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EN7RC-I-a-7: Use the appropriate reading style (scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive reading
etc.) for one’s purpose.

Lesson introduction:

Welcome to the English 7 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Using Appropriate Reading Styles
for One's Purpose!

Hello, leamers! I am inviting you to begin your journey to the wonderful world of Reading. Reading is
fun. It allows you to know what you need to know, takes you to places you've never been and let's you
meet different people at the comforts of your home. Through reading, you get to travel and see the
wonders of the Philippines, or the world! It can even pave way for you to meet the Philippine heroes you
look up to, your most-liked author and even your favorite actors and actresses without having to spend
a peso on a plane ticket

Reading is instrumental. Not only does it let you travel, see things and meet people but it also allows you
leam new things and help you understand the world around you better. It also gives you the opportunity
to enhance other skills. By becoming a better reader, you get to be a better speaker because it is also
much the same as having a conversation with the author. So you see, you are simply not just reading but
you are multitasking traveling, comprehending, and communicating, all at the same time.

As you read this module you will learn the three basic reading styles and when these styles are
appropriate for your purpose of reading. Each reading style is made easy and is provided with an activity
for you to work on to ensure that you understand the lesson. Brace yourself because you are just about
to start your journey in becoming a better reader!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent leaning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process. the contents of the
learning resource while being an active learner.

Your text:

Different Reading Styles and When to Use Them

Today, you will learn the different reading styles and when to use them. There are three main types of
reading styles-skimming, scanning, and intensive reading.


When you skim, you should remember that it is reading swiftly or glancing quickly through a book or an
article to find facts. Through skimming you can find key Ideas, determine an author's purpose in writing
an article, or see if a book or article contains the information you are looking for. It is a special kind of
reading. When you skim, allow your eyes to wander until you find the portion you are seeking.


You have leamed in the previous activity that scanning is a reading technique. used to look for specific
information. It could be in an encyclopedia, a newspaper, Index, or other materiais. Scanning is also
used to discover the general organization or framework of a literary article, or to preview an article to
see if it is worth reading more carefully.

Intensive reading

Intensive reading is deconstructing a reading material with the objective of absorbing as much meaning
from it as possible. This reading style involves determining the elements of a literary plece. When you
are asked to give a theme of a story, Intensive reading is highly recommended because it requires higher
comprehension and deeper analysis.

Your objectives:

After going through this module, you are expected to use the appropriate reading style for your purpose
(EN7RC-IV-b-10). Specifically, you should be able to:

1. determine your purpose for reading,

2. skim and scan based on your purpose for reading, and

3. read intensively to construct a flow chart as an output.

Your discovery tasks:

What I know

What's in

What's new: Activity 1: Am I there?

What's new: Activity 2: Value over values

What's more: Activity 3: Judge me right

What's more: Activity 4: Andy-Diagram

What's more: Activity 5: Lead the flow

What I can do: Activity 7: Mean it in a minute

What I can do: Activity 8: Am I in or out

Your journey:

What I have learned: Activity 6: My Learning Material

Your final tasks:


Additional activities: Activity 9: WH-anted

Additional activities: Activity 10: Find my match

Additional activities: 11: Says Sy, I say


Content standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of connecting
to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the
prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

Performance standard:

The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending
texts using appropriate reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-
dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the prosodic features of speech
effectively in various situations; and observing correct subject-verb agreement.

What do you think of the Content and Performance Standards?

The standards focus on learning English in a well-rounded way. First, students understand pre-colonial
Philippine literature, connecting to the past. They also learn different reading styles, ways to understand
words, English sounds, and how to agree on subjects and verbs. The performance part involves applying
this knowledge. Students show they appreciate past literature, use the right reading styles, talk
appropriately in different situations, pronounce English correctly, and make sure subjects and verbs
match. It's a comprehensive approach, combining cultural understanding with practical language skills.
This helps students not only appreciate literature but also use English effectively in various situations,
promoting a holistic language learning experience.

How are the key concepts in the CS and PS related? Explain briefly and cite an example.

The key concepts in the Content Standard (CS) and Performance Standard (PS) are interrelated to create
a cohesive language learning experience. For instance, the CS emphasizes understanding pre-colonial
Philippine literature and correct subject-verb agreement. These concepts are connected in the PS as
learners transfer their understanding by appreciating past literature and observing correct subject-verb
agreement in communication.


In pre-colonial Philippine literature, cultural nuances often influence language structure. When learners
appreciate this literature (PS), they naturally become attuned to the intricacies of language, including
subject-verb agreement. For instance, understanding the historical context might lead to using
appropriate subject-verb agreement when discussing the themes and messages embedded in these
literary works. Therefore, the comprehension of pre-colonial literature (CS) directly contributes to the
practical application of language skills, such as correct subject-verb agreement, as outlined in the
Performance Standard.

For another example, suppose students learn about various reading styles, such as skimming and
scanning, in the content standard. This knowledge is about how to read different kinds of texts.

Now, in the performance standard, students are expected to use what they learned. Imagine a situation
where they are given a newspaper article to read. The content standard taught them different reading
styles, and now the performance standard comes into play. They apply the appropriate reading style
(like skimming) to quickly grasp the main idea and key points from the article.

So, the content (learning reading styles) and performance (applying the right style to comprehend a
text) standards are interconnected. Students don't just memorize how to skim; they actually use it when
faced with real reading tasks. This holistic approach ensures that what is learned is actively applied,
reinforcing practical skills alongside theoretical understanding.

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