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Peace – Work – Fatherland 2023 SESSION

********* Time allowed: 2 hours


Section A – GRAMMAR 10 marks

Task1 – Fill in the conversation between Mvondo and a journalist with the correct options from
those given in the brackets (5marks)
Journalist: What effects of climate change have you been _____________________ (experience,
experienced, experiencing) in this area?

Mvondo: Well, we often have higher temperatures that can last ___________________ (while, for, since)
eight months. During such periods, we have water problems and many people contract waterborne
diseases like cholera and Typhoid.

Journalist: Have authorities _________________ (take, took, taken) any measures to solve the problem?

Mvondo: Not really! ___________________ (and, but, so) there is a project on that. The Mayor said three
boreholes will be built next year in all the villages in our subdivision so _______________ (that, as, so) help
solve the water problem.

Journalist: While waiting for the building of the boreholes, what do you think you can do at your level?

Mvondo: I don’t know. Do you think there is something we can do?

Journalist: You may organise meetings to reflect on that.

Task2: Rewrite the sentences about ICTs according to the instructions given (5marks)
1- He came in, took his USB key on the computer and browsed. (Change the sentence to present tense)
2- The boy switched off the android phone before the lesson. (Change into passive voice)
3- high speed computer network helps download files easily, _______________ __? (Provide a tag
4 – The Child is always advised to protect his computer with an antivirus. (Write the plural form of
underlined words)
The _________________are always advised to protect their computers with __________________.
5- If You protect your account, it will not be hacked. (Put the sentence in conditional type2)
Task3: Read the following passage about cultural diversity and integration, then complete the
spaces with the correct words selected from the box below. There are more words than you
would need. (5 marks)
Discriminated, traditionally, ethnic groups, diversity, wrestling, cultural, festival, integrate, socialize

Our annual festival will take place next week. Neither son nor daughter of the village ever misses such an
event because it is full of 1. ________________ manifestations. It is also an event that gives people a
chance to interact and 2. ____________________ with one another. All the dance groups are allowed to
display the best of their skills on such a day because at the end, a new status is given to the group that is 3.
_____________________ matured and qualified. Many youths usually attend the ceremony in order to
identify a dance group of their age which they would 4. __________________ later. Food, dresses, meals
and the different dance groups better express the 5. ____________________ of our culture.

Task4 – Complete the sentences on gender equality and democracy with appropriate words
chosen from the brackets (5marks)
a- All women have the __________________(rights, duty, rules) to go to school and carry out
business activities of their choice.
b- Women and men must also obey the same _________________ (rights, duties, laws) which oblige
them to respect one another.
c- Gender ___________________ (discrimination, rights, equality) is the fact that women and men
have the same rights and duties.
d- Democracy promotes free and ________________ elections. (unfair, fair, rigging)
e- Democracy is a system of government in which the __________________ (Parliamentarians,
People, Mayors) of a country choose their leaders through elections



Task 5: Read the following passage, then answer the questions below it. Use your own words as
far as possible to structure your answers.

Water Shortage in Yaoundé

In Cameroon, residents in most cities are experiencing water cuts; especially at schools. Students at
Grace Nursery and Primary School in the locality of Damas at Yaoundé, the country’s capital, bring
in their bags water bottles. The neighbourhood in which the school is situated suffers from having
no pipe-borne water supply for a month. Frequently, children come to school late because they have
to bring water to school.

About three kilometres from the neighbourhood of Damas, hundreds of residents are fetching water
at a stream at “Tam-Tam Week-End”. Families are washing their clothes and animals are drinking
from the said stream. Fabian Tantoh, one of the residents getting water from that stream said that he
would filter the water before he drinks it. For almost two weeks past, there is no pipe-borne water
supply in his area and people depend on water from rain which they filter for drinking. However,
not all people are given filter; therefore, some are drinking water direct from the stream. The people
who have enough money pay for bottled water.
With the over three million population of Yaoundé, barely 35 percent of the needed 300,000 cubic
meters of pipe-borne water are being supplied. Most people are turning to unsafe water sources just
to get the supply they need. Cameroon government is planning to increase the water supply of
Yaoundé by 500,000 cubic meters in two years’ time by tapping into one of Cameroon’s largest
rivers, Sanaga. This move will supply over 30 percent to 60 percent of the population of Yaoundé.
Extracted and adapted from

1) Which expression in the text is synonym of “Water shortage”? 1mark
2) How do schoolchildren at Grace Nursery and Primary School solve the problem of water cuts? 2mks
3) What is the consequence of water shortage in children’s education? 1mk
4) Give two ways by which people get clean water in the text. 2mks
5) Which solution is suggested by the government to solve the problem of water shortage in
Yaoundé? 2mks
6) Is it proper for families to fetch water, wash clothes and water their animals in the same stream?
Give a reason for your answer. 2mks

Task 6: Write an Essay of about 180 and 200 words on one of the following topics:

1) The Government has donated public water points to your village. The chief plans to sensitise
families on how to use water points appropriately. Write the chief’s speech focussing three main
 The importance of public water points for the village.
 How to use water points efficiently and reduce water waste.
 How to keep water points clean.
2) The epidemic of Covid-19 in 2020 has led the Ministry of Secondary Education to adopt E-learning
in the schools. Write about how your school experiences E-learning:
 Describe how E-learning is applied in your school.
 Give two advantages of using E-learning.
 Give two difficulties faced by your school in using E-learning.
3) Quite often, young girls are victims of violence in schools. Write a dialogue in which Mbala and
Bella are talking about violence against young girls in schools. In their conversation, they must
mention two examples of violence against young girls and suggest two solutions to school
authorities to push back that phenomenon.
Good Luck!!!

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