conception, mind
Subjective (mve‡RKwUf) adj. welqx landed, earthy, worldly, secular objective, transeunt
Signal (wmMbvj) n. ms‡KZ gesture, hint, beacon, sign, beck
Generated (‡Rbv‡i‡UW) v.Drcbœ, Drcv`b Kiv yield, produce, generate, create
Meaningless (wgwbs‡jm) adj. A_©nxb pointless, silly, insignificant meaningful
Instead (B݇UW) adv. cwie‡Z©
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Cognitive (KMwbwUf) adj. Ávbxq, Ávb m¤^Üxq cognitional

Element (Gwj‡g›U) n. Dcv`vb material, components, stuff
Produce (‡cÖvwWDm) v. Drcv`b Kiv yield, generate, propagate, spawn
Result (‡iRvë) n. cwibvg, djvdj eventuality, aftereffect, conclusion cause
Interpret (B›Uvi‡cÖU) v. e¨vL¨v Kiv explain, illustrate, set forth misread, misapprehend
External (G·Uvibvj) adj. ewnivMZ exotic, emerged, foreign, exterior internal
Stimulant (w÷gy‡j›U) adj. DÏxcK, D‡ËRK inspiring, incentive, provoking
Incorporated (BbK‡c©v‡i‡UW) n. AšÍfy³
© embody, league
Content (Kb‡U›U) adj. mšÍyó satisfied, contented, glad, patient discontent, discontented
Metaphor (‡gUv‡dvi) n. iƒcK parable, image, allegory, typical
Account (GKvD›U) n. wnmve calculation, estimate, score, tab
According (A¨v‡KvwW©s) adj. Abyhvqx following, similar, consequent
Clutter (K¬vUvi) n. ‡Mvjgvj chaos, disorder, confusion, mess uncluttered
Operation (Acv‡iBkvb) n. wµqvKjvc activities, action, function, deed
Refreshing (wi‡d«wks) adj. m‡ZRKviK regenerative, life giving, zesty draining, fatiguing
Prepare (wcÖ‡cqvi) v. cÖ¯yÍZ Kiv ready, equip, make, blueprint
Function (dvskb) n. wµqv, KvR act, deed, duty, labor, task malfunction
Psychotherapy (mvB‡Kv_¨vivwc) n.
Dreamer (Wªxgvi) n. ¯^cœ`k©x visionary realist
Connection (Kv‡bKkb) n. ms‡hvM link, merger, cohesion, bond disconnectedness,
Environment (Gbfvqibg¨v›U) n. cwi‡ek condition, ambience, situation
Perspective (cvm©‡cKwUf) adj. cwi‡cÖwÿZ aspects
Motivation (‡gvwU‡fBkb) n. ‡cÖiYv inspiration, dictation, impetus
Cherish (‡Pwik) v. ‡cvlv, †mœn Kiv jvjb Kiv love, fancy, rear, nourish, bring up
Engineer (BwÄwbqvi) n. cÖ‡KŠkjx bowfin
Impossible (B¤úwmej) adj. Am¤¢e improbable, ridiculous possible
Task (Uv¯‹) n. KvR ought, persuasive, motive, duty
Narrate (b¨v‡iBU) v. eY©bv Kiv describe, recount, recite, detail
Democratically (wW‡gv‡µwUKvwj) adj- undemocratically
Elected (B‡jK‡UW) adj. wbe©vwPZ selected, elect, select, chosen appointive
Condition (KwÛkb) n. kZ©, Ae¯’v proviso, salvo, agreement, if
Practice (cÖvKwUm) n. Abykxjb, Af¨vm exercise, drill, contemplation hypothesis
Lottery (jUvwi) n. jUvwi raffle, tombola, lot certainly
Highlighting (nvBjvBwUs) n. jÿ¨bxq Kiv background, play down
Benefit (‡ewbwdU) n. myweav, DcKvi convenience, advantage, favor detriment, suffer

Lesson-2: Dream Poems (Wªxg †cv‡qgm) - ¯^cœ wb‡q KweZv

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Romantic (‡ivgvw›UK) adj. Av‡eMcÖeY emotional, impulsive, mushy classicist
Considered (KbwmWvW©) adj. we‡ewPZ calculated, deliberated, thought
Dreamer (Wªxgvi) n. ¯^cœ`k©x visionary realist
Ability (GwewjwU) n. ÿgZv, `ÿZv power, authority, might, force inability
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Turn (Uvb©) n. cvjv bout, offshoot, story unbend

Wish (DBk) n. B”Qv, Kvgbv will, desire, pleasure, intention begrudge
Power (cvIqvi) n. ÿgZv, kw³ ability, authority, caliber, might inability, powerlessness
Thought (_U) n. wPšÍv, fvebv idea, thinking, worry, concern
Deed (WxW) n. `wjj, KvR factum, formula, act, function
Voice (f‡qm) n. Kɯ^i tone, volume, sound, noise, note devoice
Desire (wWRvqvi) n. B”Qv wish, will, pleasure, intention
Strive (÷ªvBf) v. msMÖvg Kiv fight, combat, take up arms
Hard (nvW©) adj. KwVb, k³ difficult, solid, tenacious, stubborn easy, soft, lightly
Achieve (A¨vwPf) v. AR©b Kiv earn, acquire, attain, gain, get, win fail
Action (A¨vKkb) n. Kg© , wµqv act, work, practice, employment inaction, inactivity
Patriot (c¨vwUªqU) n. ‡`k‡cÖwgK turnout
Social (‡mvkvj) adj. mvgvwRK communal, convivial, associative unsocial
Reformer (widigvi) n. ms¯‹viK innovator, mender, reformist
Worker (IqvK©vi) n. Kg©x, kÖwgK employee, hand, laborer, workman no worker
Imagining (BgvwRwbs) adj. Kíx, KwíZ fancying, inventing, contriving
Previous (wcÖwfqvm) adj. c~e©eZ©x former, preceding, prior, past subsequent
Learn (jvb©) v. ‡kLv study, become acquainted, get
Aspect (Gm‡c±) n. `„wófw½ angle
Poet (c‡qU) n. Kwe bard, scald, rhyme, minstrel
Side (mvBW) n. cvk© flank, part, brink, arm, hand, trap straddle, top, bottom
Novelist (‡bv‡fwjó) n. Jcb¨vwmK novel, writer
Essayist (G‡mB÷) n. cÖeÜKvi
Playwright (‡cøivBU) n. bvU¨Kvi dramatist, play writer, dramaturgist
Leader (wjWvi) n. ‡bZv, m`©vi chief, head, prince, commander follower
Harlem (nvi‡jg) n. nv‡ig, mfvKÿ
Renaissance (‡iu‡bmvÝ) n. ‡i‡bmuv, c~bRv©Mib
Attempt (A¨v‡U¤úU) n. ‡Póv, cÖqvm try, effort, endeavor, essay, push
Carry (K¨vwi) v. enb Kiv convey, sustain, tote, defray
Couple (Kvcj) n. `¤úwZ pair, married, equal, doublet, yoke uncouple
Activity (A¨vKwUwfwU) n. Kvh©Kjvc action, work, energy, mobility, stir inaction, inactivity
Famous (‡dBgvm) adj. weL¨vZ famed, eminent, celebrated unknown
Equalty (BKzqvwj) adv. mgvbfv‡e uniformly, without differentiation unequally, unevenly
Dusty (Wvw÷) adj. a~wjgq stained, vicious, sinful
Recesses (wi‡m‡mm) n. Lycwo, Kzjyw½ vacation, rest day, interval
Vanity (f¨vwbwU) n. AnsKvi pride, arrogance, haughtiness humility, value
Dangerous (‡WÄvivm) adj. wec¾bK risky, hazardous, perilous safe
Open (I‡cb) adj. ‡Lvjv the open, bare, loose, open-air close, fold, closed, shut
Eye (AvB) n. ‡PvL sight, look, light, seekers, glance
Hold (‡nvì) v. ivLv, aiv catch, apprehend, stop at, take let go of
Fast (dv÷) adj. `ªæZ quick, rapid, speedy, fleet, swift slow
Broken-winged (‡eªv‡Kb-DBsW) adj. Wvbv fv½v
Fly (d¬vB) v. Dov abound, dissipate, dart, flutter dawdle
Barren (e¨v‡ib) adj. Abye©i arid, meager, infertile, poor, waste fertile
Frozen (‡d«v‡Rb) adj. wngvwqZ, RgvU congealed, inseparable, coagulated
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Referring (‡idvwis) v. D‡jøL Kiv mention, note, allude, notice, speak

Consider (KbwmWvi) v. we‡ePbv Kiv considering, weigh, envisage disregard
According (A¨v‡KvwW©s) adj. Abyhvqx following, similar, consequent
Snow (‡mœv) n. Zzlvi ice, frost, dew, winter

Lesson-3: I Have a Dream (AvB n¨vf& G Wªxg) - Avgvi GKwU ¯^cœ Av‡Q

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Guess (‡Mm) n. Abygvb hypothesis, conjecture
Describe (wWmµvBe) v. eY©bv Kiv recount, narrate, recite, detail, tell
Find (dvBÛ) v. cvIqv get, feel like, have, be aware of lose
Abridge (GweªR) v. ms‡ÿc Kiv summarize, shorten, abbreviate expand
Pastor (c¨v÷i) n. hvRK priest, preacher, deacon, dean
Non-Violent (bb-fv‡qv‡j›U) adj. Awnsm
Activist (A¨vKwUwf÷) n. mwµq, AskMÖnYKvix demonstrator, demonstrationist conservative, reactionary
Humanitarian (wnDg¨vwb‡Uwiqvb) adj. altruistic, benign, benevolent, kind,
ciwnZeªwZ, gvbweK noble, kindly, bounteous, generous
Sadly (m¨vWwj) adv. `ytwLZfv‡e happily
Crippled (wµcjW) adj. weKj crocked, disabled
Manacle (g¨vbv‡Kj) n. nvZKwo give release
Segregation (‡m‡MÖ‡MBkb) n. c„_KxKiY separation, dissociation, apartheid integration
Discrimination (wWmwµwg‡bBkvb) n. ‰elg¨ disagreement, penetration, split
Lonely (‡jvbwj) adj. GKvKx solo, lone, unaccompanied
Island (AvBj¨vÛ) n. Øxc isle, aid, inch
Poverty (‡cvfvwU©) n. `vwi`ª impoverishment, begging, penury wealth
Midst (wgW&÷) n. ga¨ middle, inside, center, mean
Vast (fv÷) adj. mywekvj grandiose, infinite, boundless, fab small
Ocean (I‡kb) n. gnvmvMi profound, sea, brine, deep, blue
Material (g¨v‡Uwiqvj) n. Dcv`vb components, element, stuff immaterial, incorporeal
Prosperity (‡cÖvmcvwiwU) n. mg„w× enrichment, bonanza, opulence poverty
Still (w÷j) adv. GL‡bv still now, at rest agitate, moving
Languishing (j¨v½yBwks) v. wb‡¯ÍR nIqv mope, flag, languish, quail
Corner (Kb©vi) n. ‡KvY angle, nook, bend, turning, curve
Exile (G·vBj) n. wbe©vmb expulsion, banishment, deportee repatriate
Dramatize (WªvgvUvBR) v. bvU¨iƒc †`Iqv play down
Shameful (‡kgdzj) adj. j¾vRbK ignominious, backstairs, foul honorable
Condition (KwÛkb) n. kZ©, Ae¯’v proviso, salvo, agreement, if
Difficulty (wWwdKvwë) n. Amyweav, evav disadvantage, inconvenience ease
Deeply (Wxcwj) adv. Mfxifv‡e deep, sound, profoundly mildly, barely
Rooted (iæ‡UW) adj-Mfxi, †cÖw_Z rooty, deep, profound, grave
Rise-up (ivBR-Avc) v. Dw`Z nIqv come up, rise, arise, ascend, grow
Meaning (wgwbs) n. A_© signification, sense, interpretation insignificance
Creed (µxW) n. ag©wek¦vm faith, profession, belief, credo
Self-evident (‡mj&d-Gwf‡W›U) adj. axiomatic, axiomatically mysterious, hidden
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Created (wµ‡q‡UW) adj. wbwg©Z built, manufactured, made

Equal (BKzqvj) adj. mgvb, mg like, level, even, identical differ, unlike, unequal
Slave (‡møf) n. µxZ`vm thrall, bondman, bondsman free
Owner (Ibvi) n. gvwjK master, lord, employer, proprietor
Brotherhood (eªv`vin~W) n. åvZ…Z¡ fraternity
Sweltering (‡mvqvëvwis) adj. AwZkq Nvgv
Injustice (BbRvmwUm) n. AwePvi iniquity, misconception, enormity justice
Transformed (UvÝdigW) adj. iƒcvšÍwiZ resolved
Oasis (Iqvwmm) n. giæ`¨vb
Freedom (wd«‡Wvg) n. ¯^vaxbZv independence, liberty, swaraj restriction, conformity
Nation (‡bBkvb) n. RvwZ race, people, flak, tribe, caste
Skin (w¯‹b) n. Pvgov leather, hide, derma, cuticle, cutis
Content (Kb‡U›U) adj. mšÍyó satisfied, contented, glad, patient discontent, discontented
Character (K¨v‡i±vi) n. PwiÎ nature, role, figure, conduct
Vicious (wfwmqvm) adj. `yðwiÎ, fqsKi vile, wicked, reprobate, depraved Good-natured, kind
Racist (‡iwm÷) n. ¯^RvwZev`x racialist
Governor (Mf©bi) n. kvmK ruler, magistrate, regent, governor
Having (n¨vwfs) n. _vKv, nIqv
Lips (wjcm) n. ‡VuvU lip, underlie
Dripping (wWªwcs) n. ÿiY oozing, exudation, destruction dry
Interposition (B›Uvi‡cvwRkb) n. n¯Í‡ÿc interference
Oppression (A‡cÖkb) n. `gb, cxob
Nullification (bvwjwd‡KBkb) n. nullity, inefficiency, annulment,
AKvh©KiZv, evwZjKiY rescission, cancel, revocation
Little (wjU&j) adj. mvgvb¨ small, mediocre, light, ordinary big, large, much
Able (Gej) adj. mÿg capable, susceptible, efficient unable
Join (R‡qb) v. ‡hvM Kiv unite, add, enter, put to, run up disjoin
Valley (f¨vwj) n. DcZ¨Kv delve, vale, dale, dell, glen hill
Exalted (G·vj‡UW) adj. DbœZ, mgy”P improved, high, prosperous, lofty lowly
Hill (wnj) n. cvnvo, ce©Z mountain, rock, dune, upland, tor valley
Mountain (gvD‡›UBb) n. ce©Z mount, hill, rock, upland, dune
Low (‡jv) adj. wbgœ, wbPz lower, junior, subordinate, small high
Rough (ivd) adj. iæÿ, AgvwR©Z grudging, heathenish, morose, ride cut, smooth
Place (‡cøBm) n. RvqMv, ¯’vb land, space, room, circumstance figure
Plain (‡cøBb) adj. mgZj flat, plain, level, smooth cheer, fancy, patterned
Crooked (µzKW) adj. KzwUj, euvKv hypocritical, tortuous, bent straight
Made (‡gBW) adj. cÖ¯yZ Í drawn up, compiled, composed unmade
Straight (‡÷ªBU) adv. ‡mvRv, mivmwifv‡e avowedly, flat-out, right away coiled, curly, curved
Glory (‡Møvwi) n. Mwigv, hk greatness, pride, vanity, celebrity criticism
Revealed (wiwfjW) adj. cÖKvwkZ published, expressed, disclosed hidden
Flesh (‡d¬k) n. gvsm organism
Together (Uz‡M`vi) adv. GKm‡½ simultaneously, all together alone, separately
Hope (‡nvc) n. Avkv, cÖZ¨vkv prospect, expectancy, promise despair
Faith (‡dB_) n. wek¦vm, Av¯’v belief, trust, confidence, credit agnosticism
Despair (wWm‡cqvi) n. nZvkv disappointment, desperation hope
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Transform (UvÝdg©) n. iƒcvšÍi variation, metamorphosis, change

Jangling (R¨v½wjs) v. KK©k kã Kiv
Discord (wWm‡KvW©) n. A‰bK¨ disunity, dissonance, variance agree
Beautiful (weDwUdzj) adj. my›`i pretty, fine, polished, fairy, superb ugly
Symphony (mxgdbx) n. wgj, HKZvb tune, harmony, similarity, tally
Struggle (÷ªvMj) n. msMÖvg fight, battle, war, warfare bloom, blossom, coast
Jail (‡Rj) n. KvivMvi prison, lookup, penitentiary, limbo free
Stand (÷¨vÛ) v. `uvov‡bv halt, stop sit, lie, yield
Great (‡MBÖU) adj. gnvb, eo grand, high, eminent, august tiny, ordinary, small
Ring (wis) v. evRvb, cwi‡eób Kiv blew, play, sound, toot, plunk open, chair
Prodigious (‡cÖvwWwRqvm) adj. we¯§qKi wonderful, amazing, surprising average, small
Hilltop (wnjUc) n. cvnv‡oi P~ov
Mighty (gvBwU) adj. ejkvbx, ÿgZvkvjx powerful, potent, strong, capable weak, insignificant
Heightening (nvB‡Uwbs) n. DZ&µvwšÍ leaping over, development, death
Molehill (‡gvjwnj) n. Qzu‡Pvi wXwe
Mountainside (gvD‡›UbmvBW) n. ce©Zcvk¦© side
Allow (GjvD) v. Aby‡gv`b Kiv endorse, approve, okay, authorize deny, disallow, forbid
Hamlet (n¨vg‡jU) n. MÖvg, cjøx village, locality, thorp, gram
State (‡÷BU) n. ivR¨, ivóª kingdom, realm, reign, territory
Speed (w¯úW) n. MwZ, `ªæZZv agility, swiftness, quickness decelerate, linger
Jew (wRD) n. Bûw` hebrew, israelite
Gentile (‡RbUvBj) adj. ‡Mvwôfy³ clannish, tribal, generic
Protestant (‡cÖv‡UmU¨v›U) n. objector
AvcwËKvix, cªwZev`Kvix
Catholic (K¨v_wjK) adj. mbvZb eternal, never-dying, pure conservative
Sing (wms) v. Mvb MvIqv whistle, chant, descant, pipe keep quiet
Negro (wb‡MÖv) n. wb‡MÖv negroid, moor, nigger, black moor
Spiritual (w¯úwiPzqvj) adj. Ava¨vwZœK psychic, theological, psychical secular, physical
At last (A¨vU jv÷) adv. Ae‡k‡l eventually, in the end, finally at first
Almighty (AjgvBwU) adj. me©kw³gvb all. powerful
Abridged (A¨vweªRW) adj. ms‡ÿwcZ potted, summary unabridged
Context (Kb‡U·U) n. Abym½, cÖm½ adherence, connation, affection
Cruel (µz‡qj) adj. wbôzi, wb`©q brutal, bloody, relentless, merciless kind, pleasant
Masterpiece (gv÷viwcm) n. ‡miv wkíKg©
Discriminatory (wWmwµwg‡bUwi) adj- preferential, biased, discriminating unprejudiced
cÿcvZg~jK discriminative
Rattling (i¨vUwjs) adj. mcÖwZf, cÖvYešÍ dandy, dapper, bold, knack
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq people, sect, denomination, society isolation
Twisted (UzB‡÷W) adj. cvuKv‡bv, †gvPov‡bv twirled, turtle, raveled, turtle who some, straight
Unpleasantly (Avbwcø‡R›Uwj) adv. cheerlessly, lamely pleasantly
Jewish (wRDBk) n. Bû`x mgwÜq
Type (UvBc) n. Av`k© ideal, model, norm, example antitype
Article (AvwU©‡Kj) n. cÖeÜ, Aby‡”Q` essay, treatise, dissertation, thesis
Speech (w¯úP) n. e³„Zv, K_vevZ©v lecture, discourse, address, oration
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Delivered (‡WwjfviW) adj. wb®‹…Z freed, rescued, exempted, released

Above (A¨v‡evf) adv. Dc‡i over, upon, on, atop, upstairs below
Appreciate (GwcÖwkGBU) v. Zvwid Kiv admire, applaud, okay, praise, ok depreciate
Ultimate (Avwë‡gU) adj. P~ovšÍ, Pig final, eventual, conclusive proximate
Benefit (‡ewbwdU) n. myweav, jvf convenience, advantage, favor detriment, suffer
Fulfill (dzjwdj) v. c~Y© Kiv fill, make, complete, pack, settle fall short of
Precondition (wcÖKwÛkb) n. c~e©kZ©
Project (‡cÖv‡R±) n. Kvh©µg program, programme, plan

Unit-3 Lifestyle (jvBd÷vBj) – Rxebaviv

Lesson-1 Manners Around the World (g¨vbvim A¨vivDÛ `¨v Iqvì©) - c„w_ex Ry‡o ˆbwZK AvPiY

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Manners (g¨vbvim) n. f`ªZv, webq modesty, amenity, courtesy rudeness
Etiquette (GwU‡KU) n. wkóvPvi manners, munity, treatment
Identify (AvB‡Ww›UdvB) v. kbv³ Kiv recognize, own, ascertain, place
Similarity (wmwgjvwiwU) n. wgj, AwfbœZv harmony, tally, accord, symphony dissimilarity
Instruct (BÝUªv±) n. wkLv‡bv, cov‡bv teach, educate, train, rehearse, tutor befuddle
Graceful (‡MÖmdzj) adj. ÿgvc~Y©, Kgbxq merciful, excusatory, gracious awkward
Polite (‡cvjvBU) adj. f`ª bland, gentle, suave, respectful impolite, uncivil
Formal (digvj) adj. AvbyôvwbK, wbqgwbô ceremonial, gala, ritual, solemn informal
Present (‡cÖ‡R›U) adj. we`¨gvb, Dcw¯’Z existent, being, ruling, current absent, future
Politely (‡cvjvBUwj) adv. mweb‡q blandly, obligingly, humbly impolitely
Refusing (wiwdDwRs) v. cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv reject, backtrack, abdicate accept
Accept (GK‡mÞ) v. MÖnY Kiv receive, take in, take up, take out refuse, reject
Norm (‡bvi&g) n. Av`k©, wbqg ideal, model, example, pattern
Culture (KvjPvi) n. ms¯‹…wZ plane, practice uncouthness
Discourage (wWmKv‡iBR) v. wbiæZmvwnZ Kiv dishearten, cast down, deject encourage
Initially (Bwbwkqvwj) adv. cÖv_wgKfv‡e finally
Refuse (wiwdDR) v. cÖZ¨vLvb Kiv reject, backtrack, abdicate accept, admit, allow
Symbolize (wm‡¤^vjvBR) v. cÖZxKvwqZ Kiv symbolize, symbolize
Softly (mdU&wj) adv. bigfv‡e fort
Consider (KbwmWvi) v. we‡ePbv Kiv considering, repute disregard
aggression (G‡MÖkb) n. Avµgb attack, invasion, offensive, foray defense
Uncomfortable (AvbKg‡dv‡U©ej) adj. uneasy, faltering, unquiet comfortable
Senior (wmwbqi) adj. ‡Rvô eldest, elder, older, highest junior
Gradually (MÖvRyqvjx) adv. ax‡i ax‡i slowly, softly, slow, bit by bit rapidly
Expect (G·‡c±) v. Avkv Kiv hope, look for, deliberate
Casual (K¨vRyqvj) adj. ‰bwgwËK occasional, irregular, scratch formal, careful
Hostess (‡nv‡÷m) n. AwZw_ †mweKv
Preparation (‡cÖcv‡iBkvb) n. cÖ¯‘wZ readiness, formulation, concoction resolution
Serve (mvf©) v. cwi‡ekb Kiv serve up, serve out, distribute
Oldest (I‡ì÷) adj. cÖvPxbZg ancient, archaic, primitive, aged
Finally (dvBbvwj) adv. cwi‡k‡l at last, in fine, ultimately at first, initially, firstly
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Usually (BDRyqvwj) adv. mvaviYZ generally, commonly, in general remarkably

Invite (BbfvBU) v. Avgš¿Y Kiv solicit, ask, bid, call on
Indicate (BwÛ‡KU) v. wb‡`©k Kiv turn, point, suggest, notify, convey contraindicate
Fork (‡dvK©) n. KuvUvPvgP silverware
Soak (‡mvK) v. AvKÚ cvb Kiv absorb, drench, asperse undercharge
Gravy (‡MÖBwf) n. †Svj
Knife (bvBd) n. Qzwo dagger, penknife
In general (Bb †Rbv‡ij) adv. mvaviYZ usually, commonly, ordinarily
Common (Kgb) adj. mvaviYZ common, usual, ordinary, normal individual, uncommon
Several (‡mfv‡ij) adj. wewfbœ different, various, varied, variant few
Quality (‡KvqvwjwU) n. ¸b virtue, characteristic, efficiency inferiority
Customary (Kv÷gvwi) adj. MZvbyMwZK traditional, banal, trite, corny exceptional
Advance (A¨vWfvÝ) v. AMÖmi Kiv‡bv heighten, speed, further, develop regress
Equally (BKzqvwj) adv. mgvbiæ‡c uniformly, equally unequally, unevenly
Acceptable (GK‡mc‡Uej) adj. admissible, allowable, perceptible unacceptable
Receipt (wiwmU) n. iwk` bill
Foreigner (d‡iBbvi) n. we‡`kx stranger, gringo citizen
Shake (‡kK) v. bov‡bv budge, move, jog, push, wave steady, reassure
Merely (‡gqviwj) adv. wbQK, †Kej sheer, absolutely, simply, just
Extend (G·‡UÛ) v. cÖmvwiZ Kiv reach, stretch, enlarge, prolong decrease, cut short
Leisurely (‡jBRviwj) adv. e¨¯ÍZvnxbfv‡e unhurriedly rushed, frantic
Cheer (wPqvi) n. Djøvm exhilaration, merriment, elation complain, dishearten
Greeting (wMÖwUs) n. Awfev`b salute, salutation, obeisance farewell
Customary (Kv÷gvwi) adj. MZvbyMwZK traditional, conventional, trite exceptional
Opposite (A‡cvwRU) adj. wecixZ converse, contrary, inverse alternate, synonym
Necessary (‡b‡mmvwi) adj. cÖ‡qvRbxq required, requisite, constituent unnecessary, inessential
Hardly (nvW©wj) adv. K`vwPr
Utensils (BD‡Ubwmj&m) n. cvÎ vessel, pot, cooker, chalice
Frequently (wd«Kz‡q›Uwj) adv. NbNb hourly, often, oft, once, repeatedly infrequently, rarely
Gratitude (MÖvwUwUDW) n. K…ZÁZv gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks ingratitude
Commonly (Kgbwj) adv. mvaviYfv‡e generally, usually, in general remarkably
Craft (µvdU&) n. ‰bcyb¨ dexterity, knack, cleverness
Gesture (M¨vmPvi) n. A½xfw½ posture, pose, cue, indication
Mutual (wgDPzqvj) adj. cvi¯úwiK reciprocal nonreciprocal
Hugging (nvwMs) n. Avwj½b lock, cuddle, hug
Kissing (wKwms) n. Pz¤^b
Situation (wmPz‡qkb) n. Ae¯’v state, condition, status, position
Strictly (w÷ª±wj) adv. h_vh_fv‡e exactly, correctly, accurately leniently, inaccurately
Forbidden (diwe‡Wb) adj. wbwl× taboo, contraband, illegal, illicit permissible
Exchange (G·‡PBÄ) v. wewbgq Kiv swap, exchange, barter, deflect
Transcript (UªvÝwµÞ) n. cÖwZwjwc copy, duplicate, replication
Civilized (wmwfjvBRW) adj. mymf¨ courtly, urbane, awakened non civilized
Particular (cvwU©Kzjvi) adj. we‡kl special, individual, exceptional general, universal
Surf (mvd©) n. mgy‡`ªi †dbv
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Virtual (fvP©yqvj) adj. Acvw_©e actual, worldly

Habitual (n¨vwePzqvj) adj. Af¨vmMZ accustomed, wonted unusual, occasional
Netiquette (‡bwU‡KU) n.
B›Uvi‡b‡U †h ai‡bi wkôvPvi †`Lv‡bv nq
Distilled (wWmwU‡jW) adj. Pzqv‡bv
Gentle (‡R‡›Uj) adj. f`ª polite, bland, suave, respectful rough, harsh
Maintain (‡gBb‡UBb) v. eRvq ivLv sustain, keep up, hold down destroy, deny, neglect
Arbitrary (Aviwe‡Uªwi) adj. Aeva free, unrestricted, fair no arbitrary
Considerate (KbwmWv‡iU) adj. mnvbyf~wZkxj sympathetic, commiserative considerate
Respectful (‡im‡c±dzj) adj. kÖ×vkxj worshipful, honorific disrespectful
Around (A¨vivDÛ) p. PZzw`©‡K about
Particularly (cvwU©Kzjvwi) adv. we‡klZ especially, in particular, specially unexceptionally
Important (B¤ú‡U›U) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© significant, serious, great, main insignificant, no crucial
Disgusted (wWRMv‡÷W) adj. fxlY fv‡e ÿz× loath, disinterested, repugnant delighted
Burping (eviwcs) v. †XKzo †Zvjv eruct, eructate, eject, belch, burp
Splattering (¯úøv‡Uwis) v. wQU‡K cov
Overall (IfviAj) adj. c~Y©v½ complete in all parts, organized in particular
Unrefinement (AvbwidvBb‡g›U) n.
Upbringing (AvcweªswMs) n. cÖwZcvjb feeding, nurture, fostering, rearing
Self-awareness (‡mj&d-GIqvi‡bm) n.
Concerned (Kbmvb©W) adj. DwØMœ anxious, worried, het up unconcerned
Instead (B݇UW) adv. cwie‡Z©
Worried (IwiW) adj. wPwšÍZ devised, anxious, wistful, kittle unconcerned
Buffoon (evdzb) n. fuvo clown, joker, storeroom, mimic
Worry (Iwi) n. wPšÍv, D‡ØM thought, idea, concern, mind reassure
Bother (‡ev`vi) v. wei³ Kiv annoy, bother, pester, molest, rub
Respect (‡im‡c±) n. kÖ×v reverence, admiration, honor disesteem, disrespect
Now-a-days (bvD-Av-‡WBR) adv. m¤úªwZ recently, currently
Employers (Ggcøqvm©) n. wb‡qvMKvix patron, master, lord, employer employee
Process (cÖ‡mm) n. cÖwµqv method, procedure, action, mode
Potential (‡cv‡Ubwkqvj) adj. kw³kvjx strong, dynamic, brawny, stout actual
Client (K¬v‡q›U) n. g‡°j consumer
Cavemen (‡KBfg¨vb) n. ¸nv gvbe
Perfect (cvi‡d±) adj. wbf©yj, wbL&uyZ faultless, accurate, correct imperfect
Guidelines (MvBWjvBbm) n. wb‡`©wkKv
Silent (mvB‡j›U) adj. bxie mum, dumb, wordless, tacit, still noisy, spoken
Gathered (M¨v`viW) v. GKwÎZ Kiv picked up, piled up, collected uncollected
Inadvertently (BbA¨vWfv‡U©›Uwj) adv. advertently, knowingly
Posture (cðvi) n. A½fw½
Slouching (‡¯øvwPs) v. Re_ey n‡i e‡m _vKv
Learning (jvwb©s) n. wkÿv education, less on, learning
Indication (BwÛ‡Kkb) n. Bw½Z hint, gesture, cue, sign, intimation contraindication
Arrive (A¨vivBf) v. †cuŠQv reach, get at, carry, come in, touch leave
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Grab (MÖve) v. `Lj Kiv, nVvr AuvK‡o aiv be worth, nab, catch, occupy, seize leave
Stretch (‡÷ªP) n. we¯Ívi expansion, tract, expanse shrink
Politely (‡cvjBUwj) adv. mweb‡q blandly, obligingly, humbly impolitely
Avoid (A¨vf‡qW) v. Gov‡bv eliminate, get around, avoid confront, validate
Altogether (AjUz‡M`vi) adv. cy‡ivcywi completely, in full, fully, entirely partly
Insistent (Bbwmm‡U›U) adj. ‡R`x dogged, intense, rush, pressing
Probably (‡cÖv‡eewj) adv. m¤¢eZ perhaps, likely, possibly incredibly
Smacking (¯§vwKs) v. Pvcov‡bv
Loudly (jvDWwj) adv. D”P¯^‡i audibly, aloud, loudly softly
Conversation (Kbfvi‡mkvb) n. K_‡cvK_b colloquy, confabulation, duet
Gristly (wMÖ÷j) n. Ziæbvw¯’ cartilage
Stuck (÷vK) v. we× Kiv pierce, run through, gore, puncture unstuck
Discreetly (wWm‡µUwj) adv. wePÿbZvi mv‡_ carefully, aware indiscreet
Napkin (b¨vcwKb) n. MvgQv towel, nappy
Edge (GR) n. cÖvšÍ side, edge, terminal, extreme centre
Permission (cviwgkb) n. AbygwZ consent, permit, leave, license prohibition
Quietly (‡KvqvBUwj) adv. kvšÍfv‡e calmly loudly, noisily, uniquely
Leave (wjf) v. Z¨vM Kiv give up, forgo, omit, renounce alive, enter
Faster (dv÷vi) adj. AwaKZi `ªyZ later
Gulp (Mví) n. MÖvm devouring, eclipse, swallowing
Consider (KbwmWvi) v. wPšÍv Kiv, we‡ePbv Kiv considering, weigh, envisage disregards
Worthy (Iw_©) adj. Dchy³, †hvM¨ compatible, competent, fit, descent unworthy
Belch (‡ej&P) n. ‡XKzi brash, belch, eructation
Publicly (cvewjKwj) adv. cÖKv‡k¨ in public, avowedly, baldly priestly
Weird (DBqvW©) adj. A™¢zZ strange, curious, odd, kinky normal
Wipe (IqvBc) v. gyQv swab, mob, swab, craze, efface
Sncize (w¯œR) v. nuvwP †`qv blow
Foul (dvDj) adj. fyj, †bvsov messy, dirty, foul, filthy, unclean fair
Scattering (¯‹vUvwis) n. we‡ÿc distraction, dispersion
Experience (G·wcwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv expertise, knowledge, toast inexperience
Messy (‡gwm) adj. A‡MvQv‡jv raunchy, disorderly, careless neat, amicable

Lesson-2 Etiquette Netiquette (GwU‡KU †bwU‡KU) – wkóvPvi Ges B›Uvi‡b‡U wkóvPvi

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Attend (A¨v‡UÛ) v. Dcw¯’Z _vKv be present, exist, show oneself miss
Wedding (I‡qwWs) n. weevn marriage, wedding day, hymen divorce
Wait (I‡qBU) v. A‡cÿv Kiv be waiting, await, stay, delay depart, begin
Served (mvf©W) adj. Rvwi enforced, p-assed, instituted
Portion (‡cvk©vb) n. Ask shave, piece, section, segment, plot
Immediately (BwgwW‡qUwj) adj. Awej‡¤^ instantly, right away, forthwith
Besides (wemvBW) adj. Dciš‘ in addition, moreover, besides
Ten Storied (‡Ub †÷vwiW) adj.
`k Zjv wewk÷
Neighbor (‡bBevi) n. cÖwZ‡ekx neighbor foreigner
Seldom (‡mjWg) adj. K`vwPr rarely, seldom, occasionally, ever often
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Exchange (G·‡PBÂ) n. wewbgq barter, interchange, permutation

Relative (wi‡jwUf) n. AvZ¥xq kinsman, kin, supporter absolute
Care (‡Kqvi) n. hZœ attention, endeavor, attendance
Driving (WªvBwfs) n. cwiPvjbv conduct, lead, propulsion
Blowing (‡eøvBs) v. evRv‡bv
Responsibility (‡imcbwmwewjwU) n. `vwqZ¡ duty, charge, liability, obligation irresponsibility
Expensive (G·‡cbwmf) adj. e¨vqen~j costly, valuable, of value, valued cheap
Annoyed (A¨vb‡qW) adj. ivMvwš^Z enraged, grumpy, vexed, het up pleased
Vehicle (wfwnKj) n. hvbevnb car, coach, hackery van
Ignore (BM‡bvi) n. D‡cÿv Kiv pass, pass by, disregard, omit know, notice
Special (‡¯úkvj) adj. we‡kl individual, particular, exceptional ordinary, commend
Desire (wWRvBqvi) n. B”Qv, evmbv will, pleasure, intention, choice
Choice (P‡qm) n. cQ›` choice, like, taste, liking, pleasure second rate
Free Will Agent (wd« DBj G‡R›U) n.
¯^vaxb‡PZv e¨vw³
Opinion (Iwcwbqb) n. AwfgZ
Forbade (di‡eW) v. gvbv Kiv
Please (wcøR) adj. `qv K‡i
Service (mvwf©m) n. ‡mev serving, worship, office, inanity disservice
Gratefulness (‡MÖUdzj‡bm) n. K…ZÁZv thanks, thankfulness, gratefulness
Express (G·‡cÖm) v. cÖKvk Kiv reveal, publish, put, express local
Weekly (DBKwj) adj. mvßvwnK
Grocery (‡MÖvmvwi) n. gyw`Lvbv
Alone (G‡jvb) adj. wb:m½ secluded, monastic, destitute, alone together
Choosy (PzwR) adj. LyuZLyu‡Z fastidious, finicky, squeamish easy
Different (wWd‡i›U) adj. wewfbœ varies, several, diverse, varied like, same
Choice (P‡qm) n. cQ›` like, taste, liking, pleasure, option second rate
Addicted (GwWK‡UW) adj. Avm³ attached, given, fund, partial unaddicted
Attend (A¨v‡UÛ) v. Dw¯’Z _vKv be present, attend, show, oneself miss
Visit (wfwRU) v. cwi`k©b Kiv
Social (‡mvmvj) adj. mvgvwRK communal, convivial, associative unsocial
Rarely (‡iqviwj) adj. K`vwPr seldom, occasionally, at any time after
Contact (KbUv±) v. ‡hvMv‡hvM Kiv touch, contiguity, concern
Media (wgwWqv) n. gva¨g
Showy (‡kvwq) adj. PUK`vi flashy, showy, garish, fascinating restrained
Remember (wi‡g¤^vi) v. g‡b ivLv keep in mind, mind, retain recall forget
Steal (w÷j) v. Pzwi Kiv snitch, thieve, finger, crib, pinch return, rip- off
Liberty (wjevwU©) n. ¯^vaxbZv freedom, independence suppression
Express (G·‡cÖm) v. cÖKvk Kiv reveal, publish, put, disclose, elicit, local
Idea (AvBwWqv) n. aviYv notion, concept, thought
Enjoy (GbRq) v. Dc‡fvM Kiv pass, relish, have, taste suffer
Language (j¨v½y‡qR) n. fvlv tongue, lingo, speech, dialect
Distinction (wWmwUskb) n. cv_©K¨ difference, variety, dissimilation similarity, disgrace
Manners (g¨vbim) n. webq, f`ªZv modesty, amenity, meekness.
Principles (wcÖwÝcvjm) n. bxwZ ethics, morals, morality, practice
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Eternal (BUvibvj) adj. AbšÍ everlasting, infinite, endless temporary

Universal (BDwbfvm©vj) adj. mve©Rbxb global, catholic, blanket particular
Particular (cvwU©Kzjvi) adj. we‡kl special, individual, exceptional general, universal
Arbitrary (Aviwe‡Uªwi) adj. Aeva free, unrestricted nonabitrary
Different (wWd&‡i›U) adj. wewfbœ various, several, diverse like, same
Culture (KvjPvi) n. ms¯‹…wZ plane, practice, exercise uncouthness
Identify (AvB‡Ww›UdvB) v. kbv³ Kiv place, recognize
Statement (‡÷BUg¨v›U) n. wee„wZ assertion, affirmation, narration
Related (wi‡j‡UW) adj. mswkøó involved, adhering, united unrelated
Complete (KgwcøU) adj. m¤ú~Y© completed, full, entire, whole, all incomplete
Satisfaction (m¨vwUm‡dKkb) n. cwiZ…wß contentment, pleasure, satisfy dissatisfaction
Pleasure (‡cøBRvi) n. Avb›` joy, delight, rejoicing, gladness pain
Mention (‡gbkb) n. D‡jøL, DÌvcb reference, notice conceal
Appreciate (Gwcªwk‡qBU) v. Zvwid Kiv admire, applaud, okay, praise, ok depreciate
Gratitude (MÖvwUwUDW) n. K…ZÁZv thanks, thankfulness, gratefulness ingratitude
Resulted (‡iRv‡ëW) adj. cÖ¯Z ‘ evolved, begotten, born, produced
Huge (wnDR) adj. wekvj big, large, great, extensive, main tiny
Behaviour (we‡nwfqvi) n. AvPiY conduct, treatment, attitude
Gradually (MÖvRyqvwj) adv. ax‡i ax‡i slowly, softly, slow, inchmeal rapidly
Rough (ivd) adj. Af`ª bearish, vulgar, uncivil
Tough (Uvd) adj. Abgbxq inflexible, stiff, treacherous tender
Blaming (‡eøwgs) n. ¯^v_©ci egoistic, hoggish, self-interested unselfish
Return (wiUvb©) v. cÖZveZ©b Kiv revert, return, regress, redound departure, remove
Affection (A¨v‡dKkb) n. ‡¯œn fondness, love, feeling, loving dislike
Eventually (B‡fbPzqvwj) adv. Ae‡k‡l at last, in the end, in the long run overnight, readily
Terribly (‡Uwiewj) adv. fqvbKfv‡e pleasantly, slightly
Success (mvK‡mm) n. mvdj¨ attainment, prosperity, godsend failure, loser
Difficulty (wWwdKvwë) n. Amyweav disadvantage, inconvenience ease
Communicate (KwgDwb‡KU) v. ‡hvMv‡hvM Kiv notice, inform, contact excommunicate
Gesture (M¨vmPvi) n. A½fw½ posture, pose, indication, hint
Continue (Kw›UwbD) v. Pvwj‡q hvIqv carry on, keep on, on, keep at discontinue
Previous (wcÖwfqvm) adj. c~e©eZ©x former, preceding, prior subsequent
Polite (‡cvjvBU) adj. f`ª bland, gentle, suave, respectful impolite, uncivil
Realize (wiqvjvBR) v. Dcjwä Kiv realize, attain
Investigate (Bb‡fw÷‡MU) v. Z`šÍ Kiv look into, inquire into, go into
Reason (wiRb) n. KviY cause, motive, sake, occasion, root
Enormous (B‡bvigvm) adj. cÖKvÛ huge, colossal, enormous, vast tiny
Capturing (K¨vcPvwis) v. ew›` Kiv seize, imprison, catch
Polite (‡cvjvBU) adj. f`ª bland, gentle, suave, respectful impolite, uncivil
Rewind (wiDBÛ) v. Avevi ¸wU‡q †bqv
Behaviour (we‡nwfqvi) n. AvPiY conduct, treatment, attitude, act
Considered (KbwmWvW©) adj. we‡ewPZ calculated, deliberated, thought rash
Extravagant (G·UªvR‡R›U) adj. AmshZ indulgent, unrestrained, unbridled thirsty, restrained
Mission (wgkb) v. †cÖiY, D‡Ïk¨ issue, consignment, remittance
Apathy (Gcvw_) n. Abxnv disinterestedness, indifference interest
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Caution (Kkb) n. mveavbZv chariness, notice, sensation incaution

Succeed (mvKwmW) v. wmw×jvf Kiv attain, come down, reach, conquer fail, precede
Happiness (n¨vwc‡bm) n. myL bliss, comfort, complacency sadness, unhappiness
Interest (B›Uv‡i÷) n. ¯^v_© self, part, self-interest, benefit
Important (B¤ú‡U›U) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© significant, serious, great insignificant, nonracial
Polite (‡cvjvBU) adj. f`ª polite, bland, gentle, suave impolite, uncivil
Courtiers (‡KvwU©qvm) adj. webxZ respectful, modest, meek, polite discourteous
Expression (G·‡cÖkb) n. Awfe¨w³ evolution, vent, manifestation misconstruction
Mention (‡gbkb) v. D‡jøL Kiv refer, note, allude, notice, look conceal
Exploded (G·‡cøv‡WW) adj. we‡ùvwiZ
Gather (M¨v`vi) v. msMÖn Kiv gather, collect, pick up, excerpt spread
Moment (‡gv‡g›U) n. gyûZ© jiffy, trice, cycling, flash
Respectful (‡im‡c±dzj) adj. kÖ×vkxj worshipful, honorific disrespectful
Argument (AvM©y‡g›U) n. weZK© controversy, debate, discussion
Useful (BDRdzj) adj. `iKvwi necessary, adjuvant, obligate useless

Lesson-3 Food Trends (dzW †UªÛm) - Lv`¨ cÖeYZv

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Illustration (Bjym‡Uªkb) n. wPÎb decoration, description, paradigm
Partner (cvU©bvi) n. Askx`vi associate, shareholder, copartner superior
Traditional (‡UªwWkbvj) adj. tradition, customary, nontraditional
HwZn¨MZ, MZvbyMwZK banal, conventional
Forget (di‡MU) v. fz‡j hvIqv unlearn, oblivion mind, remember
Canteen (K¨vw›Ub) n.
Lv`¨cvwb‡qi †`vKvb ev †nv‡Uj
Wrong (is) adj. fzj false, deceitful, unjust, wrongful right, correct
Different (wWd&‡i›U) adj. wewfbœ various, several, diverse, varied like, same
Yummy (Bqvwg) adj. gyL‡ivPK
Junk food (Rv¼ dzW) n.
†hme Lv`¨ †gvL‡ivPK wKš‘ cywógvb wb¤œ
Extra (G·Uªv) adj. AwZwi³ additional, spare, more, excessive
Weight (I‡qBU) n. IRb poise, measure, grade, weight
Suffer (mvdvi) v. †fvM Kiv pass, pass through, suffer, undergo be well, enjoy
Problem (cÖe‡jg) n. mgm¨v matter, question, puzzle solution
Fascination (dvwm‡bBkvb) n. AvKl©Y draw, attraction, drawing, allure
Eyesight (AvBmvBU) n. `„wókw³ sight, light
Avoid (A¨vf‡qW) v. Gov‡bv eliminate, get around, get off confront, validate
Healthy (‡njw`) adj. ¯^v¯’¨Ki, my¯’ healthful, hygienic, salubrious unfit, unhealthy
Food Habit (dyW n¨vweU) n. Lv`¨vfvm
Vital (fvBUvj) adj. Avek¨K essential, necessary, important unimportant
Reluctant (wijyKU¨v›U) adj. Awb”QzK unwilling, shy, loath, disagreeing keen
Categorize (K¨v‡U‡MvivBR) v. †kÖwYfz³ Kiv classify, reckon, rate, reckon in
Associated (A¨v‡mwm‡q‡UW) adj. mshy³ attached, connected, linked, joint unrelated
Unhealthy (Avb‡njw`) adj. A¯^v¯’¨Ki morbid, unhygienic, noxious healthy
Huge (wnDR) adj. wekvj, cÖKvÛ big, large, great, extensive, main tiny
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Oozing (DwRs) n. ÿiY dripping, exudation, destruction

Nutritionally (BDwUªkbvwj adv. cywóMZ fv‡e
Increasingly (Bbwµ‡qvwRswj) adv.
µgea©gvb nv‡i
Ideally (AvBwWqvwj) adv. Av`k©fv‡e mentally
Processed (cÖ‡mmW) adj. cÖwµqvRvZ
Negligible (‡bMwjwRej) adj. Zz”Q trivial, potty, dime, insignificant significant
Nutrient (wbDwUª‡q›U) adj. cwi‡cvlK protecting, supporting, nourishing
Confuse (KbwdDR) n. ¸wj‡q †djv spoiled, be confused, bewilder clarify
Really (wi‡qwj) adv. cÖK…Zc‡ÿ indeed, actually, sooth to say
Processed (cÖ‡mmW) adj. cÖwµqvRvZ
Considered (KbwmWvW©) adj. we‡ewPZ calculated, deliberated, thought rash
Prepared (wcÖ‡cqvW©) adj. cÖ¯Z‘ ready, made, ripe, forward, open unprepared
Appealing (Gwcwjs) adj. gg©¯úk©x moving, pathetic, pathetical unappealing,
Enjoyable (GbRqvej) adj. Dc‡fvM¨ pleasing, imposing, likeable
Chemically (‡KwgK¨vwj) adv. ivmvqwbKfv‡e
Programmed (‡cÖvMÖvgW) adj.
cÖMÖvg Øviv cwiPvwjZ
Dietician (Wv‡qwUwkqvb) n. Lv`¨wbe©vPb we`¨vwe`
Nutritionist (wbDwUªkwb÷) n. cywóweÁvbx
Commercial (Kgvwk©qvj) adj. evwYwR¨K mercantile, noncommercial, trade
Srack (¯œ¨vK) n. RjLvevi refreshment, refection, tiffin
Sugary (myMvwi) adj. wPwbhy³ granular, gravelly sugarless
Beverage (‡efv‡iR) n. cvbxq drink, drinks, sherbet, quencher
Nutritional (wbDwUªkbvj) adj. cywóMZ
Considered (KbwmWvW©) adj. we‡ewPZ calculated, deliberated, thought rash
Instance (BÝU¨vÝ) n. D`vniY example, illustration, precedent
Definitely (‡Wwd‡bUwj) adv. ¯ú÷ fv‡e clearly, expressly, plainly, sheer may be, perhaps
Alternate (AjUvi‡bU) adj. cwieZ©b Kiv alter, deflect, innovate, barter opposite
Healthy (‡njw`) adj. ¯^v¯’¨Ki healthful, hygienic, salubrious unfit, unhealthy
Ingredient (Bb‡MÖwW‡q›U) n. Dcv`vb material, component, stuff
Manufacturing (g¨vby‡dKPvwis) adj. manufactured, industrial, technical
Frequent (wd«Kz‡q›U) adj. Nb Nb iterative, recurrent, unending infrequent
Consumption (KbRv¤úkb) n. LiP, e¨q costs, spending, outlay, expense conservation
Increases (Bbwµ‡qBR) n. e„w× rise, increment, raise, improvement decrease, decrement
Obesity (I‡ewmwU) n. ¯’zjZv corpulence, fatness, indelicacy slenderness
Disease (wWwRR) n. ‡ivM illness, unhappiness, displeasure good health
Chronic (µwbK) adj. `yiv‡ivM¨ incurable, refractory, immedicable acute
Clogging (K¬wMs) v. evav †`qv obstruct, counteract, keep, disturb
Artery (AvU©vix) n. agbx vein, vessel, vera, rib
Impending (Bg‡cbwWs) adj. Avmbœ forthcoming, imminent, upcoming far-off
Addictive (A¨vwWKwUf) adj. Avmw³, AÁvmRbK
Rejection (wi‡RKkb) n. cÖZ¨vL¨vb reject, refusal, abdication, rogation acceptance
Healthier (‡njw`qvi) adj. AwaKZi ¯^v¯’¨m¤§wZ well, sound, strong, gusty, hale worse
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Nourishment (bvwik‡g›U) n. cywó accretion, upbringing, aliment

Popular (ccyjvi) adj. RbwcÖq exoteric, pop unpopular
Geography (wRIMÖvwd) n. f~‡Mvjwe`¨v
Delicious (wWwjwkqvm) adj. Dcv‡`q, gyL‡ivPK delicate, pleasant, excellent tasteless, unpleasant
Available (GfB‡jej) adj. mnRjf¨ attainable, obtainable, gain able unavailable
Hurry (nvwi) n. Z¡iv haste, hurrying, urgency delay
Readymade (‡iwW‡gBW) adj. ‰Zix ready, dressed
Traditional (‡Uªwfkbvj) adj. HwZn¨MZ traditionary nontraditional
Formed (dg©W) adj. MwVZ made, built, shaped, timbered unformed
Particular (cvwU©Kzjvi) adj. we‡kl special, individual, exceptional general, universal
Region (wiwRIb) n. AÂj, GjvKv territory, place, field, part
Impact (Bgc¨v±) n. cÖfve influence, power, impression

Lesson-4 Fitness (wdU‡bm) – Dchy³Zv

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Exercise (G·vmvBR) n. e¨vqvg gymnastics, breather, practice
Guidance (MvB‡WÝ) n. c_cÖ`k©b leading, conduct, lead, leadership
Trainer (‡UªBbvi) n. cÖwkÿK teacher, master, tutor, educator tarries
Maintaining (‡gbB‡UBwbs) n. eRvq ivLv
Physical (wdwRKvj) adj. kvwiixK bodily, corporal, physic, outward
Concentration (Kb‡mb‡Uªkb) n. intentness, assembly dilution, distribution
GKvMÖZv, g‡bv‡hvM
Mental (‡g›Uvj) adj. gvbwmK sane, subjective, inward, ideal physical
Spiritual (w¯úwiPzqvj) adj. Ava¨vwZ¥K theological, psychical, ghostly secular, physical
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. Dbœqb improvement, promotion, uplift devolution
Contemplation (Kb‡Ug‡cøkb) n. wPšÍv thought, idle, worry, thinking
Relaxation (wi‡j‡·kb) n. we‡bv`b entertainment, diversion, removal increase
Broadness (eªW‡bm) n. D`viZv generosity, breadth, largeness narrowness
Horizon (nwiRb) n. w`MšÍ skyline
Calm (Kvg) n. kvšÍ calm, cool, peaceful, tranquil agitate, stormy
Quiet (‡KvqvBU) n. kvšÍ calm, cool, peaceful, tranquil agitate, louder
Spiritual (w¯úwiPzqvj) adj. Ava¨vwZ¥K posing, pose, attitude, human
Personality (cvi‡mvbvwjwU) n. e¨w³Z¡ figure, individuality, mind, identify
Religion (wiwjRb) n. ag© faith, creed, law, worship
Practice (cÖvKwUm) n. Abykxjb exercise, drill, culture hypothesis
Exercise (G·vmvBR) n. e¨vqvg gymnastics, breathe, culture
Instruments (BÝUªy‡g›U) n. hš¿, `wjj device, machine, apparatus, engine
Urban (Ave©vb) adj. kû‡i urbane, tourist rural
Locality (‡jvKvwjwU) n. emwZ habitation, residence, colony
Separate (‡mcv‡iBU) adj. Avjv`v, c„_K different, by, several, discrete unite, joint
Arrangement (A¨v‡iÄg¨v›U) n. cÖ¯w‘ Z preparation, formulation
Trainer (‡UªBbvi) n. cÖwkÿK master, educator, tutor, professor trainee
Perform (cvidg©) v. m¤úv`b Kiv carry out, enact, effect, redact practice
Harmony (nvi‡gvwb) n. mv`„k¨ conformity, analogy, parallelism dissonance
Retrospection (‡i‡Uªvm‡cKkb) n. AZxZ `k©b in retrospect
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Innermost (Bbvi‡g÷) adj. AšÍiZg in most, intimate external

Entity (GbwUwU) n. mË¡v, Aw¯ÍZ¡ being, essence, nature, existence
Contemplation (Kb‡Ug‡cøkb) n. wPšÍv, a¨vb idea, thinking, worry, concern
Academic (GKv‡WwgK) adj. we`¨vjq msµvšÍ scholastic, academicals practical
Rural (iæivj) adj. MÖvgxb rustic, peasant, country, bucolic urban
Especially (‡¯úkvwj) adv. we‡klZ particularly, specially, in particular
Preacher (wcÖPvi) n. cÖPviK propagandist, apostle, announcer
Ancient (Gbwk‡q›U) adj. cyivZb, cÖvPxb
Usherd (DkvW©) adj. Dcw¯’Z K…Z brought in, introduced
Dawn (WIb) n. ‡fvi cock-crow, crack of dawn, morrow sunset
Meditation (‡gwW‡Ukb) n. a¨vb contemplation, thought, study
Inner (Bbvi) adj. Avf¨šÍixb inner, constitutional outer
Entity (GbwUwU) n. mËv being, life, presence, personality
Performed (cvd©gW) adj. m¤úvw`Z rendered, celebrated, observed
Space (‡¯úm) n. ¯’vb place, position, location, site
Activity (A¨vKwUwfwU) n. Kvh©Kjvc action, work, energy, mobility inaction, inactivity
Deeply (wWcwj) adv. Mfxifv‡e deep mildly, barely
Calmly (Kvgwj) adv. kvšÍfv‡e AKvZ‡e patiently, calmly, bountifully agitatedly
Heightened (nvB‡UÛ) v. DbœwZ jvf Kiv thrive, prosper, better, gain
Awareness (GIqvi‡bÝ) n. m‡PZbZv knowledge, care, sincerity incognizance
Similar (wmwgjvi) adj. Abyiæc analogous, like, corresponding unlike, dissimilar
Dissolution (wWmjy¨kb) n. `ªeY solution, fluidity, melting
Eternal (BUvibvj) adj. AbšÍ everlasting, infinite, endless temporary
Consciousness (Kbkvm‡bm) n. ‡PZbv cognition, sensation, sense, life unconsciousness
Objectification (Ae‡RKwUwd‡Kkb) v. AvcwË
Merging (gviwRs) v. wgkv mingle, unite, meet, merge
Finitude (wdwbwUDW) n. Avµgb
Infinity (BbwdwbwU) n. AbšÍ unending, unendingly, without end
Ancient (Gbwk‡q›U) adj. cÖvPxb old, archaic, aged, venerable contemporary
Religious (wiwjwRqvm) adj. avwg©K righteous, religious, pious, devout irreligious
Achieve (A¨vwPf) v. AR©b Kiv earn, acquire, gain, attain fail
Worldly (Iqvì©wj) adj. cvw_©e earthy, terrestrial, mundane unworldly
Inner (Bbvi) adj. AvšÍwiK sincere, cordial, genuine outer
Harmony (nvi‡gvwb) adj. mv`„k¨ conformity, analogy, parallelism dissonance
Practiced (cÖvKwUmW) adj. PwP©Z studied, smeared, cultivated
Reduce (wiwWDm) v. n«vm Kiv minimum, decrease, lessen expand, gain
Improve (BgcÖæf) v. DbœZ Kiv enhance, raise, ennoble, promote worsen
Focus (‡dvKvm) n. ‡K›`ªwe›`y
Progressive (‡cÖv‡MÖwmf) adj. cÖMwZkxj dynamic, prosperous, imperfect regressive, conservative
Relaxation (wijv‡·kb) n. we‡bv`b entertainment, diversion, removal increase
Beginner (wewMbvi) n. wkÿvbwem apprentice, freshmen, fresher
Meditate (‡gwW‡UU) v. a¨vb Kiv contemplate, cogitate, muse
Releases (wiwjR) n. gyw³ salvation, redemption, deliverance block, confine
Anxiety (A¨vsRvBwU) n. D‡ØM concern, worry, disquiet reassurance
Calmness (Kvg‡bm) n. ‰ah©kxjZv bearing, patience, sufferance agitation, discomposure
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Increase (Bbwµ‡qBR) n. e„w× increment, enhancement, raise decrease

Ability (GwewjwU) n. ÿgZv power, authority, might, force inability
Control (Kb‡Uªvj) n. wbqš¿Y rule, monitoring, power, limit unrestraint
Meditation (‡gwW‡Ukb) n. a¨vb contemplation, thought, study
Tirelessly (Uvqvi‡jmwj) adv. AK¬všÍfv‡e
Circulation (mvKz©‡jkb) n. cÖPvi publicity, outreach, propagation
Finally (dvBbvwj) adv. cwi‡k‡l at last, in fine, ultimately firstly, initially
Creativity (wµ‡qwUwfwU) n. m„RbkxjZv uncreativeness
Self-Awareness (‡mjd&-GIqvi‡bm) n.
AvZ¥ m‡PZbZv
Tolerance (Ujv‡iÝ) n. mn¨kw³ fortitude, sufferance, abidance intolerance
Muscles (gvmjm) n. ‡ckx
Negotiation (‡b‡Mvwm‡qBkb) n. Av‡jvPbv overture, palaver provocation
Mental Exercise (‡g›Uvj G·vmvBR) n.
gvbwmK e¨vqvg
Hypnotism (wnc‡bvwURg) n. ms‡ekb hypnosis, mesmerism

Lesson-5 Spending (¯úwÛs) - LiP

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Spend (‡¯úÛ) v. e¨vq Kiv expend, lay out, consume
Reason (wiRb) n. hyw³, KviY argument, reasoning, contention
Essential (B‡mbkvj) adj. Acwinvh© indispensable, necessary adjective, inessential
Entertain (G›Uvi‡UBb) v. Avc¨vqb Kiv felicitate, entertain
Invest (Bb‡f÷) v. wewb‡qvM Kiv put, layout, sink, appoint divest
Spending (‡¯úwÛs) n. LiP costs, consumption, expense
Limit (wjwgU) n. mxgv limitation, boundary, border, line
Compulsive (Kgcvjwmf) adj. cxobKi oppressive, onerous boring
Behavior (we‡nwfqvi) n. AvPiY conduct, treatment, attitude
Stressful (‡÷ªmdzj) adj. Pvchy³
Unnecessary (Avb‡b‡mmvwi) adj. Abvek¨K spare, superfluous, unwanted necessary
Effect (B‡d±) n. cÖfve outcome, payoff, yielding cause
Financial (wdb¨vwÝqvj) adj. Avw_©K monetary, pecuniary nonfinancial
Debt (‡WU) n. FY loan, lend, debit, liability credit
Overspend (Ifvi‡¯úÛ) v. AwZwi³ LiP Kiv
Satisfied (m¨vwUmdvBW) adj. mš‘ó content, contented, glad, happy dissatisfied
Rush (ivk) v. m‡e‡M avweZ nIqv
Designer (wWRvBbvi) n. bKkvKvi
Period (wcwiqW n. Kvj, mgq time, epoch, day, season, age
Addiction (GwWKkb) n. cÖeYZv trend, tendency, bias, aptitude
Eventually (B‡fbPzqvwj) adv. Ae‡k‡l at last, in the end, in the long run readily, summarily
Psychological (mvB‡KvjwRK¨vj) adj. gb¯ÍvwË¡K psychologic
Problem (cÖe‡jg) n. mgm¨v matter, question, puzzle solution
Consumer (KbwRDgvi) n. ‡fv³v trencherman
Displayed (wWm‡cøB) adj. cÖ`wk©Z shown, demonstrated, exhibited
Advertisement (A¨vWfvU©vBRg¨v›U) n. weÁvcb ad, throwaway, publicity
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Immediate (BwgwW‡qU) adj. Awej¤^ present, prompt, brisk mediate

Constantly (KÝU¨vëwj) adj. me©`v always, ever, evermore intermittently
Tempted (‡U¤ú‡UW) adj. cÖjyä allured, greedy, enticed
Consume (KbwRDg) v. MÖvm Kiv devour, deplete, eat, swallow abstain
Genuine (‡RbyBb) adj. AK…wÎg sincere, true, natural, unfeigned counterfeit
Careful (‡Kqvidzj) adj. mveavb cautious, canny, chary careless
Salesperson (‡mj¯úvimb) n. we‡µZv
Encourage (&GbKv‡iBR) v. DrmvwnZ Kiv cheer up, foster, exhort, embolden discourage
Customer (Kv÷gvi) n. ‡µZv buyer, purchaser, vendee
Flattering (d¬vUvwis) n. ‡Zvlv‡gv`x
Stunning (÷vwbs) adj. AZ¨vðh©
Persuaded (cvimy‡q‡WW) adj. cÖ‡iPK induced, persuaded, instigating uncertain
Overspending (Ifvi‡¯úwÛs) v.
AwZwi³ LiP Kiv
Applies (A¨vcøvBm) v. cÖ‡qvM Kiv use, exert, put to, disperse
Restaurant (‡i÷i›U) n. ‡i‡¯Íviv coffee house, cafe, tavern
Wasted (I‡q‡÷W) adj. eiev` castaway, rejected hypertrophied
Responsible (‡imcwÝej) adj. `vqx liable, accountable, answerable irresponsible
Attitude (A¨vwUwUDW) n. g‡bvfve mind, cheer, image
Really (wi‡qwj) adv. cÖK…Zc‡ÿ indeed, really, actually, truly
Increase (Bbwµ‡qBR) n. e„w× increment, raise, increment decrease, decrement
Stretching (‡÷ªwPs) v. cÖmvwiZ Kiv reach, stretch, enlarge, prolong
Budget (ev‡RU) n. Avq-e¨q
Burden (ev‡W©b) n. ‡evSv farfel, realize, twig, realize unburden
Finally (dvBbvwj) adv. cwi‡k‡l at last, in fine ultimately initially, firstly
Trapped (UªvcW) v. duv‡` AvUKv‡bv entrap, lime, trepan, entangle
Glossy (Møwm) adj. PKP‡K brilliant, glazing, ablaze, shinny dull
Discourage (wWmKv‡iBR) v. wbiærmvwnZ Kiv dishearten, cast down, deject encourage
Occasion (I‡KBkvb) n. Dcjÿ bout, purpose, instance
Vacation (f¨v‡Kkb) n. AeKvk respite, leisure, time, leave
Shopper (kcvi) n. LwiÏvi purchaser, customer, patron, buyer
Compare (Kg‡cqvi) v. Zzjbv Kiv liken, assimilate, balance
Trend (‡UªÛ) n. cÖeYZv tendency, bias, aptitude, leaning
Retail (wi‡UBj) adj. LyPiv casual
Electronic Product (B‡jKUªwbK †cÖvWv±) n.
‰e`yrwZK cY¨
Furniture (dvwb©Pvi) n. AvmevecÎ furnishings, stuff, appointments
Comprised (KgcÖvBmW) adj. AšÍf³ z© included, covered, appurtenant
Illustration (Bjym‡Uªkb) n. wPÎb decoration, description, precedent
Accounted (A¨vKvD‡›UW) n. we‡ePbv Kiv regard, think, deep, look on, pore
Respectively (‡im‡cKwUfwj) adv. h_vµ‡g in some respects, gradually
Purchased (cvi‡P©mW) adj. ‡Kbv
Comprised (KgcÖvBmW) adj. AšÍf³ z© covered, comprised, appurtenant
Finally (dvBbvwj) adv. cwi‡k‡l at last, in fire, ultimately at first, initially
Accounted (A¨vKvD‡›UW) v. we‡ePbv Kiv take into consideration, deem
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Respectively (wm‡cKwUfwj) adv. h_vµ‡g in some respect, gradually

Decade (‡W‡KBW) n. `kK decennial, decennary
Increased (Bbwµ‡qBRW) adj. ewa©Z grown, onward, tumid decreased
Comprised (KgcÖvBmW) adj. AšÍf³ z© included, covered, appurtenant
Slightly (¯øvBUwj) adv. mvgvb¨ gvÎvq considerably
Increased (Bbwµ‡qRW) adj. ewa©Z grown, onward, tumid decreased
Nominal (bwgbvj) adj. bvggvÎ titular real
Observed (AeRvf©W) adj. cÖwZKzj
Furniture (dvwb©Pvi) n. AvmevecÎ stuff, appointments
Decreased (wWwµ‡qBRW) adj. ÿqcÖvß eroded, carious, wasted, decayed increased
Surge (mvR©) n. ‡XD wave, ripple, billow, kiss-curl ebb
Product (‡cÖvWv±) n. Drcvw`Z e¯‘ manufacture, production

Unit-4: Adolescence (A¨v‡Wv‡j‡mÝ) - eqtmwÜKvj

Lesson-1: The storm and stress of adolescence
(`¨v †÷vig& A¨vÛ †÷ªm& Af& A¨v‡Wv‡j‡mÝ) - eqtmwÜi D‡ØjZv I gvbwmK Pvc

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Adolescence (A¨v‡Wv‡j‡mÝ) n. youth, boyhood, awkward age,
‰K‡kvi, eqtmwÜ juvenility, puberty, impressionable
Storm (‡÷vg©) n. So, wech©q disaster, mversion, upset, woe
Stress (‡÷ªm) n. cxob, Pvc torment, tension, oppression, strain
Activity (A¨vKwUwfwU) n. Kvh©Kjvc action, work, energy, mobility, stir inaction, inactiveness
Belong (wejs) v. hy³ nIqv,_vKv associate, pertain, comport
Enough (Gbvd) adj. h‡_ó sufficient, adequate, ample, enow
Attention (A¨v‡Ubkb) n. bRi, gb‡hvM contemplation, regard, notice, heed inattention
Because (weKR) con. ‡h‡nZz, KviY since, whereas, as, inasmuch as
Several (‡m‡fivj) adj. wewfbœ, K‡qK different, various, diverse, varied few
Stage (‡÷R) n. ch©vq, g period, echelor, bout, generation
Adult (G¨vWvë n. eq¯‹ grown up, major juvelile
Infancy (Bbd¨vwÝ) n. ‰kke childhood, babyhood, morning adulthood
Childhood (PvBìn~W) n. ‰kke infancy, babyhood, morning adulthood
Person (cvimb) n. e¨w³ man, individual, personality, soul machine, zombic
Considered (KbwmWvW©) adj. we‡ewPZ calculated, deliberated, thought rash
Individual (BbwWwfRyqvj) adj. e¨w³MZ, ¯^Zš¿ personal, private, vocational common
Though (‡`vI) adv. hw`I, ¯^‡Ë¡I although, albeit, not but what
Irrespective (Bwim‡cKwUf) adj. wbi‡cÿ neutral, impartial, categorical, equal
Economic (B‡Kv‡bvwgK) adj. A_©‰bwZK financial, monetary, pecuniary loss-making
Social (‡mvkvj) adj. mvgvwRK communal, convivial, associative unsocial
Status (÷¨vUvm) n. Ae¯’v, c`gh©v`v situation, state, condition, position
Organization (AiMvbvB‡Rkb) n. formation, economy, institution, chaos
msMVb, cÖwZôvb institute, establishment, house, club
Growth (‡MÖv_) n. DbœwZ, e„w× prosperity, improvement, progress decrease, decrement
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. improvement, promotion, uplift, devolution,
Dbœqb, AMÖMwZ prosperity, progress, advance non development
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Occur (AvKvi) v. NUv, Avmv arrive, happen, befall, fall out, ensue
Phase (‡dBR) n. KvjwefvM, DbœwZi avc period, cycle, stage, term, lift
Represent (wi‡cÖ‡R›U) v. wPwÎZ Kiv prosecute
Critical (wµwUKvj) adj. msKUc~Y© tight, ticklish, troublesome noncritical, uncritical
Transition (UªvbwRkb) n. cwie„wË, cwieZ©b alteration, transfer, exchange
Characterized (K¨v‡iKUvivBRW) v. NUvq
Paced (‡cmW) v. Pjv, gvc Kiv go, suffice, run, walk, continue
Biological (ev‡qvjwRKvj) adj. biologic, material, organic, hylic adoptive
Rxe weÁvb msµvšÍ
Process (‡cÖv‡mm) n. cÖwµqv, c×wZ method, action, mode, procedure
Drive (WªvBf) v. Pvjbv Kiv urge, wield, govern, helm, move attract
Puberty (wcDevwU©) n. eqtmwÜ adolescence, juvenescence
Passage (c¨v‡mR) n. DËiY, Mgb, c_ crossing, ascension, landing,passing room
Determinant (wWUviwgb¨v›U) adj. wbav©iK, QK definitive, determinative, table
Fairly (‡dqviwj) adv. wbi‡cÿfv‡e, b¨vh¨fv‡e categorically, fair, neatly, bright immoderately, unfairly
Universal (BDwbfvimvj) adj. mve©Rbxb global, catholic, blanket, ordinary particulan, particular
Duration (wWD‡ikb) n. w¯’wZKvj, †ejv term, time, daytime, littoral, shore
Defining (wWdvBwbs) v. wba©viY Kiv, m½ cÖ`vb preseribe, identify, ascertain
Period (wcwiqW) n. Kvj, mgq, ch©vq time, epoch, day, season, time, hour
Across (A¨v‡µvm) adv. w`‡q, m¤§yLxb, AvovAvwo diagonally, cross, crosswise
Culture (KvjPvi) n. ms¯‹…wZ, PP©v plane, practice, study, exercise unclouthness
Socio-economic (‡mvwmI-B‡Kv‡bvwgK)
Av_© mvgvwRK
Situation (wmPz‡qkb) n. Ae¯’v, cwiw¯’wZ state, condition, status, position
Change (‡PBÄ) n. cwieZ©b, e`j changing, alternative, switch stay
Century-puberty (‡mÂzwi-wcDevwU©) n.
kZvwã eqtmwÜ
Example (G·v¤új) n. D`vniY, `„óvšÍ instance, illustration, case, ideal
Earlier (Avwj©qvi) adv. c~‡e© before, prior, previously, formerly later, subsequently
Sexual (‡m·yqvj) adj. wj½MZ sensual, lustful, carnal asexual
Attitude (A¨vwUwUDW) n. AvPiY, fw½, g‡bvfve behaviour, conduct, treatment
Behaviour (we‡nwfqvi) n. conduct, treatment, attitude, dealing,
AvPiY, e¨envi, ¯^fve act, characteristic, dispositon
Different (wWd&‡i›U) adj. wfbœ, Avjv`v various, several, divers, varied like, same
Among (A¨vgvs) pre. g‡a¨, wfZ‡i in, into, within, between, of
Factor (d¨v±i) n. e¨vcvi multiplier, multiplicator, producer
Responsibility (‡i¯úbwmwewjwU) n. `vwqZ¡ duty, charge, liability, obligation irresponsibility
Education (GWz‡KBkvb) n. wkÿv, wkÿv`vb lesson, learning, instruction, study
Urbanisation (AvievbvB‡Rkb) n. bvMwiKvqb
Spread (‡¯úªW) n. we¯Ívi, cÖmvi expasion, tract, expanse, scope fold, gather
Global (‡Møvevj) adj. wek¦e¨vwc, mve©Rbxb worldwide, universal, cotholic local
Communication (KwgDwb‡KBkvb) n. liaison, communion, rapport,
‡hvMv‡hvM exchange, commerce, bargain
Preparation (wcÖcv‡iBkvb) n. cÖ¯ÍywZ, e¨e¯’v readiness, formulation, concoction resolution
Adulthood (GRën~W) n. mvevjKZ¡ majority, age infancy
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Experience (G·wcwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv, Abyfe expertise, knowledge, taste, feeling inexperience

Several (‡m‡fivj) adj. wewfbœ, K‡qK different, various, diverse, varied few
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. improvement, promotion, uplift, devolution,
Dbœqb, AMÖMwZ prosperity, progress, advance nondevelopment
Beside (wemvBW) pre. Kv‡Q, cv‡k¦© to, near, by beside, by, along, near
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍf~©³ Kiv comprise, cover, comprehend,inhate exclude
Movement (gyfg¨v›U) n. Av‡›`vjb agitation, vibrancy, commotion
Toward (UzqvW©) pre. w`‡K, Awfgy‡L to, on, into, on the part of, unto
Independence (BbwW‡c‡ÛÝ) n. ¯^vaxbZv freedom, liberty, independency dependence
Identity (AvB‡Ww›UwU) n. AwfbœZv, e¨w³Z¡ uniformity, sameness, similarity
Acquisition (GKzBwRkb) n. AR©b achievement, winning, acquirement loss
Relationship (wi‡jkbwkc) n. m¤úK© bearing, concern, reference
Capacity (K¨vcvwmwU) n. aviYÿgZv, kw³ retention, receptivity, potency incapacity
Abstract (A¨vemUªv±) adj. weg~Z©, Aev¯Íe discrete, formless, disembodied concrete
Reasoning (wiRwbs) n. hyw³, wePvi argument, reason, contention, cause
Tremendous (wUªg¨vÛvm) adj. extraordinary, remarkable, unusual, awful, tiny
AmvaviY, fxlY, wewfbœ uncommon, exceptional, terrible
Potential (‡cv‡Ubwkqvj) adj. kw³kvjx, Kvh©Ki strong, potent, potential, dynamic actual
Considerable (KbwmWv‡iej) adj. material, operative, important, great, inconsiderable
Mb¨gvb¨, ¸iæZ¡c~Y© different, unusual
During (wWDwis) pre. awiqv, †Kvb mgq by
Context (Kb‡U·U) n. m~Î, Abym½ formula, cue, law, motto, strand
Exert (G·vU©) v. Rvwni Kiv pose, pretend, assert, show off
Powerful (cvIqvidzj) adj. mighty, potent, strong, capable, powerless
kw³kvjx, ÿgZvkvjx potential, strong, heroic, forcible
Influence (Bbd¬z‡qÝ) n. cÖfve, ÿgZv impact, power, impression, might
Pressure (‡cÖkvi) n. Pvc, cxob arc, press, clot, squeeze, influence
Alcohol (Gj‡Kvnj) n. g`¨, myiv booze, wine, hooch, potation, boose
Cigarette (wmMv‡iU) n. wmMv‡iU fag
Drug (WªvM) n. Jla, †bkv medicine, drug, remedy, cure
Initiate (BwbwkGBU) v. Avi¤¢ Kiv, cÖeZ©b Kiv begin, start, enter, commence uniniliate
Intentional (Bb‡Ubkbvj) adj. meant, intended, desired, aimed, undesigned
Awf‡cÖZ, B”QvK…Z dosigned, willfully
Injury (BbRywi) n. AvNvZ, ÿwZ, RLg blow, hit, wound, lesion, coup
Pregnancy (‡cÖMb¨vwÝ) n. Mf©ve¯’v, Mf© womb, bowels, inside, matrix
Unintended (AvbBb‡Ub‡WW) adj. Awb”QvK…Z unintentional, unwitting, undevised intended
Transmit (UªvÝwgU) v. ‡cÖiY Kiv, n¯ÍvšÍwiZ Kiv send, emit, deputize, message
Infection (Bb‡dKkb) n. msµgY transit, taint, defilement, corruption
Including (BbK¬zwWs) pre. mn, m‡gZ with, along, together with, elusive excluding
Virus (fvBivm) n. wel, †ivMRxevYy poison, venom, toxic, bane, upas,
Range (‡iBÄ) n. cwimi, e¨vwß extent, reach, limit, compass
Adjustment (A¨vWhvóg¨v›U) n. mgš^q, wbqš¿Y coordination, synthesis, harmony
Mental (‡g›Uvj) adj. gvbwmK sane, subjective, inward, ideal physical
Health (‡nj_) n. ¯^v¯’¨ hygiene, happiness, wellness illness, unwellness
Problem (cÖe‡jg) n. mgm¨v matter, question, puzzle, crux solution
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Pattern (c¨vUvb©) n. Av`k©, bygbv model, ideal, norm, example

Establish (B÷vewjk) v. ¯’vcb Kiv, cÖwZôv Kiv put, put in, set, place, make, set up abolish, disprove
Avoidance (GfqW¨vÝ) n. cwinvi, cwiZ¨vM shuffle, abstinence, parry
Abstaining (Gem‡UBwbs) adj. weiZ discontinued, prevented consume
Risk (wi¯‹) n. SzuwK danger, chance, gamble, jeopardy safely
Negative (‡b‡MwUf) adj. ‡bwZevPK minus, nugatory, opposed positive, affirmative
Positive (cwRwUf) adj. abvZ¥K plus, true, factual, bona fide negative, neutral
Effect (B‡d±) n. djvdj, cÖfve outcome, payoff, upshot, yielding cause
Well being (I‡qj-wes) n. Kj¨vY, g½j welfare, good, benefit, prosperity
Opportunity (AciPz¨wbwU) n. myweav, my‡hvM chance, advantage, amenities
Influence (Bbd¬z‡qÝ) n. cÖfve, KZ©„Z¡ impact, power, impression, mastery
Adolescent (A¨v‡Wv‡j‡m›U) adj. Ziæb, wK‡kvi youthful, young, youngling, vernal adult
Capable (K¨vcvej) adj. mÿg, mg_© able, susceptible, efficient, doughty incapable
Understanding (AvÛvi÷¨vbwWs) n. agreement, amicability, feeling, ignorance,
g‡bi wgj, †eva sense, cognition, sense, intellection indifference
Complex (Kg‡cø·) adj. RwUj, `yiƒn complicated, intricate, perplexing simple
Concept (Kb‡mÞ) n. aviYv, cÖZ¨q notion, idea, conception, thought misconception
Consequence (Kb‡mKz‡qÝ) n. dj, cÖfve result, outcome, termination inconsequence
Control (K‡›Uªvj) n. wbqš¿Y, kvmb rule, monitoring, power, limit unrestraint
Decision-making (wWwmkb †gwKs) v.
wm×všÍ MÖnY
Inability (BbGwewjwU) n. AÿgZv, Amg_©Zv disability, incapacity, default ability
Particularly (cvwU©Kzjviwj) adv. especially, in particular, specially, unexceptionally
we‡klZ, we‡klfv‡e moreover, exceptionally, peculiarly
Vulnerable (fvjbv‡iej) adj. ‡f`¨, †Rq vincible, permeable, penetrable invulnerable
Exploitation (G·‡cøvB‡Ukb) n. ‡kvlY absorption, soak
Law (j) n. AvBb, wewa, wbqg law, act, regulation, rule, decree
Affects (A¨v‡d±) v. cÖfvweZ Kiv, AvµgY Kiv get into, invade, attack, fall on
Policy (cwjwm) n. Kg©cš’v, wegvcÎ, wePÿYZv insurance policy, policy, discretion
Restrict (‡imwUª±) v. mxgve× Kiv limit, bound, determine, tether derestcit
Reproductive (wi‡cÖvWvKwUf) adj. reconstructive, narrative,
cybM©VbKi, eY©bvKi, eske„w×i determinative, representative
Information (Bbdi‡gBkb) n. fact, knowledge, intellegence,
Z_¨, Lei, msev` actuality, news, report, tidings
Service (mvwf©m) n. ‡mev, PvKwi serving, worship, ministry, office disservice
Unmarried (Avbg¨vwiW) adj. AweevwnZ single, celibatarian, unwedded married
Addition (GwWkb) n. m¼jb, ms‡hvRb summation, culling, collection subtraction
Exist (Gw·÷) v. we`¨gvb Kiv, Dcw¯’Z _vKv subsist, stay, remain, be, stand obolished
Provider (‡cÖvfvBWvi) n. cÖ`vbKvix
Significant (wmMwbwdK¨v›U) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© important, serious, great, main insignificant
Barrier (e¨vwiqvi) n. evav, AšÍivq obstacle, bunker, obstruction, black
Depend (wW‡cÛ) v. wbf©i Kiv, fimv Kiv trust, recline, rely on, build, confide
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq, mgvR people, sect, denomination, society
Workplace (IqvK©‡cøm) n. Kg©¯’j
Successful (mvK‡mmdzj) adj. mdj, mv_©K fruitful, effectual, apt, significant unsuccessful
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Transition (UªvbwRkb) n. cwie„wË,¯’vbvšÍ‡i Mgb atteration, transfer, exchange

Institution (BÝwUwUDkb) n. organization, institute, inauguration,
cÖwZôvb, cÖeZ©b, wfwË station, basis, base, ground
Responsibility (‡imcbwmwewjwU) n. `vwqZ¡ duty, charge, liability, obligation irresponsibility
Promote (‡cÖv‡gvU) v. DbœxZ Kiv, ewa©Z Kiv raise, honor, flurish, civilize demote
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. improvement, promotion, uplift, devolution,
Dbœqb, AMÖMwZ prosperity, upliftment, progress nondevelopment
Adjustment (A¨vWhvóg¨v›U) n. mgš^q coordination, synthesis, harmony
Intervene (B›Uviwfb) v. n¯Í‡ÿc Kiv interfere, trespass, moderate
Effectively (G‡dKwUfwj) adv. Kvh©Kixfv‡e practically, proudly, successfully ineffectively
Arise (GivBR) v. DVv grow, rise, wake, climb, come off fall, go to bed
Above (A¨v‡evf) adv. Dc‡i, D‡aŸ© over, upon, on, atop, upstaris below
Paragraph (c¨vivMÖvd) n. Aby‡”Q` section, article, item
Heading (‡nwWs) n. wk‡ivbvg headline, head
Collective (Kv‡jKwUf) adj. mgwóMZ, wgwjZ combined, coupled, united, joint distributive
Effort (G‡dvU©) n. cÖ‡Póv, †Póv, cÖqvm endeavor, essay, extertion, shot case
Observation (AeRvi‡fBkvb) n. watching, espial, abservancy, neglect
ch©‡eÿY, gšÍe¨, wbixÿY notice, look-out, regard
Adverse (A¨vWfvm©) adj. cÖwZKzj, wecixZ hostile, unfavorable, repugnant favorable
Hazard (n¨vRvW©) n. wecwË, SzuwK setback, danger, trouble, risk security, protect
Adolescence (A¨v‡Wv‡j‡mÝ) n. youth, boyhood,
‰K‡kvi, eqtmwÜ awkward age, juvenility
Extraordinarily (G·UªvAwW©bvwi) adj. remarkable, unusual, tremendous, ordinary
AmvaviY, A¯^vfvweK uncommon, exceptional, abnormal
Extent (G·‡U›U) n. mxgv, e¨vwß, cwigvb limit, limitaiton, boundary, boder
Amount (A¨vgvD›U) n. cwigvb, gvÎv quantity, volume, entent, sum
Detarminant (wWUviwgb¨v›U) adj. definitive, determinative
wba©viK, mxgvbvwb‡`©kK
Logically (jwRKvwj) adv. ‡hŠw³Kfv‡e illogically
Naturally (b¨vPvivwj) adv. ¯^fveZ, Aek¨ of course, assuredly, sure, always artificially, unaturally
Action (A¨vKkb) n. Kg©, wµqv act, work, practice, employment inaction, inactivity
Condition (KwÛkb) n. kZ©, Ae¯’v proviso, salvo, agreement, if
Acquisition (A¨vKzwRkb) n. AR©b achievement, winning, acquirement loss
Involved (BbfjfW) adj. RwoZ, wjß engaged, related, connected, united uninvolved
Conflict (Kbwd¬±) n. Ø›Ø, weev` duel, rivalry, dispute, strife, quarrel concord, peace, agree
Order (AW©vi) n. Av‡`k, wb‡`©k command, decree, commandment deregulate, disorder
Influence (Bbd¬z‡qÝ) n. cÖfve, ÿgZv impact, power, impression, might
Tremendous (wUªg¨vbWvm) adj. extraordinary, remarkable, unusual, awful, tiny
AmvaviY, fxlY uncommon, exceptional, trribe, dire
Psychological (mvB‡KvjwRKvj) adj. psylogic
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. improvement, promotion, uplift, devolution,
Dbœqb, AMÖMwZ prosperity, apliftment, progress nondevelopment
Onset (Ab‡mU) n. m~ÎcvZ, Avi¤¢ beginning, commencement, outset conclusion
Puberty (wcDevwU©) n. eqtmwÜ adolescence
Maturity (g¨vPz¨wiwU) n. cwic°Zv ripeness, experience, aging immaturity
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Susceptible (mv‡mcwUej) adj. mg_©, mÿg able, capable, efficient, doughty unsusceptible
Injury (BbRywi) n. AvNvZ, ÿwZ blow, hit, wound, lesion, coup, hurt
Disease (wWwRm) n. AmyL, e¨vwa illness, unhappiness, displeasure good heath
Exert (G·vU©) v. Rvwni Kiv pose, pretend, assert, show off
Consequence (Kb‡mKz‡qÝ) n. dj, cÖfve result, outcome, future, dominance inconsequence
Acquiring (A¨vKzqvwis) v. AR©b Kiv achieve, earn, acquire, attain, gain
Gaining (‡MBwbs) n. AR©b, nIqv being, occurrence, birth, growth fall back, lose, reduce
Possession (‡cv‡Rkb) n-m¤úwË grab, occupation, occupancy
Directly (wW‡i±wj) adv. mivmwi right away, straight away, outright indirectly
Decision (wWwmkb) n. wm×všÍ setting, rating, definition, verdict indecision
Experienced (G·wcwi‡qÝW) adj. AfxÁ, `ÿ expert, veteran, adept, weighed inexperienced
Potential (‡cv‡Ubwkqvj) adj. kw³kvjx, Kvh©Ki strong, potent, dynamic, brawny actual
Promoting (‡cÖv‡gvwUs) v. DbœxZ Kiv, ewa©Z raise, honor, promotion, civilize
Enough (Gbvd) adj. h‡_ó, ch©vß sufficient, adequate, ample, enow
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mg_©b, mnvqZv backing, clinch, confirmation negate
Expect (G·‡c±) v. Avkv Kiv, cÖZ¨vkv Kiv hope, look for, look forward
Presentation (‡cÖ‡Rb‡Ukb) n. Dcnvi, eY©bv gift, present, offering, gratuity
Highlight (nvBjvBU) v. `„wó‡MvPi Kiv background, play down
Solution (mjy¨kb) n. mgvavb resolution, answer, accomplishment problem
Offer (Advi) n. cÖ`vb, Ac©b grant, payment, offering, depositing
Introducing (BbUªywWDwms) v. proposing, ushering, submitting,
cwiPq Kiv‡bv, wel‡q introductory, informing, indicative
Topic (UwcK) n. welq, cÖm½ thing, theme, affair, affairs, object
Infancy (Bbd¨vwÝ) n. ‰kke, wkïKvj childhood, babyhood adulthood
Defining (wWdvBwbs) v. wba©viY Kiv define, prescribe, identify, ascertain

Lesson-2: Adolescence and some (Related) problems in Bangladesh

(A¨v‡Wvwj‡mÝ A¨vÛ mvg (wi‡j‡UW) cÖe‡jg&m& Bb& evsjv‡`k) - eqtmwÜ Ges evsjv‡`‡k Z`msµvšÍ KwZcq mgm¨v

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Adolescence (A¨v‡Wv‡j‡mÝ) n. youth, boyhood, awkward age,
‰K‡kvi, eqtmwÜ juvenility
Related (wi‡j‡UW) adj. RwoZ, m¤^Ühy³ involved, adhering, united, engaged unrelated
Typical (wUwcK¨vj) adj. cÖZxK¯^iƒc, RvZxq emblematic, emblematical, replica atypical
Affecting (A¨v‡dKwUs) adj. cÖfvweZ, gg©¯úk©x touching
Vulnerable (fvjbv‡iej) adj. ‡Rq, †f`¨ vincible, permeable, penetrable invulnerable
Form (dg©) n. MVb, AvKvi structure, formation, composition
Drug (WªvM) n. Jla, †bkv medicine, remedy, cure, physic
Constitute (KÝwUwUDU) v.MVb Kiv, ¯’vwcZ construct, form, comprise, build disband
Resource (wi‡mvm©) n. ms¯’vb, Dcvq provision, structure, arrangement
Renewal (wiwbDqvj) n. bexKiY, cybive„wË renovation, repeat, repetition
Growth (‡MÖv_) n. e„w×, evo accrual, enhancement, swelling decrease, decrement
Transition (UªvbwRkb) n. alteration, transfer, exchange,
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iƒcvšÍi, cwie„wË, ¯’vbvšÍi infusion, transit, gait, pervasion

Style (÷vBj) n. ‰kjx, aib, ixwZ genre, mode, form, modus, manner,
Shape (‡kBc) n. AvK…wZ, AvKvi form, feature, ardor, fervidity, making
Situation (wmPz‡qkb) n. Ae¯’v, cwiw¯’wZ state, condition, status, position
Inequality (BbBKzqvwjwU) n. Amvg¨, AmgZv dissimilarity, difference, imparity equality
Subordination (mveAwW©‡bkb) n. AaxbZv domination, subjugation, dependence insubordination
Within (DB_Bb) pre. g‡a¨, wfZ‡i in, among, into, between of, beneath outside
Widespread (IqvBW‡¯úªW) adj. e¨vcK comprehensive, extensive, wide, mass limited
Practice (cÖvKwUm) n. Abykxjb, PP©v exercise, drill, contemplation, culture hypothesis
Marginalization (gviwRbvjvB‡Rkb) n.
Exclusion (G·K¬zkb) n. eR©b, ewn¯‹vi elimination, boycott, dismissal inclusion
Opportunity (AciPz¨wbwU) n. myweav, AeKvk benefit, convenience, advantage
Violence (fv‡qv‡jÝ) n. wnsmªZv, Ryjyg cruelty, ferocity, oppression, outrage friendliness
Vulnerability (fvjbv‡iwewjwU) n. `ye©jZv
Percent (cv‡m©›U) n. kZvsk
Become (weKvg) v. NUv, cwiYZ nIqv arrive, happen, occur, befall, fall out
Research (wimvP©) n. M‡elYv experiment, exploration, inquiry
Affluent (A¨vd¬z‡q›U) adj. mg„w×kvjx, abx prosperous, opulent, wealthy, palmy distributary
Tend (‡UÛ) n. cªebZv take care, take care of, overlook neglect
Usually (BDRyqvwj) adv. mvaviYZ, mPivPi generally, commonly, in general remarkably
Drop (Wªc) v. Siv, cZb NUv‡bv spit, exude, ooze, fell, drop, destroy attend to, sharpen
Full-time (dzj UvBg) n. c~Y©Kvj
Abuse (A¨vweDR) n. Ace¨envi, MvjvMvwj misuse, misbehavior, misconduct protect, compliment
Dowry-related (WvDwi wi‡j‡UW) n.
‡hŠZzK msµvšÍ
Despite (wWmcvBU) pre. m‡Ë¡I, N„Yv in the face of, notwithstanding, for
Illegal (Bj&wjMvj) adj. A‰ea, wbwl× illicit, illegitimate, forbidden legal
Demand (wWgvÛ) n. Pvwn`v, `vex need, market, want, claim, call, right obviate, supply
Supportive (mv‡cvwU©f) adj. mg_©K unsupportive
Greater (‡MÖUvi) adj. e„nËi lesser
Term (Uvg©) n. kã, †gqv`, cwifvlv word, sound, noise, cry, clop, period
Pregnancy (‡cÖMb¨vwÝ) n. Mf©ve¯’v, Mf© womb, bowels, inside, matrix, bowel
Majority (g¨v‡RvwiwU) n. cÖvavb¨, msL¨vwaK¨ precedence, predominance, advantage minority
Bride (eªvBW) n. beea~ match, wife bridegroom
Uniformed (BDwbdg©W) adj. BDwbdg© cwiwnZ
Insufficiently (Bbmvwdwk‡q›Uwj) adv. sufficiently
AcÖZzj fv‡e
Reproductive (wi‡cÖvWvKwUf) adj. generative, regenerative,
Rb¥`vqK, c~YM©VbKi reconstructive
Contraception (KbUªv‡mckb ) v. Mf©wb‡iva motherly paternal, filial
Mortality (gU©vwjwU) n. giYkxjZv fatality, transience, transiency immortality
Pulled out (cyjW AvDU&) adj. S‡i cov
Either (AvB`vi) adj. Ab¨Zi other
Often (A‡db) adv. cÖvqB, NbNb oft, hourly, once and again, fast infrequently, rarely
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Mobility (‡gvwewjwU) n. MwZkxjZv, ZrciZv dynamism, liveliness, agility, alacrity immobility

Lack (j¨vK) n. Afve, nxbZv deficiency, poverty, need, scarcity have
Among (A¨vgvs) pre. g‡a¨, wfZ‡i in, into, within, between, of, beneath
Curtail (Kvi‡UBj) v. n«vm Kiv, Kgv‡bv reduce, minimize, decrease, lessen extend
Non-formal (bb-digvj) adj. AbvbyôvwbK formal
Educational (GWz‡Kkbvj) adj. wkÿv welqK instructional, pedagogic, pedagogical
Moreover (‡gviIfvi) adv. AwaKšÍy, DcišÍy in addition, besides, over and above
Information (Bbdi‡gBkvb) n. fact, knowledge, intelligence,
Z_¨, Lei, msev` actuality, news, report, tidings
Issue (Bmy¨) n. cÖKvk, †cÖiY expression, disclosure, manifestation recall
Reported (wi‡cv‡U©W) adj. ÁvwcZ indicated unreported
Undernourished (AvÛvibvwikW) adj. Acyó thin, undeveloped, unripe, lean healthy
Suffer (mvdvi) v. ‡fvMv, mn¨ Kiv undergo, sustain, endure, bear, pass be well enjoy
Anemia (Gwbwgqv) n. i³¯^íZv anemia, bloodlessness
Fertility (dvwU©wjwU) v. De©iZv fatness, enrichment, fecundity infertility
Contribution (KbwUªweDkb) n. achievement, performance, exploit,
Ae`vb, Puv`v, Ki subscription, protractor, levy
Increased (BbwµRW) adj. ewa©Z grown, tumid, onward, provoked decreased
Neonatal (wbIb¨vUvj) n. beRvZK
Concern (Kbmvb©) n. D‡ØM, wPšÍv worry, anxiety, disquiet, concernment unconcern
Younger (BqvsMvi) adj. Kwbó, †QvU , Kg eqmx youngest, smallest, young, youngling older
Situation (wmPz‡qkb) n. Ae¯’v, cwiw¯’wZ state, condition, status, position
Somewhat (mvg‡nvqvU) adv. wKQz, GiKg a bit, any, somehow, in a way,partially immoderately
Unable (AvbGej) adj. Aÿg, Amg_© impotent, disabled, incapable, helpless able
Unemployed (AvbGgcø‡qW) adj. ‡eKvi idle, useless, inactive, passive, otiose employed
Remain (wi‡gBb) v. _vKv, Ae¯’vb Kiv stay, lie, be, stand, keep, continue, lie change
Unaware (AvbA¨vIqvi) adj. AÁvZ, Awew`Z nameless, unacquainted, uncertain aware, witting
Considerable (KbwmWv‡iej) adj. important, great, different, unusual, inconsiderable
Mb¨gvb¨, wejÿY material, operative
Risk (wi¯‹) n. SzuwK danger, chance, gamble, jeopardy safely
Criminal (wµwgbvj) adj. Acivax guilty, sinful, convicted, hurtful legal
Activity (A¨vKwUwfwU) n. Kvh©Kjvc, mwµqZv action, work, energy, mobility, stir inaction, inactivity
Exposed (G·‡cvmW) adj. D™¢vwmZ, cÖKvwkZ manifested, illuminated, brightened covered
Drug (WªvM) n. Jla, †bkv medicine, remedy, cure, physic
Alcohol (A¨vj‡Kvnj) n. g`¨, myiv booze, wine, hooch, potation, booze
Source (‡mvm©) n. m„wó, Avw`, D™¢e creation, generation, nature, origin sink
Profile (‡cÖvdvBj) n. cwi‡jL sketch, outline, line, scheme, plan
Available (A¨v‡fB‡jej) adj. mnRjf¨ attainable, obtainable, gainable unavailable
Empowerment (GgcvIqvig¨v›U) n. ÿgZvqb
Project (‡cÖv‡R±) n. Kvh©µg, AwfcÖvq programme, intent, intention, idea
Statement (‡÷BUg¨v›U) n. wee„wZ, weeiY assertion, affirmation, narration
Decide (wWmvBW) v. w¯’i Kiv fix, lull, ascertain, settle upon, discern waver
Correct (Kv‡i±) adj. wVK right, fixed, true, settled wrong, incorrect
Legal (wjMvj) adj. AvBbMZ, ˆea legitimate, lawful, licit, judicial illegal
Dowry (WvDix) n. ‡hŠZzK stake, bet, dowry, price, resolve
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Wedding (I‡qwWs) n. weevn marriage, matrimony, hymen, nuptials divorce

Dietary (Wv‡qUvwi) n. Lv‡`¨i eivÏ dietetics
Involved (BbfjfW) adj. RwoZ, mswkøó engaged, related, connected, attached uninvolved
Various (‡fwiqvm) adj. wewfbœ, wewea different, several, diverse, diversified same
Offence (I‡dÝ) n. Aciva, cvc crime, sin, fault, guilt, iniquity, evil defense, defense
Causes (K‡Rm) n. KviYmg~n, †nZz reason, motive, shake, occasion, base
Effect (B‡d±) n. djvdj, jvf outcome, payoff, upshot, yielding cause
Usually (BDRyqvwj) adv. mvaviYZ, mPivPi generally, commonly, in general remarkably
Concerned (Kbmvb©W) adj. DwØMœ, Aaxi anxious, worried, perturbate, eager unconcerned
Financial (wdb¨vbwmqvj) adj. Avw_©K monetary, economic, pecuniary nonfinancial
Independence (BbwW‡c‡ÛÝ) n. ¯^vaxbZv freedom, liberty, emancipation dependence
Household (nvDm‡nvì) adj. cvwievwiK domestic, home, homey, homely
Bargaining (evi‡MBwbs) adj. dealing, trade, mercantile
Kvievix, `iKlvKwl msµvšÍ
Domestic (‡Wv‡gw÷K) adj. home, homey, homy, homely, foreign, undomestic
cvwievwiK, mvsmvwiK household, earthly, mundane secular
Violence (fv‡qv‡jÝ) n. wnsmªZv cruelly, ferocity, oppression, outrage friendliness
Reproductive (wi‡cÖvWvKwUf) adj. generative, regenerative
eske„w× Ki, Rb¥`vqK
Contraception (KbUªv‡mckb) n. Mf©wb‡iva
Unemployed (AvbGgcø‡qW) adj. ‡eKvi inoperative, lethargic, otiose employed
Tendency (‡Ub‡WwÝ) n. cÖeYZv, †SuvK tend, bias, aptitude, leaning, desire
Later (‡jBUvi) adj. Aci, cðvr, c‡i other, another, opposite, last, after early
Including (BbK¬zwWs) pre. mn, m‡gZ with, along, together with, inclusive excluding
Suitable (myB‡Uej) adj. Dchy³, gvbvbmB worthy, compatible, competent, fit inappropriate,
Below (we‡jv) pre. wb‡P, wb‡gœ under, beneath, down, downwards above, upstairs
Reason (wiRb) v. hyw³, KviY argument, reasoning, contention, base
Concerted (Kbmv‡U©W) adj. wgwjZ, mshy³ combined, coupled, united, joint weak, solitary
Significance (wmMwbwdK¨vÝ) n. sharpness, quickness, bearing, insignificance
Zvrch©, A_©, ¸iæZ¡ meaning, purport, signification
Population (ccy‡jBkvb) n. RbmsL¨v, RbMY demography, poll, commonwealth
Process (‡cÖv‡mm) n. cÖwµqv, c×wZ method, procedure, action, mode
Disempowerment (wWmGgcvIqvig¨v›U) n. empowerment
Consequence (Kb‡mKz‡qÝ) n. dj cÖfve result, outcome, future, end, imitation inconsequence
Unfortunate (AvbdiPz¨‡bU) adj. AfvMv, unlucky, sinister, hapless, poor, auspicious, fortunate
`yf©vMv, `ytLRbK accursed, pitiable, forlorn

Lesson-3: Why Does a Child Hate School?(‡nvqvB WvR G PvBì †nU ¯‹zj?) wkïiv we`¨vjq AcQ›` K‡i †Kb?

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Hate (‡nBU) v. N„Yv Kiv loathe, detest, despise love
Education (GWz‡KBkvb) n. wkÿv lesson, learning, instruction, study
Implies (BgcøvBm) v. A_©cÖKvk Kiv imply, connote, expose, expound
Pleasant (wcø‡R›U) adj. Avb›``vqK, AvivgcÖ` delightful, pleasing, lovely, joyful unpleasant
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Environment (Gbfvqibg¨v›U) n. cwi‡ek condition, ambience, situation, orbit

Enjoyable (GbRqGej) adj. usable, pleasant, imposing, likable,
Dc‡fvM¨, g‡bvig likeable, entertaining
Caring (‡Kqvwis) v. hZœkxj, MÖvn¨ Kiv care, take into account, accept uncaring
Supportive (mv‡cvwU©f) adj. mg_©b support unsupportive
Relaxed (wij¨v·W) adj. wbiæ‡ØM, ¯^”Q›` collected, relaxed, glib, frugal tense
Harsh (nvk©) adj. K‡Vvi, euvKv, cÖLi curved, crank, cranked, wry fine
Disabilities (wWmGwewjwUm) n. disability, inability, incapacity, abilities
cÖwZeÜKZvmg~n, AÿgZv, Akw³ default, incapability, disablement
Unfortunately (AvbdiPz¨‡bUwj) adv. fortunately, luckily
Allow (GjvD) v. ‡g‡b †bqv, AbygwZ †`qv accommodate, agree, assume deny, disallow
Cage (‡KBR) n. LuvPv, KvivMvi grate, frame, jail, prison, lockup, rib
Pent (‡c›U) adj. Ave×, Kviviæ× bound, tied, confident, cramped
Eastern (B÷vb©) adj. c~e© †`kxq western
Unacceptable (AvbGK‡mc‡Uej) adj. not to be taken, impermissible, bête acceptable
AMÖnbxq, Ab¯^xKvh© noire, inadmissible, crummy
Painter (‡cB›Uvi) n. wPÎKi artist, limner, craftsman
Favorite (‡dBfwiU) adj. wcÖq felicitated, pet, estimable, minion
Included (BbK¬z‡WW) adj. AšÍf~³ © covered, comprised, accessory
Unhappy (Avbn¨vwc) adj. AmyLx hapless, displeased, ill-fated, evil euphoric, happy
Dour-faced (WDi-‡dmW) adj.
`y`©gbxqZvi gy‡LvgywL
Joyless (Rq‡jm) adj. wbivb›` bleak, somber, dismal, funereal joyous
Rather (iv`vi) adv. eis, wbtm‡›`‡n more, profusely, certainly, verily total
Outdoor (AvDU‡Wvi) adj. evB‡i outer, outward, ostensible indoor
Enjoy (GbRq) v. Dc‡fvM Kiv relish, taste, have, revel, play, dice suffer
Plead (wcøW) v. AvZ¥mgc©Y Kiv defend oneself, exhort
Rescue (‡imwKD) n. D×vi, cwiÎvY salvation, deliverance, recovery abandon
Drudgery (Wªv‡Rix) n. ‡Mvjvwg glean, mean livelihood, yoke
Experience (G·wcwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv, Abyfe expertise, knowledge, taste, wisdom inexperience
Similar (wmwgjvi) adj. Abyiƒc, m`„k analogous, like, corresponding dissimilar, unalike
Different (wWd‡i›U) adj. wfbœ, wewfbœ various, several, diverse, varied like, same
Lecture (‡jKPvi) n. e³„Zv, fvlY speech, discourse, address, oration
Consider (KbwmWvi) v.we‡ePbv Kiv, †f‡e †`Lv considering, weight, envisage disregard
Ideal (AvBwWqvj) n. Av`k© model, norm, example, sampling
Rise (ivBR) n. D`q, †R‡M IVv flourishing, debut, dawn, rise fall, go to bed, ware
Morn (gb©) n. mKvj morning, morning tide, dawn
Distant (wWmU¨v›U) adj. `~ieZ©x outlying, remote, far, faraway close
Huntsman (nv›Umg¨vb) n. wkKvix hunter, birder, chaser, shakier
Horn (nb©) n. wk½v, k„½, †fcy peak, aiguillette, pinnacle, apex
Skylark (¯‹vBjvK©) n. fiZ cvwL lark
Company (‡Kv¤úvbx) n. m½ society, association, range, distance individual, isolation
Drive (WªvBf) v. Pvjbv Kiv, Pvjv‡bv urge, wield, govern, helm, move
Away (A¨vI‡q) adv. `~‡i, Zrÿbvr far, away, off, afar, afield, aloof home
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Cruel (µz‡qj) adj. wbôzi, wb`©q brutal, bloody, relentless, inhumane kind, pleasant
Outworn (AvDUIb©) adj. RivRxb©, APj ragged, outdated, constipate
Sleighing (‡¯øBs) v. ‡QuvovQzwo
Dismay (wWm‡g) n. AvZ¼ panic, fear, terror, awe, fright, scare elate
Drooping (Wªwcs) v. X‡j cov, AvbZ nIqv collapse, set on, gravitate, decline
Spend (‡¯úÛ) v. e¨q Kiv expend, lay out, put out, consume save
Anxious (A¨vskvm) adj. DwØMœ, wPwšÍZ concerned, worried, perturbate unconcerned
Nor (bi) con. Ges bv or, nor yet
Delight (wWjvBU) n. Avb›` pleasure, joy, thrill, pastime, gaiety disenchant, displease
Bower (evIqvi) n. Avevm residency, habitant, home, dwelling
Dreary (‡Wªqvix) adj. welYœ sad, bored, depressed, dusky interesting, cheerful
Shower (kvIqvi) n. Sibv, avivmœv‡bi hš¿ spring, falls, fountain, fount soaker, torrent
Cage (‡KBR) n. LuvPv, KvivMvi grate, frame, jail, prison, lockup release
Fear (wdqvi) n. fq, Avk¼v awe, dread, fright, horror, alarm fearlessness, bravery
Annoy (Gbq) v. wei³ Kiv, R¡vjvZb Kiv bother, pester, molest, displease, rub please, satisfy
Tender (‡UÛvi) adj. ‡mœnc~Y©, big loving, motherly, affectionate, soft hearty, tough, strong
Wing (DBs) n. Wvbv, cvLv feather, fin, limb, van, fan, propeller crawl
Forget (di‡MU) v. fy‡j hvIqv unlearn, pass into oblivion, oblivion mind, remember
Youthful (Bqy¨_dzj) adj. ZiæY, †ZRx young, youngling, juvenile, vernal old
Bud (evW) n. Kzuwo, gyKzj bloom, burgeon, blossom, loafer
Nipped (wbcW) v. wPgwU KvUv, webó Kiv pinch, nip, perish, overturn, destroy
Blossom (‡eøvRg) n. cy®ú, dzj bloom, flower, dandelion, dahlia wither, struggle
Blown (‡eøvDb) v. e‡q hvIqv blooming, abloom, bloomy, corrupt
Stripped (w÷ªcW) v. bó nIqv covered
Joy (Rq) n. Avb›`, Lywk, dwjZ Kiv please, delight, rejoicing, gladness sadden, sorrow
Springing (w¯úªsBs) v. jump, dive, plunge, rush to, leap,
Svc †`qv, jvdv‡bv, DjøvwmZ turn up, appear, come, break
Sorrow (m‡ivI) n. welv`, `ytL grief, gloom, melancholy, penance joy, pleasure, delight
Dismay (wWm‡g) n. AvZ¼ panic, fear, terror, dismay, awe elate, chirp, joyous
Arise (A¨vivBR) v. DVv, D™¢yZ nIqv grow, rise, wake, climb, come off fall, go to bed
Appear (Gwcqvi) v. arrive, take place, occur, enter, look, disappear
Avmv, Avwef~©Z nIqv, `„k¨gvb nIqv look through, seem, come, spring
Gather (M¨v`vi) v. msMÖn Kiv, GKÎ nIqv collect, excerpt, take out, settle spread
Grief (wMÖd) n. welv`, `y`©kv gloom, melancholy, sorrow, misery joy
Destroy (wWmUªq) v. aŸsm Kiv, webó Kiv shatter, annihilate, obliterate, wreck build, conserve
Mellow (‡g‡jvI) v. cwic° Kiv, †Kvgj Kiv melt, mollify, ripen, temper, gentle harsh, frenetic
Blast (eøvó) n. we‡ùviY explosion, burst, detonation
Winter (DB›Uvi) adj. kxZKvj wintery, wintry, wisterly, brumal heat
Invoking (Bb‡fvwKs) v. WvKv, Avnevb Kiv call, invoke, summon, bid, bray
Bright (eªvBU) adj. D¾¡j, eyw×gvb brilliant, light, dazzling, shiny, clear dimmed, dull
Significance (wmMwbwdK¨vÝ) n. ¸iæZ¡, Zvrch© sharpness, quickness, bearing, sense insignificance
Shift (wkd&U) n. cwieZ©b, e`j, cvjv change, changing, alternative
Move (gyf) n. c`‡ÿc, MwZ, cwiewZ©Z nIqv step, pass, plod, footing, footstep refrain, rest, stay
Innocence (B‡bv‡mÝ) n. wbixnZv, mijZv harmlessness, gentleness, meekness guilt
Stanza (÷¨vbRv) n. KweZvi ¯ÍeK verse, staff
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Remaining (wi‡gBwbs) adj. Aewkó, evKx residual, odd, other, due, owing gone
Endure (GbwWDi) v. mn¨ Kiv, †UKv undergo, bear, pass through, tolerate enjoy
Joyless (Rq‡jm) adj. wbivb›` bleak, somber, dismal, funereal joyous
Dreary (wWª‡qix) adj. welYœ, wbivb›` sad, bored, depressed, dusky interesting
Refer (‡idvi) v. D‡jøL Kiv, wb‡`©k Kiv mention, note, allude, notice, speak
Request (wiKz‡qó) n. Aby‡iva, Av‡e`b desire, application, appeal, prayer decree, enjoin
Mood (gyW) n. ‡gRvR, wµqvfve temperament, temper, humor
Phrase (‡d«R) n. evK¨, eywj sentence, saying, speech, idiom
Metaphor (‡gUv‡dvi) n. iƒcK, Dcgv allegory, typical, parabole, image
Comparison (Kg‡cwiRb) n. Zzjbv, Dcgv compare, parallel, analogy, balance
Another (Gbv`vi) adj. Ab¨ second, other, different, diverse the same
Provide (‡cÖvfvBW) v. bargain, take steps, withhold
mieivn Kiv, †hvMvb, cÖ`vb shift, take, measures
Clearer (wK¬qvivi) adj. AviI ¯úó, mvd clean, obvious, evident, explicit blur
Description (wWmwµckb) n. eY©bv, weeiY narration, statement, portrayal, story
Actually (GKPz¨qvwj) adv. cÖK…Zc‡ÿ, e¯ÍyZ indeed, really, truly, south to say apparently
Happily (n¨vwcwj) adv. my‡L, Lywk g‡b comfortably, gladly sadly, unhappily
Couple (Kvcj) n. `¤úwZ, Rywo pair, married, couple, equal, twin uncouple
Importance (B¤úU©¨vÝ) n. ¸iæZ¡, K`i gravity, weight, worth, respect unimportance
Joyful (Rqdyj) adj. Avb›``vqK, Avb›`gq delightful, pleasing, lovely, joyful sorrowful
Learning (jvwb©s) v. wkÿv, Ávb education, learn, study, instruction

Lesson-4: The Story of Shilpi (`v ‡÷vwi Af& wkíx) - wkíxi Mí

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Adverse (A¨vWfvm©) adj. cÖwZK‚j, wecixZ hostile, unfavorable, repugnant fovorable
Imagine (BgvwRb) v. Kíbv Kiv, Av›`vR Kiv conceive, envision, suppose, invent
Arranged (A¨v‡iÄW) adj. Av‡qvwRZ prepared, stationed, pledged, placed disarranged
Neighbourhood (‡bBevin~W) n. neighbourship, all side, four sides,
Pvicvk, GjvKv proximity nearness
Discuss (wWmKvm) v. Av‡jvPbv Kiv have to do with, reason, speak, talk
Convince (KbwfÝ) v. dissuade
Z‡K© civf~Z Kiv, †evSv‡bv, gvbv‡bv
Cancel (K¨v‡Ýj) n. evwZjKiY cancellation, vitiate, cashier, cast reserve
Marriage (g¨v‡iR) n. weevn wedding, matrimony divorce
Early (Avwj©) adv. kxNª quickly, early, shortly, promptly late, middle
Standard (÷¨vbWvW©) n. gvb, cÖgvY value, grade, honor, norm, par nonstandard
Practice (cÖvKwUm) n. Abykxjb, PP©v, KvR, wbqg exercise, drill, contemplation hypothesis
Rural (iæivj) adj. MÖvgxY, MÖvg¨ rustic, pleasant, dwelling in village urban
Wedding (I‡qwWs) n. weevn marriage, wedding day, matrimony divorce
Join (R‡qb) v. ‡hvM`vb engage, associate with, connect disjoin
Local (‡jvKvj) adj. ¯’vbxq, AvÂwjK native, local, topical, endemic general, national
Empowerment (GgcvIqvig¨v›U) v. ÿgZvqb
Provide (‡cÖvfvBW) v. cÖ`vb, mieivn Kiv bargain, take steps, take measure withhold
Adolescent (A¨v‡Wv‡j‡m›U) adj. wK‡kvix youthful, young, youngling, juvenile adult
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Needed (bx‡WW) v. cÖ‡qvRb, Afve nIqv want, lack, delivered optional, elective
Gradually (MÖvRyqvwj) adv. ax‡i ax‡i slowly, softly, slow, serially rapidly
Cultural (KvjPvivj) adj. mvs¯‹…wZK
Particularly (cvwU©Kzjviwj) adv. especially, in particular, specially, unexceptionally
we‡klZ, we‡klfv‡e moreover, exceptionally, minutely
Pertaining (cvi‡UBwbs) adj. msµvšÍ regarding, concerning
Pregnancy (‡cÖMb¨vwÝ) n. Mf©ve¯’v
Activities (A¨vKwUwfwUm) n. wµqvKjvc operations, actions, functions, deeds
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍfy©³ Kiv comprise, cover, comprehend exclude
Discussion (wWmKvkb) n. Avjvc, Av‡jPbv conversation, talk, converse
Effectively (B‡dKwUfwj) adv. Kvh©Kixfv‡e practically, proudly, successfully ineffectively
Related (wi‡j‡UW) adj. mswkøó, RwoZ involved, adhering, united, engaged unrelated
Reproductive (wi‡cÖvWvKwUf) adj. generative, reconstructive
cybiærcv`bkxj, eske„w×Ki
Counseling (KvD‡Ýwjs) v. civgk© Kiv counsel, advise, teach, exhort
Offer (Advi) n. cÖ`vb, Ac©b, DrmM© grant, payment, offering, payoff
Peer-to-peer (wcqvi Uz wcqvi) n. mgKÿ e¨w³
†_‡K mgKÿ e¨w³, cvi¤úwiK, mncvVx
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mg_©b, mnvqZv, Aej¤^b backing, clinch, confirmation negate
Training (‡Uªwbs) n. wkÿvcÖvwß, cÖwkÿb education, teaching, instruction
Early (Avwj©) adv. wkNª, evj¨ quickly, shortly, promptly, express late, middle
Government (Mfb©g¨v›U) n. miKvi regime, state, administration, reign
Organization (AM©vbvB‡Rkb) n. formation, economy, institution, chaos
msMVb, cÖwZôvb institute, establishment, house, club
Through (_ªy) pre. Øviv, gvidZ by, with, per, via
Project (‡cÖv‡R±) n. Kvh©µg, AwfcÖvq programe, programme, intent, plan
Aim (GBg) n. jÿ¨ destination, target, object, objective
Increase (BbwµR) n. e„w× rise, increment, enhancement, rise, decrease, decrement
Access (G‡·m) n. cÖ‡ek, AwfMgb entry, entrance, entree, penetration
Quality (‡KvqvwjwU) n. ¸Y, `ÿZv, gvb attribute, exorcism, virtue, ability inferiority
Service (mvwf©m) n. ‡mev serving, worship, ministry, office disservice
Understand (AvÛvi÷¨vÛ) v. eyS‡Z cviv catch, catch on, get at, get on to, get misconstrue
Potentially (‡cv‡Ubwkqvjx) adv. mv¤¢ve¨
Harmful (nvg©dzj) adj. ÿwZKviK losing, detrimental, exaggerated harmless, innocuous
Effect (B‡d±) n. djvdj outcome, payoff, upshot, yielding cause
Maternal (g¨vUvibvj) adj. gvZ…msµvšÍ motherly paternal, filial
Mortality (gU©vwjwU) n. g„Zz¨nvi fatality, transience, transiency, immortality
Declined (wWK¬vBÛ) adj. cwZZ, Kgv fallen, fallow, abject, desolate, shed
Nearly (wbqviwj) adv. cÖvq, KvQvKvwQ almost, most, near, just, close, right
Percent (cvi‡m›U) n. kZvsk
Remain (wi‡gBb) v. _vKv, Aewkó _vKv stay, lie, be, stand, keep, remain, change
Death (‡W_) n. g„Zz¨ dying, demise, expiry, departure birth
Decrease (wWwµR) n. n«vm, jvNe loss, reducing, decrement, fall increase, increment
Serious (wmwiqvm) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y©, M¤¢xi important, significant, great, grave frivolous, playful
Complication (Kgwcø‡KBkvb) n. RwUjZv complexity, perplexity, complicacy
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Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍfy©³ Kiv comprise, cover, comprehend exclude

Dangerous (‡WÄvivm) adj. wec¾bK risky, hazardous, perilous, chancy safe
hemorrhage (‡nvgv‡iR) n. i³mªve hemorrhage
Fistula (wd÷zjv) n. fM›`i †ivM
Painful (‡cBbdzj) adj. ‡e`bv`vqK dismal, hurtful, bitter, mortifying painless
Internal (B›Uvibvj) adj. Af¨šÍixY interior, inside, intestinal, inward external
Injury (BÄywi) n. AvNvZ, ÿwZ blow, hit, wound, lesion, coup
Cause (KR) n. KviY reason, motive, sake, occasion effect
Obstruct (Ae÷ªv±) v. break, interrupt, hinder, involve, free
e¨vNvZ NUv‡bv, evavcÖß nIqv parry, leash, encase, impede, clog
Childbirth (PvBìev_©) n. ev”Pvi Rb¥ childbed
Commonly (Kgbwj) adv. mvaviYZ generally, usually, in the rough remarkably
Morbidities (giwewWwUm) n. DcmM©, weKvi prefix, symptom, calamity, delirium
Exclusion (G·K¬zkb) n. eR©b, ewn®‹vi elimination, boycott, dismissal inclusion
Invited (BbfvB‡UW) adj. Avgwš¿Z summoned, called
Husband (nvme¨vÛ) n. ¯^vgx old man, man, hubby, master wife
Counselor (KvD‡Ýji) n. civgk©`vZv, Dc‡`óv mentor, conferee, counselor, lector
Hearing (wnqvwis) n. ‡kvbv listening, ear, audience, audition deaf
Agree (GwMÖ) v. GKgZ nIqv consent, acquiesce, get along disagree
Delay (wW‡j) n. wej¤^, †`ix suspension, lag, stay, deceleration rush
Despite (wWmcvBU) n. m‡Ë¡I hate, hatred, contempt, enmity
Pressure (‡cÖkvi) n. Pvc arc, press, clot, squeeze, influence
Neighbour (‡bBevi) n. cÖwZ‡ekx neighbor, kinsman foreigner
Produce (cÖwWDm) v. Drcv`b Kiv yield, generate, propagate, spawn
Offspring (Adw¯úªs) n. mšÍvbmšÍwZ brood, issue, increase, child
Together (Uz‡M`vi) adv. GK‡Î all together, at one place alone, separately
Couple (Kvcj) n. `¤úwË pair, married couple, equal, parallel uncouple
Provider (‡cÖvfvBWvi) n. cÖ`vbKvix
Informed (BbdigW) v. Rvwb‡qwQj aware, acquainted, possessed uninformed
Various (‡fwiqvm) adj. wewfbœ different, several, diverse, varied same
Planning (cøvwbs) n. cwiKíbv dodge
Option (Ackb) n. cQ›` choice, like, taste, liking, pleasure must
Available (Gfq‡jej) adj. mnRjf¨ attainable, obtainable, gainable unavailable
Continue (KbwUwbD) v. Pjv, eRvq ivLv go, suffice, run, walk, pace discontinue
Pressurize (‡cÖkvivBR) v. Pvc cÖ`vb depressurize
Newlywed (wbDwjI‡qW) adj. beweevwnZ anew, afresh, newlywed, over again
Deeply (Wxcwj) adv. Mfxifv‡e deep, soundly, densely, profundly mildly, barely
Rooted (iæ‡UW) adj. ‡cÖw_Z rooty, profound, grave, dense
Cultural (KvjPvivj) adj. mvs¯‹…wZK
Practice (cÖvKwUm) n. Abykxjb, PP©v, ixwZ exercise, drill, contemplation, habit hypothesis
Traditon (‡UªwWkb) n. HwZn¨ heritage, practice, mores, custom innovation
Rift (wid&U) n. dvUj prick, bloom, tear, cleft, crevasse
Extended (G·‡U‡ÛW) adj. m¤úªmvwiZ, e„nr elaborate, expanded, elongated unextended
Member (‡g¤^vi) n. m`m¨ nonmember
Insulted (Bbmvj‡UW) adj. AcgvwbZ dishonored, affronted, disrespected
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Criticize (wµwUmvBRW) v. wb›`v K‡iwQj condemn, denounce, take apart

Unable (AvbGej) adj. Aÿg impotent, disabled, incapable able
Relative (wi‡jwUf) n. AvZ¥xq kinsman, kin, blood relation, friend absolute
Return (wiUvb©) n. ‡dir, cÖZ¨veZ©b redirection, reversion, revolving departure, keep
Trained (‡UªBÛ) adj. wkÿvcÖvß educated, learned, informed untrained
Speak (w¯úK) v. ejv, K_v ejv say, tell, talk, mention, ask, pipe
Eventually (B‡fbPz¨qvwj) adv. Ae‡k‡l at last, in the end, in the long run overnight, readily
Understand (AvÛvi÷¨vÛ) v. eyS‡Z cviv grasp, access, dicern, appreciate misconsture
Harmful (nvg©dzj) adj. ÿwZKi detrimental, injurious, mischievous harmless, innocuous
Effect (B‡d±) n. djvdj, jvf outcome, payoff, upshot, yielding cause
Early (Avwj©) adv. kxNª quickly, shortly, promptly, betimes late, middle
Against (G‡MBÝU) pre. wec‡ÿ versus, with, contra, contrar, to for
Decide (wWmvBW) v. w¯’i Kiv fix, lull, ascertain, settle upon waver, put off
Handle (n¨vÛj) v. cwiPvjbv Kiv manage, conduct, operate, lead, run
Health-related (‡nj&_-wi‡j‡UW) n.
¯^v¯’¨ m¤úwK©Z
Peer (cxqvi) n. m½x, mgKÿ e¨w³, m½x mate, companion, comrade, equal glance
Locality (‡jvKvwjwU) n. ¯’vb, emwZ space, place, location, position, site
Already (Aj‡iwW) adv. BwZg‡a¨ manwhile, in the meantime, last not yet
Graph (MÖvd) n. bKkv design, plan, sketch, diagram, model
Percentage (cv‡m©b‡UR) n. kZKiv nvi, Ask part, portion, share, piece, section
Urban (Avievb) adj. kû‡i urbane, townish, civic, municipal rural
Rural (iæivj) adj. MÖvgxY rustic, peasant, dwelling in village urban
Experienced (G·wcwi‡qÝW) adj. AfxÁ, `ÿ expert, veteran, adept, weighed unexperienced
Physcial (wdwRK¨vj) adv. kvixwiK bodily, corporal, anatomical, physic mental
Sexual (‡m·yqvj) adj. ‡hŠb sensual, lustful, cannal asexual
Violence (fv‡qv‡jÝ) n. wnsmªZv, Ryjyg cruetly, ferocity, appression, fury friendliness
Passage (c¨v‡mR) n. Aby‡”Q` crossing, ascension, landing, go
Describe (wWmµvBe) v. eY©bv Kiv recount, narrate, recite, detail, tell
Evident (Gwf‡W›U) adj. ¯úó clear, explicit, obvious, plain, overt unclear
Contrast (KbUªv÷) v. wecixZ nIqv contradict similarity
Older (Iìvi) adj– ‰R¨ô, AMÖR senior, eldest, elder, highest little
Victim (wfKwUg) n. wkKvi hunting, prey, hunt, shoot, chasing
Alarming (A¨vjvwg©s) adj. fxwZcÖ` fearful, minacious, minatory unobrming
Compared (Kv‡¤úqvW©) adj. likened, comparable, weighed
DcwgZ, Zzjbv Kiv
Illustrate (Bjv‡÷ªU) v. e¨vL¨v Kiv, wPwÎZ Kiv explain, interpret, set forth, limn
General (‡Rbv‡ij) adj. mvaviY, e¨vcK common, ordinary, usual, normal local, specific
Respectively (wim‡cKwUfwj) adv. h_vµ‡g in same respect, gradually
According (G‡KvwW©s) adj. Abyhvqx following, similar, consequent
Somewhat (mvg‡nvqvU) adv. wKQz, GKiKg a bit, any, somehow, in a way immoderately
Overall (IfviAj) adj. ‡gvU in particular
Becoming (weKvwgs) adj. gvbvbmB fitting, becoming, fit, suitable, right unattractive, unsuitable
Quiz (KzBR) n. e¨v½, Dcnvm mockery, mock, jeer, ridicule, jest
Worth (I_©) n. g~j¨, `i value, price, cast, charge, merit worthlessness
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Opportunity (AciPz¨wbwU) n. myweav benefit, convenience, advantage

Decision (wWwmkb) n. wm×všÍ, wbY©q determination, verdict, discernment indecision
Important (B¤úiU¨v›U) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© significant, serious, great, main insignificcant
Caring (‡Kqvwis) v. hZœkxj be anxious, panic, beat reck uncaring
Responsissble (‡imcbwmej) adj. `vqx liable, accountable, answerable irresponsible
Rule (iæj) n. wbqg, wewa, kvmb law, regulation, system, provision
Complete (KgwcøU) v. m¤ú~Y© Kiv completed, full, entire, whole, all incomplete
Trustworthy (Uªv÷Iw_©) adj. wek¦¯Í faithful, loyal, reliable, true, trusty untrustworthy
Voluntary (fjvbUvix) adj. ‡¯^”QvK…Z deliberate, willful, deliberadive involuntary, draffec
Calcium (K¨vjwmqvg) n. LwUKv, Pzb chalk, plaster
Item (AvB‡Ug) n. c`, `dv position, office, term, rank, section
Yogurt (B‡qvMvU©) n. `B curd, curdled, milk, clabber
Bonus (‡evbvm) n. Dcwi jvf
Volunteer (fjvbwUqvi) n. ‡¯^”Qv‡meK draftee
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq people, sect, domenation, society isolation
Score (‡¯‹vi) v. MYbv Kiv, wnmve Kiv calculate, count, compute, tell
Changing (‡PwÄs) n. cwieZ©b Kiv change, alternative, switch, shift
Toward (UzqvW©) pre. w`‡K, Awfg~‡L to, on, unto, on the part of
Explain (G·‡cøBb) v. e¨vL¨v Kiv interpret, illustrate, set forth bewilder
Situation (wmPz‡qBkvb) n. Ae¯’v, cwiw¯’wZ state, condition, status, position
Potential (‡cv‡Ubwkqvj) adj. kw³kvjx, Kvh©Ki strong, potent, dynamic, drawny uneffective
Obstructed (Ae÷ªvK‡UW) adj. e¨vnZ, cÖwZnZ prevented, repelled, checked, staved unobstructed
Advocate (A¨vW‡fv‡KU) n. DwKj, AvBbRxex pleader, assignee, intercressor opponent, discourage

Lesson-5 Say ‘No’ to Bullying (‡m †bv Uz eywjs) – ZR©b‡K / DZ¨³‡K bv ejyb

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Bullying (eywjs) n. ZR©b reprimand, scolding, angry shout
Peers (wcqvi) n. m½x mate, companion, associate
Associated (A¨v‡mvwm‡q‡UW) adj. mshy³ attached, combined, connected unrelated
Definition (‡Wwdwbkb) n. msÁv vagueness
Ongoing (Ab‡MvBs) adj. Pjgvb oncoming, dynamic, forward finished
Deliberate (‡Wwjev‡iU) adj. B”QvK…Z deliberative, preperse, studious unstudied
Misuse (wgmBDR) n. Ace¨envi abuse, misbehavior, misconduct
Power (cvIqvi) n. ÿgZv ability, authority, caliber, might inability
Repeated (wiwc‡UW) adj. cybive„Ë revolved, periodic, periodical none
Verbal (fvievj) adj. ‡gŠwLK oral, vocal numerical
Intend (Bb‡UÛ) v. gb¯’ Kiv contemplate, settle upon, choose
Psychological Harm (mvB‡KvjwRKvj nvg©)
n. gb¯ÍvwË¡K ÿwZ
Involve (Bbfjf) v. RwoZ Kiv entangle, embroil, environ obviate
Individual (BbwWwfRy¨qvj) adj. ¯^Zš¿ distinct, independent, exclusive common
Perceived (cvwm©fW) adj. Abyf~Z felt, realized Real
Unable(AvbGej) adj. Aÿg impotent, disable, incapable able
Teasing (‡UwRs) adj. cixÿvg~jK
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Inappropriate(BbG‡cÖvwcÖ‡qBU) adj. Abychy³ unsuitable, unfit, improper appropriate

Comment (K‡g›U) n. gšÍe¨ remark, note, say, observation
Taunting (wUw›Us) v. we`yªcKiv gibe, tart, deride jibe
Purpose(cvicvm) n. D‡Ïk¨ motive, aim, objective, intention indifference
Rumor(wiDgvi) n. ¸Re talk, report, sound, noise fact
Hitting (wnwUs) v. AvNvZ Kiv beating,
kichking(wKwKs) n. jvw_ gviv spurn, hoof, toe, foot
Pinching (wcbwPs) v. wPgwUKvUv
Spitting (w¯úwUs) v. _y_y †`qv
Pushing (cywks) v. ‡Vjv
Facial (‡dwkqvj) adj. m¤§yL¯’ front, fire
Gesture (‡MmPvi) n. A½fw½ posture, pose, sign
Published (cvewjkW) adj. cÖKvwkZ revealed, exposed, disclosed unpublished
Report (wi‡cvU©) n. cÖwZ‡e`b response, news, information
Bullied (eywjW) adj. DrcxwoZ disturbed
Involved (BbfjfW) adj. RwoZ engaged, related, connected uninvolved
At last (A¨vUwj÷) adj. AšÍZ leastwise, leastways
Globally (‡Møvevwj) adj. wek¦e¨vcx worldwide
Worldwide (Iqvì©IqvBW) adj. wek¦e¨vcx go globally, universal locally
Experienced (G·wcwi‡qÝW) adj. AwfÁ expert, veterans, adept, weighed inexperienced
Violence (fv‡qv‡jÝ) n. mwnsmZv crueltyferocity frieendkness
Released (wiwjRW) adj. gy³ free, open, elea imprisoned confined
Behavior (we‡nwfqvi) n. AvPiY conduct, treatment, attitude
Survey (mvi‡f) n. Rwic metering land survey, audit
Represent (wi‡cÖR›U) v. wPwÎZ Kiv illustrate, picture, perform
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍf~³© Kiv comprise, cover, thrust exclude
Violence(fv‡qv‡jÝ) n. mwnsmZv cruelty, ferocity fruendlirtesness
Attack(A¨vUvK) a. AvµgY invasion, onslaught, foray defend
Punishment (cvwbkg¨v›U) n. kvw¯Í penalty, judgment, pain reward
Protected (‡cÖv‡UK‡UW) adj. iwÿZ defended, preserved, saved unprotected
Against (G‡MBÝU) p. weiæ‡× contra, contrary to, in opposition to for
According to (A¨v‡KvwW©sUz) adj. Abymv‡i accordingly, following, pursuant to
Peaceful (wcmdzj) adj. kvwšÍc~Y© quite, reachable, easeful
Safe (‡mBd) adj. wbivc` certain, obscured, secure, safe unsafe
Executive (Gw·wKDwUf) adj. Kvh©wbe©vnx ministerial
Multiple (gvwëcj) adj. en~ many, much, putter, multiply single
Danger (‡WBÄvi) n. SuywK risk, chaney, jeopardy hazard safety
Harassment(n¨v‡iRg¨v›U) n. nqivwb worry, vexation, persecution
Impact (Bgc¨v±) n. cÖfve unfence, power, impression
Depression (wW‡cÖkb) n. welbœZv dejection, dumps elation, happiness
Anxiety(GsRvBwU) n. D‡ØM concern, worry, dis quit reassurance
Suicide (myBmvBW) n. AvZ¥nZ¨v unnatural death, self-murder
Unforgettable (Avbdi‡M‡Uej) adj. vivid, memorable, immortal forgettable
Need (bxW) n. cÖ‡qvRb requirement, want
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Slightly (¯øvBUwj) adv. mvgvb¨ gvÎvq miri, wee considerably

Experience (G·wcwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv expertise, knowledge, wisdom inexperience
Adolescent (A¨v‡Wv‡jv‡m›U) adj. yourg, juvenile, teargas, perrault adult
Ziæb, Ziæbx, ˆKkicÖvß
Industrialized(BÛvmwUªqvjvBRW) adj. manufactured, artificial
wkíRvZ, wk‡ívbœZ
Admitted (A¨vWwg‡UW) adj. fwZ© n‡q‡Q Ggb
Equally (BKzqvwj) adv. mgvbfv‡e uniformly, indiscriminately unequally, unevenly
Victim (wfKwUg) n. wkKvi prey, shoot, oblation
Psychological (mvB‡KvjwRKvj) adj. gvbwlK psychological
Risk (wimK) n. SuywK danger, chance, gamble, jeopardy safety
Threat (‡_ªU) n. ûgwK blaclemail, intimidation
Weapon (I‡qcyb) n. A¯¿ arms, arsenal, missile, instrument
Claim (‡K¬Bg) n. `vwe demand, asserting, requirement disclaim, forfeit
Increasingly (Bbwµ‡qwRswj) adv. decreasingly
Disseminating (wW‡mwg‡bwUs) v. cÖPviKiv proclaim, notify, promulgate
Hurtful (nvU©dzj) adj. ‡e`bv`vqK painful, dismal, bitter kind
Humiliating (wnDwgwj‡qŠwUs) adj. AcgvbKi ostensive, insulting, insolent
Content (Kb‡U›U) adj. mš‘ó satisfied, contented, glad discontent, discontented
Advocate (GW‡fv‡KU) n. DwKj pleader, assignee, intercessor opponent, discourage
Counselling (KvD‡Ýwjs) v. civgk© †`qv exhort, monitor, course, teach
Unknown (Avb‡bŠb) adj. AÁvZ incognito, obscure, mysteniones known
Stranger (†÷ªBÁvi) n. AcwiwPZ e¨w³ unknown person, gringo acquintaree
Legal (wjM¨vj) adj. AvBbMZ judicial, legitimate illegal
Solution (mjykb) n. mgvavb resolution, answer, key problem
Commonly(Kgbwj) adv. mvaviYfv‡e generally, usually, in the rough remarkable
Basically (‡eBwmKwj) adv. g~jZ originally, essentially, materially
Electronic(B‡jKUªwbK) adj. ‰e`y¨wZK
Communication (KwgDwb‡Kkb) n. ‡hvMv‡hvM liaison, communion, rapport
Social media (‡mvkvj wgwWqv) n.
mvgvwRK †hvMv‡hvMgva¨g
Unwanted (AvbIqv‡›UW) adj. Abvn~Z uninvited, unwelcomed, undesired wanted
Private (cÖvB‡fU) adj. e¨w³MZ personal, individual, vocational public
Threatening(‡_ª‡Uwbs) adj. fxwZcÖ`k©bg~jK denunciatory, dereinciative scathing, favorable
Embarrassing (Gge¨v‡iwms) adj. nZeyw×Ki puzzling, perplexing, baffling
Scorn (‡¯‹vb©) n. AeÁv, Mvwj contempt, disdain, neglect respect, admiration
Offence (A‡dÝ) n. Aciva crime, iniquity, quilt, fault defense, defers
Punishable (c¨vwb‡kej) adj. `Ðbxq penal, controllable
Provide(‡cÖvfvBW) v. ‡hvMvb †`qv give, provide for withhold
Deliberately (‡Wwjev‡iUwj) adv. B”Qvc~e©K be dosing, readily, designedly acciderlally
Abscise(AemwKIi) adj. A¯úó dim, vague, fuzzy, mystical obvious, clear
Corrupt (KivÞ) adj. `ywlZ polluted, blown, tainted, vile incorrupt, straight
Material (g¨v‡Uvwiqvj) n. Dcv`vb component, element, immaterial, incorporeal
Prejudice (†cÖRywWm) n. Kzms¯‹vi superstition, preconception, wimps
Instigate (BÝwU‡MU) v. cÖ‡ivwPZKiv pervade, provoke
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Guilty (wMjwU) adj. Acivax criminal, convicted, sinful innocent

Imprisonment (BgwcÖRbg¨v›U) n. Kvivevm confinement, adjudication
Complaint (µg‡cøB›U) n. Awf‡hvM charge, allegation, indictment praise
Necessary (‡b‡mmvwi) adj. cÖ‡qvRbxq required, requisite, constituent unnecessary. incorrect
Perpetrator (cvi‡c‡UªUi) n. Acivax offender, criminal, convict, stirrer
Justice (Rvw÷m) n. b¨vqwePvi furness, equity, rightness injustice
Launce (jÂ) v. PvjyKiv start, introduce, set, establish abolish
Helpline (‡níjvBb) n. ‡níjvBb
Submit (mvewgj) n. `vwLj Kiv put forward, present, bring up insist, withdraw
Furthermore (dvi`vi‡gvi) adv. AwaKš‘ also, besides, father, mone
Intimidation (BbwUwg‡Wkb) n. n~gwK cÖ`vb threat, blackmail, impedance
Injury (BbRywi) n. AvNvZ blow, hit, warned, lesion
Reputation (‡icy‡Ukvb) n. L¨vwZ rep, allentown, prestige, fame disputation
Property (cÖcvwU©) n. m¤úwË wealth, possession, substance
Mentioned (‡gbkbW) adj. DwjøwLZ alluded, writer above unmentioned
Definitely (‡WwdwbUwj) adv. ¯úófv‡e clearly, expressly, plainly perhaps, may be
Serious (wmwiqvm) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© significant, serious-great frivolous, playful
Process (cÖ‡mm) n. cÖwµqv method, procedure, action, mode
Similar (wmwgjvi) adj. Abyiƒc analogous, like, corresponding dissimilar, unlike
Prohibited (cÖwnwe‡UW) adj. wbwl×, A‰ea illicit, illegitimate, forbidden
Procedure (cÖwmRvi) n. cÖwµqv method, action, process, mode
Authority (A_wiwU) n. KZ…©Z¡ dominance, dominating, dominion powerlessness
Unacceptable (AvbGK‡mc‡Uej) a. not to be taken, impermissible acceptable
Opportunity (AciPzwbwU) n. my‡hvM chance, advantage, amenities
Privacy (cÖvB‡fwm) n. ‡MvcbxqZv hideout, secret, secrecy
Response (‡imcbm) n. cÖwZwµqv, mvov answer, reaction, reply
Immediately (BwgwW‡qUwj) adj. Awej‡¤^ instantlyright away, forthwith
Patient (‡c‡k›U) adj. ‰ah©kxj forbearing, enduring impatient
Evidence (Gwf‡WÝ) n. cÖgvY proof, warrant, record, testimony
Minor (gvBbi) adj. AcÖavb secondary, accessory, subordinate major
Relieve (wiwjf) v. DckgKiv alleviate, mitigate, soothe, ally enforce
Preferred (‡cÖdviW) adj. cQ‡›`i
Involve (Bbfjf) v. RwoZ engaged, related, connected uninvolved
Angry (GswMÖ) adj. µz× fierce, enraged, raptly, mad unary
Harassed (n¨v‡imW) adj. wbM„nxZ coerced, oppressed. persecuted carefree
Bully (evwj) n. `ye©‡ji DrcxoK
Comment (K‡g›U) n. gšÍe¨ remark, observation, say
Advisable (GWfvB‡mej) adj. hyw³hy³ sound, painful, expedient inadvisable
Protect (‡cÖv‡U±) v. iÿvKiv defend, save, conserve, maintain abuse, arrihilate
Secure (wmwKIi) n. wbwðZKiv ensure, confirm, assure insecure, unprotected
Participate (c¨vwU©wm‡cBU) v. AskMÖnYKiv partake, take part, engage drop out
Bystander (evB÷¨vbWvi) n. `k©K viewer, spectator, beholder participant
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Unit – 5 Youthful Achievers (BD_dzj GwPfvim) – ZviæY¨ AR©bKvix

Lesson – 01 Sheikh Kamal: Life of an Achiever
(‡kL Kvgvj: jvBd Ad Gb GwPfvi) - †kL Kvgvj: GKRb AR©bKvixi Rxeb

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Except (GK‡mÞ) adj. e¨vwZZ including
Biography (ev‡qvMÖvwd) v. Rxebx life, memoir
Sibling (wmewjs) n. fvB †evb
Spouse (¯úvDm) n. cwZœ , ¯¿x wife, partner
Eldest (Gj‡W÷) adj. ‡R¨ô senior , elder , highest
Secondary (‡m‡KÛvwi) adj. gva¨wgK primary
Admit (GWwgU) v. fwZ© Kiv‡bv take in, replenish
Colourful (Kvjvidzj) adj. iwOb panty, colorful colorless
Department (wWcvU©‡g›U ) n. wefvM section , division , partition
Liveliness (jvBfwj‡bm ) n. cÖvbešÍ vivacity, animation, elan
Creativity (wµ‡qwUwfwU) n. m„RbkxjZv
Pursued (cvimyW) adj. AvKvw•LZ followed , imitated, succeeded
Passion (c¨vkb) n. Av‡eM emotion ,feeling , affection indifference
Activity (A¨vKwUwfwU) n. Kvh©Kjvc action ,work , energy inaction , inactivity
Organizer (AM©vbvBRvi) n. cÖeZ©K promoter , pioneer, planter
Interested (B›Uv‡i‡÷W) adj. AvMÖnx devoted , attracted, attached uninterested
Classical (K¬vwmKvj) adj. cÖ_g †kÖYxi best , pash, transcendental neoclassical
Collection (Kv‡jKkb) n. msMÖn gathering, excerpt, purchase
Musical Instrument (wgDwRKvj BÝUz‡ª g›U)
n. ev`¨hš¿
Floor (‡d¬vi) n. †g‡S ground, stage, plane
Rehearsing (winvwm©s) v. cybive„wË Kiv repeat, run over, say again, revolve
Performance (cvidi‡gÝ) n. m¤úv`b redaction, execution, discharge
Prominent (cÖwg‡b›U) adj. wewkó great, eminent, noteworthy
Founder (dvDÛvi) n. cÖwZôZv builder, establisher
Organization (AM©vbvB‡Rkb) n. msMVb club, institution, association
Introduced (BbUzwª WDmW) adj. cÖewZ©Z induced, founded, initiated
Simple (wm¤új) adj. mnR naive, innocent, straight, guileless complex , compound
Advantage (A¨vWfv‡›UR) n. myweav benefit, favor, avail, convenience plenty, disadvantage
Same (†mBg) adj. GKB one, very same, identical different, other
Movie (gywf) n. gywf cinema, film, motion picture
Success (mvK‡mm) n. mvdj¨ attainment, prosperity, godsend failure, loser
Groom Up (MÖæg Avc) v. mvRv‡bv
Perseverance (cvi‡mfv‡iÝ) n. Aa¨emvq diligence, assiduity, industry feebleness
Commitment (KwgU‡g›U) n. cÖwZkÖæwZ promise, pledge
Military (wgwjUvwi) adj. mvgwiK martial , warlike civilian ,unmilitary
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Genocide (‡R‡bvmvBW) n. MbnZ¨v

Received (wiwmf) adj. M„nxZ accepted , adopted , obtained
Training (‡UªBwbs) v. cÖwkÿb education , teaching , instruction
Foot Hill (dzU wnj) n. cv`‡`k
Dignity (wWMwbwU) n. gh©v`v rank, respect, importance
Possess (†cv‡Rm) v. AwaKvix nIqv empower, hold reflect, worth remove
Trait (†UªBU) n. ‰ewkó characteristic, quality
Commander (KgvÛvi) n. ‡mbvcwZ marshal, colonel, warlord
Independence (BbwW‡cb‡WÝ) n. ¯^vaxbZv freedom, liberty, independency dependence
Easily (BwRwj) adv. mn‡R easy, effort barely
Secure (wmwKDi) v. wbwðZ Kiv ensure, confirm, ascertain unfasten, insecure
Prefer (†cÖdvi) v. AwaKZi cQ›` Kiv like, choose dislike
Engage (Gb‡MR) v. wbhy³ Kiv set, employ, embark, put in disengage
Organizing (AM©vbvBwRs) adj.wbgv©Zv forming, marking, creating
Journalism (Rvbv©wj÷) n.mvsevw`K reporter, executive, pressman
Rightly (ivBUwj) adv. b¨vqZ properly, justly unjustly
Unique (BDwbK) adj. Abb¨ singular, single, concentrated common
Especially (‡¯úkvwj) adv. we‡klZ particularly, specially generally
Involvement (Bbfjg¨v›U) n. RwiZ _vKv engagement non engagement
Official (Awdwkqvj) n. Kg©KZ©v officer, supervisor, manager unofficial
unfortunate (AvbdiPz‡bU) adj. `yfv©Mv unlucky, hapless, poor fortunate, auspicious
Athletics (A¨v_‡jwUKm) n. kixi PP©v track and field athletics
Cowardly (KvIqvW©wj) adv. KvcyiælZv recreant, chicken hearted person brave
Assassinated (A¨vmvwm‡b‡UW) v. M~&ßnZ¨v
Culture (KvjPvi) n. ms¯‹…wZ plane, exercise, practice
Trait (†UªBU) n. ‰ewkó
Quality (†KvqvwjwU) n. ¸b attribute, virtue, character tic inferiority
Inseparable (Bb‡mcv‡iej) adj. Awe”Q`¨ unseverable, inalienable separable

Lesson – 02 Affectionate, lively and Always Smiling Sheikh Kamal

(A¨v‡dKk‡bU, jvfwj GÛ Aj‡qR ¯§vBwjs †kL Kvgvj) †¯œngq, Kgbxq I me©`v nvwmLywk †kL Kvgvj
Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms
Aspect (A¨vm‡c±) n. `„wó fw½ outlook , prospect , spectacle
Tribute(wUªweDU) n. kÖ×v esteem , respect
Finish (wdwbk) v.‡kl Kiv put an end , conclude , case begin , start
Already (Aj‡iwW) adv. BZg‡a¨ meanwhile , in the meantime questionable
Undisputed (AvbwWmwcD‡UW) adj. undoubted , unquestionable questionable
Middle-Class (wgWj Køvm ) adj. ga¨weË
Exceptional (GK‡mckbvj) adj. Amvavib extraordinary, unusual , tremendous ordinary
Introduced (BbUªywWDmW) adj. cÖewZ©Z initiated , induced , founded
Entry (Gw›Uª) n. cÖ‡ek access, entrance , entrée, exit
Mutual (wgDPzqvj) adj. cvi¯úwiK reciprocal nonreciprocal
Greet (wMÖU) v. Awfev`b Rvbv‡bv salute, bow, ignore
Warm (Iqvg© ) adj. Mig, Dò hot , thermal, heated , cool
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Instantly (BÝU¨v›Uwj) adv. Awej‡¤^ immediately, right , away , forthwith

Hugely (wnDRwj) adv. AwZkq greatly, very , awfully
Quite (†KvqvBU) adv. cy‡ivcywi fairly, fully, absolutely extremely, slightly
Actively (A¨vKwUfwj) adv. mwµqfv‡e passively
Interested (B›Uv‡i‡÷W ) adj. AvMÖnx found , devoted , loving , attached uninterested
Spirit (w¯úwiU) ¯ú„nv spur , incentive, impetus
Deserted (†WRv‡U©W) adj. Agvbe inhuman, depilated, ,uninhabited inhabited
Organizer (AM©vbvBRvi) n. cªeZ©K promoter ,pioneer, planter
Cultural (KvjPvivj) adj. mvs¯‹…wZK
Arena (A¨v‡ibv) n. Kg©‡ÿÎ wall, theater, gratin, territory
Regularly (†i¸jviwj) adv.wbqwgZ orderly irregularly
Continued (Kw›UwbDW) adj.Ae¨vnZ unhindered, unflinching , discontinued
Friendly (†d«Wwj) adj. eÜzc~Y© amicable, neighborly, mate hostile , unfriendly
Vividly (wfwfWwj) adv. cÖvbešÍfv‡e
Occasion (A‡KBkvb ) n. Dcjÿ bout, purpose , call, turn, instance
Charitable (P¨vwi‡Uej) adj. `vZe¨ beneficent, benevolent, boon uncharitable
Foundation (dvD‡Ûkb) n. wfwË basis , foundation, ground
Fully-Funded (dzwjø -dvD‡ÛW)
Clinic (wK¬wbK) n. Wv³viLvbv dispensary, doctors , chamber
Region (wiwRqb) n. GjvKv territory, place , field , part
Addition (A¨vwWkb) v. msKjb culling , collection , addition subtraction
Sponterously (¯úbU¨v‡bIqvmwj) adv. in such a way , without cause,
¯^ZùzZ©fv‡e amicably
Burst (ev÷©) n. we‡õvib explosion , blast, detonation implode
Laughter (jvdUvi) n. nvwm laugh, smile , heehaw , guffaw sadness
Full -Spiritedly (dzj-w¯úwi‡UWwj) adv.
c~Y© DϨ‡g
Reinforced (wiBb‡dvmW©) adv. Pv½v refreshed , recovered , invigorated fragile
Instinctively (BÝwUsKwUfwj) adj.
Cultivated (KvjwU‡f‡UW) adj. PvlK…Z smeared, discussed, thought uncultivated
Greet (MÖxU) v. Awfev`b Rvbv‡bv salute , bow, genuflect ignore
Trademark (†UªWgvK©) n. wPý
Attention (A¨v‡Ubkb) n. gb‡hvM regard, notice , heed , mind inattention
Inevitably (B‡bwf‡Uewj) adv. AeavwiZfv‡e
Naturally (b¨vPvijx) adv. ¯^vfvweKfv‡e of course , always artificially , unnaturally
Important (B¤ú‡U©›U) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© significant, serious, great insignificant
Company (‡Kv¤úvwb) n. mv_x ev m½x society , association isolation, individual
Replace (wi‡cøm) v. cÖwZ¯’vcb Kiv dislocate
Dictator (wWK‡UUi) v. kvmK autocrat, ruler, governor, depot
Seemingly (wmwgswj) adv. AvcvZZ`„wó‡Z at the first sight , on the face of it
Democracy (†W‡gv‡µwm) n. MYZš¿ democratization , common wealth inequality, dictatorstip
Pledged (‡cøRW) adj. A½xKvie× promised , covenanted
Genuine (†RbyBb) adj. AK…wÎg sincere , true , natural, counterfeit
Provincial (†cÖvwfbwkqvj) adj. cÖv‡`wkK regional , cantonal , hick cosmopolitan
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -59

Assembly (A¨v‡m¤^wj) n. mgv‡ek rally, gathering , assemblage disassembly

Suffrage (mv‡dªR) n. †fvUvwaKvi vote
Gripped (wMÖcW) adj. KewjZ seized , swallowed , occupied
Accompany (A¨v‡Kv¤úvwb) adj. mnMgb Kiv go together
Readily ( †iwWwj ) adv. Zrÿbvr right away, away , immediately eventually , grudgingly
Regaled (wi‡MjW) v. Avb›` w`‡qwQj
Lively (jvBfwj) adj. RxešÍ living , alive live , vital, quick dull
Presence (†cÖ‡RÝ) n. Dcw¯’wZ appearance, attendance , arrival absence
Opportunity (AciPzwbwU) n. my‡hvM chance , advantage, amenities
Occasion (I‡KBkb) n. Dcjÿ bout , purpose , call , turn, instance
Eloquence (G‡jvKz‡qÝ) n. eKcUzZv elocution, oratory , fluency , facility
Rhetoric (wi‡UvwiK) adj. Aj¼vikv¯¿ eloquence , ornamentation
Image (B‡gR) n. fveg~wZ© attitude mind, cheer
Passionate (c¨vk‡bU) adj. Drmvnx keen, strenuous, enthusiastic passionless
Argument (AvM©y‡g›U) n. hyw³ reason reasoning , contention
Treasure (†UªRvi) n. ab riches , wealth, money , darling
Gear Up (wMqvi Avc) v. MwZkxj Kiv
Assembly (A¨v‡mgweø) n. mgv‡ek rally, gathering , assemblage disassembly
Election (B‡jKkb) n. wbe©vPb selection, choice, volition
Suddenly (mv‡Wbwj) adv. nVvr abruptly, by chance, bump, haply gradually
Introducing (BbUªywWDwms) n. cwiwPZ Kiv‡bv
Probably (†cÖv‡eewj) adv. m¤¢eZ perhaps, likely , possibly, obviously incredibly
Discussing (wWmKvwms) adj. Avjvc Av‡jvPbv
Strategy (‡÷ª‡UwR) n. ‡KŠkj device , art ,
Waving (I‡qwfs) v. fvmv‡bv wave , levitate
Affectionately (A¨v‡dKk‡bUwj) adv. coldly
Av`i K‡i
Warmth (Iqvg©_) adj. Mig temperature cold
Independence (BbwW‡c‡Ûm) n. ¯^vaxbZv liberty , freedom dependence
Continue (Kw›UwbD) v. eRvq ivLv maintain , sustain , keep up discontinue
Politics (cwjwUKm) n. ivRbxwZ statecraft
Seriously (wmwiqvmwj) adv. Mfxifv‡e slightly , jokingly
Frequenting (wd«Kz‡qw›Us) adv. wbqwgZ Kiv boycott, infrequent
Regularly (†i¸jviwj) adv. wbqgvbymv‡i orderly irregularly
Nevertheless (†bfvi‡_‡jm) adv. ZeyI even , notwithstanding , nonetheless
Exchange (G·‡PBÄ ) n. wewbgq interchange , permutation
Pleasantry (wcø‡RbwUª ) n. ‡KŠZzK joke , wit, pepper tragedy
Caring (†Kqvwiswj) adv. h‡Zœi mv‡_
Friendliness (†d«Ûwj‡bm) n. e×zfvevcbœZv harmony , accord , amity unfriendliness
Naturally (b¨vPvivwj) adv. ¯^vfvweKfv‡e artificially, unnaturally
Secured (wmwKDiW) v. wbwðZ Kiv ensure , assure
Position (cwRkb) n. Ae¯’vb location , whereabouts
Encounter (GbKvD›Uvi) v. m¤§yLxb nIqv tackle, meet , confront
Inspirational (BÝwc‡ikbvj) adj.
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -60

Vice Chancellor (fvBm P¨v‡Ýjvi) n.DcvPvh©

Perform (cvidg©) v. m¤§v`b Kiv carry , through, redact practice
Particular (cviwUKzjvi) adj. we‡kl individual , extraordinary general, universal
Augment (AM‡g›U) n. e„w× increment , raise
Facility (d¨vwmwjwU) n. my‡hvM myweav flexibility, amenability
Attend (A¨v‡UÛ) v. Dcw¯’Z be present , exist , show oneself
Characteristic (K¨v‡i±viw÷K) n. ‰ewkó¨ feature property, normality
Insist (Bbwm÷) v. ‡RvivRywi Kiv insist, urge
Dropped (WªcW) v. cwZZ n‡q‡Q run into , be guilty , swoop
Typical (wUwcKvj) adj. cÖZxKmiƒc emblematical , emblematic atypical
Spare (‡¯úqvi) adj. AwZwi³ additional ,extra , more , main , scanty
Murder (gvW©vi) n. nZ¨v killing , slaughter, homicide
Along With (Gjs DB_) adv. mn ev mv‡_
Batch Mate (e¨vP g¨vU) n. mncvVx classmate
Athlete (A¨v_‡jU) n. wµovwe` acrobat , gymnast
Attractive (GUªvKwUf) adj. AvKl©bxq striking , catching, repulsive ,unattractive
Renegade (†i‡b‡MBU ) n. `jZ¨vMx defector
Murder (gviW©vi) n. nZ¨v cruel , bloody easy
Soldier (‡mvjRvi) n. ‰mwbK warrior , battler , militant
Drift (wWªdU&) n. D‡Ïk¨ purpose , aim , intention
Immediate ( BwgwW‡qBU) adj. Awej‡¤^ present , prompt, brisk ,quick mediate
Affectionate (A¨v‡dKk‡bU) adj. Abyi³ inclined , devoted indifferent
Blessed (†eømW) adj. myLx happy , blissful , glad , satisfied cursed
Desert (‡WRvU©) adj. giæf~wg
Tireless (Uvqvi‡jm) adj. AK¬všÍ

Lesson: 3 Brojen Das: On Conquering the English Channel

(‡eªv‡Rb `vm: Ab †Kvb‡Kvwis `¨v Bswjk P¨v‡bj) - †eªv‡Rb `vm: Bswjk P¨v‡bj we‡RZv

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Legendary (wj‡RÛvwi) adj. KvíwbK mythical, mythological, farced
Swimmer (myBgvi) n. muvZviæ
Honored (AbvW©) adj. m¤§vwbZ honorable, crowned, dignified
Award (GIqvW©) adj. cyi®‹vi reward, pries, stakes, payoff
Performance (cvidi‡gÝ) n. K…wZ achievement, composition work rehearsal
Abridge (GweªR) v. ms‡ÿc Kiv summaries, shorten, detruncate, ruder expand
Memoir (‡g‡gvBi) n. AvZ¥Rxebx autobiography, memoirs
Captivating (K¨vcwU‡fwUs) adj. wPËvKl©K impressing, fascinating, engaging uninteresting
Record-breaking (‡iKW©-‡eªwKs) adj.
c~e©eZ©x †iKW© †f‡½ †`q Ggb
Faint (‡dB›U) v. msÁv nviv‡bv
Exhausted (G·n‡÷W) adj. Aembœ fatigued, blown, heater, tired, weary
Encountering (GbKvD›Uvwis) v. m¤§yLxb nIqv tackle, envisage, confront
Opposition (AcwRkb) v. cÖwZcÿ opponent, creamy, adversary ally, friendliness
Accompany (GK¤úvwb) v. mnMgb Kiv to together
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -61

Motorboat (‡gvUi‡evU) n. jç`vbKvix

Skipper (w¯úKvi) n. Aby”P bç`vbKvix
Observer (AeRvf©vi) n. ch©‡eÿK watcher, fosterer, maintainer participant
Toward (UzqvW©) p. w`‡K, Awfgy‡L towards, unto, or
Flash (d¬vk) n. SjK glimpse, ignition, slush
Realize (wiqvjvBR) v. Dcjwä Kiv realize, feel, understand
Energy (GbvwR©) n. Kg©kw³ force, camber, vigor, steam indolence, laziness
Electrified (B‡jKwUªdvBW) adj. ‰e`y¨wZK electrical, electric
Gadded (M‡WW) adj. ZvwoZ struck, propelled, scolded unprovoked
Regulation (‡icy‡UBkvb) n. L¨vwZ fame, rep, renown, prestige disrepute
Unpredictable (Avb‡cÖwW‡±ej) adj. AcÖZ¨vwkZ predictable
Practice (cÖvKwUm) v. Abykxjb Kiv cultivate, study, contemplate hypothesis
Distance (wWm‡UÝ) n. `~iZ¡ space, way classiness, associate
Determination (wWUviwg‡bBkvb) n. msKí resolve, meaning, vow, desire, well weakness
Courage (Kv‡iBR) n. mvnm bravery, gust, mettle, heart cowardice
Subdue (mvewWD) v. `gb Kiv put down, suppress, inhabit, crab
Conspired (KÝcvqvW©) v. PµvšÍ Kiv plot, cabal, intrigue
Defeat (wWwdU) n. civRq licking, loss, failure victory
Defeated (wWwd‡UW) adj. civwRZ vanquished undefeated
Asleep (A¨vw¯øc) adj. NygšÍ indolent, inactive, credulous awake
Fail (‡dBj) v. nZvk Kiv, AK…ZKvh© nIqA let down, sell, chill, despond manage, pass
Tentative (‡Ub‡UwUf) adj. cixÿvg~jK piloted sure, definite
Breaker (‡eªKvi) n. P~Y©Kvix e¨w³
Wave (I‡qf) n. Zi½ ripple, undulation, fret, gurgitation
Sea. sickness (mx-mxK‡bm) n.
mgy‡`ªi cÖwZ cÖej AvKl©Y
Failure (‡dBwjqi) n. e¨v_©Zv defeat, hopelessness, ill luck success
Record (‡iKW©) n. bw_, cÖgvY file, list, roll, point erase
Immerse (Bg‡gbm) adj. Acwi‡gq countless, inestimable, measureless ting
Weather (I‡q`vi) adj. AvenvIqv elements, climate
Crown (µvDb) n. gyKzU coronet
Nearly (wbqviwj) adj. cÖvq almost, most, near, aloes
Turned (Uvb©W) adj. cwiYZ mature, educed, advanced, ripe natured
Oblivious (Aewjwfqvm) adj. Ab¨gb¯‹ abstracted, machiral, inattention conscious
Distance (wWmU¨vÝ) n. `~iZ¡, e¨eavb space, difference warmth, closeness
Direction (wW‡iKkb) n. AwfgyL approach
Worried (IwiW) adj. wPwšÍZ devised, noxious, willful, concurred unconcerned
Difficult (wWwdKvë) adj. KwVb hard, solid, tenacious, stubborn easy, manageable
Ebbing energy (Gwes GbvwR©) n. fvUvi kw³
Previous (wcÖwfqvm) adj. c~e©eZ©x former, preceding, prior subsequent
Steady (‡÷wW) adj. AUj firm, constant, faithful unsteady
Hungry (nvswi) adj. ÿzav_© empty, famishing, esurient thirsty
Famished (‡dwgk&W) adj. ÿzavKvZi hungry, hugger-bitter hugger-bit full
Manager (g¨v‡bRvi) n. cwiPvjK director, administrator, conductor
Waste (I‡q÷) v. AcPq Kiv dissipate, misuse, emblazzle conserve
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -62

Sorry (mwi) adj. `y:wLZ rueful, sorrowful, glum unregretful

Create (wµ‡qBU) v. m„wó Kiv make, generate, raise, hatch destroy
Strokes (‡÷ªvKm) n. AvNvZ injury, hit, wound, lesion, coup
squeezing (¯‹zBwRs) n. wclb pulping, kneading, grinding
Edge (GR) n. cÖvšÍ side, extreme, border end cestrum
Cheer up (wPqvi Avc) v. DrmvwnZ Kiv console, becalm, soothe, pacify depress
Clearly (wK¬qviwj) adj. cwi®‹vifv‡e clan, deathly, elderly, fair
Proverbial (‡cÖvfvwe©qvj) adj. cÖev`Zzj¨ unfamiliar unseen
Dangling (W¨vswjs) adj. AvbZ, SzjšÍ inclined, barded, stooped, hanging upright
Swollen (m‡jb) adj. ùxZ inflated, bloated, puffed
Paling (cywjs) v. Uvbv drag, draw, carry, stretch
Momentum (‡gv‡gbUvg) n. fi‡eM impetus
Sharp (kvc©) adj. aviv‡jv edgy, kier, arrow, blunt
Craggy (µvwM) adj. eÜzi rough, brumby, uneven smooth
Appeared (GwcqvW©) adj. nvwRi present, alter dent disappear
Ambition (Ggwekb) n. D”PvKv•ÿv target, goal, destination apathy
Remember (wi‡g¤^vi) v. g‡b ivLv mind, keep in mind, retain forget
Fail (‡dBj) v. e¨v_© nIqv lose, flop, miscarry, fall through pass, succeed
Crowned (µvDbW) adj. m¤§vwbZ honorable, dignified, honored uncrowned
Success (mvK‡mm) n. mvdj¨ attainment, prosperity, godsend failure
Challenging (P¨v‡jwÄs) adj. cÖwZeÜKZvc~Y© easy
Previous (wcÖwfqvm) adj. c~e©eZ©x former, preceding, prior subsequent
Immediately (BwgwW‡qUwj) adj. Awej‡¤^ instantly, night way, forth weigh
Excepted (G·‡cK‡UW) adj. cÖZ¨vwkZ prospective, hoped, longed unexpected
Authority (A_wiwU) n. KZ…©cÿ rebel
Journalist (Rvb©vwj÷) n. mvsevw`K pressman, reporter
Interview (B›UviwfD) n. mvÿvZKvi meeting
Competition (Kw¤úwUkb) n. cÖwZ‡hvwMZv contest, match, emulation, struggle cooperation
Champion (P¨vw¤úqb) adj. ‡miv best, excellent, winner loser
Competent (Kw¤ú‡U›U) adj. Kg©`ÿ efficient, expired, adroit incompetent
Accomplished (A¨vKgwcøkW) adj. m¤úbœ completed, performed

Lesson: 4 Scaling a Mountain peak or Riding Your Dream?

(¯‹¨vwjs Av gvD‡›Ub cxK Ae ivBwWs BIi Wªxg) - ce©ZP~ovq Av‡ivnb bvwK Avcbvi ¯^‡cœ cwiågY?

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Depict (wWwc±) v. eY©bv Kiv depicture , delimitate
Adventure (A¨vW‡fbPvi) n. deferring do
`y:mvnwmK Awfhvb
Early (Avwj©) adv. kªxNª quickly , shortly , promptly late, middle
Icon (AvBKb) n. g~wZ© form , dummy
Modest (g‡W÷) adj. webwq complaint immodest
Businessman (weR‡bmg¨vb) n. e¨emvqx dealer
Siblings (wmewjs) n.fvB‡evb
Charming (Pvwg©s) adj. cÖdzjø pleasant, desirable dull
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -63

Princess (wcÖ‡Ým) n. ivRKzgvix

Apparently (A¨vcv‡i›Uwj) adv. ¯ú÷Z obviously, pointedly, plenty actually
Ordinary (AwWbvwi) adj. mvavib common , general, normal extraordinary
Supportive (mv‡cvwU©f) adj. mnvqK unsupportive
Accepted ( GK‡mc‡UW) adj. Mªnb‡hvM¨ adopted , received unconventional
Scaled (¯‹vjW) adj. Avkhy³
Inspirational (BÝwc‡ikbvj) adj.
Situated (wmPz‡q‡UW) adj. Aew¯’Z located, residing. laying
Completed (Kgwcø‡UW) adj. m¤úbœ accomplished, performed
Currently (Kv‡i›Uwj) adv. GLb now, at present formerly
Interested (BbUvi‡÷W) adj. AbyivMx fond, devoted, attracted uninterested
Enrolled (Gb‡ivjW) v. bw_f‚³ Kiv file, enroll
Especially (†¯úkvwj) adv. we‡klZ particularly , specially
Influence (Bbd¬z‡qbm) n.cªfve impact , spur , imbue
Freedom (wd«Wg) n. ¯^vaxbZv independence, liberty restriction , conformity
Obstacle (AemUvKvj) n. evav barrier , block help
Courage (Kv‡iR) v. mvnm Kiv cheer, cheer up , foster , exhort discourage
Determination (wWUviwg‡bkb) n. msKí resolve, vow, desire weakness
Pursue (cvimy) v. A‡š^lY Kiv look for , explore . search
Situation (wmPz‡qkb) v. Ae¯’v state, condition , position
Calamitous (K¨vjvwgUvm) adj. wecbœ endangered , imperiled fortunate
Conquering (KbKzqvwis) v. Rq Kiv
Speech (w¯úP) n.e³…Zv lecture, discourse, oration
Democratic (†W‡gv‡µwUK) adj. MbZvwšÍK folksy, republican
Convention (Kb‡fbkb) adj. cÖPwjZ common, usual , accepted unconventional
Impossible (Bgcwmej) adj. Am¤¢e improbable, inconceivable possible
Improbable (Bg‡cÖv‡ej) adj. Afvebxq incompatible , inappropriate probable
Summon (mv‡gvb) v. WvKv call, invoke, bid , bray
Inevitable (B‡bwf‡Uej) adj. Awbevh© unavoidable , imminent evitable
Cheushed (†PwikW) adj. jvwjZ reared, chimed
Mountaineer (gvDb‡Uwbqvi) n. ce©ZAv‡ivnx ice man , alpinist
Climb (K¬vB¤^) v. Av‡ivnb Kiv climb up , go up ware, descent
Organized (AM©vbvBRW) adj. msMwVZ organic unorganized
Celebrate (†mwj‡eªU) v. Drhvcb Kiv render , observe lament
Anniversary (A¨vwbfvmvwi) n. evwl©Kx annual , jubilee
Conquest (KbKz‡q÷) n. weRq victory, success defeat, surrender
Consecutive (Kb‡mwKDwUf) adj. avivevwnK successive, continues, gradual alternate
Expedition (G·‡cwWkb) n. Awfhvb enterprise , encroachment
Dedication (†WwW‡Kkb) n. DrmM© devotion , inscription
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -64

Opportunity (AciPzwbwU) n. my‡hvM chance , advantage, amenities

Important (BgciU¨v›U) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© significant , serious , great unimportant
Discipline (wWwmwcøb) n. k„•Ljv order , system , rule, form indiscipline
Perseverance (cvi‡mfv‡iÝ) n. Aa¨vemvq diligence, persistence , feebleness
Institutional (BÝwUwUDkbvj)adj. wkíRvZ manufactured ,artificial
Professional (cÖ‡dkbvj) adj. ‡ckv`vix vocational , occupational nonprofessional
Necessary (‡b‡mmvix) adj. cÖ‡qvRbxq essential , obligate , unnecessary
Complete (KgwcøU) adj. m¤úbœ full, whole , entire incomplete
Basic (†ewmK) adj. †gŠwjK prime , original, primary incidental
Scaled (¯‹vjW) adj. Avukhy³ scaly
Several (†mfv‡ij ) adj. wewfbœ different ,diverse, various few
Friendly (†d«Ûwj) adj. eÜzZ¡c~Y© amicable, mate , neighborly hostile. unfriendly
Jointly (R‡q›Uwj) adv. mw¤§wjZfv‡e unwieldy individually
Mountaineering (gvD‡›Uwbqvwis) n
Activity (A¨vKwUwfwU) n. Kvh©Kjvc action, work , energy inaction , inactivity
Develop (†W‡fjc) v. DbœxZ Kiv promote, honor , flourish contract , outline
Challenge (P¨v‡jÄ) v. ¯úa©v Kiv defy, emulate, presume
Expensive (G·‡cbwmf) adj. e¨qen~j costly , valuable cheap
Organization (AMv©bvB‡Rkb) n. msMVb formation , economy

Ambassador (A¨v¤^v‡mWi) n. ivóª`~Z envoy, apostle, coursed

Society (†mvmvBwU) n. mgvR community, tribe, class
Campaign (K¨v‡¤úBb) n. Awfhvb exploration , adventure
Promote (†cÖv‡gU) v. DbœZ Kiv raze, exacerbate, develop ,increase demote
Accompany (G‡Kv¤úvbx) v.
mnMgb Kiv, m½ †`qv
Conqure (KbKzqvi) v. Rq Kiv win,, defeat , knock out lose
Summit (mvwgU) n. wkLi peak , cusp top trough
Journey (Rvwb©) v. Mgb Kiv travel , outing, tour , trek
Courage (Kv‡iBR) n. mvnm bravery , guts , mettle cowardice
Tongue (Uvs) n. fvlv language, lingo. speech,
Dignity ( wWMwbwU) n. gh©v`v rank, stature, respect
Needed (bx‡WW) v. cÖ‡qvRb wanted optional
Exceptional (GK‡mckbvj) adj. e¨wZµgx absolute, extraordinary ordinary

Lesson: 5 The Unbeaten Girls (`¨v Avbwe‡Ub Mvj©m) - A`g¨ †gqviv

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms
Unbeaten (Avbwe‡Ub) adj. AcivwRZ undefeated , unconquered
Exceptional (GK‡mckbvj) adj. e¨wZµgx absolute, extraordinary ordinary
Unbeaten (Avbwe‡Ub) adj. AcivwRZ undefeated , unconquered
Familiar (d¨vwgwjqvi ) adj. mycwiwPZ noted , homely, famous strange, unfamiliar
Traditional (†UªwWkbvj) adj. HwZn¨evnx traditionary nontraditional
Separate (‡mcv‡iBU) v. c„_KKiv unite, joined
Include (BbK¬zW) adj. ‡hvM Kiv unite, joint separate
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -65

Satisfied (m¨vwUmdvBW ) adj. mš‘ó contest, contented , glad , pleased dissatisfied

Miniature (wgwb‡qPvi) adj. ÿz`ª small, little, petty great
Utensils (BD‡Ubwmjm) n. ‰ZRmcÎ vessel
Assumption (A¨vRv¤úkb) n. a„óZv, aviY cockiness, facer, audacity
Naive (bvBf) adj. mvavwmav homely , naked , homemade sophisticated
Intelligence (Bb‡Uwj‡RÝ) n. eyw×gËv talent , sagacity stupidity
Counterparts (KvDb&UvicvU©vm) n. cÖwZi~c fellow likeness
Shattered (kvUviW) adj. †f‡½ c‡o‡Q Ggb torn, broken lively
Recent (wi‡m›U) adj. mv¤úªwZK current , new ,modern old
Almost (Aj‡gv÷) adv. cÖvq nearly , most , near, just exactly
Conclusively (KbK¬zwmf) adv. ZK©vZxZfv‡e
Proved (cÖæfW) adj. cÖgvwYZ confirmed , substantiate unproved
Recently (wi‡m›Uwj) adv. m¤úªwZ lately, of late, now a days long ago
Mostly (†gv÷wj) adv. AwaKvsk †ÿ‡Î in most cases
Illuminated (Bjywg‡b‡UW) adj. Av‡jvwKZ incited , glowing
Literally (wjUv‡iwj) adv. AvÿwiK A‡_© straight, outright .blankly figuratively
Metaphorically (†gUv‡dvwiKvwj) adv. Literally
iæcK A‡_©
Solitary (mwjUvwi) adj. wbR©b lone, lonely, lonesome sociable
International (B›Uvib¨vkbvj) adj. public national
Determination (wWUviwg‡bkb) n. msKí resolve, vow, desire weakness
Championship (Pvw¤úqbwkc) n. cÖvavb¨ dominance , precedence
Clinched (wK¬bPW) v. mg_©b Kiv uphold , justify , back
Regional (wiwRIbvj) adj. AvÂwjK local ,endemic national
Dominated (Wwg‡b‡UW) adj. Aaxb by ruled , subordinate liberated
Including (BbK¬zwWs) pre. mn with , along , together excluding
Captain (K¨v‡Þb) n. AwabvqK commander , leader
Scorer (‡¯‹vqvi) n. †Mvj`vZv
Prove (cÖæf) v. cÖgvbKiv assert , evidence disprove
Remaining (wi‡gBbxs) adj. Aewkó odd, other ,
Unbeaten (Avbwe‡Ub) adj. AcivwRZ undefeated ,unconquered beaten
Nation (‡bBkb) n. RvwZ race, people, folk , tribe , caste
Overwhelmed (Ifvi‡nj‡gW) adj. wenej vertiginous , abounding
Success (mvK‡mm) n. mvdj¨ prevalence , attainment, godsend defeat , failure
Reception (wiwmckb) n. Af¨_©bv greeting , hail dispatch
Requested (wiKz‡q‡÷W) adj. Aby‡ivaK…Z implored , asked unrequested
Nationalize (b¨vkbvjvBR) v. RvZxqKib nationalize denationalize
Secondary (‡m‡KÛvwi) adj. gva¨wgK minor , accessory, subordinate primary
Immediatel (BwgwW‡qUwj) adv. Awej‡¤^ instantly , right , away
Practically (cªvKwUKvwj) adv. Kvh©Kixfv‡e effectively, proudly barely, unreasonably
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Initially (Bwbwkqvwj) adv. cÖv_wgK fv‡e finally

Malnutrition (g¨vjwbDwUªkb) n. Acyóx innutrition
Adversity (A¨vWfviwmwU) n. we‡Øl spite , animosity privilege
Magic (g¨vwRK) n. hv`y devilry , sorcery , incantation science
Assistant (A¨vwmmU¨v›U) adj. mvnvh¨Kvix helping , ancillary chief
Observed (AeRvf©W) adj. AbywôZ performed , celebrated
Interest (B›Uv‡i÷) n. m¦v_© self interest indifference
Decided (wWmvB‡WW) adj. w¯’iK…Z resolved , intended hesitant , uncertain
Guardian (MvwW©qvb) n. AwffveK protector , patron
Convinced (KbwfÝW) adj. ‡g‡b wb‡q‡Q Ggb realized , understood unconvinced
Farmer (dvigvi ) n. K…lK tiller , cultivator , agricultural
Ambitious (Ggwewkqvm) n. D”PvKvw•L aspiring , aspirant unambitious
Pursuaded (cvimy‡q‡WW ) adv. cÖ‡ivwPZ induced , instigating uncertain
Motivator (gwU‡fUi) n. †cÖiYv`vbKvix
Effort (G‡dvU©) n. cÖ‡Póv easy , endeavor ease
Overcome (IfviKvg) v. AwZKªg Kiv go beyond , surpass, exceed
Odd (IW ) adj. A¯^vfvweK peculiar , unusual , abnormal even
Inspired (BÝcvqvW©©) adj. AbycÖvwbZ instinct , invigorated ,stimulated uninspired
Created (wKª‡q‡UW) adj. m„ó made , produced
Opportunity (AciPzwbwU) n. my‡hvM chance , advantage ,
Inhabitation (Bb‡nwe‡Ukb) n. emevm abidance , dwelling
Persuaded (cvimy‡q‡WW) adj. cÖ‡ivPK persuasive , persuaded uncertain
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mg_©b clinch, confirmation neglect
Nearby (wbqvievB) adj. wbKU¯’ close, neighboring far away , distant
Motherly (gv`viwj) adj. gvZ„er maternal
Colleague (KwjM) n. mnKgx© fellow , brethren , mate , peer
Coach (‡KvP) n. µxovwkÿK trainer, handler
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mg©_b clinch, backing negat
Gradually (MÖvRyqvwj) adv. ax‡i ax‡i slowly, slow rapidly
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq people, sect isolation
Representative (wi‡cÖ‡R‡›UwUf) n. cÖwZwbwa deputy, apostle, delegate
Administration (A¨vWwgwbm‡Uªkb) n. cÖkvmb
Forward (diIqvW©) adj. AMÖeZx© onward, leading, foregoing reverse, backward
Attention (A¨v‡Ubkb) n. gb‡hvM heed, mind, notice inattention
Finally (dvBbvwj) adv. cwi‡k‡l ultimately, at last athirst, firstly
Magician (g¨vwRwkqvb) n. hv`yKi wiz, wizard, enchanted
Mentor (†g›Ui) n. civgk©Zv counselor, conferee
Professional (†cÖv‡dkbvj) adj. †ckv`vix vocational, occupational
Great (†MÖBU) adj. gnvb grand, eminent, august
Fare (†dqvi) n. fvov expense, viaticum
Recognition (†iKMwbkb) n. ¯^xKvi sustaining, confession, acceptance
Representing (wi‡cÖ‡Rb‡UwUs) adj.
Conventionally (Kb‡fbkbvwj) adv. unconventionally
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Attractive (A¨vUªvKwUf) adj. AvKl©Yxq striking, catching, winsome repulsive, unattractive

Counterpart (KvD›UvicvU©) n. cªwZiæc fellow, embodiment, twin
Enemy (Gwbwg) n. kÎæ opponent, foe, adversary friend
Competitor (Kw¤úwUUi) n. cªwZØw›Ø rival, opponent, antagonist cooperator
Illuminate (Bjywg‡bU) v. Av‡jvwKZ Kiv brighten, enlighten, illustrate darken
Darken (Wv‡K©b) v. AÜKvi Kiv overshadow, eclipse, make dark brighter
Dim (wWg) adj. A¯ú÷ obscure, vague, fizzy brighter
Obscure (AemKvi) adj. A¯ú÷ dim, vague, fizzy, murky clarify, clear
Emerge (BgviR) v. DwÌZ issue, upraise, rise
Disappear (wWmGwcqvi) v. DavI nIqv be missing, vanish disappear appear
Vanish (†fwbk) v. A`„k¨nIqv fade, die out, evanesce, be last appear
Observer (AeRv©fvi) n. ch©‡eÿK watcher, caretaker, janitor
Counsellor (KvDb‡mji) n. civgk©`vZv mentor, conferee, counselor
Checker (†PKvi) n. cixÿK examiner, tester, essayist
Confirm (Kbdvg©) v. wbwðZ nIqv ensure, assure, insure, secure negate
Approve (Gcªyf) v. Aby‡gv`b Kiv endorse, approve, okay authorize disprove
Secure (wmwKDi) v. A‡f`¨ Kiv tighter, strengthen, confirm, unfasten, insecune
Epic (GwcK) n. gnvKve¨ rhapsody, epos, epopee
Narrative (b¨v‡iwUf) n. AvL¨vb tale, story, fable, saga, history
Equivalent (BKyB‡f‡j›U) adj. mgZzj¨ identical, identical, equiponderant unlike
Unleash (Avbwjk) v. †Q‡o†`Iqv give, let of, unchain, relinquish keep under control
Comrade (Kg‡iW) n. mnPi mate, companion, associate, peer enemy
Adversity (GWfviwmwU) n. we‡`¦k spite, antipathy, prejudice, ill will privilege
Intrinsic (BbwUªbwmK) adj. m¦Kxq idiosyncratic, personal, own extrinsic
Groom (¸ªg) n. ei boon, blessing, husband bride
Inhibition (Bb‡nwekb) n. wb‡la prohibition, ban, embargo
Commonly (Kgbwj) adv. mvavibZ generally, usually, in general romarleably
Discriminate (wWmwµwg‡bU) v. ‰elg¨ Kiv distinguish, individualize, perceive indiscriminate
Contributed (KbwUªweDU) v. Ae`vb ivLv
Statement (†÷BUg¨v›U) n. wee„wZ assertion, affirmation, description
Reciprocal (wiwm‡cÖvKvj) adj. cvi¯úwiK mutual nonreciprocal
Pride (cÖvBW) n. Me© arrogance, elation, vanity humility
Recognition (†iKMwbkb) n. ¯^xKvi confession, acceptance,
Authority (A_wiwU) n. KZ©„Z¡ dominance, domination, domineer powerlessness

Unit: 6 Relationships (wi‡jkbwkcm) - m¤úK©mg~n

Lesson-1 Family Relationship (d¨vwgwj wi‡jkbkxc) – cvwievwiK m¤úK©
Word & Meaning Synonym Antonym
Relationship (wi‡jkbmxc) n. m¤úK© kinship, kin, blood
Closest (‡K¬v‡R÷) adj. wbKU¯’ intimate, near
Philosopher (wdjmvdvi) n. `vk©wbK seer, judge realist
Nature (‡bBPvi) n. cÖK…wZ temperament, quality
Animal (A¨vwb‡gj) n. cÖvYx beast, brut mineral
Meant (wgbU) adj. Awf‡cÖZ intended, aimed
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Instinct (BbmUªvKU) v. wb‡`©kbv †`qv substance, soul

Seeks (mxKm) v. Kvgbv Kiv pray, crave
Company (Kv¤úvwb) n. m½ isolation, individual
Establishes (÷vewjk) v. ¯’vcb Kiv put, place
Companionship (Kvgc¨vwbAbmxc) n. mvnPh©¨ aloneness, loneliness
Emotional (B‡gŠkbvj) adj. Av‡eK cÖeY warm, emotive cerebral
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mg_©b backing, confirmation negate
Meaning (gxwbs) n. A_© money, amount insignificant
Existence(BMwRm‡Ubm) n. Aw¯ÍZ¡ life, entity nonbeing
Inspire (BbmcvBAvim) v. AbycÖvwbZ Kiv motivate, super exhale
Education (GRy‡KBkb) n. wkÿv lesson, study knowledge
Workplace (IqvK©‡cøm) n. Kg©‡ÿÎ
Profession (cÖv‡dkb) n. ‡ckv career, trade
Pursue (c¨vimy¨) v. A‡š^lY Kiv explore, look far.
Familiar (dvwgwjqvi) adj. cwiwPwZ noted, homely strange, unfamiliar
Formed (‡dvg©W) adj. MwVZ made, built unformed
Marriage (g¨vwiR) n. weevn wedding, hymen divorcee
Form (‡dvg©) n. dg© schedule
Classmates (K¬vmg¨vU) n. mncvVx class fellow
Fostered (d÷vW©) adj. cÖwZcvwjZ fed, obeyed
Quickly (KzwqKwj) adj. `ªæZ fast, rapidly slowly
Professional (cªv‡dkbvj) adj. ‡ckv`vix vocational nonprofessional
Toy (Uq) n. ‡Ljbv bauble, sport toy
Provide (cÖfvBW) v. cÖ`vb, †hvMvb †`Iqv shift, take steps withhold
Support (mv‡cvU©) v. mg_©b Kiv clinch, backing negate
Affection (A¨v‡dKkb) n. ‡¯œn fondness, love dislike
Isolation (AvB‡mv‡jkb) n. Avjv`v Kiv separation, detachment inclusion
Laugh (jvd) n. nvwm smile, simper cry
Joy (Rq) n. Avb›` delight, cheering sorrow, sadden
Redoubles (wiWvejm) v. wظY Kiv double, redouble
Simply (wmgwcø) adv. ‡Kej only, just, alone elaborately
Suffer (mvdvi) v. ‡fvMv bear, forbear enjoy, be well
Loss (jm) n. ÿwZ harm, loss gain
Share(‡kqvi) n. Ask divide, part keep to yourself
Sorrow (m‡iv) n. welv` trouble, woo joy
Needed (bx‡WW) v. cÖ‡qvRb want, lack optional
Emotional (B‡gŠkbvj) n. Av‡eMcÖeY warm, emotive unemotional
Health (‡nj_) n. ¯^v¯’¨ hygiene, wellness illness
Build (wejW) v. Mov, wbg©vY Kiv construct, make demolish destroy
Trust (UªvmU) v. wek¦vm Kiv belief, credit distrust, mistrust
Respect (wim‡cKU) n. m¤§vb favor, rank disesteem
Love (jvf) n. fv‡jvevmv fancy, amour hate
Possessive (cv‡Rwmf) adj.
mgÜm~PK, gvwjKvbvm~PK
Establish (B÷¨vewjk) v. ¯’vcb Kiv put, place abolish
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Effective (B‡dKwUf) adj. Kvh©Ki useful, workable ineffective

Quite (KzAvBU) adj. cy‡ivcywi fully, quite slightly
Quarrelling (‡Kvqv‡iwjs) n. SMov Kiv competing, fighting
Fighting (dvBwUs) v. hy× war, fight
Misery (wgRvwi) n. `y`©kv mishap, blow happiness
Important (B‡cviU¨vbU) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© serious, great nonracial
Different (wWd‡i›U) adj. wfbœ various, diverse like, some
Preconditions (wcÖKwÛkb) n. c~e©kZ©
Return (wiUvb©) n. cÖZ¨veZ©b presort, deport, keep remove
Kindness (KvBÛ‡bm) n. D`viZv grace, love unkindness
Example(BMRvgcj) n. D`vniY case, premise
Attitude (A¨vwUwUDW) n. fw½, `„wófw½ outlook, feeling conduct
Really (wi‡qwj)–mwZ¨B verily, genuinely
Favorite(‡dBfwiU) adj. cQ›`, cQ‡›`i pet, felicitated
Memory (‡ggvwi) n. ¯§„wZ mind, record
Change (‡PBbR) v. charging, alternative stay
GK ¯’vb †Q‡o Ab¨ ¯’vb cwieZ©b

Lesson -2 Love and Friendship (jvf GÛ †d«Ûkxc) – fv‡jvevmv I eÜzZ¡

Word Synonym Antonym

Picture (wcK&PvÕi) n. Qwe photo, glow
Weather (IG`vÕi) n. AvenvIqv atmosphere, weather
Weekend (DCKGbW) n. mvßvwnK QzwUi w`b weekend weal day
Clothes (‡K¬v`R) n. ‡cvkvK cwi”Q` clothes, garment fabric
Blue-black (eøy-eøvK) adj. Kvj‡P bxj
Cold (‡Kvì) adj. kxZj heat, hotness
Cracked (µ¨vKW) adj. cUKv/ KK©k rude, raucous
Ached (GBKW) v. e¨_v Ki‡Q ache, shiver
Labor (‡jBevi) n- kÖg
Weekday (DBK‡WB) –mßv‡ni w`b weekend
Made (‡gBW) adj. cÖYxZ formed, shaped unmade
Banked (e¨v¼W) v. Rwg‡q ivLv bank, accumulate
Blaze (‡eøBR) v. D¾¡j Av‡jvi `y¨wZ
Wake (I‡qBK) v. ‡R‡M _vKv arise, grow cause to sleep, steep
Hear (wnAvi) v. ‡kvbv obey, hear ignore
Splintering (w¯úøbUvwis) adj. fvM¨ splinter
Breaking (‡eªwKs) v. fv½v breach, violation
Warm (Iqvg©) adj. Mig hot, torrid cool
Slowly (‡¯øŠwj) adj. ax‡i gradually quickly
Rise (ivBR) v. ‡R‡M DVv uprising, emersion fall, go to bed
Dress (‡Wªm) n. ‡cvkvK stuff, dress, garment undress
Fearing (wdqvwis) n. fq cvIqv fear, be afraid
Chronic (µwbK&) adj. `xN©¯v’ qx
Angers (A¨vWMÕim) v. ivM anger
Speaking (w¯úwKs) n. e³e¨, K_vejv location, voice nonspeaking
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Indifferently (BbwWd‡i›Uwj) adj. reluctantly fervently

Abxnvi mv‡_
Oustere (A÷vi) adj. wbqg-bxwZcivqb shrill, violent easy-going
Lonely (‡jŠbwj) adj. wb:m½ alone
Offices (Awdm) n. `ßi office, bureau
Ongoing (Ab‡Mvwqs) adj. Pjgvb timeless, ongoing finished
Persistent (cÕwmm&UbU&) adj. Aa¨emvqx patient, assiduous caduceus
Cure (wKIi) n. Dckg healing exacerbate
Protected (cÖ‡UK‡UW) adv. iwÿZ saved, alternate unprotected
Around (AvivDb&W) p. Pvwiw`‡K about, abroad exactly
Bricks (weªKm&) n. BU
Perhaps (cvin¨vcm) adv. m¤¢eZ perhaps, likely definitely
Chronic (µwbK&) adj. `xN©¯v’ qx chronic, long lasting acute
Unadorned (AvbG‡Wvb©W) adj. Acwi‡kvwaZ
Plain (‡cøBb) adj. mgf~wg plain, naive hill
Pleasure (‡cøRvi) n. Avb›` delicacy, pleasance pair
Indifferent (BbwWd‡i›U) adj. D`vmxb leaking, barrel concerned
Duties (wWDwUm) n. KvRKg©, `vwqZ¡ office duties
Responsibilities (‡im‡cvwÝwewjwUm) n. `vwqZ¡ honor, homage
Austere (I÷vi) adj. DMÖ shrill, bitter fussy
Deep Black (Wxc-eøvK) adj. Nbk¨vg
Engagement (Bb‡MBR‡g›U) n. cÖe„wË, mshyw³ fight, battle non-engagement
Blaze (‡eøBR) n. Av‡jvK”QUv set about, bruit
Splinted (w¯úøb‡UW) v. wef³
Breaking (‡eªwKs) v. f½ Kiv break, staving
Driven (WªvB‡fb) adj. PwjZ, ZvwoZ led, moved apathetic
Alliteration (AwjUv‡iBkb) n. AbycÖvm alliteration
Especial (B‡¯úkvj) adj. we‡kl particular ordinary
Consonants (Kb‡mvb¨v›U) n. eu¨RbeY© consonant vowel
Beginning (wewMvwbs) n. ïiæ Kiv start, stop at end
Several (†mfv‡ij) adj. wewfbœ divers, some few
Harsh (nvk©) adj. K‡Vvi keen, hot fine
Toil (U‡qj) n. cwikÖg labor, toil relaxation
Meant (wg›U) adj. Awf‡cÖZ meant, aimed
Perspective (cm‡cKwUf) adj. cwi‡cÖwÿZ view
Regretful (wi‡MÖUdzj) adj. wbwe©Ü, AbyZß sorry, sad, remorseful unregretful
Sacrifice (m¨vwµdvBm) n. ewj`vb loss, down
Appreciated (AcÖxwkGBU) v. cÖksmv Kiv intelligible insignificant
Childhood (PvBìûW) n. ‰kke babyhood, infancy adulthood
Adult (A¨vWvë) adj. cÖvßeq¯‹ old, big juvenile
Fully (dzjwj) adv. m¤ú~Y©iƒ‡c fully, along meagerly
Adulthood (GWën~W) n. mvevjKZ¡ age, fate infancy, bay had
Duties (wWBDwUm) n. KZ©e¨mg~n office, tasks
Responsible (‡i¯úbwmej) adj. `vqx liable, answerable irresponsible
Winter (DBbUvi) adj. kxZ wintry, cold heat
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Sadness (m¨vW‡bm) n. welbœZv boredom, grouch happiness

Equal (BKzqvj) adj. mgvb like, same differ, unlike
Nostalgic (bmU¨vjwRK) adj. M„nKvZi nostalgic
Travel (Uªv‡fj) v. ågY Kiv outing, toun stay in place
Gratitude (MÖvwUwUDU) n. K…ZÁZv gratitude, thanks ingratitude
Least (jxmU) adj. ÿz`ªZg cwigvY minimum, scanty, least most
Record (‡i‡KvW©) n. Z_¨ file, list roll
Family (d¨vwgwj) n. cwievi house hold, house
Difficult (wWwdKvjU) adj. KwVb hard, solid easy, manageable
Childhood (PvBìûW) n. wkïKvj infancy adult hard
Beset (we‡mU) v. ‡NivI Kiv beset, enclose gird, gull
Eyesight (AvBmvBU) - `„wó kw³ sight, light
Problems (cÖe‡jg) n. mgm¨v matter, puzzle solution
Raised (‡iBRW) v. DVv‡bv raised, moved lowered
Foster (dmUvÕi) v. jvjb Kiv, cvwjZ Kiv foster, cherish discourage
Parents (c¨v‡i›Um) n. evev parents child
Caring (‡Kqvwis) adj. hZœkxj careful careless
Sonnet (m&‡bU) n. PZz`©kc`x KweZv remembrance, recollection
Memory (‡gg&wi) n. ¯§„wZ
Probably (cÖeve&wj) adj. m¤¢eZ may be, might be
Angry (A¨v½wi) adj. µz× raged, grumpy case
Experiences (G·wcwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv expertise, sagacity inexperience

Lesson-3 A Mother in Manville (Av gv`vi Bb g¨vbwfj) – g¨vbwf‡j GKRb gv

Word & Meaning Synonym Antonym

Born (eY©) v. Rb¥ †bqv die
Early (Avwj©) adv. ‡Mvovi w`‡K quickly, shortly late, middle
Prize (cÖvBR) n. cyi®‹vi award, wage disesteem
Published (cvewjkW) adj. cÖKvwkZ revealed, exposed unpublished
Attended (G‡Ub‡WW) adj. Dcw¯’Z wQ‡jb served, attended unaccompanied
Received (wimxfW) adj. M„wnZ accepted, held nonstandard
Degree (wWMÖx) n. wWMÖx dimension, degree
Couple (Kvcj) n. `¤úwË pair uncouple
Journalists (Rvb©vwj÷) n. mvsevw`K pressmark, editor
Various (‡fwiqvm) adj. wefbœ several, varied same
Divorced (wW‡fvm©W) a. ZvjvKcÖvß separated together
Married (g¨vwiW) adj. weevwnZ nuptial, marital unmarried
Owner (Ibvi) n. gvwjK master, lord, employer
Considered (KvbwmWvÕiW) adj. we‡ewPZ thought, calculated unconsidered
Regional (wiwRIbvj) adj. AvÂwjK endemic, regionally national
Literature (wjU‡iPvi) n. mvwnZ¨ witting, composition
Particular (cvwU©KzjvÕi) adj. we‡kl special, individual general, universal
Geographical (wRIMÖvwdKvj) adj. ‡fŠ‡MvwjK geographic magnetic
Although (Ij‡`Š) conj. hw`I but, albeit
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Based (‡eBmW) adj. wfwË K‡i risen, ariser founded

Universal (BDwbfvm©vj) adj. global blanket particular,
me©Rbxb BDwbfvm©vj
Continued (‡KvbwUwbDW) adj. Ae¨vnZ big, large discontinued
Cerebral (‡mwieªvj) adj. gw¯Í®‹ msµvšÍ cerebral emotional
Hemorrhage (‡ngvwiR) n. i³¯ªve
Orphanage (Iidv‡bR) n. Abv_vkÖg almshouse, orphan hood
Orphan (Idbm) n. GwZg orphan
Narrator (b¨v‡iBUi) n. K_K teller, speaker
Witness (DBU‡bm) n. mvÿx attester, deposition
Involved (BbfjfW) adj. RwoZ related, inlaid uninvited
Instead (B݇UW) adj. cwie‡Z©
Decide (wWÕmvBW) v. wm×všÍ †bIqv fix waver, put of
Point (c‡q›U) n. we›`y drop, lota, dot unpointedness
Novel (b‡fj) n. Dcb¨vm fiction well-worn
Actions (A¨vKkbm). wµqvKjvc operation, actions, inaction, inactivity
Descriptions (wWÕmwµckb) n. weeiY narration, account
Season (mxRb) n. ‡gŠmyg time, tide period of
Landscape (j¨vbW‡¯‹Bc) n. fy`„k¨ landscape
Natural (‡bBPvÕi) adj. cÖK…wZ born, true flat, sharp
Surroundings (mv‡ivDwÛs) adj. surrounding, neighboring distant
cvk¦©eZ©x, Pvicvk
Establish (B÷¨vewjk) v. ¯’vcb Kiv put, set abolish
Literary (wjUv‡iwi) adj. mvwnZ¨ msµvšÍ
Descriptions (wWmwµckb) n. weeiY story
Possible (cwmej) adj. m¤¢e likely, bright impossible
Organize(IiMvbvBR) v. msMwVZ Kiv form, lay disorganize
Location (‡jv‡Kkb) n. Ae¯’v space, site
Autumn (AUvg) n. kir autumn spring
Mountain (gvDb‡›Ub) n. ce©Z tor, hill plain
Quiet (‡Kv‡qU) adj. kvšÍ silent, calm
Isolation (AvB‡mv‡jkb) n. Avjv`v Kiv separation, detachment inclusion
Troublesome (Uªvejmvg) adj. Sv‡gjv RbK angry, hard troubles
Blow (‡eøŠ) v. cÖevwnZ nIqv blow, sore, hit conserve
Subtropics (mveUªwcKm) n. Dc µvšÍxq
Homesick (‡nvgwmK) adj. homesick
¯^‡`‡k †divi Rb¨ KvZi
Flaming (‡d¬wgs) adj. RvR¡j¨gvb fiery, hot quiet, calm
Maples (g¨vcjm) n. e„ÿwe‡kl hazel, clove
Pumpkins (cvgwKb) n. Kzg‡ov pumpkin
Black-Walnut (eø¨vKIjbvU) n. Kv‡jv ev`vg
Cabin (K¨vweb) n. KzwUi cabin, hut
Beyond (‡eqÛ) adv. Qvwo‡q far, wide within
Farm (dvg©) n. Lvgvi floor, barn
Chop (Pc) v. ‡QvU †QvU UzKiv Kiv slice
Fireplace (dvBAvÕi‡cøBm) n. AwMœKzÐ fire, pit, oven
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -73

Typewriter (UvBcivBUvi) n. muvUwjwcKvi type, typewrite

Startled (÷vU©jW) n. ZZjv‡bv starlight
Companion (KvgÕc¨vwbAvb) n. mnPi mate, peer cully
Barked (evK©W) v. ‰n‰P Kiv bark, yell
Warm (Iqvg©) adj. Dò hot cool
Probably (cÖ‡eewj) n. m¤¢eZ birth, origin improbity
Undersized (AvbWvÕi mvBRW) n. Le©vK…wZ small, undersized
Overall (IfviAj) adj. mvgwMÖK in total, all-up in particular
Barefooted (‡eqvidz‡UW) adj. bMœc‡` barefooted
Torn (‡Uvb©) adj. ‡Quov torn, broken pristine
Chopping (Pwcs) v. UzKiv Kiv slice
Ahead (Av‡nW) adj. GwM‡q, mvg‡b leading, moving back
Blow (‡eøŠ) n. cÖevwnZ nIqv knock, hit conserve
Rhythmic (wi`wgK) adj. bvPz‡b lilting unrhythrnical
Steady(‡÷wW) adj. AwePwjZ steadied, firm unsteady
Shortly (kU©wj) adj. ms‡ÿ‡c quickly, early pleasantly
Forgotten (di‡Mv‡Ub) v. fz‡j hvIqv forgotten, unremembered
Interruption (BbUvivckb) n. e¨vNvZ defenses, curb
Consistent (Kw݇÷›U) adj. m½wZc~Y© fitting, apt incoherent, inconsistent
Supper (mvcvi) n. w`‡bi †kl Avnvi dinner
Insist (Bbwmm&U) v. ‡Rvi Kiv persist, push
Astonishing (A¨v÷wbwks) adj. PgrKvi wonderful, amazing predictable
Solid (mwjW) adj. KwVb hard, solid, tenacious
Wood (DW) n. KvV timber, forest
Splendid (‡¯úøbwWW) adj. RgKv‡jv pompous, pretty unimpressive
Actually (A¨vKPzAvjx) adv. Avm‡j indeed, really apparently
Corn (Kb©) n. km¨KYv grain, crop
Direct (wW‡iKU) adj. ‡mvRv straight, right
Mountain (gvD‡›Ub) n. ce©Z hill, rock
Pending (‡cbwWs) adj. Awb¯úbœ pending, undecided
Gray (‡MÖB) adj. a~mi ashy, ashen
Shadowing (k¨v‡Wvs) n. QvqvKiY shadow
Miraculous (wgi¨vKzjvm) adj. A‡jŠwKK wonderful, amazing mundane
Coin (K‡qb) n. gy`ªv coin, money
Turn (Uvb©) v. ‡Nviv turned unturn
Away (AvI‡qB) adv. `~‡i away, for, distant close
Daylight (‡WjvBU) adv. w`ev‡jvK daylight light, day night
Wakened (I‡q‡KÛ) n. RvMÖZ cause to sleep, fall
Texture (‡UKPvi) n. MVb
Sleep (w¯øc) n. Nyg slumber, rest
Stack (֬vK) n. Mv`v pile, heap
Return (wiUvb©) n. cÖZ¨veZ©b report, barter departure, depart
Independence (BbwW&†cb‡Wbm) n. ¯^vaxbZv freedom, liberty, swaraj dependence
Integrity (B‡›UwMÖwU) n. ALÐZv unity, fidelity dependence
Bedded (wewWW) v. ¯Íixf~Z _vKv layer
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Courage (KvwiR) n. mvnm courage, guts mettle cowardice

Brave (‡eªBf) adj. mvnmx bold, brave cowardly timid
Honest (A‡b÷) adj. mZ¨ev`x, mr honest, just veridical dishonest
Handle (n¨vbW&j) n. nvZj lag, arms, brake
Woodshop (DWkc) n. KvV‡`vKvb
Repair (wi‡cAvÕi) v. ‡givgZ Kiv repair, refit break
Refused (wiwd¨DmW) adj. cÖZ¨vL¨vb rejected, denied accepted
Careless (‡Kqvi‡jm) adj. D‡ØMnxb careless careful
Accurately (GKz‡iUwj) adv. mwVKfv‡e nicely, regally inaccurately
Standing (÷¨vbwWs) adj. `uvwo‡q steep, arrest running
Agent (G‡R›U) n. cÖwZwbwa tout, broken
Chase (‡PBR) n. cðvaŸveb chase, after go ahead
Failed (‡dBjW) adj. e¨_© n‡q‡Q failed successful
Responsibility (‡i¯úbwmwewjwU) n. `vwqZ¡ duty irresponsibility
Subterfuge (mveUvwdDR) n. Gov‡bvi †KŠkj subterfuge
Unnecessary (Avb‡b‡mmvwi) adj. AcÖ‡qvRbxq spare, vain necessary
Gracious (‡MÖkvm) adj. KiæYvgq king, good ungracious
Only By (Abwj evB) adj. ‡Kej gvÎ only by, mere
Great (‡MªBU) adj. gnvb high, main tiny, low
Predicate (‡cÖwW‡KU) n. my‡Îi we‡aq term, predicate
Experience (G·‡cwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv felling wisdom inexperience
Cubbyhole (wKDe‡nvj) n. AvivgcÖ` ¯’vb cubbyhole
Fireplace (dvqvi‡cøm) n. AwMœKzÐ firepot, oven
Noticed (bvwUmW) n. jwÿZ Observed ignore
Accord (A‡KvW©) n. m½wZ tally, tune disgreemost
Medium (wgwWqvg) adj. ga¨g mid, mean small, large
Material (g¨v‡Uwiqvj) n. Dcv`vb stuff, component immaterial
Sudden (mv‡Wb) adj. nVvr quick, odd gradual
Rough (ivd) adj. iæÿ rough, gross plain
Steadied (‡÷W) n. ‡mvRv straight twisted
Shortcut (kU©KvU) n. kU©KvU shortcut elaborate
Return (wiUvb©) n. cÖZ¨veZ©b echo, rote keep, remove
Thoughtfulness (_Udzj‡bm) n. wPšÍvkxjZv thoughtfulness inconsideration
Candy (K¨vbwW) n. wgwó candy
Wordless (IqvW©‡jm) adj. kãnxb untold, mum
Expression (G·‡cÖkb) n. Awfe¨w³ evaluation, vent misconstruction
Courtesy (Kv‡U©wm) n. køxjZv politeness, modesty discourtesy
Instinctive (BÝwUsKwUf) adj. ¯^fveRvZ inborn
Curtain (Kv‡U©Bb) n. ci`v veil, drop
Deep (wWc) adj. Mfxi thick, profound shallow
Clear (wK¬Avi) adj. ¯úó obvious, fettle unclear, opaque
Well (IGj) adj. fv‡jv good, well ill, badly
Gratitude (MÖ¨vwUwUDW) n. K…ZÁZv gratefulness ingratitude
Affection (A¨v‡dKkb) n. fv‡jvevmv, gvqv fondness, love dislike
Firm (dvg©) adj. k³ firm, stiff soften, soft
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Granite (MÖ¨vbvBU) n. GK ai‡bi cv_i

Intimate (BbwU‡gU) adj. AšÍi½ close, near distant, public
Pointer (c‡q›Uvi) n. Bkviv `vbKvix sign, signal
Strange (‡÷ªBÄ) adj. A™¢z` odd, kinky, peculiar native, familiar
Communion (KwgDwbqb) n. Avjvcb talk, conversation
Posses (‡cv‡Rm) n. aviY Kiv written pass
Singleness (wmÁM‡jm) n. GKvKxZ¡
Wisdom (DBRWg) n. cÖÁv sense, learning folly
Difficult (wWwdKvjU) adj. KwVb hard, solid easy, hard
Exists (BMwRmUm) v. we`¨gvb subsist stay, lie
State (‡÷BU) n. Ae¯’v condition
Return (wiUvb©) n. cÖZ¨veZ©b depart, reap
Belated (we‡j‡UW) adj. wejw¤^Z
Treacherously(‡UªPvimwj) adj. berated
wek¦vm NvZKZvc~e©K
Cared (‡KAviW) v. hZœ wb‡q take into account, care for
Early (Avwj) adj. ‡Mvovi w`‡K immediate, quick late, middle
Anxious (Askvm) adj. DwØMœ worried, concurred unconcerned
Superintend (mycvwib‡UbW) v. cwiPvjbv direction, heading
Happen (n¨vcb) v. NUv arrive, fall out dematerialize
Payment (‡c‡g›U) n. cvwikÖwgK grant, award, offer nonpayment
Darkness (WvK©‡bm) n. AÜKvi dark, sable, night light lightness
Assured (GwkIW©) adj. wbwðZ Kiv sure, certain, absolute uncertain insecure
Relief (wijxd) n. gyw³ remission, alleviation tension
Managed (g¨v‡bRW) adj. cwiPvwjZ led, guided ruled
Comfort (Kg‡dvU©) n. mvšÍbv, Avivg solace, case discomfort
Stay (†÷B) v. _vKv remain, lie, be, stand change, depart
Except (GK‡mÞ) pre. Qvov without, but, outside include
Laurel (jivj) n. ¸j¥ we‡kl heather, heath, broom
Crazy (‡µBwR) adj. cvMj mad, loco, berserk normal, sensible
Watched (IqPW) v. ‡`‡LwQ seen, observed
Burn (evb©) v. ‡cvov burn
Pretiest (wcÖwUGmU) adj. my›`iZg pretty, fantastic, super ugly
Suddenly (mv‡Wbwj) adj. nVvr Abruptly, bump gradually
Impelled (Bg‡cBjW) adj. ZvwoZ struck, impelled, urged
Especially (B‡¯úkvwj) adj. we‡klZ particular, moreover.
Dark (WvK©) n. AÜKvi eclipse, sable light, day
Remember (wi‡ggevi) v. g‡b ivLv mind, retain forget
Moment (‡gv‡g›U) n. g~n~Z© jiffy, jiff, instant incense hence
Shocked (kKW) adj. wew¯§Z indifferent
Disturbed (wWmUve©W) adj. msweMœ, wei³ agitated, worried unconcerned, stable
Understood (AvÛvi÷yW) adj. ey‡SwQ convinced, realized understood
Distress (wWm‡Uªm) n. gg©cxov heartbreak, pain Pease, soothe
Passionate (c¨vk‡bU) adj. ‡¯œnc~Y© sensual, randy emotive passionless
Resentment (wi‡RbUg¨v›U) n. weiw³ boredom
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Leave (jxf) v. Z¨vM Kiv consent, depart arrive, ended

Wholesome (‡nŠjmvg) adj. ¯^v¯’¨Ki beneficent, useful unwholesome
Adequate (A¨v‡WKy‡qU) adj. ch©vß enough inadequate
Healthy (‡njw_) adj. ¯^v¯’¨Ki hygienic unhealthy
Granted (MÖvb‡UW) v. gÄyi give, offer, pay
Perhaps (cvn¨vcm) adv. m¤¢eZ probably, likely, possibly definitely
Bowels (evDAvjm) v. Mf© womb, bowel, inside
Yearn (Bqvb©) n. AvKv•ÿv yearning, greed, lust
Wanted (Iqv‡›UW) adj. ‡P‡qwQ‡jb momentous, requisite unwanted
Summer (mvgvi) n. MÖx®§ heat winter
Again (G‡MBb) adv. Avevi then, anew, afresh
Whenever (IGbGfvi) adv. hLbB whensoever’s
Job (Re) n. KvR work, action, labor
Shone (‡kŠb) v. PKPK KiwQj shine, shimmer, glaze
Firelight (dvBAvijvBU) n. Av¸‡bi Av‡jv
Puppy (cvwc) n. KzKziQvbv pup, whelp
Remember (wi‡ggevi) v. g‡b ivLv mind, retain forget
Plainly (‡cøBbwj) adj. ¯ú÷fv‡e clearly, plainly plain
Breath (‡eª_) n. k¦vm wind, respiration, fib
Savoring (m¨vfwis) v. myMÜgq savor, taste
Skates (‡¯‹BU) n. ‡¯‹Um grand, asteroid
Circumstance (mviKvgmU¨vÝ) n. cwiw¯’wZ‡Z environment, conditions
Poverty (‡cvfvwU©) n. `vwi`ª¨ necessity wealth
Buy (evB) v. ‡Kbv purchase, buying sell
Gloves (‡Møvfm) n. nvZ‡gvRv
Soul (‡mŠj) n. AvZ¥v spirit, genie, heart body
Quickly (KzwqKwj) adv. `ªæZ fast, lightly, swiftly slowly
Stupid (÷zwcW) adj. ‡evKv ignorant, foolish smart, intelligent
Contented (Kb‡Ub‡UW) adj. mš‘ó content, glad, satisfied discontent
Gloves (‡Møvf) n. `¯Ívbv
Fury (wdDwi) n. cÖPÛ D‡ËRbv craze, violence serenity
Relieved (wiÕjxf) v. ¯^w¯Í †`Iqv quit, relieved worried
Lonely (‡jŠbwj) adj. wbtm½ solo, lone
Concern (Kbmvb©) n. D‡ØM worry, anxiety unconcern
Wood (DW&) n. KvV timber, fuel
Favor (‡dBfvi) n. AbyMÖn help, aid, assistance
Front (d«›U) n. m¤§~L onwards, face back
Across (G‡µvm) p. AvovAvwo cross, diagonally
Doze (‡WŠR) v. wSgv‡bv abate, flag wake up
Quietly (‡KvqvB‡qU&wi) adv. kvšÍfv‡e calmly loudly
Common (Kgb) adj. mvaviY general, usual uncommon
Ecstasy (BKm&‡Uwm) n. cigvb›` delight, joy agony
Laurel (jivj) n. ¸j¥we‡kl health, broom
Vermilion (fvwg©wjAvb) adj. wm›`yi
Maple (‡gBcj) n. e„ÿ
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Chestnut (‡P÷bvU) adj. KvVev`vg

Boughs (evDm) n. Mv‡Qi Wvj pulse, dal
Dripping (wWªwcs) n. ÿiY oozing, exudation dry
Imperial (Bg‡cwiqvj) adj. mve©‡fŠg severing, absolute
Ready (‡iwW) adj. cÖ¯Z ‘ made, ripe unready
Miss (wgm) n. nviv‡bv failure, dud attend
Leaving(wjwfs) n. ‡Qvov, Z¨vM Kiv separation reunion
Watched (IAPW) adj. ‡`‡LwQ seen and heard
Silence (mvB‡jbm) n. bxieZv mum, still louder
Hill (wnj) n. cvnvo rock, dune valley
Expected (B·‡cK‡UW) adj. cÖZ¨vwkZ hoped unexpected
Clack (K¬¨vK) v. LULU kã Kiv rap
Afraid (AvÕd‡iBW) adj. fxZ funky, paved unafraid
Well (IGj) adj. fv‡jv good, alright ill
Dinner (Wxbvi) n. iv‡Zi Lvevi supper breakfast
Almost (Aj‡gv÷) adv. cÖvq almost, nearly exactly
Relieved (wijxf) v. ¯^w¯Í quit, exempt worried
Easier (BwRAvÕi) adv. mn‡R
Hurry (nvwi) n. Zvov haste, urgency delay
Easily (BwRwj) adv. mnRfv‡e effortlessly, spontaneously barely
Duplicate (Wywcø‡KU) adj. bKj alike, like original
Instance (BÝU¨vÝ) n. `„óvšÍ case, premise
Bilked (weøfW) v. wgU wgU K‡i R¡jv tread, caper
Spinster (w¯úÝUvi) n. Kzgvix old maid, spinster married
Stupidity (÷zwcwWwU) adj. wbieyw×Zv foolishness intelligence
Annoyed (AvbqGW) v. RvjvZb Kiv annoyed, vexed pleased
Things (w_sK) n. e¯‘, wRwbm fittings, things, stuffs
Already (Ij‡iwW) adv. B‡Zvg‡a¨
Stared (‡÷AviW) v. w¯’i `„wó‡Z ZvKv‡bv stare, see, view
Understand (AvbWv÷¨vÛ) v. eyS‡Z cviv grasp, access, discern misconstrue
Accurately (GKz‡iUwj) adv. h_vh_fv‡e exactly inaccurately
Inexactly (BwbMR¨vKUwj) adj. Ah_v_© incorrect, incest exact
Precisely (‡cÖwkqvmwj) adj. mg¨K exactly, to the letters inexactly
Independently (BbwW‡c‡Û›Uwj) adj. free, emancipated together, jointly
Duplicate (Wzwcø‡KU) adj. Abyiƒc alike, like, similar original
Repeat (wiwcU) n. cybive„wË return, echo
Happiness (n¨vwc‡bm&) n. Avb›`, myL bliss, felicity sadness, unhappiness
Desire (wWRvqvi) n. Kvgbv/ B‡”Q wish, will, desire
Disagreement (wWmGMÖx‡g›U) n. gZv‰bK¨ odds, opinion, rent agreement
Impelled (Bg‡cjGW) v. eva¨ struck, propelled
Rejected (wi‡RK‡UW) adj. cwiZ¨³ discarded, refused
Turned (UvbiW) n. cwiYZ nIqv mature, reduced unturned
Integrity (BbÕ‡UMÖwU) n. PvwiwÎK mijZv fidelity, fairness dishonesty
Wholeness (‡nŠj‡bm) adj. AÿZ integrity, unity
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Trustworthiness (Uªv÷Iw_©‡bm) n. trustiness

Intimate (BbwU‡gU) adj. AšÍi½ close, intimate distant, near
Secretive (wm‡µwUf) adj. ‡MvcbxqZvc~Y© secretive, stealthy open
Friendly (‡d«Ûwj) adj. eÜzZ¡c~Y© mate, friendly hostile, unfriendly
Isolation (AvBm‡jBmb) n. wew”QbœKiY separation, detachment inclusion
Privacy (cÖvBfvwm) n. GKvKx privacy, aloneness company
Dislike (wWmjvB) v. Ac”Q›` disfavor, dislike like
Lamb (j¨v¤^) n. ‡glkveK yeanling, baalamb
Stack (֬vK) n. oflf pile, heap
Pile (cvBj) n. Mv`v heap, bulk
Treacherously (‡Uªmvivmwj) adj.
wek¦vm NvZKZv cye©K
Repetitiously (‡iwcwUkvmwj) adj.
ev‡i ev‡i NUgvb
Unhappily (Avbn¨vwcwj) adj. AmywL fv‡e happily
Faithlessly (‡dB‡_wjmwj) adj. wek¦vmnxbfv‡e unreliable, faithless faithfully
Statements (G‡÷BUg¨v›U) n. wee„wZ assertion, attrition
Subtropics ( mveUªwcKm) adj. Dc µvwšÍq
Author (A_i) n. ‡jLK writer reader
Repaire (wi‡cAvi) v. ‡givgZ Kiv mend, darn break
Sympathize (wm¤ú¨v_vBR) v. mnvbyfzwZ †`Lv‡bv soft, feeling unsympathetic
Confidence (Kbwd‡Wbm) n. AvZ¥wek¦vm faith trust diffidence
Predicated (‡cÖwm‡K‡UW) adj. c~e©vfvm reckoned, calculated
Subterfuge (mveUviwdDR) n. Gov‡bv †KŠkj
Betrayed (we‡UªBW) v. wek¦vmNvZKZv Kiv spill, queer undeceive
Developed (wW‡fjcW) adj. weKwkZ open fat undeveloped
Affection (A‡dKkb) n. fv‡jvevmv love, passion hatred
Integrity (Bb‡UwMÖwU) n. ALÛZv probity, unity dishonesty
Pointer (c‡q›Uvi) n. wb‡`©kK
Sense (‡mbm) n. Ávb wisdom, money
Narrator (b¨v‡iUi) n. K_K teller, speaker
Plenty (‡cøbwU) adj. cÖPzi much, ample inadequate
Unable (AvbGej) adj. Aÿg unable, disabled able
Trip (wUªc) n. ÿz`ª c`‡ÿc, ågY trip, journey, tour
Snowy (‡¯œvwq) n. Zzlvigq snowy
Icy (AvBwm) adj. eidc~Y© icy, glacial warm
Appearance (GwcAv‡ibm) n. ‡Pnviv look, form disappearance
Description (wWmwµckbm) v. eY©bv narration, statement salivate
Integrity (Bb‡UwMÖwU) adj. ALÐ full, single
Transmitted (UªvÝwg‡WU) adj. ‡cÖiY sent, transmitted
Mosquitoes (gmKx‡Uv) n. gkv grate, fly
Poisonous (cqRbvm) adj. welv³ baleful kind hoarded
Abnormal (A¨vebigvj) adj. A¯^vfvweK rare, alien normal
Piece (cxm) n. UzKiv piece, slice disassemble
Spread (‡¯úªW) n. Qwo‡q cov trade, scope fold
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -79

Throughout (_ªyAvDU)p. Ry‡o into to, omni

Dangerously (‡WÄvivmwj) adv. wec`RbK during, ill safely
Plan (cø¨vb) n. cwiKíbv plan, model improvise
Fire (dvqvi) n. Av¸b ingle, power hire
Hide (nvBW) v. jyKv‡bv veil, grip show
Truth (Uªy_) n. mZ¨ fact, right falsity
Bright (eªvBU) adj. D¾j light, find dull
Mutilated (wgDwU‡j‡UW) v. maim, humble
wQ‡o hvIqv, weKjvf© Kiv
Crippled (wµcjW) adj. weKjv½, c½y lame, invalid
Pink (wc¼) adj. ‡Mvjvwc zenith, rosy
Shrub (kÖve) v. ¸j¥ bush, spleen
Purple (cvc©j) n. i³eY© peacock blue

Unit-7 Human Rights (wnDg¨vb ivBUm) gvbevwaKvi

Lesson-1: Are We Aware of these Rights - 1
(Avi DC GIq¨vi Af& `xR ivBU&m 1) - Avgiv wK Gme AwaKvi m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb?-1

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Happening (n¨v‡cwbs) v. NU‡Q, N‡U hvIqv event, case, occurrence, thing, fall
Violation (fv‡qv‡jkb) n. f½, j•Nb breaking, breach, infringement, respect
Situation (wmPzGBkvb) n. Ae¯’v, cwiw¯’wZ state, condition, status, position
Agree (GwMÖ) v. GKgZ, m¤§Z, nIqv admit, obey, heed, assent, accede disagree
Certain (mv‡U©Bb) adj. wbw`©ó particular, given, pointed out uncertain, unsealed
Issue (Bmy¨) n. mgm¨v, cÖKvk manifestation, exposure, outpouring recall
Belief (wewjd) n. wek¦vm faith, trust, confidence, credit unbelief
Impose (Bg‡cvR) v. Pvcv‡bv burden, load, put on, put, put down
Silent (mvB‡j›U) adj. bxie mum, dumb, wordless, tacit, tacit noisy, spoken
Powerful (cvIqvidzj) adj. ÿgZvkvjx mighty, potent, strong, capable powerless
Dominate (Wwg‡bBU) v. AvqZ¡ Kiv, kvlb Kiv tame, master, subjugate, seize, rule
Different (wWd&‡i›U) adj. wfbœ various, several, diverse, varied like, some
Cultural (KvjPvivj) adj. mvs¯‹…wZK
Identity (AvB‡Ww›UwU) n. cwiPq personality, figure, individuality
Support (mv‡cvU©) n. mg_©b, mnvqZv backing, clinch, confirmation, aid negate
Equivalent (GKzB‡f‡j›U) adj. mgZzj¨ equiponderant, identical, identic unlike
Expression (G·‡cÖkb) n. Awfe¨w³ evolution, vent, manifestation misconstruction
Human Right (wnDg¨vb ivBU) n. gvbevwaKvi
Press (‡cÖm) n. ‡cÖm, QvcvLvbv printing house, printing office pull
Right (ivBU) n. AwaKvi, wVK claim, authority, possession, power wrong, falsify, center
Safe (‡mBd) n. wbivc` secure, sure, immune, quiet dangerous, out
Shelter (‡këvi) n. AvkÖq asylum, harbor, protection, citadel
Activism (A¨vKwUwfRg) n. mwµqZv
Protection (‡cÖv‡UKkb) n. myiÿv save, saving, defense, safeguard annihilation
Human being (wnDg¨vb-weBs) n. gvbyl
Imagine (BgvwRb) v. Kíbv Kiv conceive, envision, suppose, invent
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Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍfy©³ Kiv comprise, cover, comprehend exclude

Example (G·v¤új) n. D`vniY instance, illustration, precedent
Express (G·‡cÖm) adj. cÖKvk Kiv reveal, publish, put, disclose, elicit
Opinion (Iwcwbqb) n. AwfgZ view, desire, choice, mind, idea
Fear (wdqvi) n. fq, Avk¼v awe, dread, fright, horror, alarm fearlessness
Appropriate (A¨v‡cÖvwcÖ‡qBU) adj. proper, accurate, strict, apt, precise, inappropriate
Dchy³, h_vh_ suitable, pertinent, adequate
Article (AvwU©‡Kj) n. cÖeÜ, Aby‡”Q` essay, treatise, dissertation, thesis
Equal (BKzqvj) adj. mgvb, mg like, level, even, identical differ, unequal, unlike
Dignity (wWMwbwU) n. gh©v`v rank, stature, respect, importance
Endowed (Gb‡WvDW) adj. fzwlZ syntactic, possessing, invested unendowed
Conscience (Kb‡kÝ) n. we‡eK judgment, secretion, uprightness
Spirit (w¯úwiU) n. AvZ¥v, mvnm soul, psyche, genie, heart, self
Brotherhood (eªv`viûW) n. åvZ…Z¡ fraternity
Entitle (GbUvB‡Uj) v. AvL¨v †`Iqv name, designate, denominate, style debar
Declaration (wWK¬v‡iBkvb) v. ‡NvlYv proposition, announcement, notice
Distinction (wWmwUskb) n. cv_©K¨ difference, variety, odds, difference similarity, disgrace
Race (‡iBm) n. RvwZ nation, people, folk, tribe, caste linger
Color (Kvjvi) n. eY© caste, race, hue, complexion
Religion (wiwjRb) n. ag© faith, creed, law, prosperity
Political (cwjwUKvj) adj. ivR‰bwZK politic, diplomatic, shrewd non political
Origin (AwiwRb) n. Drm spring, fount, radix, well, ancestry
Property (‡cÖvcvwU©) n. m¤úwË wealth, procession, substance
Status (÷¨vUvm) n. Ae¯’v situation, state, condition, position
Furthermore (dvi`vi‡gvi) adv. Awae¯Íy besides, yet, also, moreover, further
Basis (‡eBwmm) n. wfwË base, foundation, ground, principle
Jurisdictional (RywimwWKkbvj) adj.
Territory (‡UwiUwi) n. GjvKv region, district, place, field, part
Security (wmwKDwiwU) n. Rvwgb, wbivcËv safety, surety, indemnity, guaranty insecurity
Partner (cvU©bvi) n. Askx`vi associate, shareholder, copartner superior
Mantioned (‡gbkbW) adj. DwjøwLZ alluded, written above, narrated
Slavery (‡møBfvwi) n. `vmZ¡ yoke, dependence, peonage, chain freedom
Servitude (mviwfwUDW) n. ek¨Zv obedience, allegiance, dependency
Subjected (mve‡RK‡UW) v. ekxf~Z Kiv tame, overcome, subjugate, charm
Torture (UP©vi) n. wbcxob persecution, oppression, repression
Cruel (µz‡qj) adj. wbôzi, wb`©q brutal, bloody, relentless, inhumane kind, pleasant
Inhuman (Bb wnDg¨vb) adj. AgvbweK, ee©i truculent, feral, swinish, heartless kind, human
Recognition (wi‡KvMwbkb) n. ¯^xKvi sustaining, confession, acceptance
Movement (gyfg¨v›U) n. Av‡›`vjb agitation, vibrancy, commotion
Residence (‡iwm‡WÝ) n. evmfeb, evm¯’vb habitation, dwelling place, domicile
Including (BbK¬zwWs) pre. mn with, along, together with excluding
Peaceful (wcmdzj) adj. kvwšÍc~Y© quiet, peaceable, undisturbed, still unpeaceful
Border (eW©vi) n. mxgvšÍ frontier, outskirts, bounding, line centre
Compelled (Kg‡cjW) v. eva¨ Kiv force, obligate, coerce, constrain free
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -81

Association (G‡mvwmGBkvb) n. mwgwZ organization, organisation, club disassociation

Return (wiUvb©) n. cÖZ¨veZ©b come, back, reversion, revolving departure,depart
Discrimination (wWmwµwg‡bBkvb) n. ‰elg¨ avoidance, disagreement, disparity
Arbitrary (Aviwe‡Uªix) adj. Aeva free, unrestricted, fair, open nonbetrary
Detention (wW‡Ubkb) n. AvUK, eÜ bar, obstruction, hindrance, restraint release
Exile (G·vBj) n. wbe©vmb expulsion, banishment, proscription repatriate
Degrading (wW‡MÖwWs) adj. AatcwZZ fallen, down, downfallen, decadent dignified
Treatment (wUªUg¨v›U) n. AvPib behavior, conduct, attitude, dealing
Punishment (cvwbkg¨v›U) n. kvw¯Í penalty, judgment, pain, discipline reward
Before (we‡dvi) adv. Av‡M, c~‡e© earlier on, in the past, since, of old after, later, afterwards
Assembly (G‡mweø) n. mgv‡ek rally, gathering, assemblage, muster disassembly
Prohibited (‡cÖvwnwe‡UW) adj. wbwl×, A‰ea illegal, illicit. illegitimate
Form (dvg©) n. MVb structure, formation, composition
Check (‡PK) n. `gb repression, restraint, check disagree
Essential (G‡mbkvj) adj. Acwinvh© indispensable, necessary, inevitable adjective, inessential
Argument (Avi¸‡g›U) n. hyw³ reason, reasoning, contention

Lesson-2: Are we aware of these rights?-2

(Avi DB GIq¨vi Af& `xR ivBUm&?-2) Avgiv wK Gme AwaKvi m¤ú‡K© m‡PZb?-2

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Aware (GIqvi) adj. m‡PZb conscious, wary, sentient, sensible unaware, unmindful
Story (‡÷vix) n. Mí, msev` tale, fiction, conversation, narrative
Violation (fv‡qv‡jkb) n. j•Nb, f½ infraction, nonconformity, crossing respect
Disadvantage (wWmA¨vWfv‡›UR) n. Amyweav difficulty, inconvenience, trouble advantage
Ethnical (Gw_Kvj) adj. RvwZMZ racial, national, nationwide
Minority (gvBbwiwU) n. bvevjKZ¡, msL¨vjNy nonage, lowness, depression, depth majority
Summarize (mvgvivBR) v. ms‡ÿc Kiv shorten, abridge, abbreviate elaborate
Paragraph (c¨vivMÖvd) n. Aby‡”Q` section, article, item
Text (‡U·U) n. cvV lesson, reading, study, recitation
Article (AvwU©‡Kj) n. cÖeÜ, Aby‡”Q` essay, treatise, dissertation, thesis
Declaration (wWK¬v‡iBkvb) n. ‡NvlYv announcement, proclamation
Subjected (mve‡RK‡UW) v. ekxf~Z Kiv tame, overcome, charm, subjugate
Arbitrary (Aviwe‡Uªix) adj. ‡Lqvj Lywkg‡Zv free, unrestricted, fair, open nonarbitrary
Interference (B›Uviwdqv‡iÝ) n. n¯Í‡ÿc thrusting, trespass, treatment non interference
Privacy (cÖvB‡fwm) n. ‡MvcbxqZv hideout, secret, secrecy, veiling company
Correspondence (‡Kv‡imcb‡WÝ) n. similarity, resemblance, asymmetry
cÎwewbgq conformation, comparison
Attack (GUvK) n. AvµgY invasion, onslaught, foray, raid defend
Honor (Abvi) n. m¤§vb homage, esteem, reverence dishonour, disrespect
Reputation (wicy‡UBkvb) n. L¨vwZ, mybvg fame, rep, renown, prestige, repute disrepute
Protection (‡cÖv‡UKkb) n. myiÿv, AvkÖq save, saving, defense, guard annihilation
Asylum (GmvBjvg) n. AvkÖq shelter, harbor, protection
Persecution (cviwmwKDkb) n. wbcxob oppression, repression, torture
Invoke (Bb‡fvK) v. WvKv, cÖ_©bv call, summon, pray to, bid, bray
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -82

Genuinely (‡RbyBbwj) adv. mwZ¨Kvi fv‡e really, varily falsely

Arising (A¨vivBwRs) v. D™¢yZ nIqv come from, arise, be born
Non Political (bb-cwjwUKvj) v. AivR‰bwZK
Crime (µvBg) n. Aciva offense, iniquity, sin, gurd, fault
Contrary (Kb‡Uªix) adj. wecixZ, cwicš’x converce, opposite, contrary similar, cooperate
Purspoe (cvicvm) n. D‡Ïk¨ motive, aim, objective, intention indifference
Principle (wcÖwÝcvj) n. bxwZ, gš¿ ethics, morals, morality, moral
Nationality (b¨vkbvwjwU) n. RvZxqZv ethinic, phylogenetic, nationalism
Arbitrarily (Aviwe‡Uªwiwj) adv. B”QvgZ logically
Deprived (wWcÖvBfW) adj. ewÂZ devoid, divested, void, wanted privileged
Deny (wWbvB) v. A¯^xKvi Kiv, AMªvn¨ refuse, negate, contradict, ignore admit, allow
Limitation (wjwg‡UBkvb) n. mxgve×Zv restriction, abridgement, limit
Marry (g¨vwi) v. weevn Kiv wed, get married, espouse divorce
Entitle (GbUvB‡Uj) v. AvL¨vZ Kiv name, designate, denominate debar
Equal (BKzqvj) adj. mgvb like, level, even, identical, even differ, unequal, unlike
Marriage (g¨v‡iR) n. weevn wedding, wedding day, matrimony divorce
Dissolution (wWmjy¨kb) n. we‡”Q` separation, hiatus, breakage, split inauguration
Enter (G›Uvi) v. cÖ‡ek Kiv‡bv thrust into, drive, usher, cause, go drop out, exit
Only (Abwj) adj. ïay, †Kej mere, bare, pure, empty, sole, sheer
Consent (Kb‡m›U) n. m¤§wZ compliance, willingness, assent refuse
Intending (Bb‡UwÛs) adj. B”QzK willing, ready, inclined, bent
Spouse (¯úvDm) n. cwZœ, ¯^vwg, `¤úwZ husband, chief, master, man, wife
Natural (b¨vPvivj) adj. cÖvK…wZK physical, naturalistic, born, physic artificial, unnatural
Fundamental (dvÛv‡g›Uvj) adj. basic, prime, original, primary, secondary, superfluous
‡gŠwjK, cÖv_wgK radical, elementary, initial
State (‡÷BU) n. ivóª kingdom, realm, reign, country
Freedom (wd«Wg) n. ¯^vaxbZv independence, liberty restriction, conformity
Thoght (_U) n. wPšÍv, fvebv idea, thinking, worry, concern
Conscience (Kb‡kÝ) n. we‡eK judgment, discretion, justice
Alone (G‡jvb) adj. GKvKx singly, merely, lonely, lone along side, together
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq people, sect, domination, society isolation
Private (cÖvB‡fU) n. GKvšÍ, wbR¯^ personal public
Manifest (g¨vwb‡d÷) adj. my¯úó growing up, germinating, obvious obscure, hide
Teaching (wUwPs) n. wkÿv`vb nurture, tuition, instruction
Practice (cÖvKwUm) n. Abykxjb, PP©v exercise, drill, contemplation hypothesis
Worship (Iiwkc) n. Dcvmbv, c~Rv prayer, adoration, solicitation
Observance (AeRvif¨vÝ) n. ixwZ, Dr_vcb genre, style, custom, practice nonobservance
Expression (&G·‡cÖBkvb) n. Awfe¨w³ evolution, vent, manifestation misconstruction
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍf~©³ Kiv comprise, cover, comprehend exclude
Receive (wiwmf) v. MÖnY Kiv take, accept, take in, take up say farewell
Impart (B¤úvU©) v. Ávcb Kiv notify, acquaint, convey, inform
Idea (AvBwWqv) n. aviYv, wPšÍv notion, concept, conception
media (wgwWqv) n. gva¨g
Regardless (wiMvW©‡jm) n. neglectful, mindless, unthinking,
wbwe©‡k‡l, Ag‡bv‡hvMx unobservant, unheedful
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -83

Frontier (d«w›Uqvi) n. mxgvšÍ border, outskirts, bounding line

Peaceful (wcmdzj) adj. kvwšÍc~Y© quiet, peaceable, undisturbed, still unpeaceful
Assembly (G‡mgweø) n. mgv‡ek rally, gathering, assemblage disassembly
Association (G‡mvwm‡qBkvb) n. mwgwZ organization, fraternity, institution disassociation
Compelled (Kg‡cjW) v. eva¨ Kiv, eva¨ force, oblige, coerce, constrain
Belong (wejs) n. AšÍM©Z, _vKv associate
Government (Mfb©g¨v›U) n. miKvi, kvlY regime, state, administration
Directly (wW‡i±wj) adv. mivmwi right, away, straight away, direct indirectly
Freely (wd«wj) adv. ¯^vaxbfv‡e, Aev‡a free, at large, fair, be-headed, out
Representative (wi‡cÖ‡Rb‡UwUf) n. cÖwZwbwa delegate, surrogate, deputy, apostle nonrepresentative
Service (mvwf©m) n. ‡mev, PvKyix serving, worship, ministry, office disservice
Authority (A_wiwU) n. KZ…©Z¡, ÿgZv dominance, domination, dominion powerlessness, insecurity
Expressed (G·‡cÖmW) adj. cÖKvwkZ published, revealed, disclosed implicit
Periodic (wcwiqwWK) adj. ch©vqe„Ë periodical, repeated, revolved aperiodic
Genuine (‡RbyBb) adj. AK…wÎg, Avmj sincere, true, unsophisticated counterfeit
Election (B‡jKkb) n. wbe©vPb selection, choice, volition
Universal (BDwbfvm©vj) adj. mve©Rbxb global, catholic, blanket, public particular, particular
Suffrage (mv‡d«R) n. ‡fvUvwaKvi vote
Secret (wm‡µU) adj. ¸ß hidden, concealed, covert, mystic overt, open
Equivalent (BKzBf¨v‡j›U) adj. equiponderant, identical, identic, unlike
mgZzj¨, hyw³hy³ same, event, coequal
Voting (‡fvwUs) n. ‡fvU`vb election, selection
Procedure (cÖwmRvi) n. cÖwµqv, Kvh©cÖYvjx method, process, action, mode
Asylum (GmvBjvg) n. AvkÖq shelter, harbor, protection
Arbitrarily (Aviwe‡Uª‡iwj) adv. B”QvgZ logically
Prosecution (cÖwmwKDkb) n. cwiPvjbv conduct, lead, propulsion defense
Suffer (mvdvi) v. ‡fvMv, †fvM Kiv undergo, sustain, go through, abide be well, enjoy
Conduct (KbWv±) n. AvPvi, AvPiY, cwiPvjbv behaviour, treatment, attitude
Legal (wjM¨vj) adj. AvBbMZ, ˆea juridical, legitimate, legal, licit illegal
Proceeding (‡cÖvwmwWs) adj. Av¸qvb advancing, coming off
Against (G‡MBb÷) pre. weiæ‡×, wec‡ÿ contra, contrary to, versus for
Someone (mvgIqvb) Pro. ‡KD anybody, some, one, any nobody
Closing (‡K¬vwRs) n. mgvcbx, †kl refraining, stopping, giving up opening
Dismiss (wWmwgm) v. eiLv¯Í Kiv turn off, dismiss, turn away
Inner (Bbvi) adj. wfZ‡ii, Avf¨šÍwiK internal, constitutional, inmost outer
Feeling (wdwjs) n. Abyf~wZ sentiment, sense, intuition
Voice (f‡qm) n. Kɯ^i tone, volume, vowel, tune, noise devoice
Direct (WvB‡i±) adj. mivmwi straight, right, outright, simple indirect, alternating
Behaviour (we‡nwfqvi) n. ¯^fve, AvPiY characteristic, disposition, nature
Granted (MÖv‡›UW) v. gÄyi, AbygwZ †`Iqv license, consent, sanctioned
Nation (‡bBkb) n. RvwZ race, people, folk, tribe, caste
Left (‡jd&U) adj. evg antipathetic, antipathetically center, right
Country (Kvw›Uª) n. ‡`k, ivóª land, clime, soil, realm, polity unban, area
Refugee (wiwdDwR) n. DØv¯Íy displaced person, evacvee
obvious (Aewfqvm) adj. my¯úó manifest, picturesque, evident unobvious
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Authentic (A‡_bwUK) adj. LuvwU pure, true, sterling, sincere fake, false
Determined (wWUvigvBÛ) adj. wba©vwiZ destined, determinate, definite undetermined
Chance (PvÝ) n. my‡hvM, m¤¢vebv possibility, opportunity, advantage
Impulse (Bgcvjm) v. D×z× Kiv inspire, inject, enlighten, awaken aversion
Principle (wcÖwÝcvj) n. bxwZ, ZË¡ ethics, morals, morality, moral
Economic (B‡Kv‡bvwgK) adj. A_©‰bwZK, financial, monetary, economic loss-making
Reason (wiRb) n. KviY cause, motive, sake, occasion
Above (G‡evf) adv. Dc‡i over, upon, on, atop, upstairs below
Provision (cÖwfkb) n. weavb, e¨e¯’v law, rule, dispensation, hedonism deprivation
Imply (BgcøvB) v. A_© cÖKvk Kiv connote, expose, expound, mean
Explain (G·‡cøBb) v. e¨vL¨v Kiv interpret, illustrate, set forth bewilder

Lesson-3 Rights to Health and Education (ivBUm& Uz †nj&_& A¨vÛ GWz‡KBkvb) - ¯^v¯’¨ I wkÿvi AwaKvi

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Health (‡nj_) n. ¯^v¯’¨ hygiene, happiness, wellness illness, unwellness
Education (GWz‡KBkvb) n. wkÿv lesson, learning, instruction, study
Discuss (wWmKvm) v. Av‡jvPbv Kiv have to do with, reason, speak
Each (BP) adj. cÖ‡Z¨K every
Point (c‡q›U) n. we›`y drop, lota, dot, spot, mite unpointedness
Describe (wWmµvBe) v. eY©bv Kiv recount, narrate, recite, detail, tell
Extract (G·Uªv±) n. wbh©vm essence, extraction, extractive
Declaration (wWK¬v‡iBkvb) n. ‡NvlYv announcement, proclamation
Standard (÷¨vÛvW©) n. gvb, gvb`Û value, grade, honor, norm, par nonstandard
Adequate (A¨v‡WKz‡qU) adj. ch©vß enough, ample, good, suitable plentifull, ample
Well being (I‡qj-weBs) n. Kj¨vY, g½j welfare, benefit, good, prosperity
Oneself (Iqvb‡mjd) pro. ¯^qs, wb‡R individually
Clothing (‡K¬vw_s) n. ‡cvkvK, e¯¿ clothes, garment, fabric, cloth
Housing (nvDwRs) n. Avevmb bestowal
Necessary (‡b‡mmvwi) adj. cÖ‡qvRbxq required, requisite, constituent unnecessary
Security (wmwKDwiwU) n. wbivcËv safety, surety, indemnity, guaranty insecurity
Unemployment (AvbGcøqg¨v›U) n. ‡eKviZ¡ inaction, inactivity, inoccupation employment
Sickness (wmK‡bm) n. Amy¯’Zv illness, distemper, uneasiness wellness
Disability (wWmGwewjwU) n. AÿgZv inability, incapacity, default ability
Widowhood (DB‡Wvn~W) n. ‰eae¨
Lack (j¨vK) n. Afve, nxbZv deficiency, poverty, need, scarcity have
Livelihood (jvBfwjn~W) n. RxweKv subsistence, living, calling
Circumstance (mviKvg÷¨vÝ) n. case, condition, circs, situation,
cwiw¯’wZ, Ae¯’v state, position, status
Beyond (‡eqÛ) adv. Z`wZwi³, Qvwo‡q moreover, besides, more than that within
Control (K‡›Uªvj) n. wbqš¿Y rule, monitoring, power, limit unrestraint
Motherhood (gv`vin~W) n. gvZ…Z¡ maternity, parentage paternity
Entitled (GbUvB‡UjW) adj. AvL¨vwqZ hight, denominated, called, named constrained
Special (‡¯úkvj) adj. we‡kl individual, particular, exceptional ordinary, common
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -85

Assistance (Gwmm‡UÝ) n. mnvqZv help, support, aid, facilitation hindrance

Whether (‡nv‡q`vi) con. wKbv if
Social (‡mvkvj) adj. mvgvwRK communal, convivial, associative unsocial
Protection (‡cÖv‡UKkb) n. iÿv, msiÿY save, saving, defense, safeguard annihilation
Comply (KgcøvB) v. m¤§Z nIqv, †g‡b Pjv obey, follow, succeed, pursue disobey
Because (weKR) con. KviY, †h‡nZz forasmuch as, from, since
Elementary (Gwj‡g›Uvwi) adj. cÖv_wgK primary, initial, basic, elemental
Fundamental (dvÛv‡g›Uvj) adj. ‡gŠwjK basic, prime, primary, basic secondary, superfluous
Stage (‡÷BR) n. ch©vq, Ae¯’v period, echelon, bout, generation
Compulsory (K¤úvjmwi) adj. eva¨Zvg~jK obligatory, necessary, imperative optional
Technical (‡UKwbK¨vj) adj. cÖhyw³MZ technological, industrial nontechnical
Professional (cÖ‡dkbvj) adj. vocational, occupational nonprofessional,
‡ckv`vix, e„wËg~jK unprofessional, amateur
Generally (‡Rbv‡iwj) adv. mvaviYZ usually, commonly, in general narrowly, specifically
Available (Gfq‡jej) adj. mnRjf¨ obtainable, cheap, accessible unavailable
Accessible (G‡·wmej) adj. myMg get-at-able, approachable, destined inaccessible
Merit (‡gwiU) n. ‡hvM¨Zv, ¸Y ability, worth, worthiness, grace demerit
Directed (wW‡iK‡UW) adj. cwiPvwjZ conducted, guided, driven
Personality (cvi‡mvbvwjwU) n. e¨w³Z¡ figure, individuality, identity, self
Strengthening (‡÷ª‡š’wbs) adj. ejKviK, my`„p restorative, cordial, corroborant weakening
Respect (wim‡c±) n. m¤§vb, gh©v`v favor, dignity, rank, stature, respect disesteem, disrespect
Freedom (wd«Wg) n. ¯^vaxbZv independence, liberty, swaraj restriction, conformity
Understanding (AvÛvi÷¨vwÛs) n. perception, grasp, savvy, access misunderstanding
ci¯úi, †evSvcov
Tolerance (Ujv‡iÝ) n. mn¨, mn¨kw³ fortitude, sufferance, abidance, gut intolerance
Racial (‡iwmqvj) adj. RvZxMZ ethnic, national, nationwide nonracial
Religious (wiwjwRqvm) adj. avwg©K righteous, just, pious, devout irreligious
Further (dvi`vi) adv. AwaKšÍy also, moreover, besides, more prevent
Activity (GKwUwfwU) n. Kvh©Kjvc action, work, energy, dynamism inaction, inactivity
United Nations (BDbvB‡UW †bBkÝ) n.
Maintenance (‡gBb‡U‡bÝ) n. iÿYv‡eÿY charge, protection, defense, save destruction, neglect
Peace (wcm) n. kvwšÍ tranquility, quiet, quietness war
Prior right (cÖvqi ivBU) adj. c~e©vwaKvi previous, preceding, prior subsequent
Opinion (Iwcwbqb) n. AwfgZ counsel, mind, view, thought, idea
Document (WKz‡g›U) n. `wjj instrument, record, paper, charter
Mentioned (‡gbkbW) adj. DwjøwLZ alluded, written above, narrated
Briefly (eªxdwj) adv. ms‡ÿ‡c short, in short, in brief, shortly permanently, of length
Universal (BDwbfvm©vj) adj. mve©Rbxb global, catholic, all-embracing particular
Formulated (digy‡j‡UW) adj. cÖYqbK…Z
Intention (Bb‡Ubkb) n. AwfcÖvq intent, meaning, sake, motive
Regarding (wiMvwW©s) adj. msµvšÍ pertaining, concerning, as to disesteem, disrespect
Beforehand (we‡dvin¨vÛ) adv. c~‡e© prior, previously, formerly, earlier later, afterward
Citizen (wmwU‡Rb) n. bvMwiK subject, townec, burgher, resident noncitizen
Individual (BbwWwfRy¨qvj) adj. ¯^Zš¿ distinct, independent, exclusive common
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Case (‡KBm) n. NUbv event, occurrence, happening

Lesson-4: Amerigo, A Street Child (G‡gwi‡Mv, Av ÷ªxU PvBì&) - G‡gwi‡Mv, GK c_-wkï

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Contradict (K›UªvwW±) v. deny, refuse, negate, renounce, give affirm
A¯^xKvi Kiv, cÖwZev` Kiv up, protest, clamor against, gainsay
Declaration (wWK¬v‡iBkvb) n. ‡NvlYv announcement, proclamation, notice
Locality (‡jvKvwjwU) n. ¯’vb, emwZ habitation, residence, colony, place
Alone (G‡jvb) adv. GKvKx singly, merely, desolate, lonely, lorn alongside, together
Separate (‡mcv‡iBU) adj. Avjv`v, c„_K different, several, detached, by unite, joint
Another (Gbv`vi) adj. Ab¨ other, second, different, diversified the same
Far away (dvi GI‡q) adj. `~‡i close
Beg (‡eM) v. cÖv_©bv Kiv pray, crave, seek, ask, petition
Ticket (wU‡KU) n. wUwKU stamp, billet, coupon, label
Wait (I‡qBU) v. A‡cÿv Kiv, cÖZxÿv Kiv be waiting, await, anticipate, pause depart, begin
Street (w÷ªU) n. iv¯Ív rode, pathway, route, way, path
Use (BDR) n. e¨envi, cÖ‡qvM application, use, appliance, exercise conserve, detriment
Collect (Kv‡j±) v. msMÖn Kiv gather, excerpt, take out, cull, raise spread
Trash (Uªvk) n. AveR©bv garbage, junk, rubbish, dross, slops
Vendor (‡fÛi) n. we‡µZv seller, vender, monger, bargainer buyer
Serious (wmwiqvm) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© important, significant, great, main frivolous, playful
Infection (Bb‡dKkb) n. msµgY transit, taint, defilement, corruption
Dump (Wv¤ú) n. gbgiv fve doldrums, hump melancholy keep, stay
Once (IqvÝ) adv. GK`v sometimes, one, one day, on time now
Owner (Ibvi) n. gvwjK master, lord, employer, proprietor
Beach (weP) n. ‰mKZ shore, sea beach, seashore, bank
Return (wiUvb©) n. cÖZ¨veZ©b, wd‡i Avmv reversion, revolving, revolution departure, depart
Difficult (wWwdKvë) adj. KwVb, KóKi hard, solid, tenacious, stubborn easy, manageable
Painful (‡cBbdzj) adj. ‡e`bv`vqK dismal, hurtful, bitter, pungent, sore painless
Quite (‡KvqvBU) adv. cy‡ivcywifv‡e perfectly, fully, completely extremely, slightly
Heavy (‡nwf) adj. fvix bulky, cumbersome, massive light
Offer (Advi) n. cÖ`vb, Ac©b grant, payment, offering, delivery
Whoever (û‡qfvi) pro. ‡Kev, †h †Kn any, anybody, who, whosoever
Want (Iqv›U) v. cÖ‡qvRb, PvIqv need, requirement, want, use, biz
Even (B‡fb) adv. Ggb wK
Sell (‡mj) v. weµq Kiv sell out, encash, vend buy
Lucky (jvKx) adj. fvM¨evb fortunate, lucky, happy, gracious unlucky
Alive (GjvBf) adj. RxweZ live, living, breathing, existent dead, unanimated
Sort (mU©) v. mvRv‡bv categorize, range, choose, select mix up
Rubbish (ivwek) n. AveR©bv garbage, junk, dross, slops, ashes praise
Often (I‡db) adv. cÖvqB oft, hourly, once and again, fast Infrequently, rarely
Disease (wWwRR) n. AmyL, e¨vwa illness, unhappiness, displeasure good health
Recently (wi‡m›Uwj) adv. m¤úªwZ lately, of late, now-a-days long ago
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Overcast (IfviK¨v÷) adj. ‡gNv”Qbœ cloudy, grey clear up

Ceiling (wmwjs) n. Qv` roof, roofing floor
Plane (‡cøb) adj. mgZj flat, plain, level, smooth, sleek
Ever (Gfvi) adv. wPiKvj always, evermore, permanently never
Pontoon (cbUzb) n. ‡Lqv‡bŠKv
Narrator (b¨v‡iUi) n. K_K taller, speaker
Describe (wWmµvBe) v. eY©bv Kiv recount, narrate, recite, detail, tell
Concerned (KbmvbW©) adj. DwØMœ anxious, worried, perturbate unconcerned
Backdrop (e¨vKWªc) n. cUf~wg background, canvas
Author (A_i) n. ‡jLK writer, scriber, recorder, penman
Job (Re) n. PvKix employment, employ, work
Function (dvskb) n. wµqv action, verb, operation, act, process malfunction
Effect (B‡d±) n. cÖfve, djvdj outcome, payoff, upshot, yiedling cause
Critically (wµwUKvwj) adv. mgv‡jvPbv Øviv uncritically
Examine (G·vwgb) v. cixÿv Kiv test, try, experiment, prove, peruse
Present (‡cÖ‡R›U) adj. Dcw¯’Z arrived, current, attendant, existed absent, past, future
Army (Avwg©) n. ‡mbvevwnbx troup
Reign (‡iBb) n. ivRZ¡ kirgdom, reolm, dominioon
Terror (‡Uii) n. Îvk fear, dismay security
Inrocent (B‡bv‡m›U) adj. wbiciva uncorruptd, righteous guilty
Safe (‡mBd) adj. wbivc` sure, protected in danger
Worry (Iwi) n. D‡ØM concern, anxiety assurase
Survival (mvifvBfvj) n. wU‡K _vKv death
Worry (Iwi) n. `ywðšÍv thinking, concern reassware
Anxiety (GsRvBwU) n. D‡ØM corcern, worry
Nearly (wbqviwj) adv. cÖvq approximately, almost
Meantime (wgbUvBg) adv. Gw`‡K meanwhile, hitherward
Loot (jyU) adj. jyÚb capture, phenderage
Neighbour (‡bBevi) n. cÖwZ‡ekx

Unit-9 Tours and Travels (Uz¨im A¨vÛ Uªv‡fjm)- ågY I ch©Ub

Lesson-01: Travelling to a Village in Bangladesh
(Uªv‡fwjs Uz G wf‡jR Bb evsjv‡`k)- evsjv‡`‡k †Kv‡bv GK MÖv‡g †eov‡bv

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Introduction (BbUªyWvKkb) n. f~wgKv, m~Pbv role, preface, foreword, preamble conclusion
Despite (wWmcvBU) pre. m‡Z¡Ë in the face of, despite
Paced (wcmW) adj. web¨v¯Í
Urbanization (AvievbvB‡Rkb) n. bMivqb
Remain (wi‡gBb) v. _vKv stay, lie, be, stand, keep change
Predominantly (wcÖ‡Wvwgb¨v›Uwj) adv. cÖavbZ mainly, principally, chiefly partially
Rural (iæivj) adj. MÖvg¨ rustic, peasant, dwelling in village urban
Respond (‡imcÛ) v. mvov, Reve †`qv rejoin, answer, reply, report, reply ignore
Onslaught (AbmøvDU) n. AvµgY attack, invasion, foray, raid
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. Dbœqb improvement, promotion, uplift devolution
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Growth (‡MÖv_) n. e„w× accrual, enhancement, swelling decrease, decrement

Extract (G·Uªv±) n. wbh©vm essence, extraction, extractive
Villager (wf‡jRvi) n. MÖvgevmx hob, countryman, hickey, rustic,
Taught (UU) v. ‡kLv‡bv, cov‡bv prepare, school, reach, instruct
Scarce (‡¯‹qvm©) adj. `yj©f rare, tight, occasional, dear abundant
Packed (c¨vKW) adj. e¯Ívew›` empty, quiet
Suitcase (my¨U‡Km) n. myU‡Km portmanteau
Loaves (‡jvfm) n. iæwU, †Wjv lump, lob, ball, clotted mass
Cheese (PxR) n. cwbi
Travel (Uªv‡fj) n. ågY journey, outing, tour, trek, tracing stay in place
Intermediate (B›UviwgwW‡qU) adj. ga¨eZ©x intermediary, mid, medial, centric first, last
Cross-Country (µm-Kvw›Uª) n. road, roading
gv‡Vi ga¨ w`‡q MšÍe¨
Uncomfortably (AvbKg‡dvi‡Uewj) adv. uneasily comfortably
Crowded (µvD‡WW) adj. RbvKxY© overcrowded, populous, thick uncrowded
Shawdowy (k¨v‡WvC) adj. AveQvqv nebulous, dimmish, ghostly, misty distinct, bright
Loveliness (jvfwj‡bm) n. KgbxqZv elegance, charm, desirability ugliness
Moonlit (gybwjU) adj. Puv`bx moony moonless
Broken (‡eªv‡Kb) adj. f½, fv½v crushed, beaten, split, deteriorated unbroken
Cloud (K¬vDW) n. ‡gN mica, sky clear up
Mostly (‡gv÷wj) adv. AwaKvsk †ÿ‡Î in most cases, usually, commonly
Paddy (‡cwW) n. avb
Coco-palm (‡Kv‡Kv-cvg) n. bvwi‡Kj MvQ coconut tree, cocoa, coco
Cart-track (KvU© UªvK) n. KvU© UªvK
Cottage (K‡UR) n. KzwUi humble abode, shanty, hut, shack
Island (AvBj¨vÛ) n. Øxc isle, ait, inch
Clump (K¬v¤ú) n. ‡Svc, Svo bush, thicket, chandelier, coppice
Bush (evk) n. ¸j¥ shrub, delphinium, spleen, plant
Reflect (wi‡d¬±) v. cÖwZdwjZ Kiv mirror, gleam, image
Lantern (j¨v›Uvb©) n. jÉb glim
Fisherman (wdkvig¨vb) n. ‡R‡j fisher, hunter, fowler
Boat (‡evU) n. ‡bŠKv ship, ark, craft, skiff, davit
Dawn (WvDb) n. ‡fvi cock-crow, crack of down sunset
Reach (ixP) v. ‡cuŠQv arrive, land, get at, get in, come in
Canal-side (K¨v‡bj-mvBW) n. Lv‡ji avi
Station (‡÷kb) n. ¯’vb, NuvwU space, place, position, location
Wide (IqvBW) adj. e¨vcK comprehensive, extensive, wide narrow
Flooded (‡d¬v‡WW) adj. cøvweZ drenched, inundated, streaming clear, empty
Forward (diIqvW©) adj. AMÖeZ©x foregoing, advanced, leading, far backward, reverse, aft
Tranquil (Uªv¼zBj) adj. kvšÍ confidential, profound, queit, calm noisy, agitated
Instantly (BÝU¨v›Uwj) adv. Awej‡¤^ immediately, right away, forthwith
Asleep (A¨vwmøc) adj. wbw`ªZ sleeping, dormant, indolent awake
Landing (j¨vwÛs) n. AeZiY, DËiY descent, alighting, pitch, ramp
Blaze (eøvR) v. R¡jv, R¡jR¡j Kiv fire up, gleam, burn, flame up
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Sunlight (mvbjvBU) n. m~hv© ‡jvK sunbeam, sunshine, sun, shine

Turn (Uvb©) n. cvjv bout, dice, offshoot, branch, story unbend
Rallied (‡iBjW) v. mvg‡j †bqv assemble, muster, gather, mass
Crisis (µvBwmm) n. m¼U emergency, quandary, exigence
Gather (M¨v`vi) v. R‡ov nIqv collect, excerpt, take out, cull spread
Stare (‡÷qvi) v. GK`„wó‡Z ZvKv‡bv look at, behold, stare, see, view glance
Camp (K¨v¤ú) n. wkwei, QvDwb camping, tent, pavilion, leaguer
Wooden (E‡Wb) adj. Kvôj wooded unwooded
Thatched (_¨vPW) v. Lo w`‡q QvIqv
Lovely (jvfwj) adj. g‡bvig pleasant, imposing, likable ugly, unpleasant
Tank (U¨vsK) n. cyKyi haunt, reservoir, container
Firefly (dvqvid¬vB) n. ‡RvbvwK glowworm
Wove (If) v. eybv knit, weave, sow, weave, fabricate
Intricate (BbwUª‡KU) adj. g‡bvig complex, complicated, perplexing simple
Beside (wemvBW) pre. cv‡k to, near, by, beside, by, along
Protection (‡cÖv‡UKkb) n. iÿv save, saving, defense, safeguard annihilation
Permanent (cvigvb¨v›U) adj. ¯’vqx stable, standing, adjusted, fixed impermanent
Court (‡KvU©) n. `ievi court of, justice, law court, forum shun
Bedtime (‡eWUvBg) n. kqbKvj
Century (‡mÂzix) n. kZvãx centenary
Remote (wi‡gvU) adj. `~ieZ©x distant, far, farawary, outtying nearby, likely
Different (wWd‡i›U) adj. wewfbœ various, several, diverse, varied same, like
Character (K¨v‡iKUvi) n. PwiÎ nature, role, figure, conduct
Prevent (wcÖ‡f›U) v. cÖwZ‡iva Kiv, AvUKv‡bv confine, check, obstruct, impede let
Fix (wd·) n. wVK Kiv correct, decide, appoint, regulate break, unfasten
Curtain (Kv‡U©Bb) n. c`©v covering, shroud, purdah, screen
Crawl (µvIj) v. nvgv¸wo †`qv crawl on all fours, creep speed
Behind (wenvBÛ) adv. wcQ‡b back, after, backward, abaft, aback in front, ahead
Hut (nvU) n. KzwUi shack, cabin, shebang, bothy
Animal (Gwb‡gj) n. cï beast , brute, being, wight, life mineral, vegetable
Even (B‡fb) adv. Ggb wK, h_v there, at that place, so, like odd, uneven
Children (wPj‡Wªb) n. wkïiv kiddies
Remonstrated (wigbm‡Uª‡UW) v. reward
Zxeª AvcwË Kiv, wb‡la Kiv
Pleaded (cøx‡WW) n. wgbwZ
Strange (‡÷ªBÄ) adj. A™¢zZ curious, weird, odd, kinky, queer familiar, native,
Celebrity (‡mwjweªwU) n. L¨vwZgvb e¨w³ feat, achievement, fame, renown infamy
Enough (Gbvd) adj. h‡_ó, ch©vß sufficient, adequate, ample, enow
Based (‡emW) v. wbf©i Kiv emerged, raisen, flourished, arisen
Local (‡jvKvj) adj. ¯’vbxq native, topical, endemic, vicinal general, national
Tent (‡U›U) n. Zvey, wkwei pavilion, camp, camping
During (wWDwis) pre. awiqv by
Brick-built (weªK-weë) adj. BU wbwg©Z
Insect (Bb‡m±) n. KxU-cZ½ worm, canker, insect, ladybug
Mentioned (‡gbkbW) adj. DwjøwLZ alluded, written, above, uttered
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Arrive (A¨vivBf) v. ‡cŠuQv reach, get at, get in, come in leave
Evidence (Gwf‡WÝ) n. cÖgvY, bwRi proof, standard, testimony
Suggest (mv‡R÷) v. mycvwik, evZjv‡bv point out, bring, back, give a hint contraindicate
Narrator (b¨v‡iUi) n. K_K teller, speaker, story-taller
Compare (Kg‡cqvi) v. Zzjbv Kiv liken, assimilate, balance
General (‡Rbv‡ij) adj. mvaviY common, ordinary, usual, normal local, specific, particular
Statement (‡÷BUg¨v›U) n. wee„wZ, weeiY assertion, affirmation, narration
Imply (BgcøvB) v. A_© cÖKvk Kiv connote, expose, expound
Amusement (A¨vwgDRg¨v›U) n. cwiZ…wß satisfaction, gratification, satiety boredom
Annoyance (A¨vb‡qÝ) n. weiw³ nagging, molestation, bother pleasure
Clump (K¬v¤ú) n. Svo, †Svc bush, thicket, chandelier, coppice
Weave (I‡qf) v. eybv knit, sow, fabricate, entwine unweave
Tranquil (‡Uª¼zqvj) adj. cÖkvšÍ unruffled, sedate, sober-sided noisy, agitated
Expression (G·‡cÖkb) n. Awfe¨w³ evolution, vent, manifestation misconstruction
Bracket (eªv‡KU) n. eÜwb brace, cincture
Dark (WvK©) adj. AÜKvi black, murky, murk, sable, dismal light, day
Freely (wd«wj) adv. Aev‡a free, at large, fair, bald-headed parsimoniously

Lesson-2: Arriving in the Orient (AvivBwfs Bb w` Iwi‡q›U ) - cÖv‡P¨ Mgb

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Experience (G·wcwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv expertise, knowledge, taste inexperience
Pleasure (‡cøBRvi) n. Avb›` joy, delight, rejoicing, gladness pain
Danger (‡WÄvi) n. SzuwK risk, chance, gamble, jeopardy safely
Colonial (K‡jvwbqvj) adj. Jcwb‡ewkK colonizing, settling in a clonony
Quest (Kz‡q÷) v. ‡LuvRv search, hunt for, look up, seek
Colony (K‡jvwb) n. Dcwb‡ek, emwZ settlement, plantation, habitation
Serving (mvwf©s) n. fRbv, †mev worship, adoration, paternoster
Extract (G·Uªv±) n. wbh©vm essence, gist, extractive, substance
Across (A¨v‡µvm) pre. w`‡q with, by, by means of
Arrival (GivBfvj) n. AvMgb coming, incoming, oncoming departure
Typical (wUwcKvj) adj. cÖZxK¯^iƒc, RvZxq emblematic, emblematical, typical atypical
Mind-set (gvBÛ‡mU) n. gvbwmKZv
Fantasize (d¨v›UvmvBR) n. w`ev¯^cœ †`Lv
Glorious (‡Møvwiqvm) adj. cÖwm× sublime, stately, exalted, lordly inglorious
Attitude (A¨vwUwPDW) n. g‡bvfve sentiment, outlook, feeling, notion
Psyche (mvBwK) n. AvZ¥v, gb soul, spirit, genic, heart, self, mind
Landscape (j¨vÛ‡¯‹c) n. f~`„k¨
Dismissive (wWmwgwmf) adj.
‡kl Kiv n‡q‡Q Ggb
Native (‡bwUf) adj. ¯’vbxq local, topical, endemic, endemical adopted, foreign
Summer (mvgvi) n. MÖx®§Kvj summer time, heat winter
Frock (d«K) n. AvjwLjøv cossack, toga, gaberdine, gown
Sail (‡mBj) v. mgy`ª hvÎv flock, herd, sail, spinnaker, troop
Immediately (BwgwW‡qUwj) adv. Awej‡¤^ instantly, right away, forthwith
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Heralded (‡niv‡ìW) adj. ‡NvwlZ arrourced, broadcasted,declared

Rolling (‡ivwjs) adj. N~Y©vqgvb, PwjZ revolving, giddy, reeling rotary steep
Porpoise (‡cvi‡cvBm) n. ïïK dolphin
Ploughed (cøvMW) adj. Plv, †f‡m †eov‡bv tilled, cultivated, unplowed
Mediterraneansea (‡gwW‡U‡iwbqvbmx) n.
Canal (K¨vbvj) n. Lvj channel, lowland, gat, quagmire
Staring (÷vwU©s) n. ïiæ, Avi¤¢ onset, opening, commencement final
Enamel-like (Bbv‡gj-jvBK) adj.
KjvB‡qi gZ
Waste (I‡q÷) n. AÂj dissipation, wastage, attenuation conserve
Flocks (‡d¬vKm) n. Suv‡K Suv‡K, SuvK swarm, crowd, flock, gaggle, shoal
Skimmed (w¯‹gW) adj. AvQbœ drawn, pulled, stretched
Terror (‡Uii) n. mš¿vm, AvZ¼ panic, fear, terror, dismay, awe security
Approaching (A¨v‡cÖvwPs) adj.mgxceZ©x, wbKU near, close, imminent, intimate
Hull (nj) n. Rvnv‡Ri KvVv‡gv
Phosphorescent (dmd‡i‡m›U) adj.AbycÖf
Wash (Iqvk) v. ‡avqv clean up, cleaning, clearance
Arrowhead (A¨v‡iv‡nW) n. ki shaft, sedge, arrow, bulrush, quill
Board (‡evW©) n. Z³v, cvUv plank, wood, dado, warranty get off
Formed (digW) adj. MwVZ mode, built, shaped, timbered unformed
Passenger (c¨v‡mÄvi) n. hvÎx traveler, goer, peripatetic, traveller
Conversation (Kbfvi‡mkb) n. K‡_vcK_b speech, talk, converse, colloguy
Necessary (‡b‡mmvwi) adj. Avek¨Kxq essential, obligate, indispensable unnecessary
Phrase (‡d«R) n. evK¨ sentence, saying, speech, idiom
Anticipation (Gw›Uwm‡ckb) v. cÖZ¨vkv Kiv expect, look forward, hope lag behind
Agreeable (GwMÖGej) adj. AgvwqK accommodating, bland, candid disagreeable
Atmosphere (A¨vU‡gvmwdqvi) n. evqygÛj environment, ambience, weather
Club (K¬ve) n. msN, mwgwZ society, committee, union, board
Punkah (cvsKvn&) n. UvbvcvLv punka
Flapping (d¬vwcs) v. SUcU Kiv slap, flitter, flutter
Bare-footed (‡eqvi-dz‡UW) adj. bMœc‡` barelegged, bootless
Turbaned (Uvi‡eÛ) n. kvi`
Reverently (‡ifv‡i›Uwj) adv. mkÖ× wP‡Ë irreverently
Salaaming (mvjvwgs) v. mvjvg Kiv
Maidan (‡gB‡Wb) n. gvV, gq`vb playing field, field, ground, course
Bronze (‡eªvÄ) n.
Zvgv I wU‡bi ksKi avZz, D×Ë¡
Clipped (wK¬cW) adj. QuvUv trimmed, cropped, excluded rambling
Moustache (‡gvDm‡UP) n. ‡Muvd mustache, whiskers, hackle
Galloped (M¨vjcW) v. `ªæZ AMÖmi nIqv haste, gallop, hasten
Fro (‡d«v) adj. BZ¯ÍZ, mvg‡b-wcQ‡b up and down, hic, jacet, intervals
Whacking (‡nvqvwKs) adj. AwZ e„nr prodigious, elephantine, immense
Ball (ej) n. ej
Glassy (Møvwm) adj. KvPZzj¨, PKP‡K vitreous, hyaline, hyaloids bumpy
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Turtles (Uvi‡Ujm) n. K”Qc tortoise

Snake (‡mœK) n. mvc serpent, viper, reptile
Floated (‡d¬v‡UW) adj. fvmv float, swim, wave, levitate sink
Basking (evw¯‹s) v. ‡cvnv‡bv bask, dawn, end, suffer, undergo
Fleet (wd¬U) adj. eni
Sampan (mv¤úvb) n. Pxbv †bŠKvwe‡kl
Reaching (wiwPs) v. ‡cuŠQv‡bv arrive, get at, get in, come in failure
Propelled (‡cÖv‡cjW) adj. ZvwoZ struck, scolded, urged, rebuked
Coal-black (‡Kvj-eøvK) adj.
gmxeY©, Kqjvi gZ Kv‡jv
Stained (‡÷BbW) adj. `vMx, csïj branded, dusty, vicious, sinful unstained
Redder (‡iWvi) adj. jvj, ivOv damask, gules, flushed, scarlet
Betel (weUj) n. cvb piper, betle, solder
Juice (Rym) n. im sap, flavor, purport, mercury, curry
Yelled (B‡qjW) v. wPrKvi K‡iwQj scream, shout, yell, call, bawl
Struggled (÷ªMjW) v. Kzw¯Í jov, msMÖvg Kiv wrestle, vie
Round (ivDÛ) adj. e„ËvKvi ringed, roundabout, orbed square
Gangway (M¨vs-I‡q) adj. Pjv‡divi c_
Descended (wW‡m‡ÛW) v. ‡b‡gwQj dismounted, disembarked, covered ascend, rise
Prow (‡cÖv) n. cÖmvwiZ AMÖfvM
Nosing (‡bvwRs) v. Nªvb jIqv savor, smell, nose, savour, sniff all, some, yes
Against (G‡MBÝU) pre. weiæ‡× in opposition to, versus for
Besought (wemU) n. Abybq
Yell (B‡qj) v. wPrKvi, D”P¯^i scream, shout, yell, howl, call
Wicked (DBKW) adj. we‡Ølc~Y©, Lvivc venomous, vicious, sinister virtous
Fit (wdU) adj. gvbvbmB, Dchy³ suitable, right, worthy, compatible disagree, unfit
Fellow (‡d‡jv) n. mnKg©x, mv_x colleague, brethern, partner, mate
Trick (wUªK) n. ‡KŠkj technique, deftness, fake, fetch real
Bat (e¨vU) n. ev`yi flying fox, titmous, vampire
Fetch (‡dP) n. Avbv, ‡`qv bring, get, contract, artifice take away
Kick (wKK) n. c`vNvZ, jvw_ spurn, toe, hoof, boot, foot cheer
Husband (nvme¨vÛ) n. ¯^vgx old man, man, hubby, master waste, wife
Planter (cøv›Uvi) n. Avev`Kvix, cÖeZ©K farmer, promoter, pioneer
Stepped (‡÷cW) v. IVv, Avn‡ivb Kiv runged
Rowed (‡ivDW) adj. evwnZ carried, steered, paddled
Sun-bright (mvb-eªvBU) adj. ‡iŠ`ªK‡iv¾¡j
Quay (wK) n. NvU, ‡RwU wharf, moorage, gorge, ghat, pier
Successful (mvK‡mmdzj) adj. mdj, ¯^v_©K fruitful, effectual, apt, effective unsuccessful
Orient (Iwi‡q›U) adj. cÖvPx, D`xqgvb cast, predominant, flourishing
Scent (‡m›U) n. NªvY, MÜ smell, odor, smelling, nose, odour deodorize
Sandalwood (m¨vÛvjDW) n. P›`bKvV sandal
Cinnamon (wmbvgb) n. `viæwPwb canella
Turmeric (Uvi‡gwiK) n. njy`
Bathed (ev_W) v. mœvb K‡iwQj scald, bath, bathe, wash, lave, wash
Lukewarm (jyKIqvg©) adj. Bl`yò, Aí Mig warm, tepid cool, enthusiastic
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Foamed (‡dvgW) adj. ‡dwbj spume, seethe, effloresce

Coca-Cola (‡KvKv-‡Kvjv) n. ‡KvKv‡Kvjv
Week (DCK) n. mßvn hebdomad, sennight
Fuelled (dz‡qjW) adj. R¡vjbxcÖvß
Crawled (µvDjW) v. eyu‡K nuvwUqv hvIqv crawl on all fours, creep, crawl, lag
Vast (fv÷) adj. mywekvj, Amxg infinite, limitless, endless small
Parched (cvP©W) adj. ﮋ, Dli morsoe, wizened, wizen, dry, arid wet, saturated
Plain (‡cøBb) adj. mgZj flat, level, smooth, horizontal cheer, fancy
Bounded (evD‡ÛW) adj. cwi‡ewôZ restrict, limit, bound, determine
Remote (wi‡gvU) adj. `~ieZ©x distant, far, farway, outlying nearby, likely
Edge (GR) n. cÖvšÍ side, edge, terminal, extreme, end centre
Hill (wnj) n. cvnvo mountain, hill, rock, dune, upland valley
Egret (B‡MÖU) n. eK, mvim stork
Poised (c‡qRW) adj. AwePj weight, poise, load, entrust, intrust unprepared
Motionless (‡gvkb‡jm) adj. wbðj, w¯’i stationary, at rest, still, static moving
Heron (‡nib) n. mvim
Pile (cvBj) n. Mv`v heap, stack, heaps, rick, bale
Chilli (wPwj) n. j¼v, gwiP chili, capsicum
Gleamed (wMøgW) v. R¡vjv, D¾¡j nIqv fire up, blaze, burn, flame up, shine
Crimson (wµgmb) adj. Avi³, AwMœeY© bloodshot, scarlet, reddish
Pagoda (c¨v‡MvWv) n. ‡eŠ×gw›`i, †`eg~wZ© idol, fetish, eidolon, baal
Rose (‡ivR) n. ‡Mvjvc hibiscus, rosa centifolia
Breast (‡eª÷) n. eyK chest, booking, heart, thorax
Supine (mycvBb) adj. Kzu‡o, Ajm sluggish, idle, inert, slothful
Giantess (Rvqvw›Um) n. `vbex night-hag
Early (Avwj©) adv. kxNª quickly, early, shortly, promptly late, middle
Tropic (UªwcK) adj. µvwšÍq, MÖx‡®§i tropical
Settled down (‡m‡UjW WvDb) v . ‡b‡g Avmv unsettled
Jolted (Rj‡UW) v. bvov †`qv, SvKzwb †`qv shake, budge, stir, move, push, jolt
Slowly (‡møvwj) adv. ax‡i ax‡i gradually, softly, slow, bit by bit quickly
Barbaric (evievwiK) adj. Avw`g primitive, pristine, primordial
Sounded (mvD‡ÛW) adj. aŸwbZ ringing, sonic, voiced, resounded
Darkness (WvK©‡bm) n. AÜKvi dark, eclipse, obscurity, murk, nigh light, lightness
Half-naked (nvd-b¨v‡KW) adj. Aa©bMœ
Knotted (b‡UW) adj. MÖwš’e× articulate, tied relaxed
Behind (wenvBÛ) adv-. wcQ‡b back, backward, abaft, aback in front, ahead
Moved (gyfW) v. bvov‡bv drived, led, driven, wielded, ruled unmoved
Torchlight (UP©jvBU) n. U‡P©i Av‡jv torch
Hideous (wnwWqvm) adj. exfrm, DrKU queer, grievous, severe, terrible
Demon (‡Wgb) n. ‰`Z¨, wckvP giant, monster, genic, prodigy angel
Plunged (cøvÄW) v. cÖ‡ek Kiv sunk, absorbed, drowned, dense
Forest (d‡i÷) n. eb wood, woodland, jungle, arbor
Unseen (Avbmxb) adj. A`„k¨ invisible, imperceptible, viewless noticeable
Branches (‡eª‡Âm) n. kvLv, Wvj section, affiliate, group, arm, part
Brushed (eªvkW) v. Svo– †`qv, gvRv broom, sweep, brush, flick
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Window (DB‡Ûv) n. Rvbvjv ventilator, eyelect, oxeye

Servant (mvi‡f›U) n. `vm, f…Z¨ menial, attendant, lackey, lacquey master
Shoulder (‡kvìvi) n. Kuva throat, neck, trunk, torso
Delicate (‡Wwj‡KU) adj. Dcv‡`q, my¯^v`y delicious, pleasant, weak, poorly rugged
Suppose (mv‡cvR) v. Abygvb Kiv guess, deduce, presume, infer
Pleased (wcøRW) adj. Lywk, Avbw›`Z happy, glad, delighted, gladsome displeased
Peered (wcqvW©) v. `k©b †`qv, DuwK gviv put in an appearence, peer, haunt
Half-whistle (nvd-ûB‡mj) n. g„`y wkl †`Iqv
Exclaimed (G·‡K¬BgW) v. ejv cry, exclaim, make much noise
Dammed (W¨vgW) adj. Awflß nIqv
Seized (wmRW) v. Rwi‡q a‡iwQj swallowed, devoured, eclipsed
Warmly (Iqvg©wj) adv. Dòfv‡e apathetically
Either (AvB`vi) adj. Ab¨Zi other
Frightened (d«vB‡UÛ) adj. fxZ, kw¼Z afraid, fearful, funky, pavid calm
Flock (‡d¬vK) n. SuvK swarm, crowd, flock, gaggle, shoal disperse
Flying (d¬vBs) adj. DošÍ aerial, flown, anonymous slow
Voyage (f‡qR) n. mg~`ªhvÎv sail, travel, journey, outing, tour
Companion (‡Kv¤úvwbqb) n. mnPi, m½x mate, escort, comrade, pander, peer
Unfriendly (Avb‡d«Ûwj) adj. cÖwZKzj unrelated, unfriended, adversity friendly
Glamorous (Møvgvivm) adj. gy»Ki glazing, lustrous, entrancing dull, unattractive
Narrator (b¨v‡iUi) n. K_K teller, speaker, story teller
Rather (iv`vi) adv. eis more
Critical (wµwUKvj) adj. msKUc~Y© tight, critical, ticklish, troublesome noncritical
Evidence (Gwf‡WÝ) n. cÖgvb, bwRi proof, standard, testimony, warrant
Disapproval (wWmGcÖæfvj) n. Abby‡gv`b disapprobation, disagreement approval
Competition (Kw¤úwUkb) n. cÖwZØw›ØZv antagonism, struggle, emulation cooperation
Anticipation (Gw›Uwm‡cBkb) n. cÖZ¨vkv hope, prospect, expectation
Skimmed (w¯‹gW) adj. B”QzK drawn, pulled, stretched
Spice (¯úvBm) n. gmjv flavoring, condiment, flavouring
Discharge (wWmPvR©) v. fvigy³ Kiv offload, unload, disburden charge, fill, convict
Several (‡mfv‡ij) adj. wewfbœ, K‡qK different, various, diverse, varied few
Occasion (I‡Kkb) n. Dcjÿ bout, purpose, aim, instance, turn
Compared (Kg‡cqvW©) adj. DcwgZ likened, comparable
Foam (‡dvg) n. ‡dbv froth, lather, bubble, bead, fret
Comparison (Kg‡cwiRb) n. Zzjbv compare, parallel, analogy, balance

Lesson: 3 Eco-tourism (B‡Kv- Uz¨wiRg) - ev¯‘ ch©Ub

Word Synonym Antonym

Ecotourism (B‡KvUzwiRg) n. ev¯Ích©Ub
Mind (&gvBb&W&) n. gb, ¯§„wZ heart, attention
Activities (GKwUwfwUm&) n. wµqvKjvc actions, deeds
Associate (A¨v‡mvwm‡qU) adj. RwoZ deputy, servitor dissociate
Professional (‡cÖv‡dkbvj) adj. ‡ckvMZ vocation, occupational non profession
Geographer (wRIMÖvdvi) n. f~wgÁvbx geographer
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -104

Writer (ivBUvi) n. ‡jLK Outer writer, reader

Scholar (¯‹jvÕi) n. cwÐZ pundit, bookmark
Adapted (GWvc‡UW) adj. Awf‡hvwRZ adopted mass-produced
Finished (wdwbkW) adj. mgvß complete, crowned unfinished
Discuss (wWmKvm) v. Av‡jvPbv Kiv consult, intrigue
Introduction (BbUªvWvKkb) n. role, preface conclusion
Dc¯’vcbv, wb‡`©kbv
Broadly (‡eªvWwj) adj. we¯Í…Zfv‡e extensively, large narrowly
Defined (wWÕdvBbW) v. msÁv_© wbY©q defined undefined
Impact (B¤ú¨v±) n. cÖfve power, impression
Endangered (Gb‡WBÄvi) v. wec‡` †djv calamitous, imperiled
Undisturbed (AvbwWmUve©W) adj. wbiæc`ªe unimpeded sate disturbed
Locations (‡jv‡Kkb) n. Ae¯’vb position, locus
Different (wWd‡i›U) adj. wfbœZi different, various like, same
Traditional (Uª¨vwWk&bvj) adj. HwZn¨evnx consecutive, traditional nontraditional
Allow (AvjvD) v. AbygwZ †`qv bear deny, forldid
Traveler (Uª¨v‡fjvi) v. ågbKvix goer, passenger
Educate (GWz‡KBU) v. wkwÿZ educated, lettered uneducated
Physical (wdwRKvj) adj. kvixwiK bodily, corporal mental
Landscape (j¨vb&W&‡¯‹Bc) n. cÖvK…wZK f~-`„k¨ landscape
Cultural (KvjPvivj) adj. ms¯‹…wZ welqK cultural
Characteristics (K¨v‡iKUvim) n. feature, landmark uncharacteristic
gvbwmK ev ˆbwZK ¸Yvewj
Provide (cÖvfvBW) v. ‡hvMvb †`qv shift, provide
Fund (dvb&W) n. Znwej capital, saving
Conservation (KbRvi‡fkb) n. msiÿY protection, preservation destruction, expenditure
Benefits (‡ewbwdUm&) n. DcKvi ev jvf favor, avail
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. DbœwZ prosperity, upliment devolution
Places (‡cøBm&) n. ¯’vb land, space divest
Impoverished (Bg‡cvfvwikW) v. `vwi`ª¨/ wbt¯^ poor, bad rich
Principles (wcÖwÝcvj) v. bxwZ theory
Popularity (ccyjvwiwU) n. RbwcÖqZv vogue unpopularity
Environmentally (Gbfvqib‡g›Uwj) adj.
Related (wi‡jBUW) v. RwoZ involved, united unrelated
Adventure (A¨vW‡fbPvÕi) n. Awfhvb peril, jeopardy
Various (‡fwiqvm) adj. wewfbœ defense, varied same
Trip (wUªc) v. cÖ‡gv` ågY trip
Classified (K¬vwmdvBW ) adj. ‡kÖYxe× classified, serial unclassified
However (nvIGfvi) adv. hv‡nvK tho, however though, as
Emphasize(GgdvmvBR) v. ‡Rvi †`Iqv emphasize, accepted
Conservation (KbRvi‡fBkb) n. msiÿY protection, upkeep distraction
Participation (cvwUwm‡cBkb) n. AskMÖnY sharing no-engagement
Visited (wfwR‡UW) v. mvÿvr Ki‡Z hvIqv visit
Therefore (‡`qvi‡dvi) a. ‡mB Kvi‡Y, AZtGe so, then, hence
Considered (KbwmWvW©) v. considered, calceolate rash
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -105

g‡bv‡hv‡Mi mv‡_ fvev

Minimize (wgwbgvBR&) v. b~¨bZg cwigvY Kgv‡bv decease, lessen maximise, overstate
Impact (Bg&c¨vKU&) n. cÖfve impression
Respect (‡imcK&U) n. m¤§vb honor, esteem, veneration disesteem, disrespect
Awareness (GIqvi‡bm) n. m‡PZbZv cognition, knowing incognizance
Practices (cÖ¨vKwUm&) n. Kg© ev Abyôvb exercise, drill
Ensure (GbwkIi) v. wbwðZ Kiv confirm, secure
Provides (cÖvfvBW) n. ‡hvMvb †`qv shift, provide
Positive (c‡RwUf) adj. BwZevPK sure, certain negative, neutral
Experiences (G·‡cwi‡qÝ) n. AwfÁZv feeling, sagacity inexperience
Host (‡nvm&U) n. wecyj guest
Direct (wiÕ‡iKU&) adj. ‡mvRv direct, straight collateral, inverse
Financial (dvBb¨vbwkqvj) adj. Avw_©K financial, monetary nonfinancial
Aid (GBW) v. mvnvh¨ help, assist thwart
Conservation (KbRvi‡fkb) n. msiÿY protection, upkeep expenditure
Empowerment (GgcvIqvig¨v›U) n. ÿgZvqb
Raise (‡iBR) v. DVv‡bv rase, honor demote, level
Awareness (AvIqvi‡b&R) n. m‡PZbZv knowing, knowledge incognizance
Political (cwjwUK&j) adj. ivóªxq diplomatic, shrewd nonpolitical
Environment (Gbfvqibg¨v›U) n.
PZzc©vÜ cwi‡ek
Social (‡mvkvj) v. `je× communal unsocial
Climate (K¬vB‡gU) n. Rjevqy elements
Example (G·v¤új) n. D`vniY instance, premise
Popular (ccyjvi) adj. RbwcÖq exoteric, pop unpopular
Spread (‡¯úªW) v. ‡g‡j aiv, Qov‡bv spread, extend fold, gather
Several (‡mfv‡ij) adj. KwZcq various, several few
Islands (AvBj¨vÛ) n. Øxc
Established (B›U¨vewjk) v. ¯’vcb Kiv founded, established unestablished
Unique (BDwbK) adj. Abb¨ single, identical common
Biodiversity (ev‡qvWvBfviwmwU) n.
Rxe ‰ewPΨ wewfbœ nIqv
Vary (f¨vwi) v. Ab¨iƒc nIqv devent conform
Whale (IGBj) n. wZwg whale, cow whale
Hiking (nvBwKs) v. nvBwKs hike
Strive (÷ªvBf) v. ‡Póv Kiv fight, get, buffer
Accommodation (A¨v‡Kv‡gv‡WBkb) n.
Impact (Bgc¨vKU) n. cÖfve influence, power
Natural (b¨vPvivj) adj. cÖvK…wZK physical, born artificial, flat, sharp
Destinations (‡WmwU‡bBkb) n. MšÍe¨¯’j target, goal, object
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍf~³© Kiv comprise, cover exclude
Apart (AvcvU©) adj. c„_K separately, aloof together
Opportunity (AciPzwbwU) n. my‡hvM convenience, avail
Exist (Bw·÷) v. _vK‡eB subsist stay
Places (‡cøBm) n. RvqMv land, space, room
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Worldwide (IqvìIqvBW) adj. wek¦e¨vcx global, universal local

Case (‡KBm) n. NUbv inshore, occurrence
Coral (‡Kvivj) n. cÖevj sprout
Roughly (ivdwj) adj. ‡gvUvgywU fv‡e exactly, every
Flat (d¬vU) n. mgvb plane contrasty
Entire (GbUvqvi) adj. mgMÖ whole, total, full incomplete
Walked (IqvKW) n. ‡n‡UwQ stroll, walk ride
Beauty (weDwU) n. ‡mŠ›`h© charm, noblemen ugliness
White Sandy (‡nvqvBU ÷¨vwÛ) n.
mv`v evjyKvgq
Beach (exP) n. ‰mKZ shore, sea beach
Fringed (wd«bRW) n. Svji cov‡bv frill, purl
Diverse (wWfvm©) adj. wewPÎ different, several, variant similar
Marine (‡gixb) adj. mvgyw`ªK oceanic, pelagic
Expansion (BKmc¨vbkb) n. m¤úªmviY spread, tract, streth contraction
Unregulated (Avb‡i¸‡j‡UW) n. wbqš¿Ynxb loose, unruled regulated
Facing (†dwms) v. gy‡LvgywL nIqv
Increasing (Bbµx‡qwRs) adv. µgea©gvb thriving, rising decreasing
Erosion (B‡ivkb) n. ÿq decay, wasting accretion
Contamination (KvbU¨vwg‡bBkb) n.AcweÎZv pollution, filth decontamination
Surface (mv‡d©m) n. c„ôZj back, rear face overhead, subsurace
Ground (MÖvDÛ) n. ¯’j land, place, site figure
Wildlife (IqvBìjvBd) adj. eb¨Rxeb
Displacement (wWm‡cøBmg¨vbU) n. DZ&cvUb prolapse, translocation
Biodiversity(evBAwWWvBfviwmwU) n.
Rxe ˆewPΨ
Threats (‡_ªUm) n. ûgwK blackmail, menace
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍf~³ Kiv comprise, cover, encircle
Dune (Wzb) n. evwjqvwo down, hill
Vegetation (‡fR‡UBkvb) n. MvQcvjv fauna
Establishment (B÷¨vewjkg¨v›U) n. settlement abolition
ms¯’v, ¯’vcb
Habitat (n¨vweU¨vU) n. Awaevmx residency, house
Degradation (‡W‡MÖ‡WBkvb) n. gh©v`vnvwb decay, fall, wane
Harvesting (nv‡f©w÷s) v. dmj KvUv harvest
Turtle (UvU©j) v. mvgyw`ªK K”Qc tortoise, dove
Indiscriminate (BbwWmwµwg‡b›U) n. medley, blind, equal discriminate
Exploitation (GKmcøB‡UBkb) n. absorption, soak
wbR ¯^v_©mvab, ‡kvlY
Resources (wi‡mvm©) n. Drm capital, fund, savings
Declared (wW‡K¬qvW©) - ‡NvlYv published, taken undeclared
Prohibiting (‡cÖŠwnwewnwUs) n. wb‡la Kiv prohibit, ben, help allow, permit
Unauthorized (AvbÕI_vivBRW) adj. Abvw`ó wildcat, illicit authorized
Construction (Kb÷ªvKkb) n. wbg©vb form, build
Despite (wWmcvBU) n. m‡Ë¡I hate, scorn
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -107

Mentioned (‡gbkbÕW) adj. D‡jøwLZ

Examples (BMRv¤újm) n. D`vniY instance
Suggest (mv‡R÷) v. cÖ¯Íve Kiv tip, hint, think
Several (‡mfivj) adj. wKQz, KwZcq different, other few
Criticisms (wµwUwmRg ) n. mgv‡jvPbv condemn, think praise
Increased (Bbµx‡qRW) n. ewa©Z grown, angry decreased
Sensitive (‡mbwmwUf) adj. ¯úk©KvZi fine, subtle insensible, insensitive
Planning (cø¨vwbs) v. cwiKíbv planning
Management (g¨v‡bRg¨v›U) n. e¨e¯’vcbv management, drift
Actually (A¨vKPzAvjwj) adj. cÖK…Zc‡ÿ indeed, nay apparently, supposdly
Harm (nvg©) n. ÿwZ harm, bale, evil
Ecosystem (B‡Kvwm‡÷g) n. e¯‘Zš¿
Species (¯úxkxR) n. cÖRvwZ sort, form
Infrastructure (Bbd«vm‡UKPvi). AeKvVv‡gv
Sustain (mvm‡UBb) n. a‡i ivLv carry, buoy negate
Contribute (KbwUªweDU) v. Ae`vb ivLv avail, set
Degradation(‡WMÖ‡WBkb) n. gh©v`vnvwb fall, decay
Critics (wµwUKm) n. mgv‡jvPK critic, reviewer
Negative (‡b‡MwUf) adj. bv m~PK negative, other neutral positive
Impact (Bgc¨vKU) n. cÖfve impact, power
Communities (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq people, band
Arrival (A¨vivBfvj) n. AvMgb arrived, born out, outside
Foreign (d‡iBb) adj. we‡`kx foreign, alien domestic, native
Visitor (wfwRUi) n. cwi`k©K caller, comer,
Wealth (IGj_) n. m¤ú` riches, goods poverty
Dependent (wW‡cb‡W›U) n. wbf©ikxj subject, by independent
Domestic(W‡gmwUK) adj. N‡ivqv home, homely foreign
Practices (cÖ¨KwUm&) n. cÖ‡qvM drill
Remain (wi‡gBb) v. evwK _vKv stay, lie, be change
Cautious (Kkvm) adj. mZK© canny, chary brave
Adverse (GWfvm©) adj. cÖwZKzj hostile, unfavorable favorable
Protect (cÖ‡U±) v. iÿv Kiv protact, save abuse, annihilate
Environment (Gbfvqig¨v›U) n. cwi‡ek circle, milieu
Ecosystem (C‡KŠwm‡÷g) n. ev¯‘ms¯’vb heaver, common
Endangered (Bb‡WÄviW©) v. wec‡` †djv pestered, indebted
Impoverished (BgcfvwikW) adj. `wi`ª poor, bare, bad rich
Hiking (nvBwKs) v. åg‡Y hvIqv hike
Critic (wµwUm) n. mgv‡jvPK critic, justice fan, sum
Species (¯úxkxm&) n. cÖRvwZ kind, sort
Deration(‡WMÖ‡WBkb) n. gh©v`vnvbx decay, fall
Booming (eygBs) n. K…ZKg©v booming, thriving
Business (weR‡bR) n. e¨emv trade, biz private
Operator (Acv‡iUi) adj. we‡ePbv, PvjK driver, pilot
Helpful (‡njcdzj) n. DcKvwi helpful, assistant unhelpful
Descend (wW‡mÛ) v. bvgv get out of, fall ascerd, risd
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -108

Protected (cÖ‡UK‡UW) adj. iwÿZ safe, sure, protected unprotected

Pristine (wcÖ÷vBb) adj. Avw`g past, chief new
However (nvIDBfvi) adv. hv‡nvK but, still, only
Cast (Kv÷) n. RvwZ
Doubt (WvDU) n. m‡›`n doubt, suspicion certainty
Damaging (W¨v‡gwRs) v. ÿwZKi harm, make harmless
Details (wW‡UBjm) n. we¯ÍvwiZ details, nicetice
Published (cvewjkW) adj. cÖKvwkZ published, mainden unpublished
Evolution (Cfvj~kb&) n. weeZ©b devolution
Disrupting (wWmivcwUs) n. e¨vnZ Kiv
Pointed (c‡q‡›UW) adj. Zxÿ&b pointed, clear pointless
Laying (‡jBs) v. wWg cvov laying
Hordes (‡nvW©m) n. DcRvwZ horde, shoal
Congregated (Ks‡MÖ‡M‡UW) v. R‡ov bring, muster
Bolder (‡eŠjWAvi) adj. bywo cvnvi stone, gem
Presence (‡cÖ‡RÝ) n. Dcw¯’wZ appearance
Tamer (‡UBgvi) n. ‡cvKv tamer, checker
Cautious (Kkvm) adj. mveavb careful brave, incautions
Risk (wi¯‹) n. SyuwK danger, gamble safety
Attacked (A¨UvKW) adj. AvµvšÍ invaded, affected defend
Threats (‡_ªUm) n. ûgwK blackmail, intimidation
Suffer (mvdvi) v. ‡fvMv bear, forbear be well, enjoy
Mortality (gU©vwjwU) n. bk¦iZv fatality immortality
Encounter (GbKvD›Uvi) a. mvÿvr meeting, call visibility
Predator (wcÖ‡WUi) adj. wkKvix
Added (A¨v‡WW) adj. ‡hvMK…Z subtract, take away
Interact (BbUviA¨vKU) n. wg_wµw¯Œqv interlude
Benign (webvBb) adj. djcÖ` kind, noble kindly making
Guard (MvW©) n. cvnvov patrol, watch theater
Essential (B‡mbkvj) adj. Acwinvh© necessary, inevitable adjective, inessential
Develop (‡W‡fjc) v. weKvk reveal, amplify contract, outline
Comprehensive (KgwcÖ‡nbwmf) adj. e¨vcK wide, mass, expansive non- comprehensive
Understanding (AvbWvi֬vbwWs) v. genial, responsive unsympathetic,
‡evaMg¨Zv ignorance
Situation (wmPzGBkb) n. cwiw¯’wZ state, status, position
Respond (‡i¯úÛ) v. mvov †`qv reply, react ignore
Visitation (wfwR‡UBkb) n. `k©b
Precise (wcÖmvBm) adj. h_vh_ proper- apt imprecise
Condition (KwÛkb) n. Ae¯’v environment situation
Exposure (BKm‡cvRvi) n. cÖKvk issue, disclosure, outpouring
Source (‡mvm©) n. Drm origin, root

Unit-10 Environment and Nature (Gbfvib&g¨v›U A¨vÛ †bBPvi) - cÖK…wZ I cwi‡ek

Lesson-1: Water, Water Everywhere... (IqvUvi, IqvUvi Gfwi†nvqvi) - cvwb, me©ÎB cvwb..
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -135

Interested (BbUv‡iBm‡UW) adj. AvMÖnx fond, devoted, loving uninterested

Information (Bb‡dvi‡gBkb) n. Z_¨ fact, actually, knowledge
Explain (G·‡cøBb) v. e¨vL¨v Kiv interpret, illustrate bewilder
Oral (Iivj) adj. ‡gŠwLK verbal aboral, anal
Presentation (‡cÖ‡R‡›Ukb) n. Dc¯’vcbv oration, representation
Expect (G·‡c±) n. Avkv Kiv hope, look for

Unit-12 Education and Life (GWz‡Kkb GÛ jvBd) - wkÿv Ges Rxeb

Lesson-1 Why Education (IqvB GWz‡KBkb?) - wkÿv ‡Kb?

Word Synonym Antonym

Education (GWz‡KBkb) n. wkÿv lesson, learning, study, knowledge
Life (jvBd) n. Rxeb existence, quick, lifetime death
Why (IAvB) adv. Kx Kvi‡b, †K‡bv by what means
Pair (‡cqvi) n. ‡Rvov couple, doublet one
Discuss (wWmKvm) v. Av‡jvPbv Kiv consent, intrigue
Related (wi‡jB‡UW) adj. m¤úwK©Z, mswkøó involved unrelated
Important (Bg‡cv‡U©›U) adj. significant, serious, momentous insignificant
¸iæZ¡c~Y©, ¸iæZi, Zvrch©c~Y©
Check (‡PK) v.
‡Kv‡bv wKQz mwVK wKbv cixÿv K‡i †`Lv
Ideas (AvBwWqv) n. wPšÍv Kiv notion, concept, thought
List (wj÷) n. ZvwjKv chart, schedule
Knowledge (b‡jR) n. Ávb wisdom, sense, knowing
Ability (A¨vwewjwU) n. mvg_¨©, mÿgZv power, caliber inability
Function (dvskb) n. ‡Kv‡bv e¯‘ ev e¨vw³i act, operation, duty, deed malfunction
we‡kl Kvh©, e„wË, Kg©, KvR e¨venvi
Meaningfully (wgwbOdzjx) adv. A_©c~Y©fv‡e meaninglessly
Decide (wWmvBW) v. dqmvjv Kiv, wm×všÍ †bIqv fix, ascertain, settle upon waver
Rationally (i¨vkbvjx) adv. hyw³hy³fv‡e fairly, well irrationally
Right (ivBU) adj. wVK, mwVK right, correct wrong, left
Choice (P‡qm) n. evQvB, cQ›` option, like, taste second rate
Learn (jvb©) v. ‡kLv, ÁvbvR©b Kiv study, read teach
Basic (‡eBwmK) adj. ‡gŠwjK, cÖv_wgK, wfwËK primary, initial, elementary collaborated, advanced
Operation (Acv‡iBkb) n. wµqv, wµqv c×wZ activity, action, function
Arithmetic (A¨vwi_gvwUK) n.
A¼kv¯¿, cvwUMwYZ
Gain (‡MBb) v. cÖvwß profit benefit
Self-confidence (‡mî Kbwd‡WÝ) adj. self-reliance
Think(w_¼) v. wPšÍv Kiv, fvev figure out, ponder, worry
Our-selves (AvIqvi‡mjf&m) n.
Avgv‡`i wb‡R‡`i‡K
Articulate (AvwU©Ky‡jU) adj. ¯^Zš¿ aŸwb I knotted, tied inarticulate
kãmg~‡ni ¯úóZvm¤ú~Y©, ¯úó
Thought (_vU) n. wPšÍv, fvebv idea, thinking
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -136

Pick Up (wcK Avc) v. ‡Zvjv

Skill (w¯‹j) n. `ÿZv efficiency, proficiency
Communicate (KwgDwb‡KU) v. ‡hvMv‡hvM Kiv contact
Manage (g¨v‡bR) v. wbqš¿Y Kiv handle, conduct, operate
Opinion (Awcwbqb) n. gZ, gZvgZ opinion, mind, view
World (Iqvì©) n. c„w_ex, RMZ earth, globe, terra
Appreciate (A¨vwcÖkx‡qU) v. cªmskv Kiv admire, applaud, okay depreciate
Offers (Advi&m) n. cÖ`vb Kiv give, pay
Critical (wµwUKvj) adj. m¼Uc~Y© tight, critical, ticklish, easy
Deviation (WxwfGBkb) v. c_Pz¨wZ inflexion, inflexion
Value (f¨vjy) adj. g~j¨‡eva
Import (Bg‡cvU©) v. Avg`vwb Kiv importation, onrush export
Rise (ivBR) n. DÌvb uprising, elevation fall
Hatred (‡nB‡UªW) n. N„Yv hate, enmity love
Conflict (Kbwd¬±) n. Ø›Ø ev hy× conflict, volition peace, agree
Follow (d‡jv) v. AbymiY Kiv ensue, pursue precede, predate
Awareness (A¨vIq¨vi‡bm) n. m‡PZbZv awareness incognizance
Lead (‡jW) n. cwiPvjbv Kiv leading, urge, drive
Development (‡W‡fjcg¨v›U) n. Dbœqb uplift, upliflment devolution
Personality (cvm©b¨vjwU) n. e¨vw³Z¡ figure, self
Begin (weÕwMb) v. ïiæ Kiv start end
Expand (G·cvÛ&) v. cÖmvwiZ Kiv ev nIqv expand, enlarge, spread contrast
Sense (‡mb&m)& n. Bw›`ªq knowledge, wisdom, learning
Belonging (wejswMs) v. ¯^Z¡vaxb nIqv enter, belong
Include (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍfz©³ Kiv include, comprise exclude
Large (jvR©) adj. weivU great, massive, main little, small
Country (Kvw›Uª) n. ‡`k lend, soil
Prepare (wcÖÕ‡cqvi) v. cÖ¯‘Z, ˆZix nIqv make, reade, equip
Active (A¨vKwUf) adj. Kwg©ô, mwµq abuzz, cive dormant
Member (‡g¤^vi) n. m`m¨ organ, body nonmember
Welfare (I‡qj‡dqvi) n. Kj¨vY good, benefit lii-being
Believe (wejxf) v. Av¯’v ivLv, wek¦vm Kiv believe, trust disbelieve
Release (wijxm&) v. gyw³ release, liberty block, confine
Potential (‡cv‡Ubwkqvj) adj. m¤¢vebxq strong, potential, stout actual
Inner (Bbvi) adj. AvšÍi sincere, earnest outer
Strength (‡÷ªš)’ n. kw³ power, force weak point, weakness
Sharpen (kvi‡cb) v. ZxÿèKib whet blur, dull
Intellect (Bb‡U‡j±) n. eyw× mind, brain, reasion emotion
Develop (‡W‡fjc) v. DbœwZ Kiv exhibit, reveal, spread
Creativity (wµ‡qwUwfwU) adj. m„RbkxjZv uncreative
Teach (UxP) v. wkÿv †`Iqv teach, instruct learn
Reason (ixRb) n. we‡eK judgement, reasoniny
Find (dvBÛ) n. cÖvwß search, trace lose
Solution (mjykb) n. mgvavb resolution, answer problem
Problem (cÖe‡jg) n. mgm¨v matter, puzzle solution
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -137

Productive (‡cÖvWvw±f) adj. Drcv`bkxj profitable consumptive

Society (‡mvmvBwU) n. mgvR community, tribe
Definition (‡Wwdwbkb) n. msÁv_© setting, rating haziness
Progressive (‡cÖv‡MÖwmf) adj. AMÖMwZkxj dynamic conservative
Liberal (wjevivj) adj. D`vi generous, bountiful, noble conservative
Respect (‡im‡c±) n. m¤§vb favor, rank disesteem, disrespect
Human (wnDg¨vb) adj. gvbyl mortal nonhuman
Diversity (WvBfvwm©wU) n. ‰ewPÎ diversity, variety uniformity
Cultural (KvjPvivj) adj. ms¯‹…wZwelqK cultural
Religious (wiwjwRqvm&) adj. ag©xq godly, religious irreligious
Difference (wWd&‡iÝ) n. cv_©K¨ odds, variety sameness
Practice (cÖvKwUm) v. PP©v Kiv exercise, drill perform
World (Iqvì©) n. RMZ universe earth
Place (‡cøBm) n. RvqMv land, space divest
Foster (dmUvi) v. jvjb cvjb nourish
Critical (wµwUKvj) adj. m¼Uc~Y© tight, critical, ticklish noncritical, uncritical
Provide (‡cÖvfvBW) v. h_v h_ shift, provide withhold
Competency (Kw¤ú‡UwÝ) n. expertness, progress incompetence
‡hvM¨Zv mvg_©¨, cvi`wk©Zv
Including (BbK¬zwWs) adj. AšÍfz©³ inclusive excluding
Skill (w¯‹j) n. `ÿZv ability
Enable (Bbve&j) v. mÿg Kiv enable, quality disable
Competitive (Kw¤úwUwUf) adj. cÖwZ‡hvMx competitive noncompetitive
Challenging (P¨v‡jwÄs) adj. AvcwËKi hard, tough easy
Circumstance (mvKvgm‡UÝ) n. cwiw¯’wZ environment
Teach (UxP) v. wkÿv †`Iqv prepare school learn
Appreciate (A¨vwcÖwk‡qU) v. mwVKfv‡e admire, applaud depreciate
Beauty (weDwU) n. my›`i charm, blossom, photo, glow ugliness
Bounty (evDw›U) n. `vb, cÖvP~h© gift, donation
Nature (‡bBPvi) n. wbmM©, cÖK…wZ temperament
However (nvIBfvi) adj. hv‡nvK however, though
Child (PvBì) n. wkï baby, child, babe parent
Poem (‡cvqvg) n. KweZv poetry, poesy prose
Best (‡e÷) adj. ‡kÖó ideal, picked worst
Teacher (UxPvi) v. wkÿK instructor student
Couple (Kvcj) n. `¤úwË couple, pair uncouple
Translation (Uªvb‡kølb) n. Abyev` rendering, version
Sky (¯‹vB) n. AvKvk heaven, air
Liberal (wjevivj) adj. D`vi bountiful, noble conservative
Motto (g‡Uv) n. bxwZevK¨ watchword
Industrious (BÛvmwUªqvm) adj. cwikÖgx active, sedulous indolent
Philosopher (wd‡jv‡mvdvi) n. `k©wbK realist
Guide (MvBW) n. wb‡`©wkKv guide, conduction, pilot
Combined (K¤^vBÛ) adj. mshy³ linked, combined uncombined
prepare (wcÖ‡cqvi) v. cÖ¯‘Z ready, make, equip destroy
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Future (wdDPvi) adj. fwel¨Z destiny past, present

Value (f¨vjy) n. g~j¨‡eva
Enrich (GbwiP) adj. mg„× Kiv enrich deprive, impoverish
Knowledge (b‡jR) n. Ávb wisdom, sense ignorance
Abilities (A¨vwewjwUm) n. mvg_¨© ability, power inability
Skills (w¯‹jm&) n. `ÿZv skill, proficiency
Teaches (Ux‡Pm) v. wkÿv †`Iqv prepare school learn
Individual (BwÛwfRyqvj) adj. ¯^Zš¿ personal, private common
Interpersonal (B›Uvicvi‡mvbvj) adj.
Organizational (AiMvbvB‡Rkbvj) adj. organic
Societal (‡mvmvBUvj) adj. mvgvwRK
Receiving (wiwmwfs) n. cÖvwß tasking, acceptance
Develop (‡W‡fjc) v. DbœwZ, weKvk reveal, display contract, outline
Self-respect (‡mjd †im‡c±) n. AvZ¥m¤§vb ego disesteem
Importance (Bg‡cvi‡UÝ) n. MyiæZ¡ gravity, worth unimportance
Honesty (A‡bw÷) n. mZZv sincerity, purity dishonesty
Trust (Uªv÷) n. wek^vm faith, believe distrust, mistrust
Others (Av`vim&) n. Ab¨vb¨ same
Compassions (Kg‡ckb) n. mg‡e`bv pity, sympathy coldness
Aware (A¨vIq¨vi) adj. m‡PZb ware, aware unaware
Need (bxW) n. cÖ‡qvRb necessity, requirement
Protect (cÖ‡U±) v. iÿv Kiv save, maintain abuse
Environment (Gbfvib‡g›U) n. cwi‡ek conditions, setting
Combine (K¤^vBb) v. ‡gkv combine, mix separate
Deviate (wWfxGBU) v. c_ åó nIqv nod, way conform
Path (c¨v_) n. c_ way, path, road
Unless (Avb‡jm). bv n‡j unless, if not
Bad (e¨vW) adj. Lvivc evil, wicked good, unregretful
Company (‡Kv¤úvwb) n. m½ association individual, isolation
Famous (‡dBgvm) adj. weL¨vZ famed, eminent unknown
Writer (ivBUvi) v. ‡jLK write, pen reader
Once (Iqbm&) adv. GK`v once, at one time, on time now
Door (‡Wvi) n. `iRv gate, portal
Prison (wcÖRb) n. KvivMvi jail, locup
Below (we‡jŠ) adv. wb‡P below, under over
Stories (‡÷vixm) n. Mí¸wj story, tale
Cherish (‡Pwik) v. ‡¯œn Kiv, jvjb Kiv fanny, cove
Possess (‡cv‡RR) v. ‡Kv‡bv wKQyi AwaKvix empower remove
Starfish (÷viwdk) n. Zviv gvQ starfish, asteroid
Story (‡÷vwi) n. AZxZ NUbvi weeib, Mí tale, fiction
Walk (IqvK&) v. nuvUv trump, way turning ride
Along (Gjs) pre. eivei by, toward
Beach (exP) n. mgy`ªZxi shore, sea beach
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -139

Until (AvbwUj) conj. Aewa until, till, up to

Across (A¨vµm) pre. Gcvi Icvi diagonally, across
Throw (‡_ªŠ) v. ‡Qvov throw, cast, throw down catch
Something (mvgw_s) pron. ‡Kv‡bv wKQz aught a lot
Breaking (‡eªwKs) n. f½ breaking, violation,
Waves (I‡qfm&) n. Zi½ waves
Inspection (B݇cKkb) n. cixÿY view, review
Tossing (Uwms) v. D‡aŸ©wb‡ÿcY, bvov‡bv tossing
Stand (÷¨vÛ) v. `vuov‡bv stay, remain lie
Sandy (m¨vwÛ) n. ‡e‡j
Ocean (I‡kb) n. gnvmvMi profound, sea
Young (Bqvs) adj. hyeK new, newish, fresh old
Asked (Av·W) adj. wRÁvmv Kiv imploded, asked reply, respond
Still (÷xj) adj. GL‡bv yet, even
Rises (ivBR) n. DVv rise, uprising, emergence fall, go to bed
Die (WvB) v. giv die, kick off be born
Answer (GÝvi) n. DËi reply, response question
Ridiculous (wiwWwKDjvm) adj. nvm¨Ki ludicrous sensible
Hundred (nv‡ÛªW) adj. kZ centenary
Thousand (_vD‡RÛ) adj. nvRvi millenary, chiliad
Matter (g¨vUvi) n. e¨cvi thing
Difference (wWd‡iÝ) n. cv_©K¨ variety, impunity, odds
Another (A¨vbv`vi) adj. Ab¨vb¨ second the same
Finding (dvBwÛs) n. Avwe¯‹vi find
Happiness (n¨vwc‡bm) n. myL bliss sadness
Group (MÖæc) n. `j party, outfit
Attending (A¨v‡UwÛs) v. Dcw¯’Z _vKv
Seminar (‡mwgbvi) n. Av‡jvPbv mfv conference, consultation
Stage (‡÷BR) n. g bout
Speaker (¯úxKvi) n. e³v voice
Decide (wWmvBW) v. wm×všÍ ‡bqv fix, ascertain waver
Activity (A¨vKwUwfwU) n. KvRKg© action, work inaction, inactivity
Illustrate (Bjv‡÷ªU) v. wPwÎZ Kiv explain, set, out
Point (c‡q›U) n. AMÖ, gyL, `dv point, drop
Making (g¨vwKs) v. ‰Zix Kiv building, enacting ruination, undoing
Each (BP) adj. cÖwZ, cÖ‡Z¨K every, each
Attended (A¨v‡Ub‡WW) adj. ‡hvM w`‡qwQ‡jb
Collected (Kv‡j‡±W) adj. msM„nxZ culled, raised uncollected
Room (iæg) n. Kÿ chamber, darkroom
Everyone (GfwiIqvb) pro. (cÖ‡Z¨‡K) everyone, everybody no one
Frantically (d«vbwUKwj) adj. wÿß n‡q frantically, furiously calmly
Searched (mvP©W) adj. AbymÜvb researched, sought
Colliding (KvwjwWs) v. av°v ‡L‡Z †L‡Z dash, be shocked
Pushing (cywks) n. ‡Vjv †Vjx shoving
Around (A¨vivDÛ) adj. Pviw`‡K round exactly
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Utter (AvUvi) v. D”PvwiZ relate, utter partial

Choose (P~R) v. ‡e‡Q ‡bIqv select reject
At the end (GW w` BbW) pre. cwi‡k‡l
Own (Jb) adj. wb‡Ri own, germen
Collect (Kv‡j±) v. msMÖn Kiv collect sprat
Person (cvimb) n. e¨vw³ man, individual, soul machine, zombie
Within (DB_Bb) adv. g‡a¨ inside, within outside
Began (weMvb) v. ïiæ start, begin, commence
Everyone (GfwiIqvb) pro. (cÖ‡Z¨‡K) all, every no one
Frantically (d«vw›UK¨vwj) adv. wÿß n‡q furiously calmly
Knowing (‡bvBs) adj. eyw×gvb intelligent, rational
Purpose (cvicvm&) n. D‡Ïk¨ motive, purpose
Pursuit (cvimyBU) n. Abymib, mvabv pursuit, worship

Lesson-02 The Parrot’s Tale (`¨v c¨viUm© †Uj) - wUqv cvwLi Mí

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Parrot (c¨viU) n. wUqv cvwL
Tale (‡UBj) n. Mí story, fiction, accents truth
Partner (cvU©bvi) n. Askx`vi associate, copartner, mate superior
Discuss (wWmKvm) v. Av‡jvPbv consult, reason, speculate
Question (‡Kv‡qðb) n. cÖkœ inquiry, questioning, plea answar
Education (GRy‡KBkb) n. wkÿv lesson, learning, study
According to (A¨v‡KvwWs Uy ) conj. Abymv‡i to, in conformity with, after
Ultimate (AvjwU‡gU) adj. PzivšÍ final, crucial, utmost proximate
Goal (‡MŠj) n. jÿ¨ destination, target, motive
Associate (Av‡mvwm‡qBU) adj. mn‡hvwM co-operator, deputy, seruitor dissociate
Short (k©U) adj. mswÿß summary, concise, little, less long, retentive, tall
Story (‡÷vwi) n. Mí tale, fiction, description
Once (IAvÝ) adv. GK`v sometime, one day, one time now
Live (wjf) v. evm Kiv dwell, reside
Bird (evW©) n. cvwL fowl, slip, blind
Unlettered (Avb‡jUvW©) adj. AwkwÿZ ignorant, inexpert, barbarian literate
Song (ms) n. Mvb lyric, anthem, music
Recite (wimvBU) v. Ave„wË Kiv recur, return, study
Scripture (w¯ŒcPv (i)) n. kv¯¿ holy book, divinity
Hope (‡nŠc) n. Avkv prospect, expectancy, promise despair
Fly (d¬vB) n. gvwQ flier, guy, wing stand your ground
Sense (‡mÝ) n. Bw›`ªq knowledge, wisdom, sentiment observe
Manner (g¨vbvi) n. c×wZ method, system, kind
Such (mvP) adj. †hgb similar, certain, similar
Use (BDm) n. e¨envi benefit, convenience, avail conserve, detriment
Yet (BGU) adv. GL‡bv more, still, hereto
Divorce (wW‡fvm©) n. weevn we‡”Q` sacrifice, intercept, seclusion marriage, associate
Forest (d‡i÷) n. eb, R½j wood, jungle, arbon
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Bringing (weªsBs) v. Avbqb bringing, induction, fetching

Profit (cÖwdU) n. gybvdv gain, avail, favor break, even, lose
Fruiterer (d«zUAvivi) n. dj we‡µZv
Royal (iqvj) adj. ivRKxq regal, kingly, monarchical
Market (gv‡K©U) n. evRvi bazar, plaza, fair
Summoned (mv‡gvÛ) v. wbgwš¿Z, AvÁvwcZ invited, called
Commanded (Kgvb‡WW) n. Av½vwcZ ordered
Task (UvmK) n. K…Z¨, KvR motive, duty, ought
Nephews (‡bwdDm) n. fvwMbv niece
Learned (jvb©W) adj. Ávbx wise, adept, erudite unconditioned
Court (‡KvU©) n. Av`vjZ court, law court
Deliberated (‡Wwjev‡i‡UW) adj. †¯^”QvK…Z considered unstudied
Pondered (cbWvW©) v. wPšÍv Kiv think, worry, consider
Reason (ixRb) n. KviY reason, mind, sake
Ignorance(BM‡bv‡iÝ) n. AÁZv stupidity, foolishness knowledge
Creature (µx‡qPvi) n. Rxe creature, beast
Conclusion (KbK¬zRb&) n. Dcmsnvi conclusion, end beginning
Nest (‡b÷&) n. cvwLi evmv abode
Straw (ֻ) n. Li hay, thatch
Twigs (UzBM) n. ‡QvU Wvj lid, spring
Knowledge (b‡jR) n. Ávb wisdom, sense ignorance
Therefore (‡`qvi‡dvi) adj. Zvici therefore, after now
Proper (cÖcvi) adj. mwVK proper, good improper
Cage (‡KBR&) n. LuvPv cage, jail
Scholars (¯‹jvim) n. cwÛZ student, scholar
Receive (wiwmf) v. MÖnY Kiv take, accept say farewell
Handsome (n¨vÛmvg) adj. my`k©b handsome, comely ugly
Goldsmith (‡Mvìw¯§_) n. ¯^Y©Kvi goldsmith
Gilded (wMj‡WW) adj. ‡mvbvjx golden, gold-colored
Turned (Uvb©W) v. cwibZ nIqv
Exquisite (GKmKzBwRU) adj. m~² fine, acute ugly, dull
Workmanship (IqvK©g¨vbwmc) n. Kg©x workman, toiler
Far (dvi) adj. G ch©šÍ remote, far near
Near (wbqvi) adj. KvQvKvwQ near, to far
Round (ivDbW) adj. e„ËvKvi round, oval square
Excellence (GKwm‡jÝ) n. †kÖôZ¡ excellence, odds mediocrity
Nothing (bvw_s) n. wKQz bv nothing, zero anything
Lucky (jvKx) adj. fvM¨evb lucky, good unlucky
Delighted (wWjvB‡UW) adj. Aby‡gvw`Z pleased, enchanted unhappy
Bagful (e¨vMdzj) adj. GK _wj‡Z hZ cwigvY bagful
Rewards (wiIqvW©) n. cyi®‹vi award, prize dishonor
Pinch (wcbP&) n. wPgwU KvUv pinch, tweak
Snuff (¯œvd) n. bm¨ ev bv¯Ív sneeff, lota
Declared (wW‡K¬qvW©) adj. †NvwlZ pubilished, taken undeelard
Matter (g¨vUvi) n. e¨vcvi matter, thing
HSC Textual Dictionary page no -142

Just A Few (Rv÷ G wdD) ph. AwZ mvgvb¨

Scribe (¯ŒvBe) v. †jLv author, writer, recorder
Multiple (gvjwUcj) adj. eû pen- jot down, trace single
Copy (Kwc) n. Abywjwc cole, transcript original
Various (‡fwiqvm) adj. wewfbœ different, several, varied same
Untill (AvbwUjj) conj. Aewa
Veritable (‡fwi‡Uej) adj. h_v_©, LvwU right, actual, correct false
Mountain (gvD‡›UBb) n. ce©Z hill, rock, dune
Exclaimed (GK¯øvB‡gW) v. AevK n‡q cry, call, chafer
Knowledge (b‡jR) n. Ávb wisdom, sense, learning ignorance
Load (‡jŠW) n. fvi gravity, charge, clog unload, eject, alleviate
Wage (I‡qBR) n. †eZb pay, hire, salary, due
Bullocks (evjjk) n. lvo ox, bull
Merrily (‡gwiwj) adj. dzwZ©‡Z gaily, factiously, fair unhappily
Headed (‡n‡WW) v. cÖ‡ek K‡iwQj headless, unheaded
Again (G‡MBb) adv. Avevi then, freshly, afresh
Anything (Gwbw_s) n. wKQz marge, psora nothing
Constantly (KÝU¨v›Uwj) adj. cÖwZwbqZ always, constantly, ever intermittently
Busy (wewR) adj. e¨¯Í engaged, impatient, worried idle
Expensive (G·‡cbwmf) adj. e¨vqeûj costly, valuable cheap
Repair (wi‡cqvi) v. †givgZ mending, refit, reparation break
Endless (GÛ‡jm) adj. Amxg unremitting, infinite, limitless finite
Dusting ( Wvw÷s) n. Svov winnowing, brushing, jolt, cleaning
Wiping (IAvBwcs) v. †gvQv wiper
Polishing (cwjwks) n. gm„YZv pardon, forgiving, scouring
Agree (GwMÖ) v. GKgZ admit, obey, accede disagree
Improvement (BBcÖæf‡g›U) n. DbœwZ development, uplift, prosperity decline
Maintenance (‡gB‡›Ub¨vÝ) n. iÿbv‡eÿb charge, protection, custody destruction, neglect
Personnel (cv‡m©vbvj) n. Kwg©e„›` rank, army
Supervise (mycvifvBm) v. Z`viwK pitch, hoist, try
Salary (m¨vjvwi) n. †eZb pay, earning, wages
Wooden (D‡Wb) n. Kv‡Vi woodly, timbered expressive
Chest (‡PmU) n. eyK breast, booking, heart
Cousins (KvwRÝ) n. PvPv‡Zv fvb, ‡evb
Cushioned (KzkbW) adj. AvivgcÖ`
Comfort (Kg‡dvU©) n. mvšÍbv consolation, solace, ease discomfort
Detractor (wWUª¨vKUi) n. nib robbing, divisor, shortness
Better (‡eUvi) adj. DËg best worsen, worse
Doubt (WvDU) n. m‡›`n suspicious, mistrust certainly
Notice (‡bvwUm) n. weÁwß circular, mention, allusion ignore
Report (wi‡cvU©) n. cÖwZ‡e`b report, news
Majesty (g¨v‡Rw÷ª) n. gwngv prestige, glory
Summon (mvgb) v. WvwKqv cvVvb call summon
Scholar (¯‹jvi) n. cwÛZ scholar, student
Scribe (¯ŒvBe) n. †jLK author, writer
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Maintenance (‡gBb‡Ub¨vÝ) n. iÿbv‡eÿb charge, feeding destruction

Crew (µz) n. bvw`K`j party, crew
Supervisor (mycvifvBRvi) n. Kg©KZ©v officer, official
Share (‡kqvi) n. fvM share, part keep to yourself
Bounty (evDbwU) n. cÖvP~h© bounty
Slander (¯øbWvi) n. Acev` slander, dirt compliment
Everything (Gfwiw_s) pro. me all, everything nothing
Gold Chain (‡Mvì †PBb) n. †mvbvi gvjv
Wished (DBk) n. B”Qv wish, will begrudge
Himself (wng‡mî) pro. wb‡R herself
Awesome (Amvg) adj. AmvaviY awesome
Counselor (KvD‡Ýji) n. civgk©`vZv counselor, advisor
Courtier (‡KvwU©qvi) n. ivRmfvl`
Musicians (wgDwRwkqvb) n. m½xZ wkíx composer, singer
Struck (ֻvK) adj. ZvwoZ propedlled, urged
Wind (DBÛ) n. evqy air, blow unwind
Percussion (cviwKDkvb) n. m•Nl© percussion, blow
Instrument (BÝUªy‡g›U) n. hš¿ device, tool
Shook (‡mvK) n. SuvKvb shake, hitch
Sacred (‡m‡µW) adj. cweÎ holy, pious profane
Tufts (UzcUm) n. ¯ÍeK bunch, tuft
Loudly (jvDWwj) adv. D”P¯^‡i loudly, aloud piano, softly
Chanted (Pv‡›UW) v. ‡M‡qwQj sang
Mantas (g¨vbwUm) n. KxUwe‡kl worker, laborer
Workmen (IqvK©‡gb) n. Kg©x worker, laborer
Laborer (‡jBevivi) n. kÖwgK workman
Goldsmiths (‡Mvìw¯’g) n. ¯^Y©Kvi
Numerous (wbD‡givm) adj. A‡bK many, rich few
Cousins (KvwRÝ) n. PvPvZ fvB cousin
Slogan (‡møvMvb) n. wRwMi motto, slogan
Praise (‡cÖBR) n. cÖksmv praise, eulogy criticize
Astonishing (G÷wbwks) v. we®§qKi wonderful, amazing, wondrous predictable
Din (wWb) n. Zvjv jvMv‡bv deafer, over mike
Negligible †bMwj‡Rej) adj. Zz”Q trivial, potly, dime significant
Noise (b‡qR) n. †Mvjgvj tumult, crack, cain silence
Pleased (wcøRW) v. Lywk happy, glad, delighted displeased
Mount (gvD›U) n. ce©Z mountain, hill, rock hope out, wane
Elephant (Gwjdv›U) n. nvwZ jumbo, pill
Fault-Finders (‡dvë-dvBbWvim) n.
f~j ‡Luv‡R †h
Lurking (jviwKs). jyKv‡bv
Bushes (ey‡km) v . ‡Svc-Svo shrub, delphinium, military
Startled (÷vU©jW) v. nZevK startled, timid
Forgotten (‡dvi‡M‡Ub) n. we¯§„Z unremembered, immemorial
Conduct (KbWvKU) n. cwiPvjbv pickles, rite
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Demonstration (‡Wg݇UªBkvb) n. cÖwZcv`b decision, accomplishment concealment

Advanced (A¨vWfvÝW) adv. AMÖmi leading, moving, forward basic, earlier
Hardly (nvW©wj) adv. K`vwPr scarcely
Visible (wfwRej) adj. `„k¨gvb invisible
Seemed (mxgW) v. Ki‡jv, g‡b nIqv look, appear
Necessary (‡b‡mmvwi) adj. cÖ‡qvRbxq essential, obligate unnecessary
Satisfied (m¨vwUmdvBW). mš‘ó content, glad, happy dissatisfied
Arrangements (A¨v‡iR‡g›U) n. e¨e¯’v provision, treatment
Inside (BbmvBW) n. wfZ‡i inwardly, under outside, outdoors
Reams (ixgm) n. ixg reams
Thrust (_ªvmU©) v. †Vjv †`Iqv press, push
Quill (KzBj) n. Kjg pen, grafting
Stopped (÷cW) v. eÜ n‡qwqj suspended, ceased
Scope (‡¯‹Šc) n. my‡hvM chance, opportunity
Screeching (¯‹…wPs) n. ZxÿY aŸwb Kwi
Thrilling (w_ªwjs) n. ‡ivgÂKi gruesome dull
Mounted (gvD‡›UW) n. mIqvi riding, seated
Ordered (AW©viW) v. Av‡`k w`‡qwQj instruected, stated
Officer (Awdmvi) n. Kg©KZ©v supervisor, manager
Entrusted (GbUªv‡÷W) v. b¨v¯Í placed, portrayed
Twisting (UzBw÷s) n. †gvPo crack, riper
Mischief (wgmPx) n. `yózwg perversity, knavery beneficence
Predictably (‡cÖwWK‡Uewj) n. Av›`v‡Ri unpredictable
Weakened (DB‡KÛ) v. mvßvwnK QzwUi w`b workday
Tutors (wU¨DUi) n. M„nwkÿK tutor, teacher student
Considered (KbwmWvW©) v. we‡ePbv K‡iwQj consider, weigh disregard
Still (w÷j) adv. GL‡bv but, still agitate, moving
Innate (B‡bBU) adj. mnRvZ inherent, natrat conditioned
Flutter (d¬vUvi) n. SvcUvwb flutter, fash
Reprehensible (‡icwi‡nbwmej) adj. wb›`bxq culpable, reprehensibly innocent
Feeble (dxej) adj. `ye©j richety, weak strong, effective
Impudence (Bgcy‡WÝ) n. wbj©RZv boldness, pride respect
Inspector (B݇c±i) n. cwi`k©K visitor, tester
Blacksmith (eøvKw¯§_) n. Kvgvi blacksmith, forger
Arrived (AiBf) v. †cŠQv arrive, come leave
Furnace (dv‡b©m) n. AwMœKzÐ furnace, fire pit
Bellows (‡e‡jŠRm) n. nvco bellow, furnace, chimney
Hammer (n¨vgvi) n. nvZzwo hammer, scold
Anvil (A¨vbwfj) n. †bnvB anvil, block
Thunderous (_vÛvim) adj. eRªhy³ thunderous
Hammering (n¨vgvwis) v. hammer
nvZzwo w`‡q AvNvZ Kiv
Chain (‡PBb) n. wkKj bands, cable unchain
Fastened (dv‡mÛ) adj. euvav planted, tied, worn untied, untutored
Foot (dyU) n. cv foot, leg head
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Wings (DBsm) n. Wvbv wing, fir

Trimmed (wUªgW) adj. QuvUvB trimmed, cut untrimmed
Greatly (‡MÖBUwj) adv. AwZkq greatly, apart hardly
Annoyed (G‡bv‡qW&) adj. D˨³ annoyed, het up pleased
Kingdom (wKsWg) n. ivR¨ reign, land
Stupid (÷zwcW) adj. †evKv stupid, silly smart
Ungrateful (Avb‡MÖUdzj) adj. AK…ZÁ barren, very nice grateful
Armed (Avg©W) adj. mk¯¿ armed armless
Lance (j¨vÝ) n. ejøg spear, javelin
Memorable (‡g‡gv‡iej) adj. ¯§iYxq unforgettable
Demonstration (‡Wg݇UªBkvb) n. cÖ`k©b demonstration concealment
Trade (‡UªW) n. evwYR¨ trade, deal, business
Flourished (‡d¬vwikW) adj. Dw`Z emerged, riser
Extent (G·U¨v›U) n. e¨vwß range, length, sprecd extinct
Ornaments (Ab©v‡g›Um) n. Ajs¼vi ornament, dress
Bedecked (‡e‡W±) adj. LwPZ impressed, bedecked
Alertness (GjvU©‡bm) n. mZK©Zv care, alertness trance
Medal (‡g‡Wj) n. c`K medal, kudo
Died (WvBW) v. gviv wM‡q‡Q die, fall off
Known (‡bŠb) v. cwiwPZ informed, cognizant unknown
Godforsaken (‡MvWdimv‡Kb) n. Z¨vR¨
Detractors (wWUª¨vKUim) v. wb›`yK
Rumor (wiDgvi) n. ¸Re talk, report fact
Forbid (diweW) v. wb‡la Kiv veto, prohibit allow, permit
Screech (‡¯ŒP) n. KK©k aŸwb Kiv
Fed (wdW) v. LvIqv‡bv
Cavalry (K¨vfjwi) n. Ak¦v‡ivwn evwnbx rangers, horse
Squeak (¯‹zBK) n. ‡PPv‡bv
Stomach (÷gvK) n. ‡cU belly, tummy
Rustling (iv÷wjs) n. LPg‡P
Noise (b‡qR) n. ‡Mvjgvj tomah, crack silence
Dry (WªvB) n. ïKè arid, dull wet, sweet
Outside (AvDU mvBW) n. evwn‡i beyond, beside indoor
Spring (w¯úªs) n. emšÍ prime, oozing autumn
Sigh (kvB) n. `xN©k¦vm sigh
Southerly (mvD`viwj) adj. `wÿ‡b austral, south
Breeze (eªxR) n. g„`yg›` evZvm turmoil, unrest gale
Filling (wdwjs) v. fwZ© Kiv appointment, fulfillment light, meager
Budding (eywWs) adj. weKvkgvb formative, steady
Forest (d‡i÷) n. eb RsMj wood, jungle
Tress (wUªm) n. MvQ plant, arbor, grower
Wistful (DB÷÷zj) adj. Kzdix intense, serious satisfied
Melancholy (†gjvbKwj) n. gbgiv broody, dejected cheerful, cheerfulness
Satire (m¨vUvqvi) n. we`ªæc ridicule, banter
Genre (Rvbiv) n. ixwZ style, custom, system
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Literature (wjUv‡iPvi) n. mvwnZ¨ writing, composition

Performing (cvidwg©s) n. Kib m¤úv`b work, done
Vices (fvB‡mm) n. Lvivc, cvc scandal, blemish, slur
Follies (‡dvwjm) v. gyL©Zv folly, silliness, idiocy
Abuses (GweDR) n. wbh©vZb misuse, misconduct
Shortcoming (kU©Kvwgs) n. ÎæwU blame, ghat virtue
Ridicule (wiwWKj) adj. Dcnvm mock, quiz, taunt
Ideally (AvBwWAvwj) n. Av`k©fv‡e mentally
Intent (Bb‡U›U) adj. AwfcÖvq intention, meaning, motive
Shaming (‡kwgs) n. Acgvb Kiv affront, insult, outrage
Individuals (BbWzwfRyAvjm) n. e¨vw³ person, man, soul common
Corporations (Kc©‡ikÝ) adj. †cŠimfv marketplace, exit
Improvement (BgcÖæfg¨v›U) v. DbœwZ uplift, prosperity decline
Government (Mfb©g¨v›U) n. miKvi regime, state, ruler
Tragedy (Uª¨v‡RwW) n. `ytLRbK NUbv tragedy, buskin
Dealing (wWwjs) adj. Kvievix behavior, act, trade
Tragic (UªvwRK) adj. Kiæb tragic joyous
Events (B‡f›U) n. NUbvejx events
Concerning (Kbmvwb©s) adj. wel‡q about, of, over unconcern
Downfall (WvDbdj) n. cZb fall, falling rise
Comedy (K‡gwW) n. †KŠZzK joke, force tragedy
Amusing (GwgDwRs) adj. gRv`vi amusing, joke shocking
Satirical (m¨v‡UwiKvj) adj- we`ªæcvZ¥K satirical, pesky
Humorous (wnd‡gvivm) adj- imvZ¥K witty, sappy humorless
Tone (‡Uvb) n. ¯^i tone, tune
Generally (‡Rbv‡iwj) adv. mvaviYZ usually, as a rule narrowly, specifically

Lesson-3: Civil Engagement (wmwfj Gb‡MRg¨v›U) – bvMwiK KvRKg©

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Civic (wmwfK) adj. bvMwiK urban, town private
Engagement (Bb‡MBRg¨v›U) n. wbhyw³, Kg© non-engagement
Activities (A¨vKwUwfwUR) n. wµqvKjvc actfons, deeds
Locality (‡jvKvwjwU) n. emwZ space, place
Related (wi‡jB‡UW) adj. mswkøó involved, united unrelated
Finished (wdwbkW) adj. mgvß closed, full unfinished
Grid (wMÖW) n. wMÖW. wMÖW †Uwej sieve, colander
Volunteerism (fjvbUvwiRg) n. ‡¯^”Qv‡mweZv
Service (mviwfm) n. ‡mev office, host disservice
Similar (wmwgjvi) n. Abyiæc like, akin unlike
Education (GRy‡KBkb) n. wkÿv tuition, study
Aims (GBgm) n. jÿ¨ goal, destination
Bring (weªs) v. Avbv get, contract take away
Positive (cwRwUf) adj. abvZ¥K plus, sure negative
Change (‡PBbR) n. cwieZ©b
Behavior (we‡nwfqvi) n. AvPiY act, usage, low
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Society (‡mvmvBwU) n. mgvR party, class

Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq people, society isolation
Inspire (BÝcvqvi) v. AbycÖvwbZ Kiv spur, motivate exhale
Illuminate (Bj~wg‡bBU) v. R¡vjvb fire, flame confuse
Compete (KgcøxU) adj. m¤ú~Y© full, entire incomplete
Grads (‡MÖBWm) n. ‡kÖwYmg~n class, range
Receiving (wimxwfs) n. MÖnY Kiv taking, zeal dispatch
Certificates (mvwU©wd‡KU) n. mb`cÎ document, attest
Better (‡eUvi) n. DËg
Expected (BKm‡cK‡UW) adj. cÖZ¨vwkZ hoped, desired
Apply (AvcøvB) v. cÖ‡qvM Kiv invest, paint beg defy
Knowledge (b‡jR) n. Ávb sense, ability
Values (f¨vwjDR) n. gvb, g~j¨‡eva standard, par
Engagement (Bb‡MBRg¨v›U) n. cÖe„wË tendency, strife non-invalvement
Outside (AvDUmvBW) pre. evB‡i out of without indoor
Different (wWd&‡i›U) adj. wewfbœ various, several like, same
Ways (IGBR) n. Dcvq
Work (IqvK©) v. KvR Kiv
Learners (jvb©vm©) n. wkÿv_x©iv student, pupil
Highly (nvBwj) adj. AZ¨šÍ very, extremely poorly
Appreciated (AvcÖxwkGBU) adj. Dcjä felt, learnt welcome
Means (gxb) n. gv‡b sake, behalf
Difference (wWd‡iÝ) n. cv_©K¨ variety, odds sameness
Contrasted (KbUªv‡÷W) n. wecixZ same
Private (cÖvB‡fU) adj. e¨w³MZ personal, intitate public
Personal (cv‡mvbvj) adj. e¨w³MZ own, proper impersonal
Motivation (‡gvwU‡fkb) n. ‡cÖiYv own, proper impersonal
Promotes (cÖ‡gvU) v. cÖPvi horror, exalt demote
Quality (‡KvqvwjwU) n. ¸b attribute, virtue inferiority
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq sect, society isolation
Contributiong (KbwUªweDkwbs) v. Ave`vb
Improvement (BgcÖyfg¨v›U) n. DbœwZ uplift, grawth decline
Wellbeing (I‡qjweBs) n. g½j good, benefit ill-being
Individuals (BbwWwfRyAvj) adj. ¯^Zš¿ separate, isolate common
Recognize (‡iKMbvBR) v. ‡Pbv admission, ken take for granted
Themselves (‡`g‡mjfm) p. wb‡R‡`i
Members (‡g¤^vi) n. m`m¨ smaller
Concerned (Kvbmvb©W) adj. mswkøó anxious, het up, linconcernel
Issues (Bk~R) n. mgm¨v
Consider (KvbwmWvi) v. we‡ePbv Kiv weigh, repute disregard
Responsible (‡i¯úb‡mej) adj. `vqx liable, open irresponsible
Voices (f‡qm) n. KÚ¯^i tone, yowel devoice
Against (G‡MbBÝU) pre. weiæ‡× with, contra for
Injustice (BbRvmwUm) n. AwePvi iniquity, tort justice
Discrimination (wWmwµwg‡bBkb) n. ‰elg¨ pick, selection
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Ills (BjR) n. `yfvM©¨, Amyweavmg~n tee, bad luck well

Concern (Kbmvb©) n. D‡ØM worry, fosh unconcern
Crucial (Îæwkqvj) adj. AZ¨šÍ ¸iæZ¡c~Y© final, decisive noncrucial
Includes (BbK¬zW) v. AšÍf~³ © Kiv cover, raise exclude
Individual (BbwWwfRyjvj) adj. ¯^Zš¿ sunder, isolate common
Protect (cÖ‡UKU) v. iÿv Kiv retain abuse
Interest (BbUv‡i÷) n. ¯^v_© part, usury bore
Example (G·v¤új) n. D`vniY instance, case
Protesting (cÖ‡Uw÷s) adj. cÖwZev`x opposing
Decision (wWwmkb) n. wm×všÍ judgment indecision
Municipality (wgDwbwmcvwjwU) n. ‡cŠimfv town, council
Interest (B›Uv‡i÷) n. ¯^v_© self, share bore
Organizing (IM©vbvBwRs) v. Av‡qvRb Kiv forming, making
Collecting (Kv‡jKwUs) v. msMÖn Kiv gather, cull spread
Signature (wmM‡bPvi) n. mvÿi subscription, latter
Chains (‡PBbm) n. ‡PBb
Petitions (wcwUkbm) v. Av‡e`bcÎ suit, petition, obligation
Etc (BwUwm) n. BZ¨vw`
Control (Kb‡Uªvj) n. wbqš¿b rule, monitoring power
Children (wPj‡Wªb) n. wkï kiddies adult, man
Cross (&µm) v. cvi nIqv crosspiece uncross
Clean (K¬xb) adj. cwi¯‹vi fair, pure, tidy dirty, unclean
Services (mvwf©m) adj. ‡mev serving, ministaration
Elderly (GjWvwj©) adj. e„× old, aged young
Directly (wW‡i±wj) adj. mivmwi right away, slap jndirectly
Affects (Av‡d±) n. cÖevwnZ Kiv feeling, sense
Academic (A¨vKv‡WwgK) adj. we`¨vjq msµvšÍ bookish, scholastic practical
Programme (‡cÖvMÖvg) n. Kvh©µg project, program
Learners (jvb©vm©) v. wkÿv_x©‡`i student, scholar
Assessed (A¨v‡mmW) v. wba©vwiZ count, mete value
Scale (‡¯‹j) n. cvjøv range, distance
Learning (jvwb©s) v. ‡kLv education, leasson
Involve (Bbfjf) v. RwoZ _vKv parry, environ obviate
Application (A¨vwcø‡KBkb) n. Av‡e`b appeal, petition prayer negligence
Knowledge (b‡jR) n. Ávb wisdom, sense, study ignorance
Skills (w¯‹jm) n. `ÿZv ability, hand, knack
Plan (cøvb) n. cwiKíbv seheme, desing
Preparing (wcÖ‡cqvwis) n. cÖ¯w‘ Z ready, make
Budget (ev‡RU) n. ev‡RU account
Starting (÷vwUs) n. ïiæ onset, opening final
Process (‡cªv‡mm) n. cÖwµqv method, mode
Implementation (Bg‡cø‡gb‡Ukb) n. ev¯Íevqb shaping, depiction
Involving (Bbfjwfs) v. RwoZ _vKv caused, concerning
Activating (A¨vKwU‡fwUs) v. mwµq Kiv arouse, impel, excite deactivating
Operational (Acv‡iBkbvj) n. Kvh©µg nonaperational
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Strategies (‡÷ª‡UwRm) n. ‡KŠkj trick, art, trickery

Spontaneous (mvb‡UBwbqvm) adj. ¯^Z:ùzZ© natural, regular, ordinary imposing
Irregular (B‡i¸jvi) adj. AwbqwgZ rambling actionable regular
Considered (KbwmWviW) v. we‡ewPZ calculated, thought rash
Volunteerism (fjvbUvwiRg) n. ‡m”Qv‡mev
Refugees (‡iwdDwRm) n. DÏv¯Í displaeed, person
Special (‡¯úkvj) adj. we‡kl individual, particular. ordinary, common
Envoy (Gbfq) n. `~Z apostle, consul
Express (G·‡cÖm) adj. cÖKvk Kiv fast, fleet local
Solidarity (mwjWvwiwU) n. msnwZ, cwi`k©b solidarity discord
Visited (wfwR‡UW) v. cwi`k©b K‡iwQj visited
Camps (K¨v¤úm) n. K¨v¤ú
Spent (‡¯ú›U) adj. KvVv‡gv past, spent
Children (wPj‡Wªb) n. wkï children, kiddies
Atrocity(A‡UªvwmwU) adj. b„krmZv crvelty, atrocity
Faced (‡dBmW) n. gy‡LvgywL nIqv encounter
Visiting (wfwRwUs) v. `k©b Kiv
Settlement (‡m‡Ujgv›U) n. e‡›`ve¯Í solve, conciliation
Expand (G·c¨vÛ) v. cÖmvwiZ Kiv enlarge, spread contracted
Access (A¨vK‡mm&) n. cÖ‡ek entry, rise
Afterwards (AvdUviIqvW©m) adv. ‡k‡l, c‡i after, them before
Urged (AvR©W) adj. Zvov Kiv struck propelled
Injustices (BbRvmwUm) n. AwePvi wrong, tort justice
Driven (WªvB‡fb) adj. PwjZ driven, led apathetic
Exile (&G·vBj) n. wbevm©b exile, outlaw, expellee repatriate
Addressing (Av‡Wªwms) n. wVKvbv greeting, accosting
Special (‡¯úkvj) adj. we‡kl special, great common
Humble (nvgej) adj. webqx humble, low proud
Proud (cÖvDW) adj. Mwe©Z proud, lofty humble
Security (wmwKDwiwU) n. wbivcËv safety, bail insecurity
Practice (cÖ¨vKwUm) n. cÖ‡qvM
Religion (wiwjRb) n. ag© religion, low
Coexist (‡KvGw·÷) v. Ae¯’vb Kiv coexist
Faith (‡dBm) n. a‡g© wek¦vm faith, trust
Stateless (‡÷BU‡jm) adj. ‡`knxb ruleless, outlasted
Treat (UªxU) v. e¨envi Kiv tread, use untempered, untreated
Shame (‡kBg) n. j¾v, kig affront, stain honor
Touch (UvP) adj. ‡Qvuqv wocky touched umoved
Plight (cøvBU) n. A½xKvi promising plight
Affected (A¨v‡dK‡UW) adj. cÖfvweZ Kiv affeeted bogus unmoved
River (wifvm) n. b`x river flood
Body(ewW) n. kixi
Overflow (Ifvi‡d¬v) v. Dc‡P cov overflowed, flooded
Banks (e¨vsK) n. wKbviv bank arrow distust
Onrush (Abivk) n. Avg`vwb income shore
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Beyond (weqbW) adv. ‡cwi‡q far, wide within

Overflowed (Ifvi‡d¬vDW) v. Dc‡P cov overflowed
Bank (e¨v¼) n. wKbviv bank arrow distust
Border (eW©vi) n. wKbviv, mxgv border, limit centre
Heat (nxU) n. Zvc zeal, sun cool
Crop (µc) n. km¨ fruit, corn
Under (AvbWvi) adj. bx‡P down, beneath over, above
Several (‡mfivj) adj. K‡qK, wewfbœ various, variant few
Local (‡jŠKvj) adj. ¯’vbxq native, topical interrational
Administration (AvWwgwb‡÷ªkb) n. cÖkvmb leading, ruler
Rescue (‡imwKD) v. gy³ Kiv freed, released
Accommodate (A¨v‡Kv‡gv‡WU) v. wmUgvU Kiv make up, atone
Ground (MÖvDÛ) n. f~c„ô land, place, site
Helping (‡njwcs) v. mvnvh¨ Kiv assist, aid
Possible (cwmej) adj. m¤¢eZ feasible, practical impossible
Ensure (GbwkIi) v. wbwðZ Kiv confirm, protect
Drinking (wWªswKs) n. ‡cq squiff
Cleanliness (wK¬bwj‡bm) n. cwi”QbœZv neatness, purity uncleanliness
Hygiene (nvBRxb) n. ¯^v¯’¨weÁvb health, happiness
Challenge (P¨v‡jÄ) n.
‡kÖôZ¡ cÖgv‡bi Rb¨ cÖwZØw›ØZv
Clearly (wK¬qviwj) adj. cwi®‹vifv‡e neahy, fair unintelligible
Situation (wmPz GBkb) n. Ae¯’vb state, position, condition
Decided (wWmvBWW) v. wbwðZ Kiv clear, obvious hestant
Flood (d¬vW) n. eb¨v overflow, flooding ebbtide
Victim (wfKwUg) n. wkKvi prey, hunt
Pooling (cywjs) v. cywjs
Contribution (KbwUªweDkb) n. exploit, achievement
AskMÖnb, Ae`vb
Classmates (K¬¨vm‡gU) n. mncvVx class fellow
Teacher (wUPvi) n. wkÿK tutor, instructor
Local (‡jvKvj) n. ¯’vbxq native, vicial general
Law (j) n. AvBb rule, decree
Maker (‡gKvi) n. cÖ¯‘ZKviK creator, demiurge
Civil (wmwfj) adj. ‰emvgwiK polite, unitmely uncivil
Society (‡mvmvBwU) n. mgvR tribe, class
Member (‡g¤^vi) n. m`m¨
Assistance (AvwmmU¨vÝ) n. mnvqZv help, aid hindrance
Everyone (GfwiIqvb) n. mevB each, all no one
Forward To (‡dviIqvW© Uz) pre. mvg‡b
Guardian (MvwW©qvbm) n. AwffveK
Collection (Kv‡jKkb) n. msMÖn artivle, thing
Provide (‡cÖvfvBW) v. cÖ`vb, †hvMvb †`qv shift, provide give withhold
Substantial (mvemU¨vkvb) adj. h‡_ó real, tangible insubstantial
Dry Food (WªvB dzW) n. ﮋ Lv`¨
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Protein (‡cÖvwUb) n. ‡cÖvwUb marrow

Purification (wc¨Dwiwd‡Kkb) v. cveb, ïw× sanctification, correctness debasement, ruining
liquid soap (wjKzBW †mvc) n. Zij mvevb fluid, thinned, melted gaseous, solid unbelted
Priority (cÖv‡qvwiwU) n. AMÖvwaKvi precedence, antecedence posteriori
Citizen (wmwU‡Rb) n. bvMwiK townie noncitizen
Agency (G‡RwÝ) n. ms¯’v organization
Affected (A¨v‡dK‡UW) n. AvµvšÍ inflected, attacked unaffected, unmoved
Started (÷v‡U©W) v. ïiæ introduced, initiated, end, stop
Weight (IGBU) n. IRb heft, worth unburden
Satisfied (m¨vwUmdvBW) v. mšÍó content, glad dissatisofend
Efforts (G‡dvU©) n. cÖ‡Pôv essay, exention
Immensely (B‡gbmwj) adj. e¨vcKfv‡e extremely, highly, very
Reworded (wiIqv‡W©W) adj. cyi毋…Z remunerated dishenor penahy
Parents (c¨v‡i›Um) n. evev-gv child
Across (G‡µvm) adv. AvovAvwo cross, diagonally
Severe (wmwfAvi) adv. Zxeª interse, acute, bitter gentle
Winter (DBbUvi) n. kxZ wintry cold, summer
Weather (IG`vi) n. AvenvIqv elements, sky, climate
Condition (KbwWkb) n. Ae¯’v environment, situation
Remote (wi‡gvU) adj. `yieZx© distant, for, upland nearby likely
Proper (cÖcvi) adj. mwVK accurate, exact, very improper
Heating (nxwUs) n. Mig Kivi cooling
Facing (‡dBwms) n. gy‡LvgywL nIqv anterior, frontal
Serious (wmwiqvm) adj. ¸iæZ¡c~Y© important sigificant frivolous
Hazard (n¨vRvW©) n. wec` setback, danger
Upset (Avc‡mU) n. ggv©nZ spait, inverted please, arrange
Comfort (Kg‡dvU©) n. mvšÍbv, Avivg consolation, solace discomfort
Enjoying (GbRBs) n. Dc‡fvM joe, serving, joy, pleasure suffer
Nicely (bvBmwj) adj. PgrKvifv‡e well, goodly
Heated (nx‡UW) n. DËß crazed, hectic, cool
Distressing (wWm‡Uªmb) n. gg©cxov heartbreak peace
Condition (KwÛkb) v. kZ© proviso, salvo, agreement
Felt ashamed (‡djU Av‡kBgW) v. perceived, realized
j¾v Abyfe Ki‡jb
Thought (_U) v. wPšÍv idea, thinking, worry
Vacant (‡f‡K›U) adj. Lvwj
Worried (IwiW) adj. wPwšÍZ concerned, anxious, worried unconeerncal
Introvert (Bb‡UªvfvU©) v. AšÍg~L© x extrovert
Something (mvgw_s) pro. wKQz any, some a lot
Community (KwgDwbwU) n. m¤úª`vq peple, feasible
Involvement (Bbfjf‡g›U) n. RwoZ _vK‡e ergagement non-enjoyment
Continually (KbwUwbDqvjx) adv. Aweivg always intermittently
Monitored (gwbUi&W) v. bRi †`Iqv advise teach
Assessed (G‡mmW) v. wba©vwiZ Kiv fine, weigh
Expressed (B·‡cÖmW) adj. cÖKvwkZ evolved, said implicit
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Interest (B›Uv‡i÷) n. ¯^v_© interest, self bore

Surprised (mvicÖvBmW) n. Avðh© surprised amazed unsurprised
Increasingly (Bbwµ‡qwRswj) adv. ea©gvb n‡e increasingly
Attentive (A¨v‡UbwUf) adj. gb‡hvM attentive, alert heedless
Presented (‡cÖ‡R‡›UW) adj. Dcw¯’Z current, present
Case (‡KBm) n. NUbv case, event
Emotional (Bg‡kvbvj) adj. Av‡eMcÖeb emotonal, feeling realistic
Comfort (Kg‡dvU©) n. Avivg comfort, weal discomfort
Touched (UvPW) n. ¯úk©, †Qvqv, touch, tint separate
Planned (cø¨vbW) n. cwiKwíZ disigned uplanned
Donate (‡Wv‡bBU) v. `vb Kiv donate, give
Poor Fellow (cyIi †d‡jv) n. `wi`ª mnKg©x poor, impoverished rich, wealthy
Save (‡mf) v. msiÿY Kiv save, saving spend
Guided (MvB‡WW) adj. cwi`k©K guide, pilot
Project (cÖ‡R±) n. D‡`¨M, cÖKí program, skim
Contacted (KbUvK‡UW) adj. ¯úk© touched, contacted
Local (‡jvKvj) adj. AvÂwjK native, local general, national
Municipality (wgDwbwmcvjwU) n. bMifeb
Expressed (G·‡cÖmW) adj. cÖKvwkZ said evolved implicit
Interest (BbUv‡i÷) n. ¯^v_© self body bore
Contact (KbU¨vKU) n. ‡hvMv‡hvM
Contribute (KbwUªweDU) n. Ae`vb ivLv
Fund (dvÛ) n. Znwej fund, cash
Small (¯§j) adj. ‡QvU small, little big, large
Team (wUg) n. cÿ team, link
Couple (Kvcj) n. `¤úwË pair, couple alone
Help (‡ní) v. mvnvh¨ Kiv help, aid
Heating (nxwUs) n. Mig Kiv heading
Supply (mvcøvB) v. mieivn stockes, lssue, find recall, demand
Sufficient (mvwdwk‡q›U) adj. ch©vß enough, enow, ample insufficient
Blankets (eø¨v‡¼U) n. K¤^j rug
Food (dzW) n. Lv`¨ meal, snacks, meal
Authority (A_iwU) n. KZ…©Z¡ powerlessness
Monitored (gwbUiW) n. bRi †`Iqv advise, exhibit, teach
Whole (‡nŠj) adj. cy‡iv complete, fall half, panty
Process (‡cÖv‡mm) n. cÖwµqv method, mode
Warmly (Iqvg©wj) adj. Dòfv‡e apathetically
Welcomed (IGjKvgW) adj. ¯^vMZ appoint
Proud (cÖvDW) adj. Mwe©Z elated, arrogant humble
Carried (K¨vwiW) n. evwnZ steered, rowed, led
Plan (cøvb) n. cwiKíbv design, schedule improvise
Stand (÷¨vÛ) n. `vov‡bv half, stop lie, sit
Beside (wemvBW) prep. cv‡k to, near, by
Mental (‡gbUvj) adj. gvbwmK sane, inward, ideal physical
Emotional (B‡gvkbvj) n. Av‡eMcÖeY pathological, warm unemotional
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Support (mv‡cvU©) v. mg_©b backing, clench negate

Young (Bqvs) adj. hyeK youngster, lad old, age
Hero (wn‡iv) adj. bvqK

Lesson-4 A Warrior of Light (Av IqvwiAi Ad jvBU) – GKRb Av‡jvi †hv×v

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

Light (jvBU) v. Av‡jv flame, light dark
Warrior (Iqvwiqi) n. †hv×v warrior, fighter
Enlightens (GbjvB‡UÝ) v. Av‡jvwKZ Kiv illuminate, flame befuddle, contuse
Heart (nvU©) n. ürwcÛ heart, mind
Soul (‡mŠj) n. AvZ¥v soul, man body
Consider (KbwmWvi) v. g‡bv‡hvMmn fvev think, hold
Truly (Uªywj) adv. mZ¨ K‡i truly, really insincerely
Educated (GWz‡KB‡UW) v. wkÿv`vb Kiv educated, trained uneducated
Brief (eªxd) adj. mswÿß short, brief lengthy, lasting
Excerpt (G·vcvU©) n. DØ©Zvsk quote, collect
Inviting (BbfvBUBs) v. Avgš¿Y Kiv invite, call on uninviting
Uncertainties (Avbmv‡U©Bw›Um) n. AwbðqZv doubt, flutter certainty
Dreams (Wªxgm) n. ¯^cœ dream, sleep
Inspiring (BÝcvqvwis) adj. DÏxß inspiring uninspiring
Urge (AvR©) n. Zvov Kiv urge, urging
Embark (BgevK©) v. evav Øviv msiwÿZ Kiv embank
Path (cvt_) n. cv‡q Pjv path, way
Warrior (IqvwiAi) n. ˆmwbK warrior, fighter
Appreciate (AvcÖxwkGBU) v. Zvwid Kiv admire, oke deprecite
Miracle (wgivKj) n. AevK e¨vcvi miracle, rattler
Offer (Advi) v. cÖ`vb offer, grant
Accept (GK‡mÞ) v. MÖnY Kiv take, receive refuse, reject
Failures (‡dBwjAvim&) n. e¨_©Zv dud, failing achiever, success
Success (mvK‡mm) n. mvdj¨ success, win failure, loser
Aspire ( A¨v¯úvqvi) v. ZvwoZ nIqv pant, tower
Fault (dëm) n. ÎæwU, Aciva crime, sin merit
Qualities (‡KvqvwjwUm) n. ˆewkó¨ role, mold
Companions (Kgc¨vwbAbm&) n. mnPi side, part
Complain (Kg‡cøBb) n. bvwjm Rvbv‡bv repine, complain cheer
Opportunities (AciPzwmwUm) n. my‡hvM benefit, chance, advortage
Perhaps (cvin¨vcm) adj. nq‡Zv, m¤¢eZ perhaps, likely definitely
Allow (GjvI) v. AbygwZ †`Iqv allow, give deny, forbid
Himself (wng †mjd) pro. wb‡R himself, herself
Paralyzed (c¨vivBRW) adj. cÖÿvNvZMÖ¯’ palsied, paralyzed
Virtues (fvPzm) n. cyY¨ virtues, parts
Gazelle’s (M¨v‡Rjm) n. nwiY‡`i/ nwi‡bi deer, buck
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Power (cvIqvi) n. ÿgZv power, impact inability

Lies (jvBm) v. wjwnZ _vKv stay, rely sit
In (Bb) pre. g‡a¨ into, in out
Strong (÷ªs) adj. kw³kvjx strong, hard weak
Seagull (wmMvj) n. mgy`ª †Nvov ability, caliber
Accuracy (GKz‡iwm) n. h_vh_Zv rigor, validity, exacters inaccuracy
Spear (w¯úqvi) n. ek©v javelin, lance, pike
Learned (jvb©W) v. Ávbx wise, erudite unconditioned
Reason (ixRb) n. KviY argument, cause
Tiger (UvBMvi) n. evN
Hyena (nv‡qbv) n. nvqbv
Aware (GIqvi) adj. m‡PZb conscious, ware unaware, unwitting
Strength (‡÷ªs_) n. kw³ power, force, might
Establish (B÷¨vewjm) v. ¯’vcb Kiv put, set abolish
Rely (wi‡jB) v. wbf©i Kiv rely on, lean distrust
Check (‡PK) v. cixÿv Kiv disagree
Things (w_sm) n. wRwbm lading, articles
Faith (‡dB_) n. wek¦vm belief, trust agnosticism
Hope (‡nŠc) n. Avkv prospect, promise despair
Love (jvf) n. fv‡jvevmv fancy, amour hate
Hesitate (‡nwR‡UU) v. wØav Kiv partition, pause plunge
Forward (diIqvW©) adj. AMÖeZ©x forth, onwards backward, reverse
Person (cvm©b) n. e¨vw³ man, soul zombie
Courage (Kv‡iBR) n. mvnm guts, mettle cowardice
Enemy (Gwbwg) n. kÎæ opponent, foe friend, ally
Otherwise (Av`viIqvBR) adv. Ab¨Ìvq else, differently
Everything (Gfwiw_s) adj. me all
Sing (mvBb) v. wPý keep quiet
Distance (wWmU¨vbm) n. `~iZ¡ space, way warmth
Himself (wng †mjd) †m wb‡R number one
Companions (Kvgc¨vwbqb) n. m½x mate, escort
Therefore (‡`Av‡dvi) n. AZGe so, then
Floor (‡d¬vi) n. †g‡S ground, stage ceiling
Even (B‡fb) adj. GgbwK too, also odd, uneven
Think (w_sK) v. wPšÍv Kiv ponder, worry forget
Contain (Kb‡UBb) v. aviY Kiv take on, hold
Grain (‡MÖBb) n. km¨ crop, corn, plants
Truth (Uªy_) n. mZ¨ fact, reality falsity
Crumble (µvgej) v. UzKiv UzKiv Kiv cut up, kibble resist
Dust (Wv÷) n. aywjKbv mote, soil
Encourage (GbKv‡iR) v. DrmvwnZ Kiv cheer, cheer up discourage
Nearest (wbqv‡i÷) n. wbKUZg close, neighbor us distant
Easy (BwR) adj. mnR simple, soft difficult, uneasy
Enough (Bbvd) adj. h‡_ó enough, sentiment
Vast (fv÷) adj. wekvj grandiose small
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Empty (G¤úwU) adj. Lvwj vacant, bane fill, full

Spaces (‡¯úm) n. ¯’vb place, location
However (nvIBfvi) n. hv‡nvK tho, however
Great (‡MªBU) adj. gnvb grand, high tiny, lowly
Difficulty (wWwdKvwë) n. Amyweav rigor, firmness ease
Generous (‡Rbvivm) adj. D`vi generous, liberal stingy, ungenerous
Understanding (AvÛvi÷¨vwÛs) n. †evaMg¨Zv mind, wit unsympathetic
Polite (‡cvjvBU) adj. f`ª bland, gently impolite
Nasty (b¨vmwU) adj. †bvsiv nasty, ugly, bad, nice clean, steady
Selfish (‡mj&wdm) adj. ¯^v_©ci selfish, them unselfish
Unspiritual (Avbw¯úwiPzqvj) Ag~jK, RvMwZK mundane, wordily spiritual
Referring (‡idvwis) v. D‡jøL Kiv mention, refer, note
Chinese (PvqwbR) n. Pxbv chinese, chinaman
Philosopher (wd‡j‡mvdvi) n. `vk©wbK philosopher, onlooker realist
Century (‡mÂzix) n. kZvãx century, centenary
Rules (iæj&m) n. wbqg rule, law, diction
Result (‡iRvë) n. djvdj outcome cause
Applied (A¨vcjvBW) adj. dwjZ applied, chem, stony
Always (Aj‡qR) adv. me©`v ever, evermore, early, and never
Rules (iæjm&) n. wbqg rule, law, regulation
Combat (Kge¨vU) n. hy× war, battle
Battle (e¨v‡Uj) n. hy× war, battle, fight
Believe (wewjf) v. wek¦vm Kiv disbelieve
Reason (ixRb) n. KviY trust, suppose, wiz
Fight (dvBU) v. jovB Kiv war, battle
Companions (K¤ú¨vwbqb) n. mnPi ev m½x mate, escort
Allies (Gwjm) n. wgÎ ally, friend
Fight (dvBU) n. hy× war, battle
Winter (DBbUvi) n. kxZKvj cold, cold summer
Different (wWd&‡i›U) adj. wfbœZi different, various like, same
Summer (mvgvi) n. MÖx®§Kvj heat, summertime winter
Careful (‡Kqvidyj) adj. mZK© careful, carry careless
Select (wm‡jKU) v. wbe©vwPZ Kiv chosen, select intention
Moment (‡gv‡g›U) n. gyn~Z© jiffy, jiff, flash inconsequence
Begin (weÕwMb&) v. ïiæ Kiv start, begin end
Space (‡¯úm) n. gnvk~b¨ ev ¯’vb place, position, conation
Mountain (gvD‡›Ub) n. ce©Z mount, hill, rock plain
Plain (‡cøBb) n. mgZj flat, level mountain, hill
About (AvevDU) p. m¤ú‡K© in regard to, concerning
Surroundings (m‡ivwÛs) v. Pvicvk nearby, adjacent distant
Strategy (÷ª¨v‡UwR) n. ‡KŠkj trick, technique

Unit-13 Myths and Literature (wg_&m& A¨vÛ wjUv‡iPvi) - iƒcK_v I mvwnZ¨

Lesson-1: Bengal’s face (‡e½j&m †dBm&) - evsjvi gyL

Words & Meanings Synonyms Antonyms

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