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On 1st January, 2021 HP Ltd. purchased 1,000 15% Debentures of Reliance Ltd.
of ₹ 100 each @ ₹ 96 each. On 1st July, 2021, half of the Debentures were sold
at ₹ 99 each. Debenture interest is payable half-yearly on 30th June and 31st
December. You are required to show 15% Debentures in Reliance Ltd. Account
in the books of HP Ltd. assuming that the accounting year closes on 31st
December. Market price of a debenture as on 31st December is ₹ 98.

On 31st March, 2021, X Ltd. purchased ₹ 2,00,000 6% Government Stock (face
value of ₹ 100 each) at ₹ 95 each cum-interest. Half-yearly interest is payable
on 30th June and 31st December every year.
Show entries in the investment ledger of X Ltd. for its financial year ended on
31st December, 2021, ignoring income tax and brokerage.

On 31st March, 2021, X Ltd. purchased ₹ 2,00,000 6% Government Stock (face
value of ₹ 100 each) at ₹ 95 each ex-interest. Half-yearly interest is payable on
30th June and 31st December every year.
Show entries in the investment ledger of X Ltd. for its financial year ended on
31st December, 2021 ignoring income tax and brokerage.

On 1st April, 2021 Janaki Ltd. had ₹ 3,00,000 6% Government Stock at ₹ 94
each (face value ₹ 100). Interest is payable half-yearly on 31st March and 30th
September. The company sold ₹ 90,000 of the stock at ₹ 95 cum-interest on 1st
June,2021. Draw up 6% Government Stock Account in the Investment Ledger of
the company for the year ended 31st March 2022. Ignore brokerage and income
tax. The stock was quoted at ₹ 96 ex-interest at the stock exchange on that date.
On 1st April, 2020 Janaki Ltd. had current investment of ₹ 3,00,000 6%
Government stock at ₹ 94 (face value ₹ 100). Interest is payable half-yearly on
31st March and 30th September. The company sold ₹ 90,000 of the stock at ₹ 95
ex-interest on 1st June, 2020. Draw up 6% Government Stock Account in the
Investment Ledger of the company for the year ended 31st March, 2021. Ignore
brokerage and income tax. The stock was quoted at ₹ 96 ex-interest at the stock
exchange on that date.

On 1st March, 2021, XY Corporation Ltd purchased ₹ 30,000, 5% Government
stock at ₹ 95 cum-interest. On 1st May, 2021 the company sold ₹ 10,000 of
stock at ₹ 97 cum-interest.
On 15th December, 2021, another ₹ 10,000 stock was sold at ₹ 93 ex-interest.
On 31st December, 2021, the closing date of the financial year, the fair value
of the stock was ₹ 92.
Half-yearly interest is received every year as on 30th June and 31st December.
Prepare a ledger account in the investment ledger assuming that the stock
transfer book is closed 20 days before the date of payment of interest.
Assume investments are current investments.

Calcutta Investments holds 400, 12% debentures of ₹ 100 each in Acme Ltd., as
on April 1, 2020 at a cost of ₹ 50,000. Interest is payable on June 30 and
December 31 each year.
On June 1, 2020, 200 debentures are purchased cum-interest at ₹ 21,400.
On November 1, 2020, 300 debentures are sold ex-interest at ₹ 28,650.
On November 30, 2020, 200 debentures are purchased ex- interest at ₹ 19,200.
On December 31, 2020, 300 debentures are sold cum-interest for ₹ 32,250.
Prepare the Investment Account on March 31, 2021.

On April 1, 2021, Mr. Subramanium had 20,000 Equity Shares in X Ltd. Face
value of the shares was ₹ 10 each but their book value was ₹ 16 per share. On
June 1, 2021, Mr. Subramanium purchased 5,000 Equity Shares more in X Ltd. @
₹ 14 each. On September 1, 2021, X Ltd. declared 15% dividend for the year
2020-21. Mr. Subramanium received the same on September 20, 2021. Show
Investment Account upto September 20, 2021.

On 1.4.2020, X Limited had 10,000 equity shares of ABC Limited (face value
being ₹ 10 each), purchased at par. The company paid brokerage at 1%. On
1.6.2020, the company purchased another lot of 5,000 shares at ₹ 12 each,
brokerage being 1%. On 15.8.2020, ABC Limited issued bonus shares at two
shares for every three held. On 1.1.2021, X Limited sold 10,000 shares at ₹ 11.
per share, brokerage being 1%.
Show Investment Account up to 1.1.2021.


On 1.4.2017, X limited had 10,000 equity shares of ABC limited, purchased at

₹ 12 each (Face value being ₹ 10 per share). On 1.1.2018, ABC limited offered
two right shares for every five shares held at a premium of ₹ 3 per share. X
Limited however sold these rights entitlement in the market at ₹ 2 per shares. On
1.2.2018 immediately after the shares became ex-right, the market price of the
shares fell to ₹ 11.50 each. Show investment account up to 1.2.2018.

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