GPSC Mains Examination Under New

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Class 1/2 Adv 30/2021-22

CSM-1 1

૦૧ : નીચે આપેલ પાંચ વિકલ્પપોમાંથી કપોઈ એક મદ્ુ ા પર ઓછામાં ઓછા ૨૫૦ અને િધમ
ુ ાં િધ ુ મેેલ ગુણ /
૩૦૦ શબ્્દપોમાં, યપોગ્ય ઉ્દાહરણપોનપો આધાર લઈને વનબંધ લખપો. . (૨૦ ગણ ુ ) OBTAINED

૧.૧ ક્રિપ્્ટપો કરન્્સીન ંુ ભવિષ્ય

૧.૨ યધ્ુ ધપો અને માનિ્સમાજ : આંતર્સંબધ
ં પો અને પક્રણામપો કુલ ગુણ /
૧.૩ નારીિા્દ : લાભાલાભ MARKS: 20

૧.૪ ભારતમાં ન્યાયતંત્રની અ્સરકારક કામગીરી મા્ટે આિકાય્ય પગલાં

૧.૫ પાણી પ્રદૂ ષણની ્સમસ્યાઓ અને વનિારણ

મેેલ ગુણ /
૦૨ : નીચે આપેલ ત્રણ વિકલ્પપોમાંથી કપોઈ પણ બે પંક્્તતઓનપો આશરે ૧૦૦થી ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપોમાં OBTAINED
ુ × ૦૨ પંક્્તતઓ)
વિચારવિસ્તાર કરપો. (૦૫ ગણ (૧૦ ગણ ુ )
૨.૧ રપોજજં્દા કામ કેરં ુ આ રચાય ંુ મજ
ુ પાંજરં ુ ; આંખ, માથ,ંુ કરી નીચાં, મારે ત્યાં વનત્ય બે્સ.ંુ કુલ ગુણ /
ં ૂ િાની ફરી ફરી; ્ટીપ ંુ યે ર્સન ંુ ના કે રં ગની ઝાંય ના કશી.
એની એ િાતને મારે ઘ્ટ TOTAL

– પ્રહલા્દ પારે ખ
૨.૨ પપોતાન ંુ કપોઈ ન જુએ મ ૂળ, કપોણ છે જીિ ને કપોણ છે સ્થ ૂળ?
જીિનપો કહીએ કયપો ્દે શ? ક્ાંથી આિી કયયો પ્રિેશ?
જાતપો ક્ાં તે ્સમાશે જઈ? – અખા એ અજાણપ ્સિ્યમાં રહી.
– અખપો ભગત
૨.૩ ંુ ઈનગરી, જપોિા પચ્ુ છ વિનાની મગરી.
ચલ મન મબ
જ્યાં માનિ ્સૌ ચચત્રપો જેિાં, િગર વપછાને વમત્રપો જેિાં, નહીં પે્ટી નહીં ચબસ્તપો લેિાં,
આ તીરથની જાત્રા છે ના અઘરી!
– વનરં જન ભગત

૦૩ : નીચે આપેલ ગદ્યખંડનપો (૨૩૨ શબ્્દપો), મ ૂળ વિચાર જળિાઈ રહે એ રીતે લગભગ મેેલ ગુણ /
૧/૩ ભાગમાં (૭૮ શબ્્દપો) ્સંક્ેપ કરપો. ુ )
(૧૦ ગણ MARKS

વિષય પ્રથમ એક યા બીજી ઇન્ન્રિય ઉપર છાપ પાડે છે અને ત્યાર પછી જે જ્ાન ઉત્પન્ન કુલ ગુણ /
થાય છે તે તદ્ન અસ્પષ્્ટ અને ્સામાન્ય હપોય છે . ્સાંખ્યપક્રભાષામાં આ જ્ાન આલપોચનમાત્ર TOTAL
કહેિાય છે . આ જ જ્ાનની વનવિવિકલ્પક અિસ્થા છે . આ રીતે ન્યાય-િૈશેવષકની પેઠે પ્રત્યક્ની
પ્રાથવમક યા વનવિવિકલ્પક અિસ્થામાં છૂ્ટાછિાયા અને વિચભન્ન અથા્યત ્ ્સંબધ ં વિનાના
વિશેષપોન ંુ જ્ાન થત ંુ નથી. ત્યાર બા્દ જ્યારે આ વનવિવિકલ્પ જ્ાન મન દ્ારા િધારે વિચારાય
છે ત્યારે તે િધારે સ્પષ્્ટ કે વનશ્ચયાત્મક થાય છે . તેથી તે ્સવિકલ્પક કહેિાય છે . આમ અહીં
પ્રત્યક્ છૂ્ટાછિાયા વિશેષપોથી શરૂ થઈ તે બધાંના ્સમન્િયમાં પક્રણમત ંુ નથી, પરં ત ુ પહેલાં
એક અવિભાજ્ય (અખંડ) તત્ત્િન ંુ અસ્પષ્્ટ જ્ાન કરી તેમાં પછીથી વ્યિસ્થા કે રિમ યપોજે છે .
વિષયની દૃન્ષ્્ટએ આખી જ્ાનપ્રક્રિયા અહીં પ ૂરી થાય છે ; પરં ત ુ ચચત્તવ્યાપાર (બદ્ુ ધિ)ની દૃન્ષ્્ટએ
પ્રક્રિયા પ ૂરી થાય તે પહેલાં બીજી બે અિસ્થાઓ હપોય છે . પહેલી અિસ્થામાં અહંકાર દ્ારા
અનભ ુ િનપો તે વિવશષ્્ટ પરુ ુ ષમાં ્સંબધ
ં કરિામાં આિે છે . હિે જપો આ પ્રત્યક્ કપોઈ પ્ર ૃવત્તમાં
2 CSM-1

પક્રણમિાન ંુ હપોય તપો બધ્ુ ધ્ધ િચ્ચે પડી કઈ ક્રિયા યા પ્ર ૃવત્ત કરિી એ વિશે વનણ્યય કરી આપે
છે અને એ મા્ટે યપોગ્ય કમમેન્ન્રિયપોને સ ૂચનાઓ પહોંચાડી ્દે છે ; પક્રણામે કાં તપો પ્ર ૃવત્ત થાય
છે અને કાં તપો પ્ર ૃવત્ત અ્ટકી જાય છે . આમ બધ્ુ ધ્ધ જીિાત્માના અધ્યિ્સાય યા ્સંકલ્પને
સ્થાને છે . જ્ાનતંત્રના છે લ્લાં ત્રણ તત્ત્િપો – બધ્ુ ધ્ધ, અહંકાર, મન – મા્ટે જપો આપણે એક
શબ્્દ 'અન્ત:કરણ' િાપરીએ તપો આપણે જપોઈ શકીશ ંુ કે વિષય દ્ારા ઇન્ન્રિયપો ઉત્તેજજત થતાં
અંત:કરણ તેના એક યા બીજાં અંગપો દ્ારા કેિી રીતે કાય્યશીલ બનત ંુ હપોય છે .

– અન.ુ : પ્રરૉ. ડરૉ. કુ . ઇન્દુકલા હી. ઝિેરી

૦૪ : ુ x ૫ પ્રશ્પો)
નીચે આપેલ ગદ્યખંડની ્સઘન િાચના કરી પ્રશ્પોના ઉત્તરપો આપપો. (૨ ગણ મેેલ ગુણ /
(૧૦ ગણ ુ ) MARKS

ુ ાને ક્કનારે બેઠા બેઠા ્સનાતન ઋવષ પ્રભન

 ૃન્્દાિનમાં, યમન ુ ામ ર્ટી રહ્ા હતા. એ િખતે
કુલ ગુણ /
એક કં ગાળ બ્ાહ્મણે આિીને ઋવષજીને ચરણે પ્રણામ કયાાં. TOTAL
્સનાતને પ ૂછ્ય ંુ : "ક્ાંથી આિપો છપો, ભાઈ? તમારં ુ નામ શ?ંુ "
બ્ાહ્મણ બપોલ્યપો : મહારાજ! બહુ દૂ ર ્દે શથી આ ંુ છું. મારં ુ દુ:ખ િણ્યવ્ય ંુ જાય તેમ નથી.
ઈશ્વરની આરાધના કરતાં કરતાં એક રાવત્રએ મને સ્િપ્નમાં જાણે કપોઈ ્દે િ કહી ગયા :
"યમન ુ ાને કાંઠે ્સનાતન ગપોસ્િામીની પા્સે જઈને યાચના કરજે; તારી ભીડ એ ભલા ્સાધ ુ
્સનાતન બપોલ્યપો : "બે્ટા! મારી આશા કરીને ત ંુ આવ્યપો, પણ હું શ ંુ આપ?ંુ જે હત ંુ તે ફેંકી ્દઈને
ફ્તત આ ઝપોળી લઈને જ હું તપો જગતની બહાર ચાલી નીકળ્યપો છું. પણ હાં! હાં! મને યા્દ
આિે છે . એક ક્્દિ્સ કપોઈને ્દે િા કામ આિશે તે્ટલા મા્ટે મેં એક મચણને પેલે ઠેકાણે રે તીમાં
્દા્ટી રાખેલ છે . જા ભાઈ! એને લઈ જા. તારં ુ દુ:ખ એનાથી ફી્ટિાન.ંુ તને અખ ૂ્ટ ્દપોલત
પાર્સમચણ! આહા! બ્ાહ્મણ તપો ્દપોડતપો ્દપોડતપો મવુ નએ બતાિેલી જગ્યાએ પહોંચ્યપો ને એણે
રે તીમાંથી મચણ બહાર કાઢ્્યપો. પપોતાના લપોઢ્ાના મા્દચળયાને જ્યાં મચણ અડકાડે છે ત્યાં તપો
મા્દચળય ંુ ્સપોનાન ંુ બની ગય.ંુ બ્ાહ્મણ તપો આનં્દમાં નાચિા લાગ્યપો. ખ ૂબ નાચ્યપો. મનમાં એણે
અનેક મહેલમહેલાતપો ખડી કરી ્દીધી. કેિા કેિા િૈભિપો ભપોગિશે તેની કૈં કૈ કલ્પનાઓ કરી
લીધી. પછી થાકીને થપોડપો આરામ લેિા ન્દીકાંઠે બેઠપો. યમન ુ ાના પ્રિાહન ંુ મધરુ મધરુ ગાન
્સાંભળીને એ શાંત બન્યપો. ચપોપા્સ ફૂલપો અને  ૃક્પોની શપોભા વનહાળી પંખીઓના આનં્દમય
ક્કલક્કલા્ટ ્સાંભળ્યા. સ ૂયા્યસ્ત ્સામે નજર કરી.
બ્ાહ્મણની એક આંખ આ સ્દંુ રતા ઉપર હતી, બીજી આંખ હતી એના મનની પેલી મહેલાતપો
ઉપર. એન ંુ મન ડપોલિા લાગ્ય.ંુ એને ્સાંભયા્ય ગપોસ્િામી ્સનાતન. એને ઘણી ઘણી િાતપો
્સાંભરી આિી.
CSM-1 3

્દપોડતપો ્દપોડતપો બ્ાહ્મણ ્સનાતનની પા્સે આિીને એના પગમાં પડ્યપો. આંખમાં આંસ ુ લાિીને
ગદ્ગદ્ સ્િરે બપોલ્યપો : "અખ ૂ્ટ ્સમ ૃધ્ધ્ધ આપનાર મચણને જેણે મા્ટી ્સમાન ગણીને આપી
્દીધપો તેના ચરણની મા્ટી જ મારે જપોઈએ. આ મચણ ન ખપે." એમ બપોલીને એણે ન્દીનાં ઊંડાં
પાણીમાં મચણ ફેંકી ્દીધપો.
મચણ ્દે નાર અને મચણ લેનાર બન્ને જીતી ગયા.
- ઝિેરચં્દ મેઘાણી

૪.૧ કં ગાળ બ્ાહ્મણ ઋવષજી પા્સે જાય છે . – આ વનણ્યયન ંુ તમે કય ંુ અથ્યઘ્ટન કરશપો?
૪.૨ ઋવષજી બ્ાહ્મણને જે ઉત્તર આપે છે તેમાં એમનપો જીિન પ્રત્યેનપો કયપો અચભગમ પ્રગ્ટ
થાય છે ?
૪.૩ બ્ાહ્મણે આનં્દમાં આિી કરે લાં ન ૃત્યની ઘ્ટનાને ્સમજાિપો
૪.૪ બ્ાહ્મણે મચણ ન્દીમાં ફેંકી ્દીધપો. શા મા્ટે?
૪.૫ લેખક કહે છે : મચણ ્દે નાર અને મચણ લેનાર બન્ને જીતી ગયા. – આ વિધાનનપો અથ્ય

૦૫ : ુ )
(આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) (૧૦ ગણ
મેેલ ગુણ /
ભારતમાં ઑલક્્પપકની સ્પધા્ય યપોજાનાર છે . આ સ્પધા્યમાં વિશ્વના ઘણા ્દે શપો ભાગ લેનાર છે . MARKS

ભારત ્સરકારના યિ ુ ા કાય્યરિમ અને ખેલ મંત્રાલયના મંત્રીશ્ીન ંુ સ્પધા્યમાં ભાગ લેનાર ્સૌ
રમતિીરપોન ંુ સ્િાગત કરત ંુ ઔપચાક્રક ઉ્દ્બપોધન તૈયાર કરપો. (આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) કુલ ગુણ /

૦૬ : ુ )
(આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) (૧૦ ગણ મેેલ ગુણ /
િેપારના સ્પધા્યત્મક િાતાિરણમાં ભારત ્સંચાર વનગમ ચલવમ્ટેડની ્સેિાઓને ઉત્તેજન મળી
રહે એ મા્ટે પ્રજા અચભમખ ુ ્સિલતપોની જાહેરાત કરત ંુ ભારત ્સરકારના ્સંચાર મંત્રાલયના કુલ ગુણ /
કેન્રિીય મંત્રીશ્ીન ંુ પ્રચાર માધ્યમપો મા્ટેન ંુ વનિે્દન તૈયાર કરપો. (આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /
૦૭ : ુ )
(આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) (૧૦ ગણ OBTAINED

'મ ભ ત' ્સામવયકના તંત્રીશ્ીને ્સંબપોધીને તમારી પ્સં્દના ભારતીય ્સાક્હત્યકારની

ુ ેચ્છાપત્ર તૈયાર કરપો. (આશરે
્સર્જનયાત્રા અને વિશેષપોનપો ્સવિસ્તર પક્રચય આપતપો શભ કુલ ગુણ /
૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) TOTAL
4 CSM-1

૦૮ : ુ )
(આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) (૧૦ ગણ મેેલ ગુણ /
'ત થ ્દ' િત્યમાનપત્રના તંત્રીશ્ીને ્સંબપોધીને વિદ્યાથથીઓ શાળામાં ગણિેશ પહેરીને
જ અભ્યા્સ કરે એ વનયમન ંુ તલસ્પશથી વિશ્લેષણ કરતપો ચચા્યપત્ર લખપો. (આશરે ૧૫૦
કુલ ગુણ /
શબ્્દપો) TOTAL

૦૯ : નીચે આપેલ ફપો્ટપોગ્ાફન ંુ વિશ્લેષણ કરી તમારા રચનાત્મક વનરીક્ણપો વિગતે લખપો. મેેલ ગુણ /
ુ )
(આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) (૧૦ ગણ MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

૧૦ : ુ )
(આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) (૧૦ ગણ મેેલ ગુણ /
ુ ાકાત લીધી. તમને અનભ
તમે કચ્છના ્સફે્દ રણની ્સપક્રિાર મલ ુ િાયેલી આ રણની
ંુ રતા વિશે અહેિાલ લખપો. (આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો)
કુલ ગુણ /

૧૧ : ુ )
(આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) (૧૦ ગણ મેેલ ગુણ /
બે વમત્રપો 'અ' અને 'બ' ભારત ્સરકાર ્સંચાચલત આકાશિાણી અને ખાનગી માચલકીની

એફ. એમ. રે ક્ડયપો ચેનલ્્સ પરથી થતા પ્ર્સારણના ભે્દ અને ્સા્પય વિશે તલનાત્મક ચચા્ય
કુલ ગુણ /
કરી રહ્ા છે . આ ચચા્યનપો ્સંિા્દ વિગતે તૈયાર કરપો. (આશરે ૧૫૦ શબ્્દપો) TOTAL
CSM-1 5

મેેલ ગુણ /
૧૨ : ુ રાતીમાં ભાિાત્મક અનિ
આપેલ અંગ્ેજી ગદ્યખંડનપો ગજ ુ ા્દ કરપો. ુ )
(૧૦ ગણ MARKS

It was disappointing not to have brought back in the evening some important statement,
some authentic fact. Women are poorer than men because – this or that. Perhaps now it કુલ ગુણ /
would be better to give up seeking for the truth, and receiving on one’s head an avalanche MARKS: 10

of opinion hot as lava, discoloured as dishwater. It would be better to draw the curtains;
to shut out distractions; to light the lamp; to narrow the enquiry and to ask the historian,
who records not opinions but facts, to describe under what conditions women lived, not
throughout the ages, but in England, say, in the time of Elizabeth.
For it is a perennial puzzle why no woman wrote a word of that extraordinary literature
when every other man, it seemed, was capable of song or sonnet. What were the
conditions in which women lived? I asked myself; for fiction, imaginative work that is,
is not dropped like a pebble upon the ground, as science may be; fiction is like a spider’s
web, attached ever so lightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often
the attachment is scarcely perceptible; Shakespeare’s plays, for instance, seem to hang
there complete by themselves. But when the web is pulled askew, hooked up at the
edge, torn in the middle, one remembers that these webs are not spun in mid-air by
incorporeal creatures, but are the work of suffering human beings, and are attached to
grossly material things, like health and money and the houses we live in.
- Virginia Woolf

૧૩ : ુ રાતી વ્યાકરણને લગતા પ્રશ્પોના ઉત્તરપો આપપો.

સ ૂચના પ્રમાણે ગજ ુ )
(૧૦x૨=૨૦ ગણ મેેલ ગુણ /
૧૩.૧ : રૂક્ઢ્પ્રયપોગપોનપો અથ્ય આપી તેમનપો િાક્માં પ્રયપોગ કરપો. MARKS

૧૩.૧.૧ હળ્દર ફ્ટકડી કરિી

કુલ ગુણ /
૧૩.૧.૨ ્સાતપાંચ ગણિા TOTAL

૧૩.૨ : કહેિતપોનપો અથ્ય ્સમજાિપો.

૧૩.૨.૧ કપોડાફાડ
૧૩.૨.૨ હાડ હ્સે ને લપોહી તપે

૧૩.૩ : ્સમા્સનપો વિગ્હ કરી તેની ઓળખ આપપો.

૧૩.૩.૧ દ્દ્્દળ
૧૩.૩.૨ ચપોખંડુ
6 CSM-1

૧૩.૪ : પંક્્તતઓના છં્દ ઓળખાિપો.

૧૩.૪.૧ કાજળ તજે ન શ્યામતા, હીરપો તજે ન શ્વેત, દુર્જન તજે ન િરિતા, ્સજ્જન તજે ન હેત.
૧૩.૪.૨ નાગરિેલની જેિી નાજુકડી નાર િાંકી, િાંકપો એનપો અંબપોડપો ને િાંકા એના િેણ છે .

૧૩.૫ : અલંકાર ઓળખાિપો.

૧૩.૫.૧ એ ઘ્ટા િચ્ચે થઈને એક પહાડની છપોકરી પથરા ્સાથે રમતી ્દચક્ણ તરફ ્દપોડતી
જાય છે એન ંુ ્દશ્યન થય.ંુ અત્યારે તપો એના પાત્રમાં પાણીન ંુ નામ ન હત.ંુ
૧૩.૫.૨ ુ ી ્સમી ત ંુ ર્પય લાગતી, ત ંુ ્સમી કૌમ્દ
કૌમ્દ ુ ીય, લપોલલપોચના.

૧૩.૬ : શબ્્દ્સમ ૂહપો મા્ટે એક શબ્્દ આપપો.

૧૩.૬.૧ ્સૌના તરફનપો ્સમાન ભાિ
૧૩.૬.૨ મનમાં ને મનમાં

૧૩.૭ : ુ ારપો.
શબ્્દપોની જપોડણી સધ
૧૩.૭.૧ વ્ીહી
૧૩.૭.૨ ્સૌરશેવન

૧૩.૮ : ુ ારપો.
િાક્પોમાં જપોડણી, વિરામચચહ્પો અને િાક્રચનાની ભ ૂલપો સધ
૧૩.૮.૧ ુ ીથી પણ
જપોડણી અને િાકયવિન્યાશની ખબ ુ ્ય પક્રચચત હપોતા નથી.
૧૩.૮.૨ ડાંગળી ચશકી છે કે શ,ંુ ફાિે તેમ સ ુ બપોલપો છપો.

૧૩.૯ : શબ્્દપોની ્સંવધ જપોડપો અને છપોડપો.

૧૩.૯.૧ શબ્્દની ્સંવધ જપોડપો
ઐ + ઉક્્તત
૧૩.૯.૨ શબ્્દની ્સંવધ છપોડપો
મય ૂર

ુ બ ઉત્તર આપપો.
૧૩.૧૦ : િાક્રચના અંગે આપેલ સ ૂચના મજ

૧૩.૧૦.૧ પ્રશ્ િાક્માં ફેરિપો.

લપોખંડ ગરમ છે .

૧૩.૧૦.૨ વનષેધ િાક્માં ફેરિપો

એ લખી શકતપો હતપો.

CSM-1 7
8 CSM-1
CSM-2 1

1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum મેેલ ગુણ /
300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the OBTAINED
subject in the best possible individual style having originality of thought
and expression. It must be well-argued piece of writing coherently and
sequentially with observance of grammar rules. કુલ ગુણ /
I. How far do you agree that the Sedition Law needs to be changed? TOTAL
Suggest possible changes.
II. Express your views on the impacts of extreme automation
turbocharged by the Internet of Things and the Industry 4.0.
III. National Education Policy - 2020 : Vision and Implementation.
IV. Silence as a way of communication. મેેલ ગુણ /
V. Do you think that Nuclear War is looming large? OBTAINED

2. As the Director of BRTS Project in Gujarat, you are to monitor the timely
completion of the project. Write a letter in about 150 words apprising the કુલ ગુણ /
Chief Secretary, Government of Gujarat regarding the process achieved by TOTAL
your team in this direction. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
3. Write a letter in about 150 words, to the editor of the newspaper reporting OBTAINED
the event of inauguration of Madhuban Dam-based Astol regional water MARKS

supply project, built at the cost of around INR 586 crore and Nal se Jal
project worth INR 163 crore. The project is aimed at improving water supply
કુલ ગુણ /
in the region, boosting connectivity and enhancing ease of living. TOTAL
4. On June 21st, your university organized an International Conference on the
theme Every man is a builder of a temple called his body. As the organizing મેેલ ગુણ /
secretary of the conference, write a report of the event in about 150 words. OBTAINED

5. Carefully study the following graph/bar diagram about Government action

to tame wheat prices, published in the Times of India, Delhi 15th May, 2022
કુલ ગુણ /
and write a report in about 150 words. TOTAL
Latest inflation data sparked MARKS: 15

action to tame wheat prices

Millers Alleged Traders Were Releasing Grains Only For Around 3 Days મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /

6. Gujarat International Financial Tec (GIFT) city project is to be inaugurated in

Ahmedabad. Draft an inaugural speech in about 150 words to be delivered કુલ ગુણ /
on this occasion by the Prime Minister of India. TOTAL

7. Write a précis of the following passage in about one-third of its original

મેેલ ગુણ /
If you ever go to Kanyakumari, remember to pay a visit to the Vivekananda MARKS
Rock Memorial, which is a monument of great historical significance.
The memorial stands tall and majestic on the island rock projecting from
કુલ ગુણ /
the ever-turbulent sea waters. It is a wonderful structure constructed in TOTAL
memory of Swami Vivekananda’s arrival in Kanyakumari. The great saint MARKS: 15
2 CSM-2

and philosopher and icon of the Indian youth Swami Vivekananda visited
Kanyakumari in 1892. He stayed on one of the two natural rock projections
and meditated deeply before he left for United States to participate in the
Parliament of World’s Religions. The memorial which is an initiative of the
Vivekananda Memorial Trust, came into existence in 1970. It is today the
one of the most visited tourist spots thronged by visitors from all over the
world. The memorial is not only a historically prominent landmark, but it is
also an architectural wonder. A true Sanyasi’s realization was far above the
religion and it was Nation first. In 1962, the people of Kanyakumari formed
a Kanyakumari committee to build a memorial to Swami Vivekananda
on the rock where he meditated. There were many obstacles against the
construction of rock memorial. But in spite of all those, Shri Eknath Ranadhe
succeeded in constructing the Vivekananda Rock Memorial with the funds
from public, State Governments and Central Government. Kanyakumari is
well-connected with almost all the major cities of Southern India and getting
there is quiet easy. One can choose any mode of transportation – rail, road
or air according to own preferences. Kanyakumari has a railway station and
it is only 1.2 Km from rock memorial Ferry service. The nearest airport is in
Thiruvananthapuram, capital of Kerala, which is at a distance of 86 Km from
Kanyakumari. It is also connected with excellent network of roadways.
(299 words)

8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow: (15 x 1 = 15) મેેલ ગુણ /
After inventing dynamite, Swedish-born Alfred Nobel became a very rich MARKS

man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel
preferred not to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite, so in 1895, just કુલ ગુણ /
before a few years of his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding TOTAL
prizes to people who had made worthwhile contributions to humanity. MARKS: 15

Originally there were five awards: Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Medicine

and Peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the
first awards ceremony.
Nobel’s original legacy of nine million dollars was invested, and the interest
on this sum is used for the awards which vary from $ 30,000 to $ 125,000.
Every year on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death, the awards
(Gold Medal, Illuminated Diploma and Money) are presented to the winners.
Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges’ decisions.
Americans have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning of
World War II. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare: others have
shared their prizes.

1. The Nobel Prize was established in order to:
A. recognize worthwhile contribution to mankind
B. resolve political differences
C. honour the inventor of dynamite.
D. spend money
CSM-2 3

2. It implied that Nobel’s profession was in:

A. Literature
B. Medicine
C. Economics
D. Science
3. In sentence 3, ‘worthwhile’ is closest in meaning to:
A. economic
B. prestigious
C. trivial
D. valuable

4. In how many fields are prizes bestowed?

A. 2
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
5. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
A. Alfred Nobel became rich when he invented dynamite.
B. Alfred Nobel created awards in six categories.
C. Alfred Nobel left all his money for a noble cause.
D. Alfred Nobel made a great contribution to humanity.

6. Who invented dynamite?

7. How is the money required for Nobel awards managed?
8. When was the awards presentation ceremony disrupted?
9. What are the Nobel awardees presented with?
10. Is the selection process for Nobel awards fair and transparent?
11. Who have received most of the awards in science?
12. Which contribution of his did Nobel not want to be known for?
13. What has been done with the money originally donated by Nobel?
14. Find synonym to “predicted” in the passage.
15. Find an antonym for “frequent” in the passage.
4 CSM-2

9. Do as directed: (20 x 1 = 20) મેેલ ગુણ /

Choose the correct answer from the given option and darken () the circle MARKS
and also write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per
sample given below:
કુલ ગુણ /
Sample Ans.: ( C ) (A) � (B) � (C)  (D) � (E) � TOTAL
1. _______ ninth chapter of the book is very interesting. This is _______
best book of elementary chemistry. (Fill in the blank with appropriate
A. The, the
B. The, a
C. A, the
D. A, a
E. None of the above
2. _______ seat was taken. Five boys were seated on _______ bench.
(Fill in the blank with appropriate adjectives)
A. Each, every
B. Even, all
C. Every, each
D. Each, each
E. Every, every
3. Identify the correct option conveying positive meaning and is opposed
to none.
A. Few words in earnest will convince him. Few Parsees write Avestan
B. A Few words in earnest will convince him. A Few Parsees write
Avestan correctly.
C. The Fewer words in earnest will convince him. The Fewer Parsees
write Avestan correctly.
D. The Fewest words in earnest will convince him. The Fewest
Parsees write Avestan correctly.
E. The fewer some of words in earnest will convince him. The fewer
some of Parsees write Avestan correctly.
4. She _______ in the garden all morning. She _______ medicine for six
months. I _______ long when there was a knock at the door. (Fill in the
blanks with past perfect continuous tense)
A. had being working, have hadn’t being taking, had not been sleeping
B. have had being working, being hadn’t taking, had been not sleeping
C. been working, have hadn’t been taking, had been unsleeping
D. have had working, have had not taking, have had not sleeping
E. had been working, had not been taking, hadn’t been sleeping.
5. You _______ a lot of junk food these days. He _______ therefore he is
never satisfied. (Fill in the blanks with present continuous tense)
A. are eating, is always complaining
B. ought to be eating, ought to be always complaining
C. are being eating, having been always complaining
D. might been eating, might been always complaining
E. must been eating, must been always complaining
CSM-2 5

6. Identify the correct sentence with correct underlined connecting

words and necessary punctuations.
A. We had an, unusual teacher hence we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult nevertheless, we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased; with our performance in fact he was full of praises.
B. We had an unusual teacher; hence we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult; nevertheless we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance; in fact he was full of praises.
C. We had an unusual teacher hence, we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult nevertheless, we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance; in fact he was full of praises.
D. We had an unusual, teacher hence, we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult nevertheless, we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance, in fact he was full of praises.
E. We had an unusual teacher, hence we mastered the subject. The
job was difficult, nevertheless we enjoyed working on it. He was
pleased with our performance, in fact he was full of praises.
7. Nothing is more precious than time. She can do no more. None can
run faster than me. (Transform Assertive into Interrogative)
A. Is anything precious than time? Can she do more? Can run he
faster than me?
B. What is more precious than time? Anything more she can do?
Who can run faster than me?
C. Is it precious than time? Is there more can she do? Can anyone
run faster than me?
D. What is more precious than time? What more can she do? Who
can run faster than me?
E. What as precious as time? What can she do more? Who can run
8. They were carrying the sick player off the room as smoke filled the
room. (Turn into passive voice)
A. The sick player was being carried off the room as the room was
filled with smoke.
B. The sick player was carried off the room as the room was filled
with smoke.
C. The sick player was being carried off the room as the room was
filled by smoke.
D. The sick player was carried off the room as the room was filled by
E. None of the above
9. “I’ve got gypsies on my land for two years”, said the farmer, “and
they’ve given nobody any trouble; but now the Council has asked me
to tell them to move on.” (Put into indirect speech)
A. The farmer told that he’d gypsies on his land for two years and
they’d given nobody any trouble but then Council had asked him
to tell them to move on.
B. The farmer said that he’d had gypsies on his land for two years
and they’d given nobody any trouble but the Council had asked
him to tell them to move on.
C. The farmer said that he’d gypsies on his land for two years and
they’d given nobody any trouble but the Council had asked him to
tell them to move on.
6 CSM-2

D. The farmer told that he’d had gypsies on his land for two years and
they’d given nobody any trouble but then Council asked him to tell
them to move on.
E. The farmer said that he’d had gypsies on his land for two years
and they’d had given nobody any trouble but then Council asked
him to tell them to move on.
10. To think of our meeting here! Were we sent into the world simply
to make money? How can men die better than facing fearful odds?
(transform into assertive sentences)
A. It is strange that we meet here. We were not sent into the world
simply to make money. Men can die better than facing fearful odds.
B. It is strange that we meet here. We were sent into the world simply
to make money. Men cannot die better than facing fearful odds.
C. It is strange that we should meet here. We were sent into the world
simply to make money. Men can die better than facing fearful odds.
D. It is strange that we could meet here. We were not sent into the world
simply to make money. Men cannot die better than facing odds.
E. It is strange that we should meet here. We were not sent into the
world simply to make money. Men cannot die better than facing
fearful odds.
11. He must not be late, or he will be punished. You must either pay the
bills at once or return the goods. We must eat, or we cannot live.
(Transform the compound sentences into simple sentences)
A. In the event if he is late, he will be punished. Failing prompt
payment, the goods must be returned by you. We must eat for life.
B. In the event of being late, he will be punished. Failing prompt
payment, the goods must be returned by you. We must eat to live.
C. If being late, he will be punished. In case if failing prompt payment,
the goods must be returned by you. We must eat to live.
D. In the event of being late, he would be punished. Failing prompt
payment, the goods must be returned by you. We must eat for living.
E. If being late, he would be punished. Failing prompt payment, the
goods must be returned by you. We can eat to live.
12. My aunt lived on _______ ground floor of _______ old house on
_______ River Thames. She was very much afraid of _______ burglars
and always locked up _______ house very carefully before she went to
_______ bed. (insert a, an an, or the
the, if necessary)
A. the, an, the, the, the, the
B. a, the, the, ----, the, the
C. the, an, the, ----, the, ----
D. ----, an, the, the, the, ----
E. the, the, ----, the, the, the
13. She was on _______ knees, scrubbing _______ kitchen floor. He was
_______ horrible job; I wouldn’t _______ like to be in _______ shoes.
(insert appropriate determiners, if necessary)
A. her, the, a, ----, his
B. the, her, a, him, ----
C. her, the, ----, ----, his
D. the, the, ----, ----, my
E. her, her, a, ----, the
CSM-2 7

14. Paul goes _______ school _______ you, doesn’t he? How’s his English
getting ____?
I don’t know. We’re not _______ the same class. But he gets
_______ other students all right. He has heaps _______ friends.
(Supply appropriate prepositions/adverbs, wherever necessary)
A. ______, with in, in, with, of
B. to, with, on, in, on, off
C. for, by, on, in, with, of
D. for, with, in, in, on with, of
E. to, with, on, in, on with, of
15. If we say “The manager showed _______ us to our room,” we mean
that he led _______ us _______ the door. If we say “He showed _______
us the room,” we mean that he entered _______ the room _______ us.
(Supply appropriate prepositions/adverbs, wherever necessary)
A. to, ______, to, with, ______, with
B. to, ______, to, ______, in, with
C. ______, to, to, ______, in, with
D. ______, ______, to, ______, ______, with
E. ______, in, to, ______, into, with
16. Complete these sentences about the weather with a word from the list:
a. rain; b. sky; c. storm; d. snow; e. sun
1. The _______ was beating down from a clouded sky.
2. The garden was blanketed with thick _______.
3. Outside, the _______ was absolutely bucketing down.
4. By lunchtime the _______ had clouded cover.
5. We sheltered in a barn to wait for the _______ to blow over.
A. 1 – e, 2 – d, 3 – a, 4 – b, 5 – c
B. 1 – e, 2 – b, 3 – c, 4 – d, 5 – a
C. 1 – d, 2 – b, 3 – c, 4 – a, 5 – e
D. 1 – e, 2 – d, 3 – b, 4 – c, 5 – a
E. 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – a, 5 – e
17. Complete the phrasal verbs choosing a correct word from the list so
that they match the definition: (across, out, back, along, apart)
1. Come find
2. Come separate into pieces
3. Come become known
4. Come arrive at a place
5. Come return
A. out, back, along, across, apart
B. apart, along, back, across, out
C. across, apart, out, along, back
D. along, out, apart, across, back
E. along, out, across, apart, back
8 CSM-2

18. Complete the idioms using the names from the list: (Adam, Bob, Jane,
Tom, Jack)
1. They don’t give out awards to just any old _______, Dick or Harry.
2. To do this job you have to be a _______ of all trades.
3. She was a plain _______ at school who reinvented herself when
she went to drama school.
4. She didn’t know me from _______, but she was still very helpful.
5. Just add the sounds and special effects and _______’s your uncle.
A. 1 – Bob, 2 – Jack, 3 – Tom, 4 – Jane, 5 – Adam
B. 1 – Tom, 2 – Jack, 3 – Jane, 4 – Adam, 5 – Bob
C. 1 – Tom, 2 – Jane, 3 – Jack, 4 – Adam, 5 – Bob
D. 1 – Bob, 2 – Jack, 3 – Jane, 4 – Adam, 5 – Tom
E. 1 – Tom, 2 – Adam, 3 – Jane, 4 – Jack, 5 – Bob
19. Identify the terms that defines “The act of judging a case, competition,
or argument, or of making a formal decision about something”.
A. Jurisdiction B. Adjudication
C. Legislation D. Decision
E. Adjournment
20. Which of the following words is an antonym of ‘recession’:
A. Triviality B. Headway
C. Brunette D. Blasphemy
E. Profusion

10. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English.

ભારતમાં ઘણા જૂના સમયમાં પ્રજાસત્ાક સ્્વરૂપન ંુ શાસન હત.ંુ કેટલાંક ગણરાજ્યયો મેેલ ગુણ /
ુ ી અસ્સ્તત્્વમાં હતાં. બૌદ્ધ અને જૈન ઐતતહાતસક નોંધયોમાં અને સંસ્્કત
ઈ.સ. ચયોથા સૈકા સધ કૃ MARKS

મહાકાવ્યયો અને રાજકીય ગ્ંથયોમાં આન ંુ તનતચિત રૂપે પ્રમાણ મળે છે . ભારતને લગતા
તથા તસકં દરનાં પરાક્રમયોને લગતા ગ્ીક અને લેટટન સાટહત્યગ્ંથયોમાં પણ ભારતનાં કુલ ગુણ /
ગણરાજ્યયોના ઉલ્લેખયો આ્વે છે . TOTAL
્વૈટદક સમય દરમ્યાન કેટલાંક ગણરાજ્યયોન ંુ અસ્સ્તત્્વ હત.ંુ એ રાજ્યયોન ંુ મહાભારતમાં
“અજેય” રાજ્યયો રૂપે ્વણ્ણન આ્વે છે . જેમાં સમાનતાના તનયમયોન ંુ પાલન થત ંુ હત.ંુ
બૌદ્ધ સમય દરમ્યાનના ગણરાજ્યયોનયો ત્વગત્વાર અહે્વાલ પ્રાપ્ય છે . એ સમયે શાક્ય
અને ત્વજ્જિયન ગણરાજ્યયો પ ૂ્વ્ણ ભારતમાં સૌથી મહત્્વનાં હતાં. શાક્ય ગણરાજ્ય કદમાં
નાન ંુ હત,ંુ તયો ્વજ્જી રાજ્યસંઘનયો ત્વસ્તાર ઘણયો મયોટયો હતયો અને તેમાં બીજાં આઠ
રાજ્યયોના પ્રદે શયોનયો સમા્વેશ થતયો હતયો. “શાક્ય ગણરાજ્યમાં ન્યાયતંત્ર અને ્વહી્વટને
લગતાં કાયયો જાહેર સભામાં થતાં હતાં અને તેમાં ય્વ ુ ાનયો તેમ જ  કૃદ્ધયો બંને હાજર રહેતા.
એક સરદારને સભાની બેઠકયોમાં પ્રમખ ુ સ્થાન લે્વા માટે અને બેઠક ચાલ ુ ન હયોય તયો
રાજ્યનયો ્વહી્વટ સંભાળ્વા માટે ચટં ૂ ી કાઢ્વામાં આ્વતયો હતયો.”
પાછળથી ઉત્ર, મધ્ય અને પતચિમ ભારતમાં બળ્વાન લશ્કરી ગણરાજ્યયો અસ્સ્તત્્વમાં
આવ્યાં. અરાત્ા, ક્દ્રક, ૂ ખતત્ય અને માળ્વા આમાંનાં ્વધારે મહત્્વના ગણરાજ્યયો હતાં
અને ઈ.સ. પ ૂ્વવે 326માં પંજાબ અને તસંધ પરની ચઢાઈ દરમ્યાન તસકં દરે આ રાજ્યયોની
સામે લડ ંુ પડ્ય ંુ હત.ંુ ઇ.સ. પ ૂ્વવે ચયોથા સૈકાનાં પાછળનાં ્વર્યોમાં એ ગણરાજ્યયોમાંથી
મયોટા ભાગનાં રાજ્યયોન ંુ અસ્સ્તત્્વ હત ંુ અને કૌટટલ્યે પયોતાના અથ્ણશાસ્ત્રમાં તેનયો ઉલ્લેખ
કરે લયો છે . પરં ત ુ ચંદ્રગપ્ુ તે પ્રથમ મયોટા સામ્ાજ્યની સ્થાપના કરી તે પછી ગણરાજ્યયોનયો
તત્કાળ અંત આવ્યયો.
CSM-3 1

1. Modernization and Westernization – Are they identical concepts? મેેલ ગુણ /
1. આધુનિકીકરણ અિે પનચિમીકરણ – શું આ બંિે એક સમાિ નિભાિિાઓ છે ?

2. Water shortage in India – Its impact on agricultural production, productivity and on the કુલ ગુણ /
life of common man. MARKS: 50

2. ભારતમાં પાણીિી અછત – કૃનિ ઉતપાદિ, ઉતપાદકતા અિે સામાન્ય માિિીિા જીિિ પર તેિી અસર.

3. Do the factors of the backwardness in an area change quickly? – Illustrate with examples.

3. શું કોઈપણ નિસતારિા પછાતપણાિા કારણો ઝડપથી બદલા્ય છે ? - ઉદાહરણ સાથે સમજાિો.

વિભાગ - B

4. Can the Tourism industry bring about revolutionary changes in India with reference to
મેેલ ગુણ /
Socio-economic development and the protection of environment? OBTAINED

4. શું પ્રિાસિ ઉદ્ોગ એ ભારતમાં સામાજિક-આનથથિક નિકાસ અિે પ્યાયાિરણિા સંરક્ષણિા

કુલ ગુણ /
સંદભયામાં આમ ૂલ પરરિતયાિો લાિી શકે તેમ છે ? TOTAL

5. Is education a meaningful vehicle of reason and change or a mere tool for acquiring
employability skills?

5. શું નશક્ષણ એ નિચારશક્ત અિે પરરિતયાિ માટે ન ુ ં સાથયાક માધ્યમ છે કે પછી રોિગારક્ષમ
બિિા માટે િા કૌશલ્યો પ્રાપત કરિાનુ ં સાધિમાત્ર છે ?

6. Towards cleaner cities in India.

6. ભારતમાં સિચછ શહેરોનુ ં નિમાયાણ.

2 CSM-3

વિભાગ - C


મેેલ ગુણ /
7. The film and the theatre reflect the popular culture in societies – Discuss. OBTAINED

7. ચલચચત્ર અિે રં ગભ ૂનમ એ પ્રચચલત લોકસંસકૃનતિે પ્રનતચબંચબત કરે છે . – આ નિધાિિી ચચાયા કરો.
કુલ ગુણ /
8. The scope and limitations of Online shopping. TOTAL

8. ઓિ-લાઈિ (Online) ખરીદીિો વ્યાપ અિે મ્યાયાદાઓ.

9. Which is more important – Heredity or upbringing? Why?

9. િંશપરં પરાગત ઘડતર કે ઉછે ર પૈકી શું િધારે મહતિનુ ં છે ? શા માટે ?

CSM-4 1

1. Highlight the salient features of Dholavira site of Harappan civilization. મેેલ ગુણ /
1. હડપ્પન સભ્યતાના ધોલાવીરા સ્થળની નોંધ્પાત્ર લાક્ષણણકતાઓ જણાવો.
કુલ ગુણ /

2. Examine the importance of Nalanda and Vallabhi as a centre of learning in ancient મેેલ ગુણ /
period. MARKS

2. પ્ાચીનકાળમાં શિક્ષણકેન્દ્ર તરીકે નાલંદા અને વલભીન ંુ મહતવ ચકાસો. કુલ ગુણ /

3. The Solanki dynasty is considered as the Golden period in the history of Gujarat મેેલ ગુણ /
– Discuss. MARKS

3. ુ રાતના ઇશતહાસનો સવ
સોલંકી રાજવંિને ગજ ુ ણ્ણયગ
ુ ગણવામાં આવે છે . – આ શવધાનની કુલ ગુણ /
ચચા્ણ કરો. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
4. Analyse the revolutionary activities of Indians in Europe and other nations. OBTAINED

4. યરુ ો્પ ત્થા અન્્ય રાષ્ટ્ોમાં ભારતી્યોની કાંશતકારી પ્ ૃશતિઓનું શવશલેષણ કરો.
કુલ ગુણ /

5. Review the role played by Western education in the rise of Nationalism in India. મેેલ ગુણ /
5. ભારતમાં રાષ્ટ્વાદના ઉદ્ય માટે ્પાશ્ાત્ય શિક્ષણે ભજવેલ ભ ૂશમકાની સમીક્ષા કરો.
કુલ ગુણ /

6. “The creativity and artistry in the handicraft and craft of Gujarat has made it world
મેેલ ગુણ /
class.” Estimate the appropriateness of the statement describing any three handicrafts OBTAINED
of Gujarat.
કુલ ગુણ /
6. “ગજ ુ રાતની હસતકળા અને કસબમાં રહેલી સર્જનાતમકતા અને કલાદૃષષ્ટએ એને શવશ્વસતરી્ય બનાવેલ TOTAL
છે .” ગજુ રાતની કોઈ્પણ ત્રણ હસતકળાનો ્પરરચ્ય આ્પી આ શવધાનની સા્થ્ણકતાની ચચા્ણ કરો. MARKS: 10

7. Discuss in detail, with full illustrations “The Gujarati traditional theatre and subsequent મેેલ ગુણ /
changes.” MARKS

7. ગજુ રાતની ્પરં ્પરાગત રં ગભ ૂશમ અને તેમાં સમ્યાંતરે આવેલ ફેરફારોને ઉદાહરણ સરહત કુલ ગુણ /
શવગતવાર સમજાવો. MARKS: 10

8. “The culture of original trio – Vedvani, Bhuddhavani and Vaishnavvani has been
મેેલ ગુણ /
percolated in the folk language and devotional songs” – Examine the appropriateness OBTAINED
of the statement.
કુલ ગુણ /
8. “વેદવાણી, બધુ ધવાણી અને વૈષ્ણવવાણીના મ ૂલત્ર્યીના સંસકાર લોકવાણી ભજનોમાં ઉત્યા્ણ છે .” TOTAL
આ શવધાનની સા્થ્ણકતા ત્પાસો. MARKS: 10
2 CSM-4

9. State how and to what extent the modern ideology has influenced the rituals of મેેલ ગુણ /
traditional Indian culture. OBTAINED

9. ્પરં ્પરાગત ભારતી્ય સંસકારોના શવશધશવધાનોમાં આધશુ નક શવચારસરણીનો પ્ભાવ કેવો અને કુલ ગુણ /
કેટલો રહ્ો છે તે જણાવો. TOTAL

10. “The Bhakti Movement of medieval India has prepared the extensive role of the મેેલ ગુણ /
Reformist Movement” – Discuss. MARKS

10. ુ ારાવાદી આંદોલનની વ્યા્પક ભ ૂશમકા તૈ્યાર

“ભારતી્ય મધ્યકાલીન ભક્ત આંદોલને સધ કુલ ગુણ /
કરે લ છે ” – ચચા્ણ કરો. MARKS: 10

11. Highlight the salient features of Indus Valley Civilization. મેેલ ગુણ /
11. શસંધ ુ ખીણ સભ્યતાના નોંધ્પાત્ર લક્ષણો જણાવો. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

12. Analyse the major causes of low literacy rate in India and suggest some reasonable and મેેલ ગુણ /
feasible measures to raise the literacy level in India. OBTAINED

12. ભારતમાં સાક્ષરતાના નીચા દરના મખ ુ ્ય કારણોન ંુ શવશલેષણ કરો અને ભારતમાં સાક્ષરતા કુલ ગુણ /
સતરને ઊંચ ંુ લાવવા માટે ના તારકકિક અને વ્યવહારુ ઉ્પા્યો સ ૂચવો. TOTAL

13. Gujarat’s long seacoast and fishing industry can prosper Gujarat economy – Discuss. મેેલ ગુણ /
13. ગજુ રાતનો લાંબો દરી્યારકનારો અને મતસ્ય ઉદ્ોગ ગજ
ુ રાતના અ્થ્ણતત્ર
ં ને સમ ૃધધ કરી િકે MARKS

છે – ચચા્ણ કરો. કુલ ગુણ /


14. Highlight the state of organic farming in India and government policy regarding it. મેેલ ગુણ /
14. ભારતમાં જૈશવક ખેતીની ્પરરકસ્થશત વણ્ણવો અને તે શવિે સરકારની નીશત બાબતે ચચા્ણ કરો.
કુલ ગુણ /

15. Write a critical note on the need and significance of Smart Cities Mission in India. મેેલ ગુણ /
15. ભારતમાં સમાટ્ણ સીટીઝ શમિન (Smart Cities Mission)ની આવશ્યકતા અને તેના મહતવ
કુલ ગુણ /
શવિે શવવેચનાતમક નોંધ લખો. TOTAL
CSM-5 1

1. Evaluate the functioning of the Supreme Court of India as a Guardian of the Constitution. મેેલ ગુણ /
1. બંધારણનાં રક્ષક તરીકે ભારતની સર્વોચ્ચ અદાલતની કામગીરીન ંુ મ ૂલ્ાંકન કરો.
કુલ ગુણ /

2. Though the legislative control over administration is well-defined, the effectiveness of

મેેલ ગુણ /
the same is neither felt nor observed – Critically evaluate. OBTAINED
2. પ્રશાસન પર ર્ૈધાનનક નન્ંત્રણ પધધનત સારી રીતે વ્ાખ્ાન્ર્ત હોર્ા છતાં, તેની
કુલ ગુણ /
અસરકારકતા, ન તો અનભ ુ ર્ા્ છે કે અર્લોકનમાં જણાતી નથી. – નર્ર્ે્ચનાતમક મ ૂલ્ાંકન TOTAL
કરો. MARKS: 10

3. Has the 10th Schedule of the Indian Constitution a harmless provision? – Examine. મેેલ ગુણ /
3. શ ંુ ભારતી્ બંધારણની 10મી અન ૂસચુ ્ચ ચબનહાનનકારક જોગર્ાઈ છે ? – તપાસો.
કુલ ગુણ /
4. ‘Fiscal Federalism’ is one of the important features of Indian Constitution and the GST
મેેલ ગુણ /
Council is the focal point to foster federalism and democracy – Discuss. OBTAINED

4. ‘રાજકોષી્ સંઘર્ાદ’ એ ભારતી્ સંઘર્ાદનાં મહતર્નાં લક્ષણોમાંન ંુ એક છે અને જી.એસ.ટી. કાઉ્સીલ કુલ ગુણ /
સંઘર્ાદ અને લોકશાહીને પ્રોતસાહન આપર્ા માટે એક મહતર્પ ૂણ્ણ કે્દ્રચબંદુ છે . – ્ચ્ચા્ણ કરો. TOTAL

5. Is the Election Commission hampered in performing its role because the Model Code મેેલ ગુણ /
of Conduct does not have a statutory backing? – Evaluate. MARKS

5. આદશ્ણ આ્ચાર સંહહતાને ર્ૈધાનનક સમથ્ણન ન હોર્ાને કારણે, શ ંુ ચટં ૂ ણી પં્ચને તેની ભ ૂનમકા ભજર્ર્ામાં કુલ ગુણ /
અર્રોધ ઉભો થા્ છે ? – મ ૂલ્ાંકન કરો. MARKS: 10

6. Right to Information Act has empowered the citizens, and at the same time indirectly મેેલ ગુણ /
redefined the concept of accountability – Discuss with example. OBTAINED
6. માહહતી અનધકાર અનધનન્મે નાગરીકોને સશકત બનાવ્ા છે , તે સાથે જ તેણે પરોક્ષ રીતે
કુલ ગુણ /
ુ ઃવ્ાખ્ાન્ર્ત કરી છે . – ઉદાહરણ સહહત ્ચ્ચા્ણ કરો.
જર્ાબદે હીની નર્ભાર્નાને પન TOTAL
7. “Have civil service organizations and Non-governmental organizations, as a source
of grassroot mobilization and an arena for democratic participation become મેેલ ગુણ /
Elitist-driven?” – Critically examine in the Indian context with examples. MARKS

7. “શ ંુ નાગરીક સમાજના સંગઠનો અને ચબન-સરકારી સંસથાઓ જમીન સતરની ગનતશીલતા કુલ ગુણ /
અને લોકશાહી ભાગીદારીની ગનતનર્ધીના સ્તોત તરીકે ભદ્રર્ગ્ણ દ્ારા ્ચચલત છે ?” ભારતી્ TOTAL
સંદભ્ણમાં ઉદાહરણ સહહત આલો્ચનાતમક પરીક્ષણ કરો.
મેેલ ગુણ /
8. Define statutory bodies and quasi-judicial bodies. Examine the purpose of establishing OBTAINED
such bodies and bring out the key differences between them.
8. ર્ૈધાનનક અને અધ્ણ-્્ાન્ક સંસથાઓની વ્ાખ્ા આપો. આ પ્રકારની સંસથાઓ સથાપર્ા
કુલ ગુણ /
ુ અને તેઓની ર્ચ્ચેનાં મખ
પાછળનાં હેતઓ ુ ્ તફાર્તોને તપાસો. TOTAL
2 CSM-5

9. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of the lateral entry into Indian Civil મેેલ ગુણ /
Services. OBTAINED

9. ભારતી્ નાગરીક સેર્ામાં પાનશ્વિ્ (lateral) પ્રર્ેશનાં ફા્દા અને ગે રફા્દા તપાસો.
કુલ ગુણ /

10. “e-governance epitomizes debureaucratization though in reality e-governance negates મેેલ ગુણ /
debureaucratization” – Discuss. MARKS

10. “ઈ-ગર્ન્ણ્સ ચબનનોકરશાહીકરણન ંુ પ્રતીક છે . જો કે, ર્ાસતર્માં ઈ-ગર્ન્ણ્સ ચબનનોકરશાહીકરણનાં

ખ્ાલને નકારે છે ” – ્ચ્ચા્ણ કરો. કુલ ગુણ /

11. “Being indifferent to moral values is necessarily not immorality” – Comment. મેેલ ગુણ /
11. “નૈનતક મ ૂલ્ો પરતર્ે ઉદાસીન રહે ંુ એ અનૈનતકતા નથી” – ટીપપણી કરો. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

12. It is argued that ‘Politics’ and ‘Ethics’ cannot be practised simultaneously. – Give your
મેેલ ગુણ /
opinion. OBTAINED
12. એર્ી દલીલ કરર્ામાં આર્ે છે કે, રાજનનતી અને નનતીશાસ્તનો એક સાથે વ્ર્હાર કરી શકાતો
નથી. – તમારો અચભપ્રા્ આપો.
કુલ ગુણ /

13. Differentiate between tolerance and prejudice. What is the way forward to be tolerant મેેલ ગુણ /
without being prejudiced? OBTAINED

13. ુ ા અને પ ૂર્્ણગ્રહ ર્ચ્ચેનો તફાર્ત સપષટ કરો. પ ૂર્્ણગ્રહ નર્ના સહહષ્ ુ બનર્ાનો માગ્ણ ક્ો છે ?
કુલ ગુણ /

14. Describe human values as (i) subjective and (ii) objective. How are values different મેેલ ગુણ /
from ethics? OBTAINED

14. માનર્ મ ૂલ્ોને (i) વ્નકતલક્ષી અને (ii) ઉદ્ે શ તરીકે ર્ણ્ણર્ો. મ ૂલ્ો નૈનતકતાથી કેર્ી રીતે અલગ છે ?
કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /
15. “A man is a hero not because he is braver than anyone else, but because he is brave for OBTAINED
ten minutes Longer.” (Ralph W. Emerson) – Elucidate the above statement.
15. “એક મનષુ ્ ર્ીરપરુ ુ ષ એટલા માટે નથી કે તે બીજા કરતા બહાદુર છે , પણ એટલા માટે છે કે
કુલ ગુણ /
દસ નમનનટ ર્ધ ુ બહાદુર છે .” (રાલફ ર્ાલ્ો ઈમસ્ણન) – ઉપરના નર્ધાનને ખલ
ુ ાસાર્ાર સમજાર્ો.
CSM-6 1

1. The NITI Aayog has given a new dimension to the process of development planning in મેેલ ગુણ /
the country – Discuss. OBTAINED

1. NITI આયોગે દે શમાં વિકાસ આયોજનની પ્રક્રિયાને એક ન ંુ આયામ (dimension) પ ૂરં ુ

કુલ ગુણ /
પાડ્ ંુ છે – આ વિધાનની ચચાચા કરો. TOTAL
2. Give a brief description of “Make in India” and “Startup India” initiatives of Government મેેલ ગુણ /
of India. OBTAINED
2. ભારત સરકારની ‘‘Make in India’’ અને ‘‘Startup India’’ પહેલ (initiatives) સંક્ષિપતમાં
િણચાિો. કુલ ગુણ /
3. To achieve sufficiency in the energy sector non-conventional sources are very important.
મેેલ ગુણ /
– Discuss. OBTAINED

3. ઉર્ચા ષિેત્રમાં આતમવનભચાર થિા માટે ક્િન-પરં પરાગત સ્તોતો ઘણાં જ મહતિપ ૂણચા છે . – ચચાચા કરો.
કુલ ગુણ /
4. “It is not the size of population, but the quality of human resources does matter, in
promoting economic development”. Analyse this statement keeping in view India’s મેેલ ગુણ /
population vis-à-vis level of economic development. MARKS

4. “આવથથિક વિકાસને પ્રોતસાહન આપિા માટે િસતીન ંુ કદ નક્હ, પરં ત ુ માનિ સંસાધનની
કુલ ગુણ /
ગણુ િત્ા મહતિપ ૂણચા છે ”. આવથથિક વિકાસના સતરની તલનામાં
ુ ભારતની િસતીને ધયાનમાં TOTAL
રાખી ઉપરોકત વિધાનન ંુ વિશલેષણ કરો. MARKS: 10

5. State the main features of Sustainable Development Vision Document – 2030 of Gujarat મેેલ ગુણ /
State. MARKS

5. ુ રાત રાજયના સસટે નેિલ ડેિલપમેનટ વિઝન ડોક્ુમેનટ – 2030 (Sustainable

ગજ કુલ ગુણ /
ુ ય લાષિક્ણકતાઓ જણાિો
Development Vision Document – 2030)ની મખ TOTAL

6. “The role of food processing technology and dairy technology is very important in our મેેલ ગુણ /
nation-building” – Discuss. MARKS

6. “આપણા રાષ્ટ્રના વનમાચાણમાં ખાદ્ય પ્રક્રિયા તકનીકી અને ડેરી તકનીકીની ભ ૂવમકા ખ ૂિ કુલ ગુણ /
મહતિની છે ” – આ વિધાનની ચચાચા કરો. TOTAL

7. Critically evaluate the current status of Cyber Crime-related policies in our nation. મેેલ ગુણ /
7. આપણા દે શમાં સાયિર અપરાધ (Cyber Crime) સંિવં ધત નીવતઓની સાંપ્રત સસથવતન ંુ
વિિેચનાતમક મ ૂલયાંકન કરો. કુલ ગુણ /
8. Is groundwater continuously depleting because “Groundwater is everybody’s property
and nobody’s responsibility?” – Elaborate. મેેલ ગુણ /
8. “ભ ૂગભચાજળ એ દરે કની વમલકત છે અને કોઈની જિાિદારી નથી.” શ ંુ આ કારણસર ભ ૂગભચાજળમાં
સતત ઘટાડો થઈ રહ્ો છે ? – સવિસતાર સમર્િો. કુલ ગુણ /
2 CSM-6

9. “Space Science” which was once dubbed as a luxury, has now become a crucial platform મેેલ ગુણ /
for growth – Explain with example. MARKS

9. ‘‘અિકાશ વિજ્ાન’’ કે જે એક સમયે િૈભિી ગણાત ંુ હત ંુ તે હિે વિકાસ માટે વનણાચાયક માધયમ કુલ ગુણ /
િની ગય ંુ છે – દૃષ્ટાંત સક્હત સમર્િો. TOTAL

10. Should we focus on “Mitigating the Climate Change” or “Adapting to the Changing મેેલ ગુણ /
Climate”? MARKS

10. શ ંુ આપણે જળિાય ુ પક્રિતચાન (Climate Change) ઘટાડિા ઉપરક ધયાન કેનદ્ીત કર ંુ કુલ ગુણ /
જોઈએ કે જળિાય ુ પક્રિતચાન (Climate Change) સામે અનકુ લ
ૂ ન સાધ ંુ જોઈએ? TOTAL

11. The Higher Education Commission of India is to be created under National Education
મેેલ ગુણ /
Policy 2020. How Higher Education Commission of India will contribute towards OBTAINED
re-energizing higher education in India?
11. રાષ્ટ્રીય વશષિણ નીવત 2020 હેઠળ ભારતના ઉચચ વશષિણ આયોગની રચના કરિામાં કુલ ગુણ /
આિનાર છે . ભારતન ંુ ઉચચ વશષિણ આયોગ એ ભારતના ઉચચ વશષિણને પન
ુ ઃ ક્રિયાશીલ MARKS: 10
કરિા માટે કેટલ ં ુ યોગદાન આપશે?
12. What are the bottlenecks in India’s mission to become world’s semiconductor hub? મેેલ ગુણ /
What measures should be undertaken to overcome bottlenecks? MARKS

12. વિશ્વના Semiconductor hub (અધચાિાહક ઉતપાદનન ંુ કેનદ્) િનિાના ભારતના ધયેયમાં કઈ કુલ ગુણ /
િાિતો અિરોધરૂપ છે ? આ અિરોધોને દૂ ર કરિા માટે કયા ઉપાયો કરિા જોઈએ? TOTAL

13. How Gujarat Sports Policy 2022-2027 will contribute towards promoting sports culture મેેલ ગુણ /
in Gujarat? MARKS

13. ુ રાતમાં ખેલકદ

ગજ ુ રાત ખેલકદ
ૂ સંસકવૃ તને પ્રોતસાક્હત કરિા માટે ગજ ૂ નીવત (Gujarat Sports કુલ ગુણ /
Policy) 2022-2027 કઈ રીતે સહાયરૂપ થશે? TOTAL

14. Explain Government of Gujarat’s “Mission School of Excellence Project”. મેેલ ગુણ /
14. ગજુ રાત સરકારના “વમશન સકલ ૂ ઑફ એકસેલેનસ પ્રોજેકટ” (Mission School of Excellence
Project) વિશે વિગતિાર માક્હતી આપો. કુલ ગુણ /

15. “The Modernization of Prisons (MoP) Project is very important project for nation.” – મેેલ ગુણ /
Evaluate the same. OBTAINED

15. “જેલોન ંુ આધવુ નકીકરણ (Modernization of Prisons) (MoP) યોજના એ રાષ્ટ્ર માટે ખ ૂિ
કુલ ગુણ /
મહતિની યોજના છે .” - આ વિધાન ચકાસો. TOTAL
GES Class - 1 (GWSSB) Adv 24/2022-23
BFU-1 1

«-1. નીચે આપેલ ત્રણ વિકલ્પપોમાંથી કપોઈ એક મુદ્ા પર ઓછામાં ઓછા 250 અને િધુમાં િધુ મેેલ ગુણ /
300 શબ્્દપોમાં, યપોગ્ય ઉ્દાહરણપોનપો આધાર લઈને વનબંધ લખપો. MARKS

1.1 અલ્પ વિકવિત ્દે શપોના વિકાિ િામે ઊભા થયેલ પડકારપો.
કુલ ગુણ /
1.2 ભારતના િત્તમાન િં્દભભે ટેલલવિઝનનુ ં યપોગ્દાન. TOTAL
1.3 કલા, ભાષા અને િમાજનુ ં ભવિષ્ય
પ્ર.-2. નીચેનાં બે વિકલ્પપોમાંથી કપોઈ પણ એક વિકલ્પનપો આશરે 100 શબ્્દપોમાં વિચારવિસ્તાર કરપો. મેેલ ગુણ /
2.1 આપણે કપોણ હતા, શુ ં બની ગયા અને હિે શું બનીશુ.ં .. – મૈવથલીશરણ ગુપ્ત
2.2 પુરુષપો આશ્ચય્ત પામે છે , મારામાં શું જપોઈ શકાય છે ?
કુલ ગુણ /
ખ ૂબ પ્રયાિ કરે છે પણ મારાં ભીતરી રહસ્ય TOTAL
સુધી પહોંચી શકતા નથી... – માયા એન્જેલપો MARKS: 10

પ્ર.-3. નીચે આપેલ ગદ્યખંડનપો (521 શબ્્દપો), મ ૂળ વિચાર જળિાઈ રહે એ રીતે લગભગ મેેલ ગુણ /
1/3 ભાગમાં િંક્ેપ કરપો. OBTAINED
કથક એટલે િાતા્ત કહેનાર. િાતા્ત કહેિાની કલા ભારતમાં પ્રચલલત હતી. બનાિપો શા માટે
અને કેિી રીતે બને છે તેની જજજ્ાિા િાતા્તઓ અને િાતા્તકારપો દ્ારા પપોષાતી આિી છે .
બનાિપોનુ ં િૈજ્ાવનક ઢબે વિિરણ કે વિશ્લેષણ કરિાને બ્દલે કથકપો પુરાણપોની કથાઓનપો કુલ ગુણ /
આશરપો લેતા. તેમણે આ િાતા્તઓ ન ૃત્ય અને િંગીતની મ્દ્દથી આકષ્તક રીતે રજૂ કરી અને TOTAL
તે દ્ારા લપોકવશક્ણ પ ૂરંુ પાડ્યું તથા તે કથાઓને નૈવતક ભ ૂવમકા પણ આપી. અને આ રીતે
ભારતીય િમાજજીિન ન ૃત્યકલા, નાટ્ય અને િંગીત િાથે ઘવનષ્્ઠ રીતે િંકળાયેલ ું રહ્ુ.ં
પ્રાચીન ભારતમાં કથક ન ૃત્યપો મંદ્દરપોના આંગણમાં રજૂ થતાં હતાં. મુઘલ કાળમાં તે
રાજ્દરબારમાં ્દાખલ થયાં. આધુવનક કથક ન ૃત્યકાર મંદ્દર કે ્દરબારમાં પપોતાની કલાની
રજૂઆત કરતપો નથી, તેને તપો આધુવનક રં ગમંચ ઉપર ન ૃત્ય કરિાનુ ં હપોય છે અને તેની
િામે ક્દર્દાન જાણકાર પ્રેક્કપો બે્ઠેલા હપોય છે . કલાકાર પપોતાના ન ૃત્યકૌશલ્ય દ્ારા કલાનુ ં
વનરૂપણ કે અથ્તઘટન કરીને કલાસ્િરૂપ પર સ્િકીય વ્યક્્તતત્િની છાપ પાડે છે . આમ કરતાં
કલાસ્િરૂપમાં પદરિત્તન પણ આિે.
કથક ન ૃત્યમાં બધા જ ્દે િપોને ઉદ્ે શીને ભાિ પ્રગટ થાય છે , પણ તે મુખ્યત્િે કૃષ્ણ અને
કૃષ્ણભક્્તતનુ ં ન ૃત્યસ્િરૂપ રહ્ું છે . ભારતનાં અત્યંત પુરાતન અને પરં પરાિંપન્ન લપોકન ૃત્યપોમાંથી
શાસ્તીય ન ૃત્યપોનપો જન્મ થયપો છે . કથક ન ૃત્ય પણ રાિ-લપોકન ૃત્યમાંથી પદરણમ્્યુ ં છે . પુરાણપો,
નાટ્યશાસ્ત તથા િૈષ્ણિ કવિઓની કાવ્યરચનાઓમાં રાિન ૃત્યનુ ં િણ્તન જપોિા મળે છે .
બારમી િ્દીમાં રાિન ૃત્યને વિશેષ મહત્િ પ્રાપ્ત થ્યુ ં અને તેમાંથી િંગીત, કાવ્ય અને
અલભનય ત્રણેનપો કથક ન ૃત્યમાં િંગમ થયેલપો ્દે ખાય છે . થાટ, ભ્રમરી, ગત, તતકાર આ
કથક ન ૃત્યના પ્રકાર તેમાં અંતભત ૂ્ત હતા. રાધાકૃષ્ણ આ રાિનપો કેન્દ્ીય વિષય હપોિાથી
રાિન ૃત્યમાં ૃ
ની કષ્ણકથાઓનુ ં અલભનય િાથે કથન કરનારને રાિધારી કીત્તનકાર અથિા
કથક કહેતા. આમાંથી ન ૃત્યની એક વિવશષ્ટ શૈલી પ્રગટ થઈ અને કથકપો દ્ારા રજૂ થત ું ન ૃત્ય
કથક નામથી પ્રચલલત થ્યુ.ં
મુઘલ શાિનકાળ ્દરવમયાન ઉત્તર ભારતનુ ં આ પ્રચલલત ધાવમમિક ન ૃત્ય પવશમિયન તથા
મુિલમાન નત્તકીઓ મારફત રાજ્દરબારમાં પ્રવિષ્ટ થ્યુ ં એટલું જ નદહ, પરં ત ુ તે ્દરબારી
િાતાિરણને પપોષક એિા વિલાિી જીિનનુ ં િાધન બની ગ્યુ.ં દહંદુ સ્તીપુરુષપોની િેશભ ૂષાના
સ્થાને મુક્સ્લમ અંગિસ્ત, ઓઢણી, ચ ૂડી્દાર પાયજામા ્દાખલ થયાં અને િાથપોિાથ ઉદૂ્ત તથા
ફારિી શબ્્દપ્રયપોગપો ્દાખલ થતા ગયા. તેમ છતાં તે િખતના શાિકપોની િૌં્દય્તસ ૃષ્ષ્ટ અને
રવિકતાને લીધે કથક ન ૃત્યના અંતરં ગમાં કપોઈ વિકૃવત ્દાખલ થઈ ન હતી; ઊલટાનુ ં પ્રાચીન
રાિન ૃત્ય િધુ લાલલત્યપ ૂણ્ત અને પ્રભાિક બન્્યુ.ં
કથકમાં ભાિપ્ર્દશ્તન બે રીતે થાય છે . એક છે ગતભાિ. ગત એટલે ગવત. બીજા પ્રકારમાં
2 BFU-1

ન ૃત્યકાર કપોઈ પણ ગીત કે કાવ્યના શબ્્દપો િદહત ભાિ-પ્ર્દશ્તન કરે છે . ગતભાિમાં જુ્દા જુ્દા
પ્રકારની ચાલ હપોય છે એટલે જ તેને ગવત પર રચાયેલપો ભાિ કહે છે . બેિીને ભાિ વ્ય્તત
કરિાની કૃવતને અ્દા કહેિામાં આિે છે . કથક ન ૃત્યની લાક્લણકતા એ છે કે એક જ સ્થાન
પર બેિીને એક જ લીટી ઉપર કલાકાર આખી રાત સુધી આંખપો અને હાથ દ્ારા મ ૂક અલભનય
કરી વિવિધ ભાિ પ્ર્દવશમિત કરી શકે છે . કથકમાં ઠૂમરી, ્દા્દરા, ગઝલ, ભજન, તપોડી જેિાં
િંગીતનાં વિવિધ સ્િરૂપપો પર અલભનય કરી શકાય છે . કથક ન ૃત્યમાં અલભનય માટે ‘ભાિ’
શબ્્દ િપરાય છે . કથકમાં અલભનય નથી હપોતપો એ માન્યતા િાચી નથી. ખરી રીતે કથક
ન ૃત્યમાં શાસ્તીય રીતે જપોતાં ન ૃત્ત, ન ૃત્ય અને નાટ્ય ત્રણેનપો િમાિેશ થાય છે .
આધુવનક કથકમાં ભ ૂતકાળની પ્રણાલલકાઓ હજુ જળિાઈ રહી છે અને તેની તાલીમ િધારે
વ્યિક્સ્થત અને પદ્ધવતિર બની છે . આ દૃષ્ષ્ટએ કથક આજના જમાનાને અનુરૂપ બન્્યુ ં છે
એમ કહી શકાય. તેની શૈલી અને રીવત િિ્તતપોમુખી રહી છે , નદહ કે જડ અને ચીલાચાલુ.
ભારતના િાંસ્કૃવતક ઇવતહાિના જુ્દા જુ્દા તબક્ાને તેણે િમાવ્યા છે જેને લીધે તેન ુ ં કલાત્મક
િૌં્દય્ત િધારે િમ ૃદ્ધ અને િભર બન્્યુ ં છે . કુમદુ ્દની લાલખયા

પ્ર.-4. નીચે આપેલ ગદ્યખંડની િઘન િાચના કરી પ્રશ્પોના ઉત્તરપો આપપો. (5 ગુણ × 2 પ્રશ્પો)
મેેલ ગુણ /
એક દ્દિિ મત્સ્યરાજ ખ ૂબ દૂ ર નીકળી ગયપો. એણે નાખેલી જાળમાં ઘણાં બધાં માછલાં OBTAINED
પકડાઈ ગયાં છતાં એનપો શપોખ પ ૂરપો થયપો નદહ. એને એક વિચાર આવ્યપો : 'આ માછલાં તપો
પાણીમાં જીિે; એને બહાર દકનારા પર મ ૂક્ાં હપોય તપો એ જીિે કે નહીં?'
એના તરં ગને પપોષિા િાથીઓ તૈયાર હતા. તેઓ જાળમાં પકડાયેલાં માછલાંને દકનારે કુલ ગુણ /
ઘિડી ગયા ને રે તીમાં એમનપો ઢગલપો તૈયાર કયયો. માછલાં ત્યાં તરફડિા લાગ્યાં. TOTAL
એ જળમાં એક ્દે િી રહે, અદ્દવત; એ તપો ્દે િમાતા અને એ પપોતે અ્દીન સ્િભાિની. પણ એ
્દીન જનપો પર ્દયા કરે . જીિન અને મરણ િચ્ચે ઝપોલાં ખાતાં એ માછલાંએ અદ્દવતને યા્દ
કરી ને એની સ્ત ુવત કરી. મત્સ્યરાજ ઘણે દૂ ર નીકળી ગયપો હતપો. થપોડા િાથી ત્યાં દકનારે ઊભા
માતા અદ્દવત પ્રગટ થયાં ને માછલાંને જાળમાંથી છપોડી ્દે િા જણાવ્્યુ.ં ્દે િીને હાથે જપોડીને
પ્રણામ કયાાં ને એમણે માછલાંને છપોડી મ ૂક્ાં; ત્યાં મત્સ્યરાજ આિી પહોંચ્યપો.
પાણી વિના માછલાં જીિે છે કે મરે છે એનુ ં પારખું લેવ ું હત ું : અહીં તપો એકેય માછલું જ નદહ,
િાથી્દારપોએ એને જણાવ્્યું :
'્દે િી અદ્દવત પ્રગટ થયાં અને એમની આજ્ાથી માછલાંને છપોડી ્દીધાં.'
િાથીઓની િાત પર એને વિશ્ાિ આવ્યપો નદહ. 'આ જળમાં િળી ્દે િી કપોણ અને ્દયા
શાની? આ માછલાં પર આપણપો પ ૂરે પ ૂરપો અવધકાર. આપણે િળી કપોની આજ્ા પાળિાની?'
િાથીઓને છપોડીને એ એકલપો જ દૂ ર દૂ ર નીકળી ગયપો.
એ એકલપો જ હતપો ને હપોડી િહી જતી; ત્યાં તપો એક મપોટા િમળમાં એની હપોડી ફિાઈને ઊંધી
પડી ગઈ. મત્સ્યરાજ ઊંડા પાણીમાં નીચે ઊતરી પડ્યપો. િારપો તરિૈયપો તપો એ હતપો જ; ડૂબકી
મારીને નીચે સુધી પહોંચી જવું ને ઉપર આિી જવું એ તપો એને મન રમત હતી.
એ મહેનત કરીને ઉપર આવ્યપો, પણ ત્યાં એક મપોટું માછલું મોં ફાડીને ગળી જિા તૈયાર હત.ું
મત્સ્યરાજ ગભરાઈ ગયપો. નાનાં માછલાંને મપોટાં માછલાં ગળી જતાં એ એણે જપો્યુ ં હત.ું પણ
નાનાં માછલાંની શી ્દશા થાય એનપો એને અનુભિ નહપોતપો. માછલાંને પાણીથી બહાર કાઢપો
ને એ તરફડે, એમના પ્રાણ ચાલ્યા જાય. પણ એ પ્રાણની શી દકંમત છે એની એને ખબર ન
'પપોતે મત્સ્યરાજ છે , તપો આ િામે મોં ફાડીને ઊભેલ મહામત્સ્ય છે ; એનપો એ એક જ કપોલળયપો
ને જીિન પ ૂરંુ .'
મત્સ્યરાજને એ િાત િમજતાં િાર ન લાગી. એ પાણીમાં જ તરફડિા લાગ્યપો. એણે અત્યંત
નમ્ર બનીને માતા અદ્દવતને યા્દ કયા્ત, એની સ્ત ુવત કરી. એણે આંખપો મીંચી ્દીધી હતી. ત્યાં
તપો એના કાને મી્ઠપો સ ૂર િંભળાયપો : 'િત્િ, મત્સ્યરાજ, ગભરાઈ ગયપો? ત ું તપો જલનપો જીિ.
તારે જલમાં જીિિાનુ ં ને મરિાનુ,ં પછી ભય શાનપો?'
BFU-1 3

મત્સ્યરાજે આંખ ખપોલીને જપો્યું તપો પપોતાની િામે ્દયાની ્દે િી અદ્દવત માતા ઊભાં હતાં. માતા
અદ્દવતએ એને શુભાવશષ આપી અને એ મત્સ્યરાજનાં જીિન સુધરી ગયાં.
- ઋગ્િે્દ
પ્રશ્પો :
4.1 મત્સ્યરાજનાં ચદરત્રનુ ં મ ૂલ્યાંકનાત્મક િણ્તન કરપો.
4.2 માછલાંઓની અિસ્થા િમજાિપો. શુ ં એ પ્રતીકાત્મક છે ? સ્પષ્ટ કરપો.
4.3 મત્સ્યરાજ િાથીઓને છપોડીને એકલપો દૂ ર કેમ જતપો રહ્પો?
4.4 પાત્ર અદ્દવત વિશે તમારપો પ્રવતભાિ આપપો.
4.5 કથા કયપો બપોધ આપે છે ?
પ્ર.-5. ભારતમાં મદહલાઓના િિાાંગીણ વિકાિ માટે આિશ્યક પગલાંઓની કારણપોિદહત રજૂઆત કરત ું મેેલ ગુણ /

ચચા્તપત્ર પ્રવતષ્ષ્્ઠત િામવયક ‘ત થ ધ’ના તંત્રીશ્ીને દ્દિાળી નારી-વિશેષાંકમાંપ્રકાશન હેત મપોકલપો. MARKS
(આશરે 200 શબ્્દપો)
કુલ ગુણ /

પ્ર.-6. તમે ‘ક ખ ગ’ િત્તમાનપત્રના તંત્રી છપો. તાજેતરમાં આયપોજજત જી-20 િંમેલનમાં િમ ૂહમાધ્યમપોના મેેલ ગુણ /
પ્રવતવનવધ તરીકે તમે િહભાગી થયા હતા. આ િંમેલનમાં બનેલ મુખ્ય ઘટનાક્રમનપો અહેિાલ લખપો. MARKS

(આશરે 200 શબ્્દપો)

કુલ ગુણ /

પ્ર.-7. નીચે આપેલ આલેખમાં ચાર પદરમાણપો (Parameters) વિશે માદહતી ઉપલબ્ધ છે . આ ચારે મેેલ ગુણ /
પદરમાણપોના આંતરિંબધ ં પોને ધ્યાનમાં રાખી, એ વિશે ત ુલનાત્મક સ્િરૂપનાં પાંચ મહત્ત્િનાં MARKS
વનરીક્ણપો નોંધપો. (આશરે 150 શબ્્દપો)
Users by Creation Date and Life Cycle Stage
કુલ ગુણ /


Number of Records





Nov 14 Dec 14 Jan 15 Feb 15 Mar 15 Apr 15 May 15 Jun 15 Jul 15 Aug 15

Subscriber Marketing Qualified Lead Prospect Sales Qualified Lead

Parameters: Subscriber | Marketing Qualified Lead | Prospect |Sales Qualified Lead મેેલ ગુણ /
પ્ર.-8. ુ ારી અનુિા્દ કરપો. (આશરે 200 શબ્્દપો)
આપેલ અંગ્ેજી ગદ્યખંડનપો ગુજરાતીમાં અથા્તનિ OBTAINED

The special relativity theory resulted in appreciable advances. It reconciled mechanics and
electrodynamics. It reduced the number of logically independent hypotheses regarding the કુલ ગુણ /
latter. It enforced the need for a clarification of the fundamental concepts in epistemological TOTAL
4 BFU-1

terms. It united the momentum and energy principle, and demonstrated the like nature
of mass and energy. Yet it was not entirely satisfactory - quite apart from the quantum
problems, which all theory so far has been incapable of really solving. In common with
classical mechanics the special relativity theory favours certain states of motion - namely
those of the inertial frames - to all other states of motion. This was actually more difficult to
tolerate than the preference for a single state of motion as in the case of the theory of light
with a stationary ether, for this imagined a real reason for the preference, i.e. the light ether.
A theory which from the outset prefers no state of motion should appear more satisfactory.
Moreover the previously mentioned vagueness in the definition of the inertial frame or in the
formulation of the law of inertia raises doubts which obtain their decisive importance, owing
to the empirical principle for the equality of the inertial and heavy mass, in the light of the
following consideration.
- Albert Einstein
પ્ર.-9. સ ૂચના પ્રમાણે ગુજરાતી વ્યાકરણને લગતા પ્રશ્પોના ઉત્તરપો આપપો. (10 × 1 = 10 ગુણ) મેેલ ગુણ /
9.1. રૂદઢપ્રયપોગનપો અથ્ત આપી તેમનપો િાક્માં પ્રયપોગ કરપો. MARKS

છપ્પનના વિતાડિા
કુલ ગુણ /
9.2. કહેિતનપો અથ્ત િમજાિપો. TOTAL
િેળા િેળાની છાંયડી
9.3. િમાિનપો વિગ્હ કરી તેની ઓળખ આપપો.

9.4. પંક્્તતનપો છં્દ ઓળખાિપો.

્દા્દી િાંકી, રવિક કરતી ગપોષ્ષ્્ઠથી બાળ રાજી
9.5. અલંકાર ઓળખાિપો.
ભમરા િમપો આ ભમતપો પિન
9.6. શબ્્દિમ ૂહ માટે એક શબ્્દ આપપો.
િિારનપો નાસ્તપો

9.7. શબ્્દની જપોડણી સુધારપો.

9.8. િાક્માં જપોડણીની ભ ૂલપો સુધારપો.
તે ખરે ખર ઉચા અંતરીક્ના સ્થાનમાંથી ધરતી પર ઉતરી આવ્યા છે .
9.9. શબ્્દની િંવધ જપોડપો.
ઉત્ + ચ
9.10. િાક્રચના અંગે આપેલ સ ૂચના મુજબ ઉત્તર આપપો.
વિધાન િાક્ બનાિપો
- લચત્ર કેવ ું િરિ ્દપોરા્યુ ં છે
BFU-2 1

1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 મેેલ ગુણ /
to maximum 300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical OBTAINED
understanding of the subject in the best possible individual style having
originality of thought and expression. It must be well-argued piece
of writing coherently and sequentially with observance of grammatical rules. કુલ ગુણ /
I. Indian Foreign Policy stresses on maintaining strategic autonomy. MARKS: 20

II. How to inspire the Indian youth to take up farming?

III. Are contemporary Hindi films as appealing as those made before the
year 2000?
IV. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep
V. The changing face of the Indian monsoon.
મેેલ ગુણ /
2. Imagine you are a Deputy Engineer in a city level office. The Executive OBTAINED
Engineer in your office has sought your opinion about the needful actions to
be carried out for the demolition of the unsafe buildings in an old area of the
city. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to the Executive Engineer offering કુલ ગુણ /
needful suggestions. TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /
3. Write a report in about 200 words on your recent visit to the Travel Trade OBTAINED
Show held at Gandhinagar. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

4. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about

મેેલ ગુણ /
150 words. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /
2 BFU-2

5. Draft a formal speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the Hon. મેેલ ગુણ /
Minister of Roads & Buildings Department at the inaugural ceremony of new OBTAINED
school building in a remote area of Kutch district.

કુલ ગુણ /

6. Write a precis of the following passage in about one-third of its original length. મેેલ ગુણ /
Rural development, according to the World Bank, is “a policy aimed at MARKS
improving the economic and social well-being of a particular community
of people, the rural poor.” Villages are home to half of the population. No
કુલ ગુણ /
one can deny rural India’s contribution to the country’s economic growth. TOTAL
Previously, people associated rural growth with agricultural development, MARKS: 10

focusing solely on increased agricultural production. However, as time has

passed, this misconception has evolved. The definition of rural development
today is vastly different from what it was two or three decades ago. Now,
rural development encompasses efforts to improve the quality of life of rural
residents. It entails improvements in their health and well-being, education,
a safe and stable climate, income distribution that is equitable, and no
gender discrimination. The Indian government is being forced to accelerate
the process of improving all branches of the Indian education system due
to the country’s continued economic development. Since more than half of
India’s population lives in villages, the rural education system contributes
significantly to the country’s economic development. Education has a positive
impact on the growth of the rural worker, family, community and society,
resulting in lower poverty and managed unemployment. Education serves a
variety of purposes, including social reform, raising rural people’s awareness
of their rights, improving individual living standards, and providing rural
people with jobs and income opportunities, among others. The British
launched India’s current educational system in the twentieth century. The
system in place has a western style and material, and it ignores conventional
systems, which is why it has failed. The responsibility for technical and higher
education was transferred to the Central Government after independence.
Education policy and planning is established by the Central Government,
through the Ministry of Human Resource Development’s Department of
Education, and state governments.
7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
મેેલ ગુણ /
(5 × 2 = 10) OBTAINED

India is placed among the global nations which have generated considerable
E-waste in quantity. Urban India, especially, needs an urgent approach to કુલ ગુણ /
tackle this issue. Technical and policy-level interventions, implementation TOTAL
and capacity building and increasing the public awareness can convert
this challenge into an opportunity to show the world that India is ready to
BFU-2 3

deal with future problems and can set global credible standards concerning
environmental and occupational health. Microsoft has created a Vision of
2020 that neutralizes the appeal of physical devices, regulating them to the
background and it is not waiting for consumers to determine the future of
electronics. By doing so, Microsoft would create a future where very little
E-waste will be generated because the devices serve simply to facilitate our
engagement in the world around us and it’s a new idea as well. HP has developed
a safe cleaning method for chips using carbon-di-oxide as a substitute for
hazardous solvents. Even in 1998 IBM introduced the first computer that
uses 100% recycled resins in all major plastic parts. Toshiba is working on a
modular upgradeable and customizable computer to cut down on the amount
of product obsolescence.
Recycling is the key to reduce the E-waste and it has environmental benefits
at every stage in the life cycle of a computer product, from the raw material
from which it is made to its final disposal. Aside from reducing greenhouse gas
emissions, which contribute to global warming, recycling also reduces air and
water pollution associated with making new products from raw materials.
Questions :
I. How can the challenge of E-waste be converted into an opportunity?
II. What can India show to the world while addressing the challenge of
III. Which companies have made efforts towards addressing the issue of
IV. What can demote E-waste? How?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage.
8. Do as directed: (10 × 1 = 10) મેેલ ગુણ /
Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [l] as MARKS

well as write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per
the sample given below.
કુલ ગુણ /
Sample Ans.: ( C ) (A) � (B) � (C) l (D) � (E) � MARKS: 10

1. Breakfast is an important meal. I __________ breakfast.

(A) had been always eating
(B) always eating
(C) am always eat
(D) always eat
(E) have always eat
4 BFU-2

2. When did he return my books? (Change the voice)

(A) When were my books returned by him?
(B) When will my books be returned by him?
(C) When has he returned my books?
(D) When are my books returned by him?
(E) When were his books returned by me?
3. She asked, “Did you see the award function on television last night?”
(Change the narration)
(A) She asked me whether I saw the award function on television the
night before.
(B) She asked me whether I had seen the award function on television
the night before.
(C) She asked me did I see the award function on television last night.
(D) She asked me whether I had seen the award function on television
last night.
(E) She asked me whether I was seeing the award function on television
the earlier night.
4. Death is inevitable. (Change into Negative without changing its meaning)
(A) Death is evitable.
(B) Death is not inevitable.
(C) Death is not evitable.
(D) Death cannot be inevitable.
(E) None of the above.
5. With this, you have lost __________ chance that you had.
(A) a little
(B) little
(C) the little
(D) slight
(E) None of the above
BFU-2 5

6. According to the generally accepted plate tectonics theory, scientists

believe that Earth’s surface is broken ________ a number of shifting
plates, which average ______ 50 miles in thickness.

(A) up / into

(B) between / for

(C) for / for

(D) by /for

(E) into /about

7. Finally, he got rid of his old bicycle. (Select the correct meaning of the
underlined phrasal verb)
(A) find out
(B) see that
(C) find time for
(D) act so as to be free of
(E) get repaired

8. I would fight at the drop of a hat. (Select the correct meaning of the
underlined idiomatic expression)

(A) inform the police instead of fighting directly

(B) try to avoid doing it and find solution

(C) do it secretly after due preparation

(D) do it only after the payment for doing it is made

(E) do it immediately, without hesitating

9. The meaning of expulsion is ________.

(A) removal

(B) promotion

(C) expedition

(D) approval

(E) forecast
6 BFU-2

10. Select the correct synonym of ‘obligatory’.

(A) required
(B) fraudulent
(C) serious
(D) solemn
(E) firm
9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. મેેલ ગુણ /
િત્યના પ્રયપોગપો અથિા આત્મકથા એ મહાત્મા ગાંધીએ જન્મથી માંડીને પપોતે એકાિન
િરિના થયા ત્યાં સુધીની લખેલી જીિનકથા છે . ભાષા, શૈલી અને વનરૂપણને કારણે
કુલ ગુણ /
માત્ર ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં જ નદહ પણ વિશ્ની િિ્ત ભાષાઓમાં એક ઉત્તમ આત્મકથા TOTAL
તરીકે તે સ્થાન પામી છે . આ ગ્ંથની મહત્તા મુખ્યત્િે એની પાર્દવશમિતાને લીધે છે . આ
કથા ગાંધીજીએ જીિનમાં કરે લા પ્રયપોગપોની યથાતથ કહાણી છે . આ પ્રયપોગપો િત્યના છે
અને લખતી િખતે જે િત્ય ગાંધીજી અનુભિે છે ત્યાંથી પરમ િત્ય – જેને વિશે તેમને
ઊંડી શ્દ્ધા છે – ત્યાં સુધી પહોંચિા િારુ કરે લા પ્રયાિપોની આ કથા છે . પપોતે વિદ્ધ હપોિાનપો
તેમણે ક્દી ્દાિપો કયયો નથી. આ એક િાધકની એિી કથા છે , જેમાં તેણે પપોતાના જીિનની
દકતાબને દુવનયા આગળ ધરી ્દીધી છે . આને પદરણામે કપોઈ વિદ્ધ મહાપુરુષે જીિનમાં
મેળિેલી વિ દ્ધઓ કે તેમણે કરે લા કપોઈ ચમત્કારપોની આ કથા નથી, પણ એ િતત જાગ્ત
રહીને કરે લા પ્રયાિપોની કથા છે . તેના આ ગુણને લીધે આ ગ્ંથ તેના િાચકને િતત
પ્રયત્નશીલ રહેિાની પ્રેરણા આપે છે .
BFU-3 1

1. Explain in detail the Concrete Mix Design. મેેલ ગુણ /


કુલ ગુણ /

2. State the assumptions in the Simple Bending Theory and also derive the મેેલ ગુણ /
bending equation. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

3. A composite bar of varying diameter and length is subjected to axial forces,

મેેલ ગુણ /
as shown in Figure 1. Find the change in the length, the stresses and strains in OBTAINED
each bar component.

કુલ ગુણ /

Figure 1
મેેલ ગુણ /
. Define rincipal planes and principal stresses. A rectangular bloc is sub ected OBTAINED
to major tensile stress and minor compressive stress of 150 N/mm2 and MARKS

75 N/mm2 at a certain point on a body. A shear stress of 65 N/mm2 accompanies

each of the above stresses. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the કુલ ગુણ /
principal stresses and the maximum shear stress. TOTAL

5. Draw a neat shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam shown in
મેેલ ગુણ /
Figure 2, and write all calculations. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

Figure 2
2 BFU-3

. Determine the vertical and hori ontal de ection at the free end of the bent, મેેલ ગુણ /
shown in Figure 3, using the unit load method. Assume uniform EI throughout. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

Figure 3

. A vibrating system consists of a mass of 5 g, a spring of stiffness 1 0 m and મેેલ ગુણ /

a damper with a damping coefficient of 5 s m. Calculate the following MARKS

(a) damping factor,

(b) natural frequency of the system, કુલ ગુણ /
(c) logarithmic decrement,
(d) the ratio of two successive amplitude,
(e) the number of cycles after which the initial amplitude reduces to 25%. મેેલ ગુણ /
8. Why ductility considerations is important in the earth ua e resistance design
of RC buildings? Explain the ductile detailing consideration for beam and
column as per I 1 01 . કુલ ગુણ /

. Explain the lug angle in brief with the help of a s etch and solve the મેેલ ગુણ /
following question. A single ISA 100 × 75 × 10 is used as a tension OBTAINED
member with the longer leg connected to a 10 mm thic gusset plate. The
connection is made with the help of a lug angle. Find the net area required.
[Use 20 diameter rivets] at 1 0 a. ermissible shear and bearing stress in કુલ ગુણ /
rivets are 100 a and 00 a, respectively. ections available for MARKS: 10

lug angles are I A 0 0 8 8 mm2 I A 0 0 10 1100 mm2;

BFU-3 3

I A 0 0 8 1 00 mm2 (Assume suitable data wherever essential and

mention it clearly).
10. A masonry dam is 1.2 m wide at the top and 4.5 m at the bottom and retains
મેેલ ગુણ /
water level at its top. The wall is 5 m high. Test the stability of the dam against OBTAINED
(i) tension, (ii) crushing, (iii) sliding, and (iv) overturning. iven Weight MARKS

of masonry m3, bearing capacity of soil 80 m3, coefficient of

friction, µ = 0.6. કુલ ગુણ /

11. What do you understand by the characteristic strength of concrete? મેેલ ગુણ /
20 concrete cubes of standard dimensions were tested for their compressive OBTAINED
strength under identical conditions and following are the results (in N/mm2)
22.5, 25.7, 27.6, 26.4, 30.5, 27.1, 25.0, 23.7, 26.4, 27.2, 26.9, 28.9, 27.9, 27.6,
26.9, 27.3, 28.5, 24.8, 23.9, and 24.6. Determine the characteristic strength of કુલ ગુણ /
the concrete. MARKS: 10

1 . Analyse the frame shown in igure by slope de ection method and draw a મેેલ ગુણ /
bending moment diagram and elastic curve. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

Figure 4
મેેલ ગુણ /
13. Determine the natural frequency of a weight ‘w’ suspended from a spring at
the midpoint of a simply supported beam. The length of the beam is L, and
its flexural rigidity is El. The spring stiffness is . Assume the beam to be કુલ ગુણ /
massless. MARKS: 15
4 BFU-3

14. The homogenous state of stress for a metal part undergoing plastic મેેલ ગુણ /
deformation is defined as a x 0 a, y 0 a, z 80 a, OBTAINED
0 a, yz
0 a, xz
0 a. sing the on ises yield criterion,
estimate the shear yield stress.
કુલ ગુણ /

15. A reinforced concrete beam, 300 mm wide, is fixed at one end and free at the
મેેલ ગુણ /
other for a .8 m span. It carries a uniformly distributed load of 10 m. OBTAINED
Find the reinforcement at the fixed support if (a) the depth of the neutral axis
is to be restricted to 0.3 the effective depth or (b) for the ultimate moment
resisting factor of 2.2 N/mm2. iven that Concrete grade 0 teel કુલ ગુણ /
grade = Fe415, Effective cover = 50 mm (Assume suitable data wherever MARKS: 15
essential and mention it clearly).
1 . or a two storey building, the seismic weight at the first floor and roof are મેેલ ગુણ /
determined as m1 8 0 and m2 0 , respectively. The corresponding OBTAINED
floor stiffness is 1 = 4.40 × 104
mm and 2 = 1.60 × 104 N/mm. Determine
the modal frequency, mode shape coefficient, modal mass, modal contribution
factor and modal participation factor, and the corresponding plot of the mode કુલ ગુણ /
shapes. MARKS: 15

17. Compute the collapse load for the portal frame with fixed support shown મેેલ ગુણ /
in Figure 5. Compute required plastic section modulus if the factored load OBTAINED
Wu 5 and design yield strength is 50 a.

કુલ ગુણ /

Figure 5
BFU-4 1

1. With reference to Bric asonry, write brie y about the following મેેલ ગુણ /
(a) Lap MARKS
(b) Perpend
(c) Arrises કુલ ગુણ /
(d) Toothing TOTAL
(d) Closer
મેેલ ગુણ /
. How can buildings be designed to be energy efficient and reduce long term MARKS

operational costs
કુલ ગુણ /

. How do heavy metals li e lead, arsenic and mercury end up in drin ing
water, and what are their long term health effects મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /
. As below are the population details of a city
Sr. No Year opulation મેેલ ગુણ /
1. 1991 46,31,351 OBTAINED
2. 2001 58,93,164
3. 2011 72,14,225
કુલ ગુણ /
4. 2021 84,95,787 TOTAL
Determine (a) The saturation population (b) The e uation of the logistic
curve (c) The expected population in 0 1.
5. Design a edimentation tan for a water treatment plant using the following મેેલ ગુણ /
(i) Design ow 0.5 m3 / second
(ii) Design urface ver ow ate .5 m3 day m2 કુલ ગુણ /
(iii) Detention time 100 minutes MARKS: 10

(iv) ength Width atio 1 to 5 1

Do the necessary chec (s) for the recommended dimensions. If necessary,
assume additional data and mention it.
મેેલ ગુણ /
. Discuss the significance of the Kadana Dam and its reservoir in terms of OBTAINED
water supply, hydroelectric power generation, and ood control.

કુલ ગુણ /
2 BFU-4

. Describe the architectural and engineering features of the ‘Rani ki Vav’ મેેલ ગુણ /
stepwell in atan, u arat, and its historical importance. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
8. The ow rate of oil in a pipe was to be measured using a venturimeter.
મેેલ ગુણ /
ollowing are data which should be used OBTAINED
(i) Throat Diameter of the venturimeter 100 mm
(ii) Diameter of the pipe 50 mm
(iii) Difference in level indicated in the tube કુલ ગુણ /
containing mercury 0. m MARKS: 10

(iv) pecific gravity of the oil 0.

(v) pecific gravity of mercury 1 .
. There was a need for increasing the discharge of water from a pipeline which મેેલ ગુણ /
was connected to a reservoir. or this it was proposed to introduce another OBTAINED
pipeline of the same diameter and material parallel to the first pipeline in the
second half of the length.
કુલ ગુણ /
ollowing are the other data of the pipeline TOTAL
Diameter of the ipe 0.5 m
ength of the existing pipeline 000 m
Head above the outlet 5m
riction factor f 0.0
What will be the increase in the discharge because of this arrangement
10. or a water supply of a town, water is pumped from a river m away into a
મેેલ ગુણ /
reservoir. The maximum difference of levels of water in river and the reservoir OBTAINED
is 0 m. The population of the town is 50,000 and the water demand is 1 0 MARKS

lpcd. If the pumps are to operate for a total of 8 hours and the efficiency of the
pumps is 80 , determine the horse power of the pumps. Assume the friction કુલ ગુણ /
factor as 0.0 , the velocity of ow as m s and the maximum daily demand as TOTAL
1.5 times the average daily demand.
11. In the table below different data is furnished for crops (Wheat and ice).
મેેલ ગુણ /
Total Kor Kor Base Average OBTAINED
Area under Crop MARKS
Crop Depth Depth Period Period duty (Hac
(cm) (cm) (day) (day) cumec)
કુલ ગુણ /
Wheat 10,000 40.0 13.5 28 140 3200 TOTAL
ice 5,000 130.0 19.0 17 120 864

Compute the average discharge re uired and the pea demand.

BFU-4 3

1 . What are the ey principles and ob ectives of low cost housing initiatives મેેલ ગુણ /

1 . What is the difference between an economical section and hydraulically કુલ ગુણ /
efficient channel section Design a hydraulically efficient trape oidal channel TOTAL
for conveying a discharge of 8, 0 D. The roughness coefficient is 0.015
મેેલ ગુણ /
while the bed slope of the channel is 1 500. etch the designed cross section. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /
1 . During a passage of a ood, the following data were estimated at section which
were 1 m apart મેેલ ગુણ /
Water urface Hydraulic ean
Area of ow MARKS
Section Elevation Depth
(m) (m)
કુલ ગુણ /
pstream 92.5 100 2.8 MARKS: 5

Downstream 92.1 95 3.2

Estimate the ood discharge. Ta e annings s n 0.0 , Eddy loss
coefficient for gradual contraction and that for gradual expansion is 0.1 and
0. 5 respectively.
15. Tabulated are the data of the precipitation and runoff for the different time
મેેલ ગુણ /
periods. OBTAINED

Duration of rainfall Average recipitation unoff

(hours) (cm) (cm) કુલ ગુણ /
1. 12 3.92 2.42 MARKS: 5

2. 48 4.08 2.12
3. 24 5.65 3.56
4. 72 15.32 8.52
5. 18 3.97 1.53
6. 24 5.01 1.58
7. 36 9.2 3.03
8. 12 5.5 2.77
9. 30 6.41 3.08
10. 18 8.08 4.25
Compute the Windex for the different durations of the precipitations. What
would be the average percentage error in estimation of surface runoff if
average Windex is used for computing the runoff
4 BFU-4

1 . An unlined irrigation canal has its bed and side composed of cohesionless
મેેલ ગુણ /
material having mean diameter mm. Angle of repose of the material is 0 . OBTAINED
The bed width of the canal is m, the side slope (Hor er) is 1.5 1 and the
longitudinal slope of the canal is 1 in 500. Determine the minimum discharge
that can be admitted into the canal without any sediment movement. If કુલ ગુણ /
necessary, assume any additional data and mention it. Ta e annings s TOTAL
n 0.0 5.
1 . A sewage treatment plant has to be designed for a population of 100,000 so
મેેલ ગુણ /
that the treated wastewater can be discharged into a river. ollowing are the OBTAINED
various data regarding the uality and uantity of the wastewater and river
(i) Domestic sewage generation rate 0 lpcd કુલ ગુણ /
(ii) er capita of B D of the domestic sewage g day MARKS: 5

(iii) Industrial Wastewater generation rate million litres per day

(iv) B D of the Industrial Wastewater 1500 mg
(v) inimum Dry Weather low of the river 500 litres sec
(vi) aturation Dissolved xygen (D ) in river water prior to the mixing of
the treated wastewater mg l
Estimate the degree of treatment re uired for the wastewater if the minimum
D in the river water to be maintained is mg l. Ta e the deoxygenation
coefficient D and eoxygenation coefficient as 0.1 and 0. respectively. If
necessary, assume any additional data and mention it.
BFU-5 1

1. What are the ey features and benefits of using Building Information મેેલ ગુણ /
odeling (BI ) software in construction pro ect management OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

. Explain the role of cloud based pro ect management software in improving મેેલ ગુણ /
collaboration and communication among the pro ect sta eholders in OBTAINED
construction pro ects.

કુલ ગુણ /

. A sample of clay was coated with paraffin wax and its mass, including the મેેલ ગુણ /
mass of wax, was found to be 00 grams. The sample was immersed in water OBTAINED
and the volume of the water displaced was found to be 50 ml. The mass
of the sample without wax was 0 grams and its water content was 18 .
Determine the bul density, dry density, void ratio and degree of saturation કુલ ગુણ /
of the sample. The specific gravity of the solids was . and that of the wax MARKS: 10
was 0.8 .

. There is a sandfill of 10 m height which contains three types of sand whose મેેલ ગુણ /
details are mentioned below OBTAINED

o. Depth ɸ’
1 0 0 18 m3 કુલ ગુણ /
2 0 m3 MARKS: 10

3 10 5 m3
A retaining wall with smooth vertical bac is pushed to retain this sand. how
the active earth pressure distribution on the etaining Wall and determine
the total active thrust on the wall. Assume that the water table is well below
the base of the wall.
5. Discuss brie y the various factors which you would consider for deciding the મેેલ ગુણ /
depth of exploration in soil. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

. Discuss brie y the different methods used for groundwater mapping. What મેેલ ગુણ /
information can be synthesi ed for these maps OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /
2 BFU-5

. Two stations and are 00 m apart. The s of the two stations are 1. 8 ( ) મેેલ ગુણ /
and 0.1 5 ( ). A level was set up in line with and , near and readings OBTAINED
were ta en on a staff held at and , centering the bubble before ta ing the
readings. If the readings are 0.8 5 and .18 on the staff held at and ,
respectively determine whether the line of collimation is in ad ustment and if કુલ ગુણ /
not, the angular error of collimation. MARKS: 10

8. With neat diagrams and relative dimensions, explain different cross sections
મેેલ ગુણ /
typically adopted for tunnels. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

. What is A ux A bridge has a linear waterway of 150 meters constructed મેેલ ગુણ /
across a stream whose natural linear waterway is 0 meters. If the average OBTAINED
ood discharge is 1 00 m3 sec and average ood depth is meters, calculate
the a ux.
કુલ ગુણ /

10. What is cour Depth A bridge is proposed to be constructed across an

મેેલ ગુણ /
alluvial stream carrying a discharge of 00 m3 sec. Assuming the silt factor OBTAINED
to be 1.1, determine the maximum scour depth when the bridge consists of MARKS

(a) two spans of 0 m each (b) three spans of 5 m each.

કુલ ગુણ /

11. Explain various oints and their functions in Cement Concrete (CC)
મેેલ ગુણ /
avements with a suitable diagram. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

1 . The shearing strength of a soil along a hori ontal plane at a depth of 5 m in મેેલ ગુણ /
a deposit is to be estimated. or that laboratory test were done and following OBTAINED
are the observations
(a) nconfined compressive strength is 1.5 g cm2
કુલ ગુણ /
(b) In a triaxial compression test, the specimen of the soil when sub ected TOTAL
to a chamber pressure of 0.5 g cm2 failed at an additional stress of
1.8 g cm2
iven that, the ground water table is at a depth of .0 m from the ground
level. Ta e the dry unit weight of soil as 1. gm cc and specific gravity
as . .
BFU-5 3

1 . Design a s uare pile group to carry a load of 500 in clay with an unconfined મેેલ ગુણ /
compression strength of 0 m . iven that the piles are of 00 mm diameter
and are m long. Ta e adhesion factor as 0. .

કુલ ગુણ /

1 . An area of 10 m 10 m is to be surveyed using aerial photogrammetry. The મેેલ ગુણ /

ground is 500 m above the mean sea level and is almost at. The focal length OBTAINED
of the camera used is 5 cm. The speed of the aircraft is 00 m hr. Determine
the following
કુલ ગુણ /
(a) If the desired scale of the photographs is 1 ,500 then what should be TOTAL
the ying height MARKS: 15

(b) If the forward lap and side lap of photographs is 0 and 10

respectively and the si e of the photographs is 5 cm 5 cm, then what
મેેલ ગુણ /
is the total number of photographs re uired for the complete survey OBTAINED
15. A vehicle of 000 g s ids a distance of m before colliding with a stationary
vehicle of 1500 g weight. After the collision, both vehicles s id a distance of
1 m. Assuming a coefficient of friction of 0.5, determine the initial speed of કુલ ગુણ /
the vehicle using energy theory. MARKS: 15

1 . As per the I C guidelines, calculate the cumulative number of standard

મેેલ ગુણ /
axle repetitions (design traffic) for the construction of a new bypass with the OBTAINED
following data
Two lane carriageway.
કુલ ગુણ /
Initial traffic (sum of both directions) before the construction of the road TOTAL
was 1000 Commercial ehicles er Day (C D).
Traffic growth rate .5 annual.
Construction time of road is years.
Design life 15 years.
ehicle damage factor based on axle load survey .5 standard axle per
commercial vehicle.
Design CB of subgrade soil .
1 . A curve has a radius of 50 m and a de ection angle of 0 . The chainage
મેેલ ગુણ /
of the point of curve is 0 .0 m. Compute and tabulate the angles and the OBTAINED
theodolite readings to set out the curve using an ine s method.

કુલ ગુણ /
AO Class 2 Adv 4/2021-22
rð»kÞ fkuz : ASM-1
ÃkuÃkh - 1 : økwshkíke ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk)
fw÷ økwý : 150 Mkq[Lkk : s{ýe íkhV «&™Lkk økwý Ëþkoðu÷ Au. Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
«-1. ™e[u yk…u÷ …kt[ rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE yuf {wÆk …h ykuAk{kt ykuAk 250 y™u ðÄw{kt ðÄw 300 þçËku{kt, (20)
ÞkuøÞ WËknhýku™ku ykÄkh ÷E™u r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku.
1.1 fkurðz-19™e ¼khŒ™k yÚkoŒtºk …h ÚkÞu÷e y‚h y™u …rhýk{ku
1.2 rðï{kt …qh ykððk™e ðÄe hnu÷e ½x™kyku {kxu sðkƒËkh …rhƒ¤ku y™u yu™kt ‚{kÄk™ku
1.3 f÷kyku îkhk ðirïf ƒtÄwíð™e ¼kð™k rðf‚kðe þfkÞ ¾he? fuðe heŒu?
1.4 ËMŒkðuSfhý™k VkÞËk y™u „uhVkÞËk
1.5 AuÕ÷k ËkÞfk{kt «ËrþoŒ rnLËe rVÕ{ku™e ‚V¤Œk™k {k…Ëtzku rðþu yk…™e «rŒr¢Þk
«-2. ™e[u yk…u÷ ºký rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE …ý ƒu …trõŒyku™ku ykþhu 100Úke 150 þçËku{kt rð[khrðMŒkh fhku. (10)
(05 „wý  02 …trõŒyku)
2.1 MðŒtºkŒk rð™k™wt Sð™ ykí{k rð™k™k þheh suðwt Au. – ¾r÷÷ rsƒúk™
2.2 ¿kk™ : «u{ y™u «fkþ y™u árü Au. – nu÷™ fu÷h
2.3 þY fhðk {kxu, þY fhku. – rðr÷Þ{ ðzTÍoðÚko
«-3. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™ku (240 þçËku), {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ÷„¼„ 1/3 ¼k„{kt ‚tûku… fhku. (10)
‚]rü{kt ÔÞðMÚkk y™u r™Þr{ŒŒk Au : ‚]rü™e ½x™k y{wf ÔÞðMÚkk y™u r™Þ{ «{kýu ÚkkÞ
Au yu ðkŒ Œku nðu ‚kÄkhý „ýkÞ Au. yk ÔÞðMÚkk y™u r™Þr{ŒŒk™e ¼kð™k rð¿kk™™k ykÄkhY… Au
y™u rð¿kk™™e ƒÄe «ð]r¥k y™u Œu{™k ‚kVÕÞ™k {q÷Y… Au. ‚]rür¢Þk nt{uþ yuf s heŒu yuf s
…æÄrŒ‚h ÚkkÞ Au; y{wf …rhrMÚkrŒ fu y{wf ‚tÞku„ku{kt y{wf ½x™kyku™ku Vhe Vhe™u «kËw¼koð ÚkkÞ Au
yu ¢{ rð¿kk™ áZ rðïk‚Úke Mðefkhu Au. yksu y{wf ‚{Þu ‚qÞo™ku WËÞ ÚkÞku Au y™u fk÷u …ý y{wf
‚{Þu Œu™ku WËÞ Úkþu yu fuð÷ ©æÄk ™Úke …htŒw ði¿kkr™f r™heûký y™u y™w¼ðÚke «kÃík ÚkÞu÷wt ŒÚÞ Au.
yks ‚ðkh y™u fk÷ ‚ðkh™k ‚{Þ ‚wÄe{kt fktR …ý rðÃ÷ð{Þ VuhVkhÚke ‚qÞo fu …]Úðe™ku ™kþ ÚkkÞ
Œku Œu swËe ðkŒ, …htŒw ‚kÄkhý heŒu Œku ‚qÞkuoËÞ™e r™Þr{ŒŒk MðŒ:r‚æÄ „ýkÞ Au. yk r™Þr{ŒŒk yuf
™®n …ý y™uf ½x™k{kt òuðk{kt ykðu Au. ŒuÚke s rð¿kk™ r™Þ{ku þkuÄðk™k «ÞíLkku fhe þfu Au y™u Œu{kt
‚V¤ ÚkR þfu Au. ‚qÞo, „únku y™u Œkhkyku yk…ýkÚke ½ýu s Ëqh Au; Œu{™e y™u yk…ýe ðå[u fktE ‚tƒtÄ
nkuÞ Œku Œu{™e ŒhVÚke ykðŒk «fkþ {khVŒ Au: Œu r‚ðkÞ fkuE …ý sz ðMŒw Œu{™e ðå[u ykðò fhe
þfu Œu{ ™Úke yk «fkþ™u, …]Úðe W…h …nkU[Œkt ½ýku ‚{Þ ÷k„u Au – ‚ðoÚke ™Sf™k Œkhk{ktÚke ykðŒwt
«fkþ™wt rfhý íÞktÚke [kh ð»ko …nu÷kt ™eféÞwt nþu ! Œu AŒkt …ý íÞkt™k «fkþ™k „wýku y™u …]Úðe W…h™k
«fkþ™k „wýku yuf ‚h¾k s Au. yk yufY…Œk™u ÷eÄu yk…ýu fne þfeyu Aeyu fu «fkþ™kt rfhýku{kt
y{wf òŒ™kt hk‚kÞrýf Œ¥ðku nkuðkt s skuEyu.
– …ku…x÷k÷ þkn
«-4. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™e ‚½™ ðk[™k fhe «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (2 „wý  5 «§ku) (10)

ƒu r{ºkku y™u ¾ò™ku

ƒu r{ºkku™u fâktfÚke ¾ò™ku {¤e „Þku. ƒt™uyu rð[kÞwO, ykðŒe fk÷u þw¼ [ku½rzÞk{kt ÷E
ykðþwt. …ý yuf r{ºk …nu÷kt s íÞkt …nkU[e „Þku y™u ¾ò™ku ÷E ÷eÄku, Œu™e søÞkyu fku÷‚k ¼he
ËeÄk. ƒesu rËð‚u Œuyku ƒt™uyu íÞkt sE™u òuÞwt Œku fku÷‚k nŒk. yk òuE …nu÷ku r{ºk ƒkuÕÞku, þwt fheyu ?
yk…ýwt ™‚eƒ ðktfwt Au, ¾ò™k™ku fku÷‚ku ÚkE „Þku. ƒeò r{ºk™u ƒÄku ÏÞk÷ ykðe „Þku …ý Œu ð¾Œu
fþwt ƒkuÕÞku ™nª.

ASM-1 ] 1 P.T.O.
…Ae Œuýu ÄqŒo r{ºk™e yuf {qrŒo ƒ™kðe y™u fâktfÚke ƒu ðktËhk ÷E ykÔÞku. Œu {qrŒo W…h
¾kðk™wt {qfe ËuŒku y™u ðktËhk Œu {qrŒo W…h [Ze™u ¾kŒk. yuf rËð‚ Œuýu ¼kus™ fhkÔÞwt y™u …kuŒk™k
r{ºk™k ƒu …wºkku™u ½uh ÷E ykÔÞku y™u ƒt™u™u ‚tŒkze ËeÄk. …qAâwt yux÷u fÌkwt, …wºkku ðktËhk ƒ™e „Þk Au.
ÄqŒo™k …wºkku ½uh …kAk ™ VÞko yux÷u Œu r{ºk™k ½uh …nkUåÞku. Œu™k r{ºku ÄqŒo™u Ëeðk÷ …k‚u ƒu‚kze™u
ðktËhkyku™u Aqxk {qfâk. ðktËhk Œu™k {kÚku [Ze™u fqËðk ÷køÞk. ðktËhk ŒhV òuE™u Œuýu r{ºk™u fÌkwt, 'yk
Œkhk …wºk Au.’ ÄqŒuo fÌkwt, 'ƒk¤fku ðktËhk fuðe heŒu ƒ™e „Þk ?’ r{ºku W¥kh ykÃÞku, 'suðe heŒu ¾ò™k™k
Yr…Þk fku÷‚k ƒ™e „Þk Œuðe heŒu.’
– ¼khŒeÞ ÷kuffÚkk
Ǥku :
4.1 ƒu r{ºkku ðå[u™k ‚tƒtÄ™wt MðY… ðýoðku.
4.2 ¾ò™k™ku fku÷‚ku ƒ™e „Þku. – yk ½x™k Úkfe «ËrþoŒ ÚkŒe {™w»Þð]r¥k ‚{òðku.
4.3 r{ºkyu ÄqŒo r{ºk™e {qrŒo þk {kxu ƒ™kðe ?
4.4 'ƒk¤fku ðktËhk fuðe heŒu ƒ™e „Þk ?’ – yk rðÄk™™ku {{o M…ü fhku.
4.5 ƒu r{ºkku y™u ¾ò™ku ðkŒko îkhk Œ{u fÞku ƒkuÄ ÷uþku?
«-5. ¼khŒ™k Þwr™Þ™ ƒsux (2022-23)-™kt yíÞtŒ {n¥ð™kt …k‚ktyku™e {krnŒe yk…Œwt fuLÿ™k {k™™eÞ (10)
™kýk{tºke©e™wt yki…[krhf ¼k»ký ŒiÞkh fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)
«-6. ƒk¤fku{kt „heƒe™ku ytŒ ÷kððk {kxu ŒiÞkh fhu÷k ðirïf fûkk™k ykÞkus™ rðþu {krnŒe yk…Œwt Þwr™‚uV™k (10)
zuÃÞwxe yurõÍfâwrxð rzhuõxh («ku„úk{)-™wt «[kh {kæÞ{ku {kxu™wt r™ðuË™ ŒiÞkh fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)
«-7. Œ{khku ¼kE 'y' yÚkoþkMºk rð»kÞ ‚kÚku ƒe.yu.™e rz„úe {kxu yÇÞk‚ fhe hÌkku Au. ¼khŒ™kt s™Sð™ …h (10)
{qzeðkËÚke ÚkÞu÷e r¼Òk y‚hku™u ‚{òðŒku …ºk Œ{khk ¼kE™u ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)
«-8. ¼khŒ™e ™ðe rþûký ™erŒ (2020) ‚{„ú yÚkoŒtºk™u fE heŒu «¼krðŒ fhe þfu Au yu yt„u™kt Œ{khkt (10)
r™heûkýku ðýoðŒwt [[ko…ºk 'Œ Úk Ë' ‚k{rÞf™k Œtºke™u ‚tƒkuÄe™u ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)
«-9. ™e[u yk…u÷ yk÷u¾ rðþu Œ{khkt Œw÷™kí{f MðY…™kt …kt[ {n¥ð™kt r™heûkýku ™kutÄku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) (10)

ASM-1 ] 2
«-10. „wshkŒ {rn÷k ykrÚkof rðfk‚ r™„{ r÷., {rn÷k y™u ƒk¤ rðfk‚ rð¼k„, „wshkŒ ‚hfkh îkhk
{rn÷kyku îkhk Wí…krËŒ ðMŒwyku™k ðu[ký y™u «Ëþo™ yÚkuo ykÞkursŒ fhðk{kt ykðu÷k '™kheþrõŒ (10)
{u¤k’™e Œ{u ÷eÄu÷ {w÷kfkŒ™k y™w¼ð rðþu ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)
«-11 {k™ðSð™{kt xuf™ku÷kuS™e nkshe yt„u™kt ‚khkt y™u ™ƒ¤kt …k‚ktyku™e hsqykŒ fhŒku ƒu …ºkfkhku 'Œ’ (10)
y™u '»k’ ðå[u™ku ‚tðkË ŒiÞkh fhku.
«-12. yk…u÷ yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. (10)
Modern Industry has converted the little workshop of the patriarchal master into
the great factory of the industrial capitalist. Masses of labourers, crowded into the
factory, are organised like soldiers. As privates of the industrial army they are
placed under the command of a perfect hierarchy of officers and sergeants. Not
only are they slaves of the bourgeois class, and of the bourgeois State; they are
daily and hourly enslaved by the machine, by the overlooker, and, above all, by
the individual bourgeois manufacturer himself. The more openly this despotism
proclaims gain to be its end and aim, the more petty, the more hateful and the
more embittering it is.
The less the skill and exertion of strength implied in manual labour, in other
words, the more modern industry becomes developed, the more is the labour of
men superseded by that of women. Differences of age and sex have no longer any
distinctive social validity for the working class. All are instruments of labour,
more or less expensive to use, according to their age and sex.
No sooner is the exploitation of the labourer by the manufacturer, so far, at an
end, that he receives his wages in cash, than he is set upon by the other portions
of the bourgeoisie, the landlord, the shopkeeper, the pawnbroker, etc
– From Marx & Marxism
by Andy Blunden
«-13. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (2  10 = 20 „wý) (20)

13.1 YrZ«Þku„ku™ku yÚko yk…e Œu{™ku ðkfâ{kt «Þku„ fhku.

13.1.1 …Œ hk¾ðe
13.1.2 ðkz ðkt‚u yuhtzku
13.2 fnuðŒku™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
13.2.1 ‚wÚkkh™wt {™ ƒkðr¤Þu
13.2.2 ðkðze [‚fe
13.3 ‚{k‚™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™e yku¤¾ yk…ku.
13.3.1 ÄtÄkuÄk…ku
13.3.2 [e÷k[k÷w
13.4 …trõŒyku™k AtË yku¤¾kðku.
13.4.1 n¤ðu n¤ðu nðk / n÷kðu …hËk / ¼ªŒku …h™k ht„ / {éÞk Au xuƒ÷ …h™k s„{kt.
– hkðS …xu÷
13.4.2 y©w nŒwt ÓËÞ{kt ™Þýu ™ ykÔÞwt, / þçË nŒk {™ {net, Vhfâk ™ nkuXu.
– W{kþtfh òuþe

ASM-1 ] 3 P.T.O.
13.5 y÷tfkh yku¤¾kðku.
13.5.1 Y…÷™u ™ðe {k {¤Œkt «u{ ‚k„h{kt ¼hŒe ykðe.
13.5.2 [tÿ …z¾wt ðk¤e™u ‚qE „Þku.
13.6 þçË‚{qnku {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
13.6.1 ͽzk™k r™fk÷ {kxu ƒt™u …ûku Mðefkhu÷ r™»…ûk ÔÞrõŒ
13.6.2 {k… ƒktÄe™u fhkŒe ÔÞðMÚkk
13.7 þçËku™e òuzýe ‚wÄkhku.
13.7.1 rþ‚]ûkk
13.7.2 {kihwþe
13.8 ðkfâku{kt òuzýe y™u ðkfâh[™k™e ¼q÷ku ‚wÄkhku.
13.8.1 «ŒeðrŒo W…ðkfÞku ƒnw s ykuAk ykÏÞkŒef …Ë-r¢ÞkY…kuÚke h[kÞ Au.
13.8.2 ™k{ef Y…kÏÞk™ku™k yÇÞk‚{kt ‚t¿kk ‚ðo™k{, rðþu»ký™k MðY… «fkh y™u Œu{™kt
Y…kÏÞk™™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
13.9 þçËku™e ‚trÄ òuzku y™u Akuzku.
13.9.1 ‚trÄ òuzku – …]Úkw + E
13.9.2 ‚trÄ Akuzku – „kÞf
13.10 ðkfâh[™k yt„u yk…u÷ ‚q[™k {wsƒ W¥kh yk…ku.
13.10.1 fŒorh{ktÚke f{orý ðkfâ ƒ™kðku – Œwt r™þk¤u òÞ Au.

13.10.2 ‚kËkt ðkfâ{ktÚke «uhf ðkfâ ƒ™kðku – nwt Ëkuzwt Awt.

ASM-1 ] 4
Paper-2 : English
Total Marks : 150 Time : 3 Hours
Q.1 Write an essay on any one of the following in 250 to 300 words. It must exhibit your (20)
grasp and critical understanding of the subject in the best possible individual style
having originality of thought and expression. It must be well argued piece of writing
coherently and sequentially with observance of grammar rules.
I. Express your views on the use of herbal remedies widely embraced by people
around the globe with complementary and alternative medicines.
II. The evolving meaning of spirituality and tourism.
III. The Swachh Sagar, Surakshit Sagar/Clean Coast, Safe Sea a 75-day citizen-led
campaign in India.
IV. Pros & cons of ‘Work from Home’ Ecosystems.
V. A man who drives his father’s car is not entitled to speak in a council of men who own
Q.2 The Ministry of consumer Affairs, Food and Public distribution, GOI has initiated a (10)
grand challenge for development of technologies, for primary processing, storage and
valorization of onions. Imagine that you are on special project in a research institute,
your senior scientist sought your opinion for cost effective commercially replicable
solutions. Write a letter to your senior officer giving your opinion in about 150 words.
Q.3 The National Strategy on Additive Manufacturing (NSAM) is released as part of (10)
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, GOI.
It has been evolved to mitigate immediate disabilities of the local industries to embrace
digital technologies. It aspires to postulate the tenets of Make in India and Atma Nirbhar
Bharat Abhiyan that advocates self-reliance through technological transformation.
Your institution organized a workshop for propagating NSAM. Write a letter to the
editor of the newspaper about the event in about 150 words.
Q.4 India is celebrating 75 years of Independence - Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. On this (15)
occasion, Doordarshan has launched Swaraj- Bharat Ke Swatantrata Sangram Ki Samagra
Gatha- a 75-episode mega show on the glorious history of India’s freedom struggle.
It aims at focusing on the stories of lesser known heroes. This show emphasizes the need
to preserve the country’s rich history and culture and pass on the same to
generations. As active local channel reporter, along with your Municipal council you have
organized a public awareness drive for this program. Write a report about the awareness
drive event in about 150 words.
Q.5 Observe the picture carefully, and summarize your ideas meaningfully by selecting and (15)
reporting description in about 150 words.

ASM-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q.6 In context of Government of India - “Swachhata Startup Challenge” National level (15)
conclave is organized by Commissioner of Health, Medical Services, Medical Education
And Research, Government of Gujarat, it focuses primarily on Social innovation for
improved waste collection and management in low-income settlements and better working
conditions for waste-pickers. In about 150 words draft an inaugural speech of this event
to be delivered by the Honorable Governor of Gujarat.
Q.7 Write a précis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (15)
Earth is the only planet that can sustain life. It is the greatest gift to humankind. It has
life sustaining resources like air and water, besides other resources that provide us food,
clothing and shelter. Unfortunately, humans have grossly misused these gifts to such an
extent that our future generations may no longer will be able to enjoy the planet’s bounties
the way that we did. In the guise of development, we have polluted land, water, air so
mercilessly that today they are turning life - threatening instead life-giving. The pollution
level in many cities is all set to reach emergency levels. City- dwellers are literally choking
on toxic air and the situation takes a turn for the worse in winters.
How can we save our planet? We can save it by saving trees. We can save it by conserving
water. We can save it by protecting our forests and land. ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle’
should be the new mantra. While measures have to urgently be taken at a global level
by world leaders, we must strive to do whatever we can at our end too. Planting more
trees, recycling paper and other natural products, avoiding plastics, using natural
resources with care and concern and conserving electricity, saving water and
environment in general are some of the steps that we can take. It is our responsibility to
save the Earth, both for ourselves and for the sake of future generations. We are
answerable to them. They are watching us. (249 words)
Q.8 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (15)
Making the plaster patch a square foot or so in the area is considerably more job than
filling cracks, but there is no reason why the amateur should not attempt the repair if
he makes his preparations properly.
Cut the edges around the opening cleanly, and wet them thoroughly. Make a mix of
fresh plaster slightly stiffer (less water) than for the crack repair. Put on a base coat
first, which means just enough to cover the lath, and see that it is below the face of the
old edges. After this coat has set a little, mix another batch, slightly more fluid, and
apply as a finish coat right over it, and smooth it out evenly with the old edges.
This method is suggested because the weight of one full coating might be too much, and
you would probably have some trouble keeping it in place on the lath.
To smooth off the finished coat nicely, take a straight, smooth piece of wood, with a
more or less sharp edge long enough to span the patch, and work it across, back and
forth over the new plaster. This will give you an even, smooth surface and avoid the
necessity of troweling out any humps or filling any depressions. In giving this kind of
work, it is essential that the water be clean, and free from rust or dirt. If it is not the
patch will be discolored.
1. Making the _______ is considerably more job than filling cracks.
A. plaster patch
B. square foot
C. plaster patch a square foot or so in the area
D. area
E. repairing

ASM-2 ] 2 [Contd.
2. Is there any reason why the amateur should not attempt the repair ?
A. Yes there a reason why the amateur should not attempt the repair.
B. There is no reason why the amateur should not attempt the repair.
C. There may be some reason why the amateur should not attempt the repair.
D. There is specific reason why the amateur should not attempt the repair.
E. None of the above
3. What kind of preparations are expected from the amateur ?
A. No preparations are required.
B. Long training is required.
C. Short training is required
D. Preparations are required properly.
E. None of the above
4. Cut the edges around……….
A. opening cleanly, and wet them thoroughly.
B. opening very cleanly
C. very cleanly.
D. and wet them.
E. and clean them.
5. What is to be done first?
A. Mix everything.
B. Mix water.
C. Make the area very wet.
D. Put on base coat.
E. All of the above
6. What kind of a mix of fresh plaster is to be made?
7. What process follows after this coat has set a little?
8. Why the method of applying finish coat and smoothening it out evenly with the old
edges is suggested?
9. Which tool is used to smooth off the finished coat nicely?
10. Give description of the tool that is used to smooth off finished coat nicely.
11. What is used back and forth and where is it used?
12. What is essential for making even, smooth surface and avoiding the necessity of
troweling out any humps or filling any depressions?
13. What is a lath ?
14. Give the noun of ‘ troweling’.
15. Give suitable title to the passage.

ASM-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
Q. 9 Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. (15)
¼khíkLke 83 xfk ðMíke økk{zk{kt ðMku Au. yux÷u MÚkkrLkf MðhkßÞLkk ¾hk «[kh yLku rðfkMkLke
sYh íkku økúk{rð¼køk{kt s Au. økktÄeS íkku fnuíkk níkk fu Mkk[wt MðkíktºÞ ¼kuøkððwt nkuÞ íkku íkuLkwt [ýíkh ÃkkÞkÚke
þY Úkðwt òuEyu. yu {kxu Ëhuf økk{Lku yuf LkkLkk «òMk¥kkf hkßÞ sux÷e Mk¥kk nkuðe òuEyu. Ãkwhkýk fk¤Úke
®nËLkk økk{ku Mðíktºk ðneðxe yuf{ku íkhefu [k÷íkkt ykÔÞkt Au. yLku {æÞMÚk MkhfkhLkk fkÞËkÚke íku{Lke MðíktºkíkkLku
¾kMk yMkh ÃknkU[íke Lkrn. Ãkhtíkw rçkúrxþ y{÷Lkk «kht¼{kt økúk{ Ãkt[kÞíkkuLkku Lkkþ ÚkÞku. 1920 {kt yk {he
Ãkhðkhu÷e økúk{ MðhkßÞLke MktMÚkkykuLku VheÚke MkSðLk fhðk{kt ykðe Au. MkLku 1933Lkk fkÞËkÚke {wtçkE
«ktík{kt Ëhuf økk{Lkku MÚkkrLkf ðneðx økúk{ Ãkt[kÞík VhrsÞkík fhðk{kt ykðe Au. økúk{ Ãkt[kÞíkLkk çkÄk
MkÇÞku [qtxkÞu÷k nkuÞ Au. Ãkt[kÞíkLkk MkÇÞku ÃkkuíkkLkk{ktÚke yuf MkÇÞLku «{w¾ íkhefu Lke{u Au, yuLku MkhÃkt[
fnuðk{kt ykðu Au.
økúk{Ãkt[kÞíkkuLkku EríknkMk ðirËf fk¤ sux÷ku Ãkwhkýku Au. íku Mk{Þu {kLkðMk{ks LkkLkkt økk{ku{kt ðnU[kÞu÷ku
níkku. økúk{Mkthûký, ËirLkf ÔÞðnkh yLku rðfkMk ytøku ÃkrhÃkõð çkwrØLkk yLku ÃkeZ økúk{Lkuíkkyku økk{zktykuLku
Ëkuhðýe ykÃkíkk. ykðe Mk{ksÔÞðMÚkkLkku {LkwM{]rík{kt Ãký rLkËuoþ fhðk{kt ykÔÞku Au. ykðk yøkúýeykuLke
Lkuíkkøkehe nuX¤ yk MktMÚkkyku MÚkkrÃkík ÚkE níke. su{ su{ Mk{ksÔÞðMÚkk rðfkMk Ãkk{íke økE íku{ íku{ økúk{-
Ãkt[kÞíkkuLkwt fkÞoûkuºk rðMíkkh Ãkk{íkwt økÞwt yLku íku{Lke Mk¥kk{kt Ãký ðÄkhku ÚkÞku. su s{kLkk{kt ðknLkÔÞðnkhLkkt
MkkÄLkku ¾qçk {ÞkorËík níkkt íku{kt økúk{Ãkt[kÞíkLkwt {n¥ð ½ýwt s nkuÞ yu Mðk¼krðf Au. ykÄwrLkfÞwøk{kt fux÷kf
{n¥ðLkk ðneðxe «&™kuLke ðk[hýk {kxu Mkhfkh rsÕ÷k f÷uõxhkuLke Mk¼k çkku÷kðu Au; ßÞkhu «k[eLk Mk{Þ{kt
çkªçkeMkkh suðk hkòyku yk s nuíkw {kxu økk{Lkk {w¾eykuLke Mk¼k çkku÷kðíkk. yu MÃkü Ëþkoðu Au fu hkßÞLkk
ðneðxe {k¤¾k{kt økk{Lkwt þwt {n¥ð níkwt. íku hkßÞLkk ðneðxeíktºkLkwt ÃkkÞkLkwt yuf{ níkwt yu{ fneyu íkku íku{kt
yrík~ÞkuÂõík LkÚke.
Q.10 Do as directed: (20  1 = 20 Marks) (20)
Choose the correct answer from the given option and darken [ ] the circle and also
write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per the sample given
below :
Sample Answer: ( C ) A B C D E
1. _______ wisdom of Sagar is great. (Fill in the blank with correct article)
(A) The
(B) The /A ( either of them can be used)
(C) An
(D) A
(E) None of the above

2. Franklin had a great genius, original, sagacious and inventive.

(Identify the adjectives)
(A) great genius
(B) genius, original
(C) great, original
(D) original
(E) genius, original, sagacious, inventive

3. He was a man fertile in resource. (Identify the part of speech in italics)

(A) Adverb
(B) Verb
(C) Abstract Noun
(D) Adjective
(E) Emphatic Pronoun

ASM-2 ] 4 [Contd.
4. The rain _______ when she came to see me. The child _______ by the time her
parents arrived. I _______ my document before the computer crashed.
(Fill in the blanks with past perfect tense)
(A) have stopped, have slept, have saved
(B) had been stopping, have been sleeping, have had save
(C) had stopped, had slept, had saved
(D) stopped, slept, saved
(E) had being stopped, had being slept, had being saved

5. The water _______. I _______ for Delhi tomorrow. He is always _______ therefore
he is never satisfied. He ____with her for a week. (Fill in the blanks with present
continuous tense)
(A) having boil, leave, having complain, stay
(B) boils, leaves, in complain, stay
(C) is boiling, am leaving, complaining, is staying
(D) has been boiling, have been leaving, being complaining, have been staying
(E) been boiling, been leaving, been complaining, is been staying

6. The factory is closed however your order will be delivered. You have had the training
therefore you will get the post. The job was difficult nevertheless we enjoyed working
on it. I shall not go nor do I want you to go. (Identify the correct sentence with
correct underlined connecting words and necessary punctuations)
(A) The factory is closed, however your order will be delivered. You have had the
training, therefore you will get the post. The job was difficult nevertheless we
enjoyed working on it. I shall not go nor do I want you to go.
(B) The factory is closed; however your order will be delivered. You have had the
training; therefore you will get the post. The job was difficult; nevertheless we
enjoyed working on it. I shall not go; nor do I want you to go.
(C) The factory is closed, however your order will be delivered. You have had the
training therefore you will get the post. The job was difficult nevertheless we,
enjoyed working on it. I shall not go nor do I want you to go.
(D) The factory is closed however; your order will be delivered. You have had the
training therefore; you will get the post. The job was difficult; nevertheless we
enjoyed working on it. I shall not go nor do I want you to go.
(E) The factory is closed; however your order will be delivered. You have had the
training therefore you will get the post. The job was difficult nevertheless; we
enjoyed working on it. I shall not go nor; do I want you to go.

7. Night is very beautiful. The moonlight very sweetly sleeps upon this bank. I wish
I were young again. It is sad to think that youth should pass away.
(Transform assertive sentences into exclamatory)
(A) Wow beautiful night ! So sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! If only I were
young again! Alas the youth should pass away !
(B) How beautiful is night ! How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! If only I
were young again! Alas the youth should pass away !
(C) So beautiful is night ! So sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! If only I were
young again! Alas the youth had passed away !
(D) How beauty is night ! Oh sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! Alas I were
young again! Alas the youth had to pass away !
(E) What beautiful is night ! O sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank ! If only
were I young again! Oh the youth must pass away !

ASM-2 ] 5 P.T.O.
8. The water melon weighed _______ five kilos. She tied a ribbon _______ her
head. Seema sat _______ her father. She wore a dupatta _______ her shoulder.
(Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)
(A) around, around, besides, over
(B) about, about, besides, over
(C) round, about, around, besides, on
(D) about, around, beside , over
(E) about, on, besides, on

9. There are _______ beautiful flowers in the garden. Do you need _______ help.
We didn’t make _______ mistakes. There aren’t _______ trees in this part of
(Fill in the blanks with appropriate determiners )
(A) some, any, any, any
(B) any, any, some, some
(C) some, some, some, any
(D) some, some, any, some
(E) some, any, any, some

10. Mother said, “it is time for us to go home.” Grandpa said, “I am alright.”
(Change the narration)
(A) Mother said the time was for us to go back home. Grandpa said that he was getting
(B) Mother said that was time for all to go back home. Grandpa said that he is alright.
(C) Mother was saying the time was for us to go back home. Grandpa said that it was
(D) Mother said that was time to go back home. Grandpa says that he was alright.
(E) Mother said it was time for us to go back home. Grandpa said that he was alright.

11. Identify the option with appropriate use of ‘the’.

(A) The France is very large. I have been to Republic of the Irelands.
(B) Kevin lives in the Newton Street.
(C) The Canary Island is nice.
(D) Peru is in the South America.
(E) Cario is capital of the Egypt.

12. Identify the grammatically incorrect sentence.

(A) There are a lot of sheep in the field.
(B) A lot of people speak English.
(C) Where is the scissors?
(D) Do you wear glasses?
(E) The police are here.

ASM-2 ] 6 [Contd.
13. Match the idioms with their meanings:
i. By the skin of your teeth a. Call for help when you don’t need it
ii. Bite of more than you can chew b. Take on a task that is too big
iii. Cry wolf c. You only just succeeded and nearly failed
iv. Curiosity killed the cat d. Get into an unpleasant situation by
being inquisitive
(A) i - d, ii - b, iii - c, iv - a
(B) i - c, ii - b, iii - a, iv - d
(C) i - a, ii - c, iii - b, iv - d
(D) i - b, ii - c, iii - d, iv - a
(E) i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d

14. Match Phrasal verbs with their meanings:

i. Act up a. Criticize
ii. Angle for b. Behave badly or strangely
iii. Bag out c. Try to get something indirectly by hinting
iv. Be in on d. Be involved in
(A) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - d
(B) i - c, ii - b, iii - a, iv - d
(C) i - a, ii-b, iii-d, iv-c
(D) i - b, ii-a, iii-c, iv-d
(E) i - b, ii-d, iii-a, iv-c

15. Identify the incorrect pair :

(A) Leave or remove from place which is dangerous - evacuate
(B) A person pretending to be somebody he is not - imposter
(C) One who is not easily pleased by anything - fastidious
(D) A name adopted by writer in his writings - nickname
(E) Giving undue favors to one’s kith and kin – nepotism

16. A shaft around which the wheel revolves is called _______. A jump in figure
skating is known as ______. Something that is pertaining to axis in mathematics
is ______. The angle between stem and the upper face of leaf is _______.
(Insert right word in right place)
(A) axil, axle, axial, axil
(B) axial, axil, axial, axil
(C) axele, axel, axial, axil
(D) axil, axial, axial, axil
(E) axle, axel, axial, axil

ASM-2 ] 7 P.T.O.
17. Identify the incorrect sentence with improper use of word in itatics.
(A) The apple is factious.
(B) He bought a factitious antique at the flea market.
(C) He doesn’t realize how fatuous his remarks about politics are
(D) He gave a wholly fictitious account of his background.
(E) The left faction opposed any settlement.

18. Looking down from eagle’s _______ would give one an _______ feeling.
(Fill in the blanks choosing correct option to make a meaningful sentence)
(A) aerie, aerie
(B) eerie, aerie
(C) aerie, eerie
(D) aerials, eerie
(E) eerie, aerials

19. Manju climbed ______ the ladder to get ______ the roof ______ fetching the hen.
(Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions)
(A) on, in, in
(B) up, onto, for
(C) in, on, for
(D) in, in, in
(E) in, of, for

20. From the following which is not the synonym of abandon

(A) desert
(B) leave
(C) renounce
(D) adopt
(E) forsake

ASM-2 ] 8 [Contd.
Paper-3 : Mkk{kLÞ yÇÞkMk / General Studies (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10
2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 10 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.
«.-1. MðkíktºÞ ÃkqðuoLkk Mk{Þøkk¤k ËhBÞkLk Mkk{kSf ÄkŠ{f [¤ð¤ku{kt çkúñku Mk{ksu {n¥ðLke ¼qr{fk ¼sðe níke.
– yk rðÄkLkLke [[ko fhku.
Q.-1. Brahmo Samaj played a significant role in the socio religions movements during the
Pre-Independence period – Discuss.
«.-2. økw shkíkLkk ykrËòrík WíMkðkuyu Mkkt Mf]r íkf Sðtí kíkk (Vibrancies) yLku ÄkŠ{f ÃkrðºkíkkLkku Mk{LðÞ Au .
– yk rðÄkLkLke [[ko fhku.
Q.-2. Tribal festivals of Gujarat are the amalgamation of cultural vibrancies and religious
holiness – Discuss.
«.-3. 19{e MkËeLkk W¥khkÄoLkk Mk{Þøkk¤kLke økwshkíke MkkrníÞLke {nkLk f]ríkyku rðþu LkkUÄ ÷¾ku.
Q.-3. Highlight the Great works of Gujarati Literature during the later part of the 19th century.
«.-4. Mkkçkh{íke LkËeLkk íkx«Ëuþ (basin)Lkk LkkUÄÃkkºk ÷ûkýku sýkðku.
Q.-4. Write a note of salient features of the Sabarmati River basin.
«.-5. ¼khík{kt LkðeLkefhý (innovation)Lku «kuíMkkrník fhðk{kt Technology Business Incubators Lke ¼qr{fkLkwt
Mk{eûkkí{f {qÕÞktfLk fhku.
Q.-5. Critically evaluate the role of Technology Business Incubators in promoting innovations
in India.
«.-6. MÚkkrLkf MðhkßÞLke MktMÚkkLkk rnMkkçkku íkÚkk ykuzex rðþu 73{k çktÄkhýeÞ MkwÄkhk{kt WÕ÷u¾ fhðk{kt ykðu÷e òuøkðkEyku
MkrðMíkkh ðýoðku.
Q. -6. Explain the Accounts and Audit related provisions of the Local Self Governments mentioned
under 73rd Constitutional Amendment.
«.-7. ¼khíkeÞ çktÄkhý nuX¤ Mkðkuoå[ yËk÷íkLkku Ëhßòu þwt Au yLku íkuLku çktÄkhýLke hûkf þk {kxu fnuðk{kt ykðu Au ? Mk{òðku.
Q. -7. What is the position of the Supreme Court under the Constitution of India and why is it called
the guardian of the Constitution? Explain.
«.-8. çkuxhe ðuMx {uLkus{uLx YÕMk 2022 (Battery Waste Management Rules 2022)yu f[hkLkwt ÃkÞkoðhýeÞ yLkwV¤
(eco-friendly) ÔÞðMÚkkÃkLk MkwrLkrùík fhþu. – MkrðMíkkh Mk{òðku.
Q.- 8. Battery Waste Management Rules 2022 will ensure eco-friendly management of
Waste – Elucidate.

ASM-3 ] 1 P.T.O.
«.-9. ¼khík MkhfkhLkku Lkðku þY fhðk{kt ykðu÷ ‘PM SHRI fkÞo¢{’yu þk¤kykuLku hk»xÙeÞ rþûký LkeríkLku yLkwYÃk ykÄwrLkf
þk¤kyku{kt WLLkík fhþu. – [[ko fhku.
Q.- 9. The newly launched “PM SHRI programme” of Government of India will upgrade the schools
into modern schools in line with National Education Policy – Discuss.
«.-10. {kLkð rðfkMk Mkq[fktf (Human Development Index) (HDI) ÔÞkÏÞkrÞík fhku yLku UNDP îkhk HDI Lke økýíkhe
fhðk{kt æÞkLk{kt ÷uðk{kt ykðíkk ytøk¼qík ½xfku rðøkíkðkh Mk{òðku.
Q.-10. Define Human Development Index (HDI) and expand the components considered for calculating

Mkq[Lkk : 1. Question No. 11 to 15
1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
2. Attempt all 5 questions.
2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
3. Each question carries 20 marks
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
«.-11. ík]íkeÞ çkkiØ Ãkrh»kËu ¼khík{kt çkkiØ Ä{oLkk «Mkkh{kt ½ýwt {kuxwt ÞkuøkËkLk ykÃÞwt níkwt. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-11. The Third Buddhist Council contributed enormously to the spread of Buddhism in
India – Discuss.
«.-12. “økwshkíkLkk {uËkLkku yLku xufheyku - f]r»k ykçkkunðk ûkuºk” íku{s íkuLkk Ãkuxk ûkuºkku økwshkíkLkk rðfkMk{kt rLkýkoÞf ¼qr{fk
¼sðu Au. – yk rðÄkLkLkwt rð&÷u»ký fhku.
Q.-12. The “Gujarat Plains and Hills Agro Climatic Zone” – with its Sub Zones is playing crucial role
in the development of Gujarat – Analyze.
«.-13. ¼khíkeÞ LkkifkˤLkwt ykÄwrLkf íkfLkefe MkkÚkuLkwt Lkðwt «ûkuÃký ÚkÞu÷wt nðkE snks ðknf (Aircraft carrier) INS
Vikrant yu «kËurþf ¼kiøkkur÷f hksfkhý{kt çkkS Ãk÷xLkkh (game changer) Au. – yk rðÄkLkLke ÞÚkkÚkoíkk [[kuo.
Q.-13. Indian Navy’s newly launched Aircraft carrier INS Vikrant is a game changer in the regional
geo politics with its modern technologies – Justify.
«.-14. ÷kufMk¼k yLku hkßÞMk¼kLke íku{Lke MktçktrÄík ÄkhkfeÞ Mk¥kkykuLkk Mkt˼o{kt Mkh¾k{ýe fhku. fE çkkçkíkku{kt yuf øk]n yu
yLÞ øk]n WÃkh «¼wíð Ähkðu Au ?
Q.-14. Compare the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in terms of their respective legislative powers.
In which respects one house has upper hand over other?
«.-15. FRBM yrÄrLkÞ{ yu hksfku»keÞ ÂMÚkhíkk yLku {nuMkq÷e ¾kÄLku Ëqh fhðkLkk íkuLkk {wÏÞ WÆu~ÞLku nktMk÷ fhðk{kt ½ýwt
ÃkkA¤ (far away) Au. – Mk{òðku.
Q.-15. The FRBM Act is far away from achieving its main objective of Fiscal Stability and eliminating
Revenue Deficit – Explain.

ASM-3 ] 2
Paper-4 : Accountancy & Auditing-1 (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10
2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 10 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.

«-1. ¼khŒeÞ rn‚kƒe Äkuhýku ™¬e fhðk™e «r¢Þk xqtf{kt ‚{òðku.

Q.-1. Briefly explain the process of issuance of Indian Accounting Standards.

«-2. ƒu yÚkðk ðÄkhu ¼k„eËkhe …uZeyku™k ‚tÞkus™{kt ‚k{u÷ rn‚kƒe «r¢Þk™wt ðýo™ fhku.
Q.-2. Describe the accounting procedure involved in amalgamation of two or more partnership firms.

«-3. ¼kzu yk…u÷ {fk™{ktÚke f÷{ 24 {wsƒ fE fE f…kŒku ƒkË {¤u Au?
Q.-3. Which deductions are permissible from income of let out house property under section 24?

«-4. {qze hkufký™k r™ýoÞ™wt {qÕÞktf™ fhðk™e yktŒrhf ð¤Œh™k Ëh™e …ØrŒ™e W…Þku„eŒk y™u {ÞkoËkyku™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-4. Discuss the utility and limitations of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) methods of appraising a
capital Investment decision.

«-5. BÞwåÞwy÷ Vtz îkhk Œu{™k rn‚kƒku ŒiÞkh fhðk {kxu su rn‚kƒe ™erŒyku™wt …k÷™ fhðk{kt ykðu Au Œu ‚{òðku.
Q.-5. Explain the accounting policies which are to be followed by mutual funds for preparation of
their accounts.

«-6. ðnU[ýe…kºk ™Vk™wt ykurzx rnŒÄkhfku™u ƒnw{Œe þuhÄkhfku™e rV÷‚wVe™ku LÞkÞ fhðk ‚ûk{ ƒ™kðu Au.” – xeÃ…ýe
Q.-6. “Audit of divisible profits enables the stakeholders to judge the philosophy of majority
shareholders.” – Comment.

«-7. …zŒh ykurzx™k nuŒwyku y™u …zŒh ykurzx™u ÷k„w …zŒe fkÞËkfeÞ òu„ðkEyku™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-7. Discuss the purpose of cost audit and the legal provisions regarding applicability of cost audit.

«-8. ft…™eyku …kuŒk™k þuh þk {kxu …kAk ¾heËu Au? ‚{òðku. ƒku™‚ þuh ƒnkh …kzðkÚke Œu fuðe heŒu y÷„ Au?
Q.-8. Explain why the companies buy back their own shares? How is it different from issue of bonus

ASM-4 ] 1 P.T.O.
«-9. ‘rn‚kƒe ÏÞk÷ku’ y™u ‘rn‚kƒe «ýkr÷fkyku’ ðå[u™ku ŒVkðŒ ‚{òðku.
Q. 9. Distinguish between ‘accounting concepts’ and ‘accounting conventions’.

«-10. ™kýkfeÞ …ºkfku™k yÚko½x™{kt „wýku¥kh rð~÷u»ký™e ¼qr{fk ‚{òðku y™u „wýku¥kh rð~÷u»ký™e {ÞkoËk Œ…k‚ku.
Q. 10. Explain the role of ratio analysis in the interpretation of financial statements. Examine the
limitations of ratio analysis.

Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15
2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 5 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 20 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.

«-11. rðËuþe þk¾k™k fk[k ‚hðiÞk™u {wÏÞ ykuVe‚™k [÷ý{kt Y…ktŒrhŒ fhðk™k r™Þ{ku sýkðku. ykðk Y…ktŒh™u fkhýu
WƼðŒk rðr™{Þ ŒVkðŒ ‚kÚku fuðe heŒu ÔÞðnkh fhþku?
Q. 11. State the rules for conversion of a foreign branch trial balance in the currency of the head
office. How would you deal with the difference in exchange resulting on account of such

«-12. {qze{k¤¾k™k {kuzeø÷eyk™e-r{÷h yr¼„{™wt rððu[™kí{f {qÕÞktf™ fhku.

Q. 12. Give a critical appraisal of the Modigliani-Miller(MM) approach to the theory of Capital

«-13. rzƒuL[h y™u rzƒuL[h …hŒ yux÷u þwt? rzƒuL[h …hŒ fhðk™e rðrðÄ …ØrŒyku™wt WËknhý ‚neŒ ðýo™ fhku.
Q. 13. What is a debenture and its redemption? Describe the various methods for redemption of
debentures with illustrations.

«-14. ÔÞrõŒ, ft…™e, ®nËw yrð¼õŒ fwxwtƒ y™u yLÞ ÔÞrõŒyku™ku hnuXký™ku Ëhßòu ™¬e fhðk {kxu ykðfðuhk fkÞËk™e
{q¤¼qŒ þhŒku sýkðku.
Q. 14. State the basic conditions of Income-tax Act to determine the residential status of an individual,
a company, HUF and all other persons.

«-15. ft…™e Äkhk 2013 {wsƒ ykuzexh™e ÞkuøÞŒk, ÷kÞfkŒ, yÞkuøÞŒk, n¬ku y™u Vhòu™e [[ko fhku.
Q. 15. Discuss the Eligibility, Qualifications, Disqualifications, Rights and Duties of Auditor as per
Companies Act 2013.

ASM-4 ] 2
Paper-5 : Accountancy & Auditing-2 (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10
2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 10 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.

«.-1. …zŒh™e …ØrŒyku fk{„ehe™k MðY… y™w‚kh ð„eof]Œ fhðk{kt ykðu Au.” – ‚{òðku
Q.-1. “Costing methods are classified according to the nature of operations” – Explain.

«.-2. fk{Ëkh «kuí‚kn™™e rðrðÄ Þkus™kyku™wt ‚trûkÃík{kt ðýo™ fhku.

Q. 2. Briefly describe the various methods of labour incentive plans.

«.-3. ðMŒw y™u ‚uðkyku™ku …whðXku yux÷u þwt? Syu‚xe nuX¤ ðMŒwyku y™u ‚uðkyku™k …whðXk™k rðrðÄ «fkhku™e [[ko fhku.

Q. 3. What is “Supply of Goods and Services”? Discuss the different types of “Supply” under GST.

«.-4. ðuhk þk¾ (E™…wx xuûk ¢uzex) ÷uðk {kxu™e þhŒku fE Au?

Q. 4. What are the conditions for taking Input Tax Credit?

«.-5. ð[„k¤k™wt ytËks…ºk yux÷u þwt? Œu ðkr»kof ytËks…ºkÚke fuðe heŒu y÷„ Au?
Q. 5. What do you understand by Interim budget? How is it different from the annual budget?

«.-6. yuûkxuL‚eƒ÷ rƒÍ™u‚ rhÃkkuxeOøk ÷Uøðus (XBRL) yux÷u þwt ? XBRL {kt ™kýkfeÞ …ºkfku {wfðkÚke ft…™e™u ÚkŒk
VkÞËkyku™e [[ko fhku.

Q. 6. What is extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)? Discuss the benefits to a company
from putting its financial statements into XBRL?

«.-7. ‚whu¾ ykÞkus™ yu ‚t[k÷feÞ r™ýoÞku{kt ‚kiÚke ðÄw W…Þku„{kt ÷uðkŒe Œf™ef Au” – Äkhýkyku ‚kÚku [[ko fhku.

Q. 7. “Linear Programming is the most frequently used technique of managerial decision” – Discuss
with assumptions.

«.-8. xuf™ku÷kuSyu ¼khŒ{kt ƒu®Lf„ ‚uðkyku™ku [nuhku ƒË÷e ™kÏÞku Au.” – [[ko fhku.

Q. 8. “Technology has changed the face of banking services in India” – Discuss.

ASM-5 ] 1 P.T.O.
«.-9. “„úk{eý rÄhký {k¤¾k{kt «kËurþf „úk{eý çkUfku {níð…qýo ™kýkfeÞ ‚tMÚkk Au.” – [[ko fhku.

Q. 9. “Regional rural banks are important financial institution in the rural credit structure.” – Discuss.

«.-10. {kt„™ku r™Þ{ sýkðku. {kt„™k r™Þ{™e Äkhýkyku fE Au ?

Q. 10. State the law of demand. What are the assumptions of the law of demand?

Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15
2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 5 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 20 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.

«.-11. “ytËkòu y™u «{kýku yuf s ðMŒw ™Úke, Œuyku™k swËk-swËk nuŒwyku nkuÞ Au y™u Œuyku y÷„-y÷„ heŒu MÚkkr…Œ ÚkkÞ
Au y™u W…Þku„{kt ÷uðkÞ Au, Œu{ AŒkt Œu{™e ðå[u [ku¬‚ ‚tƒtÄ yrMŒíð{kt Au.” – ‚{òðku.
Q. 11. “Budgets and Standards are not the same things, they have different purposes and are set up
and used in different ways, yet a specific relationship exists between them” – Explain.

«.-12. AuÕ÷k …kt[ ð»ko{kt ðMŒwyku y™u ‚uðk fh(Syu‚xe)™k fkÞËk™e r‚æÄeyku fE Au y™u Syu‚xe «ýk÷e ‚kÚku™k {wÏÞ
…zfkhku fÞk Au – [[kuo.
Q. 12. What are the key achievements of the Goods and Services Act (GST) in the last five years and
highlights the major challenges with GST System. – Discuss.

«.-13. ¼khŒ™k r™Þtºkf y™u {nk÷u¾k …rhûkf (CAG)™wt fkÞko÷Þyu ƒtÄkhýeÞ sðkƒËkhe™k …„÷k™e f{k™ Œhefu …kÞk™k
…ÚÚkh Œhefu™wt fkÞo fhu Au. – xeÃ…ýe fhku.
Q. 13. The office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India is the keystone in the arch of
constitutional measures of accountability. – Comment.

«.-14. ¼khŒeÞ ™kýkfeÞ «ýk÷e{kt ¼khŒeÞ heÍðo çkUf™e ™kýkfeÞ ‚¥kkrÄfkh, r™Þ{™fkh y™u ‚w…hðkEÍh Œhefu™e
¼qr{fk™e [[ko fhku.
Q. 14. Discuss the role of the Reserve Bank of India as a monetary authority, regulator and supervisor
of financial system.

«.-15. ƒòh yux÷u þwt? rðrðÄ «fkh™k ƒòh {k¤¾k™k {wÏÞ ½xfku™u M…ü fhku.
Q. 15. What does market mean? Elucidate the main elements of different market structure.

ASM-5 ] 2 [Contd.
Executive Engg (Mechanical), Class - 1 (GWSSB) Adv 3/2021-22
ÃkuÃkh - 1
rð»kÞ : økwshkíke
Mk{Þ : 2 f÷kf fw÷ økwý : 100

«-1. ™e[u™k ºký …ife fkuE…ý yuf rð»kÞ …h ykþhu 250 Úke 300 þçËku{kt r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. (20)

(f) ðirïf …rh«uûÞ{kt ¼khŒeÞ yæÞkí{™ku «¼kð

(¾) …zkuþe Ëuþku™e hksfeÞ rMÚkrŒ y™u ¼khŒeÞ yÚkoŒtºk …h y‚h
(„) xu÷efkuBÞwr™fuþ™:„úunk{ ƒu÷Úke 5G
«-2. ™e[u™k ƒu …ife fkuE…ý yuf ™ku ykþhu 100 þçËku{kt rð[kh-rðMŒkh fhku. (10)

(f) Sð nSyu ÍǼk{kt Au, Vkxe „E Au òŒ, fƒehk.– [tÿuþ {fðkýk

(¾) nkÚk …kuŒk™kuÞ ƒesku òýðk …k{u ™rn,
ferzÞkÁt yu{ …qÞwO nkuÞ Œu ƒu‚u ynª.– M™une …{kh
«-3. ™e[u™k „ã¾tz™ku ykþhu 1/3 ¼k„{kt Œ{khk þçËku{kt ‚tûku… fhku. (10)

„útÚkk÷Þ yux÷u rþðk÷Þ, fÕÞkýfkhe rþð™u «÷Þ ‚so™khk fÌkk Au. «÷Þ yux÷u ™kþ. yu Œku þkrçËf
yÚko Au. rðrþc yÚko Au- «÷Þ …uËk fh™khk yÚkkoŒT «÷Þ ÷Þ …uËk fh™khk. Sð™{kt su ¾kuhðkÞwt nkuÞ Œu{kt
‚tðkrËŒk Úkfe …w™:÷Þ ‚t„eŒ …uËk fhe ‚{Œwr÷Œ fh™khk. y¿kk™Œk fu su{kt fk{, ¢kuÄ, {Ë y™u ÷ku¼™ku
‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au Œu yrŒhuf™ku ™kþ fh™khk. rþð su{kt ð‚u Au Œu rþðk÷Þ. ykðwt s Y… „útÚkk÷Þ™wt Au, ðk[™,
®[Œ™ y™u {™™™e ºký …kt¾zeyku ðk¤k ƒe÷e…ºkku Œku yk…ýe …k‚u nkshknsqh Au. Œu ¾heËðk …i‚k™e
sYh ™Úke. ŒkËkíBÞ y™u ©ØkÚke ƒu ƒu nkÚkku™u ƒË÷u ykt¾kuÚke yr¼ðkË™ fheyu yux÷u ƒe÷e…ºkku [Zâkt s
‚{òu. „útÚkk÷Þ ‚wÄe [k÷ðwt yu h¾z…èe ™rn …ý …ËÞkºkk! ™u íÞkt …nkU[ðwt yux÷u ‚t„{ŒeÚko. „útÚk…k÷ Œku
Œu™ku …qòhe, ‚uðk Œu fhu ™u …‚tË„e™ku «‚kË Ähu.
…ktzwht„ ËkËkyu ‘fu™ku…r™»kË’{kt LkkUæÞwt Au Œu {wsƒ ‚w{urhÞ™, ¾krÕzÞ™, ErsrÃþÞ™, „úef y™u ykÞo™e
‚tMf]rŒ™ku Œ÷M…þeo yÇÞk‚ îkhk Œk„ {u¤ðeþwt Œku ƒnwÄk ‚tMf]rŒyku™e ykÄkhrþ÷kyku{kt yuf Œ¥ð ‚{k™
sýkþu ™u Œu™kÚke «ËurþfŒkðkË y™u hk»xÙðkË …ý yk…kuyk… ¾he sþu. yk heŒu yk „útÚkk÷Þku{kt hnu÷k
‚k{krsf Wíf»ko™k ÔÞrõŒíð rðfk‚™kt y™ufrðÄ …wMŒfku {k™ðŒk™k fÕÞkýkÚkuo ‚íÞ, y®n‚k™u LÞkÞ™k
‚{k™ Œ¥ð™u „qtÚke ÷u™khk Au. ‚{Þ™k …x …h yuf s fuLÿ …h („útÚkk÷Þ{kt) ÔÞŒeŒ fk¤™k y™u ðŒo{k™
fk¤™k ði¿kkr™fku, yÚkoþkMºkeyku, {k™‚ þkMºkeyku, ‚tŒku, ‚uðfku, ¼õŒku ™u Œ¥ð ®[Œfku™ku ‚t„{ ÚkkÞ Au.
su{ ‚{wÿ{kt „t„k, fkðuhe, Þ{w™k, ƒúñ…wºkk ð„uhu ¼¤e òÞ Au Œu{ rðrþc ÔÞrõŒíð y™u ‚tMf]rŒ ÄhkðŒk
rðrðÄ ‚sofku™e rð[kh ‚hýe™wt ‚t„{ MÚkk™ yu „útÚkk÷Þ Au. y÷„ y÷„ …tÚk, ‚t«ËkÞ ™u Yr[ ÄhkðŒk
ðk[fku™ku …ý íÞkt ‚t„{ ÚkŒku nkuÞ ‚k[k yÚko{kt yk ŒeÚko Au ™u ‚t„{ ŒeÚko™ku {k„oËþof „útÚk…k÷ Au.
©e «¼wËk‚ …nkz…whe;{Ä…wzku…k™ ™t. 428
«-4. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™u ykÄkhu Œu™e ™e[u …qAu÷k «§ku™k sðkƒ ÷¾ku. (10)
ºký «fkh™kt ®ƒËw rðï{kt …rðºkAu: Íkf¤®ƒËw, y©w®ƒËw y™u «MðuË®ƒËw. ‚ðkhu ¼kUÞ …h ¾he …zu÷kt
…krhòŒ™kt …w»…ku™e …kt¾zeyku ‚kÚku ð¤„u÷kt Íkf¤®ƒËw ‚wðk‚™u ¼e™kþ™e Ëeûkk yk…Œkt nkuÞ Au. yu
Íkf¤¼e™kt …krhòŒ ðeýe ÷E™u r«Þs™™e nÚku¤e{kt {qfŒe ð¾Œu fkuE þçËku ƒku÷ðk™e sYh hnuŒe ™Úke.
yk{ fhðkÚke ‘y™w¼qrŒ™wt fwtðkhk…ýwt’ ûkeý ÚkkÞ Au. S¼ îkhk ÚkŒwt «íÞkÞ™ «Ëqr»kŒ nkuE þfu, …htŒw ykt¾
îkhk su fnuðkÞ Œu{kt y‚íÞ™e ¼u¤‚u¤ nkuŒe ™Úke. y©w®ƒËw y™u Íkf¤®ƒËw Mð¼kðu r™{o¤ nkuÞ Au.

MEM-1 ] 1 P.T.O.
{k™r‚f ykhkuøÞ {kxu «u{Úke [rzÞkŒwt Sð™-h‚kÞý szðwt Ëw÷o¼ Au. ‘{¤u÷k Sð’ ðå[u h[kŒkt y©ws¤™kt
{u½ Ä™w»Þ Mðs™ku™e ™shu …zŒkt ™Úke.y©ws¤ x…fe …zu yu ½x™k ðkˤ ðh‚e …zu Œu™k suðe …rðºk Au.
Mºkeyku Íx hze þfu Au ŒuÚke Œu{™wt {k™r‚f ykhkuøÞ ƒnw {kuxe rðxtƒýk rð™k òu¾{kŒwt ™Úke. Mºkeyku™eËw:¾
ðuXðk™e ûk{Œk «{ký{kt ðÄkhu Au, fkhýfu yu{™kt y©ws¤ ‚kð ‚ns…ýu ðne þfu Au. …rhýk{u yu{™wt
ç÷z«uþh …ý Íx ¾kuhðkŒwt ™Úke.
rËð‚{kt yuf ðkh þhehu …h‚uðku ð¤u Œuðwt fhðwt yu ŒtËwhMŒe {kxu™k ðe{k™wt r«r{Þ{ Au. þheh™e [k{ze
îkhk …h‚uðk ‚kÚku hku„ ƒnkh ™ef¤Œku nkuÞ Au. W™k¤k{kt Œku yk¤‚w {ký‚™u …ý …h‚uðku ð¤u Au. rþÞk¤k{kt
…h‚uðku ð¤u Œu {kxu Íz…¼uh [k÷ðwt …zŒwt nkuÞ Au. yk…f{kE™ku …h‚uðku yk…ýk ykhkuøÞ™e „uhtxe y™u
ðkuhtxe Au. ¾he ¼q¾ ÷k„u íÞkhu ¼kýu ƒuXu÷ku {ký‚ …kuŒk™k þheh{kt fuð¤ fu÷uhe s ™rn, ykÞw»Þ …ý
…ÄhkðŒku nkuÞ Au. {urzf÷ Mxkuh yuf yuðe søÞk Au, ßÞkt {ký‚u Úkkuzkf ‚tfku[ ‚kÚku fkuE òuE ™ òÞ yuðe
heŒu sðwt òuEyu. „wshkŒ™e „]rnýe ‚huhkþ …kt[ rf÷ku ðs™ ½xkzðk™ku ‚tfÕ… fhu Œku yu{™kt ½qtxý™u
fkÞ{e hknŒ ÚkkÞ. …h‚uðku s ™ …zu Œuðe Sð™þi÷e hku„™e yk{tºký …rºkfk òýðe. «MðuË ®ƒËw …rðºk Au,
©{Sðe™u …h‚uðku ™Úke nkuŒku, yu™ku …h‚uðku …rðºk Au. Íkf¤®ƒËw Sð™™e ¿kk™ÞwõŒ MðåAŒk™wt «Œef Au,
y©w®ƒËw {™w»Þ{kt hnu÷e ¼kðÞwõŒ ¼rõŒ™wt «Œef Au y™u «MðuË®ƒËw yu {™w»Þ™e f{or™ck™wt ŒeÚko‚r÷÷ Au.
„wýðtŒ þkn: yuf÷Œk™k yuðhuMx …h …k™ ™t: 261
1. ÷u¾f þk™u ‘y™w¼qrŒ™wt fwtðkhk…ýwt’ fnu Au?
2. {k™r‚f ykhkuøÞ rðþu ÷u¾f þwt {k™u Au?
3. ‘yk… f{kE™ku …h‚uðku yux÷u yk…ýk ykhkuøÞ™e „uhtxe y™u ðkuhtxe’ þkÚke?
4. Íkf¤®ƒËw, y©w®ƒËw y™u «MðuË®ƒËw þk™k ‚q[f Au?
5. yk „ã¾tz™u ÞkuøÞ þe»kof yk…ku.
«-5. {kŒ]¼k»kk™k rþûký rðþu ðk÷eyku™e WËk‚e™Œk yt„u ‘f, ¾, „’ ðŒo{k™…ºk{kt (10)
200 þçËku{kt [[ko…ºk ÷¾ku.
«-6. Œ{u yuf «rŒrcŒ „wshkŒe ‚kókrnf {kxu fku{™ ðuÕÚk „uEB‚-2022{kt ynuðk÷ {kxu„Þk Aku, (10)
Œu‚t˼uo ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku.
«-7. ™e[u yk…u÷k r[ºk …hÚke ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt Œ{khk r™heûkýku ÷¾ku. (10)

MEM-1 ] 2 [Contd.
«-8. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™kuyt„úuS{ktÚke„wshkŒe ¼k»kk{kt y™wðkË fhku. (10)
Once we have accepted that love is a stimulus, we come up against the third obstacle:
fear of the defeats we will meet on the path. We who fight for our own dream suffer far
more when it doesn't work out, because we cannot fall back on the old excuse, "oh, well,
I didn't really want it anyway." We do not want it and know that we have staked
everything on it and that the path of personal calling is no easier than any other path,
except that our whole heart is in this journey. Then we warriors of light must be prepared
to have patience in difficult times and to know that the Universe is conspiring in our
favour, even though we may not understand how. I ask myself: are defeats necessary?
Well, necessary or not, they happen.
When we first begin fighting for our dream, we have no experience and make many
mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and got up eight times. So, why
is it important to live our personal calling if we are only going to suffer more than other
«-9. ™e[u yk…u÷k «§ku™k ‚q[ÔÞk {wsƒ sðkƒ ÷¾ku. (10)
1. ™e[u yk…u÷k YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu™ku ðkõÞ «Þku„ fhku.
fkuÚk¤e{ktÚke ‚k… ™ef¤ðku
2. ™e[u yk…u÷e fnuðŒ™ku yÚko yk…ku.
Œzfu-Œzfu {un ðh‚u ™u ôËhze W[k¤k ¼hu
3. ™e[u yk…u÷k ‚k{kr‚f þçË™ku rð„ún fhe yku¤¾kðku.
4. ™e[u yk…u÷e …trõŒ™ku AtË yku¤¾kðku.
…ð™ Íz…u …kýe zkuÕÞkt, ™Ëe {÷fe …ze.
5. ™e[u yk…u÷k y÷tfkh™u yku¤¾kðku.
{eh òVh ™k{™ku ™ðkƒ nŒku.
6. ™e[u yk…u÷k þçË ‚{qn {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
‚khk™h‚k™ku ¼uË …k{ðku fu Œu™e þrõŒ
7. ™e[u yk…u÷k þçËku™e ‚k[e òuzýe ÷¾ku.
8. ™e[u yk…u÷k ðkõÞ™u ÷u¾™YrZ y™u ¼k»kk þwrØ™e árüyu ‚wÄkhe™u VheÚke ÷¾ku.
[wtxýe ‚¼k{kt ÷„¼„ nÍkhuf {ký‚ nþu.
9. ™e[u yk…u÷k þçËku™ku ‚trÄ rð„ún fhku.
10. ™e[u yk…u÷k ðkõÞ{kt WËu~Þ y™u rðÄuÞ¾tzku yku¤¾ðku.
{khe ™k™e ƒnu™™wt ™k{ Œku y{]Œk.

MEM-1 ] 3 P.T.O.
Subject : English
Time : 2 Hours Total Marks : 100

Q. 1 Write an essay on any one of the following in 250 to 300 words. It must exhibit your (20)
grasp and critical understanding of the subject in the best possible individual style
having originality of thought and expression. It must be well argued piece of writing
coherently and sequentially with observance of grammar rules.

I. Discuss Health Humanities as the study of the intersection between health and
humanistic disciplines.

II. Evolution of Industry 4.0 to Industry 5.0 concept.

III. New India @ 75: Bringing the flag home collectively as the Nation celebrates
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav symbolic of personal connection to the Tiranga and
an embodiment of our commitment to Nation-building.

IV. Suggest the ways to empower communities and guide them to set their own goals
and equip them so that progress made is sustained, and continued long after.

V. “Exercise is labour without weariness”

Q. 2 Imagine that you are an engineer on special duty at Bharatmala Project launched (10)
for INR 14,000 crore. The project will be “India Garland” and it will garland the
entire country. This 5000-km road project by the central government is planned to be
finished within 5 years. Your senior officer has sought your suggestion for completing
the project in best way within the deadline. Write a letter to your senior officer giving
your opinion in about 150 words.

Q. 3 Gujarat Gyan Guru Quiz is organized with the vision to provide an intensified impetus (10)
towards enthusiasm in students. It is an activity that combines education, fun and
competition. Under the guidance of NSS( National Service Scheme) program officer
and academic coordinator of your institution, as the general secretary you have
organized an awareness drive for the students to participate in the quiz. Write a
report about the awareness drive event in 200 words.

Q. 4 Observe the picture carefully, and summarize your ideas meaningfully by (10)
selecting and reporting description in about 150 words.

MEM-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q. 5 Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of Gujarat is Organizing Mega (10)
event on World Bicycle Day to popularize the usage of cycling to solve the dual issues
of global warming and unhealthy lifestyle. In about 150 words draft an inaugural
speech of this event to be delivered by the Honourable Governor of Gujarat.
Q. 6 Write a précis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (10)
Shekar Goud is the first and the only triple amputee in the world scale Mount Elbrus,
the highest peak in Russia, Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and
Mount Koscuiszko, mainland Australia’s highest mountain. When Shekar was eighteen,
his right arm and left leg were amputated. He also lost his toes and much of the skin of
the right foot in an electrical accident. The sympathy and the consolation that he
received from others only made him more determinedto overcome his difficult
While people expressed uncertainty regarding his future, Sekhar’s strong will, grit
and perseverance helped him focus on positive aspects of life. Sekhar encountered
psychological stress and anxiety after his trauma, but after his hospitalization, he
resolved to overcome his life altering circumstances. He began by focusing on the
positives as he was determined to achieve the purpose of his life. Since then, there
has been no looking back for Sekhar. He has participated in numerous Marathons
and duathlons. His first Marathon was the Airtel 10k run in 2014. He has cycled 4100
km in just 58 days from South India to North India. Sekhar has also trekked for 84 km
to reach the base camp of Mount Everest. Sekhar loves cycling and cycles for around
100 km or so whenever he finds the time. He runs around 15 km daily to train his body
for upcoming trek. However, unlike at the beginning of his mountaineering career,
Sekhar has been struggling for funds to undertake various treks. His triumph over his
circumstances inspires us to realise our dreams without giving up, even during tough
times. (269 words)
Q. 7 Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (10)
The old lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she lived. Her shopping
had tired her and her basket had grown heavier with every step of the way home. In
the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest; but when she got out at her own
floor, both were forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door was open. She
was thinking that she must reprimand her daily maid the next morning for such a
monstrous piece of negligence, when she remembered that she had gone shopping after
the maid had left and she knew that she had turned both keys in their locks. She
walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open, yet
following her regular practice she had shut them before going out. Looking into the
drawing room, she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk. It was as clear as
the daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence. Her first impulse
was to go around all the rooms looking for thieves, but then she decided at her age it
might be more prudent to have someone with her, so she went to fetch the porter from
his basement. By this time her legs were beginning to tremble, so she sat down and
accepted a cup of very strong tea, while he telephoned to the police. Then her composure
regained, she was ready to set off with the porter’s assistance to search for any intruders
who might still be lurking in her flat.
They went through the rooms, being careful to touch nothing as they did not want
to hinder the police in their search for fingerprints. The chaos was inconceivable. She
had lived in the flat for thirty years and was a veritable magpie at hoarding; and it
seemed as though everything she possessed had been tossed out and turned over and
over. At least sorting out the things she could have discarded years ago was being
made easier for her. Then the police inspector began to look for fingerprints, while the
constable checked that the front door locks had not been forced, thereby proving that

MEM-2 ] 2 [Contd.
the burglars had either used the skeleton keys or entered over the balcony. There was
no trace of fingerprints, but the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained
jewellery which the old lady said was not hers. So their entry into this flat was apparently
not the burglars’ first job that day and they must have been disturbed. The inspector
then asked the old lady to try to check what was missing by the next day and advised
her not to stay alone in the flat for a few nights. The old lady thought he was a fussy
creature, but since the porter agreed with him, she rang up her daughter and asked for
help in what she described little spot of bother.
Questions :
1. What is the meaning of ‘the ransacked flat’?
2. What was the old lady’s first impulse and what did she do at moment of this impulse?
3. What happened in the basement and who telephoned the police?
4. What did the old lady do when she had regained her composure?
5. Why was the chaos inconceivable? What assumption were made when the inspector
found a dirty red bundle ?
6. Did the police find any trace of fingerprints ?According to the old lady who was a
fussy creature and why?
7. On which point the porter agreed with the inspector? Why was the old lady advised
not to stay alone for few nights in the flat?
8. What does ‘magpie’ mean in context of this passage? Give meaning of ‘little spot of
9. There is a mention of old lady’s one relative in the passage, who is that relative?
10. Who is a ‘porter’ and what is his job in context of this passage?

Q. 8. Do as directed : (10  1 = 10 Marks) (10)

Choose the correct answer from the given option and darken [ ] the circle and also
write the correct answer in the bracket ( CAPITAL LETTER ) as per the sample
given below :
Sample Answer: ( C ) A B C D E
1. Jyotsna said that the rain had been falling the day before. Seema said that the
man could come. Rakesh said that the man had come at six. Praveen said that he
had seen that man long time ago. (Change the narration)
(A) Jyotsna said, “ Rain has been falling day before.” Seema said, “The man could
come”. Rakesh said, “ The man might come.” Praveen said, “I saw this man years
(B) Jyotsna said, “ Rain has been falling yesterday.” Seema said, “The man could
come”. Rakesh said, “ The man may be coming.” Praveen said, “I have seen this
man long ago.”
(C) Jyotsna said, “ Rain was falling yesterday.” Seema said, “The man can come.”
Rakesh said, “ The man is coming.” Praveen said, “I saw this man long ago.”
(D) Jyotsna said, “ Rain had been falling since yesterday.” Seema said, “The man
could be coming”. Rakesh said, “ The man may be coming.” Praveen said, “I
have seen this man long ago.”
(E) Jyotsna said, “ Rain has been falling yesterday.” Seema said, “The man can come”.
Rakesh said, “ The man may be coming.” Praveen said, “I have seen this man
long ago.”

MEM-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
2. Her and him led the singing. You will soon hear from we boys. Every Ship has it’s
own officers. (Correct the errors in the use of pronouns in the given sentences)
(A) Me and him led the singing. You will soon hear from us boys. Every ship has its
own officers.
(B) Me and he led the singing. You will soon hear from we boys. Every ship has its
self officers.
(C) Myself and he led the singing. You will soon hear from we boys. Every ship has
ones officers.
(D) Me and he led the singing. You will soon hear from we boys. Every ship has it
(E) Me and he led the singing. You will soon hear from ourselves boys. Every ship
has its’ officers.
3. Welcomed by all, Sachin felt great. Having finished our work, we went to play.
The defeated team resolved to play again.
(Underline the participles and indicate whether it is present participle, past
participle or perfect participle)
(A) Welcomed by all, Sachin felt great. (past participle)
Having finished our work, we went to play. (perfect participle)
The defeated team resolved to play again. (past participle)
(B) Welcomed by all, Sachin felt great. (past participle)
Having finished our work, we went to play. (perfect participle)
The defeated team resolved to play again. (past participle)
(C) Welcomed by all, Sachin felt great. (past participle)
Having finished our work, we went to play. (perfect participle)
The defeated team resolved to play again. (past participle)
(D) Welcomed by all, Sachin felt great. (past participle)
Having finished our work, we went to play. (perfect participle)
The defeated team resolved to play again. (past participle)
(E) Welcomed by all, Sachin felt great. (past participle)
Having finished our work, we went to play. (perfect participle)
The defeated team resolved to play again. (past participle)
4. Identify the option with correct labelling of parts of speech.
(A) Why did you do it ? I know the reason why he did it ?
(Adverb) (Adverb)

This is not the time to go into why and whereof of the matter.

(B) Why did you do it ? I know the reason why he did it ?

(interjection) (Noun)

This is not the time to go into why and whereof of the matter.

(C) Why did you do it ? I know the reason why he did it ?

(pronoun) (Adjective)

This is not the time to go into why and whereof of the matter.

(D) Why did you do it ? I know the reason why he did it ?

(Adjective) (Pronoun)

This is not the time to go into why and whereof of the matter.

(E) Why did you do it ? I know the reason why he did it ?

(Adverb) (Noun)

This is not the time to go into why and whereof of the matter.

MEM-2 ] 4 [Contd.
5. Prices are up. Let us go up the hill. The next up train leaves within an hour. They
had their ups and downs. (Observe four uses of up and choose the option with
right identification in the bracket)
(A) Prices are up. (Adjective) Let us go up the hill. (Preposition The next up train
leaves within an hour. (Adverb) They had their ups and downs. (Noun)
(B) Prices are up. (Verb) Let us go up the hill. (Adverb)
The next up train leaves within an hour. (Adjective)
They had their ups and downs. (Noun).
(C) Prices are up. ( Adverb) Let us go up the hill. (Preposition)
The next up train leaves within an hour. (Adjective)
They had their ups and downs. (Noun)
(D) Prices are up. (Verb) Let us go up the hill. (Preposition)
The next up train leaves within an hour. (Adverb)
They had their ups and downs. (Pronoun)
(E) Prices are up. (Preposition) Let us go up the hill. (Preposition)The next up train
leaves within an hour. (Adverb) They had their ups and downs. (Noun)

6. The cow had been spoiling new plants in the garden. The plants are watered by
the gardener. A new plant will be being installed by the Company. (Change the
(A) The new plants in the garden had been being spoilt by the cow. The gardener
waters the plants. The Company will be installing a new plant.
(B) The new plants in the garden had been spoilt by the cow. The gardener is watering
the plants. The Company will be installed by a new plant.
(C) The new plant in the garden had being spoiled by the cow. The gardener watered
the plants. The Company is being installing a new plant.
(D) The new plants in the garden had been spoiled by the cow. The gardener bad
being watering the plants. The Company has been installing a new plant.
(E) The newer plants in the garden had been spoiling. The gardener bad being watering
the plants. The Company has been installing a new plant.

7. An outing had been organized by the team. The students have been being taken
by the school for a study tour. (Change the voice)
(A) The team has organized an outing. The school had been taking the students for a
study tour.
(B) The team has been organizing an outing. The school has beingtaking the students
for a study tour.
(C) The team had organized an outing. The school has been taking the students for a
study tour.
(D) The team has had organized an outing. The school has had been taking the students
for a study tour.
(E) The team organized an outing. The school is being taking the students for a study

MEM-2 ] 5 P.T.O.
8. He is a man of _______ manners. His manners are ________. He is in _____ service.
We don’t like his ______conduct.
(Fill in the banks correctly to covey the right meaning)
(A) gentel, gentel, emperial, emperious
(B) genteel, gentel, imperious, imperious
(C) gentel, gentel, imperial, imperial
(D) gentle, genteel, imperial, imperious
(E) gentleful, gentel, imperious, imperial

9. Identify the option with right use of idioms.

(A) Whatever may come out, I must finish this project work by this evening.
Many people hang in the main city square all day.
(B) The meeting brooked up late at night. I shall call on your office tomorrow.
(C) Though defeated, he would not give in. It was given out that the king was dead.
(D) He got beyond scot free. Some robbers fell in the lonely traveller.
(E) The ceremony comes on Sunday next. I cannot fell into your view.
10. Identify the incorrect pair
(A) Chronophobia – Fear of time
(B) Logophobia – Fear of words
(C) Gamophobia – Fear of games
(D) Bathophobia – Fear of depths
(E) Hodophobia – Fear of travelling

Q. 9. Translate the following Passage from Gujarati into English (10)

«Úk{ yuýu y{ËkðkË{kt MkËTøkwYLke ½ýe þkuÄ feÄe, Ãký íÞktÚke fkuE Lkrn {¤ðkÚke fkþe, «Þkøk
sðkLkku rLkùÞ fhe íku yu Lkøkh Akuze LkeféÞku. {køko{kt íku suÃkwh økÞku fnuðkÞ Au. íÞktLkk økkuMkktELkk çkk¤fLku
þhýu sE hÌkku. y¾k ÃkkMku Ãkw»f¤ ÿÔÞ nkuðkÚke {nkhksu íkuLkku ½ýku Mkkhku Mkífkh fÞkuo. íÞkt Mkkhkt Mkkhkt
r{ükLLkku, Xkuh, ¾wðk, {÷kE ðøkuhu ÃkËkÚkkuo íkuLku hkusLkk s{ðkLkk {¤íkk níkk, Ãký WÃkËuþLke íkku ðkík s {¤u
Lkrn, yux÷u yuýu {nkhksLku Lk{Mfkh feÄk yLku ðkuxËûkýk ykÃke rðËkÞ ÚkÞku. y¾ku yu ÃkAe økkufw¤{Úkwhk{kt
Ãký økÞu÷ku sýkÞ Au.
fkuE MÚk¤u MkËTøkwY Lkrn {¤ðkÚke íku ytíku fkþe økÞku... fkþe{kt ½ýku ð¾ík hnuðk ÃkAe yu ÃkkAku
y{ËkðkË ykðeLku hÌkku sýkÞ Au. y{ËkðkË ykðíkkt {køko{ktÚke yu ÃkkAku suÃkwh økÞku níkku, Lku íÞkt økkufw÷LkkÚkS
Lkk{Lkk økkuMkktESLkk çkk¤fLkk {trËh{kt sE íkuLke Ãkheûkk fhðkLke EåAk fhe. yk ð¾íkLkku yuLkku ðu»k íkÆLk
çkË÷kE økÞku níkku. ¿kkLkLkwt íkus yuLkk {kUZk Ãkh «fkþe Lkef¤u÷wt níkwt, Lku íkuÚke yuýu {krÞf ykztçkhLkku MktÃkqýo
íÞkøk feÄku níkku. {trËhLkk ËhðkLku ykðk rð÷ûký ðu»kÄkheLku {trËh{kt «ðuþ fhkððkLku {kxu Lkk Ãkkze, íÞkhu
yuýu fÌkwt fu, ‘nwt íkku y¾ku þuX Awt.’ ËhðkLku fÌkwt fu ‘y¾ku þuX íkku çkzku ÃkiMkkËkh níkku, Lku íkwt íkku Vfeh Au íku y¾ku
þuX õÞktÚke ÚkE Ãkzâku ?’ yk «{kýu Ëhðkò Ãkh økzçkz Úkíke níke íku Mkkt¼¤eLku {uze ÃkhÚke çkkhe{kt {nkhksu
zkurfÞwt fÞwO Lku y¾kLku çkhkçkh rÃkAkÛÞku, íku Aíkkt íkuLkku ríkhMfkh feÄku. íÞkhu y¾kLku ½ýwt Ëw:¾ ÷køÞwt níkwt. íkuýu
fÌkwt fu ‘yk yMkkh MktMkkh{kt òu fkuE Mkkh ðMíkw yk yÄ{eoykuLku {kxu nkuÞ íkku íku {kºk ÿÔÞ’

MEM-2 ] 6 [Contd.
Paper - 3 : Mechanical Engineering-1
Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 200

Instructions : 1. Question No. 1 to 12
2. Attempt all 12 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. Each question carries 5 marks
4. Answer should be given approximately in 40 to 50 words.
Q.-1 What do you understand by path function and point function? Explain with examples
Q.-2 Explain the equivalence of Kelvin-Planck and Clausius statements.
Q.-3 What do you understand by dry and wet compression? Which is preferred and why?
Q.-4 Discuss how the volumetric efficiency of a compressor varies with the clearance and the pressure
Q.-5 With a neat sketch, explain how the limitation of a Helical gear can be overcome in Herringbone
Q.-6 Explain any one inversion of Double Slider crank chain.
Q.-7 Determine the total pressure on a circular plate of diameter 1.5 m which is placed vertically in
water in such a way that the centre of the plate is 3 m below the free surface of water. Find the
position of centre of pressure also.
Q.-8 Water is flowing through a pipe having diameter 300 mm and 200 mm at the bottom and upper
end respectively. The intensity of pressure at the bottom end is 24.525 N/cm2 and the pressure at
the upper end is 9.81 N/cm2. Determine the difference in datum head if the rate of flow through
pipe is 40 lit/s.
Q.-9 What is meant by abnormal combustion? Explain the phenomena of knock in SI engines.
Q.-10 What is non-destructive testing (NDT)? Explain the application of NDT in any two fields.
Q.-11 What is “Energy audit”? Explain the types of energy audit in brief.
Q.-12 Explain in brief energy efficiency versus energy conservation. Write stepwise procedure to
calculate boiler efficiency.

Instructions : 1. Question No. 13 to 20
2. Attempt all 8 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. Answer should be given approximately in 80 to 90 words.
Q.- 13. Show that the efficiency of a reversible engine operating between two given constant
temperatures is the maximum.
Q.- 14. An air standard dual cycle has a compression ratio of 16 and compression begins at 1 bar,
50°C. The maximum pressure is 70 bar. The heat transferred to air at constant pressure
is equal to that at constant volume. Estimate (a) the pressure and temperatures
at the cardinal points of the cycle, (b) the cycle efficiency, and (c) the m.e.p of the cycle,
cv = 0.718kJ/kgK, cp=1.005kJ/kgK.

MEM-3 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q.- 15. A friction clutch is used to rotate a machine from a shaft rotating at a uniform speed of 250
rpm. The disc type clutch has both of its sides effective, the coefficient of friction being 0.3.
The outer and the inner diameters of the friction plate are 200 mm and 120 mm respectively.
Assuming uniform wear of the clutch, the intensity of the pressure is not to be more than 100
kN/m2. If the moment of inertia of the rotating parts of the machine is 60.5 kg-m2, determine
the time to attain full speed by the machine and the energy lost slipping of the clutch.
What will be the intensity of the pressure, if the condition of the uniform pressure of the clutch
is considered? Also determine the ratio of power transmitted with uniform wear to that with
uniform pressure
Q.- 16. What is cavitation and what are its causes? How will you prevent the cavitation in hydraulic
Q.- 17. Briefly explain a typical electronic engine management system.
Q.- 18. In an Otto cycle air at 17°C and 1 bar is compressed adiabatically until the pressure is 15 bar.
Heat is added at constant volume until the pressure rises to 40 bar. Calculate the air-standard
efficiency, the compression ratio, and the mean effective pressure for the cycle.
Assume Cv = 0.717 kJ/kg K and R = 8.314 kJ/kmol K.
Q.- 19. State the difference between properties: hardness, yield strength, ultimate tensile strength,
fracture strength, creep strength, fatigue strength and impact toughness.
Q.- 20. A cogeneration plant installation was to reduce the net yearly energy bill by Rs. 24 lakhs. Now
the capital cost for the new cogeneration installation is Rs. 90 lakhs, and the net cost of
maintaining and operating are Rs. 6 lakhs. Find the expected payback duration for the project.


Instructions : 1. Question No. 21 to 24

2. Attempt all 4 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. Each question carries 15 marks
4. Answer should be given approximately in 130 to 140 words.

Q.- 21. A reversible heat engine operates between two reservoirs at temperatures of 600°C and 40°C.
The engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates between reservoirs at temperatures
of 40°C and -20°C. The heat transfer to the heat engine is 2000 kJ and the network output of the
combined engine refrigerator plant is 360 kJ. Evaluate the heat transfer to the refrigerant and
the net heat transfer to the reservoir at 40°C.
Q.- 22. In a symmetrical tangent cam operating a roller follower, the least radius of the cam is 30 mm
and roller radius is 17.5 mm. The angle of ascent is 75° and the total lift is 17.5 mm. The speed
of the cam shaft is 600 rpm. Calculate (i) the principal dimensions of the cam (ii) the accelerations
of the follower at the beginning of the lift, where straight flank merges into the circular nose
and at apex of the circular nose. Assume that there is no dwell between ascent and descent.
Q.- 23. The three-jet Pelton turbine is required to generate 10,000 kW under a net head of 400 m. The
blade angle at outlet is 15° and the reduction in the relative velocity while passing over the blade
is 5%. If the overall efficiency of the wheel is 80%, Cv= 0.98 and speed ratio = 0.46, then find:
(a) the diameter of the jet, (b) total flow in m3/s and (c) the force exerted by a jet on the buckets.
If the jet ratio is not to be less than 10, find the speed of the wheel for a frequency of 50 hertz/sec
and the corresponding wheel diameter.
Q.- 24. Explain various case hardening processes with their characteristics.

MEM-3 ] 2 [Contd.
Paper - 4 : Mechanical Engineering-2
Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 200


Instructions : 1. Question No. 1 to 12

2. Attempt all 12 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. Each question carries 5 marks
4. Answer should be given approximately in 40 to 50 words.

Q. 1. Water is heated in a counterflow double pipe heat exchanger from 35°C to 85°C by an oil with
a specific heat of 1.5 kJ/kgK and a mass flow rate of 50 kg/min. The oil is cooled from 215°C to
180°C, and the overall coefficient of heat transfer is 400 W/m2 K. Determine the rate of heat
transfer and surface area of heat exchanger.

Q. 2. Explain why the conductivity of metals decreases and the conductivity of insulating materials
increases with increase in temperature.

Q. 3. What are the desirable properties of ideal refrigerant. Name the different refrigerants generally

Q. 4. A piece of material is subjected to tensile stress of 70 N/mm2 and 50 N/mm2 at right angles to
each other. Find fully the stresses on a plane the normal of which makes an angle of 35° with the
70 N/mm2 stress.

Q. 5. Write the assumptions used in simple theory of bending.

Q. 6. Write the basic assumptions for the perfect truss.

Q. 7. An elevator has a downward acceleration of 1 m/s2. What force will be transmitted to the floor
of the elevator by a man weighing 500 N travelling in the lift? Find the force if the elevator had
an upward acceleration of 1 m/s2.

Q. 8. Write the expression for static, limiting wear load and dynamic load for spur gears.

Q. 9. Consider a peak rectifier fed by a 60-Hz sinusoid having a peak value Vp =100 V. Let the load
resistance R = 10 k. Find the value of the capacitance C that will result in a peak-to-peak ripple
of 2 V. Also, calculate the fraction of the cycle during which the diode is conducting and the
average and peak values of the diode current.

Q. 10. A shunt regulator utilizes a zener diode whose voltage is 5.1 V at a current of 50 mA and whose
incremental resistance is 7. The diode is fed from a supply of 15-V nominal voltage through a
200  resistor. What is the output voltage at no load? Find the line regulation and the load

Q. 11. What is Industry 4.0? What is the difference between Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things?

Q. 12. What is nanotechnology? What is the major impact of nano technology on society?

MEM-4 ] 1 P.T.O.
Instructions : 1. Question No. 13 to 20
2. Attempt all 8 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. Answer should be given approximately in 80 to 90 words.
Q. 13. A steel pipe of 10 cm bore and 12 cm outside diameter carries hot water at 80°C. If the thermal
conductivity of the pipe is 54 W/mK, the surrounding temperature 15°C, and the inner and
outer heat transfer coefficients 1kW/m2K and 9W/m2K respectively, calculate the heat loss
per metre length of pipe and the surface temperatures. Also calculate the heat loss and the
surface temperatures when the pipe is covered with an insulation of thermal conductivity of
0.048 W/mK, 4 cm thick with the outer surface heat transfer coefficient reduced to 7 W/m2K.
Q. 14. Define the following: Specific humidity, Absolute humidity, Relative humidity, and Dew point
Q. 15. A solid shaft of 250 mm diameter has the same cross-sectional area as the hollow shaft of the
same material with inside diameter of 200 mm. (a) Find the ration of power transmitted by the
two shafts for the same angular velocity, and (b) compare the angles of twist in equal lengths of
these shafts, when stressed to the same intensity.
Q. 16. Two men M1 and M2 of mass 50 kg and 75 kg, dive off the end of a boat of mass M = 250 kg so
that their relative velocity with respect to the boat is 4m/s. If the boat is initially at rest, find its
final velocity if (a) two men dive simultaneously (b) the man of mass 75 kg dive first followed by
the man of mass 50 kg (c) the man of mass 50 kg dive first followed by the man of mass 75 kg.
Q. 17. Following data is given for a 360° hydrodynamic bearing: Radial load = 10kN, Journal
speed = 1440 rpm, unit bearing pressure = 1000 kpa, clearance ratio (r/c) = 800, viscosity of
lubricant = 30 mPas. Assuming that the total heat generated in bearing is carried by the total oil
flow in the bearing.
Calculate (i) the dimensions of the bearing, (ii) coefficient of friction, (iii) power lost in friction
(iv) total flow of oil, (v) temperature rise.
Q. 18. Consider a p-n junction in equilibrium at room temperature (T = 300 K) for which the doping
concentrations are NA=1018/cm3 and ND=1016/cm3 and the cross-sectional area A=10 -4cm2.
Calculate pp, np0, nn, pn0, V0, W, xn, xp, and QJ . Use ni = 1.5×1010/cm3.
Q. 19. Consider the circuit shown in Figure 1. A string of three diodes is used to provide a constant
voltage of about 2.1 V. We want to calculate the percentage change in this regulated voltage
caused by (a) a ±10% change in the power-supply voltage, and (b) connection of a 1 k load
10 ± 1V


RL = 1 k


Q. 20. Define composite material. What are the three primary advantages of composite materials?
Name few applications of composites.

MEM-4 ] 2 [Contd.
Instructions : 1. Question No. 21 to 24
2. Attempt all 4 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. The marks of the question are shown on the right side.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 130 to 140 words.
Q. 21. The temperature limits of an ammonia refrigerating system are 25°C and -10°C. If the (15)
gas is dry at the end of compression, calculate the coefficient of performance of the
cycle assuming no undercooling of the liquid ammonia.
Use the following table for properties of ammonia:

Temperature Liquid heat Latent heat Liquid entropy

( °C ) ( kJ/kg ) ( kJ/kg ) ( kJ/kg K )
25 298.9 1166.94 1.1242
-10 135.37 1297.68 0.5443

Q. 22 (A) A steel bolt 650 mm2 cross sectional area passes centrally through a copper tube (7)
of 1200 mm2 cross sectional area. The tube is 500 mm long and is closed by rigid
washers, which are fastened by the threads on the steel bolt. The nut is now
tightened by ¼ of a turn. Find the stress in the bolt and the tube if the pitch of the
thread is 3 mm.
Take Es= 2.05×105 N/mm2 and Ec=1.1×105 N/mm2.
(B) A cylindrical shell 2 m long and 90 cm internal diameter and 12 mm metal (8)
thickness is subjected to an internal pressure of 1.6 N/mm2.
Determine (a) maximum intensity of the shear stress, and (b) changes in the
dimensions of the shell.
Take E = 2×105 N/mm2 and 1/m = 0.3.
Q. 23 (A) A uniform spherical ball of mass m and radius r is projected along a rough (10)
horizontal plane with an initial velocity of v0 and zero angular acceleration.
The coefficient of friction between the ball and the plane is . Determine the time
after which the ball will start rolling without slipping. Also, find the linear and
angular velocities of ball at the time.
(B) The resultant of two concurrent forces is 2500 N and angle between the forces is 90°. (5)
The resultant makes an angle of 46° with one of the forces. Find the magnitude
of each force.
Q. 24. Analyse the circuit given in Figure 2 to determine the voltages at all nodes and the (15)
currents through all branches.
+15 V

RE2 = 2 k
RC1 = 5 k
R B1 = 100 k IE2
I C1
Q1 IB2
I C2

RC2 = 2.7 k
R B2 = 50 k RE = 3 k

Figure 2

MEM-4 ] 3 P.T.O.
Paper - 5 : Mechanical Engineering-3
Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 200


Instructions : 1. Question No. 1 to 12

2. Attempt all 12 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. Each question carries 5 marks
4. Answer should be given approximately in 40 to 50 words.

2 d2 y dy
Q. 1. Solve the differential equation: (1  x ) 2
 (1  x )  y  2sin[log(1  x )]
dx dx

Q. 2. Evaluate  c tan z dz where C is the circle Z  2

Q. 3. Which die casting machines usually have a higher production rate, cold chamber or hot chamber,
and why?

Q. 4. Define and distinguish the two terms ‘heat transfer factor’ and ‘melting factor’ in relation to

Q. 5. How does aggregate planning differ from the master production scheduling?

Q. 6. What are the common methods for assessing surface roughness?

Q. 7. Explain why a unilateral tolerance system is generally preferred over bilateral system.

Q. 8. Explain distributed numerical control (DNC).

Q. 9. What are the three basic elements of an automated systems?

Q. 10. What is the necessity of nuclear waste disposal?

Q. 11. Five different jobs can be done on five different machines. The set-up and take-down time costs
are assumed to be prohibitively high for changeovers. The matrix below gives the cost in rupees
of producing job i on machine j different jobs. How should the jobs be assigned to the various
machines so that the total cost is minimized?

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
J1 11 17 8 16 20
J2 9 7 12 6 15
J3 13 16 15 12 16
J4 21 24 17 28 26
J5 14 10 12 11 13

Q. 12. A firm manufactures headache pills in two sizes A and B. Size A contains 2 grains of aspirin, 5
grains of bicarbonate and 1 grain of codeine. Size B contains 1 grain of aspirin, 8 grains of
bicarbonate and 6 grains of codeine. It is found by users that it requires at least 12 grains of
aspirin, 74 grains of bicarbonate and 24 grains of codeine for providing immediate relief.
Formulate the problem as standard L.P.P. It is required to determine the minimum number of
pills a patient should take to get immediate relief.

MEM-5 ] 1 P.T.O.
Instructions : 1. Question No. 13 to 20
2. Attempt all 8 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. Answer should be given approximately in 80 to 90 words.
  ( x2  y 2 )
Q. 13. Evaluate 0  0 e dxdy by changing to polar coordinates and hence show that

  x2 
0 e dx 

Q. 14. If w = A + iB represent the complex potential for an electrical field and B  x 2  y 2  ,
x  y2

determine the function A.

Q. 15. A 300 mmm wide strip 25 mm thick is fed through a rolling mill with two powered rolls of
radius 250 mm. The work thickness is to be reduced to 22 mm in one pass at a roll speed of 50
rev/min. The work material has a flow curve defined by K = 275 MPa and n = 0.15, and the
coefficient of friction between the rolls and the work is assumed to be 0.12. Determine if the
friction is sufficient to permit the rolling operation to be accomplished. If so, calculate the roll
force, torque and the horsepower.
Q. 16. Write about various design considerations in Jigs.
Q. 17. What is an LVDT? Explain its working principle. Discuss the characteristic curve of an LVDT
with a sketch.
Q. 18. What is transformation? How many types of transformation are there to change geometry.
Q. 19. Explain the closed cycle gas turbine plant with sketch.
Q. 20. An established company has decided to add a new product to its line. It will buy the product
from the manufacturing concern, package it and sell it to a number of distributors that have
been selected on a geographical basis. Market research has already indicated the volume expected
and size of sales force required. The steps in the following table are to be planned.

Preceding Duration
activity (days)
A - 6
B A 4
C B 7
D A 2
E D 4
F E 10
G - 2
H G 10
I J, H 6
J - 13
K A 9
L C, K 3
M I, L 5

a. Draw AOA network for this project. [5]

b. Find the critical path and project completion time. [5]

MEM-5 ] 2 [Contd.
Instructions : 1. Question No. 21 to 24
2. Attempt all 4 questions. All Questions are compulsory.
3. The marks of the question are shown on the right side.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 130 to 140 words.

Q. 21. Verify the Green Theorem for f ( x , y )  e  x sin y & g( x , y )  e  x cos y and C is (15)
the square with vertices (0,0) ( / 2,0) ( / 2,  / 2) (0,  / 2) .

Q. 22 (A) Explain the factors that should be considered during the selection of an (7)
appropriate unconventional machining process for a given job.

(B) Explain with sketch the principle of working of plasma arc machining process. (8)

Q. 23 (A) Write a short note on Hermite curve. (5)

(B) Explain the structure of CNC like spindle, drives, actuation system, feedback (10)
device and axis standards.

Q. 24. Solve the following problem using Simplex method. (15)

Maximize Z = 5x1– 2 x2 + 3x3,

Subject to 2x1 + 2x2 - x3 2,

3x1 – 4x2  3,
x2 + 3x3  5,
x1,x2, x3  0,

MEM-5 ] 3 P.T.O.
DySO Adv 10/2022-23

DSM-1 1

વિષય કોડ – DSM1 મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /

વિષય : ગુજરાતી (મુ ખ્ય પરીક્ા) (િર્્ણ નાત્મક)
સમય : 3 કલાક માધ્યમ : ગુજરાતી ગુર્ : 100 કુલ ગુણ /
સૂ ચના : જમર્ી તરફ પ્રશ્નના ગુર્ દર્ા્ણ િે લ છે. MARKS: 15

પ્ર-1. નીચે આપે લ ત્રર્ વિકલ્પપોમાં થી કપોઈ એક મુ દ્ા પર ઓછામાં ઓછા 250 અને િધુ માં િધુ
300 ર્બ્દપોમાં , યપોગ્ય ઉદાહરર્પોનપો આધાર લઈને વનબં ધ લખપો
1.1 ‘ગ્ીન ઇન્્ડડિયા’ની સં કલ્પના : 2050નું ભારત
1.2 ‘સ્ાર્્ણ અપ’ અને ‘યુ વનકપોન્ણ ’ કંપનીઓ : ભારતીય યુ િાનપોની પસં દગી ર્ા માર્ે ?
1.3 મનપોરંજનનપો નિપો વિકલ્પ : િે બ ન્સરીઝના લાભાલાભ

પ્ર-2. નીચે નાં બે વિકલ્પપોમાં થી કપોઈ પર્ એક વિકલ્પનપો આર્રે 100 ર્બ્દપોમાં વિચારવિસ્તાર કરપો. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
2.1 આપર્ી વ્યથા, અિરને મન રસની કથા, ઇતરના કંઈ તથા, જીરિી એને જાર્ીએ,
િીરા ! કુલ ગુણ /
– રાજે ્ડદ્ર ર્ાહ TOTAL

2.2 રમતાં રમતાં લડિી પડિે , ભૈ માર્સ છે, હસતાં હસતાં રડિી પડિૈ , ભૈ માર્સ છે.
– જયં ત પાઠક

પ્ર-3. નીચે આપે લ ગદ્યખં ડિનપો (293 ર્બ્દપો), મૂ ળ વિચાર જળિાઈ રહે એ રીતે લગભગ 1/3 મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ભાગમાં સં ક્ેપ કરપો. MARKS

ઉત્્ક્ાં વતમાં અનુ કૂલનના વિન્ર્ષ્ટ સાધન તરીકે બુ ન્ધિ એક સાધન છે એિું વ્યિહારિાદીઓનું કુલ ગુણ /
મં તવ્ય છે. બુ ન્ધિને ર્ુ ધિ બુ ન્ધિ તરીકે લે ખી તે નું િધુ પડિતું મૂ લ્ય આં કિાનું નથી. જ્ાન એ કામ TOTAL
કે કત્ણ વ્ય માર્ે નું આયપોજન કે પૂ િ્ણ તૈ યારી છે. વિચાર કરિપો એર્લે કપોઈ સમસ્યાને િહે િારુ
રીતે ઉકે લિાની રીવત અખત્ાર કરિી. પ્રાર્ીજગતમાં ઉંદર, ન્બલાડિી કે િાનર પીંજરામાં કે
પીંજરાની બહાર અર્પર્ી રીવતને ઓળં ગીને ખપોરાક પ્રાપ્ત કરિા યપોજના રચે છે તે મ મનુ ષ્ય
પપોતાના ધ્યે યને મે ળિિા વિવિધ પ્રયત્ન અને ભૂ લના પ્રયાસપો અજમાિે છે. આ ઉપરાં ત બુ ન્ધિ
એ મનનું હાર્દદિક લક્ર્ છે. તે ને વ્યિહારિાદ નકારે છે. વિચાર કે બુ ન્ધિ કરતાં સં કલ્પ એ
આપર્ા મનનું હાર્દદિક સ્િરૂપ છે. વ્યિહારિાદીઓ એમ માને છે કે સત્િનું હાર્દદિક સ્િરૂપ
અપરરિત્ણ નર્ીલ નથી, એ પરરિત્ણ નર્ીલ અને સવ્ક્ય છે.

સત્ અને અસત્ િચ્ચે જે ભે દ પાડિિામાં આિે છે તે ની વ્યાિહારરક ચકાસર્ી કરિી જાે ઈએ.
કપોઈ પર્ વિચાર કે મા્ડયતાને સાચી માનિામાં આિે તપો એમ કરિાથી કપોઈ વ્યક્્તતના જીિનમાં
કયા નપોંધપાત્ર ફે રફાર થિા પામે છે ? આમ આ ન્સધિાં ત સત્ની વ્યાખ્યા રચિા માર્ે નથી,
2 DSM-1

પરંતુ સત્ની પરીક્ા કરિા માર્ે છે. અહીં વ્યિહારલક્ી માપદં ડિના બે અથ્ણ છે : એક એ કે
મા્ડયતા અને વિચારની અનુ રૂપતા તે મજ આનુ ષં ગગક પરરબળપોની ચકાસર્ી કરિી અને બીજાે
અથ્ણ એ કે જૈ વિક અનુ કૂલન પ્રાપ્ત કરી કાય્ણ દક્ બનિું . પહે લપો અથ્ણ અનુ રૂપતા અને સં િારદતાના
માપદં ડિપો સાથે મળતપો આિે છે. જે વિચારકપો અનુ રૂપતા અને સં િારદતાના માપદં ડિપોમાં માને છે
એ પર્ સં તપોષકારક વ્યિહારુ પરરર્ામને સત્ની કસપોર્ી તરીકે આિકારે છે; પરંતુ જ્ાનના
વ્યિહારુ ન્સધિાં ત પર જીિર્ાસ્ત્રની િધુ અસર થિાથી જ્ાન અને સત્ની વિભાિના પર્ ધીમે
ધીમે બદલાઈ. જ્ાન એ કે િળ પૂ િ્ણ અક્સ્તત્િ ધરાિતી સત્ાની નકલ કે અરીસામાં પ્રવતબબદિબ
પાડિિાની રીત નથી, પરંતુ કાય્ણ દક્ પ્રિૃન્ત્ માર્ે જૈ વિક સાધન છે. આમ જ્ાનની સત્તા કે તે ની
યથાથ્ણ તા એ ઉપયપોગગતા કે વ્યિહારુદક્તા પર આધારરત છે , એ િાતાિરર્ પ્રત્ે સભાન
પ્રવતવ્ક્યા કે ભવિષ્યના કાય્ણ માર્ે આયપોજન છે , એ ભૂ તકાળની વ્ક્યા નથી; પરંતુ ભવિષ્ય તરફ
ગવત કરતી પ્રિૃન્ત્ છે.
- હરન્સધિ મ. જાે ર્ી

પ્ર-4. નીચે આપે લ ગદ્યખં ડિની સઘન િાચના કરી પ્રશ્નપોના ઉત્રપો આપપો. (5 પ્રશ્નપો × 2 ગુર્) મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
મધુ માલતીની ગભરુ કળીને દુ :સ્િપ્ન આવ્યું છે. એ ઊં ઘમાં હીબકાં ભરે છે. નમિા આિે લી રાત
ઝૂકીને એને ધીમે થી પૂ છે છે : ‘ર્ું છે બે ર્ા?’ કળીના હપોઠ ફફડિે છે , લાખ જાે જન દૂ રના તારાની
કુલ ગુણ /
પાં પર્ પલકે છે , મારી નાડિી જાે રથી ધબકે છે , અિાિરુ િાિને તન્ળયે ર્ે િાળમાં જીનની દાઢી TOTAL
ધ્ૂજે છે , એના કંપથી એક ચીબરી કકલાર્ કરી મૂ કે છે. હું કાન સરિા રાખીને સાં ભળું છં ુ .
પાં દડિાં ની આડિર્ે પિન પર્ કાન માં ડિીને બે ઠપો છે. કળી કહે છે : ‘આિતી કાલે સૂ રજ નહીં
ઊગે .’ પિન પૂ છે છે : ‘ગાં ડિી, કપોર્ે કહ્ું તને ?’ કળી કહે છે : ‘ર્ે ષનાગે મારા કાનમાં કહ્ું .’
હિે ર્ું થાય? બીજાે સૂ રજ ક્ાં થી લાિીર્ું ? કપોઈ કહે : ‘બ્રહ્ાજીને ઢં ઢપોળીને જગાડિપો ને કહપો
કે સિાર થાય તે પહે લાં બીજાે સૂ રજ ઘડિી આપપો.’ પર્ બ્રહ્ાજીને જઈને કપોર્ જગાડિે ? એ
સાં ભળીને પાસે ના તળાિમાં ના દે ડિકાએ આં ખપો પર્પર્ાિી, ગલપોફાં ફુલાવ્યાં ને પછી બપોલ્યપો
: ‘ડિ્રાં ઉં ડિ્રાં ઉં, હું જાઉં.’ બખપોલમાં બે ઠે લા સાપને હસિું આવ્યું . એર્ે મૂ છપો ફરકાિીને કહ્ું :
‘તમે લં ગડિે પગે ક્ારે પહપોંચર્પો?’ તપોત્ુકાની ઢીંગલીઓમાં ની એકે ઠાિકું મપોઢું રાખીને કહ્ું :
‘સૂ રજ ક્ાં છે તે હું જાણું છં ુ .’ બધાં કહે , ‘તપો ઝર્ ઝર્ કહી દે ને !’ એિું ને એિું ઠાિકું મપોઢું
રાખીને એ બપોલી : ‘પરિાળાના બે ર્માં એક જળપરી રહે છે. એર્ે એક સૂ રજને પૂ રી રાખ્યપો
છે. જાે સૂ રજ બહાર નીકળે તપો રાજકુમારને ચાલ્યા જિું પડિે , પરિાળાના બે ર્માં રાત હપોય ત્ાં
સુ ધી જ એ જળપરીના મહે લમાં રહી ર્કે , સૂ રજ ઊગતાં ની સાથે જ એને ચાલ્યા જિું પડિે .
આથી જળપરીએ એને સં તાડિી રાખ્યપો છે. આ સાં ભળીને બીજી ઢીંગલી હસી પડિી ને બપોલી :
‘એ તપો જુઠ્ી છે જુઠ્ી ! એક નહીં પર્ લાખ સૂ રજ હું લાિીને અબઘડિી હાજર કરી દઉં.’ બધાં
એક સાથે બપોલી ઊઠ્યાં : ‘તપો કરી દે હાજર.’ એના જિાબમાં એ બપોલી : ‘આં ધળાની આં ખને
તન્ળયે હજાર સૂ રજ ડિૂબ્યા છે. એને તાગિાની હહદિમત હપોય તે આિે મારી સાથે .’ કપોઈ ઊભું થયું
નહીં . કળી ન્બચારી ફરી હીબકાં ભરિા લાગી. ત્ાં ઘુ િડિ બપોલ્યું : ‘આ ચાં દામામાએ કે ર્લાય
સૂ રજને આજ સુ ધીમાં લૂં ર્ી લીધા છે. એ લૂં ર્ બધી પાછી કઢાિપો એની પાસે થી.’ ત્ાં તપો
DSM-1 3

દૂ રથી દરરયાદાદા ઘૂ રક્ા : ‘ખબરદાર.’ હિે ? રાતથી તપો હિે ઝાઝું થપોભી ર્કાય તે મ નહપોતું .
ત્ાં એક આગગયપો બપોલ્યપો : ‘ચાલપો ને , આપર્ે સૌ મળીને આપર્ામાં નું થપોડિું થપોડિું તે જ એકઠું
કરીને સૂ રજ બનાિીએ.’ આ સાં ભળીને કળીને હપોઠે ક્મિત ચમક્ું . એનું તે જ , આગગયાનું તે જ ,
સપોયના નાકામાં દપોરપો પરપોિતાં દાદીમાની આં ખનું તે જ – એમ કરતાં કરતાં મારપો િારપો આવ્યપો.
અં ધકારના ગાઢ અરણ્યને િીંધીને હું તે જ ર્પોધિા નીકળ્પો, દૂ ર દૂ ર ચાલી નીકળ્પો, પર્ જ્ાં
જાે ઉં ત્ાં અં ધકાર જ અં ધકાર : શ્ાસના બે પડિ િચ્ચે ન્સિાઈ ગયે લપો અં ધકાર, ર્બ્દપોમાં થી
ઝરપતપો અં ધકાર. એ અં ધકારમાં ફાં ફાં મારતપો આગળ િધતપો હતપો ત્ાં કપોઈકની જાે ડિે ભર્કાઈ
પડ્પો. એનપો ને મારપો અં ધકાર ચકમકની જે મ ઘસાયા, તર્ખપો ઝયાયો , એના અજિાળામાં જાે ઉં
છં ુ તપો – પર્ એ કપોર્ હતું તે નું નામ નહીં કહું. મધુ માલતીની કળીએ આં ખપો ખપોલી ત્ારે નિપો
નક્પોર સૂ રજ ઊગી ચૂ ક્પો હતપો. કળીએ ર્ે ષનાગના કાનમાં કહ્ું : સૂ રજ ઊગ્યપો. પર્ દરરપોજ
સાં જે દયામર્ે ચહે રે કપોઈ પૂ છે છે : હિે આ સૂ રજને તપો કપોઈ ચપોરી નહીં જાય ને ?
- સુ રે ર્ જાે ષી

પ્રશ્નપો :
4.1 કળીને આિે લું દુ :સ્િપ્ન કઈ મનપોઅિસ્ાને સૂ ગચત કરે છે?
4.2 લે ખકની કઈ અભભવ્યક્્તત એમનાં ભીતરને રજૂ કરે છે? એમનું ભીતર કે િું છે?
4.3 વનબં ધમાં સજ્ણ કે લે ખનની કઈ પ્રયુ ક્્તતનપો ઉપયપોગ કયાયો છે?
4.4 વનબં ધને અસરકારક બનાિનારાં પરરબળપો કયાં છે?
4.5 આ વનબં ધ તમને પ્રેરર્ાદાયી જર્ાય છે? ર્ા માર્ે ?

પ્ર-5. ગુજરાતના કચ્છ ખાતે તાજે તરમાં પ્રિાસન વિષયક ચચા્ણ માર્ે જી-20 (G-20) બે ઠકનું આયપોજન મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
થયું . આ અં ગે પ્રચાર માધ્યમપોને જાર્કારી આપતું રાજ્ના મુ ખ્યમં ત્રીશ્ીનું વનિે દન તૈ યાર કરપો. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
(આર્રે 150 ર્બ્દપો) TOTAL

પ્ર-6. ભભન્ન ભભન્ન પ્રકારના સાયબર એર્ે કથી બચિા માર્ે વિવિધ ભલામર્પો કરતપો પત્ર આપના મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ગમત્રને લખપો. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
(આર્રે 100 ર્બ્દપો) TOTAL

પ્ર-7. પ્રાકૃવતક ખે તીના પ્રચાર અને પ્રસાર માર્ે , તે ની તરફે ર્માં દલીલપો કરતું ચચા્ણ પત્ર 'અ બ ક' મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
સામગયકના તં ત્રીશ્ીને સં બપોધીને લખપો. (આર્રે 200 ર્બ્દપો) MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
4 DSM-1

પ્ર-8. ‘મીરડિયા અને સે ન્સરર્ીપ’ વિર્ે આયપોન્જત પરરસં િાદમાં આપ સહભાગી થયા. એ પરરસં િાદમાં મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
રજૂ થયે લા મુ ખ્ય મુ દ્ાઓને િર્્ણ િતપો અહે િાલ લખપો. (આર્રે 200 ર્બ્દપો) MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

પ્ર-9. આપે લ અં ગ્ેજી ગદ્યખં ડિનપો ગુજરાતીમાં ભાિાત્મક અનુ િાદ કરપો. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
It’s a little facile, maybe, and certainly hard to implement, but I’d say, as a goal MARKS
in life, you could do worse than: Try to be kinder.
Now, the million-dollar question: What’s our problem? Why aren’t we kinder? કુલ ગુણ /
Here’s what I think: TOTAL
Each of us is born with a series of built-in confusions that are probably somehow
Darwinian. These are: (1) we’re central to the universe (that is, our personal
story is the main and most interesting story, the only story, really); (2) we’re
separate from the universe (there’s US and then, out there, all that other
junk-dogs and swing-sets, and the State of Nebraska and low-hanging clouds and,
you know, other people), and (3) we’re permanent (death is real, o.k., sure – for
you, but not for me).
Now, we don’t really believe these things – intellectually we know better – but we
believe them viscerally, and live by them, and they cause us to prioritize our own
needs over the needs of others, even though what we really want, in our hearts,
is to be less selfish, more aware of what’s actually happening in the present
moment, more open, and more loving.
So, the second million-dollar question: How might we DO this? How might we
become more loving, more open, less selfish, more present, less delusional,
etc., etc.?
- George Saunders

પ્ર-10. સૂ ચના પ્રમાર્ે ગુજરાતી વ્યાકરર્ને લગતા પ્રશ્નપોના ઉત્રપો આપપો. (10 પ્રશ્નપો × 1 ગુર્) મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
10.1. રૂવઢપ્રયપોગનપો અથ્ણ આપી તે નપો િાક્માં પ્રયપોગ કરપો.

• ચૈ તર મવહને ચાં ચ પાકિી કુલ ગુણ /

10.2. કહે િતનપો અથ્ણ સમજાિપો. MARKS: 10

• ઘરનું ઘં ઘપોન્લયું થિું

10.3. સમાસનપો વિગ્હ કરી તે ની ઓળખ આપપો.

• ર્ાં ચર્પપોથી
10.4. પં ક્્તતનપો છંદ ઓળખાિપો.

• સુ ખ સમયમાં છકી નિ જિું , દુ ઃખમાં ના હહદિમત હારિી.

DSM-1 5

10.5. અલં કાર ઓળખાિપો.

• ઊગી જિાય િાડિે , જાે આ ક્ર્ે િતન હપોય.

10.6. ર્બ્દસમૂ હ માર્ે એક ર્બ્દ આપપો.

• કુબે રનપો અનુ ચર

10.7. ર્બ્દની જાે ડિર્ી સુ ધારપો.

• પરીમાજજીત
10.8. િાક્માં જાે ડિર્ીની ભૂ લપો સુ ધારપો.

• ભપોજ મમ્મર્ અને રૂય્યક જે િા આલં કારીકપો પર્ રુદ્રર્ના અલં કારલક્ર્પો અને
ઉદાહરર્પોનપો આધાર લે છે.
10.9. ર્બ્દની સં ગધ છપોડિપો.

• નિપોઢા
10.10. વિધાન િાક્ બનાિપો.

• પરીક્ા કે િી સરસ લખાઈ !

6 DSM-1
DSM-1 7
8 DSM-1
DSM-2 1

Code : DSM-2
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Q. 1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject OBTAINED
in the best possible individual style having originality of thought and expression. કુલ ગુણ /
It must be well-argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with TOTAL
observance of grammatical rules.
I. Yoga is the ultimate fusion of science and spirituality.
II. Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we control our appetites.
III. Gender Wage Gap and Women's Rights.
IV. Has the Digital Media overtaken the Print Media?
V. Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.

Q. 2. Imagine you are a Deputy Section Officer in the Department of Science and મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
Technology, Government of Gujarat. The E-DHARA software has been recently MARKS
updated to new version. Accordingly, the Government has decided to impart કુલ ગુણ /
add-on training to all the field officers of Revenue Offices in the state. Your senior MARKS: 10
officer has sought your opinion about the needful actions for the same. Write a
letter, in about 150 words, to your senior officer offering needful suggestions.
મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
Q. 3. Write a report in about 200 words on your recent visit to the closing ceremony of OBTAINED
the 36th National Games 2022. કુલ ગુણ /

Q. 4. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about 150 words. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
કુલ ગુણ /
2 DSM-2

Q. 5. A one-day Workshop for Chief Justices of High Courts on Information and મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
Communication Technology (ICT) Enablement of Indian Judiciary through MARKS
E-Courts Project has been organized by National Judicial Academy. Draft a કુલ ગુણ /
formal speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the Hon’ble Chief Justice MARKS: 10
of India as the key speaker of the program.

Q. 6. Write a précis of the following passage in about one-third of its original length. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
Contemporary slavery includes but is not restricted to issues such as: forced MARKS

labour, debt bondage, children forced into slavery or slavery-like conditions, કુલ ગુણ /
domestic servitude, sexual slavery, and servile forms of marriage. As a legally MARKS: 10

permitted labour system, traditional slavery has been abolished everywhere, but
it has not been completely eradicated. It can persist as a state of mind–among
victims and their descendants and among the inheritors of those who practised
it–long after it has formally ended.
Contemporary forms of slavery often involve populations hidden from the
majority, some of whom perform unlawful work. Slavery often occurs in areas
which are isolated from the mainstream and access to such places can be
compromised when workers are involved in illegal activities, when such places
are geographically isolated, or when the working conditions of slaves are violent
or exist in politically, economically or socially unstable countries or regions of the
world. The majority of sufferers of this menace are the poorest, most vulnerable
and marginalized social groups in society who have lived their lives in fear to
stand up against this inhumane practice which they are subject to. The members
of these groups are often socialized in such a way that they accept their fate and
offer little to no resistance towards the acts of their masters towards them.
Of the 45 million of the world’s slaves, it is estimated that around 10 million of
these contemporary slaves are children. These children are not given proper
education and healthcare which is very essential in their development but are
engaged in inhumane working conditions against their wills. Due to difficulty in
its identification, loopholes in laws and improper implementation of these laws
which protect against slavery, it is still prevalent in some parts of the world.
DSM-2 3

Q. 7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
(5 x 2 = 10) MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
The burden of diabetes is high and increasing globally, and in developing TOTAL
economies like India, mainly fuelled by the increasing prevalence of overweight/
obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. The estimates in 2019 showed that 77 million
individuals had diabetes in India, which is expected to rise to over 134 million
by 2045. Approximately 57% of these individuals remain undiagnosed. Type
2 diabetes, which accounts for majority of the cases, can lead to multiorgan
complications, broadly divided into microvascular and macrovascular
complications. These complications are a significant cause for increased
premature morbidity and mortality among individuals with diabetes, leading to
reduced life expectancy and financial and other costs of diabetes leading to
profound economic burden on the Indian healthcare system. The risk for diabetes
is largely influenced by ethnicity, age, obesity and physical inactivity, unhealthy
diet, and behavioural habits in addition to genetics and family history. Good
control of blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipid levels can prevent and/or
delay the onset of diabetes complications. The prevention and management of
diabetes and associated complications is a huge challenge in India due to several
issues and barriers, including lack of multisectoral approach, surveillance data,
awareness regarding diabetes, its risk factors and complications, access to
healthcare settings, access to affordable medicines, etc. Thus, effective health
promotion and primary prevention, at both, individual and population levels are
the need of the hour to curb the diabetes epidemic and reduce diabetes-related
complications in India.
I. How can the onset of diabetes complications be delayed?
II. Why diabetes is a huge challenge in India?
III. Which are the major risk factors of diabetes?
IV. What can diabetes lead to?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage.
4 DSM-2

Q. 8. Do as directed: (15 x 1 = 15) મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /


Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle ( ) as
કુલ ગુણ /
well as write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per the MARKS: 15

sample given below.

1. We _______ no problems whatsoever with the bridge since it _______

forty years ago.

A. had / has been constructed

B. were having / was being constructed

C. have had / was constructed

D. had had / had been constructed

E. are having / is constructed

2. It seems that that there _______ any noticeable improvement in the human
rights problem in the underdeveloped countries until all such countries
_______ their economic difficulties.

A. cannot be / will overcome

B. hasn’t been / had overcome

C. won’t be / overcome

D. wouldn’t be / would be overcome

E. wasn’t / have overcome

3. Was she bringing tea? (Change the voice)

A. Has tea bring brought by her?

B. Was tea being brought by her?

C. Is tea being brought by her?

D. Was tea bringing by her?

E. Is tea bringing by her?

DSM-2 5

4. The teacher said, “Let the boy go home now”. (Change the narration)

A. The teacher asked if the boy might be allowed to go home then.

B. The teacher said the boy might be allowed to go home then.

C. The teacher said that the boy might be allowed to go home then.

D. The teacher said that the boy may be allowed to go home now.

E. The teacher said that the boy be let gone to home now.

5. Human is mortal. (Transform the sentence into a negative sentence without

changing its meaning)

A. Human is immortal.

B. Human is not immortal.

C. Not all humans are mortal.

D. Not all humans are immortal.

E. Every human is immortal.

6. Spring is _______ best season of _______ year.

A. The, the

B. A, a

C. The, a

D. A, No article

E. No article, No article

7. The doctor gave me a prescription _______ my fever.

A. to

B. on

C. for

D. about

E. if
6 DSM-2

8. I didn’t know you were in town. It’s strange to _______ you like this.

A. look forward to

B. run after

C. run across

D. look after

E. put up with

9. He is a great teacher but tends to go off at a tangent. (Choose the correct

meaning of the underlined expression)

A. Change the subject immediately

B. Become boisterous

C. Forget things in between

D. Go on at great length

E. Become emotional

10. The meaning of austerity measures is _______.

A. Getting all the employees properly insured

B. Provide vehicle

C. Provide residential facilities

D. Health reforms

E. Strict economic policies implemented by a government to reduce

government spending and public debt

11. Choose the synonym of ‘impediments’.

A. merits

B. obstructions

C. accessories

D. profit

E. projected income
DSM-2 7

12. Choose the correct antonym of ‘testify’.

A. evidence

B. prove

C. confide

D. witness

E. falsify

13. Choose the one-word substitution for ‘one who denies oneself ordinary
bodily pleasures’.

A. Aesthetic

B. Sadist

C. Atheist

D. Ascetic

E. Vicious

14. _______ the great diversity in social behaviour and habits between different
types of ants, most of them have the same basic physical structure.

A. Accordingly

B. Even though

C. As if

D. Besides

E. Despite

15. The _______ of the truck has broken.

A. exhale

B. excel

C. axle

D. exal

E. axal
8 DSM-2

Q. 9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English: મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /

રણછોડલાલ છોટાલાલ દ્ારા 1861માં અમદાવાદમાં પ્રથમ કાપડની મમલની સ્ાપના થયા બાદ વધુ મમલો MARKS

સ્પાઈ રહી હતી. આથી ઉદય પામતા મમલઉદ્ોગનાં હહતોનું રક્ષણ કરવા તે ના અગ્ેસરો રણછોડલાલ કુલ ગુણ /
છોટાલાલ, મં ગળદાસ ગીરધરદાસ, મનસુ ખભાઈ ભગુભાઈ અને લાલભાઈ દલપતભાઈએ 1891માં MARKS: 10

અમદાવાદ મમલમાલલક મં ડળની સ્ાપના કરી. રણછોડલાલ છોટાલાલ તે ના પ્રથમ પ્રમુ ખ બન્યા. સમય જતાં
ગુજરાતની બધી મમલો તે ની સભ્ય બની. આ મં ડળે કાપડ ઉદ્ોગનાં હહતોનું રક્ષણ કરવાના સવ્વ પ્રયાસો કયા્વ
છે. ગાં ધીજીના માગ્વ દર્્વ ન હે ઠળ આ મં ડળે કામદારો સાથે ની સમસ્યાઓ લવાદીથી ઉકે લી છે. સહકાર અને
સમજદારીની ભાવનાને પરરણામે છેલ્લા પાં ચ દાયકાથી આ ઉદ્ોગમાં કોઈ મોટી હડતાળ પડી નથી.
આ મં ડળને કે ન્દ્ર અને રાજ્ય સરકારે માન્યતા આપી છે, તથા તે ને અને ક સરકારી જાહે ર સં સ્ાઓમાં પ્રહતહનમધત્વ
આપવામાં આવ્યું છે. આ મં ડળનું નામ બદલીને ‘અમદાવાદ કાપડ મમલમાલલક મં ડળ’ રાખવામાં આવ્યું છે.
સં સ્ાનું પોતાનું મકાન આશ્રમ રોડ ઉપર બાં ધવામાં આવ્યું છે. બીજા હવશ્વયુ દ્ધ દરમમયાન અછતનો અં કુલર્ત
માલ સરકારની મદદથી મે ળવીને વહે ં ચવાની જવાબદારી આ મં ડળે લીધી હતી. કુદરતી આફતની અસરવાળા
દે ર્ના કોઈ પણ ભાગમાં આ મં ડળે લોકોને મદદ પહોંચાડી છે.
DSM-3 1

વિષય કોડ : DSM-3

વિષય : સામાન્ય અભ્યાસ-1 (મુ ખ્ય પરીક્ા) (િર્્ણ નાત્મક)
માધ્યમ : ગુજરાતી
સમય : 3 કલાક કુલ ગુર્ : 100

સૂ ચના : 1. પ્રશ્નક્રમાં ક 1 થી 10
2. બધા જ 10 પ્રશ્નનોના જિાબ લખિાના છે.
3. દરે ક પ્રશ્નના 10 ગુર્ છે.
4. જિાબ આશરે 200 શબ્દનોમાં લખિા.

પ્ર.-1. “હડપ્પીય નગર આયનોજનના અિશે ષનો તે સમયની આર્થથિક અને સામાજજક પરરસ્થિવતનનો મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ખ્યાલ આપે છે.” – ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-2. મહાગુજરાતની ચળિળમાં ઈન્દુ લાલ યાજ્ઞિકના યનોગદાન વિશે ચચા્ણ કરનો. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-3. ભારતના પ્રાચીન કળાના સ્િરૂપનો દશા્ણ િતા કનોઈ પર્ બે થિળનો વિશે જર્ાિનો. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-4. “આરદજાવત સં સ્કૃવતમાં તં તુ િાદ્નો ખૂ બ જ અગત્યનનો ભાગ ભજિે છે.” – આ િાક્યની મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ઉદાહરર્ સહ ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-5. ઉત્તર ભારત અને દજક્ર્ ભારતની નદીઓની ભૌગનોલીક રીતે તુ લના કરનો. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
કુલ ગુ ણ /
2 DSM-3

પ્ર.-6. “આબનોહિા પરરિત્ણ ન (Climate Change) માનિ સં સ્કૃવત માટે ખૂ બ જ ગં ભીર મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
બાબત છે.” – મૂ લ્ાં કન કરનો. MARKS
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-7. લનોકડાઉન (Lockdown) િખતે પયા્ણ િરર્માં પ્રદૂ ષર્ સૌથી ઓછં ુ હતું , તે જાે તાં મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
પયા્ણ િરર્ની રક્ા માટે સમયાં તરે લનોકડાઉન જરૂરી છે ? – ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-8. સાયબર જસક્યનોરીટીના ક્ેત્રમાં AI (Artificial Intelligence)ની સકારાત્મક અને મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /

નકારાત્મક ભૂ મમકાની ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-9. "26 જાન્યુ આરી, 2023ના રનોજની પ્રજાસત્તાક રદિસની પરે ડ એ ભારતના વિકાસ અને મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
રક્ા શસ્્તતના પ્રદશ્ણ નની પરે ડ હતી.” – મૂ લ્ાં કન કરનો. MARKS
કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-10. G-20 આં તરરાવટ્રિય આર્થથિક સહયનોગ માટે નનો પ્રમુ ખ મં ચ છે. – ચચા્ણ કરનો. મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
કુલ ગુ ણ /
DSM-4 1

વિષય કોડ : DSM-4

વિષય : સામાન્ય અભ્યાસ-2 (મુ ખ્ય પરીક્ા) (િર્્ણ નાત્મક)
માધ્યમ : ગુજરાતી
સમય : 3 કલાક કુલ ગુર્ : 100

સૂ ચના : 1. પ્રશ્નક્રમાં ક 1 થી 10
2. બધા જ 10 પ્રશ્નનોના જિાબ લખિાના છે.
3. દરે ક પ્રશ્નના 10 ગુર્ છે.
4. જિાબ આશરે 200 શબ્દનોમાં લખિા.

પ્ર.-1. “બં ધારર્ીય સં સ્ાઓએ દે શની પ્રગવત, જાહે ર જીિન અને જનવહતમાં ઘર્નો જ મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
અગત્યનનો ફાળનો આપે લ છે.” કનોઈ પર્ બે સં સ્ાઓના ઉદાહરર્ આપીને આ વિધાન MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-2. જનવહત યાચચકા એ ન્યાયતં ત્રની ખાસ ભે ટ છે જે સામાન્ય લનોકનોના અચધકારનોની રક્ા મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
કરે છે. – ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-3. ભારતના બં ધારર્માં કરિામાં આિે લ સુ ધારાઓ પૈ કી કનોઈ પર્ બે સુ ધારાઓ અં ગે મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-4. “જાહે ર િહીિટનું મૂ લ્ય એ પારદર્શશિતા, ઉત્તરદાચયત્િ અને સં િે દનશીલતાના પાયા ઉપર મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ટકે લ છે.” - િાક્યનું યનોગ્ય મૂ લ્યાં કન કરનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /
2 DSM-4

પ્ર.-5. બાળકનોના અચધકારનોના રક્ર્ માટે સરકારશ્ીએ લીધે લા અગત્યના બે પગલાં ઓની મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-6. લનોકનોને સમયમયા્ણ દામાં સે િા મળી શકે તે માટે “ગુજરાત જાહે ર સે િા અચધવનયમ” મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
એ અગત્યનનો અચધવનયમ છે. આ અચધવનયમની અગત્યની જાે ગિાઈઓની ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-7. સં સ્ાર અને મૂ લ્યનોના વિકાસમાં કુટંુ બ, શશક્ર્ અને સમાજ મહત્િનનો ભાગ મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ભજિે છે. – ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-8. અથ્ણ તં ત્રનનો વિકાસ માપિા અલગ અલગ સૂ ચકાં કનોનનો ઉપયનોગ થાય છે. કનોઈ પર્ બે મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
સૂ ચકાં કનોની ઉદાહરર્ સાથે ચચા્ણ કરનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-9. “ગુજરાત રાજ્યનું અથ્ણ તં ત્ર દે શના વિકાસ માટે નિી કે ડી કંડારે છે.” – િાક્યને યનોગ્ય મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
ઉદાહરર્ સહીત સમજાિનો. MARKS

કુલ ગુ ણ /

પ્ર.-10. “કનોઈ પર્ પ્રનોજે ક્ટની સામાજીક, આર્થશિક અને પયા્ણ િરર્ ઉપર જે અસર થનાર મે ળવે લ ગુ ણ /
છે તે જાર્િા માટે ‘સનોશશયલ ઇમ્પેક્ટ એસે સમે ન્ટ’ ખૂ બ જ અગત્યનું ઘટક છે.” MARKS

– આ િાક્યની ઉદાહરર્ સહ ચચા્ણ કરનો.

કુલ ગુ ણ /
Chief Officer Adv 11/2022-23
rð»kÞ fkuz : BEM-1
ÃkuÃkh - 1 : økwshkíke ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk)
fw÷ økwý : 100 Mkq[Lkk : s{ýe íkhV «&LkLkk økwý Ëþkoðu÷ Au. Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf

«-1. ™e[u yk…u÷k ºký …ife fkuE…ý yuf rð»ku 250 Úke 300 þçËku{kt r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. (15)

f. ¼khŒeÞ ËkB…íÞSð™™e yÄqh… y™u {Äwh…

¾. y‚t{rŒ™wt MkkIËÞo : ‚rn»ýwŒk
„. yku™ ÷kR™ „u{ y™u ƒhƒkË ÚkŒwt Þkið™
«-2. ™e[u yk…u÷k ƒu …ife fkuE…ý yuf™ku ykþhu 100 þçËku{kt rð[khrðMŒkh fhku. (10)

f. ©Øk fuhku Ëe…f {khku ™ð fËeÞu yku÷ðkòu !

¾. ykÞ™k{kt ‚nw ynª rÍ÷kÞ Au,
fkuE™u ykt¾ku{kt r[Œhkðe swyku.
«-3. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™ku ykþhu 1/3 ¼k„{kt Œ{khk þçËku{kt ‚tûku… fhku. (10)

™k™…ýÚke s {kƒk… ŒhVÚke, þk¤kyku{kt rþûkf ŒhVÚke rþMŒ™k …kX þe¾ðkzðk{kt ykðu Au.
r™Þr{Œ ‚{Þu ¼kus™ fhðk™wt, r™Þr{Œ ‚{Þu ¼ýðk™wt, r™Þr{Œ ‚{Þu Ÿ½e sðk™wt, r™Þr{Œ QXe
sðk™wt. …ý rþMŒ™k yk …kX yk…ý™u [zŒk ™Úke. yk…ýu {k™e ÷eÄwt fu rþMŒ yux÷u ƒtÄ™ y™u
nwt òu yk ƒtÄ™ Mðefkheþ, rþMŒ{kt hneþ Œku {kÁt ÄkÞwO ™nª fhe þfwt, {khe ®sË„e nwt {khe heŒu
Sðe ™nª þfwt. yk…ýu yk…ýe ÔÞrõŒ„Œ MðŒtºkŒk {u¤ððk, yk…ýwt ÄkÞwO fhe þfeyu Œu {kxu,
fkuE™k „w÷k{ ™ ƒ™e sEyu yuðe ¼kð™kÚke yk…ýe ®sË„e yk…ýe heŒu Sðe þfeyu Œu {kxu
rþMŒ{kt hnuðk™e ðkŒ™u „t¼ehŒkÚke ™ ÷eÄe. yux÷wt s ™nª yu™e ‚k{u™k Auzu sE™u „uhrþMŒ{kt fu
yrþMŒ{kt hnuðk™wt …‚tË fÞwO. òýu rðÿkune ƒ™Œk nkuEyu. yk ƒnw {kuxe „uh‚{s nŒe. ðze÷kuyu
…ý ‚{òÔÞwt ™nª fu rþMŒ{kt hnuðwt y™u ®sË„e{kt ÄkÞwO fhðwt yu ƒt™u swËe ðkŒku Au. yk ƒuW ðkŒ™u
yufƒeò ‚kÚku ‚ktf¤ðe s nkuÞ Œku yu heŒu ‚ktf¤ðe òuEyu fu òu Sð™{kt Œ{khu ÄkÞwO fhðwt nþu
Œku «Úk{ þhŒ yu Au fu rþMŒ{kt hnuðwt …zþu. Œ{khk fwxwtƒ{kt ƒÄk Œ{™u zkuõxh fu yurLsr™Þh
ƒ™kððk {kt„u Au, …ý Œ{khu Œ{kÁt ÄkÞwO fhe™u Œƒ÷ktðkËf ƒ™ðwt Au Œku hkus r™Þr{Œ…ýu ‚ðkhu
QXe™u f÷kfku ‚wÄe rhÞkÍ fhðku …zþu. ykðe rþMŒ ™nª nkuÞ Œku ƒ™e hÌkk Œ{u Œƒ÷ktðkËf. r¢fuxh
ƒ™ðwt nþu Œku hkus ðnu÷k QXe™u {uËk™{kt sE™u f÷kfku ‚wÄe «urõx‚ fhðe …zþu, rðrðÄ f‚hŒku
fhðe …zþu, ¾kðk …eðk™e ƒkƒŒ{kt …huS …kzðe …zþu. ykðe rþMŒ rð™k r¢fuxh ™nª ƒ™e þfku.
Sð™{kt Œ{khu Œ{kÁt ÄkÞwO fhðwt nkuÞ, Œ{khu Œ{khe heŒu Sððwt nkuÞ Œku yu™e …nu÷e yr™ðkÞo þhŒ
Au rþMŒ.
rþMŒ yux÷u {kºk ðnu÷k QXðwt fu r™rùŒ ‚{Þu s{e ÷uðwt yux÷wt s ™nª, rþMŒ yux÷u r™Þr{ŒŒk,
rþMŒ yux÷u ‚tÞ{. rþMŒ™ku ‚k{‚k{k Auzk™ku ‚[kux rðhkuÄe þçË Au ƒuVk{, y{ÞkoË fu {ÞkoËk
rð™k Sððwt Œu. Sð™{kt su ftE fk{ fhðwt nkuÞ Œu fhŒkt …nu÷kt Sð™{kt r™Þr{ŒŒk, ‚tÞ{, {ÞkoËk
nkuðk sYhe Au. yu™k rð™k „{u yux÷e «rŒ¼k nþu, „{u yux÷e {nu™Œ fheþwt, „{u yux÷e Œfku
{¤þu ftE ™nª fhe þfeyu. fkt Œku ‚rhÞk{ r™»V¤ sEþwt, fkt {æÞ{ fûkk™k fk{ku{kt AƒArƒÞkt
fhŒk hneþwt.

BEM-1 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
«-4. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™u æÞk™…qðof ðkt[e Œu™u ykÄkhu …qAu÷k «§ku™k sðkƒ ÷¾ku. (2 „wý × 5 «§ku) (10)

„ktÄeðkË suðe fkuE ðMŒw Au s ™rn. {khu {khe …kA¤ fkuE ‚t«ËkÞ {qfe sðku ™Úke. {U ftE ™ðwt
Œ¥ð fu ™ðku r‚ØktŒ þkuÄe fkZâku Au yuðku {khku fkuE Ëkðku ™Úke. {U {kºk þkïŒ ‚íÞku Au Œu™u yk…ýk
hkusuhkus™k Sð™ y™u «§ku™u ÷k„w …kzðk™ku {khe Zƒu «Þk‚ fÞkuo Au yux÷u {™wM{]rŒ suðe M{]rŒ
{qfe sðk™ku «§ {khe ƒkƒŒ{kt QXŒku ™Úke. yu {nk™ M{]rŒfkh y™u {khe ðå[u ‚h¾k{ýe s ™
nkuÞ. {U su yr¼«kÞku ƒktæÞk Au y™u su r™ýoÞ …h ykÔÞku Awt Œu Auðx™k ™Úke. nwt yu fk÷u ƒË÷wt.
{khu Ëwr™Þk™u fþwt ™ðwt þe¾ððk™wt ™Úke, ‚íÞ y™u y®n‚k y™krËfk¤Úke [kÕÞk ykðu Au. {U {kºk
{khkÚke ƒLÞk yux÷k rðþk¤ «{ký{kt yu ƒt™u™k «Þku„ku fÞko Au. yu{ fhðk{kt {U fux÷ef ðkh ¼q÷ku
fhe Au ™u yu ¼q÷ku{ktÚke nwt þeÏÞku Awt. yux÷u Sð™ y™u yu™k «§ku{ktÚke {™u ‚íÞ y™u y®n‚k™k
yk[hý{kt «Þku„ku fhðk™ku yðfkþ {¤e „Þku Au. Mð¼kðÚke nwt ‚íÞðkËe nŒku …ý y®n‚f ™nŒku.
– „ktÄeS
Ǥku :
4.1. „ktÄeS …kuŒk™k yr¼«kÞku y™u r™ýoÞku rðþu þwt fnu Au ?
4.2. „ktÄeS fuðku Ëkðku ™fkhu Au ?
4.3. „ktÄeS þku «Þk‚ fhe hÌkk Au ?
4.4. „ktÄeS{kt ™{úŒk™ku „wý nŒku yu{ þkÚke fne þfkÞ ?
4.5. yk „ã¾tz™u ÞkuøÞ þe»kof yk…ku.
«-5. „wshkŒ ‚hfkh hkßÞ{kt ‘¿kk™‚uŒw zu Mfq÷’ þY fhðk™e Au, Œu {kxu ™k„rhfku™u òýfkhe yk…Œwt (10)
rþûký{tºke™wt «[kh{kæÞ{ku {kxu™wt ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt r™ðuË™ ŒiÞkh fhku.
«-6. W™k¤k™e hòyku{kt ÔÞrõŒíð ½zŒh {kxu rðrðÄ ‚n-yÇÞk‚ «ð]r¥kyku yt„u {k„oËþo™ yk…e Œu{kt (05)
‚n¼k„e Úkðk {kxu rð™trŒ fhŒku ykþhu 100 þçËku{kt …ºk Œ{khe ™k™e ƒnu™™u ÷¾ku.
«-7. rðrðÄ «‚t„kuyu ð„kzkŒk zesu™u fkhýu ™k„rhfku™k MðkMÚÞ W…h rð…rhŒ y‚h ÚkkÞ Au, Œu yt„u (10)
‚¼k™Œk fu¤ðŒku ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ‘yƒf’ ðŒo{k™…ºk™k Œtºke™u [[ko…ºk ÷¾ku.
«-8. Œ{khk r«Þ ‚krníÞfkh™u {wÏÞ{tºke™u nMŒu ‘‚krníÞhJ’ …whMfkh yu™kÞŒ ÚkÞu÷ku, yu ‚{kht¼{kt Œ{u (10)
W…rMÚkŒ nŒk, Œku Œu™ku ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku.
«-9. ™e[u yk…u÷k yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt y™wðkË fhku. (10)

Do not tell everyone your stroy. You will only end up feeling more rejected.
People cannot give you what you long for in your heart. The more you expect
from people’s response to your experience of abandonment, the more you will feel
exposed to ridicule. You have to close yourself to the outside world so you can
enter your own heart and the heart of God through your pain. God will send you
the people with whom you can share your anguish, who can lead you closer to the
true source of love. God is faithful to His promises. Before you die, you will find
the acceptance and the love you crave. It will not come in the way you expect.
It will not follow your needs and wishes. But it will fill your heart and satisfy
your deepest desire. There is nothing to hold on to but this promise. Everything
else has been taken away from you. Cling to that naked promise in faith. Your
faith will heal you.

BEM-1 ] 2 [ Contd.
«-10. ‚q[ÔÞk {wsƒ sðkƒ ÷¾ku. (1 „wý × 10 «§ku) (10)
10.1 YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu™ku yÚko…qýo ðkfâ«Þku„ fhku.
„¤[ðkt „¤ðkt
10.2 fnuðŒ™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
s„Œ fkuRÚke rsŒkÞwt ™Úke
10.3 ‚k{kr‚f þçË™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™ku «fkh yku¤¾ðku.
10.4 …trõŒ™ku AtË yku¤¾ðku.
{éÞkt Œws ‚{e…, yrø™! Œws …k‚ swËkt rÚkÞu,
fnu, yrÄf ¼ÔÞ {t„÷ ™Úke þwt yu ‚wtËhe
10.5 y÷tfkh yku¤¾ðku.
[nu ðk‚ku ËkËk ? rþþw‚w{r™Þkt™u ÷R ‚w¾u
10.6 þçË‚{qn {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
$ÿ™wt W…ð™
10.7 þçË™e ‚k[e òuzýe ÷¾ku.
10.8 ÷u¾™-YrZ y™u ¼k»kk þwrØ™e árüyu ðkfâ ‚wÄkhku.
Œ{u ƒÄk Þ yuf {nk þŒhts™k ‚ku„xk Aku.
10.9 þçË™e ‚trÄ Akuzku
10.10 ¼kðu ðkfâ h[™k ƒ™kðku.
‚ki h{ðk Ëkuze sŒk.

BEM-1 ] 3 [ P.T.O.
Paper-2 : English
Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours

Q.1. Write an essay on any one of the following in minimum 250 to maximum 300 words. (15)
It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject in the best
possible individual style having originality of thought and expression. It must be
well argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with observance of
grammatical rules.

I. Cybercrime and Its impact on society.

II. The importance of recycling in the conservation of the environment.

III. Creating informed citizens should be education’s goal.

IV. Only the dead have seen the end of the war.

V. Strengthening the rural economy would lead to the overall socio-economic

development of our country.

Q.2. Imagine you are a Sanitary Inspector in a Municipality. The Government has (10)
decided to initiate the drive to close down the illegally running mutton shops in
the state. Your senior officer has sought your opinion about the needful actions
for the same. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to your senior officer offering
needful suggestions.

Q.3. Write a report in about 200 words on your recent visit to the cultural programme (10)
of folk dances held at Sanskruti Kunj Fair, Gandhinagar.

Q.4. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about 150 words. (10)

Q.5. A one-day workshop for the Chief Officers of all the Municipalities of the state on (10)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Enablement in Civic Services
through E Services Project has been organized by the Urban Development

Draft a formal speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the Chief Secretary of the
state as a key speaker.

BEM-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q.6. Write a précis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (10)
Disasters occur frequently in Gujarat because of its geographic location and cause
huge damage and loss to the society and economy. Undesirable disaster effects may
include damage to economic and social infrastructure, environmental modifications,
fiscal and foreign sector imbalances, price increases, modifications to demographic
structures and changes in development priorities. When a disaster occurs, an immediate
assessment is undertaken to estimate direct and indirect impacts of the disaster.
This assessment must be comprehensive in that it should cover the wide range of effects
and their implications for economic and social sectors, physical infrastructure and
environmental assets. With such estimates, it should be possible to determine the short-
and medium-term reconstruction and longer-term recovery needs. There exist
comprehensive methodologies for damage and loss assessment that have proven effective
in other parts of the world as tools for recovery needs assessment.
One such methodology developed by the United Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has been used since 1970’s, which is able to
provide detailed assessments of damage and loss. Recognizing the need of such a
comprehensive tool for the State of Gujarat, the GSDMA commissioned a study to
develop a methodology for Damage and Loss Assessment for the State of Gujarat. In
this methodology, after a disaster takes place, an assessment of the Damage is carried
out which looks into the Safety of the buildings for human occupancy and other
critical infrastructure.
Once the damage assessment has been completed, the estimation of losses is carried
out. The Study looks into the manner in which damage and losses have to be assessed
for every sector of the State. It also shows that after the Damage and Loss Assessment
how a separate analysis needs to be made to ascertain the macroeconomic effect of
the disaster on State.
Q.7. Read the following passage carefully and answer questions that follow. (5 × 2 = 10) (10)
There is an increasing focus on women’s empowerment and gender equality in our
public discourse and every year it reaches its peak on the occasion of International
Women’s Day. The findings of a survey conducted by the International Labour
Organization in 2017 pointed out extreme levels of disparity in wages for women in
India. It reflected that men earn more than their women counterparts for similar
jobs. Another recent survey conducted by ILO shows that the gender gap in the
labour force has increased in recent years.
However, there have been multiple laws to protect the right of equal pay for both the
genders, such as the “Equal Remuneration Act of 1976”, which was passed with the
aim of providing equal remuneration to men and women workers and to prevent
discrimination on the basis of gender in all matters relating to employment and
employment opportunities.
The largest number of women are in the unorganized sector and the problem with
gender wage gap is in sectors like garments and agricultural industries. In the
organized sector, there is less chance of a wage gap, but there are no social securities
and no laws which govern the unorganized sector. One of the reasons that women
are fewer in number compared to men in the corporate sector or in government is
because of the notion that women also have to handle their families. There are also
socio-cultural biases that men can be better team leaders and will be able to contribute
more to a profession.

BEM-2 ] 2 [Contd.
Questions :

I. What are the findings of the survey pertaining to the disparity of wages for
women in India?

II. What are the provisions for protecting the right of equal pay?

III. In which type of sectors are the women generally found in large number?
Which are the shortcomings of these sectors?

IV. According to the passage which are reasons for the fewer number of women
in corporate sector or in government?

V. Give a suitable title to the passage.

Q.8. Do as directed: (15 × 1 = 15) (15)

Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [ ] as well
as write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per the sample
given below.

Sample Answer: ( ) A B C D E

1. The weather conditions _______ throughout the day and now the ground officials
are confident that the championship game _______ ahead.

(A) have been improving / will go

(B) will be improving / will go

(C) have improved / was going

(D) are improving / has gone

(E) improved / went

2. He was being chased by the dogs. (Change the voice)

(A) The dogs chased him.

(B) The dogs chase him.

(C) The dogs were chasing him.

(D) The dogs have been chasing him.

(E) The dogs are chasing him.

3. He said, “I clean my teeth twice a day.”. (Change the narration)

(A) He said that he cleaned his teeth twice a day.

(B) He said that he cleans his teeth twice a day.

(C) He said that he used to clean his teeth twice a day.

(D) He said that he is used to cleaning his teeth twice a day.

(E) He said that he has been cleaning his teeth twice a day.

BEM-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
4. This tea is too hot for me. (Transform the given sentence by removing ‘too’.)

(A) This tea is so hot that I cannot take it.

(B) This tea is very hot for me.

(C) This tea is hot for me.

(D) This tea is hot that I cannot take it.

(E) None of the above.

5. With some families displaced for more than a decade, children born or raised in
camps have _______ or _______ memory of traditional farming life.

(A) less / none

(B) few / fewer

(C) more / less

(D) no / any

(E) little / no

6. An honorary doctorate degree was conferred _______ Sunil Gavaskar by

Karnataka University.

(A) at

(B) upon

(C) for

(D) on

(E) with

7. You must _______ with the physiotherapy treatment, it’s doing you good.

(A) make up

(B) go up

(C) go on

(D) put up

(E) put off

8. After the public meeting, the crowd went haywire.

(Choose the correct meaning of the underlined expression)

(A) protested

(B) became out of control

(C) left the venue

(D) were in jubilation

(E) none of the above

BEM-2 ] 4 [Contd.
9. The meaning of ex gratia payment is ________.

(A) part pension given pending departmental inquiry

(B) part pension given on the order of court

(C) the additional payment made by the employer out of their goodwill

(D) advance payment of health expenditure made to hospital by insurance


(E) none of the above

10. Choose the synonym of ‘brisk’.

(A) slow

(B) quick

(C) sluggish

(D) lethargic

(E) lackluster

11. Choose the correct antonym of ‘serene’.

(A) noisy

(B) tranquil

(C) flourishing

(D) booming

(E) none of the above

12. Choose the one-word substitution for

‘a person pretending to be somebody he is not’.

(A) Rouge

(B) Sadist

(C) Atheist

(D) Imposter

(E) Brutal

13. Last year, the cash income of crop farmers dropped by 15%, _______ livestock
farm’s cash income rose 10%.

(A) so that

(B) since

(C) as

(D) while

(E) as far as

BEM-2 ] 5 P.T.O.
14. _______ composition begins several minutes after death. (Choose the correct affix).

(A) Dis

(B) De

(C) Ac

(D) Un

(E) Mis

15. Since now the teacher has _______ to the internet, the _______ work too can
now be _______ .

(A) access / excess / assessed

(B) excess / assess / accessed

(C) assess / access / excessed

(D) access / assess / excessed

(E) excess / access /assessed

Q.9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. (10)

hkßÞ™k þnuhe rðMŒkhku{kt xÙkrVf ‚{MÞk ½ýe ðfhe Au. hkuz ‚÷k{Œe y™u xÙkrVf™k r™Þ{ku,
ðkn™ [k÷fku™e ‚whûkk y™u yfM{kŒku yxfkðe þfkÞ Œu nuŒwÚke ƒ™kðu÷k nkuÞ Au. …htŒw, Œu r™Þ{ku™wt
…k÷™ fhðk{kt ykðŒwt ™Úke. yk fkhýu yfM{kŒku™wt «{ký ‚ŒŒ ðÄŒwt òÞ Au. yfM{kŒku™wt «{ký
½xu y™u xÙkrVf™k r™Þ{ku «íÞu ò„]rŒ fu¤ðkÞ Œu {kxu xÙkrVf Íqtƒuþ Þkusðk{kt ykðŒe nkuÞ Au.
y{ËkðkË{kt y™u yLÞ þnuhku{kt xÙkrVf …ku÷e‚ îkhk yðkh™ðkh ykðe xÙkrVf Íqtƒuþ fhðk{kt
ykðŒe nkuÞ Au. xÙkrVf …ku÷e‚ rð¼k„ îkhk Íqtƒuþ fhe™u ¾kuxe ƒksw ðkn™ [÷kð™khk, xÙkrVf
r‚ø™÷™ku ¼t„, yu[yu‚ykh…e ð„h™k ðkn™ku, nuÕ{ux, ‚ex ƒuÕx, ðe{k fu zÙkR®ð„ …hðk™k ð„h
Œu{s fk¤e rVÕ{ ‚kÚku ðkn™ [÷kð™kh ‚k{u ðÄw{kt ðÄw fu‚ Ëk¾÷ fhe Ëtz W½hkððk r™Ëuoþ fhkÞk
Au. {nk™„hku{kt MÚkkr…Œ fhu÷k ‚e‚exeðe …ý xÙkrVf …ku÷e‚™u Ëtz W½hkððk{kt ½ýk W…Þku„e ÚkE
hÌkk Au. ÷kufku{kt ò„]rŒ ykðu y™u r™Þ{ku™wt …k÷™ fhe þfkÞ Œuðk «Þk‚ fhkÞ Au, …htŒw, ÷kufku
r™Þ{ku™wt …k÷™ fhŒkt ™ nkuðkÚke ½ýeðkh f{™‚eƒ yfM{kŒku ÚkŒk hnu Au.

BEM-2 ] 6 [Contd.
Paper-3 : Mkk{kLÞ yÇÞkMk / General Studies (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours

Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 20

1. Question No. 1 to 20

2. çkÄkts 20 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 20 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 words.
«.-1. ELzeÞLk LkuþLk÷ yk{eo WÃkh xqtfLkkUÄ ÷¾ku.
Q.-1. Write an essay on Indian National Army.
«.-2. [ku÷k ðtþLkwt hkßÞ Ërûký ¼khíkLkwt {níðLkwt hkßÞ níkwt. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-2. Chola dynasty kingdom was an important kingdom in South India. – Discuss.
«.-3. ¼khíkeÞ MkkrníÞ, ¼khíkLke Mk{]æÄ MktMf]ríkLku hsq fhu Au. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-3. Indian literature represents the rich culture of India. – Discuss.
«.-4. ¼khíkLkk økwVk MÚkkÃkíÞLke «khtr¼f ¼qr{fk Mk{òðku yLku økwshkíkLkk økwVk MÚkkÃkíÞ çkkçkíku sýkðku.
Q.-4. Explain the early role of cave architecture in India and the cave architecture of Gujarat.
«.-5. ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLku “÷ktçkw” yLku “yLÞ çktÄkhýku{ktÚke ÷eÄu÷ çktÄkhý” fnu Au. – rðÄkLkLkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku.
Q.-5. Indian Constitution is called a “lengthy” and “borrowed constitution” – Evaluate the
«.-6. MktMkËLkk øk]nkuLkk rðþu»kkrÄfkhkuLke çkkçkík ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhýLke sYhe òuøkðkEyku MkkÚku Mk{òðku.
Q.-6. “Privileges of Houses of Parliament” – Explain with necessary provisions of Indian
«.-7. ¼khíkLku ¼rð»Þ {kxu íkiÞkh fhðk NEW INDIA@75Lke Lkerík ykÞkuøkLke ÔÞqnh[LkkLke [[ko fhku.
Q.-7. Discuss NITI Aayog’s strategy for NEW INDIA@75 to make India ready for future.
«.-8. ÷kufkuLke sYheÞkík íkÚkk yÃkuûkkyku{kt ðÄkhku ÚkðkLkk fkhýu ÷kuf «þkMkLkLkku ÔÞkÃk Mkíkík ðÄe hnu÷ Au. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-8. Due to the increasing needs and expectations of the people, the scope of public
administration is increasing. – Discuss.
«.-9. Mkuðk yrÄfkh yrÄrLkÞ{ yLku þkMkLk{kt Lkiríkfíkkyku MkkÚkuLkk MktçktÄ Ãkh LkkUÄ ÷¾ku.
Q.-9. Write a note on Right to Services Act and its relationship with ethics in governance.
«.-10. ¼kðLkkí{f çkwrØ – Emotional Intelligence (EI) çkkçkíku ykÃk þwt òýku Aku ? ònuh Mkuðfku{kt ¼kðLkkí{f çkwrØ
(EI) rðfMkkððkLke heíkku rðþu [[ko fhku.
Q.-10. What do you understand by Emotional Intelligence (EI). Discuss the ways to develop EI
among civil servants.

BEM-3 ] 1
«.-11. yktíkh {k¤¾krfÞ rðfkMk{kt ‘«ÄkLk{tºke økrík þÂõík ÞkusLkk’ (PM Gati Shakti Scheme) øku{ [uLsh Mkkrçkík ÚkE
þfu Au. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-11. ‘PM Gati Shakti Scheme’ is going to be game changer in India’s Infrastructure
Development. – Discuss.
«.-12. økwshkík MkhfkhLkk MkLku 2023-24Lkk ytËksÃkºk{kt Mk{krsf yLku ykŠÚkf rðfkMkLku ðuøk ykÃkðk {kxu ÷uðkÞu÷ {wÏÞ
Ãkøk÷ktykuLke [[ko fhku.
Q.-12. Elaborate major provisions in Gujarat Government Budget, 2023-24 for accelerating
socio-economic development.
«.-13. ¼khíkLke hk{Mkh MkkExLke {wÏÞ ÷kûkrýfíkkyku sýkðku yLku íkuLkk nuíkwyku sýkðku.
Q.-13. Mention the salient features of Ramsar sights in India and the objectives of Ramsar
«.-14. ¼khíkLkk ykŠÚkf rðfkMk{kt LkËeykuLke ¼qr{fkLkwt ÞkuøÞ WËknhý MkkÚku {qÕÞktfLk fhku.
Q.-14. Evaluate the Role of rivers in India’s economic development with suitable example.
«.-15. ¼khíku rðïLku ykÃku÷ fux÷ef ði¿kkrLkf þkuÄku yLku xufLkku÷kuSf÷ LkðeLkíkkyku rðþu LkkUÄ ÷¾ku.
Q.-15. Write a note on some of the key scientific discoveries and technological innovations that
India has given to the world.
«.-16. Wòo ûkuºkLkk ÃkzfkhkuLke [[ko fhku yLku Mkhfkh îkhk íkuLkku fE heíku Wfu÷ ÷kððk{kt ykðu÷ Au ?
Q.-16. Discuss the challenges of the energy sector and how are they solved by the government ?
«.-17. xÙkÂLÍx ykurhyuLxuz zuð÷Ãk{uLx (TOD)Lke rð¼kðLkkLku rðMík]ík fhku.
Q.-17. Elaborate on the “Concept of Transit Oriented Development”.
«.-18. ykçkkunðk ÃkrhðíkoLkLkk òu¾{kuLku ½xkzðk {kxu þnuhe ykÞkusLkLke ¼qr{fk ðýoðku.
Q.-18. Describe the role of Urban Planning to minimize the threats of climatic change.
«.-19. “ðkpxh rðÍLk 2047” (Water Vision 2047) ¼krð ÃkuZe {kxu ¾qçk s {níðLkku fkÞo¢{ Au. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-19. “Water Vision 2047” is very important program for future generation. – Discuss.
«.-20. {uzef÷ xqheÍ{ yLku Mkw¾kfkhe «ðkMkLkLkk Lkðk ÏÞk÷kuÚke rðïLkk ÷kufkuLkwt SðLkÄkuhý MkwÄkhðk ¼khíkLkk «ÞíLkkuLke [[ko
Q.-20. Discuss India’s efforts to improve the standard of living of the people of the world with
a new concept of medical tourism and wellness tourism.

BEM-3 ] 2
ACF Adv 12/2022-23

BEN-1 1

«-1. ™e[u yk…u÷ …kt[ rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE yuf {wÆk …h ykuAk{kt ykuAk 250 y™u ðÄw{kt ðÄw 300 þçËku{kt મેેલ ગુણ /
ÞkuøÞ WËknhýku™ku ykÄkh ÷E™u r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. MARKS

1.1 ¼khŒ{kt ð™rðfk‚ Úkfe ykrÚkof «„rŒ : …zfkhku y™u …rhýk{ku

કુલ ગુણ /
1.2 ðirïf …Þkoðhý™e ‚{MÞkyku™k Wfu÷ {kxu ™i‚r„of W…kÞku TOTAL

1.3 ¼khŒ™e ð™‚t…Ëk : ÔÞk… y™u ðirðæÞ

1.4 „wshkŒ{kt ykrËðk‚e ‚tMf]rŒ ‚t˼uo ð™rðï™wt Þku„Ëk™
1.5 {™w»Þ‚]rü y™u ð™‚]rü : yktŒhyð÷tƒ™™wt ðŒo{k™ MðY… y™u ¼krð þfâŒkyku

«-2. ™e[u yk…u÷ ºký rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE …ý ƒu …trõŒyku™ku ykþhu 100Úke 150 þçËku{kt rð[khrðMŒkh fhku.
(05 „wý × 02 …trõŒyku) મેેલ ગુણ /
2.1 ‚qfu÷e zk¤u / …ku…x ƒuXku: …k™ / [ku„{ ÷e÷kt. – M™unhr~{ OBTAINED

2.2 ‚qhs™ku ht„ {khkt …ktËzkt …eyu™u / …eyu {kxe™e „tÄ {khkt {q¤; yÄwO Œu yt„ {kÁt …e¤kt
…Œtr„Þkt ™u yÄwO Œu Œ{hk™wt fq¤; / Úkkuzku ytÄkhu, Úkkuzku Wò‚{kt, / Úkkuzku ÄhŒe{kt, Úkkuzku કુલ ગુણ /
ykfkþ{kt, / Úkkuzku ð„zk™ku ïk‚ {khk ïk‚{kt. – sÞLŒ …kXf
2.3 ÚkkÞ Au {khe ™sh òýu nhý, ™u hnu Au XufŒe yu ½k‚{kt; ™k A¤u Au yuf …¤ yu™kt [hý.
/ M…þoŒku yu™u ™net ™u ™òfŒ ŒkuÞ yu™e y™w¼ðwt Awt {™u {nª! – «nT÷kË …khu¾
મેેલ ગુણ /
«-3. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™ku (396 þçËku) {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ÷„¼„ 1/3 ¼k„{kt ‚tûku… OBTAINED
fhku. MARKS

f{o કુલ ગુણ /

ðirËf r¢Þkf{o. f{o yux÷u r¢ÞkÔÞk…kh, [uük. ÄkŒw™k rŒÊLŒ fu f]ËLŒ™ku yÚko. ‘ËuðË¥k V¤ ¾kÞ Au’: yu MARKS: 10
ðkõÞ{kt ‘¾kÞ Au’ yux÷u ¾kuhkf {w¾{ktÚke „¤u WŒkhðkY… ÔÞk…kh fhu Au, Œu f{o fnuðkÞ. ‘f{o’ yu
™k{þçË Au y™u fkhf ‚tƒtÄu Œu r¢Þk ‚kÚku òuzkÞu÷ku nkuÞ Au. W…h™k ðkõÞ{kt ‘V¤’ yu ™k{þçË Au y™u
f{ofkhf ‚tƒtÄu Œu ‘¾kÞ Au’ r¢Þk ‚kÚku òuzkÞu÷ku Au. fkhf ‚tƒtÄu RrÂŒŒ{, y™erÂŒ, yfrÚkŒ y™u
f{o-«ð[™eÞ Þku„{kt ÚkŒwt yu{ rðrðÄ f{o«fkhku ÔÞkfhýþkMºk{kt Au. ðiþur»kf Ëþo™™k {Œu f{o
[÷™kí{f-n÷™[÷™kí{f Au y™u Wíûku…ý, y…ûku…ý, ykfwt[™, «‚khý y™u „{™ yu{ …kt[ «fkh™wt
Au. ¼ú{ý, hu[™, M…þo™, rŒÞo„„{™ ð„uhu «fkhku y™u yLÞ ‚ðo r¢ÞkÔÞk…khku™ku yk …kt[ rð¼k„ku{kt
yLŒ¼koð ÚkkÞ Au. ™kuË™, yr¼½kŒ, „wÁíð, ðu„, «ÞíLk, ‚tÞku„, ÿðíð y™u ‚tMfkh ð„uhuÚke f{o
Wí…LLk ÚkkÞ Au. ‘yü’ yu …ý {™w»Þku™k f{o™wt yuf fkhý Au. yk ƒÄkt ¼kirŒf f{kuo Au. fýkËu Ëk™, Þ¿k,
…wÛÞf{o, …k…f{o yu ƒÄkt Ä{o fu yÄ{oY… f{kuo …ý „ýkÔÞkt Au. Ëk™ ð„uhu f{o Ä{ko™wfq÷ y™u ®n‚k
ð„uhu yÄ{ko™wfq÷ f{o fnuðkÞ. Ä{ko™wfq÷ f{oÚke yÇÞwËÞ y™u {kuûk «kÃík ÚkkÞ. fux÷ktf f{o «íÞûk V¤
yk…™khkt y™u fux÷ktf yü V÷ yk…™khkt Au. yü{ktÚke ‘y…qðo’™wt r™{koý ÚkkÞ Au. ðirËf …kihkrýf
f{ofktz{kt ‘f{o’ Äkr{of r¢ÞkrðrÄðk[f Au. ‘‚tæÞkf{o’, ‘Þ¿kf{o’, ‘rððknf{o’ yu þçËku{kt f{o
rðrÄr¢Þk™ku ðk[f Au. {e{kt‚k, Ä{oþkMºk ykrË y™w‚kh f{o r™íÞ, ™ir{r¥kf y™u fkBÞ – yu ºký
«fkh™wt Au. r™r»kØ y™u «kÞrù¥k yuðk ƒu «fkh …ý Au. «rŒrË™ fhðk™kt ykð~Þf f{o Œu r™íÞf{o.
2 BEN-1

‚tæÞk, MðkæÞkÞ yu r™íÞf{o Au. y{wf r™r{¥k™u y™w÷ûke fhðk™kt f{o Œu ™ir{r¥kf, su{ fu, s™™kþki[,
r…Œ]©kØ, „únýM™k™, [ki÷ ð„uhu ‚tMfkh yu ‚ðo ™ir{r¥kf f{kuo Au. fkuE V÷rðþu»k™e RåAkÚke fhkŒkt
f{kuo fkBÞf{kuo Au; su{ fu, …wºkurü, yï{uÄ, fkhehe Rrü ð„uhu.
÷„¼„ ƒÄktÞ Ëþo™ku y™w‚kh «íÞuf f{o™wt ftEf ™u ftEf V¤ {¤u s Au. fŒkoyu V¤ ¼ku„ððwt …zu Au.
Eïhk…oýƒwrØÚke fhu÷ f{o™wt V¤ ƒtÄ™Y… ™eðzŒwt ™Úke. RåAk, ykfktûkk yu f{o™kt «uhf ƒ¤ku Au. f{o
y™w‚kh {]íÞw …Ae swËe swËe Þkur™{kt sL{ {¤u Au. f{o™wt V¤ ¼ku„ððwt s …zu. ‚tr[Œ, «khçÄ y™u
r¢Þ{ký yu{ f{o™k ºký «fkh Au. su f{o™kt V¤ nS «„x ÚkÞkt ™Úke Œu ‚tr[Œ f{o, su f{o™u ykÄkhu
‚kt«Œ sL{ y™u Œu{kt «kÃík ÚkŒkt ‚w¾Ëw:¾ ¼ku„ðkÞ Au Œu «khçÄ f{o y™u ðŒo{k™ sL{{kt su f{kuo ÚkkÞ
Au y™u su™wt V¤ ¼rð»Þ{kt õÞkhuf {¤þu Œu r¢Þ{ký f{kuo Au. «f]rŒ™k „wýku y™w‚kh V÷k‚rõŒ rð™k
fhkŒwt ‚íð„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu ‚kríðf, hk„ fu yntfkhÚke «uhkÞu÷wt hòu„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu hksr‚f y™u
yrððuf Œu{s y¿kk™Úke fhkŒwt Œ{ku„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu Œk{r‚f f{o Au. yk f{kuo™k [¢Úke ‚t‚kh[¢
[k÷u Au.
– ™khkÞý ft‚khk, ð‚tŒ …he¾
«-4. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™e ‚½™ ðk[™k fhe «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (2 „wý × 5 «§ku) મેેલ ગુણ /
yuf nŒe sƒk÷k, Œu™ku …wºk ‚íÞfk{. MARKS

ƒeòyku™e su{ Œu™u …ý „wÁ™k yk©{{kt sE™u yæÞÞ™ fhðk™wt {™ ÚkÞwt. …ý „wÁ Œku ƒÄk rþ»Þku™kt
કુલ ગુણ /
„kuºk òýe™u yk©{{kt Ëk¾÷ fhu. ‚íÞfk{™u yk™e òý. yux÷u Œuýu {k™u fÌkwt, TOTAL
'nwt ƒúñ[Þo …k¤e™u „wÁ™k yk©{u sðk {k„wt Awt; Œku Œwt {™u {kÁt „kuºk fnu.’ MARKS: 10

sƒk÷k þwt ƒku÷u? fþwt ¾kuxwt ƒku÷ðk {k„Œe ™ nŒe yux÷u Œuýu Œku r™¾k÷‚ŒkÚke fÌkwt, '…wºk, nwt ŒkÁt „kuºk
òýŒe ™Úke.’
'fu{ ™Úke òýŒe?’
'{khk …rŒ™u íÞkt yrŒrÚkyku ykÔÞk s fhŒk. nwt Œu ƒÄk™e ‚uðk[kfhe fhŒe. Þwðk™e{kt s {ut Œ™u {u¤ÔÞku,
…Ae Œku Œkhk r…Œk™wt yð‚k™ ÚkÞwt. nðu {™u ÞkË ™Úke fu ŒkÁt „kuºk fÞwt Au. {kÁt ™k{ sƒk÷k, „wÁ …qAu
Œku fnusu fu {kÁt ™k{ ‚íÞfk{ sƒk÷k.’
…Ae Œku ‚íÞfk{ „wÁ „kiŒ{ ðtþ™k nkrhÿw{Œ …k‚u …nkut[e „Þku. y™u yk©{{kt r™ðk‚ fhðk™e RåAk
Œuýu „wÁ yk„¤ ÔÞõŒ fhe.
„wÁyu …qAâwt, 'ŒkÁt „kuºk fÞwt?’
'nwt òýŒku ™Úke.' …Ae ‚íÞfk{u {kŒk ‚kÚku ÚkÞu÷e ðkŒ[eŒ „wÁ™u fne ‚t¼¤kðe. '{kÁt ™k{ ‚íÞfk{
„wÁyu fÌkwt, 'ykx÷e M…ü y™u ‚eÄe‚kËe ðkŒ ƒúkñý r‚ðkÞ fkuE fhu ™net. nwt Œkhk ‚tMfkh fheþ,
fkhý fu Œut ‚íÞ™ku yk©Þ ÷eÄku.’
…Ae „wÁyu Œu™u ftŒkE „Þu÷e, Ëqƒ¤e yuðe [kh „kÞku MkkU…e.
'yk „kÞku yuf-nòh Úkþu íÞkhu nwt …kAku Vheþ.’
y™u ‚íÞfk{ „kÞku™e ‚tÏÞk yuf nòh ÚkE íÞkt ‚wÄe yhÛÞ{kt s hÌkku.
– AktËkuøÞ W…r™»kË
BEN-1 3

Ǥku :
4.1 ¼khŒ¼h{kt yk ðkŒko òýeŒe ÚkE. þk {kxu?
4.2 yk ðkŒko {™w»Þ™k fÞk „wýku™u «ËrþoŒ fhu Au?
4.3 ¼khŒ Ëuþ™e nòhku ð»ko sq™e fE YrZ yk ðkŒko hsq fhu Au?
4.4 ðkŒko™k ºkýu …kºkku rðþu Œ{khkt r™heûkýku sýkðku.
4.5 ™kheðkËe ðk[f yk ðkŒko™wt fÞwt yÚko½x™ fhþu?

«-5. 21 {k[uo „wshkŒ hkßÞ{kt yktŒhhk»xÙeÞ ð™rËð‚™e Wsðýe™wt ykÞkus™ fhðk{kt ykÔÞwt Au. મેેલ ગુણ /
yk r™r{¥ku Úk™kh r¼Òk «ð]r¥kyku rðþu òýfkhe yk…Œwt ð™ y™u …Þkoðhý rð¼k„™k {tºke©e™wt MARKS

yki…[krhf ¼k»ký ŒiÞkh fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)

કુલ ગુણ /

«-6. Íz…Úke ð™ rðfk‚ ÚkkÞ yu {kxu ð™ rð¼k„, „wshkŒ hkßÞ îkhk nkÚk ÄhkÞu÷ 'ð™fð[’ Þkus™k yt„u™e મેેલ ગુણ /
rðMŒ]Œ {krnŒe yk…Œwt «[kh {kæÞ{ku {kxu™wt r™ðuË™ ŒiÞkh fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

«-7. W¥khkÞý™k ‚{Þu fÁýk yr¼Þk™ ÞkuòÞ Au. Wí‚ð, yk™tË y™u nkr™ – yk ºkýu árüyu Œ{u yk મેેલ ગુણ /
yr¼Þk™ rðþu r¼LLk r¼LLk «fkh™kt ‚tðuË™ku y™w¼ðku Aku. yk yt„u Œ{kÁt r™¾k÷‚ ƒÞk™ yk…Œku MARKS
yt„Œ …ºk òýeŒkt ‚k{rÞf '{ Œ Ä’™k Œtºke™u «fkþ™ nuŒw ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku)
કુલ ગુણ /

«-8. „wshkŒ hkßÞ ‚hfkh îkhk nkÚk ÄhkÞu÷ «fÕ… ‚k{krsf ð™efhý™kt Œ{k{ …k‚ktyku™u ykðhe ÷uŒwt મેેલ ગુણ /
[[ko…ºk 'f ¾ ½’ ðŒo{k™…ºk™k Œtºke©e™u ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
«-9. ™e[u yk…u÷ Aƒe rðþu „ã÷u¾™ fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /
4 BEN-1

«-10. „wshkŒ hkßÞ îkhk rðfr‚Œ r¼LLk ‚ktMf]rŒf ð™ku™e Œ{u {w÷kfkŒ ÷eÄe. yu yt„u Œ{khk y™w¼ð™u મેેલ ગુણ /
ðýoðŒku ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /

«-11. ‚½™ ð™ku h[ðk {kxu ƒu …ÞkoðhýrðËT ðå[u ÚkE hnu÷ ‚tðkË ŒiÞkh fhku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /

«-12. yk…u÷ yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Forest protection has to go hand-in-hand with forest restoration and reforestation. MARKS

Africa has the largest restoration opportunity of any continent in the world – an area
nearly the size of Australia. Many African communities are already reaping the
કુલ ગુણ /
benefits of restoration. Farmers in the Ethiopian region of Tigray have restored TOTAL
more than one million hectares of degraded land through agroforestry and climate- MARKS: 10
smart agriculture. By doing so, they have expanded farming long into the dry season,
improving soils and water supplies, and increasing food and nutrition security. It is
for such reasons that my Foundation keeps emphasizing the crucial role that climate-
smart solutions can play in ending hunger. If done properly, commercial forest
plantations have a huge potential to restore degraded land and reduce pressure on
natural forests. But let me stress that the new must not lead to the destruction or
neglect of the old. Several companies in Africa, including Form Ghana, have set up
sustainable forestry projects based on a long-term approach and multi-stakeholder
benefit. They understand, what all farmers know, that if you take something from
the earth today, you need to put something back in return; because if you don’t do
so, the cycle cannot continue. They are operating according to high standards for
sustainable forest management, serving the needs of the local communities and
restoring vital environmental services. These successes need to be replicated and
scale up. African governments must create conducive environments to promote
domestic and international investment in sustainable reforestation initiatives.
I encourage companies to build innovative partnerships with governments, civil
society, and multilateral institutions to develop and apply sustainability criteria and
increase the areas of certified forest plantations. Businesses must adopt zero-
deforestation policies, respect human rights and land rights, and commit to third
party verification of their operations. Consumers can support responsible business
practices by committing themselves to buying recycled or certified wood products.
And the global community must get behind those efforts; the benefits – as we all
know – go far beyond Africa. Forest restoration and reforestation in Africa can
contribute to the global effort to tackle climate change and accelerate progress in
achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Research shows that forest restoration
of 350 million hectares could generate $170 billion per year in net benefits from
watershed protection, improved crop yields and forest products.
– Kofi Annan
BEN-1 5

«-13. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (10 × 2 „wý) મેેલ ગુણ /
13.1. YrZ«Þku„ku™ku yÚko yk…e Œu{™ku ðkõÞ{kt «Þku„ fhku. MARKS

13.1.1 y¾hkE sðwt

કુલ ગુણ /
13.1.2 fƒkzwt fhðwt TOTAL
13.2. fnuðŒku™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
13.2.1 ‚ðk {ý Œu÷u ytÄkÁt
13.2.2 ÷e÷k ð™™k ‚qzk ½ýkt
13.3. ‚{k‚™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™e yku¤¾ yk…ku.
13.3.1 ŒxMÚk
13.3.2 y™w¼ð¿kk™
13.4. …trõŒyku™k AtË yku¤¾kðku.
13.4.1 ®[Œk ytŒh™e ËR ËrÞŒ™u ‚t„e Úkðk EåAðwt
13.4.2 hu …t¾ezk ! ‚w¾Úke [ýsku „eŒ ðk fktR „kòu
13.5. y÷tfkh yku¤¾kðku.
13.5.1 [ktË Œ{khe hkn swyu Au.
13.5.2 ™Ëe Ëkuzu, ‚kuzu ¼z ¼z ƒ¤u, zwt„h ð™ku
13.6. þçË‚{qnku {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
13.6.1 yuf‚h¾ku …nuhðuþ
13.6.2 [uŒ™ y™u sz
13.7. þçËku™e òuzýe ‚wÄkhku.
13.7.1 r™~ŒçÄ
13.7.2 ‚ku¢uxeþ
13.8. ðkõÞku{kt òuzýe y™u ðkõÞh[™k™e ¼q÷ku ‚wÄkhku.
13.8.1 fw‚¤ {ký‚ ykfrM{f ¾[o™ku rð[kh fhu Au yux÷u Úkkuze hf{ ‚e÷f Œhefu hk¾u Au.
13.8.2 rsË„e™kt sux÷k ðhnku nk[kt SÔÞku nkuEþ yux÷k yktƒk WAhþu.
13.9. þçËku™e ‚trÄ òuzku y™u Akuzku.
13.9.1 ‚trÄ skuzku : yLÞ + yÚko
13.9.2 ‚trÄ Akuzku : yLÞkLÞ.
13.10. ðkõÞh[™k yt„u yk…u÷ ‚q[™k {wsƒ W¥kh yk…ku.
13.10.1 fŒorh{ktÚke f{orý ðkõÞ ƒ™kðku : Œwt ËkuzkËkuz fhu Au.
13.10.2 ‚kËkt ðkõÞ{ktÚke «uhf ðkõÞ ƒ™kðku : nwt r[ºk ËkuÁt Awt.
BEN-2 1

Q1. Write an essay on any one of the following in minimum 250 to maximum 300 મેેલ ગુણ /
words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject in OBTAINED
the best possible individual style having originality of thought and expression.
It must be well-argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with
observance of grammatical rules. કુલ ગુણ /
I. “If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can’t hear MARKS: 20

them anymore.”
II. “If every day were Earth Day, we wouldn’t be in the mess we are in.”
III. Violence never brings permanent peace.
IV. India as an Emerging Global Power: Challenges and Opportunities.
V. Problem of Child Labour in Developing Economies.
Q2. Imagine you are an Assistant Conservator of Forest posted in the Gir Range, મેેલ ગુણ /
Gujarat. The Government has recently decided to update the important data OBTAINED
of forest by using advanced tools, technology and modern machines which
can make the process of forest conservation easier and more efficient.
Your senior officer has sought your opinion about the needful actions for કુલ ગુણ /
the same. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to your senior officer offering TOTAL
needful suggestions.
Q3. For many birds around the world, Gujarat’s Nalsarovar lake is home away મેેલ ગુણ /
from home, where they spend the cold winter months. Designated as a OBTAINED
wetland of international importance, the lake needs to be safe destination
for these birds. The recent matter of concern is the sprawling nets across
the wide lake, which brings the carefree flights of the birds to an abrupt end. કુલ ગુણ /
Draft an APPEAL, in about 150 words, creating needful awareness among TOTAL
the masses on the said concern.
Q4. Write a report in about 150 words on your recent visit to the Tana Riri મેેલ ગુણ /
Mahotsav organized by the State Government at Vadnagar. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

Q5. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about 150 મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /
2 BEN-2

Q6. Draft an inaugural speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the મેેલ ગુણ /
honorable Minister of Tribal Affairs, Government of India, at ‘Aadi Mahotsav’, OBTAINED
an annual initiative of the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development
Federation Limited (TRIFED) under the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
કુલ ગુણ /

Q7. Write a precis of the following passage in about one-third of its original મેેલ ગુણ /
length: OBTAINED

Malnutrition relates to a deficiency, excess, or imbalance of energy and

nutrients. It comprises varying degrees of under- or over- nutrition, which
કુલ ગુણ /
leads to changes in body composition, body function, and clinical outcomes. TOTAL
In other words, malnutrition is an all-inclusive term that represents all MARKS: 15
manifestations of poor nutrition and ranges from extreme hunger and
undernutrition to obesity. Despite social and economic development, the
burden of malnutrition across the globe remains unacceptably high.
Children under the age of 5 years are highly vulnerable to malnutrition with
estimates suggesting that in 2019, globally 144 million children under the
age of five were stunted (short for his/her age), 47 million wasted (thin for
his/her height) and 38 million overweight (abnormal or excess bodyweight).
Millions of women around the world are still underweight and one-third of
women of reproductive age are estimated to have anemia.
Malnutrition has long been linked to poverty as higher rates of malnutrition
are found in areas with chronic poverty. The impact of poverty on individuals
can be seen through multiple manifestations and includes poor nutritional
status, food insecurity, vulnerability to disease, reduced productivity levels,
and compromised physical and intellectual development. Additionally,
people living in poverty are unable to access necessities including
nutritious food, hygienic environment, appropriate shelter, and adequate
healthcare. Therefore, it would not be incorrect to suggest that even though
malnutrition is a global phenomenon, those living in poverty face a higher
burden. The question that now arises is whether malnutrition is a cause or
consequence of poverty.
To analyze the vital linkages between poverty and malnutrition; it is
important to highlight the growing evidence that health outcomes including
malnutrition are driven by social determinants. This interconnection
between people’s conditions and circumstances and their health can be
displayed using the concept of poverty and food insecurity.
Q8. Read the following passage carefully and answer questions that follow: મેેલ ગુણ /
(5 x 3 = 15) OBTAINED
As fertility declines, the share of the young population falls and that of the
older, dependent population rises. If the fertility decline is rapid, the increase
in the population of working ages is substantial yielding the ‘demographic કુલ ગુણ /
dividend’. The smaller share of children in the population enables higher MARKS: 15
investment per child. Therefore, the future entrants in the labour force
BEN-2 3

can have better productivity and thus boost income. With the passage of
time, the share of the older population rises and that of the working age
population begins to fall and hence the dividend is available for a period of
time, ‘the window of demographic opportunity’.
However, realization of the benefits of potential demographic dividend is not
automatic and thus presents many challenges. Without proper policies, the
increase in the working-age population may lead to rising unemployment,
fueling economic and social risks. This calls for forward-looking policies
incorporating population dynamics, education and skills, healthcare, gender
sensitivity, and providing rights and choices to the younger generation.
With falling fertility, rising median age (from 24 years in 2011, 29 years now
and expected to be 36 years by 2036), a falling dependency ratio (expected
to decrease from 65% to 54% in the coming decade taking 15-59 years
as the working age population), India is in the middle of a demographic
transition. This provides a window of opportunity towards faster economic
growth. India has already begun to get the dividend. In India, the benefit
to the GDP from demographic transition has been lower than its peers in
Asia and is already tapering. Hence, there is an urgency to take appropriate
policy measures.
Questions :
I. What does ‘demographic dividend’ mean according to the passage?
II. Why is the dividend available for a period of time?
III. What would the increase in the working-age population may lead to?
How can this issue be addressed?
IV. What is India’s position regarding ‘demographic dividend’ according
to the passage?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage.
Q9. Do as directed: (20 x 1 = 20)
Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle મેેલ ગુણ /
( l ) as well as write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER)
as per the sample given below.
કુલ ગુણ /
Sample Ans.: ( C ) (A) � (B) � (C) l (D) � (E) � TOTAL

1. I _______ be at home by 10 o’clock otherwise my father said that he would

not let me in. (Fill in the blank)
(A) shall
(B) should
(C) have to
(D) dare
(E) may
4 BEN-2

2. We _______ on a picnic every weekend when we were in Bursa.

(Fill in the blank)

(A) were going

(B) went
(C) have gone
(D) have been going
(E) go
3. They will demolish the entire bridge. (Change the Voice)
(A) The entire bridge is being demolished by them.
(B) The bridge may be demolished entirely by them.
(C) The entire bridge will have to be demolished by them.
(D) The entire bridge will be demolished by them.
(E) The entire bridge had been demolished by them.
4. She was congratulated by her mother on her brilliant success in the
recent examination. (Change the Voice)
(A) She congratulated her mother on her brilliant success in the
(B) Her mother congratulated her for her brilliant success in the recent
(C) Her mother congratulated her on her brilliant success in the
(D) Her mother congratulated her.
(E) Her mother congratulated her for her success.

5. The officer said to the reporter, “The minister will leave for Delhi
tomorrow.” (Change the Narration)
(A) The officer told the reporter that the minister will leave for Delhi
(B) The officer told the reporter that the minister left for Delhi the next
(C) The officer told the reporter that the minister would be leaving for
Delhi tomorrow.
(D) The officer told the reporter that the minister would leave for Delhi
the next day.
(E) The officer told the reporter that the minister would leave Delhi the
next day.
BEN-2 5

6. The teacher asked me why I had been absent the day before.
(Change the Narration)
(A) The teacher asked me, “Why were you absent yesterday?”
(B) The teacher asked me, “Why are you absent yesterday?”
(C) The teacher asked me, “Why are you absent the day before?”
(D) The teacher asked me, “Were you absent the day before?”
(E) The teacher asked me, “Why have been absent the day before?”

7. Everybody has heard of Dr. Homi Bhabha. (Transform the given

assertive sentence into interrogative.)
(A) Has everybody heard of Dr. Homi Bhabha?
(B) Isn’t that everybody has heard of Dr. Homi Bhabha?
(C) Everybody has heard of Dr. Homi Bhabha, isn’t it?
(D) Dr. Homi Bhabha is known to all, isn’t it?
(E) Do you know Dr. Homi Bhabha?
8. _______ children recited _______ poem in _______ honour of _______
Prime Minister. (Fill in the blanks)
(A) The, a, an, a
(B) A, the, the, the
(C) No article, a, an, the
(D) The, a, the, the
(E) The, a, no article, no article
9. The stockroom is _______ the back of the house. (Fill in the blank)
(A) about
(B) in
(C) of
(D) at
(E) into

10. If the TV isn’t loud enough, turn it _______ a little. (Fill in the blank)
(A) slow
(B) off
(C) up
(D) down
(E) None of the above
6 BEN-2

11. His supporters began to _______, and he was left alone. (Fill in the
(A) fall in
(B) fall into
(C) fall away
(D) fall on
(E) fall over

12. Whenever I meet her, she pulls a long face.

(Select the correct meaning of the underlined expression)

(A) looks angry
(B) looks cheerful
(C) looks gloomy
(D) looks wicked
(E) looks indifferent

13. Choose the correct meaning of ‘deferred expenditure’.

(A) Delayed expenditure
(B) Illegal expenditure
(C) Emergency expenditure
(D) Human Resources Training expenditure
(E) Excess expenditure

14. Choose the correct synonym for ‘altercation’.

(A) Distribution
(B) Change
(C) Heated dispute
(D) Choice
(E) None of the above

15. Choose the correct antonym for ‘ambiguous’.

(A) Obstruse
(B) Clear
(C) Responsible
(D) Perplexing
(E) None of the above
BEN-2 7

16. Choose the one-word substitution for ‘that which cannot be avoided’.

(A) Contagious

(B) Infectious

(C) Inevitable

(D) Severe

(E) None of the above

17. He wasn’t feeling so well. _______, he went to the office.
(Fill in the blank)
(A) Although
(B) Nevertheless
(C) Consequently
(D) Therefore
(E) if
18. _______ all the technical problems he had with the computer, he
managed to send the e-mail. (Fill in the blank)
(A) Despite
(B) Because of
(C) Since
(D) Although
(E) Also

19. We were _______ satisfied with the service at the restaurant.

(Fill in the blank)
(A) non
(B) mis
(C) dis
(D) under
(E) None of the above
20. You could take a different _______ and still arrive at the same
destination. (Fill in the blank)
(A) route
(B) rout
(C) root
(D) rute
(E) routee
8 BEN-2

Q10. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English: મેેલ ગુણ /
¼khŒ rðfk‚þe÷ hk»xÙ Au. ¼khŒeÞ yÚkoŒºt k{kt ¾uŒe ûkuºk™wt MÚkk™ nswÞ ykrÚkof rðfk‚™k yurLs™ suðtw Au. ¼khŒ{kt
ðÄŒe sŒe ðMŒe™u yLLk …wY …kzðk, ykiãkur„f rðfk‚ s¤ðkE hnu Œu {kxu fk[ku {k÷ …qhku …kzðk ŒÚkk ‚uðk ûkuºk™k
કુલ ગુણ /
rðfk‚ {kxu ¾uŒe{kt ‘‚½™ ¾uŒe’ ðÄŒe òÞ Au. ®‚[kE {kxu …kýe™e sYh ðÄŒe „E Au. ¼khŒ{kt fw÷ s¤ ‚kÄ™ku™k TOTAL
xfk s¤ ‚kÄ™ku ®‚[kE {kxu ð…hkÞ Au. ø÷kuƒ÷ ðku {„™k fkhýu Œw[¢{kt VuhVkhku ÚkŒk hnu Au, ŒuÚke ðh‚kË™e MARKS: 15

yr™rùŒŒk ðÄe Au, y™u ŒuÚke ¼q„¼o s¤ …h™ku ykÄkh …ý ðÄŒku „Þku Au. xfk s¤ ykiãkur„f y™u ½h ð…hkþ
{kxu ð…hkÞ Au. ¼khŒ{kt Íz…e ðMŒeð]rØ ÚkŒk {kt Ëuþ™e / ðMŒe™u þwØ …eðk™wt …kýe ™nª {¤u. ðŒo{k™
‚{Þ{kt rËÕne, fku÷f¥kk, [uLLkkE y™u {wƒ
t E suðk {u„k r‚xe{kt …kýe™e {kt„ ðÄe™u ƒ{ýe Úkðk sE hne Au.
þnuhefhý™ku ðÄkhku ÚkŒk …kýe™e rðŒhý ÔÞðMÚkk ÞkuøÞ heŒu ò¤ðe þfkŒe ™Úke. ŒuÚke {kÚkkËeX …kýe™ku ð…hkþ ðÄŒku
òÞ Au.
BEN-3 1

«.1. {nkøkwshkík [¤ð¤Lke WíÃkr¥k yLku íkuLke Mkk{krsf yLku hksrfÞ EríknkMk ÃkhLke yMkh rðþu [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Discuss the genesis of Maha Gujarat Movement and its impact on social and political MARKS

history. કુલ ગુણ /


«. yMknfkhLke ÷zíkLkk rðrðÄ ÃkkMkkykuLke rðøkíkku ykÃke íku{Lkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.2. Give details of the various aspects of non-cooperation movement and evaluate them. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /

«. E LzÞLk nku{Y÷ MkkuMkkÞxeLkku rðþu»k Mkt˼o ykÃke rðËuþLke Ähíke Ãkh ÚkÞu÷ ¢k Líkfkhe «ð]r¥kyku ðýoðku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.3. Describe revolutionary activities on foreign soil, with special reference to The Indian MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Home Rule Society. TOTAL

«. ËrhÞkE ðuÃkkh{kt {ktzðe çktËhu {níðLke ¼qr{fk ¼sðu÷ Au – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.4. Mandvi port has played the important role in the marine trade – Discuss. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /

«. økwshkíkLke ykrËòrík MktMf]ríkLke rðþu»k «Úkkyku Ãkh LkkUÄ ÷¾ku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.5. Write a note on the special practices of Tribal culture of Gujarat. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /

«. økwshkíkLke rðï rðÏÞkík nMíkf÷kyku Ãkh LkkUÄ ÷¾ku. મેેલ ગુણ /

Q.6. Write a note on world famous handicrafts of Gujarat. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /

«. ¼khíkLkk W¥kh ÃkqðeoÞ hkßÞkuLke Äk {f, ðtþeÞ yLku ¼k»kkfeÞ rðrðÄíkkyku ÞkuøÞ íku WËknhýku MkkÚku મેેલ ગુણ /
Mk{òðku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.7. Explain the religious, racial and linguistic diversity of north eastern states of India TOTAL
with examples. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
«. W¥khk¾tzLkk òu»ke{X{kt s{eLkLke MkÃkkxe çkuMke sðkLke ½xLkkyku çkLku÷ Au. íkuLkk fkhýkuLke [[ko fhku. OBTAINED
Q.8. Discuss the reasons for the land subsidence phenomenon at Joshimath in કુલ ગુણ /
Uttarakhand. TOTAL

«. økwshkík{kt ÃkkýeLke yAíkLkku Mkk{Lkku fhðk hkßÞ Mkhfkhu ÷eÄu÷ Ãkøk÷ktykuLke [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.9. Discuss the steps taken by the State Government to face the water scarcity in MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Gujarat. TOTAL
2 BEN-3

«. LkðeLkefhÛÞ Wòo (Renewable energy) ûkuºk{kt Lkðk ÏÞk÷ (Concepts) fÞk Au ? ykçkkunðk મેેલ ગુણ /
ÃkrhðíkoLk (Climate Change)Lke yMkhkuLku n¤ðe fhðk{kt íku fE heíku {ËË fhe þfu ? MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.10. What are the new concepts in renewable energy sectors? How can they help to TOTAL
mitigate the effects of climate change? MARKS: 10

«. {krníke yLku MktËuþkÔÞðnkh xufLkku÷kuSLkk {wÏÞ ÷k¼ku fÞk Au yLku íku ykÃkýk SðLkLku fuðe heíku yMkh મેેલ ગુણ /
fhu Au ? MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.11. What are the key benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) TOTAL
and how they impact our life? MARKS: 10

«. ¼khíkeÞ yðfkþ fkÞo¢{Lkk yiríknkrMkf Mke{k r[Lnku fÞk Au ? ËuþLke yðfkþ ûk{íkk{kt íku{Lkwt þwt મેેલ ગુણ /
ÞkuøkËkLk Au ? MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.12. What are the historical milestones of Indian space program? What is their TOTAL
contribution to the nation’s space capabilities? MARKS: 10

«. GI xøk fhu÷ «kuzõxTMk : yktíkhhk»xeÞ {kLÞíkk {kxuLke Lkðe ÔÞqnh[Lkk – LkkUÄ ÷¾ku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.13. GI Tagged Products : New strategy for international recognition – Write a note.
કુલ ગુણ /

«. Efku rMkMx{Lkk Mkthûký {kxu Ã÷k Mxf «Ëq»kýLkku ytík ÷kððku ykð~Þf Au. – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.14. End plastic pollution is must for conservation of Eco-system. – Discuss. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /

«. yktíkhhk»xeÞ siðrðrðÄíkk rËðMk : fhkhÚke fkÞoðkne MkwÄe : sirðf rðrðÄíkkLkwt ÃkwLk:rLk{koý. – {qÕÞktfLk મેેલ ગુણ /
fhku. MARKS
કુલ ગુણ /
Q.15. International Day for Biological Diversity : From agreement to action : Reconstruction TOTAL
of biodiversity. – Evaluate. MARKS: 10
BEN-4 1

«. ¼khík{kt {q¤¼qík yrÄfkhkuLkk y{÷ {kxu fÞk çktÄkhýeÞ WÃkkÞku Au ? – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.1. What are the Constitutional remedies for enforcement of Fundamental Rights in
India? Discuss.
કુલ ગુણ /

«. MktMkrËÞ Mkr{ríkyku ònuh ¾[o{kt W¥khËkrÞíð yLku sðkçkËkhe ÷kðu Au. – ðkõÞLkwt {qÕÞktfLk fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.2. Parliamentary committees bring the accountability and responsibility in public
expenditure. – Evaluate the statement.
કુલ ગુણ /

«. ¼khíkeÞ çktÄkhýLke yLkwMkq[e XI (11){kt WÕ÷ur¾ík {wÏÞ çkkçkíkkuLke [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.3. Discuss the key areas mentioned in the Schedule XI of the Indian Constitution.

કુલ ગુણ /

«. ¼khíkLkk çktÄkhý{kt Mkt½ yLku hkßÞku ðå[u fkÞËkfeÞ Mk¥kkykuLkk rð¼ksLkLke MÃkü òuøkðkE fhðk{kt મેેલ ગુણ /
ykðu÷ Au. WËknhý MkkÚku [[ko fhku. MARKS

Q.4. In the Constitution of India, the clear provisions are made for distribution of
legislative powers between the Union and the States. – Discuss with examples. કુલ ગુણ /

«. MktMÚkkLke Mkk{krsf yLku Lkiríkf fk{økehe MkwÄkhðk {kxu Mkk{kSf ykzex sYhe Au. – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.5. Social audit is necessary for improving organization’s social and ethical performance.
– Discuss.
કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /
«. fkirxÕÞLkwt yÚkoþkMºk yu ðneðxe yLku fÕÞkýfkhe rð[khkuLkku ¾òLkku Au. – [[ko fhku. OBTAINED
Q.6. Kautilya’s Arthashastra is a treasure house of administrative and welfare ideas. –
કુલ ગુણ /

«. {kLkð yrÄfkhkuLkk hûký {kxu rðrðÄ MktMÚkkyku yLku fkÞËkyku Au. – WËknhý Mkrník Mk{òðku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.7. Different organisations and Acts are there to protect human rights. – Discuss with
કુલ ગુણ /
2 BEN-4

«. yktíkhhk»xeÞ ònuh ykhkuøÞ {kxu rðï ykhkuøÞ MktMÚkk ¾qçks {níðÃkqýo MktMÚkkLk Au. – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.8. The World Health Organization is very important agency for international public
health. – Discuss.
કુલ ગુણ /

«. ÃkÞkoðhý rðYØ rðfkMk - fuMk Mxze (Case study). મેેલ ગુણ /

ykiãkurøkf hMkkÞýkuLkwt WíÃkkËLk, fkuE yuf yuf{ îkhk {kuxk ÃkkÞu fhðk{kt ykðu Au yLku íkuýu çkesw yuf{
MÚkkÃkðk {kxu Mkq[Lk fhu÷ Au. ÃkÞkoðhý Ãkh íkuLke Lkfkhkí{f yMkhLku fkhýu ½ýkt hkßÞkuyu yk «MíkkðLku
Vøkkðe ËeÄku níkku. Ãkhtíkw yuf hkßÞyu yk «Míkkð Mðefkhe ÷eÄu÷ yLku yuf{Lku {tsqhe ykÃku÷ níke. કુલ ગુણ /
÷kufkuLkk rðhkuÄLku çkksw{kt hk¾eLku þnuhLke ÃkkMku yuf{Lku MÚkkÃkðk{kt ykÔÞwt. yk yuf{ ËMk ð»ko Ãknu÷k MARKS: 10

MÚkkÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ níkwt yLku íku Ãkqhòuþ{kt fkÞoðtík níkwt.

ykiãkurøkf f[hkLku fkhýu «Ëq»kýLke yMkh Mk{økú rðMíkkhLke s{eLk, Ãkkýe yLku ÃkkfLku Úkíke níke. {Lkw»Þ
yLku «kýeyku {kxu ykhkuøÞLke økt¼eh Mk{MÞkyku Ãký W¼e Úkíke níke. ykLkkÚke yuf{Lku çktÄ fhðkLke
{ktøk MkkÚku yktËku÷Lkku ÚkÞkt níkkt yLku íkksuíkh{kt nòhku ÷kufkuyu yktËku÷Lk{kt ¼køk ÷eÄu÷ níkku. suÚke
fkÞËku yLku ÔÞðMÚkkLke Mk{MÞk W¼e Úkíkkt fzf Ãkku÷eMk fkÞoðkne fhðe Ãkzu÷ níke.
yk yk¢kuþLku fkhýu MktçktÄeík hkßÞ Mkhfkhu yk yuf{ çktÄ fhðkLkku ykËuþ fhu÷ níkku. yk yuf{ çktÄ
ÚkðkÚke yk yuf{Lkk s Lkne Ãkhtíkw ykLkw»kktrøkf yuf{ku{kt fk{ fhíkk níkk íku fk{Ëkhku Ãký çkufkh ÚkÞu÷
níkk. yuf{ îkhk WíÃkkrËík hMkkÞýku Ãkh ykÄkrhík WãkuøkkuLku Ãký ¾qçks ¾hkçk yMkh ÚkE níke.
ðrh yrÄfkhe íkhefu yk MktÃkqýo « ™ n÷ fhðkLke sðkçkËkhe ík{Lku MkkUÃkðk{kt ykðu÷ Au. ík{u yk « ™
fE heíku n÷ fhþku ?
Q.9. Environment v/s Development - (Case study)
Industrial chemicals are produced on a big scale by a company. It suggested
establishing a second unit. Due to its negative impact on the environment, many
states rejected this proposal. But one State Government accepted the request and
permitted the unit, close to a city, brushing aside all opposition. Further, the unit was
set up 10 years ago and was in full swing till recently.
The pollution caused by the industrial effluents was affecting the land, water, and
crops in the area. It was also causing serious health issues to human beings and
animals. This gave rise to agitations demanding the closure of the plant. In a recent
agitation, thousands of people had taken part, creating a law and order problem
necessitating stern police action.
Following the public outcry, the concerned State Government had ordered the
closure of the factory. The closure of the factory resulted in the unemployment of
not only those workers who were engaged in the factory but also those who were
working in the ancillary units. It also affected very badly, those industries which
depended on the chemicals manufactured by it.
As a senior officer, you are entrusted with the responsibility of handling this issue.
How will you resolve this issue?
BEN-4 3

«. Lkiríkf Mktrníkk (Ethical code) fkuE Ãký MktMÚkkLkku ¾qçks {níðLkku ËMíkkðus Au. rLkðuËLkLkwt rððu[Lkkí{f મેેલ ગુણ /
{qÕÞktfLk fhku. MARKS

Q.10. Ethical code is very important document in the organisation. Critically evaluate the
statement. કુલ ગુણ /

«. ònuh MkuðfLke ÃkMktËøke «r¢Þk{kt E{kuþLk÷ ELxur÷sLMk xuMx ¾qçk s {níðLkku ¼køk ¼sðu Au. þwt yk મેેલ ગુણ /
çkkçkík sYhe Au ? – rððu[Lkkí{f heíku {qÕÞktfLk fhku. MARKS

Q.11. The test of Emotional Intelligence is playing very important role in civil servant
selection process. Is this necessary? – Evaluate critically. કુલ ગુણ /

«. s¤ SðLk r{þLk økúk{eý rðMíkkh{kt hnuíkk ÷kufkuLke {q¤¼qík sYheÞkík Ãkqýo fhþu. – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.12. “Jal Jeevan Mission” will fulfil basic needs of people living in rural areas. – Discuss.

કુલ ગુણ /

«. økwshkík yu ¼khíkLkwt økúkuÚk yuLSLk Au. – [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /

Q.13. Gujarat is India’s Growth Engine. – Discuss.

કુલ ગુણ /

«. yk Úkf rðfkMk {kxu ¾kÄ rÄhký (Deficit Financing) sYhe Au. – rððu[Lkkí{f [[ko fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.14. For economic development deficit financing is necessary. – Discuss critically.

કુલ ગુણ /

«. huÃkku hux yLku rhðMko huÃkku hux yk Úkf ð]rØ Ãkh Ëu¾hu¾ hk¾ðkLkwt {níðLkwt MkkÄLk Au. મેેલ ગુણ /
– {qÕÞktfLk fhku. MARKS

Q.15. “Repo Rate” and “Reverse Repo Rate” are important tools for monitoring economic
growth. – Evaluate. કુલ ગુણ /
BEN-5 1

«.1. Ãkrðºk WÃkðLkLke Ãkrh¼k»kk ykÃkku. fE Mkk{kLÞ {kLÞíkkyu ykðk WÃkðLkkuLke hûkk fhe Au ? ykðk WÃkðLkku મેેલ ગુણ /
ðLÞ«kýe (Mkthûký) yrÄrLkÞ{ 1972 ytíkøkoík fkuE òuøkðkE nuX¤ hûký Ãkk{u÷ Au fu fu{ ? Ãkrðºk MARKS
WÃkðLkkuLkk yÂMíkíðLku fÞk òu¾{ku Au?
Define sacred grove. Which common belief has protected such groves ? Whether કુલ ગુણ /
such groves get protection under any of the provision of Wild Life (Protection) TOTAL
Act, 1972 ? What are the threats to the existence of the sacred groves ?

«.2. Lke[u ykÃku÷ ðLkð]ûkrð¿kkLkLkk þçËkuLkkt òuzfktLke Ãkrh¼k»kk ykÃkku. મેેલ ગુણ /
«q®Lkøk yLku Ãkku÷k zøk MARKS

rð®zøk yLku õ÷e®Lkøk

કુલ ગુણ /
fðh ¢kuÃk yLku LkMko ¢kuÃk TOTAL

ykMÃkuõx yLku yuûÃkkush

ðMíke yLku Mk{wËkÞ

Define the pairs of silvicultural terms given below.

Pruning and Pollarding
Weeding and Cleaning
Cover crop and Nurse crop
Aspect and Exposure
Population and Community.

«.3. [u BÃkÞLk yLku MkuX îkhk ð ýík VkuhuMx xkEÃkLke Ãkrh¼k»kk ykÃkku. rLkBLkLku «ríkrLkrÄíð fhíkk VkuhuMx મેેલ ગુણ /
xkEÃkLkk Úkkuzkf Ëk¾÷kyku ykÃkku. MARKS

s¤ðkÞw MktçkØ [h{kðMÚkk Mk{wËkÞ

કુલ ગુણ /
s{eLk MktçkØ [h{kðMÚkk Mk{wËkÞ TOTAL
Ãkqðo [h{kðMÚkk Mk{wËkÞ
[h{kðMÚkku¥kh Mk{wËkÞ
sirðf [h{kðMÚkk Mk{wËkÞ
Define Forest Type described by Champian and Seth. Give few examples of forest
types representing the following:
Climatic Climax Community
Edaphic Climax Community
Pre-climax Community
Post-climax Community
Biotic Climax Community.
2 BEN-5

«.4. Ã÷Mk ð]ûkLke Ãkrh¼k»kk ykÃkku. f]r»kðkrLkfeLkk W u~ÞLku ÃkqYt fhðk yuf Ã÷Mk ð]ûk{kt {níðLkk fÞk ÷ûkýku મેેલ ગુણ /
nkuðkt sYhe Au ? Ã÷Mk ð]ûkLkk õ÷ku®Lkøk {kxu fkurÃkMk þk¾kyku fu{ ÞkuøÞ økýkÞ Au ? Þwfur÷ÃxMkLkk õ÷ku®Lkøk MARKS
{kxu ðÃkhkíkkt ykÄkh {k¤¾kt yLku Mkk{u÷ «r¢ÞkLkk ðýoLk fhku.
Define Plus Tree. Which important traits a plus tree should have to serve the કુલ ગુણ /
agroforestry pupose ? Why are coppice shoots considered suitable for cloning the TOTAL
plus tree ? Describe the infrastructure used and the process involved in cloning

«.5. s¤MkúkðrðMíkkhLke Ãkrh¼k»kk ykÃkku. zwtøkhk¤ rðMíkkh{kt y{÷ {kxu s¤MkúkðrðMíkkh «çktÄLkLkk {q¤ મેેલ ગુણ /
rMkØktíkku þwt Au ? Mkw¾ku{kshe yLku Íkçkwyk{kt ÚkÞu÷ s¤MkúkðrðMíkkh «çktÄLkLkk {níðÃkqýo fk{kuLkkt ðýoLk MARKS
fhku. ykðk fk{kuÚke ykÃkýLku þwt çkkuÄÃkkX {¤u Au íkuLke ÞkËe ykÃkku.
Define Watershed. What are the basic principles of watershed management for કુલ ગુણ /
application in a hilly area? Describe important works of watershed management TOTAL
done at Sukhomajri and Jhabua. Enlist the lessons we get from such works.

«.6. ¼qíkfk¤Lkk s¤ðkÞwLkk yæÞÞLk þk {kxu {níðLkk Au ? yk yæÞÞLk {kxu Ãkwhks¤ðkÞw rð¿kkLkeyku îkhk મેેલ ગુણ /
WÃkÞkuøk{kt ÷uðkíke íkfLkefkuLkk ðýoLk fhku. MARKS

Why is it important to study the past climate? Describe the techniques used by
કુલ ગુણ /
paleoclimatologists to study it. TOTAL

«.7. «er÷r{Lkhe ð føk Ã÷kLk þwt nkuÞ Au ? yuLkk W u~ÞLkk ðýoLk fhku. ð føk Ã÷kLk íkiÞkh fhðk sYhe rVÕz મેેલ ગુણ /
MkðuoûkýkuLkk Lkk{ ykÃkku. íku ËhufLku fhðkLke ÃkØríkLkwt ðýoLk fhkuu. MARKS

What is Preliminary Working Plan Report ? Describe its purpose. Name the field
surveys required for preparing the working plan. Describe the methodology of doing કુલ ગુણ /
each of them. MARKS: 10

«. rðïLke Mk{Mík òríkyku {ÞkorËík ¼kiøkkur÷f rðíkhý rðMíkkh Ähkðu Au. yk {kxu sðkçkËkh Ãkrhçk¤kuLkk મેેલ ગુણ /
{níðLkk ykÄkhu ½xíkkt ¢{{kt yuf yuf fheLku ðýoLk fhku. W¥khe Äúwð Ãkh ÃkuLøkwELk Ãkûkeyku fu{ LkÚke {¤íkkt MARKS

ßÞkhu Ërûkýe Äúwð Ãkh íku WÃk MÚkík Au ? fkhýku ykÃkku.

કુલ ગુણ /
Q.8. All species have limited geographical distribution range. Describe the factors TOTAL
responsible for it in decreasing order of importance one by one. Why penguin birds
are not found at north pole while they are present at south pole ? Give reasons.

«. øktøkk zkuÕVeLk þwt Au ? íkuLkwt Ãkkrh MÚkríkf {níð þwt Au ? íkuLke W¥khkSrðíkkLku fÞk òu¾{ku Au ? íkuLkk Mkthûký મેેલ ગુણ /
{kxuLkk Ãkøk÷kykuLkwt ðýoLk fhku. MARKS

Q.9. What is Gangetic Dolphin ? What is its ecological significance ? What are the threats
કુલ ગુણ /
to its survival ? Describe steps to conserve it. TOTAL
BEN-5 3

«. ÷k¾ þwt Au ? yuLkk fÞk WÃkÞkuøkku Au ? yu fÞk Ëuþku{kt «kf]ríkf YÃku {¤u Au ? íkuLkk ÔÞkÃkkh{kt ¼khík fÞk મેેલ ગુણ /
MÚkkLku ykðu Au ? íkuLkwt ÔÞkÃkkrhf WíÃkkËLk fÞk «fkhu fhðk{kt ykðu Au ? økwshkík{kt íkuLkwt ÔÞkÃkkrhf WíÃkkËLk MARKS

yLku ðÃkhkþ fhíkk rðMíkkhkuLkk Lkk{ ykÃkku.

કુલ ગુણ /
Q.10. What is Lac ? What are its uses ? In which countries does it occur naturally ? Where TOTAL
does India stands in its trade ? How is it commercially produced? Name areas doing
its commercial production and the utilization in Gujarat State.
«. ðLÞ «kýe (Mkthûký) yrÄrLkÞ{, 1972 {kt ÚkÞu÷ LkðeLkík{ MktþkuÄLkkuLkk ðýoLk fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
Q.11. Describe the latest amendments made in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

કુલ ગુણ /

«. LkðuBçkh, 2022{kt ÃkLkk{k{kt ÞkuòÞu÷ COP-19 (CITES){kt hsq ÚkÞu÷ ¼khíkLke ®[íkkLkk rð»kÞkuLke મેેલ ગુણ /
[[ko fhku. MARKS

Q.12. Discuss India’s Points of Concern presented at COP-19 (CITES) held at Panama in
કુલ ગુણ /
November, 2022. TOTAL

«. ÃkkýeLkk yLkwÃk{ ¼kiríkf yLku hkMkkÞrýf økwýÄ{kuoLkk ðýoLk fhku fu su Ãkk Úkð yLku s¤eÞ મેેલ ગુણ /
Ãkkrh MÚkríkfíktºk{kt ðMkíkk SðkuLke W¥khkSrðíkk{kt yrík LkkUÄÃkkºk ¼qr{fk ¼sðu Au. OBTAINED

Q.13. Describe unique physical and chemical properties of water which play significant
role in the survival of living beings inhabiting terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. કુલ ગુણ /

«.14. Mk¥kh{e þíkkçËe Ëhr{ÞkLk yLku íÞkh ÃkAe «Úk{ þíkkçËe EMkk Ãkqðo{kt yurþÞkE ®Mkn su rðMíkkhku{kt મેેલ ગુણ /
ðMkðkx fhíkk níkk íkuLkk ðýoLk fhku. yuðk Ãkrhçk¤kuLke ÞkËe ykÃkku fu suýu AuÕ÷u økwshkík{kt íkuLku Srðík MARKS

hkÏÞku. yuðk y¼ÞkhÛÞkuLkk Lkk{ ykÃkku su{kt yu nk÷{kt ðMku Au.

કુલ ગુણ /
Describe the areas where Asiatic lion was inhabiting during Seventeenth Century TOTAL
and thereafter in first millennium BC. Enlist the factors that made it to survive lastly
in Gujarat. Name the sanctuaries in which it inhabits at present.
«. Ãkkrh MÚkríkf íktºk fu su Mkkih Wòo Ãkh ykr©ík LkÚke Aíkkt rðïLke sið rðrðÄíkk yLku WíÃkkËfíkk{kt મેેલ ગુણ /
yríkLkkUÄÃkkºk Vk¤ku ykÃke hÌkwt Au, íkuLkwt ðýoLk fhku. MARKS

Q.15. Describe the ecosystem which does not depend upon solar energy yet is contributing
કુલ ગુણ /
significantly to the biodiversity and the productivity of the world. TOTAL
GES Class 1 Adv 19/2022-23
BES-1 1

«-1. ™e[u yk…u÷ ºký rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE yuf {wÆk …h ykuAk{kt ykuAk 250 y™u ðÄw{kt ðÄw 300 þçËku{kt, મેેલ ગુણ /
ÞkuøÞ WËknhýku™ku ykÄkh ÷E™u r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. MARKS

1.1 21{e ‚Ëe{kt ƒktÄfk{ ûkuºku rðf‚e hnu÷e yk÷u¾™ (Design)-™e rð¼kð™k
કુલ ગુણ /
1.2 ƒktÄfk{ Rs™uhe þk¾k{kt AuÕ÷k ËkÞfk{kt ÚkÞu÷k {n¥ð™kt y™u W…Þku„e ‚tþkuÄ™ku TOTAL

1.3 Œ{khe árüyu M{kxo ‚exe r™{koý{kt r¼LLk «fkh™e R{khŒku™wt Y… y™u r™r{orŒ
«-2. ™e[u™kt ƒu rðfÕ…ku{ktÚke fkuE …ý yuf rðfÕ…™ku ykþhu 100 þçËku{kt rð[khrðMŒkh fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
2.1 y{u y{khe R{khŒku™u ykfkh yk…eyu Aeyu, íÞkhƒkË Œu y{™u ykfkh yk…u Au. MARKS

– rðLMx™ [[eo÷
કુલ ગુણ /
2.2 ™nª Íhý, þe ‚hu ‚zf rM™øÄ ykMVkÕx™e; ™ «uŒ, …ý yk R{khŒ rðr[ºk fI ½kx™e... TOTAL
– r™hts™ ¼„Œ MARKS: 10

«-3. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™ku (396 þçËku), {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ÷„¼„ 1/3 ¼k„{kt મેેલ ગુણ /
‚tûku… fhku. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /
ðirËf r¢Þkf{o. f{o yux÷u r¢ÞkÔÞk…kh, [uük. ÄkŒw™k rŒÊLŒ fu f]ËLŒ™ku yÚko. ‘ËuðË¥k V¤ ¾kÞ Au’ : TOTAL
yu ðkfâ{kt ‘¾kÞ Au’ yux÷u ¾kuhkf {w¾{ktÚke „¤u WŒkhðkY… ÔÞk…kh fhu Au, Œu f{o fnuðkÞ. ‘f{o’ yu MARKS: 10

™k{þçË Au y™u fkhf ‚tƒtÄu Œu r¢Þk ‚kÚku òuzkÞu÷ku nkuÞ Au. W…h™k ðkfâ{kt ‘V¤’ yu ™k{þçË Au y™u
f{ofkhf ‚tƒtÄu Œu ‘¾kÞ Au’ r¢Þk ‚kÚku òuzkÞu÷ku Au. fkhf ‚tƒtÄu RrÂŒŒ{, y™erÂŒ, yfrÚkŒ y™u
f{o-«ð[™eÞ Þku„{kt ÚkŒwt yu{ rðrðÄ f{o«fkhku ÔÞkfhýþkMºk{kt Au. ðiþur»kf Ëþo™™k {Œu f{o
[÷™kí{f-n÷™[÷™kí{f Au y™u Wíûku…ý, y…ûku…ý, ykfwt[™, «‚khý y™u „{™ yu{ …kt[ «fkh™wt
Au. ¼ú{ý, hu[™, M…þo™, rŒÞo„„{™ ð„uhu «fkhku y™u yLÞ ‚ðo r¢ÞkÔÞk…khku™ku yk …kt[ rð¼k„ku{kt
yLŒ¼koð ÚkkÞ Au. ™kuË™, yr¼½kŒ, „wÁíð, ðu„, «ÞíLk, ‚tÞku„, ÿðíð y™u ‚tMfkh ð„uhuÚke f{o
Wí…LLk ÚkkÞ Au. ‘yü’ yu …ý {™w»Þku™k f{o™wt yuf fkhý Au. yk ƒÄkt ¼kirŒf f{kuo Au. fýkËu Ëk™, Þ¿k,
…wÛÞf{o, …k…f{o yu ƒÄkt Ä{o fu yÄ{oY… f{kuo …ý „ýkÔÞkt Au. Ëk™ ð„uhu f{o Ä{ko™wfq÷ y™u ®n‚k
ð„uhu yÄ{ko™wfq÷ f{o fnuðkÞ. Ä{ko™wfq÷ f{oÚke yÇÞwËÞ y™u {kuûk «kÃík ÚkkÞ. fux÷ktf f{o «íÞûk V¤
yk…™khkt y™u fux÷ktf yü V÷ yk…™khkt Au. yü{ktÚke ‘y…qðo’™wt r™{koý ÚkkÞ Au. ðirËf …kihkrýf
f{ofktz{kt ‘f{o’ Äkr{of r¢ÞkrðrÄðk[f Au. ‘‚tæÞkf{o’, ‘Þ¿kf{o’, ‘rððknf{o’ yu þçËku{kt f{o
rðrÄr¢Þk™ku ðk[f Au. {e{kt‚k, Ä{oþkMºk ykrË y™w‚kh f{o r™íÞ, ™ir{r¥kf y™u fkBÞ – yu ºký
«fkh™wt Au. r™r»kØ y™u «kÞrù¥k yuðk ƒu «fkh …ý Au. «rŒrË™ fhðk™kt ykð~Þf f{o Œu r™íÞf{o.
‚tæÞk, MðkæÞkÞ yu r™íÞf{o Au. y{wf r™r{¥k™u y™w÷ûke fhðk™kt f{o Œu ™ir{r¥kf, su{ fu, s™™kþki[,
r…Œ]©kØ, „únýM™k™, [ki÷ ð„uhu ‚tMfkh yu ‚ðo ™ir{r¥kf f{kuo Au. fkuE V÷rðþu»k™e RåAkÚke fhkŒkt
f{kuo fkBÞf{kuo Au; su{ fu, …wºkurü, yï{uÄ, fkhehe Rrü ð„uhu.
÷„¼„ ƒÄktÞ Ëþo™ku y™w‚kh «íÞuf f{o™wt ftEf ™u ftEf V¤ {¤u s Au. fŒkoyu V¤ ¼ku„ððwt …zu Au.
Eïhk…oýƒwrØÚke fhu÷ f{o™wt V¤ ƒtÄ™Y… ™eðzŒwt ™Úke. RåAk, ykfktûkk yu f{o™kt «uhf ƒ¤ku Au. f{o
y™w‚kh {]íÞw …Ae swËe swËe Þkur™{kt sL{ {¤u Au. f{o™wt V¤ ¼ku„ððwt s …zu. ‚tr[Œ, «khçÄ y™u
r¢Þ{ký yu{ f{o™k ºký «fkh Au. su f{o™kt V¤ nS «„x ÚkÞkt ™Úke Œu ‚tr[Œ f{o, su f{o™u ykÄkhu
2 BES-1

‚kt«Œ sL{ y™u Œu{kt «kÃík ÚkŒkt ‚w¾Ëw:¾ ¼ku„ðkÞ Au Œu «khçÄ f{o y™u ðŒo{k™ sL{{kt su f{kuo ÚkkÞ
Au y™u su™wt V¤ ¼rð»Þ{kt fâkhuf {¤þu Œu r¢Þ{ký f{kuo Au. «f]rŒ™k „wýku y™w‚kh V÷k‚rõŒ rð™k
fhkŒwt ‚íð„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu ‚kríðf, hk„ fu yntfkhÚke «uhkÞu÷wt hòu„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu hksr‚f
y™u yrððuf Œu{s y¿kk™Úke fhkŒwt Œ{ku„wý«urhŒ f{o Œu Œk{r‚f f{o Au. yk f{kuo™k [¢Úke ‚t‚kh[¢
[k÷u Au.u
– ™khkÞý ft‚khk, ð‚tŒ …he¾
«-4. ™e[u yk…u÷ „ã¾tz™e ‚½™ ðk[™k fhe «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (5 «§ku × 2 „wý) મેેલ ગુણ /
ykí{k MARKS

‚]rü™k ‚so™ …nu÷kt ykí{k s nŒku. [khu ƒksw òuÞwt Œku …kuŒk™kÚke fþwt s y÷„ ™ skuÞwt. Œuýu ykht¼u
s fÌkwt – yn{T (nwt Awt) yux÷u Œu™wt ™k{ yn{T. …Ae …kuŒk™wt ƒeswt ™k{ fnu Au... કુલ ગુણ /
Œu™u ¼Þ ÷køÞku. yuf÷e ÔÞrõŒ ¼Þ …k{u Au, …Ae ßÞkhu òuÞwt fu ynª {khk r‚ðkÞ fkuE ™Úke Œku þk {kxu MARKS: 10

¼Þ …k{wt ? yux÷u Œu r™¼oÞ ÚkÞku. …ý Œu «‚LLk ™ ÚkÞku, yuf÷ku {k™ðe h{{ký ™ ÚkÞku. yux÷u
…kuŒk™kÚke y÷„ yuðe fÕ…™k fhe. suðe heŒu yufƒeò™u yk®÷„™ fhŒkt Mºke…wÁ»k nkuÞ Œuðku Œu ÚkE
„Þku, Œuýu …kuŒk™e òŒ™u ƒu{kt ¼k„e ™k¾e. yux÷u nðu …rŒ…íLke ÚkÞkt, òýu fXku¤™kt ƒu VkrzÞkt.
Þk¿kðÕfâu fÌkwt Au, yu …wÁ»k™e yzÄe fkÞk ykfkþ. MºkeÚke Œu …qýo ÚkkÞ Au. Œu Mºke ‚kÚku™k ‚t„{ktÚke
{™w»Þ sLBÞku.
Œu Mºkeyu rð[kÞwO, Œuýu s {™u ‚So, y™u nðu Œu {khe ‚kÚku ‚{k„{ fE heŒu fhðk {k„u Au, yux÷u
Œu ‚tŒkE „E y™u „kÞ{kt VuhðkE „E, yux÷u …wÁ»k ð]»k¼ ÚkE „Þku y™u Œu™e ‚kÚku™k ‚{k„{ ðzu
„kÞ, ƒ¤Ë Wí…LLk ÚkÞk, …Ae Œu ½kuze ƒ™e „E y™u {™w»Þu yï ƒ™e™u ‚nðk‚ fÞkuo, …Ae Œu „Ëo¼e
ÚkE yux÷u Œu „Ëo¼ ÚkE „Þk. Œu™k ‚{k„{Úke yuf ¾heðk¤kt …þw sLBÞkt. …Ae Œu ƒfhe ÚkE, {™w»Þ
{u»k ÚkÞku, Œu™kÚke ƒfhkt-½uxkt sLBÞkt. yk{ fezeÚke {ktze™u su fkuE ™h{kËk Au Œu ƒÄk s Sðku™e Œu{ýu
‚]rü h[e.
– ƒ]nË ykhÛÞf W…r™»kË
Ǥku :
4.1 ykí{k™wt MðY… ðýoðku.
4.2 ykí{k™wt ƒeswt ™k{ yux÷u fÞwt ™k{ ?
4.3 ykí{k™u ¼Þ fu{ ÷køÞku ? yu ¼Þ{wõŒ þe heŒu ƒLÞku ?
4.4 ykí{kyu y«‚LLkŒk™kt r™ðkhý nuŒw fÞwt fkÞo fÞwO ? મેેલ ગુણ /
4.5 Sð‚]rü™k rðfk‚™e fÕ…™k h‚«Ë sýkÞ Au ? þk {kxu ? OBTAINED

«-5. ¼khŒ{kt «k[e™fk¤™e R{khŒku™kt ‚thûký™e sYrhÞkŒ y™u {n¥ð™u ‚{òðŒwt [[ko…ºk 'Œ Ä f’
ðŒo{k™…ºk™k ‚t…kËf©e™u ‚tƒkuÄe™u ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 200 þçËku) કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /
«-6. Œ{u ystŒk-E÷kuhk™e „wVkyku™e {w÷kfkŒ ÷eÄe. „wVkyku™kt rþÕ…ku y™u MÚkk…íÞ™kt MkkIËÞoÚke Œ{u MARKS

«¼krðŒ ÚkÞk. yu «¼kð™u ðýoðŒku ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku. (ykþhu 200 þçËku)

કુલ ગુણ /
BES-1 3

«-7. ™e[u yk…u÷ r[ºk rðþu Œ{khkt h[™kí{f r™heûkýku yk…ku. (ykþhu 150 þçËku) મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /

«-8. yk…u÷ yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. મેેલ ગુણ /
It is a great profession. There is the fascination of watching a figment of the
imagination emerge through the aid of science to a plan on paper. Then it moves to
realization in stone or metal or energy. Then it brings jobs and homes to men. Then it કુલ ગુણ /
elevates the standards of living and adds to the comforts of life. That is the engineer's TOTAL
high privilege. MARKS: 10

The great liability of the engineer compared to men of other professions is that his
works are out in the open where all can see them. His acts, step by step, are in hard
substance. He cannot bury his mistakes in the grave like the doctors. He cannot
argue them into thin air or blame the judge like the lawyers. He cannot, like the
architects, cover his failures with trees and vines. He cannot, like the politicians,
screen his shortcomings by blaming his opponents and hope that the people will
forget. The engineer simply cannot deny that he did it. If his works do not work,
he is damned. That is the phantasmagoria that haunts his nights and dogs his days.
He comes from the job at the end of the day resolved to calculate it again. He wakes in
the night in a cold sweat and puts something on paper that looks silly in the morning.
All day he shivers at the thought of the bugs which will inevitably appear to jolt its
smooth consummation.
On the other hand, unlike the doctor, his is not a life among the weak. Unlike the
soldier, destruction is not his purpose. Unlike the lawyer, quarrels are not his daily
bread. To the engineer falls the job of clothing the bare bones of science with life,
comfort, and hope. No doubt as years go by people forget which engineer did it,
even if they ever knew. Or some politician puts his name on it. Or they credit it to
some promoter who used other people's money with which to finance it. But the
engineer himself looks back at the unending stream of goodness which flows from
his successes with satisfactions that few professions may know. And the verdict of his
fellow professionals is all the accolade he wants.
4 BES-1

The engineer performs many public functions from which he gets only philosophical
satisfactions. Most people do not know it, but he is an economic and social force.
Every time he discovers a new application of science, thereby creating a new industry,
providing new jobs, adding to the standards of living, he also disturbs everything
that is. New laws and regulations have to be made and new sorts of wickedness
curbed. He is also the person who really corrects monopolies and redistributes
national wealth.
– Hoover
«-9. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «&Lkku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (10 × 1 = 10) મેેલ ગુણ /
9.1. YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu™ku ðkfâ{kt «Þku„ fhku. MARKS

– ƒ[fku …kAku ykððku

કુલ ગુણ /
9.2. fnuðŒ™ku yÚko ‚{òðku. TOTAL

– ðkt‚™k frsÞk{kt ð™ ƒ¤u

9.3. ‚{k‚™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™e yku¤¾ yk…ku.

– W…f]»ý{

9.4. …trõŒ™ku AtË yku¤¾kðku.

– ™nª ™kÚk, ™nª ™kÚk, ™ òýku fu Mnðkh Au.
yk ƒÄwt ½kuh ytÄkhwt, nS Œku ƒnw ðkh Au.
9.5. y÷tfkh yku¤¾kðku.
– Œ™u {U Ít¾e Au Þw„kuÚke Äe¾u÷k «¾h ‚nhk™e Œh‚Úke

9.6. þçË‚{qn {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.

– …nu÷kt™k ‚{Þ{kt ÚkE „Þu÷wt

9.7. þçË™e òuzýe ‚wÄkhku.

– ‚Œ«Œe…ûk

9.8. ðkfâ{kt skuzýe™e ¼q÷ku ‚wÄkhku.

– ytŒMVwhýk yux÷u Œfo™e fkuE «r¢Þk rð™k {¤Œe Œífk¤ ‚{s yÚkðk Œfo™e fkuE
«r¢Þk rð™k ‚íÞ fu nfefŒ™wt ÚkŒwt ‚eÄw «íÞûkefhý.
9.9. þçË™e ‚trÄ Akuzku.
– s„ŒkÚk:

9.10. ðkfâh[™k yt„u yk…u÷ ‚q[™k {wsƒ W¥kh yk…ku.

– ‚tfw÷ ðkfâ ƒ™kðku. | Œ{u ykðþku. yk…ýu ‚kÚku s{eþwt.
BES-2 1

1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum મેેલ ગુણ /
300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the MARKS

subject in the best possible individual style having originality of thought and
expression. It must be well-argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially કુલ ગુણ /
with observance of grammatical rules. MARKS: 20

I. Role of RTI in Good Governance.

II. Is the world moving towards war?

III. “The ultimate test of relationship is to disagree but to hold hands.”

IV. “Our necessities are few, but our wants are endless.”

V. “If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating

2. Imagine you are in-charge of a Divisional Office of UGVCL. The Government મેેલ ગુણ /
has decided to impart updated safety-related training to the staff working OBTAINED
in Power Substations. Your Circle Head has sought your opinion about the
needful actions for the same. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to your Circle કુલ ગુણ /
Head offering needful suggestions. MARKS: 10

મેેલ ગુણ /
3. Write a report in about 200 words on your recent visit to the area in which MARKS

many agricultural farms have been affected due to the breakage in an

irrigation canal. કુલ ગુણ /

4. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about મેેલ ગુણ /
150 words. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
2 BES-2

5. Draft a formal speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the મેેલ ગુણ /
Hon. Chief Minister on the inauguration of a new overbridge at Raksha MARKS

Shakti Circle at Gandhinagar.

કુલ ગુણ /
6. Write a precis of the following passage in about one-third of its original length.
મેેલ ગુણ /
Although the dairy industry has experienced various challenges in recent OBTAINED
years, the appetite and demand for dairy products is on the rise. With a
growing middle class who have more disposable income, consumers seeking
કુલ ગુણ /
out healthy alternatives to fit in with a more active lifestyle, and a focus on TOTAL
natural ingredients, milk and dairy products are growing in popularity.
As the largest producer of milk in the world, India is a key player in the
dairy industry and the opportunity for growth is significant. However, the
industry in India faces challenges of disorganization with only 18 to 20% of
the total milk produced going through the appropriate organized channels.
As one of the fastest growing beverage segments in the Indian market, dairy
is predicted to soon become a billion-dollar sector with three key categories
of flavoured milk, chaas and lassi, and functional yoghurt drinks leading the
way. All our Union Budgets provide a special focus on the rural sector in
order to contribute to the development of supply chain management and the
introduction of technology.
Alongside the technological developments to improve farming methods and
the organizational supply chain, big data is another arena which Indian
companies are turning to. In order to accurately predict consumer behaviour
and buying patterns, big data has become a key factor. Connecting to the
changing wants and needs of consumers is important for the dairy industry
to keep on top of trends. The flavour profile and preferences of Indian
consumers is quite varied; however, milk is a staple for the population from
toddlers to senior citizens. The health benefits of milk are widely recognized,
including its contribution to digestive wellness and the advantages of dairy
proteins. With consumers reconsidering their dietary choices, there has been
a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates and sugar, leading to an
increase in protein-based diets.
BES-2 3

7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: મેેલ ગુણ /
(5 × 2 = 10) MARKS

In today’s lifestyle, we see plastic in every spot. Plastic is used daily for
કુલ ગુણ /
packaging, protecting, serving, and even disposing of all kinds of consumer TOTAL
goods. India is set to be the third largest consumer of plastics in the world. MARKS: 10

Today, plastic materials have become a mandatory part of daily life. Only 60%
of waste plastic is recycled in India. If not recycled, their current disposal is
either by land filling or by incineration, but both the processes have a certain
impact on the environment. Several studies have proven the health hazard
caused by improper disposal of plastic waste. Finding a proper solution for
the disposal of plastic waste is the need of the hour.
Use of disposed plastic bags in road construction appears to be the sustainable
option in urban areas to protect the environment and alleviate the problem of
clogging drainage systems. A detailed description of the process and guidelines
for laying roads with plastic blended bituminous materials has been reported
by the National Rural Road Development Agency in India. Such roads
have enhanced durability. The roads with plastic blended bitumen have an
extended life of at least one or two years more compared to 3-4 years under
normal ideal conditions.

It is hoped that there will be strong, durable and eco-friendly roads in the
near future. Therefore, keeping in mind the utility of plastic wastes in road
construction, a lot of research work needs to be carried out, which will help in
reducing the ill-effects of the environment caused by dumping of these wastes.

Questions :
I. Why has plastic become a mandatory part of our daily life?
II. Why is finding a proper solution for the disposal of plastic waste the
need of the hour?
III. How can the use of disposed plastic bags in road construction be a
sustainable option in urban areas?
IV. What has been reported by the National Rural Road Development
Agency in India?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage
4 BES-2

8. Do as directed: (10 × 1 = 10) મેેલ ગુણ /

Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [l] as MARKS

well as write the correct answer in the bracket ( CAPITAL LETTER) as per
કુલ ગુણ /
the sample given below. TOTAL

Sample Ans.: ( C ) (A) � (B) � (C) l (D) � (E) �

1. I _______ this book since morning.

(A) had been reading
(B) has been reading
(C) have had read
(D) shall be reading
(E) has have read

2. He has safely preserved all the old paintings of his grandfather. (Change
the voice)
(A) All the old paintings of his grandfather has been safely preserved
by him.
(B) All the old paintings of his grandfather are being safely preserved
by him.
(C) All the old paintings of his grandfather were being safely preserved
by him.
(D) All the old paintings of his grandfather have been safely preserved
by him.
(E) All the old paintings of his grandfather are has been safely preserved
by him.

3. The technician said that he would repair the set-top box. (Change the
(A) The technician said, “I will repair the set-top box.”
(B) The technician said, “I would repair the set-top box.”
(C) The technician said, “I should repair the set-top box.”
(D) The technician said, “I can repair the set-top box.”
(E) The technician said, “I may repair the set-top box.”
BES-2 5

4. I will always remember your kind support. (Change into Negative

without changing its meaning)
(A) I will always forget your kind support.
(B) I will remember your support.
(C) Never will I remember your kind support.
(D) I will never always remember your kind support.
(E) I will never forget your kind support.

5. In _______ coming years, _______ water is going to be scarce.

(A) the, the
(B) a, no article
(C) a, the
(D) the, no article
(E) no article, the

6. Which newspaper do you subscribe _______?

(A) at
(B) to

(C) for

(D) on

(E) with

7. I just haven’t been able to get round to telephoning my mother. Could

you let her know I’ll be late for dinner? (Choose the correct meaning of
the underlined expression)

(A) reach

(B) see that

(C) find time for

(D) look for

(E) preform
6 BES-2

8. He’s full of hot air! He is so impressed with himself.

(A) energetic

(B) fun and happiness

(C) always exaggerating

(D) entertainment

(E) anger

9. The meaning of sanctity is ________.

(A) validity

(B) possibility

(C) ban

(D) approval

(E) purity

10. Choose the antonym of ‘candid’.

(A) sincere

(B) dishonest

(C) earnest

(D) serious

(E) solemn
BES-2 7

9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. મેેલ ગુણ /
„ktÄeS™wt Sð™ ƒk¤fku™k suðwt r™Ëkuo»k y™u ‚kËwt nŒwt. hk»xÙ y™u Ëwr™Þk™k srx÷ ‚ðk÷ku™ku ƒkuòu Œu{™k rþhu
nt{uþkt hnuŒku AŒkt ƒk¤fku™e nkshe{kt Œuyku yk™tËe y™u n‚{w¾k s sýkŒk nŒk. ‚tæÞk‚{Þu Vhðk sðk™ku
કુલ ગુણ /
„ktÄeS™ku ¾k‚ r™Þ{ nŒku. Œu ðu¤k ƒk¤fku ‚kÚku „B{Œ fhðk™e Œf „ktÄeS sðk ËuŒk ™nª. nt{uþk {wsƒ TOTAL
„ktÄeS yuf ðkh ‚ktsu Vhðk ™eféÞk nŒk. Œu{™e ‚kÚku yuf Mºke …kuŒk™wt ™k™wt ƒk¤f nkÚk{kt ÷E™u VhŒe nŒe.
[k÷Œkt [k÷Œkt …u÷e Mºke™k nkÚk{kt™wt ƒk¤f hzðk ÷køÞwt. Œu™u Ak™wt hk¾ðk …u÷e Mºkeyu {kŒk™e ƒÄe f¤k
ys{kðe …ý ƒk¤f hzŒwt ƒtÄ ÚkÞwt ™nª. yux÷u „ktÄeS™wt æÞk™ Œu ŒhV „Þwt. „ktÄeSyu {kŒk …k‚uÚke ƒk¤f
…kuŒk™k nkÚk{kt ÷E ÷eÄwt. ƒk¤f™k {]Ëw „k÷ …h „ktÄeSyu ðnk÷Úke …kuŒk™ku nkÚk VuhÔÞku y™u «u{¼he ykt¾u
ƒk¤f ŒhV òuE n‚ðk ÷køÞk. ƒk¤f þktŒ ÚkÞwt y™u „ktÄeS™k ðkí‚ÕÞ™ku òýu sðkƒ yk…Œwt nkuÞ Œu{
M™un™eŒhŒe „ktÄeS™e ykt¾ku ŒhV òuE™u n‚ðk ÷køÞwt. {kŒ]íð™ku ykðku „wý òuE …u÷e Mºke „ktÄeS ŒhV
ykùÞo{wøÄ ÚkE™u òuE hne nŒe.
8 BES-2
BES-3 1

1. If the following table shows the results of the sieve analysis, then designate મેેલ ગુણ /
sand based on its fineness. OBTAINED

IS Sieve 600 300 150 કુલ ગુણ /

10mm 4.75mm 2.36mm 1.18mm
size micron micron micron TOTAL
Retained 0 13 53 58 101 177 98
2. Describe segregation, bleeding and laitance of concrete. Explain the factors
મેેલ ગુણ /
affecting them. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

3. Stress at a point in a load member is given by

મેેલ ગુણ /

Then calculate the કુલ ગુણ /

i. Principal stresses and their orientation MARKS: 10

ii. Maximum shear stresses and their orientation

4. Determine the moment of inertia about the Centroidal axis of the lamina
મેેલ ગુણ /
shown in Figure-1. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

2 BES-3

5. Find the member forces in the pin-jointed frame shown in the Figure-2. મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /

6. Determine the deflection at point C and slope at point A of the beam shown in મેેલ ગુણ /
Figure-3 by the unit load method. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

BES-3 3

7. Determine the shear force and bending moment diagram for the beam shown મેેલ ગુણ /
in Figure-4. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

8. Determine the degree of static indeterminacy of the structure as shown in the
મેેલ ગુણ /
Figure-5. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

9. A singly reinforced cement concrete beam 300 mm wide and 450 mm deep
મેેલ ગુણ /
to the centre of the reinforcing bar. The beam is reinforced with 3 bars of OBTAINED
18mm diameter. Determine the depth of the neutral axis. Also, determine the MARKS

maximum stress in concrete if permissible stresses in the reinforcement bar

are 150 N/mm2. Take the modular ratio between steel and concrete (m) equals કુલ ગુણ /
13.33. TOTAL
4 BES-3

10. Find the shape factors for the following Tee-sections as shown in Figure-6. મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /


11. If the equation of simple harmonic motion of an oscillating body is મેેલ ગુણ /
u = 3 sin (2 t + /2), then determine OBTAINED
i. The amplitude, frequency and period of motion,
ii. The equations for velocity and acceleration. કુલ ગુણ /
iii. The maximum speed and acceleration. MARKS: 10

iv. The position, velocity and acceleration of the body at t = 1.5 seconds
v. The displacement of the body between t = 1 and t = 2 seconds

12. Write in detail the classification of rocks and briefly explain each type. મેેલ ગુણ /

કુલ ગુણ /

13. If a hollow structural member is subjected to combine action of twisting, મેેલ ગુણ /
bending and axial thrust, then determine the maximum normal and shear OBTAINED
stresses develop in the member. For the following given data:
i. Outer diameter = 40 mm,
કુલ ગુણ /
ii. Inner diameter = 25 mm, TOTAL
iii. Twisting moment = 120 Nm. MARKS: 15

iv. Bending moment = 800 Nm, and

v. Axial thrust of 10 kN
BES-3 5

14. Using moment distribution method analyse the beam shown in following મેેલ ગુણ /
Figure-7. Plot Shear force and bending moment diagram. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /


15. State the Muller-Breslau principle. For a propped cantilever beam construct મેેલ ગુણ /
the influence line diagram for the propped reaction, fixed end moment, OBTAINED
shear force and bending moment at mid span, use Muller-Breslau principle.
Assume the span of the beam is l and flexural rigidity EI is constant
કુલ ગુણ /
throughout the span. TOTAL

16. A singly reinforced concrete beam 230 mm wide and having effective depth મેેલ ગુણ /
450 mm is of concrete grade M20. The steel is of grade Fe500. Then OBTAINED

i. Calculate area of steel (Ast.max) required for the balance section, also
find maximum ultimate moment of resistance (Mur.max) for the balanced કુલ ગુણ /
section. TOTAL

ii. If the depth of the neutral axis (xu) is restricted to 0.3 time the effective
depth (d) what will be the value of the moment of resistance (Mur) and
area of tension steel (Ast)?
iii. Determine the depth of neutral axis (xu) and area of tension steel (Ast)
to resist an ultimate moment (Mur) of 80 kN-m.
iv. Check whether an ultimate design moment (Mur) of 120 kN-m can be
allowed on this section. If not then suggest an alternative.
6 BES-3

17. Compute the strength of an angle section ISA 150 × 115 × 8 mm connected મેેલ ગુણ /
to a gusset plate, 12 mm in thickness as shown in Figure-8. For with OBTAINED
usual notation assume ƒu = 410 MPa, ƒy = 250 MPa, γm0 = 1.1, and γm1 = 1.25,
Ag = 2058 mm2 and steel grade Fe 410. કુલ ગુણ /

BES-3 7
8 BES-3
BES-4 1

મેેલ ગુણ /
1. Describe the various types of roofing systems commonly used in Gujarat and OBTAINED
explain their advantages, disadvantages and suitable applications. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
2. Discuss the principles of fire safety in building construction and the measures
મેેલ ગુણ /
that need to be incorporated to minimize the risk of fire spread and ensure OBTAINED
occupant safety. MARKS

કુલ ગુણ /
3. What are the key principles of building construction and how do they impact
મેેલ ગુણ /
the overall design and structural integrity of a building? OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /
4. Water is pumped through a pipe of 0.6 m diameter. For reducing the power
consumption in pumping another pipe is proposed to be laid parallel to the મેેલ ગુણ /
existing pipe. Calculate the diameter of the new pipe if the head loss has to be MARKS

reduced from 20 m to 9 m. The new pipe will have the same friction factor and
the overall discharge after the installation of the new pipe will not change. કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /
5. A pelton wheel develops 4100 kW under a head of 130 m. Find the diameter of OBTAINED
the nozzle if the coefficient of velocity is 0.97 and its overall efficiency is 80%.

કુલ ગુણ /
6. There are 4 non-recording rain gauge stations existing in the catchment of a
river. The annually averaged rainfall at these stations is 700 mm, 620 mm, મેેલ ગુણ /
410 mm and 520 mm. Determine the optimum number of rain gauges in the MARKS

catchment, if it is desired to limit the error in the mean value of the rainfall
in the catchment to 10% and accordingly suggest how many recording and કુલ ગુણ /
non-recording rain gauge stations are required. TOTAL

મેેલ ગુણ /
7. Define (i) Permanent wilting point (ii) Field Capacity and then briefly explain
with a sketch the concept of ‘frequency of irrigation’.
કુલ ગુણ /
2 BES-4

8. An irrigation canal having side slope 1:1 has a bottom width of 3 m. It runs મેેલ ગુણ /
at a depth of 1 m with a bed slope of 1 in 2500. Manning’s value of n = 0.028. OBTAINED
Determine whether the canal will be silting or scouring or in regime condition.

કુલ ગુણ /

9. In a water supply system, what is the role of a distribution reservoir? How will મેેલ ગુણ /
you estimate the total storage capacity of a distribution reservoir? Support OBTAINED
your answer with the requirement of the primary data needed along with
suitable sketches and formulae.
કુલ ગુણ /

10. Using the following data, estimate the yield from a well: મેેલ ગુણ /
(a) During the recuperation test, the water in the open well was depressed MARKS

by 3.0 m by pumping and it recuperated 2.0 m in 60 minutes.

કુલ ગુણ /
(b) The diameter of the well is 5.0 m. TOTAL
(c) Depression head to be considered for the yield estimation is 2.5 m.

મેેલ ગુણ /
11. Highlight the salient features of the Sujalam Sufalam Yojna implemented in
the state of Gujarat.
કુલ ગુણ /

12. Define Hydraulic Jump. What is the necessity of the study and analysis મેેલ ગુણ /
of Hydraulic Jump? Water emerges from a spillway with a velocity of OBTAINED
12 m/sec and depth of 0.6 m. Calculate the necessary subcritical depth at the
toe of the spillway for the occurrence of a hydraulic jump and also estimate
the associated energy loss. કુલ ગુણ /

13. Using Lacey’s theory design a regime channel for a discharge of 3024 million મેેલ ગુણ /
litres per day. Consider the side slope as 1 H : 2 V and take the silt factor OBTAINED
as 0.85.
કુલ ગુણ /
BES-4 3

14. What is the role of a grit chamber in a water treatment plant? Design a મેેલ ગુણ /
rectangular grit chamber to remove particles greater than 0.2 mm. The plant OBTAINED
has to supply 50 million litres of water per day. Take the kinematic viscosity of
water as 1.0 × 10-2 cm2/sec.
કુલ ગુણ /

15. Design a circular sewage sedimentation for a town having a population of 40,000. મેેલ ગુણ /
The average water demand is 140 lpcd. Assume that 70% of the water reaches the MARKS
treatment unit and the maximum daily demand is 1.8 times the average daily demand.
If necessary, make suitable assumptions and mention it.
કુલ ગુણ /

16. In a catchment, the average rainfall for a storm at two successive 6 hour મેેલ ગુણ /
intervals was 4.0 m and 7.0 m. The abstraction lossess -index was estimated OBTAINED
to be 0.3 cm/hour. For the same catchment, data for a 6-hr unit hydrograph is
generated for 2.5 days (60 hours) which is given below:
કુલ ગુણ /
Sr. No. Time (hr) Unit Hydrograph Ordinate (m3/s) TOTAL
1. 0 0
2. 6 15
3. 12 30
4. 18 45
5. 24 105
6. 30 155
7. 36 105
8. 42 80
9. 48 30
10. 54 20
11. 60 0
ind the direct runoff hydrograph due to the storm.

1 . esign a high rate tric ling filter for treating domestic sewage having of મેેલ ગુણ /
200 mg/l which has to be reduced to 20 mg/l. The rate of wastewater generated OBTAINED
is 10 MLD. Suitably assume all other data and mention them.

કુલ ગુણ /
4 BES-4
BES-5 1

1. Explain the concept of project scheduling in construction management. મેેલ ગુણ /

Discuss the various scheduling techniques and tools used in project planning, OBTAINED
and highlight their significance in optimizing project timelines and resource
કુલ ગુણ /

2. Discuss the different types of tendering methods used in construction projects

મેેલ ગુણ /
and highlight the suitability of each method. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

3. The mass of a chunk of moist soil is 30 kg and its volume is 0.019 m3. After મેેલ ગુણ /
oven drying, the mass reduced to 24 kg. Determine the moisture content, MARKS
dry density, void ratio, porosity and degree of saturation of the soil. Take the
specific gravity of the soil as 2.65.
કુલ ગુણ /

4. Briefly explain the importance of estimating the Relative Density of sand. મેેલ ગુણ /
Following are the observations made during the experiment for estimating the OBTAINED
Relative Density of sand:

Sr. No. Particular Mass of Sand (kg) કુલ ગુણ /

1. Sand was dynamically compacted in 2.5 MARKS: 10

the mould
2. Sand was poured loosely in the mould 1.8
The volume of the mould used was 1000 ml. In-situ density of the sand was
1.5 g / ml. The specific gravity of the particles is 2.65. Calculate the relative
density of the sand.
5. A square footing located at a depth of 1.5 m below the ground surface has to
મેેલ ગુણ /
carry a safe load of 1000 kN. Following are the properties of the soil: Void OBTAINED
ratio = 0.6, Degree of saturation = 50%, Specific gravity = 2.65, C = 10 kN/m2,
= 30°, Bearing Factors at = 30° : Nc = 37.2, Nq = 22.5, N = 19.7. Find the કુલ ગુણ /
size of the footing if the desired factor of safety is 3. TOTAL
2 BES-5

6. Discuss the benefits of GIS in spatial data analysis, land-use planning, and મેેલ ગુણ /
decision-making processes for sustainable urban development. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

7. Calculate the mechanical widening and psychological widening required to be મેેલ ગુણ /
done on a horizontal curve of radius 850 m on a two-lane highway. Consider OBTAINED
the design speed to be 80 kmph and wheel base length as 6 m.

કુલ ગુણ /

8. Discuss the objectives and significance of conducting Origin and Destination મેેલ ગુણ /
studies in the context of transportation infrastructure development and OBTAINED
traffic management.

કુલ ગુણ /

મેેલ ગુણ /
9. Explain the characteristics, advantages and limitations of different methods of OBTAINED
tunnelling like cut-and-cover, bored tunnels, tunnelling by drilling and blasting, MARKS

and tunnelling using tunnel boring machines.

કુલ ગુણ /

10. Discuss the characteristics, advantages and applications of bridge types such as beam મેેલ ગુણ /
bridges, truss bridges, arch bridges, suspension bridges and cable-stayed bridges. OBTAINED

કુલ ગુણ /

11. Explain the principles and techniques used in structural retrofitting. Discuss the મેેલ ગુણ /
methods employed for strengthening existing structures against various hazards OBTAINED
such as earthquakes, blast loads, or changes in usage requirements.

કુલ ગુણ /
BES-5 3

12. The table below contains the details of various activities. મેેલ ગુણ /
Activity Preceded by Duration (days) MARKS

A Starting 6
B A 4 કુલ ગુણ /
C - terminal D 7 TOTAL
D E 4
E A 8
F B 3
G B 4
H - terminal E, G 5
I - terminal F 4

Draw the network and identify the Critical Path.

13. In a soil deposit, the top 2.0 m of soil is dry, the next 2.0 m its moisture content મેેલ ગુણ /
is 20% and then is in a submerged state. The percentage voids of the soil is OBTAINED
40 while its specific gravity is 2.65. Calculate the following:
(a) Find effective pressure at a depth of 6 m below the ground level કુલ ગુણ /
(b) If the water table drops to a level of 6 m below the ground level, what TOTAL
will be the change in the corresponding effective pressure?
(c) Find the shear strength of the soil on the horizontal plane at a depth
of 6 m for both the positions of ground water table if = 30°.
14. Settlement of the foundation of 4.0 m × 4.0 m carrying a load of 150 tons at a
મેેલ ગુણ /
depth of 2.5 m was to be estimated. For that a plate load test was conducted OBTAINED
using a 60 cm square test plate at the same depth. Following is the data MARKS

generated from the plate load test:

કુલ ગુણ /
Load intensity (t/m2) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 TOTAL
Settlement (mm) 0 3 5 9 14 21 29 43 56
Determine the settlement of the foundation ignoring the presence of the water table.
15. The bearing in the quadrant system observed while traversing with a compass
મેેલ ગુણ /
and chain are given below. Find the local attraction at the affected stations OBTAINED
and also the corrected bearings: MARKS

Line Bearing Line Bearing

કુલ ગુણ /
AB S 36°15’E BA N 36°15’W TOTAL
BC S 44°30’W CB N 45°30’E
CD N 71°45’W DC S 71°00’E
DE N 14°00’E ED S 14°30’W
EA N 61°15’E AE S 61°00’W
4 BES-5

16. A curve has a radius of 400 m and a deflection angle of 40°. The chainage of first મેેલ ગુણ /
tangent point T1 is 1804.25 m. Compute and tabulate the angles and theodolite OBTAINED
readings to be set out the curve using Rankine’s method.

કુલ ગુણ /

17. Calculate the minimum required sight distance for a highway with design speed મેેલ ગુણ /
of 100 kmph where there is one lane two way traffic. Assume the reaction time OBTAINED
as 2.0 seconds and the coefficient of friction as 0.3.

કુલ ગુણ /
AO Class 1 Adv 21/2022-23
rð»kÞ fkuz : BFG-1
ÃkuÃkh - 1 : økwshkíke ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)
fw÷ økwý : 150 {kæÞ{ : økwshkíke Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Mkq[Lkk : s{ýe íkhV «&LkLkk økwý Ëþkoðu÷ Au.

«-1. ™e[u yk…u÷k …kt[ rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE …ý yuf rð»kÞ …h 250 Úke 300 þçËku{kt r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. (20)

(1) ¼khŒeÞ ‚k{krsf «‚t„ku{kt ¼ux-™kýkfeÞ ÔÞðnkhku™e …ht…hk

(2) òu yksu ƒòh{kt ‚kxk…ØrŒ nkuÞ Œku...
(3) ¼khŒeÞ ‚{ks{kt ÷ku™ ÷uðk™e ð]r¥k : ¼q»ký fu Ëq»ký ?
(4) f]rºk{ ƒwrØ (A.I.) : þw¼ {t„÷ ‚kðÄk™ !
(5) ™ðe rþûký ™erŒ : …rhðŒo™™e «íÞt[k
«-2. ™e[u yk…u÷k ºký rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE…ý ƒu …trõŒyku™ku ykþhu 100 Úke 150 þçËku{kt rð[kh-rðMŒkh fhku. (10)
(05 „wý  02 …trõŒyku)

2.1 ‘ƒu {ký‚™k ‚tƒtÄku{kt ƒkð¤ yktxk {khu Au,

yýeËkh sÏ{kuÚke {ký‚ {ký‚™u þý„khu Au.’ – {qfuþ òuþe
2.2 ‘„{Œwt {¤u Œku yÕÞk, „qtsu ™ ¼heyu,
™u „{Œkt™ku fheyu „w÷k÷.’ – {fhtË Ëðu
2.3 ‘Ãnu÷kt Œu òøÞk …trzŒS ™u òøÞk …AeÚke „útÚk’. – r«ÞfktŒ {rýÞkh
«-3. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™ku {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ykþhu 1/3 ¼k„{kt Œ{khk þçËku{kt ‚tûku… fhku. (10)

Wíf]ü f÷kf]rŒ fE ? - …kuŒk™wt f÷k…ýwt ‚tŒkzu Œu; …kuŒk{kt ‚kiÚke ‚{]Ø ™u ‚qû{ f÷k™wt Œ¥ð
nkuðk AŒkt, yu™u yk„¤ …ze™u ðhŒkE ykððk ™ Ëu Œu; yu™u yuf Mðk¼krðf ðMŒw Œhefu …kuŒk{kt
‚{kðu y™u AŒkt Äkhe y‚h y[qf W…òðu Œu. yk „wýku ¼ÔÞ ™erŒ - f{o y™u r™hrŒþÞ ‚kÄwŒk™k
…ý Au. ™erŒMðk{e …ý f÷kMðk{e™e su{ Mðrð»kÞu yux÷ku ŒËkfkh nkuÞ Au, yu yuf s ÄLÞ
¾w{khe{kt yux÷ku Œku ÷e™ hnu Au ykXu …nkuh, fu yu™wt ™erŒ-…k÷™ ƒeòºkeò W…÷rfÞk ‚kÄw-‚tŒku™e
su{ …kuŒk™e òŒònuhkŒ fhŒwt ™Úke. yuðe ònuhkŒ yu fhŒwt ™Úke Œku…ý Œu …kuŒk™ku {Äwh «¼kð,
{Äwh Œux÷ku s ‚ƒ¤ «¼kð, yk‚…k‚ Ëwr™Þk …h …kzâk fhu Au. y™u yk Œƒ¬u yk…ý™u ™erŒ™k
f÷k ‚kÚku™k ‚kBÞ™wt yuf ðÄw, nk÷™u fks AuÕ÷wt-áüktŒ {¤u Au. ™erŒ yk[hðk{kt ykx÷ku ŒÕ÷e™
ƒ™u÷ku {ký‚, ‘™erŒ™u ¾kŒh s ™erŒ’™k r‚ØktŒ™ku y™LÞ ¼õŒ nkuÞ Au. yu{ ™rn fu yu ™erŒ™ku
þw»f W…k‚f ÚkkÞ Au, fu Sð™ ‚kÚku ‚Sð ‚tƒtÄ ™erŒ™u ™Úke yuðwt MÚkk…ðk {k„u Au. ™k, ¾he ðkŒ
yu Au fu ™erŒþw»fŒk ™rn, ™erŒhr‚fŒk s Œu™ku «ký nkuÞ Au-Œu™ku ‚kiÚke Wßßð¤, ‚kiÚke …kfku
Sð™ht„ nkuÞ Au, …ý …kuŒk™e ykðe Ÿze, ÔÞk…f ™erŒ{ÞŒk™u ¼k™‚k™…qðof, szŒkÚke, {™{kt
ðk„kuéÞk fhðk™e fu Œu™e ðkŒku fÞko fhðk™e xuð Œu™u nkuŒe ™Úke. Œu ™irŒf yk[hý™k yt[¤k™k
yý¾{kŒk ƒkuò nuX¤ rË™hkŒ [„ËkŒku, ™erŒr‚ØktŒku™ku h¾uðk¤ yuf{kºk …kuŒu s rðï{kt SðŒku
hÌkku nkuÞ Œuðwt …kuŒk™wt Sð™ „k¤Œku ™Úke; ™u ƒeò …k‚u „¤kððk™e …t[kŒ{kt …zŒku ™Úke. Œu™u Œku
…kuŒk™wt Mð¼kðr‚Ø …h{k™t˼h ™erŒSð™ Sððk{kt Œu {ò …zu Au, su {ò ‘f÷k ¾kŒh f÷k’™ku
þkýku h‚k[kÞo yÚkðk ‘¿kk™ ¾kŒh¿kk™’™ku ‚t…qßÞ yk[kÞo ¼ku„ðŒku nkuÞ Au.
- rðsÞhkÞ ðiÄ

BFG-1 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
«-4. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™u æÞk™…qðof ðkt[e Œu™u ykÄkhu …qAu÷k «§ku™k W¥kh ÷¾ku. (2 „wý  5 «§ku) (10)

{ký‚ ™k{™k «kýe™u ¼ýŒh™e ykð~ÞfŒk ¾he ? yk ƒkƒŒ{kt y™w¼ðeyku™k yr¼«kÞku

W¥kh-ËϾý sux÷k ytŒh Ëk¾ðŒk r¼LLk r¼LLk Au. ¼ýŒh™e ŒhVuý fh™khkyku fnu Au :
¼ÛÞk„ÛÞk Œu ðu…khe, ð„h-¼ÛÞk Œu r¼¾khe. ¼ýu÷ {ký‚ku™e y™u y¼ý {ký‚ku™e fk{„eheyku
ðå[u …ý ¼uË …kz™khe WrõŒyku «[r÷Œ Au : ¼ÛÞk„ÛÞk Œu ™k{wt ÷¾u; ð„h-¼ÛÞk Œu Ëeðku Ähu…
…ý yk™u ‚k{u …zAu, ¼ýŒh™u WŒkhe …kz™khe WrõŒyku…ý ykuAe ™Úke. ¼ýu÷k ¼ªŒ ¼q÷u Au,
¼ýu÷k ¼e¾ {k„u Au, ð„uhu [uŒðýeyku ðkhtðkh Wå[khðk{kt ykðu Au. yu{.yu.™e W…krÄ
suyku™nkuŒk {u¤ðe þfâk, yuðk yuf sq™k ÷u¾fu …kuŒk™e ™ð÷fÚkk™wt þe»kof s «§kÚko{kt Þkusu÷wt:
‘yu{.yu. ƒ™kfu fâkut {uhe r{èe ¾hkƒ fe ?’ ðkMŒð{kt, yu ÷u¾f™e …kuŒk™e ‘{kxe ¾hkƒ’ ÚkE
nkuðk™ku Œku «§ s ™nkuŒku, …ý ÷kufrnŒkÚkuo yu{ýu yk ðuÄf ‘«§’ fhu÷ku. n{ýkt yk…ýu íÞkt
rþûký™k yt„úuS {kæÞ{ ‚k{u rðhkuÄ ò„u÷ku íÞkhu yu-ƒe-‚e-ze …ý ™rn ¼ýu÷k AŒkt ‘÷ku÷{kt
÷ku÷’ …whkð™khk fux÷kf ‚{ks‚uðfku þkuhƒfkuh fhŒk fu yt„úuS rþûkýu ‚íÞk™kþ fkZe ™kÏÞwt Au,
yt„úuS ¼k»kkyu hk»xÙ™u r™»«ký fhe ™kÏÞwt Au. yu™k sðkƒ{kt yuf rðîk™u {òf{kt …qAu÷wt fu, ¼÷k
¼kE, Œ{u …kuŒu Œku yt„úuS {q¤kûkh …ý ½qtxâk ™Úke, AŒkt Œ{u þk™k ‚íÞk™kþ ™ef¤e „Þk™e
™wf‚k™e LkkUÄkðku Aku ? …¼ýŒh™e ƒkƒŒ{kt, rþrûkŒku …ý fkuE fkuE ðkh rþûký™e r™hÚkofŒk ònuh
fhu Au, íÞkhu {™{kt þtfk QXu Au fu {ký‚™u Sð™{kt yûkh¿kk™ fu ¼k»kk¿kk™™e ¾hu¾h ykð~ÞfŒk
Au ¾he ? yk þtfk™u ðÄkhu ½uhe ƒ™kðu yuðk yuf ‚{k[kh Úkkuzk ‚{Þ y„kW r‚÷ku™Úke ykðu÷k.
r‚÷ku™™k yuf þnuh{kt ôËh™ku W…ÿð ðÄe …zu÷ku ŒuÚke ‚wÄhkEyu ôËh …fz™kh {ký‚™u hkufðk™wt
™¬e fÞwO. yu {kxu yuýu f[uhe™e ƒnkh yuf Ëeðk÷…ºk [kUxkze™u ‘òuEyu Au.’ – ™e ònuh¾ƒh
{qfe. ôËh-…fz™kh™k nkuÆk {kxu yhS fh™kh W{uËðkh™u ®‚nk÷e yÚkðk yt„úuS ¼k»kk ÷¾Œkt-
ðkt[Œkt ykðzðwt òuEyu, yuðe ÷kÞfkŒ …ý yu ònuhkŒ{kt sýkððk{kt ykðu÷e.
- [w™e÷k÷ {rzÞk
«&™ku :
4.1 ¼ýŒh™ku …ûk ÷u™khkyku™wt þwt {tŒÔÞ Au ?
4.2 ¼ýŒh™u ‚k{u …ûku þwt {k™ðk{kt ykðu Au ?
4.3 ‘yu{.yu. ƒ™kfu fâkU {uhe r{èe ¾hkƒ fe ?’ ™ð÷fÚkk ÷¾ðk™ku þku ykþÞ nŒku ?
4.4 yt„úuS rþûký™ku ‚{ks‚uðfku fu{ rðhkuÄ fhŒk nŒk ?
4.5 ôËh …fzðk™e ònuhkŒ fE þtfk ðÄkhu ½uhe ƒ™kðu Au ?
«-5. ƒòh{ktÚke ƒu nòh™e [÷ýe ™kux …kAe ¾U[e ÷uðkÚke «ò{kt Vu÷kÞu÷e fwþtfkyku™wt ‚{kÄk™ fhŒwt (10)
¼khŒeÞ rhÍðo ƒuLf™k „ð™oh©e™wt rðMŒ]Œ {krnŒe yk…Œwt ykþhu 150 þçËku™wt yki…[krhf ¼k»ký
ŒiÞkh fhku.
«-6. „wshkŒ hkßÞ{kt ‘rƒ…kuhòuÞ’ ðkðkÍkuzwt ºkkxfðk™wt nkuR ™k„rhfku™u ‚÷k{Œe {kxu ‚kð[uŒe™k ¼k„Y…u (10)
‚q[™kyku yk…Œwt „]nrð¼k„™wt «[kh {kæÞ{ku {kxu™wt ykþhu 150 þçËku™wt r™ðuË™ ŒiÞkh fhku.
«-7. Œ{khk ™k™k ¼kE™u ‘ðLÞ «kýe ‚ókn y™u «kf]rŒf rþûký’ rþrƒh yt„u {k„oËþo™ yk…Œku y™u Œu{kt (10)
¼k„ ÷uðk rð™trŒ fhŒku ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt …ºk ÷¾ku.
«-8. ‘yƒf’ {nk™„h{kt xÙkrVf r‚ø™÷™e yk‚…k‚ {qfu÷kt ònuhkŒ™k ‘nkuzeOøMk’™k fkhýu ðkn™[k÷fku™u (10)
…khkðkh {w~fu÷eyku …ze hne Au, Œu Ëqh fhðk yt„u Œ{khkt {tŒÔÞku hsq fhŒwt ykþhu 150 þçËku™wt
[[ko…ºk ‘f ¾ „’ ðŒo{k™…ºk™k Œtºke™u ‚tƒkuÄe™u ÷¾ku.

BFG-1 ] 2 [ Contd.
«-9. ™e[u yk…u÷k r[ºk rð»ku ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt Œ{khk r™heûkýku LkkUÄku. (10)

«-10. Œ{u Œ{khk …rhðkh ‚kÚku ¼khŒeÞ ÷kuf™]íÞ {nkuí‚ð òuðk „Þk nŒk, yk rðþu {krnŒe yk…Œku ykþhu (10)
150 þçËku™ku ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku.

«-11. ‘ht„{t[’ õ÷ƒ™k W…¢{u yuf ‚tðkË ‚¼k™wt ykÞkus™ ÚkÞu÷ Au, su{kt ‘f, ¾ y™u „’ ‚ÇÞku ‘ŒtËwhMŒe (10)
yu s ‚t…r¥k (Health is Wealth) y™u ‘y, ƒ y™u f’ ‚ÇÞku ‘‚t…r¥k yu s ŒtËwhMŒe’ (Wealth is
Health) rð»kÞ W…h ƒku÷þu. yk hsqykŒku™k {wÆkyku™u ykÄkhu õ÷ƒ™k {w¾…ºk{kt «fkrþŒ fhðk {kxu
ykþhu 150 þçËku™ku ‚tðkË ŒiÞkh fhku.
«-12. ™e[u yk…u÷k yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. (10)

You now know that things that get scheduled are the things that get done.
Designing week without a granulated game plan for the seven days ahead of you
is like attempting to summit Mont Blanc without a climb strategy or hiking into
the deep woods without a compass. Yes, spontaneity and room for unexpected
miracles are exceptionally important. Yet, this doesn't mean you shouldn't show
personal responsibility and human maturity by habituating a practice to architect
a thoughtful and clear weekly script that amplifies your energy, organizes your
choices and ensures balance. Carve out and then ritualize thirty minutes early
each Sunday morning to create your "Blue print for a Beautiful Week." Start the
process by writing a story in your journal about highlights from the seven days
you just lived.

The more you know, the better you will do. Legendary leaders all have
boundless curiosity and a limitless appetite to grow into their greatest selves. And
education truly is inoculation against disruption. Peak producers are life time
learners. Be one of the formidable few who reclaim their heroism, cultivate their
craft and materialize their genius by getting back to being a world-class student.
For at least sixty minutes a day, study. Do whatever it takes to fireproof your
commitment to relentless growth. Learning daily will raise your acumen, deepen
your wisdom and incite a blazing fire that stokes your grandeur. You'll become
a weighty thinker and outright superstar.

BFG-1 ] 3 [ P.T.O.
«-13. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (20)
13.1. YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu{™ku yÚko…qýo ðkfâ{kt «Þku„ fhku.
13.1.1 {Ä{kt nkÚk {wfkððku
13.1.2 {{hku {qfðku
13.2. fnuðŒku™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
13.2.1 nkÚke™k …„÷kt{kt ƒÄkt™kt …„÷kt ‚{kÞ
13.2.2 [f÷e ™k™e™u Vizfku {kuxku
13.3. ‚k{kr‚f þçËku™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™ku «fkh yku¤¾ðku.
13.3.1 ðeýk…krý
13.3.2 ÞkðíSð™
13.4. …trõŒyku™k AtË™ku «fkh yku¤¾kðku.
13.4.1 ‘~Þk{™k [hý{kt {k„wt Awt {hý hu, ynªÞk fkuE ™Úke f]»ý Œku÷u’
13.4.2 ‘nwt {k™ðe {k™ð Úkkô Œku ½ýwt’.
13.5. y÷tfkh™ku «fkh yku¤¾kðku.
13.5.1 yku ËrhÞk-Vfeh !
13.5.2 yu n‚ðu [zu Au íÞkhu „ktze™e ½kuzu n‚u Au.
13.6. þçË‚{qnku {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
13.6.1 ‚nk™w¼qrŒ…qðof xufku yk…ðku Œu
13.6.2 …erzŒku™wt hûký fh™kh …wÁ»k
13.7. þçËku™e ‚k[e òuzýe ÷¾ku.
13.7.1 rËf{qz
13.7.2 ytŒfhý …wðof
13.8. ÷u¾™ y™u ¼k»kk þwrØ™e árüyu ðkfâku ‚wÄkhku.
13.8.1 5-5 ™kXu y™kÚk Aw yks
13.8.2 ½q{fuŒw ™e ðkŒko ‘yrðhk{ ÞwæÄ’{ktÚke ‚{]ÿ™wt ðýo™ ðkt[ku.
13.9. ‚q[™k «{kýu ‚trÄ òuzku fu Akuzku.
13.9.1 ‚trÄ òuzku – þhËT + fk÷
13.9.2 ‚trÄ Akuzku – …ØrŒ
13.10. ðkfâh[™k yt„u ‚q[™k «{kýu W¥kh yk…ku.
13.10.1 r¢ÞkrŒ…íÞÚko ðkfâh[™k™wt yuf WËknhý ÷¾ku.
13.10.2 {khkÚke fþwt yòÛÞwt ™Úke ƒkƒwhks ! - fŒorh ðkfâh[™k{kt Vuhðku.

BFG-1 ] 4 [ Contd.
Paper-2 : English
Total Marks : 150 Time : 3 Hours
Q.1. Write an essay on any one of the following in 250 to 300 words. It must exhibit (20)
your grasp and critical understanding of the subject in the best possible individual
style having originality of thought and expression. It must be well argued piece
of writing coherently and sequentially with observance of grammar rules.
I. Sustainable is Attainable: A step towards inclusiveness and sustainable growth.
II. E-governance is easy governance, effective governance, and also economic
governance as it paves the way for good governance.
III. Your views on super-intelligent robots as either high-tech peril or futuristic
safeguard to human survival.
IV. All life is Yoga.
V. Executing Bhartiya Gyan Parampara, Indian Knowledge System while
Executing NEP 2020 in India.
Q.2. Imagine that you are an officer on special duty at India–Myanmar–Thailand (10)
Trilateral Highway under India’s Look East Policy that will connect Motreh, India
with Mae Sot, Thailand via Myanmar. The road is expected to boost trade and
commerce in the ASEAN – India Free Trade Area, as well as with the rest of
Southeast Asia. As you are the member of the core team your senior officer has
sought your opinion on the benefits and prospects of possibility in development
of trade and commerce by this project in near future. Write a letter to your
senior officer giving your opinion in about 150 words.
Q.3. In about 150 words write a letter to the editor of the newspaper reporting the (10)
activities conducted under the banner of Unnat Bharat Abhiyaan in your institution.
Q.4. Innovation club has been set up in institutions all over Gujarat with the noble (15)
intention that even the non - technical students will be encouraged for creative
ideas and will be prepared for startups. It is a concept to inspire and indulge
non-technical students to work on their ideas and convert them into startups.
Innovation club is based on STEM pedagogy. In about 150 words write a report
on activities conducted under this project in your institution.
Q.5. Observe the picture carefully, and summarize your ideas meaningfully by selecting (15)
and reporting description in about 150 words.

BFG-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q.6. Ministry of Education is organizing number of programmes and activities under (15)
Jan Bhagidari events. This is as per Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of making
India’s G20 presidency people’s participation centric. Activities are being organized
in your university to educate youth about G20, as well as to understand expectations
from India’s presidency. In about 150 words draft an inaugural speech of this mega
event to be delivered by the Honourable Governor of Gujarat.
Q.7. Write a précis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (15)
The superintendent of accounts shall have the accountant’s office constructed with its
door facing either the north or the east, with seats (for clerks) kept apart and with
shelves of account-books well arranged. Therein the number of several departments;
the description of the work carried on and of the results realised in several
manufactories (Karmánta); the amount of profit, loss, expenditure, delayed earnings,
the amount of vyáji (premia in kind or cash) realised, – the status of government
agency employed, the amount of wages paid, the number of free labourers engaged
(vishti) pertaining to the investment of capital on any work, all these shall be regularly
entered in prescribed registers. A government officer, not caring to know the
information gathered by espionage and neglecting to supervise the despatch of work
in his own department as regulated, may occasion loss of revenue to the government
owing to his ignorance, or owing to his idleness when he is too weak to endure the
trouble of activity, or due to inadvertence in perceiving sound and other objects of
sense, or by being timid when he is afraid of clamour, unrighteousness, and untoward
results, or owing to selfish desire when he is favourably disposed towards those who
are desirous to achieve their own selfish ends, or by cruelty due to anger, or by lack of
dignity when he is surrounded by a host of learned and needy sycophants, or by making
use of false balance, false measures, and false calculation owing to greediness. The
school of Manu hold that a fine equal to the loss of revenue and multiplied by the
serial number of the circumstances of the guilt just narrated in order shall be imposed
upon him. But Kautilya says that it shall be proportional to the guilt. Accounts shall
be submitted in the month of Ashádha. (310 words)
Q.8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (15)
The computer has been hailed as the greatest invention in human history. It has
transformed our lives and vastly expanded the horizons of human endeavour. But
there is another side of computer that we cannot ignore: by its speed anonymity and
vast reach, the computer has spawned a new range of crimes, necessitating the
introduction of a new branch of law known as cyber law. These crimes are difficult to
trace or prevent since they take place not in the physical world around us but in
cyberspace, the space where all internet activities take place. Some of the crimes that
are aided by computers are mentioned here. The computer has made possible the
proliferation of fraudulent schemes, in which victims are deceived by false promises
of quick wealth. People walk into the trap, and the criminal gets their personal details
like their bank account numbers and credit card numbers. They are soon billed for
the purchase of goods they never bought. This is a form of ‘identity theft’. A matter of
deep concern to parents is the use of internet by unscrupulous adults to deceive children.
The third type of crime is concerned with the internet pharmacies. Prescriptions and
drugs that are difficult to get across the counter can be ordered and bought on the
internet. The patient fills the questionnaire and the pharmacy uses it for diagnosis.
This kind of transcation also allows underage people to buy alcohol and prohibited
drugs by ordering on internet. One form of crime that is very much in news is piracy.
Newer ways of committing fraud are devised as the older ones are under control by
the police. But when the perpetrator of the crime operates from Moscow and the
victim is in America, question of jurisdiction arise and the criminal takes the advantage
of the situation and remains immune to legal action. (310 words)

BFG-2 ] 2 [Contd.
1. The computer has been hailed as the greatest invention in human history because _______
(A) it is digital revolution
(B) it brought transformation.
(C) it is replacing humans
(D) it has transformed our lives and vastly expanded the horizons of human endeavour.
2. We cannot ignore the another side of computer because _______
(A) by its speed anonymity and vast reach, the computer has spawned a new range
of crimes.
(B) it brought new of laws.
(C) it brought frauds.
(D) none of the above.
3. Cyber crimes are difficult to trace or prevent since _______
(A) cyberspace is placewhere activities take place.
(B) they take place not in the physical world around us but in cyberspace,
the space where all internet activities take place.
(C) cyber space is unknown space.
(D) we cannot see the cyber space.
4. _______ crimes aided by computers are mentioned in the given passage.
(A) Six
(B) Five
(C) Four
(D) Three
5. Proliferation means _______
(A) not less.
(B) not scarce.
(C) rapid increase in number.
(D) none of the above.
6. How are the victims deceived in the fraudulent schemes?
7. What do you understand by ‘identity theft’?
8. Which is a matter of deep concern to parents?
9. What is a third type of crime concerned with in the passage?
10. Which kind of drugs can be ordered and bought on the internet?
11. What is the means for internet diagnosis by the pharmacy and what are its
12. Which form of crime is very much in news?
13. When are the newer ways of committing fraud devised?
14. How does the criminal remain immune to legal action?
15. Give a suitable title to the passage.

BFG-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
Q.9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English (15)

÷k¾ku ð»ko Ãkqðuo yk stçkwîeÃk{kt y{h Lkk{Lkk Mk{]rØ{kLk Lkøkh{kt Mkw{uÄ Lkk{Lkku yuf fhkuzkrÄÃkrík
çkúkñý hnuíkku níkku. íku òufu {kuxk fw¤{kt sL{u÷ku níkku, íkkuÃký ykÞíkw ¾kLkkhk yk¤Mkw {kýMkLke su{
íkuýu ÃkkuíkkLkwt íkkhwÛÞ ÔÞÚko Lk økw{kðíkkt ðuË yLku þkMºkku{kt «ðeýíkk «kÃík fhe níke Mkw{uÄ çkúkñýLku
MkktMkkrhf Mkw¾kuLke fkuE Ãký «fkhu QýÃk Lk níke. ðze÷kuÃkkŠsík ÄLkËku÷íkLkku íku WÃk¼kuøk fhíkku; yLku
rðîkLk íkhefu Mkðo ÷kufku{kt yuLke ÏÞkrík níke. íkkuÃký sL{, shk, ÔÞkrÄ ðøkuhu fwËhíke Ëw:¾kuLkk ®[íkLkÚke
yuLkw {Lk MktMkkh ÃkhÚke QXe økÞwt. “{khe MktÃkr¥k{ktÚke {khe òuzu þwt ykððkLkwt Au ? {khe feŠík {khe
MkkÚku ykðþu ¾he ?” RíÞkrË rð[khkuyu Mkw{uÄLkk {Lk{kt fku÷kn÷ {[kðe {qõÞku íku {Lk{kt rð[kh
fhðk ÷køÞku, “yíÞtík Ëw:¾{Þ MktMkkhÚke {wõík yuðe yuf Mkw¾{Þ ÂMÚkrík nkuðe s òuEyu fu su ÂMÚkrík
MkwÄe ÃknkUåÞk ÃkAe «kýe sL{, shk yLku {hýÚke {wõík ÚkkÞ.”
yk «{kýu rð[kh fhe Mkw{uÄu {wÂõíkLkku {køko þkuÄðkLkku rLkùÞ fÞkuo.
Q.10. Do as directed: (20  1 = 20) (20)
Choose the correct answer from the given option and darken [ ] the circle and
also write the correct answer in the bracket ( CAPITAL LETTER ) as per the
sample given below :
Sample Answer: ( C ) A B C D E
1. Identify the sentence with error.
(A) The churches here are many centuries old
(B) Look at the flock of bees round hive!
(C) It is a team of players.
(D) There are three glasses on the tray. The tray is made of glass.
2. Kind of Pronoun used in each sentence is given in the bracket identify the incorrect one
(A) This is not Shrin’s file. It is mine. (Personal Pronoun)
(B) I saw myself in the mirror. (Reflexive Pronoun)
(C) Suma wrote this. (Demonstrative Pronoun)
(D) She writes short stories. Some are very good. (Indefinite Pronoun)
3. Who is your chemistry teacher? This is the doctor who treated me for
(1) (2)
typhoid. ( Identify the underlined kinds of Pronouns )
(A) (1) Reciprocal, (2) Relative
(B) (1) Interrogative, (2) Relative
(C) (1) Demonstrative, (2) Relative
(D) (1) Relative, (2) Demonstrative
4. He said “I’m going to school.” (Change the narration)
(A) He said that he was going to school.
(B) It was said by him he goes to school.
(C) It was said by him he is going to school
(D) His going to school has been said.

BFG-2 ] 4 [Contd.
5. They are saying, “We will play cricket in the playground.” (Change the narration)
(A) They are saying that they would play cricket in the playground.
(B) They have been saying they would play cricket in the playground.
(C) They are saying that they will play cricket in the playground.
(D) They say they will be playing cricket in the playground.
6. He said that he had got a job in Delhi. (Change the narration)
(A) “I got a job in Delhi” says he.
(B) “I got a job in Delhi.” he said.
(C) “He got a job in Delhi.” he said.
(D) None of the above.
7. Identify one sentence where simple past tense is not used.
(A) I finished my homework well before my father returned home
(B) I walked several miles to reach this spot.
(C) Two brothers worked very hard in the field
(D) I was belated for school as I get up late in morning.
8. Identify the incorrect one word substitution.
(A) One who looks at bright side of things- optimist
(B) Sleeping rooms with several bed in an institution – hostel
(C) One who speaks many languages- polyglot
(D) A number of people listening to lecture- audience
9. A life history written by oneself is called _______
(A) Biography
(B) Autobiography
(C) Soliloquy
(D) Monologue
10. Identify the correct use of phrasal verb.
(A) Brought up of children is difficult nowadays.
(B) Incense stick giving up a good fragrance.
(C) Half of this land will be given over to a construction firm.
(D) Please turn in all the lights.
11. The retired defence officers in the town are organizing a show. (Change the voice)
(A) A show is being organized by the retired defence officers in the town.
(B) Show have to be organized by the retired defence officers in the town.
(C) A show having been organized by the retired defence officers of town.
(D) None of the above

BFG-2 ] 5 P.T.O.
12. Vinu feels that the weather will improve. (Change the voice)
(A) It is felt by Vinu that the weather will be improved.
(B) It has been felt by Vinu that the weather will be improved.
(C) It is being felt by Vinu that the weather will be improved.
(D) It is felt by Vinu that the weather will improve.
13. I was reading a book at 9.00 p.m. last night. (Identify the correct tense)
(A) Present Continuous
(B) Simple Past
(C) Past Progressive
(D) Future progressive
14. Gopi has _______ the station. (Fill in the blank with appropriate verb)
(A) leaved
(B) left
(C) lived
(D) None of the above.
15. Mother is a _______ singer than me. (good) (Fill in the bank with right
form of adjective)
(A) Best of
(B) very best
(C) better
(D) betterest
16. I warned him again and again. ( Identify the underlined part of speech)
(A) Adjective
(B) Verb
(C) Noun
(D) Adverb
17. Your offer is _______ to us. ( accept) ( Fill in the blank with words formed
by adding suitable suffix to the word given in the bracket)
(A) acceptance
(B) accepted
(C) acceptable
(D) none of the above
18. Manav is _______ kindest person I have ever seen. (Fill in the bank with
appropriate article)
(A) a
(B) the
(C) an
(D) None of the above

BFG-2 ] 6 [Contd.
19. Give the plural form of fungus.
(A) fungusees
(B) fungies
(C) fungi
(D) none of the above
20. Identify the option with zero grammatical errors.
(A) 2-acres of land
(B) 100-meteres run
(C) 30-year old man
(D) Fishes basket

BFG-2 ] 7 P.T.O.
Paper-3 : Mkk{kLÞ yÇÞkMk / General Studies (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours
rð¼køk-1 / Section-1
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10
2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 10 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.
«.-1. ¼khŒ™e ykÍkËe …Ae hkßÞku™k …w™„oX™™e «r¢Þk ¾qƒ s srx÷ nŒe. «r¢Þk™u rð„Œðkh ‚{òðku.
Q.-1. After the independence of India, the process of reorganisation of states was very complicated.
Explain the process in detail
«.-2. „wshkŒ{kt 19{e ‚Ëe{kt [k÷Œe Äkr{of y™u ‚k{krsf ‚wÄkhýk™e [¤ð¤ y™u ‚{ks …h Œu™e y‚h rðþu [[ko fhku.
Q.-2. Discuss, Religious and social reforms movement in 19th century in Gujarat and it's impact on
«.-3. ‚ktMf]rŒf {u¤kyku y™u Œnuðkhku ‚k{krsf {qÕÞku ò¤ððk{kt {ËË fhu Au. „wshkík hkßÞ ™k WËknhý ‚kÚku ‚{òðku.
Q.-3. Cultural fairs and festivals help in maintaining social values. Explain with example
«.-4. rn{k÷Þ™k ø÷urþÞ‚o yku„¤ðkÚke ¼khŒ™k s¤ ‚t‚kÄ™ku …h fuðe Ëqh„k{e y‚h …zþu?
Q.-4. How will the melting of Himalayan glaciers have a far-reaching impact on the water resources
of India?
«.-5. Ëuþ™k ™k„rhfku{kt ykÞw»Þ{kt ÚkÞu÷k ðÄkhk™u fkhýu ‚{wËkÞ{kt ™ðk MðkMÚÞ …zfkhku W¼k ÚkÞk Au. Œu{™e ‚k{u fÞk
…„÷kt ¼hðk™e sYh Au?
Q.-5. The increase in life expectancy in the citizens of the country has led to newer health challenges
in the community. what steps need to be tackle to them?
«.-6. «kf]rŒf ¾uŒe …Þkoðhý y™u ¾uzqŒku™k Sð™Äkuhý™u fuðe heŒu ‚wÄkhe þfu? [[ko fhku.
Q.-6. How can natural farming can improve environment and the living standards of farmers?
«.-7. ònuh neŒ ™u yhS-…rç÷f RLxÙuMx ÷exe„uþ™-yu ‚k{kLÞ {k™ð ™k n¬™wt hûký fhðk {kxu ™wt y{kuÄ þMºk Au.
[[ko fhku.
Q.-7. Public Interest Litigation is an invaluable weapon to protect the rights of common man..Discuss
«.-8. 73{kU ƒtÄkhýeÞ ‚wÄkhku, yu ¼khŒ {kxu ¾wƒs {níð™ku ‚wÄkhku nŒku. [[ko fhku.
Q.-8. The 73rd constitutional amendment was a very important amendment for India. Discuss.
«.-9. „wshkŒ hkßÞ{kt ykrËòrŒ rðfk‚ {kxu ‚hfkh îkhk ÷uðkÞu÷ y„íÞ™k …„÷kt™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-9. Discuss the important steps taken by the government for tribal development in the state of
«.-10. ykurzx yku™÷kE™™wt yuõþ™ xuf™ rh…kuxo (ATR) {kuzTÞw÷ …t[kÞŒ ykurzx{kt ðÄw …khËrþoŒk y™u sðkƒËkhe ÷kðþu.
[[ko fhku.
Q.-10. The Action Taken Report (ATR) module of Audit Online will introduce greater transparency
and accountability in Panchayat audits. Evaluate the statement.

BFG-3 ] 1
rð¼køk-2 / Section-2
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15
2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 5 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 20 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.

«.-11. rðsÞ™„h ‚k{úkßÞ rðþu rðËuþe «ðk‚eyku™k ÷u¾™ku™wt {qÕÞktf™ fhku.

Q.-11. Evaluate the accounts of foreign travellers about Vijayanagar Empire.

«.-12. ™Ëeyku™u yufƒeò ‚kÚku òuzðkÚke Ëw»fk¤, …qh y™u rðûkur…Œ ™urð„uþ™™e ƒnw-…rh{kýeÞ yktŒh-‚tƒtrÄŒ ‚{MÞkyku™ku
ÔÞðnkrhf Wfu÷ {¤e þfu Au.
Q.-12. The interlinking of revivers can provide viable solutions to the multi-dimensional, inter-related
problems of droughts, floods and interrupted navigation. Critically examine

«.-13. ¼khŒ™k ƒtÄkhý™e f÷k{-21 yu ¼khŒ™k ™k„rhf™e ÔÞrõŒ„Œ MðºktºkŒk y™u ykÍkËe {kxu™e Sð™ hu¾k Au.
{qÕÞktf™ fhku.
Q.-13. Article 21 of the Constitution of India, is the lifeline for the individual autonomy and freedom
of the citizen of India. Evaluate

«.-14. ¼khŒ™wt r™Þ{™fkhe {k¤¾wt ¾wƒs fkÞoûk{ Au. ßÞkhu yLÞ Ëuþku{kt ™kýkt ‚tMÚkkyku „t¼eh ‚{MÞkyku ™ku ‚k{™ku
fhe hne nŒe íÞkhu ¼khŒ™e ‚tMÚkkyku™u fkuE ‚{MÞk ™zu÷ ™ nŒe. [[ko fhku.
Q.-14. India's regulatory framework is very efficient. When financial institutions in other countries
were facing serious problems, Indian institutions did not face any problem. Discuss

«.-15. r‚xe RLðuMx{uLx xw R™kuðux, RLxe„úux y™u ‚MxuR™ 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0), M{kxo r‚xe{kt hnuðk™e þi÷e™u ƒË÷e ™k¾þu.
[[ko fhku.
Q.-15. City Investments to Innovate, Integrate and Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0), will change the style of
living in smart cities. Discuss

BFG-3 ] 2
Paper-4 : Accounting & Auditing-1 (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours

rð¼køk-1 / Section-1
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10

2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 10 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.
«.-1. “rn‚kƒe „wýku¥kh yu yktfzkyku suðk Au su Œu{™k rðþu r‚ØktŒku y™u ytrŒ{Œk™ku ‚{qn Ähkðu Au su õÞkhuf ¼úk{f
nkuE þfu Au.” WËknhý ‚kÚku [[ko fhku.
Q.-1. “Accounting Ratios like statistics have a set of principles and finality about them which at
times may be misleading.” Discuss with illustrations.
«.-2. “yufðkh r{÷fŒ rƒ™-Wí…kËf (™ku™-…Vkuo®{„) ƒ™e òÞ …Ae Œu fkÞ{ {kxu rƒ™-Wí…kËf (™ku™-…Vkuo®{„) r{÷fŒ
hnu Au.” – rxÃ…ýe fhku.
Q.-2. “Once an asset becomes non-performing it remains non-performing asset forever”-Comment.
«.-3. “fh{wrõŒ™e þhŒku «kurðzLx Vtz™k «fkh …h ykÄkh hk¾u Au.” ykðfðuhk™k fkÞËk™e òu„ðkEyku æÞk™{kt hk¾e™u
yk rðÄk™ [[kuo.
Q.-3. “The conditions of exemption from taxability depends upon the type of Provident Fund.” Discuss
the statements in the context of the provisions of Income-tax Act.
«.-4. “ÄtÄk™e ykðf™k {k…™ {kxu ykðf ‚kÚku ¾[o™ku {u¤ sYhe Au.” ‚{òðku.
Q.-4. “Measurement of business income requires matching of cost with revenue.” Explain.
«.-5. yk„™k Ëkðk™k rn‚kƒku{kt “™Vk™k ™wfþk™™e …ku÷e‚e”™ku yÚko ‚{òðku. ™Vk™k ™wf‚k™™e …ku÷e‚e nuX¤ Ëkðk™e
hf{ þkuÄðk {kxu™k rðrðÄ …„÷kt (Steps) ‚{òðku.
Q.-5. Explain the meaning of a “loss of profit policy” in Fire Insurance Claims. Explain the various
steps you will take for ascertaining the amount of claim under a loss of profit policy.
«.-6. þk {kxu ft…™eyku Œu{™k …kuŒk™k þuh …kAk ¾heËu Au. (Buy-back of Shares) Œu ‚{òðku. ƒku™‚ þuh ƒnkh
…kzðkÚke Œu fuðe heŒu y÷„ Au?
Q.-6. Explain why the companies buy back their own shares. How is it different from issue of bonus
«.-7. rzrðzLz ‚tƒtrÄŒ ykurzx™k ‚t˼o{kt ft…™e yuõx 2013™e {wÏÞ òu„ðkEyku þwt Au?
Q.-7. What are the main provisions of Companies Act 2013 with respect to audit related to Dividends?
«.-8. “{qze ytËks…ºk™e yktŒrhf ð¤Œh Ëh™e …ØrŒ …hŒ yk… ‚{Þ …ØrŒ fhŒkt ©uc {k™ðk{kt ykðu Au” - rððu[™kí{f
heŒu {qÕÞktf™ fhku.
Q.-8. “Internal Rate of Return Method of Capital Budgeting is considered to be superior to Payback
Period Method”- Critically evaluate.

BFG-4 ] 1
«.-9. ƒkÌk …w™:h[™k y™u yktŒrhf …w™:h[™k ðå[u™ku ŒVkðŒ ‚{òðku.
Q.-9. Differentiate between External Reconstruction and Internal Reconstruction.
«.-10. “¼kzu yk…u÷ {fk™™wt ™wfþk™ yLÞ ykðf ‚k{u {shu {u¤ðe þfkÞ Au.” rðÄk™ ‚kÚku Œ{u ‚t{Œ Úkkyku Aku ? {shu
{¤Œe f…kŒku ‚neŒ [[kuo.
Q.-10. “Loss from let-out house property is allowed to be set-off against any other income”-Do you
agree with this statement? Discuss with deduction allowed.

rð¼køk-2 / Section-2
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15

2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 5 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 20 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.
«.-11. rn‚kƒe Äkuhýku{kt yr¼‚hý (Convergence) y™u Mðefkh (Adoption) ðå[u þwt ŒVkðŒ Au ? ‚k{kLÞ Mðef]Œ
rn‚kƒe r‚ØktŒku (GAAP), ¼khŒeÞ rn‚kƒe Äkuhýku (Ind AS) y™u yktŒhhk»xÙeÞ ™kýkfeÞ ynuðk÷™k Äkuhýku
(IFRS) ðå[u™k {wÏÞ ŒVkðŒku™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-11. What are the differences between convergence and adoption in Accounting Standards? Discuss
the key differences between GAAP, Ind AS and IFRS?
«.-12. ‚hfkhe rn‚kƒe …æÄrŒ™k WÆu~Þku y™u ‚k{kLÞ r‚ØktŒku ‚{òðku Œu ÔÞð‚krÞf (Commercial) rn‚kƒe …æÄrŒÚke
fuðe heŒu y÷„ Au?
Q.-12. Explain the objectives and general principles of Government accounting How does it differ
from Commercial Accounting?
«.-13. ykurzxª„ fhŒk yLðu»ký fuðe heŒu y÷„ Au Œu ‚{òðku. fuLÿ ‚hfkh fÞk ‚tòu„ku{kt ft…™e™k yLðu»ký {kxu ykËuþ
yk…e þfu Au?
Q.-13. Explain how investigation is different from that of Auditing. Under what circumstances the
Central Government can order for investigation of a company?
«.-14. ‚„eh ƒk¤f y™u fhËkŒk™e …íLke™e ykðf™u Œu™e fw÷ ykðf{kt ‚{kððk™e òu„ðkEyku™e rð„Œu [[ko fhku.
Q.-14. Discuss in details the provisions of inclusion of the income of a minor child and the wife of an
assessee in his total income?
«.-15. {qze ƒòh™k r™Þ{™{kt ‚uƒe (SEBI)™e ¼qr{fk™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-15. Discuss the role of SEBI in regulating the Capital Market.

BFG-4 ] 2
Paper-5 : Accounting & Auditing-2 (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours

rð¼køk-1 / Section-1
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10

2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 10 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.

«.-1. ykrÚkof ¾[o y™u rn‚kƒe ¾[o ðå[u™ku ŒVkðŒ ‚{òðku. …uZe™k ykrÚkof ™Vk™e „ýŒhe {kxu ykrÚkof ¾[o y™u rn‚kƒe
¾[o{ktÚke fÞku ¾[o æÞk™{kt ÷uðkÞ Au? þk {kxu?
Q.-1. Distinguish between economic costs and accounting costs. Which should be taken into account
for calculating the economic profits of the firm? Why?

«.-2. ‚q[fyktf yux÷u þwt? ‚q[fyktf ½zŒh™e «r¢Þk{kt fE ‚{MÞk™ku ‚k{™ku fhðku …zu Au. Œu ‚{òðku.
Q.-2. What is an Index Number? Explain the various problems involved in the construction of Index

«.-3. ykÞkus™ y™u ytfwþ™k ‚kÄ™ Œhefu þqLÞ ykÄkrhŒ ytËks…ºk™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-3. Discuss Zero Base Budgeting as a tool of planning and controlling.

«.-4. “«{ký …zŒh y™u ytËkrsŒ …zŒh ƒt™u …qðor™ÄkorhŒ …zŒh Au …ý ƒt™u™k WÆu~Þku y÷„ Au.” ‚{òðku.
Q.-4. “Both standard costs and estimated costs are pre-determined costs, but their objectives are
different.” Explain.

«.-5. yuõMxuL‚eƒ÷ rƒÍ™u‚ rh…kuxeOøk ÷uøðus (XBRL)™e {níð™e ÷kûkýefŒkyku fE Au ?

Q.-5. What are the Important features of extensible Business Reporting language (XBRL)?

«.-6. f]r»k rÄhký ûkuºku ÔÞk…khe çkUfku™e ¼qr{fk Œ…k‚ku.

Q.-6. Examine the role of commercial banks in the field of agricultural finance.

«.-7. ™kýktfeÞ ‚¥kk Œhefu rhÍðo çkUf ykuV ErLzÞk (RBI)™e ¼qr{fk™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-7. Discuss the role of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as a monetary authority.

«.-8. “{kuxw ònuh Ëuðwt fh y™u ¾[o™e ™erŒyku y…™kððk ˃ký fhu Au su™k …rhýk{u Wå[ fh y™u ‚uðkyku{kt ½xkzku ÚkkÞ
Au”- rð~÷u»ký fhku.
Q.-8. “A large public debt forces the adoption of tax and spending policies that result into higher
taxes and reduced services”- Analyse.

BFG-5 ] 1
«.-9. “¼khŒ™k r™Þtºkf y™u {nk÷u¾k …heûkf (fkuBÃxÙku÷h yuLz ykurzxh s™h÷ -CAG)™e y{÷Ëkh™e ™kýkfeÞ
sðkƒËkhe ‚wr™rùŒ fhðk{kt {níð™e ¼qr{fk Au” - [[ko fhku.
Q.-9. “The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) has a significant role in ensuring the
executive’s financial accountability” – Discuss.

«.-10. “ykrÚkof æÞuÞku nkt‚÷ fhðk {kxu nðu hksfku»keÞ ™erŒ yuf {níð…qýo ‚kÄ™ {k™ðk{kt ykðu Au”- [[ko fhku.
Q.-10. “Fiscal Policy is now considered an important instrument to achieve economic goals”- Discuss.

rð¼køk-2 / Section-2
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15

2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 5 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 20 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.

«.-11. {kt„™e {wÕÞ‚k…uûkŒk™u fÞk …rhƒ¤ku y‚h fhu Au? ÄtÄkfeÞ r™ýoÞ ½zŒh™e «r¢Þk{kt {kt„™e {wÕÞ‚k…uûkŒk™e þwt
¼qr{fk nkuÞ Au?
Q.-11. What are the factors which determine price elasticity of demand? What role does price elasticity
of demand play in decision-making by business firm?

«.-12. yktfzkþkMºkeÞ „wýð¥kk r™Þtºký (SQC) yux÷u þwt? ytfwþ [kxo™e ‚iæÄktrŒf …]c¼qr{fk ‚{òðku.
Q.-12. What do you understand by Statistical Quality Control (SQC)? Explain the theoretical
background of Control-chart.

«.-13. “…zŒh rn‚kƒe …æÄrŒ yu ËqhtËuþe «ýk÷e Au y™u …kuMx-{kuxo{™wt fkÞo ™Úke, Œu ™wf‚k™™u ™Vk{kt Vuhðu Au, «ð]r¥kyku™u
ðu„ yk…u Au y™u ƒ„kz Ëqh fhu Au.” yk rðÄk™™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-13. Cost Accounting is a system of foresight and not a post-mortem examination: it runs losses into
profits, speeds up activities and eliminates wastes.” Discuss this statement.

«.-14. Syu‚xe (GST) fkWrL‚÷™u Syu‚xe (GST) fkÞËk™e fhkuzhßsw Œhefu „ýðk{kt ykðu Au. Syu‚xe (GST)
fkWrL‚÷ îkhk ŒksuŒh™k ‚{Þ{kt ÷eÄu÷k fux÷kf {níð™k r™ýoÞku™u Wò„h fhŒk rðÄk™ M…ü fhku.
Q.-14. GST council is often regarded as the backbone of GST law. Elucidate the Statement highlighting
some of the significance decisions taken by the GST council during the recent times.

«.-15. «Úk{ ™h®‚n{ ‚r{rŒ™e {wÏÞ ¼÷k{ýku™wt ðýo™ fhku.

Q.-15. Describe the major recommendations of the First Narasimham Committee.

BFG-5 ] 2
AO Class 2 Adv 22/2022-23
rð»kÞ fkuz : BFT-1
ÃkuÃkh - 1 : økwshkíke ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)
fw÷ økwý : 150 {kæÞ{ : økwshkíke Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Mkq[Lkk : s{ýe íkhV «&LkLkk økwý Ëþkoðu÷ Au.

«.-1. ™e[u yk…u÷k …kt[ rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE …ý yuf rð»kÞ …h 250 Úke 300 þçËku{kt r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. (20)
(1) rn‚kƒe yrÄfkhe™kt {qÕÞku, r™ck y™u fkÞo-…ØrŒ
(2) „wshkŒe rVÕ{ku™k yu ‚wðýo ð»kkuo...
(3) ykÍkËe …Ae™wt ¼khŒ{kt fh {k¤¾wt
(4) rðf‚Œe sŒe ¼khŒeÞ hu÷ðu™e yÚkoŒtºk …h y‚h
(5) rðM{ÞÚke rð¿kk™ – [ktËk{k{kÚke [tÿÞk™-3
«.-2. ™e[u yk…u÷k ºký rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE…ý ƒu …trõŒyku™ku ykþhu 100 Úke 150 þçËku{kt rð[kh-rðMŒkh (10)
fhku. (05 „wý x 02 …trõŒyku)
2.1 Ëw:¾e™u Œku rË÷k‚ku fku’ Ëw:¾e s ËE þfu;
ykÄkh yk…™kh r™hkÄkh nkuÞ Au. – ™krÍh Ëu¾iÞk
2.2 yufƒeò™u SŒþwt, hu ¼kE òŒ™u òþwt nkhe ! – r™hts™ ¼„Œ
2.3 òýu Au ‚ki „heƒ fu ðMŒw ƒÄe ‘{heÍ’,
EïhÚke …ý rðþu»k r™hkfkh nkuÞ Au. – {heÍ
«.-3. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™ku {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ykþhu 1/3 ¼k„{kt Œ{khk þçËku{kt ‚tûku… fhku. (10)

{nk‚k„h™k s¤™u fkuE ‚e{k ™Úke, ÄhŒe y™u ykfkþ™wt r{÷™ ÚkŒwt Ëu¾kÞ Au, Œu Ëqh Ëqh™e
hu¾k ‚wÄe yu rðMŒhu Au, yu™k yŒ¤ Ÿzký™ku fkuE Œk„ ™Úke. yu™kt fk¤kt rzƒkt„ s¤ [ku{uh
rðMŒhu Au. íÞkt {nk¼Þtfh ÍtÍkðkŒ ò„u Au. íÞkhu zwt„h suðzkt {kuòt WA¤u Au, yu{kt V‚kÞu÷k
{k™ðe™e ykþk {he òÞ Au, yu™e ƒwrØ nýkE òÞ Au. yu™e þrõŒ „w{ ÚkE òÞ Au, y™u Auðxu
su™u fkuE ‚nkÞ ™Úke Œuðku Œu zqƒe òÞ Au, {he òÞ Au. yu {nk‚k„h suðe s ¼Þk™f r™hkþk
Au. yu™u {k…e þfkŒe ™Úke, yu™ku Œk„ ÷uðkŒku ™Úke, yu™kt ŒkuVk™ku™ku …kh ™Úke. yuÚke yu rð™kþf
…ý ƒ™u Au. yu{kt V‚kÞu÷ku {k™ðe ŒhVzu Au, ð÷¾kt {khu Au, ©Øk „w{kðe Ëu Au, nkÚk…„ skuze™u
ƒu‚e hnu Au, yðþ ƒ™u÷ku Œu Auðxu {]íÞw™k {w¾{kt nku{kE òÞ Au. íÞkhu su{ {nk‚k„h{kt zqƒŒk
{k™ðe™u Sð™hûkf-™kifk ÷kRVƒkux ykÄkh yk…u Au, ƒ[kðe ÷u Au, ™ðwt Sð™ ƒûku Au, Œu{ ykþk
…ý ykðe™u r™hkþk™k ‚k„h{kt rððþ ƒ™e™u zqƒŒk {ký‚™u Œkhu Au, ƒ[kðu Au, ™ðSð™ ƒûku Au.
«.-4. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™u æÞk™…qðof ðkt[e Œu™u ykÄkhu …qAu÷k «&Lkku™k W¥kh ÷¾ku. (2 „wý x 5 «§ku) (10)

yk…ýu ‚ki òýeyu Aeyu fu ÷kuf‚t{rŒ yu ÷kufþkne™wt SðkŒw¼qŒ Œ¥ð Au. …ý {™w»Þ
r¼LLkr¼LLk Ár[yku, ‚tMfkhku, y™w¼ðku, …ht…hkyku, rþûký y™u hk„îu»kku™u fkhýu r¼LLkr¼LLk heŒu
rð[khŒk nkuÞ Au. Œu{ktÚke {Œifâ™wt r™{koý fhðwt y™u …kAwt Œu™u ykÄkhu hkßÞ [÷kððwt ½ýwt y½Át
Au, AŒkt {™w»Þ yu ‚{ks ƒktÄe™u hnu™kÁt rð[khþe÷ «kýe nkuðkÚke Sð™hûkk, …ht…hkyku™wt ‚kŒíÞ,
MðrnŒ y™u Mð‚w¾ ðkMŒu ‚tðkrËŒk ‚kÄe™u Œu {Œifâ™wt …ý r™{koý fhe þfu Au. [[ko rð[khýk
fhe™u, Wnk…kun yÚkðk Œfo‚khrýyku™k ¾tz™{tz™™ku yk©Þ ÷E™u, ÔÞk…f ‚t{rŒ™e þkuÄ [÷kðe™u

BFT-1 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
ÔÞðnkhku fhðk™e y™u þk‚™ fhðk™e …ØrŒ Þw„ku™k y™w¼ðku™k ytŒu {ký‚ òŒu W…òðe Au, y™u
yu™u s yk…ýu ÷kufþkne fneyu Aeyu. ‚rnÞkhk…ýk™e y™u ¼k„eËkhe™e ¼kð™k yu{kt ytŒrnoŒ Au.
yu{kt rð[kh fnuðkÞ Au y™u rð[kh ‚nuðkÞ Au, ŒuÚke s ði[krhf ‚t½»ko ™u ytŒu ‚t{rŒ™wt Œ¥ð W…‚e
hnu Au.
{ŒkLŒhûk{k yu ÷kufþkne Sð™herŒ™ku yr™ðkÞo ytþ nkuðkÚke y™u Ä{o …ý Sð™™ku yuf
¼k„ nkuðkÚke su{ Sð™™k ƒeò ÔÞðnkhku{kt Œu{ Ä{o{kt …ý {ŒkLŒhûk{k™e sYh nkuÞ Au. Ä{o
yu su{ Sð™™ku yuf ytþ Au Œu{ Sð™™e …kh sE™u Sð™™wt r™Þ{™ fh™kÁt …kh{krÚkof Œ¥ð
…ý Au. …ý Ä{o …ý yk¾hu {Œ Au, yux÷u {Œ‚rn»ýwŒk™wt yuf Y… Œu Ä{o‚rn»ýwŒk Au.
4.1 hkßÞ [÷kððwt fu{ ½ýwt frX™ Au ?
4.2 {™w»Þ þk {kxu yuf{rŒ ‚kÄu Au ?
4.3 ÷kufku™wt þk‚™ yux÷u þwt ?
4.4 Ä{o{kt {ŒkLŒhûk{k™e sYh þkÚke nkuÞ Au ?
4.5 ‘Ä{o‚rn»ýwŒk yux÷u {Œ‚rn»ýwŒk’ – þkÚke ?
«.-5. ‘E-©{’ fkzo Þkus™k™k ÷kufk…oý «‚t„u fuLÿ ‚hfkh™k ©{ y™u hkus„kh {tºkk÷Þ™k {tºke™wt rðMŒ]Œ (10)
{krnŒe yk…Œwt ykþhu 150 þçËku™wt yki…[krhf ¼k»ký ŒiÞkh fhku.
«.-6. «òrnŒ{kt ‚hfkhu Sð™sYrhÞkŒ™e [esðMŒwyku …h Syu‚xe ½xkzðk™wt ™¬e fhu÷wt Au Œu™e (10)
rð„Œðkh yktfzkfeÞ òýfkhe yk…Œwt ™kýkt rð¼k„™wt «[kh™wt {kæÞ{ku {kxu™wt ykþhu 150 þçËku™wt
r™ðuË™ ŒiÞkh fhku.
«.-7. Œ{khk þnuh{kt ‘{uhe r{èe {uhk ðŒ™’ ytŒ„oŒ ÚkÞu÷e rsÕ÷k fûkk™e Wsðýe™ku ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt (10)
Œ{khk r{ºk™u …ºk ÷¾ku.
«.-8. f]rºk{ ƒwrØ (A.I.)™k W…Þku„ yt„u Œ{khkt {tŒÔÞku hsq fhŒwt ykþhu 150 þçËku™wt [[ko…ºk ‘f ¾ „’ (10)
ðŒo{k™…ºk™k Œtºke™u ‚tƒkuÄe™u ÷¾ku.
«.-9. ™e[u yk…u÷k r[ºk rð»ku ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt Œ{khkt r™heûkýku LkkUÄku. (10)

BFT-1 ] 2 [ Contd.
«.-10. {æÞ{ð„o™k ÷kufku fhf‚h fhe™u ™k™e ƒ[Œ Þkus™k{kt hkufký fhe þfu yu {kxu {k„oËþo™ yk…Œk (10)
‚ur{™kh{kt Œ{u ‚n¼k„e ÚkÞk nŒk, Œu™k rðþu {krnŒe yk…Œku ykþhu 150 þçËku™ku ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku.
«.-11. ‘ykÄwr™f ‚{Þ{kt rþûký yuf ÄtÄkfeÞ ûkuºk ƒ™e „Þwt Au.’ – yk rðÄk™™k …ûk (ŒhVuý) y™u
rð…ûk (rðÁØ){kt rð[khku hsq fhŒku ykþhu 150 þçËku™ku ‚tðkË ŒiÞkh fhku. (10)
«.-12. ™e[u yk…u÷k yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. (10)
Perhaps God engages our universe, his own creation, in much the same way. He
grants us freedom to rebel against its original design, yet even as we do so we end
up ironically serving his eventual goal of restoration. If I accept that blueprint –
a huge step of faith, I confess – it transforms how I view both good and bad
things that happen. Good things, such as health, talent and money, I can present
to God as offerings for his use. And bad things too – disability, poverty, family
dysfunction, failures – can be redeemed as the very instruments that drive me to
God. “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances,” wrote the apostle
Paul from prison. Naturally he preferred comfort over agony and health over
weakness, but Paul had gained confidence that God could use circumstances both
good and bad to accomplish his will’

«.-13. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «&Lkku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (20)

13.1. YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu{™ku yÚko…qýo ðkfâ{kt «Þku„ fhku.

13.1.1. …kŒk¤ fqðku Vqxðku

13.1.2. yktxe …zðe
13.2 fnuðŒku™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
13.2.1. …kuh {qE ‚k‚w ™u ykuý ykÔÞkt ykt‚w
13.2.2. Œhýkt ykzku zwt„h
13.3. ‚k{kr‚f þçËku™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™ku «fkh yku¤¾ðku.

13.3.1. „k{÷kufku
13.3.2. fkurf÷ftX
13.4. …trõŒyku™k AtË™ku «fkh yku¤¾kðku.

13.4.1. {iºke ¼kð™wt …rðºk Íhýwt {ws niÞk{kt ðÌkk fhu,

þw¼ Úkkyku yk ‚f÷ rðï™wt yuðe ¼kð™k r™íÞ ðnu.
13.4.2. ‚{Þ™wt ÷ð ¼k™ hnu ™nª,
yðrÄ ytfwþ M™un ‚nu ™nª.
13.5 y÷tfkh™ku «fkh yku¤¾kðku.
13.5.1 ƒeò ƒÄk ð„zk™k ðk
13.5.2 {khku nt‚÷ku ™k™ku ™u Ëuð¤ sq™wt Œku ÚkÞwt
13.6 þçË‚{qnku {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
13.6.1. Wí…LLk{ktÚke ‚hfkh™u yk…ðk™ku ¼k„
13.6.2. Ak…hkt™kt ™r¤Þkt ÔÞðrMÚkŒ fh™kh

BFT-1 ] 3 [ P.T.O.
13.7. þçËku™e ‚k[e òuzýe ÷¾ku.
13.7.1. fkune™wh
13.7.2. r„hr{rxÞku
13.8. ÷u¾™YrZ y™u ¼k»kkþwrØ™e árüyu ðkfâku ‚wÄkhku.
13.8.1. rþûkfu fÞwt „wshkŒe ‚krníÞ ™e «Úk{ ™ð÷fÚkk fhý½u÷ku Au.
13.8.2. {h[k ykËw fk™{kt ™k¾ku
13.9. ‚q[™k «{kýu ‚trÄ òuzku fu Akuzku.
13.9.1. ‚trÄ òuzku – r[ŒT + Y…
13.9.2. ‚trÄ Akuzku – {kºkÚkuo
13.10. ðkfâh[™k yt„u ‚q[™k «{kýu W¥kh yk…ku.
13.10.1. suýu nkÚk ðå[u ™k{ ½qtxÞwt nkuÞ Œu ynª ƒu‚u. – fŒorh ðkfâh[™k{kt Vuhðku.
13.10.2. ƒk, Œwt yu „eŒ „k ™u ! – «uhf ðkfâh[™k ƒ™kðku.

BFT-1 ] 4 [ Contd.
Paper-2 : English
Total Marks : 150 Time : 3 Hours

Q.1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to (20)
maximum 300 words.

It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject in the
best possible individual style having originality of thought and expression. It must be
well argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with observance of
grammatical rules.

I. India is a land where tradition intertwines with modernity.

II. “We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.”

III. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.

IV. Technology and Digital Innovation: India’s Growth Story.

V. “Poverty is the worst form of violence.”

Q.2. Imagine you are an Account Officer in a Government department office (10)
at Gandhinagar. The Finance Department of the Government has asked for the
budget estimates and revised estimates of your department. Your senior officer has
sought your opinion about preparedness and needful actions for the same. Write a
letter, in about 150 words, to your senior officer offering needful suggestions.

Q.3. The local Municipal Corporation of your city has declared a 10% discount on the (10)
annual property tax if paid within the stipulated time period from the beginning of
the new financial year. An additional discount of 2% has also been offered if the
said tax payment is made through online mode. Draft a press release on behalf of
your Municipal Corporation in about 150 words.

Q.4. Write a report in about 150 words on your recent visit to the State level (15)
Independence Day Flag hoisting ceremony at Valsad.

Q.5. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about 150 words. (15)

BFT-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q.6. Draft an inaugural speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the honorable (15)
Minister of Tourism and Cultural Activities, Government of Gujarat, at
‘Pravasan Mahotsav’, an annual initiative for promoting tourism and cultural
activities in Gujarat.
Q.7. Write a precis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (15)
National Health Policy 2016 and budgetary announcements of the year 2018 named
as Ayushman Bharat have two components of strengthening healthcare in India:
improving access and quality of primary healthcare through strengthening 1,50,000
subcenters and primary health centers (PHCs) and improving access to secondary and
tertiary care through a near-universal health insurance scheme.
India’s economy is growing well, rural infrastructure is improving, and it has
access to technology, all of which have the potential to transform health status of its
populations. Some state governments have designed and implemented innovative
solutions to address the problems of access and affordability of healthcare. Many not-
for-profit organizations that work in difficult-to-reach rural areas have innovated to
improve access, responsiveness, and quality of primary healthcare. There are also
substantial, long-term experiences of several countries that have addressed the problem
of delivering universal, high-quality primary healthcare to the most underserved
These experiences can inform and guide India’s policy directions into action.
A one-day National Consultation was held to share learnings from experiences and
evidence of rural primary healthcare within India and from across the world, with the
purpose of identifying those elements that could guide India’s efforts at improving
healthcare in rural and underserved areas. The consultation was nested within World
Rural Health Conference 2018, held in New Delhi from 26th to 29th April 2018.
The consultation brought together a range of healthcare practitioners, policy
makers, and academicians from India and other countries, developed and developing,
They presented the experiences from four states of India (Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, and Rajasthan) and four countries across the world (Australia, Brazil,
South Africa, and Nepal), besides drawing on global evidence. This article provides the
summary of discussions and key recommendations emerging from the consultation,
especially those that have a relevance for rural India.
Q.8. Read the following passage carefully and answer questions that follow. (5  3 = 15) (15)
Environmental, genetic, and cultural factors can all affect the development of a
child. Child psychology gives highly important and valuable information on your child’s
mental, physical, cognitive, and emotional health as they grow. Child psychology is the
study of subconscious and conscious childhood development. Child psychologists observe
how a child interacts with their parents, themselves, and the world, to understand
their mental development. Everyone wants their child to have healthy development,
but it’s not always clear if a child’s behavior is a symptom of a normal stage in
development or a sign of an abnormality. Child psychologists can help you understand
the difference. Understanding the normal and abnormal psychological patterns of a
child can help parents understand how to best communicate and connect with their
child, teach their child coping mechanisms for managing emotions, and help their child
progress and thrive in each new developmental stage.

BFT-2 ] 2 [Contd.
Child psychologists can also identify abnormal behaviors early, help detect the
root of common behavioral issues such as learning issues, hyperactivity, or anxiety,
and help children work through early childhood trauma. They can also help to prevent,
evaluate, and diagnose mental health and learning problems, developmental delays or
conditions such as autism. Emotional and social development are deeply intertwined.
Emotional development refers to how the child feels, understands, and expresses their
emotions. Emotional development is expressed in very young children through the
expression of basic emotions like fear, joy, anger, and sadness. As the child develops,
more complex emotions such as confidence, hope, guilt, and pride emerge.
Questions :
I. Why is child psychology important?
II What is child psychology?
III. How can a child psychologist be helpful to parents?
IV. What is emotional development in a child?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage.
Q.9. Do as directed: (20  1 = 20) (20)
Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [ ] as well
as write the correct answer in the bracket ( CAPITAL LETTER) as per the sample
given below.
Sample Answer: ( C ) A B C D E

1. The old Bunyan tree which _______ in our school ground for more than thirty
years suddenly crashed to the ground yesterday.
(A) is standing
(B) has stood
(C) had stood
(D) stands
(E) has standing
2. He _______ of retiring until after he _______ enough to afford a decent life after
(A) hasn’t thought/will save
(B) isn’t thinking/has been saving
(C) won’t think/is saving
(D) doesn’t think/has saved
(E) didn’t think/will have saved
3. Old diesel vehicles create a lot of pollution. (Change the voice)
(A) A lot of pollution is being created by old diesel vehicles.
(B) A lot of pollution has been created by old diesel vehicles.
(C) A lot of pollution is created by old diesel vehicles.
(D) A lot of pollution had been created by old diesel vehicles.
(E) A lot of pollution was created by old diesel vehicles.

BFT-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
4. Each painting which had been made by her was appreciated by her professors.
(Change the voice)
(A) Her professors appreciated each painting which have been made by her.
(B) Her professors appreciated each painting which was made.
(C) She had made each painting which her professors appreciated.
(D) Her professors appreciated each painting which she had made.
(E) She had made each painting which got an appreciation.
5. She said to the teacher,” Could you please repeat the question?” (Change the narration)
(A) She asked the teacher if she could please repeat the question.
(B) She asked the teacher to please repeat the question.
(C) She asked the teacher to repeat the question.
(D) She asked the teacher to please let her repeat the question.
(E) She asked the teacher if she was pleased to repeat the question.
6. “I am taking my students to Science City tomorrow”, she said, “to watch a
3D science film”. (Change the narration)
(A) She said that she was taking her students to Science City the next day to
watch a 3D science film.
(B) She said that she would take her students to Science City to watch a
3D science film tomorrow.
(C) She said that she was taking her students to Science City that day to
watch a 3D science film.
(D) She said that she may take her students to Science City tomorrow to
watch a 3D science film.
(E) None of the above.
7. No other statue is as tall as the Statue of Unity.
(Transform the given sentence into superlative)
(A) No other statue except the Statue of Unity is tall.
(B) The Statue of Unity is tall of all the statues.
(C) Isn’t the Statue of Unity the tallest of all statues?
(D) The Statue of Unity is the tallest of all the statues.
(E) The Statue of Unity is a taller statue.
8. _______ common sense is _______ virtue.
(A) No article / a
(B) A / a
(C) The / a
(D) The / the
(E) A / the

BFT-2 ] 4 [Contd.
9. _______ of the two brothers is married.
(A) Any
(B) Each
(C) Every
(D) Both
(E) Most
10. She confided _______ me.
(A) in
(B) about
(C) on
(D) of
(E) above
11. Don’t trust him, he always _______ his word.
(A) goes back
(B) goes back on
(C) gets over
(D) gets round
(E) gets back
12. Is there enough tea to _______ or shall I make some more?
(A) put forward
(B) make up
(C) set in
(D) go round
(E) None of the above
13. My new co-worker is constantly crying wolf.
(Choose the correct meaning of the underlined expression)
(A) Always criticizing
(B) Work with dedication
(C) Call for help when you don’t need it
(D) Being irregular at work
(E) Show aggressive and violent
14. The meaning of ‘misdemeanor” is _______.
(A) Unmarried woman
(B) Unmarried man
(C) a crime considered to be one of the less serious types of crime
(D) Misunderstanding due to wrong information
(E) A person facing capital punishment

BFT-2 ] 5 P.T.O.
15. Select the correct synonym of ‘paltry’.
(A) Constructive
(B) Destructive
(C) Delicious
(D) Insignificant
(E) Birdhouse
16. Select the correct antonym of ‘contentment’.
(A) Imagery
(B) Script
(C) Storage
(D) Dissatisfaction
(E) Unreliable
17. Select the correct one-word substitution for ‘a speech made without any preparation.’
(A) Maiden speech
(B) Allegory
(C) Fiction
(D) Fable
(E) Extempore
18. Did you understand _______ he told you that story?
(A) because
(B) due
(C) which
(D) why
(E) least
19. He was told to sign the letter of statement and aver _______. (Select the correct suffix)
(A) ness
(B) ment
(C) edness
(D) ess
(E) ee
20. He has a _______ for writing.
(A) flare
(B) fare
(C) flair
(D) fleir
(E) feer

BFT-2 ] 6 [Contd.
Q.10. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. (15)

¼khŒeÞ ‚tMf]rŒ™ku rðfk‚ s ™Ëe rf™khu rðfk‚ ÚkÞu÷ Au. ¼khŒ{kt «k[e™ Þw„Úke s …kýe™u
s¤ËuðŒk y™u ™Ëe™u ÷kuf{kŒk™e W…{k yk…ðk{kt ykðu÷ Au. ¼khŒ ºký ÉŒw ÄhkðŒku Ëuþ Au.
[ku{k‚k{kt ðh‚kË îkhk Ëh ð»kuo 400 r{÷eÞ™ nufxh s¤ ‚kÄ™ku «kÃík ÚkkÞ Au, su{ktÚke 70
r{÷eÞ™ nufxh …kýe Œkífkr÷f ðne òÞ Au, 115 r{÷eÞ™ nufxh ™Ëe, ‚hkuðh y™u fqðk{kt
yufrºkŒ ÚkkÞ Au, y™u 215 r{÷eÞ™ nufxh s{e™{kt þku»kkÞ Au. yk rMÚkrŒ …kýe™k ‚t„ún™k
ykÞkus™™ku y¼k𠃌kðu Au. ¼khŒ{kt y™uf ™k™e {kuxe ™Ëeyku ðnu Au, su{kt 12 {wÏÞ ™Ëeyku
Au. yk ™Ëeyku{kt „t„k, ƒúñ…wºkk y™u {u½™k ‚kiÚke {kuxe ™Ëeyku Au. {wÏÞ ™Ëeyku ™ku s¤‚t„ún
rðMŒkh 25 fhkuz 28 ÷k¾ nufxh sux÷ku Au. su fw÷ s¤ ‚t„ún rðMŒkh™k 43 xfkÚke …ý yrÄf
Au. ƒeS {wÏÞ ™Ëeyku{kt ®‚Äw, „kuËkðhe, r¢»™k, y™u {nk™Ëe™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au, su 1035 ÷k¾
nufxh s¤ ‚t„ún Ähkðu Au, ßÞkhu {æÞ{ fË™e ™Ëeyku™ku s¤ ‚t„ún rðMŒkh 25 ÷k¾ nufxh
sux÷ku Au.

BFT-2 ] 7 P.T.O.
Paper-3 : Mkk{kLÞ yÇÞkMk / General Studies (Main Exam)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours
rð¼køk-1 / Section-1
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10
2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 10 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 10 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.

«.-1. ¼rõŒ yktËku÷™u «kËurþf ¼k»kkyku™k rðfk‚{kt fuðe heŒu Þku„Ëk™ ykÃÞwt Au ? Œu ‚{òðku.
Q.-1. How did the Bhakti Movement contribute to the growth of regional languages ?

«.-2. hkýfe ðkð yu „wshkŒ hkßÞ™e rðï rðÏÞkŒ Ähkunh Au. Œu™k ÷ûkýku ‚{òðku.
Q.-2. Ranaki Vav is a world renowned heritage of Gujarat state. Explain its characteristics.

«.-3. hkò hrð ð{ko, ¼khŒ™k {nk™ r[ºkfkhku{kt™k yuf Au. – ‚{òðku.
Q.-3. Raja Ravi Varma, is India's one of the greatest painter of India. – Explain.

«.-4. „wshkŒ™k ÷kufku îkhk {kýðk{kt ykðŒk fkuE…ý ƒu, {níð…qýo {u¤kyku™wt ðýo™ fhku.
Q.-4. Describe any two important fairs, enjoyed by people of Gujarat.

«.-5. ¼khŒ™e ™Ëeyku [ku¬‚ «ýk÷e{kt ðnu Au. – WËknhý ‚kÚku [[ko fhku.
Q.-5. India's rivers are flowing in a specific system. – Discuss with example.

«.-6. ÷kufku «íÞu ‚hfkh™e sðkƒËkhe MÚkkr…Œ fhðk{kt ònuh rn‚kƒ ‚r{rŒ™e ¼qr{fk™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-6. Discuss the role of Public Accounts Committee in establishing the accountability of the
government to the people.

«.-7. nk÷{kt ¼khŒ{kt WœÞ™ ûkuºk, ½ýk …rhðŒo™{ktÚke …‚kh ÚkR hnu÷ Au ? – [[ko fhku.
Q.-7. Currently, the aviation sector in India is going through many changes ? – Discuss.

«.-8. ¼khŒ ‚hfkh îkhk þY fhðk{kt ykðu÷ ™uþ™÷ õ÷e™ yuh «ku„úk{ (NCAP)™e {wÏÞ rðþu»kŒkyku þwt Au ?
Q.-8. What are the key features of the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) initiated by the
Government of India.

«.-9. ¼khŒ{kt ‚uxu÷kRx ™urð„uþ™ r‚Mx{{kt IRNSS NavIC «ku„úk{™e ¼qr{fk™wt rððu[™kí{f heŒu …heûký fhku.
Q.-9. Critically examine the role of IRNSS NavIC programme in satellite navigation system in India.

«.-10. [tÿÞk™-3 rðï {kxu ™ðk [tÿ™k ÿ~Þku ¾ku÷þu. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-10. Chandrayaan-3 will open up new moon vistas for the world. – Discuss.

BFT-3 ] 1
rð¼køk-2 / Section-2
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15
2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.
2. Attempt all 5 questions.
3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.
3. Each question carries 20 marks
4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.
4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.

«.-11. „wÃíkfk¤ Ëhr{Þk™ ¾„ku¤þkMºk, „rýŒ y™u Ëðk™k rð¿kk™™k ûkuºk{kt ÚkÞu÷e LkkUÄ…kºk «„rŒ™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-11. Discuss the significant advances made in the field of science of astronomy, mathematics and
medicine during the Gupta period.

«.-12. ¼khŒ{kt „heƒku™u ¾kuhkf W…÷çÄ fhkððk{kt hk»xÙeÞ ¾kã ‚whûkk yrÄr™Þ{ 2013™e ¼qr{fk™wt {qÕÞktf™ fhku.
Q.-12. Evaluate the role of National Food security Act 2013, in providing access of food to the poor
in India.

«.-13. ¼khŒ{kt hkufkýfkhku™k rnŒ™k hûký{kt r‚õÞkurhxeÍ yuLz yuõ‚[uLs ƒkuzo ykuV ErLzÞk (‚uƒe)™e ¼qr{fk Œ…k‚ku.
Q.-13. Examine the role of Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in protecting the interest of
investors in India.

«.-14. rVMf÷ rhM…kurL‚rƒr÷xe yuLz ƒsux {u™us{uLx (FRBM) yuõx™k {wÏÞ ÷ûkýku ‚{òðku. Œu fux÷e nËu ‚V¤
hÌkku Au ?
Q.-14. Explain main features of Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act. To what
extent it has been successful ?

«.-15. rðfk‚÷ûke £u{ðfo{kt ‚hnËe rðMŒkhku™u yufef]Œ fhŒku ðkRƒúLx rð÷us «ku„úk{. – [[ko fhku.
Q.-15. Vibrant Villages Programme Integrating Border Regions in Developmental Framework.
– Discuss.

BFT-3 ] 2
Paper-4 : Accountancy and Auditing-I (Main Exam-Descriptive)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours

rð¼køk-1 / Section-1
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10

2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 10 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.
«.-1. ðirïf Äkuhýku Œhefu yktŒhhk»xÙeÞ ™kýkfeÞ rn‚kƒe Äkuhýku™k WƼð™k {níð™u ‚{òðku.
Q.-1. Explain the significance of emergence of International Financial Reporting Standards as Global
«.-2. fÞk ‚tòu„ku{kt ‘[k÷w …uZe™ku ÏÞk÷’ yÞkuøÞ Au ?
Q.-2. Under what circumstances is the ‘Going Concern Concept’ inappropriate ?
«.-3. Vuõxheyku™k sqÚk™k …zŒh ykurzxh Œhefu, Œ{u {swhe y™u {k÷‚k{k™ ¾[o™k hufkuzo™u fuðe heŒu æÞk™{kt ÷uþku Œu
«r¢Þk™wt ðýo™ fhku.
Q.-3. As Cost Auditor to a group of factories, describe the procedure how would you adopt the record
of labour and material costs.
«.-4. {qze{k¤¾k {kxu {kuzeø÷eÞk™e y™u r{÷h™ku yr¼„{ ‚{òðku.
Q.-4. Explain the Modigliani and Miller approach to Capital Structure.
«.-5. “fh…kºkŒk hnuXký™k Ëhßò …h ykÄkrhŒ Au.” – ‚{òðku.
Q.-5. “The incidence of Income-tax depends upon the residential status of an Assessee.” – Explain.
«.-6. “¼tzku¤ «ðkn…ºkf yu ykðf™k …ºkf fhŒk ðÄw ‚khku rðfÕ… Au.”– [[ko fhku.
Q.-6. “A Funds Flow Statement is a better substitute for an Income Statement.” – Discuss.
«.-7. „wýku¥kh rð~÷u»ký Œf™ef ™kýkfeÞ rð~÷u»ký{kt fuðe heŒu {ËË fhu Au ? – [[ko fhku.
Q.-7. How does the ratio analysis technique help in the financial analysis ? – Discuss.
«.-8. fk[wt ‚hðiÞwt ™ {¤u Œuðk rfM‚k{kt, Œ{u ¼q÷ku™u þkuÄðk {kxu fÞk …„÷kt ÷uþku ?
Q.-8. In case of disagreement of the Trial Balance, what steps would you take to locate the errors ?
«.-9. ‚hfkhe rn‚kƒku™wt ÔÞk…f ð„eofhý y™u MðY… yk…ku.
Q.-9. Give a broad classification and form of Government Accounts.
«.-10. ykðfðuhk Äkhk 1961 ™e f÷{ 10 y™w‚kh fux÷ef ykðfku ‚t…qýo…ýu fh{wõŒ Au, Œu™k fux÷kf WËknhý yk…ku.
Q.-10. Give some examples of incomes which are totally exempted from tax with reference to
Section 10 of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1961.

BFT-4 ] 1
rð¼køk-2 / Section-2
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15

2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 5 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 20 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.

«.-11. {wÏÞ ykuVe‚™k [÷ý{kt rðËuþe þk¾k™k fk[k ‚hðiÞk™k Y…ktŒh {kxu™k r™Þ{ku sýkðku. ykðk Y…ktŒhý™u fkhýu
rðr™{Þ{kt ÚkŒk ŒVkðŒ ‚kÚku Œ{u fuðe heŒu ÔÞðnkh fhþku ?
Q.-11. State the rules for conversion of a foreign branch trial balance in the currency of the Head
office. How would you deal with the difference in exchange resulting on account of such
conversion ?

«.-12. “ft…™e™k ykurzxh™u fux÷efðkh þuhÄkhfku™k «rŒr™rÄ Œhefu, õÞkhuf ft…™e™k yrÄfkhe Œhefu ðýoððk{kt ykðu Au.
Œu{ AŒkt, yr™ðkÞo…ýu, Œu yuf MðŒtºk ‚{eûkf Au y™u Œu™k …k‚uÚke ÞkuøÞ fkÞo™e y…uûkk Au.” – [[ko fhku.
Q.-12. “An auditor of a company is sometimes described as an agent of shareholders, sometimes as an
officer of the company. Still, essentially, he is an independent reviewer and is expected to play
fair.” – Discuss.

«.-13. ¼khŒ{kt ‚uƒe (SEBI){kt LkkUÄkÞu÷e rðrðÄ {qÕÞktf™fkhe ‚tMÚkkyku (credit rating agencies) …h ‚trûkÃík ™kUÄ ÷¾ku.
Q.-13. Write brief notes on various credit rating agencies registered with the SEBI in India.

«.-14. “ykðfðuhk yrÄfkheyku™e Vhs ðneðxe y™u LÞkÞkÄeþ suðe Au.” – [[ko fhku.
Q.-14. “The functions of the Income-Tax authorities are both executive and judicial.” – Discuss.

«.-15. ft…™e Äkhk 2013™e þhŒku, òu„ðkEyku y™u «r¢Þk ‚{òðku fu su™k nuX¤ rhze{uƒ÷ «uVhL‚ þuh …hŒ fhe þfkÞ Au.
Q.-15. Explain the conditions, provisions and procedure of the Companies Act 2013 under which
redeemable preference shares can be redeemed.

BFT-4 ] 2
Paper-5 : Accountancy and Auditing-II (Main Exam-Descriptive)
fw÷ økwý : 200 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours

rð¼køk-1 / Section-1
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 1 Úke 10
1. Question No. 1 to 10

2. çkÄkts 10 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 10 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 10 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 100 Úke 120 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 100 to 120 words.
«.-1. “yu r™rËoü Au fu yuðwt sYhe ™Úke fu y‚hfkhf …zŒh rn‚kƒe …ØrŒ yu yuðk rn‚kƒku ŒiÞkh fhþu su ™kýkfeÞ
rn‚kƒku ‚kÚku ‚n{Œ ÚkkÞ.” – xeÃ…ýe fhku.
Q.-1. “It has been stated that an efficient costing system will not necessarily produce accounts which
in their result will agree with Financial Accounts.” – Comment.
«.-2. “‚{Œqx rð~÷u»ký™ku ÏÞk÷ (ƒúuf-Rð™ fL‚uÃx) yu {q¤¼qŒ heŒu y[¤ rð~÷u»ký Au.” – ‚{òðku y™u ÏÞk÷™e
{ÞkoËk™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-2. “The break-even concept is fundamentally a static analysis.” – Discuss and explain the limitation
of the concept.
«.-3. CGST r™Þ{ku, 2017 nuX¤ LkkUÄýe {kxu™e «r¢Þk ‚{òðku.
Q.-3. Explain the procedure for Registration under CGST Rules, 2017.
«.-4. ‚n‚tƒtÄ ÔÞkÏÞkrÞŒ fhku. Œu™k {níð™e [[ko fhku. þwt ‚n‚tƒtÄ nt{uþk ƒu [÷ku ðå[u fkÞo-fkhý ‚tƒtÄ Ëþkoðu Au ?
– WËknhý ‚kÚku ‚{òðku.
Q.-4. Define Correlation. Discuss its significance. Does corelation always signify causal relationship
between two variables? – Explain with illustration.
«.-5. {kt„™wt …qðko™w{k™ yux÷u þwt ? ÄtÄkfeÞ …uZe™k ‚t[k÷™ {kxu Œu þk {kxu {níð™wt Au ?
Q.-5. What is meant by demand forecasting ? Why is it so important for the management of business
firm ?
«.-6. „úk{eý rÄhký{kt ™kƒkzo™e ¼qr{fk þwt Au ?
Q.-6. What is the role of NABARD in rural credit ?
«.-7. “‚hfkhe Éý yÚkðk ònuh Ëuðwt yu ònuh ¾[o™u …nkU[e ð¤ðk {kxu ‚t‚kÄ™ku þkuÄðk™ku yuf {níð…qýo MºkkuŒ ƒ™e
„Þku Au.” – [[ko fhku.
Q.-7. “Government borrowings or public debt has become an important source of finding resources
for meeting public expenditure.” – Discuss.
«.-8. ònuh rn‚kƒe ‚r{rŒ (…rç÷f yufkWLxT‚ fr{xe - PAC) {kt r™Þtºkf y™u {nk÷u¾k …rhûkf (fkuBÃxÙku÷h y™u ykurzxh
s™h÷ - CAG)™e ¼qr{fk þwt Au ?
Q.-8. What is the role of Comptroller and Auditor General in Public Accounts Committee (PAC) ?

BFT-5 ] 1
«.-9. “…zŒh rn‚kƒe …ØrŒ{kt, òuƒ yu ™k™ku fhkh Au, ßÞkhu fhkh yu {kuxe òuƒ Au.” – xeÃ…ýe fhku.
Q.-9. “In a Cost Accounting, A Job is a small contract and a contract is a big Job.” – Comment.
«.-10. ™kýkfeÞ ™erŒ y™u hksfku»keÞ ™erŒ ðå[u™ku ŒVkðŒ M…ü fhku.
Q.-10. Differentiate between Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy.

rð¼køk-2 / Section-2
Mkq[Lkk : 1. «&™¢{ktf 11 Úke 15
1. Question No. 11 to 15

2. çkÄkts 5 «&™kuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk Au.

2. Attempt all 5 questions.

3. Ëhuf «&™Lkk 20 økwý Au.

3. Each question carries 20 marks

4. sðkçk ykþhu 200 Úke 250 þçËku{kt ÷¾ðkLkkt Au.

4. Answer should be given approximately in 200 to 250 words.

«.-11. “‚tÞwõŒ …uËkþ y™u W……uËkþ ðå[u™ku ŒVkðŒ yu {kºk r™ýoÞ™e ƒkƒŒ Au.” – rxÃ…ýe fhku. rn‚kƒe …ØrŒ y™u
{qÕÞktf™™e …ØrŒ™k ‚t˼o{kt Œ{u ‚tÞwõŒ …uËkþku y™u W… …uËkþku ðå[u fuðe heŒu ŒVkðŒ fhe þfku Aku.
Q.-11. “The distinction between Join products and By products is the matter of judgement only.”
– Comment. How can you distinguish between Joint products and By products with reference
to the method of accounting and method of valuation.

«.-12. ðMŒwyku y™u ‚uðkyku fh fkÞËku, 2017 nuX¤ rðrðÄ «fkh™k …whðXk (Supply)™e [[ko fhku.
Q.-12. Discuss various types of supplies under Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.

«.-13. ‚k{krÞf ©uýe yux÷u þwt ? Œu™k {wÏÞ ½xfku fÞk Au ? Œu Ëhuf {kxu WËknhý yk…ku.
Q.-13. What is a time series? What are its main components ? Give illustration for each of them.

«.-14. …uZe™e ‚{Œw÷k yux÷u þwt? …qýo nheVkE nuX¤ …uZe™e xqtfk„k¤k™e ‚{Œw÷k y™u ÷ktƒk „k¤k™e ‚{Œw÷k™e þhŒku
Q.-14. What is meant by Firm’s equilibrium? Explain the conditions of short-run equilibrium and
long-run equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition.

«.-15. çkU®f„ «ýk÷e{kt ‚wÄkhk þk {kxu nkÚk Ähðk{kt ykÔÞk ? ¼khŒ{kt çkU®f„ ‚wÄkhk™e þYykŒ fuðe heŒu fhðk{kt ykðe Œu
rð„Œu ‚{òðku.
Q.-15. Why were reforms undertaken in the banking system ? Discuss in detail how were the banking
reforms initiated in India.

BFT-5 ] 2
AO Class-2 Semi-Direct Promotion Exam
rð»kÞ fkuz : BGN-1
ÃkuÃkh - 1 : økwshkíke (ðýoLkkí{f)
fw÷ økwý : 100 {kæÞ{ : økwshkíke Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
Mkq[Lkk : s{ýe íkhV «&LkLkk økwý Ëþkoðu÷ Au.

«.-1. ™e[u yk…u÷k ºký rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE …ý yuf rð»kÞ …h ðÄw{kt ðÄw 400 þçËku{kt r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. (20)

(1) S-20™e Þs{k™e …Ae ¼khŒ™ku ðirïf «¼kð

(2) ÷kufþkne™wt yr™ðkÞo yt„ : rð…ûk
(3) ði»ýðs™ Œku Œu™u hu fneyu...
«.-2. ™e[u yk…u÷k ƒu rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE…ý yuf …trõŒ™ku ykþhu 100 Úke 150 þçËku{kt (10)
rð[kh-rðMŒkh fhku.
2.1 ‘MðŒtºk «f]rŒ Œ{k{,
yuf {k™ðe s fkt „w÷k{ ?’ – W{kþtfh òuþe
2.2 ‘hkus ‚eŒknhý ÚkÞkt fhŒkt,
…ý fþu õÞkt sxkÞw Au ?’ – [tÿfktŒ …xu÷
«.-3. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™ku {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ykþhu 1/3 ¼k„{kt ‚tûku… fhku. (10)

„wÁ™e ‚k{u rþ»Þ Œhefu ƒu‚ðk {kxu fux÷ef ÞkuøÞŒk ykð~Þf Au. ‚k[k rþ»Þ™u
¿kk™™e Œeðú Œ]»kk nkuÞ, ¼q¾ nkuÞ, ykðe Œ]»kk ËwËoBÞ nkuÞ. ‘fXku…r™»kË’™wt ™r[fuŒk™wt …kºk yk…ý™u
‚{òðu Au fu ¿kk™™e ¼q¾ yLÞ fkuE «÷ku¼™ku Úkfe yxfðe – þ{ðe ™ òuEyu. ÄehuÄehu Œu
‚™kŒ™ Y… Äkhý fhu. ¾wË „wÁ s yksL{ ¿kk™¼qÏÞk nkuÞ Œku rþ»Þ Œku õÞktÚke ¿kk™™e ‚e{kyu
…nkU[u? Œu™e ¿kk™Œ]»ýk y¾tz nkuÞ. rþ»Þ™ku ƒeòu „wý Au ™{úŒk – r™:‚e{ ™{úŒk. „wÁ ‚k{u
rþ»Þ{kt „ðo™ku yuf Aktxku …ý ™ [k÷u. „wÁ™k ¿kk™ y™u «u{™u …kºk ƒ™ðk {kxu „wÁ «íÞu …qýo
ykËh sYhe Au. „wÁ™k ¿kk™«ðkn™u þtfk ŒÚkk «rŒðkË Úkfe ¾trzŒ ™ fhkÞ. yu{kt rþ»Þ™e s
™ƒ¤kE Au ™u Œu™u s Œu™wt ™wf‚k™ …ý Au. „wÁ™u «§ …qAkÞ, ¼qr{fk „wÁ™u «‚LLk fhu Au. rþ»Þ
sƒhku …rh©{e nkuðku òuEyu. yk{ Œku fþwt …ý {u¤ððk {kxu …rh©{ sYhe Au y™u ykðfkÞo Au.
…htŒw ¿kk™ «krÃík {kxu Œku yrðhŒ Œu{s «åALLk …rh©{ ykð~Þf Au. {nu™Œ {kxu™e {¬{ ŒiÞkhe
y™u þkherhf ‚ßsŒk rþ»Þ{kt yr™ðkÞo Au. rþ»Þ{kt Mð{qÕÞktf™ ŒÚkk Mðr™heûký™ku „wý …ý sYhe
Au. Œuýu …kuŒu …ý …kuŒk™k rþ»Þíð™u òÛÞk fhðk™wt Au. …kuŒu …kuŒk™e ÷kÞfkŒ{ktÚke [r÷Œ Œku ™Úke
ÚkÞku ™u? …kuŒk™k{ktÚke ƒnkh ™ef¤e™u yk Œ…k‚ðk™wt Au. …kuŒk™k rðfk‚™ku yk÷u¾ Wr[Œ hnu Œu …ý
òŒu òuðk™wt Au. rþ»Þ™wt su{ ¿kk™ ðÄu Œu{ Œu™e rþ»Þ Œhefu™e …kºkŒk …ý ðÄŒe hnuðe òuEyu.
rþ»Þíð™e yk ƒÄe f‚kuxeyku Au, Œu ‚ðo „wýku ò¤ððk òuEyu y™u Œu{ktÚke rþ»Þíð™e yr¾÷kE
™eh¾ðe òuEyu.
«.-4. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™u æÞk™…qðof ðkt[e Œu™u ykÄkhu …qAu÷k «§ku™k W¥kh ÷¾ku. (2 „wý  5 «§ku) (10)
'ykí{k ‚íÞfk{ - ‚íÞ‚tfÕ… Au,'yuðwt ðuËð[™ Au. su yk…ýu Äkheyu, RåAeyu Œu
«kÃík fhe þfeyu yuðku yu™ku yÚko ÚkkÞ Au. su þrõŒ™u ÷eÄu yk…ýe fk{™kyku r‚Ø ÚkkÞ Au yu™u
s yk…ýu …h{uïh - …h{kí{k - ƒúñ fneyu Aeyu. òýuyòýu …ý yu s …h{kí{k™e þrõŒ™wt
yk÷tƒ™ – þhý - ÷E yk…ýu su rMÚkrŒ{kt yksu Aeyu Œu rMÚkrŒ «kÃík fhe Au; y™u ¼rð»Þ{kt

BGN-1 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
su rMÚkrŒ «kÃík fheþwt Œu …ý yu s þrõŒ™wt yk÷tƒ™ ÷R™u fheþwt. hk{-f]»ýu …ý yu s þrõŒ™wt
yk÷tƒ™ ÷E ‚ðuoïh…Ë - yðŒkh…Ë - «kÃík fÞwO nŒwt. nðu …Ae su yðŒkhku Úkþu Œu …ý yu s
þrõŒ™wt yk÷tƒ™ ÷R™u. yk…ýk{kt y™u yu{™k{kt Vhf yux÷ku fu yk…ýu {qZ…ýu - yòý…ýu yu
þrõŒ™ku W…Þku„ fheyu Aeyu; yu{ýu ƒwrØ…qðof - þrõŒ™u …qýo…ýu yku¤¾e™u - yu™wt yk÷tƒ™
‚k{kLÞ s™‚{ks {nk…wÁ»kku™kt ð[™ku™u y™w‚h™khku y™u yu{™k yk©ÞÚke ŒÚkk
yu{™k W…h™e ©ØkÚke …kuŒk™ku WØkh {k™™khku nkuÞ Au. sq™kt þkMºkku yu s yu{™ku ykÄkh nkuÞ Au.
yðŒkhe …wÁ»kku fuð¤ þkMºkku™u y™w‚h™khk ™Úke nkuŒk; yu þkMºkku™k h[™khk y™u Vuhð™khk …ý
ÚkÞk Au. yu{™kt ð[™ku yu s þkMºkku ÚkkÞ Au y™u yu{™kt yk[hýku yu s yLÞ™u ËeðkËktzeY… ÚkkÞ
Au. yu{ýu …h{Œ¥ð òýe ÷eÄwt Au. yu{ýu …kuŒk™wt yLŒ:fhý þwØ fÞwO Au. yuðk ‚¿kk™, ‚rððuf
y™u þwØ r[¥k™u su rð[kh ‚qÍu, su yk[hý ÞkuøÞ ÷k„u Œu su ‚åAkMºk, Œu s ‚ËT-Ä{o. fkuE …ý,
ƒeòt þkMºkku yu{™u ƒktÄe þfŒkt ™Úke fu yu{™k r™ýoÞ{kt Vhf …kze þfŒkt ™Úke.
yk…ýu yk…ýk ykþÞku™u WËkh ƒ™kðeyu, yk…ýu ykfktûkkyku™u Wå[ ƒktÄeyu y™u
«¼w™e þrõŒ™wt ¿kk™…qðof yð÷tƒ™ ÷Ryu Œku «¼w yk…ýk{ktÞu yðŒkh Y…u «fx Úkðk {nuh fhu.
ðes¤e™e þrõŒ ½h{kt „kuXðkÞu÷e Au; yu™ku W…Þku„ yk…ýu yuf ûkwÿ ½txze ð„kzðk{kt fhe
þfeyu,Œu{s Œu ðzu Ëeðk™e …trõŒÚke yk¾k ½h™u þý„khe þfeyu. Œu s «{kýu «¼w yk…ýk
«íÞuf™k ÓËÞ{kt rðhkS hÌkku Au; yu™e ‚¥kk ðzu yk…ýu yuf ûkwÿ ðk‚™k™e Œ]rÃík fhe þfeyu, yÚkðk
{nk™ y™u [krhºkðk™ ÚkE ‚t‚kh™u Œhe sEyu y™u ƒeò™u Œkhðk{kt {ËË„kh ÚkEyu.
4.1. hk{-f]»ýu fE þrõŒ™wt yk÷tƒ™ ÷E ‚ðuoïh…Ë - yðŒkh…Ë - «kÃík fÞwO nŒwt ?

4.2. yk…ýk y™u yðŒkhe …wÁ»kku{kt {wÏÞ ŒVkðŒ fÞku Au?

4.3. yðŒkhe …wÁ»kku™u ƒeòt þkMºkku fu{ ƒktÄe þfŒk ™Úke?

4.4. «¼w yk…ýk{ktÞu õÞkhu {nuh fhu Au?

4.5. yk…ýk ÓËÞ{kt hnu÷k «¼w™e ‚¥kk õÞkhu ‚kÚkof ÚkE fnuðkÞ?

«.-5. Œ{khe ™k™e ƒnu™™u rðãk‚nkÞf Œhefu Äku. 6 Úke 8{kt rþrûkfk™e ™kufhe {¤e Au, (10)
Œu™e þw¼uåAk …kXðe ©uc rþrûkfk ƒ™ðk {k„oËþo™ yk…Œku ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt …ºk ÷¾ku.
«.-6. Œ{khk þnuh{kt ykæÞkrí{f …wMŒfku™wt «Ëþo™ ÞkuòÞwt nŒwt, Œ{u r{ºkku ‚kÚku Œu™e {w÷kfkŒ ÷eÄe nŒe, (10)
Œu rðþu {krnŒe yk…Œku ykþhu 150 þçËku™ku ynuðk÷ ÷¾ku.
«.-7. ™e[u yk…u÷k yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. (10)

Of all the blessings conferred on mankind by a benign providence, the most

useful is the headache. But for it, there would be many great embarrassments in
life. Factual explanations are not always either palatable or feasible. In such
circumstances, headache acts as a sort of password. I remember at school, the
very first letter writing lesson I was taught was: “Respected Sir, as I am suffering
from headache, I request you to grant me leave…” I always wonder what made
our teacher select headache as an excuse, even in a specimen letter. I think it was
very much in everybody’s thoughts useful alike to the pupils, and their masters.
For us, headache was a boon. We used to have a drill after school hours which
I still think is an unfair and undesirable practice. We disliked this hour. On the
drill ground almost all appeared afflicted to be afflicted with “Splitting headache,
Sir,” and our drill instructor put an end to it by decreeing one day, “Those
suffering from headache will hold up their arms.”

BGN-1 ] 2 [ Contd.
«.-8. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (20)
8.1. YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu{™ku yÚko…qýo ðkõÞ{kt «Þku„ fhku.
8. 1. 1. {kuh™kt $zkt [eŒhðk
8. 1. 2. yktÄý Qf¤e sðkt
8.2. fnuðŒku™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
8. 2. 1. ƒku÷Œku …ku…x …ktshu …whkÞ
8. 2. 2. {qE ¼U‚™k {kuxk zku¤k
8.3. ‚k{kr‚f þçËku™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™ku «fkh yku¤¾ðku.
8. 3. 1. ÷tƒ„ku¤
8. 3. 2. «íÞûk
8.4. ™e[u™k þçËku™k ‚{k™kÚkeo þçËku yk…ku.
8. 4. 1. ðkrhs
8. 4. 2. …ÞkurÄ
8.5. ™e[u™k þçËku™k rðÁØkÚkeo þçËku yk…ku.
8. 5. 1. ÔÞrü
8. 5. 2. Q¾h
8.6. þçË‚{qnku {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.
8. 6. 1. «ò™e {kr÷fe™wt ƒ™kððwt Œu
8. 6. 2. …t[kuŒuh{k ð»kuo WsðkŒku Wí‚ð
8.7. þçËku™e ‚k[e òuzýe ÷¾ku.
8. 7. 1. ™iÉíÞ
8. 7. 2. …„÷wtArýÞwt
8.8. ÷u¾™ y™u ¼k»kk þwrØ™e árüyu ðkõÞku ‚wÄkhku.
8. 8. 1. Œuýu [kðe fu Œk¤wt ÷eÄkt ™Úke.
8. 8. 2. Œuýu [kðe y™u Œk¤wt ÷eÄwt ™Úke.
8.9. ‚q[™k «{kýu ‚trÄ òuzku fu Akuzku.
8. 9. 1. ‚trÄ òuzku – „whw + yk¿kk
8. 9. 2. ‚trÄ Akuzku – r[L{Þ
8.10. ™e[u™kt þçËku {kxu òuzýe¼uËÚke ÚkŒku yÚko¼uË M…ü fhku.
8.10.1. ðrMŒ
8.10.2. ‚wfh

BGN-1 ] 3 [ P.T.O.
Paper-2 : English
Total Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours
Q.1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following (not exceeding) 400 words. (25)
It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject in the
best possible individual style having originality of thought and expression.
It must be well argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with
observance of grammatical rules.
I. Digital skills have become mandatory in the current technology-driven era.
II. “One Earth, One Family, One Future”
III. Strong consumer awareness campaign is key to economic development.
IV. Good governance depends on the ability to take responsibility by both
administration as well as people.
V. Act locally, transform globally.
Q. 2. Write a precis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (15)
There are several barriers for people with disabilities to enter the labour market.
The challenges can range from their lack of education and training or a lack of
financial resources which limit access to labour markets. Other reasons include
the nature of the workplace or occupation and employer-perceptions of disabled
people. Subjective evidence suggests that social protection systems can create
incentives for persons with disability to leave their jobs and move on to the
disability benefits. Negative attitudes toward employees with disabilities can result
in discrimination. These negative attitudes arise from ignorance, misunderstanding,
stereotyping, backlash and fear. Companies, agencies, and organizations are
composed of individuals with their own attitudes and beliefs about people with
disabilities. Co-workers will draw conclusions regarding the people with whom
they work. Supervisors and management staff will make decisions that affect
employees. The individual choices that people make regarding the hiring of
people with disabilities can be guided by their attitudes.
Many employers also assume that co-workers may react negatively if people with
disabilities are hired into the organization. People with disabilities often shy away
from applying for certain jobs, fearing social stigma and adverse reaction from
potential co-workers. This is more likely when people with disabilities are treated
differently post entry into the organization. In the absence of an effective
integration process, people with disabilities often feel avoided by their co-workers.
This is because coworkers come with their own prejudices and the actual
attributes of people with disabilities are often overshadowed by their perceived
shortcomings. Further, people with disabilities frequently reach a development
level where they are no longer able to undertake more complex assignments and
responsibilities due to their disabilities. They suffer what is known as the ‘lost
opportunities effect’, whereby improvement opportunities are lost due to the
absence of critical feedback for performance improvement.
Q. 3. Write a report, in about 150 words, on your recent visit to a residential area (10)
in your town where a Cleanliness Drive was organized by a Non-Government
Organization (NGO).
Q. 4. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to your senior officer suggesting the need (10)
to renovate the Records Room of your office which is in a very bad shape.

BGN-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q. 5. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. (20)

zkì. Sðhks {nuŒk 1960{kt {wtƒE hkßÞ™k rð¼ks™ ‚{Þu ™ðk ‚òoŒk „wshkŒ hkßÞ™k
{wÏÞ«Äk™ Œhefu ðhkÞk. yk ™ðk hkßÞ™u ykrÚkof heŒu ‚{]Ø ƒ™kððk y™u rðfk‚™u …tÚku ÷E sðk
{kxu Œu{ýu fux÷wtf …kÞk™wt fkÞo fwþ¤Œk…qðof fÞwO. Œu{ýu yíÞtŒ …rh©{…qðof y™u [eðx ‚kÚku ™ðk
hkßÞ™k ykrÚkof ™wf‚k™™e rð„Œ‚¼h ™kutÄku ŒiÞkh fhe. Œu™u ÚkŒe ¾kux r™ðkhðk Œƒ¬kðkh
…ØrŒyu Y. 40 fhkuz™e ‚nkÞ fuLÿ ‚hfkh …k‚uÚke {u¤ðe. „wshkŒ™k ¼krð ™fþk™u ÷ûk{kt ÷E
zkt„ rsÕ÷ku „wshkŒ{kt ykðhe ÷uðk{kt ŒÚkk WfkE ƒtÄ {kxu rðþk¤ …x {u¤ððk{kt Œu{™e fwþ¤
hks™erŒ¿k Œhefu™e ËqhtËuþe òuðk {¤u Au. „wshkŒ {kxu s{e™ xku[{ÞkoËk Äkhku y™u …t[kÞŒe hkßÞ
Äkhku ½zkðe™u {sƒqŒ „wshkŒ™wt [ýŒh fÞwO. „wshkŒ «Ëuþ fkU„úu‚™k yktŒrhf {Œ¼uËku™u fkhýu
1963{kt Œu{ýu {wÏÞ «Äk™™k nkuÆk …hÚke hkS™k{wt ykÃÞwt. Œu s ð»kuo ðzk«Äk™ sðknh÷k÷ ™nuYyu
Œu{™u ÷tz™ ¾kŒu™k ¼khŒeÞ nkRfr{þ™h ™eBÞk. 1966{kt yk nkuÆk …hÚke r™ð]¥k ÚkE, Œu{ýu
{nkhkò ‚ÞkShkð Þwr™ðr‚oxe™u ‚uðkyku yk…e. 1971™e ‚k{kLÞ [qtxýe{kt y{hu÷e {ŒrðMŒkh™k
‚kt‚Ë Œhefu [qtxkÞk.
Q. 6. Do as directed: (20  1 = 20) (20)
Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [ ]
as well as write the correct answer in the bracket ( CAPITAL LETTER) as per
the sample given below.
Sample Answer: ( C )A B C D E
1. She _______ her driving test four times so far without success, but she _______ yet.
(A) took / wasn’t giving up (B) is taking / doesn’t give up
(C) takes / isn’t giving up (D) was taking / didn’t give up
(E) has taken / hasn’t given up
2. He _______ even before I _______ a finger on him.
(A) screams / was laid (B) screamed / have laid
(C) would scream / am laying (D) screams / laid
(E) screamed / could lay
3. You _______ very worried. What _______ you _______ about?
(A) looked / was / thinking (B) look / are / thinking
(C) look / are / think (D) looking / are / thinking
(E) have looked / had / thought
4. His situation _______ since morning. Now he _______ much better.
(A) has improved / feel (B) improves / felt
(C) improve / is feeling (D) has improved / feels
(E) improved / has felt
5. Why did he deprive you of the membership? (Change the voice)
(A) Why you were deprived of the membership?
(B) Why were you deprived of his membership by him?
(C) Why was he deprived of his membership
(D) Why were you deprived of the membership by him?
(E) Why had been you deprived of the membership by him?

BGN-2 ] 2 [Contd.
6. He teaches us grammar. (Change the voice)
(A) Grammar was taught to us by him.
(B) We are taught grammar by him.
(C) Grammar will be taught to us by him.
(D) We were teached grammar by him.
(E) We are being taught grammar by him.
7. She said, “I haven’t seen them since last week.” (Change the narration)
(A) She said that she has not seen them since last week.
(B) She said that she hadn’t seen them since the previous week.
(C) She said that she has not seen them since the previous week.
(D) She said that she hadn’t seen them since last week.
(E) She said that she have not seen them since the previous week.
8. She said that they needed my assistance then. (Change the narration)
(A) She said, “I need your assistance now.”
(B) She said, “I needed your assistance then.”
(C) She said, “We need your assistance now.”
(D) She said, “We needed your assistance then.”
(E) She said, “I need their assistance now.”
9. Each individual has some strength. (Transform the sentence into a negative
sentence without changing its meaning)
(A) Any individual has some strength.
(B) Each individual has some weakness.
(C) Every individual does not have strength.
(D) No individual is without some strength.
(E) All individuals have some weakness.
10. This is _______ film about _______ fragility of relationships.
(A) an, a (B) a, the
(C) the, a (D) the, the
(E) None of the above
11. _______ wants to expose _______. People often hide their feelings.
(A) Everybody / themselves (B) Somebody / himself
(C) Anybody / themselves (D) Nobody / themselves
(E) Somebody / themselves
12. _______ elder people’s pulse rate is less than 2 beats per second.
(A) Much (B) A few of
(C) Most (D) The whole
(E) Every
13. Some of the more productive petroleum areas on the Earth are found in arid
and semiarid regions, _______ the oil fields were originally formed in shallow
marine environments.
(A) although (B) despite
(C) whatever (D) in order to
(E) for fear that

BGN-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
14. Some of the great minds argued that the universe was not a confined space,
_______ others contended that its boundaries were drawn.
(A) while (B) that
(C) all the same (D) however
(E) as to
15. She is worried _______ the test because she thinks that she will fail the test.
(A) about (B) of
(C) on (D) to
(E) None of the above
16. If you are going to come to my party, you can’t be such a wet blanket.
(Choose the correct meaning of the underlined expression)
(A) A person who wears dirty clothes
(B) A person who spoils other people’s fun
(C) A person who demands too much of attention
(D) A person who is always accompanied by many people
(E) A person who eats a lot
17. Choose the synonym of ‘diligent’.
(A) hardworking (B) stupid
(C) jealous (D) defective
(E) important
18. Choose the correct antonym of ‘incessant’.
(A) infectious (B) reluctant
(C) Intermittent (D) unholy
(E) constant
19. Choose the one-word substitution for ‘a person pretending to be somebody he is not’.
(A) Liar (B) Rogue
(C) Imposter (D) Magician
(E) Rascal
20. The laboratory reports confirmed that the food was _______.
(A) adelterated (B) adulterated
(C) adeldurated (D) aduldurated
(E) adeltrated

BGN-2 ] 4 [Contd.
rð»kÞ fkuz : BGN-3
«&™Ãkºk-3 : xÙuÍhe yuz{eLkeMxÙuþLk
LkkUÄ : 1. ík{k{ «&LkkuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk hnuþu.
2. «&LkkuLkk sðkçk ÷¾ðk {kxu þçËkuLke su {ÞkoËk ykÃku÷ Au yu þçË {ÞkoËk {wsçk s sðkçk ÷¾ðkLkk hnuþu.
fw÷ økwý : 100 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
«.-1. ™e[u™k Ëhuf «§ku™k 60 þçËku{kt sðkƒ yk…þku. Ëhuf «§™k 5 {kfo Au. (20)
1.1. „wshkŒ rŒòuhe r™Þ{ku, 2000 y™w‚kh ‚hfkhe rn‚kƒ{kt ™kýkt ¼hðk™e …æÄrŒ sýkðku.
1.2. rƒ÷ …h ‚rn y™u ‚k{e ‚rn™e ƒkƒŒu „wshkŒ rŒòuhe r™Þ{ku, 2000{kt fhðk{kt ykðu÷
òu„ðkEyku sýkðku.
1.3. „wshkŒ rŒòuhe r™Þ{ku, 2000 y™w‚kh …„kh ¼ÚÚkk ð„uhu™e «Úk{ 𾌠[wfðýe fhŒe ð¾Œu
fhðk…kºk [fk‚ýe™e rð„Œku sýkðku.
1.4. ykfrM{f ¾[o ƒkƒŒu „wshkŒ rŒòuhe r™Þ{ku, 2000 y™w‚kh W…kz yrÄfkhe y™u r™Þtºký
yrÄfkhe ™e sðkƒËkhe sýkðku.
«.-2. ™e[u™k Ëhuf «§ku™k 60 þçËku{kt sðkƒ yk…þku. Ëhuf «§™k 5 {kfo Au. (20)
2.1. „wshkŒ ™kýktfeÞ r™Þ{ku, 1971 y™w‚kh {wËŒ ƒnkh™k {kt„ýk ƒkƒŒu fhðk™e ÚkŒe fkÞoðkne
2.2. hkßÞ…ºkeŒ ‚hfkhe f{o[kheyku™k nðk÷k™e VuhƒË÷e yt„u™e òu„ðkEyku sýkðku.
2.3. ‚ûk{ yrÄfkhe îkhk ÷ku™ {tswh fhðk ƒkƒŒ™e yhS æÞk™u ÷uŒk …nu÷k æÞk™u ÷uðk™e ‚k{kLÞ
þhŒku sýkðku.
2.4. ‚ûk{ ‚¥kkrÄfkhe îkhk yk…ðk{kt ykðu÷ ™kýktfeÞ {tswheyku y™u nwf{ku™e rn‚kƒ Œ…k‚ýe
yrÄfkhe™u òý fhðk™e fkÞo…æÄrŒ sýkðku.
«.-3.(y). ™e[u sýkðu÷ Ëk¾÷kyku™e „ýŒhe ‚kÚku sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf™k 10 {kfo Au. (20)
3.(y).1. ¾uzk rsÕ÷k{kt Vhs ƒòðŒk yuf f{o[khe™e ònuhneŒ{kt ƒË÷e ‚whŒ rsÕ÷k{kt fhðk{kt
ykðe. yk f{o[khe™u Œk.23/10/2023 ‚ku{ðkh™k hkus ™ðe søÞk …h nksh Úkðk {kxu Awxku
fhðk{kt ykðu Au y™u yk f{o[khe Œu™u {¤ðk…kºk Vhs …h òuzkðk™e Œ{k{ hò ƒkË Vhs
…h nksh Úkðk {kt„u Au. Œku Œuyku ™ðe søÞkyu fE Œkhe¾u nksh ÚkkÞ ?
(™kUÄ: Œk.24/10/2023 ™k hkus rðsÞkËþ{e y™u Œk.31/10/2023 ™k hkus ‚hËkh ðÕ÷¼¼kR
…xu÷™k sL{rË™™e ònuh hò Au.)
3.(y).2. „ktÄe™„h{kt {wÏÞ{Úkf ÄhkðŒk f{o[khe Y. 5400/- „úuz …u {kt Œk. 01/05/2016 ™k hkus
Y.20750/- ™ku {q¤ …„kh ÄhkðŒk nŒk. yk f{o[khe™ku RòVku Ëh ð»kuo sw÷kE {k‚{kt Akuzðk{kt
ykðu Au. f{o[khe™u sw÷kE – 2022 {kt {¤ðk…kºk ½h¼kzk ¼ÚÚkk™e hf{ sýkðku.
«.-3.(çk). ™e[u™k Ëhuf «§ku™k 40 þçËku{kt sðkƒ yk…þku. Ëhuf «§™k 2 {kfo Au. (10)
3.(çk).1. „wshkŒ {wÕfe ‚uðk r™Þ{ku, 2002 y™w‚kh ™kufhe{kt …w™: MÚkk…™™k ‚{Þu Vhs{kufwVe™u
hò{kt Vuhððk ƒkƒŒ™e òu„ðkRyku sýkðku.
3.(çk).2. ‚uðk…kuÚke{kt sL{Œkhe¾™u ™kUÄ fhðk™e …æÄrŒ sýkðku.
3.(çk).3. …uLþ™ ƒkƒŒ™k fk„¤ku ŒiÞkh fhŒe ðu¤kyu ‚hfkhe ykðk‚™kt ÷uýkt r‚ðkÞ™e ð‚w÷kŒ y™u
Œu™kt ‚h¼h fhðk ƒkƒŒu …uLþ™ {tswh fh™kh ‚¥kkrÄfkheyu fhðk™e fkÞoðkne sýkðku.
3.(çk).4. f{o[khe™u r™ð]r¥k ‚{Þu {¤ðk…kºk {w‚kVhe ¼ÚÚkk ™e rð„Œku sýkðku.
3.(çk).5. ‚er™Þh f{o[khe™ku …„kh ðÄkhe™u Œu™k swr™Þh f{o[khe ‚{fûk fhðk yt„u™e þhŒku sýkðku.

BGN-3 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
«.-4. ™e[u™k Ëhuf «§ku™k 40 þçËku{kt sðkƒ yk…þku. Ëhuf «§™k 2 {kfo Au. (10)

4.1. {wtƒE ykfrM{f ¾[o r™Þ{ku, 1959 y™w‚kh ‚k{e ‚ne™e sYh ™ nkuÞ yuðk ykfrM{f ¾[o fku™u
fnuðkÞ ?
4.2. {wtƒE ykfrM{f ¾[o r™Þ{ku, 1959 y™w‚kh r™Þtºký yrÄfkhe™e sðkƒËkhe sýkðku.
4.3. {wtƒE ykfrM{f ¾[o r™Þ{ku, 1959 y™w‚kh rððufkÄu™ „úkLx{ktÚke ÚkŒkt ¾[o ƒkƒŒ™kt ‚k{kLÞ
r‚ØktŒku sýkðku.
4.4. {wtƒE ykfrM{f ¾[o r™Þ{ku, 1959 y™w‚kh fkÞ{e …uþ„e {swh fhðk ƒkƒŒ™k ‚k{kLÞ r™Þ{ku
4.5. {wtƒE ykfrM{f ¾[o r™Þ{ku, 1959 y™w‚kh ykfrM{f ¾[o™k rƒ÷ku ðxkW¾Œ (™u„kurþÞuƒ÷
$MxÙw{uLx) Œhefu ðk…he þfkÞ fu fu{ ? ‚{òðku.
«.-5. ™e[u™k Ëhuf «§ku™k 40 þçËku{kt sðkƒ yk…þku. Ëhuf «§™k 2 {kfo Au. (10)

5.1. ™kýkrfÞ ‚¥kk (‚kU…ýe) r™Þ{ku, 1998 y™w‚kh rƒ™-ð‚w÷kŒ…kºk ™wfþk™™e {ktzðk¤ fhðk ƒkƒŒ™e
«kËurþf ðzk™e ‚¥kk y™u æÞk™{kt hk¾ðk™e ƒkƒŒku sýkðku.
5.2. ™kýkrfÞ ‚¥kk (‚kU…ýe) r™Þ{ku, 1998 y™w‚kh ‚hfkh™e ykðfku y™u {nu‚w÷ ™e ðÄkhk™e
ð‚w÷kŒ™e hf{™wt heVtz {tswh fhðk ƒkƒŒ™e ‚¥kk fku™u yk…ðk{kt ykðu÷ Au ?
5.3. ™kýkrfÞ ‚¥kk (‚kU…ýe) r™Þ{ku, 1998 y™w‚kh fh, þwÕf fu yLÞ {nu‚w÷e ykðf ½xkzðk ƒkƒŒ™e
‚¥kk fku™u y™u fE þhŒku™u ykrÄ™ yk…ðk{kt ykðu÷ Au Œu sýkðku.
5.4. ykfrM{f ¾[o yux÷u þwt ?
5.5. ¾[o {tswh fhðk {kxu™e ‚¥kk …h™e ‚k{kLÞ {ÞkoËkyku sýkðku.
«.-6. 60 þçËku{kt xqtf™kUÄ ÷¾ku. Ëhuf xqtf™kUÄ™k 5 {kfo Au. (10)

6.1. [uf™wt ¢ku®‚„ yux÷u þwt ? [uf ¢ku‚ fhðk™e rðrðÄ …æÄrŒyku xqtf{kt sýkðku.
6.2. ™u„kurþÞuƒ÷ $LMxÙw{uLx yufx. 1881 y™w‚kh ð[™r[êe y™u rðr™{Þ¾Œ™e “Mðef]Œe {kxu «MŒwrŒ”
ƒkƒŒ™e sYrhÞkŒku sýkðku.

BGN-3 ] 2
rð»kÞ fkuz : BGN-4
«&™Ãkºk-4 : ÷kuf÷ Vtz ykurzx
fw÷ økwý : 100 Mk{Þ : 3 f÷kf
LkkUÄ : 1. «íÞuf «&™Lke Mkk{u økwý {wfðk{kt ykðu÷ Au.
2. 4 økwýLkk «&™Lke þçË{ÞkoËk 50 þçËku, 5 økwýLkk «&™Lke þçË{ÞkoËk 60 þçËku yLku
10 økwýLkk «&™Lke þçË{ÞkoËk 120 þçËkuLke hnuþu.
3. Ëhuf «&™kuLkk sðkçkku ykÃkðkLkk VhSÞkík hnuþu.
4. sðkçkLkk Mk{ÚkoLk{kt rLkÞ{ku / ykÄkh hk¾ðk sYhe Au.
«.-1. ™e[u™k Œ{k{ «§ku™k sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf «§™k 4 økwý Au. (þçË{ÞkoËk 50 þçË) (20)
1.1. s{e™ {nu‚q÷™e „úkLx …t[kÞŒku™u Vk¤ðýe™e «rfÞk sýkðku.
1.2. rsÕ÷k …t[kÞŒ™e rðrðÄ ‚r{rŒyku sýkðku.
1.3. „úk{ …t[kÞŒ™k ƒsux {tsqh fhðk™e fkÞoðkne sýkðku.
1.4. Œk÷wfk rðfk‚ yrÄfkhe©e™k fkÞkuo sýkðku.
1.5. SÕ÷k …t[kÞŒ™k Vtz{kt fR fR hf{™ku ‚{kðuþ ÚkkÞ Au.
«.-2. ™e[u™k Œ{k{ «§ku™k sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf «§™k 5 økwý Au. (þçË{ÞkoËk 60 þçË) (10)
2.1. ™„h…kr÷fkyu fhkh fhŒe ð¾Œu æÞk™{kt hk¾ðk™e þhŒku sýkðku.
2.2. «ðŒo{k™ ‚{Þ{kt ™„h…kr÷fkyu ™¬e fhðk™k r{÷fŒðuhk ƒkƒŒ™e fkÞoðkne sýkðku.
«.-3. ™e[u™k Œ{k{ «§ku™k sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf «§™k 5 økwý Au. (þçË{ÞkoËk 60 þçË) (10)
3.1. ykurzxh©e îkhk fhðk™ku ÚkŒku W[k…Œ-f…x™ku ynuðk÷.
3.2. Œ…k‚™eþ yrÄfkhe™u ykurzx ynuðk÷{kt sýkððk™e ƒkƒŒku ðýoðku.
«.-4. ™e[u™k Œ{k{ «§ku™k sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf «§™k 10 økwý Au. (þçË{ÞkoËk 120 þçË) (20)
4.1. ‚k{kLÞ ¼rð»Þ™erÄ {kxu fÞk hSMxhku r™¼kððk sYhe Au y™u Œu™k Œ…k‚ýe yt„u rððhý yk…ku.
4.2. rþûký W…fh™k ykurzx yt„u™k yu…exku{ ykuV [uõ‚ fÞk fÞk Au Œu sýkðku.
«.-5. ™e[u™k Œ{k{ «§ku™k sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf «§™k 5 økwý Au. (þçË{ÞkoËk 60 þçË) (10)
5.1. ŒVkðŒ yk…ku :- Œktrºkf {tsqhe y™u ðneðxe {tsqhe
5.2. ƒktÄfk{™k fk{ku {kxu xuLzh «¢eÞk™e fkÞoðkne sýkðku.
«.-6. ™e[u™k Œ{k{ «§ku™k sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf «§™k 5 økwý Au. (þçË{ÞkoËk 60 þçË) (20)
6.1. ðkrýrsÞf ykurzx™ku nuŒw y™u fkÞo…æækrŒ sýkðku.
6.2. {tsqhe™k ykuzex™k r™Þ{™ fhŒk {k„oËþof r‚æÄktŒku sýkðku.
6.3. ¾[o™k r™Þ{™ fhŒe ykð~Þf þhŒku sýkðku.
6.4. ykfrM{f ¾[o™k ykurzx ð¾Œu ykurzx yrÄfkhe™e Vhòu sýkðku.
«.-7. ™e[u™k Œ{k{ «§ku™k sðkƒ yk…ku. Ëhuf «§™k 5 økwý Au. (þçË{ÞkoËk 60 þçË) (10)
7.1. MÚkkÞe ‚r{rŒ™e h[™k sýkðku.
7.2. [eV ykurzxh™k fkÞkuo sýkðku.

BGN-4 ] 1
Dy. Executive Engineer (Mechanical), Class-2 (GWSSB) Adv 25/2022-23
rð»kÞ fkuz : BGQ-1
ÃkuÃkh - 1 : økwshkíke ({wÏÞ Ãkheûkk - ðýoLkkí{f)
fw÷ økwý : 100 {kæÞ{ : økwshkíke Mk{Þ : 2 f÷kf
Mkq[Lkk : s{ýe íkhV «&LkLkk økwý Ëþkoðu÷ Au.
«.-1. ™e[u yk…u÷k ºký rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE …ý yuf rð»kÞ …h 250Úke 300 þçËku{kt r™ƒtÄ ÷¾ku. (20)

1.1. {þe™ku{kt ¾kuðkÞku Au {ký‚ !

1.2. rð‚hkŒe ¼khŒeÞ ¼kus™ «ýk÷e y™u ðk™„eyku

1.3. Þtºk ð…hkþ™e ‚e{k y™u „ktÄe rð[kh

«.-2. ™e[u yk…u÷k ƒu rðfÕ…ku …ife fkuE…ý yuf …trõŒ™ku ykþhu 100 þçËku{kt rð[kh-rðMŒkh fhku. (10)

2.1. rðrðÄ Vq÷ku AŒkt nkuŒk ™Úke fI ¼uË W…ð™{kt

VõŒ yuf {k™ðe™u {k™ðe™e òŒ ¾xfu Au. - þqLÞ …k÷™…whe

2.2. ftX™u þku¼u Œku þku¼u {kºk …kuŒk™ku yðks,

…khfe Y…k¤e ftXe ƒktÄðk™wt Akuzeyu. - nu{u™ þkn

«.-3. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™ku {q¤ rð[kh s¤ðkE hnu yu heŒu ykþhu 1/3 ¼k„{kt Œ{khk þçËku{kt ‚tûku… fhku. (10)
…qðo…wÛÞ fnku, fu ¼køÞƒ¤u fnku ‘‚kÄw’ þçË {™u ®sË„e¼h ƒnw r«Þ hÌkku. yk þçË ‚kt¼¤Œkt fu
ðkt[ŒktðUŒ {kÁt {™ ™u {kÚkwt ‚ËkÞ ÍqõÞkt Au. ™irŒf yæÞkrí{f yuðe fþe ‚]rü™e yku¤¾, [rhºkƒ¤™k
y™whk„ suðk fþk ‚tMfkh fu f{kýe™e …qtS {khe „ktXu nkuÞ, Œku Œu™wt nkz ‚kÄw …wÁ»kkuyu ƒktæÞwt. ‚kÄw yux÷u
sxk ðÄkhe, hk¾ [ku¤e, …t[krø™ Œk…™khk ƒkðk ™rn: ‚kÄw yux÷u ‚kÄ™kðLŒk, Sð™™u ‚kÄ™k „ýe™u
Sð™khk, ®sË„e™k Œ{k{ Íeýk{kuxk ðnuðkh «¼w‚{…oý ¼kð™kÚke fh™khk ¼õŒ {ký‚ku. «k[e™
Ér»k{wr™ykuÚke {ktze™u {æÞÞw„e™ ‚tŒku fu ykÄwr™f fk¤™k „kt ÄeS ‚{k s„{kLÞ, y„h Œku
Mð. {þYðk¤k fu ™k™k¼kE ¼è ‚wÄe™k ½ýk¾hk {nk™w¼kðku „]nMÚkSð™ SÔÞk. ‚t‚kh™kt ÷k¾ku
fhkuzku ËwLÞðe {k™ðeyku™e su{ s yu{ýu …kuŒ…kuŒk™kt fk{fks ðnuðkh {k™ðÄ{o yËk fÞkO. Œu{ fhŒkt
fhŒkt y‚tÏÞ {kxe…„kt ËwLÞðe {ký‚ku™e su{ yu{ýu …ý ¼q÷ku fhe. ™ƒ¤kEyku ƒŒkðe. …zâkyk¾zâk,
„kVu÷„ehe feÄe. A¬zku ¾kÄe, ðurËÞk-ƒkð¤kÞ XÞko. …ý Ëhuf ðu¤k ò„e-‚{S™u …kAk QXâk, Q¼k
ÚkÞk y™u ™{ú…ýu …kuŒk™e ¼q÷Úkk… …kuŒk™e yk„¤, …kuŒk™k r{ºk-…rhðkh ‚{ûk fu Ëwr™Þk ‚{ûk, fƒq÷e™u
yk„¤ ÄÃÞk. y™u ytŒu ®sË„e™e ƒkS SŒe™u «¼w[hýu rðhBÞk.yk ƒÄk ‚í…wÁ»kku fu ‚tŒku™k y™wòu™ku
ð„o s ®sË„e{kt ‚Ëkfk¤ {khku ykhkæÞ y™u {khk „wÁMÚkk™u hÌkku. ‚t‚kh W…h™k Œu{ {khk W…h™k yu™k
W…fkh™u ÷u¾wt ™Úke. yk yt„u {khe ð]r¥k nt{uþkt Éýk¼kð™e hne Au.sq™k fk¤™k Ér»k{wr™yku ‚ki
„]nMÚkk©{eykuu nŒk; òu„esrŒ ™nkuŒk. y™u yk…ýkt RrŒnk‚ …whkýkuÞu …ý íÞk„ ‚tLÞk‚™u rs„hò™Úke
rƒhËkÔÞk AŒkt ‚hðk¤u „]nMÚkk©{™ku s {rn{k „kÞku. ¼÷¼÷k srŒòu„e Œ…Mðeyku™u Sð™Ëþo™{kt
‚tŒw÷™ y™u ‚{LðÞ þe¾ðk ‚kÁ yu{ýu „]nMÚkk©{e Ér»kyku™k yk©{ku{kt, y„h Œku y¼ý ½hðk¤e
ƒkE fu f‚kEyku™u ½uh {kufÕÞk. ™k{Ëuð, Œwfkhk{, ™h‚e, ™k™f, fƒeh, hk{f]»ý Xkfwh ƒÄk s
„]nMÚkk©{e nŒk. {khk Sð™{kt {U ‚kÄwƒkðkyku …k‚uÚke y÷ƒ¥k ƒnku¤ku W…fkh {u¤ÔÞku. Auf ƒ[…ýu
yu{™e ƒktÞ …fze íÞkhÚke yu{™e Ëwr™ÞkÞu s s…Œ…, ‚tÞ{, íÞk„ðihk„™k ‚tMfkh {khk{kt ‚ªåÞk. {khe
‚kÄw ƒúkLz™wt {™u ®sË„e¼h yr¼{k™ …ý hÌkwt. …ý {kÁt ¾Át nkz Œku „]nMÚkk©{e „wÁs™kuÞu s ƒktæÞwt,
yu{ fnuðk{kt ‚kÄw-yk÷{™u fu {khk yt[¤k™u nwt {wÆ÷ yLÞkÞ ™Úke fhŒku.

BGQ-1 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
«.-4. ™e[u yk…u÷k „ã¾tz™u æÞk™…qðof ðkt[e Œu™u ykÄkhu …qAu÷k «§ku™k W¥kh ÷¾ku. (2 „wý  5 «§ku) (10)

½h yu™wt yu s Au. …htŒw yu™wt Y… ƒË÷kÞk fÞwO Au. ykuþhe nswÞ Au …ý ™k™e ÚkE „E Au. {kuxku
ykuhzku …ý ™k™ku ÚkE „Þku Au. y™ksðk¤ku ykuhzku ‚ßs ÚkE „Þku Au. yu{kt «ðuþe™u Q¼ku hnwt Awt Œku
«rŒ®ƒƒu nwt s {™u Ëu¾kô Awt. õÞkhuf {khe s Aƒe M…ü òuðk {kxu …zËku nxkððku …zu Au. yíÞkhu yk
…zËku Ëqh fhe™u Q¼ku Awt ™u nwt {khe s ‚kÚku ðkŒku fÁt Awt. ðkŒ fhŒkt fhŒkt nwt Úkku¼e òô Awt. ð™{kt
«ðuþðk™e nðu ƒnw ðkh ™Úke yuðwt yUÄký {khk rþh …h™k fuþ™wt Au.

½h{kt fkuE s ™Úke, {kºk nwt s Awt, Œku…ý nwt yuf÷Œk y™w¼ðŒku ™Úke. ½h™ku yk¾ku {knku÷ {khk{kt
‚t¢kLŒ ÚkE „Þku Au. sq™e-…whkýe ðMŒwyku ÞkË™k ð™{kt ð÷ð÷u Au. Sýo {khk ½h …h ‚{]rØyu Ak…ku
sYh {kÞkuo Au. yu Úkkuzwtf Xkðfwt ƒLÞwt Au. ™ðkuZk suðwt ÷k„u Au. sq™wt ½ýwt ¼w÷kE „Þwt Au. nðu Ëeðzwt „kuíÞwt
szŒwt ™Úke. ½h{kt fk÷kt ykððk™kt ƒtÄ ÚkÞkt Au. …rzÞk ƒ™kððk™wt õÞkh™wtÞu ¼w÷kE „Þwt Au. su xuƒ÷ …h
ƒu‚e™u ÷u‚™ fhŒku nŒku Œu {kr¤Þu [ze „Þwt Au. rsË fhe™u r‚Ø…wh™k {u¤k{ktÚke ¾heËu÷e …Œhk™e …uxe
õÞkt nþu ! {khk ƒk¤…ý™k y™uf M{hýku yu …uxe ‚kÚku ‚t÷ø™ Au. õÞkhuf fƒkx{ktÚke sq™e ðMŒwyku
ƒnkh fkZe™u òuô Awt. {kuh…ªA nswÞ …e¤e …ze „Þu÷e ™kux{kt ‚whrûkŒ Au. yu{kt s yuf …k™k …h
WŒkhu÷e ™Í{™u yƒh¾™e …ktËzeyku yzfu Au. ‚¾eyu yk…u÷ku ‚k…™e fkt[¤e™ku yuf ytþ nsw yu
™kux™e ƒuðz{kt Au.

½h™e Ëeðk÷ku {sƒqŒ ƒ™e Au. ½h yuf™k ƒË÷u ƒu {k¤™wt ƒLÞwt Au. sL{Úke s yk ½h{kt hnwt Awt
yux÷u {kÞk ƒtÄkE „E Au. AŒktÞ {kÞk þçË™e yÚkoåAkÞk {khk y™u ½h™k ‚tƒtÄ {kxu xqtfe …zu Au.
nwt ½h ‚kÚku™k {khk ÷„kð™u þçË™e rºkßÞk{kt ƒktÄe þfŒku ™Úke. ykÚke s yíÞkhu y{khk yk ‚kÞwßÞ™u
fkuE ‚tƒtÄ™wt ™k{ yk…ðk™e [uük nwt fhŒku ™Úke. ½h nwt Awt ™u nwt s ½h Awt yuðe ÷k„ýe ‚ŒŒ y™w¼ðŒku
hnwt Awt. ykÚke s yuf÷ku …zwt Awt íÞkhu ÷k„u Au fu ½h {khk{kt ăfu Au.

«&™ku :

4.1. ½h™wt Y… ƒË÷kÞwt Au yu{ ÷u¾f þkÚke fnu Au?

4.2. ÷u¾f þkÚke yuf÷Œk y™w¼ðŒk ™Úke?

4.3. ÷u¾f™k ƒk¤…ý™e fE ðMŒw fâkt ‚whrûkŒ Au?

4.4. ‘½h nwt Awt ™u nwt s ½h Awt’ rðÄk™{kt hnu÷e ÷k„ýe M…ü fhku.

4.5. ÷u¾f™kt …[k‚ ð»ko …qhk Úkþu yu™e fE r™þk™e Au?

«.-5. yks™k ‚{Þ{kt {™kuhku„ku ðæÞk Au íÞkhu Þtºkku™ku {ÞkorËŒ W…Þku„ fhðk ò„]rŒ fu¤ðŒwt ykþhu (10)
200 þçËku{kt [[ko…ºk ðŒo{k™…ºk™k Œtºke™u ÷¾ku.

«.-6. ftz÷k ƒtËhu …hËuþÚke ykðu÷wt yuf rðþk¤fkÞ snks Þktrºkf ¾k{e™k fkhýu yxõÞwt nŒwt, Œu™e (10)
{hk{Œ {kxu™e xe{{kt Œ{u ‚n¼k„e ÚkÞk nŒk, Œu ‚t˼uo ykþhu 200 þçËku{kt ynuðk÷ ÷u¾™ fhku.

BGQ-1 ] 2 [ Contd.
«.-7. ™e[u yk…u÷k r[ºk rð»ku ykþhu 150 þçËku{kt Œ{khkt r™heûkýku ™kUÄku. (10)

«.-8. ™e[u yk…u÷k yt„úuS „ã¾tz™ku „wshkŒe{kt ¼kðkí{f y™wðkË fhku. (10)

At that moment, it seemed to him that time stood still, and the Soul of the World
surged within him. When he looked into her dark eyes, and saw that her lips were
poised between a laugh and silence, he learned the most important part of the language
that all the world spoke – the language that everyone on earth was capable of
understanding in their heart. It was love. Something older than humanity, more ancient
than the desert. Something that exerted the same force whenever two pairs of eyes met,
as had theirs here at the well. She smiled, and that was certainly an omen – the omen he
had been awaiting, without even knowing he was, for all his life. The omen he had
sought to find with his sheep and in his books, in the crystals and in the silence of the
desert. It was the pure Language of the World. It required no explanation, just as the
universe needs none as it travels through endless time.

«.-9. ‚q[™k «{kýu „wshkŒe ÔÞkfhý™u ÷„Œk «§ku™k W¥khku yk…ku. (1„wý  10 «§ku) (10)

1. YrZ«Þku„™ku yÚko yk…e Œu™ku yÚko…qýo ðkõÞ{kt «Þku„ fhku.

Sð {kuxku fhðku
2. fnuðŒ™ku yÚko ‚{òðku.
…k™ ¾kÄu f…qh™e ðk‚ ™ ykðu
3. ‚k{kr‚f þçË™ku rð„ún fhe Œu™ku «fkh yku¤¾ðku.

BGQ-1 ] 3 [ P.T.O.
4. …trõŒ™k AtË™ku «fkh yku¤¾kðku.

rð{k‚e nðu ðkŒ ðu„u rð[khku,

fwÄkhku ™ Äkhku ‚wÄkhku ðÄkhku.

5. y÷tfkh™ku «fkh yku¤¾kðku.

fwÄkhku ™ Äkhku ‚wÄkhku ðÄkhku.

6. þçË‚{qn {kxu yuf þçË yk…ku.

f{hÚke W…h™k ¼k„™wt r[ºk

7. þçË™e ‚k[e òuzýe ÷¾ku.


8. ÷u¾™ y™u ¼k»kk þwrØ™e árüyu ðkfâ ‚wÄkhku.

…eŒk yu rËfhk™u þwt sðkƒ ykÃÞku?

9. ‚q[™k «{kýu ‚trÄ Akuzku.


10. ðkõÞh[™k yt„u ‚q[™k «{kýu W¥kh yk…ku.

{UËe ðkxŒku „Þku y™u ht„kŒku „Þku. (f{orý ðkõÞh[™{kt Vuhðku.)

BGQ-1 ] 4 [ Contd.
Paper-2 : English
Total Marks : 100 Time : 2 Hours
Q.1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in minimum 250 to maximum (20)
300 words. It must exhibit your grasp and critical understanding of the subject
in the best possible individual style having originality of thought and expression.
It must be well argued piece of writing coherently and sequentially with
observance of grammatical rules.
I. India needs to closely watch the rapidly changing geopolitical equations.
II. One Nation One Ration Card: Need and Impact
III. It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of
nonviolence to cover impotence.
IV. Parenting has become more challenging today.
V. The system of Nature, of which man is a part, tends to be self-balancing,
self-adjusting, self-cleansing. Not so with Technology.
Q.2. Imagine you are a Junior Engineer. The Senior Engineer in your office has sought (10)
your opinion about the needful actions to be carried out to ensure the smooth
shifting of the office from the old office building to the newly built office building
which is near the outskirts of the town. Write a letter, in about 150 words, to the
Senior Engineer offering needful suggestions.
Q.3. Write a report in about 200 words on your recent survey visit to a Rural Health (10)
Center under construction.
Q.4. Reflect on the following picture with meaningful observations in about 150 words. (10)

Q.5. Draft a formal speech, in about 150 words, to be delivered by the Hon. Chief Minister (10)
at the inauguration of National Conference on Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime at
Forensic Science University, Gandhinagar.

BGQ-2 ] 1 P.T.O.
Q.6. Write a precis of the following passage in about one third of its original length. (10)

Small-scale industries benefit from cooperative organizations’ efforts to give new

and worldwide opportunities, and artisans aid them with necessary credit and skill
assistance. This increases their employment options and, as a result, their standard of
living. Co-operatives have played a significant role in channelizing money lending in a
formal manner by establishing up Co-operative banks and credit societies in rural
India, which has seen the largest number of cases of farmers’ suicide owing to
exploitation by money lenders. It has aided people in rural areas in becoming financially
self-sufficient, and it provides loans and other banking services to farmers and other
business owners. They are also encouraged to put their money in a savings account to
earn a nice interest rate. Women’s empowerment is another important role of
cooperative societies in rural development. These societies educate rural women to be
aware of their rights and empowered via skill development through a variety of activities.
These societies have worked on the ground to break down cultural and societal barriers
to women’s growth.

Cooperative societies have had an impact on rural education by encouraging kids

to go to school. In India, cooperative schools can be found all around the country.
Many cooperative societies collaborate with non-governmental organizations to offer
a variety of skill development programmes that focus on the advancement of a specific
profession. Producers, manufacturers, and farmers benefit from co-operative societies
because they assist them overcome challenges such as a lack of raw materials, machinery,
and basic input by making it freely available. Co-operative societies have aided many
poor sectors of rural communities by offering access to new technologies, good training
in natural resource management, and raising agricultural output by increasing the
availability of goods. The goal of a co-operative organization is to provide not only
social benefits, but also financial rewards to people who work in agriculture.

Q.7. Read the following passage carefully and answer questions that follow. (5  2 = 10) (10)
Rural development successfully tries to increase the productivity of those areas of
rural economies that are experiencing severe poverty challenges. The process of raising
the standard of living and economic security of rural residents is known as rural
development. The rural sector’s sluggishness would be a significant barrier to the
economy’s overall development. Rural development is the foundation of every nation’s
economic development, and it supports long-term economic growth. The economic axis
of rural development is labour ethics, which has a significant influence on corporate
potential. It is a common misconception that fast industrialization is the source of
economic progress. However, without agriculture, industrial progress would not be
possible. About two-thirds of India’s population depends on agriculture, making it one
of the most significant main industries there. The issue is that agriculture’s contribution
to GDP has been steadily declining. Agriculture specifically contributes to economic
growth through product and market contributions. The long-term plan for economic
growth is the agricultural sector. Due to dependence on the monsoon and weather,

BGQ-2 ] 2 [Contd.
agriculture is an unstable and erratic sector. Though people have gotten more
modernized in the urban sector and depend more on non-vegetarian food for their
survival needs, this sector of economic development is crucial for feeding the nation
and the entire country. The issues of poverty and exploitation that the rural population
is dealing with are having an effect on the overall productivity of Indian agriculture.
Only with the involvement of development’s target audiences can rural development
become richer and more significant.
Questions :
I. What is rural development and what it strives to achieve?
II. Why is agriculture important for the economic progress?
III. Which are the grave concerns of agriculture sector?
IV. What does the word ‘sluggishness’ in the passage denote?
V. Give a suitable title to the passage.
Q.8. Do as directed: (10  1 = 10) (10)
Choose the correct answer from the given options and darken the circle [ ] as well as
write the correct answer in the bracket (CAPITAL LETTER) as per the sample given
Sample Answer: ( C ) A B C D E
1. It is a tradition that _______ ever since.
(A) had been celebrated (B) has been celebrating
(C) has been celebrated (D) having been celebrated
(E) have been celebrated
2. The income tax department issued notices to the firms who had not disclosed
their income correctly. (Change the voice)
(A) The firms who had not disclosed their income correctly had been issued
notices by the income tax department.
(B) The firms were issued notices by the income tax who had not disclosed their
income correctly.
(C) The firms were issued notices by the income tax department who did not
disclose their income correctly.
(D) The firms have been issued notices by the income tax department who has
not disclosed their income correctly.
(E) The firms who had not disclosed their income correctly were issued notices
by the income tax department.
3. She said, “I bought this dress yesterday.” (Change the narration)
(A) She said that I have bought this dress the previous day.
(B) She said that she had bought this dress the previous day.
(C) She said that she has bought that dress the previous day.
(D) She said that she had bought that dress the previous day.
(E) She said that she have bought that dress the previous day.
4. The order is irrevocable. (Change into Negative without changing its meaning)
(A) The order is not irrevocable. (B) The order is not revocable.
(C) The order cannot be irrevocable. (D) The order should not be irrevocable.
(E) None of the above.

BGQ-2 ] 3 P.T.O.
5. There is _______ water left, so drink only if you must.
(A) some (B) little
(C) few (D) much
(E) many
6. He is generous _______ those who are faithful _______ him.
(A) at / to (B) to / at
(C) at / at (D) for /with
(E) to /to
7. I was very _______ by the supervisor’s attitude, it really annoyed me.
(A) put out (B) put up
(C) put by (D) put aside
(E) put in
8. Why do you fight shy of me? (Select the correct meaning of the underlined
idiomatic expression)
(A) embarrass (B) avoid
(C) fight with (D) shout at
(E) behave shamelessly
9. The meaning of consent is _______.
(A) amputation (B) elevation
(C) excursion (D) endorsement
(E) conjecture
10. Select the correct synonym of ‘solemn’.
(A) compulsory (B) fraudulent
(C) stubborn (D) sincere
(E) deceptive
Q.9. Translate the following passage from Gujarati into English. (10)

ËkËk¼kE ¼ýðk{kt ŒusMðe nkuðkÚke nt{uþkt «Úk{ ¢{u s …k‚ ÚkŒk. rþûkýfk¤{kt Œu{ýu þYÚke
ytŒ ‚wÄe yux÷kt ƒÄkt …krhŒkur»kfku y™u Mfkì÷hrþ… {u¤ðe nŒe fu Œu{™k rþûkfku Œu{™u yrîrŒÞ y™u
{u½kðe rðãkÚkeo {k™Œk. Œu ‚{Þ™k rƒúrxþ «kuVu‚hku …ý Œu{™u '¼khŒ™e ykþk’ fnuðk ÷køÞk nŒk.
yk„¤™wt rþûký Œu{ýu yìrÕVMx™ RrLMxxâqx{kt ÷eÄwt. 1854{kt Œuyku yk s fkì÷us{kt „rýŒ™k
«kuVu‚h Œhefu òuzkÞk.
…kuŒk™k ÔÞð‚kÞ W…hktŒ Œuyku ‚{ks‚wÄkhýk™wt fk{ fhŒk. Œu{ýu 'hn™w{k-R-{ÍËÞh™’
‚¼k ™k{™e …kh‚e Þwðfku™e ‚tMÚkk MÚkk…e su ‚{ks‚wÄkhk™wt fk{ fhŒe. yk ‚tMÚkk îkhk «fkrþŒ
ÚkŒk {kr‚f 'hkMŒ „kuVTŒkh’™k Œuyku Œtºke…Ëu nŒk. ÄtÄk{kt fkhrfËeo þY fhðk Œuyku $ø÷ìLz „Þk
y™u 1855{kt ÷tz™ rMÚkŒ …kh‚e …uZe{kt ¼k„eËkh ƒLÞk nŒk. Œu{ktÚke Aqxk ÚkE Œu{ýu …kuŒk™ku
f…k‚™ku ðu…kh 'ËkËk¼kE ™ðhkuS yìLz ft…™e’ Œhefu fÞkuo y™u ¾qƒ {nu™Œ fhe …kuŒk™e ÔÞk…khe
…uZe Q¼e fhe. 'RrLzÞ™ r‚rð÷ ‚rðo‚’{kt ¼hŒe {kxu ÚkŒk yLÞkÞ ‚k{u ËkËk¼kEyu yktËku÷™
AuzTÞwt. ¼khŒeÞ ƒwrØSðeyku™u yk„¤ ÷kððk «ÞíLk fh™kh Œuyku «Úk{ ÔÞrõŒ nŒk.

BGQ-2 ] 4 [Contd.
Paper-3 : Mechanical Engineering-1
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours

Note : 1. Question No. 1 to 11

2. Attempt all 11 questions.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

Q.-1. What is PMM2. Why is it impossible? Explain with the diagram.

Q.-2. A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of –15°C. The ambient air temperature is
30°C. If heat leaks into the freezer at the continuous rate of 1.75 kJ/s what is the least power
necessary to pump this heat out continuously?

Q.-3. When is reheating of steam recommended in steam power plant? How does the reheat pressure
get optimized.

Q.-4. What do you understand by dry and wet compression? Which is preferred and why?

Q.-5. The follower of a tangent cam is operated through a roller 70 mm diameter and its line of stroke
intersects the axis of the rotation of the cam. The cam profile consists of two circular arcs radii
40 mm and 15 mm, joined by straight line so as to give the follower a lift of 25 mm. If the speed
of the rotation of the cam is 750 rpm find (a) the maximum velocity of the follower
(b) the acceleration of the follower at the instant cam has turned through an angle of 35° from
the beginning of the lift.

Q.-6. Intensity of pressure on a thrust bearing is not to exceed 40 N/cm2. The external and internal
diameters of the collars are 20 cm and 15 cm respectively. What should be the minimum numbers
of collars for a total axial thrust of 40 kN on the bearing? If the shaft rotates at 600 rpm and the
coefficient of friction is 0.08, determine the frictional power lost in each collar for (a) uniform
pressure (b) uniform wear.

Q.-7. A differential manometer is connected at two points A and B of two pipes as shown in Fig 1. The
pipe A contains a liquid of = 1.5 while pipe B contains a liquid of sp. gr. = 0.9. The pressures
at A and B are1 kgf/cm2 and 1.80 kgf/cm2 respectively. Find the difference in mercury level in
the differential manometer.


BGQ-3 ] 1
Q.-8. A rectangular plane surface 3 m wide and 4 m deep lies in water in such a way that its plane
makes an angle of 30° with the free surface of water. Determine the total pressure force and
position of centre of pressure when the upper edge is 2 m below the free surface.

Q.-9. With neat sketches explain the working principle of four-stroke spark ignition engine.

Q.-10. Explain hardening process. Also explain the objectives and applications of hardening.

Q.-11. Explain in brief energy efficiency versus energy conservation. Write stepwise procedure to
calculate boiler efficiency.

Note : 1. Question No. 12 to 17

2. Attempt all 6 questions.

3. Each question carries 15 marks

Q.-12. The internal energy of a certain substance is given by the following equation: u = 3.56 pv + 84
where u is given in kJ/kg, p is in kPa, and v is in m3/kg. A system composed of 3 kg of this
substance expands from an initial pressure of 500 kPa and a volume of 0.22 m3 to a final pressure
100 kPa in a process in which pressure and volume are related by pv1.2 = constant. If the expansion
is quasi-static, find Q, U and W for the process.

Q.-13. In an air standard Diesel cycle, the compression ratio is 16, and at the beginning of isentropic
compression, the temperature is 15°C and the pressure is 0.1 MPa. Heat is added until the
temperature at the end of the constant pressure process is 1480°C. Calculate

(A) the cut-off ratio,

(B) the heat supplied per kg of air,

(C) the cycle efficiency, and

(D) the m.e.p

Q.-14. The rotating parts of a machine tool have a moment of inertia of 45 kgm2 and require a constant
torque of 110 Nm. They are driven by an electric motor via 9:1 reduction gear the efficiency of
which is 95%. If the motor has a starting torque of 30 Nm and its armature and pinion have a
combined moment of inertia 0.5 kgm2, calculate (a) the motor output required for the machine
at its operating speed of 200 rpm (b) the time taken for the machine to attain half speed and
(c) the gear ratio required for the acceleration period to be a minimum, assuming no charge in
motor torque.

Q.-15. Why are centrifugal pumps used sometimes in series and sometimes in parallel? Draw the
following characteristic curves for a centrifugal pump: Head, power and efficiency versus
discharge with constant speed.

Q.-16. In an air standard Diesel cycle, the compression ratio is 16, and at the beginning of isentropic
compression, the temperature is 15°C and the pressure is 0.1 MPa. Heat is added until the
temperature at the end of the constant pressure process is 1480°C. Calculate (a) the cut-off
ratio, (b) the heat supplied per kg of air, (c) the cycle efficiency, and (d) the m.e.p

Q.-17. Explain the stress-strain diagram of a structural steel.

BGQ-3 ] 2
Paper-4 : Mechanical Engineering-2
Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours


Note : 1. Question No. 1 to 11

2. Attempt all 11 questions.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

Q.-1. When 0.5 kg of water per minute is passed through a tube of 20 mm diameter, it is found
to be heated from 20°C to 50°C. The heating is accomplished by condensing steam on the
surface of the tube and subsequently the temperature of the surface of the tube is maintained at
85°C. Determine the length of the tube required for developed flow. Take the thermophysical
properties of water at 60°C as: = 983.2 kg/m2, cp = 4.178 kJ/kgK, k = 0.659 W/m°C,
v = 0.478  10– 6 m2/s

Q.-2. A furnace wall consists of 200 mm layer of refractory bricks, 6 mm layer of steel plate and 100
mm layer of insulation bricks. The maximum temperature of the wall is 1150°C (on the furnace
side) and the minimum temperature is 40°C (on the outermost side of the wall). An accurate
energy balance over the furnace shows that the heat loss from the wall is 400 W/m2. It is known
that there is a thin layer of air between the layers of refractory bricks and steel plate. Thermal
conductivities for the three layers are 1.52, 45 and 0.138 W/m°C respectively. Find:

(A) To how many millimetres of insulation brick is the air layer equivalent?

(B) What is the temperature of the outer surface of the steel plate?

Q.-3. Prove that the enthalpy of the humid air remains constant along a wet bulb temperature line on
the psychrometric chart.

Q.-4. Derive an expression for the normal stress and shear stress on an oblique section of a strained
body when it is subjected to direct stress in two mutually perpendicular directions and also
accompanied by shear stress along the normal section of the body.

Q.-5. A solid shaft is required to transmit 300 KW at 100 rpm. The maximum torque is 20% greater
than the mean torque. Find the diameter of the shaft if shear stress is not to exceed 80 N/mm2.
If the above shaft is to be replaced by a hollow shaft with 3: 5 diameter ratio and no change in
maximum shear stress and torque, calculate the inner and outer diameters of hollow shaft.

Q.-6. A particle moving with a velocity v along a straight line is retarded such that the retardation is
(a) proportional to velocity and (b) proportional to square of velocity. Determine the expressions
for velocity as a function of time and distance traversed before it comes to rest for both cases.

BGQ-4 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
Q.-7. Two boxes of weighs W1 and W2 are stacked on the floor as shown in Figure1. The coefficient of
friction between the boxes is 1 and between the box and the floor is 2. A horizontal force F is
applied to the top of the boxes and gradually increased. What is the maximum force before the
equilibrium is destroyed? How will the equilibrium be destroyed?

Fig 1

Q.-8. Design a helical compression spring for a maximum load of 1200 N for a deflection of 30 mm
using the value of spring index as 5. The maximum permissible shear stress for spring wire is
84k N/mm2 with considering whal’s factor, use square and ground ends.

Q.-9. Assuming that the diodes in the circuits of Figure 2 are ideal, find the values of the labeled
voltages and currents.

Fig 2

Q.-10. A zener diode exhibits a constant voltage of 5.6 V for currents greater than five times the knee
current. IZK is specified to be 1 mA. The zener is to be used in the design of a shunt regulator
fed from a 15-V supply. The load current varies over the range of 0 mA to 15 mA. Find a
suitable value for the resistor R. What is the maximum power dissipation of the zener diode?

Q.-11. Discuss reasons for using a robot instead of human being to perform a specific task. Provide
few applications of robot in industries.

BGQ-4 ] 2 [ Contd.
Note : 1. Question No. 12 to 17
2. Attempt all 6 questions.
3. Each question carries 15 marks
Q.-12. The large parallel planes with emissivities 0.3 and 0.8 exchange heat. Find the percentage
reduction when a polished aluminium shield of emissivity 0.04 is placed between them. Use the
method of electrical analogy.
Q.-13. A domestic food freezer maintains a temperature of –15°C. The ambient air temperature is
30°C. If heat leaks into the freezer at the continuous rate of 1.75 kJ/s what is the least power
necessary to pump this heat out continuously?
Q.-14. A simply supported beam AB of span 4 m is loaded as shown in Figure 3.

Fig 3
Determine the following:
(A) Deflection at D.
(B) Maximum deflection
(C) Slope at A.
Given: E = 200  106 kPa and I = 20  10–6 m4
Q.-15. A sphere of radius 0.5 m and mass 10 kg is released gently from rest on a 30° incline. If it rolls
without slipping, determine the minimum coefficient of friction compatible with the rolling
motion. What would be the velocity of its centre of mass after it rolled down 5 m.
Q.-16. A shaft made of mild steel is required to transmit 100 kW at 300 rpm. The supported length of
the shaft is 3 mm. It carries two pulleys each weighing 1500 N supported at a distance of 1 m
from the ends respectively. Assuming the safe value of stress as 60 MPa and allowable tensile
stress not to exceed 100 MPa, determine the diameter of the shaft.
Q.-17. For the circuit in Figure 4, select a value for RB so that the transistor saturates with an overdrive
factor of 10. The BJT is specified to have a minimum of 20 and VCE Sat = 0.2 V. What is the
value of forced achieved?

Fig 4

BGQ-4 ] 3 [ P.T.O.

Paper-5 : Mechanical Engineering-3

Total Marks : 200 Time : 3 Hours


Note : 1. Question No. 1 to 11

2. Attempt all 11 questions.

3. Each question carries 10 marks

1 2 x
Q.-1. Change the order of integration xy dxdy and hence evaluate the same.
0 x2

Q.-2. Use the variation of parameter method to solve the differential equation.

d2 y dy
x2 2
x y x 2e x
dx dx

Q.-3. What properties determine the sand mould for sand casting?

Q.-4. Explain the various inspection and testing methods used for weldments.

Q.-5. Annual demand for a certain part is 6000 units. At present the setup time on the machine tool
that makes this part is 4.0 hr. Cost of downtime on this machine is $200/hr. Annual holding cost
per part is $2.40. Determine

(A) Economic batch quantity and

(B) Total inventory cost for this data

(C) Economic batch quantity and total inventory costs if the changeover time could be reduced
to 12 min.

Q.-6. Explain why it is not preferred to use sine bar for measuring angles more than 45°

Q.-7. What is the role of interpolation in NC. Explain various interpolation methods for continuous
path control.

Q.-8. Explain 3-D scaling, rotation, reflection, and translation with suitable examples.

Q.-9. Air at 103 kPa and 27°C is drawn in LP. Cylinder of a two-stage air compressor and is
isentropically compressed to 700 kPa. The air is then cooled at constant pressure to 37°C in an
intercooler and is then again compressed isentropically to 4 MPa in the H.P. cylinder and is
delivered at this pressure. Determine the power required to run the compressor if it to deliver
30 m3 of air per hour measured at inlet conditions.

BGQ-5 ] 1 [ P.T.O.
Q.-10. Solve by simplex method:

Maximize Z = 30 X1 + 40X2 ,

Subject to 60X1 + 120X2 12,000 ,

8X1 + 5X2 600 ,

3X1 + 4X2 500

X1, X2 0

Q.-11. Marketing Manager of company is faced with the problem of assigning 5 regional managers to
six zones. From experience he knows that the efficiency percentage judged by sales, market
share, operating costs, etc. depends upon regional managers- zone combination given below.

Solve the following assignment problem



A 71 89 85 80 76 78

B 79 83 67 74 72 83
C 73 70 81 82 76 89

D 91 94 84 89 81 80

E 88 89 77 87 67 74


Note : 1. Question No. 12 to 17

2. Attempt all 6 questions.

3. Each question carries 15 marks

Q.-12. Evaluate dz; where C is circle

Q.-13. Verify Gauss divergence theorem for F 4 xzi y2 j yzk , taken over the cube bounded by the
planes x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1, z = 0, z = 1

Q.-14. Explain the working principle of electric discharge machining. What are the types of EDM.
Explain the effect of discharge current on surface finish and overcut.

Q.-15. Explain the various features of CNC that distinguish it from conventional NC.

BGQ-5 ] 2 [ Contd.
Q.-16. The pressure ratio of an open-cycle gas turbine power plant is 5.6. Air is taken at 30°C and
1 bar. The compression is carried out in two stages with perfect intercooling in between. The
maximum temperature of the cycle is limited to 700°C. Assuming the isentropic efficiency of
each compressor stage as 85% and that of turbine as 90%, determine the power developed and
efficiency of the power plant, if the air-flow is 1.2 kg/s. The mass of fuel may be neglected, and
it may be assumed that cp = 1.02 kJ/kgK and = 1.41.

Q.-17. A Project has the following characteristics:

Draw network for this project. Find the critical path and project completion time.
Prepare an activity schedule showing the ES, EF, LS and LF and float for each activity.

BGQ-5 ] 3 [ P.T.O.

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