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Teaching Practice (TPTG620)

Assignment :04(Co-Curricular Activities)

Submitted to:Sir Muazzam Dildar
Submitted by :Shahbaz Fareed
Semester 3,B.Ed
Total Marks: 20

To assess the students’ understanding of concepts of teaching and enable them for
implementing lesson planning practically.


 Late assignments will not be accepted.

 If the file is corrupt or problematic, it will be marked zero.
 Plagiarism will never be tolerated. Plagiarism occurs when a student uses work
done by someone else as if it was his or her own; however, taking the ideas from
different sources and expressing them in your own words will be encouraged.
 No assignment will be accepted via e-mail.
 The solution file should be in Word document format; the font color should be
preferably black and font size should be 12 Times New Roman.

List of Activities

1. Co-curricular activities are integral part of teaching-learning process. Students-

teacher is requested to organize and participate in any three co-curricular activities
on weekly basis.

Activity 1: Co-curricular Activities

The purpose of these activities is to take part in co-curricular activities in school.


Please observe assembly (one per week) and share your views on this activity. You can also
conduct assembly (if school allows you).

1. Write the steps involved in conducting the assembly?

1. Tilawat e Glorious Quran:

- The meeting started with students reading selected extracts from the Holy Quran in order
to promote Islam in the whole society as well as gain religious directions.

2. Naat in praise of Prophet Muhammad PBUH:2. Naat in praise of Prophet Muhammad


- Around the week, the students were performing a loving and emotional Naat spoken by a
guest speaker where he was narrating the love for Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

3. Joint Prayers:

- The students prayed together; this had a common aim of bringing together the people
involved joining hands for a cause and also sought the blessings of Allah.

4. National Anthem:

- Later on, the national anthem of Pakistan was played and sung by the students of the
campus which makes every one of the gatherings aware of the feeling of pride for their

5. Message of the day by Head of institution:

- The head of the institution in his brief but effective speech covered formalities, topics of
general interest, inspiring stump speeches and lessons the students need to learn in order
to be a better person.

6. What is the role of assembly for students’ grooming?

1. Character Building:

- Based on the learning points met at the assembly, students get to practice discipline,
respect and empathy when praying and listening to motivational speeches.

2. Spiritual Growth:

- In this way, it brings spirituality by teaching and emphasizing the rituals of Islam among
the congregation and making a feeling of being in the presence of Allah by the recitation of
the Holy Quran and Naats.

3. National Pride:

- When singing the national anthem, the students are trained andtaught ways of being
patriotic towards their nation hence enhancing their morale and feelings of being proud of
their nation.

4. Leadership Skills:

- Students get to engage in leadership tasks aiding in the organization and the coordination
of segments in the assembly for instance, as a speaker or by supervising the related activities.

5. Community Building:

- They also bring together students in effort to foster unity among them by appreciating the
diversity that exists in schools. The assembly reinforces the spirit of fraternity and co-
existence among different students.

On the whole, it is overwhelming clear that assembly has a myriad of benefits to the students’
grooming educationally, morally, spiritually, nationally and in leadership, and community
building aspect.

Reflection: What things you can improve while conducting assembly?

1. Engagement:

- Enhance the motivation of the student by using such methods of questioning and answering
sessions or group and assembly discussions and hands-on activities during the assembly.

2. Diversity and Inclusivity:

- Make sure the assembly represents everybody in the school by asking different cultural
groups, religion groups and disabled persons to be included.

3. Relevance:

- Add the depth to the topics that are essential for assembly by involving topics that students
can relate to like career options, depression, or global warming.

4. Feedback Mechanism:

- They should be lending feedback on how the assembly should be conducted next time so
that it can be able to meet the set goals of full engagement of all the students as well as their
overall satisfaction.

5. Collaboration with External Experts:

Unfortunately, this is not very far from the truth and now, and a brief survey of some recent
works show that continued mathematical activity along such lines will serve no purpose
except to confirm that the development of algebraic number theory parallel to analysis and
the abstracting of algebra has become one of the principal trends in modern mathematics.

- Also engage external contacts, or guest speakers, to come in and share with students their
knowledge about different subjects that may be useful in the assembly and enhance the
learning process during the assembly.

If these improvements are achieved then there is definitely an opportunity to enhance the
assemblies or make them more dynamic, involving, relevant and useful in enhancing the
personality and development of students.

Recess Duty

Observe this activity (one per week) in school and record your observations against
each statement.

Activity Yes, No Any comments

Teachers were present Yes Having teachers observe students’ behaviors in the
for observation of canteen or playground ensures a safe and orderly
students’ behaviors in environment, promoting positive social interactions
canteen or in playground and immediate resolution of conflicts.

Teachers maintained the Yes Teachers maintaining discipline during breaks helps
discipline during break create a structured and respectful atmosphere,
ensuring students follow rules and engage in positive

Social interaction of Positive social interaction among students fosters a
students is positive supportive and inclusive environment, enhancing
their social skills and overall well-being.

Which things did you observe while performing break duty? Share your experience.

1. Positive Interactions:

- I saw that students were friendly with each other, students smiled at one another, students
chatting, and there was courtesy that was shown among them.

2. Responsible Behavior:

- Students also displayed responsible behavior through observing simple instructions such as
throwing away litter, washing their utensils’ or hygiene standards of the canteen or
playground area.

3. Inclusivity and Diversity:

- I saw pre-teen and teenagers and young adult students clearly grouping together in different
categories regardless of race and gender to socialize during their break times.

4. Engagement in Activities:

- The students showed their versatility through various activities as they played games,
partook in other sporting activities, or even chatting during intervals.

5. Teacher Support:

- Teaching staff remained with the children to give necessary assistance when the need
arises, while observing on how to maintain social unity and to accept all children with
courtesy during break duty.

In hindsight, my interactions with students while performing break duty settings showed
positive relations, appropriate conduct, diversity, and participation, and experienced teachers’

Other Non-Teaching Activities

What other non-teaching activities you perform during teaching practice? (e.g. Sports
Day, Bazm-e-Adab, Fun Fair, Parents-Teacher meeting, Debates etc)

1. Sports Day:

- Investing in sports, being involved in the organization of events and supervision, calling for
physical fitness of students as well as teamwork.

2. Bazm-e-Adab:

- Helping in the arrangement for literary and cultural activities and help stimulate the love
for literature and arts in the students.

3. Fun Fair:

- Reporting to the LTC and other officers, involved in the development and coordination of
exciting and engaging lessons which enable the student to learn in a playful manner.

4. Parents-Teacher Meeting:

- Communicating regulary with the parents concerning the progress of the students, to ensure
that there is parent –teacher dialogue.

5. Debates:

- Organizing and moderating debates, promoting critical analysis, speech delivery and skill
and actively engaging students in constructive communication.

These activities include the use of curriculum and other teaching aids that foster the
development of the students in directions other than purely academic. "


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