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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office
San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Name ________________________ Adviser________________________

Grade and Section______________ Score ________________________


January 22-23, 2024

Read each question carefully and write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided. Please use CAPITAL
LETTERS for your answers.

____ 1. It consists of the formal and informal structures which manifest the state’s sovereignty over a territory. It is the
civil aspect of statehood.
A. Political System B. Sovereignty C. State D. Territory

____ 2. What organs of Government applies the laws to specific cases and settles the disputes i.e. performs
A. Executive B. Judiciary C. Legislature D. None of the Above

____ 3. Which of the following BEST describes the states and its elements?
A. A State can exist in the air or at sea.

B. There is no definite limit for the size of population essential for a State.

C. The size of the territory of a state can be big or small

D. The state exercises its sovereign power through its government.

____ 4. What type of residence describes that a woman remains in her mother’s household after reaching maturity and
brings her husband to live with her family after marriage.
A. Ambilocal Residence B. Matrilocal Residence
C. Neolocal Residence D. Patrilocal Residence
____ 5. A type of family where a family structure occurs if the child experienced a change in family structure due to a
parent getting married, divorced, or cohabiting with a new partner.
A. Nuclear Family B. Reconstituted Family
C. Single Parent D. Transitional Family
____ 6. It is a legal procedure within secular and religious legal systems for declaring a marriage null and void.
A. Annulment B. Divorce
C. Legal Separation D. None of the above
____ 7. Which of the following statements is TRUE about politics in the family.
A. Patriarchal a social system in which males hold primary power.

B. Egalitarian relating to or believing in the principle that all people are equal

C. Matriarchal a social system in which females control of property at the specific exclusion of males – at least to a
large degree.

D. All of the Above

____ 8. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Abortion, addiction, adultery, even asking a woman how old she is may be considered a taboo.

B. Mores, meaning a culture absolutely forbids them.

C. Norm is a standard of behavior.

D. Norms vary widely across cultural groups.

____ 9. These are norms related to everyday life—eating with silverware, getting up in the morning and going to work or
school for example.
A. Folkways B. Laws C. Mores D. Taboo
__wla tmang sagot__ 10. The following are the four types of Norms EXCEPT:
A. Folkways B. Laws C. Mores D. Taboo

Address: Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Tel. No./Fax No.: (075) 632-3293
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office
San Carlos City, Pangasinan

____ 11. It is known as the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 defines the three types of education in the
A. Republic Act No. 9145 B. Republic Act No. 9155

C. Republic Act No. 9165 D. Republic Act No. 9175

____ 12. Which is not a function of education.

A. Education helps the child to develop the inborn potentialities of child providing scope to develop.

B. Education teaches us to give equal opportunities in all aspects.

C. Education thoughtlessness the holistic development of child-physical, mental, social, emotional, and

D. Established normative system of providing and receiving education and training.

Choices for 13-16:

A. Inculcation of civic and social responsibility C. Total national development
B. National Integration D. Training for Leadership

__A__ 13. Trains people for unity, for democracy and not for dictatorship.
__B__ 14. Education helps for bringing by developing its all aspects i.e. social, cultural, spiritual, moral, educational, etc.
__C__ 15. Education helps to make the rising generation understand its rights and duties as citizens of a democratic
__D__ 16. The leadership quality of an individual is developed when he participates in all spheres.

Choices for 17-20:

A. Functional Theory C. Social Integration
B. Social and Cultural Innovation D. Social Replacement
__A__ 17. For a society to work, functionalists say, people must subscribe to a common set of beliefs and values.

__B__ 18. Our scientists cannot make important scientific discoveries unless they have first been educated in the many
subjects they need to know for their chosen path.
__C__ 19. Stresses the functions that education serves in fulfilling a society’s various needs.
__D__ 20. Students are identified by teachers and other school officials both as bright and motivated or as less bright,
and even educationally challenged.
____ 21. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about social stratification?
A. It is one of the most significant topics we shall discuss because it affects our life chances.

B. It is universal as it exists in simple or complex societies.

C. Social stratification is an inherent characteristic of all societies.

D. The existence of stratification has led to the centuries old problem of social equality.

____ 22. He defined social stratification as the arrangements of any social group or society into a hierarchy of positions
that are unequal regarding power, property, social evaluation, and/or social gratification.”
A. Bernard Barber

B. George A. Lundberg

C. Malvin M. Tumin

D. Raymond W. Murray

___D RAYMOND MURRAY_ 23. He asserted that social stratification is a horizontal division of society into higher and
lower social units. Refer to choices on item no.22
____ 24. They have been able to establish several strata or layers which form a hierarchy of prestige or power in a
A. Anthropologist
B. Philosophers
C. Scientist
D. Sociologist
____ 25. He described social stratification as the division of society into permanent groups of categories linked with each
other by the relationship of superiority and subordination.”

Address: Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Tel. No./Fax No.: (075) 632-3293
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office
San Carlos City, Pangasinan

A. Bernard Barber

B. George A. Lundberg

C. Gisbert

D. Karl Marx

____ 26. For him, social stratification in its most general sense, is a sociological concept that refers to the fact that both
individuals and groups of individuals are conceived of as constituting higher or lower differentiated strata or classes in
terms of some specific or generalized characteristic or set of characteristics. Refer to choices on item no. 22

Choices for 27-30:

A. Ancient B. Consequential C. Social D. Universal E. Diverse

__C__ 27. Difference between rich and poor, the “haves‟ or „have notes‟ is evident everywhere.
___C_ 28. The most important, most desired, and often the scarcest things in human life are distributed unequally
because of stratification.
__D__ 29. It does not represent inequality which is biologically based.
__D__ 30. The stratification system is very old. Stratification was present even in the small wandering bands.

____ 31. It is the state of unequal distribution of valued goods and opportunities.
A. Gender Inequality

B. Minor Inequality

C. Social Inequality

D. Social Stratification

____ 32. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about social stratification?
A. All societies today have social inequality.

B. Difference in the distribution of social desirables such as wealth, power, and prestige

C. Results from a society unorganized by hierarchies of class, race, and gender that equally distributes
access to resources and rights.

D. Characterized by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or
statuses within a group or society

____ 33. It refers to the trust, good will, and influence possessed by a political actor, such as politician, to mobilize
support toward a preferred policy outcome.
A. Capital

B. Social Capital

C. Symbolic Capital

D. Political Capital

__C SYMBOLIC CAPITAL__ 34. It refers to the resources that one possesses which are a function of honor, prestige or
recognition, or any other traits that one values within a culture. Refer to choices on item no. 33
_B SOCIAL CAPITAL___ 35. It is the ability of a collective to act together to pursue a common goal. It refers to the
connection of individuals within society. Refer to choices on item no. 33

Choices for 36-45:

A. Agrarian Reform
B. Conditional Cash Transfer Program
C. Enactment of Anti-Bullying Law
D. Republic Act No. 9442
E. Republic Act 8371
F. SK Reform Act of 2015
G. The Magna Carta of Women
H. The Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development
I. Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act
J. Gender Inequality

Address: Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Tel. No./Fax No.: (075) 632-3293
Email Address:
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office
San Carlos City, Pangasinan

__E__ 36. Also known as the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act.

__B__ 37. Its objective is to provide people with disabilities with the opportunity to participate fully into the mainstream of
society by granting them at least twenty percent (20%) discount in all basic services.
__G__ 38. Equal status given to men and women on the titling of the land and issuance of stewardship contracts and
__DSWD__ 39. The Department aims to ensure such special protection from all forms of abuse and exploitation and
care as is necessary for the child’s well-being.
__H__ 40. It places people at the center and aims to do development work for all groups.
___B_ 41. A government program that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor in the Philippines.
__I__ 42. A law that institutionalized free tuition and exemption from other fees in state universities and colleges (SUCs),
local universities and colleges (LUCs) in the Philippines.
__A__ 43. It seeks to solve the centuries old problem of landlessness in rural areas.
__F__ 44. It has provisions that prohibit political dynasty.
__H__ 45. It rests on a vision of development that is equitable, sustainable, free from violence, and respectful of human
____ 46. A person from the Philippines who is living and working in another country, typically on a temporary basis.
A. Climate Change

B. Migration

C. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)

D. Scarcity

____ 47. A disease outbreak that spreads across countries or continents.

A. Cancer

B. Epidemic

C. Malaria

D. Pandemic

____ 48. The phenomenon of increasing average air temperatures near the surface of Earth over the past one to two
A. Climate Change

B. Deforestation

C. Global Warming

D. Scarcity

____ 49. The movement of people from one place to another.

A. Climate Change

B. Migration

C. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)

D. Scarcity

____ 50. It is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something.
A. Climate Change

B. Deforestation

C. Global Warming

D. Scarcity

Address: Roxas Blvd., San Carlos City, Pangasinan

Tel. No./Fax No.: (075) 632-3293
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