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Palestine Polytechnic University

Electrical Circuit Laboratory

Experiment #2 Lab Report

➔ Experiment name: Series/Parallel Resistive Circuit and Potentiometer in DC circuit.

➔ Student names: Liane Raji 221152 , Mai Itmezi 221031.
➔ Date: 12/Mar/2024.

➔ Objectives :

1- We will be able to find values for resistance, voltage and current in a Series/Parallel resistive
2- We will apply Ohm's Law to calculate theoretical values of current and voltage in the
Series/Parallel circuit.
3- We will be able to identify and demonstrate the use of a Potentiometer.
4- We will utilize simulation software (Multisism) to model and analyze the Series/Parallel resistive circuit.
5- We will explore and utilize various functions of the Digital Multimeter for measuring resistance,
voltage, and current.

➔ Equipment required:

1- Digital Multimeter.
2- Resistors with different values.
3- Power Supply.
4- Connecting Wires.
5- PC computer.
6- Potentiometer.
7- Breadboard.

➔ Practical Exercises:

Exercise #1 : Resistance ,Voltage & Current in a Series / Parallel circuit:

1- Using color code to calculate the values of resistors (R1 & R2 & R3) then position them where R1 is in
series with the parallels R2&R3:

A- Color codes:

Using the previously learned formula => ab * 10^c ± d,

Where a is the first stripe, b the second stripe, c the third stripe, and d the stripe on the far right/fourth stripe
indicating the tolerance. There can be more than 4 stripes but we are only dealing with 4 in this lab. The fourth stripe
(d) resembles the tolerance or fault possibility making a range for invalid and valid values for the resistor.

Based on colors:

R1 = 10000 ± 500 Ω

a = Brown = 1 c = Orange = 3
b = Black = 0 d = Gold = 5

R = ab * 10^c ± d
R = 10 * 10^3 ± 5% => 5% of 10000 is 10000*5/100 = 500.
R1 = 10000 ± 500 Ω

R2 = 100 ± 5 Ω

a = Brown = 1 c = Brown = 1
b = Black = 0 d = Gold = ±5%

R = ab * 10^c ± d
R = 10 * 10^1 ± 5% => 5% of 100 is 100*5/100 = 5.
R1 = 100 ± 5 Ω

R3 = 100 ± 5 Ω

a = Brown = 1 c = Brown = 1
b = Black = 0 d = Gold = ±5%

R = ab * 10^c ± d
R = 10 * 10^1 ± 5% => 5% of 100 is 100*5/100 = 5.
R3 = 100 ± 5 Ω

NOTE: R2 and R3 ended up equal but not on purpose.

B- Placement:

Position them where R2&R3 are parallel but both are in series with R1:

A parallel circuit is one in which there is more than one point in the current to flow as if two parallel lines, leading to the
current dividing, yet in series the end point of one is the start point of another, making the current the same but the
voltage changing.

Real value circuit in position ->

R2 and R3 are parallel, so their voltage should be around the same but their currents are split from the original
current flow. (IR = IR for each branch to find true current if needed). R1 is in series to them making its current
equivalent to the R2&R3 equivalent total current but the voltage between R1 and R2&3 split.

2- Using ohmmeter measure the values of (R1, R2, R3) located in the circuit board, the results were:

Resistor Label Value of resistor by color code(Ω) Value of resistor by ohmmeter(Ω)

R1 10,000 Ω 9,890 Ω

R2 100 Ω 99.5 Ω

R3 100 Ω 100.9 Ω

Number validation:

NOTE: The formula |((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | is used for error percentage to check validation of measurements.
Where R is the resistance we got from the experiment, And Rex is the expected/real value.

1-For R1:
R1 = 10,000 ± 500 Ω (tolerance range included) based on its color code (real value), thus its measured/experimental
value must be in the following range of [10,000-500 Ω , 10,000+500 Ω] due to tolerance percentage, so => [9,500 Ω ,
10,500 Ω].
R1’s measured value indeed ended up being in that range (9,890 Ω) making it a valid value.

Its error percentage is:

|((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | = |((9,890 - 10,000) * 100%) / 10,000 | = 1.1% < 5% so it's valid.

2-For R2:
R2 = 100 ± 5 Ω based on color code (real value), thus its measured/experimental value must be in the range of [100-5
Ω , 100+5 Ω] => [95 Ω , 105Ω].
R2’s measured value indeed ended up being in that range (99.5 Ω) making it a valid value.

Its error percentage is:

|((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | = |((99.5 - 100) * 100%) / 100 | = 0.5% < 5% so it's valid.

3-For R3:
R3 = 100 ± 5 Ω based on color code (real value), thus its measured/experimental value must be in the range of [100-5
Ω , 100+5 Ω] => [95 Ω , 105Ω].
R2’s measured value indeed ended up being in that range (100.9 Ω) making it a valid value.

Its error percentage is:

|((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | = |((100.9 - 100) * 100%) / 100 | = 0.9% < 5% so it's valid.

Experimental circuit values ->

R2 and R3 have almost the same resistance so their currents will also be almost identical.

3- Use Ohmmeter to measure the equivalent value of (R2,R3).


4- Using an Ohmmeter to measure the total equivalent resistance in the circuit, we made sure to connect three
resistors in the circuit board. Also we did not connect the power supply to the circuit when you measure the total
equivalent resistance in the circuit board. (WHY? One reason is the power supply’s internal resistance making
measurements faulty). Then use voltmeter and ammeter to calculate R using Ohm’s law.

Value of resistance by basic calculations:

A- Req (equivalent resistance of R2&R3 only):


R2&R3 => Parallel and equivalent so
Req = R2/2 = 100/2 = 50 Ω
Or general law for when they are or aren’t equivalent, Req = (R2*R3)/(R2+R3) = (100*100)/(100+100) =
10,000/200 = 100/2 = 50 Ω


(R2*R3)/(R2+R3) = (99.5*100.9)/(99.5+100.9) = 50.097 Ω

Error percentage = |((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | = |((50.097 - 50) * 100%) / 50 | = 0.19%, as expected it was less
than the highest tolerance percentage.

B- RT (Total equivalent resistance of (R1,R2&R3):

RT = R1 + Req = 10,000+ 50 = 10,050 Ω


RT = R1 + Req = 9,890+ 50.097 = 9,940.097 Ω

Error percentage = |((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | = |((9,940.097 - 10,050) * 100%) / 10,050 | = 1.09%, as expected it
was less than the highest tolerance percentage, thus valid.

Equivalent resistance Value of resistance by Value of resistance by basic calculations(Ω)


Req (equivalent 51.4 Ω USING REAL VALUES:

resistance of R2&R3) Req = 50 Ω


Req = 50.097 Ω

RT(Total equivalent 9,950 Ω USING REAL VALUES:

resistance of RT = R1 + Req = 10,000+ 50 = 10,050 Ω
RT = R1 + Req = 9,890+ 50.097 = 9,940.097 Ω

USING AMMETER: I = 1.02 V=10

10/1.02 = 9,803.92 Ω
Error percentage = |((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex |
= |((9,803.92 - 10,050) * 100%) / 10,050| =
2.4%, Valid

Error percentage (assuming ohmmeter’s value is experimental and real value is calculations using real values):

-> For Req: |((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | = |((51.4 - 50) * 100%) / 50 | = 2.8% < 5%. VALID.
-> For RT: |((R - Rex) * 100%) / Rex | = |((9,950 - 10,050) * 100%) / 10,050 | = 0.99% < 5%. VALID.


Resistor Label R experimental Current Value (mA) Voltage Value(Volt)

value (Ω)

Measured Calculated Measured Calculated

R1 9,890 Ω 1.02 mA I = V/R 9.95 V V = IR

I = 9.95/9,890 V = 1.02*10^-3*9,890
=0.00106 = 10.08 V
=1.06 mA
Error Percentage =
Error Percentage = |((10.08 - 9.95) *
|((1.06*10^-3 - 100%) / 9.95 |= 1.3%
1.02*10^-3) * 100%) / Valid.
1.02*10^-3| = 0.03%

R2 99.5 Ω 0.45 mA I = V/R 0.050 V V = IR

I = 0.050/99.5 V = 0.45*10^-3*99.5
=0.00050 = 0.047 V
=0.50 mA
Error Percentage =
Error Percentage = |((0.047 - 0.050) *
|((0.45*10^-3 - 100%) / 0.050 |= 1.2%
0.50*10^-3) * 100%) / Valid
0.50*10^-3| = 0.01%

R3 100.9 Ω 0.49 mA I = V/R 0.050 V V = IR

I = 0.050/100.9 V = 0.49*10^-3*100.9
0.00049 = 0.049 V
=0.49 mA
Error Percentage =
Error Percentage = |((0.049 - 0.050) *
|((0.49*10^-3 - 100%) / 0.050 |= 0.2%
0.49*10^-3) * 100%) / Valid
0.49*10^-3| = 0%
Valid and perfect and

NOTE #1: For calculations, experimental values were used, R from ohmmeter earlier, V from voltmeter (digital
ohmmeter V setting), I from ammeter value.

NOTE #2: When connecting the ammeter, it's connected in series, while the voltmeter is connected parallel. This is due
to the low resistance in Ammeter and high resistance in Voltmeters.
To connect in series, for an ammeter for example, just attach one end of the resistor with ammeter and the
original attachment of it to the other end of the ammeter, as if going in between the resistor and what was
after it. It is a series after all.
To connect in parallel, for a voltmeter for example, just attach one end of the voltmeter with the resistor
without removing the resistor and the other end of the resistor also with the voltmeter, nothing is moved from
place in the resistor because it is a series after all.

For real I value, we could've also used our 1.02 calculation from before.
From previous ammeter measurement when we got 1.02 for circuit, we can assume R1 would be 1.02 because in
series current doesnt get divided, making R2 and R3 nearly 0.51 (1.02/2) since it gets divided equally due to I getting
divided in parallel and due to both resistors being the same.

6- Simulate all circuits in this exercise using a software program loaded on a PC. (There's a problem with the multisim
for both lab partners.)

Exercise #2 : The Potentiometer

Calculating Rab, Rbc for ->

different voltages:

1. Connect the Circuit.

3- Set the potentiometer to obtain an output of (2 volt)
4- Remove the power source and voltmeter from the circuit.
5- Measure the resistance between points B and A and between points B and C, write the results in the table
6- Repeat the above measurement, each time adjusting the output voltage by means of the potentiometer to the
values listed in the following table (2.5).


Rac = Rab + Rbc
Real Rac = 1680 (based on Rac measured value)

Measured Quantity Measured Rbc Measured Rab (Ω) Calculated Rac (Ω) Calculated Rab (Ω)
Measured (Ω)
Output Voltage

2V 820 868 Rac = Rab + Rbc Rab = Rac - Rbc =

Rac must be nearly 1680 - 820 = 860 Ω
Rac = 820 + 868 = 1688 Error percentage
Ω assuming this is real
and measured is
Error percentage experimental:
ASSUMING REAL |((868 - 860) *
VALUE AS STATED 100%) / 860 | =
BEFORE: |((1688 - 0.9%
1680) * 100%) / 1680 |
= 0.4%

4V 838 842 Rac = 838 + 842 = 1680 Rab = Rac - Rbc =

Ω 1680 - 838 = 842 Ω

Error percentage: Error percentage:

|((1680 - 1680) * 100%) |((842 - 842) *
/ 1680 | = 0% 100%) / 842 | = 0%

6V 852 825 Rac = 852 + 823 = 1677 Rab = Rac - Rbc =

Ω 1680 - 852 = 828 Ω

Error percentage: Error percentage:

|((1677 - 1680) * 100%) |((825 - 828) *
/ 1680 | = 0.17% 100%) / 828 | =

8V 860 818 Rac = 860 + 818 = 1678 Rab = Rac - Rbc =

Ω 1680 - 860 = 820 Ω

Error percentage: Error percentage:

|((1678 - 1680) * 100%) |((818 - 820) *
/ 1680 | = 0.11% 100%) / 820 | =

NOTE: Moving the wiper arm clockwise increases the resistance between points 1 and 2(Rab).
Simultaneously, the resistance between points 2 and 3 decreases (Rbc).

A key observation to highlight is that no matter where the wiper arm is located, the resistance between points 1 and 3
(Rac) will remain constant. Regardless of the wiper arm's position, the resistance between points 1 and 3 remains

Emphasizing that a potentiometer is a variable resistance component.

Potentiometer tweaking flexibility makes it used in speakers, monitors, dimming lights etc.

-End of Experiment 1 Ex2-

-March 12 2024-


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