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2024 SATURDAY, JAN 6 5:00-7:00 PM

Ammonia cracking is important for
both combustion and fuel cell
applications. Starfire Energy has
verified that a blend of 70% ammonia+
30% hydrogen can burn well in a
conventional natural gas burner with
very low ammonia slip and acceptable
NOx using a stoichiometric fuel-air



Akshar Singh
Vishwa Jani
Shubhika Bhandari
Saniya Bagzai
Kavish Agrawal
Aniket Bhandari


Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Acknowledgment Issue #10

We would want to convey my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Gaurav

Jain and Ms. Ishika Bajaj, our mentor, for his invaluable advice

and assistance in completing my project. We would also like to

thank all of the other supporting personnel who assisted us by

supplying the equipment that was essential and vital, without

which we would not have been able to perform efficiently on

this project. I would like to acknowledge the indispensable aid

provided by our Principal Ms. Renu Gurnani for the successful

completion of our project.

We would also want to thank the Team M.I.S. for accepting our

project in our desired field of expertise. I’d also like to thank

our friends and parents for their support and encouragement as

we worked on this assignment.

Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Dissertation Issue #10

This is to clarify that the present dissertation entitled "Ammonia

Revolution" has been completed by Akshar Singh, Vishwa Jani,

Shubhika Bhandari, Saniya Bagzai, Kavish Agrawal and Aniket

Bhandari, students of MEDI-CAPS INTERNATIONAL

SCHOOL, RAU, INDORE for Physics Senior Bal Vigyan

Competition (2023-24) under the guidance of Mrs. Pallavi

Desai and Mr. Nimit Mittal.

Mrs. Renu Gurnani


Medi-Caps International School

January 06


Disadvantages of Old
The extensive reliance on fossil fuels,
encompassing coal, oil, and natural gas, has
given rise to a complex web of
interconnected challenges that permeate
virtually every facet of contemporary
society. This comprehensive exploration
delves into the myriad problems associated
with current fossil fuel usage, spanning
environmental, economic, geopolitical,
health, and social dimensions. It
underscores the imperative for a
comprehensive shift towards sustainable
and renewable energy sources.

At the forefront of these concerns is the

profound environmental impact of fossil
fuel combustion. The release of carbon
dioxide and other greenhouse gases during
the burning of fossil fuels is a primary Economically, nations heavily reliant on fossil fuel imports face a precarious landscape
driver of anthropogenic climate change. fraught with uncertainties. The volatility of global oil prices, geopolitical conflicts over
This has led to consequences such as rising resource-rich territories, and the finite nature of fossil fuel reservoirs contribute to
global temperatures, shifts in weather economic instability. The geopolitical dimension is further accentuated by competition
patterns, more frequent and severe among nations for control over strategic energy resources, potentially leading to tensions
extreme weather events, and the and conflicts with far-reaching global implications. The depletion of finite fossil fuel
accelerating melting of polar ice caps. resources raises concerns about long-term energy security and necessitates a reevaluation
Furthermore, the extraction and processing of economic structures to embrace sustainable alternatives.
of fossil fuels inflict direct harm on
ecosystems through habitat destruction, Geopolitically, fossil fuels have become a The social ramifications of the fossil fuel
deforestation, and landscape alteration. Oil key driver of global power dynamics. industry reveal a complex web of
spills, a perennial risk in the extraction and resource-rich regions often find themselves environmental injustices and deepening
transportation processes, wreak havoc on at the center of geopolitical struggles, with social inequities. The adverse impacts are
marine environments, causing long-term nations competing for control over these acutely felt by communities residing in
ecological damage and threatening valuable assets. The quest for energy close proximity to extraction sites,
biodiversity. security can lead to strategic alliances, grappling with challenges that permeate
conflicts, and interventions, shaping the various facets of their lives. Environmental
geopolitical landscape and influencing injustices linked to fossil fuel extraction
international relations. create a significant burden on these
communities, with extraction processes
On the health front, the combustion of fossil leading to environmental degradation, air
fuels contributes significantly to air and water pollution, and habitat
pollution. Emissions of sulfur dioxide, destruction. Adverse effects directly
nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and impact residents' well-being,
other pollutants have profound implications compromising access to clean air, water,
for public health. Respiratory diseases, and a healthy living environment.
cardiovascular problems, and other health Consequently, individuals in these
issues are exacerbated, particularly among communities face heightened health risks,
vulnerable populations residing in close respiratory issues, and other adverse
proximity to industrial facilities and urban health outcomes, further exacerbating
centers. This not only places a burden on existing social disparities in healthcare
healthcare systems but also highlights the access.
social justice dimensions of environmental
and health disparities.

Moreover, disruptions caused by fossil fuel activities extend beyond The burden of environmental degradation and social
physical health impacts. Local economies are frequently tied to upheaval is not evenly distributed among society.
natural resources, and environmental degradation can lead to the loss Marginalized communities, often comprised of lower-
of livelihoods for residents. Communities relying on agriculture, income individuals and minority groups, bear a
fishing, or other activities directly affected by pollution or habitat disproportionate share of these consequences. This
destruction often find their traditional ways of life undermined. This perpetuates a cycle of social inequities, as vulnerable
economic instability disproportionately affects marginalized populations find themselves more severely impacted
communities, aggravating existing social and economic disparities. by the negative externalities of the fossil fuel industry.

Page 1
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Disadvantages Issue #10

Furthermore, the decision-making processes around the siting of extraction sites and the subsequent
environmental management disproportionately favor powerful entities, often leaving local communities
with limited agency. This lack of meaningful participation in decision-making exacerbates feelings of
disenfranchisement and reinforces social inequalities. The voices of those most affected by the industry are
often marginalized, further widening the gap between those who bear the environmental burden and those
who profit from it.

Additionally, the extraction methodologies In conclusion, the extensive array of Imagine the Earth as a delicate
integral to fossil fuel production present problems stemming from the current ecosystem, finely balanced to support a
direct environmental risks. Hydraulic reliance on fossil fuels is a clarion call for multitude of life forms, including us.
fracturing (fracking), employed to extract transformative action. These challenges, Yet, our over reliance on fossil fuels,
natural gas, raises concerns about spanning environmental degradation, such as coal and oil, disrupts this
groundwater contamination and induces economic vulnerabilities, geopolitical delicate balance. The emissions from
seismic activities. The transportation of tensions, public health crises, and social burning these fuels contribute
fossil fuels through pipelines and other injustices, necessitate a paradigm shift significantly to climate change, triggering
means poses the constant risk of spills and towards sustainable, renewable energy a cascade of events like rising sea levels,
accidents, causing ecological damage and sources. The urgency of this transition extreme weather events, and disruptions
threatening wildlife. cannot be overstated, as it holds the key to to ecosystems.
forging a resilient, equitable, and
sustainable future for generations to come. The urgency lies in the immediacy of
these consequences. Every day we delay
As we navigate the complexities of our the shift to cleaner energy, we edge
current energy landscape, the pressing closer to irreversible environmental
need to discover and adopt alternative, damage. The window of opportunity to
sustainable energy sources becomes mitigate the impacts of climate change,
increasingly apparent. The consequences protect biodiversity, and secure a
of delaying this transition are far-reaching, sustainable future is closing rapidly.
touching every aspect of our lives and the
health of our planet.

Furthermore, the longer nations postpone

the shift, the more challenging it becomes
to address the structural and economic
implications of a transition. Delayed
investments in new technologies and
industries may lead to missed
opportunities for economic growth,
innovation, and job creation. This
postponement could result in a failure to
position these countries as leaders in the
emerging clean energy markets,
potentially leaving them economically
disadvantaged in the long run. Resource
depletion is another concern on the
horizon. Fossil fuels, by their very nature,
are finite resources. Continuing at our
current pace without diversifying our
energy portfolio leaves us vulnerable to
shortages, geopolitical tensions, and a
Consider the impacts on our health. The pollutants released into the air from fossil potential energy crisis. This urgency is not
fuel combustion are not merely atmospheric irritants but tangible threats to our well- a call to alarm but a rallying cry for
being. Respiratory and cardiovascular diseases become more prevalent, burdening innovation and collaboration. The need
healthcare systems and affecting the quality of life for communities worldwide. for new energy sources is not a distant
The longer the delay in transitioning away from fossil fuels, the greater the economic concern but an immediate imperative. We
risks for nations heavily reliant on these resources. Fossil fuel-dependent economies stand at a pivotal moment where our
are particularly vulnerable to the unpredictable nature of global energy markets, choices will determine the course of our
marked by fluctuating oil prices, geopolitical tensions, and market volatility. planet's future. Therefore, investing in
research, developing sustainable
Procrastination in embracing cleaner energy alternatives exposes these nations to
technologies, and implementing policy
heightened economic uncertainties.
changes are not just options but
necessities. The urgency to find new
Fluctuations in oil prices, driven by geopolitical conflicts and market dynamics, can
energy sources is not merely a conceptual
lead to severe economic repercussions for countries heavily dependent on fossil
concern; it is an imminent and pressing
fuels. Sudden spikes or declines in oil prices can disrupt national budgets, trade
reality that demands our immediate
balances, and overall economic stability, posing challenges that become more
attention. The consequences of inaction
pronounced with continued delay in diversifying energy sources.
are not relegated to some distant future
The economic vulnerabilities associated with procrastination extend beyond
scenario but are rather manifesting in the
immediate financial impacts. Delaying the transition undermines a nation's ability to
present moment, leaving an indelible
adapt to the evolving global energy landscape. As the world increasingly emphasizes
mark on the world we inhabit. The signs
sustainable practices, countries reliant on traditional energy sources risk becoming
of environmental degradation, resource
less competitive and face potential isolation from emerging markets in clean energy
depletion, and the impacts of climate
change are increasingly visible and
tangible, serving as a stark reminder that
our current trajectory is unsustainable.
Page 2
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Disadvantages Issue #10

The quest for cleaner and more The call for cleaner and sustainable The journey towards cleaner energy is
sustainable energy sources is a journey energy solutions is not merely about also an opportunity for innovation,
that we must embark upon urgently, mitigating potential future risks; it is economic growth, and social progress.
recognizing that the decisions we make about safeguarding the health of our Investing in renewable energy
today will shape the conditions under planet and ensuring the resilience of technologies not only mitigates
which future generations live. The Earth human civilization. As we witness the environmental harm but also stimulates
is not an infinite reservoir of resources, increasing frequency of climate-related job creation and economic development.
and the strain on its ecosystems is disasters and the depletion of finite It fosters a shift towards a more
becoming more apparent with each resources, it becomes evident that the sustainable and equitable global
passing day. From the melting polar ice time to act is now. Delaying the economy, where access to energy is not a
caps to the intensification of extreme transition to sustainable energy sources privilege but a fundamental right.
weather events, the signs of ecological only amplifies the risks and exacerbates
distress are widespread. the challenges that future generations will
The immediacy of the situation is face.
underscored by the tangible effects on
communities and ecosystems worldwide. Moreover, the urgency to find new
Coastal regions are grappling with the energy sources is a moral imperative. As
encroachment of rising sea levels, stewards of the planet, we bear the
threatening both human settlements and responsibility to hand over a habitable,
biodiversity. Inland areas are witnessing thriving Earth to the generations that will
disruptions in weather patterns, leading to follow. This transcends political, cultural,
more frequent and severe droughts, and geographic boundaries; it is a shared
floods, and wildfires. The consequences commitment to the well-being of the
extend beyond the natural world, global community. The choices we make
affecting economies, livelihoods, and the today will shape the legacy we leave
overall well-being of societies behind whether one of responsible
stewardship or one of neglect.

Making us Dependent
Increasing Health Problems
We discussed how we have been using conventional energy sources all this time.
We are very much dependent on it and because of this, switching to renewable
energy sources is becoming difficult. It takes centuries for these sources to form,
and we have seen a rise in our consumption rate. If we do not take the required
actions now, then we would end up running out of these conventional energy
sources, and their slower formation rate will make things worse for us.

When conventional sources of energy are burnt, they emit gases that cause health
problems. The most common type of problem observed is respiratory problems.
The burning of conventional energy sources pollutes air, water, as well as land. The
people who are involved in the mining process are at higher risks. Mining for coals
while operating heavy machinery is a dangerous job. The harmful gases are
released in the process, and they can lead to explosions. And, if things get worse,
then miners struggle to breathe because of these dangerous gases.

Page 3
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Disadvantages Issue #10

The latest breaking news of the day

Creates Hazardous byproducts

We discussed, in brief, the release of harmful byproducts in

the environment, putting millions of lives at risk. Especially
when there are accidents where oil-tankers and cargo ships
contents are spilled into the water bodies, the consequences are
deadly. It puts the health of animals at risk. In addition to this,
the humans coming in contact are affected negatively. The
oxides released from the burning of conventional sources of
With conventional sources of energy, there are a number of energy converts the rain into acidic, causing harm to the wildlife
byproducts that create problems. When coal is burnt, the by- and human beings. A few of the other harmful effects are
product fly ash is formed. It puts the workers of coal power greenhouse gas emissions, pollution, waste generation, and
plants at risk, along with the residents who live nearby the coal depletion of the ozone layer.
ash disposal sites. When fuel woods are burnt, it releases smoke
that contains carbon dioxide, water, and other harmful
chemicals. The carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and other High initial startup
byproducts of conventional sources of energy are hazardous to
health. cost
While it is true that a conventional source of energy is far
Conventional Energy sources cheaper than its alternative, we do have to heed the high initial
cost when setting up the whole project. Constructing a thermal
will deplete soon energy plant can net hundreds of millions of dollars, while a
traditional nuclear energy power plant costs around $6 billion.
Truthfully, in the long run, the cost can be recovered easily even
when selling power at a low price, but the initial capital prevents
You might have come across campaigns where people are organizations from building these plants as they see fit.
encouraged to switch to renewable sources of energy. The reason Many of the outcomes which come out of the combustion of
behind running such campaigns and similar initiatives is to create fossil fuels without condensing technologies lead to an
awareness among people regarding the depletion of conventional environment that is more acidic. This acidity can change ocean
sources of energy. These energy sources are vanishing slowly, environments, alter how crops can grow, and may even lead to a
and future generations will have to bear the consequences. So, it higher risk of drought and famine. Many ecosystems on Earth
is important to use it wisely, keeping in mind that it takes billions are very sensitive to changing conditions, which means
of years to form. continued fossil fuel use could lead to unpredictable and
extremely negative consequences.

Page 4
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Advantages Issue #10

In the quest for a cleaner and sustainable energy future, hydrogen has emerged as a promising candidate, offering a myriad of
benefits and already playing a transformative role in various sectors. Harnessing hydrogen as a new fuel presents a compelling
solution to mitigate environmental impacts and address the urgent need for cleaner energy alternatives.

Additionally, hydrogen's versatility extends to intercontinental

The transportation sector is undergoing a transformative shift, energy transport. As countries strive to transition to cleaner and
with hydrogen fuel cells at the forefront. Vehicles powered by more sustainable energy sources, the ability to transport excess
hydrogen, such as fuel cell electric cars and buses, present a energy across borders becomes increasingly important.
cleaner alternative to traditional gasoline and diesel engines. Hydrogen can serve as a carrier for renewable energy, allowing
Major automakers are investing in hydrogen fuel cell it to be transported efficiently over long distances. This opens
technology, signaling a potential revolution in our daily up possibilities for international collaboration and the
commute towards reduced environmental impact. establishment of a global hydrogen economy, where regions
Beyond transportation, hydrogen serves a crucial role in energy rich in renewable resources can share their energy surpluses
storage. As renewable sources like solar and wind are with areas experiencing higher demand.
intermittent, effective storage solutions are vital to ensure a
reliable and stable energy supply. Hydrogen, in this context, acts
as an efficient carrier of excess energy. During periods of high
renewable energy production, such as sunny or windy days,
Hydrogen's reach to
surplus electricity can be used to produce hydrogen through
electrolysis. This hydrogen can then be stored for later use, Industries
bridging the gap between energy generation and demand.

Moreover, hydrogen's potential in energy storage goes beyond

addressing daily fluctuations. Seasonal energy storage is a critical Hydrogen's reach extends to industries with high energy
component in managing the variations in renewable energy demands, such as manufacturing and steel production. By
production over longer periods. Hydrogen, with its capacity for replacing conventional fossil fuels with hydrogen, these sectors
long-term storage, can be stockpiled during times of high can significantly reduce their carbon footprint, contributing to
renewable energy availability, such as the sunny summer global efforts to de-carbonize and combat climate change.
months, and utilized during periods of increased energy One of hydrogen's key environmental advantages lies in its
demand in the winter. This capability significantly contributes to combustion process, which produces only water vapor as a
the overall stability and reliability of a renewable energy grid. byproduct. This stands in stark contrast to traditional fossil fuels,
notorious for releasing harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases,
contributing to air pollution and climate change. Embracing
hydrogen as a fuel source represents a cleaner and sustainable
alternative, minimizing adverse environmental impacts.

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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Advantages Issue #10

Internationally, there is a growing acknowledgment of hydrogen's potential as a clean energy solution. Countries worldwide are
investing in research, infrastructure, and collaborative initiatives to support the widespread adoption of hydrogen technologies.
These global efforts underscore the collective commitment to innovation and advancement in hydrogen production, storage,
and utilization. The integration of hydrogen as a new fuel holds tremendous promise in reshaping our energy landscape.
Already making strides in transportation, energy storage, and industrial applications, hydrogen represents a versatile and
sustainable solution to address urgent environmental challenges. Embracing hydrogen contributes to a future where our energy
needs are met with minimal impact on the planet, fostering a more sustainable and resilient world.
The promising potential of hydrogen as a clean energy solution Technical challenges add complexity to the integration of
is undeniably significant, but its widespread adoption on a larger hydrogen into various sectors. For instance, adapting existing
scale faces several challenges that necessitate thoughtful natural gas pipelines to accommodate hydrogen requires
consideration and strategic solutions. Among the foremost modifications due to differences in physical properties.
challenges is the current method of hydrogen production. Industries and technologies must undergo adjustments,
While electrolysis presents a green pathway when powered by necessitating significant investments and time to facilitate a
renewable energy, a substantial portion of hydrogen is still smooth transition.
derived from processes dependent on fossil fuels. This dual
nature of production compromises the environmental benefits
until a more substantial shift occurs towards cleaner and
sustainable production methods.
The efficiency of hydrogen production and storage poses a
multifaceted challenge. The process of electrolysis itself can be
energy-intensive, impacting the overall environmental footprint
of hydrogen production. Moreover, finding efficient and safe
methods for storing and transporting hydrogen is an ongoing
engineering challenge. With its low energy density, developing
advanced storage solutions becomes imperative to make
hydrogen a practical and scalable option for various
Infrastructure is a critical barrier to the large-scale integration of Safety concerns also cast a shadow on the large-scale use of
hydrogen into our energy systems. Unlike conventional fuels hydrogen. As an odorless and colorless gas, hydrogen is highly
with established distribution networks, hydrogen lacks flammable, raising questions about its safe handling, storage, and
widespread infrastructure for production, distribution, and transportation. Robust safety standards and protocols are
refueling stations. The creation of such infrastructure demands imperative to allay these concerns and ensure the secure
substantial investment, coordination among stakeholders, and a integration of hydrogen technologies into our energy landscape.
strategic vision for the development of a hydrogen economy.
Cost remains a formidable hurdle in the journey toward In conclusion, while hydrogen holds immense promise for a
hydrogen adoption. While the costs associated with hydrogen cleaner and more sustainable energy future, a host of challenges
production have been steadily decreasing, achieving cost parity must be surmounted for its large-scale adoption.
with conventional fossil fuels is crucial. This involves addressing
the costs associated with production, storage, transportation, and
the development of infrastructure. Until hydrogen becomes
economically competitive, its widespread adoption will face
Page 6
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Our Drawbacks Issue #10

Everything has its own drawbacks,

But every problem also has its solution too.
The landscape of hydrogen production is currently dominated Scalability remains a critical concern as electrolysis technologies
by natural gas reforming, a process that, unfortunately, need to be adapted and optimized for large-scale production to
introduces a significant environmental obstacle. This meet the growing demand for hydrogen. Additionally, the
conventional method emits carbon dioxide, thereby current costs associated with electrolysis, especially when
compromising the intrinsic appeal of hydrogen as a clean and compared to conventional methods, present economic
green alternative fuel. As the world grapples with the urgent challenges that must be addressed for the widespread adoption
need to transition towards low-carbon and sustainable energy of green hydrogen. Government incentives, private sector
solutions, the imperative to revolutionize hydrogen production investments, and international collaborations are crucial in
methods becomes increasingly evident. driving research and development efforts to enhance the
efficiency and cost-effectiveness of electrolysis technologies.
In response to the environmental concerns associated with
natural gas reforming, attention has turned towards electrolysis
as a cleaner alternative. Electrolysis involves splitting water into The challenge of energy intensity further complicates the
hydrogen and oxygen using electricity, with the added benefit of trajectory of hydrogen production, particularly when considering
producing 'green hydrogen' when powered by renewable energy the electrolysis method. While electrolysis offers a clean and
sources. This represents a fundamental step forward in green pathway to hydrogen production, it demands a substantial
mitigating the carbon footprint associated with hydrogen amount of energy. This energy requirement poses a significant
production. However, despite its environmentally friendly concern, as the source of this energy plays a pivotal role in
attributes, electrolysis faces its own set of challenges. determining the overall environmental impact of hydrogen as a
fuel source.
One of the primary challenges hindering the widespread
adoption of electrolysis lies in its current stage of development. The fundamental premise of green hydrogen production lies in
The technology is still in its infancy, facing hurdles related to powering the electrolysis process with renewable energy sources
scalability and cost-effectiveness. The initial investment required such as solar, wind, or hydropower. However, the potential
for the establishment of electrolysis infrastructure and the high irony arises when non-renewable energy sources are used to
energy input for the process itself pose significant barriers. meet the considerable energy demands of electrolysis. In such
Overcoming these challenges is pivotal for ensuring that 'green scenarios, the overall environmental benefits of hydrogen as a
hydrogen' realizes its potential as a mainstream and clean fuel are compromised, as the carbon footprint associated
economically viable solution. with the production process escalates.

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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Our Drawbacks Issue #10

Therefore, the energy intensity dilemma underscores the critical As we navigate these storage and transportation challenges, it is
importance of ensuring that the energy used in hydrogen imperative to prioritize safety, efficiency, and environmental
production aligns with the broader goals of sustainability and considerations. Innovations in materials science, engineering,
decarbonization. It highlights the need for strategic planning and and the development of novel storage and transportation
integration of renewable energy sources into the electrolysis technologies are critical components of the solution.
process to maximize the environmental benefits of hydrogen as an Additionally, standardization and regulatory frameworks must
energy carrier. evolve to ensure the safe and efficient deployment of hydrogen
As the world seeks viable alternatives to conventional fossil storage and transportation infrastructure.
fuels, addressing the energy intensity challenge becomes a The cost factor stands as a significant barrier to the widespread
pivotal aspect of the hydrogen production paradigm. adoption of hydrogen, particularly when considering the
Governments, industries, and researchers must collaborate to production of green hydrogen through electrolysis. Presently,
accelerate the development and implementation of renewable the production cost of green hydrogen exceeds that of
energy solutions that can power electrolysis processes efficiently. conventional fossil fuels, posing a considerable challenge to its
By doing so, the environmental promise of hydrogen as a clean economic viability on a large scale. Achieving cost parity is a
and sustainable energy source can be fully realized, ensuring critical milestone that must be overcome to realize the full
that the energy input required for its production does not potential of hydrogen as a mainstream and economically
compromise the overall goal of mitigating climate change and competitive energy source.
fostering a greener energy landscape. The cost disparity is primarily rooted in the energy-intensive
The storage and transportation of hydrogen present intricate nature of electrolysis, where electricity from renewable sources
challenges that need innovative solutions to maximize the is used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. While the
effectiveness of hydrogen as a clean and efficient energy carrier. environmental benefits of green hydrogen are substantial, the
One of the primary hurdles stems from hydrogen's inherently current cost of renewable energy technologies and the
low energy density per unit volume, necessitating advanced efficiency of electrolysis processes contribute to the overall
storage and transportation technologies. expense.
Compressed hydrogen and liquid hydrogen are the two To address this challenge, concerted efforts are required across
prevailing methods for overcoming the volume-related multiple fronts. Technological advancements in electrolysis,
challenges of storage. However, these technologies are not improvements in the efficiency of renewable energy sources,
without their drawbacks. Compressed hydrogen requires high- and economies of scale in production can contribute to cost
pressure storage tanks, posing safety concerns and demanding reduction. Research and development initiatives aimed at
robust materials to withstand the immense pressures involved. enhancing the performance and longevity of electrolysis
Additionally, the compression process itself incurs energy technologies are crucial in making green hydrogen
losses, which can offset the efficiency gains of using hydrogen as economically viable.
a fuel. Moreover, policy support and incentives play a pivotal role in
Liquid hydrogen, while addressing some of the volume issues, driving down the cost of green hydrogen. Governments and
presents its own set of challenges. It requires cryogenic international organizations need to implement policies that
temperatures for storage, adding complexity and energy input to encourage investment in clean energy technologies, provide
the process. Moreover, the potential for hydrogen financial incentives, and create a conducive regulatory
embrittlement of materials and the challenges associated with environment. This can stimulate private sector participation,
handling extremely low temperatures raise safety considerations. spur innovation, and ultimately contribute to the cost
The quest for viable and sustainable storage solutions has competitiveness of green hydrogen.
spurred research into alternative methods such as hydrogen As the world increasingly recognizes the urgency of
carriers and chemical storage. Hydrogen carriers involve transitioning towards sustainable energy solutions, there is a
chemically binding hydrogen to another compound for easier growing momentum to address the cost challenges associated
transport and release. Chemical storage involves storing with hydrogen production. Industry collaborations, public-
hydrogen in chemical forms that can be easily converted back private partnerships, and global initiatives are fostering an
into molecular hydrogen when needed. Both approaches aim to environment conducive to innovation and cost reduction in the
enhance storage efficiency and address safety concerns hydrogen sector.
associated with traditional storage methods.
Page 8
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Pure Ammonia Issue #10

It has been crystal clear to everyone that energy is the most However, the current environmental indicators indicate the
significant requirement for people and their existence. Energy requirement for quick and effective actions. Moreover, the
consumption has always been ever increasing in the world due to diesel- and gasoline-powered generators used in residential,
rising energy demands. Everyday, new energy intensive commercial, utility sectors, and off-grid applications contribute
technologies, vehicles, systems, and applications are entering to fossil-based fuel consumption and increase the CO2
into our daily routines, which drastically increase the fuel and emissions. The use of ammonia in combustion processes, such
power requirements for economic activities and societal as internal combustion engines and gas turbines, can be a key
developments. Such needs have impacted the energy equation solution in a faster transition to the hydrogen economy.
with various constraints related to the environment, health, and
sustainable development. It is now badly necessary to set up the
energy equation without hydrocarbon fuels, and it is therefore
fully recognized by many researchers, scientists, organizations,
companies, etc. that it is time to move to renewable and clean
Attempts made of using
fuels (particularly with hydrogen and ammonia) which have been
advocated by Dincer1 for many years. In a recent perspective
Ammonia as fuel
article,1 he has declared that COVID-19 corona virus: closing
carbon age, but opening hydrogen age, and he considered the
year of 2020 a turning point. This age is even more necessary for Recently, there have been numerous attempts to use ammonia
human health and human welfare. In conjunction with this, in internal combustion engines and gas turbines. The California
there is a strong need to develop the technologies and Public rtilities Commission has met with industry stakeholders
economies to make a smooth transition as quickly as possible. on alternatives to diesel generators as part of an ongoing micro
That is why this perspective article takes ammonia into grid proceeding and is considering replacing the diesel
consideration for a fair evaluation and suggestions for better generators with ammonia-driven ones for 2021. It is planning to
combustion practices. change PR0 jW of diesel generators used in SP substations, to
ammonia-fueled ones. Japan has launched a serious action plan
It is a well-known fact that almost one-third of the total for ammonia use to produce, especially in electricity production.
consumed energy in the world is used in the transportation It is expected that 1% of electricity consumption will be met by
sector where fossil fuels are primarily used to produce common ammonia-driven systems in Japan.3 For this purpose, ammonia-
transportation fuels, covering diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, etc. Their fueled gas turbine program has been started for power
extensive use has been causing very high levels of greenhouse generation in Japan.A Japanese marine company has announced
gases, ranging from 20% to 30% depending on the nation's starting a project on ammonia-fueled ships and fuel supply
development. Although there is a big attempt to transient to systems for it.5 Much more ammonia applications are
electrical and hybrid vehicles by manufacturer and governments, introduced in the following sections in detail. Despite unique
it seems that is not possible to complete this transition in a short advantages of ammonia, there are some challenges related to its
time due to infrastructure, economical, and raw material issues. toxicity, flammability and combustion in traditional engines,
turbines and power generators.

Page 9
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Pure Ammonia Issue #10

In this perspective article, clean ammonia is considered as a potential, carbon-free solution to processes and systems in various sectors and discussed
from various viewpoints, such as potential sources, key methods for production, storage modes and distribution options, applications, advantages,
disadvantages, combustions challenges and solutions, and future prospects. It is also evaluated as a clean fuel and proposed for combustion
applications. Furthermore, some key solutions to potential challenges in the use of ammonia are discussed and addressed for practical applications.

Facts about ammonia production and utilization

Ammonia (NH3) is known as a colorless and pungent-smelling Here, we introduce the economic cycle of ammonia ranging
gas at room temperature with a compound of nitrogen and from its production by using clean sources to final useful
hydrogen. Pure ammonia is hygroscopic and easily dissolved in commodities for economic activities under services and is shown
water and humidity. Ammonia is, however, corrosive due to its in Figure 2. Ammonia could be the key to finalize the increasing
alkaline properties. Having said that it is one of the most search for an alternative fuel as it can be produced with
commonly produced industrial chemicals around the world. renewables. Ammonia is a chemical that can be used in many
More than 75% of the ammonia produced is used in the sectors and for many different purposes. It can serve as a fuel in
agriculture sector as a fertilizer. Ammonia can also be used as a energy production, a key chemical in feedstock and chemicals
working fluid in a refrigeration cycle. The other common use of production, the main ingredient for cleaning materials, a fuel for
ammonia is in household cleaning solutions. Figure 1 illustrates engines, and a refrigerant for cooling systems. Its versatile and
the amount of ammonia produced around the world. The data wide range of application potential makes ammonia an
in Figure 1 between 1945 and 2017 (given as blue line) have important, carbon-free alternative. Some key advantages of
been acquired from Reference 6. Globally, about 146 million utilizing ammonia as a clean alternative are listed as follows:
metric tonnes of ammonia was produced in 2019. Only a small • Ammonia has three hydrogen atoms and one nitrogen
portion of ammonia (approximately 4%) is used in direct atom and can flexibly be produced with conventional or
applications; the remaining portion is used as a chemical in renewable resources.
industrial applications or fertilizer in agriculture. It is expected • It is a potential hydrogen storage and carrier.
to increase the ammonia consumption with the use of ammonia • Transportation of ammonia is much safer compared to
in the energy sector due to environmental concerns and hydrogen.
attempts in reducing CO2 emissions. There are many attempts • When liquefied, it contains approximately 48% more
all around the world in order to use ammonia as a carbon-free hydrogen by volume than hydrogen.
fuel. Many countries have announced many ammonia-related • No carbon dioxide emissions are emitted during its use
projects for power generation, off-grid application, internal since it is carbon free.
combustion engines, etc. Additionally, it will be expected to • It can be utilized for a wide range of applications as a fuel,
increase with the increasing hydrogen-powered systems since working fluid, refrigerant, hydrogen carrier, fertilizer,
ammonia is a good hydrogen carrier. We foresee that the feedstock, chemical, cleaning agent, and many more.
production and consumption of ammonia will be increasing • It can be easily detectable when any leakage occurs because
exponentially. Our projection is illustrated in Figure 1 with a of its distinctive smell.
red-dotted line. In 2050, globally about 1.2 billion metric tonnes • A strong fuel candidate for engines, gas turbines, power
of ammonia is going to be produced and increase exponentially. generators, and burners. The modifications needed for
It is nearly 8.2 times more than the amount of ammonia such engines are relatively small.
produced in 2019.

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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Pure Ammonia Issue #10

An economic cycle of ammonia from production to utilization

Ammonia as a clean fuel for combustion

Although ammonia has widely been used for many years in the A comparison of various types of fuels with ammonia is given in
refrigeration systems as a refrigerant and the production of Table 1. Although energy density of ammonia in pressurized
fertilizers, household cleaning chemicals, and disinfectants, it tank is 2.5 times lower than gasoline, it has a big advantage
has started regaining attention from researchers, scientists, according to traditional fuels in terms of the specific energetic
engineers, and technologists due to its carbon-free nature which cost. Also, when ammonia is produced with renewables, the life
can be used as a potential fuel to reduce the CO2 emissions. It cycle costs of ammonia-fuel blend–driven systems can be
can play a critical role in solving various challenges related to reduced substantially.
hydrogen energy options and hydrogen economy as a unique
hydrogen storage medium (with three atoms of hydrogen) and One may look at the combustion reactions of ammonia. Let us
transportation and distribution, without changing the first consider a stoichiometric combustion with 100% theoretical
infrastructure, with the existing transportation and distribution air for ammonia combustion, which occurs as a complete
options where industries currently deploy. In the last decade, combustion, as follows:
the attempts have considerably increased to use ammonia in
internal combustion engines and gas turbines. In Table 1, the
common fuels used in internal combustion engines are given When the pure ammonia is ideally combusted, H2O and N2
with their combustion properties. Numerous important are formed. However, this kind of combustion is practically
advantages of ammonia as a potential fuel can be listed as impossible. Any fuel, including ammonia, needs to be
follows: combusted with excess air (which will make the theoretical air
more than 100%). Let us this time consider a combustion
• It is carbon free and environmentally benign. reaction of ammonia with excess air (where X will be percent
• It has three atoms of hydrogen and may potentially be theoretical air, for example, 50% excess air will make it 150%
used as hydrogen carrier. theoretical air which will bring 1.5 to multiply the air and 100%
• Its production, storage, transportation, and distribution are excess air will make it 200% theoretical air which will bring 2.0
much easier and less complicated than many other fuels. to multiply the air) as follows:
• It is cost-effective and economically feasible for
• It can be considered a potential replacement for gasoline,
diesel, and kerosene. On the other hand, under actual conditions, the reaction
• It can be considered for all combustion systems, ranging kinetics of ammonia combustion tend to form nitric oxide.
from engines to gas turbines. Therefore, ammonia is partially oxidized, and the partial
• It can be a potential fuel solution for clean power oxidation of ammonia occurs as
generation in remote areas.

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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Pure Ammonia Issue #10

where X is the percent theoretical air, Y is the number of input moles of NH3, C is the percent conversion of NH3, and Z is
the percent NOx formation.The partial oxidation of ammonia reduces the energy output of the reaction by about 30%
according to the ideal stoichiometric combustion reaction. Also, as the ignition temperature of ammonia is high, a portion of
ammonia does not combust, and it exhausts in the gas form. Therefore, it is critical to provide complete combustion for
ammonia. As given in Table 1, the autoignition temperature of ammonia is approximately 200°C higher than gasoline and
diesel. Therefore, ignition difficulty is seen in both spark ignition and compression engines. High ignition temperature
causes low combustion temperature and power reduction in the engine.

Challenges with ammonia combustion

It is important to point out that ammonia, when used for Ammonia-fuel blends can reduce the need for additional
combustion, has some side effects, just like the way all drugs devices or modifications in engines. Thus, the transition to the
have some side effects. Such side effects (so-called: challenges) hydrogen economy can be achieved cost-effectively in internal
may be listed as follows: combustion engines. The common way to send the ammonia
into the engine is to send with air in gas form from the air intake
• High ignition temperature manifold . In order to achieve as possible as maximum power
and as possible as the lowest emissions, the ammonia, fuel, and
• Low flame velocity air mixture should adjust carefully. This requires a
comprehensive blender design and automatic control system.
• Slow chemical kinetics
Therefore, an optimum blender should be designed for each
Since there are increasing research efforts to minimize the conventional fuel to be mixed with ammonia to adjust the
impacts and improve the combustion performance, it is optimum mixing ratio for ammonia, fuel, and air. Ammonia can
necessary to provide some key remedies to overcome the issues. also be taken in by injecting ammonia and fuel separately into
These will be discussed in the next subsections. the intake manifold in the liquid phase, as seen in Figure 3B. In
this method, the flow rates of ammonia and fuel should be well
4.1 Solutions to the challenges adjusted. Also, effective ammonia injectors should be developed
to prevent ammonia slip.
Three above-listed side effects of ammonia combustion are On the other hand, ammonia-fuel blends cause power reduction
discussed and possible technical solutions are provided as due to ammonia combustion. Yapicioglu and Dincer13 have
follows. performed a comprehensive study to investigate the effective
ammonia-fuel blends in a power generator engine. Figure 4
4.1.1 High ignition temperature demonstrates the effect of changing the ratio of ammonia fuel
blends on power output. As expected, the power output from
In order to solve the difficult ignition problem of ammonia, it is the generator has reduced with increasing the ratio of ammonia
a common way to mix ammonia with traditional fuels using in in the fuel mixture. Also, the highest power output has been
internal combustion engines such as gasoline, diesel, LPG, obtained by ammonia-hydrogen blend. Additionally, the exhaust
CNG, ethanol, methanol, hydrogen, etc. Figure 3 illustrates the temperature tends to decrease with increasing the ratio of
use of ammonia-fuel blends in internal combustion engines. ammonia in the fuel mixture. While the ratio of ammonia in
Ammonia can be taken into the engine either with air in its gas fuel blend is changing from 0.20 to 0.80, the exhaust
form from the air intake manifold or injecting to the cylinder in temperature has reduced about 60°C in diesel, 150°C in
its liquid form separately from accompanying fuel. Since the hydrogen, and 100°C in propane and natural gas blends.13
traditional fuels will ignite at a lower temperature, it will increase
the temperature of the cylinder and it helps to ignite ammonia.

In order to enhance the combustion processes and power

output, a supercharger can be integrated into the engine. The
engine can be more excessively supercharged than traditional
engines due to high octane rating of ammonia. Higher
compression ratios can also help to solve difficult ignition
problem. Increasing pressure will increase the temperature of
the fuel mixture in the cylinder. Thus, the combustion can occur
more easily. Preheating for ammonia can also help the
autoignition. Higher temperature ammonia intake can help
enhance the initiation and progression of combustion.
On the other hand, the accompanying fuel causes CO2 and
NOx emissions. When emissions for the engines fueled by
traditional fuels and ammonia-fuel blends are compared,
ammonia provides a significant advance to reduce emissions.
Here, the use of hydrogen in the ammonia-fuel blend suppresses
the carbon emissions since the fuel mixture does not contain
carbon compounds. Ammonia-hydrogen blend is also significant
for reducing carbon emissions as there is no carbon in the
mixture. The effect of ammonia-fuel blends on CO2 and NOx
emissions is shown in Figure 5, as expressed in the next

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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Pure Ammonia Issue #10

4.1.2 Low Flame velocity

The second challenge for the use of ammonia in an internal 4.1.3 Slow chemical kinetics
combustion engine is the lower flame speed of ammonia The chemical reaction rate is the speed at which a chemical
according to other traditional fuels. The lower flame speed reaction occurs. It is also defined as the speed at which the
restrains temperature diffusion in the cylinder during the reactant converted into the products. When ammonia is used
combustion stroke and causes the power reduction. This in internal combustion engines as a fuel, the chemical reaction
problem is seen in both spark ignition and compression rate is slow than traditional fuels due to its high ignition
engines. Consequently, the use of ammonia in a conventional temperature and low flame velocity. This slow chemical
engine is not possible to use without power losses. However, reaction rate causes ammonia to be discharged from the
when it is taken into consideration that being carbon-free fuel exhaust without burning. The common way to enhance the
and its potential to reduce carbon emissions, ammonia is still a chemical reaction rate of ammonia combustion is to use the
worthwhile and significant alternative fuel for internal promoter in ammonia-air mixture. Traditional fuels and
combustion engines. All the solutions described above can also hydrogen are commonly used as a promoter in ammonia-
help in resolving low flame velocity. Namely, ammonia-fuel fueled engines, as expressed in the previous section. Ammonia-
blend, preheated ammonia, and higher compression ratios can fuel blends can increase the chemical reaction rate of ammonia
improve flame velocity. combustion. Also, NaCl, BaCL2, and NaF are used for a
catalyst to enhance chemical kinetics of ammonia combustion.
Ammonia can be used in spark ignition engines by injecting
ammonia and gasoline separately into the intake manifold in
liquid phase. As ammonia combusts one-fifth time slower than
gasoline, the spark timing requires special arrangement of the
crank angle/piston position. When 70% of gasoline is
substituted into ammonia, same amount of carbon dioxide is Figure 5 shows the CO2 and NOx emissions for different
reduced. Ammonia should not be injected into the cylinder ammonia-fuel mixtures with respect to the mixture ratio. It is
unless pressure is higher that cylinder compression pressure. In clear that increasing the amount of ammonia in the mixture
the compression ignition engines, ammonia is premixed with substantially reduces CO2 and NOx emissions. In pure
the air and introduced through the intake manifold and small ammonia and ammonia-fuel blends, especially ammonia-
quantity of diesel fuel or another promoter is injected inside the hydrogen mixture–driven combustion engines, NOx emissions
cylinder to have the ammonia-air mixture ignited. As mention are a critical problem. In order to prevent this problem,
before, here, it is important to adjust and autocontrol mixture ammonia oxidation catalyst and catalytic reduction can be used.
ratios of ammonia, fuel, and air is a significant issue. Thus, both NOx and NH3 can be reduced. The use of
ammonia-hydrogen blend can eliminate carbon emissions. Also,
enhancement of ammonia combustion can reduce NOx

Page 13
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 The Blend Issue #10

Ammonia Hydrogen Blend

A Comprehensive Analysis of a Sustainable Energy Carrier
Abstract Hydrogen's Role in Clean Energy
Hydrogen is considered a key player in the transition to clean
The world is witnessing a paradigm shift towards sustainable energy. Its applications span various sectors, including
energy solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change and transportation, industry, and power generation. Despite its
reduce dependence on fossil fuels. In this context, the potential, challenges such as storage, transportation, and
combination of ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen (H2) is distribution have hindered its widespread adoption. Blending
emerging as a promising energy carrier, offering solutions to hydrogen with ammonia opens up new possibilities for
challenges in storage, transportation, and utilization of clean overcoming some of these challenges while maintaining the
energy. This note explores the synergies and complexities of an benefits of hydrogen as a clean energy carrier.
ammonia-hydrogen blend, covering its production, properties,
applications, challenges, and future prospects. Production of Ammonia-Hydrogen Blend
The production of an ammonia-hydrogen blend involves the
Introduction synthesis of ammonia, typically through the Haber-Bosch
process, followed by the separation of hydrogen from the
The global push for decarbonization has sparked interest in ammonia compound. Several methods, including thermal
alternative energy carriers beyond traditional fossil fuels. decomposition and selective catalytic processes, can be
Hydrogen, as a clean and versatile energy carrier, has gained employed to release hydrogen from ammonia. The resulting
considerable attention. However, challenges related to storage blend can be fine-tuned to meet specific energy requirements
and transportation have prompted exploration of novel and applications.
approaches, such as blending hydrogen with ammonia.
Ammonia, known for its high hydrogen content, presents a
unique opportunity to create a liquid energy carrier that Properties and Advantages
addresses some of the limitations associated with gaseous The properties of the ammonia-hydrogen blend make it a
hydrogen. compelling alternative to conventional hydrogen carriers.
Ammonia's liquid state at ambient temperature allows for
Ammonia as an Energy Carrier efficient storage and transportation, overcoming some of the
challenges associated with gaseous hydrogen. The blend exhibits
Ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, has been enhanced energy density, making it suitable for applications
utilized in various industries, including agriculture and where space is a limiting factor. Additionally, leveraging existing
chemicals. Its potential as an energy carrier lies in its high ammonia infrastructure can contribute to a more seamless
hydrogen content (17.65% by weight) and its ability to store integration into current energy systems.
hydrogen in a liquid state under moderate pressure and
temperature conditions. The utilization of ammonia as an
energy carrier provides an avenue for large-scale hydrogen
storage and transportation.

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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 The Blend Issue #10

Applications of Ammonia-Hydrogen
The versatility of the ammonia-hydrogen blend extends its Environmental Impact
applicability across various sectors:
Assessing the environmental impact of the ammonia-hydrogen
blend is crucial for ensuring its sustainability. Considerations
1. Power Generation: include the carbon footprint associated with ammonia
• Utilization in fuel cells for clean electricity generation. production, the energy required for hydrogen separation, and
• Integration into stationary power systems and microgrids. the overall life cycle emissions. A comprehensive life cycle
analysis is necessary to quantify the environmental benefits and
2. Transportation: drawbacks of the blend compared to other energy carriers.
• Blended fuel for hydrogen-powered vehicles, reducing the
need for extensive infrastructure modifications. Future Prospects
• Potential use in maritime and aviation industries for long- The future prospects of the ammonia-hydrogen blend hinge on
range transport. technological advancements, policy support, and market
acceptance. Continued research into more efficient hydrogen
3. Industrial Processes: separation methods, improvements in the environmental
sustainability of ammonia production, and the development of
• Replacement for conventional hydrogen in industrial
standardized safety protocols will contribute to the broader
applications, such as metal production and chemical
adoption of the blend. Government incentives and international
collaborations can play a pivotal role in accelerating the
• Integration into existing ammonia-based processes for
integration of this innovative energy carrier into existing energy
improved energy efficiency.

Challenges and Considerations Conclusion

While the ammonia-hydrogen blend offers significant
The amalgamation of ammonia and hydrogen represents a
advantages, it comes with its set of challenges:
promising avenue for addressing challenges in the storage,
transportation, and utilization of clean energy. The unique
1. Hydrogen Separation: properties of ammonia, coupled with the versatility of hydrogen,
Efficient separation of hydrogen from ammonia is critical and create a blend that offers enhanced energy density and
requires advanced technologies to optimize the process. applicability across diverse sectors. While challenges exist,
ongoing research and collaborative efforts are poised to unlock
2. Safety: the full potential of the ammonia-hydrogen blend, contributing
Ammonia is known for its toxicity, and proper safety measures to a more sustainable and resilient energy future.
must be in place throughout the production, transportation, and
utilization phases.

7.3. Technological Development:

Continued research and development are essential to enhance
the efficiency of hydrogen separation and optimize the overall
production process.

Page 15
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Working Issue #10

Generation of Spark in Petrol Cars:

Igniting the Power
The ignition process in petrol cars involves the controlled - *Distributor (In Traditional Systems):* In older systems, a
combustion of the air-fuel mixture within the engine cylinders. distributor played a role in routing high-voltage pulses from the
This combustion is initiated by a spark, a tiny but crucial ignition coil to the appropriate spark plug. However, many
element that transforms the potential energy stored in fuel into modern systems have moved away from distributors.
kinetic energy, propelling the vehicle forward. The generation of
this spark is a sophisticated process, typically facilitated by a - *Engine Control Unit (ECU):* The ECU is the brain of the
spark ignition system. In this discussion, we will explore how engine management system. It monitors various parameters
this essential spark is generated, outlining the key components such as engine speed, load, and temperature to determine the
and the sequence of events in the ignition process. optimal timing for the spark.

*1. Ignition System Overview:* *3. Sequence of Spark Generation:*

Petrol engines predominantly utilize spark ignition systems, also - Compression Stroke: The process begins during the
known as spark plug ignition systems. These systems consist of compression stroke of the engine's four-stroke cycle. The air-
several components working together to produce and deliver fuel mixture is compressed within the cylinder by the upward
the spark at precisely the right moment. movement of the piston.

- Ignition Timing: The ECU calculates the precise moment

*2. Key Components:* when the spark should occur based on real-time data. It
considers factors such as engine speed, load, and temperature to
optimize performance and efficiency.
- *Spark Plug:* At the heart of the ignition system is the
spark plug. It is a small, yet crucial device located in the
combustion chamber of each cylinder. The spark plug has two - Signal to Ignition Coil: The ECU sends a signal to the
electrodes – a central one (center electrode) and a ground ignition coil, indicating that it's time to generate a spark.
electrode. These electrodes create a small gap where the spark
is generated. - High-Voltage Pulse: The ignition coil transforms the low-
voltage electrical input into a high-voltage pulse. This pulse is
- *Ignition Coil:* The ignition coil is responsible for then sent to the spark plug.
generating the high-voltage electrical pulse needed to produce a - Spark Creation: The high-voltage pulse jumps across the
spark at the spark plug. In traditional systems, there is a single gap between the center and ground electrodes of the spark plug,
ignition coil for all cylinders, while modern coil-on-plug systems creating a spark. This spark ignites the compressed air-fuel
have an individual coil for each cylinder. mixture in the combustion chamber.

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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Working Issue #10

- Power Stroke: The ignited mixture undergoes rapid expansion, generating a high-pressure force that drives the piston down during
the power stroke, turning the engine's crankshaft.

*4. Importance of Spark Control:*

Precise control of the spark is critical for optimal engine performance. The ability to adjust the timing of the spark ensures efficient
combustion under various driving conditions, contributing to power output, fuel efficiency, and emission control.

*5. Conclusion:*

In the intricate dance of internal combustion engines, the generation of a spark is the catalyst that transforms potential energy into
motion. The collaborative efforts of the spark plug, ignition coil, and engine control unit choreograph this process with precision,
ensuring that each spark occurs at the right moment. As automotive technology continues to advance, the refinement of spark ignition
systems remains integral to enhancing overall engine efficiency and performance.

Coil-On-Plug Ignition System**

The coil-on-plug (COP) ignition system is a modern design that has become increasingly prevalent in automotive engineering. This
system has evolved from traditional distributor systems and even from coil pack setups, offering advantages in terms of efficiency,
performance, and maintenance. Below, we'll delve into the key features, working principles, and benefits of the coil-on-plug ignition

*1. Overview of Coil-On-Plug System:*

The coil-on-plug ignition system is an advancement over conventional systems, aiming to enhance the precision and control of the
ignition process. In this setup, each engine cylinder has its dedicated ignition coil, which is directly mounted on the spark plug or in
close proximity. This individualized approach to ignition has several advantages, contributing to improved engine performance.

*2. Key Components and Their Functions:*

- *Ignition Coil:* The heart of the coil-on-plug system is the ignition coil. Modern vehicles often use a type of coil known as an
ignition coil-on-plug (ICOP). This compact coil is capable of producing high-voltage electrical pulses.

- *Spark Plug:* Each cylinder is equipped with its own spark plug, and the ignition coil is directly connected to this spark plug.
When the coil receives a signal from the engine control unit (ECU), it generates a high-voltage pulse, creating a spark at the spark
plug's electrode.

- *Engine Control Unit (ECU):* The ECU is the brain of the engine management system. It monitors various parameters such as
engine speed, load, and temperature to determine the precise timing for ignition events. The ECU sends signals to the individual
ignition coils based on these parameters.

*3. Working Principles:*

- Ignition Timing: The ECU calculates the optimal ignition timing for each cylinder based on real-time data. It then sends a signal
to the corresponding ignition coil, instructing it to generate a spark at the precise moment when the piston is at the top of its
compression stroke.

- Spark Generation: When the ignition coil receives the signal, it produces a high-voltage pulse. This pulse travels through the
spark plug's central electrode, creating a spark that ignites the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

- Cylinder-Specific Control: One of the primary advantages of the coil-on-plug system is the ability to control each cylinder
independently. This allows for fine-tuning of the ignition process, optimizing performance, fuel efficiency, and emissions.

*4. Advantages of Coil-On-Plug System:*

- Improved Ignition Control: The individualized nature of the coil-on-plug system allows for precise control over the ignition
process, leading to better combustion efficiency.

- Enhanced Performance: By optimizing ignition timing for each cylinder, the coil-on-plug system contributes to improved engine
performance, responsiveness, and power output.

- Reduced Maintenance: Since each cylinder has its own ignition coil, troubleshooting becomes more straightforward. It also
eliminates the need for a distributor, reducing maintenance requirements.

- Efficiency and Emissions: The system's ability to tailor ignition to specific engine conditions contributes to better fuel efficiency
and lower emissions.

*5. Conclusion:*
In conclusion, the coil-on-plug ignition system represents a significant advancement in automotive technology. Its individualized
control over each cylinder's ignition process provides benefits in terms of performance, efficiency, and maintenance. As automotive
engineering continues to evolve, the coil-on-plug system remains a key element in enhancing the overall driving experience and
meeting stringent emission standards.
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Saturday Jan 06, 2024 Working Issue #10

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Process in Cars Using Ammonia Fuel for NOx Emission Reduction**

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is an advanced emission control technology widely employed in modern vehicles to mitigate
nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions. When ammonia is used as a fuel, the SCR process becomes a particularly effective and
environmentally friendly method for reducing NOx. In this discussion, we will delve into the intricacies of SCR, focusing on its
principles, key components, and the impact of using ammonia as a fuel.

*1. Overview of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR):*

Selective Catalytic Reduction is a post-combustion technology designed to reduce NOx emissions produced during the combustion
process in internal combustion engines, particularly in diesel vehicles. SCR systems work by introducing a reducing agent into the
exhaust stream, which then reacts with NOx over a catalyst to convert them into harmless nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O).

*2. Key Components of SCR System:*

- *Catalyst:* The heart of the SCR system is the catalyst, typically made of materials like titanium or zeolite, which facilitates the
chemical reactions necessary for NOx reduction. Common catalysts include vanadium, titanium, and zeolite-based catalysts.
- *Reducing Agent:* In conventional SCR systems, urea dissolved in water, known as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), is the most
common reducing agent. However, in the context of using ammonia as a fuel, ammonia itself serves as both the fuel and the reducing

- *Ammonia Delivery System:* An efficient system for delivering ammonia into the exhaust stream is essential. This may involve
vaporizing liquid ammonia or injecting gaseous ammonia into the exhaust downstream of the engine.

- *Control System:* The SCR system is intricately controlled by the engine control unit (ECU), which adjusts the injection of
ammonia based on real-time data such as engine load, speed, and NOx levels in the exhaust.

*3. SCR Process with Ammonia as Fuel:*

- Ammonia as Reducing Agent: In the context of using ammonia as a fuel, the process involves injecting ammonia directly into the
exhaust stream. Ammonia is a potent reducing agent, readily reacting with NOx over the catalyst to form nitrogen and water.

- Reaction Mechanism: The chemical reaction can be represented as follows:

\[4NO + 4NH_3 + O_2 \rightarrow 4N_2 + 6H_2O\]

- Optimal Operating Conditions: The SCR system is most effective within a specific temperature range, typically between 200°C and
500°C. This necessitates efficient thermal management within the exhaust system to ensure optimal performance.

*4. Advantages of SCR with Ammonia:*

- High NOx Removal Efficiency: Ammonia, as a fuel and reducing agent, offers high NOx removal efficiency, contributing to
stringent emission standards compliance.

- Reduced Dependency on Urea: The use of ammonia directly reduces dependency on urea-based DEF, simplifying the system and
potentially lowering operating costs.

- Environmentally Friendly: The end products of the SCR process with ammonia are nitrogen and water, which are environmentally
benign, making it a clean and sustainable solution.

*5. Challenges and Considerations:*

- Safe Handling of Ammonia: Ammonia is a hazardous substance, and its safe handling is crucial. Proper storage, transportation,
and delivery mechanisms must be in place to ensure safety.

- Temperature Sensitivity: The SCR process with ammonia is sensitive to temperature variations, requiring effective thermal
management to maintain optimal operating conditions.

*6. Conclusion:*

In conclusion, the use of ammonia as a fuel in conjunction with the SCR process represents a promising avenue for reducing NOx
emissions in vehicles. This technology aligns with the industry's commitment to environmental sustainability and regulatory compliance.
As automotive engineering continues to evolve, SCR systems with ammonia fuel hold the potential to play a pivotal role in achieving
cleaner and more efficient transportation.

Page 18
Saturday Jan 06, 2024 REVOLUTION Issue #10

The latest breaking news of the day

Revolution on the way
In envisioning a world powered by a revolutionary, environmentally Reduced exposure to harmful pollutants means fewer
friendly fuel source, we embark on a journey towards a brighter and respiratory complications, allowing them to savor the twilight
more sustainable future. Picture a global landscape where the air we years with greater vigor and comfort. Retirement communities,
breathe is purer, and the skies are clearer, free from the looming once confronted with the challenges of maintaining health in
specter of pollution. This trans-formative fuel, both renewable and the face of environmental degradation, become vibrant hubs of
cost-effective, holds the potential to reshape our lives and the planet activity and connection.
we call home. At the heart of this innovative solution lies a Moreover, the improved public health index becomes a
commitment to mitigating climate change and reducing our carbon testament to the transformative power of sustainable energy on
footprint. Unlike traditional fossil fuels, this groundbreaking energy both an individual and collective level. Societies witness a shift
source taps into the boundless power of nature without depleting in focus from combating the symptoms of pollution-related
finite resources or releasing harmful emissions. It marks a departure diseases to proactive health measures and holistic well-being.
from the age-old reliance on non-renewable fuels, ushering in an era The economic burden of healthcare diminishes, allowing
where our energy needs are met without compromising the delicate nations to redirect resources towards education, infrastructure,
balance of our ecosystems. Imagine a world where the average person and other avenues that foster progress and societal flourishing.
enjoys not only cleaner air but also financial relief. The advent of this In this envisioned future, the synergies between environmental
new fuel brings with it the promise of affordability, as its renewable sustainability and public health create a virtuous cycle. The
nature eliminates the volatility associated with conventional energy symbiotic relationship between a cleaner environment and
markets. As the cost of production decreases and technological healthier communities sets the stage for a global renaissance,
advancements make the process more efficient, households and where the pursuit of well-being becomes inseparable from the
industries alike stand to benefit from reduced energy expenses, commitment to preserving our planet. As individuals thrive in
empowering communities to allocate resources towards other pressing an environment free from the shackles of pollution, the
needs. Within the tapestry of this utopian future, the ripple effects of collective consciousness undergoes a profound shift towards a
embracing eco-friendly fuel continue to weave a narrative of profound shared responsibility for the Earth, ensuring a legacy of
well-being and societal harmony. The shift to this sustainable energy prosperity, health, and harmony for generations yet to come.
source not only revitalizes our planet but fundamentally enhances the
Moreover, the widespread adoption of this fuel cultivates a
quality of life for individuals across the globe. As communities
sense of environmental stewardship, fostering a global mindset
breathe cleaner air, the tangible improvements in public health
focused on preserving the delicate balance of our planet. As
become a beacon of hope. Hospitals witness a decline in admissions
nations unite in the pursuit of sustainable energy, geopolitical
related to respiratory illnesses, freeing up resources to address other
pressing health concerns. Children, the most vulnerable members of
tensions over fossil fuel reserves subside, paving the way for
society, revel in the freedom to play outdoors without the looming collaboration on a shared mission to safeguard the Earth for
threat of smog and air-borne pollutants. The laughter of youngsters future generations. In this idyllic future, our dependence on
echoes in parks, once marred by the haze of pollution, now finite and environmentally harmful resources becomes a relic
transformed into sanctuaries of fresh air and vitality. The elderly, too, of the past. Through embracing this new, renewable fuel, we
find solace in this newfound era of environmental responsibility. No forge a path towards a world where economic prosperity
longer burdened by the strain imposed by polluted air, seniors harmonizes with ecological responsibility, creating a legacy of
experience a rejuvenation of their well-being. sustainability that endures for centuries to come.

Page 19

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