My Journey Through This Period

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My Journey through this Period

Name: Henrique Corrêa da Silva

Date: 27/05/202
To start this self-evaluation, I will provide a brief introduction of my work during this term. In
general, I believe that I am not too bad, although I wouldn't consider myself exceptional either.
I would say I fall somewhere in the middle. I tend to be reserved and not very talkative, which
also reflects in my limited participation. However, in order to improve and make the most of
this evaluation, I recognize the need to expand my communication skills and increase my level
of involvement.

Participation In Class
Firstly, I acknowledge that I am not very participative, and it seems like the majority of the
class shares this trait. I believe our lack of participation is primarily due to the infrequent
occurrence of exercise-based classes. However, this should not serve as an excuse for my own
lack of engagement, as even in classes with exercises, I rarely participate. The main reasons for
this are either my difficulty in understanding the exercise or uncertainty about whether my
solution is correct. However, when it comes to activities such as rephrasing, I make an effort to
participate. However, due to the scarcity of exercise-oriented classes and although I may face
challenges with certain exercises, I recognize the importance of actively participating and will
strive to overcome these barriers in the future.
Project Work
Secondly, The project work, I am bit nervous for the project work because I have to present it
in a week that I will have 3 tests, however I can’t predict the future, specially the speech. My
PowerPoint presentation is well structured, although I feel that it is somewhat repetitive.
Although the images I included are relevant to the topics discussed in each slide. I am unable
to discuss the interaction aspect for the reasons I mentioned earlier. However, I can provide
information about the activity itself. The activity involves a straightforward gap filling exercise,
focusing on the content presented in the PowerPoint, particularly regarding Issac Newton and
John Stuart Mill. In terms of organization and structure, I believe the activity is well-planned. In
order to enhance the learning experience, I would suggest incorporating additional interactive
elements. However, the current structure of the activity is effective in engaging students and
promoting understanding of the subject matter. The video I think that is good I only choose
one, and I choose about the most important person that is in the powerpoint, in my opinion of
course. About the speech, I continue having the same problems, stammering a lot and this
time I have less time to prepare myself than I had in the previous period, however I will try my
best to achieve the 14.
Individual Work- Teams
Thirdly, I am happy to report that I completed all the assigned work during this period.
Specifically, we had one major project, which was the magazine assignment. However, this
particular magazine proved to be the most challenging and extensive task in this subject. The
difficulty arose from the fact that the oral presentation component had significantly more
content compared to previous assignments. Unfortunately, I cannot determine whether the
teacher liked it or not, as unlike the second period, we are unaware of our grades. However,
based on my previous work as a reference, I believe this project has the potential to achieve a
good or reasonable+ grade. In order to gain more clarity on the teacher's feedback, I will
eagerly await the evaluation. Due to the complexity and size of the magazine project, I hope
my efforts will be recognized.
Deadline and Pre-requisites Accomplishment
Fourthly, I take pride in meeting all assignment deadlines, as I prioritize organization and utilize
effective time management skills. Due to these abilities, I have consistently submitted my work
on time without any delays. While I strive to meet the minimum requirements and produce
satisfactory results, I recognize the importance of exceeding expectations to achieve higher
marks. Although I understand the significance of meeting prerequisites, I believe I can
compensate for any shortcomings by demonstrating my dedication to the class and its
objectives. In order to continually improve, I actively listen to the feedback provided by both
the teacher and my classmates and make an effort to incorporate it into my future work. Due
to my commitment to growth and development, I am confident that I can enhance my
performance. However, I also understand that there is always room for improvement, and I am
eager to embrace any further challenges and opportunities for learning.
Exercise Book
Fifthly, Besides completing all the required tasks, I also prioritized keeping my exercise book up
to date throughout the year. However, I must admit that I struggled a bit with maintaining its
neatness and tidiness. Despite this challenge, I put in my best effort to keep it as organized as
possible. Due to my handwriting style, there may be some minor mistakes or smudges present,
however I ensured that all the exercises were completed accurately. In order to enhance the
overall presentation of my exercise book, I will consciously focus on writing more clearly and
utilizing a ruler to maintain neatness and tidiness in my future work. Although there are some
areas for improvement, I believe that my exercise book reflects the effort and dedication I
have invested in keeping up with the class requirements.
Sixthly, However, despite not being very talkative in class, I am always focused on learning and
improving. Due to my quiet nature, I am able to listen attentively and absorb as much
information as possible during class. In spite of not being the most active participant, I make
sure to complete all the assignments and tasks assigned by the teacher, and I take pride in
submitting high-quality work. Besides, I am always willing to help my classmates if they need it,
and I think that this shows my dedication to both my own learning and the success of my
peers. Overall, I believe that my behavior in class is respectful and considerate towards the
teacher and my classmates.

Achievement Levels Assessment

Assessment Issues Always Often Never A B C D Extra Information


x X
Written Exercises (Composition/


Project work

Exercise Book (organization)

x X
Commitment/ Willingness

x X

Classes Attending Frequency

In terms of commitment, besides completing all the required tasks, I have consistently
demonstrated dedication in various evaluation contexts. However, I do acknowledge that I
struggle with active participation and speaking up during class discussions. Although I may not
contribute vocally, I compensate by actively listening and diligently taking notes. In order to
maintain a thorough approach, I prioritize reviewing and double-checking my work to ensure
accuracy. As for project work, I am confident in my abilities and anticipate performing well,
rating myself around 14 . Despite the potential challenges that may arise, I am always willing to
invest the extra effort to ensure that the project is completed to the best of my ability.
Responsibility and willingness are essential traits for me, as I have consistently met deadlines
and consistently submit high-quality work. Due to my conscientiousness and dedication, I have
never missed a deadline and always strive to deliver work of the utmost quality. However, I
recognize the need to improve my active participation in class discussions, although I
compensate by actively listening and engaging in other ways.

Written Test average

Futhermore, In one hand, I have received my test marks for the semester. The results are as
follows: First Test - 10.5, Second Test - 9, Third Test - 14.5, Fourth Test - 14. On the other hand,
the teacher did not provide the mark for the fifth test. Due to this missing mark, I am unable to
calculate my overall average accurately. However, despite not having the mark for the fifth
test, I understand the importance of maintaining a good academic performance. In order to
strive for improvement, I will need to await the teacher's feedback and final assessment for
the test. In spite of the uncertainty regarding my average, I will not let it hinder my
determination to excel. Instead of dwelling on the unknown mark, I will focus on areas where I
can make progress. Unless I have the fifth test mark, I will not have a complete understanding
of my performance, but I will not let this discourage me. Besides, it is important for me to
acknowledge that my test results so far have been reasonably good. Although I may not have
achieved perfect scores, I have consistently shown effort and dedication. In order to further
enhance my academic performance, I will continue to review and study diligently, ensuring
that I grasp the subject matter thoroughly. In order to calculate my final average, I will need
the mark of the fifth test. Due to the fact that it has not been provided yet, I must patiently
wait for the teacher's evaluation. If I am unsatisfied with my final average, I will strive to learn
from my mistakes and set goals for improvement in the future. Overall, despite the missing
mark and the uncertainty it brings, I will remain focused and motivated to excel in my studies. I
understand that achieving academic success is a continuous journey, and I am determined to
make the most of it.

In conclusion, this term has been characterized by my unwavering commitment to completing
assignments, actively improving my skills, and consistently delivering the best work that I could
do. However, I am aware that there are still areas in which I can further develop and excel.
Nevertheless, I am determined to stay focused on my growth and strive for continuous
improvement. Considering the assessment evaluation assets that have been discussed and the
upcoming written test evaluation mark, I am optimistic about achieving a probable mark of 13.
In spite of the challenges and uncertainties, I believe that my consistent effort and dedication
will contribute to this favorable outcome. Besides, I have demonstrated a work ethic and a
willingness to go the extra mile in order to excel academically. Although there is always room
for improvement, I have embraced each evaluation context with enthusiasm and a desire to
learn. In order to enhance my overall performance, I actively seek feedback from my teacher
and classmates and incorporate their suggestions into my future work. Furthermore, due to
my commitment to growth and self-improvement, I am confident that I can reach new heights
in my academic journey. If I do receive a mark of 13, it would be a testament to my work and
dedication throughout the term. However, I understand that achieving this mark is not only
dependent on my efforts but also on the rigorous evaluation criteria set by the teacher.

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