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My Adventure in the 2nd Term


DATE: 25/03/2023
To start this self evaluation I will do a brief introduction of my work in this term. I in a general
way I think that I am not to bad, however i am not good, i think that i am in the middle. I dont
talk to much and I dont participate to much as well. However I did all the work that the teacher
ask, but we both know that the first comment wasn’t the best, I think that I improve my work
with the magazine.

Participation In Class
Firstly, I know that i am not very participative, however almost no one is participative, I think
that me and the majority of the class aren’t participative due to the fact of we rarely have
classes that we did exercises, however this is not excuse to dont participate, because in the
classes with exercises I rarely participate, and the major reason for this happen is or i dont
understand the exercise or I am not sure if the exercise is right, however when we are doing
the rephrasing i try to participate.
Project Work
Secondly, about the project work i can’t talk with 100% sure specialy the speech part due to
the fact of that I didin’t do my oral presentation yet, soo lets begin. My powerpoint is well
structured, although I think that is a bit repectitive, the images are related to the topics in the
slides, training for the oral presentation I noticed that some ideas are quite repectitive,
however I cut this parts of my script. I wont lie, when i discovered my topic i got mad, because
in one hand, i had an easy topic to research on the other hand i was the second time that i had
a topic releated to history, and this was the main reason that my motivation to the powerpoint
went down. I can’t talk about the interaction for reason that i told before, however I can talk
about the activity, the activity is a simple quis about what it is in the powerpoint I think that
the activity is organaized and have a good structure, I think that the vídeo as i bit longer,
having almost 4 minutes, in my opinion the vídeo have a simple language and the vídeo is easy
to understand, and i think that the vídeo is related to the topic. As i said before i can’t talk
about many things ,however instead of just don’t talk about this part at all i will try to say how
it will be the speech, so at the moment that this self evaluation is being written i am training
for the oral presentation and i have some dificulties such as: i stammer a lot and my memory

isn’t the best and some parts of the script i Forget, however i will try my best to achive an 15.
Individual Work-Teams
Thirdly, I am pleased to inform that I have completed all of the assignments requested to the
teacher, including the holiday work. I received a Reseanble + mark for my holiday work, and
although it may not be the highest grade, and i really dont know what more to add to the
holiday work besides more conectors, however with the time and conditions I am satisfied
with the mark. Although it was initially challenging when the teacher deemed my work on
Catarina's comment to be Reseanble, I was determined to improve it as much as possible. In
fact, on the same day, I put in extra effort to enhance the quality of the comment. Due to this
effort and determination, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a Good ++ mark. I am thrilled
with the outcome and grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow through this experience.
In order to do better in the magazine assignment, I decided to take a different approach this
time. Although I wasn't confident about my abilities at first, I remembered the teacher's
comments about Sylvia's work and decided to ask her if I could see her comments. Due to her
willingness to help, I was able to gain inspiration for my magazine about Benedita and Lucas's
oral presentation. I put in more effort than I initially thought, taking extra time to ensure that it
was well-organized and visually appealing. As a result, I was once again surprised and delighted
to receive an Very Good.
Deadline and Pre-Requisites
Fourthly, I take pride in meeting all assignment deadlines. Due to my organizational skills and
time management abilities, I have never missed a submission date. It's true that I didn't comply
with 100% of the prerequisites on some works, however, I always try to do the minimum
required and deliver a satisfactory result. Although I understand that meeting pre-requisites is
important to achieve higher marks, I think that I can make up for it by demonstrating my
commitment to the class and its goals. In order to keep improving, I always pay attention to
the feedback provided by the teacher and my classmates and try to incorporate it into my
future work.
Exercise Book
Fifthly, Besides completing all the required tasks, I made sure to keep my exercise book up to
date throughout the year. Although I struggled a bit with keeping it neat and tidy, I tried my
best to make it as organized as possible. Due to my handwriting, there may be some minor
mistakes or smudges, but I made sure to complete all the exercises with accuracy. In order to
improve the neatness of my exercise book, I will make a conscious effort to write more clearly
and use a ruler to keep my work neat and tidy in the future. Overall, I believe that my exercise
book shows that I have put in effort and dedication to keep up with the class requirements.
Sixthly, However, despite not being very talkative in class, I am always focused on learning and
improving. Due to my quiet nature, I am able to listen attentively and absorb as much
information as possible during class. In spite of not being the most active participant, I make
sure to complete all the assignments and tasks assigned by the teacher, and I take pride in
submitting high-quality work. Besides, I am always willing to help my classmates if they need it,
and I think that this shows my dedication to both my own learning and the success of my
peers. Overall, I believe that my behavior in class is respectful and considerate towards the
teacher and my classmates.

Achievement Levels Assessment
Assessment Issues
Always Often Never A B C D Extra Information
Homework X X
Written Exercises (Composition/


X x

Project work

x x
Exercise Book (organization)

Commitment/ Willingness X


x X

Classes Attending Frequency

In terms of commitment, besides completing all the required tasks, I believe that I have been
consistent in all the different evaluation context assets. Although I do struggle with being more
vocal during class discussions, I make up for it by actively listening and taking notes. In order to
ensure that I am thorough in my approach, I always review and double-check my work. As for
project work, I think I will perform well and would give myself a rating of around 15. In spite of
the challenges that may arise, I am always willing to put in the extra effort to ensure that the
project is completed to the best of my ability. Responsibility and willingness are important
traits for me, due to the fact that I have never missed a deadline and always ensure that I
submit quality work. Written tests have been a bit of a challenge, but my final average of 12
shows that I have been putting in effort and trying my best. In order to improve my
performance, I always review and analyze my mistakes to identify areas where I need to focus
my attention. In terms of behavior, I am not the most talkative person in class, but I always
make sure to be respectful and attentive to the teacher and my classmates. Due to the fact
that I believe in treating others the way I want to be treated, I make sure to listen and be
considerate towards others. Overall, I am committed to doing my best in all aspects of my
academic career, and I will continue to work hard and strive for excellence.

Written Test Average

Futhermore, During this academic term, I took four tests that varied in difficulty and covered
different topics. Besides the first test, where I received a mark of 10.5, the other tests
presented some challenges for me. Although I encountered some difficulties during the second
test, resulting in a lower mark of 9, I did not let it discourage me. Due to my perseverance and
dedication, I managed to improve my performance on the third test, achieving a mark of 14.5,
which I am proud of. In spite of the hard work I put into the fourth test, which was the most
demanding of all, I managed to achieve a satisfactory mark of 14. Throughout the term, I
aimed to improve my knowledge and skills in each subject, in order to achieve good grades on
all four tests. In this sense, I made sure to pay attention in class, take notes, and review the
material covered regularly. Besides thath, after I calculated my final grade, considering all four
tests, my average mark was 12(10.5+9+14.5+14:4). Although I would have liked to achieve a
higher grade, I am content with the effort I put into each test and the improvement I made
over time. Overall, I believe that this academic term has been a valuable learning experience
for me, and I aim to continue improving my academic performance in the future.

In conclusion, although this self-evaluation has allowed me to reflect on my work this term, I
have identified some areas for improvement. In spite of my completion of all assignments and
meeting all deadlines, I acknowledge my lack of participation in class and tendency to repeat
myself in project work. Due to this realization, I plan to focus on these areas in order to
improve my performance. Not only have I recognized my weaknesses, but also I have noted
my strengths, including my up-to-date exercise book and my Good++ grade for my comment
work and Very Good grade for my magazine assignment. However, I am still training for my
oral presentation and hope to achieve a mark of at least 15. In order to achieve higher grades
and become a better student, I will continue to pay attention to feedback and work on my
weaknesses while maintaining my strengths. Overall, I am confident that with these efforts, I
will achieve a final mark of 13.5.

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