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Life Management Skills Study Plan

Name: Martina Redondo


1. Complete the study plan

2. Write down your VAT Results and Multiple Intelligences Results below.
a. VAT Results:
b. Gardner Multiple Intelligences Results:
- Naturalist 41%
- Musical 56%
- Verbal/linguistic 62%
- Intrapersonal 78%
- Logical/Mathematical 66%
- Interpersonal 56%
- Bodily/Kinesthetic 69%
- Visual/Spatial 66%

Your study plan must meet the following objectives:

● Your study plan should span one-week long.

● You must include at least (4) specific methods on how you will study throughout the week.

● Your study plan should include at least two (2) tips recommended for your specific learning style/designated intelligences and general
study habits.
● Each study method must be written in 1-2 complete sentences.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Subject(s) Example: Math English Spanish Tecnology Catalan Revise of all
English the subjects

Hours of study Example: 2h 1:30h 1h 2h 1h 2h

Study Method Example: Make notes I’ll go study I’ll make notes Complete the Resolve I’ll do a little
I’ll use flash and practice with my in flash cards notes that I questions that revise of all the
cards to study doing exercises friends, to study have done in you have, and subjects that I
new vocabulary in a quiet because we can literature or class with look for key have done in
and other key place, and teach each grammar. more words to the week, and
words. without the others the information understand study for the
mobile phone. things that we from google. better. exams.
don’t know.

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