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Double Join // Shadow Player Glitch

- Make a singleplayer world- Open it to LAN- Use ngrok to port-forward it (ngrok
makes it consistent, but certain plugins worktoo. Without ngrok or plugins, it’s
SUPER hard)- Use a 2nd minecraft account to spam-join-> Double-join on a server.
You can leave and the shadow player will stayOR- Use Essentials Mod- Invite
yourself to join a specific server - Join another server and then accept the invite
mid-join-> Join 2 servers at the same time. No doublejoin, but works on every
server (Essentials Setup found by srnyx)OR- Try to join hypixel (Other servers
might work too), immediately click cancel- Quickly join another server or
singleplayer world-> Join 2 servers at the same time
-If there’s a chest at XYZ on the shadow player’s server AND on the realplayer’s
server, opening the shadow player’s server’s chest will client sideopen the chest
on the real player’s server. This works with: Chest, TrappedChest, Ender Chest,
Note Block, Piston, Sticky Piston, Beacon (?), MobSpawner (?), End Gateway (?),
Shulker Box. The blocks at XYZ don’t need tobe the same. For example, opening a
CHEST at XYZ on server 1 will alsoactivate the piston at XYZ on server 2-You hear
everything the shadow player hears, even if you’re on the titlescreen (Ingame
sounds + /playsound)-You see every particle the shadow player sees (Too many can
crash thegame)-Change gamemodes (Spectatormode in survival, real adventure mode
butyou can still place blocks by punching, creative mode with flight + ghost
itemsfrom the inventory. Can’t sneak clientside in spectator, but serverside.
Whennot sneaking clientside, you can fall off edges)-Give Ghost Items (Ghost items
turn real in creative mode though)-Chat Messages incl. Tellraw

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