Mole Concept

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Mole Concept, Staitchiomety omd Concenbrahion krrns

Uiit pauticle

Unit pa1tilde ot element is "Atom"

2Untparhde o campd umd is ^ Molecule'.
Elements which exist in molecular fomi E N, O, S,.fete

1mole substamce z 6.022 Xo23 wnitpartides or Ng unit parHdes.
ie 1 mole Calcium N, atma
1 mole Nirogen : Ny molenuof N,
A mole Water. . N molecule of H, 0,et.
For a ubstamce
Moles x N No. of it unit particles
Males =No. ot unt patiles

From one mole sample ot iron if 1Q.04 X\g22 abn are yemaved thun remaining
number of moles will be:

moles = 1 mole Fe - 12.04X1022 mae

6.02x I023

- 0. moles

eThe total number of atoms in 5 males of Ca H wil be :

Total mumber of atom in 1male of C HiaO 24NA
) Total mimber of atemy in 5 mo lea ot GeH,0: 120N

Giam- atomi mo les ot atoms

aTam - moleculei moles of molecules
aram -ion: moles of ims
Calculat total mumber of mutans in laq-am sample Deutenium
We have to fad tatal mumber of nutN in 10 males oEDeuterium.
Ih one atom of p 1 Neutan
In lON,atine oft lON Neukscns

Caleulatc tota mumber of atems in 2.2.6g-molecale ample ofcH, 00H.

Total number of atmy in Q. 6 moles of CH, COOH
Tn, lnglecule. of cH, COOH > 8 atcms
i0,.5 N, mo leculy of CH, 0OH > Q.5 x8 N atomg
F. 4ON, atoms 20N, atmd.

Ato mic mag unit or Wmiied mas Cam)

It is the wnit of ms for atom.
=>ic ued to measre
Sm al m as es.

lamu= J(mas of oneaton of C12)


atomic mass in amu Maw of one singl atem

molecular mou in amu mas of one malecule
7amu> maw of one single Li-atom

40amu=> mas of one Ca -atom

(M as of 5 molecules of NHa
Molecular mau ot NH,= 7
Onu NH, molecule : l7am
> 5 NH moleculy = &5 amw'
Molar mas (M or M
For a substame,
Molay mas Mas ot.onemole substame
=Mas ot Ng unit particles of substane
= Atmic mas or mg lecular mas in
adom 40 am

Na tums 40NA am
= 40 NA

) He(4)
Mas of one He-atm4amu
Mas ofone mole He 4gm
>Molar of He =

Mas of one CHy molec ule ’ l6 amu
Mas oF one mole CHy’ l6gm
=) Vlolar ma of CHy l6gm/nad

5)If mas of atom otfam element is 4x lo28 gramy, then atomic mas of elomet
will be [ Take Ny=6xI02°]
Mas of 2atoy 4x \0-23
> Mas of I atom : 4xlo 23 =Qx10 23

Atomic mam : Mas of N aton 2x023 x6x lg23 |2

The number of carbon atos present in esignature wnten by carbon pencil

Nmber ot moles 10moles
of Cin Hat signature

IO-malg> O N atcm
The mass of mitogen prsent in 8gram of Uea is:
am Molar mam of Urea =
Molecl ar mau of Urea e
Numb er of moles 3 malea
ot Vrea

Number of N-aton in 1 moleculeof U,ea =

=> Nunber ot N- atms in Na molecules of Orea 2N, : 2moles of N-atoms

Manpresofent ibagn aO mole

xl4 : 1.44

8 The mam percent oF Mitroqem in ammaniwm phacphak (NH,,Pa, will be

anys Molezulax mau o NH,Po (In male)
Number of N-at in 1 malecule ot NH) PO3
> Number of Natomg in N, moleculw'of NH.) H 3N3moles
Mas of N praent = |4x3=
Mas of NpreuestO0= 42- l
MMalecular mas of
(NHl, PO4
Ihe gaa uhich obeg tolluwing equakor
PV nRT Tempercture (K)
Pressure ’ Univers al gs constant
Volm of males (R= 0.082l Latm/mol K)
tolar Tmas Temp RT
bgas gmma) 25°C 24.46
1 atm =|.ol325x o5 P, 27°C 24.63
=|.O|3 a5 Bar
-760 torr
760 mm ot Ha
76 cm of H
STP conditicns (Stondard Temperahure an d Presure)
Old Conuenian. New Conwenti on
T= 0°c,P:latm T 0°G, P: 1 bat

Volume ofone mole gos ot STP

(latm) ().- x o.082l x Q73
V= 22.4LI V= 22.7LI
The Volume of one mode g at STP will be
(A) 5.6L (A) 4 4.4 L (4) S.6L
(B) I.2L (8'22.L CBY 22.7L
(C) |).35 L CC) 22.4L
d) 44.&L (o )45.4L (0). ).35L

which of the tol locwìng gou sample has mauimum mumber of atoms? 6N,A atmy
ÅT STP, P=1am and T= 0°c
44.8L 0, at STP (a) > )(44. ) = mx 224 >lm:mala
(b) 49. 2L of H, at l atm, 300 K (b) y(44: 2); mx24. 63 lna2males
) 22.4L of O, at a atm, 546 K(c) (2)(22.4)=ma 22.4xa n:lmale
|1.2L of N,O at STP. CI) ( : 2) = m a2.4 > n: 0. 5 mole
L5N, atums
The deaiy okagu at &TP i 2/L3S glibe he gotI
ans X Valume
of Imote
1.35 L
is Helium
Vapour donaty :Iis arelative denaity de fined ofgas
only br gua as ollo wing
at sCme Tand
(vapaurdomlg demu ihy
d ensiby of a> sane Tamd P

’ d= (PM Molar mars
Malar mas
Molar mas

i.o. Vapour densiy

Mixhue amalysis
Total mas of mixhue = WAt Wet W
Total moles of mixure m t natmc
MMole frachion = mA Mas fractian = WB
of A (<) of 8 (<l)
Mole of C
nmix Wmix
Mas y of A = WA
To tal

In a mixhure, Sum of all fracHays l

Sum ofFall

Average Malecular mass

>Tt is dekned br agaweo us mixture (alweye hormogonecn)

The mdar mass ofsuchmix hure is kmown aJ auerage moleular ma amd
heme it is dernoled as Mx,

28qm/ mol 16gm/mol

To tal man ot mixhhre
Total moles of mixhure

A mixhue contzun I mole 2 mole Hag) and a moles f CHug ). The molecular
mas ot mixre will be: Heg
an Mix Wmix 1(4)+2(2)+a(16) 40 =&gm/mol
2Moleculor mas =8|

3 Agoecus mixhire of Ne amd C,tte comtainu 40 meon by nam. The vapaur

ot the mixture will be
Le, a qivem sample of 100g mixhure is given tos
Total s=

mas o
Total moles preaent mas ot neon presemt +nmas of GH present
molar mars of meon molqr mas otC,H

Vapau danaity a

(4)TheIf vapaut densib ofa gaeou mitture of non-reachiue goucs 'A'and B'i 40
the molar mam 'A's 204m/mol and te mixture contajM he gaues
in 2:3 malar ratio, hen te molar mas
an Male culor masof tu xhå re < gO
Let, Abe Qx mole in the mixhre
B be 3x metein the mixhre

Mmix Wmix
To tul mdles 5
2 400 =40+ 3M, > 3 M = 360
The pevcentage by mole of No, in a mixture of
aueragemlecular mas 34 s
NO,4) end Nog) hauing
am Let, Hure be lo0 moles of He ixhre.
moles of NO,in he mixhure= |00- by Q5
mole o=
NO = a5f
34 = 46(I00- 2) + 302
Total moles
34J0 =46O0 -46t80

Average.atam maM(Maug)
Defined faLelement ohich haue Qmore mahural isato pes amd their abundamce
Loccuxamce iv mnahure are comparable
camd 35

(~ 99.99-) (r0.0! %)
=>A tomic ma of arbon |a Atomie mass
For such elment,
Atomic mas Total atom
Sum of atmic manes ot al atord * Man of
Total mo. of atm on.

A mixhuR antain 6 qrams urea amd 0.lq-malecule. of Na OH. alculate i

)Mole fraction of urea
Þ) Mas percent of NaOH
an ) Mas ot urea praent in te miah°e =
Moles oF Urea pres ert:
Male fracticn of Urea = Moles of Urea Ol = 0.5
Total mo les in te mixtune

Imole of NaOH -> Og

0.l mole ot Na OH > Mas percent Max of a OH Aeent =4
of NaOH Totl man of he
A mixture of He and CH, ntains 207 He mas. The mole- frachn of mettha
in te mixhure is :
am Let, the total man of the mixhure =|00
Mas ot He preset in Moles of He 5mo
Hhe mixure
ure 20g
n he mixhu re
Mas ot CH pres ent in
thu mxture Maleg of CHy R04 =Sma
in He mixture l6 q/mol
mole fraction .of = 5 mal = O.5
In mahure Boro ex iskt asa sand"B with percent abundamce of 40% amd 60%
mumber. Ihe atomic mas ot boron wj be:
Let,he re b¹ |0 atoms of Born
B= 40 atms amd B 60 atems
Avq. ati masA: Sumn ot all atmie masy = 1O(40)+ 1[60)
Totul atung
400t660 = (0.6
Chlorine has tuo naturaly ocrurring iaolopes out of thum\g0 35ca by
moles Ifateio mas of chlone is 35.5 hun determine
mas mmber of other isotupe of chloine
ans> Let toal= (Þo atmg
25u = S atms
Maug. -36, 5 = 75(35)+ a5(x)

3550 = 2625 +2 5z
qa5 252
7l2 37
Molecular omula b compaund
Thh fosmula which shows te actual mo. of atom of al elennt preent
in one moleculeof He cormpund
Nand Oexict as ra state whn alone

>Empiical formula of conpound

The lormula which shows he simplet raioof aoms of all olements praent
in one molecwe of He compaund.

Molerl ar formula He Molecular formule = CHy

Empirical formule = CH H H Empirical tomute '= CHy
For acampouc,
formula/z (a> pacitive intear)
2=mole cular man of cTnpomd
Empiieal furmut ms

To determine Empizical fernula

Frcm givem infamahas, calculate maes ot atem of all elementt.
Determine sinplest ratio and wrile empirical fomula.

6.4 grama ota cumpaund of and miboq8n contain Q.8

Detei mine, Enpirlcal formula. ofcompound.
ang Mas of
Mas of Nibaqen praent- 5.6,qromd
Mole of
O.6 mol
He conmpoumd Empilcal
Formul a o.4 0.&
Moles of
5,6 = O.4 mal.
Niragen in |4

) if malar ma ot compound in preuiquA queutin inic 32glmale, hm

determin molecular formula.
an Molecular mas 32 =2
Empirical formula
2 Malecul ar foomul a : N,H¡

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