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Peace-Work-Fatherland 2024 SESSION

MINESEC Time allocated: 02hrs

I. Complete the conversation below with the right item chosen from those in the brackets.
(5 marks)
Wabit: Hello, you don’t look good. Hope all is well?
Ndjana: Hi. It’s really a bad day for me. When I ____________________ (get up, gets up, got up)
this morning, I realized that I had not done all the work I was supposed to do last evening.
Wabit: Is that all? Then it means that you don’t have _________________ (any, some, no) problem.
I thought it was more serious than that.
Ndjana: It is ! By the time I arrived home from school, my mum ______________________ (has
finished, had finished, have finished) all the house chores. I feel very guilty.
Wabit: I am ______________________ (happier, happiest, happy) you have realized that. Try next
time to get things ready before leaving for school.
Ndjana: Sure, I will. Do you have any plan for tomorrow? I am planning to visit the library. There is
a book that I want to read.
Wabit: That is great ! I also love reading interesting books. ___________________ (It was time, It’s
time, It has been time) we took our studies and house chores seriously.
II. Rewrite or complete the following sentences as suggested in the brackets. (5 marks)
a) “Don’t destroy the environment”, he warned us. (Transform into reported speech)
b) We can prevent the corona virus by staying at home. (rewrite into passive voice)
c) John and Peter will plant trees in their garden, _______________________ ? (complete the
sentence appropriately)
d) My neighbor’s temperature is very high. He coughs and sneezes and has difficulties to breath.
He ___________________ have been infected. (complete with the right modal verb)
e) Owona slept under a mosquito net. Owona caught malaria. (Join the two sentences into one)


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Exercise 1 : Fill in the blanks with appropriate words chosen from those in the brackets. (2.5mks)

a) Mr Taguieke contacted a telephone company to ________________________ (cater, sponsor, copy)

our village festival. They offered us memorable prizes.
b) The villagers said he only did it as part of his __________________________ (race, course,
campaign) to be the Mayor of their Council.
c) The Indomitable Lions played very _________________________ (exciting, excited, exhausted)
matches during the 1990 World Cup Competition.
d) I still have good memories of the way Roger Milla dribbled players of other teams. He was really a
football _______________________ . (coach, referee, star)
e) In fact, he is a role ________________ (player, model, giver) to many aspiring footballers today.

Exercise 2 : Complete the following sentences with your own words or expressions. (2.5mks)
1. A ______________________ is a mobile computer that one can carry along everywhere.
2. You Tube, facebook, viber and google are _________________________ you can have on your
3. If you don’t protect your account with a secure password, you can face ________________, which
means that someone can enter your account without permission.
4. You can __________________ any document that you want to have from the numerous apps on
your phone or computer.
5. Sorry, you don’t have enough ____________________ to make this call, please recharge your

Exercise 3 : Complete the blanks in the sentences below with appropriate words chosen from the
box below. There are more words than you will need. (5mks)

niece - food - apron - paediatrician -

cousin - paediatrics - habit - diet - aunt

1. My father has been put on a special ________________________ because he is suffering from

2. A __________________________________ is a medical doctor who studies and treats the
diseases of children.
3. “The baby’s ___________________________ is finished and she depends on breast milk. Could
you get some for me on your way back?”
4. My mother wears an _______________________________ to cover her dress when she is
working in the kitchen.
5. My father’s sister asked him whether her daughter could come and live with us. My father said
he would be happy to have his _______________________ under his roof.


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Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow it. Use your own words as far
as possible.
Statistics from the World Health Organisation indicate that every year the lives of almost 1.24
million people are cut short as a result of a road traffic crash. Between 20 and 50 million more people
suffer from non-fatal injuries, with many incurring a disability as a result of their injury.

WHO further reveals that only 28 countries, representing 449 million people (7% of the world’s
population), have adequate laws that address all five risk factors (speed, drink-driving, helmets, seat-
belts and child restraints). Amongst such countries, one can identify the United Kingdom, France, Italy
and the United States of America where stringent measures and policies are being taken to drastically
reduce deaths on the highway.
In France, just like in the United Kingdom and the United States as well as other developed
countries, ambitious, multi-facetted policies coupled with volunteerism at the highest level, converted
action by all players as well as preventive and repressive measures have remarkably decreased victims
of road accidents. Statistics collected from the worldwide web show that death rates along highways
in France are gradually reducing, from 4,275 deaths in 2008 to 3,250 in 2013, thanks to an ongoing and
repressive policy. In the United Kingdom, death rates on roads have dropped from 2,645 in 2008 to
1,802 in 2013 while the situation in Italy also indicates a decrease from 4,731 to 1,616. Governments
have increased both controls and penalties to change the behavior of French road users and ensure
compliance with the rules. A best measure introducing some 1,000 automated radar units was
implemented along main and minor roads in France. The decision to install this automated control
system which is tool photography that transmits data over the Internet has caused drivers to drive at
the required speed while allocating fines to defaulters.
In the United States and some European countries, the driving license points system is basically
an educational tool designed to reduce the number of offences along highways in most developed
countries such as the use of seat-belt and alcohol consumption while driving. Under the system,
drivers have lost points for using mobile phone at wheel, while failing to wear safety helmet or seat-
belt. This has not made younger drivers more aware of their responsibilities but has enabled old
drivers to be careful so as not to have their license revoked which will require them to repeat all
required tests to obtain a new one. The French government has gone further to jailing those who drive
above the required speed, imposing heavier penalty for mobile phone users and for using DVDs or
computer screen in a bid to cut road deaths.
Most developed countries have advanced road safety culture while involving all players through
better risk prevention methods. This awareness campaign begins from primary school; road safety
education is given with the purpose of reducing the number of road deaths among the 18 – 24 age
(Adapted from Cameroon Tribune, Wednesday, October 01, 2014)

1. How many people die each year as a result of road accidents? (1

mark) …………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………


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2. Name all the countries that have taken stringent measures to reduce road accidents. (2
marks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………

3. Give two examples to show proof that death rates on roads in some countries have dropped.
(2 marks)
4. Name four (4) offences a driver will lose points for under the driving license points system.
(2 marks)
a) …….…………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………
b) …………………………………………………….….………………………………………………………….……………………
c) …..……….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
d) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. If the driving license points system were to be introduced in Cameroon, will you be for or
against it? Give your reasons. (2 marks)
6. Suggest a title for the above passage. (1 mark)


Write a composition of between 180 and 220 words on any ONE of the following topics.
1- Many people die from road accidents almost every day. Write an article for the magazine
Transports News, PO Box 234, Yaoundé, to sensitise road users on this issue. Explain why there
are so many road accidents, then give the consequences of those accidents. You should finally
propose solutions to reduce accidents on our roads. Your name is Song Bahanag.

2- Your friend invited you for his birthday party last week. The party was very interesting and you
enjoyed yourself very well. Write a composition in which you say when, where and what
happened there. Also say what particularly attracted your attention. Your friend’s name is Bah.

3- AIDS is a very dangerous disease that is still killing people all around the word. As the President
of the Development Committee of your village, you have been called upon to give a talk to the
entire populations on this pandemic. Write a speech in which you explain what AIDS stands for


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and how it is transmitted. You should also give its symptoms before explaining how it cn be
prevented. Your village is Kumbizick.


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