Ingless Condicional 2

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0 : Hechos reales que siempre son así. Evidencias científicas. Universales.

If you mix red and yellow, you get orange.

If you cut yourself, you bleed.
If I drink coffee, I don't sleep.

1: Probable. Imperativo NO sujeto.

If I stay at home tonight, I will watch series.
If I get a promotion, I will let you know. (1 o 2).

2. Poco probable. Impossible. (consejos). BE ➨ WERE (would/could)

If I won the lottery, I would travel around Europe.
If I saw through walls, I would check out my neighbors' decorations.
If I got a promotion, I would have a bigger office. (1o 2)
If I found 50$ under my sofa, I would buy a new laptop.
If I were you, I would watch Martas' video.

3. Situaciones pasadas o arrepentimiento.

If I had studied, I would have passed the exam.
If I had studied, I wouldn't have failed the exam.
If she had checked the forecast, she wouldn't have got caught in the rain.
If I had left home earlier, I wouldn't have missed the flight.
If she hadn't drunk last night she wouldn't have had the accident.

0/1 : As soon as/by the time/unless Unless : A MENOS QUE

0: When I talk with my friends, I feel relaxed.

1: You will feel better as soon as (if, by the time, when) you get home.
1. I didn't pass my exam because I didn't study enough.

2. I wish I saw a unicorn.

3. Your friend's problem: he wants to lose weight.

4. I didn't check the weather forecast and a storm caught me on the beach.

5. I will probably celebrate my birthday in the park.

6. My colleagues didn't buy me a card because they didn't know it was my

7. I'm painting, I'm going to mix blue and yellow.

8. Imagine you could fly.

9. Silvia is likely to win the contest.

10. Jason drank too much so he had a car accident.


1. If I had studied more, I would have passed my exam. (3rd conditional, es un regret)

2. If I saw a unicorn, I would take photos to show everyone. (2nd conditional, unreal

3. If I were you, I would take up zumba lessons at least twice a week. (2nd conditional,

4. If I had checked the forecast, I would have stayed at home. (3rd conditional, past

5. If I celebrate my birthday in the park, I will organize a family picnic. (1st conditional,

6. If they had known, they would have bought me a card. (3rd conditional, past situation)

7. If you mix blue and yellow, you get green. (zero, it is a fact)

8. If I could fly, I would visit my Irish friends for free. (2nd conditional, unreal situation)

9. If she wins the contest, she will throw a party. (1st conditional, probable)

10. If he hadn’t drunk, he wouldn’t have had the accident. (3rd conditional, regret)

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