NCM 102 HEALTH EDUCATION Reviewer Roshiel bsn1b - 084936

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Human Development – is the dynamic process of change Sigmund Freud – Father of Modern Psychology
that occurs in the physical, psychological, social, spiritual &
Sigmund Freud -Believed that human beings pass through a
emotional constitution
series of stages that are dominated by the development
Types of changes:
5 Psychosexual Stages of Development
1. Growth – is quantitative involving increase in the
 Oral Stage (0-1 yr. Old)-Infant
size of the parts of the body.
 Anal Stage (1-3 yrs. Old) –Toddler
2. Development – is qualitative involving gradual
changes in character.  Phallic Stage (3-6 yrs. Old) – Preschooler
Major Processes of Human Development  Latency Stage (age 6 to puberty)- school age
Learning -permanent change in behavior brought about  Genital Stage (adolescence/ puberty onwards)
through experience.
Crisis – A turning point, crucial period of increase
- It is a complex process which involves changes vulnerability and heightened potential.
in mental processing.
Epigenetic Principle – personality continues to develop
Maturation – bodily changes which primarily a result of throughout the entire life.
heredity or the traits that a person inherits from his
parents. Major Stages of Social-Emotional Development

Periods of Lifespan Development 1. Infant: Trust vs. Mistrust

1. Prenatal Development – time from conception to 2. Toddler: Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
3. Preschool: Initiative vs. Guilt
❑ Hereditary –sum of total characteristics which are
4. Schoolage: Industry vs. inferiority
biologically transmitted thru parents to offspring.
5. Adolescence: Identity vs. Role confusion
Two types of cells in the human body:
6. Young adulthood: Intimacy vs. Isolation
❖ Body or Somatic Cells
7. Middle adulthood: Generativity vs. Stagnation
❖ Germ or Productive Cells
8. Old age: Ego Integrity vs. Despair

Universal Constructivist perspective

Infancy – from birth up to 18 or 24 months. Sensimotor
Development – Head turns to direction of touch, lifts chain ➢ All humans construct their understanding of
& head, holds head & erect, reaches for objects, sits with the world in predictable ways.
support, stands with help, crawls, walks with support
➢ Humans take an active role in their own
Early Childhood – begins from the end of infancy to about development by acting on the physical
5-6 years. environment.

Middle and Late Childhood – School age from 6 – 11 years. 1. Mental Structures – reflexes in infancy evolving
Also called as “elementary school years”. into schemata and more complex structure

Adolescence – Marks the transition of childhood to 2. Schema –through experiences with objects and
adulthood; approximately from 10-12 years and ending at events
18-22 years.
3. Schemata – are building blocks of cognitive
Puberty – Development of sexual characteristics structures

Early Adulthood – Begins in late teens or early twenties 4. Operations – allowing children to interact with the
through the thirties. environment using their minds and bodies.

Middle Adulthood – begins from 35-45 years old up to 65 5. Organization – humans have natural and innate
years old tendency to organize their relationship with the
Late Adulthood or Senescence – begins from 65 to 80 years
and lasting until death. Moral development Theory - “Lawrence Kohlberg”
Three Levels and Six Stages Complexity of task -difficulty level of the subject or the task
to be mastered
I. Pre-conventional Level
Environmental effects – refers to an environment that is
➢ Stages I – Punishment\ obedience orientation
conductive to learning,
➢ Stages II – Instrumental- relativist orientation
Health status- Is the patient in a state of good health or ill
II. Conventional Level health?

➢ Stages III – Good boy\ nice girl orientation Gender- studies show that men are less inclined to seek
health consultation or intervention than women
➢ Stages IV – Law and other Orientation
E = Emotional Readiness
III. Post-conventional Level
Anxiety Level -may or may not be a hindrance to learning
➢ Stages V – Social contract orientation
Support system- composed of the immediate family and
➢ Stages VI – Universal ethical principle orientation. friends
LEARNING- permanent change in mental processing Motivation – is strongly associated with emotional readiness or
willingness to learn
- lifelong process that is constantly evolving
that takes place from the mother of Risk-taking behavior- are activities that are undertaken without
conception up to death much thought to what their negative consequences or effects
might be
Haggard (1989)
Frame of mind – depends on what the priorities of the learner are
❑ states that educators role in learning is primarily in terms of his needs which will determine his readiness to learn
to assess the learner in relation to:
Developmental stage – determines the peak time for readiness to
Three factors that affect learning: learn “teachable moment

E = Experiential Readiness
Learning needs
-refers to the previous learning experiences which may positively
Learning readiness
(if the experience is pleasant and appropriately reinforced or
Learning style negatively (if the learning experience has been unsatisfying,
humiliating or frustrating) affect willingness to learn
NEEDS- Are gaps in knowledge
Level of aspiration – depends on short or long term goal
1. Informal conversations or interviews which influence motivation to achieve
2. Structural interviews Past coping mechanisms – refers how the learner was able
to cope with or handle previous problems or situations and
3. Written pretests
how the effective were the strategies used.
4. Observation
Cultural background – is important to assess and know
3 Criteria for Prioritizing Learning Needs from the patient's own cultural perspective in order to
determine readiness to learn.
1. Mandatory – must immediate care for life threatening
or needed for survival Locus of control – refers motivation to learn

2. Desirable – must met to promote well-being and are not 2 types of locus of control
a. internal locus of control or intrinsic
3. Possible – “nice to know” learner needs which are not
b. external locus of control or extrinsic
directly related to daily activities.
Orientation – this refers to a person's point-of-view
Readiness to Learn - time when the patient is "willing to
learn" or is receptive to information. • Parochial - close-minded thinking
Types of Readiness to Learn (PEEK) • Cosmopolitan orientation - is a more worldly
perspective and more receptive to new or
P = Physical Readiness innovative ideas

Measures of ability – adequate strength, flexibility and

endurance is needed to teach a patient.
K = Knowledge Readiness Concrete random (CR)-intuitive, trial-and-error method of
learning, looks for alternatives
Present knowledge base- also referred to as stock
knowledge Abstract sequential (AS)- holistic thinkers and need
consistency in learning environment
Cognitive ability- involves lower level of learning which
includes memorizing, recalling or recognizing concepts Abstract random (AR)- learn a lot from visual stimuli

Learning styles-used interchangeably with cognitive styles

Learning disabilities- low-level reading skills will need Learning Theories- is a coherent framework and set of
special approaches integrated constructs

Major learning theories

➢ Two of the most commonly used learning style 1. Behaviorist

models that are frequently used in Nursing are
2. Cognitive
David Kolb's Cycle of Learning (1984) and
Anthony Gregor's Cognitive Styles model (1982). 3. Social Learning
Kolb's model, also known as the Cycle of Learning believes John B. Watson-is the proponent of behaviorist theory
that the learner is not a blank slate which emphasizes the importance of observable behavior
Tabula rasa- theory that at birth the (human) mind is a - defined behavior as muscle movement
"blank slate" - by John Locke
Respondent Conditioning
Classical or Pavlovian conditionin-a process which
- depicts a four-stage cycle or four modes of learning which influences the acquisition of new responses to environment
reflect two major dimensions stimuli:
❑ Concrete experience (CE) abilities: Learning from ❖ NS ( neutral stimulus ) – is a stimulus that has no
actual experience particular value significance or meaning to the
❑ Reflective observation (RO) abilities: Learning by
observing others ❖ UCR ( unconditional response ) – through
repeated pairings with an UCS
❑ Abstract conceptualization (AC) abilities: Creating
theories to explain what is seen ❖ there comes a time when the NS, even without
the UCS, elicits the same UCR
❑ Active experimentation (AE) abilities: Using
theories to solve problems Systematic desensitization-another technique is widely
used in psychology
Converger: learns by AC and AE
Stimulus generalization- is the tendency to apply to other
Diverger: stresses CE and RO
similar stimuli what was initially learned
Accommodator relies heavily on CE and AE
Spontaneous recovery-is usually applied in relapse
Assimilator: emphasizes AC and RO prevention programs

Gregor's Cognitive Styles Model Cognition-more than knowledge acquisition

Perception Ability- way one receives or grasps incoming -involves intelligence

information stimulus in a continuum ranging from
-deals with perception, memory, thinking skills
abstractness to concreteness.
Piaget’s four major periods of Cognitive or ID
Ordering ability- one way arranges and systematizes
incoming stimuli in continuum or scale ranging from Sensorimotor stage: (birth-2yrs)-determined basically on
sequence to randomness. actual perception of the senses and the external or physical
4 Mediation Channels
Abstract thinking: represent reality using symbols that can
Concrete sequential (CS) - learners like highly structured,
be manipulated mentally
quiet learning environments
Logical thinking- more systematic, uses scientific method
Assimilation and Accommodation: Characterized by
hypothesis testing

Metacognition – self-reflection wherein ideas and

imagination are tried out to be aware of existing realities
(internal dialogue)

Social Learning Theories – emphasizes the importance of

environmental or situational determinants of behavior and
their continuing interaction

Reciprocal Determination (Albert Bandura)

-environmental conditions shape behavior through


Four Operations

Attentional processes- determined what a person can do-

what he or she can attend to

Retentional processes: determined how experience is an

coded or retained in memory

Motor reproduction processes: determined what behavior

can be performed

Motivational and reinforcement: determined the

circumstances under which learning is translated into


VARIABLES Walker Mischel (1993)

Competence- various skills

Encoding strategies- personal experiences that are retained

and categorized by the individual

Subjective values-person consider as a worth having or


Self-regulating system or plans- different standards-Rules

for regulating their behavior- Plans for reaching his or her

Pedagogy versus Andragogy

Pedagogy- teaching of children, or dependent personalities.

Andragogy- facilitation learning for adults, who are self-

directed learners.

Heutagogy - management of learning for self-managed


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