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e4la2 Chopuocd She Colol. Ware, Sra Lola Was The Cot, wase eegvvrrol to the Compelitior, , the versions and vas” seule Of corp sconitations, Seruter te united ytotes ane Sov Unik Aacket by thede susypuclive allied, + She colt wase wads not sinply vou matter Power, Hivalules , of militosey llianus avd ¥ a a sual écleotagtenl Conptict as web, | hans fie Gee * She Cubans Muisile cetats used soo hips paint whet tome +o be Known was rw © col wore. ~ «Cuber wos cur Hw Sour Uniers andi L Herieuveds, hott diplematin arc franck alice it + Nikita, khtushthe, He Lado Of He Soukt Uncen, Onrided, to Convert Cubsu nto © Ruwiaw Bose. ~— + Gn 1962, hw flaceol nuclras. musels wv Cuber. © Jhe dnstoltations oF Huse, Cxtoyoors fut the US, L he, fit dime, undoes pow yom sclosect yang ee i, Ld oubleol ve) ns ero bases or titi vin the Amicon mainlourc wrtudd call he L Hyuoterol by the USSR. — + dhe Cash demiol sfrminent un what Couns 10 be drown ad teas Cuban missile, cuetibs - - Rinsgerces 4 fue POW blocs 4 | wattle thar enel. Bf tee seconad. world Porn rier . ly pH Ont pal re Hh US p Penne Hote. ples stoge ie oi Ho USSR. : an bot. sides have the Caparily Yo sutaliate auut du dittack aro to our go mull, distuckion tat nothur Can ayorol fo uniliat wor, at te coltidl, aw the vlegio og deliweence,.’, whieh> uae aru unseporable frost oF the coll wase. The tue blecs mer alse tall 0b the oosuur’ and the “eostsur otlfonees’ Jhe mallu. dtater un he llianenw sutol He link 78 the ssupuppowers to git farotection , Weapene dind teenbmiv alob seagate: Heo fecal sei vale . The westeun, alltanes ted fy the USF, was pounatised unts on sigontsaiion, cottecl NATO (Notts Athoritie LU tow) op came ink existence, LA, apsil 1949, The Cato salltante te by whe USSR, Alber Knew ok “WARSAW Bact’ eas vuatids th 1455. Ze The outers netdeol small Steeles a alike 40 that Could. gain access te Mik sussusices tovutany , locations tuna ener“ seppart. Asenas oF fhe Colol War —-i | c i i \ f = — but the yu idles —understoool that wase anught—— | eeewe wrspite Ca veestraink, —— “| Theupane, ‘wums torctol’ measivue werw taker i by = the USA anol. ¥hv vSSR te cbirrinale avai —_ fants nucleo anc nim- nurcboe weoperns, : LTBI, NPT, ABMT wow freathe —dgnscle fr 4 | — _ — — = {) _ 4 — , (| \ - OO a —__|__— ee . ET llOO~C~CS ; 29 Ast, 2022. Thee trol of binpelaxiity T what was yw Souar stern 2 : + ohe wreiew souk “ oodlise republic (VSSR,) - Come inl lomeaea agton the yaciolit suvelitin tr Rusdiatn 191% (alse known as Hw sctobes, Revolucion : : She rwolution wos intpducl hy the sclsalu og. eecualiine cnc pw newt fora Lita ia. socicly ta oppor te canitalisnr. fruvate Cumenshiy 04 dowel, porepurty dunol Maes - procluctiin, Was, bassuol Grol, ~euetig Hating, 7) eumeol by He _9eeument-_ eee ~ ABCC the Metemib werll wate, Hw gorubk — became more duelepec Yhans the rest of. _ the. wert. event pa Ug a + The bout political Hen wsas 1 hurroucttratic 4 duthoitarian 2,~ natu, aimee “ipa fOr Uo ceibdern. + Sn the couns rate, ~ the Lhe Suit 5 Gob Gerboohe curd tte uhectends ait biol. 1 the Cobtnbey vatibn Y te Vssr, s Miknath Corb detov becasue, general _ thy Union 1 198s. pe, 7 twvudly i lic Hw flow ie he — -. dow system, “anol gh 5 At to suger phe a atime tndrecliuttol economy Conk, _ i Yeon , Hw folidces Sf pucestinat Keo encoun wemmuouit party hardliner Rursio”, URracw and Belosur , the thse, mofo Soul “gocudlat Jupublie of the USSR, cuelosscl tn cleembou 199) vhot te seit unten wow clis.dnteg voted. dg Capitalism ( prutale aumowtipe manbak serene, $ oumovary wow asddoghedds as thes hari 1 fr The pot B soul suprublics, __, Reasens. fee He dst of tha Souist Unb ee cow _newetal cememin und palilital rence, ile ob te the oLineinte ration. op the Sout Uren — tis Srteunol—udtacenustis of wut — potilival of Seeing tes soul: Unlen hac become rapa ial eed Bacay kel Muth ef te se én mation ear { manual, sande ileal ese - pu Btotte & ty easteur aeiees poorer tw Jv tentiab Aso _ wi) hy sont Untew became. stognand dus te thw illingnus te allour mere ofunus 1 authority & tv cw va ln. oo WW) tn- othvu resaon (or whe Collapse of USSR wow 1 Hw rie og nodioraliim 4 thu olescho. aa Looe - | within a repaab ltd ‘ ing Risin, Aas” i Youre Salle Pepubhis O on ukruse 4 belana- * USSR» olesdrtepration, Lech to the eno | + Cololune eer Yortation.Jhvus wae & obixpeute ~~ " Atreueern — uectatat wrote seurol Coppice at : dbleclapy but, the Capleeedie Croley y hook She US fac become te doles Supuripou and becwve bourry wupt CUMOLA hE , - The yourenct — wetitdrasd i eotucetion , baatth- Care aol athe (wre fgante subsolies —retdbe ietucle fruthrol a lasege section og fhe people ute pevedy . Jhe rldldle. Claster tere prursback : 10 fhe pbc prwey of apse. MOt oy phere ‘Lonbran etpacatly Russian y Oto led picein ae cee thetic tnolyreralt _ reel tae repent aa SS OLUMCELY Fite ail, | Macob gob ge ocala oe ——+ Yo Tenses. cong lit in Prrenwes Souedt kepubliee —— tgs eusea, tua pues Chuthaya ance Dagestan favs. =o Thaw violent. oo Ve ms a fae £994 + Centred Asia, duc to i reste hyelsoe become ou Sere of computition.~ Een. sts + I @ oil cemmpaniy, + - Cacchwslevt habe wos dimioliol inte fap — Cpech. anol. tf Slovotas. a ; ing? Unolepnolet courtiers The st ace % fenipoc” tf power wal placpul fidush. Lt | ug osteuinn vate lf SCUeol. wpa __t! ts Like Preble. Libation, Slovrnio. g— Bosnia anol How epouleceinis t - en _ IL Trai g fost Commis (ourtries | Spd auntie 00 cardial, yulationhipy udth oll de post- comununul counbrin. The tenga velation, ef IInd év si uiftts Russon, — Indo. Ruston © relations bs one important “alfect of (a's _ forcige. Botte _ Se + Tndio yet support per Russia, over eeerry Like Festumbe , tog upplitr, awe fy central Asie : (ud paw vib amerg.ths> A ing lotenents tat Souter coonerny Qs wre, 9 = ping engowed. economic pusidom o 7 ere a _ 7 7 Ui Seuiut tiweaion of Apgbantitan- aia) Ui) __! fow of Bertin Wal a | Wy Padi aa ofthe Seusel- Unbrr ad fed | sto “eu paltaud ay ~eutcome — - fotausing, ret dur, outer — ¥ the a relieve — 4 fu! USSRP 7 fe =» tate Hw Middle Cart 7 fuk debe th potting i uo i pest Goxbachey eatoeelectol suporuns 4 i ae Thirtapy Economie. uote } bak ae Succusoy ef USSR. ; Wy web0ug Presicent of Russia Mile troy Poet” fase 4 Sot all tf Hot ating tha : 5 a comput — | Uke i vs. Th h fins ete a feodous duu ¢ A +. Seuctut eco th loze me: depasstonceds a comple conn } olor, 7UtuLerk,., ueest— iusipy 46a ¢ apples ; — foushort sectoy 10 Cormeet ali vermeotest asuos, 2 Sevcet: Uren troluiries precluerls every olomulie prectuct fom fing to cus, whose, peadery ee mot mates witdlo that 4 he wert Hehnology . 2 Seviet Uribe enecueol” eu minim AlondloHol for aul bs citayer. Comegusatily —_Gevoumupl ‘eubsicl ied base neoesse ona) areal on Chitdstie - Of (eh 4. elon, ev ful coher wow Hye focters that foutel Ganbatha to eae fh supers ot tn tho VSSQ ——— — dr _rnikchate. Gerbather wos He Genial Seeswte emt of Souder ees tr 1985. He boos tenet pty ie ees ee seo hie USS _abstost of sigermntalon usd IMP + | To lepine Heo adbyninsis reiTive® =n wshiieha exempted - that wou “thes Heyer “ guaness rhe diuinta rin tai hae Sout Urua! flor cbusitiels ts Sta. | : les ean Soudt Uren goue an erob tp colo fate +_* Disintegn ¢ a oléspucks bye | ene —cenjuantatons— 10 _ Sonn Suppers Mu fans ad. hun abolish clamor asitie for - aaoalcl” psace, Aecuselly oo ein ase Ay stem Was sgprarse 40 eds: thse. 1 Poor. utd” dovrunte a Grit af CounDeis cov rs cust vole. in wet aw Cee fae Cocuitisia (Felco) dhs vs become ye Solu & wey gf capitalist econoni a became olerrinant’ at datexnilimal ewel. Worlds Bown. aa “LIME beenme —proworgel ogtutsers. — . ae fe dint, scene aaa aha Hf big uns) hat am Shock Trunapyy 9 © (os Fess the att aay to make a tawuilion forr Communliny to % » Capitalism 9 ns Shock Thes Cun 00 pati noes honky " fuene ae ait sade pita fo | dunoewatic. capitalist Bystin, «Shas wong con “System wees dnp lrcenescl. rhe orld IME in. Resi, Centra Mion you Eurupe. This _voms not Ye but wey to_make trovarlion dus, to folleucing olrauabacks.. - ot Rus, Hu Steute tantrelliol, woluus krih lot obour 97 * of tle tmp, tp —_—_| privat shdividluals _4._cempoutip.— — aneee (ff CsraTins ttn aig st sole in : — ett i etal gi Soll ot Fn — —=tuagy. Arcos. the pruble’, tos, Ruston U lire, olteki - +l shag vel ef dytotlien . i pa tes 1 oat Min to econornias 1d cbuaston a phen Hee people of — a ae fue Se an TROETT _ - i ag thes Sry a Le Lord, gral, shoutal “tl fu ius. rodhwe ton, aed, frovkittamal oo | trae” . fit “me — Any dice shouice pot aan uty _ — ow move _¢ ar ie lat ais pelt” W, bet Inolia buch 10 merintttn relations utite — ae a of ta Rursia Z Indio show a sean multipolar, —.wwerlOh sree re coeristuree ¥ Swab world powers inteenationally. Mews Han SO bitoetoual agsccumunls Aowe bun egpesiened _ Aw Inta g¥ Rusa | —t Inlie has Aun tic uli seelali on A {yh ders likes fp fen ats te = Ceortal Ala ¢ Adlandy, 36 "tations with China. Indian racletoctey Go moit= of i havolusase. fem a Rurita , - Rat frit foot tlt toni —- nif pa cle { =) \ a | Chapies-d Liew centres OF Porrer, a | Part-I: Contemporary World }'osisics | = | | NEW CENTRES OF POWER CHAPTER AT A GLANCE A NEW pall OF POWER > PO ao Associaton. china Nations | Pussia’ ~—Israet relations Nations "USSI8 Israel Asian Nations. 0 ~ ~ ASEAN . asa , Stina 8 ints RIC European Union of South East Sal economic Inpepona BRIS ras ower OBJECTIVES OF REGIONAL ORGANISATIONS AS THE ALTERNATIVE CENTRES , ‘Accelerate egonar ‘Social progress and cuttural development + Promote regional peace and orosperty + Hear pital ecopron + Common loreign and security policy + tary inenee STEPS FOLLOWED IN THE EVOLUTION OF EU t Marshall Plan + 1948 Formaton of FEC Le Organisation of European Economic Cooperation ior Economic ad 1849 — Counc of Europe was established for poll cooperation (oe 1957 ~ Formation wt the Euopoan Economie Community Le. CEC tor creation of Euopean patient Cec t [1582] estashment ot European Union ary Collapse of Soviet Union, - ‘ ! Political Science-12 | OBJECTIVES OF EUROPEAN UNIOH ~ ‘> Gommon foreign and security policy _ Cooperation on justice and domestic spheres Creation of common currency + DIMENSIONS OF EUROPEAN UNION __tl ee eee - 7 v Political Dimension Economic Dimension Diplomatic Dimension Military Diraension _—___! . { . 4 4 ‘© thas its own fiag bt Whas ts OWNED ——_* Common market and ‘» Britain and France saen ae DURES cofrmon currency ‘hold permanent seats in UN. 7 + Influence US patcies § ‘it uges diplomacy, np ‘egonomic investments + Eyed anes of International Ecoriomic “and negotiions, oT influence in aoquining Organisations i.e: ‘WTO. few members LIMITATIONS OF EUROPEAN UNION FROM BEING ‘SUPRANATIONAL © Member states have thelr own toign tek ind_defeice policies in mary «veas which is cotradictory t> FU : ‘© ilany new members o° EU formed US led ‘coalition of wilting’ © Deep seated Furoskepticism about EU's integrationist agenda ‘Britain out of the Frropean marks. «Denmark and Sweden resisted Maasticht realy and ‘Euro’ — T ASSOCIATION OF SQUTH EAST ASIAN NATIONS-ASEAN \ - I : Lae Pillars of | Formation —_abjectives and ASEAN Way Vision 2020 7 ‘Structure eee ARE and FIA New Centres of Powe EXPANSION OF ASEAN AS A REGIONAL ORGANISATION = ' 1 f 196 ~ Five South-East Asian nations - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand led to the formation of ASEAN, ~ + 1964 - Brunei Darussaiam joined the ASEAN. ~ 1995 _- Vietnam joined 1997 - Myanmer and LAO PDR joined 1999 _-_Cambodia joinest OBJECTIVES OF ASEAN — 1 — ‘© Promote economic growth, Social progress and cultural development * Promote regional peace and stability based on collaboration Expansion of trade, transport and communication. Ensure cultural and educational ex« lange Programme © Close ties with international and regional organisations. THREE PILLARS OF ASEAN : | ’ : ep — + oe) Security Community Econoini¢ Community Socio-Cuttura! Communiy — | 1 7 + ' ¥ 4 ‘Commitment fc praia veutterat activities "nea coor : Seer bridle —— Foliow te pany of : 4 a | Leral policy tawares © prayramme, = “Captal; 8 ¢ Mutual policy towaros __ a ' oes | putation Geto! spots aid — = Commnenmiakat for Higher Education. | ‘Waly gos +» Liberalised vis eu : encourage tousins ASEAN WAY t * Non-interferonce inthe internal matters and respect each others sovereianty. * Iiracton shoud be based on he poly of informa, non-conrotatnt and wonperatve * No imposition of common cutture, opinion or belie! VISION 2020 — A HISTORIC DOCUMENT OF ASEAN ‘ + Qutward looking role in the international community. ‘+ Eneourage negotiation over confit inthe region. + Single market fr tree flo of goods. ‘+ Commitment to certain democratic values. ‘+ Meeting annually to overview the East Asian cooperations. ‘ASEAN REGIONAL FORUM ASEAN FREE TRADE ARES — + Established in 1904 + FTA signed on 26th Jan, 1992 in Singapore *+ {Informal mutiateraldatogue of 25 members. * Free trade area forall goods and aesves * Promotion of confidence building and atmong ASEAN nations breventive diplomacy ‘© CHINA AS A MAJOR:GLOBAL ECONOMIC POWER Zz { Y \ ' en door Fastest growing Driver of East Intuence in ~ Poputation, tand {Economic} economy Asian growth Togonal affaits ass, reso. policy of 1978 projected to tr regional CTS overtake the US and political DY 2040, influence have see strengthen its economic position + Suocesso¥ of USSR” and a strong Nation §00-CHINA RELATIONS 4 ‘ Phase i Phast. 9408-608 19603-19608 —— zi Phase ttt r 1980s-1990s Comemperany yeaa NEW CENTRE OF POWER i 1 Russia India + Emerging as tie ‘global power in 246t_~ 40% £55. The Treaty of Paris was signed by six west European countries France. Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, West Germany and Luxembourg to estsblish the Europea. Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 1927 On March 25th, Treaties of kome were signed by six countries to establish European and European Atom; (Euratom) ‘onomic Community nergy Cor {ptmis cf sowice and -leehnology.. ¥ 4 BRIS Dane = Founsed in 28 = = Russia == Tecooperate at cos distor mar © Joey 1973 European Commuaity got more members like Denmack, Irelwid and the United Kingdom, © Jur 199, First direct elections hel! to the European Parliament © June 19 European Council were abolished wiler de Schengen Agreement © Fabry 292 On February Union was established by the = th: Ecopeant — oil am __ —|__ Ptustion | disor Ene Sas objectives of estoalishiing sespionale Bak ts To" mane sugdonal ouvelopmnit at pre te vay 2 ol nadlamasl Teenie gor rhouges he Sacroi0 Propars en pati $1 premete tonak Atobblily bas on. — te mule (aur thee, tee cin 4 WuTich _ Notions —_fuw2 How dew me ——_—— — Hae fermion. Pe 2 — fing + ne atone O atericats ceeding amon - es Semmes te Birvtove, re = obo tHe sel Of peopel Print — Guus What cu vex compensate Y te ASEAN alseive _ of 20209 , - tag + a ——_ Cen. - To Vmsolioli to rol a Me conglieli - Me Combecti- — Ong tast Timer Uttrts. LY Nom Hl pillars 4 tw abjectincs of Ha ASEAL | - Community. ; i Thea pelle ef aes ASEAN commruraly— ce ASERA) ti, Connon nll oe — f SSAA) tent oo : - Sama Brey ASEAN geeie- Cubtinal ' RO out ener; intvrnatitonal, trode. + i ae In sta ASEAN Secuuilyy | - Pambse station. posmised fp upholol poet, , cecpralion , nen-_ ; : indoxponta Gf reypuct fer nottenad ditpensirers — tt trben tight, a | are ee ASEAN é Forum) Cetoblivted | ote (994 Whith cobries cut Cocrdluralibns if a | Asean Loenemie ey - dha & be Ceeate, a Commer. matt 4 production hase uuithty ASEAN Stprdea ot aul socah fee. —_divwlspmuit 4 Fotund pw a fe Tree g6cA | 31 ASEAN Sactin -( Corrumuuniby = _ Poetiseal ov Adscictveentoig col Leeliong oo _ Seely like edlutation , ite it Gun 5. (nw uaa what us ges tay pousuit bdo WD Claire's trcus trial "ct ton wou note __+ a evi rte fain to st 1 “$6 Usha mous tas Lusopuan Union t pled ln plyenttal, fuenal organisation 9 a fn« w Collapse “af Hu Setriet Boe put twropre, en cw _fast track susltiol cv the eatabtiebe - ment Yee turofuan Unudw in 1992 * fu hay iG mon 4 1p dunthem , fourdliieg L dake ¢ Adngte - + tcenemic cen dhe €0 ts tue oenld’s seeund biggest ceonoray WH oo GDP oy mere than vn nile db 2016. + dt tour peso. Hewat to Hw deminone 0f He 4S clot, 1 Shove, of world trook ts bangs an — Hot _of vs. — A + Potitteal Jnplusne 2 A re - akplormary, eeonemig imesh 4 nt Giaite retiun, an. omllitog poe has bur epgeaTiow . _ — __ | ites anplldennce f= eee : he tks combing Osun foners Ase ter stron : in He wert a +d totol ing on. difenen is aregnd af tere Hw US. — a Le has S50 nuchase warthiogs Bt dolustify the Burs Ww Chine @ Inoida.. How oleh Hive de susolutol. 7 7 = Ansd) Tibet Bordwo bau (i) Sikicim, perolue thee Cui) Arunachal froolub 4 Aksoi chin (i) Chinme attacks —_ (Cina dolids Pakivfon (vi) Muebote det vue HR Frchia. china, com wesolie Ours pop hy Aipning. _ ot | frecttin ; bilodoul cysceomnerils , huebiare seagorms, ete _ India, 4 Chive. hooves acloptrol, siurilan policies ee in inwwurelional, ceonoud Gul@ritiony — Like | al She fat militooay suute. sin Pasion “fook planer up | Genescoobs Jobyo. Khan. The. suason Hts Ls He, ~ ae Ue eles of General whit Ou gouununaesl WO forumrol unde He eg of Kutpikose ALE Ahutto— wn 1971 fe 1977 © ducer Geruerrumet— W002 Somerset so Army —dteppack. in. ona x Gerwiad fours Phsbanc _| ff removed Prine “uisten. Nason Shastt fananed aa | paola — gat hiast, ere rae ag the sug gereecort tabs sohibhe lek ste Hu —_ vito —_ da lols, | AL pnesent, — 2p denied», beth. trckeby, ancl. “Pavittan, got = __ ~ relat +0 keshmbu. dt lid to woes th FY T= 4B irk 196. © uit, fodliol to yetile. pu. matte Botte te Scountiier Complick= ever. _ te ius — like tHe Umitrol oy te Sochen Glaciese Bh Srey acoujatlion Gf suns. a +. Botty Her Caries continue, to be Auspieiess te Coty ether ener Meunity lsu e - i ; va : | Aino thax, bats of compere amoy Hee tne couritnies A | beee the whoring a Jue wsbdos of relia sulvere Yystaw . — Jhe tue countivies ane, not in aml on, the plumancationgins 4 SBo Corr in ths, Ronny * Kath. . la clerte _ _ ~ ee Wa, ou _fpaset= of. (947 te i. a but it ane ott oe — _impotleon af locale. Tar oe oA Populate. iuggte “ett Panisted Ore. —wncler, Shaikh ita ee Tw The Pokcilniasomy oh, te Stated fo suppers rhe fo uuypponards Hee oe _ mevemuct- which: Lio 19 a large ruumb: - +P oq to_Inolia,. — Sib Sndlians Gamexnenint duppardic rhe. clumancls of feopie of toast Aokiitan & babptc thom This lool to a we with Audion, in 194. Ban. Woes 1 fea eae daclepenctnt countiy np te i] \ a aoa vas accleyrtiol & wae abel { foe in seculaxiivm , dune 0 tee ey | But _govexrunent wncloe She. ae amuncliol | _ conitituliorr gp forurel Pussitanticas fon 4, avoururund, I re Mupibur, sos dscustinettios a, milite Sul | loess hac unelsse. Litntite, Rohm, tte. tthe alg y XN ominotea & tho vircle, et Ger. 4.14. Evshacl | storteol thd Corctinccting tee mili arte, be pa - dlemovralic movement 00d Gyauin slated. _uahil A fled ait de (991. Shee then \ repryvatalie beers wi hia he Bavglecterts, + Mypak uns a Hindle Kénglom in the pat bugh later. change lb oo * constirutesnal MerOKthy, ey_many” years, - ff + tn the © uitke a pore - _ a new demu 6 tenelittion, uh 1990. 9 thew ts Ou _compliet the hombenalh, oun ib in Anolis the protcelion gp ple > Tami toe Lonke. fee 7 an t _ —_+__| Trou, Segrtol an oteerel wid Si _lonta. 5 ~ ——fpsps to Stab relations bute, tite See? (aun leaur— 7 Goveumoil —onob He Torri — tw Thotion Ary 9 UAB a a ATTE. late, on Hur ? Troon h a | lI 2 Rupads Foren CEPKF) wos pucttiol aut of Sad Lanka in - (989 “ without Achieving tl winw, 1 Pourently, the LITE held heen dettregech hay phe ee lankan Gout 9 the usr unolvo“ LTTE Ao beer recoveraol. : Jeu 4 te Ethnic tangle tie Moron tf Mi danke, has always cere i Nek. i _couyibiein op frrolnb. oo Aasagtoclias Meped, SW tonke. Bhutan, Malolves _ouack Maxtor. 1 Theos centtede asus of Cengticts Aetuitn, Ina. 4 a f Thuer include shascieg.— af. Ganga. — 4 dont oo a : . “Si Eat ont Banga —shtsa acai CO subatiion unit, fath oH. Econemie suwlatiens bles phe toe howe jmproved _tomridexably. Mefool _#. Inclios shares ov pedenctly sulaTion igh tath, othye but woteu'n ixsues like wasums velatioye of Mapas waite Chute, Masist mevement tn Mepal fh fawe dttusbedl Hw relator. _Depile olifpeenee , trols, seierdigie, co- efuation, —__ diebucily queoition % wlor lockury water agemint ctl fat She tue Counbrtos eho me Cagis, enjoys @ vem sfuctads guletonihipe waddle, Choctaw “foo 4 oloes nat any Mafer compliat cil He. | Bhutan ote fommenment- _ | Peace and Lospenation oe thorgle therer odw lertiein tec a conptcths. a ' south sian CounDiiu , they recagriae ths. ee = | among. themaelias.— a Seeeeeeeeeeeeee a a a . = - (g the Sout. Rudin Mssocialion por Pug iorat Cooperation (SAARC) ko 1985 tO evelyre “Coupon, i Qmeng each etheo- v +The “SAFTA was aigrud, tn 2004 by the Socott, W pod courteity 10° allow fut tole aero - "tt bavolesen SAFTA atina at lawtereinge traote tarczgs 2oj. 7 2001. = wt “4 5 : mM thote haw bien ives betwen Indd, 4 ParédlOp., NUAsusd User bering taku +0 eg otf Bf Abscerne ——Wepob, Pakistan “nol sri Lenka. _usuihe o | dlnenisty tn ~elstey denne. emnetitutes gus political —— 4 eats ee - +p Pespieli ths Minick, _sucenrcl. or. olumartatio expytenet, —~ | the people th these tountouts thar ou axpdeation + Per aeenecatey,- who. Coun he olrewan. fromthe. ____» Lex Be rA i i lournko. Vg taal Dee Aipaty actina, B foai + | Pakéston, bepoun. post coll. wor. furdad with. __ Succerrtve dlemotuolia yoverummudts but Augpurvedl OL 4 - amiltasey coups 91999." dn Nepal. ducerssfuul ea ae ig Lidge seestoradtion lens i. 2006... rola. i lanke have ate panned a: A dlumoyoctit Aystene , olespile many lumitaltons Been | Mobolives hoa. atrang Htentel ee a + In Pakéstoun, ontlit sue ase fue |_stbles Hw coins because, aeatcag a jalion - | peak corslitution., Gens —Apabs Khan. took tha. arti | Command hy - elections, but thrum user mribite clue te Yea faction % Ads Jude. ipbe (91L, = an elicttch goveunmud” wos yuck unde +h - , - roolernhiy “yy Leayicon’ Ale Bhutto, removect Gerved @d- UI Ho th ign ¢ Again in (982, tn Pariston, by ou pro ~ ; nats ‘Slemo cratic font eal stein tn Get é — undlue the “vraoluuipy “4 Benazir Bhutto 4 Nousax Shamip latex on, Hw his tony suproited anol Gersole Ponts in 1399 ot “5 L took thes cammanol tn 34 —___ sta tt Yi he cen late. o — +. Bang votes migrants Tn fe ail glenn ig tour __ Aikétton olupile winning ol Wie seat. Inobia rknwensel _| La ay uation ef €oar — Ring ly or a __|} _tn_olecember. | i _ ae Bowngloces — eee «4 role Hol Uh own, constitution : _foiPe in seculaim , olemocxacy &. socialism. Sn“ 1978, _ Shuikh pibuse Rehman formal poustdential. attup, bul wos ouseusenalid ino militany sting. The. nua militor Yule Ziowe Rahman fe his “Qum Bargloolte natcoral Panky @ tuen elictions tn 197%. He war womorinali ond bnatheow mblitovy toute oueee unde the laolvubip o Gen HM esha. Stree 1991, - vapasusentodtiion dernowacy hos ben (oorkig tn Burg locusts. 8) Mepal wos on Hil Kergolom f becomes Lerutitcte onal —meranony in moolvu pssisal Jha Shrigg fr seuatoreitcon : 14 md bygon in 19104. 2007 Wwhuw Kuby - | -sustorel, te oF vaprasentedivgs ben. tpl. _ RE sey eon etal + | Ceylon, prsetly known 04 Sud lanko. exportenerd on, _ Se age” ite Sita A enh fo” LTTE duvaveid a. yposote sto 1983 oreuosols urtt. He — Srolab v eveinnot who dint Incban Peace + a Hau, hid, was not ikea | am l/s t | are we a tt m__uilit.o._coneiderable. Seonetmie. gett cen : - t ‘hee pls pat pin counts te ___| — fg aca oe ge | a ane hears ae pee tapall.— ps —-- — Brootuct oleapitr thes engouig compli. - Challergey fox ther rao nation, - The, yea 1944 was a, yeas of prenenolurd vuplence. anol dru oF ~oléiplacement . (olun to ta partition 8 FS, auch “paréitan th tus Syperite notion) in thér Sa 7 qty 10 aehdan ite age - Thy ‘ was 9 entire. Hae cuslope- mutt anol uth hes oy ve. entine, socials ee not only for te Some _secTeor Passtition. * Dusplocerranty a Roro.bilitelion ing to tee “tub nation theory” advance by thee tain Lagi, Inclion tontistae eo not ene hut td fuopl., hinolus anol mustime. That ep why it olemarcsd, pakistan, © bepxale, fot Has murtine the oppartol yer thea Y the demanol pocéstour fla alta oluelopunnts in 1940s, “te compitilios bebutt te fe tte belie row Ld ko tte ain cweailion of Fakssten. ae The folua. rmighel appar, Alpi, bak Be rear /énols olepppeeltirss fat a eat he op raat maja asias in fsutirbs ” Inolio.. Setonolly , muslin majority asuoy Cerne maet Sha vida poland thik tase a mntustin mapanity fro i ri, = fob cunols Aah Ce ee eat rin wa jag tee 7 aos —ero_botho sible o whe bonint | Comeguisn. 18 Pantin es = - ae bowen Mabritise er athe xicler — berele hack te the __. Huo hom a hy Mohotma he Goundhi’s Sorerigein “Bre yt 1S pogust, 194% mMohatmes Gourlh, biel ol ckebration , ty unt H Palkate th thy tuo ~ etlubte were Yoru by gruesome sus bituseen Hindus : @ Muttine. He was sacldenrel thy Cermmural viblence nck Aéhioscten that tu psincipls og Mimo. 4 Sityco reo. that hb haob Lived: g Werks yor Rods polled —tetalnal the feoply tn, rroublesl tirnix — Sndey rats of Priinesty State. * | Sandor Patel was Inelia's Deputy Prine pines tex 4 Me bomeministess fag ples tered oh | ts olit fottorutiog Crelepamolurce. He | plawyedt ww héstond gale ir neg) eulttr tee (rele ir States bit chip lemartic 4 ae vam ty “wt Sadion ose x “4 Thies_ndves mast Sf stots ghreol pee Aoeement? t Pr vteetccrseires Caleta “baw bh J 2d 207 eta mat at sho ats grt 0 bony, _ de fous of- Unibvs of Snolin . a * Accusion ay the Paincely. Sfocts of posrorg eithe, — a te ipa, teen ofa eet | 2 Hiyelwea bac, —__—_ Myanv wanted an tholypenelest attr Jor pydunabad, Ho entord nls what wan olled tw gtanditly _ Tene ulths Jrolio._ufn_nevenbs 1944, fora _ — ane atime witths te Se Eoin fon + Bie oe a Linton tttent aig thas \. ares ba ns 0 ae s as _ ____ okeusene to Fnolins - | er: arr Monanajas of of Meviguars Bectechandya, 4 1 yu the lint aan ta eas jo Sip ae ayn pe mei Moniquir woul bw maindouintal The oi ‘ap sno Suucersdlecl, én July yl aera Moor inl etip we Ue yrenmind — 1 — . tate 1949, ied. a bebo tag ceitive ar _ a | Shik ee ao. iat ot loon. Y )_Mourifour, tte. a — gtalh beg file elie * heorquunisalions of States —___— 2 Dunsiag Colowal tude, ton, Bfects boundaries wer ober etter or aolminis teolive Convecaen or airply catineiolic . | pote ASsef rovniubee, Oa aly y he a veto a Gant, warn oa a ai je ti Sepasoti Andhwn stot in sep 482. oe ti yee Prolite _prevekscle tees pha be — Otten, Stette, bre. Conpuasteis = 4 ay Moss finde 9 cn i + thu ates fore yes ou. ele as stots “sunpoulaation Commision i 1953 to lool. : dnl Ha qusrttons of rilrouiing YY ther Seite. boundaries A de Hat: laiguiustee Stteten, may fostoo je ~aipoattn g ereadte- restr —— “ [ee cua Aap that ap duu afeept ela jf vlngudabie cloums opel spin tate Ainison & sypancilisne would pe recast” a ( We)yjoe ff . Exercises — £028) Whicbe e1mo, Mer potloune gteternesnts About the Prrdetron) 3 en) Ans. ws She Scheme, 8 Padlition tetuoleol a pare toy "trou “fer of Of population Auer. He, border. . Aven Moten vac, fallouucy — 4) He aolye cated Beunilj 1 domovrali hes of Mush, * Snain's Sertase, stope, chetshios Wt long teu E = | Secular Ss _ Ho to become, cupurdee \ a _ 1 iofosion ro tase cad ae athww Pebipaen — Ge ny out 2% major iy bjw Shallege sfemalien — 2 ie A eae pat fe Muslin mragexily —— Bas Se tne, (wos ~ aleeigll— | “Met Paxistan Lith Compnin bast 4 yseat fercetBrins © Problem Of mun atin on bot sida # bards. 7 became Cony Zeurepets of attacks. _ QueeS what wos ‘Ha teak tire Blase Keo rocunisaction Commie 9 lwhat wal ik mest salient Yucommendation 2 Anv+ She Stote surg dunisation Comminion wed 2 1183 youd the, bounclasr tu state. be on in ite veapos: ataeptt baundasabe om . . vain lao, Seton ee ein 1956. The, “ph 10 Creation) 14 stedta_andb 6 union tesuilo nis. fans A eel ae te ip ta Ganle istind eatiatinn e helo a iy coe —_* a and a aon bt Ts sata mater Sadia a. nation, it ah “ene to ineaity —* hw valu 4 mepect_for werent. __ - 2 This is hile shy sutinl, lobome talues the __ Beuulorixmy Grveclom ay * People asw to susioe 4 bie pet tubo views. pe we - + teens 6 a goals before loud, Crresypuction Foes cos re Ao enn ds dweatecl spree dtl = univetol Adult Fronchive. =ts “6 Oo — i a ; : who tb yea hte 9 atten soon, Pipe to these. wih ate tn. yosnag ga poor, olowntsuddanr eee “es * govesrment policies fer Hue benepibe of choy, ite. vdplity veges. to. whose. con bebirue that: fret, con ee P mak maseret- &onomy Abones entre z PRY MAL Orel, thet thas giumrmunt shoutol. mot oe voctddscngly. vokeowenn, tot, econ Sty Declaprnna 2 —*Deewlopmunt: fas olgpen vats etaniags. fort lipenauh pea ta tae U —teitd Bins (AO generate, Comtecschistions. comperly 2 tlebootes Planning — a thes fet of naling a4 proce rbutlaling Ccortnny au feaol oloah a, Paand. Suppant tte 19406 F 19¥06 ase oud he. ne ian - A peckior. of Ya, bay onda tate get fagetturn a >| #894 1199 'y WON Heol, a foie Prepasol per. STEg ! feos plannict, Conon te. 0 7 “Catto gh, tholapendlence,.. Soun_aptre Indbion ene, : IL fe Plows commnirera® tarrun up Aduny pew’ Ptimy Minis was ib apf petind Cabperrore She Early Initiates! * dhe Planning tomnciuim of Inolit opttcl. for pew cous _plowi _CFYP). a a +The» buolget of te _centrah ancl Oth the stote _govemnmunts is dialed tne turd posts, 7 ron plan ——_;- et phat ly spent ore _s0citinw items bre tnt _Ccenernay » a _ gy He stating op evelopment foliaused 8 fa _ __tholusty f pone Prwate Sector, ya € hasiv anclh _plannect. buclgct that 4 — peat one ts frie, yea borin aw per the fertits : pice by the plan. - Ryn year plan had tHe aclu ——ppeunitting tw (ferent to_fotus orth __ | ya ets YF make long tem _interuentiore__ Te Decentabibogls Planning $ te web rib a pe _ e , bua bi Key Cordrovesuies *- The main conterverial (ves Mat aseore, od do aeavit | eaely yours was relakech +o 2 apnea bts dite, meus vorius Srcbuststis dmaw b a b¢9 question tab whith sectors Lene, [ \ Should emplarited more , agricenttuns or to a He batkward, econdrny “Ye Lite that % tra + | Gancdriin economisks Uke FC Kumosappa, propesol altonnaliie blux prink that put beckin, | owe empha ow suarial corunishration . Pople ures Private seckor :- ‘we adlepted. fh moal af: amixecl emery ia Inolia. r Cttok, Qeepuveds tat tte paneer rpc te + provide rte, ee ep Pes Yes stimulus tp . Thue woos ale a.” 0 ite thgt ftw stake alo net | those. Osos eohunes How pesvote BOLtO Ta nat pact TO go. Hofer Outcdmes - 4 Lonch + didnt take place. te at j most poset WY the to. te Seay 2 | take si, Bante steps GH Hae aidection “ape ast | cia equal dleulopmint- 6 tee wesey - Stoye, “was tO become os neni presen — Founclations + In tds peur, ty faunolations Ind a's fate 4 } contri, awk fe late. Some, a He ep ——., developmutal Prefect sin Indian's Aéstory othe” — urelrtowie dlireag thls poexiad These cluroltol seem aii {ike Bralras Argel a Mba ich foe nen Passe pain ~ eter * Some of tue. Aromey stholuust tts Oy the purblic luv ‘Stordled, olson tuts period. Lond Reformy In the apoutian sector, Hie peubdh witnused oo Steus “cotempt F lanct, myourne, Portopr, , Hs. most signipicant sucenpub tue way fo abeliteon, te Colonial systern, Kauindiosi. * Skis hele get not only relrarech land, : te Clutches oy a Clas that Ato, LWbtle, interust rToulsusee, tt Ae seroluced. tbs copiaesty Veto +o dlemincule. patie. 5 Fite totais OS - a + The Agricaltunal Altuation went fron had te worut. Inthe, 1960s. Already tha Tate, grout, food. - _ gral ; Dian tao ¥ 29cns i - “was barry, steup dng obs Year mode of peprlation gout * $n Bw inca'y okt? saute tras odes ali fr maity pods of Ha country. This was alo HW. pedal ashi tte ated the Aud uses 7 “ fuly | fossipe 2 Aw susvlted un the sevucw food Sha; ¥ aun Uke lonolite ons basically fo Orisa Y& in wit Bugot, H was 1 behaso, tot thw Jost dais fem mesp- acutely pee Fay tw state faa a near fenien fhe Garten Kevolvtio hee Govyuunint adafetiol do res dhrateey fer \ culhow (ptdltne {0 HUuLrts al ieiency « + Shes gouernrusil opp rrech pls ytetol Vale cayursenls , TLisens , Perttevoles, qf betes Irpation hijlly subsiclied prices, d ee pemeenunt, ole peuat a quanerntea, 40 bay Ae | prpeluce of Hs pseu at w geo eo. dha - on “at hpdincy “4 what tons Aen Ys i “Green Pwvoluteon - r et he les Porouts Y He (ave larLhololont 7 Tt miger “‘benyielanies of few" proce. 7 + She Gt Muoluctiinn, hook tise’ othe opel +, Ont wo that vin / u thee Sturk, eH Of 1960s. | 161 emusarodv, taidnestecl mong — On priate — irolustry. — yttas you. DAML of. mou _faro_poor Peg TOs aa oe ——4 aaneng fel parties 9 abrs arcu esperticr - Arauwe ster following, questions * as Waele of hese Slatemmnts abeut yler Bornbay Pon & i LA CMULLEL D . WE was a blueprint for Shoe. 's etonomia, future. _ &. UShichs of the fy far cli not form part of He Canty pha ef dnouia's dav foley 9 = Ie | (EF ~The totes of flown fy to Sri, toa drawn fobs - do ) Plun, Gandhian vison i 9 ae Hoe . eT uit tee at. Motes $- —— ns a la) Chauan —Suigh. - _ ee ——B). s _____ Sndushiolisotien CC) Bhar famine Kents eS oh) Very hae 2 Mi, Coopredlive 9s What ur0w toes q 4, a Hs. coppprooeh. i‘ founnols rat tlw time # wlipenrclineer o 5 Has te debate been sctsolued 9 fas At tts tem of O Sno, hod tue meals we So@abitr model like USSR. _ a + Maduints ction, to Grown, matvuc, regress 8 otlentepe Ly. fo + dhe govt _Jaue, prtantty to poven ly soloution. aoe iran frase a a i), Shalustiabis OH “ —w) Rwab poverty alleviation. EEE ~~ + - — ~ ee — (E ee the mar wemuts in debate ¢bhot-— - | errands AW wrdblesbrolisctinr mh peat eat tas the nye Mont of fi fei fee Pan 9 Sa lohicls Pare oi from fut one 9 Lae all cat Bae ia He fe om Ww FasiLan ecto inclu unr lama” tigen La a Whe babe. ths Sts focuteol on a ae Romeo to tno- rat vome Bo The fae. fie. Md bans alipeud sbeond. | YP J p fine yo ar ‘pln muct “sists was eu on du “be ail an called oe Sustousol ppoctcener Bt tim fA lan to at eed Hetes 7 What coat Hi Guten 200-9 portion apes g an NAG Uonros of Gren vw. uur Ruotution wos a nous At per. og tn erdlus to tne tooo! & ‘eney.. ga | Use HYV. setols , 1 FO Lsgzines psteiala abe gen MSP. Pass Ur benefitted, (andlorol, Y cciole fermen wv lots, | I acceterotech “rus pavers alton | Cloned f tha society y ctifoe vy ie vena ou He Me Consg. - Thu StOXK comtrout b/u poor J ee deliv enrol only % model. rte math i Lat the \teme and pup. oe _ Ans rieeltio — Wed Inclus try — arth pypP on a iy plow pa irate on Mral Indie- blo pont? fubid yous Private - Many protintece out thot de take lid not t Spench any Coy Algig ante amnourt _ public eotucat? om t huatthcasic:. Some, wyusol that he Bh fllannent sepused to paovitole porivabe Becton uuttty engl spac At mutour to Gm 7 Sneludn polity manera made 00. mistake, by ernpharis> Batts eee a thn _tconoiny..— Td. —Coutel have match. —bithor if pucivate sectér woos _ dared fete play suight garmo He aocindibt— model." voriplitly. $rikadt I adeptict nix € _Y the privay Sector was allaruedl te meu kdb te mone PIE 1 hw a he ¥ powety Y economic coquattty ewortol I ney . s rey lend to A coeapread nenplay ree « BE ahab ce dle Howe cleallegs fo elie buclegiie ches? ( / q Define ohjechive sietelutton 7 3% Lene JwWe Palio’ Hheesy? / \! 4. tidot were the mre(s% CanBeqs eco’ +f Grobe. Taha) oe dhowdgon? PM led deme Baal lehestawn eo the weal-Fe alhested on . 6 yoflod wat Ihe sisle of Peseta abhor Fall i the orakegre ton of Taam Stoses ai: Nome the Slates who were ache Undion, oo de wl wodle J Def sek gc CheoremEBiosP Ans - mi | hau Cotling ev for nation but * To wute the sewtty Y enw until 2) diveuity, * To ensure clemorcnacy, th tow counDry + To 4 entwn cleveleped “economy. Ans-2 Obreetive Ruolution . thE ouins wdasaiteane nasenbly, Hrovel vooul L996. Based on this susolution, ase Convtitulion gare wnitttutional express to Hae Cemmitrants ~ quality , Leben, olemsuiaty , vowels J & Losmoprtitnn icterility . _ fra -3. Suen on Theory deals for sponnde. tountny : muslims xe, Pakistan os Inobirs tonsistec Lonere, frnnition and polkote ww divided dats commu~ nok jem - . fesple wer ford 10 abandon tia homes } MW. cexoss bevel font . Ty fod to Sue to vupige Compre, + minarilig . UWJomen, Killed , raped , Sbcluicdeol on botte Alder. : + | 80 lakh /ueple migrate 10 lakh were / cee Cerin groupes “ys su th He. Canty (9205. | at | (eee ———= a j — __) Bhorvative Tana. Susateutren Fast, Seog hs | 9 St emphastied on the, Foleo. +H emphated on free economy : vlegy ef one Couto, oe, 4_less involvement & ge Catton Y one nection, a) Come eieg wu eC ° SKS called for security Of _|* Cuctittyed nen: cléqmunt= 4 Snell. 4 Poxisten to | fowowed te howe. Core ARhcunl. Chast | tuulations uitte tho USt - oI wesc comsiitent odds. |e Tie pasty vlad cenctrolis tate ef J te tualehe id nationalisation pp one. — —______._nuicke - past 2 8) hed would your comsiole. os Yee Man bp Menito 4 Inolia undlix. one poscty — And Mexia = one pasty —systern and _d donkondt + In Snotto., on bchalp ag peprutore rer) io ope fut hoof ctl benny Ponty R on THY on Be of Pery - _oléctoctorca hip ” ire ec Jn Sneha, “eat foto elections took plore, rove he Gf euictéon woos oso fowse but JA. Mexico, eo etions were based en maspractices, dom intial by PRE 19) Rod he = Ryn Retase _ (| lot docs tw utter Hunt thot Comgetias shou] not howe hen o cohiatve | alisecptiintal fatty 9 _ —ftns alee she 4 “40 feuKos ve os aug prom nie ponty of “oscipoce anne —_ “er Vg “born exaniples Of the eclectic 10/0. 6 of he = cepa _posity 0 the_eanly Co Ans | | Sotat _¥ mas tooltion i ee

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