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Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book


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Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Yoghurt and it's benefits ............................... 4

Types of yoghurt ............................................ 7

WHEY uses and benefits .............................. 9

Regular & GREEK yoghurt making ............ 11

Yoghurt for weight loss / management ...... 14

How to prepare yoghurt for kids .................. 16

10 homemade Juice and Smoothie

recipes............................................................. 19

Yoghurt parfait Recipe ................................. 31

Homemade Granola Recipe ....................... 33

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Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

The word Yoghurt (also spelled as yogurt) is originally

of Turkish origin. It is called matzoon in Armenia and
Kiselo mleko in Yugoslavs. It is generally believed by
historians thatyoghurt was discovered accidentally as a
result of milk beingstored in primitive methods in warm

Historically, yoghurt was attributed to the Neolithic

people of Central Asia around 6000BC when herdsmen
began milkingtheir animals and the natural enzymes in
the milk curdles themilk hence, making yoghurt.
It was noticed that, not only did the milk last longer after
thisbut quite a number of people also prefered its new
tangy taste. Then the practice continued and became
more deliberate.

Industrial production of yoghurt was first attributed to

IsaacCarasso in 1919 in Barcelona. The popularity of
yoghurt soared in the 50s and 60s with the boom of
healthy food culture and is now available in different fruit
flavours and variants.

This bacteria fermented milk mixture has become more

popular in Nigeria and other Africa countries over
recentyearswith the growing popularity of healthy
feeding activities.
Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

The benefits of yoghurt are innumerable. Listed below

are some benefits of consuming yoghurt.

● Yoghurts are known to be rich in vitamins B2 and

B12, potassium and magnesium.
● Yoghurts also contain probiotics (healthy bacteria
that brings about the fermentation of the milk) and
this aids digestion, glows the skin and improves
vagina health.
● Yoghurt benefits are also indicated in disease
conditions like, lactose intolerance, constipation,
diarrhea and vaginal infections.
● Yoghurt has also been known to be used in recent
times for various facial treatment
● Yoghurt helps to boost your immune system and
help your brain function better (amazing for kids)
● Low fat yoghurt can be a useful source of protein
on a weight loss diet and weight management.

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Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book
Types of yoghurt

Do you know that there are about 10 types of yoghurt

to know and look out for namely;

1. Traditional unstrained (regular) yoghurt

2. Greek Yoghurt — contains twice as much
protein,less sugar, fewer carbs and active live
3. Sheep's milk yoghurt
4. Goat milk yoghurt — made from goat's milk and
it'suseful to those allergic to cow milk.
5. Almond yoghurt
6. Coconut yoghurt
7. Soy yoghurt
8. Skyr or Icelandic yoghurt
9. Australian yoghurt
10. Drinkable yoghurt & Kefir

All these are the different types of yoghurt, the

GREEKand regular yoghurt are mainly the two types
that are widely produced.

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Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book
WHEY uses and benefits

WHEY is a byproduct of your Greek yoghurt. It is the liquid remaining

after YOGHURT has been strained. WHEY is quite nutritional and also
has quitea number of benefits.


● Contains lots of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B12

● Great for inflammatory bowel disease

● Lowers BP

● May help treat diabetes

● Wound healing: The amino acids in WHEY protein help repair

skinand tissues from wounds or surgery.

WHEY uses

● WHEY is useful as a base for fruit juice as it contains lots of

vitamins& minerals.

● WHEY can be incorporated into smoothies for more nutritional value.

● WHEY can be used in cooking pastas, potatoes, rice etc.

● WHEY combined with raw honey can be used as a soothing

face mask. It has excellent toning qualities for your skin and
hair (use cotton wool to apply to the face and neck or add a
drop or 2 to yourbathing water)

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book
Regular & GREEK yoghurt making

Make yourself and family some creamy goodness with this

CREATIVE FINGERS NC yoghurt recipe

What you'll need

Measuring cup and
spoonWooden laddle
Measure 2 cups of milk into a clean bowl
Slowly introduce 1 LITRE of lukewarm water into the
bowl of milk then, use your whisk or wooden laddle to
mix thoroughlyuntil smooth and without lumps
Measure 4 tablespoons of active Starter and slowly
introduce into the milk
Mix thoroughly and cover your mix, ensure that your
milk isstill lukewarm then proceed to keep in a warm
dry place e.gcupboard, oven, an empty food cooler or
store after you've wrapped with 2 layers of nylon bag
and towel.
Leave for 14 to 20 hours so it will form properly.
Yippee! Your regular yoghurt is ready. Mix
thoroughly and add sweeteners or flavor of choice.
If too thick, dilute withwater.

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

How to make GREEK yoghurt

Get a tiny hole sieve and a cheese

cloth,fold the cheesecloth into layers
and place on the sieve.
Then pour in the portion for GREEK
yoghurt and leave for about 8 hours for
allthe liquid to drain out.
Scoop out and EAT! Enjoy your GREEK

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Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book
Yoghurt for weight loss/ management

Research has shown that people trying to lose weight

whoate three servings of fat-free yoghurt a day as part
of a reduced calorie diet lost 22% more weight and
61% more body fat than those who simply cut calories
and didn't bone up on calcium.

Here's how to eat yoghurt to lose weight;

Use skimmed milk when making your yoghurt

(Dano skimmed milk or 3 crown is perfect)
DO NOT use sweetners (not even honey)
Eat your yoghurt plain without Add-ons or
usefresh fruits like grapes and Apples.
Add Granola to make your yoghurt more
filling Take a glass of your homemade fat-free
at least once a day either as a meal or dessert.
Lastly, maintain all other diet rules and
weightloss activities.

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book
How to prepare yoghurt for kids

Children can be picky eaters, so it's important to

keep reinventing recipes to make them have
healthyfood in an interesting way.

The child's bones grow quickly, and the protein

and calcium present in yoghurt are essential to
children'sbone health. It will be appropriate to add
dairy products like yoghurt to your child's diet
after the ageof one or when they start taking solid.

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Recipe for fruity yoghurt smoothie for
● Yoghurt
● Bananas
● Frozen strawberries
● Fresh orange juice

Blend the fruits and orange juice
Then add some of your homemade yoghurt
VOILA! The yoghurt smoothie is ready! Kids love
popsicles.You can make some into frozen popsicles if
there are leftovers.

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book
Juicing is the process of separating the juice from the
pulpand flesh of fruits and vegetables.
Smoothies on the other hand, are made from a fine
blend of favorite fruits and mixed in adequate
quantities to makea delicious rich drink.

Now, since there are many types of smoothies and

juices (based on individual's favorite right) I'm going
to be sharing 10 different CREATIVE FINGERS NC
homemade juiceand Smoothie Recipes

Tools required
● A manual Juicer
● Smoothie Blender

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Watermelon is one of the best thirst quenchers and
can bean instant remedy to sunstroke. Watermelon is
high in
lycopene, an antioxidant that protects our body from

— 5 cups of watermelon chunks or 1 medium sized watermelon

–Rinse watermelon under running water
–Cut into halves and remove the seeds
–Cut the watermelon pulp from the rind
–Juice the ingredients
–Voila! Your watermelon juice is ready

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

A healthy spin in grapefruit helps to fight against the risk of
strokeand high blood pressure.

–150g green grapes
–1 pear
–1 lime (peeled)
–2 Cucumbers

–Wash your fruit and veggies
–Process all ingredients in a juicer
–Shake or stir and serve

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An orange colored juice with added benefits than the
ordinary/plain orange juice.

–4 carrots
–4 Tangerine (peeled and deseeded)
–1 thumb ginger (peeled)

–wash your fruits and veggies
–process all ingredients in a juicer
–shake/stir and serve

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

This creamy and nutrient packed smoothie is something to
alwayscrave for. I personally love this smoothie, it is calorie
packed and perfect for those trying to gain some weight.

–1 banana
–peanut butter (2 spoonful)
–cocoa powder
–glass of milk or yoghurt

–slice the banana into a bowl
–mix peanut butter and cocoa powder in a cup
–add all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth
–incase of bits, sieve to get a smooth consistency
–add your Ice, serve and enjoy!

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

For many who think the taste of banana alone won't do it for
them, here is another great smoothie; mango and banana!
Mangoand banana go together like butter and bread. The
ripeness and texture of both fruits makes a perfect smoothie

–ripe banana
–ripe mango
–½ cup of milk (or/with) yoghurt
–soymilk or almond milk (optional)

–slice the banana into chunks
–peel and cut the mango into cubes
–add the chopped banana and mango into your blender
–pour in your milk or yoghurt
–blend for about 10-15 seconds. Serve in a glass, add ice and

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Papaya is rich in vitamins A and C and also minerals like
potassium, calcium and magnesium. The fruit also has fiber
andantioxidants that can help you and your kids stay

–1 papaya (peeled and diced)
–½ cup pineapple chunks
–1tsp coconut extract
–1tsp flaxseed
–1 cup yoghurt

–peel the papaya and dice it
–add all your ingredients into a blender
–blend for 15-20 seconds or till you have a smooth mixture
–you can add water for consistency and blend again for a few
–add ice, serve and enjoy!

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Having antioxidants, this smoothie is a good breakfast option
foryour kids.

–1 cup fresh frozen berries (strawberries, blueberries,
–2 small bananas
–1 cup yoghurt

–add together all your ingredients and blend for some
seconds tillyou get the desired consistency
–serve fresh!

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Another simple, yet healthy fruit smoothie. A blend of
strawberrieswith yoghurt helps create a delicious mix.

–8 strawberries or frozen strawberries
–½ cup milk
–½ cup yoghurt
–3 tbsp sugar
–2 tsp vanilla extract

–thaw the strawberries if they're frozen
–add all the ingredients into your blender
–blend till you get a smooth, frothy mixture
–add ice cubes and blend again
–serve fresh and enjoy!

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Dates are sweet, low in sodium and rich in dietary fibre. They
contain minerals like potassium, magnesium and zinc along
withvitamins A and K, riboflavin,folate, thiamine and niacin.

–⅓ cup halved or pitted dates
–¾ cup milk

–blend the dates and milk for about 30 seconds
–add your ice and blend again for a few seconds
–serve fresh

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

A truly tropical smoothie packed with sweetness and cheer.

–1 ripe banana (chopped into chunks)
–1 cup fresh homemade coconut milk
–2 cups pineapple (cored and chopped)
–1 teaspoon honey (optional)

● Direction
–Pour the coconut milk into your blender
–add all other ingredients and blend for about 10 seconds or
–serve in a cup and enjoy your smoothie.

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What to put in smoothies to gain weight for

Mixing avocados, nut butters, seeds and full-fat yoghurt in

smoothies are an effective way for healthy weight gain in


Yoghurt parfait is a simple breakfast or dessert
which ishealthy as well as filling. It can also come
in as snacks.It is made by layering creamy yoghurt
with homemade granola and topped with fruits (dry
or fresh).

3 scoops of your homemade yoghurt
Fresh fruits of choice (grapes, strawberries,
raspberries, Apples, coconut flakes etc)
3 tablespoon of granola

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

Parfait Recipe 1

Layer ⅓ cup yoghurt into the bottom of a glass cup.

Alternatelayers of granola and fruits with yoghurt until
glass is filled to the top.
Serve your parfait immediate to keep granola crunchy
Top it up with 2 tablespoons of honey (not needed if you
usedalready sweetened yoghurt or if you like your
yoghurt plain)

Parfait Recipe 2

Add honey to plain yoghurt and mix well.

In a clean tall glass or parfait cup, layer ½ cup of
yoghurt atthe bottom and allow it to settle, then place ¼
cup fruits followed by ¼ cup granola etc.
Alternate the layers of fruits and granola with yoghurt
until theglass or parfait cup is filled.

Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book


Granola is a healthy, comforting and delicious treat

that can be served as a snack… It is one yummy mix
you canadd to your yoghurt to make a yummy parfait
or healthy combination. Here is how to make
crunchy granola with your cooker or oven at home

What you'll need

● Rolled oats
● Coconut flakes
● Nuts or dried fruit
● Sweetener (honey or maple syrup)
● Oil
Heat up your non-stick pot on your cooker or
oven tolow heat
Be sure to line your pan with foil
paperMix your Rolled oats with a
little oil
Add your honey, a pinch of salt and other dry
fruits you want to add e.g cashew nuts,
groundnuts, Almondetc
Pour your coated oats into your pot or baking pan

Heat or bake on a low heat till you have an

evenbrown colour and crunchy.
Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book
Creative Fingers Nc @creative_fingers_nc DIY Yoghurt Class E-book

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