CSS Home Changelog IOS 2 - 5 and Android 2 - 1

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CSS Home

IOS v2.5.0 Android v2.1.0

What is new in this release?

1. Digital Form
a. Introducing the Digital Form where forms can be submitted digitally to the
Management Office conveniently.
IMPORTANT: Please take note that initial setup of the Digital Forms are required
by the Management Office.

Example screenshots:
2. Categories
a. Added a pagination for categories
b. Removed the circled border on the category icons
3. OTP Login
a. Auto login when the correct 6 digits OTP are keyed in without the need
to press the Submit button. Now also available for IOS.

4. Homepage
a. Homepage’s Featured banners have a share function now. Now also
available for IOS.
5. Language
a. Beta testing for language has been rolled out for selected Projects
b. This is only available for the following modules:
i. Visitor
ii. Account Statement.
iii. Management Bulletin
iv. Meeting Minutes
v. By-laws
vi. Forms
vii. Community News
viii. Inbox Message
ix. Digital Form (NEW)

6. Others
a. Encode chinese char handling for Share attachment features.
b. Caption changes on profile page.
c. ePayment channel UI and parameter adjustments.
d. Overall UI/UX improvements for the whole app.

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