Reading Unit6

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Precept (n): a rule for action or behaviour, especially obtained from moral thought
2. Wretched (adj): unpleasant or of low quality
3. Sage (adj): wise, especially as a result of great experience
4. Philosophical (adj): relating to the study or writing of philosophy
5. Tavern (n): a place where alcohol is sold and drunk
6. Copper (n): a chemical element that is a reddish-brown metal, used especially for making
wire and coins
7. Apron (n): a piece of clothing worn over the front of other clothes to keep them clean
when doing a dirty or messy job, especially cooking
8. Porringer (n): a low usually metal bowl with a single and usually flat and pierced handle
9. Devour (v): to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left
10. Voracious (adj): very eager for something, especially a lot of food
11. Basin (n): an open, round container shaped like a bowl with sloping sides, used for
holding food or liquid
12. per diem (adj): for each day
13. nudge (v): to push something or someone gently, especially to push someone with your
elbow (= the middle part of your arm where it bends) to attract the person's attention
14. temerity (n): a willingness to do or say something that shocks or upsets other people
15. gaze (v): to look at something or someone for a long time, especially in surprise or
admiration, or because you are thinking about something else
16. stupefied (adj): unable to think clearly, usually because someone is extremely tired or
bored, or has taken drugs
17. shriek (v): to make such a cry

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