Hajira Haroon Khan SLP Report

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Student: Hajira Haroon Khan Test Date: 7th November 2023

Date of Birth: 27/6/2018 Report Date: 15th November 2023

Age at Testing: 5 years 04 months Gender: Female

Grade: N/A First Language: Pashto

Nationality: Pakistani Second Language: English

Parents: Mr. Haroon Khan Examiner: SABRINA ADOUR

Diagnosis: Autism spectrum


The content of this report is of a confidential and sensitive nature and should not be duplicated
without the consent of the parents.
The data contained herein is valid for a limited period and due to the changing and developing
nature of children, the information and recommendations are meant for current use. Reference
to or use of this report in future years should be made with considerable caution or reservation.
Confidential report Speech and language therapy Assessment


Hajira was referred for assessment by her parents. The referral concerns included difficulties with
communication, social interaction, attention, concentration and academic difficulties.


Hajira underwent a Speech and language therapy assessment at AL Noor Center for Rehabitation of
People of Determination on the 7th November 2023. Her assessment plan consisted of a speech and
language assessment done by speech and language therapist, Sabrina Adour. The assessment was
conducted over 4 sessions of approximately 45 minutes each.

The plan was previously agreed, and the case history information was compiled during an intake
meeting with the child’s parents prior to the assessment.

This report includes the following:

A. Behavioural Observation
C. Speech and Language Assessment
F. Summary
G. Recommendations

2|P a g e Hajira Haroon Khan

Confidential report Speech and language therapy Assessment


During the speech and language assessment session, Hajira was delightful girl, although she
displayed some signs of separation and distress during session. She was curious discovering the
different toys offered to her. Hajira produced babbling and comforting sounds which consisted of
consonant- vowel combinations and words but not very clear(Uba,ba,nose,book,A). Hajira Response to
her name call was inconsistent. She demonstrated reduced attention span and was not able to complete
the given tasks provided with prompts and cues.


The assessment was conducted in English over 45 minutes using the Preschool Language Scale- Fifth
Edition (PLS-5) and clinical observations.

However, please note that although the PLS-5 assessment was used, standard scores were not
calculated as Hajira was unable to complete all the standardized tasks for the assessment and therefore,
the results would not have truly represented her ability. Results are reported through qualitative data.


Receptive language refers to the way a person understands a message from a communication partner.
During the assessment,Hajira demonstrated that she could:
• Identify pictures of familiar objects
• Identify familiar objects from a group of objects
• Identify things you wear (pants, shoes)
• Identify basic body parts (eyes, ears, nose)
• Follow simple one step directions with gestural cues (put the duck inside the box, clean-up)
Hajira demonstrated that he could not:
• Understands basic descriptive concepts (e.g., up/down, fast/slow, wet/dry, big/little)
• Understands early prepositions (e.g., in/out, on/off, over/under)
• Understands the concept of gender (e.g., boy vs. girl)
• Understands early pronouns (e.g., me, my, I, you, your)
• Understands plurals (e.g., The boys ran)
• Follow commands without gestural cues
• Recognize action in pictures (eating, drinking,sleeping)

3|P a g e Hajira Haroon Khan

Confidential report Speech and language therapy Assessment

Hajira should be able to attend to the speaker, recognize and identify a variety of items and verbs.
Therefore, based on the above results,Hajira presents with receptive language difficulties.
Expressive language refers to the way a person conveys a message to a communication partner.
During the assessment,Hajira demonstrated that she could:
• Combine sounds
• Vocalize consonant sounds (Uba,ba,nose,book,), etc.
• Use gestures and vocalizations to request objects (pulling hands to open the box)
• Attempt to imitate facial expressions and movements
• Imitate sounds but not clearly
• Use representational (symbolic) gesture (bye-bye)
Hajira demonstrated that she could not:
• Seek appropriate/ meaningful attention from others
• Produce syllable strings with inflection similar to adult speech
• Produce different words except only few
• Name objects in pictures
• Use words more often than gestures to communicate
• Use different word combinations
Hajira communicates her needs and wants with non-verbal expressions such as pulling towards the
object and vocalizations when he should be using words. Therefore, based on the above results,Hajira
presents with expressive language difficulties.


Pragmatic language skills involve the way that we use language to interact with others. Even if a person
says words clearly and uses long, complex sentences with correct grammar, he/she will still have
difficulty communicating effectively if he/she does not understand or use the rules that govern the
social use of language, known as pragmatics.
Clinical observation of Hajira’s pragmatic/social language revealed the following:

• Demonstrated functional play (glass-drink, with modelling prompts)

• Did not demonstrate joint attention (looks back and forth between person and object)

4|P a g e Hajira Haroon Khan

Confidential report Speech and language therapy Assessment

• Did not demonstrate relational play (using two objects together in play)
• No instances of self-directed play observed (using objects towards himself)
• Inadequate turn taking skills during free play
• Required maximum prompts to engage in the formal tasks

It is the therapist’s opinion that Hajira’s pragmatic skills are not age appropriate.


Hajira was referred to testing due to parental concerns including difficulties with communication, social
interaction, the use of receptive and expressive language, following directions, attention and
concentration.Therefore her assessment for Speech and Language was conducted to probe for
underlying reasons of functional communication.
Hajira is presenting with difficulties in communication and play skills. Informal observation and
discussion with her parents and test results confirm that Hajira presents with receptive and
expressive language delay along with difficulties in language pre-requisites. Therefore, Hajira would
benefit from intervention and support to enable her to participate effectively in various situations and
to communicate with all the people in her environment.


• Hajira needs at least speech and language therapy sessions 3 times a week focusing on
o Play skills
o Listening skills
o Pragmatic skills
o Receptive language
o Expressive language

• Hajira’s parents should be an active part of the team and follow a home program to augment her
• It’s recommended that Hajira attends a social group once she shows progress on individual
sessions to improve her social interaction skills.

5|P a g e Hajira Haroon Khan

Confidential report Speech and language therapy Assessment

It was a pleasure to work with Hajira and her supportive family. If you have any queries or require
further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Speech-Language Pathologist Center Manager

Sabrina Adour Souad Hasn

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