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Q1: Discuss different types of computer and write a brief description on each.

➢ SUPERCOMPUTER: Blazing fast for giant scientific tasks (think weather prediction).
➢ MAINFRAME: Big and powerful for businesses to handle tons of data for many users
(banks, for example).
➢ MINICOMPUTER: Not as big as a mainframe, but still powerful for multiple users
(less common today).
➢ MICROCOMPUTER (PC): The everyday computer for individuals, like laptops and
Q2: Define input and output device.
➢ INPUT DEVICES are those that enable users to input data and commands into a
computer system. Examples include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, and microphones.
➢ OUTPUT DEVICES are those that present processed information in a usable format.
They convey information through sound or visual displays. Examples include monitors,
printers, and speakers.
Q3: Define CPU and its parts.
The Central Processing Unit (CPU), also referred to as the brain of the computer, is an
essential component responsible for executing instructions from software and hardware.
There are four parts of computer are as under:
➢ MEMORY UNIT: The computer's temporary storage for instructions, data, and results.
➢ CONTROL UNIT: The control unit’s main job main to control all the operations in
➢ ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT (ALU): The math and logic center. Performs calculations
(addition, subtraction, etc.)
➢ INPUT/OUTPUT UNIT (I/O UNIT): The bridge between the computer and the
outside world. Input devices (keyboard, mouse) send data in, output devices (monitor,
printer) display results.
Q4: Define motherboard.
➢ MOTHERBOARD: The computer's main circuit board, connecting all parts and
facilitating communication between them.
Q5: Define power supply unit.
➢ PSU (POWER SUPPLY UNIT): Provides power to all components by converting
high-voltage AC from the lower-voltage DC usable by the computer.

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