Temperature Regulation in Endotherms

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Temperature Regulation in Endotherms

Endotherms, also known as warm-blood animals, are able to maintain a constant body
temperature regardless of the external temperature of their environment. This is achieved
through an energy-requiring homeostatic process known as thermoregulation. (Ganslosser,
2008). This essay aims to explain the anatomical, behavioural, and physiological mechanisms
behind thermoregulation which enable endotherms to survive in a broad range of conditions.
Endothermic species can be found across several taxonomic groups, with mammals and birds
being the most prevalent examples, and less common cases including certain reptiles, insects,
and plants (Labocha & Hayes, 2008).
Insects can experience severe fluctuations in temperature simply moving from the shade to a
sunny area due to their extremely small body masses (Heinrich, 1993). Manduca sexta,
commonly known as the Carolina sphinx moth regulates its body temperature through an
open circulatory system which distributes heat through its body, particularly to peripheral
(surface) regions to transfer heat to the environment. (Heinrich, 1970). In warmer conditions,
vasodilation increases blood flow to body surfaces, increasing heat loss, while
vasoconstriction conserves heat in cooler conditions. Figure 1 shows a correlation between
temperature and the strength of pulses of the heart. The Sphinx moth also exhibits
behavioural adaptations such as basking in sunlight during colder weather (to absorb light
through its dark-coloured exoskeleton) and seeking shade in warmer weather. (Heinrich,
Nelumbo nucifera, also known as the sacred lotus, is a rare example of an endothermic plant.
It is able to maintain its internal temperature around 30-36 degrees Celsius despite
fluctuations in environmental conditions ranging from 10-45 degrees Celsius. The sacred
lotus is a hydrophyte which achieves thermoregulation through stomatal opening and closing
to minimise water loss by transpiration in hotter temperatures, air channels that run through
their structure to act as insulators, and by altering the leaf orientation. At a cellular level,
reversible enzyme inhibitors inhibit respiration reactions in the flowers at temperatures above
30 degrees Celsius. This means temperature is regulated through a biochemical feedback
mechanism (Seymour & Schultze-Motel, 1997).
The long-beaked echidna is another example of an endothermic animal. Echidnas are
monotremes, a rare group of mammals which reproduce by laying eggs. They rely on a
combination of behavioural adaptations like seeking shelter in burrows which are less humid
than the rainforest as well as physiological mechanisms such as gasping for air or altering
blood flow to the skin to regulate temperature. However, they also exhibit traits of ectotherms
such as conserving energy through low metabolic rate and moving into hotter or warmer
areas to regulate their temperature (Griffiths, 1991).
To conclude, a variety of anatomical, behavioural, and physiological adaptations used to
maintain internal body temperature can be observed in endothermic organisms.

Figure 1 - changes during pulsations of the heart while artificially heating the thorax and abdomen of
a Carolina sphinx moth (Heinrich, 1970)

Ganslosser, U., 2008. Encyclopedia of Marine Animals (Second Edition), 2009. [Online]
Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/
[Accessed May 2023].
Griffiths, M., 1991. The Biology of Monotremes. s.l.:s.n.
Heinrich, B., 1970. Temperature Regulation of the Sphinx Moth, Manduca Sexta. Journal of
Experimental Biology, July.pp. 153-166.
Heinrich, B., 1993. In: The Hot-Blooded Insects. s.l.:s.n., pp. 1-8.
Labocha, M. & Hayes, J., 2008. Endotherms. Encyclopedia of Ecology, pp. 1270-1276.
Seymour, R. & Schultze-Motel, P., 1997. Physiological temperature regulation by flowers of the
sacred lotus. The Roal Society, pp. 935-943.

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