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Reflection Paper


In my opinion the documentary of ms. Kara David titled “Pag-asa sa Pagbasa” is an eye
opener for all the teachers especially for the parents that they should monitor the
performance of their children at school.

In the video, I observed that most of the students in that school have failed to read
properly according to their age and grade level. When Ms. Kara asks the teachers' why
in the first place many of the children passed even though they are poor readers, the
Filipino Head Teacher said that he sees the reason why many teachers oblige to passed
the students' because many other schools are competing on how good their
performance in school is. When they fail many of the students on the card or in their
record, the performance of their school will be low. Also, there is a tendency that the
teacher who gave a failed grade will be conducting a summer class without any
additional salary that's why they are obliged to passed the students. Another factor why
teachers can't accommodate to teach all the student is because of the lack of
classroom, many public schools don't have enough facilities to accommodate all
learners that's why in one classroom there's a huge number of students. I also observed
that the parents are not giving enough attention to their children because they are also
working to provide for their family, but they should also take part in helping their children
to learn how to read and write. Parents and teachers should have a good relationship so
that they can focus on how they can impart an information in the minds of the students
without forgetting it easily. Because learning to recite those alphabets and the colors
should have been taught at home before enrolling the child so that the teaching process
will be continuously delivered according to what should be taught on their grade level.
But because of the commitment and passion of the teachers in grade 7, they taught the
students on how to read and write and recognize colors which should have been taught
in primary school. Also, because of the dedication of the students they had been
learned to read fast than before.

In conclusion, the documentary "Pag-asa sa Pagbasa" shows the problems of the

schools like students not reading well based on their grade level and age and too
crowded classroom. Parents are busy but should still help their kids learn basic things
like ABCs and colors. Despite these issues, Grade 7 teachers and students are working
hard, showing that improvement is possible with dedication and commitment. And as a
future teacher educator I will do my best to help the children to learn a lot
so that when they moved on the next grade, they have the learnings that
they learned from me and they could use it to learn new things, to achieved this
students should actively participate so that they could gain more learnings,
experiences and knowledge.


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