Designing A Product That Meets Customer's Requirements

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Task 1

The main aim in this study is to design, customize and analyze the various elevator systems

alongside devices for the development of an elevator that is appropriate and properly equipped

for use mainly by doctors, nurses and patients besides the local community. All the hospital

elevators specifications tend to be as per the benchmarks outlined by the existing standards in the

region for hospital elevators. Among the most integral factors to take into consider during the

manufacture of an elevator for use in hospitals is that they are required to be jerk-free hence a

patient on a stretcher or even wheelchair having installed life supporting system or even any

other equipment need not be disturbed. The lifts need to be adequately large for carrying the

stretcher conveniently alongside different passengers among them nurses, other patients and


Automatic door & manual door: The lifts might as well be modified for stopping and opening at

each floor without necessarily being controlled by anyone. Such lifts tend to be available in

various weight lifting capacity alongside various speeds.

For the case of an elevator, elementary equipment among them control system, direction

indicator, position indicator besides an overload indicator. The elevator is as well equipped with

strong detecting systems besides sensors for the provision of safety for the patients or any other

users. Such a hospital elevator will provide optimum performance besides long services with

minimal performance. Such an elevator tends to be installed with extra safety features such that

should there be unexpected power failure, the lift would stop at the closest landing surface and as

such no person is being trapped within the lift in this situation meaning that it integrates an

automatic rescue system.

It is noted that the existing elevators are less efficient especially in emergency situations

 Certain structural modifications needed

 Access path length needed to the elevators

 Needs life safety modifications or even features for emergency condition

 Amount of spaces within the elevator

In this case the intention is to enhance the speed of movement of the elevator with increased

uniform acceleration besides deceleration of elevator and minimization the effects to the existing

services during construction

Explain the influence of the stakeholder’s design brief and requirements in the preparation

of the design specification

The stakeholders will influence the designer in the identification of the design specifications

alongside constraints. They have an influence on the choice of the sensors and materials to be

used in the design of the elevator. The requirement of lightweight in the design of elevators

affects the designer in choosing adequate strength and light weight material. The designer is

influenced in choosing some mechanical device having low and safe force or even electronic or

even electrical device.

Task 2


CFRP and DAL are used on the elevator walls besides aluminium sandwich structures are used

on the ceiling alongside platform of two types of lightweight elevator models.

Elevator model features

Options for integration of the Building Security alongside visitor management systems permit

enhancement of the passenger experience in the hospitals, mixed-use and residential spaces.

This elevator serves as a virtual concierge, easing people’s movements. Passengers are guided

the most recommended elevator by intuitive and easy-to-use wall mounted screens. The elevator

collects passengers from a point A to another Point B fastening by grouping passengers by

destinations besides by zones leading to enhanced and organized services.

Dedicated elevator: Excluding or facilitation of access to a given elevator car. For instance, one

might steer passengers in the direction of a car having more floor spaces.

To enhance the passenger experience, such an elevator provides alternative elevator call screens

for navigation of a building:

 Keypad

 Restricted access screen

 Icons of building location

 Building directory

Shareholders have an impact on the designer's ability to define the design requirements as well

as restrictions. They affect the types of materials and sensors that ought to be used in the elevator

design. in the elevator design. The need for reduced weight encourages the designer to use

materials that are both light and robust. The designer is persuaded to select an electronic or

electrical gadget or a mechanical device with modest as well as safe force.

Explore industry’s standard evaluation and analytical tools in formulating possible

technical solutions

Among the evaluation and analytical tools that can be used in the formulation of technical

solutions include modelling, simulation and prototyping with the aid of industry standard

software among them AutoCAD, Creo, SolidWorks among others on high specification

computers. Still, other evaluation and analytical tools are among them cause and effect diagrams,

knowledge-based engineering and CAD.

Task 3

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

At the first sight, both large as well as little projects could indeed sometimes seem intimidating.

There is a ton tremendous do. Projects that merely jump inside and try to swim end up drowning

in costs as well as lost time. Any seasoned project manager is aware that everything ought to be

thought out before being executed. Using a work breakdown structure (WBS), the task can be

divided into smaller, easier-to-manage chunks. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a

"deliverable oriented hierarchical putrefaction of the task to be completed by the team," as per

the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).

That indicates that the work breakdown structure (WBS) is a graphic depiction of each project

task. The finished project is displayed at the top of the page, with a line leading to a box (or

boxes) representing the bigger tasks which led to it. Furthermore, lines which can pass beneath

every one of these boxes tie it to lesser jobs.

Gantt Chart
An additional visual project management method is the Gantt chart, which indeed has many uses

for the project director. A Gantt chart tool can also be used in conjunction with a Gantt chart

approach to make it simpler to use. Gantt charts are useful for more than just planning as well as

assigning tasks to different projects. Additionally, one may plan as well as schedule complete

projects, plan in sprints as well as milestones, schedule the work of teams, then compare the

projected as well as actual deadlines in your project.

When one is utilizing the Project Manager's online Gantt chart, you have the flexibility to modify

schedules as necessary and even link associated jobs with a simple click and drag. Activity

dependencies are utilized when one task cannot begin till another one is finished. On Project

Manager, they can indeed be connected so that members of the team won't be blocked or

experience downtime. Now that each work can be allocated to a specific member of the team,

project managers may automate deadlines notifications to maintain the project on schedule.

Everybody is constantly up to speed when the team upgrades their status since that information is

immediately mirrored throughout Project Manager.


PERT, or program evaluation and review technique, is an abbreviation. It is a time estimation

tool used in project management. Naturally, scheduling is essential to finishing a project on

schedule and within the allocated budget. You get paid more the more hours you put in. How

then does PERT operate? It controls probability using a variety of straightforward statistical

techniques. Using the work breakdown structure (WBS) mentioned above, PERT starts to break

down activities into specific activities, after which adds these to a Gantt chart to discover the

activities that seem to be interdependent. One can construct an illustration of the network of tasks
as well as their interdependencies using those data. A node just on map symbolizes an

occurrence, as well as arrows drawn from one occasion to the other based on their order reflect

the activities. This allows for the determination of the earliest time (TE), latest time (TL), as well

as slack time for every activity.


Lean manufacturing employs Kanban, that appears like just a grid of cards on a board and is used

to depict the workflow. By focusing on continuous delivery without overtaxing the team, Kanban

may be utilized as a project management tool to assist in monitoring as well as managing of

the projects. The project team is able to collaborate more effectively thanks to Kanban.

Software for project management elevates Kanban. Teams can work even though they like with

Project Manager's board view, which syncs with all of its other projects views. The entire tool

reflects any modifications. Teams adore being able to plan sprints as well as manage their

backlog. To hold on to production running along smoothly, managers can swiftly redistribute

resources after seeing any possible roadblocks.

The project board aids team members to see what needs to be done now in the larger context of

other tasks. By balancing the workflow as well as reducing the quantity of work in progress

(WIP), this prevents the team from being overworked. Workflow is enhanced since the cards on

the board can be prioritized. When a job is completed, the card is relocated to the subsequent

column, as well as the member of the team then begins working on the card at the top of their

respective to-do list.

This method of project management encourages ongoing teamwork and gives the group the

freedom to experiment and streamline the process. Although it may be used for any project and
therefore is preferred by more visual designers, Kanban is particularly well suited for agile


Task 4

Critical Path Method (CPM)

One of the fundamental tools of project management is the Critical Path Method (CPM). You

must create a project model according to CPM requirements, which include a list of all activities

or a work breakdown structure (WBS), the time needed to finish up each work, any dependencies

between the activities, as well as, the project's endpoints, including such milestones as well

as deliverables.

With this knowledge, you may determine the longest path between the scheduled activities as

well as their completion, as well as the earliest and latest times these activities could begin and

end without having an impact on the project schedule. Now that you are aware of which jobs are

essential to the project and which may wait without negatively impacting the timeframe.

Hence, whether or not there is float (regardless of whether free float, that is a dependent job, or

total float, which is the entire project), critical path method (CPM) is a succession of activities

that adds up to the longest overall length. One may calculate the project's completion time in the

smallest amount of time using this information.

Not every project management software has an automatic critical path filter. You must perform

the computations on your own. However, Project Manager can quickly identify the key path

using our Gantt view, sparing you precious time. Establish the foundation on the Gantt after your
schedule has been planned. This enables you to contrast your actual progress to the anticipated

effort, that aids in keeping one on course.

Explain possible communication strategies and presentation methods that could be used to

inform the stakeholders of the recommended solution

Interactive communication: This method is ideal in conveyance of sensitive as well as important

information in a manner that may be understood best and accepted upon immediately. Some of

the instance of interactive communication are:

 Face to face conversations

 Video conferencing

 Phone conversations

Interactive communication normally insinuates meeting in person even though face to face

meetings are not achievable, communication over the phone or even video conferences might aid

in ensuring that communication of messages occurs in a clear manner and would still permit the

use of facial expressions, tone as well as pitch besides visual aids in conveying the intended

message. The project manager is able, through this approach, is able to interpret if the message

has been understood clearly.

Push communication: In as much as interactive communication is focused on engagement of the

stakeholders and quickly receiving responses, push communication entails delivery of

information to recipient when a response is not expected immediately. Some of the instances of

push communication are among them:

 Emails
 Project documentation

 Project newsletters

Push communication is integral in case of the need of conveying information to others even

though the message is not supposed to be urgent or even time-sensitive. Project managers are

able to deploy push communication in the nature of reports or even updates. It should be ensured

that not all communication is push communication in the provision of stakeholders with the

project updates since it might result in the stakeholders in interpretation of the project managers

as not being receptive to their needs.

Pull communication: This approach permits the stakeholders in accessing information at the

comfort. Pull communication may provide a sense of trust between the project team and the

stakeholders as it offers transparency. Illustrations of pull communication are:

 Project management software

 Project website

 Project knowledge base

Reflect on effectiveness of communication strategy in presenting the solution

The communication strategies deployed in the presentation of the solution provided a platform

for effective engagement where the stakeholders could manage to get the information they

sought. The presentation techniques provided a highly interactive session in which questions

were posed that aided in providing even greater insights. Still, the techniques deployed served to

aid in enhancing the relationship between the stakeholders and the project team.
Justify potential improvements to the presented design solution and /or presentation based

on reflection and/or feedback

The potential improvement based on the presentation made to the stakeholders are aimed at

making the designed elevators better and more efficient in terms of performance and efficiency.

The proposed improvements are mainly focused on the intended users to enhance their

experience as they use the elevators. While some of the improvements come with related costs

that in return result in an improvement in the overall cost of the project, the effect of such

improvements have greater performance implications, the costs notwithstanding.


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