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Corydon, 665
Country, My, 575
” What Is a, 678
Courier of the Czar, 233
Courtin’, The, 399
Cowper, William, 66
Crawford, F. Marion, 213
Creed of Americanism, 677
Crisis, The Present, 25
Croly, George, 272
Cuddle Doon, 427
Cupid Swallowed, 351
Cup, The God’s, 643
Cy Hopkins, How He Got a Seat, 155

Daffodils, 601
Daly, T. A., 437
Da’ Thief, 437
Davis, Richard Harding, 202
Dawn, 322
Day and the Work, The, 637
Daybreak, 627
Deacon’s Drive, The, 345
Dead Millionaire, The, 585
Death in the Wheat, A, 279
Death-Song of the Viking, 506
Defiance, Dona Maria’s, 211
De Fust Banjo, 394
Delight in Speech, 12
Derndest Gal I Ever Knowed, 414
Desert Tragedy, A, 226
Desire to Express, 14
Destiny of This Republic, 698
Dialect Selections, 285 et seq.
Dickens, Charles, 54, 61
Dickens in Camp, 462
Directness, Spirit of, 672
Derelict, The, 612
Dobell, Sydney, 621
Dog, Eulogy on the, 710
Doing a Woman’s Work, 125
Dona Maria’s Defiance, 211
Dora, 445
Dot Good for Nodings Dog, 385
Dot Long Handled Dipper, 393
Doty, Madeleine Z., 177
Douglas Squirrel, The, 16
Dove, The Voice of the, 586
Dowling, Bartholomew, 318, 505, 506
Down the Lane, 581
Dramatic Selections, 183 et seq., 469 et seq.
Dream of Clarence, The, 501
Drifting, 571
Dunbar, Paul Laurence, 121, 293, 322, 328, 397, 466

Each in His Own Tongue, 469
East and West, The Ballad of the, 515
Education, Object of, 1
Educational Value of Reading, 14
Efficiency, Inventory of Speech, 11
Eliot, Charles W., 671
Elliott, Madge, 285
Eloquence, True, v
Emphasis, All in the, 311
Emerson, R. W., 19, 49
Encouragement, 397
Enunciation, What Is, 27
” and Pronunciation, 85
Eulogy of the Dog, 710
Experience, Reference to, 113
Expression, What Is, 13
” Desire for, 14
” Channels of, 14
Expressive Speech, 299

Face of the Master, The, 172
Familiar Faces, The Old, 436
Famine, The, 447
Fancies, Twilight, 597
Far Country, A Voice from a, 175
Far Famed Fairy-Tale of Fenella, 36
Favorite, His, 352
Feel I’m Growing Auld, Gude-Wife, I, 436
Fern, The Petrified, 541
Few Words from Wilhelm, A, 389
Field, Eugene, 354, 360, 413
Fields with God, Out in the, 539
Finch, Nathan, 440
Firing Line, The, 476
First Furrow, The, 330
Fir Tree, The Little, 191
Fisherman’s Story, The, 456
Fitch, Anna M., 598
Flag Goes By, The, 525
Flag, Our, 554
Flag, Thanks for America and Its, 559
Flower in the Crannied Wall, 322
Flume, The Song of the, 598
Foley, J. W., 392
Fool’s Prayer, A, 549
Forests, Windstorm in the, 255
Fortunate Isles, The, 583
Foss, Samuel Walter, 339
French Camp, An Incident of the, 548
Friendship, A Jolly Good, 568
Funeral of Paradise Bar, The, 364
Furnace Room, A Hero of the, 277
Furrow, The First, 330
Fuzzy-Wuzzy, 417

Gallant Third Party, A, 362
Garcia, Carrying a Message to, 315
Garland, Robert, 522
Georges, The Two, 688
Genung, 676
Germany, To, 487
Getting Ready for the Train, 148
Gettysburg Address, 323, 673
Gillian, Strickland W., 602
Glides, Various, 48 et seq.
Glover, Ellye Howell, 402
God, Out in the Fields with, 539
God’s Cup, The, 643
Goethe, 102
Gold, 615, 616
Golden Arm, The, 316
Grading the Street, 383
Grand Rapids Schools, 76
Grandma’s, At, 391
Grass Shall Cover Me, When the, 535
G, Swallowing the, 43
Gray Days, The, 24
Great Advance, The, 534
Great Guest Came, How the, 479
Green Things Growing, 601
Griffin, Gerald, 595
Guerdon, The Worker’s, 322
Guiterman, Arthur, 615
Gunga Din, 496

Hale, Nathan, 440
Hamlet’s Declaration of Friendship, 656
Hamlet’s Instructions to the Players, 669
Hamlet, Scene from, 60, 61
Harris, Joel Chandler, 382
Harrison, Frederick, 10
Harte, Bret, 332, 375, 462
Haul Away, Joe!, 407
Heart’s Regret, The Land of, 638
Heathen Chinee, 375
” ” Parody on, 377
He Lifteth Them All to His Lap, 526
Henshaw, Sarah Edwards, 315
Hero of the Furnace Room, A, 277
Hiawatha (quoted), 447
Hieroglyphics of Love, The, 288
Hills, The Joy of the, 610
His Favorite, 353
Hoe, The Return of the, 164
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 66, 625
Home Thoughts from Abroad, 58
Home, Wounded, 621
Honest Poverty, 547
Honor of the Woods, The, 198
Hood, Thomas, 617
How Cy Hopkins Got a Seat, 155
Howdy Song, 382
How Oswald Dined with God, 477
How the Great Guest Came, 479
How the Water Comes Down at Lodore, 44
HOW TO READ POETRY, 320 et seq.
Hubbard, Elbert, 9, 315
Hugh Go Goes, 32
Hugo, Victor, 220
Hullo!, 339
Humming Bird, The, 71
Humorous Selections, 121, 375 et seq.
Hunt, Leigh, 351
Hunting, Whale, 245
Hunt, Travers’ First, 202
Hurrah for the Next That Dies, 318
Hymn of the Wind, The, 570

I Feel I’m Growing Auld, Gude-Wife, 436
If I Darst, 413
If I Were King (quoted), 220
Il Penseroso, 619
Ike Templin, The Misfortunes of, 161
Ike Walton’s Prayer, 550
Immigration, 421
Immortality, Intimations of, 618
Imph-m, 382
Impressiveness of Author’s Thought, 113
Inasmuch, 485
Inaugural Address, Lincoln’s Second, 684
In Blossom Time, 607
Incident of the French Camp, An, 548
Indian Mother, Song of the, 594
Indirection, 590
Inflection, 11
” Rising, 45
” Exercises in, 302
Inflectional Agility, 48
Ingelow, Jean, 622
Ingersoll, Robert, 324, 676
Intervention of Peter, The, 293
Intimations of Immortality, 618
Intelligent Reading, 1, 99
Intelligible Reading, 1, 99
Irish Castles, 344
Ironsides, Old, 625
Irwin, Wallace, 389, 421
Isles, The Fortunate, 583

Jackson, Helen Hunt, 498, 521
James, George Wharton, 119
Jaw, Exercises for the, 27
Jeanie Morrison, 424
Jim, Lucky, 357
Jolly Good Friendship, A, 568
John Anderson, My Jo, 574
Jones, Sir William, 55
Jordan, David Starr, 560, 694
Josiah and Symanthy, 408
Joyce, Robert Dwyer, 503
Joy of the Hills, The, 610
Joy of the Human Voice, 100
Joy of Reading, 119

Kaweah’s Run, 275
Keeler, Charles, 407, 408
Kelly, Myra, 137
Kentucky Philosophy, 379
Khaki, A Prayer in, 522
Kilmer, Joyce, 611
King, Ben, 327
King, Clarence, 275
King and the Poet, The, 213
King’s Singer, The True Ballad of the, 498
Kipling, Rudyard, 50, 63, 65, 68, 70, 355, 417, 471, 496, 515,
554, 574, 614, 634
Kissing’s No Sin, 412
Knowles (William Tell), 68

Labor, 543, 629
L’Allegro, 629
Lamb, Charles, 436
Land of Heart’s Regret, The, 638
Lane, Down the, 581
Last Tattoo, The, 552
Leap, Peabody’s, 207
Lebanon, As I Came Down from, 587
Lee, Annabel, 430
” ” The Lover of, 431
Legend of Lake Champlain, 207
Le Gallienne, Hesper, 581
L’Envoi, 554
Les Miserables (quoted), 218
Lesson, A Singing, 622
Lesson of Life, The, 582
Lesson of the Tragedy, The, 694
Life and Love, 591
Limerick, The Blacksmith of, 503
Lincoln, Abraham, 66, 323, 671, 673, 684
Lincoln, Abraham, Funeral, 453
” ” Man of the People, 546
Lincoln, Abraham, Walks at Midnight, 520
Lindsay, Nicholas Vachel, 520
Linen, James, 436
Lips and Jaw, Exercises for, 28
Liquid Sounds, 29
Literature, How to Judge, 4
” Ideals in, 2
” Joy in, 4
” Necessity of Love for, 2
” Western, vii
Little Billee, 360
” Brother, 177
” Fir Tree, 191
” Miss Study and Miss Play, 343
” Peach, The, 360
” Lady, When She Fell Ill, 167
Living, Daily, 2
Lloyd, Robert, 299
Lodore, How the Waters Come Down at, 44
Longfellow, H. W., 54, 59, 64, 67, 447, 527, 578, 590, 630
London, Jack, 183, 259
Lotus Eaters, The, 620
L’Overture, Toussaint, 686
Lost Youth, My, 527
Love, Life and, 591
” of Country, 475
” The Hieroglyphics of, 288
” Virtues of, 22
Lover of Annabel Lee, 431
Lover, Samuel, 381
Lowell, James R., 19, 25, 71, 399
Lucky Jim, 357
Lullaby, Mammy’s, 602
Lyric Selections, 554 et seq.

Mahony, Francis, 635
Majesty of the Ocean, 23
Malooney, Mistur, 383
Mammy’s Lullaby, 602
Mandalay, 614
Man in the Shadow, The, 250
Man Under the Stone, The, 486
Man Who Wears the Button, The, 103
Man with the Hoe, The, 470
Markham, Edwin, 311, 470, 477, 479, 485, 486, 540, 546, 610,
613, 637
Martin, William Wesley, 588
Mary’s Night Ride, 204
Mary Cary (quoted), 132
Master, The Face of the, 172
Mastery of a Selection, 111
Match, A, 589
Mathews, Amanda, 288
McCarthy, J. H., 220
McClung, Littell, 362
M’Cluskey, Kate Wisner, 600
McIntyre, Robert, 526
McKillip-Stanwood, 125
McNeal, The Ride of Jennie, 507
McTeague (quoted), 226
Meadow Larks, 604
Memorabilia, 99
Memory, Pictures of, 609
M-Made Memory Medley, My, 37
Mermaid, Who Would Be a, 73
Memorial Day Address, 700
Merchant of Venice (quoted), 654
Message to Garcia, 9, 315
Michael Strogoff, Courier of the Czar, 233
Mighty Majestic Mind, 40
Millionaire, The Dead, 585
Miller, Joaquin, 105, 465, 477, 519, 583, 584, 585, 586, 626
Milnes, Richard Monckton, 579
Milton, John, 619
Minaret Bells, The, 621
Misfortunes of Little Ike Templin, 161
Mitchell, Ruth Comfort, 351
Mocking-Bird in California, To a, 561
Montague, James J., 330
Mood-Analysis, 102, 317
Moo-Cow-Moo, 396
Moon-Cradle, The, 600
Morning, 540
Morrison, Jeanie, 424
Mother and Poet, 442
Motherwell, William, 424
Mountain Mist, The, 581
Mournful Tale of the Snee Zee Familee, 353
Muir, John, 16, 255, 258
” Poem on, 569
Mulock, Dinah, 601
Mundy, Talbot, 50
Music of America, The, 21
My Country, 575
My Heart Leaps Up, 322
My Love’s Like a Red Rose, 617
My Rival, 355
My Sword Song, 628
Mystic, Song of the, 531

Napoleon and Coat of Mail, 20
Nasal Sounds, 29
Nathan Foster, 121
Nathan Hale, 440
Nattkemper, Leonard G., 403, 419, 420, 621
Nature in Verse, 58
Newbrasky’s Fertile Shore, On, 416
Newman, Cardinal, 676
Night, A Bad, 131
Night Ride, Mary’s, 204
Norris, Frank, 226, 279
No Shootin’ Off This Year, 406

O’Brien, Fitz-James, 344
O Captain, My Captain, 171
Ocean, Apostrophe to the, 536
” Majesty of, 23
Octopus, The (quoted), 279
Oh, I Dunno, 380
Old Familiar Faces, The, 436
Old Ironsides, 625
Old Times, 595
Old Woman of the Road, The, 616
One, Two, Three, 337
On Newbrasky’s Fertile Shore, 416
Opportunity, 476
ORAL READING, 13, 116 et seq.
Order for a Picture, An, 344
Orphan, An Unthankful, 132
Oswald Dined with God, How, 477
Othello’s Apology, 657
Our Flag, 554
Out in the Fields with God, 539
Outline, Condensed, 116
Overworked Reciter, An, 156
Owen, J. J., 537
Ownership, 605

Palate, Exercises for the Soft, 28
Palermo, Catacombs of, 146
Paradise Bar, The Funeral at, 364
Passin’ By, 423
Pathetic Selections, 167 et seq., 423 et seq.
Patriot, The, 429
Pauline Pavlovna, 490
Paul, St., 22
Pause, A Study of, 311
” Kinds of, 313
Pavlovna, Pauline, 490
Peabody’s Leap, 207
Perry, James Raymond, 323
Personality, Pleasing, 12
Pessimist, The, 327
Peter Cooper, 589
Peter, The Intervention of, 293
Petrified Fern, The, 541
Phillips, Wendell, 686
Phyfe’s Words Mispronounced, 88
Picture, An Order for a, 334
Pictures of Memory, 609
Pierpont, John, 524
Pioneer Celebration Speech, 679
Pippa Passes, Song from, 57, 58, 627
Pisgah Sight, 321
Pitch, A Study of, 306
Pittsinger, Eliza A., 597
Plain Language from Truthful James, 375
Poe, Edgar Allan, 70, 430
Poet, The King and the, 213
Poetical Selections, 334 et seq.
POETRY, HOW TO READ, 328 et seq.
Poor Little Birdies, The, 363
Potion Scene from Romeo and Juliet, 660
Poverty, Honest, 547
Prayer, A Fool’s, 549
Prayer in Khaki, A, 522
President Lincoln’s Funeral, 453
Pronunciation, What Is, 27
Pronunciation, Drill in, 88
” Key to, 88
Prose Selections, 119 et seq.
Proteus, 23
Progressive Analysis, 112
Put Flowers on My Grave, 435

Rainy Day, A, 402
Read, Thomas Buchanan, 63, 67, 571
Reading, Intelligent, vii
” Intelligible, vii, 99
READING, MELODIOUS, vii, 301 et seq.
Realf, Richard, 590, 591, 592, 628
Recessional, The, 574
Reciprocity, 337
Reciter, An Overworked, 156
Red Rose, My Love Is Like a, 617
Redwoods, The, 683
Reed, Myrtle, 172
Republic, The Destiny of This, 698
Reese, Lowell Otus, 438
Return of the Hoe, The, 164
Revenge, The, 512
Rhodes, W. H., 688
Ricker, R., 20
Ride of Jennie McNeal, 507
Righteous Wrath, 536
Riley, James Whitcomb, 71, 550
Rising Inflection, Overcoming, 45
Rival, My, 355
Rivals, The, 328
Roads, The Old Woman of the, 616
Robertson, Harrison, 379
Rocking the Baby, 434
Romeo and Juliet (quoted), 660
Rory O’More, 381
Rowan (Message to Garcia), 9
Ruskin, John, 3
Russell, Irwin, 394
Ryan, Abram J., 531

Sandpiper and I, 71
Sand Storm, The, 438
San Gabriel, The Bells of, 631
Santa Claus Forgot, Why, 460
School’s Commenced, 403
Scollard, Clinton, 581, 587
Scott, John Milton, 552, 554, 559, 561, 644

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