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Question Bank (F.

2) New Added Questions @ 2010

Section 3 : Too much water!

Section 3 Too much water!

Data Based Questions

Study the following information and then answer the questions.

100 billion yuan to cope with dam impact

Beijing plans to spend nearly 100 billion yuan (HK$113 billion) in the next
decade to cope with the enormous social and environmental impacts of the
Three Gorges Dam. The new plan would also cover the middle reaches of the
Yangtze River - including lakes Dongting and Poyang, which have been adversely
affected by the project.

With water levels reaching the reservoir's maximum of 175 m above sea level
last year, the dam area recorded a sharp rise in often deadly landslides, minor
earthquakes, pollution disasters and other hazards.

At least 98.9 billion yuan would be needed by 2020 for the Three Gorges
project. Of the total investment, 38.2 billion yuan will be spent to tackle
environmental problems, such as waste and sewage treatment. But it did not
specify how much would be spent to tackle geological hazards and complete the
controversial resettlement scheme of millions of people.

9 April 2009

There has been continual drought in the Dongting

Hu region since August. My living is badly affected.

A fisherman living in the Dongting Hu region

a. (i) Describe the problems caused by the Three Gorges project by filling in the blanks in the
following table. (10 marks)
Nature Problem
A 1. Water pollution

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 Pollutants from ____________ and ____________ activities

discharged into the river cannot be _____________ as they are

trapped within the reservoir region.

2. Droughts of Dongting Hu and Poyang Hu

 The two lakes experience the ____________ water levels due to

huge water storage of the dam upstream. ____________ are

common in the lake regions.

 People resettled elsewhere under the ______________ scheme

find it difficult to adjust to their new lives and ______________.

 Droughts of Dongting Hu and Poyang Hu endangered the living

of ________________ as they have no fish to catch.

 ______________ are common as the Three Gorges region locates

in an unstable region, which threaten the lives of people living

C downstream.

 ______________ are common during rainy season as vegetation

on the slopes is removed for the construction of the dam.

(ii) Classify the nature A, B and C of these problems respectively. (3 marks)

b. (i) How is the government going to resolve the above problems? (1 mark)
(ii) What is the percentage of budget allocated to resolve the environmental issues caused by
the dam? (1 mark)
c. “… the dam area recorded a sharp rise in often deadly landslides, minor earthquakes, pollution
disasters and other hazards …” Give two examples of other hazards. (2 marks)
d. Describe three benefits brought by the Three Gorges project. (3 marks)

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Section 3 : Too much water!

Marks: ______/20
1. Water pollution
 Pollutants from farming and industrial activities discharged into the
river cannot be diluted as they are trapped within the reservoir
2. Droughts of Dongting Hu and Poyang Hu
 The two lakes experience the lowest water levels due to huge water
storage of the dam upstream. Droughts are common in the lake
 People resettled elsewhere under the migration scheme find it
difficult to adjust to their new lives and environment.
 Droughts of Dongtin Hu and Poyang Hu endangered the living of
fisherman as they have no fish to catch.
 Earthquakes are common as the Three Gorges region locates in an
unstable region, which threaten the lives of people living
C downstream.
 Landslides are common during rainy season as vegetation on the
slopes is removed for the construction of the dam.
(ii) A: Environmental / B: Social / C: Geological
b. (i) The government is planning to spend nearly 100 billion yuan (HK$113 billion) in the next
decade to tackle these problems.
(ii) 38.2 billion yuan ÷ 98.9 billion yuan × 100% = 38.6%
c. Sedimentation / Flooding in the upper course of the Chang Jiang
d. Flood control as the dam can withstand a flood of 100-year frequency. / Contribute to the
generation of enormous hydro-electric power. / Improve the navigation capacity of the Chang
Jiang to allow large ships to sail to some cities along the river. / The project can create many job
opportunities directly or indirectly. (Any 3)

Study the following information and then answer the questions.

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Section 3 : Too much water!

Tai O flooded as Typhoon Koppu hits the territory

Typhoon Koppu has brought torrential rain to the territory. At its peak, Koppu
dumped 110 mm of rain onto the city in a four-hour period.

Flooding was reported in eight areas, with Tai O being the worst-hit area.
Water reaching 1.5 m in depth was reported in low-lying areas, but the
situation was less severe when compared to Typhoon Hagupit that sent
seawater to the tops of people's doors in September last year.

Yesterday was the first time the government activated the flood alert system.
Village representatives received cell phone text messages from the Hong Kong
Observatory about potential flooding at around 8 pm and families and shop
owners were able to move furniture, electrical appliances and goods to
minimise damage.

A real-time flood alert was issued at about 3 am by the Drainage Services

Department, when water begin to flood into Wing On Street. An Islands District
officer said an emergency command centre, jointly managed by departments
such as the Home Affairs Department, Fire Services Department and the
Police, was also activated to co-ordinate evacuation, rescue and emergency
relief efforts.

The officer also noted that the riverwall project would be commenced in the
second half of 2010. Upon completion of the project in 2011, the low-lying
areas along Wing On Street would be protected against flooding.

16 September 2009

a. What was the rainfall intensity recorded during the peak period? (1 mark)
b. Why is Tai O usually flooded when there is a typhoon? (1 mark)
c. (i) Compare the water level and destruction in Tai O during the attack of
Typhoon Hagupit (in 2008) and Typhoon Koppu (in 2009) in the following
table. (3 marks)
Typhoon Water level Destruction

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> 2 m, as seawater reached _________________

Hagupit Less / More severe

Koppu Seawater reached _______ m high Less / More severe

(ii) Explain the difference in destruction by completing the flow chart below. (10 marks)

Set up a __________ system

The Hong Kong Observatory issued The government mobilised their

an _________________ to relevant resources for a possible
government departments and village ________________ and rescue
representatives by response
_________________ when flooding Residents moved their furniture and
is likely to occur goods to _____________ position,
while some left homes for safer

The ___________________ Department The Police, _______________

issued a ____________ alert to relevant Department, Civil Aid Service, social
government departments and village workers and village representatives
representatives when the water level evacuated residents in the low-lying
started to cause flooding in areas to temporary _______________ or
________________ areas safer locations

d. What other measure will be carried out by the government to alleviate the flood problem in Tai
O? (1 mark)
Marks: ______/16
a. 110 mm ÷ 4 hours = 27.5 mm per hour
b. Low-lying relief of Tai O / heavy rainfall coincides with hide tides period (Any 1)
c. (i)
Water level Destruction
Hagupit > 2 m, as seawater reached the tops of Less / More severe

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people’s doors
Koppu Seawater reached 1.5 m high Less / More severe

Set up a flood alert system

The Hong Kong Observatory issued an The government mobilised their resources for a
early alert to relevant government possible evacuation and rescue response
departments and village representatives Residents moved their furniture and goods to
by phone text messages / SMS when higher position, while some left homes for safer
flooding is likely to occur locations

The Drainage Services Department

issued a real-time alert to relevant The Police, Fire Services Department, Civil Aid
government departments and village Service, social workers and village
representatives when the water level representatives evacuated residents in the low-
started to cause flooding in low-lying lying areas to temporary shelters or safer
areas locations

d. The construction of a riverwall to prevent flooding at the low-lying areas along Wing On Street.

Study the following information and then answer the questions.

Climate change increases flood risk in Bangladesh

Low-lying Bangladesh with its 230 rivers and dense population of over 150
million has long been prone to flooding, but climate change could worsen the

A recent UN report has identified Bangladesh as the country most vulnerable to

tropical cyclones and sixth most vulnerable to floods.

According to data from the government, two-thirds of the country is only 5 m

above sea level, rendering it particularly vulnerable to sea level rises and tidal

Melting Himalayan glaciers and an encroaching Bay of Bengal in the south,

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Section 3 : Too much water!

further increase the risk of flooding.

A 5 000-km long flood embankment has been built in the low-lying southern
coastal regions, however almost half of it was damaged by recent cyclones,
leaving the whole region vulnerable to the tides.

31 December 2009

Building flood shelter with NGO help

Kaliaharipur, 134 km northwest of capital Dhaka, becomes submerged every

year in monsoon season which makes many local residents homeless. The
World Food Program (WFP) is providing funding for a project to build a flood
shelter in Kaliaharipur for the homeless people when flood comes.

WFP has employed 500 local people for the project, which takes two months to
complete. The people are happy with the project as each of them gets 75 taka
(around 1.07 US dollars) of cash and 3 kg of rice per day in return.

14 December 2009

a. (i) Fill in the blanks on the right column to describe the causes of flooding in Bangladesh.
(6 marks)
(ii) Match these causes with natural causes and human causes. (3 marks)
 ____________ relief

Natural causes   ____________ rain in summer

 Rapid __________ growth

Human causes   _____________ from the Himalayas

 _____________

 ______________ Bay of Bengal

(iii) With reference to your answer above, explain how human activities have caused flooding
in Bangladesh. (4 marks)

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Section 3 : Too much water!

b. How will climate change affect the flood problem in Bangladesh? Explain your answer.
(4 marks)
c. (i) What has been done to alleviate the flood problem in Bangladesh as mentioned in the
newspaper cuttings? (2 marks)
(ii) Suggest three other measures that can be used to control the flood problem in Bangladesh.
(3 marks)
Marks: ______/22
a. (i) & (ii)
 Low-lying relief
Natural causes   Monsoon rain in summer
 Rapid urban growth
Human causes   Snowmelt from the Himalayas
 Deforestation
 Encroaching Bay of Bengal
(iii) Rapid urban growth leads to construction of roads and buildings / increase in concreted
ground surface and less rainwater can be infiltrated into the ground / increase in surface
runoff and results in flooding
Deforestation as people removed the trees to give more land for building houses and
farming / leads to soil erosion and sedimentation of the river, which increase the risk of
b. Climate change will intensify the flood problem in Bangladesh. / Climate change will lead to a
rise in sea level. / Bangladesh is a low-lying country, therefore flooding will occur more
frequently. / Climate change will lead to more rainstorms and tropical cyclones, results in more
flooding in Bangladesh.
c. (i) Constructing flood embankment to prevent the flood water / tides from damaging the
coastal areas. / Flood shelters are built to provide temporary shelter for people who become

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Section 3 : Too much water!

homeless when flood comes.

(ii) Avoid developing the flood-prone areas. / Adopt special building design by raising the
houses above the ground level to guard against floods. / Carry out afforestation
programmes to check soil erosion. / Building diversion channels to divert the flood water to
other places. (Any 3)

Study the following information and then answer the questions.

Death toll nears 500, thousands ill

The death toll rose to nearly 500 when at least 38 more people died yesterday
in Bangladesh. The low-lying country was terribly affected by flood waters that
have also inundated large parts of eastern India. Millions became homeless
and more than 53 000 people have contracted diarrhoea, mostly caused by
eating stale food and drinking impure water. A field hospital has been opened
in the capital, Dhaka, to treat diarrhoea patients.

One doctor said 1 100 patients were received on Tuesday, the highest single-
day admissions in its history, and they feared that the flow would increase

15 August 2007

Bangladesh government’s plan to survive under water

Last year, rising tides destroyed more than 300 schools in Bangladesh. In
response to the worsening floods, an NGO created 28 “school boats” to bring
school to Bangladesh children.

In 2008, a United Nations’ Adaptation Fund was launched to help poor

countries finance projects to alleviate the impacts of global warming, but
industrialised nations have failed to make the promised donations.

The UN has recently set a funding target of $10 billion a year for 2010 to 2012
from the richest countries to the least developed countries to help adaptation
programmes get started. If such funding is really available, the Bangladesh
government can carry out various adaptation programmes, such as river
dredging, building barriers, and buying saline-resistant rice seeds.

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Section 3 : Too much water!

23 October 2009

a. What problem was found in Bangladesh after the flood has receded? (1 mark)
b. (i) Name rivers X and Y in the map below. (2 marks)

(ii) What role do these rivers play on the flood problem of Bangladesh? (2 marks)
c. Describe two natural factors for frequent flooding in Bangladesh. (2 marks)
d. (i) What is the landform that is created by frequent flooding? (1 mark)
(ii) Describe the formation of this landform by completing the flow chart below. (3 marks)

After several floods, the

Flood water brings a After the flood water layers of soil deposited
lot of ___________ drains away, a layer of become an _____________
to the lowland _________ is deposited ____________

(iii) Describe the advantages of this kind of landform. (2 marks)

e. (i) Will the flood problem of Bangladesh become less or more serious in the future? Explain

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your answer. (2 marks)

(ii) How can the government’s programmes cope with the trend in (i)? (3 marks)
(iii) What are the major difficulties faced by the government in putting (ii) into action?
(2 marks)
Marks: ______/20
a. Thousands of people suffered from diarrhea.
b. (i) X: The Ganges / Y: Brahmaputra
(ii) The sources of the Ganges and Brahmaputra are in the Himalayas. / Snowmelt in spring in
the Himalayas will increase the flood risk as large amount of water suddenly enters the
e. Low-lying relief, with about 80% of the country is on an alluvial plain and half of it is only 1 m
above the sea level. / Heavy monsoon rains. / Tropical storms bring heavy rains and coastal
flooding. / Most of the country consists of a huge floodplain and delta. (Any 2)
d. (i) Floodplain / alluvial plain (Any 1)
Flood water brings a After the flood water After several floods, the
lot of sediments to drains away, a layer of layers of soil deposited
the lowland alluvium is deposited become an alluvial plain

(iii) The soil of a floodplain is very fertile and is good for farming. / Flat relief which is suitable
for human settlement.
e. (i) The flood problem will become more serious / as global warming will lead to a rise in sea
level, causing more frequent flooding in Bangladesh.
(ii) The Bangladesh government has set up an adaptation blueprint that consists of different
programmes to cope with the flood problem. / River dredging helps to remove the
sediments at the bottom of the rivers so as to increase their capacity to hold flood waters. /
Building barriers can help protect the settlements and properties along rivers from being
flooded. / Saline-resistant seeds can grow well on soil that is flooded with saline water due
to rising sea level.

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(iii) The country is too poor and lacks money to carry out the programmes. / The rich countries
fail to make promised donations.

Study the following information and then answer the questions.

Government allocates 126 million yuan for flood relief

Heavy flooding in southern China has killed 75 people, and about 938 000
people were made homeless. Heavy rains have toppled more than 100
000 houses, flooded roads and damaged a dam, according to official
sources. The government estimated the damage at 13 billion yuan ($1.9
billion US dollars).

The six worst-hit provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities

include Guangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Guizhou and Chongqing.

5 July 2009

Flood control highlighted in south China

China's Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters
(SFDH) urged local governments to:
 Check the preparation work for the coming flood season
 Strengthen monitoring systems and emergency response
 Ensure the safety of major rivers and large- and medium-sized
 Relevant authorities in quake zones should pay special attention to
flood control
30 May 2008

a. (i) Explain briefly the occurrence of flooding in southern China. (2 marks)

(ii) How do the following processes increase the risk of flooding? (2 marks)
Increased / Decreased infiltration will increase the risk of flooding as
_________ water can seep into the ground.

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Increased / Decreased surface runoff will increase the risk of flooding

as _________ water flows over the land surface and back into rivers,
lakes and oceans.

(iii) Name two human activities that will lead to the above changes of the processes.
(2 marks)
b. Label the regions A to F affected by the floods in the map below. (3 marks)

A: B: C:

D: E: F:

c. (i) Name a project that has been carried out to control the flood problem in central and south
China. (1 mark)
(ii) Explain how the above project can reduce flood risk. (2 marks)
d. Suggest how the local governments can “strengthen monitoring systems and emergency
response”? (4 marks)
e. What other measures can be carried out by the government to alleviate the flood problem? Tick

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the appropriate answers. (2 marks)

 Restricting the development of flood-prone areas
 Dredging silted rivers
 Planting more trees
 Building more dykes along rivers
Marks: ______/18
a. (i) Heavy rains / rainstorms will input a large amount of water into a drainage basin within a
short period of time. / Excess water will spill out from the river causing flooding.
Increased / Decreased infiltration will increase the risk of flooding as
less water seeps into the ground.
Increased / Decreased surface runoff will increase the risk of flooding
as more water flows over the land surface and back into rivers, lakes
and oceans.
(iii) Deforestation / Urban development
b. A: Chongqing / B: Guizhou / C: Hubei / D: Jiangxi / E: Guangxi / F: Hunan
c. (i) Three Gorges Project
(ii) Flood water received in the upper course will be held within the reservoir region. / It will
be discharged to the lower course by opening the sluice gates and the water level of the
reservoir will drop.
d. 24-hour monitoring of weather conditions / use more advanced equipment for monitoring and
predicting floods / check to make sure that the warning system can operate normally / conduct
regular drills so that people know where to evacuate in emergency / set up a central coordination
unit to co-ordinate rescue and relief work / keep enough stock of relief materials such as tents,
food, blankets and water / identify some designated temporary shelters (Any 4)
 Restricting the development of flood-prone areas
 Dredging silted rivers
 Planting more trees
 Building more dykes along rivers

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