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Test your knowledge – Questions and Answers: Chapter 9

Plant Nutrition - Photosynthesis

1. Give a balanced molecular equation for the process of photosynthesis. [2]

6CO2 + 6H2O;  6O2 + C6H12O6;
2. These statements are stages in the process of photosynthesis.
A – oxygen produced as a waste product
B – light energy absorbed by chlorophyll
C – energy used to rearrange atoms of carbon dioxide and water
The stages are in the wrong order. Place them in the correct order. [1]
B – C – A;
3. Explain why a plant growing in soil deficient in magnesium, stores far less
energy than one growing in soil rich in magnesium. [4]
plants absorb magnesium ions (from soil);
use them to produce chlorophyll;
to trap light energy;
during photosynthesis;
to produce glucose;
store it as starch (energy source for plants);
4. Describe the differences between chlorophyll and a chloroplast. [6]
a green chemical / pigment / substance / molecule;
contains magnesium;
traps / harnesses / collects / harvests / converts;
cell structure / organelle;
in plant / leaf + cells or named plant cell, e.g. palisade / spongy / guard
contains chlorophyll;
contains enzymes for photosynthesis;
5. Describe the uses of glucose, the main product of photosynthesis, in plants. [6]
glucose is used in the leaves as an energy source for respiration;
changed into sucrose for translocation in the phloem sieve tubes;
changed into insoluble starch to be stored;
changed into cellulose to build cell walls;
changed into oils to be stored in seeds;

converted into amino acids / proteins (by reaction with nitrates) for
growth and repair;
converted into chlorophyll (by reaction with magnesium and iron) to trap
light energy;
converted into different vitamins;
6. Outline the importance, to a plant, of the presence of stomata. [3]
for gaseous exchange;
allows CO2 / carbon dioxide to enter;
to make carbohydrates;
O2 / oxygen to leave;
guard cells control opening / closing of stomata;
reduces loss of water vapour during transpiration;
cools plant / leaf when transpiring;
7. The rate of photosynthesis can be limited by low levels of different factors.
State three factors that can limit the rate of photosynthesis. [3]
light intensity;
carbon dioxide concentration;
availability of water;
amount of chloroplasts / chlorophyll;
8. Oxygen is produced inside leaf cells and is released from the leaf as a waste
product of photosynthesis.
Describe and explain the process by which oxygen moves from inside the leaf
cells to the outside of the leaf. [4]
from a region of a high(er) concentration to region of low(er)
down concentration gradient; NOT across / along
using kinetic energy of oxygen molecules;
passive / does not require ATP/ energy;
moves from cells into air spaces and out through stomata;

9. State the three chemical substances released by a plant into the environment.
For each of the chemical substances, state its origin and how it is removed from
the plant. [9]
oxygen (byproduct) from photosynthesis;
in mesophyll / spongy / palisade cells;
leaves by diffusion through stomata;
carbon dioxide is product of respiration;
in all cells;
leaves by diffusion through stomata;
water from the soil;
water from respiration;
into leaves;
evaporates as vapour during transpiration;
from air spaces / stomata;
10. Outline the effect of temperature on the rate of photosynthesis. [3]
as temperature increases, photosynthetic rate increases;
maximum rate of photosynthesis is at optimum temperature;
at (very) high temperatures, photosynthesis slows / stops;
11. Crops can be grown under controlled conditions in large buildings. Describe and
explain how such buildings can provide the conditions needed for maximum crop
production. [5]
1 addition / availability of carbon dioxide;
2 controlled / optimum temperature;
3 ref. light (intensity);
4 ref. blinds during day / artificial lights (at night time);
5 keep well supplied with water / ref. irrigation / humidity control;
6 addition of fertiliser / any named ion / pH control / hydroponic
7 nitrate + protein manufacture / magnesium + chlorophyll production;
8 photosynthesis;
9 growth;
10 maximum rate / day and night / 24 hrs per day;
11 pest control;
12 protection from (adverse) climatic factors or any named;

12. Plants that grow in poor infertile soils may show symptoms of deficiency. They
are stunted and their leaves are yellow. Explain how deficiencies of magnesium
ions and nitrate ions lead to the symptoms described. [4]
magnesium ions deficiency:
less chlorophyll production;
less photosynthesis / cannot produce (much) glucose;
so less glucose / food therefore stunted growth;
nitrate deficiency:
less chlorophyll production;
less photosynthesis/ cannot produce (much) glucose;
less amino acid / protein synthesis therefore less growth (stunted
13. State two reasons why epidermal cells are important to a leaf. [2]
make cuticle;
protect photosynthesising cells; names of photosynthesising cells, e.g.
palisade / spongy / mesophyll cells
transparent / light entry;
14. Explain the functions of the cuticle of a leaf. [2]
keeps out pathogens;
keeps in water / reduces loss of water;
because it is impermeable to water;
transparent so lets light through;
15. A palisade mesophyll cell is adapted to carry out photosynthesis. Table 15.1 lists
some of the adaptations of a palisade mesophyll cell.
Complete Table 15.1 to show how these adaptations help the cell to carry out
photosynthesis. [4]
Table 15.1
adaptation how the adaptation helps photosynthesis
maximum / greater light penetration / short
thin cell wall
diffusion distance (for gases);
arranged at right angles reduces number of cell walls for light to
to the leaf surface travel through / to fit in more cells;
pushes chloroplasts to edge of cell for better
large vacuole
light absorption / maintains turgor;
chloroplasts can be moves towards light to absorb maximum light
moved within the cell / moves away from high light intensities to
avoid excessive damage;

16. Fig. 16.1 shows the external structure of a dicotyledonous leaf.


Fig. 16.1

Supply names for the parts labelled A to I. [9]

A – leaf base; B – stipule; C – axil; D – petiole / leaf stalk; E – leaf
margin / edge; F – lamina / leaf blade; G – leaf apex / tip; H – lateral
veins; I – main vein / mid rib;
17. Fig. 17.1 shows the internal structure of a dicotyledonous leaf.



Fig. 17.1

Supply names for the parts labelled A to L. [12]

A – upper epidermis; B – cuticle / waxy layer; C – palisade mesophyll
cells / layer; D – spongy mesophyll layer / cells; E – lower epidermis;
F – stomatal pore; G – guard cell; H – stoma; I – air space /
intracellular space; J – phloem; K – xylem; L – vascular bundle /

18. Fig. 18.1 shows a cross section through a typical dicot leaf.



Fig. 18.1
(a) Name A to E. [5]
A – cuticle; B – palisade mesophyll (cell) ; C – xylem; D – phloem;
E – lower epidermis;

(b) On Fig. 18.1, draw straight lines to label three different cells which can carry
out photosynthesis. [3]
label any palisade cell;
label any spongy cell;
label any guard cell;

palisade cell;

spongy cell;

arrow for CO2; guard cell;

(c) Draw an arrow on Fig. 18.1 to show the pathway that carbon dioxide gas
must take to reach the cell labelled Q from the air outside the leaf. [2]
start / entry from outside through lower stoma;
end on or in labelled cell Q;
must show an arrow and not just a line

(d) Count the number of chloroplasts in the cells labelled P and Q in Fig. 18.1.
Which of the cells, P or Q, would produce most sugar in daylight? Explain
your choice. [2]
number in P = 17 and Q = 6;
cell P + most chloroplast / chlorophyll to absorb / trap light energy;

19. A learner carried out the following investigation using a plant with variegated
leaves. A variegated leaf has green and white stripes.

The learner:
 left the plant in the dark for 3 days to remove the starch
 fixed two pieces of card to a leaf on the plant
 left the plant in the light for 2 days
 removed the leaf from the plant
 tested the leaf for starch.

Figure 19.1 shows how the two pieces of card were attached to the leaf.

Fig. 19.1

Figure 19.2 shows the same leaf after 2 days in the light.
The leaf has been tested for starch.

Fig. 19.2

(a) Give two conclusions from this investigation. Tick () two boxes. [2]

Carbon dioxide is needed for photosynthesis. 

Chlorophyll is needed for photosynthesis. 
Light is needed for photosynthesis. 
Water is needed for photosynthesis. 
tick boxes 2 and 3;

(b) Scientists investigated the effect of light intensity on the rate of

Figure 19.3 shows the scientists’ results.

Fig. 19.3

Describe the effect of increasing light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

You should include numbers from Figure 19.3 in your description. [3]
as light intensity increases, photosynthesis increases;
levels off / reaches a maximum / remains constant / stays the same /
plateaus / stops increasing; NOT stops / stationary / peaks
goes up to / reaches a maximum / levels off at (a rate of) 200 (au);
levels off at 200 – 220 (au) ;

(c) At a light intensity of 250 arbitrary units, light is not a limiting factor of

(i) What is the evidence for this in Figure 19.3? [1]

higher light intensity does not increase rate of photosynthesis; A
the graph stays level (above this value) / stops increasing / the rate of
photosynthesis stay the same (above this value)

(ii) State two factors that could be limiting the rate of photosynthesis at a light
intensity of 250 arbitrary units. [2]
carbon dioxide concentration;
temperature / heat;
amount of chlorophyll / chloroplasts;

(d) Describe the ways in which plants make use of the glucose produced by
photosynthesis. [6]
glucose is used in the leaves as an energy source for respiration;
changed into sucrose for translocation in the phloem sieve tubes;
changed into insoluble starch to be stored;
changed into cellulose to build cell walls;
changed into oils to be stored in seeds;
converted into amino acids / proteins (by reaction with nitrates) for
growth and repair;

converted into chlorophyll (by reaction with magnesium and iron) to trap
light energy;
converted into different vitamins;
20. Fig. 20.1 is a photomicrograph of a transverse section through a leaf of a tea
plant, Camellia sinensis.

440 µm

Fig. 20.1

(a) Use label lines and the letters W, X, Y and Z to label the following features
on Fig. 20.1.

W a spongy mesophyll cell

X a cell of the upper epidermis
Y a palisade mesophyll cell
Z a guard cell [4]





(b) Describe and explain how water moves from inside the leaf at point Q on
Fig. 20.1 to the atmosphere outside the leaf during transpiration. [4]
1 (water) moves out of cell / Q by osmosis / down a water potential
2 through the cell (surface) / plasma membrane;
3 to surface / cell wall of the spongy mesophyll cell / cell Q;
4 evaporates into (sub-stomatal) air space / water changes to water
5 water vapour diffuses out through (open) stomata / stomatal pore;

(c) The leaf of C. sinensis, shown in Fig. 20.1, has developed in a sunny position.
State three features of the leaf, visible in Fig. 20.1, which show that it has
developed in a sunny position. [3]
1 thick (waxy) cuticle;
2 large / big / thick upper epidermis / upper epidermal cells;
3 many / two / three layers of palisade cells;
4 thick leaf;
5 densely packed with spongy mesophyll / many spongy mesophyll cells;
6 fewer / small air spaces;
7 no stomata / guard cells on upper surface;
8 many chloroplasts (within spongy mesophyll cells) ;
NOT xeromorphic features because it is NOT visible, e.g. sunken stomata /

(d) The leaf is the main photosynthetic organ in most plants. For the
light-independent stage of photosynthesis to occur, carbon dioxide must
be present.
Describe how carbon dioxide enters the leaf. [2]
through the stoma(ta) / stomatal pore(s);
by diffusion / description;
from the atmosphere / air

(e) Name three requirements and two products of photosynthesis. [5]

requirements: carbon dioxide; water; chlorophyll; light;
products: oxygen; glucose; A starch

(f) What is meant by the term photosynthesis? [4]

1 method of nutrition in chlorophyll-containing plants;
2 by using radiant / light energy;
3 by using water and carbon dioxide;
4 to produce organic nutrients, e.g. carbohydrates / glucose / starch;
5 with the release of oxygen as a byproduct;

21. Magnesium ions are needed to form the green pigment in plants.

(a) (i) State where magnesium ions enter the plant. [1]
roots / root hairs / root hair cells;

(ii) Explain how magnesium ions enter the plant. [3]

from soil;
from low to high concentration / against concentration gradient;
by active transport;
with aid of carrier proteins;

(b) State the appearance of plants with a magnesium deficiency. [1]

yellowing / chlorosis of the older / lower leaves will occur;

(c) Outline two other functions of magnesium ions in plants. [2]

(chlorophyll synthesis / component of chlorophyll molecule)
form part of middle lamellae;
enzyme activator;

22. Describe the steps of how you would show that starch is produced in green
leaves. For each step, supply a reason for doing it. [7]
take leaf which was exposed to sunlight for a few hours;
glucose is produced which is converted into starch for storage;
step one: put leaf in boiling water for about a minute till it is flaccid;
reason: cell walls / membranes are broken down and enzymes / cytoplasm
destroyed for iodine solution to penetrate;
step two: place leaf in a test tube with alcohol / ethanol and then in a
beaker with boiling water / water bath;
reason: till the leaf is decolourised / for chlorophyll to be dissolved and
step three: rinse the yellow-white coloured leaf in hot water;
reason: to soften it (which is hardened by alcohol);
step four: spread the leaf in a shallow petri dish / on a white tile and cover
it with yellow-brown iodine solution for a few minutes;
if the leaf turns blue-black, starch is present;

23. Fig. 23.1 shows an experiment to investigate a gas (oxygen) produced by an
aquatic plant during photosynthesis.

X oxygen bubbles


Z aquatic plant

Fig. 23.1

(a) Name the apparatus labelled X, Y and Z. [1]

X – (inverted) test tube;
Y – beaker;
Z – (inverted) funnel;

(b) Name the important external factor which must be present for the experiment
to be successful. [1]

(c) Give an example of an aquatic plant that can be used during this experiment.
pondweed / Elodea sp.;

(d) Explain the procedure to test for the gas collected in the test tube. [2]
remove test tube;
insert glowing splint into test tube;
if glows brighter / burst into a flame, it is oxygen;

(e) State and explain two precautionary measures taken into consideration when
conducting this experiment. [2]
test tube must be filled with water;
so that only oxygen (which is given off) can be collected;
inverted funnel must be placed onto supports;
to allow solution / water to flow beneath it;

(f) The rate at which photosynthesis takes place can be measured. One way
to do this is to count the bubbles of oxygen given off by a water plant in
one minute.
We can never be sure that a measurement tells us the true value of a quantity
being measured. Explain why trying to count the number of bubbles in one
minute in this experiment may not give a true value for the rate of
photosynthesis. [3]
errors can be made in counting;
do not know volume of the bubbles / gases in bubbles / bubbles can be
different sizes;
some of the oxygen is used in respiration;
some bubbles will stick to water plant / not float to top;
one minute not long enough;
24. Complete Table 24.1 about the uses of glucose in plants. [6]
Table 24.1
use of the main product (glucose) name the chemical it is
of photosynthesis in plants converted to in plants
storage in leaves starch;
builds cell walls; cellulose
translocation; sucrose
traps light energy chlorophyll;
growth and enzymes proteins / amino acids;
storage in seeds / fruits; oils
25. Plants that live in water are called hydrophytes. Fig. 25.1 shows a cross-section
of a leaf of the hydrophyte Nuphar lutea. The leaves of N. lutea float on the
surface of water.


Fig 25.1

(a) Write a word equation for photosynthesis. [2]
carbon dioxide + water;  oxygen + glucose;

(b) Complete Table 25.1 by describing the function of each feature. The function
of feature A has already been completed. [3]
Table 25.1
feature function
A transparent to allow light to penetrate into the leaf
allows air to enter and leave / carbon dioxide to
enter / oxygen to leave / controls opening /
closing of stomata / controls rate of
photosynthesis / glucose / starch production /
trapping / absorption of light;
storage of gases / diffusion or movement of gas
D or named gas / give buoyancy / floating of

(c) State and explain three ways in which the leaves of N. lutea are adapted to
live in a water environment. [6]
large air spaces / large spongy mesophyll;
for buoyancy / floating;
leaves float;
efficient at absorbing light / ‘gets more light’;
stomata in upper surface / epidermis;
diffusion / movement of gas / gases (from the air) ; NOT ‘stops entry of
thin cuticle;
no need to reduce water loss by transpiration;

(d) An experiment was carried out to determine if carbon dioxide is needed for
photosynthesis. The procedure is shown in Table 25.2.
Table 25.2
stage 1 Two plants, A and B, of the same size and species were kept
in a dark place for 48 hours.
A leaf from each was then tested for the presence of starch
stage 2 using iodine solution, to show that destarching was complete.
Both plants were placed in sealed glass containers for 24
hours, as shown in Fig. 25.2. Plant A was in the presence of
stage 3 soda lime beads (which absorb carbon dioxide). Plant B was
in the presence of glass beads. All other conditions needed
for photosynthesis were provided for both plants.
stage 4 After 24 hours, a leaf from each plant was tested for the
presence of starch.

plant A plant B
beads to cover glass
remove carbon beads

Fig. 25.2

(i) The stages involved in testing a leaf for starch are shown below.
The stages are in the correct sequence, but the reasons are in the wrong
order. Use straight lines to match the stages with the correct reasons.
One has been done for you. [4]

(ii) Explain why chlorophyll is removed from the leaf before testing it for
starch. [1]
chlorophyll masks the colour change (shown with iodine solution);

(iii) State two factors, other than carbon dioxide, that both plants would need
in order to photosynthesise. [2]
water / moisture;
suitable temperature; NOT heat

(e) Plant B was used as a control in the experiment. Explain the importance of
this control. [1]
to show that the factor under test is responsible for the change
e.g. to show carbon dioxide is needed;
to show plants can photosynthesise under the glass cover;

(f) Explain why the plants were destarched. [1]

to be sure that starch is produced during the experiment;

(g) Complete Table 25.3. Use ticks and crosses to show if the starch test, as
described in Table 25.2, for plants A and B would be positive () or negative
() at stage 2 and stage 4. In each case, explain your answer.
Table 25.3
stage leaf from plant starch test explanation
( or )
plants have had no
2 A and B  light for
plant has had no
A  carbon dioxide for
plant has had
B  carbon dioxide/ all
conditions for

26. Fig. 26.1 shows how light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis of a plant.


Fig 26.1

(a) Describe the relationship between light intensity and the rate of
photosynthesis. [5]
light is needed for photosynthesis;
the greater the light intensity the faster the rate of photosynthesis;
until the plant is photosynthesising as quickly as it can;
at this point, even if light becomes brighter, the plant cannot
photosynthesise any quicker;
so at high light intensities it has no effect on rate;
over first part of the curve / between A and B light is a limiting factor;
between B and C light is not a limiting factor;
more light means more glucose is produced;
directly proportional at low light intensities;

(b) When photosynthesis takes place in a leaf, glucose is produced. The plant
converts some of the glucose into other substances.

(i) Name one carbohydrate which the plant makes from glucose and which is
used to make cell walls. [1]

(ii) Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Name one other
element which is contained in a chlorophyll molecule. [1]
nitrogen / magnesium / iron;

(iii) Name another carbohydrate which the plant makes from glucose and
which is used for storage in tubers. [1]

(c) Many growers of crops in glasshouses use carbon dioxide enrichment to

improve yields.
Explain the advantages of carbon dioxide enrichment in glasshouses. [4]
carbon dioxide is required for photosynthesis;
(more carbon dioxide) more glucose is produced;
carbon dioxide concentration is a limiting factor;
more carbon dioxide = faster rate of photosynthesis;
prevents concentration falling below that of atmosphere;
ref. to more growth / yield;

27. Fig 27.1 shows a leaf, with white and green regions, that is attached to a plant.
The plant had been kept in the dark for 48 hours and then a lightproof, black
paper cover was placed over part of the leaf.


position of lightproof black
cover on both sides petiole – attachment
to plant

Fig. 27.1
The plant is left under a light for 24 hours. After this time, the leaf is removed
from the plant and is tested for the presence of starch.
(a) (i) Which chemical reagent is used to show the presence of starch? [1]
iodine solution;

(ii) What name is given to leaves with white and green regions? [1]
variegated (leaves);

(iii) Record, in Table 27.1, the colour you would see if you had carried out
this test, in each of the areas A, B, C and D.
Table 27.1
area colour
A (yellow) brown colour;
B (yellow) brown colour;
C blue-black / black colour;
D (yellow) brown colour;
(b) Explain the results for each of the areas. [4]
area A: no photosynthesis / no starch production - as no chlorophyll /
chloroplast and no light;
area B: no photosynthesis / no starch production - as no chlorophyll /
area C: photosynthesis / starch production – chlorophyll and light
area D: no photosynthesis / no starch production - as no light;

28. Explain what is meant by limiting factors in the context of photosynthesis. [5]
photosynthesis is a process requiring several factors;
the one in the shortest supply;
controls the rate at which the process occurs;
even though others are plentiful;
2 marks for three factors mentioned / one for two mentioned - CO2
concentration, water, light intensity, temperature;
29. Describe how the structure of a leaf and its cells are adapted for carrying out
photosynthesis. [9]
has a very large surface area + to absorb most / maximum amount of light;
it is thin + to allow light to penetrate to all cells;
it is thin + to reduce the distance for diffusion;
leaf is supported by a stem and petiole + to expose as much of it as possible
to light and air;
the upper and lower epidermis are transparent + to allow light through to
the mesophyll;
the palisade mesophyll cells are closely packed + to absorb more incidental
palisade mesophyll cells are near the leaf surface + to maximise light
palisade mesophyll cells are arranged at right angles to the leaf surface +
to reduce number cell walls for light to travel through;
palisade mesophyll cells have large numbers of chloroplasts + to maximise
light absorption;
spongy mesophyll cells are round and loosely arranged + to have air spaces
which act as reservoirs for gases and to assist in gaseous exchange;
mesophyll cells have large vacuoles + to push chloroplasts to the edge of the
mesophyll cells have thin cell walls + so there is a short diffusion pathway;
chloroplasts can move within mesophyll cells towards light;
chloroplasts can move away from high light intensity + to avoid damage;
stomata in the lower epidermis for gases + to enter and leave during
gaseous exchange;
xylem is present + for the transport of water to the chloroplasts in the
mesophyll cells;
phloem + for translocation of the products of photosynthesis away from the

30. Fig. 30.1 shows cells X and Y which were taken from different areas of the same

Fig. 30.1

Fig. 30.2 shows a leaf similar to the one from which these cells were taken.

Fig. 30.2

(a) On Fig. 30.2, use label lines and the letters X and Y to show where these leaf
cells came from. Explain your answer. [2]
X label line to green area and Y label line to white area;
green area containing chlorophyll / chlorophyll only in cell X / white area
does not contain chlorophyll /chloroplasts shown in cell Y;

(b) The leaf in Fig. 30.2 was then tested with iodine solution for the presence of
(i) On Fig. 30.3, draw the result of the starch test on this leaf.
Label the leaf with the colours that are observed in different areas. [1]

Fig. 30.3
black or shaded in area matching green area of leaf and indicated as

(ii) Explain why only parts of the leaf show the presence of starch. [2]
chlorophyll / chloroplasts traps light energy;
for photosynthesis;
which makes (glucose / sugar which leads to) starch;


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