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Hepatitis C virus is most commonly reported bloodborne infection in Pakistan.The

published literature on the modes of transmission of Hep C shows that the weighted
average of Hepatitis C antibody prevalence among healthy adults ( blood donors and
non-donors) was 3.0% ranging from 0.3-31.9%.Exposure of Hepatitis C are grouped as
community mentioned as follows
• Going to barbers
• Sharing smoking equipment
• Nose/ ear piercing
• Acupuncture and tattoo
• Medical and dental treatments with poorly sterilised equipment.
Healthcare community in Pakistan is also at a great risk of getting infected due to
unscreened blood transfusions, as well as the reuse of needles and syringes that
have not been sterilised adequately.
Epidemiological studies show that the major route of transmission of Hepatitis C in
Pakistan is the intravenous drug use.Intranasal cocaine administration is also an
example of Hep C transmission.

Mother-to-child Hep C transmission is not very common.There is an estimated 6%

chance that child will be infected if the mother is Hep C carrier.Also Hepatitis C
is not transmitted sexually. Sexual transmission is possible only if the infected
person is engaged in anal sex, or sex during period, those having multiple partners
and in people having other sexually transmitted diseases.Homosexual males are also
at a significant risk of Hep C infection, particularly in HIV co-infection.

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