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Mediclaim Policy Details

1. Pan card Copy
2. Aadhar Card copy
3. Photo
4. Email Id,
5. Mobile No (Whatsapp)
6. Height,
7. Weight,
8. Service/ Business
9. Annual Income
10. Nominee Name,
11. Nominee Age,
12. Nominee Relation.

Wife Details
1. Full Name
2. Date Of Birth.
3. Height
4. Weight.
5. Pancard

Child 1
1. Full Name
2. Date Of Birth
3. Gender (Male/Female)
Child 18 years
4. Height
5. Weight

Child 2
1. Full Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Gender (Male/Female)
Child 18 years
4. Height
5. Weight

Banking Proof Compulsory

1. Full Name
2. Name Of Bank & Branch
3. Account No.

Documents for Insured Person.

1. Discharge Card (If earlier Hospitalise)
2. Medicines if taking regularly.

For Portability
Earlier Policy Copy
(Mini 1year - Maxi 4year)

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