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A. Following are statements about “pictures” of oneself. Determine if the statement reflects a real self
or an ideal self. Write your answer on the blank.

Real Self 1. I am good at mathematics.

Real Self 2. I am slow to criticize people.
Ideal Self 3. I wish I were a good singer.
Real Self 4. I have a good sense of humor.
Ideal Self 5. I dream of becoming a scientist in the future.
Ideal Self 6. I wish I were a punctual person.
Real Self 7. I worry a lot over small things.
Ideal Self 8. I like to become a politician someday.
Ideal Self 9. I wish to be a good father to my children.
Ideal Self 10. I want to be a successful accountant.
Real Self 11. I am an honest businessman.
Ideal Self 12. I wish I were good in mathematics.
Real Self 13. I am able to perform well in science.
Real Self 14. I am person with a pleasant disposition.
Ideal Self 15. I want to be one of the best athletes of the country.

B. Write an essay about your real self and ideal self. Use the following items are guide.

1. Paint a picture of yourself in terms of what you think of yourself and your personality
characteristics or abilities.
2. Highlight what you believe are your significant and positive personality characteristics or
3. Also identify your low or negative characteristics. Be realistic as much as you can.
Grow up in conservative family. Every move should be perfect. I grow as person that
complaining is equal to being disrespectful. So, all of my emotions I keep only to myself and learn to be
an introvert person. In a positive way, I grow with having fear with my parents and make me a good
person right now.
I’m dedicated person. I always focus on the things that may help achieve my goals. I’m a jolly
person if I’m comfortable with. I’m person that you can count me in. I’m good solo dancer and active in
different extra-curricular but when I’m gained my weight I loss everything especially my confidence. As
I lost my confidence, I limit myself to do the things that I used to be. Sometimes negative thinking leads
me to stay in my comfort zone and stock to be a simple or enough me.
All things may change as we live every day. As we living, we learn and grow through mistake
and downfalls. All the positive and negative traits right now will useful in the future endeavor.
C. Describe yourself in terms of what you wish or desire to become in the future (your ideal self)
As 24 years old right now, I only focus to fulfill my college school and graduate. As simple
person after school I want to have a regular job. Build a family and to be an owner of a business in the
future. To repay my parents sacrifices and kindness that’s will be my biggest achievement and happiness
in life.
Determine if the situation denotes self-concept (SC) or self-esteem (SE). Write your answer on the

Self-concept 1. I have a beautiful face.

Self-concept 2. I am friendly.
Self-esteem 3. I feel bad when my mother scolds me.
Self-concept 4. I am able to solve crossword puzzles at a fast pace.
Self-esteem 5. I am easily disturbed when people talk about me.
Self-esteem 6. I feel I am being talked about when people talk to each other.
Self-concept 7. I can easily get perfect scores in the different tests.
Self-esteem 8. I am easily hurt when people criticize my work.
Self-esteem 9. I feel good all the time even if work is difficult.
Self-concept 10. I am a tall person.
Self-concept 11. I have a nice singing voice.
Self-concept 12. My projects in the exhibit is better than that of the others.
Self-concept 13. I am fair-skinned.
Self-concept 14. I am the best student in my mathematics class.
Self-concept 15. I am physically healthy.
Answer the following questions briefly on your understanding of the preceding section.
1. What are the significant points that should be remembered regarding Maslow’s hierarchy of

According to Maslow, we have five categories of needs: physiological, safety, love, esteem, and
self-actualization. In this theory, higher needs in the hierarchy begin to emerge when people feel
they have sufficiently satisfied the previous need. When you apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs in
your life, you may experience improvements in some areas. To reach the highest level of
development in this motivational theory, you must be self-actualized. Identifying your needs and
ensuring that those needs are fulfilled can help increase your chances of success.

2. At your age and at this time of your life, what is your best estimate as to your current level in
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? Why do you think so?
As a student, I think I’m in a level of self-esteem as I went to school everyday to fulfill and
achieve my dreams. While achieving my goal, I also creating and developing my moral that can
contribute to my main goal in life.
Below is a hypothetical example illustrating how people think or behave in the face of a dilemma. Read
the text and accomplish the tasks that follow.
Allan is dying of cancer and is in extreme pain. His brother, Dr. Frank, knows the agony that he is going
through and feels so much pity for him. Dr. Frank is aware that there is no hope for his brother to live
much longer, and that any time at any day, he will go. One day, Dr. Frank has witnessed Allan’s great
discomfort and struggle. Wanting to end Allan’s suffering, he is tempted to remove his brother’s life
support. Dr. Frank is torn between his role as a brother and as a doctor. He loves Allan and wishes that
his suffering would end. On the other hand, Dr. Frank faithfully adheres to medical ethics.

Answer the following questions:

a. If you were Dr. Frank, what would you have done?
If I were Dr. Frank, I will choose what is the best for my brother knowing that there is no hope
for him and to vanish the so much pain that felt of my brother. I will be letting him go by removing his
life support. I know that this against my profession but this is the best and only option to stop the pain.

b. Cite your reasons for your decision and identify the corresponding orientation according to
Kohlberg’s theory.
I define my reason as preconventional morality of Kohlberg’s theory because, even its against in
his profession he does what he thinks is right and most important on that situation.

c. State the level of reasoning of the following hypothetical reasons for Dr. Frank’s decision.

1. He could not have removed the life support because he believes in the value of human life.
Answer: Conventional Morality
2. He could have removed the life support because he loves his brother and pities him.
Answer: Preconventional Morality
3. He could not have removed the life support because he just wants to let things happen as they
Answer: Conventional Morality
4. He could not have removed the life support because he is afraid, he might be stripped of his
license to practice.
Answer: Principled or Preconventional Morality
5. He could not have removed the life support because he is aware of society’s values.
Answer: Conventional Morality

Write your philosophy of life by considering the following points and share your output with someone
close to you.
1. Goal in life
My goals in life firstly, graduate in college after school to have a regular and happy job. To spoil
my family what they deserve. To build my house for my family. To be an owner of rice retailer and
to build my own family with my long-term relationship boyfriend.

2. What you hold dear and important in your life?

My philosophy I hold in my life is the golden rule of Confucius, “Do not do to others what you
do not want them to do to you”. I believe that we will have peace and love in earth if we do not harm
and hurt each other. This is important of having good character which can affect the whole world.

3. What you expect to happen in your life in about 10 years?

Life is very unpredictable that we will not know what to happen even though you plan it out but
to consider this question. After 10 years I already a business that support my family and a married
person having two children. A person whose happy and contented.

4. What ways, mechanisms, or strategies you should do to achieve your goal?

First, I should know what is my objective or goal in life because it is important to visualize what
you want to be in the future. Secondly, I will plan what my steps or moves to achieve my goal.
Hindrances is expected in achieving my dreams so I’ll be wise in creating decisions in life. When I
fall down that is not considered my finish line so I will try and try until I fulfill my goal. And lastly, I
will believe in myself that I can do everything.
also, I have to consider what my
brother wants, if it makes him
happy that I would
suggest to end his life or not.
In any case, as soon as it is clear
that the patient is near to death, the
should try to discuss with the
medical team to which end-of-life
care approach
they want for their family
That way, decision making for
crucial situations can be planned
and may feel
less rushed. In making a decision
in this situation, I can say that it’s
hard to
decide of what to do
also, I have to consider what my
brother wants, if it makes him
happy that I would
suggest to end his life or not.
In any case, as soon as it is clear
that the patient is near to death, the
should try to discuss with the
medical team to which end-of-life
care approach
they want for their family
That way, decision making for
crucial situations can be planned
and may feel
less rushed. In making a decision
in this situation, I can say that it’s
hard to
decide of what to
also, I have to consider what my
brother wants, if it makes him
happy that I would
suggest to end his life or not.
In any case, as soon as it is clear
that the patient is near to death, the
should try to discuss with the
medical team to which end-of-life
care approach
they want for their family
That way, decision making for
crucial situations can be planned
and may feel
less rushed. In making a decision
in this situation, I can say that it’s
hard to
decide of what to do

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