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hello, today I'm going to tell you about the job of airline pilot which is my passion and maybe my future profession, i

- First i will tell you about the definition of the job of airline pilot
- Secondly i will talk you about the career paths that lead to this profession
- Thirdly I will talk you about the salary of airline pilot
- After i will tell you why i chose this theme
- Then on the experiences i have made in connection with this profession

Definition of the job of airline pilot

First of all, the job of an airline pilot consists of transporting passengers on board an aircraft from one place to

Before the flight, he establishes the flight plan according to the weather, the route and its specificities.

The airline pilot must undergo regular medical examinations and professional aptitude tests to ensure his good
health and his responsiveness in particular to emergency situations.

Ensuring the proper transport of passengers by plane requires unfailing nervous and physical balance, but also great
presence of mind to master the unexpected: fog, turbulence, congested airspace.

All the actions serve to have the safest and shortest route depending on the weather.

The career paths that lead to this profession

To become an airline pilot, you must have your high school diploma, then you have to do either a preparatory class
or an engineering school but also a DUT or BTS. Then you have to take a competition to be admitted to the ENAC
which is an aviation school.

You have to be really good at math and physics to become an airline pilot because you need to do a lot of calculation
during the flight.

The income of an airline pilot:

the salary of an airline pilot is between

Why i chose this theme :

I chose this theme because the aviation is my passion and this job will surely be my future profession.
The experiences I have made in connection with this profession:
I have done several experiments in connection with this profession as:

I had also made a flight (j’avais aussi fait un vol)

I also took last year my BIA which is the first french aeronautical diploma.

I’m going to show you a video of one of my glider take off that was made by me.

The end

Thanks for hearing me and for your attention!

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