Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

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Semi Detailed Lesson Plan

I. Objectives

A. Content Standards and Performance Standards

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her understanding
of Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of Philippine

B. Learning Competencies/Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

• Identify the main idea and moral lesson of the story "The Goose that Laid a Golden
• Appreciate the importance of contentment and patience.
• Participate in group discussions and activities related to the story.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Goose That Laid a Golden Egg

References: [Aesop's Fables](
Materials: Storybook, Visual aids (pictures of a goose and golden eggs), chart
paper, markers/pen and Laptop
Values Infused:
• Contentment
• Patience
• Gratitude

III. Procedure

1. Routine Activities
a. Greetings
b. Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Classroom Management

2. Drill

(The teacher flashes the words on the monitor)

The students will read the tongue twister:
"Golden geese gobble golden grains."

3. Review

Recall the previous lesson about fables and their importance.

B. Pre-Reading Activites

1. Motivation

The teacher will show a picture of a goose and ask, "What do you think would happen
if this goose could lay golden eggs?"

2. Unlocking Difficulties
(Vocabulary words)
• contentment
• patience
• greed

- The students will provide meanings and use it in a sentence.

Raising of Motive Question
The teacher will ask the following:

• Who are the characters in the story?

• Why do you think the farmer wasn't happy with one golden egg a day?
• What do you think will happen to the goose?
• Where does the story happen?

C. During Reading Activities

1. Presentation of the Selection

(The teacher will let the students read the story "The Goose that Laid a Golden Egg"

2. Setting Standard for the reading

(The teacher will remind students to listen attentively and note important details.)

3. Reading Proper
• The tacher reads the story while showing illustrations.
• Students will follow along silently.

D. Post Reading Activities

1. Answer the Motive and Comprehension Question

The teacher will ask the following question:

1. Who had a goose in his farm?
2. What did the farmer do to the goose?
3. How did the farmer become rich?
4. What was the result of the story?
5. What is the moral lesson of the story "The Goose That Laid a Golden Eggs?

2. Values Formation
The teacher will discuss how greed can lead to loss and how patience is a virtue and
give real-life situations where patience and contentment are important.

3. Discussion
(The teacher will discuss the main idea and the moral lesson of the story.)

4. Practice Exercises
Individual worksheet

The teacher will give an activity to students "Write about a time you felt impatient?"


The students will summarize the story and its lessons in their own words.


The teacher will ask the student "What would you do if you have a goose who laid a
golden egg?"

IV. Evaluation

The students will write a paragraph on how they can apply the lesson of contentment
and patience in their own lives.

V. Assignment

Draw a picture of the goose and write a sentence about the lesson learned from
the story.

Valenzuela, Cristine Joyce P.

Kate Hershey Javier LPT

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